V v EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1915. V I II CANCER CURSE GROWS IN STATE, DOCTORS TOLD jcranton Physician Says 16 Die of Disease in Penn sylvania JUach Day MOO VICTIMS YEARLY Great Majority of Patients Can Be Saved by Education, Dr. Wainwright Asserts A wining that the curse of cancer Is F saining strength In this Htate and that MCh y""" ,l "rings ucawi iu iiirhj iwv victims, who could nave ncen curca, was then to tho physicians of Pensylvanla today by Dr. Jonathan SI. Wainwright, t Scranton, In an address at the annual 'nvrnt:on of the 8tate Medical Society, fr the Bellevue-strntrora. Four-fifths of deaths from cancer, amounting to 4S0O each year In Pennsyl vania, could havo been prevented but for 4lay," he declared "This delay has In each case been caused by Ignorance or Inefficiency." Efforts of the society to deal a powerful blow at the evil were described by Doc tor Walnwrlgb.t as being centred In tho education of doctors, purses and the pub He to existing conditions. The death 'rate from cancer In this BUle.Ii Increasing faster than the general death rate, he said, adding that 16 per sons In Pennsylvania die of the disease each year. Doctor Wainwright In his address on tho canctr problem laid down principles for the direction of doctors. He said: "What the patient In a cencer opera tions wants Is to know the cancer u III not return vhe Is not Interested In the kind of lnctslon that Is to be made, as one- might think from hearing some lectures. "Td save your patients from cancer, save them from delay. "Do not rule out cancer because the pa tient Is not old. Ten per cent, of can cers happen before 25." 1 lr. Christian B. Longenecker, of this city, gave an Illustrated address on the evil enects or aciayea operation, iouow Ing which Dr. John O. Clark, of Phila delphia, conducted u discussion of the two oarers. Commissioner John Price Jackson, of the State Department of Labor and In dustry addressed the delegates, explain ing e purpose and operation of the emr jyers' liability statute and the child labor law. The enactment regulating child labor, he said, places great responsibility on phylclans by giving them opportunity to detect and prescribe for physical de fects before a child begins norklng. 'Instead of driving the manufacturer i to the wall, our State laws are of a kind that wil Increase the prosperity of the Commonwealth," he declared. Dr. John 13. McAllister, of Harrlsburg, ' piesldent of the society. In a speech call ing for wider publicity by doctors as to medical matters, emphasized the need for national licenses to practice medi cine in place of the system whereby dif ferent Slates maintain varying standards of requirements. v Doctor McAllister as a means of stan dardizing tho medical profession. The necesdty for doctors to take the public Into their confidence was set forth In con nection with unstinted praise of news paper publicity. "The newspaper Is more powerful than all the guns of nil the. armies of the world," he declared to the audience of several hundred physicians who assem bled for the first meeting. "If the newspapers of the world should combine to stop the wur In Kurope ioua the war would end," he continued. "The doctor's best friend and the world's best lriend Is the newspaper. "In the public mind there Is great curioilty about what doctors are doing; thli Is news the public has; a right to know about. "Because e do not take the public Into our confidence sufficiently there Is skepti cism about the value of much In medicine and surecry. "Co-operation between the doctor und the newspaper Is needed to circulate medi cal discoveries und to suppress Inaccur acies, "One of tJie great needs of our profes sion Is a system of national Instead of k State licenses to practice, so that the physician from California will be privi leged to practice In Pennsylvania or New Jersey, "Standardization of the profession em bodies almost every other problem of modern medicine In America today." Major Ulankenburg, welcoming the physicians, said: "It Is jour duty not only to heal tho tick, but to help bring about In this country a spirit which will make Impos sible such a devastating war as that In Europe "No other body of men has the oppor tunity to get In closer touch with the homes of the city than do the doctors. I beseech you not as a partisan, but as a man who loves his. country better than bis life to use your Influence for civic righteousness.'' The