Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 24, 1915, Final, Page 14, Image 14

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' -session.
W Marshall Asserts Country
Wants Wilson to Give His
Und'"''led Attention to
Foreign Crisis
WASHINGTON, Sept. !4. "I don't want
to be attending vaudeville while church Is
Coin? on."
With this epigram Vice President Mar
shall today urged Congress and the Amer
ican people to "soft pedal" politics while
the nation's foreign relations nro critical.
He opposes, he said, the proposed extra
session of the Senate.
"I havo been over three-fourths of the
States since Congress adjourned," said
the Vice President, "and everywhere I
find the rank and die of American cltl
, Hens are not .discussing so-called politics
of the old-fashioned variety. They are
Interested In the war Interested In the
efforts of the President to keep peaco with
"A few politicians and a few newspa
pers are discussing the old-fashloncd
brand of politics, hut most of the people,
the 'common people,' the American citi
zenship, are not Interested In politics.
'I am prejudiced against an extra ses
sion of the Senate or an earlier session
of Congress." '
Here tho Vice President referred to the
vaudeville show of politics as compared
with the serious International affairs be
fore the President.
"The American people want to have the
President give his undivided attention to
maintenance of peace with honor to tho
flag," continued tho Vice President. "I
will see the President today to pay my
personal respects, but will not deign to
offer my prejudiced advice on an extra
Tfra,f"J"re94dent Wilson has the approval
and commendation of tho nation In his
handling of International affairs was de
clared by the Vice President.
"But I think discussion of his efforts
at thin time would be Inopportune and
might prove embarrassing," said Mr.
Marshall. "Not that I am not ready to
defend his course; It needs no defense
only praise."
Regarding his personal 'political future,
the Vice President was extremely frank.
When asked If he expected to be renomi
nated Mr. Marshall said:
"That depends entirely upon what the
Democrats think of It. I have never yet
sought a political office or nomination.
I have never written a letter to that ef
fect. If the Democrats nominate me with
the President in 1816. I'll accept gladly.
And if they don't, I'll be satisfied. That's
nit there Is to It."
Yells of Attacked Men Bring Police
men, to Their Aid
A fusillade of shots, much yelling and
the pattering of many feet down the still
thoroughfare failed to disturb the tran
quility of Lombard street residents early
today. It was the usual thief chase n
that neighborhood, and the residents were
getting used to it An occasional window
opened for a minute as the cops dashiJ
by after the fugitives, but beyond tlut
there wasn't much stirring.
Thjs time It was a hold-up at Lombard
street near 9th street. John Polo, 72
South Darlen street, and Tony Angelo, 707
Kater street, were attacked, beaten and
dragged Into an alley by three youths.
Polo was robbed of J30. Policemen re
sponded to their cries and gave chase to
the assailants, catching them at Front
street. The prisoners gave their names
a Rocco Maltlo, 18 years old, 415 South
Kb street; Leon Accolacco. 20, 708 South
7th street, and Anthony Pilla, 18, 717 Cly
. jner street. All were held without ball for
a, further bearing by Magistrate Hag
Lancaster Physician Dies Three
Months After He Predicted Death
LANCASTEtt. Pa., Sept. 2.-Dr. Maris
Kendlff, 1 years old, a prominent phy
sician of Conestoga Centre, died at the
Lancaster General Hospital today of a
complication of diseases. Some months
ago ne predicted nis death on Sunday,
June 20. and shut himself up In his home
to await the end, convinced that he would
die, like other members of his family, on
Sunday that was the 20th of a month.
lie lived, but since then had been grad
ually railing.
V4w) Arriving Today
Mlswjurl (Br.). London, menlundtu.
tie Transport Company.
unHmani tur.j, eras urand. iron ore,
Delaware, new Tors, -Merchandise,
ISMS? company.
her Rant a (Br., Fowey. chins
lora Bona,
Im to Arrive
Vmm a.il.4
.M,...w.yVrMnU . ...Aux. 21
turns. ncsteter ....DepL. T
,...,.....,, .stotteraaru .....Sept. 8
..,...,,.., ,IIulva Spt, H
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ii"'miiiS ,.,.pl, 11
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..,.., ........Liverpool ,,.,Spl. V
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i. Mara ,,.,,,,, .Lamjim .,.., .Sept, 1
qiene ft I ism mi 4f(fe myi m
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KiO qoT
Report That Organiation Will
Support Porter Also Em
phatically Contradicted
Emphatic denial that tho H. C. Ston
Men's Club Is a political organization de
signed to buck George D. Porter, the In
dependent nominee for Mayor, or that
It Is nntl-CntholIc In Its purpose. Is mado
In a statement Just Issued by George
Wharton Pepper, member of the organi
zation. Mr. Pepper stated that the club, which
was started among men In tho Holy
Trinity Memorial Chapel, was founded
with certain rituals and themes, which,
although not Actively anti-Catholic, has
been Interpreted as so by the Catholics
because they found themselves out of
sympathy with tho movement.
That former Director of Public Safety
Porter should bo a member of the club,
Mr. Pepper said, was merely an Inci
dental matter, and would not mean that
tho members of the club would support
Mr. Porter as an organization, although
as Individuals they might do so.
Mr. Pepper also said that the Rev.
Floyd W. Tomklns, rector of the Holy
Trinity Church, who has control also
over the Memorial Chapel, requested him
to consult with the Rev. H. C. Stone as
to tho advisability of Issuing a public
statement, throuch the Philadelphia
newspapers, regarding the real purposes
and alms of the club.
Funeral of II. M. Tildcn
The funeral of Howard M, Tilden, who
died of pneumonia at his home, Overlelgh,
McKcan avenue, Gcrmantown, Wednes
day, will be held from that address at 3
o'clock this afternoon. The Itev. Dr.
Franklin S. Moore, pastor of Calvary
Episcopal Church, Germantown, will con
duct the services. Interment will be In
Ivy Hill Cemetery. The pallbearers will
be D. Morlcy Lodge, T. Harold Tunnell,
Ferdinand S. Graves, Howard Fltz-Itan-dolph,
Samuel Peacock, Benjamin W.
Greer. Jr., Walter L. Zelgler, John
niakely, Logan Howard-Smith, Walter
It. Tucker, Jr., William Adamson and
J. Edwin Megargee.
Mrs. Watson's Funeral Tomorrow
Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Mas
den Vaughan Watson, wlfo of Congress
man Watson, of the Bucks-Montgomery
district, will be held tomorrow morning
at St. John's Protestant Episcopal
Church, Wilmington. Del. Mrs. Watson
dropped dead last Wednesday in a New
York trolley car. It was found that she
had J50.000 worth of Jewelry and $10,000
in cash in her possession at tho time.
