Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 24, 1915, Final, Page 12, Image 12

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VESTING LEpgjatl-PHILADELPHlA, tfttlDAY, gBi0?BKBEB 24, 191:
i 1 , !
"Goat-Getting" and 'Riding" Often Affect Nervou1
Players on Hostile Fields, but Mental Attitude
Is Big Factor, According to Phil Star
Pfetttto' Leader, Starting Season With Hopes Only of
Hrt Division, Used Common Sense, Looking
! ' Ahead Success Crowns His Efforts
t '
Ts pHHer on thi Staffing guv the sobriquet of -mWaoU,"
And ewry one to hearing now will call your talk satirical
TtfH ftffte seme and snicker soma and laugh a bit and chuckle tome,
And My to ystu "til magic, pal, hat started tii to buckle some."
Ijmtt year warn something else again, the world that took It terloui;
TMt year f Patrick J. Moran o'er whom the tcorld's delirious.
To toy the XAttte Corporal It still a ImseoaH wizard now
Vy teH yett Kttle John McOraw hai lost Mi famou gizzard nowj
1 Thev'H iheto yow Ms machine hat flipped and broken cogt decisively;
Thei'tt tuote Mm on the pennant race, and laugh at you derltlvelv.
tost veer wms temeihlng elte again, McOraw nd Mack are out of It;
Xerm's the Aero of today, and what he't done they shout of It.
XeUke thit lanky Connie Mack and pat him on the lack a bit,
The- confirmation of the fan will tomehow teem to lack a bit
Tha noisy "gurel" of yesteryear, lts joyous spontaneity,
For even in the grand old game they come to know satiety.
Lett year wot something cite again, the Mackt are In the cellar now,
And Fat Moron, who Uadt the Phils, Is evenwhere the feller note.
Tte-TMUhw abated the gonfalon for thrce-and-thlrty seasons now,
Ty tarn tthnott in their grasp for twice a many reasons now:
JSmmmo they hit and fielded well, because thev kept a-battering.
Defeating so-called "better teams," all opposition scattering;
Seeausa thev get the; victories when Pat announced "We're needing them":
Xeeause an& don't forget It, fan P. J. Moran was leading them.
, The Splrltof Frank Selce Still LItcb
Xleven years, ago Frank Belee, who had vron pennants so often in Boston
. tat ths fans sot tired looking at tho Lowo-Long-Duffy-McCarthy-Tucker-BaiiB-Nach-aanzel
combination, constructed, a toam In Chicago, that afterward
iras turned over to Frank Chance. This team was known as tho "Peerless Cub"
machine and It swept everything beforo It until the Mackmcn crushed It In 1910.
m 1M6 this team won 118 games, tho largest number over captured by a major
league pennant winner. But It went down to defeat at the hands of tho White
Bex In the world's series. That victory of the Whito Box was admittedly a nuko,
and thereafter the-Cuba reigned supremo until tho Athletics beat them.
j A- Manager Who Always Looked Ahead
Seles, who tmllt that team, was tho greatest percentage manager who ever
handled a major league team. Ho was always looking ahead, and played the
game according to percentago at all times. Fat Moran was at that time playing
with Boston, and he had heard so much about the Soleo percentage system that
he became interested in It. After watching Seleo's work Moran became con
vinced .that tho Cub leader had the proper system.
'When 'he Joined the Phillies as o, player aftor being with the Cubs for
two years, Moran was always willing and anxious to talk about the percentage
system of working the pitchers. He often declared that the pennant In 1913
would have been won had this system boen used when the team was In the
( lead and had Alexander, Beaton, Mayer, Itlxey, Chalmers, Brennan and Moore
a; for a. pitching staff. That staff surpassed tho present pitching corps of the
; Phillies. But the pennant was lost because tho pitchers could not hold up
'; their end.
'ilj. . .
i- Moron's Hope in the Spring Was to Finish in First Division
if ' Shortly after Moran was appointed manager of tho Phillies he told the
i Kvbnino Xxsoeb representative that while his team did not look great, ho
thought It bad a chance to finish up In the raco if his pitchers kept free from
iff accident. At tho time ho explained Just how he Intended to play percentage
.' with Alexander and Mayor, two twirlcrs who should win at least 60 per cent.
i . t their games, with an oven break of luck.