need of three or four great city hospitals was stated emphatically by Dr. E. E. Montgomery, president of the Philadelphia County Medical Society, who eited the Inadequacy of the Blpckley Hos- iii 10 nu tne requirements' of Phila delphia. "It Is questionable If Philadelphia can continue to be considered the foremost city of the nation In the field of medi cine," he added, "In view of the great strides other cities are making by build ing hospitals and endowing medical schools," , A smoker for members of the society will be held tonight In Scottish nite Halt, and women physicians will hold a "smoke w smoker" at the Women's Hospital. MEDICAL MEN ELECT OFFICERS American Academy Names Dr. G. A. Hare, of California, President The American Academy of Medicine, at a meeting in the Jlellevue-Stratford to r, elected officers for the year 1815-1918. following nominations made at the, an ual meeting In San Francisco this silm- Till flfflpAN st i aia Tt sfS A. Hare, of Fresno, Cal., president; Dr. W. Corwlh, Pueblo. Col., and Dr. Iteu w Peterson, Ann Arbor. Mich., vice Uents: Dr. Wray Grayson. Pitts wall, secretary, and Dr. Chart, Mo rntlre, Kaeton. Pa., treasurer. ,A lld silver pitcher wts preied to factor Wclntr 4jv- the. academy and Jjjnouncement was made of the 4ft of T "' '" acemy as a "Muinurn " Fjund," the Income c-f which will f'PCielotjIp medkltie. The first award "l p made In 11T for a paper on "Th "justjrvatlon pf the Middle Aged." Tim. purpose of the academy to to fos r tbe study of aocloloIc medicine. "'' in .i A tlAU ..u.ah ...!... .. ...Ill " Sttahllfchoil In Oil Mttr oJluiino. tka ft Mlnat!n of a. n. stMAshaw. cUiif m t-w engineer of the Cambria ' -iimay. Mr zsraosfeaw wtu lorra SHOT TO DEATH IN NEW YORK rhlladclphlan Dies From Wounds Ac cidentally Indicted " John Uoggl, a 17-year-old boy, who lived In this city until two months ago, died today In New York from bullet wounds Inflicted by a friend who mistook him for a burglar. tlORRl formerly resided with hla uncle, John HorrI, at 75: South Oarlen street with his brother l'eter, 21 years old, ho cnme hero from Italy, leaving behind a third brother, Lewis, who Is lighting, with the Italian army. John and Teter de cided Inter to enter the huckster business In New York. The shooting occurred at the home of a friend, where the brothers were at tending a wedding. During the night John became 111. He went to the fire escape for fresh air and accidentally fell against tho window of Charles Lamina. The latter, believing that the Intruder was a thief, fired a shot Into his abdomen. THREE WIVES MAY FACE MAN IN COURT Wife Number One Declares Hubby Has Married Two Other Women The charge of bigamy pending against Charles Itclnhnrdt, of 3919 Aspen street, nsnumed a moro serious aspect today, when he was accused of hnvlng three wives Instead of two, as had been al leged when ho was arrested a week ngo. When Itclnhardt was brought beforo Magistrate lllsenbrown In Central Sta tion today, Mrs. Florenco Itclnhardt, said to bo wife number 1, took the stand and Maid sho had learned, since Iteln hardt's first hearing, of a third Mm Itclnhardt, who before her marriage was Anna Preston. She then lived with her mother at KI2 tforth Hancock street. The Magistrate held nelnhardt In S0C ball for n further hearing Friday, when efforts will bo made to have In court ull the women to whom he Is said to ha been married. According to the testimony of Mrs. Flnr. enco Itclnhardt, who lives at 1510 Worn rath street, nelnhardt Mas married first to her. The second wife, she says, was Anna Preston. Tho third was Helen Lutz. and Mrs. Itclnhardt asserts that her husband now lives with his last wife at 331S Aspen street. None of the women mentioned by Mrs. Relnhardt appeared tn court. Mrs. Albert Preston, tho mother of Mrs. Anna Relnhard, who is said to have been the prisoner's second wife, said this afternoon her daughter was married to Relnhardt on May 29, 1912, by the Rev. Dr William n. Chalfant, a Methodist Kplscopal clergyman of this city. The courtship was brief, the couple having agreed to wed only n short time aftct they met. They went to live, the mother said, at the home of Relnhardt's grand father, who keeps a saloon In the vicin ity of Howard street nnd Girard avenue. They lived together only about two months. Mrs. Relnhardt was a widow with a little five-year-old daughter when she married Relnhardt. Mrs. rreston also said that Mrs". Flor ence Relnhardt, wife