Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 23, 1915, Final, Page 12, Image 12

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    A is
ftm0tl0tm sSssssrass. i
Look HiAH. shrimp. Does
jKgSff pOCKBTj
yorte Will Not Brook Interf er
encs With Intcrnnl Policy,
American Mission
' , Head Hears
TVABinNOTON, 8ept. S3.
Hundred of American missionaries and
teachers In Aslatlo Turkey today are In
crave dancer of massacre. Their situa
tion la rendered acute because .of the
fforta being; made on behalf of tho
Armenians, who are being slaughtered
by Turks and Kurds under the plea of
military necessity.
Charles R. Cranes of Chicago, And
Jamos Ik Barton, of Boston, representing
the great American mission Interests In
Turkey, today told the State Department
their Information shows that, at the first
attempt to interfere in behalf of the Ar
menians, the foreign missionaries and
teachers trill feet the vengeance of the
Turks. Mr. Crane has discussed the situ
ation with President "Wilson and will seo
him again on the subject. Mr. Barton
went to New Tork at noon to arrango
for a general meeting of a committee on
Armenian relief. Official help at thla time
la considered impracticable.
We are advised," said Mr. Barton,
"that Ambassador Morgenthau has re
cently been informed that no Interference
by foreign Ambassadors with Turkish
military policy relative to the Armenians
will be brooked by tbo Turkish Govern
ment Tho men who sent this warning
were Enver Pasha and Talaat Bey, who
are the real rulers of Turkey.
"We are convinced that Lord Bryce'a
statement, published last week. Is not an
exaggeration. He said in substance that
there is now going forward a process of
extermination of the Armenians in Asl
atlo Turkey that surpasses any atrocity
Of the kind In history."
Mr. Barton, who Is foreign secretary
f the American Board of Commlsslon-
Bfor Foreign Missions, represents more
Ban 200 missionaries and $3,000,000 of
American money Invested In missions.
Gigantic Human Banner Will
Bo Part of Field Day Pro
gram Tomorrow
A glgantla American flag, 100 by CO
feet, composed entirely of members of
the Knights Templar -banner com
mandery, will be flung out at the ex
hibition field, Belmont plateau, FAlr
mount Park, on Saturday, at tho close
of one of the most elaborate field days
In the history of the Philadelphia and
eastern Pennsylvania commanderles.
The unfurling of the human flag to
morrow will symbolize the pledge given
by officials of the Knights Templar that
250,000 members of tho order, drilled and
ready for service, will be waiting should
th,e United States ever call upon them
to defend the country. Unusual atten
tion has been given to activities dealing
with military service during the entire
last year at all meetings. The result of
this will be a martial review, eclipsing
anything ever presented by the order.
The meeting tomorrow will bo the 15th
annual field day of tho Knights Templar
of Philadelphia and eastern Pennsylva
nia. Between 4000 and 6000 members of
the order will be represented. Officials
of all commanderles, aware of the stimu
lated Interest in military affairs, have de
voted earnest attention to improving the
corps In drill and tactics. "For Qod and
a Country" will be tbo keynote of the dem
onstration tomorrow.
BIr Bradley W. Lewis, grand com
mander of Pennsylvania, will be In charge
tt the field day. Under his direction the
special drill corps of the Knights Templar
wilt perform the evolution of the human
Another of the spectacular evolutions
which will be executed during the field
aay win be known as the "Living Cross,"
performed by the entire membership at
tending the exhibition. The "Cross" will
be much larger than that shown on Broad
street during the parade of the Knlghta
Templar last May,
Knlghta Templar will leave the Ma
aealb Temple at !: tomorrow afternoon
and take, special trains from the Broad
Street Station. On their arrival at Bel
mont Plateau they will be marshaled Into
formation by Superintendent of Police
James Iloblnson, acting as field adjutant,
and by the adjutants of the commanderles
represented actlnr as his aides.
Vessel Arriving Today
Btr, MUllnocket, Stockton Springs, paper.
Jonathan May A Co. -p.
. tattoo Company,
Xr. Quanttco, Beaten, paaaansar ana mer-
I rihnJlM lfrahjlLa Anif Ulnars IV.......
wit fjafnpnjn.
Ms. Mwldeard (Dr.), Cut.
gisanuhlaa to Arrlv.9
Won. RalUt
ISM Cal-utla Auirlia
...f.,.Cnritlala .,,Aujr. St
I Unlon .....,..Hil. a
par Boafe,,M.nciMaar ,.,,Kn. 7
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Hka.!iatr Knatnearliafaahetac ,, ftee4.it
TuU . i,.hleta Kesi.fi
Citiie LaaMaUkck , Msu Wfsac Uco, leM U
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IUltJflT llRinfe
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From 50 to 100 Persons You
Meet Daily Carry Germs
of Disease
WASHINGTON, Bept 23. Tou meet
from tO to 100 persons every day from
whom you nro likely to got diphtheria.
At 'least 1 per cent of all tho people aro
carriers of this dlseaso germ.
In announcing today the result of nn
extended investigation into the subject
the United Stntes Public Health Servlco
asserted that most of these 1 per cent,
are perfectly well themselves, but they
carry tho diphtheria germs.
Inquiry was started In Detroit, Mich.
A total of 4003 persons were examined
there by the health service experts, and
1 per cent, of these wero found to havo
tile germs concealed about their persons.
John T. Hitter, TIM Van Dyko at, and
Ethel A. Farr, 2760 Pratt t.
IWmun c. Hitter, Lenjruc Ilnl, and
Josephine Z. Kellalher, 21 It! 8. Junliwr at.
Adolpli Dyczynikl. 81S New Market t. and
Leontyna I'odwyaocka, 818 New Market t.
Emanuel J. arcs. B21 N. 7th at., and Cath
arlne A Shockney, 217 fl. 1.1th at.
Rosarlo Bl Notn, 1138 Federal at., and'Lulsa
Azzato. 781 Wharton at.
Churl." A. Itaker, BIOS bannom at., and Mabel
E. Thompson, 0.142 Haverford ave.
Thorn"." Stuart. R!UJ Master at., and Florenua
M. I'hllllpa. 1728 Ch.etnut at.
William D. Mlnale, J51 N. Mth at., and Mar
garet J. Olll, 135 N. lluby Bt.
Allen. If. Bmlth, 2058 IVmberton at, and
Marie Fontanll, 20M I'emberton at.
Patrick J. Howley. Ib21 Hunting Park are,,
and Katie A. Loftus, 3100 Cedar at
Jerome J). Levy, Chicago, III., and Bessie A.
Spitz, 1B2S Edeeley st.
Qustav t". Brhlck, 1212 Mascher at., and
Louisa J. Miller, 40211 N. 8th at.
Thomaa Dunlap, 1IXM W. nerks at., and Mar
aret Orltlltha, 1WM W. Berks st.
Edward Irwin, SO'W Bansom St., and Evelyn
O'Shea, 2K18 W. Clementine at.
Charles W. Ilencklor. 2051 8. ICth St., and
Emma II. Raus, 212 N. Napa at.
Jamea C. Meade. 2027 V. Indiana ave.. and
Jennie M. Baldrlek, S120 N, 221 at.
Michael J. O'Neill. 2014 Bainbrldee St., and
Mary K. Hock. IKS B. 24th st.
