Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 25, 1915, Final, Page 16, Image 16
, EVENrffff DEDGEB-PHTI3ADEi;PHIX. BXTTJBDX BWFTminSWR 2fl, ISIS: III If you want a GOOD position advertise to the kind of employers who have GOOD openings to t I) ft.' 'A 2El MAI. ESTATE FOR SALE i Oak Lane Handsome Stone Residence On tract of S acres, having S (treet fronts: jwiM'i bu 12 roomsi sleeping porch nd 1 ; Inclosed -porch with Iiet. g and Jeetrlfl light, hot-water beet, vacuum cleatj t, system, gnregs and stable, with man tm and bath, fine tennl court; high loca tion; convenient to transportation; will rent. tyfo. H. WILSON &CO. v fc W I, ,M II I I I ! II ' " Olney (115-31 V. FAIRHILL ST. Another fine horn. lust finished; 8. room, bath, porch, laundry In cllr. h lot 103 feel deep. U J. CMARIJIB YUNDT, 301 VJaboroad CTcHEW 8T two story, 0 room, porch. lioUwMtr heat, 2 square to tralnand trol 6yt niaka offer. North rhlla. Trust Co., Broad anil Erie ave. Logan 4S3I J. 16TH tat corner of Stenton Tark) iwch front. 7 rooma nd bath: muat bo soldi owner leaving Philadelphia; amall amount 5. h tSSSSU . ,r J A fAi itipwi ,y. myo m"i LOGAN'S PnETTIEST 1I0ME8 EVERY mod rn feature; aubatantlally built and artistic ally flnlsKed, combined to produce a "real home-"; Imposing terraced front, aelect and unusual equipments; Ruscomb at., south side, 16th to loth, Juat weit of station; open dally. Jars porchea, deep lota, 0 cloaeta, high, light basement, with cemented walla s eipenalye slumbtngr "Arco" heating eyatem; "Ideal" boiler ! 3800,- walk west on Flatter lane to 15th at, then H block south to Ruscomb at.: a trolley line on. York road. Open dally. 8. C. ABEUNETHY. 2721 North Mil. TTOKES, DWELLINGS AND APARTMENTS For Sal or Rent In Beet Section of Logan. . . WW. D. CHAMBERS. 41133 N. Broad at. LOOAN REAL ESTATE SALE. RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith. Broad it . oppo. Login station. SUBURBAN SANATORIUM, orphanaa or achoolj one hour from Reading Terminal, half-mile from sta tlon. building and equipment for 800 chil dren, complete in avery way, water supply. elrcirlo light plant, eteam heat, sewer dt. poaal plant; buildings coat over $80,000 running stream, 40 acrea lands price $.:o.uws wilLeeJl on eaay term to responsible party, rhotoa and full dcacrlptlon from YOOUM ft POWERS CO.. 16 8. 15th t. COLONIAL HOUSE-ALL CONVENIENCES: tabla; 3 acrea; fine old ahade; hot.water heat, electrlo light, modern plumbing; near station In Huntingdon Valley; convenient to Oolt and Hunt Cluba; hov.ee contain 12 room, living- room, 17x30, with large, open fireplace; price 111.600, LAND TITLE BUILDING nr.u 10-ACRE COUNTRY PLACE with t6n Colonial bouse, all convenience. large porche. stable and garage, sprlngnouse, runnlne stream, old orchard; 10 minutes to train, or trolley, Sp minutes to Broad Street matron. Photo. .,,. WM, H. WILSON & CO. Mgg"" ' ALDAN, DELAWARE COUNTY , THE IDEAL SUBURB $4160 New detached houae. every conv.: one a. from achool. trolley and train. Provi dence Toad and CUtton ave.: come out and look them -over: 5c. from eoth St. Terminal. Ad. THE ALDAN CO.. P. O. Box 440. Phlla. THRIVING ICE CREAM, candy, eoda water and achool auppllea atand. Poatofflce with tore,, paying about $000 a -year. Located In most promising of Philadelphia suburbs ; high peed trolley; exo. oppor.; favorable terma; 111 health reaeon for eelllnc: worth while In vestigating F.1B0. Ledger Central. FOR SALE 2!4 acre, containing 2tt-tory tone dwcl'l T. 8 room, batli, hot and cold water, toilet; itable. 3 atall. carriage; num ber of apple, peach and cherry tree, grape, ctct price II00O. Apply B. W. Snyder, real citate agent. 026 Frankford ave., Holmea burg. Fa. 8WARTHMORE-NEAR COLLBOE IS rooma; hot-water heat and all convs. ; table, poultry houae; fine ahade and view. OVER, 0B ACRE FINE LAWN Choice aurroundlnga; Immediate po. Apply C. P. PETERS & SON. B08 Chetnut t. BA.ROAIN $12,500J Colonial all-etone rel dence, 6 chambers, alecplng jorch, 2 bath; lot llpxlSO. Cheater Oborn4jl3:4 CheitnuL CHOICE BUILDING SITES AWD ACKti&Uti ARTHUR P. TOWN8ENP, Langhorne, Pa. BELECT PROPERTIES-Country eata, farm. Ltt order now. LEWIS T. BROOKE & EON, 1414 B, Perm eg. FOUNDED 157B, lAIlGAlN 11 room; steam heat, electricity; open fireplaces; lot 123x188; shade, shrubbery, (araer. ana iniii, r i9u, uctiiicf genual. SiTlLDINO AND IXAN BAROAIN Detached dws., near 6Uth at. terminal; 10 rm.: nearly new; 4500. O. M. AMAN, 1201 Chestnut St. Ambler. Pa). BEND FOR LIST of suburban home, farm, country seat, building ground, etc. I have a large ana varied list In Montgomery and huciu gounties. u you are looxing ror any thing In the way of country real estate, do not fall to get my list before you buy. THOMAS ATKINSON Ambler. Pa. FARMS, country place and suburban homea on the Reading's Bethlehem and Doylestown branches. H. J. Pager. Inc.. Ambler. Pa. Cynwyd. Pa. ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY PLACE: HOUSE has 15 rooms. baths, gas and electric light; two-acre lot with fruit and ahade tree; sta ble; price will be made attractive to quick bur. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO Elklns Park. r. ELIZABETHAN RESIDENCE Beautiful stone and half-timber house rear ing completion. High location, with fine view. French casement wlndowj. Open terrace 5rost. The only houso for the money In the ork road section. Terma to suit. RHOADS & PAUL&J,KI8T.K WESTV1EW BLKINB PARK Beautiful bul'.dlnr tracts; JMch location; extended view over fine homes of Elklns Park, near train and trolley. Price 11100 and upward. Our automobile .by appointment. Phone Melrose 1374. RHOADS & PAUL LKiNffink COUNTY SEAT WITH 8 ACRES' of land In the vicinity of the Wldener and Elklu residence. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDINO COLONIAL DWELLING, recently completed: 12 room. 2 baths; high ground; 3 minutes xrom siaiion. price reasonaoia; iui,i vi'riu Mwuit 1011 Chestnut at, MICK MCCORMICK. 1011 Philadelphia, and Elklns Park. OWNER WILL 8ELL CHEAP, new single daelllng; 2 minutes from station: built about 8 months. L 24 . Ledger Central. DESIRABLE large corner lot: 3 minutes from station! will sell cheap. L 248, Ledger Cen tral. Glenelde, Fa. MAGNIFICENT stone and hlngle residence. containing 12 rooms, bath, all modern con veniences, large lot, with stables convenient to train and trolley, best location; property could not be duplicated for less than 115.000; will uke $10.00(5 for quick sale, several other unususl opportunities. RENNINGER & RENNINOER Gltnslda, Pa,, and Broad and Walnut ata.. Philadelphia, Pa. lODHRN HOMES, best location: building tots and acreages; many rare offera. Call at Olrnslde office today Rennlnger & Ken nlnger. Qlenslda. and Broad and Walnut. 