; 1 Hew the Phllly Leader Figured on Ills Pitchers
'!' , Moran figured that two pitchers winning 60 per cent, of their games, It
' i iHiftnlil "rjnlT T-t Yitfflfmnrr to havo two more twirlers who could get an even
break working regularly, and the Phillies would finish well over tho i600 mark,
whleh would enable the team to finish In the first division. This was tho real
,' aim o the Phllly leader when ho took the position.
When the season opened Moran realized that the Braves were not going
to be so strong as was expected and that the Giants had gone to smash.
Tfces after getting a wonderful lead by winning the first nine games, Moran
waMced that he had a chance for tho pennant if his pitching staff held up.
The Problem of the Trump Card, Alexander
Moran was always known as a great developer of pitchers. He knew
when his men were right and that Is why the Phillies have been favored by
remarkable twirling. He worked his pitchers better than any other leader
the game has known in years and really outclassed Selee, tho originator of
the percentage system. Alexander has been sent to the mound as often as
possible and yet has not been overworked.
Whenever' the weather Interfered for a day or two Moran Immediately
eat Alexander back to the mound It it so happened that he had pitched the
day before the rain. In this way Moran continually side-tracked other pitchers
to get the full benefit of Alexander's wonderful ability. Other pitchers havo
keen worked accordingly.
Where the Pitchers'
rae might be successful against a certain team and' unable to stop an
other. Instead of sending pitchers Into the game against teams which had
always beaten hte), Moran switched his pitchers and sent the man In who
hast shown best against that particular team.
Other saanagers, follow the old cutand-drled policy of getting four pitchers
werklBg well and using them In regular
away from that method and figured
ienumerable games have been won that
Percentage Play
Tie percentage system was used
were taken on certain fielding
i the plays failed to work, and It looked like poor managerial work, but when
tW move turned out right the result was startling. And Moran never used a
ptajr of any sort that he did not have carefully mapped out, with the percentage
t sueoess or failure carefully figured.
, .-.
v Menu get' Oat to Build a Smoothly. Ruiming Machine
"OeafeteaUea is the keynote to success os the ball field. The best team in
Mm laad caa't win if His hooked up wrong. X know certain things have been
pwietloed in -the, past that are detrimental to a ball team, and I will put the
esMBps en those things. I want to havo a team of hustlers, and will, If I have
to igret a -new team. That brotherly spirit must prevail, I have some good
pttchets, and way get more In trades, and If I can get the percentage I might
tool boom of the ether fellows," 'This was the tone of a letter wrlttea by Moran
to the Snoww Lwexwh from his home In Fltchburg, Mass., a few days after his
aypetotBMAt by President Baker.
Bay at the Individual Star Past
Moran mapped out his plans fur In advance. Ife made his trades accordingly,
aad was always figuring on 'combination. Borne of the players allowed to go
less where were WKwttopab)y brilliant Individual stars, but Moran knew they
weutd set ftt lute his, new scheme, and be took players for them who were appar
aatly lefestor. The flrst thing done was to instil his own "nevor-say-dle" spirit
toto the players, aad then he saw to it that they were paired off to that the
(reatost harmony could be obtained. It was only a short time before the team
tt mari acta talsAU was one happy family,
X ' Mwfu'p Voiky Proves Its Wwfch
UThe rest l past hietory jkw, and, regardless of the result of the world's
M, Vat Heraa has shewn keen !nelht aa4 a rare common sense. Moran
'iilX am learned a system from the second greatest manager the game has
:" ! sm ha. eaewth eswMswes to M to stake Me peoKlea and reputation
1.3P,,1 M to surely servter of all the success that ha come, and will come, to
Work Counted Host
turn, regardless of results. Moran er
on the percentage, with tho result tha
otherwise would have been lost.