Samuel E. lJorKir, 2350 8. 11th at., and Sarah
lAJuaneny, an u. uouvier at.
Robert Ford, Wayne, Pa., and Eadle D.
Smith, 102S Catharine at.
William E. Chew, 1712 Spring Oarden st and
Annie Bpencer, 1712 Bprlnc Oarden st.
Charles Gibson. 412 8. 7th at., and Mary B.
Dorsey, 412 H. 7tli si.
Thomas J. McQrath. 1012 Point Breeze ave.,
and Mary J. Hanon, 1K.1S 1'olnt Breezo ae.
Iludolph K. Dixon, T.H20 Arch at., and Ida A.
Cooper. 140"! N. 10th st.
Itobert Hell. 2001 n. Ulkhart at., and Wlldrew
I. Ma Kill. 3124 Iluth st.
Frank MaeDonald, Chester, Ta., and Ger
trude II. Doughty. 21.1 K. Clearfield st.
Israel D. Oxenburg, Kit B. Cth at., and Susie
Aronovltz, 7S5 9. 4th st.
Herbert A. Greene, 6148 Oxford st., and Doro
thy 11. Jones. Kid at. and Drexel road.
Frank D. Lalirare, Stamper's lane, and Mabel
n. Moore, 312 Oregon ave.
flam Slegel, 421 Uarp at., and Pauline Brown,
4J1 Kum st.
Thomas Gray, 3220 Scatla lane, and Harriet
U Home. a401 Crawford st.
David Waters. 7232 Saybrooke ave., and Kllz
abeth M. Bclillllng, 7S21 Uulst ae.
Frank Blwek, (1123 Grays ave., and Martha
Drlnkhouse, 012.1 Gray's ave.
Frank Bunjnowskl, 2840 Salmon st., and Pela
gla Kolankletslcz. 2110 K. Cambria st.
Francesco De Ftabrltus, 1501 8. 12th at., and
Con-etta Ocehlollnl, 711 n. 7th st.
Bernard F. IMurphy,. 2.148 N. 1awrence St.,
and Helen A. Byrne, 1821 Frankford ave.
Joseph Isnlck. 2.100 S. Mildred at., and Minnie
Felnsteln. 2U0O B. 10th st.
AndreJ Llsko, 2307 Duncan St., and Karollna
Mros, 4542 Bermuda st.
Jamos 11. Levere, (184 Holly St., and Eudocra
II. Verby, 1H2B Bnce at.
Herbert & Birch, 2000 N. SarUIn at, and
1'lorenca K Jenkins, Mlllbourne, Pa,
Andrew A. Walter. Germantown Re and Es
telle A. Swartz, 1433 N. 7th st.
Distinguished Physiologist and Au
thor of Medical Books
NEW TORK, Sept. 23 Dr. AuBtln
Flint, the distinguished physiologist,
alienist and consulting physician, died
suddenly yesterday at his home, IIS East
10th street, Just after he had put on his
coat and was preparing to go out. Apo
plexy was found to be the cause of
Although Doctor Flint was In his 80th
year, ho had been comparatively active
up to his death. He took a prominent
part at the Jury trial to determine Harry
IC. Thaw's sanity In July and kept up
the fight which he had waged for seven
years to keep Thaw In Matteawan.
Doctor Flint was one of the founders
of Vellevuo Hospital In 1S6L For years
tie was professor there and secretary
and treasurer of the faculty. During the
Civil War, from 1SC2 to ISfaS. he was an
acting assistant surgeon of the United
State Army at the General Hospital in
this city.
Throughout his career Doctor Flint
was a prolific writer and wrote many
books, besides contributing to medical
journals. Among his works are; "The
Physiology of Man," In five volumes;
"Textbook of Human Physiology,"
''Source of Muscular Power" and "Tho
Handbook of Physiology."
CltOCClI. In memory of a devoted husband
and loving father. Itev. JOHN FI.ETCUUU
CROUCH. DIM September 23, Mil.
BAKKKT1V-On September 20. 191B, ELLA
1.. widow ef Matiiew Barrett and daugh
ter of the lata Jacob and Mary Mat
aingar. aged 60 year. Relatives and friends,
also the Bodalfty of St. Francis da Balsa
Church, are Invited to attend the funeral,
Friday morning, at 8. SO o'clock, from her
lata residence, 4915 Saybrook ave. High
Requiem Mssa at St. Francis de Sales'
Cbuich at JO o'clock, Intcreront st Bt.
Denis' Cemetery.
MI.AKELKY. On September SO, 1015, MAT
Tlll.VV, husband of Annie Ulakeley, Rela
tives and friends are Invited to attend the fit.
neraL on Friday, at S p. ra from hi lata
residence. 529 Manlon st. Interment prirata.
IMJkV. September 21. 1815.JOUN ADOLPH,
nuerwiui y jm x. 4jm u tvi jivia
tOSVUI-On SepUmber at. lls. SatOsKM,
nsmai Trswe aewie nae) vaa now),
lUUtlv and frleeds. also VSuM kreihert
hoes o Carpenters and Jela af Asaarloa,
IaI CnU Me, S, are isnitaa u aUeM Us
ftumral aMrieea, mt saw, at, 1 j, m 4,
r-- t- -TW. -r .,. - '.IIIIWtWIHI 1"4JPSS"'-''V1 """WWl '1PV,'"I" ' Tv-"" HH" "
r ., ... . t?l" '
sr..an KIAO Ana f"inw I
, - .wn i-inr -ii-i ii
his late residence, 18 Florence nve., Darby,
I'a. Interment at Mount Zlon Cemetery.
IIOM.E. On September 20, 1D1S, HUGH J.,
husband of ChssIo Boyle (nee Croesan).
ltt-lallvrs and friends, also Donegal Bene
ficial Society, are Invited to attend the
funeral, on Friday, at 8.30 a. m., from his
late residence, 772 North Taylor st. Solemn
Mass of Requiem at St. Fmncls' Church, at
JO n. m precisely. Interment at Holy Cross
CAMl'IIKLI On September 20. HUB. ED
WARD J son of the Into Patrick J. nd
Bridget A. Campbell. Funeral, to which the
relatives and friends, hIso Lenguo of tno
Sncretl Heart of tho Church of Our LalV
of Mount Carmel, and the emplojoa of John
T. Bailey, nre Invited, on Friday, at 7-.'!U a.
in., from hla latn resldonee, .131 Tree M.
Solemn Mass of Requiem at the Church ot
our Lailv of Mount Carmel at 1) a. m. pre
cisely. Interment at Holv Cross Cemetery.
CAItlt. Suddenly, on Wednesday, September
22, lOin. liANlliU son o( John and BrltlKet
Carr, hrchI U years. Relatives and friends,
also school companions of Ht. John the Bap
tist School, are Invltid to attend tho funeral,
on Saturday, at 8 30 a m., from his parents
resldenre, 3822 Ternico St., Issahlckon. Re.
qulem Mass at St. John tbo Baptist (,'hurch,
nt 10 o'clock precisely. Interment at bt.
John's Cemetery.
OARR. On September 20. 1915. PETER
CARlt, Relatives and friends are Invited to
attend funeral, on Friday, at S'"0 a. in., from
his late residence 113.1 N. aid St., West
Philadelphia. Solemn Requiem Mass at Our
Lady of Lourdcs Church at 10 a. m. Inter
ment private.
