Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 21, 1915, Final, Page 11, Image 11
It OLF NOTES AND COMMENT FOOTBALL ITEMS NEWS FROM VARIED FIELD OF SPORTff EVEHHira T-EDGflR--PailADEIiPHIA', TTHSgDAY, SEPTEMBER 2T, 191S: COACHES PICK FOOTBALL PLAYERS FOR TRAINING TABLE livactlce Gamo flayed on KranKiin v iem xjutwuun x wo Squads, i? onowing neuvy Preliminary Work j0O WATCH SCRIMMAGE .. TTnivoralty of Pennsylvania varsity li bill squad of two dozcn mcn cttmo ?rrom Port Deposit. Md.. this mornlns . rnoon had a drill on Franklin Field. KEh lasted for two hours and a half. Pint there was a lonB drill In puntlni? 'J drop-kicking, under tho direction of Kid Coach Qcora-e H. Brooke. It was Jllawed by charging practlco for all the w candidates unacr ma uiei vmiuu oi Sic? Wharton. Next "By" Dickson and rueh "Wharton took tho whole squad by Wctlona and wprked them at tho tackling Aummy. I At S o'clock the coaches picked two Ltavena and sent them against each other & SnOri. BIIHIP OViillllll.UUW. 'M MV- tempi was miuuo u ..., ...... ,, Into a varsity and scrub, but they were .elected to make tho fight an even one, Ind named teams A and B. The coaches bitend to hold scrimmages tomorrow and Thursday In preparation, for tho gamo .hi. Wnt Virginia on Saturday. There Ulll not be any scrimmage on Friday. ). t. one of tho largest squads that K Pennsylvania has ever hod In advanco .. .t- .U..II1.. of thn TInlversltv. Tho sousd numbered moro than 60 men, there being several now candidates for tho scrub and freshman teams. 11 nnon the coaches held a conference land selected 21 players for tho training table, as loiiowa; uapuun nmnn, nu ..n ttonnlnc Nelll. Dorlzns. Wray. Hop- KMns, Urquhart, Stack, Miller, Grant, Bell, Tighc, Williams,' Qulgley and Berry. niher men will be added as they are put ion the varsity squad. In celebration of the opening of Varsity practice there were more than 200 stu dents on the field. Tho management has .n.Aiinin that there will be fewer secret practices this fall than usual, and tho r .,,tnta are to be invited to witness ft practice as much as possible. MILLIES WIN FIRST FROM ST. LOUIS CARDS j ft Continued from rage One E Luderus at third to Bctzell, unassisted. B One run, two nits, no errors. tr..(rtna elnfrlnil In I. ft nn.4 WAItt In IT second on Beschcr's hit to McQuillan. I Betzel singled to left, filling the bases. Long popped to NlehofT. Gonzales hit Into a double play, Bancroft to NlehofT to Luderus. No runs, three hits, no errors. SECOND INNING. Burns nonoed to Gonzales. Hucxlns a threw out McQuillan. Hornsby tossed out H ClAlr Mn Mm. tin nllw tin ftrrnrft. Ift Nlehoff throw out Hyatt. Snyder tin gled to left. Hornsby singled to right, Snyder taking third. Hornsby attempted to take second on the throw-In and was cut, Cravath to Stock to Bancroft Lu derus fumbled Doak's grounder, Snyder .- scoring. Hugglns walked. Bescher , forced Doak at third, to Stock unassisted. One run, two hits, one error. TITTTJTI TMMIVH It Bancroft walked. Paskert sacrificed to fim-al.a utin .l.t mI nrnrnth Hltlfflpd to. right, scoring Bancroft. Luderus tripled fi, against the bleacher wall in left centre. scoring cravatn, Luaerus scorea on me squeeze play as Whltted was thrown out W- ty Doak Snyder dropped tne tnira Strike on NlehofT, but threw him out at first Three runs, two hits, no errors. Betzel and Long were thrown out by McQuillan. Gonzales singled to center. Nlehoff threw out Hyatt. Wo runs, one tit, no errors FOUKTH INNING. Burns fouled to Betzel. McQuillan sin gled to centre. McQuillan took second on Stock's out, Doak to Gonzales. Ban croft singled to centre, scoring McQuil