Has Been Vindicated
In other departments of the game. Great
defenses and on offensive plays. Borne-
I . aumi"4
Miss F. C. Grlscom, cx-nntlonnl champion golfer, was picked as a probnblo winner of tho Berthcllyn cup in
tho golf tournament at Noble. Ono of the biggest unscts of tho contest was her defeat by tho brilliant
play of Miss Eleanor Chandler. Miss Griscom is shown on, tho left nnd Miss Chandler on tho right
Penn Meets West Virginia,
Yale Plays Georgetown,
Harvard vs. Colby
There are many uneasy coaches all
over tho East awaiting the outcome of
the football games t'nelr teams are sched
uled to play tomorrow. Although four
Stato teams played their lint games last
Saturday, ttvo members of the "Dig SlxV
and a host of minor colleges got their
first taste of real gridiron warfare to
morrow. Of tho "Big Six" the University of
Pennsylvania plays West Virginia,
Princeton plays Georgetown. Yale tackles
Maine, Harvard lines up against Colby
and Dartmouth starts with the Massa
chusetts Aggies. Cornell's opening has
been delayed until Tuesday, when Gettys
burg will try out the Ithacans.
Locally, of course chief Interest will
centre in Pennsylvania's opening game
with West Virginia. The coaches do not
know how strong their own team is, and
they know less about the strength of tho
Southerners. The fact Is that the Qua
ker coaching staff is not so much con
cerned over how strong West Virginia will
be as how the many new men in their
own line-up will stand up against a strong
It Is almost certain that every mem
ber of tho Pennsylvania backflcld will
wear tho Rod and BIuo for the flrst time.
There may be three veterans' In the line,
with two more men who last year played
In tho backflcld, but who this year are oc
cupying positions on the forward line.
At best there will be only five veterans
In the flrst Une-up and possibly only three.
And even this number is likely to be re
duced to ono before the game Is long
under way.
The necessity of deperfdihg upon so
many new men constitutes the real men
ace of the Pennsylvania team. Bev
eral of them are touted, as wonders. Pos
sibly they will develop well, but it is
pretty hard to get good-'team work out
of a lot of green men, no matter how
brilliant they are individually.'
The flrst choice for Quarterback will be
either Bell or Grant, who alternated In
this position on last year's freshman
team. Bell has had flrst call all week,
but largely because he was with the
varsity at Port Deposit most of the time.
Grant, who has been doing a lot of BCholas
tlo work to get off some conditions. Is
picked to beat Bell out before long. Mur
dock, who played quarterback part of
last year, would probably start In this
osltlon but for a slight Injury. .
Howard Berry has been selected for the
ttllback position. Here he will do the
kicking and will probably be the mainstay
In the attack. His work will be watched
with tho greatest Interest to see whether
he plays as brilliantly In a scheduled
game as he does against the scrubs. Will
iams will not be able to start at halfback
on account of a slight Injury and Dough
erty will probably take his place, with
P.oss or Welsh the other ihalfback.
Tno line promises to be Urquhart and
l Hopkins at ends, Harris and Matthews
at -ta$l,' Henning and Nelll at guards
and Wray at centre. At the beginning of
tne season tho coaches were worried sick
over the line prospects, but the forwards
have been developing better than the
No one knows the strength of West
Virginia, whose team is a new opponent.
It Is coached by Bo! Metsger, captain and
end on the 1903 team and head coach here
In 1908. Metzger is reported to have built
up a good team and one stronger than
the Quakers usually have for the opening
Of all the other big Eastern teams a
lot of attention will be focused on Is
Princeton, where a new man, "Speedy"
John Bush, Is trying to put the Tigers
on a winning basis. Princeton meets
Georgetown and If the two teams are the
average in strength the Tigers ought to
win without difficulty.
The laot that Rush was not a football
player himself when at Princeton and
that this Is his first year as a college
coach has aroused a great deal of specu
lation as to the success of his methods.
Tale has a big bunch of veterans with
which to tackle Maine. Two years ago
Maine held Tale to a 0-0 score In the
early part of the season, but last year
the mils won easily by a score of 20-0.
Tale ought to win tomorrow without
much difficulty. Coach Frank Hlnkey
has been working with a big squad of
men for three weeks at Madison, Conn.,
so that the team should be pretty well
advanced by this time.
As for Harvard, the Colby team does
not look threatening even with the Crim
son team lacking half of last year's vet
erans. Harvard, like Tale, has had three
weeks of preliminary practice, and any
thing that Colby does will not be on ac
count of Jack of condition by Harvard.
