Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 23, 1915, Final, Page 13, Image 13
13 Order your Want Ad inserted by the week in both Ledgers rate is only 10c per line per day for both EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1915; 4TTOUS WANTED MALE rN 23. of good personality "no en 9 !,.! to make connection along sell- HlA Si . u. onirai- TTmSL Mth ehool education, will Mil MAN, H '!.,. ..tflr,n. nrefernbly if ". hnu'i or manufacturing estab- riwii' jjj idgrr central.. antnt r "v .2 - -TTti3S desire poalllon In first K0.M..'. house with chance for ad- , W iJflMt 11 W TAILUII. aw".- -I nermantown. riin "' J ZTh'vi spent 10 Tear1 at Mmi KO .liji position; operalo auto; rTT-Tj itlth oltlco exp.. having type KO M.?ili of bookkeep ng. desire .. ".( 13. Ledger omee. tt no"" . - : B. .. j..iro nnaltton. manufac- ;0 MAN. ".. n0Uie to learn bminee; ,.-... Aerie noaltlom as- MA?. . ,"' ,. c Led. office. iyd, DO"" . -r723. "" banking experience. Uioiltlon. P 032, Ledger Central. I i r i . lil.nl n tli4 m . ggV5 .i nn NOT FIND THE KIND rT?rilS?t llited hire who can mi that I "'"SEe.n. telephone Mr. Hunt. I-ed- KKSJi Walnut or Main '3000. Tne iei FSSeMla i Registry Dureau le a frea h O'" iiie you time and Incon- Ice iv. "V.', ......lir bring the tight JUl rtht lob together. Svf hfi time In a position whero hi ? .- iL.tiinr estates and handling Siusi cwld The utilised. E bSl. Ledger Ktrtl. ma n a . ' .fLc"" iS- I BAtohlce DTIll all i. w: mpw"""l "--;ir - ,,,v h Di power, m . " -- --- Gffer cattle. nntclasa butter maker; B1Mr . ... eiil nnaFB-a nt trn eitate; best reference. Manager ,! Blink Farm, weat unewier, ra t pun .. --- . ta ..,-. .a.i-Ai in fnltnw nhntn itf life work and wlshe to communl- to wna ! " v.vr .v7zi ' jmelt J m. neuger ums TnKSB, handy oungman, nowly arrived iMtt rtmlly, TMlUng, honeat; reference. IS. S.t ttra oi rriiwrwn, chibjicp gn Bt.i.nra ' rutaltlnn ta Kllf lll SIT hi-l11IM ! " -v- .a iitnmnhlln! In DrlVllto lam- lart city or country T. A.. 753 Clevland ave. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES i. its ner week: kitchen maids, trained iHltniiea, laundresses, nurses, governesses, 'fetch snd Kngllsh butlers. Austrian couples, MUM Cleaners, icuiyvint "fi " mmi tatranteed. Also wanted, all-around t. ttri4-a. drla for chamberwork and wilUM. Swedish and German cooks, etc. " MnTKine, 611 8. 10th it.: phono Locust 3010. t k aXTEJ Cooks, chambermaids, chlldnurses, jnfint nurses, housekeepers and housowoik ftii. 'Frst-class help wants positions; cooks ind chamttermaldi want nosltlons on Main IVB Una WOITUUl, Willi viuiu, nniuo -jaii.iUII TI M138 ROSE DOUOHDliTY, 1313 Olrard ave. kR3 HARVEi", 101D Klttcnhouaa aq Wnntod tmtr.KiUttlr, an addition of cooks, 1S3 to J".",; trafnMt waitresses, laundresses, l'rcnch. Kne- II lblt eovfmesses and ladles' maids, nurses. 11 (tpcrlcnced kltcherunald. second and third sill anq Douaenien. iveicrcmujt ruijuircu. kaNTED,' butlers, cooks, alx waitresses rmch and other ladles' maids, girls for ctemteroork and sewing, nursery govern tun. Infant nurses, German cooks and cham- terDAlaf. coupies, u nousemaius. iu.u nam Miti iL rhona Locust 2130. SWEDISH snd German girls wanted, several A for kitchen maids, second cooks, competent . cumoermaias, cooss anu upnutirs Kiris tor b unit bosses; sev rat cooks; competent laun- amses. cm p. roaq bi. CiRUSLE BUREAU has llrst-claos cooks, tkunas., waitresses, parlor maids, ladles' Mldt, nurses, housemaids, butlers, alets, itdimen and housemen: rets, guar, 400 a. fcit it. Locust 9S8. IANf 10 housework girls, all nationalities; tnppues wants, nrst-cias rroicstant and Ctuiollc, male and female help, all nation lilltlM. Miry T. McCarthy, i!07 Christian Fit Locuat 1303. BiDrcATIONAL and Domestic Kmnlovment ft CIDtf nt 8. Sydenham (15th and Walnut) Wintia, cooks, man and wife, nurses, wait mvts, housemen, lady's maid, laundress. AUTOMOBILES For Sale VWR BALE -HUDSON slx-54 Sedan, 1014 sanu, m nrst-cias condition; only run about UN miles, full electrical equipment; Delco eU-ttirteri oeralie tlreB or around, with '2 sua stack absorber and other extra equip ment! in h sold cheap for cash only. Aafttis maT Ledger Office. UiCOMOBlLE, 1U13 (M8 touring; 7 passenger, wlU titra line body. Rebuilt and guaran ty! lrta new. Price, Jir.PO. lfJCOStOBILE. 2314 Market. Locuat 450. IS ,"" J"". Mgr.. Exchange Car Dept. Iw)ijisiu.'iai, ROUSE wants to rent building ' ICI liriri Mrtnl InAia.Inn Ma.. a--. UAnArf . fcconmodatlon for 13 cars. Send full partlcu -tan to C 21. Ledner OtRca. I i 9fr)fi tfrUt IT n v T.imliiTi-r"itmlT ' ' ' If Bn. ..0B' UBLD CARS. It M0! "TO EXCHANOE. 238 N. Broad. ijivut ui itmonstrator'. slightly uaed, for u 8. BOWERS CO.. "I.1.J7 w nn,j ., LlsaM? e1.1!?3, t0,urln car! overhauled and Mir iWnSnVl.U :1'il P"CO. IJU. AUTO ii. WILL SELlTilll't PackafTB-srroad: , ,iurt,5ni,c?idu,0.n throughout; electric 1 L 1 ' "'?'"' nn orter- Wood, 352. ' 'AP l"U roadster In flrst-clasa condi? I, "IWU good as new. ': ,,.1-C. MOSER. 21H N. Broad t. ,'E,i5.L!l:.l-P.?engrro-cyllnder: exi a-,w'iiu"; WI" wcrince; 550. Apply &i?i'Jl0D3ranhPI,h0n"K- PTO LIVERY AND bABAOES GARAGE Nevy, Modern, Fireproof Garage P21st and Brandywine Sts. Storage and Repairs for Ensure and Commercial Cars Apply SuDCrintendent Joscph G. Darlington & Co. r, "0-UZ8 Chestnut St. i" at 21 and Brandywine Sts., nft'FB AT REASONATir.B nTItn ,'..?"VCB COMPANY nift, 4252 "AD 8T. gf3TAl.lm,-.. ""' "-- "g cntr.TlS..wr "" xo rent building "xSitlon f!il,?S,,oni wust be heated; iS TBx p i18i e5r ,n '"'I p': ?2TTI,PT2U-I1r Office. . fc"uJ" andtourTn-e-S W! gsjotgi-jS) Banaom. Bel. 2310. MO SrABSP?ESBw'"TURINiJ aaea mr- Phone Poclar 1B17 W. H0EPAIKINa tiafJ-BKAZINO AND HEPAIlMNfj- UWElr?xS.A,U V, '"feTOIt EXHICRTS 1 r-irotahJa y,V.K"- hew Puton nitt Ft t t i"uu'"' -r7 "1LLY-" BItOAD. I AUTO TIKES Bt! S",LLf TIRES riBiM.v'.-le, b.r rallnn. 0fth Btoad L 3!H.wNMSNOWcg A three-time 'iiii'TuPiJf83 B.Wl tfciT?h'M Un,dMmadi,d. Bl5 BM ABAlfl'li Tii i? !. '" order. bubinebs orroRTtmiTiEa WANTF.D-Capable office associate trea tirer to Join practical business man doing a mall, conservillte, paying engineering busl no which require additional capital for expansion with rallroade and induatrlal plant, company Incorporated And established 1U years, aptendld connection for active and .permanent Investment, or for party command ing funds: principal! only. F 741, Lod. Cent. PATKNTS-Arthur K. ralge. 