lan. Bancroft went to third on Paskort's single to centre. Cravath singled to right, scoring Bancroft and sending Paskert to third. Luderus forced Cravath, Hornsby to Hugglns. Two runs, four hits, no errors. McQuillan threw out Snyder. Hornsby rolled out to Luderus. Grlner batted for - Doak and was called out on strikes. No runs, no hits, no errors. FIFTH INNING. Boardman replaced Doak on the mound for St. Louis. Whitted walked. Nlehoff fouled to Gonzalez. Burns singled off Betzel's shin, but Whitted overran second, and while he was being chased Bums ran down toward second r event tually Whitted landed safely back to USllV Whlttori IntiHcn anfolv bnrlr tn L' zel to Hornsby to Hugglns to Gonzalez. p "-wuiiian nieo to Hyatt. No runs, one E. hit nn i-riM.v Bancroft threw out Hugglns. Bescher filed to Paskert Betzel fanned. No runs, no hits, no errors. SIXTH INNING. Block fanned. Bancroft walked. Pask- Ft filed to Bescher. Bancroft was out rauing, unyaer to Hornsby, no runs, Jio hits, no errors. Long filed to Cravath. Gonzales filed to Stock. Hyatt doubled to right Sny !er fouled to Burns. No runs, one hit, po errors. SEVENTH INNING. HllSTCrlnS trtPMW rant PinivatVi TTitwtrlna knocked down Luderus" hit. Whitted doubled to left, scoring Luderus. Nle hoff popped to Hornsby. Burns filed to t-ong. Ono run, two hits, no errors. Hornsby filed to Burns. Boardman tripled to right Hugglns singled to cen- & ! "tl uoaraman. uescher walked. R JJeUel was hit bv a nltched ball, fllllne l?(? baw' Hugglns scored on Long's sac- !' lo wwun. McQuillan threw out Gonzales. Two runs, two hits, no EIGHTH INNING. McQuillan fnillort n dnv.1a Otn.V ijvalked. Bancroft was hit by a pitched .wait PaaKrt fnn1i4 .. n.i.f,i.. utAi. f ? Dncroft advancing After the catch, bj-ravath was purposely passed, filling the hsrt Miderus was hit by a pitched ball, I." SCOrinsr. Bancroft attempted to ttu home, but was out, Boardman W iJ . .uno run no n,,, " errors, "ystt bpunced a single off Luderus" SrS' Snyder forced Hyatt, Btock to fw Bancroft Boardman Hied to Cravath. f9 HUM. fins hit nn arrnri NINTH JNNING, h replaced Bnvder for St Loula. L. Udflld to Hyt. Nlehoff filed to - curna sinirled to centre. Mcuull- Un4 tQ Gonzales. No runs, one hit Wror JJolan batted for Hugglns and filed to . utiescner beat out a hit to Nle. Betzel fouled to Stock. Bescher second unmoleated. NlehofF threw Po! No runs, one hit, no errors. Waverly BmU Rac Saturday lVy 'XOHk, Sept. 11,-The postponed n event pf the Waverly Ooat Club trSK 5' whc, r to have, been J HP" Sunday, wer potpni osc mn. tf "ir t lobably wUl ba haaVd aaat tasiMntrr LONG SHOTS CAPTURE HAVRE DE GRACE FIRST Kenworthy and Lights Out, 10 to 1, and Santo, 12 to 1, Score HAVEHE DB GRACE. Md., Sept 21. Kenworthy, a 10 to 1 shot, upset tho cal culations In the first raco today. Lights Out, another long shot, was second, and Santo third. The summary: Flrat race, lltnir, maiden fl-yetr-oldi and up, a ftulonga-Kenwerthr. 111. T. McTafsart. 10 to t, 4 lo 1, h to 6, wonj Llshta Out, 102. l.llky, 10 to 1, .1 to 1, T to tl, recondi Bnnlo, 112, lluxton, 12 to 1, 4 to 1. 3 to 1. third. Time, 1:10 3-3. Fluty Wour, Orphe. vlgnola. Clan tarr, Ml McdlKKl. Kgetla, Bolon, Chance and Great KurprinB alto ran. Second race, ateeplechate, H-year-olda and up, 3 miles Orey Leg. 142. Gilbert. 0 to a, 8 to h. 4 to n, won; Agon, 137, Wllllama. 12 to 1, 4 to 1. 2 to 1, cconJ; AMAlor. 142. Ilrown, 15 to 1, 8 to 1. 4 to 1. third. Time. 4 OS 3-6. Arcturua, AberteMy, Caroler, V. A. Stone, Top lUt, Itockflah, nruah and Burgeon alao ran. Third raco, selling, 3-year-olds and up, 1 mile and 70 yarda Dryad, Hi", Mink, 4 to 1, 8 to A, 4 to 3, won; Ualfron, 100, Cooper, 3 to 1. 