Of all the big teams, Dartmouth has
had 'the advantage of the most prelimin
ary preparattou, for the Hanover mea
began work on September i. They do not
leek for aay tseuMe with the Maseaehu-
"What Chance Has Pat Moran's Aggregation With the
Red Sox inthe World's Series?" Expert View
of the Coming Classic in Baseball
"Considering tho Phillies"
"CoiwMer the Phillies of the field"
As F. P. A. remarked astutely;
They spoil not, neither do they tin
To break the news somewhat aoutely;
They never had a chance to ,oln
They haven't a world's series show;
In fact, they're like the poor old Braves,
Who cracked so hard a year ago.
"iTrank Moran hasn't a chanco with
Jim Coffey." Exchange. Just as Pat
Moran never had a chance with Btalltngs
and McGraw.
But at the finish Patrick was hardly
among the "also morans," as you might,
or might not, say.
Tho Passing of Erin
Bo the Irish are drifting from out of the
Losing their grip on the grand old game;
Bo the Irish haven't the old-time stuff
That once mods pood when the scrap was
rough t
Bresnahan and McOraw and Mack
Are down at the foot with the conquered
All right but what tribe stalks in view
When the next world's series week is
When a bloke by the name of Pat Moran
Books up with a guy named Carrigant
How Aro You Picking 'Em?
It might be admitted oft hand, via tho
eternal dope, that the Phillies haven't a
chance with the Red Box. It might oe
admitted that they haven't a chance to
beat a ball club that beat tho Tigers U
out of 22 games,
But then the Phillies never had a chance
to win tho pennant. And the Braves
never had a chance to beat the Mackmcn
last fall. And Wlllard never had a chance
to beat Jphnson. And Btandlsh nover had
a chanco to beat Oulmet And Johnson
never had an outside chance to beat Behr,
Williams and Mclaughlin in a row.
The "Never-Had-a-Chance" Club
Tho "never-had-o-chance" entries are
the ones who have done the bulk of the
damage tills season. Also last, season.
There seems to bo a well-defined ad
vantage in being picked to lose. These
are tho folk who have amassed the bulk
of fame for at least tv years.
How many experts bJlieved at this date
last season the Braves could win two
games out of six from the Mackmen
much less four out of four? Not one In
77. To say that any first class entry
"hasn't got a chance" Is more than mak
ing a sweeping statement. It has an
Intimate liking to the art of articulating
through one's hat. For It is always well
to remember that the Phll)iea already
have done a big lot more than any
thought they could do. And Just at pres
ent this soems to be a bull market for
the once low stocks.
Hunches and Such
There are a number of hunches to con
Won. Lot. ret. Win. X,ote. Split.
Fhlllle S3 50 .885 t-S! -M .EtS
Brooklyn .... 77 08 .538 .5(3 .535 ....
lloaton ....... 78 68 .635 ,638 .831 ....
I'ltUbarrh ..71 77 ,S0 .458 .471 ....
Cincinnati .... 67 75 .47 .478 .400 ....
St. &onls 60 78 .409 .473 .488 ....
New York ... 66 77 .46 .465 .458 ....
Chicago .65 70 .461 f.40I .465 .462
ajieiuoan ir.Aaxm:
Won. lost ret. Win. toie. Split
Bolton ...... 97 48 ,653 .685 .675 ....
Detroit ...... 94 61 .648 .651 .644 ....
Chlcnco 53 61 .876 f.883 $.668 .875
Washington ..70 62 .860 .883 .638 ....
New York .... 65 78 .458 .468 .451 ....
Ht, :LouU ..,.. 61 81 .4X1 .45 .418 ....
Cleveland ... 64 01 .87. .377 .870 ....
AUJetloe ...... 40 101 ,84 t.9 t9
Won. Lost. Pet Win. iose. Split
rUteburfb ... 80 63 .683 .668 .860 ....
Chleaco 70 St ,68 .888 .849 ....
Nt X-onlS .,,.. 80 05 .68 ,565 .548 .,,.
Newark ...... 74 67 .65 .528 .81 ....
Kansas City .. 74 60 .817 .61 .814 ,.,.
