Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 23, 1915, Final, Page 9, Image 9

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JMond Charming Daughter
t ' Tia TwfwullirMirl of
W A..AW.-WV.V.V.V.VS uv
Mrs. Charles
MIUJ. CHATO-KB B. wiuuiix wiu re
pirn today from Cap Mar an '"Ul
irT fpr a VU " reaiaonco) i nw
.UW and daue-hter, Mr. and Mrs.
TrL Mar until October 1. Mrs.
-frlfht, -who will remain at Chestnut Hill
tartar th eanjr Ru.umn, win wr
r apartment at th BeUeTue-Btrat-
,-Ht for tha winter, lira. Wright will
. .-. ttt to lntrodaoe Miss Mary
Jdi!n. daurhter of Mm. "WoodTlllo Boh-
We and Miter or aam rnacuja uonitn,
w naement to Mr. Otwven Bonaall
reek m recently announced.
'I-" . ... .- - - Mra "l-O'r'.-fct'a
The tea win do "" ....... ..........
iJbS on at Martin's lane, Cheetnut
ETon October SO. from 4 until o'clock.
2i Bohlen'a grandmother, the late Mrs.
John Bohlen, was a sister of Mrs.
?riht' mother, Mrs. Klchard McMur
."."... n.hlui I a. rtamhter of Mr.
rnda Bohlen and ft niece of Mr. Robert
- . A -. nr.i-iv TlnhlAn. find in
ioousln of Adolph Ousttu Bohlen von
..--. -.-. Mirr4M Mis- !nrtha. ICrutm
f ad lo head of the ICrupp eun worka In
' ...J. ... m .tt.. la
Sesen, uermany, uu vyhuoo ..... ..
MM Bophy Bohlen, the daughter of Cen
tral Henry Bohlen, who married Miss
Bmlile Borle, a sister of the late Charles.
Adolph, Henry and John Borle, of this
Miss Bohlen. who Is extremely popular
among tho younger set. Is of a brunette
type and greatly resembles her mother,
who was Miss Margaret Woodville, and
It considered one of the beauties of this
R Hiss Mary Coates, of 23d and De Lan-
I' eer streets, is me guest, oi airs. j. .-ei-
... .,... .. tttlpnam.nt wlilrl III
fimcrciuv icu .w-......., .... - -
being played on the courts of the Oer-
mantown sticks, uuo mm nto.
Mrs. William Gray Warden. Jr.. of
L Re-gate, School House lane, Is spending
' KTerai aara 111 .-.uw auik.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy C. Madeira, of
Washington lane and Qlenslde avenue,
Chelten Hills, will move Into their new
borne In Summit avenue, Jenklntown,
about the first week of October.
Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Llpplncott, of
1107 Spruce street, who have been spend-
1 in- the summer at Mrs. Wl Ham Hun
ter's residence, on Summit avenue, Jen
klntown, will move Into town the first
neek In October. Mr. Llpplncott la In
Klneo, Me , where he has bexyn on a
camping trip with his father, Mr. Horace
Llpplncott, for several months.
Friends of Mr. Walter Jeffords, of Glen
Riddle, will bo glad to hear that he Is
recuperating rapidly from his recent Ill
ness of typhoid fever and will leave tho
Media Hospital In a few days to go to his
country residence.
Dr. and Mrs. George G. Ross, of 1721
Spruce street, have returned to their
country place at Fort Washington after
spending several week? In Cape May, N. J.
Mrs. Samuel McCllntock Hamtll, who Is
spending the autumn at Bryn Mawr, will
return to tier home in this city aoout tne
middle of October.
Mrs. Francis Forbes Milne and Francis
Forbes Milne, Jr., who havo been occu
pying tne iiartman Kuhn place, at Devon,
for the summer, will remain until the 1st
of November, before opening their house
at 1714 Sru.ce street. Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn,
Who have been on a motor trip for sev
eral weeks, will return In time for the
Horse Show, at which they will entertain
Along the Main Line
MEKION-Mr. and Mrs. William De
Krafft and family will return to their
home on Berkeley road October 1 after
spending the summer at their Maine
Mr. and Mrs. Granville H. Le Malstre
and their son, Granville H. Lo Malstre,
Jr, have returned from a delightful
Western trip of three months. They vis
ited the Panama. Pacific and San Diego
Expositions, Los Angeles, Cat, and
ARDMORE The marriage of Miss
Haiel Adams Spelrs, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs John C Spelrs, and Captain" Charles
McHenry Steese, of the Ordnance Depart
ment, United States army, will toko place
Monday, October 18, at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Spelrs on Simpson road. The
ceremony, which will be solemnized at
S SO In the afternoon, will be witnessed
only by the members of both families.
