Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 24, 1915, Final, Page 9, Image 9
BVByisra ledger-philadlphia, Friday. September 2i, 1915. 'a --f FINANCIAL NEWS fANCIAL LEADERS HOPE ty of Our Returning Prosperity May Depend Upon it many new in'Wall NEW YOIUC Spl- 24. Such unprecedented conditions as now confront inflficlai world render It extremely Th6 rOVOrning Iuciuib mu nu fretTi It I next to Impossible to boo ahead clearly. Every day something develops asn for ih outlook and cause a change of opinion. Just now conditions In hkdMtW ioem t0 overshadow everythlnB else. Germany appears confident IVV19 ... -,.-ji,a KAiirla torhATftna fnnnrln fpntn ItnmA HtntA that tho fawtTJuIearla will strike Servla, whoreas reports from Homo state that tho 1 have xnaao now .o.n, ......... .., .. .. . ---. .iKiinn over tho proposed big war loan to tho Allies are progressing. Many people " Inclined to hold ., ... Vfr I. rtn.tVii ....,-- .ffAvf linn nlronrtv Irnt vw parxicuia-i vhvim ""-- ilS . as.- 1hIma 4 Via nltf Mmrtanla, moro $nam iyy.v-u ......... .. - ........... ...., .... P fl 0ur own commerce with our best customers. Leading bankers express like conviction that tho loan should bo made. If for nothing elao, as a matter tSototectlon to tho Industries through which tho tremendous balance of trade MM developed In this country's favor. A check Just now might prove a serious te.., o the newly arisen prosperity, I that foreign purcnaaingj hbciiib uao nuy iusm.hu imoiiiin uiut.o tw. ..v.i .- i ..llAlnntlnn nf it aiirr...aafii1 flntattnn rf ihn lntin. anA thenn w"n. ".r.M.rr. : . : " .:rx: ;r" ;.r;.. " :rz ":c: ." 'SSBtild Q.UUQ IlKeiy naVQ to UQ UKHWClvu Dliuuiu luu llUBUkmuuiio ijiuvd nuuiufn ft jvt the opening today in Wall street stock prices were Inclined to harden, ikwt the tone was a trlflo unsettled In spots. Baldwin Locomotive was proml L.... wij. o two-point rise, the buying coming from the same quarter which rniv wis actlvo In Bethlehem and " hero and there, Including International Nickel, with a five-point Jump; Beth- WTl TcnneaSCO uoppcr mm VrOiosauu ruoi, Fractional reactions developed bAfore the first hour was over, but these a followed by a general Influx of buying orders, -which lifted tho Industrials new high average levels. Tho trading was exceedingly broad and actlvo. fW the mils tho Harrlman group was fetlvely bid up, while tho industrials ' Commission houso buying was a IfceMng regarding tho success of tlfo very favorable annual report witn ed shares. Th steel merger report sent Bethlehem Stool preferred to a new high preeord. Baldwin Locomotlvo also made eta the late dealings. Canadian Faclflo Big Coal Slergcr in Colorado According to dispatches from Denver, plans are on foot for a consollda- Ktten of virtually all coal properties jWrsted by tho Colorado Fuel and Iron IWfll DO me KOCKy juuuuiuiii uiiu iiiu Bessemer Steel All grades of Bessemer ferro silicon steel have been advanced BO cents a at Pittsburgh for this year's shipment. About 10 to 11 per cent, of the wtterlal on hand is being held at J20.B0 a ton furnaco shipment before Jan Wy 1 deliveries. After that date tho price will be E0 cents a ton higher. NEW YORK Lut dew. IIUli. tow. Close. 33 43K 72 P2H 07 6tt 88 61S 106 Ji i 'l!Mt Cold Mines 32M 33 32H 43 71W 02H . 06 67H 43J1 72W 63 97 67 88 43 71H 62H 07 CiU 83 eoH 1 liu&Y.1ni XfivPnnf hAaie Chemical J,iB AjLDempi , EriA Ttf Knffir .... linBeetSngupf.... lHQCin... CO'i ...inU tnaM 10a iisi Cu & Toandrr T TTU 7Rli 76 Lm r.r ft. Mr tif unit 117 11BW 117 1 Coil Products.. ..155 1S2H 151 151H in rnttflnOll ........ 2. F-iH B2H 12 48 23H 19 60U 98 29 ,'MiHMo& Leather... 10H 12' 49 23H 19 eiH OS 29 Ilk mi KM C9H 07H 29 8SH jBMldoSLcai pi... 4BH k lm BecnilUes 23 JftUueed 10 iaLocomotlTO. 9U iaUcoBotlTS pf 07 ij, h Min ;:. s " MHMftMf cort oo oon om 68 87H iBBeK&Beipr...l07H 107H 107H 107 H ASRflnlnir....l08U 108H 108 108H tattfUJterinlnepf.ua 110 116 116 UtTWftTei ,...124W 124H 124M 124W AbTMooo .... 226M 229U 228)4 22y)i taiWwIea 63H 5 63H 64 MWwfeatr 63 64 63 63K tm Vteolea-pf. ....... 94H 04M 04K 94M ttimit Corper 71H 72K 71U 72M HT&SP 102 103K 102 103U it T k 8 F pf 09M 100H 93K 100 iUcCoMtLlji....104U 105X 105 105)1 "WUW 00 04U 00H 03H &0Uo mi 87U 85M 87H 4 0Wopt... 725f 72H 72 72H Steel 354 363 354 354 I fitMl Tif tftd 1Q1L 17QLI 1C1 wmifBpiTaa... 84t B5W 84H 85 Sprlor 67 68)4 68 68)4 UKMNlMKtpf 48H 47 46 47 Out iMtttti 48H gstUiUarpf 107 gwyii & ohJo 4S) ttowOmtWest... U5 4(1 4714 iRU 106)4 100H 100)5 JH 4i BOH 44H 12)4 32U 44 12 ai 44H 12H 3211 wwwviwejtpi... 31 feStftul.... 85 BMAWPpfi 87H 85X 87H .124H 1245f 12351 124f V0'ftWU 9Krtwet. oj e st oo .126) 128 126 128 .163 165 165 165 20 215 10)4 2051 . 65)1 66)4 6451 6SM . 26)1 27 26)1 27 P Nwtiweet rf.. ui tt n i.. v f J!WtI f ...."". I wBuia "watrtoM , 128 128 12751 J27K Si 18 00 18 5"PiBctnf..., gwiufpf win vu . 18)1 18)1 . 85)4 86)1 94 07H 85)1 mi 107 118 412 iF 123 24H 22 6 10 74 31 61)4 40)4 S3 85)1 Wit 108 118 412 m 11)4 128 24H 22 6 10 T75 3m 62H 41 32 if W6( Z-T i.... pf vmt los fflrTJVS' ". 120 412 8H 11)4 138 25)f MtMiOnsde 7 Wo 0nd, pt,... u S2J"1'. 127 iSJL?" 8H 22 6 10 78 am 62)4 41 32 'AtaMc -w. vwy 73M wi ' " ' 7vp. .,.., c2 HflL'Vi""ti 4054 mZ'""-1 8)4 48 48! 