1 1 tSfixTWlLL BUY perfect home. 8 rooms, hath. si heater, sewer, water, lot 60x150, easv terms: T, a lieftlm chance. Call today. Rennlnger A 1 Rennlnger. Olenalde, and Broad and Walnut. .OT. naif Its value, rip for building. P 225 si -imager irnice. Hnntlog Jon Valley, Pa. tovt; FATtMimt'sir barn 4 acre; old A" 1lsl ! beautiful ' sV T irif l.sMIl T view. ESS A STETSON LAND TITLE Ul'ILDINO JsalilntowB. Pa. ractive Brick Colonial House I Jtowip having 5 chambers, 2 baths, I aaul electrlo Itebt, bof -water best. S fire- nres. aasawpua boots anu enciosea porcn; jru lot; beautiful shrubbery and convenient I train aM r)ly. Owner going West. m, hTwilson & co. Eaimlmriie, Fa, Piuutltfcil r Thoroughly Modern sc. XHC-aM reaiaeiicv in cei section; Now is the time ,. utlt, nsavaier neat, nara-aooa noor: "ii 1lskl IK 'ai-re fliNutUvely laid i liTittiftste l'r train. liO'ww by trol. ,. i .iiti y (tuilitl vi raaetoii. B.0u: ,1-1 in Itmmlut quick 1. .HI, MCUl IBU. w l-l, , 11 I RKAI. ESTATE TOR SALE BUBUnttAN Jlelrose, Tn. Colonial House at Melrose On Isrga corner lot, with beautiful old had and ehrobbery. Ideal location, near to train and trolley, 12 room, billiard room. S bath, gas and eledrlo light, hardwood floor, en closed porche; garage; fine prorerty In re fined lection; Immediate poeeslon; other. WM. H. WILSON & CO. jgB Rydal, Fa. BTONE COLONIAL RESIDENCE Thoroughly modem, on Cleverly Ian, orr looklng the Huntingdon Valley. 24 acre. 1IKHKNKSH ft STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING Wyncolf, Ta. 1 ACRE, COLONIAI, DWO .lO.OOO: HOLLOW TILE CONSTRUCTION, JUST FINISIIBO; 8 CHAMIlttRS, 2 TILED BATHS: BUH- HOUNIlKD BY HANDSOME ESTATES. CHCBTBtt OSBORNE. 182 CHESTNUT BT. M'ynncfleld, Pa. ATTRACTIVE STONE HOUSE, near trolley and trln; 12 rooms, 2 hatha, all conven lenee; lot C0xl40; tor quick al price will be lowered, LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO MAIN LINE. PA. R. R. 4J4-ACRE COUNTRY PLACE with residence, (table, old shade trees, fruit trees; late and itream of water. This place la eurrounded by elegant estates and can be purchased for value of land only. It I lo cated at Merlon, one of our choicest nearby suburbs, and wilt enhance In value. See us. WM. H. WILSON & CO. p8 WVNNEWOOD STONE HOUSE 21-Inch walls, 10 rooms, inc. 2 bath; 3 fire Places, etc. Stable with man's dwelling, NEARLY 3 ACRES. FINE SHADE. Will name a low nrlce! mleht divide. C. P. TETERS & SON, COS CHESTNUT BT. SUBURBAN HOMES, country Place and building site to suit all requirement; Main Line. H. C. HUNTER. Wayne. Pa. Overbroolc COST. 111,000. PRICE, 0000. Six minutes' wulk from station. 2 minutes' walk from trolleys. Thl unusually attractive rcrldence, 11 rooms, 2 bath, ateam heat from central plant, gas and electric light. Over brook artesian water, hardwood floors, open fireplaces, finished throughout in white and manogsny, modern and up to date; old ahade and shrubbery; surrounded by beautiful homes and located on a wide avenue; ready tor occupancy. Thla house I offered at n bona-tlde sacrifice If eold within tho next SO days. Small amount of cash required. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (Morrl Bldg.) 1421 Chestnut sL EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN Thl property can be purchased at assessed value. House In excellent condition, all con veniences. Large lot. Possession at once. Further particulars apply to HIRST & AtcMULLINT2g. OVERBROOK HOMES A large and complete list of properties In Overbrook for sale at prices from 18500 up ward; several bargains; also complete rent IlFt. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (Morris Building) 1421 Chestnut L Merlon ATTRACTIVE BTONE AND PLASTER houae of 12 rooms, 2 baths, all modern con venience: lot 85x151; located In attractive part of this handsome suburb; worthy of con sideration of those desiring; a place close to town, LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING BEACOM LANE HOMES ranging from $12.&00 to (10,000 each. They are very attractive and on a beautiful ave nue. Every modern convenience Is In them, ai well as three baths. It will-pay you to In epect these and talk over terms with us. Cheaper than paying rent. Other for rent. WM. H. WILSON & CO. IB Nnrbrrtli DESIRABLE CORNER PROPERTY LOT 78x120. Csn be purchased at attractive price. WARNOCK & EMLEN. Cotnl. Trust Bldr. NO. 2 BROOKHURST AVE.. 7-room stone house, lot 30x200; 1750. Walter Bassett, Smith, Wynnewood, Pa. Wynnewood NEW BTONE AND STUCCO HOUSE. 12 rooms. 3 baths. 2 porchea; modern appoint menta throughout; will rent or sell. Full particular from LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING FOR SALE An old farmhouse, with old shade and fruit trees and a garden, on Montgomery ave., near Wynnewood. WALTER BASSETT SMITH. Wynnewood, Pa. Ardnaore MODERN DETACHED HOUSE; CONVEN lent to station: 11 rooms. 2 baths, all con veniences: price low for Ardmore home. Fur ther particulars from LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING FOR SALE Beautiful suburban home, located on the nortn side, only six minutes' walk from station; on high ground. In most desir able section ef Ardmore; old English stone house, with large stone porch; hss 12 large rooms, with three bath and fireplaces; house is In excellent condition; large lot with omple room for garage; ahade, fruit, shrubbery and gardeniproperty may be Insiiecter at any time. Apply owner, 117 Olenn road. Ardmore Pa. Haterford A Choice Country Estate with excellent modern realdence. atable. gar age, "cottage, eta. on 8 scree land with wood land, stream and beautiful view, can be pur chased below value. See photo and examine. WM. H. WILSON & CO, '0"js NEAR STATION AND CRICKET CLUB-New stone house, containing 14 room, 4 hatha and 7 chamber; hot-water heat, hardwood floor; excellent urroundlngj moderate price, HIRST & MeMIJi I IN WEST END TRUST BUILDING OLD HOMESTEAD-Attractlvely modernized t tall columns, atone; 11 rooms, 3 bath, gar age; near station. BUTTON, 301 Franklin Bldg. NEW JERSEY CHICKEN PLANT, oil new and up-to-date, fenced and painted, hot-water brooder. In rubatlns system; one block from station! ID miles from Philadelphia: market at