BTByiyGF EBPOTmPHIEAPESDPSia:. FBIDAT, S1DFTBMB11B J, Itt'S: DINNERS AND DEBUTANTE PINK DAHLIAS AND SWEETHEART ,, ROSES TO FEATURE WEDDINa Miss Florence Jeanette Elliot to Become Brid of Mr. Waldo 0. Fehling at 6:80 P. M. Other Weddings AFFAIKS AKHJ SUJtliUUUJUJliJD i : Thorndtke of Boston, to Be Entertained at Dinner. Tftfor Miss Edith Nelson Page Entertain, in Boxes at Horse Show. iM M1W. KBNHT B1UNTON ac. of renllm win entertain at - Friday mum ' . who te tUU- 1 ... a-.- iriM Coxa ana M1m -n he unonc the spectators fJHorts hownt week. . o ( daughter of Mr. ana 2S.i,ion Bcott. wfll to amon Jn'a debutantes. Bho will ho in i "? .... t be riven by her . .a aunt. Mr. Barton Oooke 1.4"iv. Norember 10. 5? Lt and her daughter have token JR&t South n street for & winter. - .. Tjinre baa Issued hwltaUons KJ.vmT tobo given on Tbtrrs. L.'&teber Vto moet ... : - .WJF.rilb. Howara ws- --T--mS" ,ued ai a " " afsrJSfeffiSCs ;home Chesuroi ... . y to auiniuv. . .. t n.iiherford McAllister &X?tX?X Llion Tueed. October 12. from 4 . .n ? .: .tJLt-ni. St. Martin's IwW'61.0":. mil The card of Mr. : TSMjrU Inclosed. W m rx Clarence W Dolan, who '"".; r -rv home irom bjw " fc their way home ir BhQW Lswwna w v M,gs no8ail0 ta honor ot their ug. bo mem ijtto debutant, aet and last-year K-gtrU. t??.M! Cromwell, son of Mrs. Edward I81?" CTJ, flk Dlace on Saturday. fc82SXr I in St. James1 Protestant t fcieoopal Church. aa arm ,...-v- .. -. TJ.AVaAnSF !?, BtTlflll MW Ida vi P Ledyard Heck-Land lHnwri ..- . entered her! 55. and will ride in the Bryn Mawr KfM Bnow iwv " .. . w lwfethuM J. Barklle, ot ' fawHeuierwtnentertain Mr. and Mrs. ) binder Butler Duncan, of Now York, 4Krlog the Horse Show. ' - fs-vsrs The1 ta mUTr aThe'r "country place In !&?'oti:::riniiytt iSrTTTatnaU Lea. of CharloiUvllle, JJIfc, IK " ' 0 ,.. . of Old York road. HsSitown. has formed a sewing class. fccKrS". rv Wednesday morning. gswBivu "-v--. -An mAimwm Amonc I to w ror -"-,."h. ,T K. Betty Madeira, Mrs. George H. Srasle" Ms. Henry Watts, Mrs. Arthur Ruth and many others. b u. n.,u a T nicueur. of MM Pine fitmt. has returned home after spending I summer at ine seasnoro uuu " luatalns. lib? and Mrs. Oeorg R. 7wj ."J t, about November 1. Hrs. Charles M. Lea is entertaining L, Ernest Mertant, oi new it. ' reme in Devon. A Mh.rHnMon dandng class has been r itemed which meeU every Tuesday eve . b at Haverford Court. It Includes Famt' W memners, cnieuy ui "" yeasger Main Line set. uua Adcl&lde R. Conly will entertain at , Miinr w "hridre. tomorrow b i. A- Af Xffa Toulee O. 'muwil It, wumw w- -.-- - - r tinr tihm, marrlaro to Mr. Herbert !? ' iUfstr will take place on Ootober 1L Her ri wUl be Miss jsieanor v. mureni Helen M. Qragor, Miss Marjorle A. Owman, Miss Edna V. Wller, Miss Net lie ?. Green and Miss Marie D. Green. i i Van, RallKra. of Ardmore. who , h seendlng several days as the guest ot .lward Brlnghurst. Jr., at her home f6Reckwood, was guest of honor vat an S formal dance which her hostess gave ' her honor last evening. Miss Sellers UI Tetum to her home on Olenn road rt'lui etnw4i,v Tie regular Saturday night elub dinner tesees will be resumed tomorrow eve sfcc at the Huntingdon Valley Club. f , Along the Main Line . OVBRBROOK. A the dormant will be tomorrow at the OverbrooX aolf b end also Saturday afternoon of stet,week. 1 Mm Adele Marguerite Mosler and Miss ae Cram have returned to tneir from Eagle's Mere, where they at- , a house party given at tne iroreai ARDMORH-Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lober Pa fsally, of Church road and Mont- ; Jry avenue, have dosed their cot- ikge at Beach Haven, and opened their sjae here. H$ koward O. Kurtc, ot 113 Argyle Mai, has returned fmn SorwninKtown, '' he was the guest ot his mother, MN, T, Kurt, of Washington avenue. sUVHRFORn.