Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 25, 1915, Final, Page 11, Image 11
EVENING LEDGBK-PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1918; 11 4 1RST FOOTBALL GAMES ON TODAY NEWS OF THE SOX ANNEX I FIRST MACK GAME BY 8-T0-1 SCORE .T-u- A'fTiinfir.R to Thrco .n nniua - MHto. whiIe chlcaE Ham" jners Kay nnu nuuuio for 11 Safeties ICAL TWIRLERS WILD cmcAdo, AD. . H. O. A. E. 3 0 0 6 1 3 riich, tt S 4 0 0 1 2 0 2 Wf"": . .. aaj, coiling Ketirnler, .Collin, lb -cxburoe. " al. o P ..32 8 11 27 U I Total ATHL.KTICB. - AB. n. It. O. A. K. 0 1 Mmnk. rf. iwk'ton. cf LJo1e. 2b..- 'XelntH, lb ynf. ss fptmnm. 3b r E(y. ":::::: 2 itfabors, p.. .28 1 3 27 14 Total wtaM wi?-?t' "3": hD""" Sacrl- .KTljfSSSh :'j VColMn. Struck out 'chllK, 18C" " . t, halls l' !!?,?." Nabors. 3. Double pSrJ-Koot to Lajolo to Mclnnls: E. F'JviKa W Weavor to J. Collin.: 8chanB to I Collins to eav w..wor. Batter IwFou'rnler. Schalk; I MtlDH PAltK. Sept 25.-JOO Bens held hh? Athletics to three hits, two ot which U)e Ainie" whlto Sox had J-Wff.-J ! ht MMmn ou-. .- - , -- -- the Atneucin.-.-. "-:-- -:v- ;J?Tm5t .t wE The nnal tally JUT. the southpaw from Greensboro. i started on the mouna lor mo """"i H ""vu v" ... ... r.r thi hnv In the , theract that he w driven irnm me i""i -- ..CI . He was wild nnd nervous ,nd was In trouble right from the start. Hi has great spcea, nowevci, mm " cro'i-nre curve nan. " ion... hn finished the Game, pitched vV' fairly we", but his lack ot control was l Also a Brcm iiuiiwivui'. FIRST INNING. Fe!sch beat out an Infield hit. Weaver went out. Ray to Mclnnls. E. Collins walked, Fournler was hit by a pitched baU, filling the bases. Jackson hit Into a lightning- double play, Kopf to Lajote to Mclnnls. the latter making a great .i. . xrn'w.na nn tilt, nn errors. 1 Schang walked. Strunk double to left, ,j rearing Schang. Bankston fanned. V Weaver threw out Lajole, Weaver nlso '? .. ac.t .. Ana run my Tlit. tin x inrew iugiii.no uuu wuu ... w.. ..... ..- errors. & nt-rnvr. TVVMWn John Collins filed to Bankston. Black. i" tume went out tho samo wny. Schalk ft. was hit by a pitched Dan. nenz wameu. ! Schalk stole third, but Bcnz remained at .Jink Felsch doubled to rifint. sconng .gchalk and Bern. Weaver hit to Demrau," who tagged Felsch coming to third. Two runs, one mi, no errors. fr Blackburne threw out Kopf. Demrau fanned. JIcAvoy also fanned. No runs, bo hits, no errors. THIRD INNING. l T .I1I.B -InI..., l& MM.! Aa1 BA- ;. c. 'wiiiiia biiibu lu tcit auu ivsifi ovt- r end on Echanu's fumble. Itay lost Four osier's pop fly In the sun and It went for s hit, but Collins remained at second. -,Jickon sacrificed, Dcmrau to Mclnnls. 4. vouins waiKcu, nuing xne Dases. Slackbume walked, forcing E. Collins In. VSehalk filed to Strunk In short right. Bcnz 'filed to Strunk. One run, two hits, one error. Ray fanned. Schnnc lined to Felsch. .Strunk went out to J. Collins, unassisted. i No runs, no hits, no errors. FOURTH INNING. i FeUch beat out an Inll'eld hit. Felsch toW! second. Weaver sacrificed, Mclnnls to Lajolo. E. Collins singled to centre, scoring Felsch. Nnbors now pitching for the Athletics. Fournler filed tb Bank Sloa. B. Collins was caught napping, Na bors to Mclnnls. Ono run, two hits, no i errors. I E. Collins threw out Bankston. Lajolo f hit Into a double play! E. Colllim to , Wtavft to J. Collins. No runs, ono hit. rJ o errors. ; FIFTH INNING t'-iackson fanned. J. Colllnswas safe on LtTAn.. t tt - . . . . . Tlt'n" wruw. in irymg to caicn .1. lU'Colllns napping, Nabors threw past Moln U?5i Ui runner reaching third. Black- mmu puppi-Q 10 ivopr. Kopt rumDiea sSchallt'a grounded, J. Collins scoring. jBena filed to Demrau. One run, no hits, 'three errors. ,'' Kopf fanned. Demrau filed to Fournler. s i;.'ver tnrcw out McAvoy. No runs, no VJUtJ. no prrnra . -. --- ...V.H, SIXTH INNINQG. ! Felsch fanned. Weaver out. Lajolo to awinnla e, Collins went out the same ! 'V rto n, no bltsjino errors. Nabors out, Weavcf to J. Collins. cnang ijned to Fournler. Benz threw Jit Strunk. No runs, no hits, no errors. SEVENTH INNING. rournltr beat out an inflfM m. .t.v. Soil Blnelert tn ,titM trn..vi.. . ri'tl'tS'i i01?0" t0l second on the throw i. v.. . ' WDlns nil 10 Jvopr, wno got ."Wnler at the plate. J. Collins stole IS.