EVENlNGT LfeDGElt PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 1915. x r or nr nu 'TaJG of 10th Century England, fall of the Thrills of Adventure nnd Spirit of Tto'mnhce fjtittu ta. Liitf. rown & co. viMrt n English ecnoiar, e .:...,! untie. Kir drone Vlbart. atort mlt 10 guineas jgftl by the Wlie nahter nnd rati. coln JVFull 20.000 Miindi fltPUW). M-Jiinit the proteaiatlone of Ms" If ffih whom he lived. Sir nichard lhVf7 decide to so "own :rrn nrwta (W th money la irone. ff1. ?r,i. T. I. (,. .!.,. .. 'hud LtfRTrV is held up VnJ Er.tnener St. Mtnrn ta The Whit Hart, an "ft hid lift but -few mlnutee before. ut. thefc Tom vthki. t"i mi'" f. li.lTir.r. - t.i. r,MMi. (ft 0S5fiy ,i. .Kofiti rntt'i tyS JT60 to the man wtio wilt ttrtd F'.T.V mh fn. 10 mtnulea As the Mtlom are nearlng completion Cratg ftlwl " .. ...... ...t. f.i. nrt. aeenia w ievuBm . irr.v ;. Icfcen, leaves the Inn. BUM with- pVtfi" continues on h( way. '' ...iaiJ rva.ir minnftri and ? incoherently of reeognUIng Peter. 2lnr! rtJen", gir Juptr Trnt, and JraoTonb,.fl"t.'im;rtP 7ut, In which reter sees Blr Jnepr wG f lh? Tonbrld tnn he la rudely 2. $. When he resent, thla treatment Tier ,Jn:omea threstentns:. A niht Is SSh the P'Cu Uar action of a third hSieern. to recognlie Peter, It la a Mies Bf the denouement ejlhe aflalr Id cmrr reter continues on m j"u,"f IIS Tii crenarlnr a lunch on the aide (JhlVVSn. uVe reler I. fcfT.1"".?: mi ... .! rmm the atranr Ken iv -"; -J,". 3 - - .;, ..i.v. lis wno w Dir "' "'"". .ri" -;- wii that ne naa bi nu..v ." " . i....t... vihart. The reeem- ?:; .. twn i. remarkabla. tell" Sir rererrlne of the duel he Jm It de'elopa that Sir Jaeper was Zu'if cousin, and now the latter m of the neaa in.u . m.w rilAPTnn Xlll-(Contlnued). RiND I UCd to pummel nun bu mn A we wert boys together at Eton- ,.M Jaaner!" Ana presently no nunu- lini my PIP and rorc "Mr. Vlbart." I me '"'.."''",. i. .., effort I he, It wouia eccm iuii. .. rtlrlue of my own, i am iu i"m ,i.i.. nfipr all: believe me. I would ir lake you with me. iiao I hot -i fftth vou It is ratner more than Etwble-that I-liouId never have seen ikt dawn; to If-lf ever I can bo of s to you, pray nonor nio du iu. juu always hear of me at Burnham 1V Pewbry. uooa-oy, jwr. nu.in, i going to ner in an my ibb n man aealn." g,i I bade him eood-by, and. stttlns In ditch, watcneu mm striuo an ay iu life. Presently, reaching the , nf the hill (thero are hills every- hre In the outh country), I saw him arn 10 nourian inu unncicu . cn io appeared from my signt. CHAPTER XIV lAND, In a wmie, i rose, ana duckicu !Aon my knapsack. The shadows were weeping on apace, but the sky was irtnilerfully clear, while, low down upon th horlton, I saw the full-orbed moon, tery broad and blK. It wtflld be a brll Jknt flight Jater, nnd this knowledfjo re joiced me, riot a little. Dtfore me stretched a succession of VJla-that chain of hills which, I be lieve, is called tho AVcald, and over ,h:ch the dim road dipped and wound, iUh, on either hand, a rolling country. aik with wood and coppice full of mjeitry. The wind had quite fallen, but from the hedges came Buddcn rustling and soft, unaccountable noises. Once something small and dark scuttered Ijcross the road before me, and once a Wrd, hidden hear by. set up a loud com Wtlnt, while from tho deeps of a neigh leering wood came the mournful note of u night-Jar. X I walked on through the shadows. Kt trees that Were not trees, and gea that wero not hedges, but fright- ll phantoms, rather, lifting menacing pur above tny head and reaching after e with, clutching fingers. Time and Hiii. ashamed of such weakness, I 'earned myself for an Imaginative fool, ot kept well in the middle of the road od graapd my staff rlrmly, notwlth 1 tlMuttng. Si had gone, perhaps, some mile or so this way, alternately rating and rea sn!ng with myself, when I suddenly fancied I heard a step behind me and ,wnng round upon my heel with ready euca; dui tne road