Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 23, 1915, Final, Page 10, Image 10

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Boston Sluggers Likely to Try for Long Drives in
L World's Series, and Change of Style May Be Dis
astrous Advantage With Moranmen
The Kei Box host ($ gathering In Cultured Boston town,
An4 ere the autumn day are past It trill be sweeping down, x
It stooging men a-thtrst for pore,
lici y the lurlv Oarrlgan,
To wage prim, relentless war
Against the Phil of rat Moran.
Qht mtghtv ore the batters of the red-leg Boston team,
And ttcift trill to their onslaught, tau the experts (by tha rHn).
But if v&H plan to lav o bet,
Be not ou expert scribes misled;
. AH rhil hope Is not vanished vet
Alex- Is not exactly dead!
The time draws near, in every can the beans are jumping ulth delight;
No matter xcho's victorious, there surely ought to be a fight.
Bui If the men of carmine hose believe their rush naught can deter,
Well, let 'em keep on thinking, Fan, 'twill be fust that much easier.
The Red Sox and Short Fences
Will tha short fences of the Thllly park be. an old or n hindrance to the bat
ting: of the Red Box In the world's series? This la a question that Is being dls
ewsed by the fans and players throughout the country. The general Impression
Is that the powerful clubbers of Carrlgan's team will find batting easy In tho
"world's series ganvss In this city, regardless of who is pitching for the Phils.
But whoever takes this point of view is overlooking tho fact that It required
long time for tho Phllly players to bocotno accustomed to hitting In a manner
that would give them a distinct advantage at home. The Phillies have developed
Into a team of sluggers that never loses eight of the fact that long flics are a
distinct advantage.
Phillies Hare the Habit of Long Drives
Until the present "Western trip the Phillies have not been able to shako off
the habit of pulling for the fences, and, as a result, tho batting on the road has
been poor. It Is almost an Impossibility for a batsman completely to change his
style of hitting in a day, and It would be necessary for the' Red Sox to do this
to got full advantage of the short fences.
The Red Sox are ordinarily a ground-ball hitting team. They are always
trying tg keep the ball on the ground, resorting to the hit-arid-run play more
than to base stealing. In tholr last scries at Shlbo Park the Red Sox worlted the
hit-and-run play In a wonderful manner, and despite tho fact that several of the
men hare slowed down on their feet, a poworful running attack was shown.
Can a Team Change Its Style of Batting Suddenly!
On tho other hand, there aro but few of the Phillies who have shown
cleverness at the hit-and-run play on the home field. This was not because
the men do not understand th trick, but because Moran wanted to tako full
advantago of tho field and allowed several of his players to take a good, full
swing at the' ball at all times. For the same reason the sacrifice has been
a lost art to the Phillies for tho lost half of tho season at home.
It takes a great ball team to change Its style completely to suit conditions.
The Phillies havo done this at last, but not until the season was almost at
an end. Does It seem reasonable to think that the Red Sox can accom
plish In one day what It took tho Phillies a season to master?
Red Sox May Strike Snaj in Supposed Easy Field
If the short fence at the Phllly park does anything to tho batting of the
Red Sox, It will most likely be Injurious. A player who changes his style sud
denly Is bound to be off his swing, and It Is difficult to imagine any player
taking a healthy wallop at Alexander's pitching unless he Just happens to call
thei turn on what tho Nebraskan Is going to pitch. There nro few home runs
or drives to tho fence off Alexander and Invariably these have been made by
players with no reputation for long-distance htttlng. They simply caught
Alexander napping. Mayer Is very much the some type of pitcher as tho
Nebraskan. and he Is not found for long-distance hits when ho Is right, and
C.U.W.J divuio iu uo uawn iu iiua curiy
How the Bosloncse
Under ordinary conditions Speaker, Hooper, Lewis, Hoblltzel and one or
two others of tho Red Sox would find the Phllly Park easy, but only if they
became accustomed to playing hero and changed their batting stylo accord
ingly. Sherwood Magee remarked on his second visit here that ho had a hard
time getting started with the club this season because he had to change his
style when he joined tho Braves and played in a larger park for 77 games of
the schedule. No doubt he knows.
Those Left Field Bleachers Are Still There
Another thing that must be taken Into consideration Is that Boston, al
though It has several left-handed hitters, Is not a right field hitting team. Of
course, there will be that danger of tails going Into the bleachers, but that
Is sot so serious as the right field fence. Speaker seldom hits to tho right
side ,of the diamond now, although a few years ago he was a dead right centre
fleld hitter.