door; B-room dwelling and plant built two year; will be sold for the price of plant alone. wa,iA wojuuim. us re. ntn at. $8000 ELEGANT brick mansion, prominently located: probably cost 118.000: all conven iences; 1U acre, lawn, shrubbery, garden; main street beautiful town, great opportunity. A. W. DRESSER. Burlington. N. J. 25 ACRES; 8 rooms; near stores, churches, schools 12 miles from Camden: train, trol ley. 6a.il Cheater ave.. Phlla. CoUlngawood, N. J. FINE PROPERTY, one square from trolley 13 room, bath; building lot Included For particular address M 430, Ledger Office. jladdon Height. N. J. LIPPJNCOTT LOTS AND HOMEA JI ADDON HEIGHTS, N. J, WILLBT LIPP1NCOTT Meple Shade. HrJ. ONE-ACRE fsrus. nearest to Phlla.; train and trolley; write for pamphlet. BARLOW CO.. MspU Bhads. N. J. Moorcstowm, N. J, 12-RO0M HOUSE, CHOICE LOCATION Hestlne and plumbing- systems new. open fireplace, large porch, sleeping porch, stable; lot 7Sxlb0; shads; low price to settle an es tate, 2 on Main t. ; suit physician. PETERS 4c BON. 608 Chestnut St., Phil, National Park, N. J. BUNGALOWS, II 00 cash,. J10 monthly i lots 23 xlOi; near trolley, conv, tq river; National Park. Get oft Red Bank ave., see agent with bada. Oreater -New Jeraa Co., 33 . loth. ,ii ' '' "- '" -' ' r, ' fc i ii ,i Wpeefrury. N. J. Zn BUILDING .LOTS. 4 1 TO 60 FEET FRONT, m to iu s&jHpjisr" -. M North id H., Woodbury, N, J. to ibuyor rent BEATj ESTATE TOR SALE SEASHORE Atlanllo City. N. J. ATLANTIC CITY MOTEL, connectlnr with tioardwalk, 100 rooms, rrtvate bath, well furnished, thoroughly modern, orTtred at o rince for quick nle, furnished 'hotel, 00 room, beet business section, small amount of oh, other properties; tell m what you want w. II, Moors, 27 6. Boston ave., Atlantla City. Cape May, N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder I a f51l,'.c.,l0"l ottractlra plan aobmltted free. OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City, N. J. Ocean City, N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder le a K,!lJ.c."on: attractive plans submitted free. OTIS M TOWNBKNO, Ocean City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 1300 PER ACRE Fine farm, 80 acre, beautiful location) fine view of Schujlklll ltlver nd alley, an Ideal location for Institution or sanitarium: m minute from Narberth Station and adjoining the finest country scat In eastern Penna, JOHN J. FORAN 410 Cresson t. Phone. Myk. 070. dlN BUTldUGtit hlallT-iS2.acro"llrandy-wine farm; nne old farm house with Improve ments; good farm building; 12 acre In wood land; exceptionally well watered. Warnock & i.inien. commercial iruat m n g CAN BE BOUGHT RIGHT 1.12"-acre Brandy wine farm, nne old isrmnouso witn improve ments, good farm building; 12 acre in wondisnd: exceptionally well watered, war nock & Emlen, Commercial Trust Building. 08 ACRES, $5.fl0; Bradford Hills, Main iLlne Penna.; running spring water, fruit. A. D. HEALD. West Chester. Pa. 25 ACRES. STOCK, CRO"r8, good buildings; 2MUi, halt cash. HUNRBERGER'S FARM AQKNcr. oreen Lane, I'a. LAMSDALE Near depot, at half price. 2 mushroom buildings. 2 acres high ground; eisv terma. A. H TYSON, Ionsdale. Pa. NEW JERSIIY farms PROFITABLE BUPL1NOTON COUNTY, N. J.. FARMS 60-acre fruit farm. "Ooo tree, apple, cherry, quince and peach orchard. Fruit farm. R to IRt acre. 122-acro potato, dairy forma; good building, good land. Rood location; 112,600. 15-acre country place, Medford, $0000. 50-acro general crop. Monreetown. tsnOO, Seven equipped poultry plants, 6 to 128 acres, IfiOOO to $10,000. Several Una dairy, stock and potato farms. Farm list free. Established IMS. A. XV. DRESSER. Burlington, N. J. LARGE AND SMALL FARMS for sale; trans act your business direct with the owners. W. F. It., 5330 Qermantown ave. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT Factories, Mills, Warehouses A Railroad Bites. W. BRUCH BARROW 180 North 12th street. Filbert 3810. Race 209. Automobile service free OWN YOUR HOME- by monthly payments of from $17 to $50; houses located N. Phlla. and Otn., worth from $lRO0 to $0250. Merchanta' Union Trust Co.. 715-710 Chestnut st 0310 OURMANTOWM AVE. 12 room and bath; hot-wnter heat; large lot; rent reason able, or cxciiango for email houses, all sea shore. P. a. Box 40Z1. Wet Phlla. " OER&tANTOWN HOMES Let me know what price you want. R. T. MITCHELL, C200 Germantown nve. SUnURHAN EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE RESI DENCES end country seat In the Old York road eectlon. In thaf Huntingdon Valley and In Chestnut Hill and the Whltemarsh Val ley. Advise ua our requirements and we will send you a selected list. ItERKNESq A STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING Bala-Cynwyd, Ta. LARGE LIST houses, sale or rent, at all prices. Samuel C. Wagner. Jr., Commercial Trust Building, 15th and Market sts. R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE A VERY desirable property on Main Line. Pa. R. F.. or will exchange for small West Phlla, property: difference In value can remain on mortgage. G 348, Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE 8-STORY semi-detached dwelling, Cedar ave. near ROth St.; $J00t) equity over 1st mort gage, $4000; will take two-atory Investments, subject to 1st mortgage. ARTHUR ARM STRONG & CO.. 705 Chestnut et. REAL ESTATE WANTED RENTS and Interest collected, mortgages and fire Insurance placed quickly. See Kane for prompi results, oo -is bkcc si. WILL purchase Investment properties; must be cheap; give full particulars; quick answer. L 240, Ledger Central. HOUSE within city limits or a lot; state full particulars. C 30. Ledger Office. Furnished YOUNO COUPLB' desire furnished private rr- home; 8 montns- lease irom snout uctooer 1.-Mount Airy, Chestnut Hill or lclnlty; 5 bedrooms, 2 baths; modern conveniences; con venient to train; rental nominal. R. D. One v,ood. Naval Con , U. S. Navy Yard, Phlla. WANTED Furnished suburban cottage, aulet. for doctor and wife, from October 1 for b.tl ance of winter; rent must be low; ahed for nuto. O 251, Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 1210 SPRUCE ST.. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, contains 12 rooma. Including 3 bathroom: suitable for doctor's office and residence; rent $1200 per annum. 2020 PINE ST.. small dwelling In good neigh borhood, 10 rooms; rent $50 per month. WHITESIDE & McLANAHAH, 15th & Pine. ' 2114 N. 20TH BT. Three-atory dwelling: 10 rooms, all conveni ences! excellent condition; good neighborhood: rent $28. Key 2142 N. 20th st. WM. J. MARTIN, 301 BAILEY BLDG. 112-14 B. 11TII ST. Dwelling portion. 