- . "'"kbourno did '-0 Strunk In .,f. . r'.ght Schalk singled to left, scor " caniM and J' ColUn- Schalk was A. in-, . "rw" "rai ana was oui, 41c ,.!?' t0 LaJo'e. Two runs, three hits, no Bankston Hied to Felsch. Blackburfio ..lhrew out t.0iai kr.f .. i 5i,. nt' Ueni to J- Collins. No runs, no I -alts, no errors. M BIQHTH INNING. "J Popped to Kopf. FeUch also rPPPCa to Konf Wmvih wii,.i wn,- ?ut Healing. MeAvov to Lal'ole. No xl 0. K- c'"- to. J. Collins. rjT11 Walked. McAVoy fanned. Nabors f. K, Colllnn to J. Collins. No runs, no 7 rrurs. NINTH INNINO EiC(Jllln uinol.l l Tr.. ... -I iffijf '11. E Collins, staying at sec- . -r- -- tiKiui a.u iciL. ruuriurr Bias JacJson sacrificed, McAvoy to Mo- vuiuns walked, fining the bases, UUrilfl walkvH. fr.rrl..o- In V r'l. iu. - 8chalk lined to Schapg, who threw rourrjer nt the Plate. One run. two no errors. uiff lined tn icci.ni, ci,ni, .in. to centre. n,ni.in.. H-..A.i M nin ..." ."i'j-r2! '""""r." .. " U VVhv vuucneu nrsv una tnrew i. 4.. ,v" viiiK oirunK, io rums 1 ho errors. ,W9 Vl?w Aster Cup Tests ".VV".K PDt --Ten thousand ni!., fnsl elimination trials I w i-up automobile race next y war held ovar the BhpiBht.d Cpt4y -j, conUaUnts ha to siwb an knur l ka II 1 M I w QUAFi . - J Continued from I'ace One McCarthy sacrificed, Demaree to Nlehnff Archer riled to Bancroft. Klsher hatted where Chcnowcth was thrown. On tho first piny tlodgers gained a yard off tncklo nnd Curry nnd llodgers followed with three more. Ilodgers kicked on the next play nnd Bell scooped up the ball, cairylng It to mldftcld. On ho first plungo Berry made five yards nnd Welsh plowed ahead for eight. Again Berry cut through centrn for a five-yard advance. Welsh gained two yards on a similar play nnd Berry took tho ball for nn ntlvance that was a foot ahort Vor a first down. The Quakers received five yards for West Virginia's offside. This took the ball to tho 21-yard lltio. On a delayed pass. Berry cut through for three yards. He followed ingaln with a straight plunge ot six yardl. Offside set the Quakers back five yards. On a splendid forwnrd oass from Berrv to Ross, the Quaker halfback rnn 2S yards for tho first touchdown of the year. Berry kicked tho goal, which mmle the score Pennsylvania 7. West Virginia ,0. Webster kicked off for West Virginia to Berry, who sprinted back to I'cnn's 33-ynrd lino. Berry punted a high twister to Chenaweth, who was dropped In his tracks on tho 16-yard line, Rodgcrs whs thrown for a loss of two yards, but on n fake kick the samo player sprinted around Pcnn's left end for 20 yards, whero Berry threw him out of bounds. Rodgcrs tried tho Qunker line, but lost a yard. Holding tel West Virginia bnck 15 yards. Rodgcrs punted nt once to Bell, who dashed bnck 5 yards to West Virgin la's 4S-ynnl lino. Holding set Pennsylvania back 13 yards. Hero tho period ended with the score Pennsylvania, 7; West Virginia, 0. SECOND PERIOD. The teams changed sides, with the ball In Pennsylvania's possession on tho Quakers' 38-yard line. Berry punted to Chenoweth, who was dropped on West Virginia's 16-yard line. On a fako kick Chenoweth made a yard. Rodgers tried an end run, but fumbled. Hutchinson regained the ball for West Virginia for a gain of two yards and then Rodgers punted out of bounds on Pennsylvania's 47-yard line. On a quar terback run Bell lost a yard. Mathews was hurt, but resumed play after time was taken out. Berry failed to gain on a fake kick. He punted on the next play, tho ball going out cf bounds on West Vlrglnln's 20-yard line. Curry skipped nround end for two yards, but on tho ncxt.play failed to gain. Rodgcrs lost 3 ynrds on a fake kick. Ho kicked on tho next play to Bell, who was thrown out of bounds on Pennsyl vania's 40-yard Una. Berry kicked to Chenoweth, who was downed on his 2S-ynrd line. Rodgers made five ynrds on an end run, but he got only a yard on the next attempt. He tried a fake kick again. but gained nothing. With Bell holding tho ball, Berry tried a goal from placement, but It went wide. Hero Lcatherwood, the West Virginia captain, took Chenoweth's place at quar terback. Rodgcrs punted to Bell, who raced back seven yards to m!d field. A forward pass hit the ground. Hero tho half ended. Score Pcnn, 7; We3t Vir ginia, 0. THIRD PERIOD. When tho teams returned there was only ono change, Chenoweth returning to quarterback for West Virginia. Rodgers kicked off for West Virginia nnd the Quakers brought the ball back from their 20-yard lino. Berry lost two yards on a fake kick nnd then punted to Chenoweth on West Virginia's 38-yard line. Berry punted -at -once to Chenoweth. Holding set the West Virginians back 13 yards and Rodgcrs ' punted to Berry on tho Quakers' 48-ynrd line. A forward pass hit the ground nnd Borry punted. Rodgers made two ynrds ntound end. Stack took Urquhart's place nt end and Lunbere replaced Hopkins on the other wing. Rodgers punted and becauso a West Virginia man tackled Berry before ho received the ball, tho visitors were pen alized 15 yards. This took the ball to their 42-ynrd line. The Quakers were penalized on the next play 13 yards for holding and Berry punted to Chenoweth, who sprinted back In brilliant fashion for 15 yards. Rus sell replaced Mathews. Offside gave West Virginia 15 yards. Hero Grant replaced Bell at quarterback for tho Quakers. RodgotH tried a fako kick, but could not gnltSk A forward pass froan Rodgers was caugft by Wray, tho Quaker centre, at mldneld. Berry tried a forward pass, which Hlte caught for West Virginia on tho vial tors' 33-yard line. Hltb broko through tho lino for 2 yards nnd