-Mm. Marrte V. Reed litetsroed from Pittsburg on Thursday, sps w occupying her new apartmenis ai f Havertord. IfML WllllAm Dnn n.Al. T- wliA VtAM f Aen making an extended visit at Upper farsns' Lake, Adirondack Mountains, EPS1 rturned to Haverford Court. a-xr Mn.n .. -- . . ... ri-t' r;w r. uowara wereoiui iJJi returned from a short stay In Llon- where he vliited hl father. gJJ5 Rutn Alden and Miss Constance W1", ot Rochester, N. Y., are spend Wt a week at Edgewood Inn. lAmunum u ..,.,! .u.. m rzr "' ara. rvjiuanj rtuer una . "JWRachel Filler, of The Tenacis, are SuLT 5.i oay" m New rk. miss ajzzrv "" w ns oi inis eeiwono vM. 3. Frank Clyde will not occupy " W tne Horse Show, aa she ex is U leave for "Whit shiinh,,,. nrl. W af this week. I'a2i,:-w,1? MddeB, Jr., of Sloom- -''- 4tvwvi wpwi Mnft aS'PiirH- J"" ." 1H- aTf J'Sfti' tWr KaaaiTlwa., w)l ti J-TCT JPr Wrings (H yt. . to remalB.a w weeks. 'rnLndJir L " Jttm have j- - . w-for iw larougA fsw TNK-r. .Mw. Omtc X, Km. Jos . W9 a. !imJ Invitations for ths raarrlaire ot their 4aughtr, Mia Edith II. Wood, and Mr. Roger Atkinson, of Llanerch, which- will take plaoo ftt the home ot the bride, 231 "Walnut avenue, on Friday evening-, October L A reception will follow the ceremony. Germantown Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Priestley Button and Miss Marion Button, of 2 West Upsal street, hav returned from Atlan tlo City, where they spent the month of September. Miss Button will make her debut at a tea to be given by her par ents on December 1. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McCalllp, of XU West School House lane, have as their guest Mrs. Arthur Oemunder, of Colum bus, O. Mr. and Mrs. Frederic P. Kennedy, ot 1 Wert Walnut lane, will return today from Fort Washington, whore they have been spending the summer. Miss Marie Haywood, of Chicago, m., Is the guest ot Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Leopold at their home, Chelten avenue and Morris street. Mrs. Robert Duncan batewood and her small son have returned home from the Pocono Mountains, where Mrs. , Gate wood had a cottage during the summer months. Miss Augusta MoFadden. of the Del-mar-Morris' Apartments, has returned from a summer spent In Ocean City, N. J. Mr. 'and Mrs. Barclay Johnson, of Ml South 16th street, have returned from Atlantlo City, wrier" they spent several weeks. At the wedding of Miss Louise McKale and Mr. Edwin Henry' Burk, which will take place on Wednesday, September M, in the Market Square Presbyterian Church, the bridal party will Include Miss Mary McKale, a sister of the bride, who wil act as maid of honor. The best man will be Mr. Frederlo O. Burk and the ush ers Will be Mr. C. Perev Iliitrhlnnnn. Mr. Robert F. Irwin, Jr., Mr. Edward Trainer Mr. Henrv Hur'lr. Jr. Z Along the Reading Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Btlnson, of Wyncote road, Jenklntown, Pa., and Miss Stlnson. will occupy their new home on Old York road, Ashbourne, the first week In October. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Argue, for merly of Jenklntown, but who are now making their homo at Evergreen, L. I., are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lelghton Kramer, of Sharpless avenue, Melrose Park, who have been spending the sum mer at their cottage at Surrey and At lantlo avenues. Ventnor. have had aa their guests for some time Mrs. Kramer's family, Mr. and Mrs. Winfleld Scott Al len, of 1501 Diamond street. Mr. and Mrs. Allen roturnel tp their aountry home, Atnslle, on Church road, Elklns Park, last week. Mr. Frederlok TIetenbach. Mr. Freder ick Tlefenbach, Jr., Mr. Kenneth Tag gort, Mr. Robert Malth, Mr. George Rubicam and Mr. Richard Prlddey mo tored to Fortescue Beach, Delawaro Bay, over the week-end on a flshlng-trip, returning home the first part ot this week. Mr. and -Mrs. S. H. Wilson, Miss Olive May Wilson and Mr. Morris W. Wilson, of West avenue, Jenklntown, wjll leave this month for Germantown, Pa., where they .will occupy their new home on Mor ris street, near Hansberry street. Miss Dorothy Ruddack, of Noble, Pa., will leave next week for New York, whero she will remain for a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. David Hudson and family, of Glenslde, who have been spending the summer months at Ocean City, N. J.; have returned to their home. Mrs, William D. Chambers, of C217 North Broad street, Logan, has returned from Ocean City, where she has been spending the summer. , Mr. and Mrs. Walter It. Hauck and their son, Philip Hauck, of C12I North Broad street, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson, of Spring Garden street, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Matthews, ot E024 North 12th street, who have been spending the last month In Tim Camp Tim, Me., have returned to their homes. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Deker, of 1217 Wagner avenue, Logan, are receiving congratulations on the arrival ot a son. Miss Margaret Keown, of Logan, who Is well known aa a horsewoman, will re turn this week from Trevose, where she has been spending a fortnight. West Philadelphia Dr. Wllmer H. Creely, of Kalmazoo, Mich., and Miss Kathryn F. Wetherill, of the Avondala Apartents, 33th and Locust streets, will be married on Saturday at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Apos tles, 21st and Christian streets. They are natives of Camden, having- lett that city about 15 years ago. Miss Wetherill to como to this city, Doctor Creely going- West with his parents. They corresponded as boy and girl, and Doctor Creely, after his graduation from ' Bennett Medical College, Chicago, In 1909, visited this city. The ceremony, at s o'clock iff the afternoon, will bo per formed by the Rev. Charles B. Dubell, of Pitman Grovo. A reception was given at the club rooms of the Twenty-five Club, of West Philadelphia, on Tuesday evening, to Mr, Louis D. Toll and Mr. D. Louis Toll, on their return from, a tour of New York State. The feature ot the evening was the singing furnished by tho famous Twenty-five quartet, con sisting of Messrs. Holzman, Faatman, Levan and Cornfield. The Chu" Chu Club will hold Its first reception on Wednesday evening, Sep tember 29, at the home of the president, Mr. Jack A. Freeman, 7S6 South Sth, street The Chu Chu Club will be ret membered as the Aba Daba Club. Mlsa Frances M. Cooke, of Boston. Is visiting- her sister, Mrs. S. V, Rodger, H 616 South, ew street. Mr, a Mr, Daniel MoGarvey wt entertata at oaras today, at their home, 3M Horth Felten street. In honor .ef Miss Marguerite McMuWa, ot Carpenter street. XotWs tmt the SeeUiy pas wW be accepted aad ptt44 hi Mm teib ledger, bt aM even aoMees nt be wUta ea of iht iMtper, ut be ilfMd a fM, W4h h , awt wiwt ytuWU tlns niimlur sewt be MmI aM a wlialas t tm auttmii'. A iyji'V jgOiBsBgMgBggMk,. fOS" !lsa!Lfl A V SP ' -iggi,saiig1gMggggggfav A i- oPtBHgH av 4 B c v flKAuvOgHsSgSggggggggga LjKwJUgS IJK V ' !ggK9gHlgSygeggggggHgM. ' ' '?SBS ' w i gggKgBgHHiSsBgBEu' .t'-; 4W iJHgfgHgB gJ'giiiHHgMr v Sv'':'.r - jsgggggM rSBBBJgggMHMHtBr 'v, "- A4gggkgkggH yv ggPlgHpSEB? fegflSE'W) ' flggggggR & ggflggKgggggSSgv. gBL -i. mv9ggggggH jggggBBBBBSffiBSrrp BBk r.w!B9BBBBBBBBBl r BBBBBBBHKK'JmP f SBLljSvIBJBBBBBBm r p flCT iBgHKaBBBBBBBBBBBl gBBBBBBBBB ' IgBBBBBBBBBBB! & bbbbbbbBSI - 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBI '?;-. igBBBF ','JL. t0" -9gBHgBBBBBBBBB. 3 s. lB'58jK. v JIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK JslW " JbHbbbbbbbbbbbb! iCISIIH' i?iWfSi. '" ''JuJgagHEgSsBBBBBBBBBBBBBl sJall:liSf'i;i- -' 4r:!Ji)lBHK8SBIQBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl tiSI Si .t1 - ii'V 5 1 , t; vi9BBBBBK JmHSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI Photo br Mircwii MIS8 FLORENCE JEANETTE ELLIOT Miss Elliot la tho daughtor of Mrs. Frnnk Spangler Elliot. Her marrlago to Mr. Waldo 0. Fehling will tako placo tonight at 6:30 o'clock at her home, 4537 Spruce Btreet. Northeast Philadelphia Mlsa Rose Smith, ot Hartford, Conn., Is the guest of Mrs. L. RoserTElum, of 293) Frankford avenue, for three weeks. Mr, and Mrs. William Jeffries and daughter, ot Lancaster, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. William Roland motored from Harrisburg and' were the week-end guests of Mrs. NUes and her mother, Mrs. Shanabrook, of 1930 East Cambria street. Miss Louise Kester, of Colmar, Pa., has been visiting Mrs. L. Goeppert, of 