Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 25, 1915, Final, Page 2, Image 2

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Morgan and Corey Buy
- JVfidvale to Escape Grip
of Schwab
Two Former Trust Heads in
! Mighty Fight for
(Analysis of rumors and reports arising
from the sales of the Mldvale Steel
"Works of this city and tho Cambria
Bteel Company today Indicates that two
enormous new steel concerns, worthy
irlvnls of the United States Steel Cor
poration, are In the making.
. The greatest captains of Industry In
the. United State are behind these plans,
forming two powerful groups, ono of
'Pennsylvanlans and one of New Yorkers,
'In a race for supremacy In tho manu
facture of munitions.
f On one side are the Morgan Interests,
'flanked by W, n. Corey, former presi
dent of tho Steel Trust; K. C. Converse,
Percy A. Rockefeller, Ambrose I. Mo
'nell and Frank A. Vanderllp.
On the other sldo are Charles M.
Schwab, Alfred t. du Pont, head of tho
great powder-making Interests, nnd Ef
fingham D Morris, president of the Gl
Tard Trust Company and director of nu
.merous railroads and steel companies.
Mldvale has been sold three times
within the last few weeks, according to
the New York World. William A. Head
& Co., and Montgomery, Clothier & Co.
first bought control for J19.000.000. They
'added ROOOkOOO to this figurew They
to Percy A. Rockefeller and tho "City
Bank group" of New York nnanclcrs.
The price then was jumped to 522,000,000
and control of the company transferred
to the Conversc-Corcy-Monell party,
backed by the Morgan Interests.
t Mldvale Steel has taken no war con
tracts so far. A daughter of Charles
Jefferson Harrah, president of the com
pany, Is married to a German. This is
said to have been the reason why the
'company would not accept war contracts.
With the Mldvale out of the bidding,
Charles M. Schwab has had virtual con
trol of the munitions situation. Mldvale
;ls one, of the few plants outside of the
Bethlehem Steel Company that Is pro
'Vided with modern equipment for armor
plate and heavy ordnance. Here vlrtu
ually all plate for Government battleships
Is made. It has been a rival to Schwab
4n peace times, but It did not compete
5wlth him In the European market.
According to the World, relallons be
tween Schwab and the Morgan Interests
"have been distinctly unfriendly since his
elimination from the United States Steel
Corporation In 1903. But at the outbreak
tf the war, when the Morgan Interests
became the financial agents of tho Allies,
iX. war found that Schwab was Indis
pensable to them. The Pennsylvania
'ateel king took full advantage of this
.'situation. It Is said. He exacted his own
rIoo for war material. For a year the
.Morgan Interests, helpless, have had to
d Riejt Ills figures.
This condition decided tho Morgan in
terests to buy up the Mldvale and thus
become Independent of Schwab, It is said.
It Is now apparent that Mr. Schwab be
came aware of some such Intention. He
Immediately became active, but no inkling
ef the stupendous contest for supremacy
In the making of munitions of war leaked
out until Mr. Schwab yesterday came to
this city and conferred with Mr. du Pont
and later with Mr. Morris.
The rlans of this Pennsylvania group
are no whit less ambitious than those of
the New Yorkers. Henry C. Frlck, said
to be the largest individual stockholder
of the Pennsylvania Railroad and asso
ciated with tho Interests about to obtain
control of the Cambria Steel Company, Is
said to be with the Pennsylvanlans.
The Baldwin Locomotive Works of this
city is said to be included In the plans of
the Pennsylvanlans for a great combina
tion to compete with that being created
by the Morgan Interests. Every effort,
naturally, is being made to keep details
secret until the plans are consummated.
Alba B. Johnson, president of the Bald
win Locomotive Works, adopted his cus
tomary policy when questioned. He de
clined either to deny or affirm the report
that the workshad been or was about to
be sold.
Document Antedates Other
'iled for Probate, It Is De
clared Attorney Silent
V Mrs. Caroline Karst Kammerer, who
says she is the widow of Edward Brom
J ley, multimillionaire manufacturer, has
Jn her possession a will naming her as
chief heir to his 34.000,000 estate, friends
of "Mrs, Bromley" declared today.
They said the document is of later date
than the one filed In the office of the
Register of Wills, which does not rec
ongnlxe what she claims are her rights
sa the common law wife of the dead
textile man.
Neither affirmation nor denial of the re
port could be obtained from I. Irwin
Jackson, "Mrs Bromley's'' attorney. She
Is said to have gone to AtUntlo City to
avoid Importunities of a horde of per
sons who have attempted to offer her in
vestment opportunities since her claim
to a share of the Bromley fortune be
came known. The telephone In her homo
has been removed.