Curry got an other yard through Russell. Wray and Stack threw Rodgers for a loss ot 5 yards and .he had to punt to Grant, who ran back 10 yards to tho Quakers' 36-yard line. Welsh gained 2 yards through tho line and then Berry punted to Chenoweth, who fumbled, but Taylor returned for tho visitors on their 32-yard line. Quigley took Berry's place at fullback on the Quaker team.' Hlte made a yard around Stack. Here the period ended. Score: Pennsylvania, 7; West Virginia, 0. FOURTH PERIOD. The teams changed sides and Berry re placed Quigley at fullback. Curry made four yards, but Berry threw Rodgers for a toss of four yards on a fake kick, Rodgers punted to Berry on the Quakers 43-yard line. A fqrward pass hit the ground j Berry lost threo yards on an end run and kicked at once to Chenoweth, who was downed on tho 30-yard line. While the ball was in mo air a ti Virginia man had held a Pennsylvania player, and the Quakers were given the ball on West Virginia's 40-yard lino. Hero Dorlzas replaced Hennlng at guard. Holding set the Quakers back 15 yards. Berry kicked to "Chenoweth, who was thrown on his 17-yard line. West Vir ginia tried a complicated forwnrd pass, .,-- A..t nt itmtnrifi nn their 38 wmen wciik vuv v- ..-.. -.- ------ yard line. Rodgers, on a wide end run, made seven yards. Curry got around four yards for the first down. HIta made two yards off tackle. West Virginia tried a swift play, of which Rodgers made three yards. Rodgers kicked to Grant, who ran the ball back to West Virginia's 47-yard line. Berry's forward pass hit the ground. Tabor took Stack's place at left end. Berry punted to Chenoweth, who was thrown on the 15-yard line. Rodgers tried to go through Dorlzas, but lost a yard and in addition was laid cut. TlBhe jeplaced Ross at left half back for Pennf ' ' . int. soinni im vnrds. then Rodgers punted out of bounds on hla own 40-yard line. Berry cut through for three yards and then Welsh got three mora through centre. Berry madif It a first down with five yards through centre. Berry galled on the next plunge and Welsh could get only two yards through centre. There was a fumble, but Welsh re. turned the ball for Perm. Berry tried a goal from field on the 40-yard line, but It was blocked. Th; ball rolled out of bounds on the 16-yard line where It was fumbled and a Quaker returned it. Welsh gained four yards on a centre plunge and then the game ended, Final score. 7 to 0. Ono Match In Interclub Tennis ..M,,il. ciwmutonahlp of the Interclub League. l!4 tha WdadtlphU Crlckat Club, pBt, Martin'. in ,h aem"DlIrol1,n4,of M,V'' one match was piayea in ine moi- Set and dtfeited J. M. Watap and & II. Hralar. but tha lows put up a alio flht f2yYoalii th " set. S-0. n h. aatona .!ittv managed to outgeneral their oppo tha taw,. hft Laaeaw QUAKERS DEFEAT WEST VIRGINIA, 7-0 HE'S SAFE! EBERTS SCORING FOR (BBkkkkB' " "t-i j 4kviflHHftflswkWkWkWoH jkWkWkWkWkWkVAHkWkWMkWkvsk 'S'k"kw kMBltl 'kWssWSsWSsWSsWSsWSsWSSBBSsWSSVkBMSK f Tlh4WkESSWSsWfl kkkNBE. ft v"" " j iOiKflkS ikkHkHsi Hk ' "r 4kBN Jiyikakkkl v, XkBkBkflHKkSH " .. mrWMM . , JWkMiyj 'WPBkMkkMkki lBHMVnnaHkv P-tM1 aMMiMikkMklikwfc, .kikWk:Mit!ji!ikWkB ,aHkkkHkkMkHkv&uikVHkHkkkkk&! kWkfeftHkBr m$jfilBKE2&miKK BB&aii -MKffiflkkWtj llsH (vmbvmwhuLvm -.- vHkPA'kBkBHkVsVv . 3) $ry 5'vt KwEfTts) -jsi f? jxi- Zft e' iw'SkA '' fl? i iifc StHJkJMHi Tho E. G. TJudd Manufacturing Company nnd Ilnlo & KUIiurn Manufacturing Company teams played for tho championship of the Industrial League this afternoon. The photograph shows Ebcrts declared safe in his dash for home. TENDLER WHIPS REDDY; FOUR LOCAL BOYS WIN Philadelphia Poxers Show Su perior Form in Ban tam Tourney Four to ono was the final scoro of tho Intercity bantam tournament at the Na tional Club's opening show of tho Beason last night, with Philadelphia on tho win nlng end. Low Tendler, Eddie O'Kccfe, Young Dlgglns and Harry Smith carried the Quaker City colors to victory, while Johnny Solsbcrg, of Brooklyn, saved tho out-of-town entries from a shut-out. Participating in his 23d bout. Tendler gnve a brilliant exhibition of boxing In the wind-up by defeating Battling Reddy, of New York. The Gotham glovcman started out roughing Lanky Low, but the Phlladelphlan kept his heud, fighting a I cool battle. His stiff right jabs nnd left uppercuts enabled Tendler to pile up a snfe lend, and Reddy's puffed face at the finish gave mute evidence of tho visi tation of the local lad's punches. Benny Kaufmnn was tho only Phllly fighter who went down to defeat. Do spite a nine-second knockdown In tho second round, Benny fought a great bat tie, but Solsberg's harder punches earned him a shade victory. Al Shubcrt, of New Bedford, Mass., was O'Kecfo's victim. Eddie clearly outboxed Shubcrt In every round nnd In several mlxups at close quarters O'Kccfe also outfought the New England battler. By connecting with more telling punches and being the nggressor, Dlgglns was tho