352 "2)174 173M174 48X SJtoto lA.,..112H 113J4 J13M 113M SSHSVV 70)4 70)1 66)4 70)4 SSJ1W-....108)4 108)4 108H 108W Hiiiii i S.lr;,' 4h ji i wfiB7rr"v .?.. " 4M 101 104 101 j 104 t ?vl.... ...... .uoi in.i Lww.( i3J 72u 154 mil ao 2i 73N 7iU 90 30M 3J4 38)4 MH 44 MK 3f MM MX n MM 14 )4 .".T.?9 512 218)4 .ilTr " "-- .u ..T L"" .. J-T,,,,?.i4ii i fftu m..-i. r... MM 47 iIllkJsr", " j .. T""''lMsi rca 7f M1 Ul,. ' w-JTT ' A4H .Af UK a"" BMP''t.3f .MH 4M 11 u TT MK MS flK M . Twp " r i hi.,; rJ " r IkiTTT','.F JM ST fcB? ""., at i"il I 4Tuu i n,: uat.. iT!' ,& .55 E -Jf 3' iSs-w "'? sr s f 1 2k ' mi 3H fesS"" ft ffiE2fc I WWW Tt H4 (AH HI IDI FOR SUCCESS OF BIG LOAN nign uecoras Street dimcuu to mteiiiffenuy aiuay mo biuia- lutgu ujm ui auuu oA-c.-wtva uuw.hw.. up their hands In astonishment at tho .aa Vtn TVurlnriil nlntiA. without in hrr allien, TlilnMn. Italy. Servla and -- -- satin natfa na 4 A Avrlinrl mnlniV TAT til A in wou-inionnca quarters it 13 won Crucible Steel. Specialties wero taken tho firmest. Lehigh Valley was quoted maintained their earlier gains. icaturo ana renectea a more continent. big loan. Maxwell Motors responded to point gains in ootn common ana pre- another record, as did Crucible Steel, Jumped nvo points. In Colorado -with the exception of those Company. Tho nucleus of the merger iwi juiiuiiuuu cuoi uxiipaiiica. Prices Advanced STOCK SALES lt eloea.' High. Iow. Close. NesrYoik Air Brake. .168)4 169 167)4 167M New York fJentral.,.. 94)4 B6)l 94M 96)1 N Y Chi 4 Bt L 324 32 32 32 NYNHAH tom 69)1 0751 69)1 NYO&W 28H 29)4 28K 29)4 Norf & Western 11154 115 11151 116 Northern Paclflo ,.10854 111 108H 110H Ontario SUM 3)4 3J4 3 3J1 PacinoMaU 3i)f 35)4 31K 3m Peon R R r..110 111)1 110H 111)1 Philadelphia Co WUZ wt RAW R7 PltUbargh Coal 35)4 35)1 35 35)4 Pittsbonj Col pf....103 104 103 103 Pittsburgh Steel pf.... 91 92 92 02 PlttsOO&BtL 70 70 69)4 70 Pressed 8teel Car 6351 (Mi 64 64)1 Ry Steel Sp's 39)4 42 39H 40J1 Ry Steel Sprinc pf.... 92 92 02 92 Ray Coa topper...... 21H 22)1 2151 22H Redlng 15151 164 151H 16354 Beadlni lit pf. 82 84 83)4" 83H Rep Iron & Steel 4654 4754 4654 47 Rumelx M. Co 654 654 H 6)1 Humely M. Co pf 8H 8 751 7)4 StLouliASH 31 3 2)4 2)4 6tL&SF2dpf CH 6)4 5M 5)4 Seaboard Air Line...,. 14H 14)4 11)4 14)4 Seaboard Air Line pf.. 33 3454 33)4 3454 Sears Roe & Co 166)4 160 165 155 St Loub Southwest.... 12 15 15 15 St L Southwest pf 33 31)4 30 31)4 Sloss-Shef S A I Co... 63 64)4 63 63 Southern Pacirw 00H 9251 91 9251 SoutheraRy 1651 1751 1654 1751 Southern Ry pf. 63 6451 63)1 64a Standard Milling 75 75 75 75 Standard Milling pt.... 80 80 80 80 StudebakerCo 14151 142)4 141 141)4 Tenn Copper 6554 69)4 65)4 68)4 Teias Co 16651 162 167 168 Texas & Pacific. 10)4 11)4 11 11)4 Third Arenas 60)4 60)1 6851 60 Tobacco Products pf.. 99 100 100 100 Twin City BapTr,.... 92M 92)4 92M 92H Union Big & Paper... OH 6)4 6)4 6)4 Union Pacific 131 133)4 130)1 13354 Union Pacino pf. 80)4 80)1 80)1 80)1 U 8 Realty & Imp.... 85 30 30 30 USIndAlconcl .85)4 86)4 86 80)4 USCajtl P &F..... 21 20 19H 20 United Rjs Invest 22)4 2451 22)4 24 United Un Invest pf.. 37 40)4 88 39" U B Rubber 6251 63 62)4 6251 U S Rubber 1st pf....l09 10551 10551 10651 U8 6teel 7754 78)4 77)4 78H U B Steel pf 114 11454 114)4 114)4 United Cigar MfH 50 62 61 62 Utah Copper 67 075 6654 67)1 Wabash ( U )1 )1 Va-Ciro Cbem 39 39)4 50)4 39)4 Va-Caro Cbem pf 100)1 109K,109)t 10954 Va-lron Coal X 0..,.. 62 66)4 61 00)4 WeHa Fargo Exp Ill 110 110 110 West IS ft M 110)1 122 119)4 12154 Western Maryland 29H 30)1 29)4 iOH Western Maryland pf.. 45 46 45)4 46 Western Uatsa Tel.... 70)1 77 7 OH 76H Wheel & Lake Erie.... 2 254 2)4 254 Wheel &L K 2d pf... 2)4 3 3 3 WttiysOTKland 21551 216 215 215 Willys OTerland pf..,.108H 103 108 108 Woolworta If W Co,.. 108)4 108 108 103 Quoted ex dividend. Total sales, 004.000 shares, compared with MU.40O shares yesterday! thus far this week, 4,1)64.200 shares; same period last week, 20W, 000 shares. BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with corre spending day krttn yew.: FhlladelphU t28.8S4.7S3 I21,16T,tls)8 124,870,23 Botton .... 2.67StUU T17'.491,734i 21.837,139 New York... 482,808 787 0,8S2,IT4 J72,lu7,700 tit. Louie ... i2.l7e.oii e.eue.sea i2,47s.M2 Cblcage .... t,70.W 42.126.717 M.74.a RATES FOR MONEY Call. Time, Philadelphia JJt .i,, New York 1K , lloton ,,,.,...,............ stevM Cbloaso ...................... ws . a Commerell paper, three to t woaths, Phil. kdelphla. 1 per cant. DIVIDENDS DSCLARRD T4ak MteiBg Cewwwjr of Nevaila. ouar- feiPf ru Bwmd Trai LUbt awl fewer per oeat. a W'1 R4Ulra4 Orsteliur jiit84t pitmTt v He ? to iMsTWaSsVeT'ietoti nf?TS p- CsBpsasy. BAR filLVKB SlTSsM taac oai frosa csusay I WHEAT FIRM; OFFERINGS LIGHT Boardof Trado Decides Sep tember Delivery Controversy. Shorts Have Threb Days to Scttlo CHICAGO. 