MnlKlo ...... 78 73 At .800 .493 ....
Brooklyn .... 10 77 .476 .480 ,473 ....
Baltimore .... 45 07 .311 .5 .815 ....
twin two, tlose two.
Latro Defeats Al Dewey
IIA2M1T0N, P., Bept 24. Btevo LaUo Ut
ntrnt eameil tho middleweight championship
otXAuerno County when bo dVoaUd Al Doway
In the sseond round of what wa to he a
10-round bout Latio Ooorod .Dewey Jn both
tho rounds, -when the latter quit told, 1 lining
e, wrenched aaklo.
Aamlsilon. asKmUni t, PaMeefc,
I1.M. VsMss, I LOO.
Wret KaeWt Tie . aa.
sider In this next world 'scries outburst.
To begin with, the Phillies have never
won a world series bofore, largely be
cause they have never had a chance even
to start one through 40 years of wander
ing across the Barren Lands,
Also, tho Red Sox havo nover lost a
world's series. They havo only been in
two, but they beat the Pirates In 1903 and
the Gldnts In 1913. No Boston club has
ever lost a world series a record that
belongs to no other city. Giants, Ath
letics, Cubs, Tigers, 'PIratcs.t at one time
or another have all absorbed It In high
ly vulnerable spots. But Boston, up to
1916, has ben Impregnable to any world
series assault. Which Is a hunch you
may employ Ithcr way that they are
duo or otherwise.
In stating that the Red Six and Braves
aro the only clubs that never lost a
world series we erred. Neither havo the
Reds or Yanks.
The White
world series
of one start
Sox also have a perfect
record with one win out
(Ho that chldeth or blameth his caddie
Is a duffer at heart, though he playeth
better than par ntno starts out of ten.
But ho that blameth only himself for
each mistake has gathered form In one
main variety that a Vardon might not
Carrlgan may be bothered a bit as to
which slabman ho will start the series
with, but no similar worry now harasses
the manly bosom of Pat Moran. For Pat
knows well enough, even this far ahead,
that it won't be Demaree, Chalmers, Rlx
ey, McQuillan or Mayer.
"Boxing promoter plans to get Freddie
Welsh In ring for 20-round decision flht."
Exchange. logical enough unltoo In
some way Freddie hears about It
Travera and Ouimet
"The biff slump taken this season by
Travers and Ouimet" begins a golf
writer, who Is evidently entitled to an
other guess. Travers still happens to be
open golf champion of America. The
slump he has taken Is a goed bit UkeMho
terrific slump that has assailed tho Red
Sox, tho Phillies, Ty Cobb and Alexander.
The fact that Travers failed to win
the amateur after landing the open Is
hardy to be ranked as any slump, In
view of the fact that no golfer has ever
turned this double trick In America and
only two have ever done so In England.
It Is something like saying a fellow has
gone broke because he has only saved
five mlllon out of the wreck.
Red Sox and Phillies can still lose the
pennantr-by departing day after tomor
row for Riga to assist the Russians In
keeping their front south of the North
Jimmy Fryer never fought or boxed
better than he did last night at the Broad
way A, C, when he defeated WHUe Baker,
tho new middleweight flash. Itarely are
flstlo enthusiasts treated to a better ex
hibition of high-class boxing and no two
fans agreed as to the winner.
tn the second and last rounds Fryer
tried to slug with his husky opponent and
as a result received the worst of the go
ing. In the other sessions Baker was un
able to land cleanly, due to the speed and
shitting of Frytfr. About one out of every
five blows ho would lead would glance off
Fryers shoulders and arms or miss by
Darby Caspar delivered the sleeping
kick to the jaw of Tommy Cranston in
two rounds In the seml-wlndup.
Water Proofing
Sensational Bantam Show
Qtrtktr CHy A. A. jiUNwii,rfaur4
TOKJOMT 0 fsKAKf """""'
rnr (Htur star Haul
QmaJ HtPDtflluij' ii firmi! KftaattlAs
WHeHflHr " " TONfeWT
National A. C.tt&p
UtW TBNBUH4 . Ia-iWEpM bS$tr
(Orett.it BiMbtll Flteher In the World .and the Mainstay ef the ThlUdtlphla Ntl.Al
Leacue Club In the 1915 Pennant Race.) ""!
