KiRESSMAN'S RICH WIFE FALLS DEAD IN NEW YORK STREET CAR Mrs. Henry Winfield Wntson Expires suddenly More Than $67,000 In Cash and Securities on Body &AKEN TO WILMINGTON Tha body of Mrs. Henry Wlndcld Wat- 5wi, wife- of the Conercssman from tho jhJeks-M&ntRomery District of Ponnsyl VM1. i being taken to Wilmington from w.w York today for burial. Mrs. Watson popped dead yesterday In a New York TZrrtl car with moro man &i,wj in casn End. securities In her possession. -The identification Ol uio uuujr naa irarnStlC' Congressman wauon Dccamo rorrted when nis who mutu io rac mm t .il rJnre. nnit with n. fripnrt til an apy"""-" " went to a New lorn poncc mm. ue ed the nergeant to help him find his re. '..r v th body of a woman who Sonned dead In a street car." said the M?geant. "you might Iqok at It." kllrs. Watson had been In good licaltn. -. hnnhaad felt sure tho body was not that of his wife, but agreed to make sure to satisfy the sergeant. When tho Con gressman looked at tho body, he col Loscd. It was that of Mrs. Watson. -itrs. Watson, accompanied by her hus- 1IM1, Weill, w -" --'' ;, w.t.nn had some legal matters to nt- !'tn to and hl wife wanted to do some tethopplntr. She was In flno spirits when fheV arrlVCU anu uiiymcmiy who cnjuy- ing the best of health. With Mrs. A. D. Taxon, a friend, sho mado a tour of Bttis Shops. Bnomy uner o u ciocn ini ,. ... PfiTnn nt ntli avenuo and 42d irt and boarded a car. Intending to jncet Mr. Watson at 33d Btreet and Broad- When tho car reached 40th street pas aenerers aaw the plainly dressed woman lurch forward. She would have fallen to the Iloor naa noi oiiu ui mo va-nau-rers caught her In his arms. Tho car was stopped and a traffic policeman sent a Call lor uw umuuini.u i .-.. I York Hospital. Doctor Lille, who came i.i, 41.A nmhiiliinpA. nronounced the woman dead. He said death had been caused by heart disease. When tho body was taken to tho po lice station n search was mado for marks of Identification, ino ponce were amazoa when tho search disclosed tt,lS8.KS In cash. Eleven thousand dollars wns In $190 bills and the remainder in amau kills and gold pieces, each wrapped sep arately. Tho new crisp J100 bllli wero In double silk water-proofed envelopes. 1 Each envelope held nhout J100O. incy IE -r nddrosaprl tn tho Land Title and m Trust Company, B17 Chestnut street, this city. In addition io me casn incro was I more than 150,000 worth of Jewelry, sev eral canceled checks, tax receipts snow- g- Ins extensive land holdings In Rio 9 Blanco, Col.; papers disclosing that she J 1. .....If.. tri .wotw I. tt.i. C1M.A B OWneU IILIKO tllHIU IILIWCOW 111 Lliu ou.w instate and several railroad passes. I It was while tho police were maklnB fc an Inventory of tho wealth that Mr. Wat f sop walked In and asked the assistance fc of the police In flndlnir jus wire. Jio sam ILthat Mrs. Faxon had put her on tho right car to meet him, but sho had failed to nnnear. Ho was amazed when he arned thnt sho carried eo much wealth about her. Ho said ho knew that she frequently carried largo sums sowed In her garments, but never knew her to carry so much at ono tlmo. In contrast with Mrs. 'Watson's wealth was the con- Mltion of tho Congressman's own.'pocket- ;bcok. He had to get tho police, sergeant to cash him a $10 check to meet Imme diate ' Mrs. Watson, who was tho daughter of Doctor Masden-Vaughn, of Wilmington, Del., was 45 years old. The body Is being taken to Wilmington for burial. Mrs. iWatson was active in charitable and church work In Langhorne. It was through her ready pockctbook and inde fatigable labors that tho St, James Episcopal Church at Langhorne was built. THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON. Sept. 23. For Eastern Pennsylvania and Now I Jersey; Fair tonight and Friday; slowly I rising temperature; light to moderate var- H table winds. I air and cool weather Is reported V throughout the eastern half of the coun ? try this morning, with frost in portions of i Pennsylvania, New York and New Hng t'j land. The crest of the area of high- bar ,' ometcr has moved from Indiana to east i frn Pennsylvania during tho last 24' hours. ;- and the temperatures nro rising in the UDDertf.AlrA rfrlnn. with thllnrinr FtTinwAra around Lake SuDerior. Showers covered ; 'Texas, Oklahoma and portions of tho bor P derlng States. Corpus Chrlstl, Tex., re I ports 6.33 inches during the last 2i hours. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations taken at 8 a. n. Eaitern .time. Low v lant Tlnln- Veloc- Btitlon, R a.m n't. fall. Wind. ltr. Weather. Abilene, 'tx...',.M ll't .00 8 H Cloudy ftiianue city .go 4S "Urnarck, tf D..-I0 goton, Man . S3 40 nultalo. N. T... R2 40 Mao, HI, ,, TA nt Cleveland. 0.,.,,,4A 44 nenver. Col. ..M K! e Uolnee, la .fio r.S getrolt, ilt-h ,,.M H2 IHllUth, Minn .M M n i;tear N Clear B Clear NW W H Clear 8 J6 noudy KB 53 Clear 8tV 10 Clear 8V M Cloudy BW 12 Clear HW Clear ulveton, Tex M) Tn -0l n 10 n Cloudy (iruKours'. i'a f 43 jlajtteraa, N C. S 63 Helena, Mont .AH 4!) Huron. B. D. . IB B2 Jacksonville, fu m on faneaa CUy,Mo,.M tis Jfulivllle, Ky .ftf 4 Remphla, Tenn M US Kew Orleana, Iji.72 70 fw York, N Y. M BO V. Platte, Nb. M B Olllhnnifl 01.1. r.a rn in clear W 20 Clear 8W 8 Cloudy Nv 8 Clear J- 1: P.Cloudy rioudy Clear Cloudy P.Cloudy Clear Clear Hatn H W hh NK N 8 H H HR 8W N W 8 HW HK W BVf N N NW giluulelphla. Pa. M BO .38 6 Clear noemx Aru. ,.Tfl 70 Clear 4 Cloudy 4 Clear 4 Cloudy 8 Cloudy 10 P.Cloudy fl P.Cloudy 0 Cloudy 4 Clear 4 Clear 0 P.Cloudy 4 Clear 8 Clear lttaburah. Va..fJ An 'OrtlaniV Xtm M n Portland, Ore, .,r Bfl Quebec Can , 38 at IJ lfia MO....M B t Paul, Mlnn...B8 M Bait Jjike, Utah. .fiS 03 n Franclaco ,,.M M gcranton, l'a.,.,.42 T(t Jarnpa ... .. ,,74 73 Fanlniton . . .60 4 fhmlpet ., ,.,. 42 Observations at Philadelphia S A. M. 'K?ml,' ' ..30 42 jjjraperature SS IVnu .. , .North, 0 miles mi-AV,, v . -'. ... .Clear IK!.p.ll0,, Urt 2 bours ., None iK?MUr. M BlP,.raurn temperature ,. , M iTpkaimuu temperature ca Almanac of the Day 'c". ... . a B:B8 p.m. C;T a-m. n tomorrow,., Lamp te Ba Lighted nd other vehicle ...,,, 645 p.m. Tho Tides PORT RICHMOND. water 1 41 p.m. R:63 p.m. 2.00 a.m. tr .:.:..::::: i water tumoTow CHESTNUT STREET WHARF. water . . -i .ai n m - Mr f sm p.m. 9k watr .rcjrro J 64 .iu. ..... 3 ' -.. . ..'H v.KKnv ini.iun t- water mh water i- K-tt t-inortow BREAKWATER. BO.' p.m 10 41 p.tu. 81 vtu, t.u? iwftiarroW' EVENING STOLE FROM BLIND WOMAN Magistrate Severely Upbraids Con fessed Thief There is plenty of tlmo today for Louis Connelly. 19 years old, of Ollvo street nbovo 49th street, to rumlnato on the propriety of stealing from a blind woman. He is behind tho bars In Moyamenslng Trlson, held under 40O ball for court. "I have had some mean thieves In my time as Magistrate, but you are ono of the meanest," Moglatrato Uoylo told Con nelly, when ho was nrrnlgned In the 3th street and Lancaster avenuo station to day. , Connelly was a helper on a delivery wagon of a second-hand furniture stdro on Lancaster avenue, near 39th street. Several days ago Mrs. Anna Dumslde bought a bed and had It sent to her homo, at 3743 Written street, West Philadelphia. Tho drawer of a bureau was open. In It Connelly saw a gold wntch and chain. While talking to Mrs. Burnslde he took the watch nnd chain from the drawer and placod It In his pocket CARRANZA TO DEMAND RECOGNITION ON BASIS OF A. B. C. PROTOCOL Complete Military and Diplo matic Triumph of Constitu tionalists Certain Villa's, Army Routed MARCH ON JUAREZ BEGUN WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. With tho Vlllu armv in full retreat Into Sonora and tho advance of at least three Con stitutionalist armies upon Juarez begun, Stato Department ofllclals admitted to day that tho time of the collapse of tho Convention party In Moxlco was at hand. Recognition of Carranza'B government as tho de facto government of tho entire re public Is now -i matter merely of routlno discussion, formal pledges of protection of foreign Interests and ofllclnl pro nouncement It wns revealed today that General Car ranza has decided to stand upon tho terms of tho protocol signed by tho rep resentatives of thq United States, Argen tina, Chill and Brazil at Niagara Falls in 1914. That protocol declared that tho signa tory Powors chould rccognl70 a govern ment to bo established In Mexico as tho result of tho decision of 'the Mexican peo ple themselves, and that there should bo required of this Government by tho out side Powers only the protection of foreign lives and property within the republic nnd tho creation of commissions for the settlement of claims for