"W do not need thla second will, any
way,'' said Mr. Jackson. "Wo have dls-
ivi4 maw KvMn.A M nntv, tra T1 nm.
p V Uy" contention that she was Mr. Brom
i " leva wife "
Married in Elkton
V ELKTON. Md.. Bep. ZS. Couples mar-
WUd In Elkton wero William Oscar Beers
41MM4 Dorothy F. Sprol, John J. Lacy and
Tf:.. F Adelhack, George M. Maybln
rvt. sj-H, u Phillips. John R King and
PC IS' itWees McLaughlin, Thomas A. Asqulrh
'luf X .rtHUfut . .w .,, ,. hunniu
j NCliaucmin ana wary pwrncy, an oi
'falhuWphla; Walter L. Bailiff and Ethel
, Camden, a J.i carter u. Pawling,
ana Baran a, wause, rotiavuie;
H, Meredith and Neva llervin.
IWIinJuton, Del., Vernon Bergen and
rm ' J ,BUat Meam, jaruiey, i-a.j wnarew
K njMunU jn4 Hunan A. Vnsihf.11 rhn-
.M, "n""""", --.. --- -----" -
lr; job (I, Atwooa ana, wara a. juer-
Ycwtii WM Annoyed Autolat Held
Onm of a amn of youths who threw
Milk "Wtp' aato the path of automo
hiiutk on Nrth Broad street was can-
WLuA itf and held today In
rV Lh t..r further hearing by Magistrate
Ftoeft , ' Park and Lehli h avenue
ut u ii, i Henrv Bear, f R tnox
nin It .man Tavriaon Wfiw a group
at i.oiit x uth at BrMt4 Mid JJutier
t .i, it ivwuig th etnvfr tttlf into
14 'tthil cud Wt i, it'll t-liUSllt Sew,
a.it( 4 i ii WtJ! " "-I8
Sir Knights, in uniform, are
shown leaving the Masonic Tem
ple, Broad and Filbert streets,
this afternoon for Fairmount
Park, where on the Belmont
Plateau was staged their 15th an
nual field day. The photograph
of tho Knight Templar shown
separately is that of Superin
tendent of Police Robinson.
Splendid Spectacle Features
Annual Field Day Dem
onstration This
The most imposing spectacle In the his
tory of the Knights Templar of Pennsyl
vania was staged on the wide Belmont
plateau of Fairmount Park this after
noon, at the 15th annual field day. Tho
ceremonies on the field started with tho
famous and inspiring salute to tho flag,
and the day ended with the unfurling
of a great American flag ahd a special
salute by the Sir Knights to clinch the
pledge made early this year that the
Knights would rally to the cause If ever
the nation needed defense,
The start for Belmont was mado from
the Masonic Temple, where tho Knights
gathered at 2 o'clock this afternoon They
marched to Broad Street Station and
boarded a special train for the field. At
Belmont they formed Into companies of
24 Knights each for the salute, holding
aloft their shining swords. The Knights
then re-formed, for a. review by Right
Eminent Sir Bradley W Lewis, granl
commander, and other officers of the
Grand Commandery.
A special stand, from which every part
of the big field may be seen, was erected.
It was filled with the wives and families
of the Sir Knights participating in the
great spectacle.
After the leviews and drills several
hours were given up to the usual ex
change of courtesies between the Knights
and their ocera, A feature was a
special exhibition drill of a picked squad
of Knights on horseback. They wero
commanded by Superintendent of Police
Robinson. Another novel event waa
the formation by a. division of mounted
Knights of a great American flag. A
band concert will be field from 6:30 until
8:S0 o'clock, followed by fireworks.
Workman Escapes Death by Clinging
to Cable ,
A part of the wall of an annex of the
Sharswood public school, in courso of
construction at 2d and Wolf streets, col
lapsed this afternoon, causing tremend
ous excitement in the neighborhood.
None of the mechanics at work on the
building was injured. A witness of the
accident telephoned for a detachment of
police from the 4th street and Snyder
avenue station, but the presence of the
patrolmen was unnecessary, A workman
was sealed on a huge stone that was be
ing inserted in the wall when the struc
ture fell. The stone dropped to the
ground, but the man seized a cable that
was attached to the building and his llfo
was saved. He was suspended In mid
aid for five1 minutes, until several com
panions rescued him.