No. 1, came to see her daughter one day last week. She failed to meet her, as she Is now living In tho vicinity of Tenth and Diamond streets and Is supporting herself and child by working In a hosiery mill. MRS. MARYS. LEWIS SUES FOR DIVORCE Enters Counter Suit Against Evan B. Lewis, Candidate for Judge ' Mrs. Mary S. Lewis entered counter suit for divorce today against Kvan 13. Lewis, an attorney and candidate for Judce n Court of Common Pleas No. Z. Sho does not seek an absolute decree of scpai atlon, but desires u divorce "from bed arrd board." About a year ago Attorney Lewis sought to get a divorce from .his wife on the ground of cruel nnd barbarous treat ment. The caee was referred to Cor nelius Haggerty, Jr., as master. He recommended tha Mr. Lewis be refused a decree. The attorney took exception to the master's report and the case was heard In Court of Common Pleas No. S. Tho court dismissed the exceptions and approved the report or the master. Mrs. Lewis subsequently decided to Institute a counter-suit. She Is represented by Attorneys Hep burn, Carr and Krauss. GOING AFTER NEW FACTORIES Chamber of Commerce Organizes "Industrial Bureau" to Seek Plants An "Industrial Bureau" was organized by the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Commerce at a meeting this afternoon. The bureau will have for Its chief purpose 'he bringing of Industrial plants to Philadelphia. At the meetiag. It was said, although no effort was being made at this time to Induce manufacturers to establish them selves here, an average of 10 Inquiries a month were being received. It Is believed that this number will be largely Increased when tle new bureau gets under way. The members or the committee in charge of the new bureau are llowatd B. French, Harry B. French, Charles 55. Tryon, Thomas B, Harbison and Charles P. Vaughan. ' TYPHOID DANGER ENDED Cheltenham Township Farm Found Clear of Germs of Disease Testa of the blood of employes of the Francis Farm, at Willow Grove, to de termine whether there is continued dan ger of typhoid fever germs In tho milk from that source have shown that none of the employes Is stricken with the dis ease. The testa were completed today at the State Department of Health Labora tories, S)th and Arch streets, under the supervision of Dr. Samuel H. Dixon. The authorities of Cheltenham township as well a those of other townships and suburbs In the Old York Road section are now convinced that the trouble Is at an end. It Is expected that within two weeks the "State authorities will make final exhaustive testa pn the milk of the Francis Farm and then allow the, owners to continue distribution. Tests on milk from that and all other sources In the neighborhood will be rigidly continued for some time to come. Trousers ASfKKialfyi JONES iGWSnuiSireet ARTIFICIAL LIUB8 SSfeBrfiffi- THE WORLD'S SERIES NEWSBOY gsMstsdliidiHdssisisbV JsisssisMr isisisisisisisisisisislssisisisisisisisisisK. .siaB Si 'sB HiiHississsVsji F ' ','-$!HIr! mMhlhhh -A. WHiiSBSBSBSBHU V?? OWMsilP J& K. jfr-tm&t' x, ssB Js1ssvsWby?KJtPlMslWti.Sisl . sr' oirrr iAm tamtm&mk t.tr zx-T$asm HARRY GOLDBERG NEWSIE SAYS HE WILL BE FIRST TO BUY WORLD'S SERIES TICKET Harry Goldberg Training for Feat That Will Get Him First Place in Long Line of Phillies' Enthusiasts When Rush Begins "I'm goin' to sit the rtrst world series ticket If I have to stay up for a week." Harry Goldberg looked determined when he made the declaration, He sells papcis at 3th -nd Market streets, and, unlike most- newsies, he doesn't bawl In your ear as you pass by. He always has tho latest editions, and, what's more, ho keeps up to the mlnuto by reading the news himself. That's why he knows that the Phillies are In line for the bunting and probably the biggest prize of all. He may not be able to discuss tho details of the war loan or the ship purchase bill, but ho can tell you all about averages. Harry has been following the race of the local club all season, and felt Just as badly as the Phillies did every time ther were chalked down on the wiong side of the ledger. When business and finances would permit, Harry had a seat on the right Jlcld bleachers, where he rooted with all the energy of his 13 years every time a famous Phil cracked the ball. Is It any wonder that he wants to be first In line for tho fight of tho Philly clan? Although there's many a slip twlxt the nag and the finish. Harry dopes It out this way: "The Phillies win most o' the