2 to 1, .even, recond; Ilia Nlb, 100, Lilly, 13 to S, to 3, a to 8, third. Time, 1:40 2-3. retelua, Ualngerfleld, Henry Hutchlton, Maryland Ulrl, Kneclet, Earl of Savoy and O Tla True aim ran. Fourth race, Eaatern Shore handicap, for 2 J ear-olds, 5 furlongn Sllpthod, 118, T, McTag- fart, 0 to 1, 3 to 1, 8 to 4. von; King Neptune. 18, Turner, 12 to 1, 3 to 1, 0 to 8, second; J'esky, 110, Cooper, even, 1 to 2, out third. Time. 100. Hidden Star, George Smith:, Whlmay, Achievement and Startling also ran. Fifth race, veiling, handicap, all a see, mlta and 70 yarda Dorgo. 102, J, McTaggart, 5 to 2, 3 to 6, 1 to 4. won: Ambroae, OS, Louder. T to 2. 0 to B. .1 to B. aecond; Nephthya, 8, McCahey, 12 to J. 3 to 1, een. third. Time. 1:47 1-3. Napier, Lasull and Stalwart Helen alao ran. Sixth race, selling, 2-year-olda, BU furlonga Mai Fou, 101, McCahey, B to 2, even, 2 to B, won; High Horse, JOT, J. McTaggart, 4 to 1. 2 to t. even, aecond; Servla, 103, Cooper, 8 to 1, 1 to 1. 0 to 3, third. Time, lsll 1-5. Madame Herrman. Good Counsel, Chtvator. Ilenjamln, Edith nauman and Lady Atkln also ran. DOROTHY CARL1N WINS IN WOODBINE OPENER 30-to-l Shot Lands 6-Fiirlong Race, With Sir Arthur Second, in 1:16 3-5 WOODBINE, Canada, Sept. 21. Dor othy Carlln, paying $61.60 for a 2 btt, won tho opening dash hero this after noon, with Sir Arthur second and Ila venscourt third. Flrat race, for 2-year-olds foaled In Canada, a furlonga Dorothy Carlln. 03, Collins, M.C0, $23.10, 111. won: Sir Arthur, 112, Rice, t8.RO, 15.50, aecond; navenacourt, 108,, Schuttlnger. 13.70, third. Time, 1:10 3-5. Alecto. 'Torn Silk, Watertown, William W.. Offertory, Shrovetide also ran. (Seagram entry.) Second race. IflOO added, Curragh Date, sell ing, for 8- ear-olds and up. 6 furlonga Croaa bun, 112. Kalsey. $14.80. $8.40 and tVO. won; Kopje,! 89. Colllna, $44.10 and $18 60. aecond; Uetween Ua. 112, Warrington, $3.50. third. Time. 1:13.1-5. Twilight, Fair Helen, Nlgadoo, Meellcka, King Itadford, Lohengrin, Yadopeep, Caronome. Pamplnea and I21a Jennings alno Third race, $BO0 added, Lexington Plate, aelllng, 3-year-olds and up, mile and 20 yarda Aleton. 89. Colllna. $14.20, $8.M and $4.fi0, won: Stlrup. 101 Smyth. $12.80 and $7.10. aecond; Change. 100. Kelsey, $0.10. third. Time, 1:43 3-5. Aatrologer, Gallop, Stake and Cap, Sherlock Holmes and Moonlight alao ran. Fourth race. $800 added. Woodbine Autumn Steeplechaae, handicap. 3-year-olds and up. about 2 miles, new couree Cynoaure. 133, lUia aell, $18.30, $1.00 and $3.30. won; Stucco, 140, Williams, $1.30 and $3.00. aecond; Tronaeoloum. 146. Smyth. $4. third. Time, 4:22 3-5. Bryn down, Cubon and Old Salt alao ran. Fifth race, $800 aaaea. Micneaimas iianai cap, 2-year-olda, 0 furlonga Candle, 113, Warrington, $31.30. $11.30. $0.00. won; Bambl, OT. Claver, $11, $7.80, aecond: Sanda of Pleasure, 100, Forehand,$4.30. third. Time, 1:18 2-5. Prohibition, Philistine, Reaerve, Milestone, Audrey Austin, Blue Cap and Iollte alao ran DETROIT LEADS MACKS IN WEIRD CONTEST Continued from rage One threw out Veach, Cobb scoring. Crane mado a great catch of Crawford's line drive. Burns fled to Crane. Three runs, two hits, one error. Schang was hit by a pitched ball. O. Bush threw Strunk out. Schang stole third. Bcnkston walked. Damrau fanned. Mclnncs hit to Loudermllk, who threw tho ball Into right field, Schang and Bankston scoring while Mclnnls went to third. Loudermllk fumbled Crane's grounder, Mclnnls scoring. Lajole batted for Malone. Lajolo forced Crane, O. Bush to Young. Three runs, no hits, two or- SECOND INNING, Lajole playing second