damages sus tained by foreigners in Mexico. Unless the "First Chief" .shall recede from this position ho will probably point out to the Stato Department that it stands bound by the protocol to recognize his government under those conditions. This attitude will probably be assumed in a letter couched in friendly language, which will accompany a legal brief and a statement of evidence of, the actual military and civil control gained by Car ranza up to October 1. QUALIFY AS APPRENTICES Nineteen Young Men Eligible for Plnces With Bureau of Surveys Nineteen names appear on the eligible list for apprentices of tho Bureau of Sur veys; mado public today by tho Civil Scrvlco Commission.--The positions pay f360 a year. The list is as follows: Boy L. Mllllgnn. WiUlam H. Moore. Walter E. Malatestw, George John Zlegler, Yale 8. N'athtriEOn, llalph B. Megarireo, John n. Lawrence. Joseph It. Selberllrh. Jr., William n. Cannon, Ralph K. Flora, Harry K. llolden. John T. Carney, pamucl 8. Scharrer. James V. Crlchton. Harry II. Haynes, Jr., Aloyelua C. Maateraon. Paul It. bhec. 13dward 1 Ileu mlllcr, Jr., Flank John Ftnchlnc. SON DENIES CREATOKE RUMOR Asserts Bandmaster Was Not Married to Actress Found Dead in South Tomasso Creatore. of 762 South 51st street, son of Oleuseppe Creatore, the bandmaster, today denied the report that his father was married to Miss Mar guerite Favar, the vaudevlllo actress, whose body was found burned and mangled in her npartments at Memphis, Tenn?, last Tuesday. "My father," said Creatore, "was first mnrrled In 1S0O to Anna Darberle, who Is my mother. They wero divorced In 1008 and my mother went to New York. In 1S08 my father married MIhs Johanna I3arlli, but on April6 18 of this year his second wlfo died of heart) trouble. lie was not married to Miss Favar." 1 EXPRESS DRIVER HELD Company Says Ho Delivered Too Many Parcels to Himself An American Express Company driver.' who Is accused of stealing snirts jano. Mh.. nrtlHc Instead of delivering them. was held today In JMX) ball for further hearing Tuesday. lie is Charles A. Mo ran, 624 North Franklin street. Also held In ball were Morris Jacobson, of 604 North 10th street, and Samuel Yaffo, of 61S North Sth Btreet. who were held as receivers of stolen goods. De tectives testified that Moran Implicated the men. Moron denied having mentioned Yaffe In his statement to the detectives. Police Court Chronicles "The foolishness of politics" was the subject of an address delivered by Tom Foley to an appreciative audience at Frankford avenue and York street. Al though Tom spoke from the top of a gar bage barrel, this did not affect his en .i.,,i.,rr, in tlm least. lie drove his points homo with vigor and stamped his feet when he .spoke of the mismanagement of the city and country. Unfortunately, the barrel was not strong, at least as to construction, and Anally there waB a crash and Tom waa partially swallowed In Its Interior, When he tried to escape, the barrel tilted over and It and "the speaker rolled to the Btreet. When a man's down the public will very seldom help him, and thOse who lis tened to Tom were no exception. The epeotatora Irowned at biro and left nlra to hla fato, Hut Sergeant Bhenle 1 not ao heart less. He found the orator atruirgllng- and soon freed him from the barrel and 1U contents. A bath with a hose soon made him partially presentable and Tom was brought before Magistrate McCleary, The Judge was In happy mood because he had lust heard that e had been re-elected. "You have been a steady customer be. fore me, Tom." he ald. "but HI have to be lenient today. Once more VU 8lve you a chance, but If you are brought belora rae again ou any clsarg whatever I'll give you a year' Tom wanted to explain, fcut as freedom WiU hU sM4 " Hw for talking He rQiUJjatulaUd the Judge m4 itt In JW LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER UNA SOLA CASAMATTA RIMANEINPIEDIDELLA FORTEZZADI HERMANN A Roma si Credo Cho lo Czar Bulgaro Ha Giocato un Giuoco Pcricoloso per il Suo Paese LA NEUTRALITY ARMATA ROMA, 23 Settembre. Ieri sera tardi II Mlnlstero dclla Guerra pubbllcavn 11 seguento comunlcato urn clalo hasato buI rapporto del gencralo Co dorna: "Lo nostro truppo hanno csegulto aduacl ed ordlnato opcraxlonl nclla zona montu osa ad ovest dl Cortina dl Ampczxo, nlto scopo dl slogglaro