EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 1915. You will find a most desirable furnished room, apartment or housje by reading Ledger Want Ads JATION8 WANTED MALE COMMERCIAL ART twm nun, art school education, 1 years IViral experience desires position In an pEJiretlng eatabllshment or a studio F M. :" teitrr Central - etiKNKtl-COACHMAN, nrat cum. hlgheet fVjtnilt, white. M all,, Ledger Office UiBMAN, or second buJ''r. Jepaneee, k, POaillOn lll(ICIIV Illvutl.ll .,,. A iuS N 18th vrjtlOR DECORATING Young mn eeeks KnMjSuISt L85T,JdtrCntril. .u ivn WIFE, colored, chauffeur, repair- Eirt. houseman, cook, ehamberwork, waiting, FTJll will a inrwhtri. ex. refa. from P 2Srf'nilojrra. ft 4oy, Ledger Office EUajPaMD WIFA Gnfllih, want positions r n adult family, experienced, good refer- CSI n.i'""J' ." --.-..... -.. AND WIFE, white, rroteetant. expert Sad butler, eooki wages $75. 1) 403. Led ger Ofllce. . iTIC? MAN, 32, experienced, sales and ex '. Aim ability, desires reaponalbla poalttun ' alih establlehed concern. F 453, Ledger Cent. '...:iaT and soprano soloist desire church fSttjcna, terms rooderato. C 2. Ledger Office 1 tuI.ESXA.V. 20, now employed, excellent tea- !EU .nil manesinc B 814. Ledger Central. S1 ilLi.8i AJ. Sit, married, own Ford can coull tifHt largo terrllory. B 841, Ledger Central. . YCNOUllAPliKit ana DooxKeeper, iu, nam. Jtlltnt referencea, will prove ability at my Jwneipenee. F 542. Ledger Central. wjrjIOOnAPHfcn"- Willing worker under tenia office detalle, has knowledge of book- ..Eii. aalarv no oblecL F 244. Led. Cen. ,YIO:r, attendant, refined young man, ex- fc TerlenCCJ, reicrencca. r. ww, tuier cepcrHl Mffjllrlcl JIA.V. 30, business experience, 12 years IWladelphla wholeeale manufacturer. wnnts Mfmanent connection atock brokerage houae ie utrn bualnesa, earneat worker; Al char icier, aatlaractory refa. K 234, Lodger Cent. YCtilvO MAN," 27, clean cut, congenlaT7well eiUCaieu, mivnimtc u, iiiciuibuji ,nni jh,- Itlcn with manufacturing houae or any reputable concern In any capacity which warrsnta a future, Richard O'Nell, 207 8. .n Pelt at . RiUNO- MAN, 6. draftee poaltlon In flrat- f .-! .B-km l-baea,Am -ailtW knaaflA a4 a A riin LPUIIlraln liuuro nitii -4ia,iiv-a tut u- tancement. Addreaa II. V. TAYLOR, 212 iit renn at. Oetmantown. ItJuNU MAN, 18, wlaliea poaltlon; knowledge bi gtnuia jt'. f -w. x-ug. -cn. 1 IF iuu uu nirr j7i.u itiu ivir4u Cf an appiuani uaien nera wno can nil mm eiactlng poaltlon, telephone Mr. Hunt, Led ger Central, Walnut or Main 30UO. The Led gir'a Commercial ncglatry Bureau la a tree aerrlce that will aave jou time and Inron enltnce. Mr. Hunt uaually brings the right man and right Job together. i A OKNTLEMAN f'i In middle life and of Independent mesne. HAS can present ins nignesi lesiimomais ns to character and ability, would Ilka to occupy a patt of 1,1a time In a poaltlon where his atutrleiice In settling estates and handling SKurltlea could bs utlllied. K (3SI, Ledger Central. OJ'l'OnTUNITY WAN1ED Yaung man, 23. well educated, excellent ap-ptir-nto and address, 7 years' experience manufacturing bualness, desires opportunity trnere, by hard work, he can adance to re sponsible pos.; capable executive, handling correipondtnce orders, shipment, clulms, Surcbsslng, etc., excellent knowledge of of ce and factory a j stem, excellent refa ; mod erata salar to start. E 857. Lodger Central. GERMAN head gardener or farm manager, married, lire experience In vegetables and all alnd. of flowers, greenhouso work, poultry snd Guernsey cattle, lst-claas butter maker; strictly sober; can take run charge of gen tleman's estste, best reference Manager Bonnie Blink Farm, West Cheater. Pa. GhAUUATtt of National Farm School, Penna., dtalrea pos.; exp. In fruit growing, garden ings poultry, stock, etc: recently with Okla- noms wily nursery, ukih., win cunsiucr pri. er com'clal pox. U. J.. 3W7 Cambrldge.l'hlla. CULLEGH graduate desires to follow photog npby as life work and wishes to communi cate with any first-class photographic estab- laaimiui r o, imtukc, v , JAPANKSU, tlrst-olass cook" wishes position, prime family, club, hotel, best references. J. M., 3a w. itn. JAPANESE cook wants position In prhats family; best returonces, Toklos Iwa, 3U8 N, 18th st. JAPANESE Bachelor apartment; good cook, valet, housekeeper, reference. J. S., 16.11 Vina t. JAPANESE, Indust. waiter, gen. houaework In family, beat reference. Iso, lull Vine at. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WIS. NICIIOLLS, 1820 llalnbrldge St.. haa competent butlers and second men. all na tionalities cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, gwedlah laundreea, two girls, together, 7 years' reference, nurses, governesses, ladles' maldi, Swedish. Uerman, trench couples, housemaids, vacancies this morning; butlers, second ami third men, cooks, i5 to x3u; cgMplea, WJ to Jluu, French governess ana ladles' maids. Herman nursery governess, 2U liouiemalds, references required. Phone Lu- , tun 21JU. MHS, lfAItVEY, lull) Itlttennouse Bq Wante3 Immediately s3 to $7i cooks, Protestant and Catholic.. Including ail nationalities, chambur maids, trained waitresses, laundress, can do cults and collars, Protestant laundress, to sleep out, chambermaids and laundresses comilned, French and other ladles' mains, number of nurses lor Infants and children, rut-class butlers M to 75 second and housemen, couples, experienced housemaids; references requli cd. VaNTiJd Cook and chambermaid. Swedfsh or Herman, tor Wayne: good wages, kitchen maids, all around girls, maids, chlldnuises, several white couples, oung cooka for tec lory, two girls toi laundry In Institution. APflv from W a in, to - p. m , Mrs. Kane, -JllHL.Wih st. . CARLlbU: UUItEAU" has flrst-dass cooksT chamua. vvaitresaes, parlor maids, ladles maids, nurses, housemaids, butlers, valets, watchmen ana housemen, refs. guar. 4UU S. Slat tt. Locust 0S. VanT lu hous7workglrls, all nationalities, su;lles want Blat-cluss l'rot. and Cilli., rials and female help, all nationalities. Msry r. McCarthy, 211)7 Christian. Locust IJja. CuoKB, chambermaids, chlldnurses, riouaeworic girls, Oeriiiau cook and chlldnurse want po sitions Vv anted, all kinds of tint-elans help. Miss note Uuugherty, 1J13 Uirard ave. AUTOMOBILES For bale VOIt SALE -HUDSON slx-M Sedan, 1014 VMW,! I. M. ..... - .,1.1 .. .. ....&..