714 Walnut at., Fhlla., mechanical and electrical engineer; registered, patenr altorneyi established here 10 jesrs; Invention developed: patent, trade mark, copyright ecurd and litigated any where! rejected application prosecuted; pre- . 'Imlnary advice free. PRIVATE IVARTY (accountant) will finance and assist an hour or two daily, on or two (mail buslnei enterprise of merit, where cash and up-to-date method aro needed f nd h getting of more buatnes possible. L( 101. Lodger Office. ,4?i.?"KAM "nd confectionery business along with property for sale: excellent opportunity for fancy bakery; good location) estate must bo stilled; price $10,500. L 148, Ledger Central. MECHANICAL KN(HNER eeek nna"nclal backing to develop new Invention) working model and full particular will be given to party of recognised standing, F 140, Ledger atJKW TO LNVKaT with eervlcca In promUln buslnee that can be Increaaed and mnde prontable by additional cnpltAl nnd business esp. Address, mth rartlc;. V 754. Led Cent. HAitliEita HAViNii Tills'm own-bstaIH lishment can Increase their lncom by handling our free talking machln offer. Ap ply 1332 Arch t . CAR TIU18T CKIlTlinCATEa. bearing per cent. Interest; par $5000; maturing Mil). Make ""i oner. .vMyoicmn ltuuaing. I'lCTUIlB THUATltn, nenr rhlindelthla,1250O. 11500 cash; earns t40-$no weekly, bally mat Inecs. Owner 111. llAltrtlST. 214 North 8th. A HJLLY protected moving picture monopoly needs Immediate working capital; ground- flparPjroposUlonJAllanTner,JWaUe2phla. WANTElS The services of young imn with 1500, Interest and salary given. F 858, Led ger Central. CABPET CLEANING Thirtieth .ear. TUB JOHN IU11MD3 CO. 738 N. Holly st.. West Phlla. CARPCT 11BATINO. 3c. VAUU. OONT1NKNTAI. CAni'KT CLEAN1NO HOUHB , S0T1I ST. A120VG CHKSTNUT Bell phone. locust 10-CO. WE8TPH1LA. MONARCH STOIIAOB CO. WESTPHILA. lie. I'EH YAHD. WESTPHILA. 3870-72 LANCASTER AVE. 4 DBESSJttAXINa AND MILLINERY HEMSTITCHING, 10 cent jard. all mate rials. A. HEICUAIID. 1113 CHESTNUT ST. . PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTKnNS DUES.SMAKI.no taught: short, practical, Inex pensile courses; patterns cut, 50c. Mac Dowel). S07 Denckla Dldg., 11th and Market. FOR. SALE 1I1LL1ARD AND POCKET TAULES Also bowling alley; easy payments. 11RUNS-WIOK-UALKB-CO LLENDER COmIOU--' Arcll. 1I1LL1ARD and pocket tables, snufflcboard new and slightly used , llbeVal terms, tenting, repairing & supplies. Rosatto Co.. 22 S. bth. U1LLIARD, poolTcomblnatlon, Vd-hand bought, gold rented, oxch'd. KcaXer. 320 Olrard ae. UILLIARD, pocket, 2d-tnd tables, repairing, supplies. Clark-Herd Mfg. Co., 2421 N. Front. CASH llEQISTERS, new and second hand; to tal adders aa low aa $10, on caay monthly parir.rniH; nu registers Bom uy us tuny guar anteed. The National Cash Ileglster Co., 730 Chestnut st DESKS, tiling cabinets, safes, telephone booths nnd office furniture and fixtures of every de scription; uaed, but In flno condition, and very cheip; free delUery anywhere. HUGHES. 11T11 AND BUTTONWOOD DESKS Large assortment; also household fur. nlture. CENTRAL SECOND-HAND FIIRNI TUIiB CO.. 1)04-06-14 CALLOWH ILL ST. HEATERS and ranges, various "makes, little ued; good condition: can bo bought cheap. MAKIN-KELSEY HEATING, 0 N. 18TH ST, MESH UAOS-SILVEH-PLATED Bend lBc. for VS-oz. can 'U-KAN-PLATE POLISH (red label) (extra strength), and make old bag look new. A. It. JUSTICE CO.. 812 Cheatnut. Phlla. S0 V1CTROLA OUTriT FOR $47.60 VIctrola outfit worth $50 for $17.50, a saving of $8.50. Till opportunity comes to you ns a result of a purchase of handsome cabinets at less than con to make. This outfit Includes n VIctrola VI, at $23, a record cabinet worth $22, and 12 10-Inch double-face records, your own selection, at $0, all for $47.50. payable $1 weekly. Call or write for large Illustrated csta loguei and complete Hat of VIctrola outfits from $1 Mi up. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. (1th and Thompson at., Philadelphia, Pa. LADY leaUng tbo city wishes to dispose of furniture In her npartment; will sell as a wholo ot separately. Call Friday or Saturday, between 3 and II, A3 Wlssahlrkon Apartments, Queen Lane Station, Oermantown. $27.50 PARKER I1ROS.' double-barrel ham merless gun: Damascus barrels, list price $78.50. It teller's Lo. n Office. 128 Market at. $2000 CALDWELL diamond necklace; 77 fine ly mntched diamonds: original cost $3500. Itleder'a Loan Office. 128 Market st. $1)0 LADIES' diamond cluster rlnj ; 3S pure whlto diamonds: a great bargain, llleder's Loan Office, 128 Market st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS SHAFTING SAFETY SPLIT COLLARS AND YOCOM hangers and pillow blocks with fin ished ball and ockot bearings are the best for all shafting purposes. SHAFTING AND MACHINE WORKS. 145 North Second st. JAMES YOCOM & SON. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motor, boilers, steam and oil en glnes. pumps, air compressors. FRANK -rOOMEY. INC.. 127 N. 3DST. 55ND'8 HABIIITT "METALS Imperial, Vic tor, Royal, Monitor. Vincent, grades for every purpose. BOND. 520 Arch st. DYNAMOS AND MOTORS Agent for Allls Chalmera machines. Seyfcrfs. 417 N. 3d at. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANOS All grades, cash or easy term. $1 weekly up; $50 to $150 less than downtown stores: our price will tell you what part of the downtown rents you pay In the purchase of a piano: slightly used pianos, $50, $00, $75, 8S .0? "F: .,...... XUUU W JHH.lir.ffB.lti l.WJ., .,u,u.. ur nlltnKEItlNfl UPRIGHT PIANO. IIOWAIID VINCENT, 838 N. Bth. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum plated ware, old-style jewelry, teeth plate bought forcaan, tot. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner, b07 Sansom. OLD GOLD Cah paid for old gold, allver, antique clock, will call. Dell phone. Locust 1210. ROGERS, 27 8. 17th, 00FING AND IRON AWNINGS 'INO CANVAS, guaranteed qua'llty. it, A, IlUPUll'.n, ( fe,w,w 1021 CallowhlU St. STORAGE CONTINENTAL 8TORAOE WAREHOUSE 20TH 8T. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKINO, MOVINO, SIIII'l'ING Rugs, Carpets cleantd, scoured, stored. Bell, Locust luOO Phone Key., Race 4IB0. MDELITT FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES AOlA-4pw MAnnbt t. WESTPHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. WEST PIIILA. Auto and packing and shipping. WESTPHILA. 