-EVENING JjEDGEK-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEK 22, 1915. .u . art. upoi i brou kiSSf . wep (IS If -1 mt fc i mini ' etL K 1, sld Iho; Itslo ia 1 xpiari tl tuin m ecf' jot v. sua he! dl ain fcett bto- fce 8 .Bu . 4 i 7S h f. "' VARE SUPPORT PUCES DALtETT ' BEHIND M'CURPY McNichol Follower Leads In Race for Judicial Nomination REPUBLICAN PARTY MAYOR Warda. WESSEL AHEAD OF RYAN Judicial Nominees SUPERIOR COURT (S to be eleeted) JOHN II. IIKAI) GRonaR ii. oiti.Anr J. linNUY WIM.IAM8 COMMON PLEAS COURT NO. 1 (I to be eleeted) WIMJAM II. BIIOKMAKKK COMMON PLEAS COURT NO. 2 (t te be elected) JOHF.ril P. ItOOKHS iirniiy N. wharf.!. I). WEIlHTF.n DOUUlIKItTT MICHAEL J. ItYAN COMMON PLEAS COURT NO. 4 (I to b elected) THOMAS V. n.NLKTTKIl ORPHANS' COURT (I to be elected) ciiohoe Mccvnnr MOIUUS DALI.r.TT MUNICIPAL COURT (1 to be elected) RAYMOND MaoNHII.LK rATTUCK P. CONWAY Flrat ,.,, 4 flecond twm Fourth Fifth . Sixth .. Seventh i-nanm ntack. Porter. Potter, Smith, houia. ftSil. The Vares, with the assistance of lte publlcan City Chairman David It. Lane, David Martin, Edward W. ratton and Harry D. Beaston sent Judgo Morris Dallett to second place on the Republican ticket for Judge of tho Orphans' Court. They backed George McCurdy. president of Common Council and a McNichol fol lower, and obtained for McCurdy a sub stantial plurality over Judge Dallett for the nomination in the primaries yester day. Returns from 40 of the 48 wards In the city gave McCurdy 44.879 and Dallett 39, 898. McNichol. with Henry J. Trainer, of the 3d Ward, supported Dallett. McCurdy and Dallett ran neck and neck as the returns filtered In all day. Not until tho large Independent wards come In did-McCurdy overcome Dallett' s early lead. A, close contest between City Solicitor Michael J. Ryan and Henry N. Wessel for one of the nominations for the Court of Common Pleas No. 2 threatens to upset the judicial slate of tho Republican Or ganization. Ryan ran ahead pf Wessel in the 28th Ward, Thomas B. Smith's homo ward. He received 1031 votes In that ward to 247 for Wessel. Ryan's largest majority was received In the 18th, where 1502 votes were cast .for him, as against 309 for Wessel. Returns from 35 wards complete, give Ryan 29,601 and Wessel 44.B27. All of the candidates who had the sup port of the Organization for the other Judgeships wero nominated without much opposition. Judging from the returns available late today, It appears that Orlady, Head and Williams received a ma jority of the votes cast for the Su- tv court candidates, anil will have J opposition at the general election In November. Returns from throughout the State may change this, however, as "William D. Wallace, of Lawrence County, polled a fairly heavy vote In the west ern part of the State. Judge WHjlam II. Shoemaker will be unopposed for re-election to Common Pleas Court Jio. 1. Judge Thomas D. Flnlettor will also be unopposed for re-election to Com mon Pleas Court No. 4. Assistant District Attorney Joseph P. Rogers ran far ahead of the field of 17 candidates for the two vacan cies In Common Pleas Court No. 2. With some Independent wards still to be heard from, Ryan Is running slightly behind Wessel. Dougherty and Frederick 8, Drake both polled an unexpectedly he,avy vote. Four candidates will be nominated for this court. There is a possibility that Judge Ray mond MacNeille will be unopposed for re election to the Municipal Court. The in complete returns, nowever, show that Patrick P. Conway is polling a fairly bvy vote. Complete returns from 35 wards gave the- following for the nominations for Court of Common Pleas No. 2: Rogers , 60.8C3 wessel Mi.iM.MntM. 44,627 Ryan 4, ......... ... 29.001 Dougherty ., 10,900 Drake f 5,555 Judge Shoemaker received 71.206 votes In.the 85 wards for re-election to Common Pleas Court No. 1. Judge Finletter re ceived in the same wards, 81,120 votes for1 re-election to Court No. 4. Judge Raymond MacNeille received in these wards a total of 71,738 for re-elec-tton to the Municipal Court. The vote in the J3 wards for the lead-teg- candidates for the three Superior Court Judges waa as follows: ' t 74,121 g!' 77.994 Wlam 78m The liquor people' cut Judge Orlady in the downtown wards. In the 3d Ward, of -which Henry J. Trainer is the Re publican leader. Orlady received only HI vo4ee. Head received 1909 in this ward. WlHlams 1848 and Wallace 726. Judge Head also lost many Republican vt in Philadelphia. He Is a Democrat aM the Organization support of him was hsttf-bearted. yn ran ahead of Wessel In some of the downtown wards. In the 12th Ryan received 983 votes to 771 for Wessel, He rsf ahead of Wessel In many divisions ef tho 13th. Complete returns from that ward gave Wessel 1669 to 1430 for Ryan Ryan also carried thoJ2d, 9th, 11th. 12th lh, 17th. 29th. 44d and 45th Wards David H, Lane, who originally opposed the re-election of Judge Dallett, threw all but a few. votes In his ward to Mc Curdy. McCurdy received 4236 votes in Lane's ward, the 20th, out of a total of 44S7 that were cast. Dallett received "J- Bleenth , thirteenth Fourteenth Rlxteenth , Seventeenth KUhteenth Nineteenth Twentieth . Twenty.peeund . Twenty.thlrd ..., Twenty-fourth ... Txenly.nfth Tent--elxth .... Twenty-Mventh... Twentyelthth ,, Twenty-ninth .... Thirtieth Thlrty-nret ..... Thlrty-aeeond .... TMrty.fmirth .... Thlrty-nfth Thirty..). th Thlrty-sA-enth ... Thirty-ninth rnruein Forty-third Forty.fmirth .... rwriy-nrm . Forty-eeventh . ... Portr-elthth .... Totala ..,...