EVENING LEDGEE-PHIXADELFHIA, TtJEBPAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1918. FINANCIAL NEWS 35NERAL MOTORS 54 POINTS,, LEADING SPECIALTIES Many New High Records Established in the Most Active Day's Trading Seen Progress on NEW TOIIK, Sept 21. Everything , the background today In favor of tho Sl new hign records csiaousnca in piock Exchange In many days. Not J a demand, anu vinuauy an or it centred In the class of stocks which te known cither to have received large war orders or thought to have them. The principal nctlvlty was In tho motor shares, while the standard list was, is csual, neglected. r The most violent upward movement was In General Motors, which by mld Hrnoon had rushed up 54 points for the day to a. new high record of 850 i thare. New top marxs were also established by Bethlehem Steel, up 12 "saints; Crucible Steel, Willys -Overland and Studebaker. The oldest traders "teuld not remember any day on which the advance. In ono special stock on the Stock Exchange waa as largo as lnfJeneral Motors. It Is true that some purities In the outside market have registered larger gains in a day's trad jnrf, but not on tho big board. There was no news accompanying the violent upswing In General Motors, and tho only apparent reason was a further response to tne ou casn aiviaena declared by the company, which led the iMCuIators to expect that the specialties, especially tho motor companlos.'were Waking enormous profits. Prices at tho iwrket was strong, uenerai Motors lost From all Indications, the financial )f. There is n Deuer leeung various times there has been a faint egressions of optimism of the future. The two most Important factors at the moment are, of course, tho settlement of tho big loan to Great Britain ind France and a satisfactory conclusion of the present diplomatic situation. Both are acknowledged to bo much better, and, In fact, of tho former It is aid that only a few minor details are yet to be agreed upon. The feeling is becoming more pronounced that with tho consummation of the big loan thero will be a general uplift to business. And the reason for this Is a good one. From the reports that have been received by the financial com munity, always unofficial, of course, It has been agreed that all the money raised in this country will be spent here. This money, then, will go out Into tho chan nels of regular business and to the workman, and it will be beneficial all around. There Is every reason also to expect an ever-Increasing demand from abroad for eur products, and then, too, tho outlook tumptlon. It Is pointed out that the loan, which is such a huge affair, cannot be ar- rnged In ten days or two weeks, aa bankers throughout the country ancK luccess to the loan when It Is finally While nothing official has come out belief (n Wall street that some official announcement will be made concerning ;the loan after tho meeting of the bankers tomorrow. Considerable progress, It sis understood, waB made at the conference yesterday, and more details may be perfected today. As yet one Important question, that of whether the proceeds ehll be used to purchase war munitions, Is undecided, but it is thought that ,'thls will be settled, probably today. Steel's Net Earnings for Last Quarter Estimated at $50,000,000 Estimates current in the Street place the not earnings of the United States Steel Corporation for the last quarter of the year nt $50,000,000. This would 1 tnean a surplus after all charges Including the preferred dividend, of between I $15,000,000 and $30,000,000 or at the rate of $100,000,000 to $120,000,000 a year, : equal to between 20 nnd 25 per cent, on In the last quarter will be due to full liveries. ' Trade Balance of $35,423,734 Reported for Last Week A very encouraging Item of news came from Washington In the form of the statement of weekly exportB. The ance and the exports for the week for the fiscal year and have only European war began, according to the figures of the Department of Com merce. The figures were as follows: Imports, $29,825,149; exports, $65,249,883; trade balance, $35,423,734. A total of 91,089 bales of cotton were exported during the week. 3 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad The statement of earnings of the f month of August was Issued today. ment reported last month, the first J The gross was $684,481 above the same period of the previous year, while Uhe, net advanced $627,189; two months' gross was $1,172,646 larger and the net $1,432,081 higher. NEW YORK Lst close. High. Low. CIom 33!f 32H 32Jf !!( Rold Mines.... 23K AI)W;hlmerjMfg.... 435f ' Allls-ClutaMgOopf. 72 An At Chemical...... 03 Am Beet Sugar 60H - Am Beet Sugar pf 02 AmCao dOU 44H 42!X 72 71 M KM 62U 68H COH 88M 88H 01J 60H 43H 71H 63 07 SSH 60U 105H 73M 152 COM 103H OH 42H 24 20 35 57H U7H aid can nr. Am Cu & Foundry 105H 106H 105H 70H 74 70H am com products 152 Am Cotton Oil sik Am Eipresj 103 Am Hide & Leather... OH Am Bide & Leat pf... 4Ui Am Ice Securities M I52H 152 61M BOH 103H 103H OH OH 42H 40H 24 24 Am Linseed 20H Am Unseed pi 35 Am Loeomotlre 67W 205 30 G8U 07K 20 35 67 07H 83H ai Locomoura pi. .. .1CXJ am omen & itel... 84 6SU 84H Am Smelt & Ret pf Am 6teel Foundries. Am Bagat Reflnlng. .107 107W 107H 107H . 50 56H 51 54 inou iinu inou unu aiDugar xieiinint pl.lMJi 110 115 110 Am Tel ft Tel 124H 124H 124H 124H Am Tobacco 227H 229H 227 229H Am Tobacco pf near... 108 100 108 100 AmWcolen 48 48H 48 48 Am Woolen pf 04 04 03K 03H .MfMd Copper 71H TIM 71M 71H lthJ & B Y 102H 102H 102 102 AtehT&SFpf 08M OOH 88 08W BiMwialMo 81H 82H 81H 82H ldwln Loco pf .100H 107 107 107 Wttaort Ohio 84H.84H 84 84H WtopreftOhlopf... 