While the Phillies were playing In P,ltt
burgh, recently, a man cante up to me
and began to discuss the chances of our
club In the final dash
for the flag- Kon' 1
havo made it a rule not
Jo Indulge In any pen
'nant talk, but some
times I am forced to
listen to what my
friends have to say
about it I say I am
forced to listen, be
cause I really do not
like to get my mind on
the subject As has
been reneatedly stated,
Manager Moran has been anxious to keep
pennant thoughts out of our mental
However, my Pittsburgh acaualntanoe
mado ono statement that caused mo'to do
some thinking. "Brooklyn Is oot o good
road club,',' he said. "On the ether hand,
Boston may play capital ball away from
home, for the Braves are that type of
men. I figure that the Phillies must beat
Boston, and to accomplish that they must
show class on the road,"
Without commenting on the possible
truth ot tho above statement. I will say
that It always has seemed mighty peculiar
to me that some basoball aggregations
are known as "ffood road clubs," while
others aro rather expected to lose more
games than they win when they are trav
eling. I am not denying that such a
condition doer exist
There aro several reasons why a club
might hit a slump on the road, I suppose.
They do not get the advantage of morn
ing practice, for one thing. They are
playing beforo crowds which usually are
rooting had for the home club, and that
may havo effect oft men of a nervous and
excitable temperament They must make
long and hard railroad Jumps, and some
men never feel rested after a night on,
a sleeping car. They must perform on
foreign parks, and the change In the
scenic 'conditions may disturb a batsman,
while tho lnfielder, outnelder and pitcher
may be upset by some grounds which
are not quite to his liking.
Alt these are reasons which may causo
Individual players to play tho game below
'their usual standard. But they do not
explain wliy some teams ore gooa on tne
road while others nearly always slump
when they depart from their home lot
I believe It is largely a mental condi
tion. That Is, I figure that some teams
are "poor road clubs" because they think
they ar "poor road clubs." Others play
about as well or. In rare cases, better
when traveling, because they get an Idea
In their heads that it's a welcome change
to get away from home and Invade the
parks of the other league aggregations.
Bofar as I am personally concerned, I
Trust Company Nino Gains Easy Vic
tory Dinner to Teams
In a one-sided game the Philadelphia
Trust Company team defeated a team
composed of tho employes of the banks
and trust companies of Chester, Pa., yes
terday afternoon.
After tie game the Chester team enter
tained their rivals at dinner. The toast-
master was Colonel J. A. O. Campbell,
president of the Delaware qounty Trust
Bote Deposit and Tltie Insurance Com
r h o a. rhoae
Jamison, rf..
Hess, cf
Mundorf, 3b.
Pearce, ss...
Rmlth, 2b...
ltorke. D....
OOIOO Fryer, .... 0 O 0 1 0
0,0 0 0 O Pelrco. 2b... 112 10
3 0 0 0 1 Hippie, lb.. 10 6 0 2
10 0 0 0 Thomp'n,p,8b 0 1 0 S O
8 3 10 0 Rankin, Sb.p 118 11
8 3 12 0 Lowrr. o,... 10 8 0 0
8 S 0 0 0 Anderson, If O 0 1 0 0
Hughes, If.
InnH. lh.
a o v u uweeny, .. u v o j.
Why, o...... 0 113 1 0 Conner, It... 0 0 0 0 1
Totals ...H 132131 Totals 141I0S
Chester 00040004
Philadelphia 0 16 5 0 8 x 14
Joe Mandot Defeats Dundee
NEW YORK, Sept 24. In the main to ot
10 rounds at EbbetU Field. Jo Mandot of
New Orleans, had the better of Johnny Dun
dee, while In a previous go over a similar
distance, Frankls Callahan beat Joe Aieved,
of Han Francisco. Tho Dundee-Mandot bout
was a pretty lively affair. In which the
Louisiana lightweight earned tho verdict by a
shade on his superior cleverness. Tho scrap
between Callahan and the coast Portuguese
waa a poor apology for a boxing match. It
waa clinch, clinch, all the tune, with mighty
few clean blows struck. Such as It was the
set-to showed ac advantage for Callahan.