stretched awny empty as far as I could see. ft Having looked about me on all sides, 1 l-jireaeiitly went on again, yet. Immediate- jr. It seemed that the steps began also, Ikceplng time with my own,' now slow, ow last, now slow again: but, when ever I turned, the road behind was ap parently as emntv and rtnlitn n vr fl can concclvp of few things more acne-racking than tho knowledc. that i are being dogged bv something which tje tan only guess at, and that all our IB?tlona ar. u-Mti.. k .. .. i.t.i. .. fjennot see. Thus, with every step, I undthe situation grow more Intoler- e, tor, mough l kept a close watch Hnlnd mo and upon the blaek gloom of 1 hedges, I could see nothing. At Jjogth, however, I came upon a gap In iieage, wnere was a gate, and beyond lt!H, vaguely outllrinl na-aln.t n cllrhm.r ( Sky. I aaw n Him flrr. Hereupon, running forward, I set my - ui.on inn gate, and, leaping over, nd royselfVface to face with man, jwno carried a gun ncross his arm. if l a startled at this sudden . encounter WaS no leaa an nni IVi... .& mA lng each other 'as well ns we might the half light . Ten, I demanded, at last, "what do mean bv fnllnulntr ma 111. ,1.ln4i L.,.r,'J fo!ered ye." retorted the 'man. j i ncara jour steps behind me." Ct mine, maater. Tva mat ami ted ere 'arf a. hour, nr rvn. t. . Chin' cove ' L"Ut SOmeon wan fnll.Mln m. V.!1' ll weren't I. A keeper ' I be. 'woKin or a roachin' cova luat ahnut f "it. and it's precious lucky for you ycrtl are a-WMrln' it.. it... kii wned 'at!" Why sot" I'lv" " 'aan,t 'appened to b wtarln' that n,.-. 1..11 ..!.... . . ia2iL"p.l'ened.t0 ' rglfyln' and nwnn turn o mind. I should ha nilad iniJ buekshot." iTrfA'' la J18' "odd'", while I expe "wtd a series of cold rhin. mv sm. not a blessed doubt of It. Poach tr1 ne wnt m .H-n .... rar .- . . w, uwin wear doii- Ss dirf- ."? , a ru,e-1 "eve"- ed one 5 :" ?".? ,0- " I was a-watchln" 'Zt. .na th" 'ere ede. J rges L.VS ?yi m,mJ' 'btrt: I syB aWDcaTi. """" e. dia you ever S to see a poachln' cova in a bell. TiSff beforeT No, you never did,' sex VL on tn. IW.. --. .l. h very spit o' the poachln' cove as ."i.J:"!1?'': I elI.crownr 'at. but the poachln I'.-Pever won a i.il,,.,., . ST will.' Still. T must .... 1 -.. f pullln' trlria. An :i'..r.. .""J.V. ' " 7S MS It Wtri nr.rlnii. tnnkv ,M as you was a.or.url.' n that Ulnly was," Mld r, '(ttrnlnf J"t there bell-crwner, and like- I m a man e( a nM'iwt gift for . nd of a Inqulrb,' ; Milt doubt." aalijl T ...!. I ..... Ifge Into the road ofice mere. -wii o mum, iKitM 1 adn't 'a4 , ad you 'ain't 'a' wi- tt.t i,.P erewner ' T r conseauencaa Vunl...niiv !'' said I. avai- mav -- .u - 1 : n down the read. nouio, na- a, ya-Jae a doSt" .i iiaiiic ver gatu tp tlo h "-n I had gone on same 4UUnce, 1 mm which the man liad called 'l,ci- ' mid baatowad lltMW it in.d looked at H M I fed f n By JEFFERY FARNOL done before, and there was grotltude In look nnd touch, for tonight It had, Indeed, stood my friend F,",m this bit of sentimentality I was suddenly aroused by hearing once more the sound of a footstep upon tho roeid behind mo Bo distinct and unmistak able was It that 1 turned shnrp about, and, though tho road seemed ns deserted as ever, I walked back, looking Into every patch of shadow, nnd even thrust Into tho denser piirta of the hedges with my stnlti but still I found no one. And yet I knew that I was beln followed persistently, step by step, but by whom, nnd for what reason 7 A llttlo' farther on. upon one side of the way, was a small wood or coplce, nnd now I made towards this, keeping well In the shadow of the hedge The trees jv ero somewhat scattered, but the under brush waa very dense, and amongst this I hid myself where I could watch the road, nnd waited. Minute after minute elapsed, and, losing patience, I was about to give up all hope of thus1 discovering my unknown pursuer, when n stick snapped sharply nearby, and, glancing round. T thought I saw a head vanish bthlicd the bole