71H715X 71H 7W "fW Steel 345 357 330 354 JstMeuem Steel pf.... 180 164 100H 164 weeUynRapTran... 84H 84H 84H 84H Ntto A Superior 60H 60U 00 60H ?SS!.troeum 21 21H 20H 20H CU retroleuia pf 40 47 40 40 Cttadlan Pacific 155H 150 16SH 165H Cert Leather 48H 40H 48H 48H ct Leather pf ,100 JOOH 100 JOOH JJ?Wli Ohio 40 40 48H 48H vjow,pper 44H 44H CfcteoQreatWest....l2H 12 SiwWeit pf... 31H 31H 90 08tLpf 07H 06H Sft?1 Ful 1 64H 54 Cwsitock Tunnel... 11 12 44M 44 11). Ills 31 31H ecu eavi 127 127 -56 20H 62H 63i 11 12 fWat4aaj DiH 120H 128H 129M "?!LU?ulcn 89H 02. 00 00 CiwPKKlncUKef..... 18H 10 18U 18H SSifiPM5'""" 80 85 85 CwetMafatoft!,, (UU 07)f OJ 05H )SJ"Btelpf., 106H W7H 106H J07H r"-n pugar 114 120 114 11U uaBUgar pr...llO JOi 102 103 Cr."" ! u;i 11 10H 11 25V4 25! J 22U 22U 72M 73 30H 305 fiOVi 60H SOU SOX 48 44 171 Vi" 174 207H 323 fawweecunue,, 28W SS"1mi 22H 255f 23 73 3H 51). 3T 4d 174f 350 j""" atw nailery,. 74 .......... , am jHW., 61H w..., . ,., 40 JgMjOfcaaipf,..,, 47K IKlectrla. 170W IfMdalea I Molois van ia.1,11. """STw ItMSleiel B V',' .n 73H ma nt 106V4 108H 108H ftlm.lTT 1 V..9...IW KW1 VW71 WO gjjawpwp. 46H 45M 44K 44M gMJrtftaiBgpl'at,,. 85W mi 65 64 'f"" Cent iiYitr lfakU in'iW lOiMI !W"Corp'B aoi aov. aox 'tooCo pf., 7 74M 73H apx 7344 J, ...... .10i 107M 107 etiotto -jfiu 'jnw tai JU7 Qf&t eUoualPinar inu nti mu t Paper pf .,.. 3V4 3M4 38X kUSB ClonnAT. . . . aa,U I'itXt HAXt MA '. emtMia..,. 27 24M 3wM 3 is j mi 4 " yn ..,i4H i4w j4. im:.., mi . im . tm$ BtecttH.,,. JUH m kiTiik.......ii tw im W im H Mj .12W M7M m van. mi.t r mamt mmWmM 9mr MPs) eaPa RUSHED UP Since Early Summer. Allied Loan else In tho stock market was relegated war specialties, and there wcro sev- the most violent trading seen on the since tho early summer has there been closo were oft from the high, but the about 27 points of tho day's gain. skies arc slowly but surely clear evident everywhere, and whero at tendency toward pessimism there are Is for a much greater domestic con- those conferring on it will have to consult forward tentative plans, thereby assuring offered. since the negotiations began, there Is a thojeommon stock. The large earnings operations and higher priced steel de statement showed that the trade bal ended September 18 were tho largest been exceeded twice before since the Earnings Showing Up Well Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for the It showed a continuation of the improve month of the company's new fiscal year. STOCK SALES Last close. High. tow. Close. 03 43H 47 00 87H 86M Max Motors 1st nf. 02H 04H 03 Max Motors 2d pf. ... May Dept Stores May Dept Stores pf. . Mexican Petroleum... Mexican Petroleum pf Minn & St Louis M St PASS M Miami Copper Mo Kan & Texas Mo Kan & Texas pf.. 40 45H 00 87H 80 45H 50 00 88H 80H 41 47 00 SOW SMI 12 11 11 11 120H 122H 121H 121H . 27H 27H 27H 27H OH OH 6H 6H 16H 15 14H 14H m 3H an aw Missouri Pacific.. .. MonUna Power 57H 58 57H 68 National Biscuit of.... 122K 12 124 124 I Nat CloaV & Suit..... 82H 84 83H 84 rtai A.namei a o z o?a oi yoVs Nat Lead 65! GOM 6514 fi.lH un Lead pr...... Nevada Con Coo. . 110H HOT, HOH 110H I4H 14H 1 I4H New York Air Drake.. 147K 103 154 103 04 04H 67H 67H 28 28H 110H 110H 108H 108H 77 77H New York Central .... 04H 04H N V NH AH 68 67H NYOAW 28 JO Norf 4 Western Ill 111 Northern Pacific 108H 100 North American 77!. 77 Pacific Mall Penn n Jt .'.. Peoples'Oas Chi... Philadelphia Co. .. . Pittsburgh Coal.... Pittsburg Coal pf.. Pittsburgh Stool pf. Pressed Steel Car. . Pullman Co Ry Steel Sp'g Itay Con Copper.. Reading........... Reading 2d pf .... 321f 32i 33 32' ....10UH 109U 109V, 109U ....nan wm 117 wm .... 805. B7 80 86 .... MH MO 33M Wi ....103 104H 03H 103H ... 01 91 01 01 .... 02V. C3H 02 62K ...,100 160H XOOM 16QH ....40 40X 39)4 39H .... 2U( 22 22 22 ,...1S1H 151 160K mii .... 82 84 81 84 .... 46U 4M. 43 45 Itep Iron & steel. Rep Iron & Steel pf, .100V4 100V 100U IOOH Rumely M. Co 6V4 Ml 454 4)1 RumelyM. Copf o 8H 7H 7H 8tL48F2dpf 5). fi!( BH 6M St LouliBoutnFest.... 11 12 12 12 Bt. U Boutn west pr...., 30 31 31 33 Bt raut Mlnn& Mtal. .. 65. 65 65 bear Roe & Cow 165 156H 165Vi 16&V. Bears Roe & Co pf....l24H 124X 124). 124)( Bloss-Bnef 8&I Co... 655i 64 6254 62W Eoothero PkUIo 00 00). 89). 00 Southern Ity 10), 10V, 10U Wi Southern Hypf 60)( 62V, 61)4 61V Standard M Ullni 05V4 68 65 80 Standard Miniaipf.... 70 Tilt 76)4 77)4 Studebaker Co 140 144). 139V4 140 Studebaker Co pf 105 109)1 100H 109)1 Tenu Copper 65H 60 65). MVi Teisj Co 164 163). 162). 163)4 Texas & Pacific llX.llW "H UH Third Avenue 69. 6U)S tbi WJH Union Bag t. Paper... 6M 7 OH Of Union Pacific 130H 131 130). 130). UBIruUlcoaol 8d 87)f 844 85 UBCaitlP&F 22W 22)i 21X 21) United Rytlarest 23), 23)4 23 2W UnltM Ryi Jnreit pf . 39 89 3B1 38'f U B Robber..,., 63V 64)1 63V4 63)4 U 8 Robber lit pf. . .105 105V1 105)4 105)4 UBBteel 70), 76)1 75)1 76 UBBteelpf U3H W 113X U3H Ualted Cutar Ufa 63 62)1 M) 60 UUB Copper WH 6611 Mi mi Va-Cro CUai ........ 30 9Hi 38 2B4 Va-Cara Com pf 107)4 109 107)1 100 WeH. favoKip .109 100)1 10SU lOcHl YlttiHxU ...llHll 12311 117)1 12Vi WsttiacbottM lat p(... 134 137 137 137 UteraMK7l4ad -MM. 'M 28)4 'MM WUraUatoaTl..M 76 76)1 76H 76H WkaalALakaKfte.... IM 2U IM Hi Wbeel &LK34 pf... 2 24 )' 2 WUlyi Overland.. ,,,,.21Q 298 212 217 WUlyi OTerland pf-...107), 10e4 WH 10M, WWconiln Central 33 33 32 32 5rVuolorUK W C0...106 10V 1WV1 IWt Csr.ts par sr. 10V4 Quotad eg dlV44. Tal natM. B41.7f . epawl 9U.tm aJtasM yiMeriir. tor W l.tm,m ateHMi taaf lawatat taflt m saw, Mmmmt awaa New York Bond Sales Illlth. Low. Cose. ftVi 7BH 7514 lino VA 100 .10(1 108 10J . 87 "7 S7X .IO2S 102 J02 . M 03 W., . 