8870 LANCASTER AVU. McCANN'S STORAQE HOUSE His ti, inn si', Moving, packing, shipping; auto van. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE - Storage, moving, packing, shipping, .'arpet cleaning. Ph. luring 752 fur estlmat. Market and J7tB MILLLOURNE STORAGE CO.. 22 N. B2D7 Uelmont 4825. Carpet cleaned. Weat 421 WALKER'S STOKAOE, (eparat locked rooms, auto vans for moving, 2312 N, 15th at. WANTED -V- Old gold sliver, curio, coins, pis tols, false teeth, furniture. J. II. ANTIQUES IlfiSS (People's store), zuuh, hid. ANTIQUE furniture, brlo-a-brae, feather beds, broken jewelry, false teeth, cold, diver, dla roondi li't 7ft Walnut. Pb V1. 7026. Kat.'w "7?AHT.1VF CLOTHINOWANTED OENTfAMEN AND LADIES, TX) WHAT I BAY 13 MEANT l'6ll YOU: IF YOU HAVE ANY CLOTHINO TO SELL, HKNDTOM1? PLL TREAT YOU WELLT THE PRICE t PAY IS VERY Iliaili MORE THAN OTHERS. LET ME TRY. TMVKPHONE MARKET 2000 . . WIHTK OR PHONE AND I WILL CALL ANY I'IMCH OR TIME AT ALL. afelUlSOIN HTH AND HP. GARDEN BT8. OABTl'F'cLOfHIrTa. Will poelthely pay BO IMr cent more than other dealer for ladles and gentlemen's cst.ff clothing, hats shoes. etc., aiMt iuii ureas n impuu uua. .i.i write, phone, Pot'hir Mil Prompt attention l4'tp otdern I inacur 12J Poplar t Want Ad cost WANTED PimNITUnE, piano, carpets, antlqun; entlr or part house bought for ceh; no matter "" "m" ,-, ,., hi, in.n nnne w.ri ODNTS PART-OKF CtJTHINO bought! high . est price psld ii N nth (above Arch). MKN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHINCI WANTKD llest Trices, we coll anywhere.., any time, l'bono Wwl Biin.1, j, fhVm Mi N, nth t. 8A.FK..,,'anl"l. ! doubl door. Address V B31. Ledger Central. IIOOMS FOB BENT JUST THE noOM TOU WANT Can ery likely be located In n few minute by eiamlning the photograph and descrip tion of room with and without board which are on file for your Inspection at Ledger Central. An Interior photograph and an swers to every question you would ak are here, ao you can decide Intelligently: free iceitestL AllCII. lrcn Two larre room, furnished or miiuiiinn-q. singienr ensuite jererence. IlALTIMOKR, 4233-lArge. nicely turn, rooms: hot-water heat: electricity: good board: 10 . mln. to U, of 1'.; South Amer. studenta prtt. DALTIMOItn, 4221 Fur. rms. for mrn: sin. Le-P ulti face Parle. Treaton 24.6. UHOAD, s , 423 Attractive npt., S or 3 rooms. prlvatebath j turn, or unfurn.i dining room. IinOAD, N.. WB-Ijirre well-furnlshed front room and bat lelectrlcjtyiteani Jieat. LIIIOWN. 1311 Oentleman'e well-appointed . home; ownera fam.: low price: photo Led.C'.l CHKSTNUT, 1033 Apartment, private bath: jijjiiigie room; rtrerences etcnangea CHESTNUT. 2000 Desirable slngl and double .wv.,iB,rriimnenioriranieni, CHESTNUT. SOIJ-Large, hand. furn. 2d-floor ""'" imiiii roomg.wqj oatn. rn. ioc. :nn j, CHESTNUT. 2045 Suite of rooms, with bath; r j7 cp , aiso ingic rm ; taDie Doara OHiaTNUT ST.. 2100-Nlwly furnished room, slnglo or en suite; use of bath, CHESTNUT. 4410 .Bachelor apartment or roome, newly renovated: furnished or unfur- ninedref. required: homelike surroundings. CHESTNUT, 4420-One or two desirable rooms, 'j;rnlh,ed or unfurnished. CEDAR AVE., 4815 Third-floor front, fur- nistied; eleitrlc light; steam heat. uiAAiu.ND. 2013-Cheerful lum. rooms- south. riejcposuremod. rate. Diamond 3S52 1. ORF.EN, inn-Comfortable rooms, furn. or unfurn., jorbuslnesa men or women. JEFFERSON, lS00-Two very desirable 2d-floor room with hath: prUttte famllytphono. POWELTON AVE.. 3307 Well-furnlshed roo.ns. bright ano airy: single or en suite: rrlvnto family; 8 minute to City Hall; near i, : references exchanged. ltITTENHOtTSESQUARE(2T6 8. 10th U Ijirge, airy rooms and apartments; beauti fully furn , 1 or 2 rooms; private bathe; hot- water heat. 1st class In ap'tmenta &8rrvfte. SPRUCE. 120S Newly renovated front foomr, single or communicating, for permanent par- tics; elegant service. SU,,WJ?.KJ. n17 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS; SINOLE OR EN SUITE; NEAR BATH. SPRUCE, 120.1 Front rooms, turn.; running waltr. convenient to bath. Walnut "(Xi.i w. bl'HUCE, 1337 Rooms single or en suite; prlv. baths; prof, offices; uteam heat, electricity. SPRUCE. l(12l-Ijirgo 1st nnd 2d floor apart- jnjts.itjijmslnejoj2ioms; SPRUCE. "20-'2-Attractlcly furn. suite: tno rooms and priv hath; telephone; gentlemen. HTH N., 2010 Attractively furnished room" running water; bath adjoining; phone. IHril, N . 2323 Welf.furnlshed front roorrT run, water; prlv. family. Diamond 23S1 W 17TH, s , 253 Furnished rooms: sinalo or en sulto: terms reasonable: nil jgmvenieyes ' 1STH, S., 10S Dcslrsblo rooms, well furnlshedT running water: private bath, kitchenette. 30TH ST., 8.. 102-Second-story front, furn., heat, light and service; $7 weekly. 41TH ST., between "Locust and Spruce One or to rooms; private adult family, gentlemen lirrierrea; reierence. naring 1UN3 W. 4T1I AND WALNUT STS Furnlahed room, Doara optional rhone Preston 3293 "I40 HAZEL AVE. Ideal location; every con venience, reasonable. LARGE 2nd. floor room, handsomclv furnished, comfortable, convenient home for business man In exclusive, centrally-located private residence. Electric lights, Phone Baring 413. PRIVATE PARTY" In exclusive section of West Philadelphia desires to rent one or two rooms to gentleman or refinement; references ex changed. L 150. Ledger Central. ROOMS WANTED RPPPONSIBLE traveling man wishes 1 or 2 unfurn'd room In centrallv located apartment house or sub, residence. E 5.11, Ledger Cent. YOUNO MAN wants good room In house with modern conveniences. F BM, Ledger Central. BOARDING BALTIMORE AVE., 4410 Desirable vacancies, pon.li facing park; phone; excel, table; refs DUO AD. S , 770 (The Oraham) CMl,attract Ively fur, rms.j all convs.; table board. $7 up. LROAD. N .'1000 Large"2d-sTory frontrdom, juodern conveniences: hoard optional CHESTNUT, 3414 Second-story-communfeat" Inn rooms, with refs. Phone Preston C2U0 J CHESTER AVE.. 4504-Large 2d-floorfront: excellent table. Phcno Woodland 311. CHESTNUT ST.. 3(112-3014 Vacancies, "single and en suite, private baths, steam heat, elec tricity, large porch; finest residential sec tion; first-class table board and service Phone, Preston C031 GIRARD AVI 2M)0-PIeasant front rms.: re fined surroundings. Phono Poplar 1009 D. LEHIGH AVE., 1313-15 Beautiful rooms, good tablo. new management. Phone Tioga H221 SPRING GARDEN. 