time and they only have to stick to their regular habit to keep on top. ' In fact, tho enthulastlc newsle doesn t see why the Phils don't hike olT to some swell photographer and get "mugged' right away for their "world's-champlons" pictures. But. as to the tickets, last year the first ofthe world series pasteboards was captured by Joe Banks, a fat boy who said he lived in Camden. Joe sat on a box all day rieur 0th and Market nnd was He relieved by his Dromer hi iiisnw got the tickets for his father. BROTHER ATTACKS SISTER Man Who Tried to Choke Girl Ar rested Cries of "Helpl murder!" Issuing from a house at 674! Rodman street marked t .e start of many minutes of excitement In that nclshborhood this afternoon. Several calls were sent to .the police of the Wth and Pine streets station, and when district detectives Mnhaffey and Falvey rushed upon the scene they found Miss rTances McGulgan. M years old. seated on tne irom miiu, .uu u, a crowd. She told them she was afraid . .nirr the house because her brother. James McGulgan, tried to choke her to Before McGulgan was subdued his head was cut and bruised, rie was locked! up and will be arraigned tomorrow morn ing. Hurled From Wagon Struck by Auto Harry Dougherty, a farmer from Dres sortown, Pa., and his 16-year-old daugh ter Bessie, were thrown from their wagon when It was struck by an auto mobile at Wayne avenue and Manhelm street, today. Neither was badly hurt, but the girl became hysterical. The wagon was demolished. Dougherty was on his way to this city with farm products. N. Y. Subway Tied Up by Accident NEW YORK, Sept. 21,-The entire M miles of the main artery of New York's subway system was paralyzed for nearly half an hour today tn the heart of the rush hour by a short circuit. All the power was turned oft and thousands of persons were caught In the tube and made late for work. DIXON J7i DtptndabU Tailor Eltabllthcd , IHt We've Written This for Particular Men There are few men who don't appreciate the refine ment of curve and line, the perfect finish which beto kens faultless workman ship, Dixon Tailoring meets every requfremem of the man who dresses with care. Yet the price, always occu pies a neutral territory being neither exorbitantly high nor ridiculously low. WH'f for one n,i SookM, $ftcj?los? ef Clutfje 1111 Wtkut Strt Now Harry can't see why any Camden kid should get ahead of a Philadelphia oy nnd be the llrst one to get a ticket ior the Phillies' big light. "Joe Banks will have to get up early nnd stay up late," aald Harry. "I got two boxes rendy now for my scat, and they will ue fixed up sn that I can cat and sleep without moving away I can sleep stand ing up Just as well as stretching out. I'm not going to get the place Just to sell It to' some other guy. I'm going to keep It for mesclfi and buy mo own ticket. Every kid ought to do something for them Phils. It ain't no good wntchln' llggers on a bulletin board. I want to hear tho crack of the bat nnd see Cravat' nn Loodruss bang up agin the wall on ace 'cm run an' all that stuff." Hurry said It was goln' to be a tight squeeze for Moran's masters, and he wouldn't be surpilsed to see them Just nose out by one or two games. But they'll do It, he predicts, and one game ahead Is as good as a hundred. There "won't be nuthln'to It but the Phils," the youngster thinks, when they battle with the American League leaders. And he's training for his long vigil on tho soap boxes. As he Is used to hustling, he ran keep awake nearly 2t hours "without batting an eye," as he puts It. Any gang of speculators or "wise guys" who try to oust him will run up against n snag, as the youngster says he can take caro of himself. It was suggested that maybe his studies would Interfere, but Harry said, with a mysterious wink, that he would "flx it." He lives at S6th street and Lyons ave nue. Darby, but a distance from tho centre of the city, he declares, will not keep him from first place In the ticket line. SEGER AT MOTHER'S BEDSIDE Councilman Absent During Primaries for First Time in 15 Years For the first time In more than 13 years Select Councilman Charles Seger. who is the Republican Organization leader of the 7th Ward. Is absent from his home ward at a primary election. He is at the hed sido of his mother. Mrs. Jane Seger. W years old. who is seriously HI at Atlantic City. Shortly after casting his vote in the 16th division of the 7th Ward, Soger received a message that his mother's condition