If EVENING CEBGUB !PttIEATEEPHIX tTATUItDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1915: h "f J u iir ,w X. A' DOCTORS VIEW STRANGE AND VARIED FORMS.OP NERVOUS AFFLICTION Bemirkablc Cases at Clinic in Which Subjects Walk Like Chimpanzee and Crab Sane Mind Unable to Direct Muscles A mtn who walks like a chlmpanxee net another who moves Ilk a crab, vie- ttn ot rare and grotesque nervous, ills- 1 eases, vrero nuuim ioiy ur "--" front various sections of this Stato at a rtlnla In Blockeley Hospital. A gTown man who has learned to walk tter two years of painstaking Instruc tion, and whose vocabulary Is limited to the "boo" and "ugs" of a baby was an other study. A fourth was a mart who, told to put his hand on his head, puts it on his shoulder or his elbow-unywhero Vut on his head and cannot do other wise, though he understands perfectly the command which has been given to him, And nil of these aro sane. And they arc normal In all respects savo thls-that their nervous systems are out of adjust ment to a degree that Is, literally, hor rible. Dr. Charles K. Mills, ono of Philadel phia's best-known neurologists and a member ot the staffs of Blockley and of the University of Pennsylvania, con ducted tho atudy and explained tho un vaual afflictions as part of tho program ef tho RSth annual convention of tho State Medical Society, Ono case, that of tho man who walks much as a chimpanzee travels along tho round in the heart of tho Dark Con tinent. Is tho only example in tho United States ot a disease which, stripped of Its Latin designation. Is called Hunting don's, chorea. Chorea Is "St. Vitus dance." In the caso at Blockley tho vic tim has It in an enormously exaggerated form. Only In sleep does this man find repose. For years every waking moment his head has Jerked forward to his knees and then, no less Irresistibly, been drawn for back and then Jerkeif forward, the move ment being accompanied by a similar lowering and raising of his arms. His food I administered by an attendant. The uncontrolled movement of head and arms is unremitting when tho pa tient walks. He crawls slowly on his hands and feet, while his head rises from an attitude In which it touches tho ground to ono in which it Is thrown far back, his neck strained in tho weird posture. No remedy can euro this disease. Only Bleep brings even temporary Burcease. "Torticollis" is the diagnosis of tho ease In which tho patient, llko a crab. TWO AMERICANS FIRST TO REACH GEIKITS TOP New Yorker And Minnesotnn Climb GOOO Feet of Sheer Wall of Ico can move only sideways, his left hand resting near tho floor and his left foot moving forward, to bo followed by the right foot In a shuffling movement To turn he must reach the wall with hla back and turn with a pivoting motion. Doctor Mills declared that this was only tho second case ot the affliction he had encountered In his long practice. Apraxla, a dlteaso characterized by ex treme lack of co-ordination between mind and the nervous and muscular systems, Is tho cnuso ot tho inability of another ot tho unfortunates studied at the cllnla to obey commands which he understands perfectly. "Light this clgoretto with this matoh," he was told, and "What did I tell you to do?" he was. asked by Doctor Mills. "To light this cigarette with this match," camo the clear response. But when ho tried to carry out tho action he struck tho matchbox against tho clgarotto, instead ot striking tho matoh against tho matchbox. Commands to touch various parts of his body were responded to with similar ineffectual efforts. MAN LEAHN1NO TO WALK. Tho rare caso ot a sano man who Is as helpless as a child to perform any simple act In which ho has not boon drilled carofully was described as asslnorgy. It took two years to teach this man to walk. Tho first time ho mado an attempt to do anything but Us in his bed was ono day when ho saw a man walking In tho room and suddenly, as u. tiny Infant might, crawled laboriously