Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 22, 1915, Final, Page 4, Image 4

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srmans Driven From
Trenches by Vigorous
Assault at Mancze
A.gtro-Gcrmnns There Dis
charge Shells Charged With
Poisonous Gnses
PUTROaitAD, Bept. 22.
The official report on operations Issued
Firt the War Office nt midnight records
JMicresscs (or the Russians nenr Dvlnsk
Sand In Volhynla. On the Dvlnsk front
kthe dermar are uslnc asphyxlatliiR uas.
'In the region northwest of Dvlnsk."
Eya the abatement, "we drove the Ger-
KHmna from their trenches noar the tillage
f Mancze with a vigorous attack. South
fwest and south of Dvlnsk fighting con-
kHnUfs on the front of Novo Alexandra
Ivlsk and Lake Duslaty.
"German heavy artillery bombarded
certain sectors of the Volhynlan front.
frequently discharging rolsonous shells.
V made a rnunter-nttnek and cntcreil
fthe cnemt's position. Part of the Aim-
rtrlans fled Those remaining wcro uay-
Ij.onetted, except 10 offtccrs and ftJO men.
wno surreiHlrreti
"Capti'rlng a red6ubt nenr the vlllago of
Bloni, southeast of Lutsk, wo took 0
J prisoners, quantities of cuitrldges and en
fglneerlne appliances. After n skirmish on
(the Ttlver DJnrln, southeast of czoiikow,
j e threw the enemy back across Iho river,
capturing 5 officers and 200 men "
I3KRLIN, Sept. 22.
M flHKV iji;uini mill; nun miJtmtu
... Oatrow the War Office announces.
His forces hate crossed the Oglnski
anal ncai Tclecliany. Troops of his
mmand have stormed the Russian po-
lllons on the Mjpclinnku Itlver, on both
Meg of the Ricst Lltovsk-Mlnsk Hallway.
fapturlng lOuO prisoners and live machine
L rtviwiiauj is nuvuk av iiuira nviiii us
;Pinsk, The Oglnski Canal connects the
"aastl River with Lake wygonowkl It is
ii about 30 Tnllcs long. L.iko Wygonowsk
,liea near 'Malowldy, south of the Schat-
rmchara River Ostrow lies south of
P'Kfeld Marshal von Illndenburg s liooi
, nave pierced the Itusslan positions over
fa front of nenrli two miles southwest
rof Dvlnsk (Dunaburg), It was nlilclallv
Ixs-mnnounced by the (Icnernl Stair this uftcr-
' men and eight machine guns.
ARMY OF 700,000 MEN
iftyy.'Trained Veterans for
Fjghting Machine to Be
Put in Field
Bulgaria, with Its population of 4.000.000,
tcan put an army of 700,000 men, many ot
Lthem seasoned veterans. In the field.
Bulgaria's fighting machine Is made up
ju follows:
Service universal and compulsory.
'.from 20 to 43.
Illfantrv Thlrtv-sl reirlmentn nf tun
battalions, or eliht comninles. enrh.
0 Artlllurj Nine regiments of two divi
sions, or It guns, each; 12 mountain bat
teries, and three battalions ot fortress
-flrtlllery, respectively, of 48 and 12 guns.
PnunlMf Minn II n a rnirlmi,nta nt fIT
rl fc nnttil 4 1
Miscellaneous Three battalions of plo-
I neers, one railway battalion, one pontoon
li-jattallon and one telegraph battalion.
The victories of arms of the Central
JEmplres In Russia and the prolonged
campaign of the Kntcnto Powers at the
f Pardanelles have evidently encouraged
fthe Bona Government to proclaim a war
-zone over that part of Macedonia united
i'y Servla and Greece since tho Treaty
or uucnarest or ivu, so thnt stiouia the
Teutonic armies renrli KIrIi In thnlr tin.
:!;nult on Servla they would, with Bul-
II gnria a conseni, nave me use or tne
"Orient Rallway( which runs from Nlsh to
(Constantinople, to bring reinforcements
i munitons, anu pernaps or mn, to the
Jlumanla, too, would he automatically
awn Into the struggle, for. with her
ieopl fully In sympathy with the cause
, 'ft the Entente Powers, she has hitherto
;maintainea an nrmea neutrality, hoping
i With 'the Entente Powers that th ran.