-,. 1(1708 1 waraa minims. DEMOCRATIC PARTY MAYOR Wards. Flrat Ferond ... Third - Fourth .......... nun .., With ... feventh nihth . Mnth Tenth Kleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth .... Flxteenth Beventeenth ... BlKhteenth .... Nineteenth .... Twentieth Twenty-eeeond , Twenty-third ,, Twenty-fourth . Twenty-alxth .. Twenty-eenth. Twenty-elshth . Twenty-ninth Thirtieth Thlrty-tlrat .... Thlrty-eeeond .. Thirty-fourth . . Thirty-fifth .... Thlrty-alxth ... Thlrty-aeventh Thirty-ninth ... Fortieth Forty-third Forty-fourth ... Forty-ieventh .. Forty-eighth .. Totals Totala 8 wards mlislng. 3.1 MM 10 21) 3 1MT "I tl ? gJS -l in 4 -loi ... M 41 SOS B 71 !W IMS 8 if ffl' J IT 2 ljin 1 M tl 137.1 4 no 12 2S(i 1 1113 .11 lima 6 S21 1271 1 111 10.10 2 87 oin n Ml !T Wt 1? .10 si 4i;a 10 R2S SW 14Y! It 1420 2IA 2210 22 lB III KM .1 4sh ... 2732 . . 1010 106 4S1A ... anii liri liwi R41 lj 2IM 8 4M U W7S l 44 64 .1X10 10 71 m 21W1 8 POT 11 2014 ... 1321 11-2 207 200 M M.I ., ins M 4)01 8 nil 7 intn .,, dh2 73 4701 il IM7 ISO 2TH1 . . (11 7H VKiS a 474 .17 1110 5 2-11 R4 127ft . . B77 10T 2010 9 (100 .IT ZW2 4 2771 111030 .... JUDGE. OP COMMON PLEAS NO. 2 Wards. .'! I I i I e? 3 I Itlllllltl,.,.,,.,,!!,,, .,...'.. ....(.......,. .....,..., ....,...,,,,.,, .,. ,, Flrtt , Peeond Third Fourth Fifth . Pltth .., Sevenih Hlthth . Ninth .. Tenth .. Seventh Twelfth Thirteenth .... fourteenth ... sixteenth ..,. Seventeenth ,, Klthtrenth ... Nineteenth ... Twentieth .... Twenty-eecorid '-eniy-mira Twenty.fourth Twenty-d'th Twenty.eewnth Tenty.eljhth Twcnty-nlnth Thirtieth Thlrtv.tlret r...., Thlrty-eeeond Tlilrty-fourth Thlrty.flfth Thirty-xixtn Thlrty-.eenth , Thlrt) -ninth Fortieth Fortv.thlrd , Forty-fourth Forty-eerenth Forty-elshtn Totals Seven wards miming. . 8 BO 0A 13l M 10S 19 0 .19 IT . IS 1.1 12 10 171 11 Mo II 11 3 70 II TT D It . . f.0 II) it 14 IS U UN 22 . 7 71 40 10 3IS . 70 'l M 2.1 212 M 18 8.1 il "l W 38 19 8't 22 28 178 4.1 M 8 3 HI 8 4 7 81 ID RK JMt 4H '44 Sfl IT 52 2 24 .14 72 4.1 ' . RO lin 70 24 41 30 42 (12 -4S :il Ml (U 1I'I U.S 42 24 2T4 430 22 WIS fill) 02 a.17 431 8S 424 4.18 111 141 lit -.01 249 1411 01 411 .1211 IKI 1)07 H72 122 703 071) 2-1 '422 Ml M 321 US 110 IK CO 10U 1fl2 12S '' 4 1 1 201 40 ,12!1 SOU T2 401 rrt 1(11 112 2M 12.1 HO 277 41 inn mil 25 ia.i sis w 22U 42J lwt SHU 47S 82 STt !UU ' 4T Alt I .140 Ml lomi 2.11 -10H.1 227T 14.1 1.12 Id 2' ll 114 0 .KM 40S '21 ft2i) 4'HI 114 318 3W HI 2 21'4 04 IIH IV) SW 142 217 tV& 81.1 .12T S2I 1044 10T 21l NOI 1.11 24 4H (II 22T 30i "1 3'n WO ftl 201 1SI 101 4211 2R1 121 143 201 OR 221 -121 33 74 88 81 . II 11 29 It 3 14 4 4 13 M B 21 A 12 T 13 1 4 21 11 21 18 15 21 30 II 211 4T Ml 08 1.11 74 61 3d 173 (10 22t 61 110 l.i r.A rci lost 42 f.S .11 Ml .. 28T 110 21') 10 21 an 121 (II 1VJ no 71 lit aoi il2 ins MCI 80 31) 11 .14 M siot rib 2s 134 an 2G0 120 4 1 8 lOU 113 10 j 11 17(1 300 30 4 1S14 2.M 7 22 '7 tfa 1MB 12 II 2ftw 17U0 44 88 II 1333 P21 10 31 4 4P1 4iD 0 S 6 2.137 1111 14 8 8 1.113 701 8 4 1 1140 ' IIH1 10 P21 i 6 SOU 1130 10 23 II 2T07 200 80 28 IT inlll nfel 10 21 Z'l 712 ill 31 10 31 1440 , lI'J 73 82 111) 310M ' 17H7 Ki 74 W .17H0 iisn an P.1 JOT 11(H) OU 41 101 OH .-UK 731 411 107 108 1141 VKt 34 CO '20 11170 1071 1411 471 12 .IS1 1031 1(111 1IW 111 (10 1.11R 1202 36 7.1 30 2111 1071 2.1' XI 20T 1731 HI 4 4.1 36 III 027 KM Kiio 12ivi in i6.i lref 421 123 it 10 22 3100 14 III KO M 7.1 I2.HJ ll'JO 47 M OT 4171 DM 47 101 .12 17HS l.-ITt 12T 100 14S RJ2 m HI 41 V(H 1013 870 Bl .IT ST 1.-IH1 1114 .11 IPS 4k 22fl? 733 .12 2S 40 2P0I 2010 M 1013 1841 170 2007 P82 . :i:m lm oso 771 10l 217 flCtl 3.VI J' (I 328-1 ;iiii M7 210 1174 tttJU 1001 XI7 4 SO 1781 lira pio 477 2S0 2:1.14 374 .11111 1.112 .1211 017 10.V. 1421 7,104 D.037 4,310 12,010 11,672 2,B2 1,133 1,037 00.141 31,388 1.018 2,270 1.581 12,011 Brom ley. SIP 47 11 02 87 810 M .12 8ft 40 21 81 ro Ot Bl 131 201 P.12 247 III 178 224 .127 HI) 430 41 22.1 IR'I 1B1 11(1 3.1 111 127 217 220 78 120 18P no Gor man. Porter. Potter. 43 21 81 27 8 11 nn 11 o S3 14 .11 4!) in 20 in 1011 lin 77 84 73 220 110 37 Rt 34 72 1V1 88 201 4 88 108 77 I'll 111 172 m 104 no 16 14 . 