base, Bressler pitching and Lapp catching for the Ath letics. Young walked. Stanago singled to centro, Young taking third. Morlarlty hatted for Loudermllk and walked, fill ing the bases. Bush sent a sacrifice fly to Strunk, Young scoring after the catch. Bressler was pulled from the moun Knowlson replacing him. Vltt walked. Cobb filed to Schang. Lajole threw out Veach. One run, one hit, no errors, Oldham pitching for Detroit Lapp filed to Veach. Knowlson fanned. Schang fanned. No runs, no hits, no errors. THIRD INNING. Crawford singled to right Burns hit into a double play. Crane to Lajole to Mclnnls. Young filed to Crane. No runs, one hit, no errors. Strunk filed to Cobb. Bankston filed to Young. Damrau fouled to Stanage. No runs', no hits, no errors. FOURTH INNINO. mnnne-A walked. Oldham forced Stan- age, Knowlson to Crane. Bush walked. Vltt also walked, filling the bases. Cobb singled to centre, scoring Oldham and Bush, Vltt going to third. Vltt and Cobb pulled oft a double steal and when Lapp threw Into centre field, Vltt scored and Cobb tried to take third, but Schang's perfect throw to Damrau retired him, Lajole tossed out Veach. Three runs, one hit. no errors. Mclnnls doubled to left Crane fanned. Lajole was hit by a pitched ball. Both runners advanced on a passed ball. Lapp hit to Oldham and Mclnnls was caught at the plate. Oldham to manage, iapp taking second. Belbold batted for Knowl son and walked, filling the bases. Oldham tossed out Schang. No runs, one hit, no errors. FIFTH INNINO. Nabors now pitching for the Athletics. Crawford fanned. Burns beat out an In field hit. Young sacrificed, Lapp to Mc lnnls. Stanage fanned. No runs, one hit, no errors. Oldham threw out Strunk. Bankston's hlsh tly fell safe in the Infield. Bankston stole second. Damrau fanned. Mclnnls filed to Veach. No runs, one hit, no1 er- rCr8' SIXTH INNINO. Oldham fanned. Bush also fanned, Vltt bunted, but Damrau threw him out No runs, no hits, no errors. Crane filed to Cobb. Lajole filed to Burns. Young threw out Lapp. Ho runs, no "hits, no errors. Teland Beaten by Brefmtn TAMAQUA. Sept. . "Knockout" Prcnnan, of Buffalo, N. Y., had the bet ter of a 10-round bout with Jack Toland, of Phlladelphlu. at the Tamaqua Athletic Club last night Brenner) fought with a severe scald on hi right wrist Carlisle Bac Paatpensd CARLISLE, Ia., Sept tlV-Todejr's race scheduled here were potm until to xtorrtw e account it tk. I . . . Tl i I '. . . (Tv 'JAJn" V j MARION GOOSBY WINS AT LOUISVILLE TRACK Talent Is Surprised When Long Shot Pokes Nose Over Finish Line LOUISVILLE, Ky., Sept 21. Marlon Qooaby landed first money, Charmeuse second and Furlong third In the opening raco at six furlongs here today. First race, selling. 3-year-olds and up, 0 furlongs Marion Qooaby, 103, Garner, $31.10. tlO-W and .R0. won; Charmeuae. 111. Metcalf, 8.40 and J6.S0, aecond: FVrlong. 114. Keogh. I0.V0, third. Time. 1:113-5. Talm I.eaf. Colle, Mlas Fielder. Cardigan, Orange, Brooms Edge, Irish Gentleman. Freeman and Carrie Orme also ran. Second race, maiden fillies. 2-year-olda, D furlongs Lady Vandergrlft, 103, Kederla. JS.OO, 3.70, $2.80. won: Margaret A., 05, Stearns, J8.80. $4.70. second; Owana, 101. aentry. 3.00. third. Time. 1:02. Winnie O'Day, Lady Mildred, Little Mother, Dalny Mlekle, Oliver McOee, Miss Bland. Eurumede, Dollna and Emily It. also ran. Third race, for 3-year-olds and up, 6 fur longsLiberator, 105. Martin. 15.20. 13.00, $3. won; Oakland, 111, Murphy. $23.40. to, second; White Crown. 