Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 23, 1915, Final, Page 6, Image 6

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Money Raised Will Bo Spent Here Steel Trade the
TfTMninnrif lTjnf-r Kfnnlra
& "" """" wwvsmj
f l Early Show of Firmness Rally at Close.
KEW TOnK, Sept. 23. The Importance given by the financial district
te.ttM negotiations over the big allied loan was reflected on tho Stock Ex
y today, when tho report spread that a hitch had occurred In tho
njotlAttons. The result was a general reaction, which In somo Instances
teaded from E to 10 points. Later, when no proof of troublo was forthcom-
I, the wholo market rallied again- Satisfactory conclusion of tho ncgotla
ttMts appear to be all that Is needed now for an uplift In general business.
Tfce country, on tho whole, Is on the eve of a big expansion, 'and tho most
.iwtent factor nt the moment Is the Improvement In the steel trade, where
i tVe demand has sent prices for products rapidly upward In the last few
mths. Tho outlook. Indeed, Is of tho best. We have plenty of money,
kwier crops aro assured and we are r'eady to lncrcaso our foreign trade.
Whllo It Is true that tho foreign demand for stool products Is tho most
etomlnant factor at the moment, the domestic demand Is gradually becoming
larger. Railroads are buying more steel, whllo many of them have put out
Inquiries for delivery next year.
That It will tako somo time before the huge Anglo-French loan is arranged
there can bo very little doubt, bul its ultimate success Is assured. It must
fc remembered that anything of this size cannot be brought to a head over
Bight. But that some agreement will be finally reached there can bo very
Mttto doubt. Many have come to regard the loan as Just aa necessary to
Me country as it Is to the Allies. The money raised will not be takon out.
bat will be spent here for necessities, which means that, instead of lying piled
Mp In bank vaults as a .big surplus, the money will be put to some use, going
Into business channels.
In the stock market little attention haa been given to the railroad shares
fer some time past, the majority of tho trading being In tho Industrials, where
the demand has been heavy at rising prices, brought about by tho large earn
ings of the various companies because of war orders chiefly. Tho $G0 cash
dividend declared by tho General Motors Company is still an lnfluenco In
this group of securities, and then, too, rooro war orders are expected. Tho
railroad shares should, bo given more attention. Earnings are showing up
well aa compared with last year, and tho outlook Is good. Ono thing which
has been holding them back Is the foreign selling, with the purposo of stabiliz
ing exchango rates. With the big loan arranged, this will bo out of the way.
The markot today was In a waiting mood, and after a firm opening prices
were inclined to react on rumors of a hitch In tho allied loan negotiations.
At the outset AmcrlcanChlcle, JuBt admitted to tho list, Jumped 10 points
to 219, ngalnst 209, Its final curb quotation yesterday. American Car and
Foundry was one of the most prominent features of tho minor industrials,
rising over a point New York Air Braku stnrted 2 higher at 162, but quickly
lost tho gain. American Can, Colorado Fuel, Republic Iron and Steel and
Great Northern Ore Bharcd in tho upward movement, but United States Steel
reacted under profit-taking.
An eight-point drop in General Motors around midday unsettled tho list
and prices declined all around. Willys-Overland, Crucibles Steel nnd other
recent leaders were -down two rtnd three points, and United States Steel lost
joro than a dollar. Trading became very active on tho recession, over half a
million shares having changed hands before midday. Tho suspension of a
targe Pittsburgh brokerage firm was responsible for somo of tho selling, but
' the market became steadier in the afternoon.
( In tho last hour" prices rallied under a renewal of bull manipulation In
Colorado Fuel and Baldwin Locomotive. General Motors, however, remained
depressed. United States Steel recovered Its loss. The closo was Irregular.
An encouraging Item of the day's news was a very favorable August
statement of earnings by the Southern Pacific. Both in gross and net, gains
i ef more than a million dollars were reported over tho same period last year.
New York Stock Exchange Member Suspended
Percy E. Donner, board member of the New York Stock Exchango firm
ef Donner, Chllds & Woods, of Pittsburgh, has been suspended by tho Govern
ing Commltteo of the exchange for one year.
Mr. Donner is accused of doing business with bucket shops, nnd Is given
tho maximum penalty for violation of the rule of tho exchange prohibiting
such transactions. The firm of Donner, Chllds & Woods is an important one.
The members are Percy E. Donner, Clinton I. Chllds and Charles W. Woods,
all of Pittsburgh. It has no New York office. Donner has been a member of
.the exchange slnco October 14, 1909.
Lasteloee. High. Low. Close.
At Gold Minn.... S2H 32W 32H S2H
AIIIs-ChalmersMfg.... 44 43H 42K A3H
Allis-CbalmMcCopf. 72 71H 7U 71K
Am Ag Chemical...... ffi. 62V 82 f,2Vi
Am Beet Sugar 675. 68H (OH C7M
Am Can (UK 02tf O'H C0A
Am Can uf 100 lOOvf 100H 10GK
Am Cu& Foundry... 75' 77 74K 75
Am Car & Fdy pf 110J 117K 116M 116H
Am Coal i'roducts. . .1M 150 150H 155
Am Coal IToduets pf.,120 110 110 110
Am Cotton Oil 62K 52H fil 52
Am Cotton Oil pf 00 05 05 05
Am Express 101H 102 102 102
Am Hide & Leather... 10U UW 10M 10H
Am Hide & Leat pf... 4M 47H ASH 4dH
Am Ice Securities 23H 23 23 23
AmLlnteed 10M IBM 18U 19
Am Locomotive WH 01 tt)H 69J.
Am Locomotive pf 07 07U 07H 07M
Am Malt OH 7M 7M 7J
Am iiau pi ZY1 2 n ZH
Am fcmelt & lift...... B4H bO 84 85H
Am Bmelt t-Bef pf.107K 107H 107H 107M
AmSaulf...., 150 148 148 148
AmbteelKoandrtar.,.. CAM 66U HH MJf
Am Sugar Refining., ,.J.09Js luSSi 1085 108W
An Ttl &.$&.:,. ...,,,IHH 124H 124K 124H
AmTobaow ......229H 220H 220H 220H
Am Tobacco pfneer... 100 100 100 109
AHWookfe?.'..Vr..'fi3f 67 63M 63K
AD Woolen pf U4Ji IU 04V4 04H
Am Woolen tr 6A'i 53 53
Am Writing 1" pf 10 OH 0 u
Aaeeond- Copper 72 74 71K 71H
i Akb'J &B V 102 102H MlJf 102
AtehT&BF pf...,..100 OOJt O.iM 09H
Attetlc Coast line.. ..104M 10IJ. HUM 104!.