Fifteen Days Allowed to Fjle Answer
to City'a Suit
Delay of IS days In the civil trial of
Henry Clay, Carl R. Wiggins and WJIlard
II. Walls has been made possible by the
action of Judge Audenrted In granting
the defendants that period In which to
file answer to the city's bill in equity.
Clay, a former Director of Public Safety
under Mayor Rejburn, and Wiggins and
Walls, contractors, are accused of obtain
ing from (he city about 200,000 more than
the work was worth In certain contract.
All were acquitted on criminal charges
at the second trial.
The demurrer to the city's bill filed by
the defendants was overruled by the
court, and the cose now will proceed to
final bearing pn bill, answer and proof.
1008-PMiiHt Boulder Fall on Man
A boulder weighing 1000 pounds dropped
a distance, of 40 feet into an excavation
at 1410 Chestnut street, where the foun
dations for the new Franklin Bank Build
ing are btlng laid, and Injure a work-
mm, 11 "truck smaitf; ZUtt, 4 ysara
mo, Vi' LMaiQIT NMSI. At MSSM-
jnann Hospital phiufc-tan snJd it waa
j.nmlbU tht Ma neck waa broken, He
i4Mi.ici.tivt liilunttl UtiurUi
H i
Mi 'T ii TT hi iTifll "JTllMiFfl it FllWli i3
bKjISmVbbHjBHHHbWf&B'V 9bW JTimmfHUi bC-bbbIbKZi bbHPT4bbB
ttrVaaalaiBmVvJ&.p-'?'.. HFi alaV4aBS -"smTalBBBBBHHaaaKlBBBvH msbbbV
Ibbbb1bbBMbE1??, & PaJpELB 4aK. sHkHniBBBBBBi
Marriage of Miss Clark and
Jack Tar Prevented by Sail
ing Orders
Miss Ida Mae Clark, who la 17 years
and lives at 3152 Hartvllle street, ex
pected to become a bride today. Kd
ward B. Moss, who Is a sailor In Uncle
Sam's navy, was to have become her
husband. But the war god and fato In
terfered. Now Moss Is speeding toward the navy
yard at Norfolk, Va., whero he was
ordered today, and Utile Miss Clark Is
broken-hearted to think that their well
laid plans went astray.
But Miss Clark loves deeply the sailor
boy to whom she Is betrothed and she
Intends to watt until everything Is
straightened out. They will Just fix an
other day, she says, nnd Ijope th.it tho
next time the Navy Department won't
be so heartless.
Moss received orders without warning
today to go to Norfolk, and there was
nothing to do but go. lie tried to com
municate with his bride-to-be, but she
was out. And so ho hd to leave without
so much ns a farwell kiss.
The marrlago was to have token place
at the Roman Catholic Church of the
Ascension, F and Westmoreland streets.
Continued from Page One
of tho plate. II. Weaver fanned. Banlc
ston out, J. Collins, unassisted. No runs,
no hits, no errors.
K. Collins walked. E. Collins out
stealing, McAvoy to Kopf. Fournler out,
Mclnnls to II. Weaver, who covered
first. Lajolo threw out Jackson. No
runs, no hits, no errors.
Btrunk tripled to centre, ,(3. Weaver
threw out Oldrlng. E. Collins threw out
Lajole. Strunk scoring on the play. Mc
lnnls filed to Fournler. One run, one hit,
no errors.
J. Collins hit a home run Into the
bleachers. Blackburne walked. Mayer hit
Into a double play, Kopf to Lajoie to
Mclnnls. Fnber fanned. One run, one
hit, no errors.
Kopf singled to centre. Kopf took sec
ond on a passed ball. On Demran's bunt
to Faber the latter threw wild to third.
Kopf being safe and Demrou reaching
first. McAvoy fanned. E. Collins threw
out Bankaton. No runs, one hit, no er
H. Weaver threw out Felsch. G. Wea
ver beat out a bunt. O. Weaver took
rerond on a balk. E. Collins filed to
Oldrlng. Fournler walked. Jackson filed
to Bankston. No runs, ono hit, no er
rors. Strunk filed to a Weaver. Oldrlng fan
ned. Lajoie singled to centre. E. Col
lins threw out Mclnnls. No runs, one
hit, no errors.
Kopf threw out J. Collins. Blackburne
popped to Mclnnls. Mayer walked. Fa
ber singled to right. Felsch forced Faber
at second, Kopf to Lajoie. No runs, one
hit, no errors.