of nn adjacent tree, wherefore I made quickly towards that tree, but ere 1 reached It, a man stepped out. A tall, loose-llmbod fellow he was, c)ad InvrouEh clothes (that somehow had about them a vague suggestion of ships and th sea), and with a moth-eaten fur cap crushed down upon his head. Ills face glenmed pnle, and his -eyes were deep-sunken nnd very bright: also, I noticed that one hand waa hidden in the pocket of his coat. But most of all, I was struck by the extreme pallor of his face, and thn burning brilliancy of his eyes. And, with the glance that showed me all this, I recognized the Outside Pas senger. chAPTEH XV. 'G' OOD evening, sir I" he said, In n strange, hurried sort of way, "the moon, you will perceive. Is very nearly at the full tonight." And his voice imme diately struck mo as being at odds with hlsHclothcs. "Why do you stand and peer at mo?" said I, sharply. "Peer nt you. sir?" "Yes, from behind the tree, yonder." As I spoke, he craned his head toward mo and I saw his pale lips twitch sud denly. "And why havo you dogged mo; why have you followed mo all tho way from Tonbrldge" "Why, Blr, surely there Is nothing so strange In that. I am a shadow." "What do you mean by "a shadow 7" "Sir, I am a shadow cast by neither sun, nor moon, nor star, that moves on unceasingly In dark as In light. Sir, It Is my fate (In common with my kind) to bo ever upon the move a stranger every where without friends or kindred. I have been during the last year nil over Eng land, cast, and west, and north, nnd south ; within the last wtyk, for Instance, I have traveled from London to Epsom, from Epsom to Brighton, from Brighton back again to London, nnd from London here. And I peer at you, sir, because I wished to make certain what manner of man you were before I spoke, and though tho moon Is bright, yet your hat-brim left your face In shade." "Well, arc you satisfied?" "So much so, sir, so very much so, that I should like to talk with you, to to ask you a question," he answered, passing his hand a thin, white hand across his brow, and up over the fur cap that was so out of keeping 41th the pale face belw, "A question?" "If you will bes o obliging as to listen, Blr; let us sit awhile, for I am very weary." And with tho words he sank down upon the grass. After a moment ary hesitation. I followed his example, for my curiosity was piqued by the fel low's strange manner: yeCwhen wo were sitting opposite each other I saw that his hand was still hidden in the pocket of his coat. "Perhaps, sir," said he. In his nervous, hurried manner, "perhaps you would be better able to answer my question were I first to tell you a story an ordinary, a very commonplace one, I fear, but with the virtue that it Is short, apd soon told." "My time Is entirely my own," said t, leaning with 'my shoulders against the tree behind me, "proceed with your story." 'First, then, my names Strickland John Strickland!", Hero he paused, arjd, though his head waa bent, I saw him watching me be neath his brows. . "Welir said I. "I am e supercargo." Again he paused expectantly, but seeing I merely nodded, he continued: "Upon one of my voyages our vessel was wrecked, and, so far as I know, all save myself and six others four seamen and two passengers were drowned. The passengers I speak of were an old mer chantand his daughter, a very beauti ful girl: her -name was Angela, sir." Once again he paused and again he eyul me narrowly, "Well?" said I. "Yell, sir," he resumed, speaking in a low, repressed voice, "we seven, after 'two miserable days in a drifting boat. reached an Island, where that same night thn old merchant died. Sir, tho sailors wero wild, rough men; the Island waa a desolate one from whence there was seemingly no chance of escape, It lying out of the usual track of ships, and this girl was, as I have sa(d, very beautiful. Under1 such conditions her fate' would have been Unspeakable degradation, and probably death; but, sir, I fought