Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 23, 1915, Final, Page 8, Image 8

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Cumtitg gJ5ft$& ifc&grc
CTKDB It. If. CttnTIS. PaaelMT.
X. Ludinrion. vice rreaidenti jonnu Martin,
mmi Tnaaureri Fbllip B. coiiina, John n.
Ontl II X. Come, Chairman.
. K. TTHAiiuT Bxecutlt-a Editor
MR? O. MARTIN .General Baalneia Uuicir
1-ubllihed dally at Ptauo Ltsota Bul'dlnr,
Independtnca Square, Philadelphia.
baMa C-otiil .. Broad and Cheetnut Btreta
AiUM-no CITt,... rrt-Inlm Building
Mmm TotK. 1T0-A, letropolltan Tower
Kiit, -MU'V,';- f26 "" !,u!3!n
S. LoTJle, ....... ......400 Olobo Democrat Hulldlni
eVfJeiOO...... ,1202 Trlbun; lluildlni-
law-tot., Waterloo Place, rail Mall, S. W.
Waii-sT0 tnuv Ttia Pail Tlulldtnc
mt Toas Beaut-.,. ...The rimes Ilulldlnc
MM.tN nmuv no rriearienerao
ffl.nin UUIMVtlliMIIIIMIM . m, .',BI, .am.. ... ...
ll J3C1U0-..... 82 llua Loulj la Grand
BuuscnnTioN teams
9r oarrlar. DutT Oftr, alx eente Br rmll, poetpald
malda of Philadelphia, except where foretm postage
If reejulred. Din-r Ojo.t, ena month, twentr-flre eente j
B-.H.T Ohlt, ono year, three dollar. All mall eub
aarlenltms parable In adranro.
Norte Bubecrlbera w1htn addreee ohanred mutt
4ra old a wall aa new addreee
ml, km xxunrt
ST Atirttt oft communications to ICvmtna
Xtrr, Indtprndnct Square. Philadelphia.
wmns at m roaiDtrrnu roa-romca it iooko
ousa urn, Mima
"-a"- ,
met ofio ha lott HU good nanus It t
ftoeiv to recover It at the man oho
hat lott hU umbrella.
ABOUT on moo In ten thousand la willing
XX to think. That weary looking olerk
Whom you leaned against In the mibway lout
Bight Is ready to carry out orders, but he
suet have the orders. Ike a floolc of sheop,
the mass of humans look for leadership.
They want somebody to think for them,
somebody to tell them what to do. To con
ceive something on his own account, to
Initiate a great enterprise, Is a task far too
stupendous for tho ordinary individual. He
Beeda must have some one to tell htm what
to do.
This being the case. It Is not remarkable,
b It, that thousands of citizens are glad to
have this or that leader seloot a Mayor for
themT They are used to Just that sort of
thing-. They have been sheop for years, In
the ordinary course of their activity, and
.sheep they will remain so long as breath re
mains In them. But now and then some fel
low breaks away. He opens his eyes, he
has a vision, a thought Alters through to
the seat of his Intelligence, he flaps his
wings, crows, leaps out Into the golden sun
shine of, achievement and behold a Jack
son, a Lincoln, a Grant, a McKlnloy, an
Edison! i
Popular government presupposes Intelli
gence on the part of the people, a willing
ness to think. But the boss knows that they
Will not think. So he greases tho machinery,
sets It Into motion, converts dollars from
tho publto treasury Into his private vault
and becomes a great man. It Is so easy.
And the sheep gather at tho trough, take
What thoy can get, and ore passively grate
futhat somebody has stepped forward and
relieved them of tho necessity of using- their
own gray matter. Bo Is political history
WHEN the Washington Administration
staked Villa after forcing Huerta out of
Mexico It showed bad Judgment. Villa has
never for a moment Justified the confidence
put In him. The experts wh. lescrlbed him
as one of the greatest fighters since Na
poleon have classified themselves, and their
services will not again be In demand when it
Is necessary to appraise Mexican soldiers or
statesmen. Villa has been defeated time
after time In the past year, and he has at
Inst been forced out of Chihuahua by Car
ranza. Bo long as he Is alive and remains In
Mexico he will make trouble, but he has
eased to be an Important force to be reck
oned with by the United States in making
plans for the future.
