Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 25, 1915, Final, Page 17, Image 17

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    'EViJSlJSG- LJh,Jj(,yjJill-lilLlHlA, bxUltlb., L
m-4 ) 4 X k L 0 i
Talo of 19th Century England, Full of tho Thrills of Advcnturo and Spirit of Romnnco
'.wittM. IBIS. Will. Hrown A Co.
k"W"i "... r-.ll.h scholar, de.
. EVYi." - e "sir Oeor. Vlbart,
IKn hie une e sir Oeor. Vlbart,
B,lu-.i.I nthter n rake, n eoualn
K-' 11 t WlCoS pounds' l?0.H
"Liil.A Mr . to c o down im iw
Kg rV? K.S VnS II.. rlm to
:o down "The liroaa
& !,
I ": ! " -Vili nsselnc
I tA:
rtP r ;..hwirmn Is hanslnr aa h "iaa
f,,.W7.Vli SM P nd hl money
tF,it. returne to The Whit. Hart an
"i ffirSi r. minutes before.
Li.iher.ToViC.srf. n Imorant prlt.
P'VEi.te of hi. rrowes. ,
F" .i.h.nt funda. accepts -r.B
Q,"l VM to th. rnan who will .und
'?.' 'ital for 10 minute... . A. the-
sJilf.. iri ne.rlnr eomplet on cr.rr
Mr. .-. . ".'. s . v wis
Kr Peter "continue, on hi. way.
K' JLwii eras, re.ppe.ra and
Tll.Vty.n. in London. Th purl-
?. in which I'eter .ee. mr Jasper
"llllrd tlm. in 4SJur. reter I.
p . ' 2.. anM. one. else. rrom .
5r who I. 8lr Pererrtno Beverley, ha
tlt he hi. been ml.taken for lit.
, ffr Maurice Vlbart. The reeem-
vlfJi th two I. rem.rx.be.
SiS air Tererrln. of the duel no
till. v 11 ii . . . J.10.r W..
2. iI.E" a'nVnow the. litter I.
i? the de.d mn'. e.tate.
rtS fc" Stair. kill him. After thl.
Yft tr.tr.1er.come. to a tavern and
RSf StVr ESS? i.B Heien
f ."i m.n whn were, holdlnr
r,lnit her will.' She prove, to b. Blr
"Sorting lii? Helen to her homo
ftnda a h.untea noueo near ow.ms
vlllie. Thero h meet, an eld man
V. Si. ., Anrl.nt. The. Mir. to-
wltn Simon, tho Innkeeper, are elt-
in front of Th. Bull when reter do
..S. t ulc "Black" G.orB., tho
fe?-Veorrri.k'lnown for hi. tre-
lie Peter penl.ta. At a contyt, tho
.;!" .i .hi.t, iti rt.clde whether Peter U
ZTiTeniired or pummeled, the hl.ckimlth
t ? defeaUd. Enrred. ho attack. Peter.
L. -.i kit onward.
CHAPTER XX (Continued).
EltTES." .aid Ii "nono but a coward
it X could attack an unrealstlnc man."
Ifcfor a full minute we stood thus, star
ve into eacn oiner a eyes, uiiu uncu ueoin
1 MV- U1B nana Ul i"o tjuiuvii ucaiu vuu
a, wia outtturus.
tTTkat would have been the end I can-
Mt ay, but thero carno upon the still
IpeH the sound of flying footsteps, tho
lanuril was burst asunder, and a elrl
ftftood before us, a tall, handsome girl
.with raven nam ana great, uubiuhb dibck
g "Cfhi you, Jartre, thjnk shame on your-
e-lQinK BDainu Ull .jtuuiaeii) diuwiv
Jtrfe. LooKl sne cnea, poinung a im
fr'&t him, "look at the great, strong
Hu-as la a coward!"