Lfewslons" In Macedonia, which Bervla nnd
arece were disposed to make to nul-
rla. would he a sufficient Inducement
lor tne latter to continue her neutrality
and even give pledges to tho Entente
Powers to that effect.
Added to the moral effect of the Tou.
Llonlc victories In Russia has been the
fjsjractrcat effect on the Bulgarian Gov-
V' ..HHnn n k rp.,-..,i. ,
engineered by German agents, of land on
t rutin uhiik ui ilia vioriiza, wnicn
Id enable the Dedeagatch Rallwav
run entirely on Bulgarian territory,
'his concession was mado of July 23.
It Is understood that, although tho Bui
arlan Government sees its best Inter
ests scryed by setting up an armed neu
trality with Teutonic sympathies, possibly
v'o be followed by Intervention, the Bul
?ars themselves are not unanimously ot
hi opinion, and Ministers of State have
not hesitated to warn King Ferdinand of
'sMake Successful Counter Attacks in
Plezzo Valley, Rome Reports
JIOME, 3pt JtrThe following official
cnt sni Issued here last night:
Hvtklng Important occurred yesterday.
of small Dut jayoraDie counter oi-
nr operattons undertaken In the
anzes Valley, on Jlonte Tofano, at
Vm lid un Mount Rombon, In
S.irnlo region the enemy suc
ill throwlrtg a few Incendiary
i ftver Paularo, village. Our artillery
that of the enemy Ircm our
, Yy positions."
'Mm Ivn Vbi vpt narn
e"i c." .: " , '""?
Ml bM IKlUNln AU
QMaTMKlM, Prpt. SI. HUfc and
fclivl Uttn utHUri! r l'! (inmaiu
" jb mtmUr.w iJ r fur (lie ttemUtU In
IMKal' urraiillan lv tl rmrrrwailrnt
A Wtinl'W f'lir Trlrjrruiif. bci-u. I lie
-orriiiyaitr mUn m that
.4 t, rntv.-i nrr jtrrlylop t Kuul.
it. -tn affiant anU Jlurt U
II Genomic Cndorna Annuncin
Soltanto Combattimenti di
Poca Importnnzn su Varii
Punti del Fronte
ROMA, 22 Settembre
II Mlnlstero della Guerra pubbllcava
lerl sera II seguente comunlcato ufflclale
sulla sltuazlone al fronte Italo-austrlaco:
"Nulla dl Importante l e avuto lerl, ad
eccezlone dl plccoll combattimenti e
plccole operazlone offensive lnlzlate da
nol nella valle dl Travenanzes, sul Monte
Tofana, al Passo til Volla o sul Monte dl
Rambon, nella conca dl Plezzo.
"Nella regions della Carnla II nemlco
rluscl' a lanclare poche bombe Incen
dlarte sul vltlnRglo dl Paularo. La nostra
artlgllerla rldusse al sllenzlo le batterle
nemlche dalle nostre poslzloul nella tnl
lata del Paularo."
Vn tclegrammn da I'nrlcl dice die II
Mlnlstero francese della Marina, In un
comunlcato In cut da' 1 partlcolarl dclle
opcrazlonl complutu teccnlcincnte ncl
t'Adilatlcu dal sottomarlno francese
Papln, dice che II Papln natlgava al largo
dl Capo Hlanca iiunndo avvlsto' alcunl
cacclator-pedlnlere austrlacl
II sottomarlno attacco' sublto iueste
sllurantl nemlche che erano del tlpo
Huszars, mn una torpedlnlera austrlaca
bI colloco' tra I cacclatorpedlnlerc ed II
sottomarlno. e nucso allorn slluro'
torpedlnlera, II commandante del Papln
dice dl credere che la sllurante affotidntu
non eia la "SI," ma una dl tlpo plu'
1 dlspaccl cbe vengono dnlla Penlsola
ll.ikaulca sono oggl dl una gravlta" pre
vista ma eccezlonale La Rulgarla, si
dice, ha gla' moblllzzato una buona parte
del suo eserclto ed ha nmmassato truppo
nl confine delta Sorbin, come per dlmos
trare che forn' la guerra al regno dl re
Pietro, e tu Serbia, si dice pure, ha gla
demandato Immediate splegazionl alia
Uulgarln circa riuesta mosia che e' pa
lesemcnte osllle
In segullo a questo attegglamcnto belli
coso della Rulgarla la Rumania e la
Orcein fnnno prcparallvl mllltnrl contro
la Rulgarla e non ' Improbablle die d.i
mi glorno nll'altro tuttu In Penlsola Hal
canlc.i ara' presa ncl vortlee della
Such n Catastrophe as That in New
York Thought Impossible
There iff no prolmbllltj that, during the
construction of the subway here, a catas
trophe such as accurred In New York this
moinlng will take plnce. This was the
Io.Mtlc statement of S. M. Swnnb, of tne
Kejstono Construction Company, thlct
ciulnivr in (Imrgc nf the work on the
Broad street subway, which was teceiitly
Btui ted
'Conditions are entirely dUTerrnt In this
cll," Ml. Swaub suld. "The iharactcr of
thn work presents an entirely different
p.ubHni Thcic will be some blasting,
l ' "i ! of n trivial nature. All of
this week will be handled with the utmost
i .i, ii is positive po danger of
kui h mi accident.