- -""",, mai-uua couailivil, ouir run nuuuc 7UUU inllis full electrical equipment; Deico self-surter, oversltu tires or around, with 2 spaie shock absorbers and other extra equip ment, will be sold cheap for cash only. Address M 420. Ledger Office. U)C0M0B1LE, 11)13 0-48 touring; 7 passenger, with extra line body. Rebuilt and guaran teed like new. Piles, 12500. wvunuuicu, 2.!it Aiarxei. LiOtust sou, H. A. Jcnks. Mur., Exchange Car Dept. L'tOLE uil5 demonstrators', slightly used, for I t'8?OWEH8 CO., 215-1TN. Broadat. vnuiuuAL,, iuu, touring car, overhauled ana repainted, full equipment, price, 1800. AUTO OAKLAND" IUU rosBster In Drat-clSM condi tio!), loots good as new, . I O MOBEH, 21 a N. Brosd st. OWNER will ssll 1914 Packard f8 roadsteri aictlltnt condition throughout; electrlo atart. er. windshield make an offer. WoodUnd JZ2 END FOR fnKE llllr.f.KTIN oonsnv, ...e: "y.CA"?7 ' MSllS?,"". cbeap.,- PbonVTTePr. Wanted W,AJED- Btat 1014 or' 1015 touring car that . HWO will buv. V aaii. l.ir rvnmi. jAUTO LIVERY AND OABAOES ' "" " ' "' ' --' GARAGE New, Modern, Fireproof Garage . 2 1st and Brandy wine sts. E.' SfnrnrrA nnA f9ri4Trc fn tfteasure and Commercial Cars Apply Superinfendent t Joseph' G. DarJington, Co. 112$-lt28 Chestnut St. at 2lst and Brandyyvin? St. New AO MVEnYAND OARAOE3 TAXI 8EHVICK AT nEASONADLE "lUTES TAX.L8K,lv,cB COMPANY 138 N UHOAD 8T. Phlla. Oarage mzi.? snnaom Bel -"10 "..".VSf vs-r'A8SFNOErt iIew ToTTHiNii car. tl.I8 hour, fhone l'onlar 1017 W. AUTO nEPAIHINQ mEJ'PJ,NS-DnAZIN0 ANO HKI'AIWNO PLEABUnfe AND COMMBnClAL CAU3 llnu.SX.YJ.,KN TANKS, tiM WE SUCCEMj W1IKI1E OTIIKns FAIL -4FJUEJ5 1420 VINE 8T. l ES!--JIl!h.dA,v,(",'j d braslng II. D. JJnderwood. ta 102J Ilamllton rt .PhlU. t 8PDED0MKTEri TIlOUBLH t T BRB im.LT-5H N. ntlOAD. t ATJTO 8UPPLIEB "rSiiVfiftS .CANL "AVOLINE Oli-.2. COLUMBIA T1IIE A IlUHHEIl CO. 2220 N. lirtUAU 8T. ATJTO TIBES . . PULLMAN TIIIES Ouaranteed 4HX miles. Compare prlcaa. Oasollne, 12c, per gallon. OfUM 8. S38 rJorth p'oad at. BUSINESS NOTICES , FULL DHJS8 SUITS 'Ji""."' Tuxedos and Sack Suits ........ A? "Ire and made to order. NEUBAUEU, THE TA1LOH. It! X. 0th at. Bell phono. Walnut 26-18. 8UPEHFLUOU8 HAin permanently removed": tfii'S'Jt'l' Ml", Smith. 402,keltli Uldg. Miss Iloppe, hatrdresslng and facial maasags, formerly at Mint Arcade, with MISs Smith. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PATENTS-Arthur E. Talge. 711 Walnut St.. Phlla., mechanical and electrical englneeri registered patent attorney, established hers 80 lesrs: Inventions developed; patents, trade marks, copyrights secured and litigated any Where; rejected applications prosecuted; pre Mmlnary advice free. PHIJATB PARTY (accountant) will finance and aaalat an hour or two dally, one or two small business enterprises of merit, where cash and up-to-date methods aro ncodeJ and the getting of mote business possible. MECHANICAL ENGINEER oeeka llnanclai backing to develop new invention; working model and full particulars will be given to party of recognized atandlng. F 140, Ledger central. H-E CIthAM und ccnlectlonery bualneas along with property for sale, excellent opportunity lor fancy bakery, good location, estate must be settled, price 110,000. L 14S, Ledger Central UAKEIIY In growing Penna". city; sales WHI dally; principal partner in hospital; must sell; grand opportunity for big money; no agents. M 100. Ledger Office. BARUEliS JIAVINO THEIR OWN E3TAB llshments car. Increase their Incomes by handling our free talking machine oiler. Ap ply 1J32 Arch . CAR TRUST CERTIFICATES, bearTngn per cent. Interest, par KOOO, maturing lull). Make bct, offer. 30.1 Coleman Building. PICTURE THEATRE, near Phlladelphla,!250n JtROO cash; cams I40-Iu0 weekly. Daily mat inees. Owner ill. UARRIST, 211 North 8th. CARPET CLEANING Thirtieth Year. THE JOHN RIIOAUS CO. 738 N. Holly it.. Nest Phlla. CARPET BEAT1NO. He. YARU. CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANINO HOUSE 2UTII ST, ABOVE CHESTNUT Bell phone. Locust 10-C0. WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. WEST PHILA. 8c. PER YARD. WEST PHILA. 3870-72 LANCASTER AVE. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY HEMSTITCHING, lu cents yard, all mate rials. A. RE1CHAHD, 111J CHESTNUT ST. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS DRESSMAKING taught: ahort, practical, Inex pensive courses; patterns cut, 50c Mac Dowell. 007 Denckla Bldg., llth and Market. FOR SALE IMLLIAKD AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling alleys; easy payments. BRUN8-W1CK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.110u2rCh. UILLIARD and' pocket tables, shuftlebeard. new and slightly used, liberal terms; renting, . repairing & suppllestRosattoCo.t222S.lith. H1LI.IARD, pool, combination, 2d-naud bought, soldrentea,exchd Keafer, :i.1l Olrard ave. BILLIARD, pocket, 2d-hand tables, repairing, supplies. Clark-Herd Mlg. Co.. 24.'1 N. Front. BRICKS FOR SALE at half price out of brio ard; salmon and hard brick; Nlcetown lane and Kensington ave., must be sold quick. Phono Kensington 5874 W. CASH REGISTERS, new and second hand; to tal adders as low as 130, on easy monthly payments, all registers sold by us fully guar anteed. The National Cash Register Co., 730 Cnestnit st DESKS, (liing caolneu. safes, telephone booths and office furniture and fixtures of every de scription, used, but In fine condition, and very cheap; freo delivery anywhere. HUOHES. 11TH AND DUTTONWOOD DESKS Large assortment, also household fur niture. CENTRAL SECOND-HAND FURNI TUUE CO.. 001-08-14 CALOWHILL ST. HEATERS and ranges, vsrlousmakea, little used; good condition; can be bought cheap. MAKIN-KELSEY HEATING, 0 N. l&TH ST. MKffll UAn.flll.VKR.IliATT.n I Send 15c. for M-ox. can U-KAN-PLATE POLI&H (red label) (extra atrength), ahd make old bnic look new. A. R. JUSTICE COV. 012 Chestnut, Phlla. 138-LAROE TALKINO MACHINE (Colum bia), with cabinet for holding machine and 200 records this outnt is finished in n beau tiful quartered oak and cost new SHI, csn be paid for at the rate of 73c, weekly; this lot oat? AVaattsifi t-v-asestals uu It la In rtB-sj.siliassaa si qss V74tcicin aaiiajBviit, na it sap ess iiisswaaassp condition, equal to new. Write for complete! list or oargaina ana special mi aas tree trlJl ofTer. