Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 25, 1915, Final, Page 14, Image 14

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British Operating From Gaba
Tepo and Suvla Bay
Form Junction
l PAIUS. Sept. 2S.
An official review of military opera
tions at the Dardanelles, Issued here,
claims Important progress for the Allies
and announces the Blnktns of five Turk
ish transports, besides the destruction of
sqme smallor boats and the shelling ot
the docks and supply depot opposite
Nagara. Four of these transports were
sunk In one day by British submarines.
The British, It Is stated, have succeeded
In effecting a Junction between new
troops landed In the Bay of Suvla and
those which already occupied the heights
dominating Gaba Tepe.
"At the Dardanelles," the report states,
"the last weeks-of August were marked
by few movements. In general there were
artillery duels and sapping and mining.
On August 24 on of our groups captured
a telephone station before ono of the
Turkish trenches. This was filled with
defenders, who presented our mltrall
leusos with an opportunity for a very
affective fire.
"The edge ot the plateau descending
to Koreves Dero Is the favorite theatre
of operations for our patrols. Every
time the Turks have shown the slightest
opposition to us their enterprises have
felled. Our curtains of Arc have pro
vented a good many of the assailants
from returning to their starting point.
"Our Infantry every day establishes Its
superiority over the brave but sluggish
Turk. On August 30 our mountain guns
forced the defenders of a small fort In
the Koreves Dero valley to evacuate that
fort, and on the coming of the night our
soldiers completed its destruction.
"During ' this time our artillery con
tinuedIts shelling of the batteries dis
covered by our aeroplanes on the hill of
Afhl-Baba and the Asiatic coast. The
ir,2rurklsh artillery is capricious. On some
uy ji wouia oe possmie 10 oeiieve tnat
it has no more ammunition, and Its
silence, particularly that of the heavy
guns. Is almost complete. At other
times, on the contrary. It sweeps our
one-wlth the utmost thoroughness. We
have, however, suffered only unimportant
material damage."
Former Alice Roosevelt Appears in
CHICAGO, Sept. 25. Mrs. Nicholas
Long-worth, who gave tho country "Allco
blue" when she was Alice Roosevelt, came
Into Chicago In pantalettes. They were
"not net and ruffled and laco trimmed.
Instead, hoavy skirt material, with a
wide tuck In each leg and reaching to her
They would have been noticed If they
hadn't been pantalettes, because they
were longer than the skirts Chicago Is
wearing. A long, heavy traveling coat,
with a broadcloth collar and conspicuous
for the absence of fur of any kind, was
worn with the "sklrtlsh"-looklng trousers.
Ties of the cloth protruded from either
side of the collar and made a warm knot
at the neck In cose of cold winds.
Mrs. Longworth wore Wed low shoes
and a hat ot straw, with a silk facing
and a tailored ornament in front. Her
traveling purse was a large, square
leather one.
U. S. Army Officers Break Records in
Flights in the West
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Sept 25. Sergeant
William Ocher and Corporal Albert
Smith, attached to the United States
army aviation corps at North Island,
piade 15 loops each while engaged in
(flights, which were said to shatter all
army and navy aviation records.
Both officers used the same machine,
quipped with a W-horsepower motor.
This machine la of the heavy army type,
designed solely for long-distance flying.
Police Court Chronicles
When Mike Howard gets an alcohollo
burden ha has to balance It on one leg.
Aa such a task Is difficult even for men
with two legs, Mike therefore has twice
as much trouble as the ordinary man.
With a heavy handicap of liquor, ha
trudged along until he reached 2d and
Poplar streets. Then he lay down to rt-st
In an alley, and his wooden leg extended
over the sidewalk. It was dark and
several persons tripped, including two
Itltout. endeavoring to And out what
them to fall thty ran down that
iomI told Policeman Casper that a
sMjtecked them down with a club.
tumiH tliem scream, and sat up Just
se tfie star e-f Casper gllaten
Aarknecs. a.fc - Ijr fBBwwv wy itubb mv l9 WSkli
DkKls. cJunoi
ITl mim knows It. As Mike U thin he
kind sfc to travel as fast on one foot
"Q.tFSjpr dM a twofor a while. Jlnal-
iM Mueeoat dimn a spurt and caught
Ike as he was making for a fence.
H hMught him before Magistrate
;olt. at tho Front ana Master streets
' "lusfcttd of drinking twice as much aa
(h orihiiary man." said the Judge, "you
.! ould take only Iislf the awquBt. It'a
u (i-oat! of loo muchy,1'
Jllku promised tu reform If, the Judge
r. ,od jme litiri foice to set on hU
(. . t lie ww 'Jtotl with a U hotirt rt
Tho Rov. and Mrs. Charles Grant
Hopper Guests at Reception
The Itev. and Mrs. Charles Grant Hop
per, of tho West Park Presbyterian
Church, West Philadelphia, were given
a pleasant surprise when tho congrega
tion ccl'brated tho 16th anniversary of
Mr. Hopper's pastorago by giving him
and his wlfa a reception last night.
Mr. Hopper made rapid strides In his
work nt the church and has a flourishing
congregation. He came to the West Park
Church from a Presbyterian congrega
tion at Georgetown, Del. Since January
1 nearly 250 persons have united with the
church. Mr. Hopper has a Bible class of
100 men.
The Converse Building, In which tho
reception was held, was transformed Into
a vcrltablo garden of flowers. An or
chestra furnished tho music for the oc
casion. At the close of the festivities
William Trlol, Sr., a member of tho ses
sion, presented Mr. Hopper with a huge
bunch of carnations and a purse of $100
In gold. Mrs. Hopper received a hantl
somo bunch of La France roses.
Prominent Teachers Announced for
Meetings Which Open Next Week
in Y.JSC. A.
The third nnnual conference of tho
Philadelphia Bible Confcrenco Associa
tion will be held from October 4 to 12.
Tho Conference Association Includes Wil
mington, where meetings will be held a
part of tho time.
Tho teachers engaged for tho conference
are Dr. W. Leon Tucker, of Los Angeles,
Cal.; tho Rev. George E. Gullle, of Chi
cago, 111.; tho Rev. Dr. Max Wcrtheimer,
of Ada, Ohio: tho Rev. Dr. Harris H.
Gregg, of St. Louis, Mo., and the Rev. W.
Etillman Martin, of Canton, Pa. Dr. C.