O. Weaver threw out Kopf, Demrau
out, J. Collins, unassisted. McAvoy sin
gled to right. II. Weaver doubled to
left, scoring McAvoy. Bankston filed to
Fournler. One run, two hits, no errors.
G. Weaver singled to right. E. Collins
singled to right, G. Weaver stopping at
second. McAvoy fell down on Fournler's
bunt In front of the plate, loading the
bases. Jackson sent a long sacrifice fly
to Bankston, O. Weaver scoring. J. Col
lins doubled to centre, scoring E. Collins
and Fourner. Blackburne filed to Strunk.
Mayer out, H, Weaver to Mclnnls. Three
runs, four hits, no errors.
G. Weaver threw out Strunk. Oldrlng
walked, G, Weaver threw out Lajoie.
Mclnnls singled to centre, scoring Oldrlng,
Blackburne threw out Kopf, One run, one
hit, no errors,
Faber out, Mclnnls, unassisted. Felsch
walked. G. Weaver fouled to Strunk,
Felsch out stealing, McAvoy to Lajoie,
No runs, no hits, no errors.
Denrau filed to Jackson. McAvoy sin
gled to right, Malone running for Mc
Avoy, Perkins batting for If, Weaver,
Perkins out, J, Collins, uniU&'leted.
Bankston, out, E, Collins to J, Collins.
No runs, one hit, no error.
AB. R. II. O. T. E.
Felsch, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0
G. Weaver, ss 5 2 3 1 E 0
E. qolllns, 2b 3 12 0 4 0
Fourner, cf....i .,2 1 1 2 0
Jackson, If..., .1. 3 0 0 10 0
J. Collins, lb 4 1 3 15 0 0
Blackburne, 8b 3 0 0 12 0
Mayer, C..i '. 2 0 0 7 1 0
Fabtr, p..-....,., 3 0 10 0 1
Total 30 E 10 27 12 1
AB. R.H.P.0 A. E.
Bankston, cf. ,...,.,,,,. S 0 0 2 0 0
Strunk, rf. 3 1 1 2 0 0
Oldrlng, If, ;..i Sllion
Lajoie, 2b. , ,. 4 0 13 3 0
Mclnnls, lb 4 0 1 14 2 0
Kopf, ss. ... 4 0 1 3 t n
Demrau, 3b. ,...,.,,,,.. 4 0 0 10 0
McAvoy, c. 112 13 0
H. Weaver, p. ., 3 0 114 0
iMalono ..,.., 0 0 0 0 0 0
trerklh , 1 0 0 0 0 0
Total I 8 n 19 0
Ran for McAvoy In ninth.
fBated for Weaver In nlnh,
Home run Collin. ThrjfeeTbas hit
Strunk, Two-base hit If. Wavr, J,
Collin. SacriReaa .?aVrf Jackson.
LsJoi to Melaas. WmOm MW Maxw
E.. .
Continued from Taga One
day that a man answering the description
of tho murderer was registered at tho
Keystone Hotel. Detectives Isaacs and
Morlarlty Immediately went to tho place
and found Anderson at tho bar. While
Morlarlty engaged him In conversation,
Isaacs went to the man's room and found
a revolver holster containing 10 auto
matio cartridges for nn automatic re
olver which were similar to tho empty
cartridges found by Detectives Callahan
and Mnhoney In Campbell's saloon. Ills
arrest followed.
When searched n pawn ticket for the
revolver was found In his possession. The
weapon had been pawned at a placo on
Market Btreet near 15th this morning.
Anderson told the detectives he Is a ma
chinist and camo to this city to find work.
He displayed a letter addressed to him
by tho Remington Arms Company, at Ed
dystone, acknowledging his application
for employment.
A telegram received at the hotel today
and addressed to Anderson has been
turned over to Lieutenant of Detectives
Emanuel. Tho message, .which came from
Ardmore, Okla., is signed "Papo," and
apparently Is In answer to one sent to
his family by tho accused man, asking
for funds. It reads:
"J. F. Anderson, care Keystone Hotel:
"Will not send you ono cent more.
Tho man,, tho police, say, said he had
been drinking last night and walked out
Market street to Mogutro's saloon at "350
Market street, whero ho ha'd flashed the
revolver In the faco of the burtendef and
two customers, chasing them from the
side door to tho main entrance and back
again. Why ho did this ho could not ex
plain. Ho then walked back to Campbell's
place at 22d and Market streets, he said,
and going to the bar asked for a drink.
Campbell is alleged to have said, "Get
out of here," according to Anderson, and
walked Into the backroom.