6tpt. 24. A rally of ono cent over the opening prices took place In the wheat market In the early hours and then a steady undertone became evi dent. The reason for the rally was the llRht offering to meet a good demand. Trading was almost at a standstill. Com mission houses bought on tire bulge. The decision of the Board of Trade on the September velvet chaff delivery con troversy Is expected to lower prices, ac cording to bears. The decision follows: "Be It resolved. That It Is the sense of the directory that wheat so graded Is valid tender on time contracts, subject, however, to the right of principal taking delivery to demand of party making de livery that dockage shall be removed and that clean wheat ot same grade graded without dockage for quantity cov ered by tho warehouso receipt or de livery notice. If delivered In cars, shall be dellvored to holder of receipt. It shall be duty of delivering party, when request ed, to have wheat oleancd with, all pos sible dispatch, and said delivery party shall bo liable to the holder of receipt for all storage charges, according to ex cess ot three days otter demand has been made." Bhorta were said o be displeased at the ruling. However, as they have three days to dellvec after the close ot the month, It Is believed, that the tension of the situation has been relieved. Export eales reported, totaled 400.009 bushels. Liverpool and Argentine markets were reported easier with no fair prospects of betterment. trading futures ranged as follows Tei'd's Whett Opfn. High. Low. Ctore. clow. September .. l.oa l.win lwft l.uoyi-l.uo December... 93 M'4 B3U M 1 Mty oeg 8T)t 0 tHtt "H Corn (new delivery) September .. 71H 71 71 Ui 71U December ... 594 6SH MH a3H toU May r?H Mt 0( o?M oi; KJB.IB September t- , ember .. 38 88ft 87H tSSU aii imber ... 3A set! 1UU sVi tlOU 87 8S4 81K tSSVi ili December way ... tnrd September S.1B M0 October 8.17 8.17 S.13 S.IS 8.1U January .... 8. BO 8.65 8.87 8.63 8.5.' Ribs September .. 8.S3 a.0 s.a October 8S7 8.40 8.55 48.40 8.VO January .... 8.45 8.63 8.43 18.05 s.40 Pork September 12.72 12.M -October 1S.65 12.7S 12.80 112.77 12.S5 MalMr' i.i av lo.ii io,dl 9.iv Bid. tAsked. New York Bond Sales $15000 Amer Smelt Sea 4s. 1000 Aimer Tel clt 4 .... 8S)S oiuw Amer -iTi evi jm ,,io3 12000 Armour Co Vn ..... W 18000 Atchison adj 4s ...82' 10000 Atchison ov 4a 1859. 91' 13000 Atohleon CV 4s 1B60.103 ?wv Atian co urn let 4s 8 Atlan Co Line clt 4s. HI ooou uit & Ohio 3Hs.... PO' 25000 Bait Ohio 4? .... 87 50TO Halt & Ohio cv 4We. 87 JXS'?4i Oho s" "Ms 88 gOOO Beth steel rfd ds.T:. 985J 000 Brookn Bap Tr Cs '18.101 2000 Cal Gas Eleo Bs.. 04 10W Canada South 6a ..10014 S??,?. S?nt. Leather 1st 8s.. 100 109 c.ent Pao 1st 4a .. &W. tBH. ZWJ0 o ren 4s 82 ft 2S000 C H V Q joint a'.: OT W J?. deb fts 85U Bfli 20000 do area 4s ........ nou tHM i?.i -M p iiil 102' 6000 do sen 4Ha 08 07 ewo Col & Bouth 1st 4s ,. S6 8000 do ref 4M ....... 70 3000 Con Oaa ov s ......117 Bwy uei tc Hud 4s 1016. .10014 11000 da rfd J 9()nn Ttlm Cm r..M K. 1000 du Pont Powd 4)4s ..102' 13000 Erl, ionv 45 Ber A 65 SSSao r 29000 Green Bay deb B... 4000 Hud Man In Urn 2000 Hud Man rfd 6s.... 72 102 Ti 6000 Indiana. Steel 6s 101 1000 Iowa central ref 4a... 45 1000 Ins Cop cv 6s '10 139 JWiQBp CV OS... 10000 Interb Met 4Ks ... IICnA lni..k t n. ... k. 140 74)1 "fSffifct-Jte !" !2 79 1000 Japanese 1st 4H...., 1000 JCan City Bo U 4M00 Lacka Steel 6s 1950, 2000 I Bn deb 4s 1028... 1000 Lk 8h deb 4s 1031... 6000 LI; & M T 6s , 24000 Lilt MT 7 2000 Lorlllard 6s ........ 20000 Louis A Nash 4s (Oil 08ii 102 124 121 80V4 uo 9PM !4 60 18000 Mo Pro cv 6a ....... St 0000 Mo Pao ool 6s 191T.. 8014 1000 Ma Pao Rm 1B20 "" " iuw juont I'swer os. 811 1000 Nat Tube 6a 98 000 N Y Canal Imp 4 Vis.. 110 807000 NYC Hud 0 rot..l04 62000 N Y C & Hud 4Us.... 87 K000 N Y City 4s M1J8.... 65' 11000 N Y City 4s 11X59..... 05' 10000 N Y City 4)4s 1965... 102 loou H T N H H 3He 6J CO00 NTNIISH 6s.....lUU 2000 N Y Itwy adi 6s 60 100O N Y State 4a 10S1....101U 3000 N Y Btat 4U, ',110 2W000 N Y Tel ren)is.. ." 96 1000 N Y W C & B 4)4s... 77 12000 Norf. & West ovt 4Hs..llt 800O 03 4S m 46000 Nor Pao prior 4s 00 25000 do ren 3s.... 02 1000 Paclflo Tel 6s UB 1000 Fenna cv SUs.... 100 6000 do sen ct 4V4". ...... 67)4 2000 do cv 4Hs 102ti 2000 People's Oas 6s 100)4 84000 Repub Cuba 4s '44... MM aeooo Rep Ir & 8 ?. ....... 04$ SOOO llock Island T4s in .52S2 2 r,a t i 12000 do 6s , 43 6000 Seaboard A L adj 8s.. 03 10000 Bouth Pao 4s 82 CSOOOtSoutb. Pao cv 4s...... 81 48600 8 Pao cv ret f p Bs '84 694 21000 Bouth Hwy ren 4s ww uvula rm.u ria as..... Buy 21000 Bouth Hwy con 6s TCtVt Tea Pa A .m oiy, tww - rfV r VWt a M' 11000 Third Ave ref 4s...,. 80 wH vvw AMKU 4ww WJJ Va.... Itm 620O0 U B Bteel 6s,. ..M2i 600 V 8 Steel resr 6 CM jiuuu union rao let s 95 .ww uiiivii rag w va...,,, miv 16000 Union Pao rfd 4s...,. 854 6000 Un Rwys S r 4s..,,. 461 1000 V I O 4 O lit 6s.'... 04 1000 TVabash 4s ........... 18 80000 Wabash 1st Ea ......100K 000 Wabaeh 2d 8s ..,".v.8 20660 Wan Kqu ct sU 4a... 16 8000 Wab-l Ter 1st ct 4s. . H 6000 West Rlectrlo cv Es,..105W 6000 W.t Md Ut 4s..".;.. 70 176000 WB A M CV 6s IV 1..121 1000 West Bhore 4s ....... 60)4 lost 120 69 Total sales. 18,110,000, eomparsd with 83. 096,000 yesurdayi thus far this week, m. 602,000; same period last week, 9,4v9,60O. COTTON AT NEW RECORD m NBW YORK. Sept. 24,-Desplts lower cables from Liverpool, cotton displayed flrmnui.tn the early deiuirs today. October wa down points on the call, caused by llauUatlon. and the lack of buylnc o fiurchaslnc poner oevt Iaaji &nfl tliav ihliWHl u.t) ' iss vi.jwb. um, PQaaioftraDi I.. la a! VkSVrlMaw w1bb fth.A, am evelop ?i m m tb other op. lll atreet Intereats Dtwekaaad itu. yt .w points. montlia and were sellers oi the, later ostlona. (Southeesi houses were rood buyer. After tho cell, a rapid upward movenient started wltu ISfd WTOn mMSMr ,brX tries. January touched 11J, a Bew tlb prkas osntiaasd to oltmb In the afternoon &r&a m an'isajn Bew ti. Jamwnr . NIT? YQRK COFFRR MARKED NKW YOKX. -. -J . SSSat far 2fTT LT7 VXm:ZT J-. issmi dm osy. with a mhi t. BaBtMnber ,,,.,& QaMWr ....... .... Hrs v.; . 