was critical. He left for the shore sn an early train. Mrs. Seger Is the widow of the late Jacob Seger, who was employed at the Frnnkford Arsenal. Sirs. Seger lives at 1503 Wolf street. She- has another son, Mitchell L. Seger, of 5213 Spruce street, who Is n tipstaff. Philadelphians in New Concern The American Cardboard Comnany, which will have a plant at Red Bank, N. J., was incorporated In the office of the Secretary of State at Trenton today with a capital of 25,000. The concern will manufacture and deal in cardboard novelties and specialties. The Incorpo rators are Thomas Grant, of 5015 Upland street; W. Williams, of 1631 South 27th street, and Mortimer V. Pack, of Red Bank. The latter Is the registered agent of the company, iss3ssW(? ssW I 5jsMssy 20 cents the lb. tin Enough for 60 Cups Wilkw's it nwr sold in bulk MORE TROOPS RUSHED TO PROTECT EL PASO; VILLA ATTACK FEARED Field Artillery and Ihfantry Regiment Go to Border as Convention Leader Mobilizes MAY, RESIST EMBARGO U. S. Recognition of Carrnnza May Prccijiltnto Assault by First Chiefs Foe WASHINGTON, Bcpt. Il.-The tth regi ment of the field artillery nnd a regiment of Infantry to lie selected by the com manding omcer nt Texas City were to ilaV ordered to reinforce the troops on dutv at 111 Pnso. The order was mndo after n report by Brigadier General T. J. Pershing, com manding at l'l Pnso, that Villa wns mass ing his forces nt Juarez, across the Hlo Grande from Texas City. General Persh ing made It very plnln that he feared trouble should the Vltllstn officials get the Idea that Cnrranza wns to receive recognition nt tho hands of the United States nnd an embnrgo was to be laid on Jhelr securing munitions from this side of the border. How to ralso tho vast sums of money that will be rtqulied to trllnanco Mexico nnd to phv the dnmnge claims of the na tions of the world Is the question now under consideration by Cnrrnnz.i's repre sentatives In this country. With the re turn to this city today of Luis Cabrera. , Minister of Flnnnco in the Carranzza gov I eminent, It was leportcd he waa In New York making arrangements for the huge loan. There Is authority for the belief that ho has received assurance thnt If recog nition Is given nnd an embnrgo placed ngnlnst Cnrrnnza's enemies all tho money needed will be forthcoming. The cash Is needed for foreign cllams, to refund the national debt nnd to rehabilitate the na tional railways system. "The question of tlnanco Is In the hands o' First Chief Carrnnza himself," said Ellseo Arredondo, confidential agent of tho Constitutionalists, today. "I do not think the loan can be negotiated until we have been lecognlzed." Arredondo has wired the result of the New York conference to his chief, and will not ask for a conference with the Secretary of Stnte until he receives In structions. Local officials closely In touch with the financial resources of Mexico de clare that tho floating of tho big loan will bo easy. TRIES TO SHOOT HIMSELF Demented Man Creates Excitement in Station House A demented man, who pulled a revolver f loin the pocket of a special policeman In the G5tli and Pine streets station today and tried to shoot himself, was subdued only after a terrific struggloi with four mAn (ltnt tastnrl linlf n n hmir The prisoner Is Joseph Courtney, of 3021 Mt. Vernon street, no win do seni 10 me Philadelphia Hospital. Courtney walked into the station today and told a weird talo of a detective being chased by spe cial policemen. Acting Sergeant Graham realized that tho man was insane, while Special Po licemen Mahaffey and Faldey were talk ing to Courtney the latter suddenly reached over nnd snapped the revolver from Mahaffey's pocket. Faldey, Graham and Sergeant Stuckert Joined In the struggle that followed to get the revolver away from Courtney. Tho man had the muzzle of the weapon to his temple when Mahaffey knocked down his arm. In tho struggle Mahaffey and Faldey were badly bitten by Court ney. Nine Couples Married at Elkton BLKTON Md Sept. 2L Nine couples were married here today, as follows: Thomas J. Glllen and Bertha Taylor, I.ouls A. Eenz and May Plerson, Elmer J. Suttera and Elizabeth A. Woolsey and David M. Greenbcrg and Sarah E. Erode, all of Philadelphia; Harry B. Lake, Free port, N. J., and May B. Wulflng. Phila delphia; Charles D. Hamlin and Ethel II. Leconey, Riverside, N. J.: Russell E. Dennis and Mary C. Henry. Port De posit, Md.; Charles M. Carver and Edith M. Marine. Morrlsvllle, Pa., and