1904 East Cambria street. Mrs. TVlllIam Brown and family re turned last week from a vacation In the Catsklll Mountains. Mrs. David Campbell and slater. Miss Grace La Mark, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glenn, of Tacony, who have been spend ing their vacations at their bungalow at Ocean City, will return home this week. Mrs. George Erdman, of 1S33 East Cam bria street. Is spending several weeks at Atlantlo City. The first smoker and entertainment of the fall season will be held by the Ken sington International Beneficial Associa tion at the clubrooms, Howard and Huntingdon streets, this evening. One ot the special features will be the grand array of up-to-date. talent which has been, engaged especially for the occasion. On Saturday evening, October 8, a ladles' night will be held at the club, when. the members are Invited to bring their lady friends to take part In the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shallcross, of Torresdale avenue, have returned from a vacation at Lake George. Mrs. John Fletcher and son have re turned from a very pleasant trip to Boston. The Misses NIcolls, of Hegerman street, are spending a few weeks at Atlantlo City. A smoker will be given by the Boost ers' Association of the Order of Owls to be held at Tioga West Hall, 2d street and Rising Sun lane, on Friday evening, October 1. i Tioga Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams enter tained the members of the Ushers' Asso ciation of the Tioga Methodist Church on Tuesday night at their home on Syden ham street. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hess, Mr. Walter C. Hess and Mrs. Henrietta Cohn have returned to their home, 1813 West Erie avenue, alter paasingr ins summer in At lantic City. Mr, and Mrs. O. F. Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Rutner have been spending some time In an automobile trip through Lehigh and Northampton Coun ties, stopping at Eaeton, Allentown and tho Paxlnosa Inn. die Mrs. W. Gatchell, of North 19th street, has returned from Atlantic City, She was accompanied by Miss Krewson. Mrs. Bernard Phillips and her daugh ters, Miss Helen. Miss Esther and Miss Janet, and Mr. Benedict Phillips, or 3519 North 11th street, have returned home after spending a delightful summer at their cottage, In Ocean City, N. J. . MRS, G, Ot HARMER Who, before her inarfirtgfg- Jest Wskely, was M, Linda JJbmiW. of this ats. aSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSsiVSlsBsMsHsl BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSFtSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSh BSBSBsKisBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBsH HgaflgagagaV"VViVrSBiBiBiBiBiH iPHv ,. ;", ; H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsKSSsV tM ffst I t ksBBBBBBBsH ' .Iftr' , & ;vr H 1 gssssH ':' $ " iflW 1 lzszL m 1 ZBZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzPHnl South Philadelphia The graduates of the first class from tho ZLjermedlate Department of Grace Sabbath school held their first banquet on Tuesday evening1, and had a very en joyable evening with their guests. All the graduate! were present, lnoludlnff Miss May Britton, Miss Reba Craig, Miss Katharine Fall-bank, Miss Bvelyn Lock hart, Miss Mario MocMIUan. Miss Louise Neeley. Mr. Charles Batt, Mr. Harvey Bennett, Sir. Charles Black, Mr. Wallace Deacon, Mr. William Doherty, Mr. George Curry, Mr. William Parks, Mr. Alexander Cunningham, Mr. Gamble Camac, Mr. Joseph Huey, Mr. Antone Johnson, Mr. Melvln Heyworth, Mr. James Kane, Mr. Raymond Rose, Mr. Raymond Korn schleld, Mr. Charles Morby, Mr. Walter Mnckey, Mr. Samuel McKenna, Mr. Howard McKlm, Mr. James Parks and Mr. Samuel Stevenson. The teacher vof the class, Dr. A. C. Stroup, was toastmaster, and the guests were the Rev. Dr. Hunter and wife, Miss M. Curry, Miss B. McDonald, Miss a. Klnkade, Mrs. Wilson and Mr. G. Dunn. Roxborough Mr. and Mrs. David R. Klauder, of 464 MonaUry. avenue; ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Stephan, of 468 Monastery avenue, Roxborough, and Mr. and