WHEN Dr. John B. McAllister, In his
presidential address before the State
Medical Society, sold that there must be
standardized education and training for phy
sicians, he formulated a conclusion from
w-hlch there Is no escape It the suffering
Srabtlo Is to be protected from the blunders
et Incompetents. No man ought to be al
lowed to prescribe for the sick who has not
rseelved the best instruction obtainable In
the fundamentals of- the healing art.
3oetor MoAUIster might have gone further
and have said that the time must come when
there Is a distinction between physicians and
surgeons and when no man who has received
merely a general medical education, without
special instruction, in surgery, shall be per
mitted to perform a major operation. There
are Men in the United States no more fitted
than one of the beef trust's butchers to
fwctlco surgery. Some of them do not even
snderstand anatomy. Tet the unsuspecting
public entrusts Itself to their hands.
H- E. J. DILLON, one of the most ex
pert observers of the signs of the times.
.prophesied In London on August 28 that Con
stantinople would be In the hands of the
Allies within a month. The time has expired
and the Turkish capital has not yet fallen,
nut nil Indications point to Its extreme peril.
I There Is no other explanation for the mass
j teg of German troops on the Servian fron
gtetfrer preparatory to forcing a way through
JJJrvIa an(- Bulgaria to the Dardanelles and
JUaotfae Boephorus,
IM Tho Turks are aljort of ammunition and
?' t need of coal. Th Alllna ln. hun
lne at tl-e gates persistently for
months and their blows have left
reaches In the defenses. There has
v-M-oluttonary rioting In Constantinople
supremacy of tho Young Turk party
ened. The downfall pf the Young
taHmld maVw li necessary for Germany
oHtrp! at whatever new party as-
i tin reins of government. So Germany
input to strike hard and to strike quickly
While tkre 1 yet time. The success" of Us
1st JBavtern program depends on keeping the
Tlirk In Constantinople.
- Tfef aTpprsts vf tjje grand strategy at Jw
"ft ,. sr ana not disclosed, but it has been sue-
.(.'.TdhikI wttl omwi show of plausJ-tjUHy tht
""tH dpfltt- the 0fb4 Duke Nrchol
' fim eomirajid of ttf HussJfln trstlaa- if
B1"' ii. ;i-r. ry jinij -.flat lie MS (MM
tm tv Uw i u ..ism for the puxp at
appro&ofclBs; OoneUntlnopfe from along the
southern shore of tho Black Sea, conquering
the dissatisfied Turkish provinces on the way
with the ulttmato purpose of making the
BlAck Sea a Itutislan lake and extending
Itusslnn dominion not only to Constantinople,
but over a large part of Asia Minor. A
Russian force can be landed on the south
shore of the Black Sea within marching dis
tance of tho Bosphorus quickly enough to
arrive before Germany can get her troops
through Bulgaria to the same destination.
For the next fow weeks, therefore, the cam
paign for tho con trot of Constantinople ought
to absorb tho attention of tho-ie who wish
to follow tho most significant moves of the
FT1EN8 of thousands of good Republicans ro
malned away from the polls on Tuesday.
They knew that tho primary was "llxed,"
that the Organization would drive Its cohorts
to the voting places and take care of the
nomination. They preferred, therefore, to
Ignore the preliminary election and wait
until November to voloe their protest against
the seduction of the party and the overt
conspiracy to drain the treasury of "Philadel
phia. It was not surprising, In view of the sit
uation, that 100,000 of those registered did not
vote. But It was amazing that so many
ballots were cast for Mr. Porter. Evidently
there were many who wished to reglHtor their
protest twice once In tho primary and onco
In tho general election. The enormous votu
prophesied for Smith failed to materialize.
On the contrary, tho Porter voto augurs a
formldablo beginning of the campaign to re
tain good government In this city and re
buke tho pretensions of McNIchol and tho
Vares. It Is a campaign which will gather
strength as It progresses, and as the people
beoome more and more sensitive to the Insult
which has been heaped upon them.