81H 81H H $4000 Adams Ktpresa 4a. zwjo Amer Atrr lit BOO Amer Smelt Beo C Sooo'Amer Tel elt 4s . . . 27SOO Amer Tel cvt tta ,. 3000 Armour Co 4Us. . . .SOiiO Atchison adj 4s 04ROO Atchison cv 4s 10.1V , 6000 Atchison cv 4i ltHW. ., 40(iO Atchison ct t 101T ., 4000 AtUn Co Mni lt 4i., WO Allan Co Um ell 4a., 8000 Halt A Ohio 3Hs . . 7000 Ball ft Ohio 4a,.... , 84300 Halt A Ohio ct 4Vts. . TOO0 HAO P LBW 4a. , 35000 I1lh 8teel 1st Re 17000 Math 81ml rfd 6a... , 2000 Ilrook lip Tr Oa 'IS.., 4000 llroolc Un Kir lat 6a. 4000 Cent leather lat 0a. . , TeOOO Cant To lat 4a 1000 Cent It 11 N J fta , . wiO Chill Cop 7a ISttJO chea ft Ohio cv 4Uia. MHSJ llo 4,a ,. ., 11UOO Chi nt West 4a 4( Chi 11 & Joint 4a... 10U) do deb ra luou do son 4a . . 4CuO Chi Ml) A St P ten 4a 1DP0O do cp 6a... .... . S3J4 loaf, MA do cv ss. ... ,,. W 1000 do Ren 4Vi .. BIN 1000 Chinese rcta 6a 104$ (KIOO TIv Mh Una lUi. 7flt 104H I5H 1K00O Col Industrial 6a.. .. 78 10OO Col A South ret 4 Via. . 70 1H00 corn Prod 6 1101.... 100V, .TO0O Cumberland Tel Ca.... 07 BOOK Del A Hud 4a 44V4 WHO do rfd 4a 01 8000 Don A nio Or 4.1, 73i 40UO Dla Occur Corn 6a. . 04$ Bono I Pont Powder 4'ie, 102, TiOOO do 4a Ber D 71 v.000 do re 4a 8H 300 a run Tlay ea. ... ..101 13G00 Gen Ideo deb 6a. .... 101 2000 Hud Man Ino 6 2fl'4 6000 Hock Val lat 4Vi. .. 87t nono III steel dab 4Ua H( as 117 44U 01 73S 1021 80l 101 101 h 8 MH 142(i 1000 Iowa Central 4a 40(j 1000 Inan cv ret frt pd 0s,142$ 4000 lnterh Met 4V4i ITOOt) Interb It T ref 6a. . 23JOOO Inter Mer Mar 4Yis. lOuOO lnterni Paper cvt a. 22000 Jap new g a 4i... 1000 do let 4H.. .... .. MXO K C Ft 8 & M 4a... 2000 Kan City So 6a. ... 10000 Kings Co Elev 4a .. 1000 Lacka Steel 6s 1023. 76000 do 3s 11130. . 1000 Lk Sh dob 4a 1028.. OKM do deb 4a 1031 1300 Llg A M T 6a o . Mv; . 80 . M . ni : 5S Sit sis (tji (18 zooo Lrlliard r, (1000 Louis A Naah 4a 1O00O Manhattan ata 4a...., 6000 Mo Kan A T lat 4s.. 74 3000 do 2d 4a 62 6000 do n 4V 62 inro do 4a 7IH4 6000 Mo Pao 4a.. 31 1000 ida cv 6s 3-1 30OO -ioloCl.M 1017. .. 70J4 2CO0 do s lj 0.1 1000 NaftTflbo fla U8 soon N Y Canal 4a 1001... 101 IKIOOO N Y C A ll ret 0i..UH'4 14000 'do 4U HVjl 1000 do 4a 8.1 7000 N Y City 4 1U57 DS 40CO dO 4H 1IMH.. .. 33000 do 4s won...... 2000 do 4a May '67. 11000 do 4a Nov '67.. 3000 N Y a H A P 4a. 1000 N Y N 11 A II Oa.. 10000 N Y Tel Ken 4Hs. . . 04 ...102 ...11( ...101't ... SOU ...lllft ... OJ'h. 1000 Korf & Wat cit 4iis. ion?; .110 . Rnu o3 4UU(Kf QO CV IS. ... . .... 3000 N'oif A Weat Olv 4a. 1.T0OO North Pac prior 4s, . 80000 do pen .Is lluoo Ore Short t. 4 . 1000 Ore Ily A N 4 12000 Pteino Tel 6a .. 024 . 88 .. m .. 07 .. 07i . .102$ ..iooh .. 87 11.1 .. 92 . . 01 .. 05J, .. 80J . (B . 44H .. 51 11000 renna gen ct 4H... ioou ao en 48 1000 People's Oaa 6a.... 4000 Tubllc Serv N J 5s.. MOO Rny Con Copper fls,. l.-ooo li'aainR Ren 4. 2000 Iteadlnc-Jer Cen 4s... WOO neputi Cuba 1004. .. 1000 Itep Ir A S 5s ft 100 nock Island 4a 14000 do rfd 4a lOOCO do Ra 1000 St L. I M A So 4 3000 St l. A S F rfd 4s. . 4000 Seaboard A L, ad 5s. 1000 South Pell 6s 101000 Rrmlh Pac cv 4a.... CO , 02 7 81 M R2P00 do cv ret t p os ltui iii 41000 do rfd 4a 4S 12000 South Pac Term 6a... 7H fOOO South Itwy Ben 4a, 01 3000 do con 6 07 3000 Texas Co cv 6a 102(4 10000 Third Ave 4a.. . 0 18000 do ad) 6s TO W1J4 79 01 ; 07 102 v; so 8 102 102 W II3H 2000 Tol l'eo & w 4S... 1000 U S Rubber 6a, . , R0000 V S Steel 6s 21000 Union Pac 1st 4s. .. BOOO do cv 4s 3000 Un Rwys B F 4s.., BOOH Va fls Drown Bros., 3000 Va I C A C 1st 5a., IHn U'lhaih Int 3s .102VS ..102J5 .. 00 .. 47 .. 65 .. 04i ..)( limon IVah Finn et ata 4s.... IS 64000 do 4a 20 31000 Wab-P Ter 1st ct 4s.. 1000 West Md 1st 4s 70 420000 W E A M cv 6s w 1..122 10000 West Shore 4s f8(4 2000 West Union 6 OW 1000 Wlscon Cent gen 4s... 8214 Total sales, X.1.766.0CO, compared with M.110, OCO yeatetday: thus far this week, fG.605,OOO; same period UBt week. $4.873.000. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOIIK, Sept. 21. The market for coffee futures waa steady at tho opening today. Price changes wero narrow, A better feeling prevailed in tho afternoon, and dealings were on a larger scale. The close found prlcea a tn 1o! mints above vesterdav'a final auota tlons. Sales for the day amounted to 10,750 "era. . , Today a opening September ...,1.00 October O.OO NovamW Today aTesterday'a e.i5ea.iT 6.1000.12 tUSfifl 14 (1.1880.10 n.22n.2.i 0.24 8 6.29 December January February March ,., April .... May Juno .... July ..... Bid. .0.03 . , 0.20 . 0.20.28 . 0.3030.SS &3386.30 eiisso.io 6.4206.45 NEW YORK CURB American Zinc tlraden . Drltlsh-Amerlean Tobacco old. RrltlBh-Amerlcan Tobacco new Car Light Ooldfleld Consolidated Oieene Cananea Ktno't Coprer , Lehigh Valley Coal Bales Magma, Copper Ntplsslng ,....., Otis Klcvator Otla Elevator pref Klkor-IIegeman Bubmarine , Sterling Oum Tobacco Products .... tT.tU:A rirar Storea.., United Cigar Stores pref, United Profit new World Film Yukon Oold MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH BTOCK8. Bid. Assad. .80 .Id ,21 .21 Jim Xlutler Midway ......... WUpah Extension Montana MnrlhArn Btatf ... . .TS . .15 . .20 . .21 ft Tonopah Uetmont .1 2 rfa.Anah tr-wtsnnlAti .............. 2't. Tonopah Merger 84 .......... ..I ............I Tonoph Mlntnv 63, Itesrue a.uta Weat lind .01 .00 OOLDKIEI.D STOCKS. AtUnU ... Jllue Bu'l ., Ilooth Uulldog ... .29 .02 .45 .01 .04 .os .M. .......... ................ Clusa 8.0590.0T n.ooo.o2 fl.O20H.O3 0.O1CKI.04 aoms fl.oii O.ll'Jtfl.U ll.10Qlt.20' a 2490.23 o.soan.'ii 0.350.30 o.4oie.4i Bid. Asked. C'U W54 1854 1455 , 14 15 I154 OS Hi I'm , SK 4il B3i 0454 ,ins Iks , 7 75a , Tt U-S. , 91 01, , Ri R. Kft kJlir .'