victor over Battling Lahn, of Brooklyn. Freddy showed up well from the beginning until tho conclusion of the contest. The other out-of-town boxer who wns beaten was Willie Jackson, of New York, Smith being his adversary. Sammy Harris, Bantamweight Chum plon Kid Williams and George Chaney, of Baltimore, witnessed the bouts from tho ringside. Williams seemed to bo the n tro ot attraction when he first took his scat. Speaking ot the Johnny Ertlo fight, Harris' said: "Ertlo Is the biggest, false alarm as a fighter that I ever saw. When I said I would bet 5000 the Kid can knock him out, I did not mean stago money, and the St. Paul boy or any of his con stituents can have tho wager at any tlmo. The sooner the better." E. G. BUDD GETS LEAD ONHALE&KHBURN Industrial League Leaders En gage in Keen Game at Strawbridge Field The E. G, Budd team secured nn early lead on the Hale & Kllburn ball tossers this afternoon In nn Industrial League game at the Strawbridge athletic grounds, 63d and Walnut streets, by scor ing ono run in the initial Inning. Halo & Kllburn failed to tally in tho f.rst framo. A good crowd wns pres ent. Although the weather was more or less applicable to tho gridiron game tho players stuck to their tack. Ebets, the Budd club's left fielder, tallied the run In the opening Inning. Gallagher and McCaffery was the bat teries for tho Budds and Stewart and Grlfllths for Halo & Kllburn. BUDD. Itumaoy, as. Kberts, If. Wahl. cf. Flaher, rf. Meadowcroft. 3b. Coyle. 2b. McCaffery, c. Gallagher, p. HALE A K1LDUP.N. Clark, 2b. Sylvester, rf. I'ettra. Dixon, lb. Welker, 3b. Klndredan, If, Fuller, cf. Griffiths, q. Stewart, p. Malley, id. Umpires Lycaa and McOowan. STOCK'S HOME RUN PUTS PHILS IN LEAD. for Hogg. Fisher filed to Whltted. No runs, one hit, no errors. FIFTH INNING. Vaughn replaced Hogg. Cravath filed to Good. Luderus walked. Whltted lined to McCarthy, whoso throw; to Baler doubled Luderus. No runs, no hits, no errors. Good filed to Paskert, Mulligan singled, to left. Schulta filed to 'Bancroft. Nle hoft threw out Zimmerman, No runs, ono hit, no errors. SIXTH INNING. Ntehoff fanned. Mulligan threw out Burns! Demaree fanned. No runs, no hUs, no errors. Baler filed to Paskert. Williams went out the same way. Whltted made a great running catch of McCarthy's drive. No rung, no hits, no errors. E. M. ROSS HIGH. GUN Clever Shot Breaks; 23 at du Pont Bhoo't WIIAUNGTON, Djel., Sept. 25.-On ac count ot Important shoots In other places the attendance at the du PonUTrapshoot ing Club this afternoon was smaller than usual, du Pont always holds a shoot, no matter whatt he conditions, and this aft ernoon a score of marksmen faced the trap, despite all rival attractions. Some good scores wera mad. Tho scores; F. D, McCoy, 3; H. O. Flthsrland. ?! X Evan, Jr., U; J. W. EvRn. 21t JI. D, AN baugh, T: W- H. Appieton, 131 F Fen nesay, 1; E. Cornog, lo; E. It. Jenks, 21; K, 'M, Rosa 23; X Bwan U; O. V Ort, i T wooa. b; is, ou rout, u; it. jr. awlauMr. Ill T. C. Mftmluli. : T. Me-lln. EASE AN ESSENTIAL FOR GOLFER IF BODY SWING IS EFFECTIVE "ace Slightly Toward Left, in at Waist and Let the Body Expert Local By JOHN ALBERT SCOTT In tho previous articles on tho stance. It has been said that tho manner In which Vardon nnd Braid stand rl. e., tho posi tion of the feet In, relation to tho ball and the line ot play Induces the body twist, which It is necessary to get. In order to havo the power of tho body come Into the Btroke, without any con scious effort of the player. If these articles aio read carefully and the reasoning followed. It will bo scon that their text is "Naturalness," that the body Is allowed to do certain natural and Instlnctlvo things, after having taken a stinco nnd grip that permits freo natural nction. It Is tho placing of the. body In a con strained nnd unnatural position and then trying to make the different parts work In an arbitrary manner that results In stiffness, an Inability to hit freely and powerfully, a general feeling of discom fort nnd consequent failure. The essence of tho play, of tho great golfer Is ease. Now as to tho body twist, how tt Is In duced and atnrted py the stajyje, as de scribed. After having taken the stance and addressed the ball, stand up straight and face ns you would ordinarily, with the feet In the position shown. You find yourself facing slightly toward tho left and that your body turned to assume this position. To address tho ball again, bending nt the waist,' you must twist tho body at tho hips. Thus It will be seen that with tho feet In tho position assumed by Var don and Braid the others do tho samo thing the body must be twisted to the right, nnd It Is only a matter of letting It continue to do so as tho club is swung back to get it fully and in the proper way. Furthermore, as tho address was re sumed from tho erect position, tho knees VvJSv,r4.Zf,'M'- J. II. Term Addressing the Ball moved Into perfect adjustment, without