5 r felt "the smith's grip relax, his arms
flVOfOPpea 10 nts Blues, wnno a. ueep, reu
iktr crept up his cheek till It tvas lost
B!e.he,cluterln curls of gleaming, yel-
Lj"TTy, Prue " he began, In a strange
lirl'Mterea voice, and stopped. The 11 ro
'Cone irom nis eyes aa tney resiea
"With a single bound I was upon
leveled at the
I00! her, and he made a movement as
Staowh he would have reached out his
lMUS to her. but checked himself.
fiKoy Prue " he said again, but
.WSaed Suddenly, find, tllrnlnf- awrv.
ftre4a back toward his forge without
Lwiner word, on he went, looking
EJjttner to right nor left, and I thought
Mere was something; infinitely woe-be.
Ism nd pitiful In the droop of CTs
py" as I looked from his forlorn flg
Kf. to the beautiful, flushed face of the
Jr. "w ner ey grow wonderfully
t mi sweet, ana orim over with tears,
, iwnen uiack George had betaken
oacK to his smithy, she also
4 and, crossing swiftly to the Inn,
hed through Its open doorway.
i Tlfce.'ve a fine sperrit, 'ave that darter
,wirn, eimon, a nne sperrit. Oh! a
lepornt as ever -wasl" chuckled the
"Jtu's aren't afeard o Dlack Jarge
Mar irii" rttM-.i cimi.1.. ..u
" .kh.'mwm UJIIIVII. silo i.ai
S. Un alius IVtilM. vnll'll mlnil Rhn
Mj Jlu tame Black Jarge wl' a look.
Jr' he 'm a gran'darter to be proud
U. M Prue." nniHM th Anctonf 'un'
I I be tui"
Pbat," said I. "la she your daughter.
f-"AV. tnr ..
WuS tour randdaughter, Ancient?"
B r, that she be, that she be."
e J"?! then, Blmon must be your son."
wn as ever was!" nodded the old
Mba.. .nA . ..nll.l. mm f .. 4.1 a.
, ' . - wwu.a, (JWll V VD IU-VIM
,v seen vnnm
WJi now." added Simon, "come In,
l 70U shall taste as fin n tin- nt flln
W be In all Kent"
JWalt," eua the old man. laying his
S25.uP?n my arm, "I've took to you.
wPi took to you amazln ; what
trat y?ur n&me be?'
-Tr' answered.
ooa name, a fine name," nodded
. Ml man.
,Sr-Bimon,'' said he, glancing from'
mo omer of us. "Blmon Peter:
a-.jne q- tne dleclple of our blessed
Ju. U! fln5 name b Pter."
rfetCr T hararn On Vim ria,niafAt4ri
t the whole village.
P "iter the Ancient and Simon and
( nad very creditably empUed the Jug
rv) I rose to depart
ft. Id the Ancient, "wheer be
said I.
"beer be that?'1
1 In the Hollow," said I,
Mh' 'aunted cottage?" he cried.
a. I nodded! "frnm what T saw nf
!. h, a little repairing, U mlM
. a very well
tha tho.tt" orl. 4h. l man
forgot the ghost?'
y.r neard of a ghost really
any one vet." T nn.u.r
Iter ' .aM uim. ..i. i.. nr
f'M" ' ' that' I wouldn't
'or me" i r.
' '. "what o yea anaaa kr
aMl him tali ftitwMl
? K
t s
breathed hard nnd shuttled uneasily In
his chair.
"I mean, Peter, as I've, hcerd un," ho
replied slowly.
"Heard him I" I repeated Incredulously:
"youT Are you surer
"Sure aa death, Peter, Tre heerd un
a-shrlekln' and n-groanln' to 'Isielf, name
as Gaffer 'as, and lots of others. Why,
Lord bless 'eel theer be scarce a mn
In these parts but 'as 'eerd urn one time
or another."