Max M. Betz
Max M. Betz, a prominent Mason and
member of many fraternal societies, died
yesterday at his home, 2314 North Broad
street. Mr. Betz, who was 71 years old,
had been 111 for nearly a year. He was
a member of Gothic Lodge, No. 519, F.
and A. M.: Tristram B. Fieeman R. A.
Chapter, No. 243; Kadosh Commandery,
No. 29; Canstattcr Volkfest Vereln,
Philadelphia Scheutzen Vereln. Philadel
phia Turngemelnde and the North Broad
Street Building and Loan Association.
Mr. Betz was the president of Max
Betz & Co., wagon manufacturers. The
funeral will be held Monday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the residence. Interment
will be made at Greenmount Cemetery.
James E. Reid
James Edwin Held, an adjuster for the
Keystone Telephone Company, died at
his home, 4S37 Wolton avenue, from pneu
monia yesterday. Mr. Held had been 111
for 10 months. He was $7 years old. Be
fore associating himself with the tele
phone company Mr, Reld was proprietor
of a grocery business at 40th and Market
streets. During this time he was an offi
cer of the Retail Grocers' Association.
Funeral services will be held tonight at
the Hold home.
8TBAU88. In loving memory of my dear
on, WALTER L. STRAUSS, who departed
this Ufa Sept. 24, 1914. HIS MOTHER.
DOUTV In memory of HARRY W. DOUTY.
died September 24, 1014. FAMILY,
Ms.cCAM.UM. In memory of WILLIAM P.
MacCALLUM. lie died Sept. 24. 1014. WIFB
I1KTZ. On September VI. MAX M DETZ.
huabanl of Louisa N. Uetz, axed 17 years.
Relatives and (rlende, also Uothio Lodse, No,
CIV, V. and A. M. ; Trlitrain li. Freeman It.
A. Chapter, No. 843, Kadoah Commandery,
No. 29, directors and members of L'ann
Utter Vollufeet Vereln. I'orter'a Lake II
and V. Club. German Society. Philadelphia
Bihuetien Vereln, FblUdelphla Turnse.
melnde, directors of Nortb Rroad St. JJulld
lng and Loan Association, employes o( Max
M. Rets ft Son, and all other societies of
which he was a member, are Inwted to at
tend the funeral, on Monday, at 2 p. m., from
hU lata residence, 2H14 North Uroad st. In
terment at Greenmount Cemetery.
III.UM. On September 32, 191B. HERMAN
II., son of Oeerge and Helen Ulum, aaed 2
ysara. Relatives and friends -are Invited to
attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 1 :iO p.
in., trnm bis parants' reildenca, 4(11 Jllpka
ave., Roxbo-oush. Interment private, at
Weatmliuttr Cemetery.
BOMIE-On September 21, 1916, OEOHOB.
busband of Florence Uowle inea Van lloni.
Relatives and friends, alio United Brother
hood of Carpenters and Joiners of America,
Local Union No. 8, are Imlted to attend tba
funeral services, an Saintday, at 2 p. m., at
hla lata residence, 1U Florence ave., Darby.
Fa. Interment at Mount Zlon Cemetery.
BKAOO. Oo Beptsrober 22, 1916. ENOCH
EDWARD BRAOO, moa oV Rryan I) an"
an. L. Bnt In bis 3d year. ReUtivea
and friend are Invited to attend the funeral
aervlcaa, on Saturday, at 2 p. m., at hla
parent residence, 2D5S South Frailer st. In
tarmant at Mount Mortal. Cemetery.
(SAKBt-Buddenlr. on Wfdneeday, Septembar
W. IBIS. pANIKL. w?'ot Jb VndPIlrWiet
Carr. asad 0 yn. Relatlvea and friend,
also school companions of st, John the IUi
tut Sctwol, ar Invited to attend tba funeral,
on Saturday, at j.0 a. ja., from hla parent,'
reaManca. Tarnoa .t.' Wltaahlckon. iS.
ulem M, t B- foh tl? Baptlet Church.
att o'clock pr-lr, isurment t sC
John's Cemetery, " ""
OAM4JMAN, On Sestemtxr 22, lais
JalCHAKL CAJrHMAJC. bueband t? Brldset
Caakawui (ne jTcOIInn). ReUllve BI
frteada. Io St. Asatha'a Holy Name Bocl.
y, ax Uivltad to sttend lb fjineral, on
ajuiraay. at )Jt) a. a.. B?ua kte Ute relu
DAMDSON. On September 21, IBIS,
HOlinilT. husband of Marfcaret Davtdeon
(nee llffter) and eon of Mary A. and the lata
Charles Davldeon. IteUtlvea and friends, aleo
the employes of floors D. Wetherell : Co.,
are Incited to attend the funeral service,
on Saturday, nt 1.80 p. m., at hi late resi
dence. SfiM Mercer t. (18th Ward). Inter
ment private, nt North Cedar Hill Cemetery.
Remains may be viewed Friday evening.
DUX. On September 22, 191(1. HANNAH.
widow of William Dill, sited 111 years. Serv
ice wilt be held at tho Home for Aged
Couples, 1721 Francis St., on Saturday, at
10 a. m precisely. Interment at Eierxreen
Cemetery Camden, N. J.
i:l.MS. On September 21, 1015, at his lata
resllence. Fox Hill, Itidt.or township, Dela
ware County. Ph., RUDLL.1'11 ELLIS Serv
ices And Interment private.
KVANH. On September 22. 1916. J. HOW
ARD, son of I, Newton and Mary E. Evans
ttee Thomas), In his 20th enr. Relatives
and frlenils are lnlted to attend funeral,
without further notice, on Saturday, at
2 p. m., from the Falrvlcw II. E.
Church, Weleh road nnd W'ashlncton )Ane,
mnr Ilethnres, Fa. Intern, ent Hatboro
riEI.l). On September 22, 191B, DAVID
FAl'L FIELD, aced 40 years. Due notlca of
funeral will be given,
rill.IXRTON. At Atlantic City, N. J., on
September l'l. 101V ELI.AIIETH SIMPSON,
wltiow uf John Kullettnn. Tu eral Monday
nlfrnoon, September 27, from her lata resi
dents, northoait corner 42d and Spruce tts.
Services and Interment private.
GREENE. On September 23, ISABELLA
II., daughter or Joseph and Mary Ureene.
Relatives and friend, also Sodality of the
ltleseod Virgin and League of the Sacred
Heart, are Invited to attend the funeral, on
Monday, at M a. m., from her parents' resi
dence, 2VI North King at.. Gloucester City,
N. J. High Mass at St. Mary's Church, at
I) a. m. Interment at St. Mary's Cemetery.
Gl'Ml'HEHT. At Atlantic City, N. J., on
September SCI. 101.1, WILLIAM OUMPHBRT.