and bled for her. not once but many times, and eventually I killed one of them with my sheath-knlfe, and I remember to this hour how his blood gushed over my hands and arms and sickened me. After that they waited hourly to avenge his death, and get me out of their way once and for all, but I had my long knife and they but such rude weapons as they could de vise. Day after day and night after night I watched for an opportunity to escape with the boat, until at last, one day while they were all three gqqe Inland, not dreaming of any such attempt, for the sea was very dangerous and high.' with the girl's help I managed to launch the boat, and so stood out to sea, And I re member those three sailors came run ning with great shouts and cries, and flung themselves down upon the beach and crawled upon their knees, proving to be taken off along with us and Peg ging ua not to leave them to perish. After three days' buffeting at the mercy of the etas we were picked.up by a brig bound for Portsmouth, and six months later were In England Sir, It Is impossible for a man to have lived beside a beauti ful woman day by day, to have fought for and suffered with her, not to love her also, Thus, seeing her friendless and penniless, I wooed and won her to wife We came to London, and for a year pur life was perfect, until, through stress of circumstances, I was forced to take an otcr position aboard ship. Well, sir, I bade farewell to my wife and we set sail. The voyage, which was te have lasted but three months, was lengthened out through ene mU1venture after another, 0 that It was a year before I saw roy wife again. At first I naMced llttd differ, ence In her save that s was paler, but gradually I came to see tfcat she jwas, un )app. Often I have wakened In tho night to And her weeping silently . "Oh, sir'" he broke out,. "I do not think there Is anything more terrible than tn witness In one" we loVa a sorrow we arc unable to reach'' Her he pued. and J saw that the sweat stood out upon hli brow and that III hand was titrhtly tUuehed as li 4.reir K qa ! um ,4e "At laat. nit, ' he meat 110. . :nxv Ing once mrtre in a low, repressed tone, "reluming homo one day. 1 found her on.'" , "Gone?" Gone, sir." "And sho left no trace no letter ?" "No, she left no letter, sir. but I did find something a something that had rolled lilto a corner of the room." "And what was that?" "This, sir!" As ho spoke, his burning eyes ncyer leaMng tnlne, hehruat a hand Into his boiom his left hand, for his right was where It hhd been all along, hidden In his pocket-and held out to me a gold seal such as gentlemen wear at tneir ions. "Ah"' I exclaimed. I "Tako It!" said the man, thrusting It toward me. "look at It!" Obediently I took the trinket from him, and, examin ing it as well as I might, saw that a. letter waa engraved upon It. ona of those ornamental Initials' surrounded by rococo Bcrolls and flourishes. "What letter does It bear?" asked the man In a strangled voice. "It looks very like tho letter 'Y, " I answered. "The letter "Y'l" cried the man, and then, with n gesture sudden nnd tierce, ho snatched tha seal from me, and. thrumlng- it back Into his bosom, laughed strangely. ''Why do you laugh?" said I. "To be sure." said he harshly, "tho light might be better, and yet well! my story Is nearly done. I lived on In my loneiy house from day to day and month to month, hoping and waiting for her to come back to me. And one day sho did come back to me Just about this hour it was, sir, and on Just such an other evening; and that same night ahe died." "Good God I" I exclaimed. "Poor fel lowl" And. leaning forward, 1 laid my hand upon his knee, but, at my touch, he drew back quickly, nnd with a look bo evil, that I was Btartled. "Hands off!" said he, and so hat star ing at me with his smoldering eyes. "Are you mad?" said I, and sprang to my feet. "Not yet," he answered, and once again ho passed his hand up, and over his face and brow j "no, not