plccoll repartl ncmlcl che, essendo penetratl ncllo valll del monti Tofnna c Crlstnllo, molestavano le nostro truppe cho occupano quelle mon tngne. Questo opcrazlont hnnno rlchlesto plu' grandn svlluppo nclla zona dl Monto Crlstnllo dovo 11 terreno, rotto e rlcco dl nnfrattl, si prestava magnlflcamcnto ad Imboscnto cd o tcnaco desistenza da parto del ncmlco. "Qrazlo pcro' all'azlone meodlca e ben prcpnrata dello nostro truppe, I gruppt tiemlcl furono gradatamento forzatl a. retrocedero verso lo nllato del Fllizon, ( del Rolto, del Sccland o del Itlenz. "Nolla conca dl PIczzo nol nbblamo rlpreso a bombardaro 11 forto Hermann, dl cul dlmnne ora una sola ensamatta In plcdl, tlalla qualo occaslonalmento vleno tlrnto qualche colpo contro la nostra nrtlgltcrla. "Nclla zona dl Oorlzla la nostra artlg llcrla ha nperto un foco cincaclnclmo sullo ntnztonl ferrovlnrlo dl San Plctro o dl norgo Carlnzln, dovo avvenlvano movlmcntl dl truppo nemlche. "Sul rcsto del fronto la oltuazlone o Immutata." LA nULOAHIA PEnDUTA. La Bulgaria e' dcflnltlvamcnto pcrduta per gll Alleatl, almcno tutto fa credcro cho sla cosl', sebbeno nncora non si pari I dl guerra vera o propria. Ad una guerra la Uulgarla non potrebbo affatto lanclarsl a cuor leggcro per 11 fatto cho ea dl avcro da contendere con la Orcein o con la Ru mania. Ma d'altra parte, nclla Penlsola Balcanlca non xt e' ragglunta ancora una sttuazione polltlca dellnltlva 0 ben prc clsatn, Tutto qucllo cho si sa di posltlvo o' cho II prestdento del Consiglto bulgaro, M. Itadoslavoff, ha annunclato nl suol nmlcl polltlcl che II suo govcrno ha formato una convenzlono con U govcrno turco con la quale la Bulgaria sl Im pegna n, mantencro per l'avvcnlro una neutrallta' armata. Qucsta notlzla sembrerebbo avcro la conferma nel fatto cho II governo bulgaro ha ordlnato cho tuttl i carrl fcrrovlaril o tuttl gll nltrl vclcoll cho sl trovono nel regno debbono cssero tcuutl a plena dlsposlztono dcllc autorlta' mllltarl. Da sabato 0' sospeso In Bulgaria ognl trnnslto dl mercl, ed i treni sono carlchl dl truppe o dl materialc dl guerra. Da Londra paro' glunge notlzla ora cho gll alleatl hanno fatto nuovo oft erte alia Bulgaria per ottencro cho e'sua rl manga almcno neutralc, so non e' blle avcrla alleata. FAItA' LA GUERRA LA BULGARIA? Qucsta o' la domanda cho sl fanno tuttl ora: Fara' la guerra la Bulgaria? Ma e" ancora dllllcllo dlspondere a qucsta do manda, e lo o 'tanto plu In quanto sl tratta della Penlsola Balcanlca. dl un paeso, cloo', dove avvlcno sempro l'im provlsto o l'lmprevedlbllc. Un telegramma da Sofia dice che Radoslavoff ha dlchlarato ancho al suol amlcl che tanto la Bulgaria quanto la Grecla rlmarranno noutrall o cho gli aus-tro-tede8Chrh'anh6'"Tnfzialo II ID corrento la loro nuova offenslva centro la Serbia. Ma un altro telegramma giunto da Atene a Londra dice che la urecia si o com mossa alia notlzla dello mlnuro beltlcoso prcso oalla Bulgaria o che ro Costantlno ha convocato un consiglto dl mlnlstri ed 11 suo stato magglore. Clo' farebbo sup porro cho la Grecla sl prepara a rispon dcro alia possiblle mtnaccla bulgara. E LA RUMANIA? Intanto nulla sl sa dclla Rumania. Como ha nccolto 11 governo rumeno la notlzla che la Bulgaria arma? Qui sl rlttene cho la mossa della Bulgaria debba constltuiro una mlnaocia anclio per la Rumanli, rer la famosa qulstlone dclla Dobrugta e del dlalretto dl Sillstrla; ma che cosa fara il governo rumeno? Per quanto rlguorda le prevision! in caso che la Bulgaria debba lnaugurare una polltlca dl benevola noutrallta' per la Turchla e per gll lmperl central! sl pensa qui cho gll alleatl potranno eventu almente bloccare 11 porto bulgaro dl De deagnatch e tutta la costa bulgara del l'Egeo, mentre una squadra navalo russa potrebbo facllmcnte bloccare od anche attaccare Varna e tutta le costa bulgara del Mar Nero. I ATLANTIC CITY YEAR SEASIDE Doesn't this weather make you feel as if you would like to spend the Fall days at tho seashore? sZJHs niwimSBi ?iiiiiiiiii.tiiii"mm I CHICAGO STOCK BA1UIED FU0M PHILADELPHIA YARDS Government Determined Not to Per mit Spread of Cattlo Epidemic An order prohibiting the Importation of cattle, aheep and hogs from Chicago and the northern counties of Illinois into Pennsylvania was received today by the United States Bureau of Animal Indus try, In the Federal