fctuwla Loco.. 88i OH. 80 00
JUMwln Locopf 107H 107H 107H 107H
IMtteeta & Onto 84J, HSH 84). HSH
RHUawre A Ohlopf... 72 721. 72 72W
IMUat Mining Hi in 1H H
IMotcbembteel JJ50 355 354 354
tMUciem Steel pf...,104 1C8 107 108
UttoUjn.KapTran.,, 84K tmi SiH (4H
Me & Superior. 68H 58 U MM 58
Btterick Co 29 30 ,30 30
Ca4reuolum 21 21H 'MH 20t(
Cl I'ctroleumpf ...... 40K 47 47 47
CMttdkn 1'acUIC, 158H 158 165U 167H
Oat Leather 48H 48J4 47H 47H
Cent Leather pf 100il07 J07 107
ClMMpealc & Ohio...,. 4814 40M 48)( 40H
CbJco Copper 451t 4Si 44)4 45
Chicago Great West... U UH 11 11
Calcago at Wet pf... 31 31 30M 31
CUIMU&StJ'aul.... 85 taftktUH 85
C M Bt lVf ,mX 124MW123H l24Jf
OOCAStL 32H 33 32 33
CfclANorthweat 127 127X 120W 120H
CblltlAl'ac 19H 'OH 10H 20
CotoudoFuel 4 I..... 53lf. 50J 63) i 55U
CMtoUdated Ou 128X 128 128 128
CUnenUl Can OiH 03 60)( 0OX
WBltoducUitef,.,.. 16Vi 18V lg); ISH
Cwflfio ReTpf.. .... bO 85)4 85 85H
CmclWo Steel 05)f 05H 03 04
CelBli6elpf.,. ...107HJ07 1C0X 100M
Cb.A Sugar.. ..,.123)( lS3it U9H 121
, IMJtHadMn 140X 140)4 140)4 140K
jMwtt JUIson 11854 127ft 12) 127
.1f4VimtvHmm.ii.tW4 vS ML 25
,MimWm .21)4 22)t 22 22)r
IS AU !..,. 10 feJi 8)4 tin
:ttftmiT.rnH 76 73)f 73
, star BaI of.... .. CXI OKU an
.,..(..i-,..lT,..j 34 UM 30)1 klH
IWl'..a MX WM 51 52H
.. 40 4M 3H 40)4
BW., 30 24) -Jfi
I Ida m. ft.,,., M mi 47 47
I. ...... 174 174 171M 172H
........HO 340 S3M 3M7M
I Mataa pr....,llX 113 112)4 Vii
m ...,,.,. 704 71 mt 70)4
v,i,...,m umi mi YMn
IHktrf.,,rB vmH 120 120H
)KMPo. ' 4&H 44H 45
Urbl ,. Hfili H6H 04)4 65
111' W-.IWi 101 K)J) 100(4
Cck. ...... (1U8 imiHl 10JU
iliiilinl .... UA ulu taU mi
w"" s". v-m r'w t.'p svt'm
riiiustar,.... 3 as at it
"f .- jwt omm twm wn
tWUPtOm uf....,'SM 74 -TtU 74
4'nr H J. i(mV 10AW U 107
4Huflan. in , K Wi W
-V' '
put.', dwlo &tf WH jtJ4 Wi
2ivw nr ais
m . mn am mx
vlfnnlrnnnJ Clnwnlir Aih
"-m;cu oi'uipij .n.-..vx
.- r . .. J. ..
it . o . Itelote. High. Low. Close.
Kan City Soutnern. ... 204 "7 "1,'i 7
ft,CLB'1'' 70 70 fS'f 09)4
Laclede Oas.... i02 102 101H 102
Lake trie & Wert 8H m m SH
Lenten alley i45t 140 41 145U
Loulj&NashTllIe H9 HOJf 119W 119
Manhattan El gtd 12M 127 127 127
Maxwell Motors 65H 50f 53V4 64W
Max Motors 1st pf.... 91 04W 03 93!i
Max Motors 2d pf 48 48H 44 47
May Dept Stores 62 52J4 52H 62H
Mexican retroleum.... t8U 03H 87M &M
Miami Copper 27)4 27J4 274 27)4
"Kln Texas 0)4 CH 6H 6)4
Mo Kan & Texas pf... 15 15 13)4 14
Missouri PacWc .( 34 :ii( 3
Mota? lowar Cli MM 69H e0U
Nash O & St L 123 12JW 122H 1224
Nat Cloalc & Suit 84H 811? 84 bO
Nat Enamel &U 20 204 27Jf 84
Nat Lead.... csM O0)f 05 Oo54
Nat Lead pf 11034 111 111 111
Nevada Con Cop...... 14K 14K 14W 14 ii
NeirYorlc Air llralco.. 159)4 102 153 H8H
SevC.r?Pen,tll0, 05 02)4 H4)4
NVNU&U 07M 08K 07 08)4
K" 28K 20H 28)4 .8H
Northern I'aclflo 108M 109 108 108H
North American 77)4 77 75 70
PaeUoMall. 33 32H 31 31H
PacTeliTel 32H 32H 31)4 31U
Pittsburg Coal pf HMf 104U 102 103
lessed bteol Car 0414 04)4 02)4 03!f
MUUSan,S0: ltw 100J "S" "9
KybteelSp'g 39U 40 3U)4 39)4
llay Con Copper 21J4 21H 2U4 J1J4
ittadlng...... isoji 152)4 I50M 151U
ItD Iron A StAnl anu .nit tr.n Am
Hep Iron & Steel pf...l01 101 101)4 10W
Hume y 11, Co 6)4 0 4)4 6K
""fM.Copf 7H 8)4 OH bJ4
StLoulsftSF 4 4 31 35f
LJf.2dl,, 6'i 6)4 6M 5M
Seaboard AU Line pf.. 34 33H 33 33
ifH! iiS f Pi" 160 166)4 155M 155X
f:Btut I Co 64 5JH 63 63
Su?mc"10 0l H K0H
&.U.tS"n '"V 16ii mt lflH 10)4
Bouthem Ity pf. (,2)i 63 62) 63
Standard Milling.-, 72 75 74,$ ftj
bUndardMUllngpf.... 80 80 60 80
6tudebaker Co pf..,.. .108)4 109 109 109
Tenn Copper;., tS 65)4 5l)f 55K
Jff ?.;. IM 168 1K 157
Texas 4 Pacific nx i8 J8 18
rhlrdArenue.. ...... 6H)4 6Uj eg bW
Tolacco ProducU pf.. 08)4 08) 08 mt
Twin City KapTr vH 02J4 02)4 02M
Union liag & Paper... oil OH OH OH
USlndAlconol bOX 80 84)4 85)4
USCastlP&lT.,.., ai 21H 21 21
United Ilyi Invest 22 1 12H 'M 23W
Vi" Wi ,nTat - 38 37 30J4 37
K 2 ?.ub,ber w M! 62W
Utah Copper 07 074 00)4 07
Va-CaruCbeBi.j. 3y)4 39)4 38H 39
Va-Iroa Coal 4 0..,.. 02)4 02 02 6
WeUn0Be lit pf..,140 140 140 140
WeatogAtr Brake.,,. 283 280 285J4 2SJK
w5,U2? - Z0M "8i -'M
as?fc ?r 7a2 $
WkMlLKlH(... 24 7 7 7
VUuyi OTWUau 2l8 217W 210 21M
way. omMi f...jM)4 iwh Tosh im
. SRt?L",, S1- hre, compared whh
1.134.600 barM rUrdyt tbua Ut thS Twiiv
lilT.h?"' "" U'"UMi
BmIc t FrMc G(m CW4
smcUl Hm. lu ttiMt let tb. Kj, of
..,.... v.bhib caai.ai
. ' ' . r.Tr . w-
.....4 , .flikiJV J
ltMS.txa.ias 11 1
il'J.'-j .W..p P.I
lanntid kllla . - vuiiuu 4.