. '.'. 254 2 ., 50 AO DO 100 110 12.1 2 21, 35i SS .Y, 2 ( .ou ,00 1.10 .00 .00 .4T 1.33 .10 1.40 .40 .0 .12 .00 .03 .05 .19 1.40 COD Combination Krartloa DJaroondOild U II ... Daisy -,...-...'. Klorenca '"'.' I........I ........... ,oo .04 .......... . .45 .......... ,1,80 Uoinnaia l uiiuiiu.,u rintnald Merger .'li ............ .88 ........t... .Of ............ .11 Jumbo Extension Kewanss , Cro ............. Band Ken ....,. bllver re uo MIBCELLAKEOUB. Valrv Atteo ..................... .01 Klmberlr ,,,,,....,., .01 Nevada Jtlll ..................... .it Nevada Wonder 1.83 RAILROAD EARNINGS KANBAS C1T1T SOUTHEnN. August gto.S 880T.40T 8T8,238 Nst ....... .28f,241 19.2HJ Two months' cross....,, l,K!8,7es 192.116 Net 009,003 '8.004 MINNEAPOLIS AND BT. hOVlB. 1915. U.cressa. 2d weak 8ept..., 82TV.950 10.07s Krom July I.. 2,13,M 6K.0M GRAND THUNK RAND THUNK BTBTBM. ,. ek BeptemUr. l,O4.80 32.181 1 ll,iM0,tl 6t2.1Ut Beoond week from July 1 BAUTIMOHK AND OHIO, August gross .- 0.8M,6T M15.481 8048.481 v., a.ae4.B07 ux U2T,lo tl.lT2.Ma liHI,0l Two months' cross 18.016,8 Nt ". tu. . 8,471. incrsasa. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAOO, pt. ILi-HOaeRecelpts, 14,600 had ieJt'aa4y. aartng.. li ltatckars, sood rauaa Bv I 4t, i, fiy . f ,CAT.- i, ei.sw.'vi pw akmt.mm v'fuaii.vdi tsmM kt kaad: saat4ueT weak. wMk iJSffM HUfL pssjsjps.as FOREIGN EXCHANGE Tea. Sterling. Opt. High. Close. Close. Detnaixl . 4.11V4 4.71H M W Cables .... 4.7t 4.7X 4.7IH 4.1 Hi Franca Demand ..880 fl.M S.S0 S Cables .... S.7B S.19 8.70 S.7S Marks Demand .. fttt 8.VU Ji H Cables .... 8S 8$1 8S 8S", WHEAT IRREGULAR; VISIBLE SUPPLY UP Threshing Operations Active in Spring Belt Large Receipts Expected CHtrAQO, Sept. 11 Wheat w8 Irreg ular today. At tho outset September wis oft M, while December and May were up U and t cents receptively. The move ment! of prices were mixed after the stnrt, but n firmer feeling developed gen erally on- covering, nnd the market ad vanced nbove liiat night's close, Septem ber showing the most strength on exten sive covering, due to a ruling that wheat being brought here from the Northwest cannot be delivered without clearing. H was thought In some quarters that there Is still n short Interest In that month. The list, however, again worked off, but on the whole there appeared to be a good absorbing demand and there was some suspicion that quiet buying waa taking place. The visible supply In the United States and Canada Is 13,739,000 bushels, an In crease of 6,000,000 bushels for the week, and cdmpnres with 70,i..,O00 bushels last year; In Europe It Is 85,935,000 bushels, a gain of 4,950,000 for tho week and com pares with 1,617,000 bushels last year. Threshing operations In the spring wheat belt are active and large receipts are expected. There were reports of a good demand for the cash article and also of purchasing of futures for foreign account. Grading of winter continues poor. Generally nn heavy foreign business was looked for because of Canada's big surplus, which Is getting tho preference In Great Urltntn because It Is cheaper than American grades. The receipts at Minneapolis and Duluth today were 1011 cars, against 1025 cars last year; at Winnipeg, 99S cars, against 1273 cars; at Chicago, 407 cars, against 808 cars. Good support was furnished to the mar ket at Liverpool. Spot there was irregu lar. Vt pence lower to 1 pence higher, but cargoes were strong, with Indians at 7H, winters 6 penco and Mnnltobas ib pence, while Platoi were unaltered. A general Improvement in tht demand for new spot was noted. Advices from Argentina report the weather there as still unfavorable, and "Tnoisture is badly needed. Tho outlook in Australia continues brilliant, and the dry districts of India have had a good wetting. Greece will be forced to Im port on a heavy scale because of poor yields, and so will France. Spain wilt be a limited importer. Corn was a little easier notwithstanding light frost over a large part of the belt. Tho receipts here today were 431 cars. The mnrket at Liverpool also was softer because of a decline in Argentine freight rates and free Plate offers. Oats were quiet. The receipts here to day were 343 cars. Leading futurea ranged aa follows: Teat'd's wneat Septfmber Pecember , May , . Corn (new September Ueeember May Oats September December Open. High. Low. Close, closo. 1 01 1.0454 1.01 1.0114 1.01 u aiJA 0454 92 tK t114 11754 97 90 tOOi; 9T lelUery) 71 72 70U t71S 7I4 tlrtji 87 B6V4 WlJ 5754 88 87 f57 188 87 8754 74 37 8754 30 36 3354 3n SO 88 3854 37.V4 37 SS 8.02 7.83 7.90 8 03 7.87 8.05 7.81 S.37 8.50 8 82 8.80 8.32 7.00 T.T2 7.80 7.92 T.72 7.90 7.72 . 6.20 8.33 8 17 t8 86 S.U 12.87 12.02 12.17 12 37 12.12 12.87 12.03 14.70 14.93 14 0714 05 14.63 Ufly ., . . Lard September October . . January . . Itlba September October January .. Pork September October . . January Bid. tAsked. Financial Briefs The Bank of England today shipped 170,000 In sovereigns to the United States and earmarked 200,000 for Egypt. The New York Cotton Exchange mem bership of I Clero has been sold to 8. T. Hubbard, Jr., for another, at 113,000. Previous sale waa for J12.900. C. D. Barney 4fc Co. were heavy traders In Cambria Steel. Moyer & Co. bought Itapld Transit. George B. Burton was elected a director of the American Agricultural Chemical Company, succeeding Ross L. Coe, re signed. At the regular meeting of the Philadel phia Stock Exchange Governorsy.held late yesterday afternoon, the transfer of a seat to P. E. Woll was posted for action ut the next meeting, October 4. The New York banks transferred 8500,- 000 to New Orleans. The Public Service Commission has fixed Frlde.y at noon