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Comer Kth and Thompaon ats., Philadelphia. Pa. l 1011 INDIAN MOTOROYCLE. twin cylinder, two speeds, with full electrical equipment, speedometer, extra seat, run about 21C0 miles, In excellent condition, make me an offer J A. V., 002 S, Main St., Phoeplx vllle. Pa. 2SSi: llrjWXttb. lT-Jweled, sold.nileU watch, value JtO; new condition. REIDER'S IJUAfi UFt'lCiK, la iaarscc ai ilo U C. SMITH double-barrel hammerlesa sun. new condition, REIDER'S LOAN OF- F1CE, 123 Market sL SO LADIES' TIFFANY diamond engasement ring pure white, value 183. RElDEIt'H 1A)AN OFFICE. 12 Market st MACHINERY AND TOOLS MAOHp YOCOM ANTI-VniCTION METAL for lining machine bearings haa given satisfaction In past years, Is giving satisfaction at the prrs. tilt time It will satisfy you. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY. 14.1 North Second ' JAMES YOCOM & 60N " POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynsmos. motors, boilers, steam and oil en lines, pumps, air compressors FRANk 'fOOMEY. INC., 127 N. 3D 8T. TlTEIlClrTa" Is anotlTer name for Bond' Backbone Jleltlng pure oak tanned leather. Write for samples and prices, IIOND, 020 Arch street CRUSHED ROlXs-aixM IN BUCHANAN. 23x10 IN MOBHER SKYFEHTS. 4J7 NORTH 8D ST. MUSI0AL INSTRUMENTS 85-CllICKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO. , IK HOWARD VINCENT. M8 Nf 0th. OLD GOLD OLD OOLD. silver, plstlnum plated ware, old-style jewelry teeth tjaies bought for cash. t lS7oj. L. Clark, reflnsr. 1)07 Bansom. 3lTT"OOLD- Cash paid "for old gold, sliver, antlQUe cloeksi will call. BaH phone Locua( 121; IloqERB. 2T S' ni ROOFING AND IKON AWNINGS HOOFINO, CANVAS, guaranteed quality, BUU' i A. HUMPHRKYIi' SONS 1!l CallowMllt, STORAGE ooiPfTirHPFXT. STOHAOE WARKHOASH SuTIt ST, ABOVE CHEfTNUT PACKINU WOVINO, SHIPPINO Rugs. Carpets clsantd. scoured, stored. Ptll. locust 1060-Plione-Key .Race 41W1. VIDELITY F1REPHOOF WAHhHOUBta Rates on Classified Advertising are now in effect BTORAan WKSTPHILA MONAMCH STOrtAOE CO. WEST PHILA. Auto and packing and ehlpplng. WEMTPHILA 8870 LANCABTKH AVE. McCANN'fl STOIIAOK HOUSE U1S N 11TH 8T. Moving, patklng, shipplngj auto vans. ATLA8 STOnAQE WAHEHOUSE - Sloraga, moving, parl.lng, shipping, carpet cleaning. Th. listing 7&2 for eattmate. Market and J7lh. MtKOioUnN'ie "BTonAan" tT6:."22 n. "aatST lielmont 4t2s Carpeta cleaned. Weat 421, WALKRIt'B STOnAOE, separate locked rooma, auto vana for moving 2J12 N. lth at. WANTED Old gold, silver, curios, coins, pis tola, falae teeth, furniture. J. H, liObS II eople's Hloie), i(0 H. 11th. ANTIQUES ANTIQUE furniture, brie-a-brac, feather beds, broken Jewelry, false teeth, gold, silver, dla- mondebo't. T.(i Walnut. Ph Wat 1U10 Eat ud .. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO WANTED (IEKTLEME.N AND I-ADIKS, TOO JMIAT I 8AY IH MEANT f6II YOU,. . IF. YOU HAVE ANY CLOTH1NU TO SELL, BEND TO ME, I'LL TREAT YOU WELL. HIE. PRICE 1 PAY IS VERY 111011. MORE THAN OTHERS. LET ME TRY. ,, . TELEPHONE MARKET 2W0 WHITE Oil PHONE AND I WILL CALL ANY PLACE OR TIME AT ALU . HCUIUKUIIN, Srtl AND Bt'. UAHDt..N HI'S. . . ." L !li "'I.! . . . . ' .TI CAST-OFF CLOTHINU, Will positively pay SO tr cent more than other dealers for ladles and gentlemen's cast-oft clothing, hats, shoes, etc . alao lull -dreia and tuxedo aulta. Cull, write, phone. Poplar 5771 Prompt attention paid to .order 2 Blacker. 121t Ioplarat FUllNl'lURE, pianos, carpets, antiques; entire or part houses bought lor isstii no matter how jarge. J Uernateln,J33l Ridge ave. UD.NrS' CA8T-8FF CLOTrtlNU bought: high est prices paid 123 N llth (above Arch); MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHINO WANTED leat prlcea; we call anywhere, any time. Phone Val 0803. j, Bchultx, 227 N. l)th al. WANTLDPlecrust ta"Bfe and ecrolf top high ttoj must be genuine; private collector. Box I) 233. ledger Office. ROOMS FOR RENT JUST THE ROOM YOU WANT Can very likely be located in a few minutes by examining the photographs and descrip tions of rooms with and without board which are on file for our inspection at Ledger Central. An Interior photograph and an swers to every question )ou would ask are heie. o vou can decide Intelligently; tree crvlcs, test It, AUC1I, 1S20 Two "Urge rooms, furnished or unfurnished, single oren suite: reference. tiAi.iia,o,u.( iMju-uirKCi nicely lurn. iuviiib. hot-water heat, electricity, good board, 10 mln. to U. ofP.i SouthAmerstudenu pref. BALTIMORE, 4224-Fur. rme. for men; aln. or en aulte, face Park; Preaton 2128. UIIOaI), 8, 423 Attractive apt., 2or .1 rooms, Prlvatebath; turn, or unfurri: dlnlngjroom. BROAD, N., 833 Large wcll-furnlabed front jroonis and hath, electricity, steam heat. BROWN, 1311-Dei. room tor gent.; own- cr's tarn.; low price Call or see Led. Cent. CARLISLE. N., 2010 Attractively furnished tront room refined private home; phone. CHESTNUT "ST., ""1003-Deslrabfe vacancUs! Southern exposure. CHESTNUT, 2000 Detlrablc single and double loums: permanent or transient. . CHESTNUT, 'i5.t3-Large, hand. furn. 2d.floor sulte: sfigla rooms.adj bsth. Ph. Ic. ,TMH J. CHESTNUT." 201 Wsulte of rooms, with htuhi south, expos., also single rma ,table board. J CEDAR AVI.., 4815 Third-floor front. tur nlshed: ele trie light: steam heat. DIAMOND, 2013 Cheerful lurn. rooms souUv em crionire; mod. rate. Diamond :isr2 D. OREEN, 1011 Comfortable rooms, furn or unturn.. for business men or women. .114G HAZEL AVE.-Ideal location: every con- venience; reasonaMe. JEFFERSON. ISOU-Two very desirable 2d-floor rooms with l-ath; private family; phone. LOCUST, 150J TVV.O TIURD-FLOOR ROOJIS. ADJOINING BATH: 30. PARK AVE. 2125 Gentlemen can havVnlcely furnished room and board, terms reason able. I'hone Diamond 8J48. PINIi, 800 Idenl bachelor quarters, furn single, double, private baths; also suite, accomr.io date 4: reduced rates to pcrmanenttenant. FIVE1 ST., 1414 Desirable rooms, single or en sujti also single rooms. POW ELTON AVE., 3307 Well-furnished rooms, bright and airy; single or en suite: private family; H minutes to City Hall; near 'I.", references exchanged. SPRUCE, 1117-WELL-FURNISHEn ROOMS, 1NHLE0R ENSUITE; NEAR BATH, SPRUCE, 12(cf-Front"rooms. furn.: running water; convfncjtJgrjhW'alnut 7"5 SPRUCE, 1837 Rooms single or en suite; prlvT baths; rrof. of flees; steam hoat, electricity SPRUCE, 1024 Largo 1st and 2d "floor apart- ments. wltli baths, single rooms. SPRUCE. 2022 Attractively furn. suite, two rooms ana prlv. bath; telephone: gentlemen. 13TH. N.. 1818 Comfortable 2d-floor communl- c-ating rooms, also sitting room; refs. exen'd. 13TH. N 4600 Large furnished room over looking Hunting Park: reos. : refs. exch. 10TH. N 25 it Large, furnished Jo-story frontrooms gentleman pref.; prlv. family. 