4 10 0 12 3 10 .1 20 7 11 in 24 14 in n 12 8 ft 2 24 3 1R 4 2.1 4 2T 11 .13 1.1 ST 10 103 4 80 31 pi an 81 41 IBS 42 ino 41 ft! 44 181 fll M 21 .IT 11 71 '-'7 04 as 207 47 4t 8 48 M 12.1 47 T4 18 22T : 78 18 01 21 4.1 M 61 10 JUDGE OF MUNICIPAL COURT Wards. 9 a 8 S i 3 nttl 8084 2388 63.1 WASHINGTON PARTY MAYOR Wards. First Becond .... Third Fourth Fifth ., Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Kleventh Twelfth Thirteenth ..... Fourteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth .... Eighteenth .... nineteenth .... Twentieth r wenty-eeeond . Twenty-third .. Twenty-fourth . Twenty-sixth . Twenty-eeienth Twenty-elshth . Twenty-ninth .. Thirtieth Thlrty-ftrst Thlrty-eeeond ., Thirty-fourth .. Thlrty-nfth ..., Thlrty-alxth ... Thlrty-eeventh . Thirty-ninth ... Fortieth Forty-third .... Forty-fourth ... Forty-aeventh ., Forty-eighth ... Totala wardi mixing. Gorman. Porter. Potter. 10 123 in 2 .12 B .1 (14 1 T 84 1 4 24 4 1 20 8 14 IS 10 74 8 ft 48 3 11 27 21 20 6 2 B 30 7 6 13 a 4 PO 12 2 13 40 11 40 4 8 341 18 B 101 42 4 BS 1)6 8 401 1111 13 .102 6T 8 3-ill :it 1 284 M mi :s 1.1 402 40 140 10 11 7.1 8 B .101 2T 17 384 80 H.I 1UU4 M 1 01) 12 10 21.1 2.1 0 241 42 24 118 24 10 SIS Ml 201 21 20 302 23 18 103 Bl 10 244 17 6340 7340 11M Flrit inn- Hicond n Third Ti Fourth (12 1 Ifth a witth ti. frYfnh 177 l:5hih 11 lnth BS Tenth "I."!... 70 Fleenth ......... 5 Twelth 87 Thirteenth ...".. 80 j-oiirtcentli ,) Blxteentl. .......... 74 Sovententh 20T EUhleenth 378 lnteifnth ., rei2 Tnentleth 30S Tnent-eerond .122 Twenty-thlrd 32:1 Tu,nty-fourth MB Tnenty-Hfth 410 Twenty-acventh .... ISO Tnenty-elghth B70 Twenty-ninth 102 Thirtieth 4 Thlrty.nrat 48i Thlrty-aecond Bll Thirty-fourth 747 TMrty.flttli 6ft Thlrty-elith S(I7 Thlrty-aeventh 342 Thirty-ninth 42.1 Fortieth 7711 Forty-third ,, 8.11 Forty-fourth 408 Forty-fifth Forty-eoventh 435 Forty-eighth 230 31 12 6 11 10 13 Oi CI 2.1 IT t 2T 11 311 .13 28 240 213 T3 217 1608 130 143 137 271 03 OTI tm .118 .10.1 154 173 247 IB 321 22t 127 Wi 46 27 10 2 7 4 3 31 11 1.1 14 1 18 12 2ft ID ; 21 MS 100 41 (CI 69 338 83 143 in 47 70 '301 . 10 IIH 102 40 23 1 DM 133 14 82 .14 It B It 8 S3 (I ti 3 B 6 I) 14 14 84 00 Bll 21 113 34 40 21 . 02 34 41 58 10 13 120 4.1 4(1 HI 41 62 " R.I 3.1m 2711 1817 1lH.nl 20112 010 1UOS HUH an 2(i70 1.128 1411 2875 2741 11211 T7T ltlOO 4212 42S2 1.110 48T 14(10 210T 1302 18-12 1U03 2lU4 V'llTO 1200 2112 Mil .1.118 1042 4221 2T18 HAS 12117 1)41 1N1B 2541) .10 14 It 10 4 8 18 a IT 13 IT 20 30 113 833 80 .1ft 20 3T 10 78 31 .-HI 133 141 21 4T 30 32 83 B3 30 40 10 3 p 5 -io2 -1 30 8 I) " i '3 I .10 31 18 3P 8 24 14 s .K 31 10 M 12 87 J8 C2 10 M M 1T1 l 118 3tl 83 BSl 138 Bl 74 03 i 160 108 184 08 41 78 41 lit) 61 I til 222 20 in 127 01 10S 13ii 108 17 2.V1 ltni H4 IPS 70 50 JUDGE COMMON PLEAS NO. li Wards. - firat Second Thir.i ;;:; Fourth Firth ,...., Sixth Soenth Kighth Ninth Tenth i:ipenth ....... T-elfth Thirteenth .... Fourteenth .... sixteenth Seventeenth .... J;iKl.teentli .... Nineteenth .... Twentieth Twenty-second . Twenty-third ... Twenty-fourth .. Twenty-aeventh Twenty-eighth Twenty-ninth . , Thirtieth ...... Thiny-nnt Thlrty-njcond .. Thirty-fourth . Thirty-fifth . .. Thlrty-alxth . . . Tlilrtyeeventh .. Thirty-ninth .... Fortieth Forty-thirti rorty-fourth Fjrty-flfili ..... Korty-aoventh . . Forty-eighth fthne Margolin. Mitchell, maker. 310 M Bl (11 B2 21 III 18 1R 27 7 70 W 111.1 B2 79 1.10 22R 287 1.1.1 187 142 .13 2811 118 140 140 "378 32 24U 132 2(14 .101 17.1 301 '14R 110 112 01 11 40 20 .11 07 R3 38 BO 4 27 S2 78 60 130 2m MM 1K2 4811 318 13.1 032 10.I 242 333 77T PO Bill 300 221 TOO 201 248 'sin 223 .1110 2T20 1710 1MI.1 1830 ICIU ap.11 1007 (174 2072 1177 1.101 2780 74(1 REPUBLICANS GET PLACES FOR COUNCILS ON OTHER TICKETS Organization Candidates Cap ture Washington and Demo- cratic Nominations in Many Wards The nepubllcart Organliatlon candi dates for Councils captured Washington and Demociatlc nominations In many wards of the city, especially in the cen tral section. Stickers were used In some cases, while In Wards where the Organization candi dates had filed on the other tickets and the Washington and Democratic enroll ment was small, the Organliatlon had little dldlculty In bowling out tho regular party candidates. Slated candidates won the party nom inations as the general rule throughout the city, however. In the wards where the Organization was engaged In a fac tional fight the Varcs defeated McNichol. In tho 23, 32d and 42d Wards the Varo candidates were all victorious. Jerc It. Bhnw swept the 32d Ward, where the most bitter factional fight occurred. He was supported by the Vares, who aro seeking to overthrow Walter Stevenson, a McNichol lieutenant, as the ward leader. McN'lchol supported William Mtntzer for Shaw's seat In Common Council. In tho 23d Ward, where another fight over the nomination for Common Coun cil occurred, returns show that