The Organization carries an air of Jubi
lation over Tuesday's voting, but It has cold
chills running down Its back novcrthelctb.
It realizes that It Is facing a real battlo, and
that tho pillage of Philadelphia will not be
accomplished until tho resources of good and
forward-looking citizens havo been utterly
exhausted. There la no toga on Smith yet.
and he has a long way to go beforo he lands
in City Hall.
ANTHONY COMSTOCK, who is dead at 71,
. after a life Bpent In protecting tho public
morals, won notoriety by his mistakes. His
substantial reputation for honest, conscien
tious and effective, work was won by deeds of
which the public know little. The Indecent
and obscure publications of one kind or an
other, the suppression of which ho secured,
were not advertised by any proclamations
from his office. He had them seized by th
Government and the rest was silence. If his
record could be examined It would be found
that ho did ten wlso things for every foolish
one. If his successor can do half so well ho
may consider himself fortunate.
KTOTWITHSTANDING all the assumptions
JJN to tho contrary, man is neither omnis
cient nor omnipotent. The inevitable demand
after every accident that the persons re
sponsible shall be punished to the full extent
of the law Is the form In which the belief In
man's omniscience usually finds expression.
The public that Is, you and your neighbor
and the man who lives next door to your
neighbor and so on down the street Is un
willing to admit that an accident can happen.
They forget that an accident Is something
that happens because it was unforeseen and
unexpected. By its very nature It cannot be
guarded against.
If wo know that the surface of the street
Is going to sink, as It sank in Seventh avenue.
New York, yesterday morning, and that it
will engulf scores of people and kill several,
and do not take precautions to prevent It,
the thing that happens Is not an accident,
but a crime. It loses all the essentials of
the unforeseen and the unexpected without
whloh there are no accidents.
Yet bo Insistent Is the Vanity of man In the
mass that three or four different investiga
tions are making Into the Seventh avenue
disaster for the purpose of fixing responsi
bility, punishing some one, and satisfying the
demand for a victim. It Is forgotten that tho
road over which the world advances is paved
with disaster. Progress is made because we
learn by the unexpected and unforeseen
wrecks that destroy our castles, and then
provide against a repetition of the samo
calamity. When the span of a cantilever
bridge under construction across the Bt. Law
rence River collapsed a few years ago be
cause of the buckling of some of the girders
the engineers discovered that their estimates
of the proper weight of such supports were
wrong. The lesson was expensive, but It has
been learned, and engineers now err on the
side of safety when they err at all. It 1h
too much to hope, however, that the publto
will ever learn that accidents are accident!
as really as "pigs Is pigs."
So versatile an impromptu speaker as Mr.
Bryan Is naturally opposed to preparedness.
The man who Is making soap for the Moras
ought first to have asked them whether they
had any use for It.
Not every man Is so fortunate ns to get
the Wharton Association to act as his press
agent without charge.
It sounds bigger to call the Stonehenge
pillars megallthtc monuments than to refer
to them as Just big stones.
A bronte statue of Dante has been put Into
the melting pot and turned Into a cannon. It
will be no novelty for him to pour hot shot
Into his enemies.
That bale of hay mistaken for a floating
mine la the English Channel must have been
dropped there by the Germans to feed tfee
mounts of the horse marines.
Having humiliated the nation, Mr. Bryan
now proposes to lead the flgfct to make It
defenseless. He was Just as anxious to make
It bankrupt in HM and failed, so why should
anybody worry?
Th M friss-te Iwaegansenoe has
burns tor hsr .mm-!. Let us hope that
Uncjk Sam's -Hm ossr,-riysl i4
pnlac amyjwar sot In sum a bad state
sc j-epalr t r mm w( Tm tmW4 t
-Wt th torch o It, h orsmr m wv hm
HmUi as Junk,
Professor Cnrnvoy na Ho Takes Up
His Work in Hia Adopted
Homelnnd Some Personal
Trnits of an Optimist
THE nverngo optimist Is ono who has no
particular reason for being anything else.
It Is only tho man who can bear up bravely
and smile cheerfully under nn accumulation
of misfortunes that deserves the name.