There will be no bridesmaids. After tho
wedding Captain Steese and his bride will
live at the Frankford Arsenal.
VILLANOVA Mr. and Mrs. John
Shipley Dixon arrived at Meadowbrook.
their Vlllanova home, today from North
east Harbor, whero they spent the
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cuatis Harrison,
Jr., have returned from Teton, Wyo,
Where they have spent several weeks with
the Maxwell Struthers Burts.
ST. DAVIDS-MIss Barbara Mifflin
Boyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.
Knlckerbacker Boyd, haa returned from
Portland, Me., to her home on Aberdeen
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Ilowell and fam
ily have returned to their home. 211 Aber-
J deen avenue, from New Hope, Bucks
v-oumy, ra.
Richard Bard and Elliot Bard, sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Bard, of the Wayne
Apartments, left this week for Weattown
WAYNE A number of entertainments
are being given In honor of Mlsa Athalla
Evans, dauehter nf Mr nnrt Mm. Charles
m W. Evans, of King of Prussia, whose
I j-' mamaje ioMr George , Park, Jr., or
I Wayne, takes place October 2.
miss Catherine M Schweyer. of Norrls
town, entertained Miss Evans and the
members of her bridal party at cards last
Miss Emma H Eavenson gave a card
farty, followed by a linen shower. In
honor of Miss Evans last Saturday. Miss
EYans wU have as her matron of honor
Mra Thomas Miller OTnnV. nf 1Wt Ohen-
$ter. and the maid of honor will ba the
naegroom-a Bister, Miss Lillian W. Park,
M Wayne. Tho bridesmaids ore Miss
mma H. Eavenson, Miss Mary V, Clay
ton, Minn Rachel T Hoopes, of Baltimore,
l and Mla ITnriluiMh T "Mrvnr nf Ranriv
pring, Md.; Miss Esther O. Miller, of
aiem, N. J and Miss Elisabeth W. Wll-
I fon. of Berwyn, Pa,, a cousin of the
C ""uuier cousin, lime aaitm iui
jt Thomas, of King of Prussia, will be the
Jwsr girl.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wt. &f 1M Wlatar
Jyad, have returned from a two weeks'
fay at Olen Cove. I J where Mr. West
J?ok part In the tournaments being held
Mrs. Atlna ta.(ui b.. MA....M.A.J wArt
' WKt trtalt in AtjrliLH l,r at,. wu lb
of Mrs. aiu WWt. .
Chestnut Hill
' 4 Mm, David M, OMtmr. f MM
aittewn uwu. ijf ! th
wm WX Mtt
of Mrs. Woodville Bohlen to
n Wnn J.. V...
B. Wright
oletjr on Tuesday evening at their home.
A delightful musical program was given.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Potter, of Mont
gomery avenue, will return home with
their children on Sunday from Kenne
bunkport. Me., where they spent the
Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Gummey, of HIS
Greene street, arrived home this week
from their camp at Upper Dam, Me.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fitch, of 3110
west Coulter street, have closed their
Long-port cottage and have returned to
town for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huston, of Wlssa
nlckon avenue and Lehman lane, with
their family, have returned from their
camp on Upper Saranao Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. D. English Dallam, of
Wlssnhlckon avenue ami Stafford street,
nave returned from Bass Rocks.
Mrs. Jesse Casaard, of Baltimore, haa
returned to her home, having been tho
gueat of Mra. Harry Llpplncott Caa
sard over the wedding of Mlaa Anna
Bharplesa Taylor and Mr. Frank Rich
Wallace, which took place on Saturday
at noon.
Mrs. Wheeler Lord, of 33S Manhelm
street, who Is rocuperatlng from a serious
luness, has gone to Galen Hall in Wer
nersvllle, Pa., for several wceka.
Along the Reading
Mrs. J. C Jennings and Miss Dorothea
Jennings, of Greenwood avenue, Wyn
coto, who left September 1 for Denver,
Col., nre now In Colorado Hot Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Daniels, of
tho Centennial House, Rydal, Pa., have
left for Reading, Pa., where they will
reside In tho future.
Mr. and Mra. Harold Fox, of, Chelten
avenuo. Oak Lane, entertained at dinner
last evening, in honor of their niece.