for a conference with counsel for the complainants and the respondents In the case of Jlorrls L. Cooke and others against the rates and service of the Philadelphia Electric Com pany. Ilumor had it that England was negotiating for some big ship contracts with the Cramp Company. Arthur E. Newbold, of Drexel & Co., has returned from his vacation. The production of oil In California fields In August totaled 247,644 barrels dally, a rate slightly changed from that of the preceedlng month. Dally shipments were 255,034 barrels, also about the same pa In June and July. Control of the Denver and Bait Lake Railroad, known as the Moflatt road, has passed from Newman Erb and his asso ciates to a Denver syndicate headed by Lawrence C. Phlpps. The road will be .12 ft .82 .30 .01 extended to Salt LaJkeClty. The average price of active Industrial stocks In Wall street made a new top at the opening this morning, crossing 108. The last low point waa made July 30, 191s, at 71.42. The New York banks lost 85K.O0O to the Subtreasury yesterday and gained 5O71,O09 since last Friday. . Tho Lima Locomotive Company has taken an order for three Mikado locomo tives from the Ann Arbor Railroad. NEW HIGH FOR COTTON uietv YORK. Bent. 2LThere was consider able excitement on ttw Cotton Kich.nga at tha opening this morning and the market waa strong, with prlcea 11 to ST points higher. Buying was on a heavy scale. The cable from Liverpool were tatter than had beta lVteted and the weather conditions were lM lavoreblo. Further Flns were noted In altemoon session, -rue inarkoi nnaii . with futures up 25 to 84 Doin m ...,.. m...iz viv.vu al v c oi Inis above .i Jmm v.Nt.rdav. hDOt crossed 11 cents. nsw high record, In the final hour and ended at 11.25, a full gain of 40 points above yester- ays ef"fc cl0,e vn. ,, h, ,w, aott .. .! 11. W ll.&A 11:8 11.20 11. V2 ll.OA 12,10 11.40 11.25 11.6J 1L4U 11.10 11. Si u.od W.15 Docamber October 'Vi'tK March .'t-.a May ,,,Vllo July . .Vis fepot 11. 'JO KI.hS 11.85 lift 11.25 10.88 11.71 ILM 11.08 To Sell New Jersey Ste4 Plant Tha lands, bultailncs and parMsval property of the New Jersey el Ceaaenw at JUhway, will ts oaswed for aU o IsytajaHiar S at la pinL by William J.Tsaca4Wsr.ser, ky wter ft Cewt oi Csacrr. Sales in Philadelphia Tes. close. High. Low. Clot. 11 Alliance Ina... 17 18 18 18 U 438. 44t 102H 102V4 102H 7!s 72V. 78H 67H 87S 7H 81 M M Tfi 71 72 S2; 81H 824 8H SH, MH 45 45 45 65 CIS 04 84 M',4 54 4H 41 4! 71 71 71 81 81 11 7.1K 72H 72V 311.1, 31 31 23U 23i 2-l'A IIV4 14H Ui 8W Bi 7tt 75H 75, 781 -.'I, 72?4 72!, 18 17?4 17 HUH 351 rftt M'.i t2'4 W4 IPS', 108'J, 108!4 54",, 54 J4"is 4354 43H H 4.1 42 42 25 24 2IU 10 1054 lov 11 10 )0!4 78 78 78 78V, 78H 75U 39 8H 8 8H B SH" 87 37H 8TV4 88 83U 85M 222 222 222 7B't 75H 75 48 48 48 cos oovi OOH t. compared with is far this week, 22S Alltl-Chslm ... 48 S Am Oa 102U 20 Am Car & Fdy. . . 10 Am Loco 300 Am Smelt 84 80S Anaconda Mln,. .. S170 Ilaldwln Loco... Kt 100 lUlto & Ohio 8 3, 0. Drill 48 20MT Cam Steel ..... 64V MO Col Fuel 8 100 Cent Leather 10 Con Trao N J,. 70 n Catawlssa 1st pf 81 495 i:iec Btor ..... 74 200 Ella SlU 28 Ins Co N Am .23 Key Tel Co ll'l 70.1 Lake Sup Corp IIU IS Lehigh Nav ... 7J'4 10 Lehigh Val ... J.I 305 Leh Val Tr.... lJi 780 do pref S8H 8 Little Schuylkill IWH 100 North Pacific .... 279 Pcnnaylranla ..B4' 10 Phlla Co 44 400 do cum pref.. 4SVi 817 Phlla Electric. S3, 60 P R T io; 2200 do tr ctfa .... 10H 10 Phlla Traction.. 7SVi 88 heading ,, 75VI 178 Ton Delmont ,. 8 1020 Ton Mining .... tlVi 100 Union Traction. 87 858 U O I B3Vi 23 Un Coa N J 4C0S U 8 Steel 704 2 W J S 8.... 49',4 120 West Eleo Ex dividend. 75. ' Totsl sales. 40.202 shares. 5M77 snares yesterday; thus iv, w snsres. DOND3. Last prev. sale. High. Low. Close. 81 Cam 8t p '10.10014 10OV4 10054 10054 1000 City 4s 1048. ..101H 101K 101H 101 2000 Oen Aap deb 8s. 100 OOH 0854 TO', 1000 Key Tel 1st 8. 0154 9454 9454 0154 1000 Leh N cons 454s 00 '4 90 99 09 12000 Tenna gen 454a. 8711 0754 0754 97( 8000 Penna cons 454a.l024 102H I02S 102 2000 TteaJIng gen 4s. 92 01H OIK 91 Total salea. 828.011. compared with 833,285 yesterday; thus far this week, $01,298. Local Bid and Asked Today Bid Asked 82S 82 . Yesterday Bid Asked Baldwin do pref llufT & Bus t C do pref Cam Steel , Klee Storage Oen Asphalt do pref Keystone Telephone Co t c do pref Lake Superior Corp. I.ehlRlt Navigation Lehigh Valley Lehigh Valley Tr .. HH4 8154 10 100'i 100 1.1 12 454 ran 73 73 32 3154 0054 69 Wt ao prvi ...., Penna Phlla Eleo ..... Phlla Co do 5 per cent. do 0 per cent. OO'T 3454 24 pr. , pr. 1'mia n I luft do t c 10 Reading 75 Tonopah Belmont 3 Tonopah Mlnlns KU union. Traction II laa Imp R3U U B Steel 7ft York Rwy 7 do pref 81 Wm Cramp t c 89 Ex dividend. LONDON STOCK MARKET Traders Awaited Presentation of Chancellor's Budget LONDON, Sept. 21. An Irregular tone nrevailed on the stock markets today. with trading sluggish. Caution was exer cised, pending the presentation of tha budget statement by cnanceiior ot the Exchequer McKenna. Investment busi ness was at the minimum. Price changes In the war loans were narrow and mixed. The Bank of England announced an offering of 3,500,000 Indian Government bills. Home railway shares were flat, owing to the uncertainty as to the out come of the conference on wages between the companies and representatives of the men. Alterations In the American group were fractional and confused. There was sell ing of Canadian Pacific which displayed weakness. Grand Trunks and Argentine rails were dull. Russians were heavy. Mlnlne Issues showed firmness in spots, and rubber eharea Improved. Colorado Fuel's Year The annual report of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company shows total earnings of tl6,758,M0, against 817,803,026 In 1914 Total Income was 12,261.101, compared with $1,651,247 last year. Tne deticit was re duced from $905,698, In 1914, to 8334.662. The report says: "Tho reduction In sales waa due to a curtailment in the con sumption of coal In all of that territory supplied from Colorado, and to lighter nurchases of stock by railroads. There is little promise of Improvement In buying by railroads during the current fiscal year, and we do not anticipate a volume of rail business that will keep tho rail mill operating to more than 50 per cent, of its capacity." BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with corre- .H..inv Aav last two vears: """' ' '1915. 