both VlirA And Mp?6lihn1 nhtnlnetl thf nomlnfl- Ui'J 1 Hon of their candidates. Clnrcnce F. 2112.1 4120 42MM 200:1 1307 1.VI7 1808 27S3 10(11 2IK1I 2100 1(1R4 2S7U 437 3.181 1780 41ir. 1281 Mill 1027 1I1T1 230 100 RO ITT 32 WASHINGTON PARTY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (TOO TO UK NOMINATED) WAftDS. o 9 REPUBLICAN PARTY CITY SOLICITOR Wards. Flrxt Second Third Fourth ...., Firth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Kleventh Thirteenth , Fourteenth Sixteenth h seventeenth ....... eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth Twenty-iecond Twenty-third Twenty-fourth Twenty-fifth , Twenty-aeventh Twenty-eighth , Twanty-nimn Thirtieth Thirty-first Thirty-second Thirty-fourth Thirty-fifth '.. Thlrty-alxth Thlrty-aeventh Thirty-ninth Fortieth Forty-third Forty-fourth Forty-nrth Forty-aeventh Forty-eighth Total 7 warda mlaelnr. Con- Alcorn. nelly. 202 3134 4T 2TT1 23 win 38 2001 31 KISS 31 208 208 8SS8 101 17117 77 11 70 2017 11 1322 63 2863 224 2(182 70 1230 141) 102.1 892 1042 816 B13U 344 4107 1032 1203 1001 1483 004 1838 400 2801 464 1370 1187 1H84 437 2188 442 8233 827 2077 1000 1714 1814 1702 207 B1R 1168 4128 702 2270 883 41117 1.180 288S MM1 11122 51 1811 8M 115T (170 1838 484 20T2 20.391 80,043 WASHINGTON PARTY CITY SOLICITOR Alcorn. 01 Iff D1LICAN8 HAVE CLEAN SWEEP IN LEBANON COUNTY Wards. First ....,.... Second Third . Fourth Firth Sixth ... Seventh Eighth . Ninth .. Tenth Eleventh . Twelfth ... Thirteenth , Fourteenth Stxteentli . beventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth ..., ,,,... ..........a. ..,,,.,., .........a..,.. . .... ..a.,,......,,,.. ,,...,, U. Sowers and G. T. Snnno- J .,,, . -, T-- -f -'Z "Mi mbko Mayoralty Raco IANON; Psl,. Bept 22.-Unofflclal re. at the (8lmary election In this city aittty sOW the nomination of ltd. tf. Mwers and George T. Spang for , mai m i-ounciiman, neorga , i.uwiciimn jamea trisher, HUh. J. a. Schmidt. J. Her. ataubtfck. JRstiiirter A. A. yi- u CattMr and Frank Helsy, city Con. Drain news is renominated with H, Bowers voU Is four in ex. of Soaiitr.. e Racwktieans nominated' tha follow. county Uekst. neither lha Dsruo.cri.ti .or Vi'tiahiiurteei Partv hevlnie r,hm...m t - .. ........a .. ...... -iirnr- rser-yrgtr, jonrj u. Zimmerman. 'fOMii'- 'I'nnEUrer. Frank Rar; County 1 (Iwnnii.h-nrra. 1VIII W xe.(. .m f. r Via..- ' ;tcr ef Wills, JoJu, BhtKk: ."T "rii ,i ! tm,,- i-jiirr, John H. KaMi-. ,lrci"ir ot ihr ',, r jrhn ki and tiu itw-i -nr SfU'iai t rwlt lo fvr of ta in-uBxtewt, srrw as wt. Twenty-second Twenty-inira , Twenty-fourth Twenty-seventh , Twenty-eighth ............... Twenty-ninth ..,,. Thirtieth .,.,.,... Thlrty-flrst .., ...... Thlrty-eeeond Thirty-fourth Thirty-fifth Thlrty-alxth Thltry-seventh Thirty-ninth Fortieth . ....., Forty-third Forty-fourth Forty-seventh, Forty-eighth Total With 8 wards mining-. 24 42 80 16 11 71 28 19 63 s 63 20 82 26 47 284 160 69 801 278 840 100 272 124 (M 274 820 1049 604 170 212 IIS 476 241 92 10(1 102 Scott. SO 4 1 6 6 2 18 12 IS 13 10 S tl 6 8 6 72 61 8 80s 02 01 23 les 7 1.1 40 123 114 son 21 60 80 184 .12 SA 44 a " 68 3 Second 11 6 Third 4 , 1 I-ourth 64 4 Jl"h 16 a Sixth 2 Seventh 20 H l-.Bhth .18 8 Ninth 23 Tenth 2S 11 Eleventh 18 1 Thlrteent! 1:1 2 Fourteenth 87 4 Sixteenth P A Seventeenth ,10 4 ElKhtcenth 68 62 Nineteenth 76 r 33 Twentieth 84 21 Twenlyeecond Col 131 Twenty-third '. 104 ' 60 Twenty-fourth 60 (.1 Tnenty-aoventh 6P 30 Twenty-eighth 1)1 43 Twenty-ninth 68 18 Thirtieth 24 II Thlrty-tlrat 0 2-1 TUrty-aecond , 113 30 Thirty-fourth isi ST Thtrtyflfth 20 111 Thlrty-alxth ... 40 37 Thirty-ninth 149 4.1 Fortieth 140 61) Forty-thltd 87 6.1 Forty-fourth 48 12 Forty-aeventh 73 29 Forty-blghth 81 23 I I 3 I f 3 : : f ? ! ; ""so It 78 'h ii" 20 1 13 1 3 ;18 . 84 1 2-' 1 22 .. 8 3 11 5 1 10 4 7 1 .. Bll 7 48 8 .1 21 .. 13 T 3 15 0 10 B 10 21 1 16 5 1 12 .. 4 .. 1 11 3 13 4 1 04 12 8 1 37 2 33 .. 2 33 3 3 10B .1 ?ll 40 216 80 18 121' 10 127 14 8 41 8 40 II 7 407 89 8P3 4.1 17 '.?17 l 100 20 29 2.1P 20 234 60 22 ,?S o 1 u 313 20 2U7 20 37 "I P3 18 II ' II 31 1.1 10 ?il 20 Ell 13 1:1 BJ 283 32 27 "' 70 8X1 82 4C B7 2 31 6 4 "j; 15 141 14 15 121 20 42 21 10 f'J 37 307 63 41 .;J,T J? ,02 io 12 -40 0 281 8 8 i'Jn JI i8 11 HI ISO 10 138 17 33 REPUDLICAN PARTY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (Two to be nominated) nitter. Warda, Flrat Second Third Fourth Fifth Rtxth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Kleventh , Thirteenth .... Warda. Fourteenth .... Sixteenth Kcentecnth .. Eighteenth Nineteenth ... Twentieth Twentv-aecond Twenty-thlrd , Twenty-fourth Twenty.ftfth .. Twenty-aeventh Tnenty-elghth Twenty-ninth . Thirtieth Thlrty.nrat .... Thlrty-aecond Thirty-fourth . Thlrty-flflh ... Thhty-alxth .. Thlrty-aeventh Thlrty-nlnth .. Fortieth Forty-third ... Forty-fouith . Fort) -net enth . Forty-firth .... Forty-eighth ,. Btott. 