Hged 80 vears. Relatives and frlende, also
l'hlllp Schuyler Port, No. 51, a. A. R are
Invited to attend tho funeral services, on
Saturday, at 3:'M p. m at the chapel of
Northwood Cemetery, Philadelphia.
UAMII.L. On Soptember 22, 101.1. ELIZA
Hirrll. widow of John Hamlll. Relatlvea and
trlenda arc Invited to attend the funeral, on
Monday, nt 8':io a. m., from her late resi
dence, 2S.14 Swanson st. Solasoa High Mas
of Requiem at the Visitation Oiurch at 11)
a. in. Interment at Holy Sepulchro Ceme
tery. HUNTER. Suddenly, on September 23, 1918.
HENRIETTA, wlte of Frederick J Hunter.
Relatives and friends, also Mlzpah Lodge,
No 570. S of II,, U, S. Grant Temple, No,
410, ot U. A.; Ivanhoo Temple, No. 12S, L.
G. E., and Valor Council, No. 13, D. of A,,
nro Invited to attend the funeral service, on
Sunday, at 1 p. m., at tho residence of her
huiband, 1003 East Tassyunk ave. Interment
HUNTER. On September 23, 1915. GEORGE i
ALLEN, son of Annie I', and the late John
Hunter, In hi 27th year. Relatives and '
friends are Invited to attend the funeral
service, on Saturday, at 3 p. m. precisely,
nt the residence of hla brother, John S.
Hunter. 60-10 Hazel ave. Interment private.
IRVIN. On Sentember 20. 101.'. Kllaiu.
NAH W. wlte of Alexander H. Irvln and
daughter of tho late William and Sarah
Knox, In her 60th year. Relatives and friend
are Invited to attend the funeral services, on
Saturday, st 2 p. m st her late residence,
242'i south I2th st. Interment private. Re
mains may be vlened Friday evening,
KEARNEY. On September 22, 1018, MAR
GARET MARTf. wife of Albert Kearney and
daughter ot Henry and Mary Stoke. Rela
tives and friends, also Sodality of B. V.
M. of fit. Malachy's Church, are Invited to
attend the funeral, on Monday, at 7. 'JO a. m.,
from her late residence. 1741 North 11th t.
Solemn High Requiem Mas at St. Malachy's
Church at 0 a. m. Interment at Holy
Sepulchre Cemetery.
KEltrKlt. On September 21, 1915, JOHN
KERPER. Relative and friends, aleo Mana
tawna Castle, No. 38, K. G a. and Marble
Hall Lodge. I. O. O. F are Invited to at
tend the funeral, on Saturday, at 2 p. m..
from hla late residence. Barren Hill, Pa.
Services In St. Peter's Lutheran Ch'irch at
3 p. m. Interment In adjoining cemetery.
LKITCH. On September 22. 101.1. EDWARD
son of Edward and Bridget Leltch. aged si
years Relatives and friend are Invited to
attend the funeral, on Monday, at 8-30 a. m..
from the residence of hi parents, llioo Fit
gerald st. (above Rltner). Solemn Requiem
Mass at St. Monica' Church at 10 a. m. In
terment at Holy Crosa Cemetery.
LISTER. At Ocean Grove, N. J., on Sec
tembtr 22. 1015. EMILY G widow ol Tuet,.
d0.Vf tSvVi ter. eed ' Funeral aervlces
will be held at the residence of her son. 1041
Paclnc street, Tioga, Saturday, at 2 p. m
Interment at Northwood Cemetery, Haines
street Germantown.
LYONS. On September 23. 1915. ELIZA
BETH A., daughter of Sarah L and the
late Captain L. L. Lyons. Funeral services
on Saturday, at 2 P. m., at 4812 Woodland
ave, et Philadelphia. Interment private
at Femwood Cemetery. '
MACKKY In Writ Chester, Pa., on Sod
temter 22. 1015, JAMES C." MACKEvf Fn
hla 71st year. Relative and friends, also
Tamanend Tribe. No. IDS, Imp. O. R. M.. are
Invited to attend the funeral, from tha resi
dence of his sonlnIaw, Hutu Green, 132
linden t.. Wet Cheater, Pa., on Sunday.
Services at tha house at 1 p. m. Interment
JIclUNI.EY. On September 23, 1018. ELIZA,
widow of Joseph McKlnley. Relative and
friend ot family, also members of St. Sara
abas' P. E. Church, are respectfully Invited
to attend funeral service on Monday, at
2.30 p. m precisely, at her lata residence.
300 West Susquehanna avenue. Interment
private, at North Cedar Hill Cemetery,
MILLS. On September 21,1915, THOMAS J
buiband of Winifred T. Mill. Relatives
and friends, also Ancient Order of Hibern
ian are Invited to attend tha funeral on
8urday. at S a. m., from his late residence.
124.1 bouth 20th t. t-olemn Requiem Mass
at St. Anthony's Church at 9:30 a, m. Inter,
ment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
MOORE. On September 23. 1018, MART A.,
wlfo of William and daughter of Michael
and Mary Halllgan. Relatlvea and friends
era Invited to attend tba funeral, on Monday,
at 8 TO a. m., from her late residence, 2UJ7
North Stanley it. High Mass at St. Colum
bu's Church at 10 a. in. Interment at Holy
Cros Cemetery.
MOHKOVITZ. On September 23, 1018, JA
COB, huiband of tha lata Nettle Moskovll.
Relatives snd friends are Invited to attend
the funeral, on Sunday, September 2d, at 10
a. m.. from bis late residence, 821 1'lna st.
Interment at Mount Carmel Cemetery, Kindly
omit flowers.
OCIDKN. At his residence, B822 Willows
ave., West Philadelphia, on September 23.
of funeral Uter
RAITMLIiElt. On September 22, 1918.
LOUISA, widow of William lUppallbar (nee
Kakra;, in her 77th year. Relative and
friend ar Invited to attend tha funeral
services, on Saturday, at 1.SO p. m., at her
lata realdence, 212a Nortb Lawrence at. In
terment private, at HIUld Cemetery,
IlKIIL JAMES EDWIN, beloved husband of
Catherine Raid Inea Fraaland), on tha 23d
Inatant, la his U8tb year. Relative and
friend, alio members of tit. Faul Lodge. No.
481, F. and A. M., and th Masonic Vteran
are Invited to attend tba funeral urvlc, on
Friday, at H p. m., at hi late residence.
48J7 Walton ave. Interment at Neahamtny
Cemetery, HarUvllle, I'., on Saturday after
noon. KKILLY. On September 22. 1918, PHILIP
J., on ot Cecelia and th lata Terrene
llellly, formerly of 1219 Ellsworth at, Itila
tlve and friend ar Invited to attend th
funeral rvlce. on Saturday, at .3u a, m.,
from hi mother's residence, 11147 Webster at.