"Ay I've 'cerd un, nnd seen un, tui"
croaked the Ancient excitedly. "A gert,
tall think 'o be, v.T a 'orn on 'is 'end. nnd
likewise! a tall: some might ha' thought
't was the Wanderln' Man o" the Roads as
I found 'angln on t' stnpll some on 'em
du, but I knowed better I knowed 'twere
Old Nick 'lsself, all flame and brimstone,
an' wP a babby under 'Is arm I"
"A babyr I repeated.
"A babby as ever was," nodded the
"An you say you havo heard It, too,
Simon?' said I.
"Ay," nodded the Innkeeper: "I went
down Into th' 'Oiler one cvenln' 'bout
six months ago wl' Dlack Jarge, for we
'ad a mind to knock th' owd place to
pieces, and get rid o' the ghost that way.
Well, Jarge ups wl' 'Is 'ammefr, and down
comes the rotten old door wl' a crash.
Jarge 'ad swung up 'Is 'ammer for an
other blow when, all at once, theer comes
a scream." Here Simon shivered In
voluntarily and glanced uneasily over
his shoulder, and round the room.
"A scream?" said I.
"Ah I" nodded Simon, "but 'twero worse
nor that." Here he paused again, and
looking closer at him I was surprised to
see that his broad, strong hands were
Bhaklng, and that hts brow glistened with
"What was It like?" I inquired, struck
by this apparent weakness In one bo
hardy and full of health.
"'Twere a scream wl' a bubble In It,"
ho answered, speaking with an effort;
"'twere like somebody shrlekln out wl"
'Is throat choked up wl' blood. Jarge and
me didn't wait for no moro ; we run. And
as we run, It follered, gronnln' nrter us
'till we was out upon tho road, and then
It shrieked at us from the bushes. KcodI
it do make me cold to talk of It, even
now, Jarge left 'Is best sledge bo'lnd 'lm,
and I my crowbar, nnd wo never went
back for them, nor never shall, no." Hero
Simon paused to mop tho grizzled hair at
his temples. "I tell 'ee, Peter, that place
aren't fit for no man nt night If bo be
you 'm lookln' for a bed, my chap, theer's
one you can 'avo at 'The Bull,' ready and
wlllln'. "
"An gratusl" added the Ancient, tap
ping his snuffbox.
"Thank you," said I, "both of you, for
tho offer, but I have a strange fancy to
hear, and, If possible, see this ghost for
"Don't eo du It," admonished the
my feet, and had tho weapon
Ancient, "so dark an' lonesome as It be;
don't 'ee du It, Peter."
"Why, Ancient," said I, "It Isn't that I
doubt your word, but my mind Is set on
the adventure. Bo, If Simon will let me
have threepenny worth of candles, and
some bread and meat no matter what
I'll be off, for I should like to get there
before dusk."
Nodding gloomily, Blmon rose and went
out, whereupon the Ancient leaned over
and laid a yellow, clawlike hand upon
my arm.
"Peter," said he, "Peter, I've took to
you amazln'; Just a few Inches taller say
a, couple an' jou'd be the very spit o'
what I were at your age the very spit"
"Thank you. Ancient I" said I, laying
my hand on his.
"New, Peter, 'twould be a hljlous thing
a very hljloua thing. If when I come
a-gatherin' watercress in the marnln". I
should find you a-danglln' on t' stapll,
cold and stiff like f other, or tyin' a
corp wl' your throat cut: 'twould be a
hljlous, hljlous thing, Peter but oh I
't would mak' a fine story In the tellln'."
In a little while Simon returned with
the candles, a tinder-box and a parcel of
bread and meat, for which he gloomily
but persistently refused payment. Last
of all he produced a small, brass-bound
pistol, which he Insisted on my taking.
"Not as It'll be much use again' a
ghost," said he, with a gloomy shake of
the head, "but a pistol's a comfortable
thing to 'ave In a lonely place 'specially
if that place be very dark," Which last,
If something illogical, may be none the
less true.