13 rooms, 2 baths; steam heat, reduced rent. J. A. PATTERSON CO.. 130 B. ICth et. 2028 ARCH ST. 10 rooms (4 baths): flrsi -class locality: rent $75. Wm. G. Glenn. 300-01 Land Title Bulldl(ft: 1517 Columbia ave. $ $40-1511 N. 33D BT. PARK FRONT; 14 rooms, 2 baths; a splendid property. Can be bouaht on easy term. PEMBERTON ES TATES, Hanlson Bldg, 2 8. 15th st. 443 GREEN, all conveniences, $20; 100 N. Van Pelt, all conveniences, big yard, near 21st and Arch $16. C. H. LARGE, 713-17 St. James, lin peiow wainm. 2150 N. 8TH ST. O rooms: rent $20; good order: house open. George 11. Rapson, 51 N. otn st. BROAD 8T., 3028, N, Modem porch-front rivelltrur, 12 rooms', moderate rental, CHAS. L. BROWN & CO.. 217 B. Broad. IB29 N. BOUViER 12rbome; pleasant, sunny rooms: fins condition; rent reduced. MYERS & BARTH. Ridge ave. and 10th et. leoo OREEN Well-located U-ulte apartment house; 2 rented; good opportunity. ,, UIUYI...U. IM, ... Attil. 1D38 N. 12TH Just tenovatea; 13 large, sunny room; large front, ulde and back lawn. MYERS & BARTH. Ridge nv. and 10th. 20(2 BRANDYWINB BT, Three-story dwell lng; Just renovated; rent $25. Taufane, U00 wainui i 1815 SPRUCE ST. 12 rooms and 2 baths, new. ly papered and painted. EDGAR O. CROSS, 1S11 uimui ,i. 117 VINE ST. Store and dwelling; first-class condition: $30. O. C. BE1DEL & CO , 4th and Callowhlll sts. 1214 CHIUSTlAN-w rooms, conveniences, good order; key 1212 L41-. wa ISWELL. 233 N. 13th. THOMPSON BT., W , 241010 rooms: all con! venlences; excellent order, rent $23. A. B, Pierce, B. E. cor fllh and Dickinson st. 3210 WINTER-$17-NEWLY PAPERED A. H. WILLIAMS. 622 Walnut t. 1S4 ELLEN 6T.-45 room, good condition; $14: o. u. BKiuEiu t;i,., em ana callowhlll. 84S N. 21ST 3-story dwelling, make offer. A. ii. viuuin.in. uw wainur.. " 1712 WYIJE. (ITtH AND RIDGE'aVjA" iweiva rvom, uaiu, rcnovaieu. 1014 8. 45T1I BT.. 10 rooms. 2 baths, good" lo cation, reasonable. II , 4509 Spruce et. CENTRAL PROPERTIES lor sale or renli send u yur requirement. YARROW k VAN PELT N. E. cor. 17th and Chestnut sts. Phone 81S8 Bpruoe or 2678 Race. ASK FOR RENT LIST A. HEATON MINNICK . 1802 GIRARD AVE. Bell. Poplar ISO. Kevstone. ParV Mia Stores. Apts., Dwelling A. Stables. $8 to $lao. TWO MODERN STORES, well located: can be had by responsible tenant at greatly se duced rents. J. A. PATTERSON CO.. 130 B. 15th t. RUNTS reduced, one week free 171Z Wallace. 12 room, side entrance; J014 ML Vernon; M'ARSHALL If. SMITH. 1011 Chestnut st. CENTIKL PHOPFRTY Assessed JWOO; r5 ed, $720; price. $7050:only 60 cash. MARSHALL II SMITH. 1011 Chestnut U $552242 N. BROAD ST., 13 rooma and bath. Howard B. Wilson A Co., 2123 N. Iiroaa s. XTTRXcTIVH 6TORB. with upper Soor; will divide. 1GC2 Wainui at, utftbur Boawell, 233 N. 13th. that; liQnjft. Many aJtoactive f REAL ESTATE TOR RENT Itnslnes Properties and Stores N. W. COR, 18T1I AND MARKET 8TB., 25x60 It,, 4 storle and baaemenL 1R03 Market St., 25x00 ft., 2 storle and basement. .. .. MS Market St., 13x40 ft., 8 storle and basement. 8 8. 18th St., 18x45 ft., first floor and basement Annlv 3. C. FULLER, 10 B. 18th at. NO. 708 LOCUST STREET (Opposite Washington square) . Let 24x70 feet to street; especially suitable for publisher or printer. EDGAR G. CROSS WAIS.& . , 202.1 FRANKFOItD AVE. 182 N. Oth St. 2011 s. 8th St. 1722 N. Broad st, lftl-M N. Mh et. CONTINENTAL EQUITABLE TRU8T CO. 21 a 12TH ST. MARKET STREET. 8H Entire building to rear street; lot 25.3x200: Immediate possession. Apply Penna. Co., 517 .nrsinui SI RACE ST., 1223-30760O eq. ft. floor apace) win divide and Improve. Apply Penna. Co., 817 Chestnut st. "' ' Store anil Dwelling 1MH FRANKLIN ST., 12 room, all conveni ences; 2 baths; brownstone front; low rent. Wm. L. Craven's Sons, 1540 N. 7th st. STORE and dwelling, 818 Poplar; sale or rent) make offer. A, 11. WILLIAMS. 622 Walnut OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS, ETC. 17TH ABOVE CHESTNUT (Middle City Bldr.) Desirable Ofnces and Studios. Some with skyllahts. WILMS-WINCHESTER COM PANY, 1001 Chestnut. 927 CHERRY Three stories: light manufactur ing building; electrlo power; also large room, 40x120; light on three elde. Apply 71J Spring Garden at. Thone, Market 3078. W. if. Delsroth. ARCH ST.. 012-3d and 4th floor,' hlxh cell Inge; good light; cheap; suit light mfg.; 007, 2d-story back office; 1317, ad-rtory back office. Emerson Conrad, 63 N. 10th. 1309 WALNUT ST. Offices, single and en ulte. Apply James D. Wlnchell, N. W. cor ner 17th and Bansom its. 124 S. 8TH BT. (Bone Bldg.)-Thlrd Boor: 2 elevator, etc.: $45.83. O. C. SEIDEL A CO., 4th and Callowhlll at. OFFICES AND 6TUDI0S FULLER BUILDINO, 10 B. 18th L WALL BUILDING, 1718 Chestnut t. SMITH BUILDINO, B. E. corner 18th and Market sts. No. 20 B. 18th at. Offices, business rooms and studios; large and email rooms; single and en suits; ele vator service and all modern appointments; suit architects, dentists, artist, musician and other purposes. Rent $15 per month and upward. Write or apply for list. J. C. FULLER 10 & 18th st. DREXEL BLDO. OFFICES, annual rental. Ground floor, $100. $120, $200, $220. Single room. $120, $160, $200, $273,$450,$7O0. Suites. 2 rm., $144, $150, $175,$200,$225,$250. Bultea. 3 rm., $200, $275, $100,$450,$500,$550. Corner suites, 2 to 10 rooms, $500 to $1830. ELLI8 D. WILLIAMS, 600 Drexel Building. DESIRABLE second-floor comer suite, 3 large room. N. E. corner 15th and Walnut eta; also single or communicating offlcca; eleva tor and all conveniences. CHAS. L. BROWN & CO.. 217 8. Broad at. Floors & Studios, Greble Bldg., 1708-10 Chestnut. J. B. JARDELLA 1M5 ggyg" PRIVATE OFFICE, with reception. Phone ex tensions, $30. VANTASSELL, 1300 Land Title. PLAZA BUILDINO OFFICES. SINGLE AND EN SUITE 1503-07-00 ARCH ST. BRIGHT ATTRACTrVE OFFICE9 1118-20 CHESTNUT ST. MEARS & BROWN. 202 S. 15TH BT. MERCHANTS' BUILDINO 44 N. 4TH ST. DESIRABLE ROOMS. POWER AND LIGHT Professional Offices. 16TH ST., S.. 3173 rooms, physician or den tist: electricity, hot water, hardwood floors; newly papered; good light. SPRUCE ST., 1620 Offices for physician or dentists; light, heat, service; running water; references ARCH. 1829 Office for physician: heat, light and service; running water; reference. CHESTNUT. 1027 Two offices. 1st floor, at tractlve reception room: run, water; eleo. CHESTNUT. 