(above Christian st.). Solemn Keoulem
Mass at Church ot Transfiguration, at 10
a m. Interment at New Cathedral Cam-
KlU'SlfElL On September 20. 1918. EDNA
K., wlf of Howard E. lUpsher and daughter
of 'Charles E. and Lll Hants. Hel.tlre.
and friends are Invited to attend th funeral
aervlcas, at her lata residence, 4157 Faul L.
trankford, on Saturday, at 8 p. rn. Inter
mnt prlvat. t Oakland Cemstery. He
mala rosy be view c Frtdsy, from a to
14) p. rn.
KtttUNHON. At his , realdence. 63 North
Mth t.. on. September 23. 1918. JAMES
IIOHINSON. Nolle ot th funtial Ia4r
HOHM,-On September 22, J910. EMIUB
B, widow of Oliver H. ltomlg. KU stive and
friend ar Invlttil to attand th fuiwral en
Saturday, at 1 p. .. frosa tMr lata residence.
1I1S N. 'th at. SarvkiM 4 CWryLvT
tbaraa Cur, at 2 . m. K-l4y, tetst .
sMt jvtIveA.
Copyright, M6. E, W, Kembl.
nUSHTON. On September 22, 1918, JAMES,
son of the lata William and Ileasla Rushton,
In hi 21st year. Relative nnd friend ar
Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday,
at 8 30 a. m.. from the realdence ot hla
uncle, John Joseph Dunn, 47 Bast Garfield
St., Germantown. High Mas at St. Francis
of Asslsr Church, at 10 a. rn. Interment at
Holy Sepulchro Cemetery.
SCIIEER. On September 21, 1918, LOUISA,
wit of Henry scheer (nes Merkle). Rela
tlvea and friends of the family are Invited
to attend funeral services. Saturday, at 2
p. m., at her late residence, 2423 E. Cum
berland st. Interment private, at North
Cedar Hill Cemetery. Remains may b
Mewed on Friday evening, after S o'clock.
SHRIEIt. On September 22. 1913. JOHN
N. SHRIVER, aged 54 years. Relative
and friends, also Chosen Friends Lodge, No.
100. I. O. O. F.j Washington Lodge. No. 8,
Shield ot Honor, are Invited to attend th
funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 i. m., at
late residence, 67 Weit Johnson st., German
town. Interment private.
STRUNK Suddenly, on September 22, 1018.
ELIZABETH, widow of Joseph 8. Strung,
ngrd 73 years. Relatlvea and friends are
Invited to attend the funeral services, on
Saturday, st 1 p. m., at her late residence,
611 East Cabot st. Interment strictly pri
vate. STUMM. On September 22, 1115, WILL
IAM N., son of Charles and the late Barbara
Stumi.i, aged 20 years. Relatlvea and friends
are invited to attend tho funeral, on Satur
day, at 2 p. m., from the residence of hla
brother-in-law. William Atkinson, 4W) fill,
verwood St., Manayunk. Interment private,
at Barren Hill Cemetery,
TOWNER. On September 20, 1915. JAMES
L., husband of IDA M. TOWNER (nee Pole)
and son of Julia and the late James Towner,
aged 37 years. Relatlvea and friends, also
employe of Haines, Jones &. Cadbury Com
pany, are Invited to attend funeral services.
Saturday, at 2:30 p. m., at his late residence,
1215 North 28th at. Interment ML Peace
WATSON. Suddenly, on September 22, 1015,
at New York city, ANNIE MASDEN
VAUGHAN. wife ot Henry Wlnfleld Wat
eon, of Langhorne. Pa. Funeral service
will be held at St. John's I. E. Church,
Wilmington, Del. on Saturday, at 11:13
WELZ. On September 21. 1915, OERTRUDE,
wile or Albert Welz. Relative and friend
aro Invited to attend funeral services, on Sat
urda. at 2 u. m.. at her late residence. 1056
N. Hutcninson st. interment ueivuo ceme
tery. Remulns may be viewed on Friday
4VE8TENHERGER. Sudenly, on September
22, CONRAD WESTENBERGER, in 111 70th
year. Relative and friend are Invited to
attend funeral, on Saturday at 2 p. m , from
the residence ot hi son. John A. M. Westen
berger. C020 Paachall ave.. West Phlla. In
terment Mt. Zlon Cemetery. Darby, Remain
may be viewed on Friday, 7 to 10 p. m Au
tomobile funeral.
VillITE. On September 22, 1918, RACHEL
M. V. (nee Tomllnson), wife of William H.
Vvhlte. aged 60 yeara. Relatives and friends
are Invited to attend tho funeral, without
further notice, on Monday, at 11 a. m., irom
her late residence, Southampton, I'a. Inter
ment at Churchvllle Cemetery. Carriages
will meet train leaving Reading Terminal at
nil a. m.. at Southampton Statdsn.
IlILUAMtsy-On September 21, 1U1B, WILL
IAM O., busband of Lillian Williams, vaged
48 years. Relatives and friends, also Rack
dale Council, No 803, Jr. O. U. A. M., and
Washington Csmp, No. 82, P. O. S. ot A., ar
Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at
2 p. m.. from hi late residence, Lenna, Pa.
Interment at Mount Hop Cemetery.
YAPP. On September 21, 1915, EMMA,
wife of William J. Yapp and daughter ot
tbe late Captain William and Mary E. Spang
ler (nee Cress). Relatives and frlenda are In
vited to attend funeral, on Saturday, at 2
p. m , from the residence of her brother-in-law.
Richard C. LeFevre, 2314 W. Oxford at.
Interment at Fernwood Cemetery.
This STYLE TYPE (or Ilk this)
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One or two time rata for Etxkiso Lmxs
and Public Lidoi combined la 10 cants par
Una with tha exception of Help Wanted and
Situations Wanted, which I 16 cent par Ilns.
TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this)
which I permitted In all classification ex
cept Help and Situations Wanted. Loat and
Found, Personal. Boarding and Room, add
There is a drug store near your
home that will accept Ledger want
ads at office rates.
CHAMBERMAID and waitress, Protestant, for
suburban place; reference required. F 047,
Apply John s
James Dobson, Inc., Blanket
Line. Fall ot Schuylkill.
COOK nd chambermaid 2 girl to go to Wyn.
cote, Pa. no washing, but assist Ironing) sec
ond girl to give some assistance In care ot on
child. See Mia Reed, Room 230, jubllo
wnits, i-roieini gins: ramuy s adults: sub'
urbr. I' 32 Ledger Otnce.
COOK snd housemaid 2 whit girl to go to
wriiv. K. (wiMwiiH prvicrreai ramuy o.