Miss Paulua Cully, of Milwaukee. Covers
wero laid for IS guests, and dancing and
cards followed during the evening. Miss
Cully's engagement waa announced last
week to Dr. Kirk Smith, of Washington,
D. C.
i Mr. and Mra. Walter R. Rumey, of
Wagner avenue, Logan, aro receiving
congratulations on the birth of a daugh
ter. Mrs. Rumey will be remembered
as Miss Esther Cllft, of Jenklntown,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Greenfield, of
Oak Lane, who have been occupying their
cottage at Cape May for tho summer,
will return homo tho end of thla month.
Mr. and Mra. Greenfield had as their
guest over the week-end Mlsa Marlon
Filbert, of Olney.
West Philadelphia
Mrs. Frank Spangler Elliot, of 4537
Spruce street, will entertain thla evening
in honor of her daughter, Miss Florence
Jeanett Elliot, and Mr. Waldo O. Fehllng,
whoso marriage will take place tomorrow
evening. The guests will Include Mra.
Frank O'Reilly, slater of the bride, who
will attend as matron of honor; Miss
Gertrude Troutman, of Butler; MUs Grace
Reid, Miss Leonlde Daglt and Miss Edna
wller, who will be' bridesmaids. Little
Misa Marguerite Flshburn will attend as
flower girl. Mr. J. Herbert Fehllng, a
brother of the bridegroom, will act as
best man, and the ushers Include Mr.
Warren Moss, Mr. Frank O'Reilly, Mr,
Frank Elliot and Mr. Albert Clayton.
Other guests tonight will be Mrs.
Warren Moss, Mrs. Frank Elliot, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Lorlng Elliot, Mrs.
Richard Flshburn, Mr. Richard Randall,
Mr. Yates Hlcky, Mr. John Bain and Mr.
John Campbell, of Butler.
Mrs. Herbert Stewart, of Pittsburgh,
Is the guest of her uncle. Dr. Edward
Thomas, at his home, 711 North 43d
Mrs. Allen T. Baldwin, of Lakewood,
Cleveland, O., Is visiting her mother, Mrs,
Edward Smltheman, at the Colonial.
Mrs. Anna E. Buch, of 4306 Looust
street, entertained the members and offi
cers of the Ways and Means Committee
of St John's Chapter, No. 4, Order of the
Eaatern Star, last week. Covers were
laid for 22 guests. An Impromptu COO was
Indulged In, after which musical and reci
tative numbers were furnished by sovcral
of the guests.
Mlsa Helen Katherlne Hefferman and
Mr. Leo Francis Garaon wero married
September It. and are at home at 4915
Parrish street.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sneyd have re
turned to their home on Green lane after
spending the summer in Atlantlo City.
The, Rev. Carl IT. Hlrzel and family,
of 4406 Dexter street, have returned from
a vacation at Wlldwood.
An automobile party to Wlldwood over
last week's end Included Mr. and Mrs.
James Hindis, Mlsa Marian Stout, Miss
Anna Du Can, Mr. William Pass and Mr.
Calrln Jlaln.
Aa ardant worker for Mt. Sinai
Heefital concert and dw,
which will take plee o Sunday
lgkt. Mm Lawman, will i
assoclaUd with Misa SnUHa Kt-U-
who l fthalman o tha
Pm P Mm,
illlB p tKr I
II ,J&r3teijfc 1 y-y.tfjWJBf? 1 I
It MaKHIsMimMBy i vjJSy I
&W3 Esl
Whoso marriage to Mr. Edward C. Dale will take place on October
12 in Rumson, N. Y.
Miss Linda P. Henzler and Mr. Gottlob C. Hammer Were
Wed Yesterday McGuckin and
Vorndran Nuptials
THE marrlago of Miss Linda P. Henz
ler, daughter of Mrs. Pauline Henzler,
of Sl Clifford street, to Mr. Gottlob C.
Hammer, was solemnized last evening at
8:30 o'clock In Mosebaeh's Drawing
Tho Rev. Otto Klelne officiated. Tho
brlde'a only attendant waa Miss Mary
Wohlfordt Miss Henzler wore a gown
of white crepe meteor trimmed with laco
and a long tullo yell arranged with lilies
of the valley. Sho carried a shower
bouquet of white roses and lilies of the
valley. The maid of honor wore a frock
of palo-plnk taffeta with a hat to match
and carried pink sweet peas.
Mr. Richard Prince acted as beat man,
and tho ushers were Mr. Rlohard Clarke
and Mr. Charles Van Sleet. A reception
followed the ceremony, after which Mr.
and Mra. Hammer left for a wedding
Journey. Upon their return they will live
at 23 North 13th street, Logan.