Under any definition,
however, Dr. Albert
J. Carnvoy, a Bel
gian scholar, who
has come to tho Uni
versity of Pennsyl
vania as research
professor In Sanskrit
and Creole In tho
Graduato School, can
Justly lny claim to
tho possession of truo
optimism. That he
does not do so makes
his title all tho moro
In Doctor Carn
voy's cose, to tho
misfortune of losing nearly all his worldly
posses-dons, of seeing his homo destroyed
nnd tho well-defined and apparently bright
prospects In his chosen career snuffed out,
has been added the greater trial of expatria
tion. Many of his fellow countrymon havo
been compellod to enduro similar tribula
tions In tho last year, but It Is doubtful If
any of them has bcon ablo to show a moro
cheerful philosophy than radiates from this
exile from his war-stricken land.
After Louvaln
Fourteen months ngo Doctor Carnvoy was
peacefully engaged In as peaceful an occupa
tion ns can well bo Imagined. As a pro
fessor of ancient languages In Louvaln Uni
versity, tho oldest as well ns tho largest of
Belgium's educational Institutions, ho had
found what to him was an Ideal vocation.
Years of preparation nnd application at
Louvaln, at Cnmbrldgo University and In
Berlin had fitted him for his congonlal task,
nnd ho lookod forward with assurance to a
futuro that would be useful, pleasant and
profitable Tho coming of the Germans
changed everything. Compolled to fleo from
his home, at first ho found a haven of
refuge In that tamo Cambrldgo whero,
years before, he had been a student. But
It was not for long. Within six monthi tho
little group of Belgian university men who
had gathered there with the laudable pur
poso of continuing their studies was broken
up. King Albort's call for soldiers took so
many of the physically fit to1 the front that
only a handful was left. Besides, the great
English university Itself had fallen upon evil
days, and In the absence of so many stu
dents, gone away to the wars, It could
hardly find Bufilclent work for Its own In
structors. Six months ago Doctor Carnvoy came to
this country. An Invitation from Columbia
University to deliver a course of lectures,
while It held out no promise of permanent
employment, was yet too good under the
circumstances to be refused. With only a
small part of the scholastic year remaining,
the newcomer In the field of American edu
cation had email opportunity to prove his
mettle. Yet his work was of so high an
order that It attracted attention both In and
out of the New York school, and finally pro
cured for him tho offer of a chair at Phila
delphia's great university.
Fond of Bicycling
Doctor Carnvoy Is still on tho sunny side
of BO. Well abovo the average height, he
gives the Impression that he would have
been a good athlete had he followed the
bent of the average American student of
the present day.
"Athletics In the form whloh the Amer
ican and English youth have known It for
so many years had little place In the re
gard of the Belgian students of my day,"
explalnod Doctor Carnvoy. "Their leisure
was devoted to play, not to sport as the
I 7
American student sees It. Of late years
there has been a decided change, and now
Belgian university boys Indulge In many of
the time-honored sports of England and this
"At least, they did," he added, with a
smile that had more than a suggestion of
personal grief back of it. "Now there is lit
tle or no exercise among the youth of my
country eovo the exercise of arms. In fact,
for the time thero are no university boys and
no universities. Education In Belgium to
day Is confined to the elementary and sec
ondary schools."
Tho slight stoop of Doctor Carnvoy's
shoulders, not unusual with tall men of mid
dle age, and In his case suggesting scholarly
habits carried almost to an excess, does not
mean that he is not an out-of-doors man.
On the contrary, be takes every opportunity
to get out Into the country, either for long
walks or for bicycling trips.
"I cannot understand," he exclaimed, "why
Americans should have given up cycling, as
apparently they have. There Is no other
means, certainly, of enjoying the beauties of
the country that can compare with It, unless
It be walking. And Americans do not seem
to walk much, e.ther, I find. They prefer
the swift-moving automobile, which permits
one to see only a very little and not to ap
predate even that little."
America's Oaks
Another thing that" takes Doctor Carnvoy
outdoors whenever the chance presents Is
his admitted hobby botanizing. "in an
amateur way only," he hastened to' explain.