17TH, S , 253 Furnished rooma; alngle or en suite: terms reasonable, all convenience! 1STH. S. 10R Desirable rooms, well furnished; runnlng water; private bath; kitchenette. 20TH, N., 217 Private home: rooms, furnished or iinfurrlshed. Phone Locust 3631 J. 4fTH ST., between Locustand Spruce One or tvvo rooms; private adult family, gentlemen preferred; reference. Baring 1U85 W. MI). S , TIN, near Baltimore ave. Room, suit able for two gentlemen; modernconvs. LARGE 2ndfloor room, handsomely furnished, comtortable, convenient home for business mar In exclusive, centrally-located private residence. Electrlo lights. Phone Baring 413. GENTLEMAN" of refinement desiring 1 or '2 rooms with private bath In exclusive section of West Philadelphia: referencea exchangod. M 844. Ledger Cemral. SIN"flLE or en suite, board If dealredi private home; refs. exchanged. Phone Daring 7817 D. BOARDING BALTIMORE AVE., 4410 Desirable vacancies: porch facing park; phone; excel table, refs BltOAD, S., 770 (The Graham) Cool, attract- Ively fur, rins.; all convs.; table board, 17 up, BROAD. N.. 1000 Large2d-etbry front'room; modem convenlencts: board options). CHESTER AVE., 450T"Large 2d"-flonr front; excellent table. Phone Woodlsnd ill. CHESTNUT, 4420 Suite of rooms, private bath, electrlo lights private family. CHESTNUT, .12442u story, com. rooms, with reference. Phono PrestonC290 3. OIRARD AVE., 2K00 Pleasant front rms : re fined surroundings. Phone Foplsr 1O00 I). LEHIGH AVE.. 1313-15 Beautiful rooms good table, new Management. Phone Tioga B'l." Sl'RUCE. 1028-30-Beautlfu! 2d-"story suTlir fur, orunfur., to perm people; choice table. SPRUCE. 1224-20 (Brlamonde) Furn. rooms, slngle. en sujte:prlvati ibaths: Jableboard. SP'tUCU 53.8 -Large, airy, well.furn. room ard board, reaaonable. Ph Belmont 2011 W, WALNUT. "4044-WelNfurnlahed 2d.floor front! gentlemen or couple. lielmont 381,1 W. F2TH BT., N., 2103-Comfortabfy furnfroomT; excellent table; noma comrorta; pnone. JtMll. HU2, N. Dealr, rma., good table: porch, sl-ade. c.mv. to cars. I'honn Preston 127B V 40TH. NTT 2 Pleasant light rooms; excep. tahUi porchj nearI. Baring 201)8 W. 46TII ST- 8., 524-Slngle and douhH rooms! modern; phone Woodland 1103 W.t photo and description at Ledger Central. OlfO WOODBINE AVE.. Overbrook. Milja Tteautlful suburb, free from duat and noise of city; well heated: exceptional train anl trol ley aervlre; 20 mlnutea to City Hall; appoint menta of table excellent. Overbrook 7UIII. THREE OR FOUR 1IOOMH and bath, beauti fully furnished, well heated and lighted. In exclusive central section of the cltv In a private adult family of three, are for rent with board, to only a small adult family, speeial care will be given to dirt If an In valid or elderly, hlgheat referencea ex changed. V 445 Ledger Office. Si'M'CKI.Yif-aOA South 4lat st, Mla's sTll', HANLEY, formerly of Chestnut St. Suburban OERMANTOWN-The Shlppen. Wayne & Hans, berry, first class In appointments and service ROOMS WANTED RESPONSIBLE traveling man wishes I or 3 unfurn'd rooms In centrally located apartment hcuee or sub. residence. E 531, Ledger Cent; APARTMENTS UHOAD ST. N. Phlla. apartments, S25 per month furnished or unfurnished to 145 Apply at tune, ihu . awlwci at. BROAD, hi., -Two large well-Iurnlshed rooms, private bath; all Improvements. SPRINO OA.tDEN. lBlO-ExFellt spts. Iqa different bouses, some furn. kHcbsnettee, WALNUT AND 11TH 8T8. IS. W COR.)-, Modern suites! exceptionally attractive! large rooms, high celllmje. abundantly .lighted on three sides i also 3MI-B H lltb st r suitable for housekeeping, if dealnsd. rentals ., tlct and 175; janitor oa corner premises. UARIILR; llARTMAN AVCO.Erul Cosstnut WALNUT ST., JAttracllvrapariimenltrs rooma. private bath and hall,itelsctrtlty and gas; plenty ,oX hot water well heated; large fTTII, ,8., . lwCTachelpr apirtinentsT ex tlonally desirable Sd.loor aulta c I. csp- srse rvoiua hmi Tsry nioaerrt improventent; isnitor on Ufnlsee: steam best liicludsd. F HA aivi'v,". rtnn(Bti m yv. isvt vnestivcju APAHTMENTS CHILTON (corner MW and listing)-Two large tlrat-tloof rooma. prlvnte lth, all conveni ences, unfurnished; housekeeping or offlfe. doctor dentist, unusually ('liable, pleasant, private porch: lawn, subway at door, both directions; reasonable ,,, UNFlTnNIflHED room and bath. The Newport.' Addres K B3I, Id ger Ce ryt raL . West I'lilladelplil 38TII. a. 23-lat and 3d floors of dealrabls corner residence, bright and alryt unfurn.. board present occupant refetencei exchanged. 83D, N.. 8092 or S room apartments, with pri vate batbr, furn. or unfurn with or with "i1 kitchenette, hot-water heat: phene. FoWRLTON AVE . 407 (cornerT- B and fl rooms, bath, porch, electric lights, hot-water heat; open day and evening. Daring lg07D. GREY"G"ABLES ,,&?$ Pome furnished. Alt outside rooms. Ress. PURNISHED APARTMENTS S0TH, N.. 716 Beautifully furnished 2d-floor suite, 2 rooms with private hath, modern; continual hot water Poplar 1472 W. 20TII, 8., 115-Bcnutlfully furn "bachelor apart Tventa, private batha, dealrable loca i owner. at Philadelphia WALNliT 8T, ,1007-Modern apartment Ave room" and bath;near "Lk" Woodland 209 vv vTil.L SUIli.BT'heaullfulfy furnlshetl "f-"room 2-hsth apartment In vicinity of 4lh and Watnut,an nttractlve rate to rlsht party; everything strictly flrst cIsks Ph Hating 2', APARTMENTS WANTED CaNTED for a month from 8c piember" 2S, a small apartment centrally located, with one or two rooms and bath. E 038, Ledger Central, . ISH TO RliNTor suhlesf furnished rive-room apartment. West Philadelphia preferred rof ereiues. F S3. IcJgfr Ccntrnl. WctPlilladelpliln WANTEDVurnlshed rooms for "light" house keeping West Phlla or suhurbsj 2 chil dren; good neighborhood. F 438, Led, Cent. APARTMENT HOTELS THE MORRIS I3TH STREET BELOW SPRUCE IDEALLY RliBWESTlAL Situated In the heart of Philadelphia's aristocratic residential meeting Within walking dtstnnce of the shopping, the atrical and business district. SUITES anansed according to your needs, from 2 ROOMS and BATH to 7 ROOM8 and a UATHS J. II. HAWKINS, Mgr. ALDINE HOTEL CHESTNUT ABOVE 10TH Permanent or Transient Guests COMFORTABLE SUITES: One or more wcll-furnlshed rooms with bath une: LLED TABLE. WHITE SERVICE. THE DELMAR-MORRIS OERMANTOWN AT CIIELTEN AVE. STATION. TENVA. ItAILROAD. 