out of tho cot and, on the floor, feebly crept on hands and knees. Ho still must be fed and ho has not learned to speak. These steps are be ing taught by physicians and attendants ot tho Institution, where ho has been a patient for two years. Flvo Prisoners Whipped at tho Post WILMINGTON, Del., Sept 25,-Fivo prisoners were whipped at the New Castle County "Workhouse today. Only a few spectators were present. Nono of tho men appeared to suffer greatly. Tho men whipped were Oorgo Butler, 20 lashes and six months; Frank Harrison, 30 lashes and nlno months; Clifford Huggles, 10 lashes and six months; Lewis Berry, 10 lashes and six months, and Stephen Klrby, 20 lashes and six months. NEW TOItK, Sept. IS.-First to climb Mount Qelkle, In Alberta, B. C are two Americans, ono of whom, Dr. Andrew J, GUmour, ot this city, returned yester day, with his story of the conquest ot the frozen heights. He is consulting der matologist at the Manhattan 8tate Hos pital on Ward's Island. His companion was Trof. Edward W. D. Holway, of tho department of botany ot the Univer sity ot Minnesota. Joined by a CO-foot rope, the two men dug their way to tho summit of Gelkle, 11,018 feet high. Five thousand feet of that way was up the nearly sheer wall of blue, cold Ico and compact snow, in which tho explorers had to cut steps. It took, soveral days to work around from Edmonton to the back ot tho great crag In British Columbia and a base camp was established halt way up. The final ascent was on August E. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CHESTNUT 1ULL BEAT. ESTATE FOB SALE CHESTNUT HILL Semi-Detached Homes In Beautiful Chestnut Hill Meade Street West of Anderson Six large bedwns, one or two baths, lares living hall, open fireplace; dining, fwntry and kitchen, laundry In basement; hot-water heat, hardwood floors, combination Ightinr flxturea, single porcbea; In fact, many features that are found only In higher priced homes. THEY ARE WORTH A VISIT COME SEE THEM One sijuare from Graver's Lane. P. A n.: two squares from Chestnut Bill, P. R. n.t ns square from Oermantown avenue. Price $6000 Aim DADrriT tvtT niTnn 'r iw-fDciv i i.iJL,ivuvan - great SUILDER and OWKEH Wayne and Duval Streets Man Held on Complaint of Women A wouldbo conversationalist, who Is ao cused of talking to women to whom ho hadn't been introduced in a moving pic ture theatre at 19CG Columbia avenue, was held under IS0O ball today for a further hearing, by Magistrate Morris, of the 19th and Oxfonl streets station. Ho is William 13. Hubbs, 30 years old, 3721 North 17th street. Ho was arrested on tho complaint ot .several women, who did not appear at the hearing. 13-Year-OId Lad to Mako Trip West A 13-year-old Philadelphia boy will sail nlono from New York for San Francisco via tho Panama Canal today on tho Fin land to meet his father and stepmother. Ho Is Archibald Henderson Hamilton, of 4501 Falrmount avenue. Tho lad never has met his stepmother. Ho was taken DOCTORS SAY XAY WILL HELP IN FIGHTING CANCER Roentgen Rays Upheld as Great IIopo of Surgery ATLANTIC CITT, N. J Sept. JS.-De-ctartng that X-ray specialists have dis covered a method that promises to put Into the hands ot surgeons cases on early intestinal cancer where immediate oper atlvq treatment will insure complete cures, Dr. George C Johnson, ot Pitts burg, today urged members of the Amer ican noenrgen Bay Society not to be timid about their diagnosis, "There are lesions a surgeon may eas ily overlook in an operation and we have an Infinite duty to our patients to Inves tigate every portion of an affected tract and to do it as thoroughly as possible," said Dr. W. C. Manges, of Philadelphia. Other specialists urged -the Roentgen ray experts to develop a standardized practice for determining early symptoms of malignancy. It was declared that al most mloroscoplo evidence of cancer, which In soma Instances had excited the contempt of surgeons, had amply justi fied the X-ray