yot, sir." Here ho rose, and stood facing me, nnd I noticed that one hand was still hidden In his pocket, and, thereafter, while I listened (o him, I kept my eyes directed thither. "That night before she dlod, sir," he continued, "she told me the name of the man who had destroyed her, and killed my souU and I have been searching for him ever since cast, and west, and north, and south. Now, sir, here Is my question: If I should ever meet that man face to face, as I now sec you, should I not be Justified In killing him?" For a moment I stood with bent head, yet conscious all tho while of the burn ing eyes that scanned my face, then: "Yes," said I. . Tho man stood utterly still, his mouth opened as If he would have spoken, but no word came. All at once he turned about, nnd walked unsteadily live or six paces. Now, as I looked, I saw him sud denly draw his hand from his pocket, then, as he wheeled, I knew, and hurled myself face downward as the pistol Hashed. "Madman!" I cried, and next moment was on my feet; but, with a sound that was neither a groan nor "a scream, and yet something of both, he leapt Into the thickest port of tho underbrush, and made off. And standing there, dazed by tho suddenness of It all, I heard the snapping of twigs grow fainter and fainter as he crashed through ln head long flight. CHAPTER XVI TWIGS whipped1 my face, thoms and brambles dragged at my clothes, hid den obstacles lay In wait for my feet, for the wood crew denser as I advanced, but I pushed on, heedless alike of these and of what direction I took. But. as luck would have It, I presehUy blundered unon a nath which. In a short time. brought me out very suddenly Into what appeared to be a small tavern yard, for on either -hand was a row of tumble down stables and barns, while before me was a low, rambling structure which I Judged wos the tavern Itself. I waa yet standing looking about me when a man Issued from the stables upon my right, bearing a hammer In one hand and a lanthorn In the other. t "Hallo!" said he, staring at me. "Hallo," said I, staring at him. "You don't chance to 'ave a axle-bolt about you, I suppose?" ' "No," said I. "Humph!" he grunted, and, lowering hs lanthorn, began searching among the cobblestones. "Is this It?" I Inquired, picking- up a rusty Bcrew-bolt at my feet. "Ah!" said he, taking it from me with a. nod, "know'd I dropped It 'ere some 'eres. Ye see," he went on, "couldn't get another round 'ero tonight, and that cussed axle's got to be In place to morra." "Yes?" said I. "Ah!" nodded the man, "Chaise come In '.ere 'arf an hour ago wl' two gentle men and n lady, In tho Lord's own 'urry too. 'Mend this axle, me man,' says ono on 'cm a top-sawyer be the looks on 'lm 'mend this axle, and quick about It.' 'Can't be done, my lord,' aays I. W'y not?' says 'e, showln' 'Is teeth savage-like. 'Because it can't.' says I. 'not no'ow, me lord,' says I ,Well. after cussln' 'Ituielf well-nigh black In the face, 'e orders me to 'ave It ready fust thing tomorra, and If you 'ad n't found that there bolt for me It wouldn't 'ave been ready fust thing tomorra, which would ha' been mighty bad for me, for thla 'ere gentleman's a flre-and-fury out-and-outer, and no error." "Can I have a bed here, do you think?" I Inquired, "Ah," said he. "I think you can." "For how much, do ou suppose?" "To you sixpence," "Why, that seems reasonable," said I, "It are," nodded the man, "And a fine feather bed, .tool But then, Lord, ono good turn deserves another" "Meaning?" This 'ere bolt." "Are you the landlord, then?" "I be; and If you feel Inclined for a mug 6" good ale say the word." "Most willingly," said 1: "but what of "the axle?" "Plenty o' time for th' axle." nodded the landlord, and, setting down his ham. mer upon a bench hard by, he led the way Into the tap. The ale was very .strong and good. Indeed this lovely county of Kent s Justly famous for such. Finding myself very hungry, the landlord forthwith produced a