Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 23, 1915, Final, Page 3, Image 3
J f EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1915. MANS STORM FORTS AT DVINSK WITH BAYONETS ifantry Assaults under IsCover oi Devastating Bombardment of Outlying Works plARGES ARE TERRIFIC me . . Russian Military Authorities j xOrder Civil ropuintion to Quit Minsk BKnUX, Sept. S3. Pi. idltton to tlic heavy Ociman artll- fcrr Are against the wentern defenses of i fortress of Dvlnsk (Dunnbura). Cen tral von Hlndenburg'a troops nre making tarrlflo bayonet assaults against the kus- 'Sm lines. R. Field Marshal Is makltiR steady Srrgreis In his campaign for the enptmo y.DvliisK (UvinaourK. a j...- Mfnolnl wnnrt from llii Oor inn. General Staff stated that his troops vT penetrated the advanced Russian '" i.i. v.i of nvlnpk. rnnttirlno- 17 Mcers 2.10J men and 4 machine sung. 6.The Itus&tnn resistance on the front Stretching from b point north of Oachjany .... n- nuiriftnat nf VUnn) to the rcclon lu miivii owu. !-" - - - fart of Subodnlkl on the Qawja river, has kn broken. It is announceu. me utr- a ..The Russian position west of Walcwka, In rallcs nonn oi Buiaimviiui. uw n ur.tured bv Prince Leopold of Uavarlu, "r .-i.i.. ten ... ..! ,f uermans uiuns ...wi. .... -gtaehlne dins. 6 Great pine forests west of Dlnsk, In the region of Novo Alcxnndrovak, hae Hen set on fire by thu Russians to com "., . ..tirmnt nt tho Ocrmans from thtlr advanced positions, mid for miles th countryside Is a seetnms rui nace. I'Tnere Is only one point on the 5J0-ml'e '..... tmm thA Prinet llltr tci the Bal IIVU4 ....... --.-. Itle, of which the Russians nre able to attempt an offensive movement, mat is in the region of Leunewadcn, northwest '- irt.tilf.htnflt- i herp tntl.iv's din fyatches roport hard lighting In pi ogrefs. If t v.a mHnn flnt nt Vllnn thp Hr. fains hae now pushed forward till they F It aviUm. nt.ifiA'iat nt thnf oltv ntirl lail IUS3 raw-. .. ..v ..,, ... liey are attacking the ltusslan rear guard between smoryone ana juoiouei chno. COMET UNDER COVER If You Know What Right Ascension Is You May Find It Take a look at the new comet. It ii plainly visible In or near right ascension M hours 29 minutes, declination plus 26 Cetrees 39 minutes. It can be seen to tight with a small telescope If It isn't cloudy or the comet harn't decided that tali vjclnlty of the universe Is undesir able. This heavenly speed fiend was discov ered by astronomers at the Yerkes Ob servatory, Wisconsin, and the Lick Ob servatory, California, September 19 nnil 10. It hasn't been decided yet how long Ha tall Is or where it is going, but no doubt these facts will soon be known, l'erhaps seme Philadelphia!! can help the rtronomera by discovering something or her about the comet. Just point your rtescope up in the neighborhood of right enaton lu nours zi minutes (it aocsn't f if its alternton or morning) and dlnatlon plus 26 degrees 39 minutes. be comet will be there. IfProfessor Monroe D. Snyder, astrono sier at the Central High School, said toC-v that the comet, at prcsont, at least, tcn't . rth looking at. "It Is an uninteresting object now." ho said. "The orbit has not jet been com- uled. It Is nothing but a apeck of light tneath the constellation Leo." 5 JUROR UNDER OPERATION Quits Jury Room for Hospital; Then Returns to Colleagues Twice within 12 hours Albert Scott. 62 years old, of 190 E. WIshart street, a Juror serving In Quarter Sessions Court, ,as removed from the Jury room In City Hall and sent to tho Medtco-Chlrurgical Hospital. After being locked In for the night with thfl other Jurors sitting with him In a v.umuai case, aeon oecamo so in inai Police Surgeon Egan oidered himto the hospital at 10:30 o'clock last night. After he had relief tha Itirnr wnn t.ikpn fcack to tho Jury, but at 9:3) this morn ing ne again was Buffering severe pain nd was sent to the hospital in a patrol agon the second time. A slight opera tion Was DCrformi.fi. nnrt fin won tnlfn ;back to the Jury room. ' iii i .im. ,i ii KILLED BY PITCHED BALL Man Dies in Harrisburg Hospital Alter Being Hit on Head Ii HAJWISDUno. SePt. 23.