20282 large physician's offices, steam heat.elec, newly renovated; long lease. SPRUCE, 1224-28 Cheerful office, first floor; running water; sun oocior or oenusi. SPRUCE. 1633 Physician' office, to ehar for afternoon hours. WALNUT, 2205 Suite of 2 large rm., 1st fl'r; hot and cold running water; electricity. CHESTNUT, 1732 Desirable office for doctor. dentist or studio: running water, electricity. 15'i'II, 314 8. Physician desire to share front office: well furnished reception room. PROFESSIONAL OFFICES 258 s. inth at. 213 8. 17th t. 1522 Locust St. 1700 Walnut L 1320 Pine st. MBARS & BROWN. 202 8. 16th et Oarages NO. 709 DE LANCEY STREET Modern garage In rear of No. 708 Sprue etreet, with man's room above, EDGAR G. CROSS WAL . UP-TO-DATE GARAGE for rent, near North eait boulevard; space for six cars. Apply 1731 Tllghman at, (2d and Columbia ave.), or 4010 N. 5th. RENTAL IJ8T8 THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY For Insurances on Llvea & Granting Annuities, on i;nesinui su uom pnones, mi. , r..'iQ Ttl vu 1'jth n 243 H. 1Mb Ir.rl'K 18.31 30S. 13th, 10r.$150.00 !020 Locust. 15r. 13J.34 203 H. 22d. 160.00 1340 Pine. 10r.... 108.34 420 S Ilroad. IflrlOO 00 1430 Pine. 15r.... 108.34 142U N. 16tn. ITr. 0.00 1015 Green, 15r... 76 00 1302 Pine,. 15r... 73.00 151 N. 18th, 18r. 73.00 1618 Pine, lOr... 68 67 3 S. 21st, 12r. 65.00 012 N. 16th, llr. 60.00 1001 Poplar, I3r. 60.00 318 S. 3d. 10r.. 50.00 606 S. llth. llr. 40.00 fine, ur., 132 S. 23d, Mr. 70.00 65.00 jtreQ iirrciif Aere u",w 1321 Glrard. Ur.. 60,00 1233 S. Broad, lCr 60.00 423 8 Sth, 17r.. 60.00 50.00 1708 Wallace, 13r, 2001 N. 22d. 12r.. 13.1.! N. 17lh. llr. 43.00 43.00 43.00 41.67 40.00 82.1 Race. 15r... 43 00 32T N. 6th, 15r,. 41.87 1733 N. 18th. 13r. 40.00 1634 Master. 18r.. 1140 Lombard. Or. 1714 Oxford, llr.. 628 8. 4th. llr... 32.00 1010 Mt. Vern,10r 30.00 2331Colu'bla.llr 28.00 40.00 83.00 170 n. lutn. izr.. 1418 Wharton, Br. 28.00 S30 N. Fkln.. lir. bu.uu tru r airin I. vr.. 40,w 323 N. Oth. Or... 27.00 2622 N. llth. llr.. 30.00 lois Falrmount, or zs uu 2130 Master, llr.. 27.00 1720 N. 2Sth, r.. 28.00 U216 Oxford, llr.. 23.00 2411 Master. Br... 28.00 120 N. Fkln., Or. 23.00 611 N. 10th, Or.. 23.00 026 N. 10th. lOr. 21.00 2118 N. Uber, 9r. 23.00 720NewMkt,. 8r2LO0 2611 N. Jessup, Or 21.U1 2233 Balnbrl'ge.Or 2L00 2188, 2d. drsT,12r 20.00 (ill Latimer, lOr. 20.00 2002 Turner, Or.,. 20.00 2122 Wallace. Or,, 18.00 1739 N. Uber St.. 18.00 1806 N. Ring' Id, Or 16.00 217 Fltrwater, 6r 18.00 1012 Carlton, dr.. 13.00 3Leyd'a ct Or J 3.00 036 Nectarine. 6r 15.00 1033 Spring. 6r... 15 00 DWELLINGS 1600 Poplar, 10r...$ll.S7 231 N. 2d. 18r... 40.00 1012 Oxford, llr... 30.00 724 N. Front.llr. 25.00 2315 Ridge av.,llr 23.00 1003 Falrm'nt. Br. 20.00 mi n. utn, lur. -7.uu 117 W-flhamnack llr. 1813 N. Mh. Or.. 23.(l 14J8 8. 18th. Ur. 23.00 708 N. 10th. Or. 23.00 2141 N. llth, Br. 23.00 1818 N. Marv.,llr 23.50 1511 Wharton. Or 22.00 KS0 N.Or'na. lOr 21.00 2738 Brown, llr. 21.00 1610Ogden, Or... 20.00 1018 Rodman, llr 20.00 1428 Stiles, 7r... 20.0U 3416 N.Camao, Or lB.tx) 614 Parrlsh, fcr. 18.00 1634 N.Marv., Br 1S.O0 lots N.Carllsfe,6r 17.00 ail N. Amer , 6r 18.00 1829 Olive, Or... 16.00 418 W.Hewn.7r 15.00 1004 Lemon, 7r 15 00 927 Page. 7r .. . 15.00 STORES AND 221 B. 10th. 12r,$7O.00; id . a, or.., i.oi 131.1 Kldxe, 12r. 87.60 1810 N. 20th. 10r. 27.60 618 N. 3d, 8r... 23.00 818 W. Norrls.Dr 25.00 417 Green, 1r... 22.00 ok vine, or . 2383 Amber, 7r... 20.00 1201-8 S. 2d, 7r.. 20.00 201 Wharton, ftr. 18.00 123 W.Oxf ord.Or 21.00 1128 H 2d. 6r .... zo. oo I 128 South, 4r 20.00 J. It. MASSEY & BON E. COR. ISTH AND GREEN BTS. 823 N. Mar., pr.$l3.00 026 N. 12th, lir. 45.00 8J2 N, 10th. llr. 40.00 1129 Wallace, lOr 40.00 1339 Mty.uvc.10r 87.60 1228 N. 15th. llr. 85.00 1781 Master, 13 r .$30.00 iivu uu vn, isr, S3.UU 641 N. llth. 15r 43 00 1120 Wallace, 13r. 12.00 sun, otn. lir,, ao.ij 60SN. llth. lSr.. 83.00 SJ8 N. llth. llr, 85.00 1222 Wallace. lOr 82.60 1010 Green, Ur . 82.50 833 N. llth. lOr, 80 00 1331 Mt. V'n. 12r 80.00 1111 Green, llr... 82.60 1214 Fmt. ave.,lOr 80 00 1327 Melon, lOr ., 80.00 1129 Green, lOr. .. 30.00 010 N. Front, llr 23 nO 1328 Mt Vn, llr 30 00, 643 N. 12th, Br . 80.00 1330 Marah'l, lOr. 8.00 678 N 18th, lOr 26.00 1011 Brown. 10r.. 23 00 1107 Parnah, Hr 23 00 633 N, 10th, Or. ,. 23 00 8.12 N. 20th. Or... 2inr 1822 York. lOr. . 23.nn 1133 Falrm't. Sr.. 22 50 1107 Farrlsn. Or.. 20.00 1000ft Lemon, 8r 20.00 1611 Or den, er.. 20.00 S21 NT 20th. Or. . 20.00 Q02 K.carllale.lOr 22.00 1222 Brown, fir .. 25 ftfl 8 E. 12tb&Fmt.,8r 20.00 1211 Green St.. Or 20.00 lSOi Melon, r . 80.00 1135 Melon. 8r 20.00 1322 Mt. Vfl. Or. 20.00 1203 North t.r. l.no l6l3 Olive. 7r. .. 17.00 nu.in. ua, ir ... lT.no lt2 0tden. Or ., 17.00 1108 Olive. 7r lflrm sue Alston ei., or io.vu loaogden, 6r .. 18.00 l613Serbrt, 8r,t, 18.00 1200 Wood. Br. I 15.08 1831 Bucknsll, 8r)600 871 N. 10th, 6r.. 100 unAMrrtle. Dr., A.,w 1310 Myrtle. r... 15V) 923 French, Ar. 14 00 1113 North, Br. ... 15.60 108 Carlisle, .Er, ll.oo 1011 Lemon, Tr 14.00 ens lrot. Sr.. 18.00 ivit roii. or ... ll.oo 814 Nectarine. Sr linn 410 E. Wilder, 7r. 11.00 iavai7,i,, w. ,, ..,-, wvwti ... inn, or. J4.UU laOtCarlten, 4r.. 12 0012300 K. Fleto'er.er 12.00 1303 Myrtle, 8r 18.08 6MH N. 18 Sr. 12.00 1408-10 Fnit.r2r.ll23 00 1228-30 Rldge,8fL$le.n) OtAWelnut.sad. H3.8I 220 N. Mh. store. 2 M I 1809 Ridge av.JB 70001 8M Sjut'aeod. 7r. UW) 1387 RI4. )t - M.WR- Kle.4f . oncjrings REAL ESTATE FOR RENT RENTAL LISTS SAMUEL T. FOX. CO, B. B. COR. OTH AND CALLOWHILL BTB. STORES 252 N. Sth st large etore, J N. 8th St., to-e and floor. .- lOOt) Race st $55.00 STORES AND DWELLINGS 251 N. 0th, 0 rooms and store, conv.., .$70.00 138 N. 7th, 11 rooma conveniences....-., 00 00 1407 Cumberland, Or. and store, convs,... 88.00 8. XV. cer. Warnock and Thompson 80.00 2501 Perot, 0 room 8000 80S Buttonwood. 8 room and store..... 20 00 841 N. 0th. 0 room 150O 409 N. 0th, 2 room and store........... 15.00 DWELLINGS 252 B. 10th. IS room. 2 bath ..,..$00.00 714 N. Franklin, 13 rsomi, all convs... H16 Master. 12 roomer convenience 28 N. Broad. 12 rooms, convenience... 1128 Callowhlll, 12 room 8.113 N. Broad, 12 roim 65 00 60.00 60 00 45.00 40.00 28.00 IN UI Ilk .. (WW,,.., .M , C......VT.. 710 Buttonwood ... 271 1281 N. llth. e ? 150.1 Falrmount. Or. 23 2.VIT Meredith. 7r. Ii RM But'wd.cor..0r 23 2315 Perot. 7r...... 17 2218 E. Hunt'n, 8r,. 18 pro vvooa 43i 1R4H Mervlne. 8r. .. 22 1923 Bnsriwooa .... is -.-.- r -. ' h-- .. 