Building. This bars all Chicago animals from the West Phila delphia Btock yards, which were expected to be released from tho Federal aemlquar antlno within 24 hours. Tho now order may hold up tempo rarily the action releaslnp the yards from the restriction, as the authorities are determined to prevent the reappearance licro of tho foot and mouth epldemlo which cost vast sums before it was stamped out. The yards were released from the State quarantine last May. tho Federal Inspectors maintaining pens for cattle from "free" areas, so that normal business might continue. The Neck Is still under Federal quarantine. WHY IS "BLOEDSINNIGE" Stato Department Faces New Crisis. What Kind of Yankees Aro Wo 7 WASHINGTON, Sept. 23.-An Inter national wrestling match with tho Ger man language was In progresx today. United States, British and German om clnls wero trying to nsccrtaln the English equivalent of tho phrase used by Captain von Pnpon, German military attache, In a letter to his wife, taken from James I'. J. Archibald In London. Whether the British translation of von Papon's re ference to "Idiotic Yankees" wan correct caused thumbing of German dictionaries. Von Pnpen said the Yankees wero 'bloedslnnlgo." State Department expert translators to day reported to Acting Secretary Polk that the word might mean Imbecile, fool ish, weak-minded, absurd, cxtrcmo fool ishness and a number of other things. It was also stated that a popular UBago of tho word In Gorman means tho same as tho American "hot air" and "bunk." While von Papon's fate docs not rest upon tho definition of tho word, ofllclals wero interested In ascertaining what ho may have actually meant. Theatrical Baedeker ADEI.PIII "What Happened." The first ; pro auction tonigni 01 a piny or uu . .--don. It I Mid to Indulge In eome novel twlets of dramaturajr, such b beginning with n xhontlng and erecting thereon an edince of. comedy. LYRIC "The Prlnreaa rat.", 'with Eleanor Talnter and Alexander Clark. A muelcal comedy by Victor Herbert, with a charac teristic nnd effective score. The perform ance la admirably adapted; the book, ordi nary. Lat week. PHOTOPLAYS. FOnnnST-"The Birth of a Nation," with Henry B. Walthal, Mae Marsh and Spottla woods Atkln. L. W OrlffHh's mammoth photoplay of the Civil War and Iteconetruc-, tlon. founded In part on Thomas Dixon a "Clansman." A marvelous entertainment. BTANI.1JY "Tho Voice in the Fog." with Don ald Ilrlan. PALACE "The Incorrigible Dukane," with John Barrymore. HETUnNINO. rnOPLIVB "Hippy Heine." with Ben Holmea. A musical oo:r.dy built around a wooden shoed Uerman '. migrant boy. STOCK. KNICKCnnOCKEn "Within tho Law." with the Knickerbocker Players. Th8 first stock production of Bayard Velller'a exciting melo drama. WALNUT "Tho Sign of the Cross," with ltlchard Buhler and the Walnut riayera. The hero of "Ben-Hur" In another play of Christian martyrdom. Second week of th local run. VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S Gertrude Hoffmann In Max Bern hardt a masterpiece, "umurun -; oopme Tucker, Charles Mack & Co.. In "A Friendly Call"; Doyle and Dixon, Horace Wright and none Dietrich, Ceclle Trio, Soretty and An toinette, and the Hearat-Sellg Weekly. NIXON'S OHAND "War Brides," Wilson and Aubrey, Crawford and Broderlck, Klass and Bernle, Harry and Augusta Turpln, In "The Girl In the Bank." and Bell Onrl. ALLEGHENY Emmet Welch and his Jolly Mlnatrcl Men Kenny and Hollls, In "The Freshman'a Initiation": Holden and liar ron, Kmmet and Toruje, In "A Story In Song": Oallando, Loe and Wilbur, comedy photoplays. WILLIAM TENN Anniversary week. "The Cabaret Girl," by Bart Mcllugh; Crossman's feeven Entertainers and Original Banjo Fiends, Frank Lyons and Harold Bland. Bee man and Anderson, Simpson and Dean and Harry Kranz. GLOBE "From Coney Island to the North role," Joe HortU, In "Ten Nlghta In a Bar room": Billy Davis, Moacroys Sisters, Jack Symonds, Edney Brothers, Smith and Farm er, "The Oolden Wedding." presented by Gwynn and Gossette; Camlle Person! & Co., The aoddess" and "Neal of the Navy." CBOSS KEYS "The Widow." Mme. Oberlta and her Dancing Girls, Ethel Vale, Nelson and Morris. Franklin and Franklin, Holland and Holland. In "Canned," and "Neal of the NaVy" BURLESQUE. NATIONAL-Sam Rice's "Daffydll Qlrli," In a musical and burlesque offering. DUMONV8 