1014. Philadelphia 828.T3S.3TT 820.042.603 Boston . .. 21458,802 1T.BS4.44T New York... 4O4.54U.T02 1T0.883.TU3 St. Louis... 13,103,128 10.14l.UT2 Chicago .... 81,750.460 4T.O78.10O iota. S28.812.T32 24,1111,013 820,012,330 11,88U,W7 57,481,012 RATES FOR MONEY Call. Philadelphia 3V4S4 New York 1V462 Iloston itimA Tims. 4 04tf shUk Commercial paper, three to six months, adtlpMa, 804 per cent. Foil- Reserre Banks' Discount Rates -Days- 10 or Over 10 Over SO OvsrOO Cher less, up to ao. up to w. up to w. vu. Boston o 5 New Yoik .. 3 hlladalphla, a Cleveland ... oH Itlchmond .. Atlanta Chicago ..... Bt. Louis..., 8 Minneapolis., . Kansas City. . B U41WB ...... J, J -.f i. Ban Fran.... 8 8H ri 5 Notes maturing In not more than U0 daya aocured by cotton or other staples, warehoused and Insured, or In course ot ahlpment, are dla. countable at tha special rate ot per cent, NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YOnK, Sept. 21. nUTTBR-Market Dallas strong. . . Hsceipu itrong. Ilacalpts. 81,817 Mckgge 7c higher scoring. 2Te2Wo.. 81 Avici Imitation creamery, 22Uf23c, KOOB Market steady to nrm ckages. Kxtra, XI c maie aair. jjS'j""vjrrj: .r.-'.. . n.i.i. 13.SS8 Dackages. Extra firsts, 28tf20o., regular VJillH M1TH1 ...B'.IJ .W ..... ,l.StlMi packed; nrU. SOS400.J nearby wnitea, za 27Wo". regular packed, mlxedcolor, 21025c , gathered: refrigerator firsts, 2(jS31c; nearby browns, 83060. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Western Electric Company, regular quarter ly 13. payable September SO to stock of record September 23. Kansas City Southern, regular quarterly .J per cent, on preferred, payable October 15 !o stock ot record September M. E. W. BUaa Company, regular quarterly 2 per cent, on preferred and 1W per cent, regular and 1H per cent, extra en common, payable nc totr 1 to atocIC of record Bcptember 22. . tha Ktpublle Rubber Company, regular quarterly Its per cent, on common and preferred, both payable October 1 to atock pf record Bep- UWeeTmorelnd Coal Company, regular semi annual 8L7J 3V4 par cent.), payable October 1 to atock jt record at p. .PJ- today. New England Telopbone and Telegraph Com. uany, regular quarterly W.TS, payable Bepi araber M to slock ot record tseptasaber 22, O-lUetta Hafatv Kasor Company, regxalaf.auar terlr Mi P NM. on pre! erred M4 Hi par VZii. m msasaon. both payable OctsW JzzJL&?L&L and T Pr cant. M .coaaaaoa. Paris CXUK U t 1 1 let I anjnissasr . BANK HOLDINGS OF SECURITIES AT HIGHEST POINT ON RECORD Unusual for This Time of the Year Another Shr Decline in Lake Superior Shares Erratic Movement in Cambria Steel The attention of the local banking com munity continued tb be concentrated upon Ihe negotiations pertaining to the pro posed allied war loan, especially as to tho controversy over whether ws mu nitions should be Included In the various supplies to be purchased through the suggested arrangement. Hankers here were Inclined to the belief that in any eve,nt the Federal reserve Institutions would probably not directly participate In the plan, which Is likely to be engi neered by private banks, thus keeping the Government ofllclnllv out of the nego tiations a far as possible. Nevertheless, throughout the year there has been a disposition on the part of the national banks on account of the lim ited borro"- - demand for money and the targe accumulated reserves to add to their Investments In short term notes, bonds and other securities The report of the national banks of this city to the Comptroller of the Currency shows that tho item "bonds, securities, etc.," totaled 800,905,175. as of September 2, 1915, whereas on September 12. 1914, It stood at only 127.360.802. The latest figures are prob ahly the largest ever reported. It Is not only noteworthy that bank security In vestments aro nt high figures, but also that this should be the rase at a season of the year when the autumnal demand. xor commercial ami uiujf-iiivvin g.w.. Is unusually pressing. The encouraging showing made by tha L,ehlgh Valle? Transit and Philadelphia and Western Railway Companies in their August reports would appear to indicate a definite turn for the better In traotlon earnings. The revival In business and the regulation of Jitney competition coming at about tho same time are doubtless ro- GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. neceipts, 78,023 bushels. The market opened 1c. higher, but rubsequently lost the advance. Trade was talr. yuota- not And Rrntember Sl.081tl.10: No. 2.. red J Western. 81.141.10; No. 2 Southern red. 81.0U 1.08: steamer No. 2 red, 81.0861.07: No. J red. Il.05itl.0T: tejected A. l.O2i,SL04; re jected 11, 81.0101.03. CORN. Receipts. 0130 bush. Demand was light and there was no change In prices. Quo tations: Car lots for local trade, aa to location No. 2 yellow, 83i8flo.: steamer yellow, 81SJ SOe.; No. 3 yellow, 82VH3C. , . .. OATS Receipts. 