"I was afraid ho was going to set a
club nnd beat me up," detectives say
Anderson told them, "so I walked Into
tho room after him and as he turned I
Anderson said that he then wnlked
back to the hotel and went to bed.
Michael Boyle, one of the proprietors of
the Keystone Hotel, and a personal friend
of Campbell, read of his friend's untimely
death this morning, nnd Immediately
went to the Detective Bureau and told
Captain Cameron that he believed the
murderer was at his hotel.
"I was suspicious of the man ever since
ho registered at the hotel on Thursday,"
he said, "and when I read of the murder
of Campbell and the description of the
murderer I was firmly convinced that
Anderson did it. The man was slightly
Intoxicated when he came to the hotel
and his later actions were such as to
make us watch him carefully.
"Last night, after the murder occurred,
Anderson came In smoking a cigar. He
appeared calm and spoke to several per
sons and then went to bed."
Tho shooting occurred about 8:40 last
night, according to the police. Mrs. Camp
bell, who was putting tier two chlldien
to bed on the second floor, heard a re
volver shot, which she ignored for a
moment, believing ft to be an automobile
tire blow-out.
"That sounded like a revolver shot In
the saloon,", said, her brother,, James Mo
Glinn, Jr., who was shaving in the bath
room at the time. "You "had better go
downstairs and see."
Mrs. Campbell went downstairs and
found her husband lying In a pool of
blood in the back room. She ran scream
ing Into the. street and attracted the at
tention of Horace II. Boss, of 3102 North
25th street, and Lawrence Murray, of
"iVn Oermantown avenue, employes of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, who were
returning home from work.
When told what had happened the men
said that man had rushed exxcltedly from
tho saloon and brushed past them, and
together with Policeman Lehey, who had
arrived on the scene, they went In search
of the murderer. He had disappeared,
Campbell was sent to the Medlco-Chl
Hospital, where he died shortly before
midnight. The bullet had passed through
hi mouth and lodged In the base of the
Baloofikepti imadm i i-i Jii
jj1uo, at S'J Md Miii vU Uuii,
Committee of 100 Will Launch
Campaign Against Organi
zation Next Week
Tho election of nn unbossed Councils
will be ono of the principal alms of tho
new party to bo launched early next
week by tho Independents.
At a meeting of the Campaign Com
mittee of tho Public Service Committee
of Ono Hundred at Independent head
quarters, 213 South Broad Btreet, this
afternoon, plans wero mado for putting a
ccmplcte councllmanlc ticket In tho Held
when tho new party Is organized.
Washington party candidates, In a ma
jority of the wards whore the slated
Washington party candidates won tho
nominations, will be on tho ticket of the
new party. It was decided. In tho other
wards, especially thoso whero tho Re
publican Organization candidates cap
tured tho Washington party nominations,
new candidates will be brought out to
complete a ticket of candidates for nil
Councllmanlc vacancies.
Plans for launching tho new party wero
also discussed at the meeting. The tltlo
of the party will bo pre-empted early nett
week, It waB decided, and immediately
after that tho various committees will bo
organized, so that tho independent cam
paign proper can be started beforo tho
end of tho week.
Tho name of tho new party has not yet
been selected. The Executive Commltteo
of the Public Service Committee of Ono
Hundred, which is the vital force In or
ganizing tho party, has a list of a score
of names that have been suggested, but
has arrived at no decision. Members of
the commltteo today Bald they would Hko
to receive suggestions for a narno for the
new party from Independent voters them
selves, and asked that these suggestions
bo sent to tho Public Service Commltteo
of Ono Hundred, 213 South Broad street.
Secretary Daniels Faces Problem in
Ford-Parker Controversy
NEW YORK. Sept. 25. The fatherhood
of tho "baby submarine," which is ns yet
in an unborn state, except In tho minds
of Inventors, probably will havo to be
decided by Secretory Daniels' naval
board of Inventions, it appeared today.
Henry Ford claims the parentage.
Prof. Herschel C. Parker says It's his
Neither of them has built one, 'and
nobody knows whether it would run even
If It wero built.
"Who Is Parker, anyhow?" queries
Ford. "I never heard of him."
"That's possible," said Parker today.
"There's probably lots of things he never
heard of. Maybe he never heard of tho
North Pole."
Ford has said It was merely an Idea of
his which he had not yet worked out,
but which he was working on. Parker
said he had drawn plans, which had been
sent to Ford last spring, becaus e he
thought the automobile magnate might be
willing to back the plan as a public
spirited citizen for national defense.