4.11 .t.taa -.x 4S. . a a .IHaCU a.t lllsh. Low. Cloee. 10JTI 10Wi 105". 884 fAV, 102 io:h 4 sivi em u sail kW H sii4 eivi H sett sovi k 8i4T m. J 0H eo II STil 87tZ ot oi?s 88 88 0H H lOOli 101 04 04 loo4 J 0054 "ly'M Wt 88" fit ?il iMr ............ .tt. 1 :.H L4t JIJI .i bs t. ......... ii, ss g,m ,,(,, ,,,,, .,.;, 1 j ryr ,"" "taw Ss(mv fflj ..,, i if Kii 5 fie! aaat.44 FOREIGN EXCHANGE Tea. Hlh. Clesa. Ctaee. 4.70. 4.WH .7tT 4.71 4.J1H .HH SterHtit Openlna. Demand .. 4.70 Cables .... 4.71 Franes Demand , . B.8 Cables . ... 8 8B14 Marks nrmand ., M4 Cables .... l',i 8 87 8.M B.I7 .M 8.8? BMH IS MM 83 8JV4 MH MH Sales in Philadelphia Yas. eloiSk Allli-Chalm .... .. Am Loco ..... . Am Can Am Car A Fdy. .. Am Rwya pf.... .. Baldwin Loco... tilt do prtf 103 Cam Steel ..... 63 CM It I A P Col Fuel t..... .. lClea 8tor 7851 Krl SlU O en Asphalt pf. 69 Hunt A B T pf. .. Interboro Met... .. Ins Co N Am... 23 Key Tele Co.... 14)4 Lake Sup Corp. 8H Lehlih Nav ... 78't Lehish Val ... 72H Leh Val Tr 18'4 do pret 86t LUU flehuylklll B2)4 Penna It It ..63 Penna Salt Mfc 94 Penna Steel pret 88 Phlla Co 48)4 do cum pret.. 48 lllth. Low. Close, 4JH 48H 4 80U t0!4 ) iih iH ' X1M 7T TJ54 9454 MH M w?i SI v 108)4 103)4 108)4 S 65'4 65H St 21 21 65 55 85 7TH 73)4 11 8154 sm 81 100 70 100 800 6 40 10 87 13822 CO 100 1.1153 600 10 80 69 ! IS 18 XI 21 23 23 14i 14 9)4 tu 18 21 23 14 U 100 43 16J 2310 20 4 960 634 18 1108 2 .165 875 117 67922 10 8104 69 225 377 125 210 70 120 60 3623 213 7441 200 20 H 100 120 Ex 15)4 73)4 16)4 J2H VtH 72 10 18 19 86S SjA 86H 62H 63)4 6254 B5" 65 B5,t 91)4 0154 414 I3H T7I4 T7H 44 43'4 44 44 43)4 44 26H 24)4 25)4 U54 MH 15H 14 12)4 13)4 15 71 73 4T4 474 47H 7644 76'u 7654 eiH em eiti 1IH 17 1754 67)4 57)4 67)4 85; 85 85 tM BH 6)4 43 304 42)4 86 86)4 88 78!4 77H 7U 11454 1145s U454 10)4- 10U 10U 49 40 40 66 66 69 90 89 00 Phlla r.lea Phlla It T ., do r ctfs .. Phlla Trao ., Itep IAS., Iteadlns .... So Paclflo . So Hallway Tenn Copper Ton Belmont Ton Mining Union Trao vat U s Steel .... do pret ... .. U4 .. 7SU .'.". 76)4 8H 6M TIH Warwick IAS.. W Jer A 0 S. 40)4 Westmore Coal. 5',i Cramp A Bona 00 dlvldsnd. Total sales 68,4(1 shares, compared with 54, 608 shares yeeterday: thus fr tnls week, 814, 4J( shares; last week, 92,145 ehsre. BONDS. Last prev.sale. Hlfh. Low. CIoss 100 Am Gas A ! 6s. 8754 86 88 86 187 Cam Stl scp '10.100)4 10054 100. 10054 187 do Feb 1017.. 9$H WS 99H 99h 187 do May 1017.. 09)4 99)4 99)4 9)4 100 City 4s 1941 rg. .. 101)4 101)4 101H 9300 El A P Tr 4s... 74 75 74 74ft 8000 Lake Sup Ino 4s 29 20 29 29 44000 L Nav con 4)e. 99 99 99 99 1000 L V Coal C 103V. 103)4 103)4 103)4 1000 Penna ten 4)4a. rj7)i 97)4 97V4 97)4 6000 do con 4)4s... 10254 102i 102)4 102i 1000 do con 4s 1943 97)4 97 97 97 6000 Phlla Co con 5s. 83 83 83 83 9000 Phlla Eleo 4s... 81 79 7854 7 2000 8pan-Am I 6a. .101 101 101 101 2000 Un Itwy Inv 6s. 70 70 70 70 6000 Welsbach 1st 6s 92)4 03 93 93 Totsl sales 833.09L compared with 323,203 yesterday; thus far this week. 1186,020; last week. 3121,089. Local Bid and Asked Today Bid. Asked. : Baldwin Butt 4b Busq t o . uo prai ......... Cambria Steel Clectrlo Storage General Asphalt .... do pref Keystone Telephone do t o ............ do prof .. Lehigh Navigation . Lehigh Valley Lehigh Valley Tr .. do pret ............ Penna Fniia Jmeo Phlla Co do 5 per cent. pr. . . An A nar cent. nr... Phtlft It T do t o ............. Tonopah Belmont Tonopah Mining .... Union Traction u. u. i. IT a Rta.l York Railway do pref ........... Wm. Cramp t e NEW YORK CURB Bid. Asked. American Zlno Ilraden .v' Br-Am Tobacoo old ., do new ............ Car Light Gold. Cons Greens Cananea ..... Kenrt Copper ...... I. V C"l Sales........ Magma Copper , Nlplsstnr Otis Elevator ,,...... do preferred TUker-IIecernan Submarine . Sterling Gum Tobacco Products .. United Cigar Stores . da preferred United Profit Sharing World Film Yukon Gold ......... ...... ci OJ 15 U A 163 15H tI 94 2)4 86)4 luu 123 .' 851 a w :::::: & ,g 15 .! 91 6)4 4944 2H SOU .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .','.'r;.'iio IIj 2)1 2)4 Stock Exchange Et&t Sold A membership on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange sold for $8900, an In crease ot I10O over the last preceding; aaltf. Karnes of the buyer arid, seller In volved In the latest transaction will not be made public until the Governing- Com mittee acts upon It. There Is now one seat ottered at MOOD. Bank Currency MoremenU NEW YORK, Sept. 24,-JThs reported move ments of currency this week Indicate a gala In cash by banks of about 411,000,000. Banks received from the Interior (9,370.000 end shipped to Interior 16,231,060. Including 11.802. 000 national bank notes sent to Washington for redemption. Gain from Interior was (3,. 130,000. Gold Imports amounted to 11,880,000 In French gold coin from Cuba. Loss on ib treasury operations proper was 16,488,000. Yhls ir.ad total gala of U.O07,0O0V Ntv Rediscount Ratea The Federal Reserve Board has approved the following rediscount rates! Atlanta Commer cial paper. 