So, having shaken each by the hand, I
bade them good night and set off. along
the darkening rpad;
Off, as I went, my mind waa greatly
exercised as to a feasible explana
tion of what I had Just heard. That a
man so old as the ancient should "see
things" I could readily believe by reason
of his years, for great age Is often sub
ject to such hallucinations, but with
Simon, a man In the prime of his life,
It was a different matter altogether.
That he had been absolutely sincere in
his story I had read in hta dilating eya
and tha Involuntary shiver that had
passed over him wbll he spoke. Here,
Indeed, though I scouted all Idea of su
pernatural agency, there lay a mystery
that piqued my curiosity not a little.
Ghostsl pshaw I What being, endowed
with a reasoning mind, could allow him
self to think, let alone believe In, such
oily? Ohpsts flddle-de-dee, slrt
Yet here, and all at once, like an
enemy from tha dark, old stories leaped
at and seized me by the throat: old
tales of spectres grim and bloody, of
goblin and haunted houses from whose
dim desolation strange sounds would
come; tales long since heard and forgot
till now,
Ohoslsl Why, the road was full of
them, they crowded upon my heels, tey
peered over my shpulders , I felt, them
brush my elbows and heard them gib
bering at ma from the shadows.
AM Ilia sun w kiwi attreaMyi
UhiwUt Aa4 wky wf "Am m
fera thiol 1st kfvA wafts) tftan
am dreamed of in your pbJlcwaohy
Iwvoiuuuriiy I fcajtaiuHJ r stap. but
the aun had set ere I reached the Hol
low, lea. tho aim i.i t on1 thn
great basin below mo was nlrendy brlm-
iui ui snaaows which, a I watched,
seemed to nssume shapes vast, nebu
lous and rnn.tSntt., .li.Hrln- rinwti
there amid the purple gloom of the
trees. Indeed, it looked an unholy place
In the half light a pit framed for mur
ders and the safe hiding of tell-tale
j..i.or. me very naunt of horrid gob
llns and spectre, grim and ghastly.
Bo evilly did the place Impress me that
i iiccuca an enort of will ere I could
bring myself to descend tho precipitous
slope. Dais flitted to and fro across my
pR 5: ??w and lhen omitting their sharp,
needlelike note, while from somewhere
in the dimness beyond an owl hooted.
. Df the time I reached the cottage It
had fallen quiet dark, here In the Hol
low, though tho light still lingered In
the world above. So I took out my tin
der box and one of the candles, which.
u if.r. BOvera' 'allures, I succeeded In
lighting, and, stepping Into tho cottage,
began to look about me.
The place waa small mil mmntl..
two rooms shut oft from each other by
aftfong partition with a door midway.
Lifting tho candle. I glanced at the
staple on which the builder of the cot
tage had choked out his life so many
o,id mo, una, caning to mind the An
cients flerce dcslro to outlast It, I even
'"' up my nana ana gavo It a
snaKo. uut despite the rust of years,
the Iron felt as strong and rigid as ever,
so that It seemed tho old man's lnno
cent with must ca unsntl.nxi net,. ti
Tho second room appeared much the
same size as uio nrst, and llko It In all
respects, till, looking upward, I noticed
a square trap door in a corner, while
underneath, against tho wall, hung a
rough ladder. This I proceeded to lift
down, and, mounting, cautiously lifted
tho trap. Holding the candle above my
head to survey this chamber, or rather
garret, the flrst object my eye encoun
tered waa a small tin pannikin, nnd be
yond that a stone Jar, or demijohn.