Parker said he got an impertinent re
ply from on under secretary.
"I think his naroe was Anderson," said
"I never received my plans for my sub
mersible pill from any Parker, neither
did my secretary," said Ford,
Professor Parker formerly was a Co
lumbia professor. He was the first man
to climb Mount McKlnley and say that
Debtor Cook didn't. Ho is the author of
many scientific books and member of
many scientific societies,
Henry Ford makes automobiles.
Continued from I'ase One
ter by Berry, "was summarily nipped In
the bud.
"Why didn't he duck, the bonehead?"
his adiposity bellowed.
But in the main the consensus of
grandstand opinion was that the ad
jective to be applied to the Penn boys
this season Ib decidedly not "bonehead."
Borne speedy runs and deadly tackling
are to be expected, Judging from today's
It was a critical audience unsparing In
its adverse criticism and wary of hand
ing out undue praise.
Penn did badly last year. It must do
better thl. The 4000 had this thought
hi their mind this afternoon when they
watched the game with that serious in
tentnesa which says, "We're sizing you
up, boys; don't disappoint us,"
Of course there was a marked absence
of "fussing." there always I at the first
game. Somehow it needs the sharp winds
and crisp atmosphere of real autumn to
cause a football enthusiast to mix his
pigskin Interest up with tougt of girl,
but Its safe to predict that before the
season is many weeks old pink cheeks.
chryslnthemums and pther feminine con
comitant of a real football same will
dominate the grand stand,
TP retT Dorlza Is wearing a great
big 13 on his, back. But maybe the
Greeks aren't superstitious. Tha trainer
are taking awfully good care of Berry;
blanketing htm the minute ha cease hi
activities. The dapper little cheer lead
era, in their snow-white uniform, look
exactly like the rdascullne sextette In a
musical comedy.
Altogether a real football season waa
Inaugurated this afternoon.
Skull Spilt yAceidet
An accidental blow from the ax of
fellow Inmate of the Wl!0oe.vr Mlwlon,
i:i East Caalten avenue, probably wM
cauat tbA death of Joaapci F. CraoUy.
U vast oKL The two waaw oattzM &
today. wb Ut ax slipped. atftMaaT
i randly en th hcttf Hi In l Uu der,
.i mown noaiuuu un , imcturM aKuo,
Vare-McNichol Break Immi
nent as Result of McCurdy
Dallct nnd Many Ward
Tho Varo and McNIchol faction of the
Republican Organization are on the verge
of on open break that threatens to develop
Into a bitter fight.
The Judicial contest at tho primary,
which under tho law were supposed to be
nonpartisan nre the principal cause of the
discord that is aiding tho Independent
and helping the chances of George D. Por
ter moro nnd moro overy day. Councll
manlc fights In several wards have also
materially helped to strain tho relations
between tho two Organization camps.
The Vanes' inslstanco to support George
McCurdy for Judge of the Orphans'
Court, or, to put It another way, the ro
futal of the Varfs to support Judge Dal
lett for re-eloctlon; o charge of party Ir
regularity that has been made against
Senator McNIchol because Michael J.
Ryan, who Is a Democrat, received
nearly 40,000 votes In McNIchol wards,
and the assertions of Varo followers In
the 32(5, 33th and 43d Ward that Mc
NIchol brpke the "harmony" compact
and attempted to defeat Vare followers
who were candidates for Councils, have
brought about a situation that seriously
threatens pcaco within the Organization
In tho councllmanlc contest In the
three wards tt Is asserted by Varo fol
lowers that McNIchol did not let his In
tention to attempt to defeat the Vare
candidates become known until after the
Vares had ngrecd to bo parties to "har
mony" behind Thomas B. Smith.
Tho McCurdy-Dallett contest, which la
developing Into one of the most bitter
minor struggles of years, extended the
feeling that had developed between tho
two camps in the threo disputed wards
to all parts of the city, and today the
Vare and McNIchol followers In every
ward controlled by tho Organlzotlon are
facing each other In battle-line forma
tion. McCurdy was originally slated as tho
Organization candldato for tho Orphans'
Court, after tho Organization leaders had
all apparently decided to throw down
Judgo Dallett, who was seeking re-election
because he had refused to appoint a
follower of David II. Lane to a court Job
eight years ago.
A few days before the primary election
however, word went nround that "the
McCurdy-Dallett matter was up In tho
air" Strong Influences had been brought
to bear upon tho Organization leaders to
gain their support for Dallett.