103, Lapallle, S4.30, third. Time, 1:18. Africa Beau. Lackroae, St Leo, Gabrlo, Blackthorn, Maxnlk, Sweet heart and Sua also ran. MRS. C. H. VANDERBECK MAKES LOW IN GOLF Continued from Page One 97, and Mrs. Caleb F. Fox. wife of the donor of the cup, took a 98. Summary: Mrs. O. II. Vanderbeck. Phlla. C. C. 48 41 02 Mils E. Chandler. II. V. C. 0 51 45 ua Mrs. B. II. Harlow, Merlon O. 0.... M 47 07 Mrs! Caleb Fox. II. V. C. C 52 46 OS Mrs. O. II. Stetson, II. V. C. CT....... 50 M 101 Mrs! Francis Bradley, II. V. O. C... 53 51 1M Miss V. C. drlacom, Merlon C C... 55 4 104 Mm. Milton Herold, Phllmont C. C 50 48 107 Mlas Mildred Caverly. Phlla, CO... 0 4S JOS Mrs O. S. Munson, Merlon C C... 5.0 40 10S Mrs A, It Hlllsteln. Bala O. C 68 53 109 Mrs J. S. Ely. Old York Road O. O. 65 65 110 Miss Myrtle McKee. Old York Boad (I. c. 63 48111 MIbs Maud Hoffman, Whltemarah C c 60 111121 Mrs. W. M. Weaver. II. V. C. C 67 67124 Mlas M. L. Ilarrlwn, Braeburn C. C. 8S CO 128 Mra. II. Snellenburg. Thllmont C. C 07 72 139 Miss Louise Lorlmer, Philadelphia Cricket ClUb 52 52 104 Miss Marion Naylor. Philadelphia Cricket Club M 51100 Mrs. W. J. Peck, St. David's Coun try Club 63 53100 Mrs. F. II. Elder, Overbrook Coun try Club S3 5S10U Mrs. W. S. Utiles, Wilmington Country Club 57 54 111 Mrs. Brlnton Thomas. Phlla. C. C... 67 65112 Mrs. II. Stotter, Phllmont C. C 62 51113 Mrs. W. S. Johnston, St. David's Cricket Club CO 6S117 Miss K. Thompson. Wilmington C.C. 04 63 117 Mlas 11 O. Hood, Philadelphia C. C. 68 UU 118 Mrs. fl. 8. Logan. II. V. C. C. 60 50 110 Miss If. B. Mouley. Merlon C. C... 67 6.1 120 Mrs. W. W. Justice, Phlla. C. C... 61 CO 121 Miss Constance P. QUI. Overbrook Cricket Club 00 61121 Miss M. 8. Benners, Moorestown Cricket Club 57 66123. Mrs. O. W. Elklns. Jr.. II. V. C. C. 61 03 12V Mlas E. Roberts, Moorestown C. C. 61 04 V.J Mrs. F. W. Morrla, H. V. C. C... 00 50 125 Mrs. F. W. Knight, Woodbury C. C. 63 82 127 Mlas E. Larzelere, Old York Boad Q. C. 7 03 130 Mrs. nothwell Stevens, Phlla. C. C. OS (El 131 Mrs. S. A. Boyle. Jr.. II. V. C. C... OS 04132 Mrs. II. N. Twells, Woodbury C. C. 70135 Miss Jean Lewis. Philadelphia C C. 70 05 135 Mrs. T. O. Plnkerton. Phlla. . C... Ofl 70134 Mrs. II. H. Sawer, II. V. C. C...., 73 71141 Mlas D. It. Dexter. Overbrook C. C. 74 72146 Miss A, K. Lorlmer. Phlla. C. C... 70 80 1W CLAY COURT MATCIIES OFF Championship Matches Postponed at Strawberry Mansion Oround conditions were so poor at' Strawberry Mansion this afternoon that the clay court matches, for the cham pionship of the Pensylvanla section were postponed until tomorrow. The heavy rain of the night and early morning made the courts very soggy. The sun dried out the earth considerably late this afternoon and play will be re sumed tomorrow, unless weather condi tions change, WOODRINE RACE ENTRIES FOR MEETING TOMORROW First race, $600 added. CJrafton Plate, sailing, 8-year-olds and up, foaled tn Canada, mile and 70 yards-Eimar, loot Sarotta, 104; Hustling. 10li Matt H.. 00; 'Puritan Lass. 101; Meiaaen. ,104; 'Harry Bassttt II.. Ml My Joe. 103 Marlon Osl.ty. loi sir Arthur. 102; Mauaolens, 10 Shrove Tide. Sli Maid of Prorna. 106; Peppereauce, 103; papersauce, 103. Second race, tOOO added Lincoln Plata, sail lnr. 2-year-olds, qvi furlongs Hosa Water, 110 1 Greetings. 101; A. Manclnl, 108 j Walga! 101 Faraway. 105; Waterwar. 107; 'Ultls liigl ger, 101; 'Lerkln. 00: Samper Stalwart, 102; Tush Tush, !j Inveatment, 109; rOentle! woman. OS; Lyndora, 103; J, b. Sugg. 106. Third race, S0OO addad. 8-year-olds and un. 1 1-10 miles St Laurlan, 106: 'Dick Dead wood, 101: nay o' LlghtTW; king Iladfort. 107; Slnglatoa, 100; 'Usaupert, 104; Sub- "rourtb .race, ITOO added, Coventry steeple chase, aelllng, 4-year-old and up, about J mltea. new courav-J m p.. ISO; Morpbath. 