men In procuring surgical exploration. Dr. James T, Case, of Battle Creek, pleaded with X-ray colleagues to be exceedingly careful about criticisms of surgeons. "Wo need team work," ho said, "to advanoo our work to tho stage ot greater certainty and this will not be encouraged by dogmatism upon our part." Wilmington Boys on Strike WILMINGTON, Del., Sept. 25,-At the plant of tho Sheet Metal Contracting Company a number of boys went on a strike, and the dispute has not yet been settled. The boys) wero getting 16 conts an hour and demanded 2a Tho concern manufactures tin boxes for the Du Fonts. Man Killed Trying to Board Train CARLISLE, Pa Sept. 23. Charles Mor ris. 80 years old of Carllslo was killed oy a fast freight train on the Philadelphia and Reading road just south of here last nlxht when ho attemDted to steal a ridn to New York by his aunt, Mrs. Jesslo H. in order to reach tho Lancaster fair. Tho Collett. body was not found until today. BEAT. ESTATE FOB SALE suntjitnAN BEATj ESTATE JOB SALE GUnCRDAN PENFIELD See Penfleld's location and yem'll wcndr at tho llttlo prices asked. Only 8 minutes from 09th Street ElsvaUd Terminal by way of tho Philadelphia and Western Railway a 5-cent fare and Penfleld Station right on the property. Beautiful lots at Just about half regular prices, due to settling the Wood estate. Picturesque homes, high-class Improvements and tho nearest of Philadelphia' suburbs. Write for Penfleld booklet Clifford B. Harmon & Co. 1437 Chestnut Street Belt Vhone. Bprac 4tl Keystone Phone, Rao It 1 1 Representatives on Pippwtr Srery Day, Including Sunday FIRST Him FINISHED FOR FRANKFQRD "L" Rushed to Completion to Servo as Model Work Proceed ing Rapidly The first of tho double row ot con crete pillars, which will support the steel' superstructure of tho Frankford ele vated, was completed today at Front street, just north ot Olrard avenue. Fifty other pillars are under construc tion between Olrard avenue and Oxford street, but the first was rushed to com pletion In order to servo as a model and standard for the others. Tho work on tho Frankford line, which began a little more than two weeks ago, is now proceeding with great rapidity both north and south from Olrard ave nue on Front street. On the section north of Olrard avenue the concrete pil lars are being built upon the gravel and clay foundation, which la found from 10 to 30 feet below the surface. South from Olrard avenue, however, heavy piles aro to be driven in tho ground at the bottom of eight-foot pits and the concrete pillars will be constructed on the top ot these ptlos. . The base of the pillar just completed is II feet below the street tatei The diMetMlons at the bese are nine by elM feet and these are Uniform until a point five feet below the surface Is reached. From this pelnt to the street level the pillar Is built In tho shape of a pyra mid, the top dimensions being four by three feet Four steel bolts, six fet in length and 1H Inches In diameter, aro sunk In the concrete to a depth between four and five feet The heavy steel base plat form, which will support tho upright steel pillars, will be fastened upon these bolts where they extend above the con crete, In constructing the concrete pillars steel forms woro first placed In tho ex cavation. At the bottom heavy pieces of broken rock were dropped and a steam concrete mixing machine was then placed above the excavation and the concreto poured directly Into tho steel form from the maohlne. Heavy rocks were thrown in the pit at various depths to reinforce the concrote. When tho concreto' has hardened the steel forms will be withdrawn. Ex-Lcadcr in Russian Council Dead PETROQRAD, Sept. 25. Tho death of Peter Nlkolatevlch Dumovo Is announced. He had been Russian Minister ot the In terior, a member of tho Council of the Empire and leader of tho party of the Right In the Council. STUDENTS WW FKH1T FOR EARLlfeR HOUIBfl jo Schools in College Department! ot u. ot