-nusse!l Klat iu't? y.er" 0,d' of Maryavllle, died today tZ V. ""nsDurg Hospital aa the result 5 having been struck on the head by Htchefl ball in a baseball game, be- Lwrn last Saturday. M Hlitlikf. tutiA ..... -i .. !. i ' w" " Br oaiier, nau IfiiSr y two BO"168 " the. Central SALESMAN KILLED BY AUTO fold M. Swing, Kepresenting Scran- i company, Crushed Near York BTnnt' i i... . """ oepi. zs. iiorold M. Hwlnc. IS t . " ""lesman, connected V1" iSL-. n,,nK "irdwaro Company, of rS!!l n' Va" " Uwtantjy killed early liZkn ,"r w Oxtonl, when Ills uuto- liiHi "u".e ovor an embankment and " turtle on top of Mm. Toe Yaunv fa W.J t?ii,i.. WICTOX, Md., Sept. EL Charlea L --.. cMjutk fsonemasier, Lancaster, Jlr youth. Those married n Klkton ,-"""'" were: tiarvey uoggett ana mmi ,iuhlett- Herbert Qreenber J a ueuelD"um and John Bar- i.i. 7, u10 arcro, an or I'liua- 1 Homii.1 m , 'cwilllams, Lancasterr Benjamin H. .. - ,K'rrua r. urunner, i-ans-V rtf9? W '"nt. Newark, N, J.. .oUti K, auciei. Wilmington, Ward T.uuloi. ir r-u tT'w Froach. Rennhilrn r!ii rm. man fiom the d Ward and Re. can leader r i,. ...t-.i . n....i home, at t(h avunue und 13th t. With n t.,. ..u it. . MMUJ working at the polls, on election ?' IPcUi SulHWrka lkuiln...m, . if . cnry rurv, ,":"'' illlonalre autoirutfeito manufao- MAIL TUBE IV. MARKCr MSSYtnrsn m-wff mc t DIAGRAM Of TNt PNEUMATIC POSTAL TUBE SYSTEM PHILADELPHIA. SfOwme fMStST JYJTtM II 0ftTlK UTtMlCU ffOfOSK nconntxttD . U3 jf r L SIGN KNOCKS BOY DOWN, BUT HE HOLDS JEWELS Even When Unconscious Max Lembsky Proves True to Trust A U-yeaijold bpy. whose skull was fiactuied today nhen a large sign fell from the third Btory window of the build ing at 706 Chestnut, held on to a bag con taining Jewelry valued at $1000, and, al though th boy was unconscious, a po liceman, who vtcnt to his rescue, was unable to pry It fiom his hand. The boy was Max Lembsky, 616 Emily street. So fearful was he that the Jew elry with which he hail been entrusted would be taken ftom htm that he Insist ed on keeping It In bed with him at the hospital until his employer should como for It. The bov was cmplojed by Isadora Sa gorskv, at 802 Chestnut street, a repairer of Jewelry. The boy had collected Vari ous articles to be lepaired and was on the way to his emplocr's place when the accident occurred. Chestnut street was crowded with pe destrians when the sign fell, and many persons natrowly escaped Injury. Glanc ing blows were struck several persons, but they were not Injured. The sign fell from the place of Frederick Wagner, an artist, who occupies the third Moor of the building. Mr. Wagner was standing at the front of the building, his hand resting on the sign, which was fastened below the win dow sill. Ills weight is believed to have caused It to gheMvay. His hand 'was Injured as he tried to stop the sign from falling. DRUG STORE C1TAIN SOLD Cigar Stores Company Disposes of Riker-Hegeman Holdings The niker-Hegeman stores in tills city have been taken oer by the United Drug Company, together with the entire chain of stores operated by the Itlker-Hegeman and Rlker-Jaynes Company, according to dispatches received in this city. These stores, numbering 100 In various cities of the East, are said to do an annual busi ness aggregating $JG,000.000. The United Drug Company, of 'which Louis IC Liggett Is president, operates about 60 stores, known aa the Liggett chain. Although thcro are none of theso stores in Philadelphia, they are common in other nearby cities. The Rlkei -liegeman Company, which