CLAY. On September 21, 1015. MAttlA,
wmow oi cnariea i;iay, ngea vu years, item
tlvos and friends nro Invited to attend the
funeral, on Friday, at 1 P. m.. from her late
resldenre. C310 North Woodstock st. Serv
ices at St. John'a Episcopal church, German
ton n ave. and Seymour St., nt 2:30 p. in. In
terment Hood Comotery. Remains may bo
vlenod on Thursday, at 8 p. m.
CONKI.1NG. On September 20, 1013, IRA
LEWIS CONKLINU, aged 65 years. Rela
tives and friends are Invited to attend the fu
neral services, on Thursday, at 8 p. m., at
his late residence, Knox Apartments, 14J
West Chelten ave., Germantown. interment
COONEV. On September 10, 1015, JOHN
J., husbund of the late Mnrgaret Cooney
and son of the late Nicholas and Jane Cooney.
Funeral, to which relatlvea and friends are
lmllcd. on Friday, at 8 a. m., from the resi
dence of his brother, Joseph Cooney, 118 Jack
son st. Mass ot Requiem at Church of Our
Lad of Mount Carmel, at 0:30 a rp. pre
cisely. Interment at New Cathedral Cem
etery. Automobile funeral.
DAVIDSON. On September 21, 1015,
ROUllHT, husband of Margaret Davidson
(neo I'lster) and son of Mary A. and the late
Charles Davidson. Relatives and friends, also
tho employes of George D, Wetherell &. Co.,
are Invited to attend the funeral services,
nn Saturday, nt 1 30 p. m., at his late resi
dence, 2033 Mercer st. (18th Ward) Inter
ment private, at North Cedar Hill Cemetery.
Remains may be viewed Friday evening.
DKI.ETNCII. On September 20, 1015,
JULIUS, the son of Julius and Caro
line Deletsch, aged 30 years. Relatives
and friends, also members of the Meter Ma
kers' Union, are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Friday, at 2 p. m.. at 145 North
13th st. Interment private, at Grccnmount
ELI.IH. On September 21, 1015. at his late
resllence. Fox IIIU.RTdi.or township, Dela
ware County. Pa., RUDLLPH ELLIS. Serv
Ices and Interment private.
EVANS. On September 22, 1018, J. HOW
ARD, son of I. Newton and Mary 1 Evans
(rea Thomas), In his 20th year. Relatives
and frlenda aro Invited to attend funeral,
without further notice, on Saturday, at
2 p. m., from tho Falrvlew M. E.
Church, Welsh road and Washington lane,
near Bethayres, Pa. Interment Hatboro
l'(). Suddenly, on September 21, 1015,
CHARLES FOX. aged 80 years. Kelatlvee
and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral,
on Friday, Soptembrr 24, at 2 p. m. precisely,
from hla late residence, 010 Levlok st.. Lawn
dale, Philadelphia. Interment strictly private
at South Laurel Hill Cemetery.
FULLERTON. At Atlantic City, N, J., on
September 10, 1015. ELIZABETH SIMPSON,
widow of John Fullerton. Funeral Monday
morning, September 27, from .,er late resi
dence, northeast corner 42d and Spruce ats.
Services and Interment private.
(iROLL. Suddenly, on September 21, 1015,
JACOB, husband of Dorothy UrolL Rela
tives and friends, also Stuttgartcr T, B.
A., aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Fri
day, at 8 a. m., from his late residence, 2332
N. 0th st. Interment nrlrate.
UAMII.U On September 22, 1015, ELIZA
BETH, widow ot John Ilamlll. Relatives and
friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on
Monday, at 8'80 a, m., from her late resi
dence, 2834 Swanson at. Solemn High Mass
of Requiem at the Visitation Church at 10
a, in. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Ceme
tery. HOIKR. On September 21. 1015, ELIZA
BETH N. HOFER, daughter ot tho late
John and Catharine M. llofer. Funeral will
take place on Friday, at 7.30 a. m., from the
residence of her brother-in-law, John II.
Drocan, 70S N. 20th st. Solemn Mass ot Re
quiem at St. Francis' Church at 0 a. m.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend.
Interment Cathedral Cemetery.
HOUGH. In Newtown. Pa., on September
21, 1U15, OLIVER HOUGH, son of liaao and
the late Anna Hough, of Philadelphia, aged
48 year. Relatives and frlenda aro Invited
to uttena ine runerai, at Bt. Andrew's Roman
Cathollo Church, Newtown, on Friday, at 11
a. m. Remains may be viewed at his late
residence, B. States st, Newtown, Pa,, from
!:30 to 10 a. m. Carriages will meet train
leaving Readlnr Terminal at 0:23 a. m.
IRVIN. On September 20, IBIS. SUSANNAH
W IRVIN, wife ot Alexander B. Irvln and
daughter of the late William and barah Knox,
In her 50th year, Relatlvea and friends ora
Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sat
urday, at 2 p. m., at her late residence, 242U
South 12th st. Interment private. Remains
may be viewed on Friday evenlnr.
JOICE. On September 22, 1015, ANTOI
NETTE M., daughter of Jamea and Mary
Joyce (nee Dense), In her 0th year. Relatives
and frlenda are invited to attend funeral, on
Friday, at 1:30 p. m., from her parents'
residence, 2004 N. Hancock at. Services at
St. Bonuadus' Church at 2.30 p. in. Inter
ment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Remains
may Im viewed on Thuraday evening.
J.EITCH. On September 22, 1015.EDWARD,
son ot Edward and Bridget Leltch, aged 23
years. Relative and friends are Invited to
attend funeral, on Monday, at 8-10 a. m.,
from the residence of hla parents, 1000 Fits
gerald st, (above Rltner). Solemn Requiem
Mais at SL Monica's Church at 10 a. m.
Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
MCCARTNEY. on September 22, 1S1B,
WILLIAM J., son of the late William and
Mary Agnea McCartney. Relative and
friends ara Invited to attend the High Mass
of Requiem at St, Jamea' Church, 88th and
Chestnut sis., on Friday, at 10 a. m. Inter
ment private. Friends mav view the remains
Thursday evening at the apartments ot Oliver
II. Balr, 1820 Chestnut st.
MILI.H. On September 21, 1018, THOMAS
J husband of Winifred T. Mills. Relatives
and friends, also Ancient Order of Hlber
nlana, are Invited to attend the funeral, on
Saturday, at 8 a. m. from his late realdsnce.
1245 South 26th at. Solemn Requiem Mass
at St. Anthony's church at 10 a, m. Inter
ment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
MOSUOV1TZ. On. September 28, 1015, JA
IX) 11. husband of the late Nettle Moskovlti.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attmil
the funeral, on Sunday, September 20, at 10
a. m., from his Uta residence, 821 pine at.
Interment at Mount Carmel Cemetery,
l'ATTON. On September 21. 1015, ELSIE
C, wife ot Wlllsra Patton and daughter of
Edmund and iJiura Bullock, aged 20 years.
ReUtlvea ami frlenda ara Invited to attend
the funeral, on Friday, at 2 p. m., from the
resident e of her father 330 East Dauphin U
Interment Palmer Orounds. Remains may be
viewed on Thursday, at 8 p. m.