Mrs. David MoCrork, of Flourtown. Pa., have re turned from an extended autombolle tour through the mountains of Pennsylvania, stopping at the Delaware Water Gap, Mount Pocono, Stroudsburg, Mahanoy, Beof Creek, White Haven, Mauoh Chunk, Allentown and Reading. Miss XAioy Fox and Miss Christine Eliz abeth Fox, of Wlssahlokon, and MISS Emma Degman, of Frankford, left yes terday to spend a week In Washington, D. a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parsons, of Bast Leverlngton avenue, have returned home from Atlantlo City. Miss Tva Hampshire, of Lyceum ave nue, was hostess to the members ot the Roxborough Current Events Club last night at her home. This was the open ing entertainment for the fall and winter season. Those taking part were Miss Elsie Davis, Miss Jessie Rawley, Miss Jessie Morris, Miss Ethel Lush, Miss Henrietta. Elizabeth Sheldrake, Miss Edith Fee and Mrs. William E. Shappell, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J, Dames, Jr., who are spending their honeymoon In At lantic City, will be at homo after October L at 4309 Laurlston street. Mrs. Dames will be remembered as Miss Anna P. Laughlln, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Pat rick Laughlln, of Roxborough. T Frankford Mr. and Mrs. J. Alford Klrkley, of Arrott street, have lett for Los Angeles, Cal., where they will be the guest of Mr, and Mrs. George Praul Mrs. Klrkley's brother-in-law and sister. They will re main until after Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mulford, of 7019 Tulip street, will entertain at dinner and cards this evening. Their guests will Include Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Plckott, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred McCormlck, Mr. and Mrs. James Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leavy, Mr. and Mrs, Mathew Slnnot, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Primm, Mr, and Mrs. tlarvey R. Kelley. Mr. James M. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph .Burl:, Miss Ethel Slnnott and Dr. Roy Cassett Miss Marlon Phillips, of Tulip street, has as her guests Miss Beatrice Cully and Miss Evelyn Mocnamara. They will leave today for Atlantlo 'City and stay until November. Mr, and Mrs. William Carlln, of 200 East Tabor 'road, Olne'y, are spending their vacation at Brldgeton and Atlantlo City. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Martin, ot Bridge street, are entertaining Mr, Mar tin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy R, Mar tin, ot Beafcrd, Del., during the month. Miss Helen Martin will be the guest of Miss Virginia Berry for two weeks at Atlantlo City. Mr, and Mrs. Berry will occupy their home at Olney after Septem ber 80 for the fat) season. Suffrage Events Today EQUAL FRANCHWB SOCIETT. Noonday tnUn on the Poatotflo Plata. Speaker. Wm Berth 8otM and Mr. R. a. Ladomus, Noonday meeting at Kensington avenue and Ontario street. Speaker, Ml Anna McCue. 8:30 p. m. .Meeting; at 17th and Fltswatar street. Hpsaker. MUs Bertha Bapovlts, 8.30 p. ml Meeting at Moyamanilng aveeoe and Heed street. Breaker, Hamuel Mojeraaaa. WOMAN HXrFFKXaa PARTT. Mrs. George H. WebeaMKtk and site IKr? uiiv v. Humbeaeaar. lf?&2S?V nfisss JX lu vZSIF&J&i I Osfjteas WaytH, Lansdowne Mr, and Mrs. James Mayer and Mrs L. Grulnger, who have been occupying the Maxwell house on East Greenwood avenue, during the summer, will move to Philadelphia tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. William Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Aser Way and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stelr, returned today from a canoe trip on Egg Harbor River. Miss Florence Conway, of South Lans downo avenue. Is spending the week at Cape May. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mlngey, ot Fair view avonue, returned today from a wek spent at Atlantlo City. Mrs. Thomas Culllhan, ot Stewart ave nue, will entertain a motor party of friends for dinner at Valley Forge, on Sunday. Her guests will Include Mrs. Robert Kelsey, Mrs. IL D. Moore, Miss Marlon Peterson, Mr. Thomas OulUhan, Mr. Peter Dooner and Mr. Albert E. Peterson. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burt and family, of Owen avenue, have returned from a summer spent at Ventnor. Mr. and Mrs. A, Canavo Swayne, of Runnymede avenue, have returned from spending the summer at Galen Hall, Wernersvllte. Girard Farms A recent arrival among the little naval colony In the Olrard Farms Is Doctor Toulon, U. S. N., and Mrs. Toulon, for merly of Colon, Panama. Doctor and Mrs. Toulon have taken the house at 2.U3 South 21st street, where they will remain Indefinitely. Doctor Toulon is on the U. S. S. Missouri. Captain and Mrs. Blackwell, of 231 South 21st street, are also among thenew arrivals. Captain Blackwell Is of the United States army. ; Wilmington Invitations have been Issued for the marriage of Mr. William Newell Ban- nard, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. N, uannard, of this olty, and Miss Emily Markle, to take placo Saturday, October IS, at 4 o'clock In the afternoon, at the Presbyterian Church at Hazleton, Pa., to bo followed by a reception at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Markle, the bride's parents. Following a wedding Journey Mr. and Mrs. Bonnard will be at home after Wednesday, December L at 114 East 84th street. New York. Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. William L. Scott have lett for Poland Springs, Me., to be gone two or three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Brlnghurst, who have been spending a month on the Paclflo coast attending the two Exposi tions, arrived home this week. FRIENDS1 CENTRAL SCHOOL graduates take high standing Imme diately tyjon entering their College work. The careful drilling- and thorough grounding- through the several grades In preparation make the first College year comparatively easy. Separate Departments for Boys and Girls In Hlch School grades. Write for Year Book, ot the System. TO, ELMER BAnilETT, Principal 15TII AND RACE 8TO. PHILADELPHIA ELEMENTARY BOBOOLS 18th and Rac BU. SOth at. and Lancaster Ave. 17th St. and Olrard Ave. Greene Bt., dermantown. -Neff College- teach Putillo Speaklnc BalMtnanahlp, Elooutlon and Dramatlo Art, Autherihlp and Journalism, on a clentlflo mind growth bails. Day Bohool opens September STth: Sat urday classes, October 2nd; Erenlnc classes, week of October 4th. Send for new eata lor. Call for personal Interview. Offlos open dally, 9 to 6:30; evenings, a to 10. 1730 Chestnut Street HOMEMAKING COURSES Household Management Marketing Cooking and Planning of Meals Classes and Private Instruction MIB9 MARGARET C. LIMERICK IIS a 42P BTREET La Salle College Bnoo1SA1tBDOVB Engineering, Arts, Pre-Medlcal and Business Courses. High School and department (or llttls boys. Gymnasium and supervised athletics, fjcbotarshlps offsred. Evening classes. BRO. DENIB EDWARD. President. rUILADELTUIA TTJIINOEMEINUB School now open (or (all and winter terms. We teach gymnastics, German, drawing, needlework and swimming to cblldren, T to IS years, (or SO per year. Enroll your chil dren now. Broad and Columbia ave. TUB PHILADELPHIA TRAINING SCHOOL for PERSONAL and COMMUNITV SERVICM Practical course In various branches train Inc men and women (or leadership In Recrea tional. Physical. Social and Industrial Welfare Work 14 course given bywell-known leaders. Bend (or booklet-Central Branch, Y, U. C. A. 11 Arch Btreet. PREPARATION FOR ANT COLLEGE. ANT COUR8B BROWN PREPARATORY BROAD AND CHEnRT BTREET3 PALMS NIGHT SCHOOL Thirty years at 17th and Chestnut Street. Business, Shorthand and Secretarial Courses. Tke William Penn Charter School EIGHT SOUTH TWELFTH STREET 327th Year Open September 28th. BriUNO GARDEN INSTITUTE, I'HILA. ART MECHANICS ELEOTKIC1TX Nlffct School Write (or Booklet CONSERVATORIES s" MUSIC ano z E C K W E R ' S PWUdelf&s Musical AcitJaaj 18JT Sprue Bt. 47th eaon opens Sept. Sth. Branches 0 Germaa town Ave. 44S S. Hd Bt. Bmlneut XrlUts In Faculty. Prospectus. JAMES C. WARHURST Voice. Piano and Directing. 