A very pretty wedding took place yes
terday, when Miss Adeline Josephine
Vorndran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Vorndran, of 2017 North Hancock atreet.
became the bride of Mr. James J. Mo
Guckln, at St. Bontfaclus Church, Han
cock and Diamond streets.
The ceremony waa performed by tho
Rev. Father J. Olert. C. SS. R.
The bride was gowned becomingly In
Ivory white satin with tulle and pearl
South Philadelphia
Miss Margaret M. Flavin, of 2334 Reed
Btreet, entertained Informally on Monday
evening. A Dutoh supper was served.
Among the guests wero Miss Gladys
Evans, Miss Isabel Murphy, Miss Mary
Robinson, Miss Sarah Robinson, Mr. John
Donegan, Mr. Francis Dickinson, Mr.
William O'Rell, Mr. Jamea Smith and Mr
Leo Flavin.
Mr. Joseph Totarella, of H43 South 16th
street, and Mr. Franola Cunningham, of
1543 South 13th street, who aro in charge
of the Augusta Baseball Club, are In
Delaware County on a gunning trip until
tho season la over, and they have invited
tho following members of the club, Mr.
James Tucclo, Mr. L. Baum, Mr. P.
Kane, Mr. M. Moaele, Mr. N. Flocco, Mr.
A. De Futron, Mr, A. Buflno, Mr. W.
Robinson, Mr. P. Thegusman, for a
week's stay at their bungalow.
North Philadelphia
Mrs. Ralph Booth, of North Uth atreet.
jravo a luncheon yesterday In honor of
Miss Eugenie Barbot, whose marriage to
Mr. Raymond Holbrouck will take plaoo
on October S.
Among the guests at luncheon were
Mrs. Harry Klostennan, Mrs. Albert
Stewart, Miss Gladys Broomfleld, and
Mlas Anna Rolan.
The claw of IMS of tbe Orris Com
mercial High School has seat out Invita
tions for a subscription card party to be
given at Moeebaoh's Drawing Rooms on
Batnrday, October 9.
Mr. and Mrs. William Fmlay, of 1427
Diamond street, have returned to their
home, after a stay at Vlnemont.
Dr. and Mrs. Earta Ballade, of Uth and
Diamond streets, have returned from
Northeast Philadelphia
Mr. David Simon haa just returned from
a two weeks' Journey through the New
England States."
.Mr. Lawrence B. Kelser, son of Dr. E.
Kelser, who la a West Point cadet, has
been spending a two weeks' furlough
with his parents, and has returned to
On October M the Aroerioua Rifle Club
will hold Us annual fall excursion to
CMauch Chunk, Glen Onoko and the
Daughter of Former Cabinet Member
Married J, M. McMillan in N. Y.
Mlsa Enid Shaw, daughter of Leslie M.
Shaw, who was Secretary of the Treas
ury In the Cabinet of President Rooae-
velt, was married In the presidential
suite of the Blltmore Hotel, New York,
yesterday, to John M McMillan, of that
city. Miss Bhaw la widely known In Phil
adelphia society. She and her parents
lived in thla city for some years.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev, a L. Ooodoll, of SC Paul's Metho
dist Episcopal Church, It was witnessed
only by atembers Bt the family. Afer
their wen trip Mr. and Mrs, McMlU
Ian will at mt Srwtdway, New York,
Mr. Shaw, fatW of the Wide. u nw.
raor of Jowft fwn IkM until 1M. when
Jm mbm a Member 1 rUeitt Koa-
.vaus vintnsak
trimmings, and a veil wreathed with or
ange blossoms and pearls, and carried a
shower bouquet of white roses and lilies
of the valley.
The brldo was attended by Miss Sara
E. McGuckin. sister of tho groom, who
woro a nlle irreen crene mntnor. trimmed
with net and gold lace and caught up
Wl t IwnAliiil M A - - 1 - '
...... ivdcuuub, unu 11 very Becoming pic
ture hat. .She carried a bouquet of pink
The bridegroom was attended by Mr.
Thomas Turner.
After the ceremony a supper waa served
at tho home of the bride's parents for the
Immediate families, after which the cou
ple left on their wedding trip.