TOOLE In West Chester, Pa., on Septem
ber 21. 1815. CHARITT J., wife of William
p. Pools. In the 77th year of her ace. Rela
tives and friend are Invited to attend the
funeral, from the residence ot her son, 821
South Church st,. West Chester, on Friday.
Meet at the bouse at 10 a. m. Interment at
Mount Peace Cemetery. Automobile funeral.
KKILLY. On September 22, 1918, PHILIP
J son of Cecelia and the late Terrene
nelllr. formerly of 1210 Ellsworth at. nu.
tlves and friend are Invited to attend the
funeral service, on Saturday, at 8 :80 a. m.,
from bis mother residence, eUT Webster st.
(above Christian St.). Solemn Requiem
Mass at Church ef Transfiguration, at 10
a, m. Interment at New Cathedral Cem
etery KtCfrtHKK On Beptember 90, 1HB. EDNA
., wife of Howard X. Hepsher and daughter
of CharlM IB. ami Ul Hants, Relatives
ana friend are Invite to attend the funeral
erv'Mj", ". renews, sie( raui .,
Fransierd. as astturaay, at 8 p, in. Inter-
I Baft M
I name
... .1 !.- , II Wl n r'Ama.K.. ..
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t Oakland Cemetery. Ha.
e ass
vies ea rrlaay, f r 8 t
n :
Copyright 1H5. E. W KemM.
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ROMIOw On September 22, 1015, EMIL1H
II , widow of Oliver II. Romlg. Relatives and
frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral on
Saturday, at 1 p. m from her late residence,
1113 N. 40th at. Services at Calvary Lu
theran Church, at 2 p. m. precisely. Inter
ment private.
SCIIAErr.H. September 31, 1015, GEORGE
F husband ot Martha A. (nee Balrd) and
eon of George J, and Theresa I Schaerer,
aged 31 years. ReUtlvea and friends, also
employes of 80th and Callowhlll eta, barn,
P. R. T. Co., aro Invited to attend the fu
neral services, on Friday, nt 1 p. m at his
late residence, 6.17 East Green lane, Hox
borottgh. Imennent private, nt West Laurel
Hill Cemetery. Hemalno may be viewed on
Thursday evening.
bill HER. On September 21, 1013. LOUISA,
wife of Henry Bchcer (nee Merkle). Rela
tives and friends of the family are Invited
to attend funeral services, Saturday, at 12
ri. m , at her late residence, 212J E. Cum
lerland st. Interment prlvato, at North
Cedar Illll Cemetery. Remains may bo
Mewed on Friday ovenlng, after 8 o'clock.
HEGER. On September 21, 1015, nt Allan
lo City, N. J., JANB, widow ot Jacob Meger.
Relatives nnd fi lends are Invited to attend
the funeral servlcos, on Friday, at 2 p. m.
precisely, st the residence ot her son, Charles
Seger, 1715 Fine st. Interment private, at
Adath Jeshumn Cemetery. Kindly omit
SIlltlM'R On September 22. 10ln. JOHN
N. 8HRIVER, aged 84 years. Relatives
and friends, aiso Choten rrlends Lodge. No.
100, I. (. o. F.; Washington I-odte, No. 9.
Shield of Honor, are Invited to attend the
funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 p. m., at
lato residence, 87 West Johnson St., Germ.in
town. Interment prlvato.
SMITH. On September 21, 1916, HELEN M,
HM1T1I, wlfo of James P. Smith. Relatives
nnd titends. also the B. V. M. Sodality and
League of the Sacred llheart of the Church
of the Most Blessod Sacrament, are Invited
to attend tho funeral, nn Friday, at 8:30 a.
m., from her Into residence, inl4 S. Alden
St., West Philadelphia. Solemn High Ma
of Requiem at Church ot the Most Bleseed
Sacrament at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy
Cross Cemetery.
TATNAT.l. Buddenly, on Ninth Month 21st,
11115, EDITH MASON TATNALL. daughter
of Jamea K. and Edith ('. Tntnall, In her
23d year. Relatives and friends are Invited
to attend the funeral services, at the resi
lience ot her parents, Mlllbrook lane, Haver
ford, Pa., sixth-day, 21th Inst, at 2:J0
o'clock. Interment private
TII.lir.N, On September 22, 1015. HER
UFRT M son ot the late William and
Scllna Hey Tllden. Funeral services at his
lato reildence, Overletgh, MrlCoan ave., Ger
mantown, on Friday, at 3 p. m. Interment
TOWNER. On September 20, 1018. JAMES
L., husband of IDA M. TOWNER (nee Pole)
and son or Julia and the late James Towner,
aged 37 years. Relatives and friends, also
rmplojes of Haines, Jones & Cadbury Com
pany, are Invited to attend funeral services,
Saturdsy, at 2'30 p. m., nt his lato residence,
1215 North 28th st. Interment Mt. Peaco
WELZ. On September 21, 1018, GERTRUDE,
wife of Albert Welz. Relatives and friends
nre'lnvlted to attend runerai services, on Hat
urda, at 2 p. m., at her late residence, 2035
N. Hut-hlnson at. Interment Bolvue Ceme
tery. Rcmulns may be viewed on Friday
WKNTKNIIERGER. Sudenly, on September
year. Relatlvea and friends are invited to
attend funeral, on Saturday at 2 p. m , from
tho residence of hla son, John A. M. Westen
berger, .l) Paschall ave.. West Phlla. In
terment Mt. Zlon Cemetery, Darby, Remains
may be viewed on Friday, 7 to 10 p. m. Au
tomobile funeral.
W'H.LIAMS. On September 21. 1018. WILL
IAM G., husband of Lillian Williams, aged
48 years. Relatives and friends, also Rock
dale Council, No Nn, Jr. O. U. A. M., and
Washington Camp. No. 82, P. O, H. ot A., are
Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at
2 p. m., from hla late residence. Lenna, Pa.
Interment at Mount Hope Cemetery.
WINTERS. Suddenly, oneSeptember 21.1018,
widow of Frank Winters, aged 38 years. Rela
tives and friends are Invited to attend the
funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p, m at
her late residence, 1124 Mount Vernon st. In
terment at Greenmount Cemetery.
x'APIV On September 21, 1018, EMMA,
wife of William J. Yapp and daughter of
the late Captain William and Mary E. Spang
ler (nee Cress). Relatives and friends are tn
lted to attend funeral, on Saturday, at 2
It. m., from the residence of her brothcr-ln-aw,
Richard C. LcFevre, 2314 W. Oiford st.
Interment at Fcrnwood Cemetery,
This STYLE TTFE (or like this)
One time ...,,,.,..,,,, 15c
Three times one week 22Hc
Six time one week 10a.
Situation Wanted, three time on week 10
cent per line.
Place your order for three or
more times and It will be inserted
in the daily Public Ledger at no
additional cost.
One or two time rate for Eti-ino Linoia
and rcsuo Ltixixs combined Is 10 cent par
lln with the exception ot Help Wanted and
Situation Wanted, which Is IS cents per lln.
TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this)
which la permitted In all classifications ex
cept Help and Situation Wanted, Lost and
Found, Personals. Boarding and Rooms, add
There is a drug store near your
home that will accept Ledger want
ads at office rates.