580 2770 lSlW IMS 2002 .101 3Ui 177 013 273.1 i-ai 28R2 Scott. 2(130 12III 1110 2170 3.10S 4227 1778 1H7B 1800 2137 1091 2.140 2:15.1 3421 1005 2157 '.MIC 68.1 44111 1IIP.1 4720 3321 llll 1421) 2052 1.154 2201 171 20 22 2.1 1.1 in 15S 70 33 41 6 .18 Moore. 347.1 2780 18H3 2021) 2041 307 3(118 1802 ran 2700 1820 2S50 Hitter. Moore. 12U 2111)2 72 114 201 331 1711 410 128,1 332 217 230 :ai 213 180 350 (UP 080 81 420 355 18J 053 400 242 301 101 203 DEMOCRATIC PARTY SHERIFF Continued. Wards. , Thirty-fourth . Thlrty-nfth .... Thlrty-alxth . . Thlrty-aeventh Thlrty-nlnth .. Fortieth Forty-third ... Fortyfourth .. Forty-aeventh , Forty-eighth . , Antrim. Clinton. 127 347 , 31 ID va .12s 176 171 147 It'll 161 284 SO 107 13.1 18.1 87 142 100 114 REPUDLICAN PARTY SHERIFF JUDGE ORPHANS' COURT Continued. Wards. Antrim. Cox. Rualey. Flrat Bee 0.6B1 1,813 cond Third Fourth ruin sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Kleventh ,.... Twelfth hlrteenth Fourteenth Sixteenth Beventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth Twenty-aecona ... Twenty-third Twenty-fourth Twenty-nfth j Twenty-aeventh ?wanty-elghth ...... wenty-nlnth Thirtieth Thlrty-ttrat ?hlrty-aecond ........ hlrty-fourth ........ Thlrty-nfth Thlrty-alxth Thlrty-eeenth ....... Thlrty-nlnth ......... Fortieth ............. Fortv-thlra .....,.. Forty-fourth Forty-nfth Forty-eeventh Forty-eighth 77 22 16 0 12 12 16 72 84 83 3 28 28 76 64 60 11)9 2110 134 312 748 200 isi 421 137 160 226 474 402 64 841 232 400 167 MO 86 268 120 78 11 5 g 11 0 87 63 28 28 53' 24 81 23 73 447 DUO 100 601 1122 176 273 1U3 04 J 269 09 412 302 813 U3 660 384 152 824 661 306 166 208 2V6 WASHINGTON PARTY SHERIFF Antrim. - IV 1. ...i...f.. ...,.. .., I .....f. ......... ,,.,1. I.. .......... ,.....,.,... 4 I.................... .......... .. ....... r (' .(......)... DEMOCRATIC PARTY 1 SHERIFF Ward. Antrim. Clinton, First ( s( fiC0n3 MtM'4rl fOiXd IHMIMMd rlitU Sixth ! Svntn 4iiftti4).t.DM,t Kih NiHin stlt"itfli,(.a,,Mt Ttknth -- KlVnth , , Twelfth -..... ......, Thlrt tfiun iii.i'iiMMi KourtMDtl '. .. btxtentn .! a sl'lf .f 4T t 4fte )) f ciMl.it 'e'4asf V-OUCd ... ..a. ..a.. W-IOsitI 1 , ae,,,,,,., ;-inwu fif(tfi ij cntrentb KWBtuta NIAK4ftniQ wtsUtxtHn "izmsis ' .. i&- JBfQ1 '----..4...t lxasasi . , . ..tf.,..,f K , 1V6 ?! 20 si ' a H & 'i i 83 M i sjsj jasg m m Wards. Flrat ... Second . Third .. Fourth , Fifth .,, Hlxth ... Seventh . Iflghth ... Ninth .... Tenth .... Eleventh . Twelfth .. Thirteenth Fourteenth ..... Sixteenth fceienteenth t Eighteenth ..,,... ,,..,,.,. Nineteenth .. Twentieth ....... i Twantv-aecoaa ....... Twenty-third ......... ...... Twenty-fourth ....,. Twenty-aeventh ,,.,,,.,,.,,., Twenty-elghth ......, Twenty-ninth ,.....,. ,',',,, .. Thirtieth M..,.,ti'V,l Thlrty-flrst ..,,.,)..,,,..,,, T ilrty-aeoond ....,.!,. ,.,,,, TWrty-fourth ,,..,...,.. Tilrtyrfllth !..!..;., ISJQ''.t '' Tlilrtj-nintn .....,.,. ,.,,, Fortieth ,...,......,..,,.,,, Forty-third. .,.,...(.-.,.,,.... FOrty. fourth .,.,..,1 ,,, Forty-seventh ,..)..,,....,, Forty-eighth ................. 30 20 13 5 83 27 16 88 H 20 84 4T 290' 15 110 6T ITT ft 101 20T 68 64 272 30 143 63 auiu 2806 1803 1011 lblifl 302 8834 1820 61.1 2TJT J3IU 2064 '.097 1236 1026 1U36 6180 4133 l.'lBO 16111 185U iH.ll 10.11 PtKJ 2UU 82NV 2K0I 1859 1U43 6X1 4031 1037 4786' .113 Bll 1287 1822 132 2000 Cox. XI 10 1 21 8 .1 W 13 80 8 1 16 e & lit 365 211 tm 81 87 J 213 114 4A IPO i OJ Ml stt w 172 Warda. Thirteenth Fourleei'lh Sixteenth Seventeenth .... eighteenth Nineteenth Twentlatu Twenty.eecond .. Twenty-third ... Twenty.lourth .. Twenty-fifth .... Twenty-acenth . Twenty-eighth .. Twenty-ninth ... Thirtieth Thlrty-tlrat .... Thlrty-aecond .. Thlrty-rourth .. TMrty-flfth Thirty, alxtn ... Thlrty-aeventh .. Thlrty-nlnth .... Fortieth Fcrty-tnlrd . .. Forty-fourth .... Forty-nfth Forty-aeventh .. Forty-eighth ... Chsrney. Dallett. Lynch. Llirdv 31 2734 .10 72 ! .122 m 2780 "' 1IJ 03 70 132 143 181 1420 627 ?0T 541 742 .. 1(V) 230 232 1T1 TT1 STT 8(16 (171 734 204 1311 1100 .... 2043 8(10 83 4(12 183 302 1101 0.10 120 1480 840 1JT 30T IIIQ 1T4 1T(10 (M3 .-. 1134 TT4 038 1410 1218 3 11.1 12J 2(18 401 724 200 030 480 220 2.14 250 10 T82 114!) S3 454 608 32T 0T1 BOT : on 21.1 181 1846 423 130 240 453 66 834 4b4 4021 4236 10T8 380 1115 ITT 1413 IT.1 140 2521 Ml 8T1 (CIS 444 30TT 8T0 4710 2002 433 834 877 311 1082 JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT a Wards. S. a f o JUDGE ORPHANS' COURT vAt-iM. ctwrnsv. rwui i.4k . iniT V ....... iU T -"V-.l vur r J a) F w Cvaq . Tfc'lT'O 4JS . .4l; ,.4sfft Ktsisfflg. ..... Ninth . . .n.atf ltl4)l 1 e- Twtl .. ... Ill 11 J:::::: a 4b.::::: 0 10.;.; ; 11 12 13 14 in.. .. II lj:::::: 20 24 21...... XI""' 28 ii II'::.:: 34...,.'. 83,, ... U6 a- Be.. .... 4d .. .. 4J 44. 