1800 Boarding, rooms! mod. hJuae: baths; porch: table board; phone. SPRUCE. 102S-3O Beautiful 2d-story eulteT fur, or unfur.. to perm, people : choice table. SPRUCE. 1224-20 (Brlsmonde)-rurn. rooms, single, en suite; private bath; table board. SPRUCE, 12'10-Second-floor aulte; also slnglo rooms, table board. 351 II. 302, N. Desir. rms.: good table: porch. srane; c.inv. to cars, t'none l'reaton :i27Q w. 40TH. N., 32 Pleasant light rooms; excep. table: porch; near L. Baring 2008 W. 4UTII ST.. 8.. 624 Single and double rooms: modern: phone Woodland 1103 W.: photo and description at Ledger Central. 4GTH AND WALNUT STS. noardlng; private family. Phone Preston 3203. THREE OR FOUR ROOMH and hath, beauti fully furnished, well heated and lighted. In exclusive central section of the cltv. In a private adult family of three, are for rent with board, to only n small adult family; special caro will be given to diet If an In valid or elderly: highest references ex changed. F 445. Ledger Office. TWO GENTLEWOMEN would accommodate one cr two professional or business women In their home In West. Phlla. F 556, Led. Cent. BPIHICELYN .'105 South 41st st. Miss 8. MT HANLEY, formerly of Chestnut St. Suburban OERMANTOWN, Walnut la., W 43-Attract-Ive front room with board; reftned surround ings. Phone Otn 1066 Y. Photo at Led. Cent. OERMANTOWN The Shtppen.Wayn & Han. berry i .first class In appointment and service. OAK LANE Pleasant rooms, near station good table; modern terms. Phone Oak Lane 388 W. BOARD WANTED WANTED Rooms and board In small boarding house or private borne for man and 2 boya of 15 In Ilaverford. Address F 830, Ledger Cen. tral. APARTMENTS WALNUT BT., 2205 Attractive apartments. S rm., private bath and hall: electricity and gas; plenty of hot water: well heated; Urge room. Janitor, or phone Locuat 3340. BROAD'BT N, Phil, apartments, $23 to $15 per month- furnished or unfurnished. Apply at office. 3033 N. Broad at. Eroad. ''.. 655 Three rooms, private ba"th? electricity, steam heat; southern and east- ern expoaure. SPHINO GA'rfDBN. 10JO Excellct apt. In different house, some furn.;' kitchenettes. UNFUnNISHPJp room and bath. The Newport. Addres E (154T Ledger Central. West Philadelphia CHESTER AVE. AND 40TH BT, (N W cor ner) Two and four-room apartment, hard wood Jloor open fireplaces : reasonable. FOWELTON'AVE.. 4007 (cornert-5" and 0 room, bath, porch, elactrlo light, liot-watsr heat: open day and evening. Baring 1807 I) fiREY GABLES 3,2'1 N- 38i UHCI UAUUCO 8 TO 7 IIOOMS Some furnished, All outald room. Ilea. FURNISHED APARTMENTS "OTII, S., 115-netljlfully furp.Uchlor apart, nent. private hatha, uealrabl Iocs. l owner- West Philadelphia W ALNUT 8T,. 8607-Uodern apartment, fit room and tathi near "U" Woodland 2800 W APARTMENTS WANTED West Philadelphia. WANTBOFurnUhed room for HgbT bou.T keeping West Phlla. or suburbs: 2 chil dren, good neighborhood. 438. Led. Cent, only 12Vc per HOUBEKEEPINO APAHTMENTS WALNUT. 2012 VBTtT TINK ltQUaB KhHriNO APAllTMKNT, SIX IIOOMS. Ti.HBK 1IATIIB) UP-TO-DATE. 2010 DIAMOND ST. Third floor, 0 rooms: hardwood floor; rent $13. Phone Wyoming 2uu, or see McDade, gnt. 1512 OXFORD ST Beautiful prtment; 2 liv ing rooms, 2 bedroom, bath, dining room, kltchcnmald'i bedroom and toilet. Inquire janitor. 12S0 N, 10TH 8T. Second floor. 2 room, bath and kitchenette, hot-water heat, $16. WALOMAN, 1119 dlrardavy. N. K. COR 10TH AND MASTER. Housekeeping suite. $5 up, furnlahed. One room, private bath, $.1 up. m 1DT1I, N, H)5H-Fully furnished first floor npnrt ment with private bath and kitchen: $27 suit 2 person! reference required. 2SD AND PINE ST8. (De Lancey Apts.)-Flve rooms, bath, to 0 rooms, 2 baths. Janitor or CUMMINS, 503 Chestnut. COLUMBIA AVE . W.. 1311-J ROOMS WITH . PRIVATE BATIt. $251 DIAMOND. 2112-14-10-Three room, bath, kltcheh hot-water heat, $23. PINE, POO .1 ft 4 room housekeeping apt., ev . ery conv.j all outside rms ; owner on prem. THE MONTEVISTA 017 TO 031 N. 03D ST. In the exclusive Overbrook section. An Ideal semlsubiirban location for all the ear, and within 21 minutes of City Hall via Market street elevated nnd ooth street croastown line, direct to (fid and Oxford sts. Crosstown line passes the door. Suites of one (1) room nnd bath to seven 17) rooms and hath, renting from $23 to $73 per month, on annual leases only. Dining room located In building. Agent on premises or rhone Oerbrook J70. I OFFER a large variety of apartment at varied price end to meet almost any re quirement. Call or send for list. Auto mobile servtco to Inspect npts If desired. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Wnlnut t, "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY." APARTMENT HOTEL BUREAU 01(1 New Stock Exchange Bldg. Apartments anywhere I,et u save you homo hunting. Vacancies Hated now. rented quickly. Magaslne free. Spruce 3114. palmer's, wetherill APARTMENT SPECIALISTS Real Eatate Trust Rldg. Walnut 143L CORONADO 22d and Chestnut sts A few desirable vacancies, large and small. HOUSEKEEPING APTS.. all part of city, lienta $23 to $70 per mo ; call, phone or write tor Information. Samuel Stern, 1201 Chestnut. HANDSOME fl-room housekeeping apartment; every modern convenience. i. EDWARD I.U1.. 210 N 17th at. West Philadelphia ANGORA TERRACE KID TO 63TH ST.. ONE BIXCI SOUTH OF BALTIMORE AVE. Built In pairs tike slde-jnrd houses, making every room an outilde innni, and with varied and beautiful architecture. if you aro going to lle In nn apartment this fall, the selection of THE particular apartment out of the many, many jou sco on every hand Is mturallj a matter of great moment to jou. But there must be ONE BEST APART MENT for you, whero location, servtco and comfort everything that goes to make a truly attractle npartment home Is absolutely at its best, and this, too, for a reasonablo rental. For $32 to $.1.1 monthly ou can secure one of thepe apartments, and this Includes most excellent nnd een hotting unlimited hot water, courteous nnd cffclcnt janitor service, vacuum cleaning service, shades, screen and awning" In fact, everything to make arart nent housekeeping qulto the perfect way to live. Apartments have five rooms nnd bath and are finished In both natural wood and white enamel, with artlstio papering and fixtures, cabinet gas- ranges, prlvato porches. The price Is, in truth, the only thing Inexpensive about them. ,...., Wo have tastefully furnished a sample apartment (No. 5410 An-ora terrace), which Is open for Inspection day and evening and will give you a definite Idea of how remark ably attractive theso apartments really are. WM. II. W. QUICK &"nnO Inc., S S. 40th tt. and NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1111 Walnut st. CHESTNUT STREET, EAST OF 03D ST. $32 Near CSd st. "L"-Mtatlon; just com pleted; 5 rooms and bath; large porches; $81 deep lots: every other convenience. JAMES N. MITCHELL. on premise, or 40th and Market. DltEXEL APARTMENTS OVERBnOOK STATION After September 1, one housekeeping suite. 