109.343 bush. Trade wss nutet, but prlcea ruled sttady. Quotations. P.O. a white. 40341c: No. 4 white. 865iS3854c; sample oats. 82M83C. M. ,n noun rtM-rinta. 1023 bbls. and 098,210 lbs.. In aacka. Demand waa light and jalues were largely nominal. Quotations per 100 lhs., in viood-Wlnter clear, new. 84.OOB4.90i Ao., straight, new. 81.8085.10: do., patent, new. JJ.los3.40; Kansas, clear, new. juto sacke. 84 00S5.10; do., straight, new. Jute sacks. - K50; do., patent, new. Jute $" X?-',?1 3.75: spring, flrat clear, new. 84.5N.90; do., straight, new. 84.80(80.10: do., patent new. 83.10S5 30: do., do., old, 8(1.3308.60: do., fa- vnrlln hranrt. nld. gO.8567 10: City mllla. choice and fancy patent, $8.8oi7.10: city mllie. regular grades inter. clear, new. Jl.TOWo, do., atralght, new, $3a5.25; do., patent, new, nvw 'T'ottlJ baI .Invtv an ahOWed little change, Jv- -rT"" dw.m ",' t1 mm rt We quote at 850 50 per uui., - w quality, PROVISIONS little trading, but There was values were .. ..... w-,.. D..nin. dm h. nuolntions; City beer. In sets, smoked and air-dried. ;juw 25c; Western beef. In sets, smoked, 240-0'. city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr-drled, 28S27c.: Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked. 20B2TC.; beef hams, 828330, pork, family, 521321.50: hams, B. ,, cured, loose, 11H012C.; do., skinned, loose. 1H4S1-C.. do., do., smoked. 18B13c: other hams, smokod, city cured, as to brand and average. 18tri4c.: hams, smoked, Western cured. Ufl 14c: do., boiled, boneless, 21622c: plcnlo shoulders, S. P.. cured, loose. 0H9c.; do., smoked. 9V4S0c; bellies, In pickle, according -..... i.m. v0T)i.i. . hrAKrfl.t Dacon. nn to brand nnd average, city cured. 1JW IOCS breakfast bacon. Western cured, WWW JUc: lard. Western, refined, tierces. 8?oc, do., do., do., tubs, 89c: lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In tierces, 8GIc: lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In tuba, beOc REFINED SUGARS The market ruled firm, but there waa little trading. Wo quote reflnera' Hat prlcea: Btatia ard granulated. 8.85c: extra Hne granu ated. 5.30c ; pondered. 5.40c; confectioners A, 8.20c; soft grades, 4.45S.05c DAIRY PRODUCTS DUTTER. The market ruled firm under mod erate offerlnga and a fair demand. Quotations: Western nolld.packed creamery, fancy specials. 28c; extras. 20c; extra firsts. 2314c; firsts, 1 23c: seconds. 23823H.: nearby prints, fancy. 200.; do., average extras, 2728c: do., flrata. 2328c; do., seconds, 2324c; jobbing aalea ot fancy prima. 33if3uc. . KOGS. Fine new-laid egga were In good re uuent and firm, with suppllea well under con trol. We auote as follows: Free cases, nearby extras, 80c. per doa.; firsts. 87.W88.10 per standard case; nearby current receipts. 3T.20 7.60 rer case: Western extra firsts. J8JOB8.40 per ecse: firsts. 87.60S7.K0 per case; fancy iBlected candled tgga wer. jobbing at 820810. PCHEKSE was In fair request and steady under moderate offerings. Quotations follow: New York, full cream, fancy, new, lOllwlattc specials, higher; do., do. fair to good, new, 14H15c; part skims, 0312c POULTRY I.1VE. Receipts of desirable stock were light and the market for fowls and, chickens ruled n.m mnA hi.h.r under a eood demand in anti cipation of Jewish holiday requirements. Quo tatlons; Fowls, as to efje and quality. 109 lTUeVi rboaterX 11612c: aprlng chickens, ac- lTttc! rooateriv licixc cording to quality. lORlTUc.; exceptional lots 3&14C. higher; ducks, Pekln. oia do.. Indian n. .-.- m.A iOCTiTI At. young. according to .J.e lVaioc.: Dlgeons. old.' per pair. U02Oc; do., young, per pair, 17trlec. DriESSBD There waa a fair demand for de slrable atock and the """t1" nr,mu5j!'r moderate offerlnga. Following are the quo tctlona: Fresh-killed poultry, fowla. 12 to box. dry.plcked and dry-packed, fancy, aelected, 10?.: weighing 4HB5 (bs. apiece, isyk.; weigh lng 3tte Ihs. apiece. lTMc: weighing 3 As. anlece? lOOlTc; under 3 lbs. apiece. 14HO S,i Ice.packed-Western. 4H lbs. and over anlece. 18e.; do., smaller slses. 1581TJ ! old roosters, dry-picked, 13c: broiling chickens. Jersey fancy. 243i6c.l other nearby fancy. 22i(21c.: fancy large yellow. Northern Illinois rhlrkVni weighing 3H lbs. and over apiece, B2UM'ao do. welgSlng 2J4JM lbs.. 18hc: other Western. w'VDI ,5jL.,b,K. ,nAr'ii2rt 180.1 do., do., weighing 2tt3 lbs, 17 18c; Western broilers, weighing U42 lbs. aplaoe. 10020c; Inferior, lowiec; spring oucks. near by" l691Tc: do.. Western, J0012CJ aquaba, white, weighing IWl- lbs. per dos.. 344.T; white weighing 0610 lbs. per dot., fUBJK?! white weighing 8 lbs. per dOJ.. J2.3M12.73; do. V lbs. per dot.. I2.10fc2.35: do . etjoyj lbs. w' dog.. ll.60Jfl.75; dark. 1.50ttl.T5; small and No. 2. 81. FRESH FRUITS Choice stock met with fair sale and prlcea generally ruled steady. Quotations: Apples, per bbl i-Crab. 81ft4; lllush, 2 25rS; Oraven; steln. 82.2Mf2.TV; Wealthy. .2i5f2.T5; Orlmes1 Golden. I2M2B0' Summer Rambo, 82&2.00; Plnrln? I22.50; Bmokehouss. 82p2 M; Duchess, l"f5tML other wrletlaa. ll.BOtti; No. i apples. 