operates both the Hlker-IIegeman and Iliker-Jayncs stores. Is controlled by the United Cigar Stores Company, founded by George J. Whelan. It Is said that the deal was put through because of the de cision of the Whelan Interests to devote their attention exclusively to the United cigar stores. HELD FOR FLOURISHING GUN Romance of Married Man Gets Into Trouble Him The romances of Fred Sulbach, of 2220 Kennedy atrect, Bridesburg, have brought him considerable trouble, and the climax came today when ho was held in JSOO for court by Magistrate Harris. He wan charged with pointing a re volver at Jane Kelss, of 4318 Market stret, and her mother, Ida. The latter said Sulbach called on her daughter, al though he was married, Mrs, Kelss de clared she went to Sulbach's home 10 Investigate, and he chased her and her daughter out 'with a revolver. Sulbach, Ihe police say, admitted he was married, but said lie was applying for a 'dlvorco. JOVIANS MAY DISBAND Head of League Says Members Show Too -Little Interest The Jovian Electrlo League, the'1 city's organization of electrical men, may be come extinct, according to Its president, Washington Devereux, who spoke today at the weekly luncheon at the Adelphla Hotel. For the last four years, he said, the members have not been taking enough interest in the league to warrant its con tinuance. He pointed out that good xpeakers had been obtained, Including Mayor Blankenburg and former Director George V. Porter and Thomas B. Smith, rival nominees for Mayor. DIXON The DtptpJabt Tailor rtaMV lit Your Acquaintance Is Worth Something to Us We've planned or a big addition to our list of cus tomers thts Fall. We want to place your name upon this list. So, as an Introductory offer, we'll clip five dollar from our regular prices on the first order of every new Dixon customer. U'rll I r wr u BooUt, , m 'f 5 tjrtfwa jm w & J TTtiTttt ROUTES SLATED FOR ST. STmcw met) ntnnet not -0 , pucre in sriwee OCT iS, 1)07 fwa iitf.- HAcninstitritr. HArsiwo men im srionet net 7? A...Q. jw.reMr P0ST0FFICE OFFICIALS FACING ACCUSATIONS AT,A CLOSED HEARING Business Men Charge That Pneumatic Tube System Has Been Discriminated Against in Favor of Autos ABOLITION MAY RESULT Accusations made by J. H. Milholland, of the Pneumatic Trnnslt Company, against Postmaster Thornton and other cAlclnl of the Philadelphia Postofflce, In a public hearing, were put up to the officials at a closed hearing today by the postofflce commission Investigating thi pneumatic mall tube system here. 'While the postotllce officials were being heard, it was learned that the commls- Bon virtually has decided to recommend the abolition of tho tube system on tho ground thnt the tubes are not so efficient as motor trucks. Business men contend that the tube system has been dis criminated against. Chairman Joseph Johnstone, of the In vestigating commission, was asked why today's hearing Is -closed, when that at vhlch business men mid Mllholland were hcaid was open to the public Ilia onlv explanation was that he has authority to hold public or prhnte sessions, and he elected to make today's private. Neither tho members of the commission nor the officials examined would say what an swers had been made to Mllholland's accusations. The pneumatic tubes were first used In Philadelphia 23 years ago. This was the first American city to use them, although they had beep In usq. abroad for yeacs prior to that time. The linen are op erated by the Pneumatic Transit Com pany, under contract with the Postofflce Department, at a cost to the Government of nearly Jl'0,000 a year. Members of the commission declined to discuss their report today. They would not udmtt or deny officially that they wttl recommend the discontinuance of the tubes. It was learned from other sources, however, that such a recommendation has been decided