effort on your part. So it follows that by standing In the position illustrated by the photograph! of Vnrdon nnd Braid you. will do with tho feet what Is dono with tho hands (when they are placed as described In the grip, as will bo seen more fully later), start a turning movement, and, will have done so automatically. With grip and stance taken as shown and described, and the reasons' for them being understood, the back swing will proceed easily and smoothly, It the line I will Indicate is followed. A large dance has been arranged at Huntingdon Valley to wind up tho golf tournament for the Berthellyn Cup, which has, been going on all week. Mrs. Clar ence H. Vanderbeck, champion of the 'United States, and Mrs. Caleb F. Fox, once a finalist for tho said title, are crossing golt sticks today, and there is sure to be a hard match between these CHANGES IN FOOTDALL RULE8 FOR 1915 SEASON The changes In the football rule for 181S are very simple. The following are tbe principal alteration which spectators should bear In ralndi 1, There must be four officials Inatead of three, the uae of the Field Judge being obligatory, Tho Held Judge In stead of the Linesman Is new the time keeper. I. Iteaubstitutlona are allowed only at the beginning ot a period. S. Working and Interfering-, wherein playera throw their leg up In the air, Is forbidden, and a 15-yard penalty Inflletsd for flotation of th rule. 4. Centre are forbidden to make a "balk" at snapping the ball, (1. Kuunlog lato the fullback or punter Is penalised by a loaa of IB yard. Kuoch lng him I penalised by IS yard and dl. qualification. 0. The forward pas when thrown out f bounds a a auoatUute for a punt I de clared ap, Incompleted forward pass. 1, If a kreoud eligible man touches Ut forward pas after It Its Hrst been touched by an eMalUa player It tovoaaa aa tocswiHilsil - t i , inn -SiffsBaWyffrlM0' vl&&& . r''r,,f;',-tyfty'T3y''-;y7?SSC SPORTS WORLD FROM FAR AND NEAR BUDD TEAM I Relation to Ball, Bending Twist at Hips, Advises Golf Notes old rivals. Mrs. Fox has already won tho cup once. Mrs. Vanderbeck reminds ono very strongly of Gil Nicholls In tho wny she plnya the game, especially In walking up to the ball and addressing it. She has much the same free swing, nnd brings Just ns many cries of joy out of tho gal lery. Mrs. Barlow and Mrs. Vanderbeck. two of tho most glittering lights In tho wom en's golfing world, played the best match that has been seen in this city nil season. Each player worked with all her heart, nnd nearly every hole had the gallery on Its toes. It was Bhot for shot and then a heartbreaking effort to get a half. Mrs. Barlow wns J,ust under all the way, nnd the putts sho ran down from all the corners of tho green startled tho many pros and masculine stars In the gallery. She showed nerves like blue steel. She holed out for the hole off the green on tho eight up a terrace. She found the cup on tho Hth 15 feet away on a winding shot over the tricky green for a half, after Mrs. Vanderbeck hnd sunk an equally long putt for a bird. Mrs. Bar low found herself In that hopeless con dition of being thrco down and three to play. When she put her third to the long 16th In the robust rough, tt looked to be all dny, especially when sho Just got to the edgo on her next. But she crawled and wound over the humps and bumps right to the nest, nnd won the hole. She grim ly won the .next when she sank a five footer, easiest of the easy to miss In a crisis. She had to hole out a down hill affair for the last hole, but missed by a fraction. Buxton, ono of the "first five" In the State, played with tiny Miss Chandler, whoso drive was far better than his on the first. McFarland was nlso left far behind by Mrs. Stetson's drive. Mrs. Fox played her own game and won out in the end, as she said, by the mis plays of Miss Chandler. Tho latter had her long game In excellent control, and tlmo and again had two putts for the hole ns tho result of deadly work with her Iron and wood. But she groped blindly, being utterly unable to locate It even for a half dozen times. Few women players could tnke her measure if she could brace up this de partment of play. Mrs. Vanderbeck Is perfectly Justified In being annoyed nt people In tho gallery that Insist on standing behind the shot in tho line ot play. A solid, motionless background Is one thing, but ono or two stragglers will upset the best of players. WRAY MENTIONED AS PENN ROWING COACH Deposed Harvard Tutor Re- ported to Have Been Sought by Quaker Officials It was rumored today that James S. Wray, deposed head of Harvard rowing, is being mentioned as next head coach at tho University of Pennsylvania. Wray himself Is mum on the subject, but It Is known that certain Pennsylvania graduates have long been sweet on Wray's rowing methods and only last summer tho Australian was In com munication with the Quaker management seeking terms. Wray Is through with Harvard