Addre. P 331, Ledger Office. '
COOK Experienced whit woman, suburb;
guoq wttM. mi isuiury. r aip, logger urr.
COO"K, lrotetnt. for suburban place; refer-
COOK, experienced, whit; srusll family) Prot
eaunt prcierrea. . rnone wynwyd T2 w.
COOK and downstairs work, no wash: aettleil
woman; reference I' 330. lodger Office.
COOKING, laund"rr and walling Two slstersT
Ovrman or Swede preferred; 3 In family.
Call 320 8. 431 t. ' "
COOKING and downstair work, whit. Elf
Springfield ave. Phone Chestnut Hill 1187 p.
ref. Phone Merlon 428 W until 10 a.m.
GIRLS to act as models la large dressmaking
establlfhmcnt, height 6 feet 4 Incbe to 5
fMt 0 Inches; bust 30 to 38 Inches! must .b
refined and of good appearance: blond or
red hair preferred: experience not necessary;
only thou with abov requirement need ap
ply Apply Cunnlnghr m. 1608 Walnut t.
CJIHLS wanted, between the agt of 10 and
20. Apply from B to 10 a. m.. Employment
Rurusu, Wdsbacb Compiny, OlouuMtr, New
OIItLB 2), Protestant, one for cook, other for
chambermaid and waitress; la suburb: ft-
erence fequirq. r uoo. isgw uenirai.
OOVEKNEWS, English preferred, to teach two
children, 7 and 0; fluent French, sauato. Ad
dress Mr. George B. Harris, Oak rend, Oer
nutntown. Pkone. germantown 1384 D.
UOUSHW04HK, reiiabl, wtliknf girl, uadar 40
year, for fatrlly of 9, to 1st? Alryj mu.t
know bow to do plain cpoMnct no wh!ac
or Ironing: pu-putnwit plc satisfactory
w4; refwea fw csMoc4r required. B.,
72UL mnniwwn .
HOtlaVJSWOrtiC ti
Mt girl! Biuot
sewsaduiu ta
b aawal eeak aaT IsMllst
mutraeji '
r VssitrsL
HOUSEWORK, general; no wash: good cook;
ref. Call .1211 W. I'enn at., Germantown.
HOFSEWORK-airl, vvhlte, for general house
work In Inmlly of two. Apply In the morn
Ing. 1203 Arrott. Frankford.
HOUSEWORK White girl for small family!
Haddonfleld. N. J. 1' 310. Lodger Otnce.
HOUSEWORK (general) Cap. white woman:
must have good reference. P 325, Led. Off.
ture; not wholly dependent; whole or part
time; to manage an exclusive business; posi
tion worth 140 per week to qualified tierson.
Olve photm number, r 740, Lodger Central.
LADY SOLICITORS, household; commission
only. After 2 p. rn 1.141 Spring Oanlen st.
LADIES wanted Pleasant outdoor work, but
not common canvassing; no experience necca
nary; good moral and neat appearance e
sentlal. Cxi I, 1 to 4, 3112 Real Estate Trust
Gimbel Brothers require saleswomen ex
perienced In selling
Apply Employment Bureau. Fourth Floor.
BECRnrARY wanted who will also act as
housekeeper for large private residence In the
suburb of Philadelphia; only ladles supply
ing the best of recommendations need apply
tpy letter), f s. ..eager vciurni,
STENOGHAIHER and general office alstant,
abojt 25 yeara of nge; must be neat and ac
curate; good penman: permanent position;
slate experience, reterencea and salary ei.
pecttd. F 457. Ledger Central.
STENOGRAPHER, capable and experienced,
wanted; aipllcant must stato fully previous
business experience, age, salary required and
give satisfactory refs. Address C 114. Led on.
Aro you seeking a flrst-clas position?
Seo Mis Dean, at Ledger Central. She will
advise sou how to aecure one. help you write
your advertisement. Hat your qualification In
the Commercial Department. Miss Dean hs
helped hundreds of young ladles and will ex
tend the same courtesy to ou. This Is a
free servloC to Ledger advertisers.
TEACHER of typewriting wanted In prlvato
school, give full particulars concerning educa
tion snd experience. Address M. 110. Led. Off.
WAITRESS wanted, competent: family of 4;
Protestant preferred. Q 43. Ledger Central.
WANTED A lady to assist with light cham
berwork, mending and children' studies.
Phone Germantown 2737.
YOUNG LADY wanted with experience In
bookkeeping and stenography, for retail sta
tionery store: excellent opportunity for ad
vancement; state past experience and salary
expected. F 740. Ledger Central.
YOUNG LADY. tall, genteel, to assist In
dressmaking showroom. 1J10 Walnut St., sec
ond floor.
YOUNG WOMAN with good reference and ap
pearance as coatroom attendant In high-class
restaurant. F 847, Ledger Central.
COUPLE wanted, man and wife! Apply 302
Oowen ave.. Mt. Airy. I'a.
182S South 22d St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.. Sept. 20. 1015.
Mis Dean, Philadelphia, Pa.
My Cear Mis Dean This Is the first oppor
tunity I have had of writing to thank you
for securing the position I now have with
tho Sims Automatic Conveyor Company,
Drexel Building.
It Is the best position I eyer had and I
like the work very much.
Thanking you for the Interest you took In
my welfare, 1 am. oura respectfully.
CLERKS Women wanted aa govt, clerks; 170
month; Phlla examination coming; sample
Suestlon free. Franklin Institute, DepL 713
I. Rochester, N. Y.
ACCOUNTANT (chartered)-Senlor accountant,
with general and public utility experience:
accustomed to Investigation work; state age,
qualifications, present position and when
available. Address M 115, Ledger Office.
BOOKKEEPING and stenography Wanted,
young man with experience in bookkeeping
and utenosraDhv for retail RtBilnn... ,n...
excel, oppor. for advance; state past expert
ence and salary expected. F 748. Led. Cen t.-
BOY el IT, neat appearance, with good refer
ences, as coatroom uttondant .in ilrst-clas
easluilnini . U IT T . i,
tfmHin. v tni, aWgunct LeilirHl.
BOY to run errands; stale age, reference.
..... . c...j.wb. . mi, i.eager tjnice.
BASS and tenor wanted; choir: ulo quartet:
.-. .... . tw, isyiAvr j,cc.
CABINETMAKERS-Wanted, 13 good cabinet
maker. Pooley Furniture Co.. mth and In
dlana ave.
CHAUFFEUR, white. mrrled, whose wlf can
do laundry work; have neat, comfortable
houe for cnifple who have their own house
keeping furniture; near Bryn Mawr. Address.
giving refs., wages, etc.. Q 144. Led. Cent
CHAUFFEUR, colored; also helo In house!
stats reference qndwgc. q uf. Led. Cent.