.l7j:: 7u. "nriTKi;
" WlB.
iflKi raBBi
Acw 7orA: orf Sales
jnoot) Amer Ttl elt 4.
0000 do evt 4U ...
3000 Ann Arbor 4
lono Armour Co 4Ui...
lixio Atchison reg 4s...
f..0 ilo ail 4a
HOHO do er 4r 10M, .
ftncioo .10 ev 4 uioo...
Sx) nalt A Ohio 3U.... W)t4
2B.VO do rv 4H ...ij.. ' M
SWO n o ! I, K A W V 4. 77M
,"0 ltn ml t Ce 101 N
iwxsj llklirn.lt Tr S 19IS..looS
?2S'nl 'ther 1st 6t..l0O
10UO Cnt 1ai l.t Am . art
20OO ChMi A b ev 4V4 .
lOfOChl A Alton Ken 4a.
.-", uni a, jsrie lat &a.
IWX1 Chi A Nwn 3H
4000 do ten 4 a .
sooo do ill ilia rau
J,'2W C M A Bt 1' cv 4H.102jJ
.)hk Chi lty Bond 3i,..,04t4
WiOO Col lndut Aa 77
.loou Col A Houlh ret 4Ms. 711
UXKJ cn ft II n 4i ,,",n
7000 Oil Pont Powd 4U .,105'i
Mmo Krle Ken 4a iwu
100O do conv 4 Ser A... 64U
Woo do conv 4a Scr II. . Tl
Kooo ilo prior 4a ........ 7R
1000 nrtcn llay deb II 101U
r flm Kleo deb Ca 102
Stioo llud Mon rfd 12
1M) Hock Vnl lt 4)i. . f"Vi
arno 111 sieel deb 4'j S7
oono Ina Cop cv rm '111.. . ,140
24 do cv rrt .Id pd 0s... 141
.ITOoo lnterb Met 4H 74
. i'(i Intcrb li T rcl t- . DB41
linooo Inter Mer Mar 4)ti... 'ail
sooo IntiTnl Paper cvt o... M
21000 Japanese new U 7(1
1UOO Japancie 1st 4Ui 79
WHO K O Ft 8 A Mil 1K
WiOO Lnrka Steel oa 1D23.... 93
Soooi) do c luro MV4
4000 Laclede Gaa 1M 8a. . .10044
140 140
l.tllU 1.19U
no p;h
tviu i.aKe tinore ren .ma... ni
... Ftl
... OIH
... voii
tiw ao aeo 4e xvtn.
lOOrtl do deb 4a 1931
OOllO Lla- A At T Km..
3000 do 7a 123
soon lrlllard r. IH
3000 Ixmli A Kash 4 90
.Kim Minn A Bt l. 4 47
1000 11 CI r 8 B II 4s... B7S
4000 Mo K A T lit 4 72H
ioimi .mo i'ac 4a i;i .i an
'JOOO Mo Pro cv Ba S3 33 33
11000 Mo Pac col Sa 1917.... 801, HOJJ 804
000 Mo Pao con (la 93 113 93-
17000 Mont Power Ss IMH "lUj 9HJ
tiooo Nat Tube r.a 98 Hi ng
3(KX) N Y A Drake cvt ftl.,102 102 102
WWO N Y C A II 3H 77W 77)4 77)4
172000 N Y C A II Ca ret.... 104)4 104H 10IJJ
r,000 N Y C A II 4a SV4 83) 81)
X)0 N Y City 3)4 1931... K, 83S 83H
4000 N Y City 4a 1937 03 PH PSS
7000 N Y City 4a 105!) f5 Dfii). 0.J
3000 N Y City 4B 19(10... !0J onu niitj
1000 N Y City 4Qs 10fl3...1O2V4 102)4 102)4
( N Y City 4H 1905. ..102 102 102
(XKKJ N Y City 4Ua Nov '37.102 102)4 102'4
IHKX) N Y flaa 11 A P 4. . . 80U 80 80VI
13000 N Y N II A II CV 3JJl. 6.1 08 (18
1000 N Y N H A II fil 11114 1114 1114
.'(Xio N Y Ilwy adj 5...... 4n-J 40 40U
2000 N Y State 44a lloft lloA 1104
2OII() N Y Tel Ken 44 B 00 tJ
IKXIO Norf A Wcat 4s 80 88 83!i
tKxio Nor Pac prior 4 H04 81) Will
540(X) Nor Pap ecn 3 R2I (121,4 (121.
41X10 oro Short I 4s 8S 88 ss
BOOO Paclfle Tel Ba 1)7 1)7 97
.VX) Pcnna cv 34a 100 100 100
JOi ) Pcnna 4a 19(8 074 074 074
10000 Penna Ben ct 44s.... 074 074 1174
ov... i I'mm UV ,'AB
(1000 Pconlo'a Qaa 3s
4000 Public 8erv N J f,s.
lotK) Hny Con Copper 6a.
IMHKl IlcaJIng Ken 4
40) Hep lr A 8 Ba
4ixo Hock Island 4a
1IMXW1 II.., I.lnH.1 W.IA J.
. .100J
.. 84
.. 024
.. 701
i"uii m i'aui u & ii let 4a. 02
Kxio Keaboard A L adi Ba. . (J2
1000 Seaboard A L Sta 4s. . 78)5
2000 South Pac 4s 804
20W.0 do cv 4a 81(2
l..issii do cv ret f p 3a '34.. Iiotj
HOW do rfd 4a.... 8l(t
l'JOOD do con Sa
3000 Third Ave adj Ba. .
!"'M U H Hubbor on...,
4MXI0 V a fetccl 3a
2ix do res Ba
MKX) 'Union Pac lt 4s..
l.Vi do cv 4s
41000 do rfd 4a
04 $i
1021; rcj
1024 10:4
2IXX) Va Oa llmnn Ttrn . . . n.tlL
13000 Va Car chm (Is 07 l74 07&
KXXI abaeh 1st Ba HxlS 11X)ii HK)S
2li Wall i:ou ct ata 4 10 lfl in
BOOO Wab-I'ltts Ter 4a 20 10 lu
2000 Wab-P Ter lat ct 4s..
7(tX) vst Electric cv BS...10-.4 1034 1034
7001) do 3s 101 101 101
(5OO0 West Md 1st 4s 70 61)14 6114
BUiOtl W U A M cv 3a w 1...121 118 HuS
14(iO Weit Hhore 4a 84 89 81)
BOOO West Union Bs 074 074 074
Total sales. $3,093,000, compared with Xl.ttfit,.
COO yesterday: thus far thla week, 313,782,000;
same pertod last week, ft),472,OO0.
Dank clearings today compare with corre
spondlni; day last two years:
1013. 1914. 1013.
Boston ...,121,21)3,943 117,324.7(17 122.40B.IU1)
Philadelphia. 28,600,609 21,601,238 24,806120
New York.. 3u).no7,nn7 lai.im Jin 202.7m 001
St. Louis.... 12,)20,1)R3 10,161,678 1120HU7.I
Chicago .... B4,2:l,418 41.4.1U.2I4 Jl.bbtf'li'V
Philadelphia 34,84 ialu,
New YorK 12 2uJH
Chloaao 3'584 4"
C'ommficlal paper, three to alx montha. Phil
adelphla, 3f4 per cent.