In fact the proposition Is so different
from that In New York that u comparison
is hardly ponslble. In Broadway then
oro rocks Just n few feet below the sur
face, but we don't have anything of that
soit heie In older to dislodge tne louxs
there, no doubt. heav blasts weie nccc'i
sary. but our blasts will bo light. It will
fclmpl) be a matter of dislodging dirt
"I can hardly believe that the ofHcia's
In charge of the work were negligent
Kverjbody connected with such an under
taking realizes the dangers and extr.i
piccautlons are taken. In all probability
it was an accident that was unavoidable."
Mr. Swaab pointed out that when tho
Market street subway In this city was
built, similar methods to those In New
York were uied, but that there wero no
serious accidents, although traffic over
the street was continued.
This method will be followed In the con
structton of the Broad street subway, and
traffic will continue on that thorougfare
while the workmen below will be buqv
constructing the transit tunnel. Mr.
Swaab also directed the building of th
Market street subway.
Before the tunnel Is carried under the
Market street subway lines and the trolley
tracks on tho street level, steel and con
crete pillars will be set In place to support
tho tracks, which will he stronger than
any timber supports could possibly be
Report They Evacuated Blockhouses
on Canal After Destroying Them
BERLIN, Sept. 22. The following
statement on war operations in the west
ern theatre of war was Issued today by
the German army headquarters:
"In tho Souchez-Arras section the
French artillery Is keeping up a strong
fire almost uninterruptedly. In the
neighborhood of Neuvllle hand grenade
engagements developed.
"Blockhouses at Kaplgneul, on the
Alsne-Marne Canal, northwest of Rhelms,
which we reduced to ruins yesterday, were
evacuated during the night In accordance
with our plans, after the remaining parts
had been blown up, without our coming
Into touch with tho enemy.
"Several hand grenade attacks at Hart
mannswellerhopf were repulsed.
"Cast of Perthes and In the Argonne
mines were blown up In enemy positions.
Four Voles Cost County $28
ALTOONA. Pa., Sept K.-lt cost Blair
County (28 to poll four votes In tlia 4th
Logan township district yesterday, the
voters being the election ofllcera of the
district, who received $7 a day each for
their services.
With oysters or dams, on
th hf shall or in soup,
are th craclt4rs that bring
out the real flavor of each.
80,000 MEN ON
Declaration of Hostilities i
Expected Within 24 I
I.ONDON. Sept 22.
Bulgaria has mobilized the 1st, 6th, th
and 10th divisions, totaling 80,000 men, on
the Servian frontier, according to a dis
patch from Athens.
Tho Balkans aro atlame with the war
spirit today. Servla has demanded an
Immediate explanation of the massing of
Bulgarian troops on her border, accord
ing to Rome dispatches, Rumanians arc
hurriedly leaving Bulgaria The Greek
Cabinet Is reported to have met In spa
clal session last night to prepare mob
ilization orders
An Athens dispatch today predicted a
Bulgarian declaration of war against
Servla within 43 hours. Other reports
from the Balkans said Bulgaria was pie
paring to send an ultimatum to Nlsh, de
manding the Immediate cession of Ser
vian Macedonia formal notice of the
sending of such nn ultimatum will be fol
lowed by mobilization of the Greek
armies In the Interest of Servla.