60 to 00 days, 4 per cent.i trade acceptances up to 60 days. 8)4 per cant; Bos tonCommodity paper. 3)4 per cent. Saa Francisco Commodity paper, 80-day maturities. per cent,; ov 10 ra, par cesbi w o90 days. 4H per cent.: 90 dsys, 0 psr coat. railroad'earnings WKtTTKRN KARYLANO. , , . .4?.. Xneresss Becoaa weea opiiuer. .efi,M aw.ses From July 1 3,84,2ev 84,v tjs5ass59ssjsB9Bss9asaaBaSBBSsE xousiioatpiif AVAsriatxM tgtstMANTeWW Lm?tmtnt& wmmfttBor tmuMMa IK STWtUANTOWN) WAYH AVBN4 AT MKOOL LAMB IHm el T and a reae aad a baths, UM4 sarets tar tax.hMir. MtnUt. M. j. JWSSSSss. MMWWW MT AlOW, Yesterday Did. Asked. ...... ttH in VOM VI 107 108 107 108 12 13 12 13 . 89 40)4 80)4 40U . 6i 65)4 65 tUl, . 7tj4J 71 73)4 74 . SliJ Big 81 8154 . 68 0U 63 69 . 14 14)4 14 14)4 . 14 U 14 14 .66 67 66 67 .9 9J4 8)4 9 . 73H 7S 75ff 7654 .72 T24S 72 73 . 18)1 19 18 18H . 36H 87 36)4 S05 . 65V4 85)4 65 651-16 . 25)4 23i 21)4 23 . 41 44U 43 41 , 38 40 SU 40 . 44 41)1 4251 43)4 . 1J(4 1J. 1, , 13U IT, 12S 12H . 70 77 7594 76 .6)4 654 6H 6tf . 42 4JW BUW B'J',4 . 85'4 86U 85)4 86 . 7S)i 785 7754 77)4 . 7)4 8)4 Tr, bZ . 80)4 82 80i4 dl 89)4 86 kV 4TBft. j .tan -a---- A j i , - n.y ... i. i UPWARD TENDENCY . IN COTTON YARNS Wool Prices Woll Maintained, Lumber Trado Gradually Improving; Qwlns to Advance In raw cotton, there la an upward tendency In cotton yards, aya 11. O. Dun A: Co., but manufacturers are) only buying for Immediate needs and aro not Inclined to buy ahead. Mills requiring- cotton yarn report they aro fairly busy and there now appeara to bo more machinery In operation than for some time past. No Important change Is noted In the local wood trade during the last week. Manufacturers aro only buying In email amounts for Immediate requirements. rrlcea for desirable wools are well main tained. Trading In territory wools la quiet, but values are woll maintained. Other wools aro also quiet. Weather conditions during tho last week or two have affected nales some what In the women's appnrel and men's wear line. Active preparations have been made by cloak and suit manufacturers for a large fall and winter business. Job bers supplying this class ot manufacture state that sales have been quite active and pleco goods have advanced somewhat In price. Shirtwaist manufacturers state that there has betm an Increase In busi ness and they anticipate also a good season's trade. Manufacturers of men's clothing have been fairly active, but com plain that collections are somewhat tardy. Jobbers of hosiery, underwear nnd no tions report business quiet during the last week and collections Inclined to be slow. Conditions In the lumber trade are be JVA? to b8 gradually Improving. Some of the local hardwood dealers state that business Is better than for some time past and that they have had a large Increase In the number of Inquiries for lumber of certain grades. The yellow pine business Continues dull. In the coal line demand for bituminous coal seems to bo Increas ing. The Improvement Is generally attrib uted to scarcity of labor and to foreign orders. Trices arq stiffening. No change Is noted In the anthracite line and busi ness Is not encouraging In volume. In the building line there Is some im provement the last week, and while the bulk of new work started Is represented by dwelling-house operations, there la some 'Increase In business buildings, mills, etc. Financial Briefs According to Bradstreet's, export of wheat this week were 7.736,000 bushels; last week, 7,441,000 bushels: last year, 6, 865.000 bushels. Since July 1. 57,790,000: year ago. 86,022,000. Corn shipments this week. 179,000 bushels; last week 79,000; last, year, 199.000. Since July 1. 3.M2.0CO; year ago, 834,000. The annual report of the Jersey Cent tral Railroad showed a surplus equal to 19.M per cent, earned on the capital Btock, against 20.86 per cent In 1914. D. It. Stettlnlus resigned as president ot the Diamond Match Company, and W. A. Falrburn, vice president, was elected president. James A, Tatton was elected a director, succeeding TV. S. Hofstra, re signed. Vf. Jay Turner was appointed general counsel for the Lehigh Navigation Com pany, vice Samuel Dickson, deceased. Alba D. Johnson, president of the Bald win Locomotlvo Works. In reference to the report In New York that control of the company has passed to du Pont Powder Interests, aays that he has no knowledge of the matter whatever. In other sources It Is stated that the only way control could have passed would have been by purchases ot stock In tho open market, a French gold coin to the amount of 3380,000 was received In Now York from Cuba, while 1,000,000 In coin was with drawn from the New York Subtreasury for shipment to the Island. J. Nelson Steele, Jr., has been elected a member of tho New York Stock Ex change. The New York Stock Exchange seat of Joseph F. Illndes has been sold for 860,000 and posted for transfer to Edmund Randolph. The price Is unchanged from the previous sale. According to Russian cables, vast de posits of copper have been discovered In the Yelszabetpol region and mining op erations are being conducted by the Gov ernment. The New York banks lost to Subtreas ury yesterday 87&0.000, and gained 85,913,000 since last Friday. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. state that all the de tails In connection with the purchase ot the Pennsylvania Company Frettch loan bonds and their conversion Into dollar bonds of the same maturity have now been completed. No public offering Is being made of tho dollar bonds, which aro being placed privately. c NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK, Sent. 24. BUTTEU.-Market steady: receipts, 10.320 packages. Extra. 27c: blatter scorlnr. 2THMci Btata dairy, 26 20V6C.: imitation creamery, iunvue. vnmt Mitrkftt IrrAsrtflftr reeAlnta. T0AA naMr. ares, extra nrsi, utwdw, ursia, ztxnziy .w" . - -i,.T-.'. ---z. -w -i;rr" Ho.; refrlferator firsts. 24S25C; sesrby browus, S3 sjcoe. Cut in Trice of Sugar NEW TOIUC Sept. 24.-J ThePederal Suar Refining Company' has reduced the price of standard cumulated surer 10 points, to 4.00c. Other refiners are quoting 8 cents. Spot quo tations for raws unchaiured at 4.sc LECJAL ADVERTISEMENTS jgj. IN TJIB OHrilANS' COOKT FOB the City and County of 1'lilladelpbla. 1WT ACnfl, IVIO. HO, 4S1. Estate ot JOHN W. LEWIS, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that HA.YMB LEWIS, widow at the said decedent, has nled In the said eourt her petition with description and appraisement ot tbs real estate ot ths said decedent, to wit, premises No, 241S W. Allesheny avenue, belnr situate on the north side of 23th street, la feet front by DO feet deep, out of wbloh she has elected to retain the sum of Three hundred dollars (1800), under the Act ot April 14, IBM, and It supplements, and that the samo will be approved by the Court on Friday, October 8, A. D. ltlB, unless exceptions thereto bs filed before thst time. WAYNB P. ItAlinO, Attorney for Petitioner. DIVIDENDS MAKKET 8TKEKT TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY S. W. (Tor. Bid and Market SU.. Philadelphia. September 22, 1916. Ths Board of Dlractors have this day de clared the regular semi-annual Dividend of Three Pe Cent, on the paid-la capital, and an Extra Dividend of Ten Per Cent. (Two UeUtur and Fifty cents per share) both pay able November 1, 191$, to stockholders ot record at ths cleee of business October 15, 101B. Ctaseka will be mailed. Ths Seard of Directors have also called an UsUhasat of Five Dollars per ltare on the saBltal stack at ths Company, payable at the oAae of the Company on or before November 16, 111$. On and after November 1. 1B1B, no stock o wWch the Instalment remains un paid will be transferable. Instalments must be paM en or beters November 13. 191$, to MfUelBate la the neat following- dividend. A further shr of Twenty-live ' thsueand delUu-s has been transferred to surplus out ot tbs ewntags, making the surplus fund equal to mm taereaaee) eajMtal, viz., $160 000 KSGWALD . CHASE. eeretarv' ana ire asurer. VAXJUbTV ILaJLUOAU COaifANlf gTT&'XSrZ'tS K-U lawasa 4wamsny ave this day de- iiSr,t?frirjt ail staMti W taekktddeni at . ww4 eaTta seminea stock to steekhatoers ST oaatember 2$, 1915 both pavaete LM4M vjC ."wflTtW MlM. CONTROL OF L0CAI STEEL STOQKS SLIPPING AWAY FROM THIS CITY - ISH.S IS ! Largest Deals Since Philadelphia Loflfc Lhigk .Valley and Baldwin -Tracton Shares at New High Levels The local financial district was agog today with the talk of changes of owner ship of so many big Phlladelphla-owncd Industries. That no less than three ot the city's largest steel companies should be apparently slipping from the control ot local interests at one and the same time la practically unprecedented. Not since the capture of the Lehigh Valley by the so-called "nock Island crowd" and tho sale of the Baldwin Locomotlvo works have such Important deals occurred. It Is Interesting to note that the same Individual who succeeded In engineering the Daldwln deal under the noses, so to speak, of some of tho city's most powerful bankers, appears to have turned a similar "coup de main" In the case of the Mldvale Steel Company. Incidentally, It Is said that he recently- liquidated his large holdings of Baldwin shares on the record breaking rlso In that Issue. Sharp advances In the local traction stocks wero the outstanding feature ot the trading on the Philadelphia Exchange today, and both Itapld Transit and Union Traction made new high records for the year. The more the Street studies the political situation tho more It la Im pressed with the hope of betterment In quotations for all ths local public utilities. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS ' GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Itecelpts. 109,238 bushels. The market opened lc lower, but subsequently re cox ered the loss and closed firm, with traoe fairly acthe. Quotetlonei Car lots. In export elevator No. 2 red, spot snd Heptember, ll.Ou 91.11, No. 2 red Wentern. none offered: No. 2 Southern red. Jl.07tjl.00: steamer No. 2, red. 1 WCI.0S. No. red, S1.0O31.08, rejected A, II 03Hei.03H, rejected B, lf.(BOL04. COIIN. Hecelpts, 2000 bushels. Trade was slow and ths market declined Is. under In creased pressure to sell. Quotations: Car lots for local trade, as to location Western No. 2 yellow, 83S81C; Western steamer yel low, 823830.; Western No. 3 yellow, 80081c; Delaware ellow, 80382c. OATS. fteoelpts, 141,330 bush. Demand was lltht and cfforlnas were fully equal to re quirements, quotations! No. 3 white, 30HW 40c.; No. 4 -white, aiSpSSc.s sample oats, 3ZU FLOUR. Receipts. 