I. Scofleld, president of the Philadelphia
School of tho Bible, Is expected for a
day or two the latter part of tho confer
ence. The sessions will be held In tho audi
torium of tho Young Women's Christian
Association, 18th and Arch streets. Noon
meetings for office people will bo held
at Griffith Hall. Crozer Building, H20
Arch street. Ths, sessions In Wilmington
will be held In Union Methodist Episcopal
Church, 6th and AVashlngton streets.
The Executive Commltteo of the Phila
delphia Bible Conference Association con
sists of William L. Pettlnglll, president;
John Scott, treasurer; Frank W. Lange,
secretary; F. B. Davis, T. II. Johnson,
Alexander Belth, Jr., J. J. Richardson,
Dr. D. Frank Kehler and E. E. Wash
burn. Funeral of Mrs. A. Troescher
Mrs. Alberts. Troescher, a former well
known Philadelphlan and wife of one of
the founders of the Brunswlck-Balke-Collender
Company, was burled from her
home, 20 West 72d street, New York,
yesterday. Mrs. Troescher was known
socially and for her work among tho
poor tn Philadelphia. Sho died on Wed
nesday of a complication of diseases.
John Hoffman
John Hoffman, engineer at the K.
Spencer Miller Public School, 43d and
Ogden streets, died at his home, 410")
Ogden street, yesterday, following a
stroko of apopplexy, which was a result
of his being overcome by heat nbojt 10
days ago. He was 68 years old and had
been attached to the school for 10 years.
Mr. Hoffman was a member of St. John's
Reformed Church, Itlegelsvllle, Pa.,
where he lived most of his life.
George Henry Lea
George Henry Lea, one of the oldest
real estate dealers of this city, whose
offices were at 700 Chestnut street, died
ut his summer home, East Graver's lano.
Chestnut Hill, yesterday. He was 63
years old, Mr. Lea was for many years
prominent In Philadelphia society, lira
winter home was at 345 South 10th street.
AMOS. On September 23,1015, MART MAR
OAItET, wife of Clarence O. Amos. aed 48
years. Relatives and friends are Invited to
attend the funeral, from her late residence,
4OJ0 Ludlow at., on Monday mdrnlnr. at 0
o'clock. Solemn HlBh Mass of Requiem at
the Church ot St. Michael and All Ansels,
43d and Wallace sts., at 10 o'clock. Inter
ment at Eden Cemtttry. Remains may be
viewed at residence on Sunday evening, 8
to 1040 o'clock.
UKAUMONT. On September 24, 101B. LBA
NOIIB C, wife of Robert If. Beaumont.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
the funeral services, Monday afternoon, at '2
o'clock, at the apartments of Oliver It. Balr,
1620 Cheatnut at. Interment private.
BKTSS. On September 22. MAX M B15TZ,
husband of Louise N. Bets, ared 77 years.
Belattves and friends, also uotblo Lodge, No.
SIS, I. and A. M.i Tristram B. Freeman R.
A. Chapter, No. 243 1 Kadosh Conunandery,
No. 28 directors and members of C'ann.
statter Volksfest Vereln, Porter's Lake II.
and V. Club, Uerman Society, Philadelphia,
Scbuetun varcto, Philadelphia Turnce
roelnde, directors of North Broad St. Build.
Ins and Loan Association, employes of Max
M. Bets & Son, and all other, societies ot
which he was a member, are Invited to at
tend the funeral, on Mondav, at 2 p. m from
his late residence. 2814 North Broad st. In.
terment at Oreenmount Cemetery
HOHH. On September 23, 1016, MARIS
ELIZABETH, wife of Clifford. Bobb and
daughter of laia and the late Henry Cam
eron. Relatives and friends are Invited to
atwnd the funeral, on Mondsjj at 2 p. m.,
from her late residence. 213a Titan ut. In...:
ment at Kern wood Cemetery, Iteiaalna may
a, .,i. Jk ass blnniliw auanlns
ijeQ iivwaru vu HWiina issi
DAOTKBT. On September 22, 181B, OOTT
L1CB M. DAUBEfeT, husband of Henrietta
chartner, ased 53 years. Relatives and
frliinds, also Grand Fraternity, Branch No.
, and Isaanert LoJt-e. No. 205, K. of P
are InvIteaVJo atenil the funeral services, on
Mondy, iTi p. tn. precuiely, at his Lie
residence, H KaM Wallens av., Olney,
.Jnternient jrlvat. Fiieuls may call Bun!
'day. from i to 11) p. ro.
PKt INK on September 24. 1018, IIOSB
DKVlNa dauf hur of the late Nell and Mar.
Kilt Ievlne. late of County Tyrone, Ire
hind. NeUUves and friends are Invited to
attend the funeral, on Monday, at 8 .30 a. m.,
from her late reajoeaee, 1434 Montrose Tl
MVsto .","' ulsm at St, Teresa's
uaiKvji, fc v . ., .wMvif. nicrmeat at
relhedral CsmsUry.
DOUijlaMj On SnUmbr 21, 1915, EDITH
4ATTwW of . Harold J. Oouslaas. and
daunhtw f J. CUtton and Margaret A. ls.
U,rt. Isi Imt 3U year, lUUtlvss and friends
are UivHea to.stttnd b funeral services on
hlir. at ,p. m., at the rldence of
hg j-laJlewart .M,. MttakJ.
DltACIt. At Ltndenwold, N. J., on Septem
ber 23, 11H5. BVA C, daughter of Jouina
unci tho late Oorse J. Draoh, avert 22 years.
KelajHes anil friends, also Hiring Star Lodge,
No. 6, HhrrtiTdfl of Ilethlehem, nntl operators
of tlic Hell Telephone Company, nre Invited
to Attend the funeral services, on Monday,
nt 2 p, ni nt hr late. residence, Llndenwold,
N" J. Interment Berlin Cemetery.
IllU.n On September 22, 19115. DAVID
l'AUI. riULI), son or the late Israel V. and
Mary rield, tigcd 40 years. HclatUoa and
friend ore Invited to nltend the funeral
serlocs, on Monday, nt 2 p. m , at hl lata
residence. 108 Mifflin at. Interment private,
at Arlington Cemetery.
rULLEKTON. At Attantlo City, N. J., on
Hcptomher 111. 1015, LI.lZABKTH SIMI'SON,
widow of John rullcrtnn. Tu eral Monday
afternoon, September 27, from her lato resi
dence, northeart coiner 42d and Spruce sts.
Per Ices and intQrrrent private.
I,ASi:lt. On September 24, 1015. CIiniB
TIAN, husband of Marv E. Ulaiscr. llela
tles and friends, ulso William C. Hamilton
Lodge No. 800, F and A. M., nre lmlted
tn Httcnd tho funeral services, on Mondav,
ut 2 p, m precisely, nt the parlors of Ham
uel w. Kehr. 2101 Diamond St. Interment nt
Laurel Hill Cemetery.