rowing, a verbal contract with Chairman Herrlck calling for four years' more of service being his only contract at Harvard. Prom Inent Harvard graduates would like to see him at Penn, and the Harvard Athletic Association or graduates would willingly pay any difference between a possible contract at Penn and tho agreement which held the Australian at Cambridge. James 8. Ten Eyck, Jr., and the veteran Ellis jWard ore other men who are being considered at Penn, it la said, but Wray Is expected to be given tbe preference. WHAT MAY HAPPEN IN BASEBALL TODAY NATIONAL LEAGUE Won. Lost. rrt. Win. Lose. Spilt. Phillies at eo .bss .ago .sis .... Boston IT 84 ,SSa ,54J .833 .... Brooklyn . .... tl AT JS85 .838 .881 .... Pittsburgh .,.71 78 .177 .480 .473 ,,., Cincinnati ,.,. 75 .416 .419 ,41z .... M. Louis ,,., 60 78 ,408 .471 .486 .... New York .... 66 77 ,168 .465 ,488 .... Chicago 66 77 .161 .405 ,488 .,., AMERICAN LEAGUE Won. Lost. 1'rt. Win. Lose. Split. Boston ,,.,... OT 46 .678 .881 .874 .... Detroit 01 fit .644 f.OlB t.ess ,g Chicago 83 81 .01 .688 8.A7I .881 Washington , , 80 08 .688 .560 1.558 .563 New York . ... 65 70 ,481 .450 i.448 .463 M. Louis ... .08 84 .4t5 ,4l .4X8 .... Cleveland ... 65 SI .877 .885 t.$J .878 Athletic 60 10) ,80 f.00 i.170 .261 FEDERAL LEAOUE Won. Lost, Vet. Win. Lose, Split. Pittsburgh ... 81 08 J6 t.S78 t.85 .509 Chicago . ... 80 61 ,856 .858 JlJt . ,. HU Luula 81 86 .816 ,688 ,651 .... Newark . 74 68 .681 i.St 1.51J .811 Kansas City 75 00 .681 t.St7 .514 ,61 kMrirala 78 74 ,688 .47 .40 .. 8rouUrn . 70 78 ,118 .417 .470 ,.,. tatotM " 4U t'W l-W T8T8S "(Ff swBssTsssr 164J HANSON RUNS TRUE I HAVRE DE GRACE, Md., Sept. 86. Hanson, tho favorite, rnn true to form In the first race this Afternoon Bnd de feated a fast field In the opening race, at 5V4 furlongs. Joe Blair, n rank out. alder, was second nnd Etruscan, the second, choice, third. Tho time of tho sprint was 1.06 1-5. The summary: Hrst rc. hnmllrnp, for .l-yrar-olda and up. fi4 furlonm- lUrii.ln. 108. Cooper, even, 1 to 4, nut. won- Joe HUlr. loo, LtUty 12 to 1. 4 tn I 2 trf 1. iPTon.!: Btruaean, 117. T. Mc TBltrt. 2 to 1. 1 to 2. 1 to ft, third. Time. l:Ofl 14. Ilrae Cunarder, Tin Maaquerader, Carbl.to anil Hlr John Johnann also ran. Kecnnd mcf. aleenlechm.. 3vcar-olda nnd up. S mllr Hrooact, 14S, Tight, 7 tn A. 2 to f. 1 tn 0, on; (Jo!rtn Vale, mo, aarMn, '43 tn 1. 4 tn 1. T tn r,. nn,l: Urty Ln. 141. Ollbert. 8 tn 1, r. to -'. 4 to ft, third. Tim. 'in -. a. itarriirooK, Arrmnn. imnnnon Hirer, Arcturua nnd Hen Dale alao ran. Third rare. 3-ytHr.oltla nml up, mlto TO yarda llepubllran, 108, T. McTosgnrt, 1 tn B. T to n. T lo in, wrm: nagle. t, J. McTna- fnrt, 4 to 1, H tn 8 7 to 10, cccon.l, Bquealrr. . Cooper, 2 to 1, 7 tn 10. 1 to 3. third. Tln. 1 11 lll.M.. All IfIt.,- tl-vla.l Nepthrsstativart llrien andJesale, Jr., alto ran. . W Fourth rare, Old Kay Handicap, 3-year-olda and up, mils and 70 yarda Btromboll, 110. Ilutirrl, 2 to 1, 4 to 8, 1 to 8, won; Hlumlwr II, lin, T. MoTrntgart, .1 tn 1. .even, 2 tn r, aecondj Tartar, lis, McCahey, 11 to ft, 4 to 8, I to .1, third. Time, 1 .42 2-8. The Finn, Ilou ert tlrndlry and Holiday alao ran. Fifth rare, aelllna. 2-yrar-olil maidens, B fur tonaa Md of Dundee. 108. SIlnH. 7 In 8, 8 to I, 8 to 2. won; lllack Coftre. 1(17, Mf-Rliey, II tn 6, oven. 1 to 2, second: llll of the Kttrhrn. 101, NlrklHua, 7 to 1 3 to 1, 0 In .1. third. Time, 1:01 2.8. Knae JulWtttr, Friar Nouuht, t.lfc, Jerry, Jr.. Ocmn Wave, vcdndo, White Eye, Carmen and Illal Tinner alao n. Sixth race, oiling'. 4-year-olda and up 1 l-IM miles Stonchenge, 112, Troiler, 4 tn 1, a to I, 4 to 8, wonj Marry Warren, 10.1. Ilyrne. S to 1. .1 to 1, 3 to 2. serond; I'etlua, 10.1, Mink. 18 to 1, n tn t, a to 1, third. Time, 1:4S. Cnnto, Colonel Aahmeitdo, Afterglow, Towton FleM, Yodellng, Calellla an Henry Hutchinson nlao ran, KOPJE IS WINNER FIRST WOODBINE RACE 50-to-l Shot Shows Way Over 6 Furlongs to Favorite Sempsilla WOODBINE, Ga.. Sept. 23. Kopje, with Sterrctt up, won the first race here this afternoon, nnd the players who were fortunate to have put up (2 in tho Mu tuels were repaid handsomely. One hun dred and threo dollars for straight was paid. Sempsilla, the favorite, was second, with Jim L. third. The time of tho first race for 6 furlongs was 1:14. ""ho summary: rlrst rare. i;uo added, aclllna. 3-year-olds and up. fl furlonga Kopje. IK). Kterrett, tim. 2!M10. fli,M). on; Sempsilla. 111. nice. .70. $3.70. aecond; Jim L.. 111. Schuttlnner. tll.'-JO. third. Time. 1:14. Gold Cap. Mlnitrel. Kath rrlne O., Ella Jennings. Frolaaart. Namleta, Knyderoaeroa, McCllntock, llrandywlnc, KnlRtU Differ nli.o ran. Second -Rce. nurao S700. all ncrs. II furlonarn Water Lady, 111, Callahan. Iti.RO. 2.IiO, !.!. ncn, Kewesra, lin, nold'teln. t.1.80. $2.:tu, econd: A. JJ. Akin. 102, Ward, J2.50. third. Time. 1:1J. llctncon Lb and Southern Maid uiao ran, Third rare. Grey Makes, J1.VH1 added, 2 jeara. mllo-Candle. 