760 bbls. and 188.000 lbs. In eackk. There was little demand from any source and the market was largely nominal. Quotations per 100 lbs. In wood Winter clear, new, il.tJ0gl.00; do., etralrht, new, 14.80 8 10; do., patent, new, $5.1005 40: Kansas, clear, new. Jute sacks. $ OWVIO; do., straight, new. Juts sacks, f5 2t&S.CO: do., patfint, new. Jute sacks, T 0005.75; spring, ftrst, clear, new, I1.054M.U0: do., straight, new, $1.8095.10, do.; patent, new. $5.105.80; do , do., old, $8.3586.60, do., favorite brands, old. $0.S57.1O; city mills, choice and fancy patent, $8.te7.10: city mills, regular grades Winter, clear, new. I4.75S0: do., straight, new, J5S.25: do., patent, new, $5.2585.50. IlYE iLOUIl was quiet but steady under light offerings. Wo quote at $5-33.-3 per bbl as to quality. PROVISIONS The market was quiet but steady. Follow ing aro tho quotations: City beef. In sets, smoked and alr-drled, 24025c.; Western beet, in eets. smokod. 24625c; city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr-drled. 2SN7c.. Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, 26B27C.; beef hams, $28330; pork, family. Ml twLoo. hams. 8. P. cured, loose. llVittwc, do., skinned, loose, 11UQ12C1 do., do., smoked, 13ffl3Uc; other hams, smoked, city cured. no n hnn anA ...,. 13ft2140.1 IlBlUl. smoked, Western cured, 1314c; do., boiled, boneless, 216220.: plcnlo shoulders. B. I cured, loose, hHQ9c; dc, smoked, OVjWJISc; bellies, in pickle, according to average, looae, 12312Hc; breakfast bacon, as to brand ana average, city cured. leVKJlOc: breakfast bacon. Western cured, 1549160.: lard, Weitern. re fined, tierces, 839c: do., do., do., tubs. 8?.6c; lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In tierces, SHQOc; lard, pure city, kettle ren dered, tn tubs, SGOc REFINED SUGARS There was little trading and Ihs market ru'ea weaK. we quote rennera- usi. pnirai Standard granulated. B05c; extra One1 granu lated, 6c: powdered, R.lOc: confectioners A, 4 00c: soft grades. 4.15!3.73c DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTER. Demand was fairly active and supplies were pretty well cleaned up at ths lata advance. Quotations: Weitern solid packed creamery, fancy specials, 29c; extras, 27c; extra nrBts. 20c: firsts. 21325c: saconds, 23i3V4c; nearby prints, fancy, 30c: do., avenge extras, 28829c: do., firsts, 23327c: do., seconds, 23024c; Jobbing sales ot fancy prints. 84037c . ... KGOa. I'.ecelpts of fine new-latd eggs were light and the market ruled Hrm at the recent advance with demand fairly active. Wo quote as follows: Pree cases, nearby extras, 31c per dot.; firsts, $8.1008 40 per standard case; nearby current receipts, $7.5007.80 per case: Western extra Urate. $8.4008 70 per .case: firsts. $7.t0Q8.10 per case; fancy selected candled eggs ero Jobbing at 33033c per dos. CHEBSK. There was little trading, but offerings of desirable stock: wero only mod. erata and prices ruled steady. Quotations: New Tork. full cream, fancy, new, 15ViOl&c.: specials, higher; do., do , fair to good, new, 14U015C.; part skims. 0912c POULTRY LIVE. Cholca stock ruled firm with de mand canal to the limited offerings. Quo tations: Fowls, ss to size and quality. 10 17Wci roosters, 11012c: spring chickens, ac- corawg to yuwtw, mih ., wu. .. higher: ducks, Pekln, old, lS014c: do., In dian Runner, old, 12ffl3c; do., young, ac cording to size. 14015c;plgeons, old, per pair, 18r20ct do., young, per pair. 17018c DRESSED. The market ruled firm, with de mand readily absorbing the limited receipt of fine aesiraoio-sizau iiock. rvuowinK urn ths Quotations: Fresh-killed poultry, fowls, 12 lected?19c: weighing 4V405 lbs. apiece. 18Uc: weighing 3H04 lbs. apiece. 17c; weighing 8 lbs. apiece. 1617c under 3 lbs. apiece. 14l5 B13V4C: Ice-packed Western, 4H lbs. and over apiece. oo., "v., bu.u , www. v. STOCKS GRAIN COTTON Our Weekly Market Letter Is ready for distribution. HUGHES & DIER Banker! and Brokers Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange Members Chicago Hoard ot Trads 1435 Walnut Street Philadelphia Direct Private Wires tn NEW TOItK and PHILADELPHIA BTOCK KX CHANtlES, CHICAGO BOARD OV THADE and other Important markets. BEATj ESTATE 3fO SAXE REAX. ESTATE ?0 UXLS lAKUVIKW HEXOHTS. JS. J. LAJtEVlEW WUQHJB. M. 3. r II as I I sil aanaaai SI I I 1 a -lll-M.I I I s .1 . ..e.i.i . . . N ,,IIM.s AuctioM Sk Cowe with wa taxlsgr- Dva't, salsa estate wopealtlsa etr yam. lMvlsr XMaiita M save iwsiiwh Jersey subvrb awteas the Blaaat a Assnansssa taata. tiliui aonatrr mmUL. seashara aaaahtasd, sssnbr that la purafcsMlBC at et taa Joe you wssL yffll ananas. 4K$ a4 UUl yur aoaae ' for van. Cosu as entr ctuai. ' vallaw Uadaru OkaalMMt mtwmmt 0kr I (c tMiUi talBBUa t. X 4Vi ssaiiaa. pf wts wa4hr 7u bsrer alnsHSr. j akxmt Dykman-NofrU Co, Tho general list was alo strong, ttc trio Storago Battery roae sharply mwrly those points, while Lake Stsperrer iMM over a point. There, was siee good ksry lug or Baldwin and Cambria. 