Allen D. Richards, Chester County, Pa., and Sarah E. Beers, Applcton. Md. The effeam in yout morning ctp of coffee IS it real cream does its flavor tell of rich pasturage, splendid herds, perfect methods of preparation? For the cream should be exactly right to be the making of the coffee or the cereal. And Supplee cream makes the perfect morning cup. Rich, delicious in its appear ance, and of a decidedly "better flavor." The Supplee Alderney Dairy MHkCrtam c Cream Eight Gold Medals LEG SUPPORTS VAKICOSK VKINH. IlinKHIL Weak Ankles, Swollen Li. JHo. AKIC KVKNLY SUl'rORTKP BT THE USK Of Tils Corliss laced Stocking SANITARY, as thty may t whd or bolUd. Comfortable, mad to meaiur. NU KIAHTICl Adjuilbli Uca Ilk Usstnci light ft durable. KCONOMICAU Cost !.) each or two for th iimi limb. M-. Iiwtptld. rH and w measured ra or writ for lf-mut. meat, Mahlt No. W. W sUq mak non-cUtlo Ab rfmulnat Bta to orr Hour IWJI Mlr. KM. t 4 ffsMur.CMtiu Lisa SatMr C 3u Ud U1W. fhoM Walnut ML, uu-u-u nt m, , , MAGISTRATE FIGHT IS A MAD SCRAMBLE Almost 200 Men Would Like to Fill 17 Places Organiza tion Has Slate The election of new Magistrates this year has virtually resolved Itself Into a man scramble for office. While there are only 17 places to be nlle d" t the November election! a total of nearly 200 names are on the ballots of the Republican, Wash ington, Democratic nnd Keystone parties nt the primary election today. In addi tion to these there are about a score of names nppearlng exclusively on the So cialist ba(ot. Of the 17 10 he elected nnally 11 will be from the majority pnrty nnd 6 from the minority party. Bach party today, how ever, will nominate il men whose names will npocar on the hnllot for the Novem ber election. The Republican Organization has "slated" 11 candidates, 8 of whom are at present Magistrates. The names of these 11 nppcar only on the Republican ticket. The names of tho majority of the other candidates, however, nppear on tho bal lots of several and sometimes nil of the four parties. Tho Organization Is dis tributing hundreds of sample ballots to "save trouble" for tho voter, especially li the selection of Magistrates. The Democrotlo party has "slated" six men from n total of 80 on the ballot to day. Three of the six nre "Old Guard" men apd the remaining three are with the reorganization wing of tho party. The "Old Guard" lenders nre secretly counting on the nsslstanco of the bipartisan ma chine to elect their three candidates. These men nre: Thomas E. Fltzpntrlck. William H. Mc Quillan and Magistrate James II. Tough hill. The reorganization candidates are William II. Belcher, Joseph S. Boyle and John J. Grells, all Magistrates whose terms ore Just expiring. The Washington Party City Committee has prepared no slate for magistrates, leaving the nomination entirely to the choice of the voters today. Tho various ward committees, however. In a number of cases took It upon themselves to In dorse several candidates. The ward com mittees thus working Independently have given sectional Indorsement to nearly all of the 72 men whose names appear on the ballot today. This action has only served to confuse further tho election. The formation of a new party by the Committee of One Hundred and the Inde pendent lenders after tho primary election today, will have nn Important bearing upon the election of the magistrates. This party will. In all probability. Indorse the cnndldotes who have been nominated on the Washington party ballot today. There Is little possibility of any fusion with the Democrats, and for this reason the formation of tho new party will work strongly to the disadvantage of the Dem ocrats In the selection of minority magis trates. All of the 17 magistrates whose terms expire this year are running for re-election, except William Haggerty, who was originally elected as a Republican. The Organization this year, however, slated John F. Collins to succeed him. The present magistrates slated by the Organization for re-election ari: George i.. nogg, joscpn vjowara, jonn J. Jlarrl gan, Leslie Tates, William J. Glenn Wil liam J. Harris. John Mccleary and Byron E. Wrlgley. In nddltion to Collins the t new men slated are ThomaB F. Watson j and George A Persch. Good things fo eady attttmn menus at Martinet ale's The choicest selection in scores of departments of staple and fancy groceries here at Martindale's and each article at a price that saves something because each is