CLOTH WEAVERSwTnted. Apply" JoTin"&
,me,D.ob,on'Inc" U'snket Mill, -Scott's
Jane, Falls otgchuylklll. ' " "
"aSSFE?13 ,"Ier''" ''ripper and "plMeTs:
A.DS,)r John & James Dobson, Inc.. B'anket
Mills. Scott' lane fall. Jit.TitLi.V'"1"1
CLLHK Exper. dellctesen and grocery cleric"
must h vni In Hl,nn.... .. IWI .
- . ... .c..M.,v.eii: 14 oer wees:
? t..tV. PJ1 ar,er 8 o'clock Friday eienlnc.
David B. Edw. 4373 Main t.. Mana'n '
DRAUQHTSMAN, experiencei: temporaryTpo:
slllon. Fox Oun Co.. 2308 Hamilton st.
DRUOS-Quai. east., eip. ; good rr7i"notin7
prtvJtlnkeH. Ph.rmacywoi'oerm.mown!
ESTIMATOR. experlencM on "eteel and Iron
work required In building; on who know
hop costs and Is acquainted with the build
rs and architects jn Phlla.: answers must
Lrtw'SntretT " cted' a 168.
JIO SAWYER wntdimuTb flr."tlas cd-
LATHE I HANDSBemlautomatlo OrilleyTAcm
and . 51,.,land. autoraatlo machln hand
wanted: Itrat-cla man only; hlsheat waiea
MAN ANS-iyiFE. white. Prote.Unt. as
." J"" "'", wnne. i'roteslants, al
f.,'.uB.u.r nA ?okl must have reference
vvnie not 11m, Marion. I'n. "
ilACHINfSTS WANTED-Two flr.t-cl.s lath
and planer operator. American Engineering
Co.. Aramlngo av. and CumUrUnd t. ' "
kACHINISTS and Isthe handZ Apply 4300
W'lssBhlrknn ave -w
HEN to Uke charge of mixing picker. John
A Jma Dotwon, Inc. Blanket ifllls. Scott a
Une, Falls of. Schuylkill: ' " "
OFFlCEBOY In Insurance efflc: 3JOter
week; chance for advancement. Address, own
handwriting, with refs, p 218, Ledger Off.
ORUANIBT Wanted expert org.n'lst for mo-tton-Pjcture,
tbeytra: very good salary for
capablBWlstAWre!'. O. Box 112.
ply to George B. Buplc. Narberih, Pa,
tunlty to act In a managerial capacity: must
U wU recommended. 0U) Chesmut L
hEFRESErfTATfVE for' Ih1ladeiphTai thof
oygb knowUdce of clty at present m ployed
a a salesman: pu to visit tars concern.
get a bearing and pre seat a hlgh-elaa pronot
isllion; koowladg of general Insurance lu.
abl; good Mlanr for right man. Apply by
letter only. C 87, Ledger Office. , '
BALEeMAN Wanted Mperienced plaster sale
nan wkb sood rsfercne; none other need
apply: territory easurn part of Peunsylva
.U. Addr M 117. Idg.rOI(lc;"
5iXEaMAJ and Um.tor on c5b position
rcntutsi must kc xp. L 102. Ledger Central.
50irTAI''wanTidi in card "room, to take
"."?.. ASP.iy J8
rnmm niUM, neett's
24, 1915:
She jcs
SHIRT CUTTER-123 per Week to right psrty
capable of cutting trousers, shirts and man
aging small hop; reference required. Ad-
areas 1'osioince isox uoio.
SOUCITORS-Cathollc: 5 a day: will show
)ou hi.w; eorna to travel. Room 314, 029
Chestnut. .
STHAMFITTER wanted who understand va
por work. Apply to Geo. II. Suplce, Nar-
Dertn, i'a.
8TENOanArHER Young man, 20 years of
age. In office of Importing concern, wltft
knowledge of bookkeeping: state salary ex-n.-a
t. inn ij, nrrtp.
, .' . - ' "
WANTED, a well-educated man with a thor
ough knowledge of automobile repairing for
Inspecting and adjusting; man without expe
rience need not apply; state experience and
nge. C 100, Ledger Office.
-w .. ..., -",
WANTED, for railroad shop out of town,
mach'et help's, hollermkrs and helpers, black
smith help's, rlpent's. tinsmiths and drill
press men to take the piece ot men on strike;
perm, work and gooa pay. Ap. C 20. Led. Off.
WANTED experienced, competent aluminum
splnnera; good wages, steady work, no labor
trouble, new buildings; In writing give ref
erence. Address Toledo Cooker Company,
Toledo. Ohio.
HUSTLERS ot neat appearance can make
from S3 to (10 dally, commission basis. Intro
ducing our free talking machine offer. Apply
0 to 12 a. m.. 1332 Arch st.
Latest, most modern, up-to-date
By our nev method jou learn to drive and
repair automobiles quickly.
1001-13 Spring Garden. Day and night classes
011 N. BROAD ST.
Robertson' old original
teaches you how to repair
and how to drive autos.
011 N. BROAD ST.
Through the Commercial Department at
Ledger Central, a large number of firms
have been able to secure competent
office help bookkeepers, stenographers
and clerical girls. The next time you
are In need of an office assistant, tele
phone your Help Wanted ad to "Miss
Dean.V Ledger Central,, Walnut 3000.
She win select competent girls and sub
mit them for your conslderstlon. This
is a free service to Ledger advertisers.
BOOKKEEPER with knowledge of shorthand
and typewriting; thoroughly experienced In
office work. F 040. Ledger Central,
BOOKKEEPER. S cars' expert poasesses ex
ecutlVe ability; ref. F 8li. Ledger Central.
CHAMBERMAID and waitress desires posi
tion; at present engaged; competent, expert
enced; VY. Phlla. pref. P 332. Ledger Office.
CHAMBERMAID and waitress, experienced
wuung ana ponging; rers. liu n. loin st.
CHAMBERMAID 'and waiting; city or aub
urbs. V 317. Ledger Office.
CLERK (bill. hie), typist, asslstsnt bookkeeper,
quick, accurate. F.440. Ledger Central.
CLERK. 3 ears' experience: knowledge ot
sienograpny. r-- uai. Leager central,
COOK want a place by October; flrst-clais
reference. 40, Ledger Branch, 10th and
Brown. a
COOK white woman, experienced, reliable,
..ones.,; ciiy prei.; gooa rei. i' .JZ1. Lea. un.
COOK, competent; city or suburbs; best refer
ElllCh MU1II BH .11 ra. .Tn MT.
COOK and chambermaid wish positions; best
rjfrence; city, country, ml Olrard ave,
COtjK. first class, 'desires position, hotel or
restaurant. Writ 122 W. Price st.