Upon closer Inspection I found this last
to bo nearly full of water qulto sweet
nnd fresh to tho taste, which of Itself
was sufllctcnt evidence that soino one had
been hero very lately. I now observed
bundle of hay In ono corner, which had
clearly served for a bed. beside which
were a cracked mug, a tin plate, a pair
o: shoes nnd an object I took to be part
of a flute or wind Instrument of nomo
kind. Dut what particularly excited my
Interest were the shoes, wlilch had evi
dently seen long nnd hard service, for
they were much worn nnd had bcert
roughly patched here and there. Very
big they were, and somewhat clumsy,
thlck-soled and square of too, nnd with
a pair of enormous silver buckles.
These evidences led me to bcllevo that
whoever hnd een here before was likely
to return, and, not doubting that this
must be he who played the part of ghost
so well, I determined to be ready for
So, leaving all things as I found them.
I descended, and, having closed the trap,
hung up the ladder as I had found It
In the flrst of the rooms there was a
rough fireplace built Into ono corner, and
as the air struck somewhat damp and
chill, I went out and gathered a quan
tity of twigs and dry wood, and had soon
built a cheerful, crackling Are. I now
set nbout collecting armfuls of dry leaves
wlilch I pile against the wall for a bed.
By the tlmt this was completed to my
satisfaction the moon was peeping above
the treetops, filling tho Hollow with far
flung shadows.
I now lay down upon my leafy couch
and fell to watching the Are and listen
ing to the small, soft song of the brook
outside. In tho opposite wall was a win
dow, the glass of which was long since
gorre, through which I could see a square
of sky, nnd the glittering belt of Orion.
My eyes wandered from this to tho glow
of the fire many times, but gradually my
head grew heavier and heavier, until at
length tho stars became confused with
tho winking sparks upon the hearth, and
the last that I remember was that the
crackle of the tiro sounded strangely like
tho voice of the Ancient croaking:
"A hljlous thing, Peter, a hljlous
I must have slept for an hour, or nearer
two (for the room was dark, save for a
few glowing embers on the hearth and
the faint light of tho stars at the win
dow), when I suddenly eat bolt upright,
with every tingling nerve straining as If
to catch something wlilch had but that
very moment eluded me. I waa yet won
dering what this could be, when, from
somewhere close outside the cottage,
there rose a sudden cry hideous and ap
palling a long-drawn-out, bubbling
scream (no other words can describe It)
that died slowly down to a wall, only to
rise again higher and higher, till it
seemed to pierce my very brain. Then
all at once It was gone, and silence
rushed In upon me a sllenco fraught with
fear and horror unimaginable. I lay
rigid, the blood in my veins Jumping with
every throb of my heart till It seemed to
shake me from head to foot. And then
the cry began again, deep and hoarse
at first, but rising, rising until the air
thrilled with a scream such as no earthly
lips could utter.
Now tho light at the window grew
stronger, and all at once a feeblo shaft
of moonlight crept across the floor. I
was watching this most welcome beam
when It was again obscured by u some
thing. Indefinable at first, but which I
gradually made out to be very like a
human head, peering in at me; but, If
this was bo, it seemed a head hideously
misshapen and there, sure enough, rising
from the brow, was a long, pointed hrn.
As I lay motionless, staring at this
thing, my hand, by some most fortunate
chance, encountered the pistol In my
pocket; and from the very depths of my
soul I poured benedictions upon the hon
est .head of Simon the Innkeeper, for Its
very contact seemed to restore my be
numbed faculties. With a single bound
I waa upon my feet and had the weapon
leveled at the window,
"Speak 1" said I, "speak, or I'll shoot."
There was a moment of tingling suspense
and then:
"Oh, man, dlnna do that!" said ft voice.
"Then come In .and show yourself!"
Herewith the head incontinently dis
appeared, there was the sound of a
heavy step, and a tall figure loomed in
the doorway,
"Walt!" said I, as, fumbllnr about, I
presently found tinder box and candle,
having lighted which I turned and be
held a man an exceedingly tall man
clad In the full habit of a Scottish High
lander. By his side hunt; a long,
straight, basket-hllted sword, beneath one
arm he carried a bagpipe, while upon bis
head was not a horn hut a Scot's bon
net with a long eagle's feather.