7 rooms nnd bath: delator; public dining room: roof garden; spacious lawn. Phone Overbrook6528. THE CHANCELLOR APARTMENTS, Chancel lor st. above Mth Best value In West Phlla delrhla. 22-foot living room; splendid condi tion; 5 rooms, bath and large porches; every modern convenience, rent. $.10 and tI2. Open evenings Apply Mr. Delhi, or KERSHAW & Crowl. 5215 Chestnut sL THE MARLBOROUGH B4TH AND CHESTNUT STS. Most conven ient location obtainable; hot-water heat, electric light. In fact, the character of serv ice and comfort which makes a vacancy In any one of these apartments a rare occur rence; two or three desirable apartments are offered now fj l tenants are leaving the city: rentals,"T2i.ro to $41. THE PARKWOOD 4VTII 8T, one block below Chester ave. (at Woodland ave.). facing Clark Park 2D apart ments rented since July 1; 1 apartment still offered for rental: a record which speaks more eloquently of the remarkable value In thcee apartmenta than am thing I can say. LB BLANC APARTMENTS B5TH AND WALNUT STS. Housekeeping apartments, with 5 room and bath, with every modern convenience and with the sort of services which will make you slad to lire in an apartment this winter: one first-floor at $35, two second floors at $.17. THE PLOF1YDBN 40TH AND LOCUST STS. Tno suite of 3 rooms and bath each may now be obtained in this particularly desirable 4-story fireproof apartment bouse. I also offer a large variety of apartment at varied prices and to meet almost any re quirement. Call or end for list. Automo. bile service to inspect apartments K de sired. NORMAN B. SHERWOOD 1411 Wlnut L "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTT" THI1 ALBERT 40th and Springfield ave. Just completed, exceptionally attractive, southern exposure corner apartment; first class In even' detail: mahogany finish; seven extra large rooms, sun parlor, bath, maid's room, maid's toilet; also garage If wanted; can he seen at any time. EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY Leaving the city, lesseo must sublet at loss modern n-room npartment, with maid' room and bath, In large apartment house: best location In West Phlla. Apply Immediately. F 741, I-edger Central. KINOBCOURT ' 36th and Chestnut sts JUST COMPLETED MODERN HOUSE, keeplrg apartments, fireproof floor, elevator, public dining room Apply THOMi.3 M. BEEPS. Jr.. 1207 HACE BT. theTvOtland aptb., just completed locust st.. 54tii to b5th bt. 6 snd 7 room apartments, with all the latest convenlenrea. $37.50 to $13 per month. ROBERT A, PITTS, AGENT Bell phone. Belmont 4433, 5443 Ixwuat tt. $43 PER MONTH: attractive 2d floor apart ment with private porch; n room and bath; 40th and Cheatnut at. Taylor tt Son, 24 and 2d 8. 40th t. BATTERLEE (45.18 Cheatnut t Handaom corner apartment, 8 rooms, 2 baths. Apply Apartment 1002. Baring 1778 J. LENOX APARTMENTS. 6404 to orCheter ave. Furn. and unfurn. housekeeping apart merits. Bee janitor or ph. Woodland 1618 J. ETsEX, 34th and Chestnut: Monterey, 43d and Chester; Belmont, 114th and Spring Garden, Janitor or Crease. SOW Hale Building. Oermantown LOCIIELBY HALIi 418 to 614 W. Mldvale ave. Queen Ian sta tion, Germantown; Ideal home, large lawn and porch. WILL JfUDLBT at a aaorlfloe exceptionally desirable housekeeping apartment. 0 rooms snd bath, corner School lane and Pulaski, near P. R. R. and trolleys. Phone Otn, 1504 L. L 161. Ledger Central. APARTMENT HOTELS THE MORRIS 1STH STREET BELOW SPRUCH 1DBALLY RBBIDKNTUL Situated In th heart of Philadelphia' erlatocratlo residential section. Wlthla walking distance of the shopping, the atrical and business district, ' SUITES arranged according to your needs, from 3 ROOMS and BATH to t ROOMS and S BATHS. J. II. HAWKINS, Msr. line per day. It APARTMENT HOTELS THEN TOU'LI. COME BACK TO U8" This first year we corns with our message to you the second and third ami all the other year the remembrance of this year will bring you back again and again. Once In a lifetime "MINK HOST" I born not mado J. Warren Friar for twenty yeer of the Hotel Walton and way back before t.tat ot the eld Lafayette, ha taken the Lincoln. A new and glorified Lincoln, reflnlshed nnd refurnished throughout, and will wel come you for, say, a day or so, or for all of the winter season. Elevator service, running water In etery room ami the kind of dining room you didn't think oould be ou will find all your living troubles over and your problems solved. If you will just call and talk things over and then make your reservations with Mr. Friar THE LINCOLN, 18th and Locust at. "The Perfect Apartment Hotel" NORMAN 8 SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut St. "Apartments a Specialty." ALDINE HOTEL CHESTNUT ABOVE 19TH Permanent or Transient Guests COMFORTABLE SUITES I Ons or more well-furnlshed rooms with bath. UNEXCELLED TABLE. WHITE SE31V1CE. THE DELMAR-MORRIS OERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION. TENNA. RAILROAD. 20 IH1NUTES FROM BROAD ST. TERMINAL. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSEKEBP IXG APARTMENTS. THE NEW COLONIAL cd s," Beautifully furn. or unfurn. apt., 1 to rooms, with bath; excellent table; new man- mement; requction on lease: hotel service. THE PARKSIDE 40T" aavenue"a"d OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK Furnished and unfurnished apartments. Com- nlete hotel service. Phone Raring 221. aiii. i.r.i.vjir.iii, N. W COR IIITII AND LOCUST (WEST RITTENHOUSE SQUARE) UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 'Pill.? TIIAl'V 3flth nnd Chestnut (Elevated Station). PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT OUESTS Appeals to families (,nd seekers for QUIET SURROUNDINGS THE ESMOND 8. E COn. 12TH AND SPRUCE STS. Desirable suite with private baths. THE GLADSTONE lllh nnd rine Sts. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 2115 GREEN ST Three-story brick dwelling good condition, atcam hoat; 0 bedrooms, 2 baths, easy terms WILLIAM C. BENKERT t 8. W. corner 15th and Archsta , 1300 LOCUST ST. " Handsome, modem. 4-story brownstone dwell ing; especially fitted for professional offices; low price and easy terms for quick aale. 1022 DAUPHIN 10-room corner: $j0O0: assess'- mcnt J.J500. Worrell & Co., 551 North 17tli. CBNTHAin'UOPHllTY At a sacrTflco' will sell home nt 1410 North 13th St.. lot 18x00. 12 rooms, bath, storage room, hot-water heat: In perfect condition, would bring a rental of $45; assessed $5000, will sell very reasonable. Apply to owner. HIU ttUKTJI 13TII ST IF YOU WANT TO MOIH'uAltE, rent. buy. cell, exchange or lnsuro "SUE TAULANE ABOUT IT" 000 Walnut st. REAL ESTATE FOn SALE OR RENT. BARBER, IIARTMAN & CO., 1201 CHESTNUT ST. GROUND ALONG N. E. BOULEVARD JOHN G. WILLIAMS, 727 Walnut St., Succcsor Lewis H. Redner. i BARGAIN 1041 N. 32d st.; 0 rooms, S baths, roof garden, stone porch, electric light; near Park; llttleaahrequlred. GREAT SACRIFICE-2012 Master St.; 0 rooms, modern. D. A. Mlnnick, IMP Ridge ave. 'IHilidlng Lots, Factory Sites. Etc. FACTORY SITE, 105 tt. on Belgrade, 00 ft. on Monmouth nnd Birch sts , $2800. A. 11, WILLIAMS. 522 Walnut St. WEST nilLADEIJlll 4331 BALTIMORE AVE. A flno home at a moderate price, containing many unique features, oppoilto Clark Park. W. II. W. QUICK & BRO., Inc., 8 S. 40th at. .VXM CEDAR AVE. 3-story house, hot-water heat. In select neighborhood, for sale cheap to settle estate. J. II. Christ, executor, 1308 Arch st WHELAN'S HOMES 60TH AND PASCIIA.LL AVE. , Apply 1011 CHESTNUT ST. SDND FOR LIST. KALE OR RENT JOS. M. BAKER .12d and Baltimore ave. CORNER Only T4S00; A rooms on" second floor; every convenience; could bo altered Into store. 510 South 57th st. OERMANTOWN WE CAN ASSIST you to find that house you are looking for. Oermantown Trust Com pan, Chelten and Oermantown ave. RESIDENCE SITES -around In best section of Germantnwn and Chestnut Hill. B. B. LISTER 4 SON. 5612 Oermantown ave. IF YOU are looking for a home In German town, Mt. Airy or Cheatnut Hill, consult me. A. R. Meehan. C747 Germantown ave. Chestnut Hill NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY Pelham, Mt. Airy and Cheatnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO.. 0740 Oermantown are. Tioga VERY WELL-BUILT modern 3-atory dwelling. 11 rooms and bath. Including hot-water heat: every modern convenience; lot 16x100 feet; coat f8500; offered at a bargain and on easy terms to cloae an account. YOCUM & POWERS CO.. 28 S. 15lh St. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOOA OR IX)GAN KENNEDY tt RAMBO. .'1740 GERMANTOWN Logan LOGAN REAL ESTATE 8ALE. RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith, Broad at., oppo. Logan Station. REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGES AND CONVEYANCING WM. D. CHAMBERS. 41)3.1 N. Broad at. Olney OOtl CHEW ST. Two story, 0 rooms, porch, hot-water heat, 2 squares to train and trol ley: make offer. North Phlla. Trust Co,, Broad and Erie ave. SUBURBAN ALDAN. DELAAVARE COUNTY THE IDEAL SUBURB $4150 New detached houses, every con v.: one aq. from schools, trolleys and trains. Provi dence road and Clifton ave.; come out and look them over: 5c. from (.Oth St, Terminal, Ad. THE ALDAN CO. P. O. Box 4 40, Phlla. CHOICE BUILDING SITES AND ACREAGE ARTHUR P. TOWNBEND. Langhorne, Pa. homes for sale or rent. Mccormick & Mccormick, lOtl Cheatnut and Elklns Park. CITY AND SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE MEARS & BROWN 15th and Walnut sts. LARGE LIST of suburban homes, sale or rent, on the Main Line or Reading R. R. WM. U. WILSON A CO.. Morris Uulilnfs SUBURBAN real estate. Main Line, German. town; farm, Reading It. R, Send for list. Clm. J. Hood & Co , Morris Big . 1421 Cheat. SELECT PROPERTIES Country seats, farms. List order now, LEWIS T. IIROOKE & SON. 1414 S Penn sq. FOUNDED 1870. SUBURBAN RESIDENCES for aale or rent: attractive location; price rlsht. MAURICE J. HOOVER. Real Etat Truat Hldg. BARGAIN 11 room: (team heat, electricity; open fireplace, lot 125x183: shade, ahrubbtry. garden and fruit. F 458, Ledger Central. Ambler. Pa. SEND FOR LIST of suburban homes, farms, tountry seat, building ground, eta I have a large and varied list In Montgomery and Bucks Counties. If -, ou are looking for any thing In the way of country real eitat. do not Tall to set my list before you buy, THOMAS ATKINSON Ambler, Pa. FARMS, country place and auburban home on the Reading's Bethlehem and Doyleatown branehe. 11. J. Pager. Inc.. Ambler, Pa. Colwyn, l'a. 213 B. 8D Modern brick dwelling, rooms, heater, bath, mantel, 2 porchea, 25x100 to tr BWOPB ft 8QN8, Darby. Darby, Vm. BUY 04 B. 6th while vacant; 8 room, saloon panor; air ana water nea lay Vi sq.l 21-114. BWOP parlor: air and water heat, electricity; trol- i'i ai nuns, laroy. Kl-ln Park, l'a. BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE, high location, near train and trolley, at decided bargain; all Improvements- L 300, Ledgsr Office. Olensldr, l'a. HOUSES AND LOTS, JCVERY DESCRIPTION IlUNNINOEK ft BENNINOER BROAD AND WALNUT tells its me-ssage in both Ledgers all day long REAL ESTATE FOR SALE m MAIN LINK, 1'A. It. It. SUBURBAN HOMES, country place and building tiles to suit all requirements; Main Llno II. C HUNTBIt, Wan. Pa. BK8T LIST OF MAIN LINK heue either for sale or rent at all price. r HIRST A McMULLIN, West Hod Trust Bldg. NKW .lERSF.Y lladdon Height, N. J. L1PPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON IIKKIIITS, N. J. WlLLtTT LIPPINCOTT Maple Shade, N. J. ONE-ACRE fariiis. neareat to Phlla.: train and trolley: write for pamphlet. BARLOW A CO Maple Shade. N. J. National Park, N. J. BUNGALOWS. $100 oah. $10 monthly: lot 23 J150; near trolley; conv. to river; National Park. Get off Red Hank ave.. re agent with .badge. Ortater New Jersey Co., 83 S. 18th. Woodbury, N. .7. BIHMMNO IVTS, 45 TO (V) FRET FRONT, 12S to 102 feet deep; $100 isp, easy term. JOHN XilRAMBON. . . 