Invitations will shortly be Issued for
the marriage of Miss Margaret Brown
Frazler, daughter of Mrs. W. W. Frazier
and granddaughter of Colonel John W
Frazler, to Mr. George Edward Danen
hauer on Tuesday, October 28, at tha
home of the bride's mother, B107 Spring
field avenue. Miss Frazior will be at
tended by Mlaa Dorothea Shlveley, of
Jenklntown, as maid of honor, and by
Miss Edna Lawrence, of Mlllbourne, and
Miss Marguerite Stanford, of Bryn Mawr,
as bridesmaids. Her little cousin, Miss
Elizabeth Jane Smith, the email daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith, of
Wynnewood, will act aa flower girl
Mr. Howard Lee Danenhauer will be his
brother'a best man, and the ushers will
be Mr. William Clausen, Jr., Mr. A. Lin
wood Frazler and Mr. William Wallace
Frazler, of New York. A reception will
Immediately follow the ceremony.
Mr. and Mra. John Goebert, of 1713 West
Erie avenue, announce the marriage of
their daughter, Helen Ross, to Mr. Harry
C. Meyers, of 1222 West Tioga street, on
The ceremony waa performed by the
Rev. C. W. Heathcote and waa followed
by a reception at the home of the bride's
parents, and waa attended only by tho
Immediate family.
Mr. and Mra. Meyers will be at home at
1930 West Somervllle avenue, Olney, after
November 1.
The wedding of Mlsa Anna D, Murray,
daughter of Mr. and Mra. Austin Murray,
of 6432 North Clinton Btreet, to Mr. Alfred
F. Daubert will take place on Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residence
of the Rev. William Henry .Wells, pastor
of the Olney Presbyterian Church. Mlsa
Murray will be attended by her slater,
Miss Mabel Murray, as maid of honor,
and the beat man will be Mr. Walter
The Frankford Dancing Society held
their opening dance for the winter season
at the Empire Theatre Building, Frank
ford avenue and Orthodox street laat
Saturday night under the direction of
Mr. John II. Bradley, assisted by Miss
Mary Croaadale. Others who were there
were Mlsa Marion Rowen, Miss Florence
Laoey, Miss Helen English, Miss Ethel
Rowen, Mlsa Margaret Bradley, Mlaa
Marion Jones, Mlaa Anna Kennldeaen,
Mlsa Hannah McOulre, Miss Germalne
Lynn, Mr. Charles Oormloy, Mr. Des
mond Langan, Mr. Irwin Worthlngton,
Mr. Lawrence Norrla, Mr. Joseph Evans,
Mr. Harry Hampshire, Mr. James Dwyer,
Mr. Hugh Bradley, Mr. Jamea Kenyon,
Mr. Joseph Evans.
What's Doing Tonight
Ofcr Avenue Improreawnt Association, 47Th
trt and Cedar avenua; 8 o'clock. Pre.
Kirty-aacond fltrt and Lancaster Avenue
Butlceu Men. Md street and Lanedotrne
avenue, 8 o'clock. Frse
United Buelncu Men's Association, Hotel
Suffrage Events Today
Noonday meeting- In Filbert atreet below
lCth Speaker, Mlaa Bertha Bapeyita.
Noon-day mwtln at der Mill. Howard and
Norrla streets . Speaker, MUa Anna MoCne.
8 30 p. m. Meeting- at the Democratic Club.
BOa North 624 street. Speaker, Mlsa Bertha
8.80 p. m. Meeting at Broad and Forter
strata. Speaker, Samuel Moyerman,
8 P. rn. Meetlcr at. Dread street and Mont
romery avenue. Speaker, Mrs, J. O, Phillip.
8 p. m. Meeting at Broad atreet and Co.
lunrtila avenue. Speaker, Mra Marlon Holmes.
8 p. tn. Meeting at Oermantown and Cbelun
avenues. Speaker. Mlaa Ffetelle Ruseel.
8 P. m Meeting at 121U North (3d street
Speaker, Miss Ida Turner.
t p jn Meeting- at 29t and Thompson
strteU Speaker, Mrs. Wllltaitt Albert Wood.
Notices for the Seolety page wtil be
accepted and printed ta the Kreolng
Ledger, but all such notices must be
written on one side of the paper, must be
signed la fall, with fall address, aad
when Basetble telephone number aaust be
Bead aU saeh oessrasnlnatlsas te
"Society MMer," )fe4cur &eeer.
AAA laV eksajtaUAst -- A
J Isiwsjwsej-fsjis psBarsjsjnaa)
UbUm these wnelsisasals ate innti
ut e UeU tiiiSisslsa mmr be siisstls.
ssw susssee wtii Mast he aessMesMel.
Among those who have recently re
turned from their summer trlpa are Mr.
and Mrs. Abram L. Pennock, from Mul
Ilea Falls, N, J.j Mr. and Mrs. George
Wharton. Rehoboth, Del.; Mr and Mra
Joseph M. Pugh, Maine; Dr. Blmeon IL
Guilford, who waa assisting In the Amer
. n """P"! In raria; Mr, and Mrs. Will
JA"1 O. Hill, from Atlantlo City; Mra.