American Zlno
llrttlsh-Am Tobacco old
do new .,....,
Car Lljht
(loliitteid Cona
. Bl
i'niti. ixipanea ...,,,(,
. . .' 411
.. 334 B3H
.,131 111-.
I. IW 14i
..71 74
Wli.tli Valley goal Sales
Maitma Copper ,
NtpUslDK . , . ,, ,
Otla Elevator
do pret
Ttlker-IIegeman ,
submarine , ,
Sterling flam
Tobacco Products .,
United Cigar mures .,,.,
do pret
United Profit Shar new
World Film
Yukon Qold
.. 01 01
i VI
1'4 34
. . -vs
.. BO'
.. 2'
..27 31
.. 03 100
..110 12.1
.. 34 3
1015 Incrtiufi
August fioaa H.77U.B08 ID 231
Net 1.004,470 'h'.M
Two months' grosa ..... 7,313,330 160ii.il
Net 2,110,020 B801O
1015 Increajia
dross $8,9211,04(1 I24.ltl4
Operating Income , 2,141,440 39 080
Other Income ,,,, 102,403 7'2:l
Total Income ., ,. 2,3.13,813 '8118
Burplua 612.B07 B1 035
August gross 113,207.836 $1,S33.099
Net 4,306,070 1212 002
Two months' gross ,,.., 2d,m.0tiO 2iij"ii8.:i
Net U,1S9,B0 2853:034
Decrease. .,uus
Market St. Trust Extra Divldt-nd
In addition to the usual semiannual a rar
cent, dividend, the Market Strait Title ?d
Trust Company today declared an extra pa.
ment of lu per cent., payable November 1 io
atoek of record October IS.
The dlrectora also issued a call for the pay.
ment of 5 per aliare on the company'a capital
stock, which wl nuke 330 per share Mid
,n' ,hSr. te.ln . The Km of $23X00
Mviooo surplua aocount, making u
Traffic receipts of the Mexican Tele,
graph Company for tho quarter ended
Beptember 30 (partly estimated) were con
siderably reduced becauae of the chaotic
conditions throughout M!eo. Total In
come amounted to r7,138, which com.
pares y.-lth J280.000 for the correapondlne
period in 1914, and net earnings after
operating expenses were reduced from
J212.&O0 to (146,633, The balance after In
terest charges and the Mexican Govern
ment's proportion was tm.HZB. The total
surplus stands at 11,651,749, as against
Si.MMO In 1914.
Application of the Third Avenue Rail
way Company for approval or an Issue
of (9,650,000 additional bonds has been
acted on by the rublle Service Commis
sion, which on February 20, 19H, author
ized an Issue at 11,060,000 In bonds to
cover expenditures occasioned by tho
acquisition of the New York City Inter
borough Railway Company and the Belt
Line Railway Corporation by the Third
Avenue Company. The remaining K.KO.OW
applied for I mill under Qveetl,tlft by
the I'ubllo gervlce Commisoiea, M the
amount Is asked for to replevoe atpe!.
tures on plants.
Fma War MapmtMUktm
PARia, W. 7?C7Tl2jf"ch budaaxt cum.
Cluklec ef le weuld smioujk talA.ieeB.uS.
nibly spsatsVlirea ewle,' to'
Merlin Opening, High. Close. Close,
Remand .. 4,71 4.7 Hi 4.70T4, 4.71
Cables .... 4.71H 4.19 4.714, 4.71H
Demand .. 3.8 1 B.M 8.8(1 S.8S
Cables .... 8.33 S.8SH 6.3314 S.t
Demand .. 8.1 83 H H 8SH
Cables 8S"4, 33 89 83
Shorts Covered nnd Prices Ad
vanced for n Time Only to
Fall Back Later
CHICAGO, Sept. 23. September wheat
continued to feature tho market at tho
openlnir today. Shorts, fearing there
would not bo ulTlclent nvallable for de
livery by tho end of the month, kept cov
ering, nnd following tho opening at (1.07U.
more than a cent better than yesterday's
closing quotations, tho price roso steadily
In tho early hours, liccomlng desperate,
shorts bought springs to fill orders, but
most longs refused to accept. This has
necessitated a special session of the dl
rectora of the Hoard of Trado. One large
house Is said to bo 6,000,000 bushels short
In September. Others, large and small,
are said to bo struggling In the net and
prloes. It Is expected, will not suffer any
depression until the end-oMhe-month ad
justment. In the afternoon, when the covering
movement had been completed, renewed
offerings appeared, and prices fell back all
around. Corn also weakened, but oats
held Arm. The close found wheat a cent
or more below last night.
Cash wheat remained Arm. Millers are
buying spring wheat to make up the de
ficiency In winter wheat. The demand for
spring wheat Is sufficient to keep It free
of congestion, although arrivals aro In
creasing. Winter movement continues re
stricted and the wheat Is grading poorly.
Therefore September occupies the centre
of the stage, with a strong bull senti
ment, while other futures are held steady
under bearish pressure. Trading In Sep
tember In the early hours was exceedingly,
light, although many anxious buyers could
be found.
Liverpool was firm In rill departments.
cargoes and spot remained unchanged.
Argentina wenther In the Pnmpa and
Cordoba districts Is fnr from satisfac
tory. Estimated shipments for tho week
are 160,000 bushclB of wheat, against 720,
000 bushels last week, nnd 136,000 bushels
In the corresponding period of a year
ngo. Corn shipments total 6,G25,000 bush
els, as compared with 5,959,000 last week
and 3,128,000 bushels last year.
Leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat Open. Hlsh. Low. close, close,
September .. 1.0714 l.OSVi 1 04 M 03 l.flil4
Pecembor .. W. n, i"4 '4 ' 03V4
llay .. .. '.1814 us 90 90S tS
Corn (new delivery)
Scrtember .. 71i 72 7i 71W 172
Decrinber .. Bin; BH B34 ns t54
May 07 67',, B7H 37W 6t
September .. 37S 38 37S 38 487
Dtvember .. .10 3(1 3.VI M3 MfH
May 38 38 37H t3!i 3t?4
September 8.10 807
October .... 8.03 8.10 8.03 8.10 "8 07
January .... S.47 8.52 8.47 8.52 8.80
Heptcmber 8.20 8.00
October 'SOO 8.20 8.00 8.20 8.00
January 8.30 8.40 8.30 8.40 8.32
Scrtember . .12.35 12.33 12.45 12 33 12.B0
October 12.55 12.35 12.43 12.53 12.B0
January ....14.U7 15.10 14.02 15.10 "14.07
1I1J. tAsked.
Financial Briefs
J. S. Coeden & Co., an oil producing
and refining corporation, of Oklahoma,
raised Its quarterly dividend from 2 per
cent, to 2V4 per cent. The company also
declared the usual quarterly dividend of
2',4 per cent, on the preferred stock, llolh
dividends are payable October S.
C. D. Darney & Co., as well aa Emory,
Freed & Co.r bought Rapid Transit,
Henry Douglas Hughes, of Hughes &
Derr. has applied for a New York Cot
ton Exchange membership.