1 MO CHESTNUT STREET .HELEN ACKROYD Vo,0 Cur HAMILTON v.vivt Artofn4 Contralto Soloist, Church of tho Holy TrlaHy. Studio. Kstey Hall. Walnut at Uth H. Lecfson-Hille ov tiwioTiSk. UsVUfltS ItMtelU. 0f&. 1M Ourtsut st. Reecea SwcSHC KURTZ VOICE STUDIOS K.Jehsjt. OsAsAar w Wmilll Hi i ssU pi ... ii a si. i mn... -mi .i iJW n as-iri MM F.J.CttfNTSSH -VOtalst MiShijRtte?g& m "" '"' '" " ' wm9mmAttim EDMUNDS J2S i njt0 'fpssstfV- . S-9C TnE marriage of Miss Florence Jean ette Elliot, daughter of Mrs. Frank Spangler Elliot,' and Mr. Waldo O. Fehl ing will take place this evening at f:80 o'clock In the home of the bride's mother, 4537 Bpruoe street The Rev. Robert Johnston, rector of the Church of the Saviour, 28th and Chestnut streets, will efilclate. Ths bride, who -will be given In marriage by her brother, Mr. Charles Lortngr Elliot, will be attended by her sister, Mrs. Frank O'Reilly, aa matron of honor. Miss Q race Reld, Miss aertruda Troutrnan, ot Butler, Pa.; Miss Leonlde Dagtt and Miss Edna Wller as Maes maids, ana little Miss Marguerita FUh burn, of Lock Haven, aa flower girl. Mr. Fehling will bo attended by his brother, Mr. J. Herbert Fehling, as best man. Mr. Warren Moss, Mr. Frank Elliot, Mr. Albert Clayton and Mr. Frank CRellly will w the usher. Miss Elliot will wear an exquisite gown fashioned In the stylo of 1830. Tho foundation will be of white duchess satin over a hoopsklrt. and will be finished with three tulle petal tunics, having' elaborate quillings of satin ribbon. The waist will be an old-fashioned basque made of tulle and rose point lace. Her veil will be tulle, with tho satin quillings, and will be arranged on a crown of ornngo blossoms, to fall to the edge of the skirt. Bhe will carry a shower bouquet of white orohlds and lilies of the valley. The matron of honor will be gowned in deep pink satin, also made over a hoop skirt, which will be finished with quill ings. She will wear a picture hat of the same shade of panne velvet, having wide streamers, and a rose for trimming. She will carry an arm bouquet of pink roses. The bridesmaids will be gowned alike In rose pink satin, with very wide skirts over hoops. They will be veiled with tunics of Indestructible net over which a short oversklrt of pointed Chantllly lace falls from the waist line. Tho bodice is made of tulle, and 'finished with a wide girdle ot satin and a garland of rose buds. Their hats will be made of pink panne velvet, with narrow streamers and a rose for the trimming. They will carry arm bouquets of shaded pink dahlias. The little flower girl will wear a hand-embroidered lingerie frook, with pink ribbons, and she will carry a gilt basket filled with sweetheart roses. Mrs. Elliot, mother of the bride, will wear an elaborate gown of gray chiffon, Will enable you to command a "salary" Instead et mere warts. Three nights a week 'are all that are neceesary. Telephone: Lombard 1MS-1MT POSITIONS rOSTTTVELT GUARANTEED OR MONET REFUNDED Day School. Night School. Enter any time. E. Jf. Hull, A. M rd. D., President, Lafayette Bolldlnr, Philadelphia After October 1st Fenn Mutual Building "!S,".UW . -ILWvmU 'N .411 U,M MIL.. I VOUR SON AND DAUGHTER Are they both prepared to earn their own living If necessary! Why not enroll them at once (or a prac tical business education at either day or night school T STRAYER'S BusinessCollege , 801.807 Chestnut St., Phils. , Wanamaker Institute 2SD & WALNUT STB.. OPENED SEPT. 50. Course per term (SO wks.), 10 00. Algebra, Art Needlework, Cooking, Drawmr, Dress making, English. French, Geometry, German, Italian, Latin, Mech. DraWg, Millinery, Plan Read's A Esttmat'g, Spanish, Telegraphy, S7: Business Arlth., 8 Architectural DraWg, Banjo, B'k'p, Guitar, Mand'n, PaInt'E(Chlna, Oil. watsr Color), Pen'shlp & Cor"pond., Pub. School, Violin, t: Garment Cut'g, Sten'phy A Typew'g, 110: Vocal Lessons, $12; Combined Bookkeep'g, Btenography t Typewriting, I16J Piano, Afternoon & Eve, Writ (or Catalog F. STANDARD Y.M.C.A. COURSES Save carfare. Evening School, Dormitory, Expert Instructors, Individual Method. Swim ming Pool, Gymnasium. West Branch Y. M. O. A., Sid and Hansom. North Branch Y. M. O. A., 1013 W. Lehigh. MISS HILLS' SCHOOL 1S0S Spruce Btreet. Open Bent. 2X MAIN LINE BRANCH Ardmore. Open September 27. ELIZABETH niLLS LYMAN. Principal. Germantown Friends School xTOMr BTANLET It. TARNALL, Principal. Palmer Business School Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, English, day and night sessions. Send (or catalog. Mercantile Library Bide., 10th above Chestnut, THE KIRSCHOAUM School of Languages lBti Chestnut bt, m'elghtman Hltlg.) Estab. 