mighty round of beef, upon which we both fell to and ate with a will. Which done, I pulled out my negro-head plpo, and the landlord fetching himself another, we sat, a while smoking. And presently, learntne I was from Londdn, he began plying me with all manner of questions concerning the' great city, of which It seemed he could not hear enough, and I, to describe Its wonders as well as I might. At length, bethtnkler him. of his axle, he rose with a sigh. Upon my re questing to be shown my room he lighted a candle and led the way up a some, whft rickety stair, along a narrow pas. sage, and, throwing open a door at the end, I found myself In aTlr-4d cham per with a decent wVv'te bee, w)lch he Introduced to my notlco by the one -word, "feathers " Hereupon he pinched pH the snu of the candle with art expression of ponderous thought, ''And so the, Tower o London ain't a tower?" he. Inquired at last. "No,' I answered, 'H " composed of aovfrai ihwo ruifuunaco. py vry twig, bUUe wUV (contjnubp TQ9miqw.) & .$n. -SCRAPPLE -' - - 1 1 . L , J03& watri-,'- THE PADDED CELL WttS ''Spa,- J . TCSL&i.- $9 tM, fit I THE TAPE.. BOY -AMD V r7MP "Z&T'W J, V M, j J ( OOriT STbP OM THE. WAY-A :r'W7 'V V " v'a? WMin V the geatuma-us im J -Th. Pawing Sh.ow. 1 tfc)J ""- jVll It, If ' ,,,l I "Why did you order your prisoner to sit down here?" 1 ArYk " v 7 1 It ill I I - " I'M 1 " 'Cos o' the thistles, sir." I Ky C cmJlHlllj ! 5 ' ( f IIJS-. V-RM iMMMMSHMBasy I kLL 1 fcf'gj Bltetca. Sergeant What denomination are yott? Church of England? Ilecrult Oh, I ain't partlc'lar. What are yer short off Some Distance She You szty tho lot was only a stone's throw from the beach. He-Yes. Why? She Well,' Sandow must have thrown the etono. Bea " ir W. Looks Good "John, what are you looking at? Why den't you come on?" "I never realized until now what an, easy time the draymen have!" V n" L -Tatler. First nustlc They tell me squire's eon's, wounded; 'ad to 'ave 'la leg off. Second Rustic What! foot and all? AND THE WORST Vmlt V VTviK j ' V.s- tsJLlLZZtimM Jf Tr sOTEsa Jlmmle Do you know what's good for rats? Willie Why poison, of course. Jlmmle No, that would kill 'em; cheese. A Real Shock Wife George, I want to see that letter. Husband What letter, dear? Wife That one you Just opened. I know by the handwriting It Is from a woman, and you turned pale when you read It. Hand It here, sir! Husband Here It Is, dear. It Is from your dressmaker. SONGS WITHOUT WORDS Gettinsr Into IS YET TO COME Information on Fashion "Yes. this Is the fashion editor," said that functionary as ho held the re ceiver to his ear. "Could you tell me, "please," said a silvery voice at the other end of the line, "what Is the very latest thtng ln salad dressing?" A Strong Story Two men were disputing which smelted the stronger, a goat or a tramp. They agreed to leave It to tha Judge. "All right." said the Judge, "trot In your animals." They brought In the goat and the Judge fainted. They brought In the tramp and the goat fainted. a Boiled Shirt Solrlng the Problem "But, my dear, if you don't know how to cook how will we live?" "Easily." said the bride, "We'll swap theatre treats for Invitations to dinner." SIX DAYS OF A STAN X regulation, war draw ha Men -tofa!- M taaiaLaL . am SatA )'' t To" V I JIBBV fl-.Tj wtiMi veierr Metewivl kM Z A W IA (TV K MIM . Jfj .,fc. lWlTll VjtlAlMIIlt J "Jf,. JB tea icmomvV W. I V J"av two M mm " iT at - r'i hfT'k I ISA bbsVx?bsbbbbbsK&9bbbbbbbb1 asaJsnMMABsVMasVBSBBaBBviL . yasaSBM -91 fftaeja f- jjssasBSBSB "What were your father's last words?" "He didn't have any. Mother was with him at the nnlsh." She Wanted Some One Else Visitor Your sister leu me kiss her. Now, won't you let me kiss jrou? Little Sister No indeedl I don't aj. low any man to klis ra that sister does. A Set-back Evallne How do you like ray new hat? Caroline I think it la charming, 1 had one Just like It last year. DARD WAR DRESS kale a. proi.oivd for un ( tw1"' 1 1A 1 Ml i