"I am only an amateur, but I find much
that delights me In the floral wealth oflthl
country, bo much that la new and strange.
It does not seem as if Americans half ap
preciate the bounty that has been bestowed
upon them. Look at the oak, for example.
America has, I believe, some It varieties,
while Belgium must he content with only
Doctor Camvoy's work at the University
of Pennsylvania will be devoted largely o
teaching In the Graduate School; but he will
also come In touch to some extent with the
undergraduates, concerning whom he appar
ently has no Mttle curiosity. "I like their
looks," ho said, "especially their frank, hon
est eyes; but I have been told that they are
not Inclined to hard work unless they think
it absolutely necessary. The graduate stu
dents with whom I came In contact in New
York were much ths sams type of srios
mind youn san that I knew dotaV
stmlmr work H XtMum. f m49t1mUl,
uats wr t dlKsmart. Th ks y to
Today Is the Anniversary of the Famous Engagement of the
Serapis and the Bon Homme Richard A Famous Reply.
Jones an American to the Last
THE Great War has broken many records,
but It hasn't yet destroyed the distinction
of tho famous battle of the Serapis and tho
Bon Homme Richard as the bloodiest naval
engagement of modern times. Today Is the
anniversary of that
conflict, a battle of tho
good old days when
ships were lashed to
gether and tho sailors
fought hand to hand.
Upon the outbreak of
tho Revolution, Jones,
a Virginian, born In
Scotland, offered his
services to the Conti
nental Congress. At
the age of thirty he
was placed In com
mand of the Ranger,
the first naval vessel
on which the Stars and
Stripes were hoisted.
Tho battle which gave him his lasting fame
occurred on September 23, 1779. Jones for
two years had been hovering about the coasts
of England and Scotland, destroying shipping
and capturing vessels. In August of ...j he
had sailed from France with a squadron of
five vessels, three of them American and two
French. 9ft Flomborough Head he fell In
with a fleet of 41 British merchantmen, con
voyed by the Serapis and the Countess of
Scarborough. The battle that followed, Just
as the sun went down, was the battle of
the Berapls and the Richard.
Nightfall and Battle
It was dusk when the Bon "Uu.nme Richard
came close to the Serapis. The Pallas was
Balling for the Countess of Scarborough, but
tho otb,er ships of the American squadron
had basely deserted their commander. In but
one consideration was the Richard superior
to the Serapis, and that was In the person
ality of the American commander.
The breeze was bo light that the two ves
sels approached each other slowly. When
almost within pistol shot and coming to
gether, bow to bow, tho captain of the
Berapls balled the Richard.
"What ship Is that7" he called through his
Paul Jones, In order to gain time, called
"What Is It you snyT I can't understand."
"What ship Is that? Answer Immediately
or I shall fire Into you," was the English re
ply. Simultaneously from both vessels a hroad
sldo roared out. The flash glared over the
waters and showed the gunners of both ships,
stripped to the waist and at their guns. That
very first fire was almost fatal for the Bon
Homme Richard, Tje battle was on. The
decks already flowed with blood.
Just as the Richard's rigging was shot
away so that It was helpless, the bowsprit
of the Berapls thrust across the stern of the
Richard and struok the mlzien mast. Paul
Jones saw his opportunity and made the
two ships fast with grappling Irons. That
tied them together, side by side, and miti
gated to some extent the British superiority
In heavy guns.
The two ships now drifted along, looked
in a deadly embrace. The RIoharl began to
leak and Paul Jones soon saw that be must
be defeated unless he struck an effective
blow. He sent a party of 20 soldiers Into
the crosstrees of his ship and ordered them
to clear the enemy's decks by a hot musket
ITadn't Began to Fight
All this time there was not a moment's
oessatlon of the cannonade. Huge gaps
wore opened in the tides of eaoh ship. The
Rlohard was leaking so badly that the ship's
carpenter, thinking all was lost, rushed to
the fighting decks and spread the alarm.
The gun crews rushed for the small boats
and would haye left the ship had not Com
modore Jones and Lieutenant Dale met them
with cocked pistols and ordered them back
to fighting. The prisoners broke loose la the
hold and threatened to swarm out and over
power the Americans. Guards soon mastered
them and put them to work on the pumps.