Late Monday aftornoon of this vreek,
a few hours before tho opening of tho
polls, word was passed nround that Mc
NIchol would support Dallett. At the
same 'time, tho report was spread that
McCurdy would withdraw,
McNIchol sought McCurdy nil Monday
nlsht, sending his henchmen to every
placo where ho thought McCurdy might
be. McCurdy had taken tha advice of
political powers favorable to his candi
dacy and had slipped quietly out of the
Tho Vares lined up solid behind Mc
Curdy, refusing, together with minor
powers llko David H. Lane, David Mar
tin, Edward W. Patton and others, to
change at the eleventh hour the orders
they had previously Issued to their
followers. McCurdy received a majority
of 20,000 over Dallet at the primary
Senator McNIchol, It was learned to
day, has redoubled his efforts since Tues
day to get McCurdy off the ballot for the
election In November. He has represent
atives searching all through the city and
through every resort along the South
Jersey coast to find McCurdy's hiding
Friends of McCurdy assert that this Is
the fourth time within 16 years that Mc
NIchol has attempted to throw McCurdy
down, after promising him a Judgeship.
He promised him Judgeships on threo
other occasions, they said today, and then
prevailed upon him to stay 'out of the
race at the last minute and remain in
Councils to look after McNIchol's inter
ests there. McCurdy's friends point out
that McNIchol desires to keep. McCurdy
In Councils as president of the lower
chamber "because he knows he can go
to sleep knowing that his Interests will
be looked after, with McCurdy in Coun
cils." The Organization followers and worker
have been told In every ward in tho city
that their goal this year Is a Republi
can sweep, as a preliminary to a national
Republican victory next year. They can
not understand how Ryan received the
40,000 votes In the McNIchol wards, when
only 10,000 Democratic votes were cast In
the entire city, and are asserting that Mc
NIchol cut Wessel and threw the votes to
The independents are taking advantage
of the situation and are rejoicing over the
prospects of a bitter factional fight.
General Stewart, of Philadelphia,
Heads Ninth New Jersey Volunteers
TRENTON. Sept. 25,-Survlvora of tha
Ninth New Jersey Volunteers' Association
to the number of 40 attended the 23th an
nual reunion of the regiment, held hero
today, and the following officers were
President, General James Stewart, Phil
adelphia; vice president. Lieutenant
James Hopper, Newark, and E. E. Green.
Woodbury; secretary, William L. Vande
water, Trenton; treasurer, 8. M. Layton,
Gawtlirop Indorsed for Judge
WEST CHESTER, Pa., Sept. 2i.,-Mem-be
of the Executive Committee of the
No-License party of Chester County held
a meeting here today. Charles L. Huston,
of Coatesyllle, presided. A resolution
offered by Frank L. Campbell, of Coates
vllle, and seconded by Secretary John H
Cole, Indorsing Robert B. Gafthrop for
Judge of Chester County, was adopted
'"I "VT" in i m
Man Gored by a Bull
Joseph GIspa, SI year old, of Ahland
Heights, West Manayunk, I in et.
Timothy' Hospital In a aerlous condl
tlon a a result of having been gored oy
a bull today on tha estate of Perclval
Robert. State road near Mill Creek, in
Lower Merlon township. Two rib are
broken, one lung t ruptured and he is
badly cut.
The obdurate "first chjef tells a representative of the Pubuo
, Ljdce8 that the days of special privileges have gone from
Mexico. Prosperity, enlightenment and' a wonderful destiny
are sure tp come with the reins of.goyernment in conscientious
hands. Read Cavanza'a forcca.t in
Bethmann - Hollweg Tri
umphs in Conciliatory
Policy Toward U. S.
BERLIN. Sept. a
Vice Admiral Bachmann and Rer i.
mlral Behncke, respectively chief taj
vice cmei or tna Naval General Bug,!
have been deposed. Announcement of
their retirement ha caused a eensatloa!
it nna been known that changes of htW
portanco wore pending, and that offlclli
opposed to Chancellor von BethnuaaJ
liouweg'a conciliatory attitude towajrt
the United States would bo retired, bt
neither Bachmann nor Behncke had bet
mentioned in tho report of propoMM
Admiral von Holtzendorft, who n.
ceeds Vice Admiral Bachmann, Is tW
oughly In sympathy wl'h the policy f
the Imperial Chancellor. He Is known tt
have criticised the submarine nolle 4
1)1 selection 1 aatd to have been met
after he visited Emperor William M
army headquarters, where he pointed ott
tho dangers confronting dermany if tt
U-boats continued their campaign alow
tho lines a first laid out.