0teeL It was announced that the settlement for tho Mldvale Steel sale would bo cleared through the Olrard Trust Omjvany toetey. This deal Is understood to be quite sep arate from any financial plans regarding the Cambria and Pennsylvania. Bteel Companies, ct least for the time being. Tho latter stock after rising a point. eased oft. It was said that only a, por tion of the Donnet option on the Fertnayl vanla Railroad's holdings ot Camtrrle, had been exercised. The reduction tn tft TonepsJi Mtsrhag Company's dividend was net unexpected and came as a direct result ef the de cline In the price of silver. The pany declared a, quarterly payment et K per cent. This la a reduction of A Pr cent per annum from the recent rata of payment. It will be recalled the board Issued a statement seme time age. predicting a cut in the dividend. Pre vious to 1814 the company not only paid 100 per cent per annum, but also declared 60 per cent, tn extra disbursements. Of late largo sums have been expended In acquiring and developing new properties. Tho stock held steady today. roosters, dry-picked, 12c t broiling chickens. Jersey, fsney, 24028c: other nearby fancy. 220Z4CI Western broilers, wolgnlng 1UC2 lbs. npiore, 10020c: fancy, large yellow northern Illinois chickens, weighing 314 lbs. end over apiece, -rutrzic: ac. do., weighing ZHM 'IBs., ISOlOe.; other Western, weighing Stt lbs. and plSc: Inferior. 15titlo.: snrlnc ducks, near by, 18B17c: dc. Western, 1012c; sqaabe, white, welching 11012 lbs. per dos., I4f4.f8: Mte. welshing 910 lbs. Per doz., Sa.15f8.ail; white, weighing S lbs. per dos., f4K.f5: do.. 7 lbs. per dos., $2.1082.35; dc. 64HM Hut. . dps.. $i 6091.75; dark, $i.601.7; small ana jvo. 2. $1. FRESH FRUITS There was a fair movement In choice stock ot most descriptions and values generally were ateanlly held. Quotations: Apples, per bbl Crab, $304 1 Jonathan. I2.W8.W: Blush, $2&0frl: Qravensteln, 2.S03; Wealthy. $2.50 C3j Grimes' Golden. $2.oOC3j Summer Rest bo, $2.Zfr2.75; llppln. $i23W2.75: Smoke house. $202.50: Duchess. $l.fB2.28; other varieties, l.W82; No. 2 apples, JltM.50. Crab apples, per bush.. 25050c reaches. Virginia. West Virginia, Western Maryland and fens sylvanlo. Elberta, per crate, ,60cOl: do., dc, per basket, 35050c; do.. Jersey, fancy Elber ta. per -bueh. basket. Kxaeoc: dc, do., oth er kinds, per basket. 15040c; dc, Nesr Tork. Elberta. per basket Double extras. bOCT&c.t fair to good, 25035c: dc, Ohio, per bush, basket, fancy, WXTOOc; do., dc, fatr to geod, 40050c Pears, per bbl. Bsrtlelt. tl.50eft.80; Seckel, $507; common, $1.6092. Drapes, Del aware Moore's Early and Concord, per ear ner, 60003c; do., do., do., per 4-lb. basket, flflOc Grapes, New Tork, per 4-lb.r basnet Delaware, 12013c: Niagara, 10l3e.r Wor den, OOlOc Lemons, per box, $S4fB. Pineap ples, per crate Porto Kico, l.503. Cranber ries, Cape Cod, per bbl., $50u7 dc. dc, per crate, $1.7502. Plums. Southern, per bush., $1.2501.50: do., Virginia, Damson, per 20-lb. basket. 40050c; dc New Tork. nr SO-lb. basket. 20050c Plums. New Tork. per 8-lb. bas kot Ilradshaw and Niagara, 15922c: dc, dc, Rlna Claude. 15923c nlackhtrrlaa. SU. wf-re, Maryland and New Jersey, per at.. tuw, aiucsisocrriev, per qt., otioc uuiia loupes, Coloradc per flat crate. 66975c; dc, do., per standard crate. $1,503:2. water melons, per car, $1000250. VEGETABLES The market ruled steady under moderate of ferings and a fair demand. Quotations: Whits potatoes. Pennsylvania, per bushel Fancy, 60 053c; do., fair to good. 40045c; white pota toes. Pennsylvania, per 150-lb bar, $l(yi.3S; white potatoes. Jersey, per basket No. 1 Haee. 80033c.: do.. No. I other varieties. 2MWe.-. uw., ..u. ., ivuwu,, BWOVfc pvia.ioes. rfOCV7 per basket Nc 1, 80O4Oci da. No. ft tafs 20cj onions, per 100-lb bag. tl.254M.00: do,. ' jersey, per Tt-ousnet oasset. iiavovc; ceiery, New Tork, per bunch, 15050c; lettuce. Now York, per 2-dozen crate. $1.5092: dc do.. per 3-dozen cmtes 2iJ2.23; miishrtiom, pr :r atiozen crate, e lb. basket, 60cO$l. 'i LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Sept 24. HOOS-Receipts. 6890. H,rkl $&' Wlher. Mixed and butchere, $9.7508,40; -good heavy, $0.808.1J; rough CATTl.i Receipts. S00. Msrket strong. Beeves, $5 3510.40; cows and heifers, 3.2U: Towns, $0.7808.40: calves, $0.2SOll. " SHEEP Receipts, 12,000. Market strong. Native and Western. $3.1508.35; Jambs, $.2J O8.00. LUZERNE COUNTY GAS & ELECTRIC CO. First Mortgage Refundinf; and Improvement S Gold BONDS Frea of Pennsylvania! Stata Tax Company pay normal' Fadaral Income Tax A first mortgaee subject to underlying liens of less than 2 of the outstanding issue. Properties in Pennsylvania Franchises Perpetual Priea SSy and interett, Yielding about 514 Send for particulars Wiitian P. Ravilmsb Ha law. MORRIS WISTAR STR0UP, Jr. Manager PblljudelpbU New Tork Boston Xtatrek lndont William P. Bonbrlght A Ce, Parlsi Bonbrlght Co. Sound Investments si. ..-, mk 1 Frazier.45G. Bankers 132 S. 15th St Likeriew Hdglits the araavtaat r4 froea P4Badseal U Iake! k4 swr etr - yi Sw1 yasir a ptiee ti llaai. TaasrassatSvtlTO eans tnrtr' l.M aay ,4a- tr W Ull e 4VM Jiawa Caaatia at S, a Us teueeK-ea s:',t Bc. Saatl U Law sMtvuts .t4r4iMt fan atex ytaaswtr. 1UU CaMtHmit Street j Cil "Ift April f4)j(f-jf mi. m, 99 P IJJ'C IUM 1UJ4 U1H Wm Lm . ! o.... ns tax atjesr f avfs ssusa. wit sTub- it- 1t'MrM m---,t- BirW HWap asPS M fA Pa"e I W a, pi j. tsw r. ' iswaii i a.ieawe. (SWiars a