GKEENE. On September 23, ISABELLA
II., daughter ot Joseph and Mary Oreene.
Relatives and friends, also Sodality of the
Blessed Virgin and League ot the Sacred
Heart, arc invited to nttend tho funeral, on
Mom'ay, nt 8 a. m., from her parents' resi
dence, 2T0 Noun liinu st uinuc-Bier -u.
N. J. High Mass nt St. Mary's Church, at
V a. m. imcrir.eni at m. aiury H,v,ei,iri j.
CltOtV. On September 23. 19t5, HAItAlt A.,
widow or Jatou urow, in iter minjrar, cu.
tiles and-JHends are Invited to attend the fu
neral services, on Monday, at 2 JO p. m at
the Merlon Square M. E. Church, Lower
Merlon. Montgomery County, l'a. Remains
mav be Mewed on Sunday, from 7 to 0 p. m.,
nt the resl.lemo of her daughter, Mrs. George
G. Brnugan, 455 North Hdgewood st., Phila
delphia. UAMtl.L. On September 22, 1015. ELIZA
BETH, widow of John Hamlll. Relatives and
Irlenda nre invited to attend the tunernl, on
Monday, at 8 30 a. m., from her late resi
dence, .S34 Swanson nt. Solemn High Mass
ot Requiem at the Visitation Church at 10
a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Ceme
tery. HASTINGS. On September 24. 1015, FRAN
(T.S B , daughter of Matthew and the late
Bella B. Hastings, In her 21st year. Rela
tives and friends are Invited to attend the
funeral, on Tuosdnv. at 2 p. m., from her
father's residence, U725 Marsden St., Tacony.
Interment at MagnolU Cemetery.
wife of AMlllam H. Jlituc'- (nco Sullivan),
Relatives and friends, Mo B V. M. Sodality,
Altar fio-lety and Leasuo of tho Sacred
Heart, are Invited to attend the funeral, on
Monday, nt R So a. m., from her lato resi
dence, 1K(I) North Marvlne et. Solemn Re
quiem Mass at St. Malachy's Church, at 10
a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme
tery. 11ENI1EKSON. On September 24.101S.ANNA
MAY. daughter ot lloliert and Margaret
Hcndorfcon, aged 0 months. Relatives and
frlendn are invited to attend tho tuneral
lurvlces, on Sunday, at 1.30 p. m. precisely,
from her parents' residence, 121 Richmond
st. mtcrmeni pmaie.
HOFFMAN. On September 24, 1015, JOHN
HOFFMAN. Relatives and friends, also
Prosportty Lodge, No. 567, F. and A, M.,
Regalsvllle, Pa., ore Invited to attend the
funeral, on Monday afternoon, precUely at
2 o'clock, from his late residence, 4105 Ogden
st. Interment at Westminster Cemetery,
HUNTUH. Suddenly, on September 23, 1918,
1IUNR1UTTA. wlfa ot Frederick J. Hunter.
Relatives and friends, also Mlzpuh Lodge,
No 870, S. of B., U. S. Grant Temple, No.
410 ot U. A.s Ivanhou Temple, No. 129, L.
G. "E.. and Valor Council, No. 13, D. of A.,
are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on
Sunday, ai j p. ui,. m mu rt-siuence or ner
husband, 1000 East, Passyunk ave. Interment
KALIIUIIER. Suddenly, at Chicago, on Sep.
tember 22. 1018, HUGO p. KALtlBHER.
Due notice of tho funeral will be given, from
tho residence of his eon-In-law,. James Mar
tin. 1015 N. Hutchinson st.
KHABNKV. On September 22, 1018. MAR
GARFT MARV, wife ot Albert Kearney and
daughter of Henry and Mary Stokes. Rela
tives and friends, also Sodality of B. V.
M. of St. Malachy's Church, are Invited to
attend the funeral, on Monday, at 7:30 a. m.,
from her late residence. 1743 North 11th et.
Solemn High Requiem Mass at St. Malachy's
Church at 0 a. m. Interment at Holy
Sepulchre Cemetery.
KRAMF.lt. On September 24, 1018, KATH
AR1NU, widow ot John Kramer, aged SO
years. Due notlco ot the funeral will be
given, from her late residence, 1314 N.
Iront st
I.ACKV. On September 23, WIS. THOMAS,
husband of Catharine Lacey (nee Plngston).
Relatives and friends, also Leo Columbus,
No. 044, I. C. B. V.. ore Invited to attend
tho funeral, on Monday, at 7:30 a. m., from
his lato resiaence, -ivx-i vi, Harold st. Solemn
High Requiem Mass at St. Columba's Church
at 9 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Com
etery. t
IJ5A. At Chestnut Hill, on September 24.
11)13, GEOUGl) HENRY LEA, In his Old
yoar. Due notice ot the funeral will be
given. Cincinnati papers please copy.
LBITCII. On September 22, 1918, EDWARD,
son of Edward and Bridget Leltoh, aged 23
years. Relatives and friends are Invited to
attend the funeral, on Monday, at 8:30 a. m.,
from the residence of his parents, 1000 Fits,
gerald st. (above Rltner), Solemn Requiem
Mass at St. Monica's Church at 10 a. m. In
terment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
I.INN. On September 22, 1018, ESTELLA
LINN, aged 20 years. Relatives and friends
are Invited to attend the funeral services
un Monday at 2 P- m., at the apartments of
Oliver H. Balr, 1S20 Chestnut atroet. Inter
ment at Mount Morlah Cemetery.
MACKinV In West Chester, Pa., on Sep
tember 22. 1018, JAMES C. MACKHY. In
his 71st year. Relatives and frienda, also
Tamanend Tribe. No. 1U2, Imp. O. It. M are
Invited to attend the funeral, from the real,
dence of his son-in-law, Rufua Green, 132
Linden st. West Cheater. Pa., on Sunday,
Services at the house at 1 p. m. Interment
McCAFFREV. On September 28,1016, ROSE
MARIE, daughter of the late Patrick and
Mary MoCatfrey. Relatives and friends are
Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday,
at H SO a. m., from her late residence, 0146
N. Carlisle st. Solemn Requiem Mass at
Church of the Holy Child, at 10 a. m.
Interment private, at Old Cathedral Cem
etery, Please omit nowers. Auto funeral.