"Oh, man," said he, eyeing mo with a
somewhat wry smile, "I'm Julst thlnkln'
ye'rp no' afeared o' bogles, whatefferl"
Prompt Discovery of Blaze Prevents
Destruction of Whole Yard
Two thousand feet of lumber wr. t..
stroyed early today when sparka from a
j-nuaoeipnia ana Heading locomotive
started a blaze on top of a 20-foot pile of
lumber In the yard of Charles F. Felln
& Co., York road and Butler street. The
prompt discovery of the fire by James
Mooney, ft watchman, prevented the en
tire stock of lumber front being de
stroyed. firemen' made a record run to the flre
aim wiwnn minuias M4 K Utyier cev
trot, for an fceur altar Mm Uwwh m
Unttiahd tber had
fcy as a afguar aalt th blaze Urt-
lag 4lii. Tha Ium .1 taUmated ft .
I tuttiT &vzr a cenr or I J 1.50 Ho I fC -----VV-Tr
n,,HCE utmost L2S!l -Vs jffl&JBSru
Unbreakable Her Version " "tP V 'l&wzGOTl
PI 77 I I l S rBGDEA'l
j5 fa A & S) 5N.6RY.50bY HAS. ( '
gBkW r J Clyi the ov 'Bua.': I
p3rZ3t': atlstress From your references. If' 3ii II -j
t)ryV 6ee you've had four places In the Sj"y
i lfl Servant Ycs'm; that shows how Vy" VteA7NM' "N
.- jLl Wiy''yf' Ss much In demand I am.
Qroccr-wnat will you havo? AS USUAL Behind the Scenes
Jill Another very good reason for London Idea. 9C'-KSSf9ISO
a man to Keep his mouth shut when "Did she tell her age?" r '"'I." '"""llBrv Wcc I " i ' i ' i ' I
his wife Is hurling flatirons. "Partly." I BC ! ' I ' I ' i ' I
AND A BARGAIN, TOO A Contortionist X&BfX ' Ct ' ' "
I 'iWrEIW'''' rfjklrPrv.HrmMa!lill Billy This sailor must have been an comr ,ver aorno time and see mr K
iiSHSsR "" " S, Jr jSeA' tUnr
"Another new hatl You should really save your money, with the price of
everything going up." I" l
"But why? The longer I save it the less I can buy with It" j J
I 11 In 'J!!"' maaaw'lvaaaaaaaaVSawlvaaaaV
..,,..,, , . "Are you going abroad on an art Vv (Cifca r(r? lfr 3Kt? jf i S(-.
"Will ou love me forever and a fJ - MfflfffiffK V Vrl ttttK rVjfrm
"Oh, I say, can't I get a day off for rLiVV UHIIIicy r -Ark tfSW' v ill L upffifflti
good behavior? "No, on a cattleshlp." jp 111 aJPlkvN I JSlMlrx MM KrMIllilt IBlO V
Jr fej''"t itTti-SKk Clothe Don't Mike the Man jj
IHL.Hp. ens iw say tnavs uie mas yau
"r . took dancing lessens irom?
bsWpiy, h' no dancing mast-;
ks's a ahoo marrkaail
. . l. ..,.. ', mm iit - i ,. vi. w. a.. Mr
n I li Jmmmmmmmmi nt i immmmmmms4Bmmemm JLi. . ''".t
Lx.rr , ....1
Bht-Tou say that's the maa yau
took dancing lesson irom?
hWy, h' no dancing- maaUr ;
' a eho. mrchtl
-I kBMair it, ut hi at iiitflh aa
Ibf always kay w JM Ml
lr. A 'Kvei jbi)C" t. in juntr
get her ke.uty from ma. riuat 4o ,u4
think ff Hit
l-W.l I ihtk tt ..,, ., , ..-
kMnt at r iSU t - ,