2421 2818 114) 101(1 2(137 07.1 382(1 1747 (182 2478 1401 1401 21141 273.1 1210 POO 1705 4783 4676 104C 090 10.14 2426 1731 020 1001 2W.1 227U 1329 1918 601 3(U3 1T80 4011 3 Till 000 1242 1012 028 2248 10T 2001. 31 8 118 T3 33 6.1 1 69 41 108 70 140 (118 721 227 781 02.1 613 2045 sail 144 1938 20(11 (181 SU.'Z .714 COS 27J1 1303 1477 2026 2020 1191 ."80 30UI1 4818 4640 22U6 1317 133 40 33 41 31 42 166 10.1 fll 73 1 123 93 10.1 441 631 242 639 705 109 23.1 1720 30 36 87 118 149 (18 322 U 37 48 115 01 101 254 434 147 410 8448 2061 1048 1977 2058 341 Ittltl I 1740 304 2746 1410 1108 2961 910 im 2241 6102 4691 2373 DEMOCRATIC PARTY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (Two to be nominated) Warda. 1 2 .1 4 .1 n 7 8 0 10 11 13 14 16 17 18 10 20 22 1 24 27 28 0 30 .11 12 34 .15 36 37 2o 43 44 47 48 180 10 2.1 17 16 311 62 26 26 .16 12 21 SO Bl 74 208 200 2211 2(12 170 209 121 3.10 66 Bl 189 llll 143 311 311 1G6 Km 224 84 8!) 128 89 111 43 Bl 101 15 26 81 .17 20 1)4 21 02 63 .17 72 1B1 111 00 1114 Ml 302 PS 121) 100 103 10U 118 200 .11 102 124 113 204 78 188 81 77 20 .1 .1 1 8 A 14 7 (1 7 1 41 28 (I 0 21 14 .10 64 .13 68 60 60 25 .10 2.1 .14 123 n 21 32 20 163 82 60 18 18 25 8 2 "8 4 18 6 4 0 'as 41 10 M .18 56 24 B7 .17 136 41 38 2!) 213 20 113 27 14 62 87 43 74 46 111 80 142 22 8 1 8 4 12 17 n o 4 1 11 0 11 42 M 31 8 (18 70 llll 2.1 8.1 211 88 60 40 70 11 .18 .10 .Tl 80 37 08 45 43 Outterson, the Varo candidate, swept the Hepubllcan column. Thomas walker, Jr., a McNichol follower, opposed Outterson for tho nomination. John A. Qulnn, an other McNichol man, was nominated olontr with Outterson. The Vares ran only one, candidate. The Varcs nominated their candidate for Common Council In the 42d Word, Wlllliim Weir, member of the State Leg islature, wns backed by the Vares against Andrew Krosch, n McNichol lieutenant. Wllllnm Sletrrrt. Independent member of 3140 I Stlect Council from that ward, wns re nominated on tho Republican ticket. Select Councllmnn Henry J. Trainer obtained the Democratic nomination In the 3d Ward, of which ho Is the le.nler by the use of stickers. He defeated Samuel Blascnsteln. the only Democratic nominee who hnd filed papers. In the 21th Ward, Davis, who ran on tho Hepubllcan ticket Independent nf tha Organization bosses, swept the ward against Common Councilman Cross, who was srcltlntr the Hepubllcan nomination for Select Council. Cross had the sup port of the Organization lenders. The vote received 'by the candidates for Councils follows: Select Councils 3D WAHD-nopubllcan, H. J. Trainer, 1721. Democratic, H. J. Trainer. 51; S. Bolasentlnc, Z. Washington, S. Fltzpat rlck, 37, BT1I AVARD-nepubllcan, J. T. Conrade, 13; Democratic, J. T. Conrade, 47. 6TH WARD - Republican, C. A. Bchwarz. 205; W. H. Jones. 22; Demo w. w ?'. A: Schwarz, 390; W. H. Jones. 20; Washington, W. H. Jones, 14. ,TnVARD-Republ,can' T. J. Morton, 4217. Democratic, W. F, Lalster. 333. Washington, J. A. KUnges, 87. ,?ITU WARD-Republlcnn. J. f. Dugan, 1812; Democratic, J. F. Dugnn. US; Wash ington, K. V. Shlch, 81, J. F. Dugan, 28 2JTH WAnD-nenuhllrnn r ... ?S5! 8 ..? v?2' . us5S it T, . .. ' " "iein, isi; fll. J. fn'V330' U BUn"' W- iS?Bh?'ii' unn" 123i M- J' McCul Common Councils JIFWAnD-nePubllin, J. Olnsburg 2728; h. M nighter, 2730. Democratic, h! M. Connolly, 257: J. H. Stubllng 232 WaBhins-ton, J. H. Harris, 97; TACanT: t-2D w,ARD-nepublIcan, C. C. A. Baldl. Jr.. 2522; Democratic, J. H. Tiernev 61 Washington. W. L. Mann"k Tlerney lX l-nv WAnD-RePubllcan. J. H. Rcmlg, VV, PD A,'. 0rann'n'. 1634. Democratic fonoV5'1"'011' " W"hl": 12811 1PM Z11 5400 4241) 1047 24411 18.'l VP7'I 1838 2477 2128 3470 3132 2201 2047 fl.'O 4H.11 1.17 5II4') .17(14 1673 1057 2170 1300 2341 VICTORY COMES FOK MEN WHO WERE SLA1 IN MAGISTRATE FIGF All Republican Organization iispiruiiLs ixominatcd 'Denyl ocratic Factions Name Thrci Men Each M The nomination of tho complete "Miela iiuic emic vn cacn ci xne party tlcVi? AAA 4 afe aa m 1 end A a t a ..?j Dccnin luiuiiu uf cuiiipicie returns Mm a majority of tho wards. There were tm surprises on tho Republican and DeniJ cratic tickets. On tho Washington partf ticket the contest was more general thie In. the others, .j On each of the tickets 11 were nosJ mated, un tne Hepubllcan hMlot Alee' ander Hamilton Brooko polled a Vot jS above that of any other candidate not-rf the city uommittco slate. In th S ivnra ne iea mo iicnei tjy nearly 50 vol polling n total of 1679 against lBj ffi Georgo H. Hogg, tho high candidate -o? the Organization slate, and 1393 for joJ j. iiarrigan, tne iow man. Jtl-.l'UULiUJAJN JVUJIINEES. The nominees on the Republican tick? are: John F. Collins. Joseph Coward. William J. Glenn. John J. Harrlgan. William J. Harris. George K. Hogg. John Mcclcary. George A. rersch, jtV-ll anomns r. mson. TJvron R. Wrlgley. Leslie Yates. Of thpse. nil except Watson, 1W? aeivulncr n,.. Url nn . " ' WASHINGTON PARTT. The