MCKINI.KY. On September 23, 1018,'ELIZA,
widow of Joseph MoKlnley. Relatives and
frlende of family, also members of Ut. Barn,
abas' P. E. Church, are respectfully Invited
to attend funeral services on Monday, at
2.30 n. m., precisely, at her late residence,
800 west Susquehanna avenue. Interment
private, at North Cedar Hill Cemetery.
.McNULTY. On September 24, 1918, MAn
OARKT E., daughter of John J. and Annie
V. McNulty. . Ilelatlves. and frienda also
Nativity B. V. M. Sodality, are Invited to
attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 8.S0 a. m.,
from her late residence, mi East Clesrflell
si. Solemn Requiem Mass at the Church ot
the Nativity II. V. M at 10 a. m. precUely.
Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
MOOUU. On September 23, 1018, MART A.,
mlfu of William and daughter of Michael
and Mary Halllgan. Relatives and friends
are invited to attend the funeral, on Monday,
at 8-S0 a, m., from rwr late residence. 26JT
North Stanley St. High Mass at St. Colum
La's Church at 10 a. in. Interment at Holy
rrosa Cemetery
MOHKOVITZ. On September 23, 1916, JA
COB, husband of the late Nettle Moakovlts,
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
the funeral, on Sunday, September 20. at 10
a, ra., from, his late residence, 821 Pine st.
Interment at Mount Carmel Cemetery. Kindly
omit flowers.
O'HHIKN On September, 23, 1918. HAN
NAH, daughter of the late William and
KUen O'Brien. Relatlves and friends, also
lounc I.4!es' Sodality and League of the
Sacred Heart ot the Genu, are Invited to
attend the funeral, 'from her lata residence,
837 North Uber st , on Monday, at 8:30 a. m.
Solemn Requiem Mass at Church of tbe Oeeu,
at 10 a m. Interment at IloJy Sepulchre
O'HICIKN. On September 23, 1018. Rev, J.
HOWARD O'BRIEN, Funeral from his late
residence, Clarksboro, N. J., on Monday,
Beptewwir si, at ia a osrvjees ai ike
house. Interment at Egllngton Cemetery.
OXKAKY. On September 24, 116. ANNA.
daughter ot Anna and the late Dennis
O'Leary. RelatHea and friends, -aUo ' Leasue
, the Sacred Heart of the Gesu rish. am
Invited to stttna ;n runersi, on ssonasy
B.30 a TO., irom im itmmm m i
zilB Hharswood t.. Buumm 1
Jtequlem at M.
at I
Tkmr YT.UKT.1T.
Copyright. 1MB, B. V. Kemble.
OOI1HN On September 2.1, 1016, ALBEnT
I'ICNKOSE, husband of I-nura p. Ogden,
llrlatlves and friends are Invited to attend
tho funeral services, on Monday, at 1 p. m
nt his lato residence, .WW willows ave..
West Philadelphia Interment at Cumber
land Cemetery, Delaware County, Pa.
rilNINr.TON, On September 24. 1015. MOn
IUS BENLNOTON. in his 71st year. Notice
of (uneral later.
ri'.SNKIX.-At the. residence of her son,
I'.UMUNIJ PENNhLL, ins N Kith st . oil
September 24 11)11, MAIIY O. BUNNELL,
widow of Charles I). Benncll. Ttelnthes and
friends are Invited to attond" tho funeral
fcenlcea, on Monday, nt 11 a ni at St.
l'aul's Protestant Kplscopal Church, Chester,
Pa, Interment private.
nOIJINSON. On Septomber 23, 1015, JAMES
HOUINSON, Relative and friends, also
Merchants Lodge, No. 2S3, I. O. O K aro
Invited to nttend the funeral services, on
Monday, at 2.S0 P m.. at his Into residence,
B N. 67lb st. Interment at Northood Cem
etery. ItOHS. On September 21. 1016. ANNA L.,
wile of John A Boss and daughter of thn
late James antfs Amanda Schcetz, aged 45
years. BclatMen an 1 friends aro Imlted to
attend the tunernl, on Monday, at 1 p. m ,
from her brother's re!donee, Edmund A.
Rchecti, 8 1!. Mt. Plnsantap , Mt. Airy.
Services and Interment at Zlon Lutheran
Church, Whltemarsh, at 2 30 n, m.
HrilllT.I.HASB. On
24. 101R.
DOROTHY, wife of John
Hchellhose (nee
Kiimnrlli. nesldence. 008 Gllharn st.. bairn-
dale. Pa. (formerly of 7th and Wolf sts.)
Due notice of the funeral will bo given.
MIAItPLTCY. On September 23, 1018, at her
lato residence. -Oil S. 10th St.. CLARA J
wife of Hiram r. Sharplcy. Sr. Duo no
tice of tho funeral will he given.
SIIAtY. Suddenly, on September 21, 1018,
HIRAM I., husband of Lillian Shaw (noa
Meyer) and son of Lewis nnd the late Julia
Shaw, aged :in ears Ilelatlves and friends
are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Tues.
day. at 2 p. m.. from the resldcnco of his
father-in-law. Hiram S. Moycr, 8117 Jackson
it., Frankford. Remains may bo viewed on
Mondav, from 8 to 10 p m. Interment at
Magnolia Cemetery-
SMITH. On September S3, 101S, CATH
ERINE A., widow of William D. and daugh
ter of the lato George and Mary Young, In
her Slth year. Relatives and friends are In
vited to attend the funeral services, on Mon
day, st 2 p. m., at the residence of her daugh
ter. Mrs. R. J. Kelly, 2440 North 10th st.
Interment at Mount Peace Cemetery.
STIMVART. On September 21. 1018. CHAS.
II., eon of Paul and the late Phoebe Stow.
nrt. aged 48 years. l(elatles and friends,
also Philadelphia Lodge, No. 72. F. and A
M., and Jerusalem It. A. Chapter, No J
aro Invited to attend the funeral services on
Monday, at 2 p m., at tho npartrrents ot
Oliver H. Balr. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment
at Mount Morlah Cemetery.
TURNER. On September 24, 1018, FRANK
11.. husband of Sallle Timor and son of the
i.i. iu fl. nnd Ann VAlia. Turner. Rela
tives and friends, also superintendents and
agents ot tho Prudential Iiiburance Company
of America, are Invited to attend the funernl
services, Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at
his late residence, 1801 W. Susquehanna ave.
Interment at Mt. Vernon Cemetery. Frlendr
may view remains Sunday evening.