Servlu Is muklng every preparation to
defend herself against the expected at
tack from both sides The Servian lega
tion today received orders from Nlsh di
recting all Servians between the ages of
in nnil M In Kiiclanri to register at the
Consulate Immediately and prepare to re
join the colors
All llulgarlans residing In Germany and
Austria have lictn recalled to the colors.
All Bulgar officers on leave of absence
In Greece and Fiance were ordered to
return nt once, according to a dispatch
from Athens
King Kcrdlnand signed the rojal de
ctce mobilizing the Bulgarian army on
Sunday Some cavalry regiments have
alroiid left Solia equipped for field
DlBpatchrs today said that the Bul
gailiin PrcmieY Radoslavoff, addressing
deputies of the Government parts, de
clared that Bulgaria "cannot remain un
moved In the piesence of the quickly de
veloping situation Therefore mobiliza
tion Is nettssar.v us a precautionary
measure.-' he added
fnly brlct dispatches from Bucharest
and Athens wire received here this aft
ernoon London, however, counts con
fldi'iitl) upon the support of the Greek
and Rumanian armies for the Allies It
Bulgiiiia entcis Hie win
With reports that Bulgaria Is about to
strike came rumors from Swiss sources
that Austro-Gcrman strategy calls for
the beginning of the Servian iilvnslon
early next week. German newspapers,
Geneva dispatches asserted, comment con
fidently on the Balkan situation, and as
sure their readers that Bulgaria will ln
vado Servla when the first Austro- Ger
man troops force their way across the
Servian boundary.
Derplte these disquieting reports,' the
belief was still held In some quarters
toda that Bulgaria may yet be. kept
out nf the war Several well-Informed
diplomats heie took the view that Bul
guriu. If lh" teports were confirmed at
Satin, 14 attempting to frighten Servla
Into offering further concessions by a
show of aimed foice. If Servla lefuses.
they held, Hulcnrla will withdraw from
her menacing attitude without striking a
SOKIA, Sept 22 General Michael
Savoff, formerly Minister of War and
Commnnder-ln-Chlef of the Bulgailan
iirmj In the first Balkan war. was sum
ii'"iied to Sofia today by King Ferdinand.
It is believed that General Savoff will
b. reinstated as Commander-in-Chief of
the army.
King Feitllnnnd Is holding dall con
ferences with his Cabinet, nnd It Is
believed that the country Is on the verge
of taking a definite Btep In favor of the
G rmans.
In view of the recent note of the allied
Governments, Bulgaria must make known
her Intentions by the end of this month.
Discussions Approaching Close
and Satisfactory Result
Is Predicted
NEW YORK, Sept. 22. "Conference"
was the password In Now York's banking
circles today. American bankers and
members of the Anglo-French financial
commission were holding them, nearly
one n minute. As a result tho $809,000 000
war loan plans were greatly facilitated
All of the bankers were optimistic today
and declared that an early consumma
tion of tho discussions was virtually as
sured, Today the commissioners and tho
American bankers were In conference at
the Btltmore, apparently clearing up the
last of the details of the loan.
Kuhn, Locb & Co.'s participation in tho
loan was apparently still In doubt.
How About
Boys Fall
dashery, Shirta
Belts, etc., etc.
AAV w !iA
1 mis'
Jacob Reed's Sons
Young Suffragist Never Winces
nt Pain, After Refusing
Uls i
"If I lived near Rlttenhouse squaro nnd
had a. lot of money," said lG-v ear-old
Sarah Ehrmann today. "I might have
fainted when I lost my finger. But I
didn't faint. What's tho use? I don't
care much about losing the finger, be
cause It will give me a chance to read."
The girl, who lives at 1502 North Ork
ney street, was employed at the Diamond
Label Company. Shortly after starting
to work yesterday morning her finger
was caught in a machine. Other girls
emplojed In the building Bcrcamcd at the
sight of blood, and Raymond Wright,
head ot the firm, who was summoned, be
came so weak that he had to take aro
matic srlrlts of nmmonla to revive him
self Miss Ehrmann, however, simply bit her
lips to keep from screaming and directed
the efforts of her rescuers. Then she vvna
taken In her employer's office to the
homes of two physicians, and finally to
the Northwestern Hospital. It was two
hours after the nccldent before she re
ceived treatment, but she never faltered.