Officers of tho New York Stock Ex
change denied any Intention of prevent
ing loans on tho so-called war stocks.
The report was put out to account for
the shading oft of prices on 'Change,
George A. Turvllle, treasurer of the
Cruciblo Steel Company of America, has
also been elected secretary.
The New York banks gained from the
Subtreasury yesterday (S60.000, and gained
(6,733,000 since last Friday.
L. H. Franklin, vlco president of the
Guaranty Trust Company ef New York,
has been elected president of the Invest
ment Banks Association. He has been
first vice president and has served on
the board of governors.
Sharp Fall in Deposits nnd Bullion
LONDON, Sept. 23. A sharp falling Off
in deposits resulted In a reduction of near
ly a million sterling In tho reserves of the
Rank of England, as shown in this week's
statement compared with the preceding
week. Details follow:
This week. Last week.
, , , 1'ounds. l'ounds.
Circulation 31,622,000 31,Blo;uoo
Public deposlta 108,738,000 121,374,000
I'rlvate deposlta ,,. 8U,6l3,u00 00,168,000
Government securities... 31,313,000 34,418,000
Other securities 133,070.000 144,t)5t,iXK
lteserva 49,727,000 30,672.000
Proportion of reserve to
Uabllltle 23.00 23.04.
nulllon 62,900,000 03,737.000
llank rate i ' i
f .
Am. Malt Stockholders Oust Officers
NEW YOHK. Sept. 23,-The American Malt
Corporation atockholdera have ouated the old
board of dlrectora. with the exception of two
members, and elected a new board. New dl.
rtctora are George A, Bcbrlefer, tVllllam lT
llalllhsn, Russoll H. Landale. Stephen J
Leonard, Ansel Phelps. Itudolph Neeser and
James B. Taylor. Theee, with William H
Franklin, president of the company under the
old manaiement. and Friend A. Iluas. eon
atltute the present board. '
The vote was a close one, the old manaea.
ment voting B8.846 sharea ind S,K
proxy committee, which waa In charxe of
the opposition movement, votlnjr B8 2o.
Aa the directorate of the American Maltlnr
Company, the operatlnc company, la virtually
the aame as the old board ofthi' Halt CoroX
ration, action toward replacing thla board may
also be expected la near future. r
tWeen,1. prefred?"' """" ""
Tsastern LUht and Fuel Company, rerular
Quarterly 2 per cent., payable xJctober P tJ
stock of record Beptember 22. IJooki cloea S.n
tember 2S. reopen September 23. ' B,p
McCrory fetorea Corporation, quarterly IV Mr
cent- on preferred, payable October 1 to atock
of record Beptember 21. siock
Virxtnla-Carollna Chemical Company, reau.
lar JU"I' ? r cent, on preferred. Tli.
berS0? "' 'cor'1 8epl?
Xasaachuaetta Oas Companies, rerulm- ..
France puya Cars and Jtfere Sheila
An order for 2300 cars has been closed bv lh.
yreocb Oovernment with tha Standard Steel
Car-Company, and further larce S? Vrdsn ui
aald to be pending, aa we)) as the DtaehTr r
W.0GO.00O addlUonal ,hel "ders Pwltb.tbi
Anertcan Cnr and Foundry Company
Ce44ss4 PsaUte Ay-II
Sales in Philadelphia
Yes.e1ose. IHh.
28 Alltsnc Ins ... 18 17Vt
300 Am Can OIH OlH
6 AmOa 102H J02H
1orr. Last.
17H "M
O0'4 80Ti
102H 102H
24 SlVi
8H S1U
108 108
40H 40H
23 Am nwys 24U 24H
100 Am Woolen .... B8H
1403 Oald ioco ..... 87K
10 do pref 107
88 Huff A Sua pf . . 40H
BO n A Ohio
B Cam Iron ....
103330 Cam Steel ...
10 Cramps t c...
830 Col F & I
832 Glee Storase ..
, 84'
B3 B3V,
73 73
200 Erl 81
IB Oen Asp pf.,.., CSV
8 Harrison Droapf . .
40 Ins Co N Am.. 23
70.1 Lake Sup Corp... 81
29 Lehlih NaT .... 75'i
03 Lch Valley .... 72
878 L V Transit.,.. 18
083 do pref 80
1618 renna n n..,. 83
40 Penna Salt Mfc. 04
1303 Penna Steel pf. 84
S Phlla Co 43H
198 Phlla Elee .... 24
0493 P n T trctfs... 11
23 23 23
110 8 8 1-19 8
78 73 78
78 72 72
18 18 18
B3H B4' oj
04 04 U4
88 84 88
43 48 43
23 24 23
11 11 12
73 73 73
78 73 78
34 84 M
3 8 8
8 8 8
67 89H 8
30 89 80
t)Vs "
222 223 222
78 77 77
19 49 49
10 Phlla Tree 73
20 Headlnr 73H
15 Tenn Cop 33
183 Tonopah Helm.,, 3
too Tonopah Mln . . 5
120 Utah Cop 67
1303 Vn Trac 88H
307 United Oaa Imp 8
11 Un Cos N J.... 223
17460 U S Steel 78(4
2 W J & Sesshors 40
Ex dividend
Total aales, 84,008 shares, compared with
M.B03 eharea yesterday.
Last pre v.
ale. Hljh. Low. Close.
0 CamSt sp.W 'lClOOiJ 100 100 100
0 do May 1017... WH 00 00 00
0 do Feb 1017 09 00 00 8
1000 Elm & Pitta 4s. .. 03 03 03
2000 Leh Va) Coal Bal03 103 103 103
ST Phlla Co 1018... 08 08 08 OS
200 Phlla eiec 4a... 78 8l 81 81
2000 do Ss 101 102 101 102
10000 nesd ren 4 02 02 02 02
70O0 Span-Am I Ca.. .101 101 101 101
1000 Un Ry Inv Ss... 70 70 70 70
Totil sales, 23,203, compared with 387,328
Local Bid and Asked
Today Testerday
Bid. Aaked. Bid. Asked.
Baldwin 87 eA
do pref 107 108 107 10S
Huff & Sua t c 12 13 12 13
do pret 30 40 30 40
Cambria Steel R3 ia 03 K
Electric Storage 73 74 74 71
General Asphalt 31 31?, 31 31i
do pref (18 r.n RSii i
Keystone Telephone ... 14 14 14 144
dote 14 14 14 14
d pref UO 7 00 07
I-Hke Superior Corp . . 8t4 0 8',, 8,,
Lehigh Navigation .... 73 75 73 735i
Lehigh Valley 72 73 72 72
Lehigh Valley Tr 18-i 18 18 18
do pref 3B B6S 88 3b
Penna B3 B5 B4" B3
Phlla Elec 24 23 24 23
Phlla Co 43 41 43 43
do 3 per cent. pfd.... 38 40 38 40
do 0 per cent. pfd.... 42V 4.1 42 4.1U
Phlla R T 124 12 11 llS
, do t o 12H 12 , lli
"eadlng 754i 76 734 7B4
Ton Ilelrnont 8 11-10 3 13-10 3 8t
Ton Sllnlng 8 BH BH B
Union Trac 39 30 88 88
II G I 8.1 811 85 8.-,(.