Hooper swings late and gets most of his hits over second and through
the left side of the Infield. Hoblltzel, who- in the past hit many balls over tho
right fleld fence at the Phllly park has cut down his swing to such an extent
that he also is a Jeft field hitter, while Lewis and Barry were always left
fleld batsmen.
Of the entire team there Is but one man, Larry Gardner, who Is likely to
And tho fence, and unless the Phllly pitchers pitch groove balls continually
there Is little chance of that happening.
Phillies Have Advantage in the Hitting
It Is safe to say that the short fences are not worrying Manager Moran,
and 'ft Is also likely that ho wants the Red Sox to keep pulling for the fences,
because In doing so they will ruin their general stick-work. The fences will
sot be so easy for Carrlgan's team as the fans and scribes In other cities
At any rate, it Is fairly safe to say that with all the reputed long-distance
hitting ability of the Rex Sox the Phillies will have the better of the extra
base, hitting at Phllly Park, regardless of who the pitchers happen to be.
Brooklyn, a Great Club, Just About Eliminated
Brooklyn's defeat at the hands of Pittsburgh In the second game of a double
header yesterday just about eliminates the Dodgers from the pennant race. The
raves might have a possible chance, but the Dodgers are out of It, because
they save now lost seven more games than the Phillies.
The Dodgers must win every game that remains a Its schedule while tho
PhiiMes are breaking even la 14 contests. Brooklyn, has 13 games to play, and
while teams have been Known to win more than this number In enooeselen, the
mark has not been appreaohed during the entire seasen In the National or Amer
teaa League. The task of the Braves Is a hard one In fact, almost Impossible
httt there Is more hope for Stalllngs team than for the Dodgers. Brooklyn has
BMfe natural strength than either the Phillies or Braves, but It wastes Its strength
sett loses many games that would easily be won with better managing,
Dodgers' Scoring Ability Almost Nil
The second game of yesterday's double-header with Pittsburgh was an
xcellent Illustration of why Brooklyn Is not a championship team. The Dodgers
m4e It hits and scored only one run, and were beaten by the Pirates, who made
twe hits. This Is likely to happen to any team when the "breaks" are going
aesH It, but it Is a regular occurrence with the Dodgers, and championship
hatft teams don't lose games of that sort
Breaks of the Gawe Seem to Favor Phils
That the Phillies are beginning to get
i s men have had two Idle days the
race. While the phlla were
tent, and yesterday, when the Phillies and Braves were idle, the Dodgers
a asms thai meant much to themv
Benson xorxn.
Usually Hit
all the best of the "breaks" Is evident
last week and made important gains In
Idle In St. Louis both Brooklyn and
Football Team Is Primed
for First Encounter
of the Season
The West Virginia University football
tram Is prepared to Invade Philadelphia
Saturday and, Judging from tho meagre
bits of news that have trickled out ot
Morgantown, the players aro confident ot
springing r big surprise on I'enn. The
quad has been practicing for moro ttinn
a month and plans nro all laid for the
opening battle.
Coach Bol iletigcr, former University
of Pennsylvania captain and coach, has
Inaugurated an entirely new system this
year. Instead ot loading his players up
with Intricate plays, ho haH taught them
a tew slmplo formations and these have
been practiced faithfully from tho start.
Metzgct1 Is a firm believer In simplicity
and works to perfect the plays around
end, oft tacklo and bucks through the line
beforo taking up anything else. Ho has
paid special attention to defensive work
also, and hopes to prevent many long
gains by Penn's backflcld.
The West Virginia squad did lis early
training in ML Chateau, up In the moun
tains In the western part of tho State.
About 30 men took part In tho prelimi
nary practice and tho opening ot college
brought out S3 more candidates, glvlna
Mctzger a large number ot men from
which to choose.
Scrimmages havo been held every day
for tho last two weeks, and regardless
or tho rxccylve heat, not a touchdown
has been scored on tho varsity. The
first team, while not ablo to pile up big
scores, has torn up the scrub line, run
tho ends In reckless fashion and whllo
on defense has not allowed the second
team to carry tho ball beyond mldflcld.
In an effort to get together the strong
est combination to send against I'enn,
Fred Chenowlth, who has been playing
various positions In the bnckflcld for tho
last two years, has been shifted to quar
ter. Ho replaces Hutchinson, who will
tako caro of one of the end positions.
Chenowlth Is one of tho best players In
tho South, and Is an excellent field gen
eral. Tho other places behind tho lino
will be filled by Curry, Hlto and Hodg
crs. Lambert, who made a name for himself
at Marshall College, has been selected
for center and Qrcnnan and Crawford
aro tho guards. Burns, AVebster and
Okey Taylor are fighting It out for the
tacklo positions, and Hutchinson and
Colcbank will be tho selections for ends.