21 North Broad St., Woodbury, N. J. SEASHOIlK Cnpe May, N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder la a satlaf action, attractive plan submitted free. OTIS M. TOWNBEND. Ocean City. N. J. Ocean City, N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder la a satisfaction, attractive plans submitted free. . OTIS M TOWN3END. Ocean City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FAItMS 3 ACRES, Collegevllle, strictly modern D-room stone houso, new; conveniences; hardwood floors, closets, porches, old shade, artesian well, 30 fruit trees, barn, garage, hen house; 1-3 cash; price $450u. Jack's Farm Agency. 215 Stephen Olrard Building. C8 ACRES, $3500, Bradford Hill, Main Line Tenna. ; running spring water; frulta. A.DIIEALD, West Chester. Pa. 25 ACRES. STOCK, rROPS, good buildings: $23(i. half cash HUNSBERGER'S FARM AOENCY. Oreen Lena. Pa. HIGHEST point bstween Lnnsdale and Norrls town; 45 acs., stone bldgs ; range, open tire place; stream. $.50. A II. Tison. Lansdale MARYLAND FARMS OENTIEMAN will sell his Maryland water front entite; has hay, river and creek front age; beautiful place, 8 buildings: inodernlied mansion, over 200 ncres. $20,000. including mips, stock and Implements: Ideal spot to recupcrato from business cares; plenty gsme, fi'h. crabs, etc Address Owner. M 108. Ledger Office REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR IIOMH by monthly payment of from $17 to $W. housei located N. Phlla. and Citn worth from $lfli to JIB50 Merchanta' union irusi uo., llD-ilu unesmui at sunuiuiAN CITY AND SUBURBAN properties for aalo or rent Lower Merlon Realty Co , Land Tltle Hulljlng. Philadelphia. Pa. Bala-Cynwyd. l'a. LARGE LIST houses. Bale or rent, at all price. Samuel C Wagner. Jr.. Commercial Trust Building. 15th and Market ats. MAIN LINK. PA. It. It. SEVERAL nttructUe houses at Ardmoro and Ilaverford. sale, $8100 up. rent. $03 up. WARNOCK A EMLEN Commercial Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE ALBRECHT'S Exchanges. What havo you to offer? 373 Drexel Building. 2114 W. Lehigh ave REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT listing of country seats and farms. If. B McCOLLUM. 1314 Walnut st. "Don't Forget the Number." RENTS and Interest collected, mortgages and fire Insurance placed quickly. See Kane for prompt results. 2528 Taskcr st. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 1036 N. 12TH Just tenovated: 13 large, sunny rooms, large front, aide and back lawn. MYERS & BARTH, Ridge ave. and 10th. 2344 MONTROSE ST. Neat dwelling. $11.00 rooms, has range, bath, gas, etc., good condition. Key ut P.'S 3 2-ld St. 1815 SPRUCE ST. 12 rooms and 2 baths, new ly papered and painted. EDGAR G. CROSS, 1411 Walnut st. HTiO N. RANDOLPH ST. (6th and Oxford) 3 story, 0 rooms, hot-water heat, low rent. WM. I. CRAVEN'S SONS. 1340 N. 7th. 1712 WYLIB Twelie rooms, bath, renovated, STORES AND DWELLINGS In all ecctlons of city. See our Mat In the Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX & CO. S. E. cor. Oth and CallowhlU. $401511 N. 33D ST.. Park front, 14 rooms, 2 baths; a splendid property, can be bought on easy terms. FEMBERTON ESTATES. Har rison Building. 2 S 16lh st. CENTRAL ntOPFRTY Assessed $0500, rent ed, $72U; price. $7050, only $1)50 cash. MARSHALL H SMITH. 1011 Chestnut st. $30-DWELLINO. 11 ROOMS SEND FOR LIST Continental-Equitable Trust Co., 21 S. 12th St. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sale or rent. YARROW A VAN PELT. N. E. COn.l7THANU CHESTNUT. $18 PER MONTH-Cosy 2-etory. 8-room porch dwelling; all conveniences; 2330 W. Ftrtb st, (near 23d and Cumberland sts.); key 2337. 1014 S. 45TH ST.. 10 rooms, 2 baths, good lo cation, reasonable. IL. 4509 Spruce st. Business Primer ties and Stores MARKET STREET, (lit Entire building through to Commerce : ult retail or wholesale buvlness, Immediate possession. Apply I'enna. Co., 517 Chestnut street. CENTRAL STORES AN0 FLOORS Send for list? J. A PATTERSON CO.. 110 a 15TH. $503112 Market t,; modern store, heat fur nished; good location for delicatessen. DAKIN & KI-PATR1CK, 5135 Markett. 'arteries, Warehouse,., Mfg. Floors bTV.. COR. MARKET AND 18T1I STS.-th" ftli and 7th floors; modern building. J, T. Jackson. Chestnut and 15th st. 1021-1033 RIDGE AVE.- Room for rent, with power, heat, paasenger and freight eleiator. MERCHANTS' "BUILDING 44 North 4lh street. Very desirable office. Heat and light. MKTROPOL1TAN BUILDINO. cor. Broad and Wallace, rooms 8000 to 40,000 squsre feet on a floor. Apply to U. F. Laher. 147 N. 10th. IIAVli PARTY who wll erect building, c. an tral or other location, for satisfactory tenant. DIETERICH.737 Walnut. FACTORY FLOORS and warerooma, larg and mall; centrally located. HARRY T. SAUNDERS, 31 S. 18th at. OFFICES, BUSINESS ROOMS, ETC. DREXEL BLDG. OFFICES, annual rental, around floor, tf. $120, $2uu. VM. Single rooms. $120, $150. $200. $273.$43O,$70O. Suites, 2 roil,, $144, $150, $175,$:00,$22fi,$25O. Suites. 3 rms., $200. $J75, $O0,$45O.$5OO,$560. Corner suites, 2 ta 10 rooms, $500 to $1050. ELLIS D. WILLIAMS. 600 Drexel Building. p i. a st a btj i L tmrn OFFICES. SINGLE AND EN SUITS 150J-07-O0 ARCH ST. MERCHAN ;hants buii 44 S. 4TH ST ROOMS. POWI BUILDING DESIRABLE ROOMS, ER AND LIGHT CTSNTRAL o: m studios AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES j. c. t'uuasK, jo a. ietn st. Professional Office. ARCH, 1829-Office for physician heat. light ana crvn.g, iumi -.i,, .w,.w, HJ3STJUT. ' 1027-Two offices. 1st floor, at tractlv reception room, run. water,eleo. CHESTNUT, 2020 3Iarge physician' office", ateam heat.elec , newly renovated; long lease. Bl'iuTCB ST "lB2lA-Offlces for physician or dentist; light, heat, service ; running waters reference. SPRUCE, 1224-26 Cheerful office. firBlTfloor; running water, suit doctor or dentist. SPRUCE, 1033 Physician' office, to share for afternoon hour. WALNUT. 220J-SuTte pf STarge rina.,"lt fTr; not ana ooiq running water; ciecvriciiy. 15T1I ST.. S $173 rooms, physician or den tist, electricity, hot water, hardwood floor; newly papered jgood Bght. 15TH." 3li" S.-Physlctan "desire lo share tront office: well furnUhed reception room. W1' riiii,AiEi.rHiA 864 QlRAllD AVB.-3-tory. porch-front. moT ern dwelling, excellent (urroundlng; subway car pass the door. Key at drug store. 87c) Olrard ave. Frank Mauran. 23U Utnd, Title Dutldin REAL ESTATE FOR RZXX WEST PHILADELPHIA DWELLINGS. STORES AND ,.... .. APARTMENTS. . WM II. W . QUICK A I1RO., Ine., . 