U H Steel 77 77 78 78-4
York llwy 7 8 7 8
. do pref 80 81 80 81
Wm Cramp t c 80 89 89 00
t. , .. ma- Asked
Jim Butler 80 .81
Midway 13 ,15
Mlznah Extension 20 .21
Montana 30 .33
Northern Star n ,12
Tonopah Ilelrnont 8 8i
Tonopah Extension , 2 2U,
Tonopah Merger .83 .33
Tonopah Mining B S 0-10
Rescue Eula 00 .08
West End 80 .01
Atlanta 28 29
Blue nun ::::::: :5i s
i'oojh 45 ,40
"Ul'dog 03 .04
0k9 :.!,".. 4 .00
Combination Fraction 08 .10
Dlamondfleld B B 07 ,09
Daisy oo ,0!)
Florence 45 47
Ooldlleld Cons l.ai 1 30
Ooldfleld Merger 18 .20
Jumbo Extension 1.81 1.38
Kewanas 33 ,40
J? -y 00 .08
2?ind K,tn, "
bllver Mck 07 08
Falrvlew Asteo oi .03
Klmberly , 03 08
Nevada Hill 17 Yg
Nevada Wonder , 1,85 in
NDW YORK. Sept. 23.-Very little changes
occurred on, the Coffee Exchange todayT Afte?
opening quiet, the market lacked life and
closed about 2 points lower. Total sales, 8780
&? Tod"'' Yesterday1.
opening, cloae. close
October 0.1O .... a ileal.
November .... O.10S0.16 .... itllgo 13
jSrVr.."": ai3tt-xo 126-M o-mo-il
February,".".'.'." 0.20 "'' e'ifinvK
Mh . 8.2&S0.SO aagoiso
JL :::::::::::4i! sSgiJ? T
Ju.'2la'. 8-60 O.482a60 0.B296.34
NEW YORK, Sept. 23. BUTTER. Market
ateady: receipts, 8241 pkgs.j extrai 27a- hfrh.J
scoring. 2728c. : State' da'lry, 23201 ml.
tatlon creamery, 22W823C. ' """'"" ""
EOOS. Market Irregular; receipts. 8789caaea.
extra filets. 28H20Mc; nsts, 2&027Vil: nraJi
l.y whltee, 404U2C.: mixed colorrdojaac.:"
gtgerator nrsFs, 2le23c. nearby b?owns'. 83
Rlker-Ilegeman Sold
NBW YORK. Sept. 23.-The United Drug
Company, of Boston. Is understood to havi
taken over the control of the Rlker-IlegenUn
Company through the purchase of tha Whelan
Interests In the company, which are balloted
to consist of about 81 per cent, of the 810 000 .
000 capital stock of the company. ""uo0'-
The Rlksr-llegeman Company la controlled
by the corporation for the niker-Ilegeman
atock. which waa formed by Oeorge J WhSIS
and kla assoclatea In December, , IBIS, whm
Mr, Whelan purchased control of the' Rlk.r
liegeman Company. Mr. Whelan sansnsVS
Ua't '.ptrlng'.0a f """ tnm lv."nbuTne
NEW YORK. Sept. 23. Tradlnr waa mil.. ..
the opening of the Cotton Exchange thla ili'
ing with some liquidation . In the dlsfiSt"
roontha, causing declfnea of I to 2 points win!
Octobe. waa 1 point! November "Joints aid
December 3 points hlkher. After the call JiSS
buying b Will street and New Orlean" 'house,
sent ths list up rapidly January rold at 11 82
a gain of 11 points, and March aold un to ll'si"
W points above yesterday a final pFlcea. USi'
In the afternoon the sains were not entirely
maintained, but the cloae found the i.r.I
about S to 4 points above last night, ""
Tes. close. Open. High. Low Pin..
January 11.71 lC74 ll.M 11 6l" 1 1 7'i
IJecember ....11.60 11,64 1L72 114a iJ'S
assr.:::;::iha U:15 HiS fg -f
g -:r.:rM l W i :
Btot " ...; ml
Our Weekly Market Letter Is
ready for d-Ulrlbutlon.
BswOcwrs ihh Brekri
embers rhllaalM Stock Kxebance
Wambera Chicago Board otrHLi
143 WldlHrf 5ii-4Mst
sireH rriVMe wirta) la NSW tabv
na .' oeWJm A BTUrir
HANasM. (nflriTnn
Comparison of Capitalization With Midvale and Pehj
sylvania Companies Traction snares were
Again Active on 'Change
m.l. -.....i-i -u-1-i..s traa mtich dls-
polnted today, when f ollowlnic
meeting or me camona ""' """;
announotment was mndo that, owlnsr to
the recent absence of n number of the
.. ....- kIh fnllMtlA nllSl-
executive cuiiiiinnvi, ju,r .....--
ness had been transacted. Nevertheless.
Mr. Donner, tho "president, naacu um;
he desired to brlnitr somo Important
u.n... i,.f.u Ika Vvnnrrl nnn Ihllt III 19
would be done ns soon n they could
be formulated for consideration, r
this the Btrcct found confirmation of the
recent rumors of bin thlncs to come, nnd
the tradlns In the stock on Change con
tinued merrily Tho quotation, l.owovcr,
did not surpaw yesterday's high record
price of 66 and for the most part ruhsd
below that figure. Somo 8M0 shares
changed hnnds durlne the first hour
alone. Incidentally It was suggested to
day that no big Independent steel j com
pany merger was likely to be attempted
until the Government suit against tne
United States Steel Corporation was
settled. ...
In view of tho current talk of a com
bination of the Midvale, Pennsylvania
and Cambria Companies a comparison
of their relative capitalization Is inter
esting. Their total capital Is 93.Z2S,800
at present, all of which Is stock except
ing 17,168,000 Pennsylvania Steel bonds. In
the tabulation given below earnings aro
for the fiscal year of 1814, which was a
poor one for all three concerns, and since
that period earnings have gone up by
leaps and bounds:
Cambria. Penna. .Mid!;
Rtnclc 145.000.000 181.810,800 19,760.000
Uond 7-IS-SS2
Total Titt inc. B.ll).lJa iiOii.vw in""
Net for'divs. LJOOloJo fOTMOl 4in.f.88
Dividends ... 2.250,000 , 208.128
Of this amount 820,600,800 Is preferred and
810,750,000 Is common.
tbetlclt after Interest, sinking funds and de
Tho general local market was active and
firm throughout tho greater part of tho
session today. Good buying was ngaln
In evidence in the traction stocks, nnd
both Rapid Transit and Union Traction
extended yesterday's gains, Rapid Transit
making a new high record for the year
nnd Union Traction following suit.
Houses with political affiliations have
been tho principal buyers since the elec
tion. Klectrlo Storage Battery and Baldwin
WHEAT. Receipts. 89.017 bush. Trade waa
fair and the market opened firm and lc. higher.
The Improvement, however, waa elnce entirely
lost. Quotations: Car lots. In export elevator
No. 2 red. spot and Beptember, 81.0091.11: no.
2 red Western, none offered: No. 2 Southern
red. 81.0701.00; steamer No. S red. 81.0001.08,
No. 8 red. 81.0001.08: rejected A. 81.03W
1.05H; rejected U, 81.0291.04. . M .