The line Is experienced and probably
will give the I'enn forwards considerable
Hutchinson, at end, Is the real star
of tho team. Weighing only ISO pounds,
he Is t'ne best defensive man on the
eleven and a clever receiver ot forward
In all. West Virginia has a seasoned
team and is likely to give Penn a hard
fight. Tha linemen, who wore coached
by Gus Zelgler last year and now nrt"
under the care of Tobln, the old Penn
Stato star, will give tho lied and Uhie
players a severe tryout before tho game
Is over.
Jack McGuigan Closes Welter
weight Match, While Han
Ion Gets Return Feather
weight Encounter
Two big matches of local Interest have
been clinched by Matchmakers JIc
Gutgan and Hanlon at the National and
Olympla Clubs October 1 and October 4,
respectively, Wllllo Moore has agreed to
meet Tommy Howell at H3 pounds at 6
o'clock at the 11th street arena, while
George' Chaney and Eddie Morgan will
meet In a return match at catch-weights
In the ring of the Broad street em
porium. The Howell-Moore fight has been hang
ing Are for the last month. Moore nt
first Insisted on 142 pounds, ringside, but
rather than lose tho match ho finally
consented to the heavier weight. Follow
ing the go between Morgan and Chaney
In Baltimore last week Hanlon, who says
It was the greatest flght lie ever saw,
tried to sign up the featherweights In a
return bout here.
However, Chaney's manager held out
for a big guarantee. Bobby Morrow, who
handles Morgan's business, agreed to
guarantee Chaney J750, while the British
boxer will receive a percentage.
Willie Baker and Jimmy Fryer are
down on tho Broadway Club's card to
appear in the wlndup tonlghL A victory
for Fryer over Baker probably will put
him in line for fights more consistently
than In Uis past.
The program follows!
rt bout-Botbr Mnoela, Btl rest, vs.
Bammy Oear, Bouthwark.
8eeona bout Rail Morton, Barattmtrk. vs.
yrmnkl Clark, Southward.
ThlM bout Mike Coatar, UtOs Italy, vat
wind-up-Darby Caapar, Bmoky Hollow,
vs. Tommy Cranston, Bouthwark.
Tyinjp-WUll. Baker, Bouthwark, va.
Jimmy Fryer, Bouthwark.
The IC O. Sullivan-Joe Borrell fight In
Shenandoah, October 6, has fallen
through. Sullivan boxes Johnny Howard
15 rounds in Washington, October 2.
Phil Classman this morning announced
that Jaw Tendler was in great shape
....' fl' n"ht o the season against
Battling Reddy at the National tomor
row nlghL "Lew will be ready for Kid
Williams at U pounds and Johnny Kll
bane at 121 pounds after this fight," says
Following his match wl(h Johnny Mil
ler at the Quaker City tomorrow night,
Johnny Nelson will endeavor to hook up
In combat with Jimmy Murphy.
B.uck S!5"4n,r put up a ret attls
against lad Alberts in Kaston the other
nlghL Fleming believes he Is fighting
in fine form and wants to keep busy.
S&fSM'".. IsssssssssV. v IHfcak ''
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- jsbWL. bbbm bbbblfi . .SiV; vf 0Lk
Tho photograph shows tho proper way to carry a football while
running around the end. Note how one point is stuck in the elbow
with tho hand covering tho other point. The runner demonstrates tho
uso of tho stiff arm to ward off would-bo tacklcrs.
McGraw and Matty, Mack and McLoughlin, Brickley
and the' Others, They Will Never Be
Forgotten Pat Moran's Wisdom
. i
Where Aro They Now?
"HViere arc the nowf auks old Doo Rice,
Naming old stars that led the pack,
Peerless ever beyond all price
Until Time sent them skidding baek;
I've read the list you ask about
And cheer up, pal, there still Is hope
For all those guvs beyond a doubt
Will live forever in the Dope:
And some time in our grandchild's day
Our ancient eyes will lamp these here
on breaks like Matty's fadeaway"
"The best fullback since Brickley's
"ire's there but not like John McQraw"
"He lacked lIcLoughlln's rushing
"Jim Jeffries had a harder faw"
And so on through the sporting spaoe.
Don't mourn for those tuno've found the
They won't be lost they're still around;
It's us poor lambs who failed to oop
We are the ones that can't be found.