10H, War-lngton, S0.2O. 2. 20, won; Prohibition, M4. Goldstein. f.1.20. 12.00. aecond; Sands of Pleasure, 1(18. Hmyth, :i.S0, third. Time. 1:12 1-5. lolltc, Hosewatcr and Karly Sight also ran. Fourth race. Ilcndre Steeplechase handicap, $1800 adduU, 4-year-olils nnd up, about 2 nillrs, new course Kxtou. 130, Williams. 4.80, 2.30, out.' won; llryndonn, lift, Wolke, $2.80, out aecoml; Stuc$o. 14(1. O'Connor, out. third. Time, B:."i. Joo Gaiety and New Ha ven also ran. 'Coupled In betting, no show mtituels. Fifth race. Ontario Jockey Club Handicap. $2000 added. 3-year-ohls and up. 2U mllea Handier. 113. Hmyth, 3.TO. :t.40 and I2.B0, won; Light Wing, III'. Collins, $7.N and S'l.ln. aecond: 'Fountain Fay. 08. Callahan. S2.IMI. Time. 3:80 :-.". Uarnrgat. 'Plato Olaas, Hearts of Oak, Martian and Tactics alRo ran. Thorn cllffe entry, BERNINI ROMPS HOME IN LOUISVILLE SPRINT Kederis Pilots Winner of First Race at 5V Furlongs Dolina Gets Second Money LOUISVILLE, Ky Sept. 23.-Bernlnl. with Kederis In the saddle, was tho real good thing today, and lived up to the touting by coming home under the wire first In the Inaugural 6H-furlong dash. Dolina was second and Joslo third. Tho summary: First race, selling, 2-year-old miles, 6t4 fur longs Brrnlnl. 10."i. Kederis. SR 20, 4.:w nnd $3.30, won: Dolina. I'M, Lapaille. fl.HO and j.1.10, second; Jnale, 100. Henry. S3.r. third. Time, l:02-3. Olive Mcflee, Lachls. Hayonare, Flossie Walker, Innovation, Htaranlse, Jennie Hmall, Anna 1-ou and Argument also ran. Second race, rolling, 3-year-olds ami up, 0 furlongs Marlon Ooosby, lot. Judy, (34, ill0 and SS.70, won; Othello. Ill, Mstcalf, $1.20 and $3.20, sec.nd; Hawthorne. 112, (lardnor, $3.00. third. Time, 1:12. Undaunted. The Nor. man. Billy Joe, Maeva, White Crown, Korfhage and Miss Fielder also ran. Third race, handicap, 3-year-olds and up, 1 Hmllca-llonk O'Day. 00. Garner, $S.&0. $3.40, won: Llndenthal. 08, Kederis. $3.fO and $3.40 second; Malar Star, 10B. Keoah. $3.h0. third. Time. 1 :S1 2-.1. Mingling, John Qund and Beach Comber also ran. Wilmington II. S. Held Without Score WILMINGTON, Del., Sept. 25. Wil mington High School and Downlngtown High School played a 0 to 0 football game this attornoon. Tho visitors brought a team much stronger thnn expected. Both sides played excellent football. Amateur Boxing Bouts At the flayety Theatre the two bouti 118-pound class resulted as follows; willlania beat Frank Kara In threa Eddie Llnd stopped Bobble Ersklns In two rounds. In th first special bout Harry Grimes beat liarrm Kllburn In four rounds, and Kid tiieger and Young Mack boxed a tour-round draw, Draw at Ludlow A. C. At tha Ludlow Athletlo Club Eddie Hart and Terry Fltigerald boxed six fast rounds . and at th end It was a toss-up between them. Bobby Hayes stopped Johnny Woods tn on round. Whltey Flttgerald beat Young Austin In six rounds. Frosty Anderson beat Pat Clrawley In two rounds. In th opening bout Young Gritfo stopped Young Campbell In on round. National Theatre Bouts Th amateur boxing tournamenta which ware so successfully Inaugurated by John C. Eck hardt at th National Theatre on Wednesday msni will V9 continued mi evening. HANSON RUNS TRUE AT HAVRE DE GRACE Favorite in First Event nt 5ij Furlongs Comes Through, With Joo Blair Second The Germany of NOW i"!nrrre? Tt. fctlellan T'rlnpe.tr.n imftnnf srifl fftrm,, Utvn, of Nf w York, writes pf military, social and ccoooniic condi. I j lions m ucriuauy aucr visiting' praciiciiiy every- part i me empire. Mr. McClellan declares that food is plcHtirui, the ?eople resolute and confident of victory and that he found awcr indications pf war than in other Mlettit coutttriet, Ills article appears In SUNDAY'S PUBLIC &&fo LEDGER MISS A. CUNNINGHAM LANDS TENNIS TITLE IN MANHEIM SINGLES Bostonian Defeats Miss Crem well, of This City, 6'0 and 6-1 Nowhall-Ostheimer Doubles Winners FINISH MIXED MATCHES MANHEIM, Pa., Sept. S.-Mls Allco Cunningham. Longwood Cricket Club, Boston, won the Philadelphia and dis trict lawn tennis singles championship at the Germsntown Cricket Club, Man htlm, today by defratlnr Miss Marion Cresswell, Philadelphia. Cricket Club, the 1!14 winner, Jn the challenge round of the annual tournament. Tho Boston girl's victory wns gained tn straight sets nnd with the loss of but a single game nt 6-0, 6-1. Mrs, W, P. Newhnll nnd Miss E. J. Osthelmcr, Germantown, sprang some thing of a. nurprlso by defeating Miss Cunnlnghnm nnd Mrs. F. M. Fulton In tho final round for tho doubles title. Tha winners plnying a deep court game en tirely and keeping tho Bostonlans away from tho net. whero they nre unusually effective, triumphed at 6-t, 7-5. Tho final mixed doubles" went threo sets before Miss Sarah Myers nnd J. S. Diss, ten, Jr., defeated Miss Edith Hunk and Drooko Edwards. Tho scores were 8-7, 3-0. C-2. The summaries: SINGLES. Challenge Kound. i Mist Allen Cunningham Lontwood, Beaton, defeated Miss Marlon CreaweJl, Philadelphia Cricket Club. 0-0. O-l. DOUBLES. Championship Bound. Mrs. W. P. Kewhall and Miss E. O, Ost helmcr, Uertnantown, defeated Mlsa Alice Cun ningham and Mrs. F, M. Felton, Longwood, Demon, 0-4, 7-3. MIXED DOUBLES. Championship Bound, Miss Sarah Myers and J. ft. DUffon, Jr.. de feated Miss Edith Bunk and Brooke Edwards, 0-7, 3-0. 