14U7 varg ave., or. i i:i Melon, cr i" 1110 Olive, ftr. . 2011740 N. Alder, 7r.,., 13 818 Darten. 7r 607 N. Perth , 1020 Thompson, ... ao 2850 lieese, cr is ... 10 460 N. Percy, 4r... 11 8r. 2011124 Pearl, 4r 10 rrrKtA a E. 18th A Tioga, a rma apsrtment..$C3 00 8440 N. 18th, 8-room apartment 45.00 1808 Ontario, 12 rooma 40.00 1829 Ontario. 8 room , 'S 8410 N. Smedley. 8 room 18.00 J. EDWARD LUTZ, 240 N. 17TH ST. utvr.bbinua 8S7 N. Broad, 16r.$10 170SVlne, 14r 00 160 N, 21st, Ur... 60 1828 Vine. l$r 43 110 8. 10th. 12r...$100 1720 Vine. 15r 00 3713 Walnut, 14r.... 65 814 N. ltn, l-r. ... iv 223 N. llth. llr.... 3.1 1215 Button'od, llr.. 28 1002 Otn. ave., 8r... 20 828 N, Carlisle, 7r 18 1747 Wood. 7r 18 414 Diamond, 7r... is 302 Master, 7r 13 R. 2218 Bummer, 3r. 10 K24 Leacue. 8r.... 0 18in Mt. Vnon. 12r 35 7115 N. Broad. Or.. 35 8BON. Watts. 8r.. 20 C20 Wash'n av.. Or. 20 1630 Winter, 7r.....' 18 1324 Addison, 6r.... 13 1015 Carlton, 6r.... 12 238 N. Croakev. 6r. 12 1300 Addison, 6r.... 10 R. 15J8 Spring, 8r.. T APARTMENTS 1701 Race, 4r $23 218 N. 17th. 6r .$55 STORES AND DWlJU-IIiUS. 814 8. 8d $731 014 S. 3d $75 1512 Vine ao 1720 callowhlll ls 2122 Race SO 2212 Race 18 STORES 1525 Vine $231 23d and Summer t. . T. F. Neall. 010 8. 12TH. 1024 Pine. 12r $001 t7 Trenton nve....U 1738 Jackson. 6r 13 tun b. lztn, izr.... zo 8134 Cypress, llr... 23 1712 WatktAa, Or.... 1.1 1218 Christian, Or... 161 1246Kater, 6r 1J 734 Race, R., 4r. ... 11 243 s. Clifton. 4r.. 10 louu a. utn, ur.... zo 1802 Carpenter. 8r, 1318 Carpenter. Or. . 22 1430 N. Warnock. 6r 10 1438 N. Alder, 3r... 0 2388Annln, 6r. ..... 8 1440 N. Alder. 3r.. b 1226 Potts. 7r 16 erronmi and DWELLINUS. 734 Race at-, store and cellar, .(3U.UO 027 8. 12th St., store and 8 room KU.UU N. E. Cor. 10th and Noble, etore, 0 room 23.00 700 8. llth st., store and 8 rooms 25.110 1024 B. 12th st stora and 8 room 23.00 DWELLINGS 228 N. 18th St. .$100 00 1517Kater t. $20 1329 Seltzer et 20 2244 N. Van Pelt at. 20 828 Melon st 18 2622 N. Falrhlll 18 400George st 15 616 E. Thompson at. 13 4009 Pine t.... es:oo 1527 N. 17th St. 65.00 825 N. Marshall 45.00 235 B. 45th St. 40.00 84-1 N. 12th St. 35.00 032 B. St. Brnrd 32.30 2432 Kb Marshall 27.00 3430 Brandy wine st. 10 1807 N. 6th St.. 23.00 iuiz is. usau. ave.. iu 30 N. St. Brnrd 24.00 2124 E. Susqu. ave.. 10 2128 E. Susqu. ave.. 10 3218 Hav'f'd ave 20 oo CONTINENTAL-EQUITABLE TRUST CO. 21 SOUTH 12TII ST. CLARENOC R. RlIOADb 15th above Susquehanna ave. 1514 Tloaa. 13r, stnizziH . lutn, iur.. ,.$28 1008 N. 18th, 12 r. 3217 Clifford, 10r.. 2233 N. 16th. 10r.. 2381 N. Camac. 7r. 658Janncy. 4r. ... STORES 2019 N. 2210 Franklin. lOr... 23 2123 W. Dauphin. Br. 22 U29W. York. Or 22 2G13Bouler. 7r..... 15 8I2U.14 N. 0. 3r. rear. 7 Oth; good bus. block... SO 2202 N. th. ,aci N, 8th. er 12 611-10 N. BROAD, store ana upper floors. tut'ivj Arcn si., store ana oasernenu 722 Chestnut st,, store and basement. 928 Chestnut St., store and basement. 430 Walnut at., ground-floor offices. 241 N. Delaware ave., store. 240 Market st., entire building. Apply GEORGE II. LEA. 700 Sansora et. 9 S. 43d st $2011113 Borle ave $17 721 S. Mole 201 643 N. 42d 12 3210 Spencer ter.... 16 2S81 Orlanna , 1B2I. ingersoll st.... It 1012 Wlllard .. B052 Helen 13 2221 Orlanna .. 813 Poplar, str.&dwg-.2ni6 Catharine ALFRED H. WILLIAMS 622 Walnut at. Factories. Warehouse, Mfg.. Floor BANSOM STREET Beveral good floor near 17th et Wlllls-Wlnchester Co., 1001 Chestnut L 317 DE LANCEY ST. Well-adapted manufac turing building, 4 floors and basement; good light from street to street; 20x100. "SEE TAULANE ABOUT IT" 000 Walnut st. OTH AND SPRUCE STS. Entire floor, .60x05; light on all side; elevators; low Insurance; central location. CHAS. L. BROWN & CO , 217 8. Broad sL 1021-1033 RIDGE AVE. Rooms for rent, witn power, heat, passenger and freight elevators. Iu225-27 RACE First floor. C0x8O feet, with or without power; steam heat and all modern conveniences; rent $125 per month. ARTHUR ARMSTRONO & CO., 705 ChestnuL MODERN FACTORY FLOORS 14,000 Square Feet N. E. COR. ARCH AND 23D ST3. Steam and electrlo power, 2 elevators, low Insurance, automatic sprinklers, watchman. R. R. Biding, extra large windows and high celling. Owner management. Apply 0. P. FILLING & SON CO. on premises. CENTRAL MANUFACTURING OR STORAGE FLOORS Steam heat, electrlo elevators, modern buildings 211 N. 22d St., 68x132, communicating rooms, 40x132. 1022 Ludlow et., 261100, 3 floor and base ment. 228-230 N. 22d et., 2 floor. 60x60. 810 Ransom t., 1 floor 20x100. 051 N. Broad St., first floor, 18x100. 1K15 Wood et.. garage. 31x72. Reasonable rental. HARRY T. SAUNDERS yi tjoutn itttn . SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING, about 40x60 feet. 3 stories and basement; main street, Darby; will rent all or portion and alter to suit light manufacturing tenant; corner property, ex cellent light, etc. Apply to J. C. FULLER. 10 B, ISth t. MERCHANTS' BUILDING Very desirable office. Heat and light. METROPOLITAN BUILDINO. cor. Broad and Wallace: room 8000 to 40,000 square feet on a noor. Apply 10 u, r. issner. 111 rt. ivia. LOW RENT Broad above Cumberland; floors, 10.000 square feet each: fireproof. WORRELL. 655 N. 17th st nulldlnr Lot. Factory Site. Etc. 3MES, SI-ORES AND APARTMENTS- naie or rent. GROSS MINGLE. 6219 Mrket st WEST PHILADELPHIA 4005 Pine Street $65.00 11 room, 8 bath, stesm heat, etc. 637 S. 49th Street $40.00 Large lot, near Baltimore ave. 12 room. '4412 Locust Street 540.00 8 story, 12 room; near West Phlla. High School. 4838 Walton Avenue?i?37.5o 8 atory, side yard, 12 rooms. 932 S. St. Bernard St. $32.50 8 story. ld yard, 11 room. Continental-Equitable Trust Co. 21 SOUTH 12TII ST. l'AfldltlLL AVE. at 63th St. Alrlliut. 7 room, gas. coal range, electrlc-saa Hints; chestnut finish; large porches: fcO-ft.-wlde av.; very few left. Teamer, 22J0 B. 85th st. OlfN, 15TH8T. 6 rooms, bath; rood condi tion, key 863, rent Hi. O. C, SEIDEL & CO., 1th and Callowhlll sts. CORNER 60T1I AND CATHARINE 11 rooms, electrlo light: $50. POTTS & TOWNSEND, StfUJ lISIUHWIg KH. X VERY STCia THREE-BTORY sldevard house tn Sherwood for rent at Thirty dollar a month to desirable tenant. PEMBERTOK. ESTATES liv jiarriaoii uuain. POTH Overlooking FAIRUOUNT PARK. ESTATE $23 to $100 Per Month. APTH APPly 10 A. 1. P. UAU.AU1ICH, HOUSES 4210 Parkalde ave. Pb. Bel. 12M. iiO-fiS38.58.ia WILLOWS AVE., NEAR Tr .PARK; THREE STORIES; porch, garden! exclusive section, vary desirable; open. PEM- BERTON ESTATES, 110241 Harrison Bldg. Store and DweUiag ATTRACTIVE STORE AND DWELUNO. h gooa orai well located for any retail busl- lies. 5047 Baltimore ave. Artnur soeweil. 