Z. T.
In other words, "It's better to have
played nnd won than never to have
played at all."
There's quite a bit of solid truth In
'., T.'s vcrslcal philosophy. The fact
that an entry was once good enough to
have reached the top with the entire field
below him must furnish the material for
many a radiant dream In the years that
wait beyond, leaving a thrill that never
wholly fades.
McLoughlln, at tho ripe old ago of St
and may he llvo that long can still
dream of that ope summer week far back
In 1914 when he overthrew Brookes and
Wilding together and achieved one of the
greatest lawn tennis feats of all time.
And If wo were Oulmet, having passed
threescore and ten, the time would never
arag w'nlle we could still play over that
round against Vardon and Ray at Brook
line on a September morning In the for
gotten year of 1913.
For It Is something, after all, to "live
forever In the Dope." For while the
human memory may be fickle and Short,
tho records travel on with Time, keeping
even pace against the last rim ot eternity.
McGraw and Mack
In this way Dope and the' Record will
tako caro ot McQraw and Mack. There
Five Dollars!
lime to visit the
New Boot Shop and
"pick your favorite."
We're exceedingly
proud of this season's
1420 ChMtnut
"Whr Only the Best la Coed
nro no cheers for them this season. Many
havo nlready forgotten the heights they
onco held.
But Dope and the Record won't forget
McQraw's five pennants and Mack's six
flags, even .If they never win another.
Which they undoubtedly will.
The Phillies' Gamcncss
There have been any number of good,
Bamo battles In baseball, but none that
surpassed the Phillies' courage In setting
tho pace practically all season and then
defending this lead down through the
stretch. For It rpmiln nr. a .....
age to hold an advantage as It does to
I'uuie irom uemna.
Pat Moran's strategy and managerial
genius havo- merely consisted In using
Bane, sound Imlcmnnt atiri in k..Ht... .t.
morale, of his club Intact all through the
jvm, even m umea wnen an oia machine
would have broken and slipped. If thero
Is anvthln? elRA tn iYm wm. n .MKH .
strategy worth very much we havo failed
w uiccb ib uy ur uuwn me roaa.
There may be other games than golf
that would draw out a big Held, ranging
from a to SO, Into a cold, raw rain, as tho
Seniors' Touranmcnt at Apawamls dld
but also we havo failed to meet them up
and down the road.
"Consider the Phillies of the fleld," ad
vises F. P. A. They crack not. neither
oo they sin. and yet not even the Mack
men In all their glory had any great edge
upon the results they have produced.
Nh:.iaSfhl0n,hai,,n't any on at aU now
to build his backfleld around except Eddie
Mahan and Tom Enrlght. And all the
Kaiser has In Russia Is 2,000,000 men.
. 1
Noted Football Player, Coach and Official Gives Pirafl
Requisites in Building a Team, and the Jb'irst
Steps in Coaching and Training
All.Am.non Guard, rr-.r llW?&W&.it0i "
Football, when reduced to Us simplest
terms. Is a contest between two teams,
11 men on a side, each side striving to
outdo the otner in
pushing the ball
down tho fleld for a
touchdown, drop
kick or a goal from
placemenL In other
words, ono side al
ways Is trying to od
vance tho ball, while
tho other Is working
Just as hard to pre
vent 1L
That Is football
and the explanation
Is the only slmplo
thing connected
with tho game. How
tho ball Is advanced
through offonslve
tactics and stopped
by hard defensive
work Is the real
problem that worries
coaches, players and
a v n ii sDectators
R. W. 11AXWKU.
throughout tho season. Styles In football,
llko everything else, aro .constantly
changing. Each year something new s
sprung and at times It Is rather difficult
to keep up with the changes.
This scries of articles on "How to play
Football" Is intended for tho Instruction
ot school boys, members of athletic
clubs and teams unablo to obtain the
services of a regular coach. They also
are meant to help tho average spectator
to a better Idea of the play on the field,
which so often Is unintelligible. I shall
endeavor to make them simple and clear.
There aro thousands of teams through
out tho country playing football each
year without the slightest Idea of what
they aro-doing. They play the game
because It Is the fall sport and others
aro playing It.
In most cases the only Instruction they
get Is from the rule book or from some
ono who has seen a big college team
play some place, and the results are not
satisfactory. They do not know how to
train to equip themselves properly. Often
times the slmplo rudiments are over
looked nnd these .teams go through the
season groping blindly through tho de
tails of the game, not knowing why cer
tain things aro done or why they nre not.