Dirmont'a Minstrels In a Charlie' Chaplin and Marie Flckford movie skit and "Capturing Mexlcon Bandits." TROCADEKO "The Girt From the Follies." and La Luna. The Reading's frequent, fast steel vestibule express trains make it possible to enjoy an in definite vacation at the world's most famous all-year pleasure and health resort, without neglecting your business or other obligations in the city. And the fare is right 33 1-8 cents a trip by the month. Think it over, and when you decide, use SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS provided tar th MEDICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA to Atlantic City wt trains having Chtttnut Strut Firry Saturday, Stptm&ur ttk $ A. H UM A, ., 2 P. M., 4 P. M t P, M., P. M. TAs Lint Thai Smctm Yau rm." PsIlsusssJ Cist Ctri STATE DEPARTMENT TO ACT FOR PHOTOPLAY But Only as Medium of Protest to England Over Barring of American Film By the Photoplay Editor Motion pictures threaten to become the subject of an exchange of international notes. And all on account of the war. Believing that the showing of the American-made film play, "Hearts In Exile," might give offense to tho Hus sion Government, tho British Government has ordered the film barred from all the atres In Great Drltaln, with tho result that for tho first time In the history of the Department of Stato of tho United States the Secretary has been asked to file protest with another rower against tho action of Its motion-picture censors. Trlvate dispatches from London to tho World Film Corporation, the producers of the picture, state thnt the reason given for barring tho photodrama Is that "the showing of the photoplay might give offense to Great Britain's heroic ally, tho Imperial Russian Government." Immedi ately upon receipt of this Information tho World Film Corporation dispatched to Robert M. Lansing. Secretary of State nt Washington, the following telegram- "The films showing the motion picture play, 'Hearts In Exile,' produced by an American corporation, tho World Film Corporation, 130 West 46th Btreet, New York city, at Its studio in Fort Lee, N. J., have been barred from theatres In Great Britain by order of the British censor on the ground that the showing of tho photoplay might give offense to Oreat Britain's ally, the Imperial Russian Gov ernment. The World Film Corporation, through your department, wishes to reg ister protest with tho British Govern ment ngalnst this action. "The film play. In which Clara Kimball Young, an American actress. Is starred, depicts conditions In Russia and Siberia. The play Is neither propagandist nor nntl Russian, and the directors of the World Film Corporation are at a loss to imagine justification for the action of tho British authorities. "The World Film Corporation respect HALLAHAN'S Boys' Challenge No. 3 Winter calf, tan or black, overweight armv oak soles. Goodyear welted and stched $2 and $2.50, accord ing v size. Boys' Shoes That Wear Boys' Shoes that do not fit do not wear well no matter what price you pay. And shoes that do not wear well are the most expensive, no matter how low their price. Our boys' shoes are made to fit boys' feet and help them grow right and the material and workman ship arc the best that money can buy. You'll reduce the cost of keep ing your boy well shod if you buy at Hallahan's. Our brancli stores save time and trouble for a lot of families 1 P. T. Hallahan 919-921 Market Street Branch ( New Crystal Corner, Stores 1 flOth & Chestnut Bin. Open 4028-30 Lancaster Ate. Every I 2740-48 (irrmsntoivn At;. Cvenlnc I S6O4-00 (iermantonn Are. THE ALL RESORT 1 m " 23, 101g. fully requests that through your depart ment protests b6 made, and requests your assistance In lifting. If possible, the ban which means a considerable financial loss to American capital. The World Film Corporation would thank your de partment for Information on what steps you might take to file this protest through your representatives In London, Eng land " Further advice from London Indicates that the British War OHlce was entirely responsible for the cdlot against "Hearts In Kxlle." Theatrical men point to the fact that never before havo plays and llternturo dealing with Russian questions been barred In Great Britain, and that Si beria has often been exploited both on the speaking