COItN.-ltecelpts. 3000 bushels. Trade was
quiet with no change In prices. Quotations.
Car lota for local trade, aa to location No. -yellow,
84CS5c; atcamer yellow, 83884c; No.
3 yellow, 81082c. . .
OATS.-necelpts, 138,491 bushels. The mar
ket was unchanged with ample offerings. Quo
tations. No. 2 white, none here; No. J whtto,
39V4O40C.; No. 4 white. 3738c; sample oats.
' 'Vf.OUn. Receipts, 390 bbls., and 1,075.337
pounds In sacks. Tho market was quiet and
without Important change Quotations per
10 lbs.. In wood Winter clear, new. .uut
4 00: do, straight, new, J4.804f5.10; do., pat-
kacks, nSs5.1o; do., straight, new, Jute
eaeks, 85.2585.60; do., patent, new. Jute sacks,
a.v.vxfrSlS: soring, first clear, now, ,84.050
4.00: do., atralght, new, 14.805.10; no.
patent, new. ia.iwai.w, oo., oo.,oiu. ..,
U.00; io., favorite brands, old, 80.8SW7.10, city
mills, choice and fancy Patent. J'j-MS""'
city mills, regular grades Winter, clear, new,
81.7868; do., straight, new, 5fi5.2.5; do.,
patent, new. $5.25S50. ..-.
UYE FLOUIl a'd slowly at quoted rates.
We quote at 85S8.25 per bbl., as to quality.
The market ruled ateady but quiet Follow
lng aro the quotations: City beef. In sets.
smoked and alr-drled, 21323c; Western beef,
insets, smoked. 24625c. ; ; city beef, knuckles
and tenders, smoked and alr-drled. J64f2Tc.,
Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked.
2W27c; beet hams. 828S30; pork, family, VI
421.00; hams, 8. P. cured, loose. llMifl-
do., skinned, loose, HM12c; do., do., smoked,
13S1314C.: other hams, smoked, city cured,
us to brand and average, 13014c; haps,
smoked, Western cured, 13014c; do., boiled,
boneless, 21822c; plcnlo shoulders, 8. P.,
cured, loose, tHS994c.: do., smoked. OViOOhc.;
bellies, In pickle, according to average, loose,
12?12Vic; breakfast bacon, as to brand and
averBSf)) cny cureu, ui7su-i wcosiov ,,
Weatern cured, 15H16c.; Urd. Western, re-
a As- As .It. . -J Mmm. A. Itina
nneo, lierces, OTiium:. ; uu,, uu., ".. -"--
8ac; lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In
tierces, 8i0c: lard, pure city, kettle ren
dered, in tubs, 8K0c.
There was little trading and ths market
waa unchanged. We quote reflnera' Ua prices:
Standard granulated, 5.33c; extra fine granu
lated, 5.30c; powdered, 5.40c: confectioners'
A, 8.20c ; soft grades, 4.43?S.03c.
BUTTER. Trade waa fairly active and ths
market ruled firm, with solid-packed creamery
lc. higher. Quotatlona: Western Holld-packed
creamery, fancy specials, 20c: extras, 27c. ;
extra firsts, 20c: firsts, 24625c; seconds,. 23
2.1 Vic.; nearby prints, fancy, 30c: do., average
extraa, eumc.; ao. nraia, zatauc.; ao.( sec
onds, 23&24c; jobbing .sales of fancy prints,
34 S 37c
EOOS, There waa a good outlet for the lim
ited receipts of fine new-laid eggs, prices of
which advanced 30c per case, or lc. per doz.
Unattractive stock, however, was dull at Inside
tlgurta. We quote aa follows: Free cases,
nearby extras, 31c. per doz.; firsts, $8.1038.40
ner ntandard tase; nearby current receipts,
87.riOft7.80 per case; Western extra firsts, 88.40
(18.70 per case; firsts, 17.fc.OW8.10 per case:
fancy eelected candled egga were Jobbing at 33
CJ35c. per doz.
CHHESE. The market ruled Arm under mod
erate offerlnga and a fair demand. Quotatlona:
New York, full cream, fancy, new, laHWlsvic;
specials, higher; do., do., fair to good, new,
14H813c; part skims, CQ12c.
LIVE. There waa little trading on account of
the Jewish holiday, but offerlnga of desirable
stock were only moderate and prices ahowed
little change. Quotations' Fowls, as to size
and quality. 10S17Hc; roosters. 11012c; sprlog
chickens, according to quality, lOSlJUc; ex
ceptlonal lota higher; ducka, l'ekln. old. ISO
14c; do.. Indian Itunner. eld, 12013c; do.,
young, according to alze, 14615c,
D11KS8ED The market ruled firm on fine
deilreble-slzed stock, with demand readily ab
rorblng the limited offerings. Following are
tbe quotations Fresh-killed poultr, fowls. 12
to box dry-picked and dry-packed, fancy.' so
lected. lc: weighing 4VG5 lbs. apiece. IHc
weighing 3u,q lbs. apiece, 17V4C. weighing
S lbs, apiece, 108170.: under 8 lbs. apiece 14V
ISttc: Ice-packed-Weatern, 4ft Iba. and over
T The Story of Our Lumber ?
Vt and Timber f
) Jostled out of vessel, f
?l jostled into piles, and IM- I'
V tie it out again, f'
EdwardF.Henson&Co. J
y fllruclurol Xbtneer and Timhtr '
fl Poplar Street Wharves, TMlm. I
Locomotive were other ertrong features
for a time, but reacted when Wall strati
......A -...I. mfctl,. TTmI.S d.-.-' .
tUIUu nirnn, ......u wm.cu Dimes BtSjal
wns actively dealt In, although the tres
Im .1,1 Ih.I.h.. na lin,l.- .
Th. Ul. WAMAW-ta- In M.. ...
"" nr .vuw.cijr ,,i .,cnr XOTK WssT
felt hero In Bteel and Baldwin. th )...
becoming really buoyant and creaaiil
01 niralnaf 7t'. Inst nle-fct T- ,t. ",ul
v., .ri.... , ...- ...0..b. .,, ,.nQ nnsa
dealings Pennsylvania Steel preferred
suddenly became strong, advancing fouj,
joints, although as In tho case of Ctni
brln, the board meeting brought fortl?
nothing but the usual statement of
"roullno business." J
Lehigh Valley made no response to tiff
August report, although It waa a falrh
good ono. Gross earnings showed a allies'
gain over tha same period last year, but
expanding operating expenses cut IrrisV
net earnings so that they showed a dv
crease of about $54,000. For the tne
months, however, operating Income 1T
creased )41,989. Lehigh Navigation, tee1
failed to respond to the fine showing of
Its subsidiary? tha Lehigh and New Rn.
land, for the fiscal year onded June 2
xne company reportea net income eqi
to 9.28 per cent, on the stock, against 7
per cent, earned the previous year. The
buiiiJaiif o iMinn uio.ti.,iiK, iOVCIlueS la
creased 17.38 per cent. Its operating- :
penses 17.70 per cent and Its net incoaf
26.66 per cent j
Substantial gains In both gross aMM
net earnings were reported by the Varl-j
ous suDsiaianes oi tne ir-nuaaeiphla Com
pany for August The total gross for tH
companies showed an Increase of JllitM1
and the net lncrcaso was 1223,187. For
five months the gross gain was $54,838 an
the net SG56.SM, showing how well under
control ino management naa expenses,'
The expansion In Industrial activity t
tho Pittsburgh district was responslbls
lor tne gooa snowing. ,
Lake Superior Booking War Orderst
Tho Lake Superior Corporation hj.il
booked a substantial order for shell steel
at very good prices and another large)
order Is pending. j&
Tho open-hearth plant capacity Is being!
increased to tako caro of additional busl-l
ness, and tho situation slnco tho publlca-j
tton of its annual report Is very much
apiece, 18c; do., smaller sizes, 15317c; old
roosters, dry-picked, 13c: broiling chickens,!