mad scramble for ofllce on t Washington party ticket, with 72 jiamei In the Magistrate column, resulted in ' low vote for al candidates. The noml' nation of the 11 slated condldates. hotr? ever, is virtually nssured. tf The names of these follow: William F. Deaton. Jnmes G. Conner. John S. Delta. Harry J. Imber. Frank A. . Knnuncrnad. Alexis J, I-lmcburner. George W. Long. Daniel McAvpy. Georgo W. Price. Frank L. Rau. Benlamln H. Renshnw. The Washington party slate as a n icu in scarcely any or the wards. DEMOCRATIC RESl'I.TS. The Democrats Imd slnlcd bnly ij? men, three of whom wero iuiimI h-: Old Guard faction and tlireo by the V.t-M aro available It will be ImpossloU to" know who aro the other dvo nominees. S The three Reorganization caniUlatti nuimnated are: William H. Belcher. Joseph S. Uoyle. John J. Grclls. All wero running for re-election. The three Old Guard nominees ar: Thomas E. Fltzpntrlck. Wllllnm McQuillan, James H. Toughlll. KEYSTONHRS HAD NO SLATE. On the Keystone Fallot there were 8 names, but no candidates had beta slated. 133 31 39 310 18 10 33 IT 26 '70 14 188 328 40 DO 78 163 03 ST1 4T 162 189 40 100 11 32 180 169 69 70 121 40 HERBERT M.THDEN DIES AFTER BRIEF ILLNESS Son of the Late William T. Til den a Victim of Prieumonia s m . . fig 212 1881 810 ioi 202? 1018 .103 760 489 2B11 805 108.1 284 7168 li 831 0.12 270 242 &lZ IIOl 834 172U 148 640 871) 11 CHI 0.13 641 218 427 809 2523 1008 312(1 8(184 038 4600 .1237 1320 2(CI 1046 2188 .1208 4 :::;:: JUDGE COMMON PLEAS NO. 4 470 iiei 684 436 408 'Ith 480 186 4.1T 323 242 820 180 604 88 i 222 7(13 820 .344 V 313 67 9(18 2(103 2213 86P0 071 308(1 2100 4411 87G2 1533 lj.17 1121 2210 2448 Wards. Klrat ... Second ., Third . . Kfurtn ............. .,,,,,., .1... ..,.,.....,, ffi ft ::,:::::v.v.v.v,: VJfl' Wltten Utter1. Urg. Bw.fiim ., isniu Ninth i..,,.. Tenth Eleventh -,.., wvinn ........... ......... Thtrte.nth: ::::.:: :' fiurteei.th ...... : ::::;:.. eevemeenth ...... "li:;!i: ttlshtaenth ......".T..: !'': Nineteenth Twentieth .....'' Twehty-aaoond ..,...'..'" Twent.tbtrd .,.,....'..',: Twenty.lourth .,,..,., fwenty.flftb ...,.. ."; Twanty-aevanth ' ' Twenty-eUbth ..,...,.. .' . vvuir.uiiiwi -ininittn Thtrty.Srat . Thirtr-aw-ond Irtyieu, TH Tnwirmn V&X? v ... .... liMMi...,.4. 4ie4),tt '4i. 1 ttttmmttt0 -' f x '. Herbert M. Tllden, a son of the lata William T. Tllden, and formefly widely known as an expert tennle slayer, died suddenly of pneumonia at his home on McKcan avenue, Germantown, this morn ing. Mr. Tllden. who was 29 years old, waa tsken with a severe cold on Friday, and. although it developed Into pneumonia Sunday, no great anxiety was felt by his family over his condition. The end came unexpectedly. Ilia dmtt, enii...- U closely on that Of his father, which oo. iuiicu .ruiy 9. Mr. Tllden was assistant secretary and treasurer of the William T. Tllden Com pany, hair and tvool merchants, with of fices at 254 North Front street. Several years ago he held the rennaylvanlaState tennis doubles championship and the same title In Delaware. More recently he has been lees active in tho sport. Mr. Tllden leaves, a widow, who was before her m&rrlago Miss Hazel Megar. ?.'?i.BndriwS.fi,,ir..n MlrUra ena n4 William T. Tllden, Jd, aged 4 and t years, respectively. Ills brother. William T. Tllden, 2d. t. also well knowt, a. a Un nls plyet, Up to the lime of hi last nines Mr. Tllden was an active tennis player. In IMS. partnered by Alexander D. Thayer, he won the Intercollegiate lawn tenhls doubles championship, and In recent years H. M. Tllden and his youngeV brd,h,V, W..T. Tllden, 2d. have f&med than the usual amount of success. The younger Tllden Is one of th pest tennis players in this section of the country, and to his brother BeAart h. Is Indebted for jtmc.. or hk VuL or the same. ,"r w Th UM LMMal WutnuMut tkaot Mr TlWton took DtH t. WSTmIissJiH.: 4)s)iiM vM eUatii tkSmJSSSt thi a tha courts of the arizjnttriii4aSa Cluh. ManlH.1,,, th. .lut. to whl4 bsTbl. PORTER AND SMITH MAYORALTY NOMINEES a ,J,T" WAnD-RoPubllcan, D. Cahill, k iSTEv&S: Cah,ll " w"w- 6TH WARD-Republlcnn. I Dent.h 2014; Democratic, L Dent.ch. 60. , 187?" WAnD-RcPubl'n, M. E. Co'nn. ICTS1" WAnD-RePub:n, M. a. Conn, 9TH WARD-Republlcan. E. n. Glcason n?,'lSP'iVrni0n,,A ?"'- Patterson: Al D' S,eon- 7J' whIngton. E. B Gleason, 26; Patterson, IS. self" WARD-RePubllcan, r. Dancei 11TII WARD-Republlcnn, L. C Mich. U C. 'Mlchaelson; "h.rSt'oTE".! MlchaeUon. 25; H. J. Tahl. 6 ,J,2.TIr,-VVARDTRepubI'can. R. D. Rurke 1325. Democratic, n. D. Durke 65- J ni,f ' DUn'uk fBh,nston' 3- BldilVa 13TH AVARD-Republlcan, W. H Jonea 2S43; Democratic, W. L. nockhiii '. Washington, W. H. Jones, i"W!kb"1' 97: KOl'RTEENTH WARD-Reiiubll. n. J. McCarthy. 2374; RuitUonVwi Jw"' 7T' Savnge. 