She walked Into the accldetn ward ot
the hospital nnd calmly told the Interne
In charge not to waste time administering
an nncsthetlc. Accordingly, her ciushcd
finger was amputated nt the first Joint
When It was bound up tho girl said she
was able to walk home. Sho positively
refused to let anjbody make a fuss over
At her home today Miss Ehrmann was
ketp busy for some lime refusing the
offers of lawyeis to take her ensc.
"I'm going to settle It with the owner
of the mill." she said "He'll give me a
square deal."
Four Estate Inventories Filed
Inventories filed with the Register of
Wills toda Include those of Clara Mat
chett, the personalty of which Is appraised
at 23,9'S.T0: Katharine Zep;iorlrIn. W;9 07.
Jacob I.oewensteln. J4378 03, and Mary C
Woodmansee. JI231.11.
Write or call for our new nnd
tntrreKttnff Booklet, "Looking
Into Your Own Kjm."
A Series of
Eye Talks
No. 74
Our fit Talk Wed.. Sept. SO
By Joseph C. Ferguson, Jr.
T IS a great tempta
tion to many people
to buy bargain
n nether real or sup
posed. But buylne bargain
jrlaascii In generally a
erv danreroui prop-
Flrst-clatH optical goodi and
flrat-clasa work In adjusting
glaaaes cannot be purchased at
bargain rate.
It Is a fact that In making
1 e n a e a manufacturer have
many Imperfect one, or "cull,"
which are sold at low rate to
etond-clapB dealers, peddlers,
trinket store, etc
lpeclally Is this true of
moked glasses, the cheap
(trades of which are blown
not groundand subject to the
ine Itable Imperfections of all
blown glass.
Don't risk our sight by sub
JectlnGT Its care to auch "deal
ers' or where such lenses are
apt to he found.
There's Just one safe course
to pursue under all circum
stances. Get the advice of an
Oculist, and If glasses are
needed, take his prescription
to an Optician of long experi
ence n lth a reputation for
both skill and ability,
Prescription Opticians
G, 8 & 10 South 15th St.
We do HOT Uxamln Eye:
Thl Talk1
rlghtM Mi-lei;
irom a copy
all rights re
Bring him here and fit him
out in good style at moderate cost.
We can give you good
looking, -well-made garments that
will prove splendidly serviceable,
and at moderate prices.
Norfolk and Double Breasted
Suits, $5.00 and upward
Youths sizes in suits with
Norfolk coats and' long trousers,
$15 and upward.
needed things in Bovs' Haher-
Collars, Ties, Hats, Gaps,
British Aviators Shell Troop
Train in Motion Drop
Bombs on Middlekirk
PARIS, Sept. 22.
Allied aviators bombarded German rail
way Junctions and troop Iral is with
marked success In attacks at several
it. nr the battle front last night.
Several English airmen nltacked Ger-
man cnmp-i at Middlekirk. emptied their
I ... - l...U .unnllnl fl ml TAttimcd
macmnes oi uvmu b. .... ...
safely, despite heavy German fire. An
other English air llotllla sped along ,the
Bruges-Thorout Hallway, bombarding a
troop train below with good rulty
French all men threw bombs on the rail
way station nt Conflans.
This afternoon's communique reported
violent rifle fusillade, around Boeslnghe
and Arras. The rlllo action followed a
prolonged bombardment from both sides.
Intermittent cannonades occurred aur
Ing the night between the Somme nnd
the Olsc. This afternoon's communique
also reported artillery actions nortn of
Camp Chalons, between the Alsne and
tho Argonne nnd In Lorraine.
The Germans have been for weeks past
preparing concrete works near Hanipen
for the installation of heavy long-range
pieces cnpnble of reaching the regions of
theso two Important cities. The French,
according to the communique, managed
to get the rnngo on these works, nnd
efficient nnd destructive lire enabled them
to frustrate the German nttempt.
5? AND 10?
Boys and girls thrive on them. Thou
sands of mothers make a package of
N. B. C. Graham Crackers the main
part of their children's daily school
lunch. Just as good for grown-ups.
i tie
1 3..,Mo.
ft I ' ' I I H 'V '
I i He Uriel
j 3MS ArvJ
mm, MM VS " jVHV S,9W'W
for coal
Pour 8-ln. coal cooking;
Uraft Check controls draft
lid.. Permanent gun-metal
lu,J":5uer in P.
with theFmometer. Bep.V. broiling ove" DampVLu
heat from gas ovens go Into flue, tamper lets
Furnished with . uv.... i.i,
-- wa, niuiuui nniipr
neater, rloor mace npiiiin.