COOKING, working housekeeper or housework;
MUb.; German. HL'S N. Broad. Ph. rop.32tCT.
DAY'S OltK Young colored woman, clean-
lng or laundry: reference. 1014 8. 17th t.
DRESSMAKER wishes few more engagement
by day; reasonable. P 322, Ledger Office.
DRESSMAKER desires few more encagi
ment by day. P :I08. Id ger Office.
DRESSMAKER, by dv or vliltlng com
panion: reference. P Mr- ledger Office.
GIRL, colored, wlshe position; good cook or
chambermaid: home nights. CaU or writ
all week. 1230 Cambridge.
GOVERNESS-College graduate, refined young
woman, experienced, musical, fine embrold
ercr: references; HO. E 850, Ledger Central.
GOVERNESS Mrs. Roland iClorrTsdelres
to find place for competent English governesa.
ArPly 1017 Land Title 1 1 dr. 1'Il Spruce 2270.
GOVERNESS, Bwls. resident or vliltTngroer
man, French, English, primary branchest ref-erenc-s.
F 760, Ledger Central.
GOVERNESS-Country preferred: sewing; ex.
perlenced: beat reference. 210.1 Waverly at,
GOVIRNESSt Young woman, graduate kinder
gartner; bet reference. P 304, Ledger Office.
GOVERNESS. North Germin Protestant, da
sires po. 2.110 B. 22d st. Phone Dick. 3340 Y.
HIGH SCHOOL ORADUATR deslresposltion
where she can make herrelf generally useful:
good penman. Q 41, Ledger Central.
HOUSEWORK An experienced girl, with' In
fant child, for general housework; reference.
Box 21. PhoeMxv.lle.Pa; '
HOUSEwTTllK, mTd.-aged woman, good cook:
iiw vrsiait. iiuwu iv, a uu lou,. (u 10 li;.
HOUSEWORK, general; small aduft family:
no wash, reference. P 314, Ledger Otflce.
HOUSEWORK, general; settled woman: city
or suburbs: ref. P 327. Ledger Office.
LADY, refined, wishes csre of gentleman'
home and family. Mr. B.. care Box 63,
Hammonton. N. J.
LADY'S MAID or chambermaid desires poal
tion; experienced and competent; good ref
erence. 07, Ledger Branch, 11th & Diamond,
LADY'S MAID and seamstress, no oUJictlon to
light chamberwork, wlshea position, c 8,
ledger Office.
LAIYr9 MAID, f.rst class; English and Ameri
can refs. 4032 Brown. West Phlla.
LADY'S MAID Protestant, competent: good
ret.t city or guourn. r- auu. i.eqgcr urnc.
M rTllrfH'H HELPE'R, exn 1 white Protestant
glrli reference. Phone Dickinson 24U0 w,
NURSE, practical, menul diseases; prlvat;
aasist nxnt ouiiei rei. i- iiu, Leager urnc,
SEAMSTRESS or lady' maid, colored, desires
position i beat references. 1733 Bulnbrtdg L
STENOaitAPHER Exprt; Wm Penn gradui
ate; 3 years' exceptional experience. Includ
ing engineering, automobile and general com
mercial work , con. secretary, a 62, Led. Cent,
STENOGRAPHER, neat, dependable, would
consider nioderat salary with opportunities:
reference. B 308. Ledger Office. '
STE.NOOHAPHERrt yeairTTxp.! etflclent" in
clerical work; rapid accurate; familiar with
card systems. F 042, Ledger Central.
STENOGRAPHER-and "elerk:-"yersexp
tan aslst bookkeeper, good correspondent,
.psi iri.mu. v ", ,ic central.
BTENOGRAPHER High achool gradual, prt
fer law office, 1H year' experience In thl
Una; moderate aalary. Q 63, Ledger Central.
BTENOGRAPHllR and bill elerkThUbifhool
graduate, 2 year experience, desire iosl
tlon with advancement. E 443, Ledger Cent.
STENOGRAPHER, law and convincing, 4
year' experience, ref. K 448, ledger cint.
BTMN(5aRAPilERTrllable, weTPtralhed-E:
tinner, reference. E U33. Ldgr Central.
STENOOHAPHKR. exp, knowl of biitkTep:
Ing, moderate stltry. Phone Spruce 6532.
BTUNOORAHER anrXlIl clerk, om.'axpn
high nhool grad. B 3.M, Ledger Central.
STENOGRAl'HEH "and 'bookVeeper' R'ecenl
grad, i do good work; willing. Q 68, Led. Cent.
STENOGRAPHER Correctpaflerigood
wrlteri rapid Hgura! mod, aLa 140. Ld.Cn.
1st; irMerat aalary. Q 115. Ledger Central.
TEACHER, visiting or rtidht7wiih "H5
ggamnt, long aad uccfu! yipertsne
with children, English branch!, music.
French) hgbet references from most xclu
slv school, moderate. V V48. Ladiu- -'.nr
II , ., . ... IL - . W. .,. ' --r-. v
v2- -ll fcOl H
CHEK tvlsHlng) wlsae engagemeal. sbik:
sli fcmncluM, rrench. Grajil, HUrHura.
senLvsrA Qj?m cs&!
nachully ha
qooD joke DAT
TYPIST and general office assistant! 12 yslV
experience. Q 148, Ledger Central.
WOMAN, middle aged, wishes housekeeping
or chsmberwetk. Call or write. 8845 Delhi st.
WOMAN, colored, want position: ftrst-cla
cook or housekeeper; best reference; bom .
nmmi. liu an weeg. auiu Kimoau at.
YOUNG LAtlY. Vnnwln nf ,l,nAn.nli .M Pi
bookkeeping. 2 months' experience; modsrat
salary: willing to learn. Q 46. Ledger Cent.
ACCOUNTS AUDITED, books opened, kept,
closed, day or evening, concerns not employ
ing permanent bookkeepers a specialty,.
Phone Tioga 5412 D.
ACCOUNTNT, bookkeeper and general offlc
man destrea change: 10 jearr experience;
reference. A 138. Ledger Office.
College men, 10 year' thorough buslne
training; sales and office routine; desires per
manent connection where personality and ex
perience would be valuable to a busy man.
ATTORNEY, 30 years ot age, desires position
with Urge firm or corporation In contract or
credit department. F 637. Ledger Central.
BANKER Young man, 25. married, good
habits, desires position In bank; experienced;
best references. G 58. Ledger Central.
LOOKKEEPER Correspondent desires position
with opportunity for advancement; employed
In credit department ot large corporation;
textile or cotton business preferred. G 153,
Ledger Central.
BOOKKEEPER and csshter. 27, with 0 yean
experience manufacturing business; now 'em
ployed, but seeks greater oportunlty. F
I52, Ledger Central.