140; joe Oalety, MB! Bhlng Foo. IJJj rJxton, 187; The African, JM. ' Fifth, ret, Durham Cup. 8-year-olds and up, (oalad la Canada, 81SM addsd. it; mlles-- Hampton Dama. 10l Lady Curaon, lit; Prince piittlstno"pe, 110. (a)MIIUr sntry ' BUtn race. $780 addad, Manlon Handicap, all ak-ss. 0 furtonsa-Pansuata. lMi BlactW, selUngr, jyrjjOMai c?.V 1U4: eWavaassu MTrniU fsvi! ffM Jj'Q4 Vjiyr rUtU, '"""-"W !. ft. aV" HtUasVsJHR u "IssW. stsa. -m t ' ? 'r w uowm. JRI J & If. 'AWeUle all THE ADVENTURES OF THE FEET IN PLAYING GOLF; JUST HOW TO MANAGE 'EM Expert Explains Exact Position of Body and Feet in Making Shot Most Effective Braid's Style of Addressing Ball By JOHN ALBERT SCOTT To assume tho position shown, place i lines as In the photograph, placo the feet In the position shown, standing perfectly straight, with the weight equally disposed on tho feot. Place tho club head back of tho ball, with the faco at right angles James Braid Addressing the Ball to the line of play, bending from the waist only; bend the head slightly for- QUAKER TRACK TEAM BEGINS PRACTICE SOON Coach Orton Will Take Up Work This Week Pros pects Good Coach George W. Orton, of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania track team(i an nounced today that practice for the cross-country team would begin the lat ter part of the week. The preliminary work will be divided between Franklin Field and Falrmount Park. Prospects are bright for a good team because the yuaKers lose only Peeso and Huston, of last year's team, which finished fifth In the Intercollegiate cham pionships. Peeso Is still In the University, but he has had trouble with his back, and unless It Improves shortly will not take up running again until spring. The other members of the Quaker team still In college are Captain Humphreys. Colton, Lleberman, Sweeney and Mc Mlchael. There are two men from last year's freshman team who promise to be varsity calibre. They are McComb, the former Central High School runner, and Mitchell, of the Northeast High School team. Boys' Club Swimmers Meet The Fenn awlmmsra of the Oermantown Boys' Club Junior league won the champion hlD meet last night with 61 potnts. The Cornell youngsters scored 12 poults and Dart- moutu . uuiui,""," 26-yard awlm Won by Seller, Pennj second. Firestone, Pann; tnira, uoyer, fenn; fourth, Sylvester, Dartmouth. Time. 15 1-5. 25-yard midget awlm Won by Smith, Penn; aecond. Ilonidon, Cornell; tniril, Pnllllpa, Cor- i.ll 'rims. 2U 1-DJI. Fancy diving. Juniors Won by Balnea. Pann; second, Uoyer, Penn; third, Flrtatona, Paun; fourth, "111. rann, Plunge far distance Won by Broua, Penn; lecond, Boyjr. Penn; third. Seller, Penn; ourth, Spencer, Penn. Dlatance. 34 ft 9 In. second, 25-yard awlm on back Won by Ilanlon, nail; cond, Bmlth, Penn; third, Naylon, Cor-Cor- nell. Time. s a-vs. 60-yard awlm Won by Halter, Perm; second, Firestone. Pann; third, Uoyer, Penn; fourth, Sylvester, Dartmouth. Time, S3 4-G. 100-yard Junior relay won by Penn. Time, 68 8-6. Revoke and Sullivan Draw SHENANDOAH, Sept. 21.-Eddl n.volra. of J FnuaqeipuMi vm . w. buiuv,.. ui mi cur, taught a faat 10-round draw here. Sullivan w the aggreasor during the early rounds, but Itevolra came back strong In the last two eesalona and evened matters. Kid iroad atop wd Bull Chernlakle In the sixth round, and Young Uahoney, of Haileton. and Battling Wills, et Maha-oy CHyr wastt s . Ut to a v- fr v. f-W IsmssVB ARABELLA CINCH s t-mXTiv Anifv ward of the angle of Inclination of the body (this will crevent stiffness of t?in neck and assist In keeping tho head still during the BWlng). relax the knees slightly, but do not stoop pr