233 w. utn at. OEKMANTOWN 81 WEBT TULPEHOCKBN BT.- Ftemldetarhed atoue liousa in a charming netgbborhpod, 13 rooma 2 bath. neighborhood, 13 rooma 2 bath, now being renovated throughout; lot SSxXlfi! garage la 1 ear. J. A. Patterson Co., mo B. loth et 0 X. DUVAL ST. 0 rooma, steam heat, porch: good condition; KU a, U. Beidel ft 0., It nd Callowhlll st.; T, McCaftertjr. Ml -ineutown ave. in these cumns today. Read and inspe JtEAI ESTATE FOR XENT OKRMANTOrVN $I25-CORNER Vemdn road and Crittenden t i 10 chamber, 8 bath; living room, li brary, dining room, pantry, kitchen and serv ant' dining hall on flrat floor, electric lights, hardwood floors, open fireplace, combined table and parage; over an acre of ground, with old haoe; open dally and Sunday; train to Stenton Station, Head I rig Railway, or drive out 8tenton ave. to Vernon .road (0800 North)' FRANK MAURAN, 239 Land Title Building. $30.00 MONTHLY $30.00 Three-story, side-yard dwell ings, Dutch halls, 5 bedrooms, sitting room, storeroom, bath, laundry, etc. Take trolley on Wayne Ave. to Hansberry St,, walk 2 squares west, or train to Queen Lane Station, P. R. R. 5230 Archer Street 5236 Archer Street 447 W. Bringhurst Street 5231 Laurens St., 2 baths, $33 5239 Laurens St.,-corncr, $33 Apply 427 W. Bringhurst St or Continental-Equitable Trust Co. . 21 So. 12th Street ' FOR RnNT-8-rtory 10-room house: old shade! front and aide porch; elde yard; backs on Wlster Wood Park; desirable location; two square from railroad, four square from trolley; rent $30; special term for releasai on lease. B3i Rublcam ave. $40 FOR A $50 HOU8E. 6327 Burbrldge L (first street east of Greene and Washington lane): convenient to train and trolley; 13 rooms; gaa nd electrlo light; Dutch hall. R. T. MITCHELL. 8206 Oermntown ave. SEND FOR OUR FALL BALE LIST. MANY DESIRABLE HOMES LISTED J iRUSSBLL WINDER. 4040 WAYNEAVB. $0013 ROOMS, 3 bath; garage; 1 sq. from Sedgwick Station on Gtn. ave. A. S. Tourl on. 7011 Boyer st. Both phone. Chestnut Hill dwi:llings-$20 to 4l50 month: get hsu Pelhm Trust Company. 6710 Qermantown. Tioga 1008-08 TIOGA ST. Extremely well adapted boarding or apartment houses; propertle thoroughly renovated throughout; mod. rents. aj. a. TaubAriL, uw walnut su lb"4 LYCOMING BT. Two-story porch-front house, 9 rooms, all modern Improvements, ,iui-waier neat, reception nan; rem o. Jp, Ply 1344 Lycoming St. JOHN LOUGHRAN. 1715 BUTLER BT. 3 story, 10 rooms, porch, hot-water heat, renovated throughout. $33. North Phlla. Trust Co., Broad and Erie ave. 1710 ONTARIO Elegant comer, overlooking garden: rent $33. Oak Lane WE NEVER HAD a. better and bigger list of modern houses for rent; $25 upward: some with garage and 2 bathe; keys and full par ticulars. Oak Lane office, opposite the station. J. T. Jackson Company, Chestnut and 18th. BEVERAL PROPERTIES for rent In Oak Lane, $J0 to $43: very desirable. BROWN & BARR. 8th and Oak lane- Wayne Junction $25 Modem and most desirable 3-story porch front house at Wayne Junction; all con veniences; 2 minutes' walk to station. 4443 N. 20th St.. above Qermantown nve. SUBURBAN SUBURBAN HOMES FOR RENT Largo list of modern homes In all sections near Philadelphia, It Is advisable to see some of the attractive properties we ore offering before locating. Special lists prepared to meet your require ments. CHARLES J. (Morris Building) HOOD & CO. 1421 Chestnut L COLONIAL. HOUSE OF. 12 ROOMS . and 2 bath: stable, one acre, shade; situated one square from train and trolley; near the Huntingdon Valley Country Club: hot-water heat, electric light, turn, etc.; high location, overlooking golf links; rent $100 per month. . HERKNERS ft BTETSON LAND TITLE BLDG. DETACHED DWELLING at Mermaid Station: 0 rooms, hot-water heat, garden, chickens, fruit: reduced to $40: lot 10x250. PELHAM TRUBT CO.. 8710 Germantown ave. MODERN DWG.. 15 rm.. 2 bath, steam heat: large lot, old shade; near atatlon; rent $30. O. M. AMAN. 1201 Chestnut sL Bala, Psw NEW, single, three-story. 10 room, gaa and electrlo fixture; pure water: all modem com yenlences; stationary tub; nice large porch: beautiful view; 8 minute train or trolley (5c. fsre); moderate rent. 112 Upland terrace, Bala, Pa. Apply James E. Dolan ft Co., 123 Bala ave.. Cynwyd. Pala-Cynwyd, Pa. BALA-CYNWYD 8 bedroom. 2 baths, garage $125.00 7 bedrooms, 1 beth, garage 100.00 7 bedrooms, "3 baths b3.00 6edrooms, sleeping porch, 3 bath ... S0.00 7 bedrooms, 2 bath 73.00 6 bedrooms, 1 bath, garage 70.00 6 bedrooms, 2 baths 63.00 B bedroom, 1 bath C300 8 bedroom, 2 bath , 6300 8 bedrooms, 2 baths. Bleep's; p'ch. gar. 63.00 7 bedroom, 2 bath ...X 62.30 B bedroom. 1 bath 80.00 8 bedrooms. 1 bath 50.00 6 bedroom, 1 bath 12 50 SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 320 COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDO. 201 BALA AVE.. CYNWYD. PA. Folsom, Ta. COMFORTABLE HOME, 0 room and bath: large lot- atable; garden: shade; near trolley . and R. R.: only $25. Button, Franklin Bldg. mi.M tb BEAUTIFUL HOMES, up to date in every detail, $23. $30. $35. $10. $50. $80 upward to $150 per month. Call at Olenslde office to day. RENNINOER ft' RENNINOER. Glen side, and Brood snd Wslnut st. Jenklatown, Pa. IN THE WYNCOTB SECTION A,,iract,V4 modern house, 0 rooms and bath. $30 per month. ., lfCTTlirJVBa . a'mrn.ar.'.. LAND TITLE BUILDING MODERN residence. In excellent condition. 11 room, 2 bathe; garage; $70. D. B. Cham bere. 710 Commercial Trust Building. Becane, Ta. FOR RENT Brick and frame dwelling house, tn perfect order, with all conveniences; 16 ro..?V na B"ntr.y: th and linen closet! with half acre of ground; old shade: Provl dence road, near Ashland ave.: 6 minutes' walk from, Becane Station, Central Division. P., B. and W. R, R.j 0 miles from Broad St. Station. James A, Bunting. 642 Drexel Building. Philadelphia. ' v7 """I Sharon Hill. Ta. FOR REhrr7TE."W60DINDTATET"Bharon Hill: 8 room and bath, lane lot) old shade; convenient to station and trolley. JAMBS' A. BUNTING. 683 Drexel Bldg. MAIN LINE. PA. K. K. MERION ? &. S fttft ?r.::'::::::::.w?s WYNNEWOOD T bedroom. S baths, garagi is.l T bedroom. 3 bath , ..123 6 bedroom. 8 bathe ..... ....!t!li;il!! S B bedroom. 8 bath ..!...., 73 o bedrooms. 5 b.th . .x. ::."::::: JS AKUmUKU 0 bedrooTia, 8 bath ,.