72. Democra,tlc, 8, B. UrsnH.3 U7. Washington, T, J, McCarthy, 04 nS' 16TH WARD-Republlcan, J. m CIo. key. 1135: W. C. Betrand, lllj; w.ihw ton, W. C. Hetrand, 45. ' WBhl"S- 17TH WARD-Republlcan e v v.h 10241 R. F. Gearon. 129 Democrdtlc " n' F. Gearon, 137: c. F. Kelley.Ja. a.R' Ington. R, F. Gearon. 23; C. F. KillVy iV 20TH WARD-Republlcan C An 4109;, W. W. Trlnkle"3W3a;nS.C-;Vtlte?W2i.3?-Democratic, C. H. Ilurdegen. Sr"! ?S -. v. Aicneson, 300; D, C Ifavn ' gorier snowed v 297. Washington, k F. TyghT M- p n?f' f 8ouh Phlladelphl per. 86; E. Wilt, K. rB ' "' p- HaI- ticket. In the 1 zath WARD-Republlcan P t . Gulgan, 2170; M. Fleming 2172. irJr Mc 472; S. J. Nicholson' SB. ' ,L Drak TWENTT-8EVENTH WAnD-R.n,,K llcan. W. H. Tyson, in, R P wlP ? n. B, Smith. 8. Democratic W w' 182; R. P. Shlch, 9. WMhimWrl ' S'l"n' Tyson. 65; B. B. SmlthT W Mn8tm- W- . 29TII WARD-Republlcan R w t arts, 2328; J. H. Humphreys mT,nob' nelnhart. J3.6; G. W. CarnDbeil.T,' Ji' ocraiie, j Humphreys. 124-m .elP' WHa w. umiiiiiKinn it Tl O. W. Campbll, 120. emnart, ui; S0T1I, WAnti publican w - . eld.m'' .':.. i-a- mono, 2121; V w Morris, 580; H. McCann. 55 n. : B M, M. Kermlch. '"iL Ucn?tlo, yyeiaeman, 85; w. B. Lamnj "( r jngton. W. K. u.ttT'S & bhannon. ; 3, Wnney.w. ?" I- sot. mt. m aA-Ziyi..?' y Halteretuu,' aaoCavaateai. aa.'aT1 Kv.nriA.'-aFj?g 4tth WmBuUl.. J?'' Continued from 1'age One heretofore been connldcied dominated tjM the Organization. Complete returns had been received from Only 41 Rcmibllrnn nnrl 39 U'nuhlnrtnn and 'Domocrntl; wurds Inte today, bata thev Inrllrn,! Ihnt (ho .l.t. nn.lMnl.t W tOr fltl ndln.B nn nit nn,, tlnlAla nnrt nit the non-partisan ballot wcto nominated.; The mayoralty nominees ute: THOMAS II. SMITH, Republican. GEOHCJi: D. I'OUTUIl. Washington. d. r.onnoK nitosn.nv. neraocrstie,- JAMUS U. OOllMAN, Keystone. ) SMITH DEAL REBUKED. The Republican voters of the city caiti a heavy vote against Smith and repudl-i atcd to some extent the manner In which! Smith was foisted upon them by the Ot3 ganizatlon leaders as tho "harmony can-E aiaate. With , several of the large Independent! warus Heard from, he combined vote fori Porter and Potter on the Republican! ticket was 22.179 in the1 41 wards reported.! to 93,059 for Smith. Returns from manTfl scattering divisions In the independent? wards show that Porter Is ahead ofj Smith In many of them, and lndlcattj that In tho city a ti whole tho lndeptnoj dent candidate will bo found to have rtj eelved between one-fourth and one-nfl! of the total -number of Republican votMJ cast. The small vote cast throughout the city Independent 'lea'dea' 'today declare. Is a' most hopeful sign for the November election. The Organization, It was point ed out, regularly polls nearly as large vote nt the primary as at the general election. Only about two-thlrds of th, loiai registered vote came to the po' yesterday, and the Independent leadr declare the majority of the remalnlaj one-tnird will support Director Porter a ovemoor. Director Porter is also confident ofl winning the support of at least SO perja cent, or the voters who enrolled but on not register. This number la In round 1 numbers 21,000, which, according to Dlrec-J ior i-orters estimate would give mny more than 16,000 votes, which could noH po ponea lor rum. yesterday. PORTER tSTRONO DOWN TOWtf. Porter showed unexpected strength Jn a on the jtepuuucsnj 1st IVard. Porter Tr: Celved 254 neriuhllmn votes, as agalniU S57J for Smith. Scattering returns froatj the s6th Ward, another Vare ward, ehoS that Porter received about one-fifth "'A the Republican votes cast. He alJf.l ceivod a big Republican vote In the 3H4 irard. In tha 28tVi Winl. n mlilfh Thomas &' ftmUI. It., n t.,i 1... ..nS4-: "i ..oyuuiicnn )iiayurivj -- . s the leader. Porter polled 843 vpM on the Republican ticket to 291 W Smith. Alcorn ran strong against CV(ie nelly In Smith's ward, Alcorn reoelvtoJU 1137 on the Republican ticket to IS wonncuy. In the $6tji Ward Porter received Republican votea. Smith rot 4396. I ter waa strongest pn the Rtpubllf ticket in th. Uit. tait, etet lth. M .: .... "." -- ".--.;.. ai im. m, Jlst. 34th 43d and 4th vvatw tm In thn 44tlh Wu B ).. ..Mntfhnld. Bl A received 699 Jtepubllca votes, as z ) jor utnitft. . The ShOWlnr mad. hv Pnrler In taw downtown wards waa surprising, !? pressed gratWtlon over It today, ",1 aldt ,1 "I am perfectly satisfied. Indeed, eyf'. J iiiusr Bxceeaa mv vnj(B(nn. 1 am cw ' Ment that I am going to. win In NoY ,er. I cot votes in soma of the warir '1 t.. . j. ' . .r " . lm i ii.i.;.J"cL P.. M9V& "na l-?.J?L. 1 ii.r. wiY "t"w l ." reiuqis rfWHJ publicaji wr, nartlpularly the Jin ."" f.th w l4Mtet) wards. - JITi. UV Mt-VettcT give th 'suits, Apparently, ona-thitd ct ll.e f M wot couii out for the vjni.-rj-- nt i t It ieua iui uiuj a,a m --a-a.eaui m. ..&.. .110 -Atiat ti,H( .,, Spec! ( , fc mi ,,, vl ul t, - wears. 45 y j ,o!
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