crouch. Tho weight Is not allowed to go forward onto the forepart of the feet, but Is kept evenly on them. Tho arms are not held stiffly, but slightly relaxed! at the elbows; no stiff ness or restraint must be felt In any part of tho body; all must be supple and ready to respond to every motion made In swing ing the club. Do not try to get the weight onto the right foot or tho left. Let them carry tho weight ns It will naturally adjust Itself. You will then find yourself In the position Illustrated, with the right shoul der lower than the left, due to tho rlgtit nam being hjwer on the shaft than th6 left, just so much and no more. There will be no effort to get the right shoulder down, nor will there be any crouching. Everything will bo natural and easy, as Is every part of the golf Blroke, as I have analyzed It It Is the very naturalness of the way these men approach the matter which gives them their ability to apply power to the stroke and do everything In Its natural order, without conscious effort automatically, so far as the body Is con cerned. Tho hands will be slightly to the left of the centre of the body, to allow the face of the club to be held at right angles to the line of play. There Is sound reason, In fact two principal reasons, for placing the feet In this position and not square to the line across the feet, with both toes touching It and with the ball midway between. First, It minimizes the necessary de parture of tho club head from the line of flight In going back and around the body, but more especially. It Induces, In fact starts, tho "body twist" without which very little power can bo put Into the stroke. All the great players Insist on this twlBt of the body, lay great stress on It, and say the player "must do It" (Copyright, by John Albert Scott) BIG FOOTBALL TEAMS IN HARD SCRIMMAGE Yale, Harvard, Princeton and Michigan Go Through Stren uous Workouts NEW HAVEN Tale football players got their first taste of real Bcrltnmage late yesterday when Coach Hlnkey lined up two teams and ran them through their paces. Legore, last season's veteran, was on the second team. Captain Alex Wilson played right half. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Harvard's first eleven had little trouble tn scoring on the scrub yesterday. "NVIggln, last year's freshman, was at centre and the team ran smoothly. More scrimmage Is sched uled for today. PniNCETON, N. J.-Coach "Speedy" Hush was confronted today with the task of building up a Princeton line. The second team had little trouble In going througk It for gains In yesterday's scrim mage. ANN AltBOR. Mich. More than a score of football candidates reported to Coach Yost at 10 o'clock today for the llrst training session of the season. Some of them were out tn togs on Ferry Field yesterday conditioning, but today's was the first real drill. Five stars of Michigan squads of former years are on band to aid Yost ASTOR CUP RACE SATURDAY Twenty-eight Cars to Start in 860 mile Auto Contest NEW YOnK, Sopt a. Twenty-eight cars, piloted by such drivers as Barney Oldfleld, Ralph Do Palma, Darlo nesta. Bob Ilurmnn, Howard Wilcox, Oil An derson, Karl Cooper, Johnny Aitken and Ralph Multord, will faco the starter's gun in the 350-mlle Astor Cup race at Sheepshead Bay October 2. Nine foreign cara are among tho entries. Pam-Ic Tenuis Eh4 Saturday GLEN RIDUB. N. J., Sept. IX-The final match In the Paasato Valley Tennis League 'will be played on the Glen Jtldge courts next Saturday between the Forest Hill CfMsj s4 Olsfi Kid Tenuis C1M. jy' ,. AtSA '' U- Sftfy'ifoam --. BOXER CROUSE VICTOR OVER FIGHTER GRANDE Mealy Whips Hcaly in Best Bout