Behind the dense olouds of smoke that
blotted everything from view Commodore
Jones now organized a bearding party ef
100 men. He armed them With cutlasses
and pistols. With shout and cry they
swarmed over the gunwales of the Serapis
and onto its bloody dscks.
Although they fought fiercely the boarasw
were driven b-wslt. Half of their number
and as many Bngllshmen were killed w
wounded in the fray. As they cam lcaplm
back to the Richard's decks, the two cap.
tains, saeh en their own quasie dek, wai
only a Uv ftmt art. In th darkiUss the
Asa eould not Vs -. Ctan-mla JPearaon
of tks atatapis, oalMI st! '
TsUw vmj farm tmr Ur
"No! I have not yet begun to flght," was
tho heroic reply of Paul Jones.
By 10 o'clock flames wero bursting forth
from both ships In many places. Lieutenant
Dale went to Commodore Jones and asked
permission to board the Serapis again. The
permission was granted.
Followed by Midshipman Mayrant and a
party of sailors ho leaped to the British
decks. An English sailor thrust a boarding
pike Into tho midshipman's hip. Tho sailor
was killed with a pistol. Tho Americans
swept everyone from the main deck, and
Lieutenant Dale rushed to the quarter deck
whero Captain Pearson stood alone.
Captain Pearson, tho linage of despair,
now gavo up all hope and struck his colors
with his own hand.
Jones was the hero of Europe and America.
The King of France decorated him with the
cross of tho Order of Military Merit. The
American Congress gave him a gold medal
and proposed to create for him the rank of
rear admiral. It Is certain that Jones
aspired to that honor, which was never
granted, and some have said that Jones con
sidered himself ungratefully treated by the
new nation In the West and that ho left.lt
In disgust Catherine n of Russia offered
him a command with tho rank of rear ad
mtral nnd Jones rendered valuable service
In the war against the Turks. Probably
the real reason of his acceptance of tho com
mission was his love of adventure and naval
life. Though ho never returned to America
after 1787, he was emphatic In his state
ments that he would never renounce his
American citizenship. In 1792 he was ap
pointed United States Consul nt Algiers, but
died In Paris before his commission arrived.
So It Is quite evident that he remained an
American to the last.
Bulgaria Seems More Like a Republic
Than n Kingdom
Modern Bulgaria Is only a couple of genera
tions old, and though all this part of the world
has been Invaded and relnvoded, and fought
over since the beginning of things, the little
kingdom (It seems more like a republic) has
the air of a new country.
The aristocracy had been wiped out long be
fore Bulgaria got her autonomy In 1878, and
unlike Rumania, where the greater portion of
the land Is In the hands of large proprietors,
Bulgaria Is a country of small farmers, of
shepherds, peasants, each with his little piece
of land. The men who now direct Its fortunes
are the sons and grandsons of ver,y simple
people. Possibly It Is because we Americans
are also a new jieople, with still some of the
prejudices of pioneers, that we are likely to
feel something In common with the people of
what has been called the "peasant State." .Cer
tain It Is that the Bulgarians seem the most
American" of th,e Balkan peoples, the most
"Western" of these Near Easterners,
Snow-capped mountains rise Just behind
Folia, and the brown hills thereabout, like the
rolling plateaus along the shoulders of which
the train crawls on the way down from Ruma
nia, are speckled with sheep. Sometimes even
In Sofia you will meet a shepherd patiently
urging his little Jlock up a modern concrete
Btdewalk and stopping now and then for some
passer-by to pick up a lamb, "heft" It. and
feel Its wool before deciding whether or not he
should take it home for dinner.
.J,.e2P.tei0nv.thB "tr)ta "-a ,n the P" were
"nice" looking rather than smart, and the
young offloem from the military school: who
were everywhere, as flne and soldierlike youns
men as I have seen anywhere In Europe. They
and the common soldiers, with their fine shout-
t FM ChMU 'nd. - tno'' looked as
though they were made for their work and tnv
td It like duoks to water, took
There is a rnusto hall In Soda, but en the
In the audience. There are various beer ,,
dens with music, and of course moving ViH
tures, but it was Interesting, in contnuf with
Bucharest, to find the crowd going to the Na
The stock company, moderately subsidized by
the Government, give, drama and opera on aN
ternate nights. I barely got a seat for tha To
toy play and the doorkeeperTald ?Vhat th.
house was always sold out.