to open at 8:S Instead of 9 A. M. University ot Pennsylvania state!, have won their fight for earlier reeMe.4 lion nours. uorearier in an the sohoasil ot tho college department recitations st lectures win Dcgin at .30 o'clock lal stead of 9. In the professional schoeWl no changes nave been made. This Is the culmination ot the flM begun last year by Vivian Nlckalls, ts former crew coacn. NicKaus started tsa agitation In order that candidates f ine wows imam ri-puri earner. Tvhes recitations began at 9 o'clock th Z men could not get on the river before t o'clock. Tho same conditions existed Is tho other major sports. As a rrjit m tho agitation the students got up petfi tlons by classes asking that the UnlTee. slty open at 8 o'clock. Somo membm j the faculty protested, notably Dr. Thosi." M9 w wbv., .. ,. fc , wen exchanged between him and Mr. Nicks in wio i-uiu..i.ii u. mo .rcnnsyiv&tutfkj1 BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE scncnnAN BEAZ. ESTATE FOB SALE riEIlimilAN BEAIi ESTATE FOB SALE STJiiunnAN Scott's Homes wmm SH?HU5i iW Si ag m ; te.itnlMci tmwptj. yrvss. English Half- Timbered Home AxX&A r.stys. - -i 5u m Uf? WJM 1 m - ii&y m !.JL VJ li - f&h mim, !!! ! Mlt ut ... & Bl... 7' " :" ., ,. ,.,& W- j ;.i i "--xV . Z?Vt tertl nxx i? X4 M Jffl ;$$? fJWSI vw i.Aj One ot 1G different typoi, built from stone talcen from our own quarries, and by (killed mechanics engafred and paid by us. thus glvlns the purchaser 100 cents value on every dollar. Garage built to order on property at cot. The above home li Ensllsh, half-timbered. Living hall In which is a atone Elizabethan fireplace and Ingle nooks end fireplace cloieta. On each elde of flreplace hammered brans fixtures. Raftered celling. The white dining room has 4 recessed casement windows with Elizabethan built-in china closetH. superb bowl In centre ot dining room for Indirect lighting-. Kitchen, butler's pantry, laundry, refrigerator room and servants' lavatory. Window seats and English windows at the top of first landing. On sec ond floor, 4 bedrooms, bath, covered sleeping porch In rear, and In the front a canvas-decked open porch leading from main bedroom by a French door. On third floor, bedroom, trunk and billiard room, together with bath. There are 11 rooms, 3 baths, front and back porch. The Scott homes ate on Latches lane. Upland terrace. Union avenue. Edge 11111 road. Take Penn sylvania Railroad to Sala or Cynwyd, or Market street elevated to 6!d street then Iala car to City Line a S-cent (are. Write or phone for llEATJTIFUt, ILLUSTRATED HOOKLKT, showing the 16 homes Representatives on l'ropertlcs Dally, Including Sunday GEORGE C. SCOTT, Morris Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 1421 Chestnut St. Rooms 900-901 TELEPHONE srnucE t930 "Doping Out" The World's Series with Hugh Fullerton The Most Daring' and Audacious Articles Ever' Written on the National Pastime. Hugk Fullerton tears up all tke facts and fancies on pennant diamonds. He fearlessly snoots nis dope regardless of every tiling otner folks tkink. Managers are X-rayed, diamond "bones" picked clean, and play ers shaken apart and reassembled. Fullerton lias a line, of tbe livst, most critical dopeever written, and be bands it out as no other baseball writer ever dared do. His hammer and laurels are ready, and h 'em freely. Watch him. ; e uses -jt i - asm Nq. 1 Fullerton's articles are sure to arouse criticism. He,ll -take your favorite player and make him look like a dub. The Public Ledger "will, so far as Space permits, publish letters- from fans who want to show Fullerton he does not know it all. , Fullerton explains- his syjstem of '"doping cut" the series in-MONDAY'S public ledger; "- Hoblitzell and Luderus, first basemen of the Boston Red Sox and Phillies, dissected by baseball's greatest dopester. This will-appear on. Tuesday, but you should read the intro' MONDAY'S - ' ktM tfuction to the series in PUBLIC IEDGER .- Mux mm r-