CHAMBERMAID -Wanted, white Protestant
J-hursday. Mrs. Mel.. Wayne .vi opposite
Duval st., Oermsntown. Tak Wayne ava.
ear on 18th t. Carfare paid. ""'" Y-
CHAMBERMAID and waltr.., colored, for
Main Una. Meet lady for Interview, Thur.
.Zl"0 "clocajjloom 280, Publlo ledger.
cS?"!?l& andTwtain'rote.tant fo7
Iidiw Central. """ required. F W7,
CHAMnEItMAID, (strong, willing "girl; reier
"" .-'I-..-W. .,1 U,, n low St.
CHAM BUHlJ AID, experiencedwith referencX
APP'r -iiursoay. iu t Broad t .
CilAMBERUAID: wash, iron: reference. '1&20
Walnut between 10 Mid 1. r"",aco' la
CTUMUKKWOHIC" and waltlnF;no washlnr!
white; references. 3122 Powcllon ,vr '
CLOTH WiSAVERB wanted. Apply Johoi
Jamea Dobson, Inc., Blanket Mills. Scott'
lane, Falls ofBchuylklU. ' PCB"
COOK and general v. ork I'rotesUni ; prlvali
family) no baking, no laundry work; new
house; electrlo appliances and all conveni
ences; good wages; must have good reference.
Phone Chestnut Hill 83T, rwerenc.
CCKjkWanted, at Cynwycl. Pa.", white woman
MJ..cook A"ifnV1fi "' V aerman preferred.
Addree JffJM, Ledger Central
COoKYoung wnTte woman aeook anTassTsl
win. m-.., h.. uu. ,ut4y2 wajte ID.
Addrea Box 14, Cynwyd. Pa. ' "
CvKJK Experienced whlu womanlruEurBsi
sood wages; no laundry p 818. Itlaer on.
CpolC. white, Protl ref, req. ,2234 0eo7g7
Una, Wynneeld.Phtl.JOverorook 174.
665irs.nT'flowntaIrs wprki tp.i ret, rea,:
fattjly 8 adult. Apply JOH apruee s4. '
OOOsC. ftotsetaat. for miburban placet sssr.
"w. vmm, isogsc ueetcTai.
I A SsaiSlss"ssxSSaB
-. . r J
it w&mr p&Sfi
A7 " r-Jr:mn - ttt'jV 4 ' lua
rcf. Phone Merlon 420 ;W until 10 a. m.
GIRL-Cooklng and downstairs work, for fam
ily In Lansdonnei white; reference required!
meet lady for Interview. Room 230, Publlo
Lodrer. ITIday, at II o'clock.
GIRL, white, rroteatant, with good reference,
for cooking and downstairs work; 2 In fam
ily. 1010 8. 45th. (Take No. 13 car on Wal-
nut st. to 45th.)
GIRLS (2), lYotcstnnt. one for cook, other for
chambermaid and waltrcts. In suburbs! ref
erences required. F0."8. Ledger Central.
OIRLS wanted, between tho ages of 10 nnd 20
Apply from ! to 10 n. m.. Employment
Bureau, Veleb,ich Company, Gloucester,
noi;si;ki:i:PKIt. norklne
also younir wait-
.-,. . ' . JiL
..nn, mupi nave gooa rcicreiites, uuun ...-
1IV: Mil tnnHnni nintanUn,,,. fnnd home und
auuu ihiu1
wages for neat, capable women 7!HII Lincoln
drlve, corner W. Springfield, Chestnut Hill.
HOUSEWORK Reliable, willing girl, under 40
leara, for family of 3, In Mt. Airy; must
know how to do plain cooking; no washing
or Ironing; permanent place; ratlsfactory
wages, reference for character required, B.,
7201 Germantown ave.
HOU8KWORK Experienced white girl; must
bo good cook and laundress; threo adults In
family; good wages; references required;
Main Llne.J'.RJFjISlLedgeiCentral.
fioUiUWORK-Whlte Protestant girl fo- gen
eral housework; good cook; no washing;
reference. Answer Box 88, Wynnewood, or
rnll 2114 De I.ancey, Thtirs.. bit. 2 and 8.
HO!'SKWORK"(eenoral White, rrotestanC
settled woman In family of four; must Ilka
children; experience and reference required;
Germintow n. n429, Ledger Office.
HOUHKWORK-Wanted, a good, experienced
white girl for gneral housework, three In
family. 102 Manhelm St., Germantown.
HOUSi:VOHK, general, white; wash and Iron;
must have reference. Call Thursday and Fri
day. 0 to 12 a. m.. 4820 Walnut st.
HOUSEWORK Girl, white, for general house-
woric in ramuy of two. Apply In tno morn
ing. J203 Arrott. Frankford.
HOUSEWORK 'German or Norwegian girl)
suburbs; good plain cook; excellent wages,
U 23, LedgerjOfflce.
HOUSEWORK Family of one lady. West Thlf
ailelphla; good wages. P 824, Ledger Office.
HOUSEWORK White girl foreman Tamlly,
iiauuonneiq, in, j, l' am, imager uince,
HOUSEWORK, general; reliable girl, with ref.,
wanted; permanent place. 1521 Toplar.
ture; not wholly dependent; whole or part
timo; to manage an exclusive business; posi
tion worth I0 per week to qualified person.
GKe phonenumber. F740, Ledger Central
NURSE, competent, Protestant, for girl 2 yeara
oId;clty; refs. requircdCJ), LedgerOffice.
OPERATOItS, experienced on Wheeler A WIN
son buttonhole and Singer and Union Special.
1030 North 4th
SECRETARY wanted who will also act as
housekeeper for large private residence In the
suburbs ot Philadelphia; only ladles supply
ing the best of recommendations need apply
(byJetter).F743, Ledger Central.
SECRETARY wanted In studio; services In
exch. for vocal and piano Instructions. Call,
after 0 :30 a. m 1710 Chestnut st.. Room 23.
STENOGRAPHER and general office assistant",
about 25 years of age; must be neat and ac
curate; good penman; permanent position;
state experience, references nnd salary ex
pected. F 457. Ledger Central.
Are ou seeking a first-class position!
See Miss Dean, at Ledger Central. She will
advise you how to secure ono, help you write
jour advertisement, list your Qualifications In
the Commercial Department. Miss Dean has
helped hundreds of young ladles and will ex
tend tho name courtesy to you. This la a
iree service to imager advertisers.
TEACHER of typewriting wanted In private
school; give full particulars concerning educa
tion and, experience. Add, ftt Hit, l.ed. Off.
WAITRESS Competent fbr Germantown.
where parlor maid Is kept Meet lady for In
terview, Thursday morning, between 10 and
11 o'clock. Room 230, Publlo Lodger, 6th and
uneawim sis
WAITRESS Wanted, competent English wait
resa In tea room, having had experience; ref
erence required. P 323, Ledger Office.
WOMAN to assist In housework, plain cook
ing, washing. Ironing; family of four; S5
weekly 200Walnut st, Jenklntown. Pa.
YOUNG LADY wanted with experience In
bookkeeping and stinography, for retail sta
tionery store; excellent opportunity for ad
vancement; state past experience and salary
expected. F 74B. Ledger Central. "
YOUNO WOMAN with good reference and ap
pearance a coatroom attendant In high-class
restaurant F 847, Ledger Central.