on. The principal reason for giving up the tubes and replacing them with auto trucks, it is said. Is the fact that the tubes are too small to handle packages. With the parcel post weight limits con stantly rising. It Is necessary to provide means of handling larger parcels. Hun dreds of these now must go by auto truck, causing a duplication of expenses. Ten tubes are now In operation In this city. The contract with the Pneumatic Transit Company expires June 20, 1916. Postmaster Thornloi and V. 8. Ityan, superintendent of city deliver' In this city, were before the commission for ex amination today. Their testimony was not disclosed. Several other changes will be made in the service here, it is understood. One of the items taken up today for consid eration by tho commission was the delay In thu delivery of the Blddle-Duke wed ding invitations some months ago. More than 250 invitations to the wedding, said to have been posted nt the Middle City station, 17th and Market streets, were not delivered until several days later. Philadelphia Artist Wins Prize , Second prize In the contest conducted by the Friends of Young Artists of New York was vton by John l". Harbeaon, of this city. B. Hoyt. a New York archl York, was third. Ten others who will tect, was first. E. L. Flnlnyson, of New receive prizes are M. C. Beebe, George I'. Butler, Jr., Joseph IS. Cook, Edward J, Law, of Philadelphia; R. II. Douglaa, of Pittsburgh; Julian Boone Fleming, Dun can McLachlan and Q, H. Nichols, of Albany, America's most sacred historical spot. Splendid boating and picnic grounds, BptcUl farta HatujOai'a and Handajs YOU AHK WUl.COMU te- it with. She WANDERLUST " l,,eftern,ook,wW8atUrda' Saturday, Sept. 2$, 1915. HeailtMff Trnlnl, .Im mmlr at Culatobla Ave. Round Trip Fart- 75c 'TWmH 0ke. - Jm)J ir 11 I " B &mWL 1 Eight ' ' I I MMf . JlmmmVS Gold fmmmmmmmm I I FORGE WSBi L S ' DISCARD p o tr rf '" z o ''CXCZAIOAO FRANfCfORCi FKIENDS TO RUN BLOCK PARTY FOR WIDOW . I Will GO to j Proceeds of Affair Poor Woman and Con sumptive Son The clouds are drifting away today for a widow whose ees are fast being over come by darkness, and her last remaining child, n. man with consumption. Friends who know the story of this lemnant of a family are at ranging a block party for their benefit, a fair in which persons will te for pretty girls, dance and cat Ice cream. The' widow. Mrs Julia Deal, lives with her son in to rooms in the rear of 111 North Front street." She Is 70 jears old, and the time Is past when she can earn even n, meagre living by taking in wash ing. The strong, young days of her son, George Deal, are over, too. He Is bed ridden with tuberculosis, and It has been 14 weeks now since he has had strength lo cry Ills wares In the street with a pushcart full of vegetables. There were other children, but the widow has buried them all. The block patty will begin tomorrow night on the east side of Front street, between Master nnd Thompson streets. It will be held Friday and Monday nights. There will be a popularity contest- for girls and good things .tb eat. The money will be turned over to Mrs. Deal. The committee In charge of the party consists of Miss Annie Slcksmith, chairman; Mrs. Harry Klrby, Mrs. James Klrby, Mrs. Jcseph Reese, Mrs. Viola Belcher. Miss Lsara Smith, Mrs. Mary Agnew, Miss Mae Agnew, irs. oauie omun gnu x'ouce Lleuenant Knoell, of the Front and Mas ter streets station. Fire Damages Dye Works . -Flro caused $U0Q loss in the plant of T. Brophy's Sons' Kensington dye works, northwest corner of Jasper and Clearfield streets, this morning. The blaze was confined to the third floor of the three story brick dye house, which Is used as a "dryer." The floor Is fitted with many steam pipes, which became overheated. Most of tho damage Involved was done to the pipes and fittings and the building