The Bulgarians, In short, are elmnla. mh
what the Rumanian, would 1 -"ericm?
ru.mUBt,.fb,u,,-w no"n of flndUig hew
anything like the little comlo opei-a kinrtoS
Invented by som .of our best sellTr novVluus!
It was In Bulgaria, as I recall It. that m,
Shaw put "Anns and the ManT" V r
ShaWs fun la all right of lUe but has abft"
a. much application to Bulgaria or Sorii . VI
Wyoming or Denver.-ArthKuSf fnflCVu"e-i.
SK tte-1S
n conveying that Impresilon which 1. ?J?,!S
-, Tsyllght mta7 lXlu L2
si tis i?"?'-' 2W? yTttEis
taint of the doctrinaire. He Is, In a word, tfe
ordinary roan In an extraordinary degree fat
less of danger. Imperturbable in action, frt
alike from exaltations and despairs, cool wbt
the temperature la highest and warm when U
blast la coldest, and, In all circumstances, hi
man, generous, a little hot-tempered, and a
ways comprehensible. One would be tempU
to say that he was the beau Ideal of the Enp
Ushman but for the fact that he la Irish Al
fred G. Gardiner, In the Atlantic "J
The propaganda and the periscope are dote
execrable team work. Cleveland Plain Dealt
We are women together my mother and ma,
witn our eyes on tne auu gray past.
tat, a
And the pain she knows Is the pain
For our ways are one at last.
Oh, the roads were rough and the sharp wt
tore j
As she battered fiercely ahead; g
And my brain grew sick and my heart rrt
But I followed her whither she led.
For a mother's cry is a daughter's cry
And the load Is the same hard lond.
And tho mothers lag and the daughters fly
Till tney meet on tne runt-strewn road!
It was sweet to rush to her yielding breast,
But It's better to clutch her hand, fl
And we know our love Is the love that's best
For both of us understand. "
Jane Burr, In New York Times.
F(2?5ST--Now ftg
18,000 People
3000 Horse
Unioaralleled Vaudeville Feature!)
Gertrude Hoffmann
Stupendous Surrounding Show!
Victor Herbert a Comlo Opera Succua
'Production a delight" Record
Beg-lnnlng Next Monday Evenlne Seata Todai
Comlo Opera In 8 Acta by CuvlI!Ir.
MATS., IBe SOc EVES.. J5o 70ft
GLOBE Theatre Ke
Vaudeville Continuous 11 A. M. to 11 P. I
"Coney Island to Ngxth Pole'te;
ADELPHI First Time TonigS
A Comedr Drama, by Quy F, Bracdon
Bomathlnf Bi Happening Tonlaht, jj Thanl
Potash & Perlmutter
Brta., cog to U.BO. Wednesday Mat., Beat Bealifi
Philadelphia Orchestral
Bubacrlbara who applied for CHANOEB pleai I
at ueppe'i, iiiu uneatnut Bt. TOMORROW or I
URDAT. ADVANCE ORDERS filled next week.
uunuAi 10 uiuuouai, ineiualva.
S rn.E8.- "ft.," m: "
-..-.- - , "" ' -"-aee.t. UaTHa CU POatH.
AlleCrhenV Fr''.0.l'- Allea-heny Avan-
" "vm -i-.u ilia i uiijr j-2intr&ia : ho
Kenny flMollla. eto. F
A .fXJ-iI3.VJ.Lj I Contlnjou i JO A M. to JltlP !
.J. 7?...??"RW'I-BUKANF.
" -" wtwia WAOiUt vir TJiB ,
ng "WarBridi
Today 3 116 T A 9,
1T " W aailaU JT
s-SaS-Hsfc-fltf. Jatej-. sh u. i
-roc4lero "Sg-JSPLJ- La