Dankelman Outplays Maupome
The Interstate Thne-Cuihlon Billiard League
mad it start for the season In this city
Ust nlgbt at th Begent Billiard Academy,
i?na Market afreet when John Dankelman.
representing: ini ".
' ;. .. j ...... m -. '
defeated Pierre Mau-
r pome,
oi si Acquis, vr.
.lh score of oo to 45.
Dixon's motor craphito
rubbed into, your tire
shoes will increase the
life of your tubes and
kill the blowout bug.
It is harmless to rubber.
Keeps tubes, eool, soft
and pliable.
Graphite Gretse
rr TransmlasifJM'
anil Differentials
A special lubricant for
every part of the car,
all contain this rare
form of flake graphite
produced only by the
Joseph DixoaCruciWe
lsJfe trim ttmmfmr af
Dim Labrtentbm Chart
lae Anh SM
don't know that It male-M a rhoU Jot J
my "stuff" is acting, the way It should?
don't worry what park 1 am In when 1
go to the mound. If the club Is one ij
I like to work against. I don't min -i?!
city we are playing In when my turn omI
w ...W.J v.iv..,.
i."?." X" "i "5tAhJk '..". to
"' """" " ma dock. It Jt
So happens that I. like manv oth. .i!ri
yrs, am so constituted that the suru3.1
...so mw nub nruiijr mo.
inere are cities in our circuit th
work. (I probably should have said tii
a J7 m'li. - H.u wrro responsible.
Borne of the fans .like to become Dersmu
and "ride" a player who shows the slight.
- ...... u,.v VK Auaiuu ins nerve.
A..1010 n uis icaguera wno csnnei
stand any allusion to their personal t.
pearanca or characteristics. Bometirnea
a player with hair of a color not unUW
mine and mine Isn't black, brown, blonde'
wi Kinj--wuilia la llsrnL wnetl A. IAA
uiuuuicu inn yens, "iiey. lieaav. vaum
head's nflre." Then others are not Quite
as handsome as a mattnoe idol, nnd they
"lose their goat" when a cutting remark'
Is directed nt them which deals with eer
tain facial oddities. )
Don't get the Idea that the fans miss
mo wnon incy aiart tneir verbal war,
i m noi nn Aaonis dv a lonir lmf n.
I eithor don't pay any attention or lauBh1
and try to "kid back." i
In the long run tho baseball fan Is
a good sportsman, and he'll applaud a1
good play by on opposing player
quickly as he will a sensational stunt1
by one ot the home-lot favorites. There.!
fore. If player can overlook the "goat
getting' tactics that are almost certain
to bo attempted by tho spectators at a'
parts -on mo roaa" ne'H play his usual
game or ban and get his share of the
applause, too.
a largo crowa, wnetner at home or
abroad, Is an Inspiration to tho veteraw'
ball player. A recruit may slip up wheal
no is warning Deiore zu.wo lans, but the
old fellow likes to do his best then, be;
cause he knows that It will be appreci
ated ana tamed about by a great num. J
k,. n, nr-A 1U... 111.1111.- , .-. .31
t. v. injioujid. Alio annuel ji&ve ueeoj
helped a whole lot this season by the
good crowds that came out to sea then
piny at nome.
But, as I said before, I am sure trial
there Is nothing more than a mental con.
dltlon which, makes a ball club lose con
sistently when traveling. If the Individ
uals kept their minds strictly on the game
and forgot what park they were playW
in tnero would be no such thing as a good,"
oaa or mamerent roaa ciud.
On the other hand, I must admit Ui&V
traveling In the West In midsummer (even'
In September this year) Is likely to upset
a man physically and mentally, Thos
of you who have been In St Louis. Chi
cago and Cincinnati when the thermomv,
eter was above 10 degrees, will know,
what I mean. But even then If a player.
takes good care of himself and conserve:
all his strength for the two or three houn
ne must spend In the sun at the ball park.
he will be able to play ball just as well
as the men who must live In these western
cities while their clubs aro at home.
My only hope Just now la that we will
provo a much better road club than sotae
persons, think we are.
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