1880. Uenno Klrschbaum, Principal. MARY MKEVARD ROBERTS, US N. 1U st. Elocution) Volcei day and evening classes. JAMES V, WILLIS Tutor Boy Especially I 1427 (Euclid At. 1 INSTRUCTORS HENRY GURNEY TRNOK Hahn School of Musto 1714 CHESTNUT STREET WALTER ST. CLARE KNODLE PIANO, ORGAN, (HNOING, THBORY HTUDie, HH CHHeJTNUT trT. EDW. VAN LEER, Tenor RWIPPEN Mala Tenor. Central Pan relational. Mrctklvn. Cuacert, Oratorio, tfjsr Recital, Veea 00. I-HILII -yVAHMHif VOICE WTBT HALX. COOKE W.J. Obaaabsre-'WylU ScmmtMi : L. COLE rioutiigr Edwin A. Brill s:v with rirametat beadeel eaatreWery pink satin. The house win be decorate dahlias, and autumn foliage. A formed of white dahlias and-Wilms WH lead to the drawing- room, where a jMe dleu has been erected of the (lowers ant ronage, a large reception -will MMfW, from 7 until o'clock, after whlefc Mr. and Mrs. Fehling- will leave for their wedding trip, and on their retura wltt occupy apartments in the Aloaaar, eMt and Walnut streets. Delaware Ckranty Itaotntr eathusiasts and howeaea la general are delighted with the emtnc program offered by the Iteta Tree Hwat Club. The annual races wHt be heM o Ootober 27, and 80 entries are estpeeted from all over the surrotmdlBcr oantfM. Mr. Samuel D, Riddle, presMent t ten Club, will entertain at dinner, and as tMs Is a somewhat esetaatro affair, there is some eagerness In evidence aa to who will attend. ( Camden and Vicinity Mrs. IB, M. Jones, of Wilmington, N. C, is being entertained by Mrs. P. A. Kearney, at Arcadia, Laurel Springe. N. J., the summer home ot the Daughters of Columbus. , Mrs. Charles Htllman Is again at her Haddonfleld home after summering in her bungalow at Pocono Pines, Pa, Mr. William Early and family have re turned to their Merchantvllle home after staying at Cape May. Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Armstrong and daughter have returned to their, home at Merchantvllle from Ocean City. Mrs. James Coulter and son and grand daughter closed their summer home ,at Ocean Cltr Gardens Monday and "motored to their home at E23 Penn street. Her daughter, Mrs. Charles Fox, has -returned to her homo In Germantown. BRYN MAWR HORSE SHOW BRYNMAWRHOUNDSHOW September 27-28-29-30 October 1 and 2 Philadelphia'. Best and Largest . Night School UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Wharton School of Finance) sumT Commerce OFFERS EVENING COURSES Accounting and Commercial Lmm Real Eitate and Inwuranee Advertising and Selling Finance and anhlng Registration evenings, except. Saturday, 7 to J. Sept. IS to 24. Sessions begin Sept. 94. Logan Hail, seth and Woodland are. SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION AND DRAMATIC ART Elizabeth Lavender Schreiner 1714 CHESTNUT BTREET At Studio dally, 11 to 3. Phone Spruce 2477, or write (or booklet. EMILIE KRIDER NORRIS Oral expression, stage art, story-telling. Ftenok a American method. Day A eve. 1714 ChestaW. 3t5S aEHMANTOWN WALNUT LANE SCHOOL V 282 -W. WALNUT LANE. GERMANTOWN'. Strong, General Course, Domestic Soleaoo Dept. Boarding Dept. opens Sept. 28th, Day Dept. opens Sept. 28th. r2-?rt54rrthcf'OtW SchooWranrj Cotlgc AppWtoft rThkPiflt Terndnwryi) fOMBS CONSERVATOj1 J list Vaar at 7 Uet Ywr f 4 iTfBSK la-eaylSAf I tjsHfaJ a 9CAA JTrPT1rWw sa?rrTSoV w9 S"jSf A RseUewMal ajtd Day JWki wssarallaleel taalBtU tar tlsa J a)ta(ek9t fak 4TMsisI jh ti ifciiiisiilinr to hlJeHt asllst TTSSel of widest ra4ice. (eaaaiad MSI tjt oo of its radatea Jt4 T Teer Book Ommmji MrAl aVNOLD) Us sre.emlaMt t ai'fL' wSM awi aaia sosnu rnn V ' 4
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