COUPLE Wnnted, man nnd wife. Apply 802
Oowen ave.. Mt Airy, Pa.
1828 South 2d st.
Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 20. 1018.
Miss Dean, Philadelphia, Pa.
, My dear Miss Dean This Is-the first oppor
tunity I have had of writing to thank you
for securing the 'position I now have with
the Sims Automatic Conveyor Company,
Drexel Building. " "
it la the best position I ever had, and I
like the work very much.
Thanking you for the Interest you took In
my welfare, I am, your respectfully,
CLERKS Women wanted a govt, clerks: CO
month; Phlla examinations coming; saropl
questions free. Franklin institute, Dept 713
O. Rochester. N. Y.
ACCOUNTANT'S office ha vacancy for ambl-
iiuuB juuuh lima wuu kids Knowledge or
typewriting: salary no-nlnal at nrst; good
chance to study profession. B 4.12, I.ed. Off.
COOKKEPINO and stenography Wanted
voung man with experience In bookkeeping
and stenography for retail stationery store:
excel, oppor. for advance.) state past experl
enceand salary expected. F 748. Id Cent
BOY, 18 year oldTby January 1. for desirable
Inside position In retail store 1 nest appear,
anco and beat of reference required, 1' 233.
BSy Wanted, bright boy for office; refer3
encea. Apply Friday morning after 10
o'clock. Room 401, Bourse Building.
BOY ot 17, neat appearance, with good refer
ences, a coatroom attendant In nrst-class
rgturwHt. v o, Mmitr central
BOYS between 10 and 18 year of age.
Thursday, between 0 and 10 a. m. Welshaci
. u. myiujuiciu twiwiu, Vlioucesier, W. J,
CABINErMAKEHS wanted; lSgood cablneC
.."T'T- WW'' --......w .V.,
0., lth and In-
(liana ave.
JR wanted; private family) Pack
reference from last employer; no
I apply. F 050, Ledger Central.
ara car, 1
other need
CLERK, between IT and 20 year old. for
order department In plumbing and stoamnt
ting supply house; state age. experience and
salary expected. c20, Ledger Office.
CLERK, young man. with hlgiTacuool or col'
leglat education, having Initiative and abll.
tty; experience nnneeessaryi alve full par
tlculars T in reply. Addrea X, lf.2. Led. rCVit
C3S:RU-Experlence aellcntesseiTaH'rrocery
clerki must ba-csn. In dellcstesseni iia per
wk. to start Apply, after 6 o' clock FTldar
eve., David B. Ttden, 4878 Main at. MvZ
CLOTH WEAVEItTraedrroly-ioTnjJ
OOOKB AND "WAITERS wanted for model
town located well In country) opiioinitv
tor those who want clean work anabealthJ
surroundlnfs: only persons of settled habii
and good character need apply) ,tt KS,.
expected. Addros M8jb. TOger ofnSf
VA&? JiT J.- KX2r,, Ecr.
Isflua, akwtt's la, jsJU ot fca!JTirut
23, 1;
i ao
JANITOR wanted for an ,.a g
linn hd ciprlenc preferred; Immediate n
!-....- i. i7 iAerr Central.
rraior n iino wcrw -iiivwaa
. (tiiU .A t Ahls-ts OVA
wanted nrst-class ine? only; highest wages
paid. Apply Standsrd Roller Bearing Co.,
Jireh and Motion ave. .
MACHINISTS wanted, J nrst-etass lsth.
nna piancr operaiore. "c' " , ". i
Co . Aramlngo ave. and CumberJandsL
MAN AND WIFE, white; "" ",,1rjL'?'
and all-around man. must be careful ' driver,
understand the elty; wire as cook and laun
dress. II 20, Ledger Branch Office, 4043
MAN AND WIFE., white, Pro'ta"f ,"
chauffeur and cook; must have reference.
Wrlto Box 1U1 Merlon. Pa.
MFN to take chargo of mixing picker. John
k James Dobwn. Inc., Blanket Mills, Bcott a
lane, rails oi pcnujumi.
OFFICE BOY, over 10, bright, neat wllllna-;
20 a month to suit; apply by letter. D 757,
ledger Central.
OYBTERMAN, good, all-around, wanted. Call
III ItlA lit OUBUrilfllUlsVBVw
tunity to act In a managerial capacity: must
be wellrecommended. 4000 Chestnut st.
8x3'...?'l'?3lm,"0!;',. ?BntrL
roonng; miiBv mo ci. v-, --
SECOND MAN wanted In card room totake
charge of nine sets ot cards. Apply John .
James Dobson. Inc., Blanket Mills, facott s
Une. Falls of Schuylkill. .
STENOGRAPHER-Toung man, 20 yea,?.
age. In oflice of Importing cpnceni. with
knowledge of bookkeeping: etato salary ex-
pecteu. it iw, iuijtr v..o.
WANTED, for railroad shop out or town.
mach'et nolo s, DOllermKrs. ana uciim-, yi.
smith help's, plpellfs, tinsmiths no frl'l
press men to take the place of men on strike.
ygrin. worn mm ywj yn ,.. --.
WANTED, experienced, competent aluminum
spinners: good wares, steady work, no labor
trouble, new buildings; In writing give jnt
erencc. Address Toledo Cooker Company, To
ledo. Ohio -
YOUNG MEN for holiday season: high school
education preferred: without business npcrl
enco available; positions now open for ages
from 10 to 20. Apply by letter only. Ad
dress II.. The Bailey, Banks & Blddle Co..
ircu ciiestntusx
YOUNO MEN for the holiday season; may be
permanent; positions now available In tha
silverware. Jewelry and cut glass depart
ments; give age, experience and salary ex
pected: Apply by letter, oly-MAd,fT8S
(vtleeman. The Bailey. Banks & Blddle Co.,
,ir tiirsiiiuiri.
YOUNO MAN, not over 30 years, good address,
as salesman In talking machine store: ono
with experience preferred: state ape and sal
ary expected. Address F 840. Ledger .Cent
YOUNG MAN wanted, well acquainted with
the city, for butside position; Intelligence,
reference and ability to hustle requisite: sal-
. . . . . . n swA T la-ap 4 antral.
ary 10 Btan, iv. v 8-? ... ,..
YOUNG MAN, exp. on lettering and etching
cuuer. t. IQ-, ,:uw. .... v" w .. .
HUSTLERS of neat appearance can mak
from 3 to 110 dally, commission basis, Intrp
dLdng our free talking machine offer. Apply
9 to 12 a. m.. 1332 Arch at
011 N. BROAD ST.
Robertson's old orlglnsl
teaches you how to repair
and how to drive autos.
ATTENDANT or useful companion to elderly
isqy; assist iignv uuw. j iw. jukcj miun,
BOOKKEEPER -with knowledge of shorthand
and typewriting; thoroughly experienced In
otrice worK. F ostf, icoger nmrai.
BOOICKEBPEIt typist experienced, all do-
talis or omce wora, aesires Trillion wuo ro-
llable Arm. F 153, Ledger Central.
BOOKKEEPER Expert ledger clerk; 0 year?
experience general clerical work; rapid, ac
curate typist, it 4QU, ieoger vjenvrat.
BOOKKEEI'ER-stenographer, exp.; Interested
only in perm, position, doo. ioger cent.