priced on the basis of "Small profits many times repeated." Viv Hams, nn unusual value at the price of 18c lb. Family Kits of plump, little mackerel, $1 the kit. Crown Butter, a savins of 4c to 8c a pound, now 34c lb. Longfellow Pretzels, brown and crisp, 18c lb.: 3 lbs. 50c. Pacific Minced Claras, extra fine, 15c tin. Luncheon Roe. enough for six people in each tin, 18c tin. Comb Honey, the real clover honey, fresh and fragrant, 25c comb. Viv Grape Juice, none better at ny price, 25c and 45c bottle. Swan's Down Prepared Flour, 33c pkg. Bermuda Onions for the salad, or for other dishes where the finest onion is desired, 8c lb. Jumbo Peanuts, fine big fel lows, 12c lb. Premier Salad Dressing, de licious mayonnaise, 25c jar. Kippered Herring, without heads or tails, 10c tin. Peanut Butter, 27 oz. jar for 25c. Giant Olives, 10c, 15c, 25c jar. Shad Roe, delicious broiled for breakfast, 25c tin. Fobs' Celebrated Assorted Chocolates, 60c lb. Royal Claret, a fine blood builder, 25c bottle: 77c gal, Sylmar Olive Oil, the finest in the world, 25c, 50c, $1 a bottle. Curry Powder, 15c, 25c, 45c a bottle. Viv Cocoa, healthful, delicious. 12c and 22c tin. Boston Brown Bread, baked in our own ovens, 10c loaf. Prepared Crab Meat, 25c tin. Edam Cheese, $1 a head. Sprlnjr Garden Spinach, 15c tin. Old Abe Selected Early June Peas, 15c tin; $1.70 doz. Hlckmott Asparagus, ZV lb. Signature Long, 49c tin; $4.50 doz Hlckmott Asparagus, 1 lb. Round Golden Crown Tips, aftc tin; $2.25 dex. To have yur blHa ceme to yeti monthly, instead of paying cask for each partitas, k a tit saver and convenient. We afcati he iclad to have yMi p m scc&uat at the s4re, TfcM. JrUrtfaMfek So Co. JOtfc fc Hufcrt w n. ism tmhmrt Ml ! MM, Uh Mtt 2 IrOTSTftUGOE RAGING IN CONTEST FOR OFFK! OFCaTYSOLICmMtSfflP James Alcorn, Independent, Principal Opponent of John P. Connelly, Organiza tion Man LARGE FUNDS AT STAKE The position of City Solicitor will be the centre of one of the jrlost spirited contests In the nomination of candidates for the various row offices at the primary election today. While each of the parties has prepared a complete slate for all the row offices, the Importance of the City Sollcltorshlp during an administration when millions of dollars are to be ex pended on permanent public Improve ments has made this office the centre ef the most bitter fight. To oppose John P. Connelly, the Me-Nlchol-Penrose candidate, who has bee "slated ' by the Organization, tbe Inde pendents have Indorsed James Alcorn, Assistant City Solicitor for nearly a score of years nnd City Solicitor for one year, filling the unexpired term of 3. Howard Gendcll. Mr. Alcorn has been Indorsed by the Washington Party City Committee and by tho executive committee of the PuMle Scrvico Committee of One Hundred. The executive committee also recommended that the general committee Indorse Mr. Icorn. Although this action was never formally taken, his friends point out that his semi-Indorsement wilt Insure his nomination over Samuel B. Scott, the other Washington party candidate. Will Discuss Engineering Societies "Enslnecrlnj: Societies and Publicity" will bo the subject ot nn address by C. E. Draycr. of Cleveland, Ohio, before ths EnKlneers' Club, of Philadelphia, at their clubhouse, 1317 Spruce street, tonight. Speaking of Apprehensions 9 A lot of clothing shops this season will be found to have bought lightly they are ap prehensive about condi tions. 9 We also are appre hensive about conditions so apprehensive that we have assembled the biggest stock we ever had. ... V- 9 The fact is, there are two things we always believe in the prosper ity of American busi ness and the eternal ex cellence of "N. B. T." Clothes; and nothing short of fire, flood and famine will ever shake our belief in either. 9 $20, $25, or $30 will buy you an "N. B. T." Fall Suit or Fall Over coat that will show the reason why. Perry&Co. "N. B. T." 16th & Chestnut St. YOUR HARDWOOD FLOOR should be attractive, easy to keep clean and last a lifetime. Such have been Pinkerton floors for the past 2t years the best that can be laid. Let Pinkerton experts give you a really beautiful hardwood floor at moderate cost. Visit or phone RINKERT01 3034 Wt Yrk St. Btll Phottt IMaino US It Ua't a coincidence that the ckv'i fcswutiful homes Kueewk-rHsaaML. It's pur W pint asst tmfmt of id. Kuehnle 4M4 Oswsirat p.n ,V v 1 MltjbtiBhAY (ifMaM t ...ui. k3 61 Uu Ai,uitu-ti1auoa- Qeruyaay, VULVXLL'U oik Pbcme. r