WHITE. On September 22, 1018, RACHEL
M. V. (nee Tomllnson), wife of William II.
White, aged 60 vearB. Relatives and friends
are invited to attend tho tuneral, without
further notice, on Monday, at 11 a. m., from
her late residence, Southampton, Pa. Inter
ment at Churchvlllo Cemetery Carriages
will meet train leaving Reading Terminal at
0.23 a. m., at Southampton Station
This STYLE TYPE (or like this) .-
One time 18c.
Three times one week 12Vic
Six times one week 10c.
Situations Wanted, three times one week 10
cents per Una.
Place your order for three or
more times and it will be inserted
in the daily Public Ledger at no
additional cost.
One or two time rate for Etbnino L-tDous
and Pcauo Licoeb combined la 10 cents per
Una with the exception of Help Wanted and
Situations Wanted, which Is IB cents per line.
TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this)
which Is permitted in sll classifications ex
cept Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and
Found, Personals, Boarding and Rooms, add
There Is a drug store near your
home that will accept Ledger want
ads at office rates.
CHAMBERMAID and waitress, Protestant,
"with good reference; family 4 adults: suburbs.
Meet employer for Interview Monday. 10:SO
a. m.) Room 2S0, Publlo Ledger
CHAMBBRWOIIK snd waiting for family ot
:i adults; no washing or ironing. Apply with
rsferenoe, Mrs. Car tw right, N. W. oor.
rft,p?:.in! Evergreen avenues. Chestnut
Hill. 11th street trolley.
The new factory of
Opening on Monday, September 27.
At 217-10 8. 2f St.. Camden.
Will be open tor Inspection on
Saturday, the 25th,
. . rr?m a. m. to 0 p. m.
And Sunday from 0 a. m. to 8 80 n. m.
Olrls may apply for positions
on these two days,
817-16 8. 2d St., Camden.
CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Atiply John A
James Dobson, Inc., Blanket 11 Ills, Scott's
lane. Falls ot Schuylkill. ' """
COOK, chambermaid and waitress-Two experN
enced white girls; 2 In family: referente re
quired. Phone Bryn Mawr 081, Ad dross
Box 83t luuiaorit. Pa.
"COOK and waitress, wblte, ProtesUnt.for
JUverton, N. J.i reference. Call Tuesday
morning, between 10 and 02. 1033 Chestnut
at.. Room woz.
COOK and downstairs work, assist wash;
wniie, rruw ru. iruutreu. tut ueorgfiane,
Wynnefleld, W. Phlla. Phone OverbooTri74'
COOK and chambermaid and waitress; "a
white, Protestant girls; family 3 adults;
suburbs. P 328, Ledger Office '
O svM.r'.w
HISES to act a m
In larra rinuam.l.l.J
taUbllshtnentl 11 8 feet T Inches to 8
feet 9 In-hea: bust M to 88 Inches, must be
refined and of gooa apsearancej blond or
red vtmtwi f jibv uu iicviiwuyi
ouir liHN wmu, uuf uu(f cuitjiiiij urea tin i
ytj Apply OunmnghamT jwi VfrtnuVrt;
UlSIiB'to act W 'model in nrt-i..a dreaiw
GOVKRNCSS, Bngllsh preierred. to teach two
cfclMrnn T nnrl Ii flnon KVn(.fi. tnuale. Ad
dress M?a. George II. Harris, Oak road, Qer-
mantowm Phone oer
Oermantown 1204 t.
HOBSEKUEPEIt (managing), cap. of taking
full tharge of 3 In family! stats wages, ref.
5lil,LcilRcr Branch, B314 Oermsntown ave.
HOUSEMAin and watting, white, Protestant,
neat, capable. Apply Monday afternoon be
tnrrr .1 and 4, September 27, Room 40(1.
Frnrklln Bankjlldit., Broad and Chestnut sts.
I10t!SEORK-Eperienced" white slrll must
le good conk and laundress; three adulta in
family, good wages; references required;
Main Llne.P. nR. F 451, Ledger CentraL
TlOHSEWORK Xn eupcrlencod 'girCwlth in
fant . Hid, for general housework; reference.
Box 't, jPhoenlivllle, Ja.
HOUSEWORK German of Norwegian girl;
suburb; good plain cook; excellent wages.
C 21, Ledger OlMce.
HOUSEWORK (general) Cap. white woman;
must have good reference PJ125, Led. Off.
HOUSEWORK, general; no wash; "good cook;
ref. Call, 3'Jil W, Pcnn st , Oermantown.
LADY of refinement for duties of pr&ctlcal
nurse and caretaker of growing children In
out-of-clty scientific laboratory; opportunity
tor advancement to capablo and trustworthy
woman only; salary, $2030 monthly, plus
board; state age, height, weight, nationality,
other facts. G 313, Ledger Central.
LADY of refinement, living In Oermantown, to
como In every dayas mother's helper. Phone
Oermantown 610 w.
LADY SOLICITORS, household; commission
n'yi After. 2 p. m 1841 Sprlnsj Garden st.
MOTHER'S HELPER No wash; assist cook
ing. Call Saturday and Sunday, 610 Wood
land terrace. West Philadelphia.
Nt'nsE or nursery governess fortwo children;
willing to assist with house duties.
uoxsieau, A-rinceton, r. J.
SECRETARY wanted who will also act as
housekeeper for large private residence In the
suburbs of Philadelphia; only ladles supply
l"B he best of recommendations need apply
...j niieif. i n ,, ieuKcr lemraij
STENOGRAPHER and general office assistant,
about 23 jcars of age; must be neat and ac
curate; good penman; permanent position;
state experience, references and Bnlary ex
poctod. F 457. Ledger Central.
Are ou seeking a first-class position?
Seo Miss Dean, at Ledger Central. She will
aawse sou how to sneure one, help you write
your advertisement, list our qualifications In
tho Commerclil Department. Miss Dean has
helped hundreds of oung ladles and will ex
tend the samo courtesy to you. This Is a
frco rervlcu to Ledger advertisers.
WAITRESS wanted, competent; family of 4;
Protestant preferred. Q 41, Ledger Central.
Warp dresser wanted. Apply John &
James Dobeon, Inc., Blanket Mills, Scott's
una, faun or acnuyiKlll.
YOUNG LADY, with experience as cashier.
Must furnish best reference as to character.
State qualifications and salary desired. a
412. Ledger Central.
YOUNG WOMAN with good refelence and ap
pearance as coatroom attendant In high-class
restaurant, r 847. Ledger Central
1R2S South 22d St..
Philadelphia. Pa., Sept. 20, 1018.
Miss Dean. Philadelphia Pa.
My dear Miss Dan This la the first oppor
tunity I hae had of writing to thank you
foi securing the position I now have with
Iho Sims Automatic Conveyor Company,
Drexel Building.