CHAMBERMAID and waltresa, experienced.
willing ana oDilginc; reia. iiv t, lutn t.
C1IAMB"ERMA1D nnd waiting; city or sub
urbs. P 317. Ledger Office.
CHAMBBRWORK Ten years' reference; city
or BUDuros. 1 ", Leaser uitice.
CLERICAL WORK desired, quick and aocur-
ate at ngures; gooa penman, a mt. una. uen.
CLERIC, 8 years' experience; knowledge of
sienograpny. v pji, meager wcninu.
COMPANION cr practical nurse to Invalid or
eioeriy iany. r aia, looser umiwl
COOK Colored woman wishes place as cook;
f:ooa retcrence; puoua or privaie, i.izxie
lurl, 020 South 16th st. '
COOK and chambermaid Two competent whit
girl togeuer. can Room jw, i-uouo Ledger,
uetwceu il enu im u uwk.
COOK, whlto woman," experienced, reliable.
nonesti city prer.: gooq rer. p iiai. Led, onr.
COOK and chsmbermald Two sisters wish
situation togetner; ret m B3j. imager omce.
COOK and chambermaid wishes position; best
reference; city, country. mrarq ave.
COOK Woman wishes position with private
ramuy in city. . -- npruce it.
COOK want place; reference. Call at SOM
pine St., city,
DAY'S WORK or hamper wash, colored;
reierence. i;aii m. .uswonn sx,
DRESSMAIiER, Frenon; ladles' and children's;
best work: day engagements or permanent po
sltlon; private family. P 318,tLedger Office.
DRESSMAKER wishes few more engagement
by day; reasonable, p 822, Ledger Office.
DRESSMAKER desires a few more engage
ments by day. P 308, Ledger Office.
rJlCTAPHONE OPERATOR and clerk " rapid
typist; good grammarian: High School grad
uate; experienced. F 858, Ledger Central.
GIRL wishes light housework and mind baby!
GIRLS (2) wish positions as maid or cham
bermatdst thoroughly eompt; refs. Address
8240. Ledger BranchMOt Jlermantown ave.
GOVERNESS College graduate, refined young
woman, experienced, musical, fine embroider.
., ........, ,.. pv1 mwsw central
GOVERNESS; country preferred: sewing: ex
perienced 1 best reference. 2403 Waverly st.
GOVERNESS Young woman. graduaTeTlnderC
gartner; best reference. V 804, Ledger Ofn-e.
GOVBRNEsa, North German Protestant " del
aires pos. 2310 B. Kdthone Dick. 331$ T?
npUSBKHEPER (managlngi-PosltlorTwsnted
br competont experienced Protestant womsn
17 4r5)fln,l23ger OrJcV0'""1 to "PO"'""'"
is;x 2r."phenrxYiirer rr'""" r
HOU8EWORK. mld;-aged woman7ooTooov7T
no waah. Room 230, Pub. LeA.'lS tou'
floTTSEWORK, general, sWniduTf T,mif
nc.wash-reference. P 814 Ledger Ofncif '
LADIES' MAID or chambermaitTdealre noir
tiont exDerlenced and fm.i..i ". i""
siiiygu3rL Batont
LADY'S MAID and eaTnstl7ssrMbJectio7v
ti3d'g.i!toet'n'c:Wwork' wUh P""tio''n.JcC"t;
Ead"Y'S MAID. Usnnan, excellent seamatreas'
beat reference. 12lS N Franklin at "
MAID. Prot. wishes position; gSTdTSsTnakS"
EOTHER'S HELPER. aettledonian'-oSr:
posj .uburbipref.1 ref. 20K I FlUwafj?1
NURSE, expd.. wishes position: wllltn. . r5"
alst with other light duties, o 2 Lear.?r?i"
ences, good we7. WTSX
SECRB-rARY-stenographer, U yw-. -'
attend, to conn, mat ten
F 041. Leri r..
BECREtTrY. stenogiheTbSi'kl
POBalblllty) Al refs. F 648. Le
ceerukp i 'u.-i
can assume r.
reference, d si Ires uuriiin,,. J XTt' "JT' aH at
FY ii rnrSBi ti'itasi'i-f" I F i -
r,wsssa a."sr.""4ir.2LHi7
'lasli ska j i.I-" r
"3'rt, r sonio;
-T l,d f 1M&bbbb. A) ' V
hi 1 rH RltCKON IT Dot
STENOGRAPHER -High and Pelrce School
f v ii' t uiciiriii:o, no; nirai i
"wa-a - . lA'u.rr . riiirui
fiTKNOOnAlMUrnKwiTOBpondent, 4 yraraexl
perionce, canAhl of handiine inrenrttfm tl
ftnil heavy correapondence. D 7S4. Led. Centl
flTHNOaRAPHEn. nmr. tior.4nr1-h1 rM.lJ
COnlr1i viMt)&Hi niu si a. . J
refV.n;."',?'7 VSIZ-S.' oPP"uni"es
HTEVnelTj A mit-f, .. ...,r ....... . .. .
-ye i ;"- "u vjrpisL, wun anowieogs
or bookkeeping: a graduate with good refs.:
-JHiLJ1447. ledger Central. (I
STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, .1 years' eill
i-; i..,'i.;,ui".;p1 '" " a secretarial posK I
'Ion: William Penn grad. 13 743, Led. Centl!
Sli0RAI'.!!KR'.,,ccurat. alert, desires per-J
- ar"-.ews, ay.. s- ,ry, USJUSCT V CI1UTH,
Scim10rtJIiAcPni:n' ""aWe." weli-tralned'be'
glnner: references. E 053. ledger central
STENOGRAPHER, 8 years' exp.: nnt reliable
. accurate; moderate s.l.rv. ia"Pt'.y'i?.t'JM
Tfr " 8,'iuii ooumnq i.ioi j.
"aoVnllV,"!. eV.!h.5i in aw
- " -". . .- ,.. maer central
BiKNoaitArilER capable younir lady fl
6 "P,i '?ghoneV 85ir Leo. &nt I
STENOGRAPHER exn.. accii7a.n r.Tf.--A
TENOGRAPHEIt exp.. acctiratorcar.abi,.r 1
reading notes imnnL w Si?1" ..?aBl9 9rl
'. ...I " "'- -vuger cent i
u, ..iiuuiiArjicii, good education 14,
School studerft; mod." sal. p mI8 V.-"'.Mi.
f".'?.nArUEl7t"rS"t "bookprl quick-
earnes: refs.; try her. E 0B0. Ledger'Contll
-gVoiUealalTTVce IgS.
aWi ,onf e7sfunxpe. ,'cr rnSw
children, llnellsh hi-nti.h.a. ,,..".- .V a
"V"1""' uranenfja. muic. Vtm
scnools: modeSt.' frSSi !"?.?' cx-luslv.
peravanna . ' . -
T5eA,fresE,.o flffiSSi .Sftfe- N"S? hh.I.'
few hours dally."c 4. " Led.rsrwnfn. ,am"'
-"" ' ""81' V ' 1 1
.wZ'Xl!1?- " Vara' .rp.. ds-
- -., ,,..., o uinncii. ! 7in 1,, j cent
YOUNO LADY. exceptlonally"5ulcK am a 1..
!!?i?.fta,tfl,r.urc"' atatlstlcal wofk arl gen!