81fl1.50; crab apples, per "hush, 25 pic; peaches. Virginia. West, Virginia. West ern Maryland and Pennsylvania. Elbertas, per Sate. fi;"tr do Vlritnta. west Virginia. Western Maryland and Pennsylvania. Elbertas. per basket, R5(310c; do.. Delaware and Mary, land, Elbertas, per carrier, 6oa60o,t do.. Interesting Comparisons For Holder of Preferred Stocks Owing to large advances In -many preferred stocks while others have lain dormant the market presents some excel lent opportunities to secure accrued profits and increase income return. We have prepared a letter on this sub ject which will be sent ca application for Lttter No. t$9 , nKMM Ts MftlHlsri VJlf HML MOHRIS WI8TAR TR4OS, if, MaMttr M fJHJMVNtTT SrS Wassislst'1' J -yuagr cSr Jfl Will j PHILADELPHIA MARKETS sponsible and the Street hopes for steady Improvement In the earnings of the local city llnea as well from now on All the traction stocks were strotiet to day, Lehigh Valley Transit preferreXi moved up a dollar. Just before the close demand deveka for Itapld Transit which lifted It t It. over 1000 shares changing hands at that ilgure. Early on "Change, Lake Superior w the outstanding feature of the tra41j. Hcavy offerings of the stock made Owtr appearance at the outset, and the aju tatlon fell rapidly from above 9 to below 6, but met support later and recovered a part of the loss. Talk of drastic reori ganlzatlon accompanied the declln. Cambria Steel was also active and countered considerable profit-taking. Elec tric Storage Mattery was quoted ex-dlvl-dent except for the cash, and the usual distribution was declared on Westmore land Coal. In the late dealings Cambria Steel, which had fallen to 63. rallied sharptr. After a block of COOO shares had chanted hands at 6.154 the price suddenly rose to GS. It was said again that the company had been selling its treasury stock la the open market, but this waa not be lieved by usually well-Informed Interests. About 20.000 shares changed hands today. It closed at 6454. Foreign Selling of Philadelphia. O. Quite a little Philadelphia Company cumulative preferred changed hands to day on the local Stock Exchange, "Sell era 20 days flat." This was taken to In dicate foreign selling. The quotation waa down about a point from yesterday's final figures. Delaware and Maryland, Elbertas. per basket. zogrtfac, ao., jersey, ianc7 uocnu, vac ousn. oassei. ouwuu np baRket. ir.fiT40e.! 5W0Oc: do.. Jersey, other kinds. oc.: ao.. (ew lora. aupertM. ISOc. : do., Ohio, fancy, par C0S1: do . fair to good! tp r bbl. Bartlatt, 4J54.80; per basket, SVtSOc: ousn. Dssset, idc.i tiOc: Dears. tr Reckel, 8493.50: Common. gl.GOOS; grapea. Dolaware, Moore's Early ana coneora. per carrier, f.OBMc i do., Delaware, Moore's Barljr and Concord, per 4 -lb. basket, 899C.I do.. New York, per 4-lb basket Delaware, 1213c: Nlagars, 10C12o.: Worden. 9910c.; lemons, per lKx, 2f3; pineapples, psr crate Porto BIco. 81.8093; cranberries. Cape Cod, per bbl.. 8 ll: do.. Cape Cod, per crate, L7i2: plums, Virginia. Damson, per 20-tb. basket, 40eOe.; do.. New York, per 20-lb. basket, 20n0c; do.. Niw ork, per S-lb. basket Oradshaw and Nlirr. imS'.'rv- nln Claude. lBeMOe.! blackl.errlts, Delaware, Maryland and Jersey, per quart, 426c; huckleberries, per quart, eJip 8c. t cantaloupe, Colorado, per flat crate, 81V 1.23; do., do., per standard crate, S38,24); watermelons, per csr. 81009250. VEGETABLES Supplies were fairly liberal and potatoes ruled a shade easier under a light demand. Quotations: White potatoes, Pennsylvania, per bush., 80050c.; do., Jersey, per basket No. 1 Rose, 80S 32c. r No. 1 other varieties, S0328o- No. 2. 10Q15C.; sweet poutoes. Jersey, per basket No. 1. 25SS5c; No. 2, 1520c; onions. Ser 100.1b. bag, 81.2591.80; do., Jersey, per 4 ush. basket. S040c; mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket. Wc.jl: celery, New York, par bunch. 15660c.; lettuce. New York, per 2-dox. crate. 81.2331.00, do. do., per 3-doi. crate. $2. BIANY ROADS ORDER RAILS Fully 160,000 Tons Still to Be Placed, It Is Estimated Rail buying for 1816 by the big rail roads Is progressing steadily. The Sea board Air Line has closed with the Ten nessee Coal and Iron Company for '008 tons, the Southern Railway took BOW ton from the Pennsylvania Steel Company, the Lackawanna Railroad ordered 5000 tons each Trom the Pennsylvania- 8te1,. Company and the Lackawanna Swet Company, the latter also taking 10,0) tons for the Russian Government. The Clover Leaf took 3000 tons, dividing the business with the Lackawanna, Cambria and Carnegie Steel Companies. Since the 1st of September the total rail tonnage placd by domestio roads aggregates llt, 100 tons, while the Alaska Railroad pur chase of 4930 tons from the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company and the Russian order and small tonnages taken by the Car- V negle Steel Company for light sections brings the business booked so far this month up to 153,050 tons It Is estimated that fully 150,000 addi tional tons will be taken by eastern roads in the near future. PUBLIC UTILITIES The 31th annual convention of the American Electric Railway Association, which will be held in Ban Francieeo, October 4 to 8, will be of unusual Im portance to the Industry It represents. " The Consolidated Gas. Electric Light and Power Company of Baltimore) Ct ports an Increase In gross of 8388.506 for A i the fiscal year ended June 80. Surplus - for tho 12 months Increased 825,006. aaassssasagaw The August earnings of the Virgin! Railway and Power Company showed a gross decrease of $3409. Operating; ex penses Increased $11,256 and net earnings decreased $14,765. The surplus was $76, 749, a decrease of $17t The earnings of tho Twin City Unea for the second week of September 'were J200.S38. an Increase of $136; from July L $6,523,235, Increase 863,824. BAR SILVER NEW YOnK. Bept. 21.Tha quotation for commercial bar allver was 44, cents today, with Mexican dollars at 8814 cants. Thirty-two seasons have seen the Phillies plugging along without a pennant, but it's a long lane that ft has no turning, ihtj year well, here's hoping Stoney McLinn imterett- ingly mixes history antfc faith in "What Pha.vW- phia Has Failed to D and What It May Dc' It s a good, live story Mb Philly rooters you'll find in Sunday s Fublw . SPORTS WW1 " Fe5 jmJtmm 3X9 ft'