$;o.s3 5 droom, 8 hath ,v t 150.00 f4 bedroom R baths ,. 113 m 7 bedrooins. 0 bath llu M 8 bedroom, n bath 65.00 7 bedroom. 8 bath roq,, 7 bedroom, 8 bath ,..,.,,...,.,.,!! 7V00 B bedrooms, 2 baths !...!""" JiuS 6 bedrooms, 1 bath, garage 87.50 HAVERFORD W i bdr:: s &ttM??.:!:::::::i85S l M' ',tt " ."" loaoo n bedrooms, 1 bath ................. 100 nn 8 bedrooms; 2 baths I.".!,.!! .. 10000 1 bedrooms. 2 bath. I..! I "t Taoo B bedroom. 3 bath .' aaeo samuel c. Wagner, jr. COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDO. 16TH ft MARKET 8T PHILA. NarberHi SRAND-NEW MOUSES, 7 rooms, all swlkwa coavealence. tlectrto llUs. Ac, $lliS month; other at K1.5" e.0. iaflM ue. XEAI, ESTATE rORjain. MAIN LINE, PA. R, R. Narberth T.nnnu trrvrTon .it . ... . "h.'t2w:t3eePV,f5n2$r" ...nr i...m nmnn. wynnewood . vT Wynnewood FOR THE MAN WHO HAS AN AUTO, 1I0UBB NO. 10 MANOR ROAD, ; WYNNEWOOD. TA. Hiourin, wan an ntcturv fincMj contains u roomi. 2 IbSSnSST ruiciuwiui, hub iioerai lot of .trauitr. .H nlc ftJiRde and flowen. and th tSSi ?M lhan a 10-room city home. l " m AtltnTTmhll sstnfsi - .. ' TVALTKU BAfiSET SMXTM. WYNNKWUOti pi iraaaefJ --"--" wuiiiai norntiari rnueai tii columnn; u rooms V kii fln"Bld!r!v'lr Uwni i0- WLFrt 28 w?TAVB--li rooms, bath. eonv. til fffd ., Phlla, ft Weafn; exclu cJ .. D. B. Chamber. 710 Commercial Tru.Fi Rosemont A1UDERN and attractive. 21 rrm. k i..asl stable and garage; beautiful drlveirsrsM cardene; per year, $2000. Herbert rJ9l born, 204 Bailer Bulldlnr "arD OHI NEW JERSEY A1m "Kf V 1 1 , , , ---Ma e. eT, trijntg for rent, furnished, noderatt bS all modern .conveniences; Aoardwiii; cIS producu to your door dally: fishing, bo TruuBulldinV.-pnlladphla.la."''1 Rlterton. N. J. $23 TO 110 ItON'XltQ tr. V. " Kf? JlSS-J- & raiCT "I Ton RENT FPBNISHED CITT ,ui,,,,i,di atJHJM "inter or year; 13 rooma; $00 month. 41 Othera West Phlla.. $43, $oh and $70 Sassjl C. P. PETERS ft SON.'eOS 1 CheslSuTSrJ WEST riHLADELTlIIA "?r-"" '."7"K? "v?.roomed henvl ww.. uuiwu (uiuiaiiea Bovenroomea csm piano, ru. electric, hot-water heat; excrila Uetl . ...nt yuq, a,yj. O. Ullfl BL, SUBUKDAN IPfm ntrumn tsimi.h. 1 rl splendidly equipped summer and wtnter tSl Club; the owner absent on account of'biSi ness. For particulars address M 111, Ledfar I kT. r a rir'ii e.W ir7i""!lrle..... 14-room houe. 2 baths, central plant heat. 2thrsi,Ov,!rbr0,k tB xayn'e, $30 to $150 VisS . C. P. PETERS ft 6QN. OPS CHESTNUT llgl MAIN LINE. PA. It. B. OTerbrook FURNISHED house for rent. 1 month or jonger; ;u rooms, x Dams; convenient to tratal HaverfoTd, Pa. NEAR 8TATION AND CRICKET CLUB a .STONE HOUSE. 1 ACRE. GARAQB I'M ....... v-. u. ...m.., umi, A run woii Berwyn ruLM furnished house, all convs. r xxraasil tcuauiiww, tur mo wiaier. u ai. uoagtr Ua. SEASHORE Atlantlo City. N. J. xii t). e..v jivaii a via Modern cotUs, with southern exr-iure, for winter roontHj or yearly: 12 rooais, 2 bath. 2 kitchen:! porches; open for Inspection. 1123 Chrlsusal nu Mr uiiAUiiiua. MORTGAOES ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIALTTJ TO INVEST IN FIRST MORTGAGES In the City of Philadelphia AT LOWEST MARKET RATES Apply to HAZLETT ft MOSS 618 WALNUT ST. Main 178. Lombard t2K.l Large Amount TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTGAGE Immediate Attention HORACE H. FRITZ 71 WALNUT ST. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES $500 $1000 $1200 15Q0 $1600 $5000 XV. H. HOOD. B12 NORRIS ST. LARGE AMOUNTS FOR FIRST MORTGAGES. riANTF! M PDY X, SONQtl 618 NORTH AMERICAN BLDG. $50 100' 200 T0 $50001 Mortgage or note, real estate security! pay aDie eaBy terms; seitiemeni same aay. LEWIS & CO. 122VV-o,R,AM,. VI RST mort caeca ror aale, amount 11 tl'lut tlinn flunA n,u eflOiui tn.u if T"WV, SB1.1W, eJACrW. s.Wt, 4JW. OXJlJt IUvvTi $3500, $3800, $1006,T$4500 and $5000; tntas;! csi 4-iv per ceni, line insurance inciuaesi and all papers free. II. J, Miller, 2728 Wsstj l.eniga ave. MONEY TO LOAN ON 18T AND 2D MORTGAGE LOWEST KATES. QUICK DECISION ALSO BUILDING ARS'N MONEY J. J. TURNER, 1201 Chestnut St.j 150 TO LOAN ON HEAL, ESTATE SeCUfil to Ity: Immediate settlement! payable Mi uvu uesirea. 133 SOUTH 12TH STREET. FIRST AND SECOND! ANY AMOUNT Pilvate or trust funds for 1st mortra uuiiaing Association ror a mongsf rltv or suhurhs. OulrW futrvtee. JAMES O. SIMPSON. 1420CHESTNUTBj tino.000 TO INVEST on mortgages in re from $1000 up; also building assorted money ior secona mongsgea u. v. ouiu st uu.t em na uaiiowniu sis. UNLIMITED FUNDS iii moderate m xor siraignt ana puuaing- association i cages; lowest cnarges. wiu4AU ja liouil, sua Drexel uiag. , WXNT well-secured first mortracee in an Of $5000 to $10,000 or over; have ready fit CHARLES L. BROWN ft CO. - 217 B. JJIltJAO BT. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUH JUHN U. WIUUIAMM SUCCESSOR LEWIS II. REDNER, 727 WALNUT ST MORTGAOES IN AMOUNTS OF $1600 and $2000 at M per cent. JAMES D. WINCHELL N. W. cor. 17th and Bansom sts. "xtrvtiTYi snWR HAVE FUNDS. m-aillB FUNE Albrecht', 873 Drexel Bldg,, 2414 W. Lsh LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATE", llUASU.NAUl-K C1IAIHJ1B . JOHN A. BARRY. 607 LAND TITLE BL 1ST ft 2D M0RTG8., or on note.Tn any i ai low ratH! Immrt. una- le. X. Dela ilia uincoin uiag.. nroso se o. rwu WORRELL "IggSy FIRST AND BEOOND MORTOAGEa MORTGAGES PLACED, Building Aocll Rel Kstste sold, nam coiiectea. C. R, RHOADS, 15th above Buso.ue FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTQAOl Jtrw- AMIllJia'I' LADNBR. 6TII AND QREBN 1.13 0(11 WANTl'n nn At first mortsaa. tlo City property. W. H Moore. 27 Boston ave.. Atlantlo city. "TRUST FUNDS FOR FJR8T MORTda llK.IIKNFK.q XV HTl?TBON LAND TITLE BUILDING ALT. AUOIINTS First and Cond mortrasast aulek Maurice H. Matslnger. Real Est. Trust 1 FUNDB lOH 1ST AND 2D MORTGAOI THEO. E. NICKLES. 2518 GERMANTW i OWFERS-It your mortgage hi been X will lilt Jl up; also o, inuris" CHEST1JH U. HUT ROTTNER. 1420 Chest tnna'vlmn 1st Awn Sri mnrititu: and Interest collected tn any part of OAHlsnurii gall svensingioo aTeiiuy, A FEW $2500 0 per cent, ground rett sale; free ofY State tax. PEMB EbTATga. iu Harrison mat. TrUNDfl FOR 1ST AND D MORI POTT8 ft THOMPSON, 2521 Frnkfet j PJtIVATB FUNDS for advance U pufl large' or small operations. Aaarss i F in, ijeager uenirei. ttOO.eoe FOR FIRST, BBCOND pR r snortcages. Bee us first. UfsKMI DRAWN, til mortgage. $1.S& Wallace. 1112 T.lnrAln Hilt Both Ck PRIVAIS FUND, any amount, for ftret I sag, city or suburban. T 113. Lei' ' s