.clerical duties; asstbknrFi &? firt
CASHIER and paymaster, first clthi kn,..
edge of bookkeeping ami typewriting Vo-I
QUKhly experienced. F 630. Ledccr l,'..'1
Through the Commercial Department at
Ledger Central, a largo number of Arm,
5?fli h avbleJ "ecure comp??
SS.ce.ihe.,prb.9k,tce',en' stenograph rs
and clerical girls. Tho next time yoa
are In need of an ofneo assistant tie
"tfaniiii 1!,g!r Central, tValnut 8000
S? ?hiL"',ect """Pe'ent girls and pub.
tnlt them for your consideration Thla
Is a freo service to Ledger advertisers
ACCOUNTS AUDITED, books orened.
Closed, rtnv st svanlm m.. ... ..
fM. T"' - " ?"""-. vuiH-tpruB OTinr--J
PiUTTtoS 5412 ??0KMP" ap.. HVA
J'i'nf maJ'' 10 Years' thorouih 'ttataei
training, sales and office routine, Wrs Mr.
manent connection, where peTtOMBtyand exl
"perlenc would be valuable loikiian
credit department F 657. Lefor Centra.
B09.KIrK,-PI-R' corrcspondentTrfcurats ana
reliable young man.employeo, touts to make
wrt"' k"ow,'cdBe of etenofrsshy and tp-
. " tuMriiiiir,. y
BOOKKEEPER and cashierflVwuh years'k
experience manufacturing- business; now etn-nl
i,lre.-' .bat ,eel greate opportunity. FU
6W. Ledger Central H
BOOKKEEPER, 12 years' exi
tpertence, desires
2212 Oakdsls at
jw....v,.nl,ii reuaoie nrm
BOOKKEEPER, clerkT 24Tv, lth"four yearff
experlence: beat ref. F 640, Ledger Central.!
Ttrvni.-irT-n.T,i.f; r-: . ... rt?.
-w.. J r ." na accountant, young ""
exper.. desires posibast ref. C 10, Led. OH-l
emolfd'1"1"1' colr'lnan"wls'nes-posUIoa:
mpjoyed at present 1824 Fontaln at
iiuii uiiuL rn nr
ut,ftV.KVTE"' yoon, sober, wishes stesdy
work, fsctnrv n. n fa. ... cl.... AiQ nllv.-
CASHIER or assistant Yntinir mun 25. llVUis
enced; best ref erenc y 33;, Ledger Csu.
rll ArTV.'U'lCTTn ' .'. "' I " . 1" -ii
V "" vuorougniy experienced. 'i
St; f-yrars" shop and road, speaks Frencai
aged 84: married and unquestioned refersne.,
11. A. nine. 13'j.t rr.4 .1
111 A 111,1.1,1. . . . . l
hhJI r. ii;f "p" white, sober and inaus.i
drive Cadlllan n- tui..- .... Mamas!
where services will be an7f?d. v oLVibsai
I'll Al lHHIII'IIII -ST." !! il i '' at
II Al ilflj'l.'lfl -t s- . i. . .-?
iWiii ."'i.."ln.: 0 yrs. exp., kee t iX s
after Oct. t. E 053. Ledger Centra.
r-u . 111.1.1,1... 'j . ' i l h- i
- nwv whuihuu; ciiv rsrsariritati iiaaiiBHsBaBBri "
vuauiii,uii wisne situation: shu.
.la?.P,iff?,. 8. !UOrSierei
j&at place. Ii 4 rssa a-.vi
C .MniST2 SU"1, c? achma-STFTrst-cTS
erences. F 753. Ledger Central. J
Uai ri".
-- , - ' . ".-. uhhi. . ,l.
deslrln rh.ni.." V2?'??i '".J
r-i-ii-r - ""icuco. r .'
OLEKK desires position: .. wv' ..rrm. ret
tanking experience. F 841 i',irir VIsl. u
COACHMAN, single, wants noJtfioB IO I
l.?r ii . y81"!'. Orst-claa refersaw aii 1
avails soi atiinmAMias v -i rnmamttt-
Ia. """""" - v Y
SiaVl'ailTL A KT -.- . I. . s ". s vlinlal
wiv..n, umiucu i nor. eip. ur. ,71
.. , ........ v.nt sna, uim nopsijou siv t
Toung man, art school education. T er ,
fraciicai experience, deslna position in n
ilustratlng esubltshment or; a studio. F 64,!
sv "si v,v;iui ,
OARDUNER, mar., want pos. isro of horses
rows, poul'y, lawn, flower; can furn 1st tlr n
ref. Henry Mundt, Westtown, Chester Co. Is
HOIIKEMAM rt..lr.. nn.lllftn
class reference, F S44. Ledger tj-ntral
chance to learn. F 857, Ledger re
V, . V, . T1. llltui,1' .'n"L"' .
ma i setts ? j
ma' r I
want pos icna ' I
.4 mUnA ..f.r. fl
adult family) experienced good 'eier-
OFFICE MAN, 82, experienced, sales ani.SR ,
ecutlva ability, desire responslDie ixwiiwn' ',sbsbi
with established concern. V 413, Ledger Cent TB
Four years In present postilan with lf
corporation handling eorrenonden . jxu
chases, on Ice details) age S0,.hl(beat si
UDUIW1B. ' WW. WWW ....,.m
Experienced, high-grad man, cwrabl sfjl'
reeling ale fore aocordlng to app
preaentKlay methods, good correspondent M
open for engagement with manufacturers fg
merchandise .that offer fisld ?r MBi
specially good Jn adjustments. protTT"1
intercsv suu j.iw-. , iww ...m . w. -:
whatever, reference. F 8JS. Lpdgei"V
b'aLIMAN, 21). now employed) excellent re4
son for changing; S year' experience roatj
worst ana nmissms. at . . ' -euer vcnit,.j
H55RETJUY , Thoroughly educated rounrl
rnanTae. with tlwrougJi Wines. V lalng.I
with executive experleuo and farolll, I with j
r.l"nA Tf this rJiiitlnn -ffitlr.. nnJAunllrl
with om busy executive) typist only? salary
moderate, r loo, iiussr venirai. '
FfKNOdltAl'lIUH'.and bookkeeper. SO. .hard;
-.:JL... trtT thornllB.hltf a.ti.rtllfMtt s.
cellent rafernce) will prov ability at my
ownoen. r osj, ieoger uentri... s
5?lAWi0 MANAOER,' several year expert. I
eno In handling freight matter, desire po- I
ri.(T ,fh 1at.laiui ,uini.ni W U13 I mA r!nt. f 1
soWaHUAN. 24. wanU poslllon wiUTTiitl!- j
grao nuuiui.iiiy
ifacturtng concern, moderate sal
, provided there U advancement)
ars axpcrlence as clerk and sales-.
Jr.u In utai-t
l. -V Ti.VJ
man; good correspondent
!..-& e 4j Be.ss.ic.asi s,4ajsan
prefer poslllon
alsant ta sales, advertising or productij
manager) available at one) references. 1
.Itlnii a)M bmniiAaAtllMtial liAllsaA
Ptsv4V ! sssssjssjre.ars 4p n
iutaU, t Jm ny vAr,ffyt
tJWss, V f
-- i,Hs wwm, r, J(
v. .