It is the best position I ever had and I
like tho work very much.
Thanking you for the Interest you took In
ray wrlfare, I am, yours respectfully,
CLERKS Women wanted as govt, clerks; $70
month; Phlla examinations coming; sample
questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept- 713
G. Rochester. N. Y.
ACCOUNTANT (chartered) Senior accountant.
with general and publlo utility experience;
accustomed to investigation work; state sge.
qualifications, present position and when
avallable. Address M 118, Ledger Office;
BOOKKEEPER wanted for manufacturing con
cern; address In own handwriting; state age
and experience, give complete list ot refer
ences as to ability and character; wages $18
per woek. c 128, Ledger Office.
BOY of 17, neat appearance, with good refer
ences, as coatroom attendant in first-class
restaurant, p 847. Ledger Central.
CARPENTERS and mllTwrTghtB wantedTPhiTaT
Drying Machinery Co., 6721 Oermantown ave.
CHAUFFEUR, white, married, wboae wife can
do laundry work: have neat, comfortable
house for couple who nave their own house
keeping furniture: near Bryn Mawr. Address.
giving refs., wages, etc. Q 144, Led. Cent.
CHAUFFEUR, colored; also help in house:
state references and wages. O 147, Led. Cent.
CIjOTH WEAVERS wanted Xppiy-JoSnS
James Dobson, Inc., Blanket Mills, Scott's
lane. Falls ot Schuylkill. ' ow""'
CREEL CARD feeders, strippers and pincers.
Apply John & James Dobson," Inc., Blanket
Mills. Scott's lane, Falls of Schuylkill.
CI'T GLASS ROUGHERS, experienced, tor
factory In Hammonton, N. J. Mr. Rothfus,
superintendent, will Interview applicants at
Bit. N. 15th St., Philadelphia, this Saturday
morning, between 0 and 12 noon.
DRUaS 4Jual asst., exp.; good ref,; no college
prlv. Rlnker's Pharmacy, 7201 Oermantown.
LATHB HANDS-Semtautomatlo Orldley, Acme
and Cleveland automatlo machine hinds
wanted, flrst-claaa men ontv hlfthMf vamm
pall. Apply Standard Roller Bearing Co..
4Uth and Merlon ave.
MACHINISTS and lathe hands. Apply 4100
Wlssshlckon ave.
MEN to take charge of mixing pickers. "John
s- jameB uouign, inc., uisnaei amis, ecott
lane, Islls of Sehuylklll. !
OFFICE BOY. In wholesale grocery. Adaess
In own handwriting, giving age ana refer
ence, C 121, Ledger Office.
ORGANIST Wanted, expert organist rof
motlon-ploture theatre; very good salary for
capable artist. Address P. 0Bor 112.
tunlty to act tn a managerial capacity; must
be well recommended. 4000 Chestnut st.
SALESMAN wsnted to represent usin7"eisn
em Pennsylvania, selling our high-grade
lubricating greases and ells to factories,
mills, etc. preference given to party with
good knowledge ot machinery and Its lubri
cation; good opening for roan who can pro
duce results: state age, experience and other
qualifications fully. Department "O." Cata
ract Refining and Manufacturing C0 Buf
falo, N. Y;
S AI.ESM AN Young man, bright, energetic. ' to
represent In Philadelphia and vtetclty com
plete Catholio religious articles line, to sell
clergy, brothers, sisters; $10 week and 13 ex
penae; advancement guaranteed to right
party references. Malhame & Co., 48 Barclay
.at , New York city.
SECOND MAN wanted. In card room to take
charge nf nlna sets of cards. Apply John
James i Dobson, Ino., Blanket Mills, Scott's
lane. Falls of Schuylkill.
SPOT WEAVER, competent, on cotton work
Coral Manufacturing Co., Oak and Arch sts.Ii
WANTED Two first-class automobile rnel
cbanlca; good wages to right man) must
have good referencea; only Al men need ap
ply, Keyi'tone Auto Supply Co., 318 Tft.
Main st .N?rrltownPa:
WANTED TwelPeJucaled man with a ttior
ough knowledge of automobile repairing for
inspecting and adlustlngt man without expa.
rlcnco need not apply, sutt experience and
age. v. w. iutr w,i.u.
WANTED Experienced, competent aluminum
aplnnersj good wagea. stdy work; no labor
troubls; new buildings; la wrUteg giy ,,
erence. Address Tuledo Cooker Cbkuf, "to.
leou. Ohio. r
rSTlTKD Teacher or minister to rsreet us
In Heading and other rules weekly aaiary
ana commbtstons. Write Dodd, Meal A t5o',
,.ti,T .m.
YOl'NO MAN wanted, strong, willing wofker,
uulck tinman. Protestant, to feelti on i.a
I Boor, produra sommUtston buslaeai, stsajM-
from 4.80 to f 12 per dozen, has the
city of Philadelphia and surround
ing territory opened. Applications
from shirt salesmen confidentially
considered. Address M 120, Ledger
Baltimore's Biggest, Best Store
Require the Services of a
Applications strictly confidential.
HUSTLERS of tieat appearance can make
from t3 to 10 dally, commission basts, Intro
ducing our free talking machine offer. Apply
0 to 12 a. m.. 1312 Arch st.
Latest, most modern, up-to-date
By our nev method you learn to drlye and
repair automobiles quickly.
160I-1S Spring Garden. Day and night classes
911 N. BROAD ST.
Robertson's old original
teaches you how to repair
and how to drive autos.
011 N. BROAD ST.
CHAMBERMAID and waitress, experienced,
willing and obliging; refs. lia N. 16th st.
CHILDNURSE. experienced. Irish Pratestsnt:
"w iiccmewoman; reference, a- a;u, Lea, on.
CHILDNURSE-Scotch Protestant girl, expert
gooq roierence. u 'JUT, Ledger Ulllce.
COMPANION or practical nurso to Invalid or
cmoriy laoy. f ai.l. IOQger UITlCe,
COOK and chambermaid wishes position; best
i.iciciitg; city, country. i3ji uirara ave.
COOK, first class, desires position, hotel or
restaurant. Write 122 W. Price st.
COOK. Ilrst class, wants position, small fam-
ny. v.aii iear aj.t ncaser. iiermaniown.
COOKING Working housekeeper or housework.
Buumuii uerman, iti i iiroaq. lop. o.uu.
AY'S WORK Young colored woman; clean
lng or laundry: reference. 1014 S. lith st.