stage and on tho screen. The subway disaster In New York has given tho Pnthe news service a fresh opportunity to demonstrate Us enter prise, swiftness and efficiency. Nlne hours after tho accident patrons of 22 moving picture theatres In New York city were seeing on the screen views of 'tho disaster. The Pathe freres had 15 prints ready before 4 30 p. m. Thrco camera men reached the scene before 9 o'clock. Within nn hour their negatives had been received in tho company's Jer sey City studio, whero they wero devel oped, projected on a screen and edited. By 11.30 they were ready to bo printed. They were placed on the drying drums at 1 o'clock and two hours lator were on Uielr wny back to tho studio, where a squad of messengers was waiting, book ings already having been mado by phone. Defective Signal Halts Subway Trains Subway trains on their way towards tho ISth street station with hundreds of passengers aboard were held up in tho tubo between 32d street nnd tho station this morning for several minutes. A de fective Blgnal which warned ngalnst pro ceeding further was responsible, train men safd. Memories of tho BUbway con struction work going on at City Hall and of the disaster in New York yesterday caused Rotno uneasiness until tho trains proceeded. YvmSs c)umimuLr&mnmmn9 'siSB ss& lUJYUJNiLlNI SS5 If PHOTOPLAY PRESENTATIONS W NORTH BLUEBIRD BROAD AND SUB- QUEHANNA AVE. Mme. OLGA PETROVA In "TIIU VAMPIRE" " a. M Ln. BROAD ST.. KR1B Lxreat IN or t hern nmium-NAVKs DAILY 2:30 P. M. UVEM-NOH. 7 . 0. MAY Tr,i rnnlinrntnl TiuT' In r. WARD In . pans I'RIDAY "T1IU TOLL OP CRIME" Broad Street Casino BRO,ge,0W EVENINOS, 7 anil 0 . , 1-lora Finch In "HEAVY VILLAINS. In 3 parts BRONCHO BILLY AND THE LUM UER KINO," Eesanay. OTHERS. .01'TIIMEST JEFFERSON "gjt, streets GLADYS HANSEN In "THE STRAIGHT ROAD" PARAMOUNT TICTURES DADIf" RIDGE AVE. AND DAUPHIN rAKlS. MAT.. 2:15. EVG.. 0:30. "CHALICE OF COURAGE" A V-L-H-E Feature with MYRTLE GON ZALES and GEORGE HOLT. No . THEATRE. 20TII and ew oomerset somerset sts. MATINEE DAILY. 8 P. M. ISRAEL ZANGWILL'S GREATEST PLAT "THE MELTING POP' r U-1J THEATRE. S6T1I AN. L.umberland cumherland "HAMLET' THE DOOMED HERO" TOR HIS SUPERIOR'S HONOR" YORK PALACEfS "IIROKEN COIN." No II "WAR," 2 Acts, nroadnay Star Feature. "THE SCAR,' ' -I OTHERS Acts 7 .1 All.A., 2Bthft Allegheny Ave. West Allegheny Mat..s:i6. .. mo Frohman presents C Aubrey Pmlth & Marie Edith Wells In "Builder of nridBea." B part. A T-N'l Keystone Comedy THORPINGTON8 TAMILY TREE." Others. LEHIGH Theatre "IMS ave. "A MAN AFRAID" "BATTLE OF AMBROSE AND WALRUS" TWO OTHERS. "ARIUDIA "Til AND CAMBRIA BTS. WIVlDilA MATINEE AND EVENING "CAPITAL PUNISHMENT" "THE GODDESS." Chapter 12. "Broncho Steps in " "The Honeymoon Fact." Columbia Theatre Columbia ave. "BROKEN COIN," No. 11 "THE ONLY CHILD" Others PA C T I M T 22D AND BERKS AS I 1Mb STREETS Major Gordon and Captain Fornet In "NEXT IN COMMAND," 4 Parta "A Domestic Revolution," "One Nliht," "Winter Resorts," "The Paris Hat." SUSQUEHANNA JlSg&AuvS.8- "THE GODDESS," Chapter 14 "THE KISS" "Mrs. Randolph's New Secretary" "Squeals on Wheels" Washington Palace jSSmtftB. THE J1ROKEN COIN," NO. .1 "The Cannon Ball" , , OTHERS irl7AT "Til AND COLUMBIA AVE. lUHAL. MAT.. 2 P. M. EVG . 7 & 0. "MOTHERHOOD," Sells: star Special "COINCIDENCE" THE CALL OP YESTERDAY" HEARST HELIO NEWS TViriDPlQ lOTlt AND NORRI3 INUrUxIiJ MATINEE & EVENING "CAUGHT' "HIS LAST WISH" "MR. JARR AND LOVE'S YOUNG DREAM" NORTHEAST pmApn AVENUE THEATRE UlKArvL' 7TH AND G1RARD AVE. DOROTHY DONNELLY in "SEALED VALLEY" The MAMMOTH amAaf. . Mat. Every Day, 1 30 to B 30. Eves., 7 to 11. "BARTERED LIVES" 5000 Feat. Featurlnr MARIE HESPERIA STRAND ,2TUANDa,nAnDAvENUE EManay Co. All-Star 3-reel Special Drama, "THE WHIRLPOOL" KEYSTONE COMEDY OTHERS ATlUnPA OEnMANTOWN AVENUE AUKUIA ABOVE NORRI8 "THE WOMAN HATER" Featurlnr Henry Walthall, nryatit Washburn and Edna Mayo, "HER HUSBAND'S HONOR" TWICE WON" NEW VICTORIA "T g&usu. "The Shadowgraph Message" "A Deal m Diaraontk" TIVOLI lheatre below i2th bt! "The Bombay BurlJha" "Exploits of EUme" Other I.OOAN Logan Auditorium "kland THE WAY BACK" "DREAMT MUD, COWBOF "ALL FOR A IRI ifKCUh OUCH MITRAL OKdAH RKC1TAL3 BULHOTIONU VROU "TUB ONLY UtKL" LOGAN THEATRE "JM INA TLAIRH la "THE PUPPET CKOWN" r.... VAUAUOUKX sWUaUt CRACKSMEN LOOT POSTOFFPSAPE ,sni 1-. - i a, "Professionals" Use Explartr in Robbery nt Frackville, Pv Get Stamps and Cash POTTSVILLH, Pa.