8 South 40th st rOTJI Overlooking FAIRMOU14T rAJUC ESTATE $23 to $100 Per Month, AFTS ft Apply to A. J. P. GALL A OHM. HOUBKB 4210 rarksld ave. Ph. Ml.jK $401311 N 33D 8T-PARK FRONTl 1 room, 2 nnth. a splendid property. Can bought on easy terms, rEMBERTON KB- TATHH, Harrison Bldg, 2 fi. 16th St. , $0-Sft-SM8 WILLOWS AVE.rNEATt TUB PARK; THREE STORIES, porch, garden: exclusive section, very desirable, open. PEM- BKRTON ESTATES. 1102-3 Harrison Bldg. POTTS A TOWN8END WEST riULA. HOMES 4005 BALTIMORE AV6 22-184 BROOMALL ST. (second atreet outh of Baltimore are.) New house, hot-water heat, gas, electric light, gaa kitchen, etc. OKHMANTOWN 8125 ROSS BT 8-room twin dwelling; all con veniences; rent $21. uaukuu, tiroao ana n.ris. $0018 ROOMS, 2 bathe; garage; 1 sq. from Sedgwick Station on otn. ave. A. B. Tourl on. 7014 Boyer L Both phone. Chestnut Hill DWELLING3-$20 to $160 month; get Hat. Pelham Truat Company, 8740 Oermantown. Tioga 1715 BUTLER BT.-3 story, 10 room, porch, hot-water heat, renovated throughout; $38. North Phlla. Trust Co., Broad and Erie ave. Oak Lane SFVERAL PROPERTIES for rant In Oak Lane, $.'0 to $45: very desirable. BROWN ft BARR. 8th and Oak Ian. sununnAN MODERN DWG.. 11 rm.. 2 baths, ateam heat) large lot, old shade, near atatlon; rent $30. G. M. AMAN, 1201 Cheatnut st. BEAUTIFUL old homestead, attractively mod rrnlxed: It rooms, 8 baths; garage; shady lawn: $100. SUTTON. 801 Franklin Dldg. Bala, l'a. NEW, ilngle, three-tery, 10 rooms, gag and electrlo fixtures; pure water: all modern con veniences; stationary tube: nice large porch! beautiful view; 8 minutes train or trolley (5c. fare); moderate rent. 142 Upland terrace, Bala, Pa. Apply James E. Dotan ft Co.. 125 Bala ave.. Cnwd. Secane. rn. FOR RENT Brick and frame dwelling house. In perfect order, with all conveniences: 10 rooms and pantry; bath and linen closet; with half acre ot ground; old shade: Provi dence road, near Ashland ave,: 8 minutes' walk from Secane Station, Central Division, P., n. and W. R. It.; 0 miles from Bread St. Station. James A. Bunting. S02 Drexel Building. Philadelphia. -MAIN LINE. TA. R. R. Nnrberth BRAND-NEW HOUSES, 7 rooms, all modern conveniences, electric lights, etc $10 per month; others at $21.50. $20.50. $28.50 up ward. HARRIS, real estate, opposite station. Nnrberth. Pa. 0 ROOMS, bath, hot-water heat; newly painted and papered; per month $30. HARBERT ft CLAOHORN. 201 Bailey Building. Wynnerrooil FOR THE MAN WHO HAS AN AUTOMOBILa HOUSE NO. -CO MANOR ROAD, WYNNEWOOD. PA. It is modern, with all necetary conveni ence; contains 13 rooms, 2 bathroom and storerooms; ha liberal lot of ground, with nice shade and flower, and the rent 1 lea than a 10-room city house. Automobile storage. $5 per month, WALTER BASSET SMITH. WYNNEWOOD. PA, Ilaverford DESIRABLE HOUSE, near station, 10 room. 2 bath: garage. WARNOCK ft EMLEN. commercial Trut Building. NEW JERSEY Avaloo, N. J. NEW BUNGALOWS, cottage and apart ment for rent, furnished; ioderatS''AO all modern conveniences; Boardwalk. Casino, churches, all kinds of stores; farmer deliver products to your door delly, fishing, boating, tennis and sports. Call, phone or write for booklet. Clias. R. nail. Ai Real Estate Trust Building. Philadelphia. Pa. Rlrrrton. N. J. $23 TO $40 MONTH-0 to 12 room houses; taig lota. A. E. PRICE, 410 Llpplncotl avu,, Rlverton. FOR RENT FURNISHED Suburban WINTER SEASON OR YEAR 8 to 20 room houses. $32 to 1180 per month. All subitrluiu sections. Apply ror list. C. 1. PETERS & SON, C08 Chestnut t. MORTGAGES Large Amount TRUST FUNDS FOP. FIRST MORTGAGE Immediate Attention HORACE H. FRITZ 71 J WALNUT ST. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES $500 $1000 $1200 $1500 $1600 $5000 W. II. HOOD, 612 NORRI8 ST. $50 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE eecur to Ity, tu.medlatu settlement; payable aa $2uo0 desired. EDW. M. MOLL, 133 bOUTH 12TII STREET. FIRST MORTGAGES for sate, amounts $1300. $180(1, $J0O, $J00. $1000, $J00, $3500, $3f0, $4000, v450u and $5000; Intereat 6 4-10; title lnauranie Included and all paper free. 11. J. MILLER. 2723 W. Lehigh ate. UNLIMITED FUNDS in moderate amounts for atratght and building association mort gage; lowest charges. WILLIAM JAMI KI.(K1II, 565 DrexeT Bldg. J. Tl. MA6SEY ft SON 13TII AND GREEN STS. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES BUILDING ASSOCIATION FUNDB MORTGAGES IN AMOUNTS OK $1800 and $2000 at 5U per cent. JAMES D. WINC1IELL N. W. cor. 17thncJBansornt $100,000 TO INVEST on mortgage In sou rrorn iwu up, also ouuoing association money for second mortgages, G, C, BEIDSL ft CO.. 4th and CallowhlU sts. $100, $200 TO $5000 TO LOAN. LEWIS ft CO, 1227 W Olrard Ave. $50 WORRELL 8W n w FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES FIRST AND SECOND, ANY AMOUNT City or suburb: quick service. JAMBSC. SIMPSON, 1420 Chestnut t. "TRUST FUNDS F6RIR8T"M0RTAaE7" HERKNK88 ft STETSON UNO TITLE BUILDINO READY FUNDS for good tint mortgagee; bring ua your application, CHAS. U BROWN ft CO.. 217 B. Bread t. ALL AMOUNTS Flrat and second mortgages, quick answer. Maurice II. Matalnger. Real Eat. Truat Bldg. FNDS FOR 1ST AND D M0RT0a6K8. MOItTGAOKS FOR SAI.H. TIIEO. E. NICKLEB, 2513 Q-UMANTN AV. ADVANCES TO BUILDERS 'A, SPECIALTfT A JIAZLETT ft MOSS. 918 WALNUT ST. A " OYI-tr A VlV lilAMafll -,. OU4f n AlUUUtl PLACED AT ONCE. LOWEST RATES F. x. uausi, ma uinuuLn utju JINUY for first and aecond mortgage! eUl Inr association and Instalment mortp. WUUs-Ulric-eattx Co.. 1U0I Ches-iut so. OWKERB If your mortgage h be. $at J will take tt up. also 2d mortgag roan CIIE8THR D. ROTTNER. 1430 Ctmm7 jdORTaAOES. ln'reatmenU, coHecteesHu W write or phone. D. A. MINN1CK, 1838 Ridge ve. ITiNDS FOR 1ST, AND 2D morlgagJTT and Intereat collected In any part oil v CAMERON. 2811 Kensington avenue. TkeW $2500 S per cent- ground retiu'i Assl.: free of State tax. VKMkEHTOiv .Q -A te-a em HM-W - LOANS ON INTEREST Ifl ESTATEsT" iUuiDuaui-i, wriAStuga JOHN A. HARRY. 507 LAND TITLE BUXJ. "iniNns ifln lBT."ANn n Kaxrrri ANY AMQtINTV POTTS ft THOMP3nhm Fraakseed . ns UVAVH FUNDS for VW)MI to kulid rg or imiii pperaiwas. Anuria- Mrelry, y l. iaier ventral. pooor!efTitooiS "to -mat "'Xa'lBBMirjHYtM Nertti 8M. ltIVATB FUFfp. any anwus.tT' & smstC iiim, city r ub-rM, f 14. 4W 75t i