20 Vl.NUTES FROM BROAD J-T TERMINAU ATTHACTIVELV FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSKKEEP- I.N'U ATAKTMUNTS. THE LINCOLN Locust and 1 3th Sts. Transient and permanent guest. Two elevators, running water tn All rooms THE NEW COLONIAL cBmI Y' Beautifully furn. or unfurn. apt., 1 to 4 rooma. with bath: excellent table: new man sgement: reduction on lease; hotel service. THE PARKSIDE"40 uT"0 OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK Furnished and unfurnished apartments. Com plete hotel service. Phone Baring 221. THE TRACY 3Cth and Chestnut (Elevsted Station). PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families and seekers for CJU1ET SURROUNDINGS THtTGLADSTONE " llth and Tine Sts ABSOLUTELY FinEPROOF THE REt.VIDERE N W COR 1IITH AND LOCUST (WEST RITTENHOUSE SQUARE) UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT HOUSEKEEPING APAI.JMENT3 WALNUT, 2012-VERY FINE HOUSE KEEPING APARTMENT. SIX ROOMS. THREE BATHS. UP TO DATE. 2010 DIAMOND ST. Third floor, tl rooma. hardwood floors, rsnt HI. Phono Wyoming 200, or see McDade, agent N. E. COR. KITH AND MASTER Housekeeping suites, S3 up, furnished. One room, private bath, $5 up 1230 N. 10TH ST. 21 floor. looms, bath kitchenette; hot-water heat: $10 . WALDMAN. 1110 Qlrard ave. 18TH. N., I03S Fully furnished first floor apart ment with private bath and kitchen; (27; suit 2 persona: reference required. 23D AND PINE STS. (De Lancey Apts.)-Flve rooms, bath, to 0 rooms. 2 baths. Janitor or CUMMINS. 505 Chestnut. lbTll, N.. 1718 Second.floor flat, 6 rooms, bath; mooern; large and ngnt. eta. COLl'MMA AVE W IS11-3 ROOMS WITH PRIVATEJIATH. 25. DIASIOND, 2112-14-10-Three rooms, bath. kltchen,Jiot;waterheat, $25. PINE.'OOO 3 4 room housekeeping apte.. ev ery cony.: all outside rms.; owner on prem. 41ST, N., 1234-302 to 5 room apartments; facing park. Groskln, 1324 Chestnut st. THE MONTEVISTA 1)17 TO Ml N. (WD ST. In the exclusive Overbrook section. An Ideal seinlsuburban location for all the ear, and within 2 mlnutea of city Hall via Market atreet elevated and HOth atreet citxatown line, direct to itld and Oxford ats. Crosstown line pasara the door. Sultea of one (1) room and bath to revan (7) rooms and bath, renting from $25 to $75 per month, on annual leaaes only. Dining room located tn building. Agent on premlaea nrphoneOvei brooklTOS. F" OTFFDR a large variety of apartmenta at varied prlcea und to meet almnat any re quirement. Call or aend for Hat.. Auto mobile aervlce to Inspect apts. If desired. NORMAN 8 SIIERViOOn. 1411 Ualnut st. "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY." APARTMENT & "HOTEL BUREAU OKI New Stock Exchange Illdx. Apartments anywhere. Let us save you homn hunting, Vacancies listed now. rented quickly. Magaxlne free. Bpruce334l. PALMER & WETHERILL APARTMENT SPECIALISTS Real Eatate Truet Bldg. Walnut 143. "' - - - CoRONA DO" " 22d and Cheatnut ata. A few dealrable vacanclaa. large and small. H01'8EKBFBINO a"PT8., all parte of "city. Itenta $J5 to $70 per mo.: call, phone or write . i.,...tl.n -antll.l Utuvn ,,W, -k. .... lor imutiiwituii J.i"-ri fc.,c,., ft-yt ciiraifiuc. UEAUTIFl'L furnlahed 4-ro alao unfurnlahed apartmenta, all convenlencea. Oil North room apartment. nnt-Haier neat, lSih at. Weat Philadelphia ANGORA TERRACE P TO KTISTONJBLficK SOUTH OF Built In pairs like side-yard houses, making every room an outilde room, und with vailed and beautiful architecture. If you are going to live In an apartment this fall, the selection of THE Particular apartment out of the many, many you see on every band Is naturally a matter of great "'Supine? must be ONE BEST APART Ml.NT for you, where location, service and comfort-everythlng that goes to make a truly attractive apartment home la absolutely at Its beat and this, too, for a reaaonable rental For $32 to $33 monthly you can secure one of theae apartments, and this Includes most excclent and even hmtlng unlimited hot water, courteous and effclent Janitor service. vacuum cleaning service, shades, screens and awnlnas In fact, everything to make apart, nent housekeeping quite the perfect way to Apartmenta have five rooms and bath and are finished In both natural wood and whit enamel, with artistic papering and fixtures, cabinet, gas. ranges, private porches. The price Is. tn truth, the only thing Inexpensive W have' tistsfully furnished a sample apartment (No. 5140 Anora terrace), which la open for Inspection dsy and evening snd will give you a dsflnlte Idea of how remark ably attractive these spartmants really are. ? WM- " W- QUICK aTllRO . Inc.. 8 S, 40th ct and N08UAN & SHERWOOD, 1111 Walnut st. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS teat Philadelphia CMB8TNCT RTREET. EAST OF 03D ST. $32 Near 03d st L' atatton. Just m- pleted, 5 rooma and bath, large porches, 3l deep lots every other convenience. JAMES N M1TCHELU on premises or 40th and Market. .. . THE MAnLnnROUOH MTU AND CHESTNUT STS.-Mnst conven ient location obtainable, het-water heat electric light. In fact, the character ef serv ice and comfort which makes a vaeaney In any one of these apartments a rare occur rence, two or three detlrable apartmeflts are offered now where tenanta are leaving the city, rentals, $47 50 to S, THE PARK WOOD 4ST1I ST, one block below Chester ave. (st Woodland ave ) faring Clark Park Jn apart menta rented alnce July 1 I apartment at 111 offered for rental, a record which speak more eloquently of the remarkable value In there apartmenta than anvthlng I ran say, LE BLANf APARTMENTS rSTII AND WALNUT STS -HouaekeerHng apartments, with 3 rooms and bath with every modern convenience and with the sort of services which will make yon glad to live In an apartment this winter, one flrat-floor at MS, two second floors at T7. THE PI.OEYDEN 40T11 AND LOCUST STS -Tan suites of 3 rooms and bnih earh mav now be obtained In this particularly desirable 4-story flreproof apartment house. I also offer a large varletr cf apartments at varied prices and to meet almost an re quirement. Call or eend for list. Automo bile service to Inapect apartmenta If de sired. NORMANS SHERWOOD 1111 Walnut at. "APARTMENTS V. SPECIALTY" . DREXEL APARTMENTS OVERBROOK STATION After September 1, ene housekeeping suite, 7 rooms and btth; elevator; public dining room: rocf garden, apaclous lawn. Phone overbrook 632S. THE CHANCELLOR APARTMENTS Chancel tor st. above 31th Best valuo In West Phlla dell hi. 22-rnot living room, splendid condi tion, 3 rooms, bath and iarse porchea, every modern convenience: rent $.io and t"r2. Open evenings. Apply Mr. Delhi, or KERSHAW & Crow I 5213 Chestnut t KINGCOURT .1Uth and Chestnut sts JUST COMPLETED MODERN HOU8B. keeplrg apaitments, fireproof floors, elevators, public dining rooms Apply THOM.3 M SEEDS. Jr. 1207 RKCB ST. THE RUTLAND APTS. JUST COMPLETED LOCUST ST.. 34TH TO 5STII ST. 0 and 7 room apartments, with all the latest conveniences $37,30 tn $13 per month ROBERT A. riTTS. AGENT 7Jell phone. Jtelmon 41TT. S41T Locuat st. LENOX APARTMENTS. 