Bachmann and Behncko were persoMi
supporters of the von TIrpItz subma.rtw
measures throughout Their retlremmt
from high office confirms tho lnform&tk
previously mado public 'that lmportiat
modifications -would be made In the slt-1
marine policy and that Ambassador vsaj
uematoriT would havo tho support etj
tho German Government as regards Um
pledges ho has made to the United State. 1
Prisoners Beyond Scopo of
Compensation Act
City Solicitor Ryan, In an opinion fnr.1
nlshed the Inspectors of the Philadelphia!
County Prison, declares that convicts!
who may bo Injured while employed la
and about prisons or In prison shops do
not come within the provisions of thl
workmen s compensation act.
Under this ruling prisoners could hav
no legal claim against the county in event
oi injuries, out, on mo otner nana, a
prison official Injured In an effort of
prisoners to mako their escape could, la
ail proDamuty, recover damages. Tin
questions regarding the scope of the act
were raised by Iicnjamln W. SnvdM.t
chairman of the Committee on Law and
Appropriations or tho prison board.
In his opinion Mr. Ryan says that
whether or not a prisoner Is nn "era-!
ployo as denned by the act Is the Ques
tion Involved. According to his viewil
no prisoner Is nn 'employe,' and there
fore could not rightfully tako advantattj
of the; provisions of the new law.
Miss Hizcrling's Death Due to Gas, J
Poison or Heart Disease
A rigid investigation of the death ofi
Miss Mlldicd Hlzerllng, or Vernon, Ml
she was known, the Philadelphia mprlqg
Picture actress found dead In a pas-filled?
bathroom In an Atlantic City hotel, waaj
ordered today by Dr. Lewis R. Souder,
county physician of Atlantic County. Ani
autopsy will be made.
A theory entertained by Doctor Souder.j
that death may have been caused by
self-admlnlBtered poison, Is respontlblej
for tho investigation. This supposition 111
backed up by the testimony of several
persons who havo told the police that thai
gas in the bathroom whon Miss Hlzerllntl
v.as found stretched upon the floor yei-3
terday was not sufficient to have killed!
Coroner Bow believes death was caused!
by heart disease. Friends of the beautM
ful young woman Insist that she wail
happy and had no reason to end her life.
I fe.
The body will be brought to this cltyl
for burial. Plans for tho funeral were b-j
ing made today by Miss Grace Illzcrllnrj
the'dead woman s sister,
The sisters, known among many of their
friends as the Misses Vernon, lived until
recently at 1933 Somerset street. They
went to New York and then to Atlantis
City. Miss Mildred Hlzerllng had made
plan for returning today to resume work
at the Lubln motion picture etudlos, of
this city. .-
Eleven Philadelphia Firms Submit
Estimates for Structure
Bid for the cavalry armory, which wfflj
be erected In this city for the Natieawj
Guard of Pennsylvania, were opened t
day at Harrlsburg, 11 Philadelphia ftrroa
submitting estimates. Tho armory will b
constructed in Lancaster avenue near JtJ
street. f
The Fidelity Construction Company!
bid of J131.215 was the lowest submltte,'
and this firm probably will be awar44
the contract.
The other bidders were William ,
Dougherty. 143,000; Ketcham & McQuad
I143.15H Henry L. Brown. 1137.745: John W
GU & Co., 139.740; Abel Bottoms & Sob
Company, 1145,000; Melody & Keating,'
$134,435; Edward F. Fonder. 1137,78!
Thomas Rellly, $141,000: Mitchell Brothers,"
137.OO0, bid based on Deer Island granite,'
i3S,wo for wooopury sray granite, r. j.
Hurley, 145,000.
Oleo Swindlers Sent to Jail
rOLUMBUB. O. BeDt. B. Judce 8tH
in Federal Court, today overruled ttjl
motion for a new trial In the 1.00M
oleo fraud case of Dennis Kelly, M. Lm
Corbett, W. H. Eberstand, II KelIK
official of the old Capital City DW
Company. The Judge sentenced eaoal
defendant to two yeara In the Fedenaj
penitentiary at Moundsviue and to
a tiOOO fine.
Mrs. Henry "VV. Watson Buried
WILMINGTON. Del.. Sept, -ft-Ma
Henry Wlnfleld Watson, who died
denly in New York several day ago,
hurlAri In TCllmlnzton and Brandy
Cemetery here today Tfiere were
service here, the services having
held at the home of her hutba
Congressman Watson, la Langhorne,