Many players aro Injured on tho foot
ball field each year, but the majority qf
Hcnous accidents occur In town or ath
letic club games. It Is seldom that a
college or prep school player is severely
Injured on the gridiron. They are coached
properly and they also go through a hard
course of training which keeps them In
good condition for the contests. Of course,
a few hundred ankles are twisted and
tho players suffer many bruises, but they
recover in a short tlmo and keep on
playing the same as before.
Physical condition Is an Important as
set to tno football player and I shall try
to outline a system of training which can
bo followed through the season and bring
tho same results as a college training
table. A'.so, I Bhall be glad to answer
personally any questions that might come
up regarding the rules, or anything else
connected with the game.
Football s a strenuous game. Each
year tho players collect a varied assort
ment of black eyes, nicked shins, skinned
elbows and sundry other bruises. These
brilliantly decorated athletes always
arouse the lro of the "reformers," and
soon after the season begins there comes
a long, loud wall from these people, de
manding changes In the rules and the
BTr " ' si
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Thero is a wido range of body possibilities,
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to suit tho work in hand, thero is a Packard
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Tho mechanical excellence and adaptability
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of PHILADELPHIA, 319 North Bread Street
Belt "Walnut 4800" 'Keystone "Race 3500"
total annihilation of everything tht l
Mia tnat ML rntirh. Th.ta ...-...
people come In with their Utile aiiltt
However, since the open game has be
ably clear of accidents, due to the care;
iui icsuinuuii ul mo piny. -Ano lorwara
nflHH has Almost nllmlnatA ft. t.i .. 3
buoklng gamo, and now everything ul
as ever, but those delightful little sb.v1
V"""Y" "tv" '" o, such si2
Jumping on the runner with both heels!
'"i " "" iuuins, ca.reiuuy lnsertlnr"
them into the most tender sections or
hi anatomy, using tho stiff arm to push!
one's noso out of plumb or "glvlnr hli'i
the clbow"-all of these have been ellS
Inated. Today football Is strictly a
unortlntr nronnnttlnn. nnA If i ..- -1 .
lng to break the rules, especially th '
Tint JtA far am nprU.nl. !... .
sport or amusement that is entirely fr
from risk. If you play baseball you art
In danger of being hit by a pitched balL
nnd If you Indulge In archery you stand
a chance of spraining your wrlL When
you walk ncross the street you don't
know whether von will v. ...... .
on automobile or a street car. and while a
walking on the sidewalk a brick Is likely ' 1
to fall on your head from the SSth story 1
If you stay at homo you might get blood"
poisoning from stepping on a carpet tack 5
or break your leg whllo climbing ud
All of whl,ch argues that yeu might as
well get some fun out of life. The fel
low who takes a few chances with his
bones when he plays football or Indulges
In any other kind of sport develops nerve
and speed and strength, and when h
does find himself In danger, he Is better
able to tako care of himself than the
timid person who goes through life tread
ing gently and casting shy glances from
side to sldo for fear that something might
happen to him.
In the game of football there nre two
chief requisites physical condition and
knowledge of tho game. The first will
come after strenuous practlco and strict
obocrvanco of simple training rules. The
other will be attained by constant study
ot tho rule-book. It Is necessary to know
tho penalties Inflicted when fouls are
committed, and It Is also well to know
what plays are legal when you are near
your goal line. Many games have been
lost through Ignorance of the playing
But don't forget this that If everybody
knew all about football It wouldn't bs
played. Also, you wouldn't get any fun out
of it. The object of the game Is to out
guess your opponent and put something
over when ho least expects 1L You havs
got to think quickly, get your plays off
with as much speed as possible and don't
let up when you havo the opposing team
on the run. If you find that you can '
gain ground by running the ends, keep It
up nnd don't try to send plays through '
tho line. Find out the enemy's weak
spot and hammer at it until reinforce-.
ments are sent to plug up the hole. Then T,
try something cls.
Dumont Throws. Young Jack O'Brien -o
WILMINGTON. Del., Brpt. 23. In a ine
of wrestling bouts here last night John Haw-
cei. oi ueiaware, mrew lankee Hodgtri, of
New York, twice Inside of 12 minute": Qua
Dumont, of Philadelphia, threw Toung Jack
O'Brien, of Philadelphia, twice, after los.ug
the first fall, Tha tlma waa 4 mlnutra .0
aeconda In the first. 4 minutes In tha aernnd
and 0 minutes and 15 aeconda in the thri.
Steve NomonbroBkl, ot. Philadelphia, won f' in
Young Atlaa, of New York, in two falls. Tha
first took 7 and the second 2 minutes.
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