GOVERNESS Mrs. Roland S. Morris desires
to find nlace for competent TEnt-Hah -or-niMi.
Apply 1U17 Land Title Bldg. Ph. Spruce 2270.
GOVKRNESd, graduate, kindergarten experl-
encw ana rer. write or can, pm lauswortn st.
HOUSEKEEPER Ref d Chrls'n lady des. pos.
in renaDie froi. noma, u o, la. uent.
H0U8EWr0RK, general; settled woman: city or
suburbs; reference, p 527, Ledger Office;
LADY, refined, wishes care of gentleman's
homo and family.. Mrs. B., care Box S3,
Hammonton. N. J.
LADY'S MAID and seamstress, no objection
to light chambernork, wishes position. C 6,
Ledger Office.
NURSE, practical, mental diseases; private;
assist light duties: refs. P 212, Ledger Office.
Young lady, with exceptional ability, good
education, experience, desires position. G
384. ledger Central.
STENOGRAPHER, neat, dependable, would
consider moderate salary with opportunities;
reference. B 09, Ledger Office.
STENOGRAPHER Correct speller; good
writer: rapid figures ; mod sal. O 140,Led.Cent.
TEACHER, visiting or resident, wishes en
gagement; long and successful experience
with children, English branches, music,
French: highest references from most exclu
sive schools, moderate. F 048, Ledger Cent.
typewriting "experience" seeks engagements
with private school. O 33.1. Ledger Central.
WOMAN, middle aged, wishes housekeeping
or rnamoerwora. lbm or wrue nma ueini st.
WOMAN, good, reliable, wants daya work.
Oall all day, 3d N. Hobart at.
Through the Commercial Department at
Ledger Central, a large number of firms
have been able to aecure competent
office heltr-booklceepera, stenographers
and clerical girls. The next time you
are In need of an office assistant, tele-
Ehons your Help Wanted ad to "Miss
lean." bedger Central, Walnut 8000.
Sho will select competent girls and sub
mit them for your consideration. This
la a free service to Ledger advertisers.
ACCOUNTS AUDITED, books opened, kept,
closed, day or evening, concerns not employ-
IS? pmnent.. "Skeepcrs, a specialty,
riione Tioga 6143 D.
College man, 10 years' thorough business
training, sales and office routine, desires per
manent connection where personality and ex.
perlence would be valuable to a busy man.
BAIHPCI t: Towigman, "28, married, good
habiu. desires position In bank; experienced:
lest references. O 88, Ledger Central.
BOOKKEEPER and accountant, young man'
exper., deslrespos.J best ref. C 10, Led. Off '.
BOOKKEEPER. 13 rears' experience. 'desires
poeltlon with reliable firm. .212 ! Oakda" .,
Bl'TLEP-ibouseman or with doctor-MartlaTid'
$gg&!,'J& l.,e8rh'tt't'C" f"""-
(AIU'NT--C pVso. snd exec., wants permT
fcllAUFFEtWt. exp., white, sober and InduFui;
drive Cadlllao or Packard, wauls post, where)
services will be appre-d. V Ofo. Xd. Cent
..-......-, -....... ,. viw raimetto.
CJIAUWEUR Young colored man aealrespot
rtllltvc. Packard. Ford. O 124. T.ri- Att
.!" -""" 1.ws' fwrwiue driven Ca.
CUXUmeun. wlh"altuatloni Snjtl; (t
year's, experience; 3 yeare' reference from
Uit place.
ii iaA' ifi,"4?:,,'v,, w
--- - .V.. fce-tMfcSJg il,3.
Ledft-er Central.
Cp5tK rteiirea peel lion, age so, eeversl yeari'
baoktiur eaperUnce. lBfl, Lodger Central.
nwuHMAW wianea loeiuoa en a gentleman'
,---- "'"jl'1" wih 44)s-i em
miuTitui jT-ruionnij g oo.
A. a
CeACIIMAN, married; thor. exp. driver; hun&
era; iiaweigat; rc-i. Bi porwood at., Gtn.
-HVJa-rifn-nrv 'u-NniMw mi',' .. . - '
wants empioyi in or near Phlla. nom. salary
for ood connection. F 651 Ledger Ctntr-1.
DESIONER-Furnlture snfl InterloToodWoTk!
practical. a around. V 768 Ledger o."trVi'
OAHDENER. mar., wants posl. care oflifseT
cows.PouTy. lawns,fiowersi can furn. Ist-clasi
ref. Henry Mundt. Westtown, Chester Co. p"
KOUBCafAM aesires PWltlent expeTlenTeTTirP
clasereference. 844. Ledger Central.' "
KAN. apaa.rwTfs, Knglls'n7wfsh sltuatloml
In small family as cook and clwmoernisid!
Shears lajrtjiUce NCrrO, 14 yine st. '
kAM'eolored, wishes KbTTosItioai Vyeara
Tt&dxrMnszs'1 ert ',A,,'
CllAUrVEUlt. gardener, nm cUm; all-aroun-I
man, country preferred, ref a. pU Irrlan:
CI.tillK, with 6 ycarr general tKperieno,i
iLtart. tow ir (.ner irivonfsmani t ..-'
-,,wvM v Vitlt
work BUT PB
MTTTJOIT 1aat. ... """
mamice; referat.ee. 148, Loiter CwJM
liriATs icsTATta maw -. j.rT"2j
H 7I."""V """ ".i..uerM Mi
.i win,, wa K4jm.-crn.vt lttr (
BAILSMAN, 0 year experience In ihoe. i
tail and manufacturlnir. men or 1m3 I
- - '- " ..., farunn g.cmrai.
lurimMl n . .... .- .
halksman. 40, best ref.. wants lint fori
or nearer territory, c 85. Lrtw Office.
SALESMAN. SO. marrlrit hunt.. ..TTT"
tlon, references; salary mod. C 8L LiV
SALES MANAGKn. niai-iitlv. w.rr
in vr- .Ti.T,-. -.-.V--'" ""'"
-- --.- --,'. m..... ,m uican record
results, desires Interview with emslOTr?
5..VJ,.''T -"."".""'" """ "
.miim.ii-iii. a ri raies manager, w
Hire real Bailsman nnH t.,.1,. ,,.. .
Used to handling 60 men, large volume
i-uueovtfiiueiioe, maii oraer expert. ResBB-W
neratlon based on results: commission or aEsi
""-- v., iicu.ii .ciiirmu
TRAFFIC MANAGKH. vmlv;.l ' ..:
.a ,. i .-... i..t."":i . - - .vam
. . lu i"'uuns; irsisni matters, desires aW
sltlon with Ist-ciasa concern. F 041, Led CeatH
YOUNO MAN. 2J. of good nersmrinTTrat
dress, wishes to make connection along ctlt
lng lines with responsible firm; good eduaa.'
tlon: sales and clerical experience. F t
Ledger Central.