Charles H. Jordan, from Cape Cod; Mr.
and Mra. Stunrt Klnier, from a week-end
vlsitto Washington; Mrs. J P Whttehorn
and Miss Olive Whltehom, from Lake Ho
pntcong; Mrs. Edward Rynn, Ocean City;
Mra F. H Peck, Asbury Pnrk; Mr, Henry
Holtx. Ocean City; Mrs. Jamea C. Long,
Aabury Park; Mr. J Llddon Pennock,
from Bay Head; Mr. Thomas Longcope
and family, from Longport; Mr W. W.
Havlland and family, from the Poconoa;
Mr. and Mra. Jennings Hood, from tho
Exposition: Mrs. A. P. Hill, from Atlantlo
City; Mr, and Mrs. William Reed, from
Beach Haven; Mr. and Mrs Frank Sagen
dorph, from Chelsea; Mr. and Mrs. I, T.
Jones, from Atlantic City.
Girard Farms
Dr. and Mrs. Dudley Guilford, of 240S
South 21st street, who are at present In
Paris, serving In the American Hospital,
are expected to return to the city about
October IB.
Mr. and Mra. Francis H. Gilpin, of
2513 South Lambert street, have returned
from a very pleasant vacation spent at
Saranao Lako.
Mlsa Helen Greenhalgh, of 2EO0 South
Cleveland terrace, entertained Informally
yesterday In honor of Miss Hester Poole.
Lieutenant David Ducey, U. 8. N and
Mra. Ducey, of New York city, hao
taken a homo among the Girard rnrms,
at 2332 South 21st atreet, whero they ex
pect to remain during the winter months
Lieutenant Ducey Is on tho U. S. S. Caro
lina. Delaware County
Mr and Mrs. Charles E. Leaver, of
Clifton Heights, announce tho betrothal
of their daughter. Miss Agnes Teresa
Leaver, to Dr. William Paul Crawford,
also of Clifton Heights.
Miss Mary E. McCarthy,, of Ridley
Park, left yesterday for Trinity College,
irom wnicn sno win be graduated In Juno.
Mr. C. M. Harbeson, of Ridley Park, is
entertaining Mrs. E. A. Griffith, of Ja
maica, N. Y.
Dr. and Mrs. B. McMackln, of Ridley
Park, have returned, after spending tho
summer in Massachusetts.
Mr. George Johnson, of Morton, spent
the week end at Wlldwood.
Wharton School of Financo and
Accounting and Commercial Law
Real Ettate and Iniuranee
AdvertUing and Selling
Finance and Banking
Iteglitratlon evrnlnga, except Saturday, 7 to
0, Sept. 13 to 24. Seaalona begin Bept. 24.
Logan Hall. 36th and Woodland ave.
Pace Crtsndardlxed English. Salesman
ship. Accountancy. Advertising. Short
hand Reporting, Real Estate and Con
The completion of any one of these
courses will enable you to make tnont
money. Send for particulars about our
Special Night School Course.
Stayer's Business College o
.801 to 807 Chwrtnub St.. Plilla.
Apnllcatlons also received for admix-
a alon to regular Shorthand and tm
Business Courses T
Superior native teachers.
Terms reasonable.
Send (or catalogue.
The Best Method
Day and Evening Sessions.
Classes and Private.
Free trial lesson.
Zoder BIdr. (over the Hiker Drug Store)
Berlitz School lessons ore not lectures but
conversations entirely In the foreign Ian
image between teachers and stndents,
Wanamaker Institute
Courses per term (80 wks.). $0 00. Algebra,
Art Needlework, Cooking, Drawing, Dress
making, English, French, aeometry, Oerman,
Italian, Latin, Mecb. Draw's, Millinery, Plan
Readg & EatVmat'ff, Spanish, Telegraphy, S7;
Business Arlth., SB; Architectural Draw's,
Banjo, B'ICg, Oultar, Mand'n, Palnt'rtChlna,
OIL Water Color), Pen'shlp & Cor'pond , Pub.
Bchool, Violin, J9; Garment Cut's, Sten'phy A
Typew'g, 110; Vocal Lessons, 812; Combined
Bookkeep'g, Stenography & Typewriting, IIS;
l'lsno, Afternoon & Eve. Write (or Catalog F.
ilia SPRUCE BT. Uarv amberton, A. B.