6104 to OS Che-ter ave. Furn and unfurn, housekeeping anart ments. See Janitor or ph. Woodland 2819J. COR APT. S rooms, run hot water, was nnd electric, hot-wnter heat, front & back porch K. H. Apley, .'iithjand Springfield me ESSEX. 31th and Chestnut. Monterey, 41d and Chester, Belmont, 'llth and Sprlni Garden. ILl,inJLCjyseil"HIo Building. SATTEIII.Ki; Furnished, 4330 Chestnut, 2d toor. apartmnt 1002 Baring 1770 J. Germnntowp LOCHFLEY HALL 411 to 514 W Mldvale ave. Queen lane sta tion, Germantown; Ifcal homes, large lawn and porch Wayne THE NEW LOUELLA HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS, at vvavne. Pa.. Just com pleted, are located on high grounds, sur rounded with beautiful old shade trees, within 2 mlnutea of the Pennaylvanla station and 20 minutes bv the new electric trains to Broad street. With all the conveniences of modern city apartments; two to six rooms with bith, erv ant's storage rooms, reception halts, pub lic dining room, large Individual porchci. The prices of the remaining apartments for rent sre $3n to $63 per month. LOUELLA REALTY CO.. Wayne. Pa, REAL ESTATE POR SALE CITY 1500 LOCUST ST. TIandaome. modem. 4-story brownatone dwell ins; especially fitted for professional offices; lowprlce andeasy terms for quick sale. CENTRAL PROPERTIES-At a sicrifice will sell home at 1410 North 18th st.. lot 18x00. 12 rooms, bath, storago room, hot-water heat. In perfect condition, would bring a rental of $11; assessed $5000; will sell very reasonable. Apply to owner. 1410 NORTH 13TH 8T. IF YOU WANT TO MOIUMAGE. rent, buy, sell, exchange or Insure "SEE TAULANE ABOUT IT" 000 Watnutst. GROUND ALONG N. E BOULEVARD JOHN O. WILLIAMS, 727 Walnut St., . Succesor Lewis II. Redner. SALES. IlENTS. EXCHANGES ALURECIirS 372 Drexel Bldg. 2114 W. Lehigh ave WEST PHILADELPHIA 1014 SOUTH 43TH ST. Unuaually attractive location and aurroundlnga, 14 rooms. 2 baths, priced greatly under value for quick sale. TAYLOR A SON, 24 and 20 South 40th st. ELLSWORTH ST.. 5943, $1700. WORTH $5200; FIVE ROOMS ON SECOND FLOOR; EVERY CONVENIENCE; OPENTODAY. WHELAN'S HOMES COTH AND PASCHALL AVE. - Apply 1011 CHESTNUT ST BEND FOR LIST, SALE OR RENT JOS. M. BAKER 52d and Baltimore ave OERMANTOWN $15,000 NEW DETACHED DWELLING on lot 61 by 150 feet: only one minute walk from station, seven chambers, three baths (one with marble shower); large double-deck porch; hot-water heot, electric and gas light ing, open fireplace, hardwood floors- etc.; splendid train service; open dally and Sun days; train to Stcnton Station. Chestnut Hill division, Heading Railway. FRANK MAURAN. 2.10 Land Title Building. . WE CAN ASSIST ou to find that house you are looking for. Oermantown Trust Com pany, lhelicn and Germantown aves. RESIDENCE SITES Ground In best section of Germantown and Chestnut IUU. B. It. LISTER & BON. 5812 Oermsntown avs. IF YOU are looking for a home In German town, ML, Airy or Chestnut Hill, consult ma. A. R. Meenan. oni uermantown ave. Cheatnut Hill NEW SALE AND RENT LIST IlEADr Pelham. Mt. Airy ahd Cheatnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO.. 0710 Oermantown ave. Tioga VERY WELL-BUILT modern 3-story dwelling. 11 tooms and bath. Including hot-water heat: every modern convenience, lot IOxIUO feet; cost f8300, offeicd at a bargain and on easy teima to close an account. 1 OCUM & TOWERS CO . 20 8. 15th st. WB HAVE THE IluUSE YOU WANT IN TIOQA OR LOGAN KENNEDY & ItAMIlO, 3740 GERMANTOWN Logan IXJGAN REAL ESTATE BALE. RENT AND EXCHANGE SI. M. Smith. Broad at , oppo. Logan Station. REAL ESTATE, MORTGAOEa AND CONVEYANCING WM D CHAMBERS. 4U3J N. Broad at, Oak Lane OAK I.ANE Ucttc-l aee that Colonial house, U303 Camac street, $0000 Alwaa open, SAMUEL II. READ, builder and owner RUHL'RHAN ALDAN. DELAWARE COUNTY Tills lUrTAl, HUUUHll $1150 New detached houses, every conv.t one square from schools, trol and ttalns, Provi dence road and Clifton ave. Come out and look them over, 5c from OUth It. Terminal, Ad. THE ALDAN CO., I'. O. Box 446, Thlla CHOICE BU1LD1NO SITES AND ACREAOE ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND, Langhorne, Pa. homes for sale or nent, Mccormick & Mccormick. lull Chestnut and Elklna Park. LARGE LIi'T ot suburban homes, sale or rant, on the Main Line or Reading- It. It, WM. li. WILbON ic CO . Morris lluildlpg. SUBURBAN real estate, Slain Line, German town, farms, Reading R. It. Send for Hals. OUas J llooJ If Co Morris Big 1421 Cheat. SUBURBAN ItESIDENCEa for aula or rent, attractive locations, price rlgbL MAURICE J HOOVER. Real Estate Truet Bldg. CITY AND SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE. MEAUS & BROWN, IBth and Walnut. 8m.ECT PtltipFJlfTES-iCountry aeata. farms. LUt orders now. LEWIS T BROOKE 4k bON. 1414 8. Penn aq, FOUNDED 1878. Ambler, Pa, RKND FOR LIST of suburban homes, farina. bnu -w- f r r- --.m,v. hmwi lamina, country rtala, building ground, etc. I have a large and varied list In Montgomery and Bucks Counties. If you are looking for any thing l.n the way of country real estate, do -. . .l- C...IU1 . - 4 . T not fall 19 get my list berore you puy TI10MAB ATKINSON imhl., fa country places and suburban homes raiwo, Kuuunr ic-re ana aucuruea iioraes en the Reading Betblehsm and Doylestawn branches, II, Dsgsr, Inc. Ambler, Pa. See details in REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Darby, Vn. BUY 01 8 eth while vacant, rooms, saloon parlor, air and water heat. eletHrleJtyi trol ley V, so , 21x114. 