BOOKKEEPER. 12 yeara' experience, desires
position with reliable firm. 2212 Oakdale st.
BOOKKEEPER, clerk, 24, with four years'
experience; best rei. y oiu. Ledger central.
BOOKKEEPER and accountant, young man,
exper., desires pos.; best tef. C 10. Led. Off.
BOOKKEEPER, experienced, desires position;
moderate salary. Q 44. Ledger Central.
CARPENTER, young, sober, wishes steady
work, factory or R. E. F. Slevers, 448 Olive,
CARPENTER, prae. and exec., wants perm,
engagement, sn-'ilng reas. 0410 Palmetto.
CHAUFFEUUT"mulatto,marTled, 9years' ex
perlcnce, strictly sober and honest, wishes
position with private family; best reference
torn last employer uox ioi, inanorne. i a.
CHAUFFEUR 0 lears' exp 2 years last
place: careful driver: good reference; any
car; honest; sober, F 654, Ledger Central.
CHAUFFEUR, experienced, any car; minor r.
palra; suburbs; married; reference. P 301,
Ledger uince.
CHAUFFEUR, colored, 7 years' experlence;io
own repairs; drive any car: now employed;
reference. G. M., 1520 Flora st,
CLERK with & years' general experience!
start low It there Is advancement. F 837,
Ledger Central. .
CLERK desires position: age 20; several yrs.'
banking experience. F S41, Ledger Central,
COACHMAN, married; tbor. exp. driver; hunt.
era: lightweight; ref. 5044 Norwood st., Otn.
COACHMAN wants position, city or country;
lifetime exp.; personal ref. P 310. Ledger Off.
PiiwKTljlTrrinM RSfllNERll of large exi.
wants employ't In or near Phlla.: nom. salary
for good connection. F 835. Ledger Central
DESIGNER Furniture and Interior woodwork,
practical, nil around. F 755. Ledger Central.
DRAUGHTSMAN, experienced detaller aii3
tracer, wants position. U 4'J, Ledger Central.
ELECTRICAL engineer, correspondent, busi
ness man, salesman, technical nnd university
graduate, desires position, a 151. Led. Cent.
GARDENER, mar., wants post, care of horses,
cows, puui'y, lawn.flowera. can furn. lst-clasa
ref. Henry Mundt. Weettow n, Chester Co..t'a.
HOUSEMAN desires position: "experience; 1st
class refnence. F 844. Ledger Central.
MAN AND WIFE, white, exnd. butler. Tiouia
man: wife, cook; refs. G 242, Ledger Central.
Young man, 27. over 10 ears' expcrlenc
architects' office, seek connection with
builder cr building trades; thoroughly under
stand architectural drawing; can take oft
quantities, overset building operations; best
reference, F 140, Ledger Central.
Young man, 27, married, employed by lead
ing citizen, about to retire, desire position
where ability. Integrity and character will
prove valuable: six year' experience with a
large railroad company, two year coal min
ing firm, thorough knowledge of bookkeeping
and stenography; reference the best.
OH. Ledger Central.
1'RIVATE TEACHER of physical training
(Harvard School of Physical Education) de
sires to local In a private club or will teach
pupils In their own homes: expert knowledge
of rcmedlsl kt nasties, body building, weight
reducing and expert boxer and wrestler.
Address John O. Kegel, 2418 N, Marshall st .
Philadelphia, Pa.
tlon with good concern.
Ledger Cent,
Experienced, high-grade man, capable ot di
recting rule force according to approved
present-day methods, good correspondent. Is
open for engagement with manufacturer of
merchandise that offer field for growth:
specially good In adjustment. Protect your
Interests nd preserve good will of customer.
Present employment offers no- future what
ever; references. - sa, eagcr central.
SALESMAN want road poattton with coo- 1
Vimiis Viav fniri1 WiriM trTttftrv Tester J
-' 1riiaj. M lift. Tii1rir iSfflr,
SALESMAN, experienced, desires position in
store. Saturdsy only. O 34, Ledger Office.
"". "" i ' . - :r
DALESMAN. 40. beat ref. want Un for Phils. -I
or nearpy territory, v ita. logger uniw
8ALESMAN 30. married; hustler, seeks posi
tion; rfrence; alary mod. O 31, Led.Off,
STENOaRAPHEn Three yeariaw and'resl
Mini, ofrlr. exn.. O month a Btenosrsober. ;
deslreltutlon. O 158, ledger Central,
YOUNG MAN. 24.' wants posltlonwith high
grade manufacturing concern, moderate sal
ary to start, provided there 1 advancement
ahead: 0 years experience a clerk and sates-' i
man. good correspondent; prefer position
assistant to sale, advertising er production
manager; available at once; references. F
H3Q, Leaser yjenirai.
YOUNG MAN. 23. of good personality snd ad
dresi, wishes to make connection along sell
ing imee witn responsiute nnni sovu ""- ,
tlon: sales and clerical experience, F 04. .
UBUIicr i.,n,i.
,"... .... , . VT O, klak k&,l .In-.l!.. arltl. .
luunu sni 4t "". PVMWV.Y, """y "tv-uv
-. a u.n-U bint r1lrea iwMltlnrl. nreferaDIr 1
In wholesale house or manufacturing esUb- J
llsnment. y piu. ueoger jntrai.
YOUNQ MAN, 27. Pnt ID yrs at m '
Uaue, acsire steaay position, operai ui
mechanical ability. F044. Ledger Central...
YOUNG MAN with office ex. having type
writer, knowledge ot bookkeeping, desk
WW, ml 1WIIIT. . ,., luw Winn.
YOUNa MAN. 23. desire position, nunufae
turing or wliolesst nous, to learn business;
1 1 Mfdni. IS 13 TAr rVntr!.
worn at noine. . ,.,, iKipcr jiiivo.
YOUNO MAN. 23, S yer' banking exprlno,
,lelre pomon. r lnj. l.ager uniri.
YOUNti; MAN, college, desires position wtl)
possibilities of advancement. (1 50. ld. Cent.
IUU.1U saACl. aiiistit; iu, uairr hm-. ?m
Hon with lndcape gardener. C 102, Led.g; rtM
luurtu ham. a yrs. oia. artistic aouiiy, ""
sire ronneciiun inu .oec. u iui, ia. :
YOUKQ HAN desire position with illustrator!
good copier. C 113, Ludger Of tic.
iv xrnrr Ttn ?rvr, TPtwr -rtfii irtwrv
of an applicant listed her who can fill the jS
exacting position, telephone Mr Hunt. Lsf- J
nr Cntral. Walnnt n UBln SunA- 'rh 14-
gee's Commercial Registry Bureau 1 a fr
ervic nr win say you tim ase inr
vjenMuic. or, iiuni usually brings in n
uaa P-d rlht Job to-lt!ir.