(Bryn ilawr), Pri. Thorough Instruction to
drls ft small boys. Certificates admit to Smith,
Vassar, Wellesley. Gymnasium; 3d floor Root
Oarden. Principal at school every day between
taia, reopens Bept. 23. Catalog on application.
1808 Spruce Street. Opens Sept. 28.
Ardmore. Ooens Sentember fit.
The Holman School
Montessorl through College Preparatory,
uonieouo ooienuo. ui-iuuor classes,
Elisabeth W. Braley. A.B. (Wellesley), Prln.
Elocution; Voice! day and evening classes.
Data About All Kinds of Schools
For the benefit; of parents who haye, for various reasons,
been compelled to delay action in selecting schools
Ledger Central Educational Bureau
offers the same impartial, prompt and efficient servie
that has helped so many to decide their school question.
Ask Ledger Central to Help You Find the Right School
23, 118: N
Dancing Will Bo a Feature of the Entertainmwit to Be
Given on Sunday Evening at Royal Hall HaraMap
Club Has Meeting Other Affairs
PrNAL arrangements have been oem
ptetod and all la In readiness for tha
concert and dance which the "Friends"
wilt give at the Royal Hall on Sunday
evening. The committees In charge have
worked diligently and a a result a
financial as well aa social success la
contemplated. Many new and lntereatlng
features have been prepared. An or
chestra under the leadership of Mr. Abra
ham Wllaky will play the dance muslo.
Promenade music will be under the di
rection of the Phtlharmonlo Musle So
ciety, Likewise professional dancing wilt
be performed by a number of prominent
young men and women. The Danes Com
mittee is as follows; Chairman, Mlsa
Estella Katlln; secretary, Mlsa Rose Lleb
atcr; treasurer, Mlsa Minnie Rosenthal,
Miss Fannie Oxman Is chairman of re
freshments, with Miss Fannie Levin, Mlsa
Elizabeth Glaok and Mlsa ICatharlno
Largeman assisting.
The Harmony Club, of the Northeast,
held lta monthly entcrtntnment on Bun
day evening, 8eptembor 19, at their club
rooms, 2232 East William Btreet.
The entertainment waa opened by the
Throe Harmonics, who rendered their
latest song hits. This was followed by
a dialogue by Mr, Samuol Ross and Mr.
Joseph Ludwlg. Mr. Ross also Intro
duced his own composition. Mr. Louia
Toll rendered numcroua selections at the
piano. Mr. Herman Fields recited a
monologue. A collection for the Hebrew
war sufferers was met with favor. Danc
ing then followed until 12:30.
A surprise party was given In honor of
Miss Lena L. Fox on tho occasion of her
birthday anniversary, at her home, 918
South &th Btreet, Sunday, September 19,
by Mlsa Frances Krasny. Among those
present were Mlsa Frances Krasny, Mlaa
Hadyo Lehrman, Miss Sara Lalf, Mlsa
Elizabeth Krloger, Miss Anna Gllckman,
Miss Hannah Laveson, Miss Anna Boyer,
Miss Miriam Weinberg, Miss Lillian
Rosen, Miss Reba Zangwlll, Mr. Samuel
Taubmon, Mr. Maurice Taubman, Mr.
Theodore Tevelson, Mr. Maurice Roth
man, Mr. Bernard Bernstein, Mr. Lewis
Bclfold, Mr. Theodore Flneman, Mr.
Scientific direction of NORMAL CHIL
DREN from 3 to 8 years. Auto service.
Supervised outdoor games.
A LECTURE COURSE on the direction
o( Children o( pre-school aee. Including
the xtudy ot their physical development,
nutrition and mental activities, will be
given during the school year 1915-1910.
Phila. School of Design for Women
Reopens September 27, 10 IS.
Full courses In Art and Industrial Art.
Practical Deslgrlng tn all Its branches.
Illustration. Costume Illustration.
And Its Elementary Schoola. open oa
NINTH MO. (September) 21st
ISth and Race Sts.
85th St. and Lancaster Ave.
17th St. and Olrard Ave.
Greene St. above School Lane, Oermantowk.
Principals In attendance after Ninth Mo. 1st.
WM. E. BARRETT, lotn and Race Sts.
Country Day School for Boys
Opens September ZSrd
Montgommry Are., Wynntteood, Fm,
Rev. Gibson Bell, A. B . B. D., Head Master,
will be at school dally, 11 to 4.
Ardmore 1322.
030-031 Perry Bids'. Telephone Spruce etSS.
LANGUAGES Most rapid o( conver
sational methods.