8W0PE B0N8. Darby I'lklna Park, Pa. UKAI TIFl L BUILDING SITE, high location, ner train arm troiiey, at oetiuea urxai all Improvements. I. 300. Iedger Office. njensMe, ra. HOI'S IKS AND LOTS, EVERY UHgCIi: RrWNINqHIi IIBNN1N9BR 1IHOAD AND WALNlfT IRIPTION MAIN mm:. PA. It. It. I1BST LIST OF MAIN LINE houaea eUher for MUe or rent at all prlcee. llingr 4 McMULLINA nrt Htid Trust Bldg. sUWurRaS ITOMSS, country 'pTace aiT3 iiuiiuing sues to stilt ail requirnmenin, jikiu Line. ll. t: iiumtkiIi vvayne, i-a. NEW JERSEY Ilnddon llelghla. N. J. LIPPINCOTT IA)T AND HOMB8 11 ADDON HBIQHT8, N. J. WILLtJT LIPPINCOTT Maple Shade. N. J. ONK-ACRB fan is, nettrcat to Phlla.. train and trolley; write for pamphlet. BARLOW & - . ainuie anane. m. j National Park, N. J. BUNGALOINS. $100 cash. $10 monthly: lots 21 JIRO, near trolley, com, to river: National Park. Get off Red Dank ave . see agent with lidfe. Punter New Jersey Co.. XI S. 10th. NKA SHORE Atlantic City, N. J. AN OPPORTUNITY seldom offered to buy, cheap, elegant home; while frame, good con dltlon, beet location St. Charles place, Atlan tic fit). 2 iMths, 7 sleeping rooma, hardwood floors lot 40x100. Box 313, Atlantic Cltv, Cnpe .May. N. .1. COTTAGE erected by n rellablo builder Is a aatlala.tlon; t-ttmctlve plans submitted free. OTIS M. TOWNSE N p. Ocean City. N. J. .. Ocean City. N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder Is a satisfaction; attractive plans submitted free. OTISM TOWNSEND Ocean City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 3 ACHE!", Collcgcvllle, strictly modern 0-room elono house, new. convenlencea, hardwood floors, closets porches, old shade, artesian well 30 fruit trees, barn, garage, hen house: 1-1 cash: price $4MV. Jack'a Farm Agency. 21 bteghen Olrard Building. 23. ACHES, STOCK, CROPS, good buildings: $23llii. half cash HUNHBERGER'S FARM AGENCY. Green Lane. Pa. 00 ACRES, near Bethlehem pike, remodeled stone houae. new barn, good land, stream, woodland ,$(WiO; A 11 Tyson, Lansdale.J.-!. 100-A. Gwjnedd farm, cxicl condition: fully equlpped, Jrnand house. EJV. Led. Cent. 113 ACRES, $10 OS) It miles Philadelphia. v i jikai-d. west cnester. i'a NEW JERSEY FARMS rrankllnvllle,N.J. PRICE, $3500, $.'"ii)d can remain on mortgage. 11-airo form, new house. 7 rooms, cement cellar, block foundation, pigeon house, ltix'.l. neiv barn, 30x21. new chicken house, wltn hens 2 horften. !r Nrntu. etc. 1 COW. 2 I pigs, whole II acres planted. Call or write, I "Flt, 5.150 Germantown ave. i JIIAIIYLANI FARJIS . OUNTI EMAN "will sell his Maryland water tont cst'vte, haa bay. river and creek front age, beautiful placo, 8 buildings, modernised mansion; over 200 acres, $20,000, including crop, stock and Implements; Ideal spot to I recuperato from business cares, plenty game. nsn. crabs, etc Addreas owner, ai iuo. Ledger Irtlce. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME by monthly payments of from $17 to $tu, houses located N. Phlla. and C!tn.. worth from Jlsoo to $0230. Merchants' Union Trust Co., 715-710 Chestnut sL bjUUURIIAN CITY AND SUBURBAN properties for sale i or rent Loner Merlon Realty Co, Land J Tltle Building. Philadelphia. Pa. Dala-Cynwyil, Pa, LARGE 1 1ST houses, sale or rent, at all prices Samuel C. Wagner, Jr., Commercial Trust Building, 15th and Market sts. MAIN MNE. PA. K. R. bEVlli.L attractive houses at Ardmore and Iluverford. sale, $8300 up; rent, $05 up. WARNOCK & EMLEN Commercial Trust Building. R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE HOTEL or sarltarlum site, situated In ths mountains. 1500 feet elevation: all Improve ments, Stroudsburg, Pa. M 031, Led. Cent. REAl ESTATE WANTED WANT listing of country seats and farms. H. B. McCOLLUM. 1114 Walnut sL "Don't Forget the Number" RENTS COLLECTED Central Business Properties Solicited. C. P. PETERS & SON. 008 CHESTN UT ST. RENTS and interest collected, mortgages and fire Insurance placed quickly. See Kane for prompt results. 2328 Taaker at. REAL ESTATE POR RENT CITY 1534 W LEHIGH AVE 3-story substantial brick dwelling, 11 rooms, porch front, good order low rent WM L CRAVEN'S SONS, 1548 N. 7th st. 121 S. VAN PELT ST. i2ist and Walnut sts.) S rooms and 2 batha. EDGAR G, CROSS, 1411 VA alnut at. 2111 MONTROSE ST.-Neat dwelling. 0 $11.00 rooms, has range, bath, gas, etc ; good condition. Key at U2S 8. 23d st. ORATZ ST.,, N 1318 (19th and Jefferson) formerly known as Centennial ave 12 rms.. tide yard, rent $35, Rerlolet. mil) N. Unh. STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. See our list tn the Ledger Saturday. 8AS1UEL T. FOX & co: B. E. cor. Ulh and Callowhlll. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sale or renL YARROW A VAN PELT. . N. E. COR. 17TH AND CHESTNUT. $18 PER MONTH Coay 2-story. S-room porch dwelling; all conveniences, 2330 W, Firth st, (near 23d and Cumberland sts.); key 2837. CBNTRV.L PROPERTY-Aeeesned $V0; rent ed. 7Ju. tirlce, $7030, onl $'JJ0 cash. MARbllALL II SMITH. 1011 chestnut st. lU'.O N. l.TH-Juit n novate,!, 13 large, sunny looms, large front, side and back lawn. MYEHB & EARTH. Itldgeave.and 10th. J30-D WELLING, 11 'ROOMS SEND FOR LISP Contlnental-EqulUble Trust Co., 21 8". 12th at. llualneaa Properties and Htoree CENTRAL STORES AND FLOORS bend for Hat. J. A PATTERSON CO., 130 8. 15TII. Factories, Wareliouaee, Mfg. lloore 4TII ST., N.. 110-25 Manufacturing floors, steam heat and power. Apply l'snna Co.. 617 Chestnut stT b. F. COR SIARKET AND 1STH BTS.-Cth! fill and 7th floors, modern building J. T. Jackson. Chestnut and 13th sts. 10 "l-llkta RIDGE AVE -Rooms for lent, with power, heat, passenger and freight elevators COHOCKH1NK MILLS BU1LD1NO, 5th mi.'. Randolph st , Uth st , above Columbia ave. Rooms 12,000 to 18,000 sq, feet on a floor; large power plant; low Insurance. Apply Richard P SIcNeely. 1733 N Randolph st MEnciiA"NTS'"TnnLuiii'a 44 North 4th street Very desirable offices Heat and light MHTROPOLITAN'RUILDINQ. cor Broadband Wallace, rooms S000 to 40,000 square feet on a floor Applyto O r JLaaher. 141 N. lOtn. JTAVin'ARTY who will erect building." ceni tral or otberlocatlon, for satisfactory tsnanL DIETERICH. 77 Vv alnut. l""""- FACTORY FLOORS and wareroomaTTargeTand small, centrally located. HARRY T SAUNDERS. 81 8. 18th SL OFFICES, njUSINESS DOOMS, Km DREXEL HLDO. OFFICES, annual rntala7 Groond floor. $100 $120, $-.W $sso """ Single rooms. $120. $150, $AK). $275,$I50.$700 Suites, 2 rma. $114. $150, $175.1200 ,lii tito. Suites. 3 rms.. $200. $273, $100,iiOQ itteio Corner1 suites, 2 to 10 rooms, $300 to $loK( ' elms d. Williams, ats) Drexei iliiiding u"'"ft,W5riff i PU1TS tOS-Ol-OO ARCH BT. "MERCHANTS' BUILDINO n. sari st DE81RAPLE ROOMa. POJWiyiJDJjIjriHT Profeatlooal OHcea ARCH ll--Offlcei for physician, heat, light and service, running water; reference. BPRlTCB BT ItUS-OfflCM fcT'physlc'lan'M denttsta light, but. service, running water! referencea. SPRUCE 1221-20 Cheerful office, nrtnW" running water, suit doctor or dentlat first Want Ad REAL ESTATE 7011 XEJTT rrofsIonI 1(,fii . SPRUCE. I TOO-Physician's office, ts efwra fa afternoon hours WALNUT. 