Jersey, fancy, 24820c; other nearby timi;
ii-'u, ..vo.ciu uiuui-ia, wcismnK lK- loe,"M
apiece, 10820c.; fancy, largo )ellow northern I
Illlnola rhtptfana. wlMni- !IU IK- -n .).
apiece, L'0fl21c: do., do., welKhlng'2U3 lbi.,J
ISiflOc; other Western, weighing 3H lbs. and
AV.P IO. . At. Ar. nrlnVI ,.. Ik. .-
ei8c: Inferior. 1516c; spring ducks, ncar-3
by, 10S17c ; do.. Western, 10Q12c: squats,a
lrhlf 1araa(rrVl r. 149tn tl a.. Sii !
""""I "CiBlllIlg 44,lai IUD, CT QOZ. C-lXIi.liJII
white. welKhlnu Os?10 lbs. per doz., J..lB3.ia;
white, welghlnR 8 lbs. per dor., S2.B52.76;j
, mva, jvI uv ape,.lV4s'sto.t0, UJ., U'iU 109.
Pr doz., Jpl.fjOSfl.70; dark, tl.SO01.75; email
. 1 U. ., fX.
-y'D co an ucvwj loquvii ana w, anaafH
firmer. Peaches of fin quality were well!
k ai41ahSm a4femh mr KatlaH BA-m- a. m M A1"
w.hwu uu n..u. tuicu a nuaUu liriUBr. UlDfr
fruits were In fair supply and demand at
revised prices. Quotatlona: Apples, per bbl.
X ".vw. uiniii, ?-.uviyu.u; uiusn, S2.00M
3: Qravenstcln, J2.50fi3; Wealthy, sZuvtwjal
Sr'JSJS.' 0lden. 82.60fir3: Summer nam bo. 1
-803; Pippin. 82.25B2.75: Smokehouse, 82t1l
.... ""cness, ai.iuox.xo; otner varieties, JLJO?"
fe J; No. 2 apples. 8101.60: crab applos, pcrQ
bushel, 2350c; peaches. Virginia. West Vlr-H
?'.nla'. Western Maryland and Pennsylvania, tl
tv.:rfl p.er. "V,?' 60C.4J81; peaches. Virginia. j
West Virginia. Western Maryland and Feniwfi
oji..im, tiDonas, per Basket, 35B50c; peach-iii!
es.-ersey fancy ElberUs. per -bushel 5 :
S- ?'. pf btta,ket. double extras, 6078c:
K.v.Vii . " L00W ionwc; peacnes. Ohio, per i
f t:'' 1" "cl;el- 845 60; do., common, l 5T i
? erarea, Delaware, Moore's Early and Con- 1
cord, per carrier. 50a03c: grapes. Delaware. I
Jlooro's Early and Concord, per 4-Ib. basket!' ?
"..aw., Krupos, new xork, per 4-lb. basket Hi
Delaware, 128113c; do.. Niagara. Y(fel2c7ao.. '
Wordcn, 0810c.: lemons, per box, J203; plnei '
apples, per crate-Porto fttco, lf.oW3; crin.
berries. Cape Cod. per bbl.. 0; Ml, cape T
SJ?A.PeraiCSi5-?5 .,nl'72: plu,m. Southera, p" '
Bushel, 81,2501.50; plums, Virginia Damson.
!! So" P"$et- OB&Oc plurni. New T
SSI. J5' tf"lt'-nradshaw and Niagara. ISO ,
22c; do., nelne Claude. 15322c; blackberrtea. l
Delaware. Maryland and Jersey; pVr Qt JS
Colorado. pVr flat SnisS&li do.? dc.e'r
euarnds,r,iV.5,,e' 2-252-0: "aterme'lon.-; p ,-
-ite ?SJ?toe" old tR,r'J' and ruled a shade
firmer. Other vegetab es were In modeiate
supply and quiet with little change in prices!
SVatlSSVnVvh,tL po'oes. PennsVlvanfa? wr
bush., 30g50c, white potatoes. lennsvlvlnuL
E.CJ 1S2;lbK "e: 'l-?5LWhlte potatuliT'jw:
ey, per basket No. 1 hose. SOBSSc; No. 1
other varieties, 2330c; No. 2, 10018c!: sweet
c. --'Jc' Vt:r uasRuO, l, 2-51330.!
rJo.i5,200-' o-lon'i.Per 100-lb. bkgfll.Mt
1.50; do.. Jersey, per K-bush. basket. 35940a ,
?b.-bark.t.-J6ooc:neic.ate' ,2i - pav
CHlOAfJO, Sept. 23.-H0as-ItecelPu. 11,000.
Market Be higher. Mixed and butchers, 19.80
438.25; good heavy, 8fl.00W7.83:: rough heavy,
M-Soej 65! light. '.lSesSo; p7gs. .23B7.45
bulk, 10.8308. "
CATTLE rtecelpts. 8500. Msrket strong. .
Beeves. 83.4010.40: cows and belters. t3.S9
8.00; Texana, ja.754J8.40: calves. 910.73.
dii.ci- iteceipis. xu.ouy. aiarxer atrons..
Native and Weatern. 8306.23; lambs, a.lJ
NEW TOnK. Sept- 23. The metal market!
waa atm looay, jjeaa onerea at .ouc in,,
Every Day This Week'
Continuing to Oct. 2
Lnkovlew TlelBrtta is 10 miles
from Philadelphia, in, the
1'lnes, on Almonesson lalie,
.liavlnc; sohooli, churches,
' stores, hotel. Improvements,
natural advantages, good tran
sit facilities. Jteroeroper that
In purchasing: at auction you
fix your own price, and if you
buy, vre'U finance and help
you to build your home If
you say. ,
Coma aa our guest not a
penny to pay. Meet repre
sentatives wearing yellow
badges Chestnut street ferry.
1:80 any day that suits you,
get free tickets. Special char
tered cars leavo Camden at S
minutes of 2. A day's out
Ing a band concert and $2000
worth of presents, whether
you buy or nbt. Bend for
iKeview Heights clroular,
giving juii list oi presents
mm iuii information re.
garaing property.
trra4ve Mealtr Auctioneers
4MMHM ...,..,,
. " safe WmtMmm ft
JSSS .ir KvS
a)fBf4jjD VL0OU VHAVr
i aw, iU JsTaiM at,
i. mmk.lZlL.mZy'
!.'". '
n i.
" ' " iilTi
& tm
. ," j