Oraduate and competent teachers.
IDIOMATIC translations
Save carfare. Evening: School, Dormitory,
Expert Instructors, Individual Method, Swim
ming Pool, Gymnasium.
North Branch Y. M. 0. A., 1018 W. Lehigh.
West Branch Y. M. C. A.. 62d and Bansom.
Palmer Business School
Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, English,
day and night sessions. Send (or catalog.
Mercantile Library Bldg . 10th above Chestnut.
Germantown Friends
9rrinn1 OPENS 0 MO. 218T
ocnooi AT 8ilB A M-
BOYS 110 N. leth St. CURLS
All grades. Now open.
Tie rVtlliam Penn Charter School
827th Year Opens September 28tbu
THE 1URSCHBAUM School of Language
1524 Chestnut St. fWelghtman BIdr)
Eetau. 1B89. llenno lUrschbaum, Principal.
NUht Schools Write (or Booklet
Boys Especially
I 1427
I Euclid Ave.
A select school for girls. Collar preparatory &
finishing courses. Elective f ,. tdd. Claude
N. Wyaot, Prln., Box 2M, . VMtnlehem, Pa.
Frank Ootdenbenr, Mr. Basnuet )Mto
wltx, Doctor Neuman and Decter LMt
denbaum. October 1 haa been appointed fcy Mm
State Suffrage Association as Dolhw r
for all those interested In "Votes fr
Women." All the suffragists of Data
ware are earnestly requested to send wi
that date a contribution of one dollr to
the county headquarters. Stats and -roe
streets. Media, Pa. The dollars will
be welling In all over the State ad R
Is hoped that every suffragist In th
county wlU make one more sacrifice fee '
the final whirlwind campaign.
In aid of the work of the Young Ken's
Improvement Association, of the Falls f
Schuylkill, Mra. John BUneon, of MM
Queen lane, assisted by a number of wo
men prominent In that section, will hoM an
Informal reception on Saturday aftemeett
and evening at Mm. Stlnaon's home, for
the solo of home-made bread, pies, cakes
and confeotlonery. The officers of the
association are Mr. John Porter, presi
dent; Mr. William Ferguson, first vice
president; Mr. John Roy, Jr., eeoond vita -president;
Mr. Harry Tregea, secretary;
Mr, John Tregea, financial secretary; Mr.
M. Wlllard Hesa, trenaurer. Board of
directors, Messrs. David Hunter, William
Benhnm, Howard Johnson, Charles Ma
eon, Benjamin Mitchell, John WhltsJcaf
Norman Garrett, Harold Rldlougb am.
John SUnson.
Mlsa Catherine Wolfe and Miss Frances
Wolfo, of 2623 South 15th street, enter
tained at a small dinner party last eve,
lng to meet their brother, Mr. JosepH
Maclntyre, of Los Angeles, Cat Amonx
thoso present were Miss Madeline Keenat,
Mlsa Catherine Sheehan, Miss Helen
Sheehan, and Mlsa Catherine Flynn. M
Maolntyre haa many friends In Philadel
phia, having lived here for aome time Vt-
fore his departure for tho West, about
eight years ago.
September 27-28-29-30
October 1 and 2
Elocution Saleman$hip
Journalism Dramatic Art
Mind Building Authorship
Day, Afternoon. Evening- and Saturday
Claeses. Call or send (or 48-page catalog; and
booklet, "Education and Success."
NEFV COLLEQE, 1730 Chesinut Street
Nazareth Hall
Military School
Takes the parent's place for bey
from eight to sixteen years.
One of the oldest Boarding; Schaetia
for Boys In America,
Established la 1T8S.
Send for Catalogue; you tolU
be pleased.
Rev. S. J. Blum, D.D. Pria.,
Special preparation for Preliminary Law
Examinations of Pennsylvania.
W. A. HUTCHISON. Carlisle. Pa.
Strong. General Course. Domestla Science
Dept. Iioardlne Dept. opens Bept. 28th. Xay
Dept. opens Sept 29th.
Y. M. C. A. School of Music
All branches. Also Teachers" Normal Course.
Public School Muslo Course Orrhestra. Choral
Club. Mandolin Club. Senator catalog. 1421 Are.
Leefson-Hille op music, inc.
Maurlts LeetsM,
Pres- 1B2 Chestnut at. Reopens Sept. aeth.
VOICE. 1026 Chestnut St.
18 p Booklet en request.
School rtcl College
Appeared on That Ptvjt
wicJ'VVill Appr.AAt
Tomorrow) ,