was little damaged. The fire, which started at 7:20 o'clock, when there were only 25 employes at work, was the first at tha plant of the firm in 50 years. The delicate flavor of good ceatn CREAM is a very delicate product. If it is to be at its best when it reaches the breakfast table here is what you must have: Fine, healthy, sleek, well -.nourished herds. Absolute cleanliness at every step from the farm to your home. Scientific precautions to guard this delicate product all the way. All these elements you have at their best in Supplee Cream. Try it tomorrow morninp; with your cereal and cup of coffee. The Supplee Alderney Dairy Milk Cream Ice Cream aa lATJ, Mr. Business Man! Are you expanding? Are you getting your share of the business? If not,. . . . why not? Is your business one of those which has potential possibilities, but which fails to grow? ye are younp mn with buineM ahiHty, charac ter, own initiative and we eer our swrvice to a firm wW eportunity w present . W. D. RV. Cifi.UdOiic POSTER FIGHT TO RAGE AT U. OF P. TONIGHT "Freshies" and "Sophs" Will Engage in Annual Battle for Defense of "Honor" . The first or the bitterly contested bat tles which will mark tho advent of the freshman class at the L'nUcrsit of l'eiin hanln this ear will be staged tonight nt the tear of the Harrison Chemical Irfi bin ntory, 34th nnd Spruce stiects. when tho nnnuat poster Mi?lit will be vtnged be tween the "freshies" nnd the "sophs." The event I scheduled for 0 o'cloek when second- ear men will assemble on the steps leading to the rear entrance to the h(boralor) and paste a partlcutatly Insulting pouter on the door of tho build Ii g This document will not only en l'ghten the Incoming ilass as to Its In feilorlty In Its mental, physical and moral status, but will alfo define In plain lan guage certain Btrlngcnt rules which the "Sophs" Intend to Impose on the "Fresh ies " I The rlass of 1919 will alembic at the rppulnled hour In the lclnlty of the nronghold occupied by the sophomores. t At a clrn signal a concentrated attack will be made upon the fortified position nnd uu effort made to touch or tear down tho offending poster. The battle will be divided into two linhcs of 20 minutes each, und ihould tho fltst-ear men suc ceed In l etching the poster during cither perldd they will hao won the contest. In the event of the sophomores success- fullv defending their position the honors will go to the class of 1918, and It Is pre dicted that the lives of tho "freshies" will h one of hardship and torment If this should be the outcome of the contest. Tho poster fight will be supervised by marshals from tho Junior and Senior (.lasses. Gordon A Hardwick, president of the Senior class, has appointed u com mittee of nine seniors to be under the di rection of Hdward D. Hnrils, captain of the Peunsjlvaula football team this ear, to tnko charge of the affair. It Is lis fol lows: Arthur Littleton, W. K. Chickei ing, J. K. Lockwood. J. S. Lanslll, E. J. Foster, 11 C. Russell, D W. Hopkins, J. R. Breltlnger and K. L. Sewell. The freshmen will be under the super vision of a marshal from the Junior class, while their opponents, led by Fer ber Marshall, president of the "sophs," wilt be under the direction of the senior class. Browning, King & Company Dividing Profits. Here is a division of profits in which you may share. A suit of good clothes with extra trousers for $18.50 The color is oxford, (dark gray) the fabric is a worsted cheviot. On sale only Thusday and Friday this week. See the window. 