( Sept j-Craci-men blew open the safe of the postofle at Frackville earjy this morning al emptied It of the postage stamp and cash, amounting In all to several hun dreds of dollars. They came in an -mobile, for track's of a machine, wMeh was placed In a dark recess alongslcTe erf thfc street nearby, give this Impression. J. D. Burktn, the postmaster. Is unable to give the exact amount of the booty stolen. The burglars broke open the deer of the rear of the building. Nitroglycerine was used. 20 DRIVEN TO STREET BY FIRE Burning Mattress Causes Near Pank in Lodging House A burning mattress on the top fleer et 22 North Darlen street early teay caused 20 lodgers In the house to rush to the street. The blaze was extinguished before the engines arrived, Thomns Plutus, 80 years old, occupies a room on tho top floor. lie returned home late last night, aftor attending a christening. Tho police say that he left a lighted cigar at the edge of his bed. Plutus was unconscious when retaaved from his room. He was arrested and held under )1000 ball by Magistrate Belcher for a further hearing. WEST PHILADELPHIA LOCUST B2D AND LOCUST STS. ..T . KIMBALL ORGAN Mats, 1:30 and 3 P. M. Ergs., 0:10 to 11 , ELSIE JANIfl The World-Famous Comedienne, in , "NEARLY A LADY" Fridsy "SOUL OP A WOMAN" fiRANH B2D AND MARKET STREHTS vsivnilLS Matinee Dally Be Ens, 1 "A FOOL THERE WAS" ROBERT HILLIARD'S sreatest success I eaturlng EDWARD JQ8I and TIIEDA BARA EUREKA 0T" AND L.U1L,1V MARKET 8TREEM3 WORLD FILM CORP Presents CLARA KIMBALL YOUNO In "MARRYING MONEY" IMPERIAI 60TU AND r . " WALNUT STREETS WORLD FILM CORP. Presents GEORGE NASH In "THE COTTON KING" ("II ORF" C0TI1 AND MARKET STS. UL.WUC, Dany Mat-t 2.1B, jjtj,., 7 ft 9 "Neal of the Navy" THIRD PART SPRIIPF SPRUCE BELOW 60TH ..... . Vnder N'm UanogmnU ANNA LAUGHL1N in "THE GREYHOUND," S AcU Popular CEDAR ""jgg CEDAB "THE RltOKEN COIN." No. 11. "THE GIRL rVJ " "MAN AND TIIBJiAW." "T1I1S INDIAN TRAPPER'S VINDICATIONS wnVr. BALTIMORE METRO FILM CORP. Presents WILLIAM KAVERSHAM In "THE RIGHT OF WAY" Th'e BALTIMORE bSoav. Dally, 0:30, 8. 0:30 "FROM TUB VALLEY Of TUB JUIBBISQ" EXTRA MARY NASH HAMILTON 00lb sSSLfEa A" "THE SCARLET SIN" DROADWAY 4-REEL FEATURE HODART B08WORTH OTHERS RnTENHOUSE MD1IAgnlrOR9 Wm. For presents BETTY NANSEN In "ANNA KARENNA" 6 PARTS OTHERB HARFlFN MD LANSDOWNB AVK. VlrtTVLSCl 1 MATINEE 2. EVENING fl ;3. BT REQUEST "Teas of the Storm Country" Featuring; Mary Plckford. Other Pictures. Broadway Theatre B2DvaVav&n "THE GODDESS" WINIFRED GREENWOOD RARTRAM THEATRE and airdomh JJV tVrlTi (j3,n Below CHEBTBR AVK. THE TRAGEDIES OF THK "CRYSTAL GLOBE" THE HAND OF QOD" 58th St. Theatre C8T" Sdv UNIVERBAL SPECIAL IN A ACTS "THE CLOSINO CHAPTER" BIOORAPII SPECIAL IN 2 ACTS BILLIE REEVES COMEDY RFNN WT1C AND WOODLAND DCtll MAT.. 1:30. EVQ.. 8:30 toll Wm. Fox presents Hatty Nansen, Wm. J. Kelly and Edward Josa In "A Woman's Re surrection." "Dimples and the nine." -OU. Offenders," "Lost In the, Junsls." Mat., 3c. Evrs., adults, 10a; children, te. PAQPHA1 I "BT WOODLAND raounALLi mat. 2. evo. "Today," Tha last aeries of "Romanes et Elaine." In 2 parts. "Tha Counter Intrlsu," 3 parts "Tha Wlnnlnr Wash." with Haas and Bud. FIVE CENT OVERUROOK OVERBROOK 63D AND IIAVERFORD AVK. TIIOS E. SHEA. Famoua American Actor. I T1IF! mNJT.WlTlMN" TtMila "BnOKEN COIN NO, 1" THE QlRIi AT THE FRqNT" OTHERS. KENSINGTON O-f-J THEATRE Gtn. Aa. & Oxford (K. KJXtOra aoon suow hybry niqht "ACROSS THE FOOTUOHTS" "YOU CANT ALWAYS TELL nn-rif fathkivh HRf.V" Th Riddle ot tbs Silk Stocklss'' Brunswick Palac. SS?. BROKEN COIN." No, TONY THK WOP" THE COWARD." 8 Acts. ""I'TIf Hlfli THE MAN WHO COULD : riii tmnmmr GEKMANTOWN Wvn PalLfs aarmantona A. Iiwn ayne raiace Muntiac iv a. "BOLD EMMJSTT." rKLAtT? MiKfVB IThnw Tftr1sl TOLLY OF THK POT Ar AN "MR. JAHH'H M1U VAUATIOK,' Cavusa Thaatrc Osnussilow A .OanttsvlR. w wMBtmir-1IM rvtr THB l-iliON IN Tk PALACar. "dan cupfD nxwSr '.- - OTIIWta s. JS T- , ; . ' . ;'.' ' . -acia rnvfH yjif,naiittiu FRANKUH 5WIh MnSt XAXfUty si tmiawrj "TLnwhi a MnttirJ TeiP tBwiamTrmgt m saaswesBBaanj sa AUD OTWUHrt Cowmlete Wkly ProcYam of TWs Ttteatres AiTCSr In ii wf iuiu-u. .' . i , a. 'm