YOUNG MAN. 22. hlrh iirhnnl Hnnil.. ..J
and willing worker, desires position In nv
chine shop or manufacturing companv- biW
reference. O 35B, Ledger Central. "3
YOUNO MAN, 21, high school educaUonTwiS
ing 10 worK nam, aesires position, prefertlirH
in wholesale house or manufacturing estao.il
llslnnent. F 840, Ledger Central. TWi
YOUNO MAN, 27, spent 10 years' at stsSlI
trade, desires steady position, operate auto,:1
mechanical ability. F U44, Ledger Central.-
YOUNO MAN. 22 vears old. artlstli- hlH.V.
desires connection with Interior decoratorta
v. ivi) ,mer umw
YOCNG MAN. college education, bunln... ...
pcrlence, wishes position with reliable toa.'l
i-ern. u .i.m iuRer central.
YOUNG MAN. college, desires rxi.lt Inn .
twwiuunic- ut nu.ifui-nipni. wwo.taji,
YOUNG MAN desires position with Illustrator;
BtSUU t-UpiCli Vi llll, 4-Ugfl VllH'Tt,
of an applicant listed hero who can till tfcstl
ejiucunif poauiun, leiepnone jvir. Hunt, Le-I
ger Central, Walnut or Main 3000, The LtJ.1
gers commercial Registry Bureau Is a fretl
service that will save you time and Incos-I
venlence. Sir. Hunt usually brings the rlbtl
uuxu ui,u nan. juu wgeiucit
Young man. 30, with executive ability lr.4
Initiative. Ten vears' nracttcal exnerlenes ta
advertising, printing, general office work, folw
low-up systems, sales letters, etc., good ccr4
oughly officlent: excellent record; reference;1
moderate salary. P 221, Ledger Office, 'm
nrniiiu V....H n-n.AH ... -.-
married, life experience In vegetables an4 til
kinds of flowers, greenhouse work, poults,
and Guernsey cattle, let-class butter maker:1
strlctlv sober! ran take full rfmrff nf ne.!
tleraan'a estate; best reference. Mtssffer
itonnie itnK-iarm. west i.'ncstcr. i-a.
JAPANESE wants position as butler or bouse-t
man; taxe cars automoDiie; in priate iam-j
lly; city or country. T. A.. 75.1 Cleveland a.l
JAPANESE, Industrious, waiter, gen. hsx.;lsj
smai. fam.. best ref. Iser, 1U34 vine et. J1
WANT 10 housework Elrls, all natlonalltlxt
suDDlles. wants lst-class Prot. and Catholn,'
male ana female neip, an nationalities, m. .
McCarthy, 2107 Christian. Locust 1303i(i
NICHOLLS, 11120 Balnbrldge st --aa
Competent male snd female help. Phone Ln
cust 21 80. t
MADAMH ASHE. French Employment Boreo,-
ia.13 cnrietian st. Reliable neip supplier
wanted, all nationalities. Prot. and Catholic
M11H. IIA11VRY. IBln Tllltrnhnuss SO RjT
liable help supplied and wsnted; wa-teO
immedlately.-Prot.. Cath.. all natlonallth,!
For hale
LOCOMOB1LK. 11)13 0-48 touring: 7 Da,3enr,l
with extra line body. Rebuilt and goro
teed llko new. Price, 82300. , '
TjnrOMOIlTf.R 2.114 Mnrkel. Locust 45flL?
II. A. Jenks, Mgr.. Excnange car -rpwt
1014 SIX-CYLINDER 6-passenger l.ozier tour-,
lng; run less than 11,000 miles; receotlfl
ni.rh.nli nwnar-H nlurnn.. frrnn CUV CXQH
of sale; can be seen by appointment, toff
taerlnca. Bell nhone Locust 2187. M
COMMERCIAL HOUSE wants to rent bulW
en. , .nt-al Incatlnn- must her neaWSl
:- ,?r.-'.,v"V" .,--:. :-s i ,
lorn tn f" 21. Ij.drr.i- Office. "1
ETODDAllD-DAYTON 7-passenger far-
must be sold atonce; Al condition. Addi
.1 -a, ieqger utnee.
FORD touring car, late 1813; for sale, aboirt
.. ..,h . ....... ,..n r M f.v!iiter. 1
Baker st. M ana yank. Phone Manayank J
id, cee pnoto uger ion-rt)j2rtJZrJ2
rw tlHTeri nAUM
COLE 1016 demoustratoVs". slightly used, J
L. B. BOWERS CO., 248-47 N. Broad
nimr.i.in mt-t iniwlm, .ap- nvsrhauletl '
repainted: full equipment, price. 1800. A
ii.NKit'wn.t: RRt.r. 1B14 Packard 8-J I
iter; excellent condition throughout: ties
starter, windshield: make an offer. Wooa. q
bAKLAND 1U13 roadater In first-class
Innlr a arsvfii4 u n-tlV.
I. C. MOSER, 21r) N. Broad 1
LH1I1T ROADSTER for sale cheant no rei
aDei oner rerusea. can do seen nm "
New, Modern, Fireprooy
2 1st and Brandywine Sts
Storage and Repairs i'or
Pleasure and Commercial CjM
Apply Superintendent
Joseph G, Darlington & C
1126-1128 Chestnut St.
or at "21st and Brandywine SHM
Formerlv Short's West Una I
and Rldlni? Academy
Twenty-Prst st. 'above Chestw!
btorage lor Pleasure cars '
Modern Daylight Garage,
rpltrrl I.nration
Absolutely Perfect Scrv?c
ll mono, npruce ut-L .
Keystone. 1'hone, Bacs
COMMEHCIAL HOUSE wants la rtnt
.a- ..... ..nlf.1 Inn.flnnN mttat D. 1
.Wl ...., ,..,., v.v, .----,-.
accommodatlun for 18 cars, heml J
tlcutara to IloX C 31. Ledger onice.,
TO HIIiE-Hrand-new 8 iass. tuurll
1128 per hour. I'hono Tcplar IB!?
W.TIhki nARinti mrt f-ulafkl .
and Erie)- Open for business luodeiatsj
N I'll ii a isigut gaisge fwrnin
: . i . ai
dr.- ;;-t...T-r-c - I UP-TO-IAII! Uliso aiul sma lounni
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