1524-152S Chestnut Street Nejet Weele: National Gas Lighting Week! All over the United States, gas companies and dealers will devote the week ot September 17th to the improvement They will display the developments of Gas Illumination for the home and for business. that Gas is actually the Fo2r5r,y Now For Upright and Inverted FOR I CHILDREN BURN WHILE MOTHER CRIES IN VAIN Woman, Rushing to Rescue Her Four Babies, Is Held Fast in Window LARGK, Pa., Sept. 23 -Begging plte ously that they bo rescued, four chil dren, three boys and a girl, sons and daughters of Daniel Kish, a coal miner, were burned to death In their home at I-nrgc, near Itllznbeth, today. their mother, Mrs. Mllznbeth Kish, was caught fast In a window through which she had tried to reach them nnd waa powerleiH to aid, Frantic and screaming, she saw her four children perish in the flames. The fire dcstioycd tho Kish home and that of Joseph Sutto, next door. Mrs. Kish Is now dangerously 111. Appealing candy specials lot cleat Autumn days Yes, we are entitled to the cooler, clear days, and to that keen candy appetite that they bring. A very special week-end list in which each good confection has its own individual charm. All at prices that bear very lightly indeed on the pocketbook. Chocolate Molasses Crisp. There is just the right crisp iness, just the right combi nation of good ingredients in good chocolate coatings, to make this an exceptional offering at 29c lb. Tutti - Frutti. Always welcome to the candy lover, with its delicious mingling of fruit and nuts. 31c lb. Assorted Nut Flake. A crispy glace holding plenty of rich nut meats. 27c lb. Assorted Molasses Jum bles. A mighty enjoyable ' molasses candy containing center of mint, or peanut butter or cocoanut, and then wrapped. 23c lb. Moss Caramels. Those fine marshmallows dipped in soft filmy caramels ami wrapped. 31c lb. . Mrs. Leo's Homemade Toffee is with us again. This as well as Homemade caramels, 40c lb. Foss' Delicious Chocolates, a remarkable value at 60c lb.. Our famous Dollar Box, ton taining 1 lbs. of chocolates infc wide variety. Delicious pastry -absolutely fresh Golden Rods, 15c each. Ginger Ionfs, 10c each. Nut Cakes, 22c each. New York Pound Cake, 18c lb. Sponge Cakes, 10c each. Coffee Cakes, 12c a doz. To have your bills come to you monthly is a time saver and convenient. We shall be glad to have you open an account at the store. Thos. Martindale & Co. f 0th & Market Eatabllahed In 1809 Bell Fhonea Filbert 2870. Filbert 3371 Ueratone IUce EDO. Usee CB1 recent wonderful gressive, as well as the healthful, eye comforting light. They will ahow you the first essential of good light a good mantle. Ask for They will show modem and pro- tUr-i iirri r- aiiai it-w ' $eUacJi 'Ajeiepr niLuu vuali i i G&i.s Maori: le 15c Caa Lamps SALE BY Gas Company and Middle-4agedr Men Please Note! Nearly all clothing advertising today, local or national, far-fetched or rational, grotesque or picturesque, prosy or pulling, is addressed to the young man C. Now we are second to none in our admiration for youth, but to read clothing advertising to day one would think there wasn't such a per son on earth as a man of middle-age CT, And we just want to go on record that we spe cialize on "N. B. T." clothes for men of middle-age, who want to combine the dash of youth with the dignity of years. T, Speaking from ex perience, the father has it all over the son for wisdom and if he wears "N. B. T." clothes he need take no back-talk on the score of style. $20, $25, $30. Perry&Co. "N. B. T." 16th & Chestnut Sts. 'ni'i11, ..- . . BLANK'S Luncheon, 50c IN O'-n DELIGHTFULLY COOL DINING 8ALON Business Men's Luncheon, 40c AT LUNCH COUNTER 1024-26 Chestnut St. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Ortbapaedle Brace (or d.fornilU.a. Elastic Btocklnf.. Abdominal Bupporttra. at. Purcha.a direct from ractorr. FLAVELL'S crniNo uakoen ra. of LIGHT! liliili: Awarded Grand Priit, HfeatJf Hmw Panama.PjcrfiC ntrMtomf ExpasUhn 100 Points ExctHtat Dealers ' tV ,?CCUd h" B'' Nvy Yard ut ja -lM t0 (l0Wtt ,n tMr ut th- nil WftfaHfttfliftMt Hy. WW km WpUbch V&Yxyo pyfe , k ua Men pUnntd, m