2205-Sults of 2 Urge ffwasa. la iloor, hot and cold running water, clejtaajy. 13T1I HT., S 11 3 rooma, physician or v. eieciriciiy, not water, narawoos nwlpperef. gocl light . .. WEST Plllt.l)KLP.HIA ; dwellings. sToiiEa and apakimbi'tI WM. II. W QUICK BltO., INC. 80UTII 40TH 8T. . POTIf Overlooking: rAIlVMOUNT rAXK. ESTATE AITS, A 1IOUSB8 s.i to sioo i'r saoniB. A Apply to A. J. P, OALLAdHI : 410 ramsiae ave. rn. pel. POTTS TOWNSKND WEST TIIILA. HOMES 4003 BALTIMORE AVE. $22 SMI nilOOMALL 8T, (second street auth ot uaitimore ave. 1 New nouee. nox-wsi heat, gns. electric light, gas kitchen, etc OERMANTOWN $0013 ROOMS. 3 batha: saratei 1 sd. Sedgwick Station on Otn ave. A. B. Toufl . son. 7014 Beyer sL Both phones. $.12 COLONIAL dwelling, living room, 4 bed rooms hot-water heat, gas, electric; hard woml floors. 45.1 East Walnut Isne. Ml. Airy, Oermantown MT. AIRY, 37.1 Oowen ave. 10 room, bath and laundry, front porch: best location; reot , .i0. Apply owner 7410 Beyer at . Mt Airy. Wayne Junction $23 MODERN and most desirable 3-atory poreh-rront house at Wayne Junction, ait conveniences; 2 minutes' walk to atatlon. 444J N 20th at., above Germantown ave Tioga 1413 BOIUE AVE .,..$17.04 A. H. WILLIAMS 622 Walnut. Cheatnut Hill DWELLINGS-$20 to $150 month; get llaL Pelham Truat Company, 8740 Oermantown. Oak Lane SlfVERAL PROPERTIES for rent In Oak Lane, $.K) to $13, very desirable. UROWN & PARR. 8th and Oak lane. sununnAN MODERN DUG., 14 rma.. 2 batha. steam beat; large lot. old shade, near station i rent $J. O, H. AMAN. 1201 Cheatnut st BEAUTIFUL old homestead, attraottvely mod ernlxed, II rooms, 8 baths: garsge, shady lawn: $100. SUTTON, SOI Franklin Bldg. Secane. Fa. FOR RENT-Brlck and frame dwelling houae. In perfect order, with all conveniences. 10 moms and pantry, bath and linen closet: with half acre of ground; old shads: Provi dence road, near Aahland ave.; 5 minutes walk from Secane Station, Central Division, I.. II. and W R R.; e miles (rem Broad St. station. James A. Bunting. 502 Drtxet Building. Philadelphia. MAIN MNE. TA. It. n. Narberth BRAND-NEW HOUSES, 7 rooma, all modern conveniences, electric lights, etc., $19 par month; othera at $21.60. $28.60. $28.60 up ward. HARRIS, real eatate, opposite station. Narberth. Pa. Wynnewood FOR THE MAN WHO HAS AN AUTOMOBILE HOUSE NO. 40 MANOR ROAD. WYNNEWOOD, PA. It is modern, with all neeeeary convenl--nces; contains 13 rooms, 2 bathrooms ana storerooma; has liberal lot of ground, wit nice ahade and flowers, and the rent U leas than a 10-room city houae. Automobile atorage. Z3 per month. WALTER BABBIT SMITH, Kin.WCfUL, i'A, Koaemont U ROOMS, 5 baths, stable. 3 acres, garden. $2000 per year. IIARBERT & CLAOHORN. 2tnilalley Building. ' NEW JER8ET Avalon, N. J. NEW BUNGALOWS, cottages and apart ments for rent, furnished, moderate prices; all modern conveniences; Boardwalk, Cailno. churches, ""all kinds of stores, farmers deliver products to your door dally, fishing, boAttnf, -tennis and sports. Call, phone or write for booklet. Chas. It. Itall, 1410 Real EsUte Trust Building. Phlladelpnla. Pa. Rlvrrton, N. J. $25 TO $10 MONTH 0 to 12 room houses) large lots. A. E. PRICE. 410 Llpptncotl ave., lllverton. FOR RENT FURNISHED Chestnut 11 111 ATTRACTIVELY located small French villa and garage; few mos. lease. E 417, Led. Cent. MORTGAGES Large Amount TRUST FUNDS FOR. FIRST MORTGAGE Immediate Attention HORACE H. FRITZ 713 WALNUT ST. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES $500 1000 $1200 $1500 $1600 $5000 W. H. HOOD. 612 NORRI8 ST. $50 TO LOAN ON HEAL ESTATEscu5 to tty; tnjnedlat settlement; payable a $2000 dealred. EDW, M. MOLL, 133 SOUTH 12TH STREET. J. R. MA8SEY & BON 13TH AND GREET.' STB. FIRST AND HKCOND MORTGAGES u Ull-OINQ ASSOCIATION FUNDS MORTGAGES IN AMOUNTS OF $1800 and $2000 at 5U. per cent. JAMES D. W1NC11ELL N. W tor. 17th and Bansom sts FIRS1' MORTGAGES for sale, amounts '1300, JlhOO, XJOliO, $J300. $3000. $JJ00, $3500. SJbeO. 1000. $4500 nnd $5000, Interest 5 4-10; title Ineuranre Included and all paper free. H. J. SIILLEH. 2728 W. Lehlkh ave. $100,000 TO INVEST on mortgages In sows from $1000 up, also building aseoclat&i money for arcond mortgagee. G. C BEIDBL ge CO.. 4th and Callowhlll sts. UNLIMITED FUNDS 1n moderate amounts for straight and building arsoclatlon mortgagee; lowest charges. WILLIAM JAMES KEo5lL V13 Drexel Building WORRELL BM NBTnET"TH FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAOEa " "$100. $200 TO $5000 TO LOAM; 50 LEWIS ft CO. PoyJ 1227 W. Qlrard Av.. PUIIST FUNDS for nret mortrare' HERKNK8S & STETSON, LAND TITLE BUILDING. tt3 1T5zEiTTDrs!osvs.8PEC,AtTf- 518 WALNUT ST. ALL AMOUNTS First and second mortgages quick aaawee. Maurice H. Ma talngar. Real Eat. Truat Billy. ANY SUSf. ANY AMOUNT PIJvCED AT ONCE. LOWEST RATES F X. DELANY 1112 LINCOLN BLDG. WNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTtfAQES r xirvHTOinifH van aai.ie THEO E. NICKLES. 2113 OEttSlAN'TW AV. OWKERS-If your mortgage has bean calls! I will iae it up, ieo q mortgage mooer CHESTHR D. ROTTNER. 1420 Cheatnut etT MORTOAQEarnnveatments, collections. Call. write or phone. D. A:MINNICK, 1838 Ridge avs. FlJNDB FOR 1ST, AND 2D mortgages: rent and interests collected tn any part of city. CAMERON. 2811 Kensington avenue. A. FEW $2400 6 per cent, ground""rent ras? ssle. free of State Ux. PEMUfcHTOlT ESTATES. 708 Harrison Bldg. - LOANS ON INTEREST IN KHT'ATWI REASONABLE C1IAR0E8 JOHN A. HARRY, 607 UND TITLE StLPO. -FTNos ronAis-r and arRTOAoMf POTTS U THOMPSON, 2521 Frank fe4 ae fRlVATft nJND5 for ajvances to buudera, large or trsall operations. Addtaw aVsoresavrs -v4f , js;imsi. nKAt)Y fundb B lot good Brst ' awrtaaaea. application. brine us vour aunll CHAS. LBBOWN CO. , T a. sVoad a. $100,000 FOIl FIRST. SBOOKD "blt"Bsr4f mortgages Bee us r " ABERNKTHY.alrfU Kartk Wh, PRIVATE AND TfUBT FUJ i!in x?$mrimM2?TA MONEY for wrst ard seoaeva m Mg aswsciatioci ana j WllUe-WlacaMster Cec, MlvtiT AND.DsK-pND. aary v . .-a.xk M.ilnL ssi Isa kllUUIlW ejusaaa airi h jAwr-r c- ntsar-s, isja cxnsintfs AfH) tVSIM. r aaasiau . js "irpi f "" gages, dljr r vawisssv r , o4Mr Column crm v& fl .,