0-2. United Boat Club Holds Carnival WILMINGTON, Del., Sept. 25 This afternoon and evening tho United Boat Club held Its annual river carnival. There was a parade late this attcmon for motorboats nnd canoes with prlges offered by tho club for the best deco rated boats. The prizes will be announced this even lng. Thero were two divisions In tha parade, ono of which was composod ot motorboats and tho other of canoes. Mayor James F. Price, Congressman Thomas W. Miller nnd a number ot other prominent people wero present. Conqueror Lands Jump NEW YORK. Sept. 25. Conqueror, the Jumper belonging to Mr. A. J. Devereaur," ot Philadelphia, lived up to his title by capturing the Suffolk Plate event, a three-mile race over the hedges, at the United Hunt meet held here this after noon at Belmont Park Terminal. Tha vlgtory ntoned for tho defeat suffered last Saturday by Conqueror, which was n. length behind M, J, Shannon. LOUISVILLE ENTRIES FOR MEETING MONDAY First race. 2year-oM. colla niiL. ''Idlngs, auownncea, a'fc furlongs Tho earn t naratua Haiti. 1110: rosuck. 100; r?nT-2eKa 100: Manfred. 10-.I; Al Pierce, 100; JJ-ir. 109; jhck i, uowu, it': iTimero. ua. Second race, celling;,- 3-year-olds, 0 far longs "Andy If.. 10U; Tory Maid, DOj -Mars Cassndy. 102; Fleet Abclle, 104, Mex, 104; A nut ion, 107; Liberator. 107; Dr. Carman. 107, Third rare, selling, .'(-year-old and up. 11-16 miles Fldgot, M7; African Heau. IW. Lady Mailcnn, ON; Mx! Stein. 103; Fltigerald. 103; -La Mode, la:!; Obolus, lOrti Transport, 10S; Counterpart, 108; ?rlsh Gentleman. 11L Fourth race, handlrap, all ages. O furlongs Ohetto Olrl. DO; Dr. Larrick. 07, Dlmltrl. 100; Prince Hennls, 103; llojcoe Goose. 100; Ed Crump. 1GH. I.lftn race, aelllnff. 4-vear-nldn and lin. fl furlongs -Lockland. 103: Chilton King, t(B; ' Mack II. irubanlis. 103; Ha'penny. 103; Oldsmoblle. 103: Chadrach. 100: Erin. 108: Sure Get. lot; Oabrlo. ins; Oakland, 103. Hoc. Illr. IDS; Silver Bill. HIS. Sixth race, allowances, 2-yrar-clna. 0 fur longs Kathleen. 10.1; John. Jr.. 10S; Prince, Harry. 103; Canerun. Ill: Big Brooke. 111. Seventh race, selling, 3-year-olds and UP. 1 1-1(1 mllen 'Malabar, l: Ht, Clurleoote. lOli L. II. Adair. lf; Fdlth W . irrl tr Actress, 101; Chllla, 108; -Raoul, 100; John, Beanlon. 112. Apprentice nllowance claimed. HA VRE DE GRACE ENTRIES FOR MONDAY'S MEETING First race, for 3-year-olds and, up, selling, 8 furlongs. Dinah Do, 10.1. Martin i aaro. 104; Batwa. 104 1 Sliver Moon. 100; Vanlr. 101; Hey Oak wood. Itl, HUlca, 100, Humiliation. Oil; Tie Pin. 0.1: Alhena. 103, 'Napier. 104; True As Steel, 10; Scallywag. 104; Sarsanet; 1(1.1; Plantagunet. 11.1, 'Volant, 100; Sir Wm. Johnson. 1'; Marjoile A., 101; Scaramouch, 110; Great Surprise, 00. Heoond race, lor 3-year-olds and up. BteepTB chase. aelllna, ulxjut 2 mllea Ida llclck 112; Alton (formerly Free Trade), 137, Ilobert omer. 147; A-Jerfeldy, 137; Julia, 142. Bocka Third race, 2-year-oHs, the Trenton Belling' stakes, n't furlongs Tom Kdnard, loi. Hidden Star, loo; Fernroek. 107; 'Lily Heavens. MH Sky Pilot. 10.1: Success. 103; Plumose, m; Golden List. 102. ' Fourth race, an ages, handicap. 1 mile wad 70 yards Buckhorn, 112; Sandman II, of; Addle M.. 08; Sam McMeektn. 102. Fifth race, for 3-year-oIds and up, salting, I mil" and 70 yards Taak, 0; 'Easter Staff 1UU. Aneraw. iv". far. iim. 'itoKtff , Gordon, 100; 1'ago White. Pp; Miss Clara. WlK': lolton lop, jvw, -hbj vaiiKvwj, u,. enio-, 1 00; Jesse, Jr., 10R; Ben Levy. 108; Brian V Boru. 103; 'Early Light. 103: 'Front HoysJ, 100. Mary Warren. 105; Menlo Park, 102, d Sixth rare, for 2-year-olds. selling. SJJ fur. . longs-Qood Counsef. 110: Bob lledfleld. 107! ' itumroer. 11(1: 'Ilfsh Horse. 101 IfaVMiiA. 101: My Bonnie. 10S, Benjamin, 103. 'Servta. tin: 'Little Alta, Ml: E.lna Kunna. 110: Mo stone. 0; 'Kuih Strickland, oo. "Eddie 1(12; Chlvator 10H; Lndy Atiln, 101 'In i ioon T.. Out, in; rom. iim; -ur, urrmer, wg. Apprentice Mranann cjainieu. RACES TODAY AT HAVRE DE GRACE. Bit Bacea Dally Including a Steeplechase, Special Trains! Penua. It. It. leat Hr4 Ht. Iti3ia p. in., ll'est l'hlls, ItiSS u. isu B. ft O. leave tlth Chestnut Sts7, 1JI48 p. tn. Admission, Orandstand tt PaddocK, 81,60. Ladles. 11.00. first Bars at t80 D. tn, I. , 3 OT.YMPTA A A 'oad Ilalnbrldr. MONDAY NIOHT, 8 ISO (SUA HP Sensational IJuntam Show YOUNG DIGOIN8 vs. 1'HANKIE BKOWV 1II1J.Y UEVAN vs. YOUNG UrOOVKKK ' Aimi! MI.MONS tb. YOUNU O'l.KARY . 1L n. O'DONNEI.T. vs. YOUNG MAK1N Tj PKlil.N Kill MKK.MAN TS. LOLJIlAN, jj SSiWsSeiemSSi8!J.Sr-e , u --to ut m-m W m mmm m w,y p . , v