235x41 Ins.; with same, 23J4x
wilESSS NOVELTY-. im.1Ur iU,
The "Novelty" Line
made la xh unltsa BUtis. "BB"" M nMor tiulpmaat
H.ax.f.a, th. 'Wov.H "aoillr fSr hot .th ."""y,
T vat usat ssrvloa of
vw uibuib uarisu-.i
r. ? . if""t ration of th YtarounJ Novltv 1 .j
Central WinJet,. Ch.-tnut St., Ea 9, MroJf.'
Abram Cox Stove Company
Albican 4 i4HtM t., fNilU,
'. 1!)15.
Every Cause for Discord
moved by Instructions
to Commnnders
RERUN, Sept.
All causes for discord between the
1'nlted States nnd Germany over the mi
ter's submarine warfare against British
shipping havo been removed. P"1""1
Wilson's domanda have been met In full.
It I learned, from a Government source,
that submarine commanders have been
Instructed, In case of doubt as to the
Intentions ot liners, to take a safo course
nnd permit the ships to escape rather
than run the risk of the slightest error.
These orders supplement commands pre
vlouily given that merchant ships of the
enemy are not to be attacked without
warning and thnt all passengers be given
n chance to escape.
"Ad" Agents Held Under Rail
Horry Fox, of Kensington avenue and
Cambria street, and Ell Rubin, of Ken- i
slngton avenue and Somerset street, wero
held under $t00 ball each for court today,
on complaint of William Vanneman, of
23th street nnd Glrnrd avenue. Vannc- ,
man says the men Inserted an advertise- j
ment In a program that ho had not
authorized, and then started an argu
ment In his store when he declined to
now In progress and to be
continued throughout the
remainder of the month.
The pieces constitute nn
unprecedentedly large as
sortment of separately
selected Oriental floor cov
erlngs, all of which are
being offered
Occupying our entire first
floor the ensemble of beau
tiful colorings contains
many helpful suggestions
for beautifying and fur
nishing the home.
Open until 5.30
Philadelphia's Exclusive Rug and Cvpet Centre.
1220-1222 Market Street.
e says: uVVr
and gas '
holes; duplex urates iJ
perfectly without at-
L.h-Jo Wackbg'eXi
Qas 2-burner bakin. XM
eas water hiater.
uptrta from , 1 " ." "
worta, u
Doy of 14 Dcfehds Mother
A H-year-old hoy probAbly saved hli
mother from serious Injury today when
his father attacked lier The ld, who i(
Myron Mfttrlck, of 1319 North 23d street,
knocked down Ills father and then sua!
moned Policeman Gormnn, of the 2Sth m
Oxford streets station. Magistrate Mor
rls held Matrlok In $300 ball for court.
FOUR things combine
to make Unecda Biscuit
better materials, better
baking, better care, better
Fresh, crisp and nourishing,
it is no wonder that Uneeda
Biscuit are preferred to or
dinary soda crackers. Five
HEN Jack was court
ing me he often came
to dinner, and he'd
jj Unooda Biscuit
go just crazy over my biscuits
and pies and things. He used to
say that if I'd cook like that
for him I could have the very fin
est range that money could buy.
"Mother's range just burned
coal, but I wanted gas in summer,
so I took Jack at his word, and
here's the result. Isn't it a darl
ing? It burns coal in winter and
gas in summer they call it the
'Yearound.' The coal and gas
parts are entirely separate, and I
can use both at once if we have a
"The gas oven and broiler are
overhead, and we even have the
boiler on top to save room, with
this copper coil heater besides the
water front. Isn't it just the
completest thing? Yet it takes
no more room than an ordinary
coal range! And it's-easy as fun
to manage! With this patent
"damper I get just the draft I
want, and the oven thermometers'
tell exactly what's going on
"I wish you had seen our
lovely biscuits this morning! I'm
afraid to say how many we ate!
Butcome around Saturday, and
I'll give you a real sample."
III mm I m
lttttr--l ni i
4 " feu, faJa'itM Urt
laaa.-.- ,, ... .p-j- 1irrn)Tr-(tlTf tmt
,i i ii W1" IM i
-mmWm-mmmmmajt-m-mimM- ;
Isttiiaiiaaisiu, :.- mmmmm L mM