on Olympia Program. O'Brien Shows Finely That a clever flstlcufflan has the edge on a pugilist who depends on his punch again was demonstrated when handsome nucko Crouse, of Pittsburgh, displayed his better ability In the ring In combat with Chnrley Grando In tho final at tho Olympia A. A. last night At the conclu sion of six sizzling sessions the lead accumulated by the .Smoketown scrapper was In evidence with the least doubt Boxer Crouso left Jabbed and left hooked Fighter Grande with beautiful precision from the opening gong until the llnlsh of the set-to. His short punches beat Grande's roundhouse wallops inces santly. However, Vallojo Charlcy'B ag gressiveness could not be denied and he scored some corking punches to the body. Grande weighed 170 pounds, while his Pittsburgh foe tipped tho beam nine pounds less. Sammy Trlnckle, 153, and It O. Lough Un, 150, aggravated tho spectators with one of tho most farcical frays seen here for some time, with the former a winner by a slight margin. No real action was displayed until the final frame, when Trlnckle got busy and opened a cut over Iioughlln's left eye. Then, when the crowd saw blood, they stopped hooting and booing and applauded. Tho bent battle of tho night a real bat tle, ton was between Johnny .Mealy, 126, and Patsy Healy, 130. Mealy was a win ner because of his ability to connect with more nnd harder punches. It was a give and tako affair from tho start Young Jack O'Brien, 145, gave a corking exhibition of boxing when ho put up one of the best fights of his career in this city by walloping the everlasting day lights out of Johnny Duffy, 147. O'Brien worked like a well-oiled machine. Jab bing, hooking and right-crossing like a genius. In the opening number Alex Costlca, 147, had little trouble beating Joo Phclan, 151. YANKS GET NEW PLAYERS Southern and Western Recruits Join Donovan's Band to NEW YORK, Sept. 21. Secretary Harry Sparrow, of the Yankees, announced last night the names of some of the players the club had obtained In the draft at Cincinnati last week. The .promising talent Includes Blood gett, a left-handed pitcher from Omaha; Ross, another left-hander from Chatta nooga; Cable, an Inflelder from Bradford, Pa., and Shocker, a pitcher, from the Ottawa club of the Canadian League. Secretary Sparrow also announced that the rumor that the Yankees had drawn 'Ping Bodle from San Francisco was a base exaggeration, lioaie was once with the White Sox and was sent back to the coast. The Yankees did not sign White man, tho outfielder from Montreal. Whltey wbb once with tho Yanks and was released. HAVRE DE GRACE ENTRIES FOR MEETING TOMORROW First race, for 3-year-olds and up, selling, 0 furlongs Sir William Johnson, 107; Six Qlno. Oil True as Steel, 1W ; Humiliation, 06, Canto, 101; lien quince, lot; Evelyn C. 01; Colonel Aahmeade, 101, The Masquerader, OUs Nau ahon, 107; Kthan Allen. 06, Isidore, 102; Urapesbot, 110; Yodellng, 107; 'Devil Flah, 01; Pullux, OS; Armament 101, Second race, for 3-year-olds and up, selling, 8 furlongs-Chesterton, 110; 'Water Welles, 102; Athena, 102, Mlas Clara, 102, Bermudlan, 112; Harry Junior. 102, Carlaverock, 101 J Beverly James. 87; Lily Orme, 107: Hiker. 107; Ethan Allen. 101. Devil Flah, 107; Mary Warren. 107; Qarl, 112; 'Laura, 107; Early Morn, 11B. Third taca, 2-year-old fillies and geldings. aelllng, 0 lurlonga 'Ueaaiien. 10Z; Flagday, 1011 Mary Ulackwood, 1U3; Stella Ulna. 109; Doctor Uremer, iuz, nolle of the Kitchen, 103: Little Alta, 107, Smllax. 100, Bob lied, field. 100; Jane Stralth. 10D; Itutb Strick land, 102; School for Scandal, 101; Important, 107; Mlas Pbllbln. 105: Malfou, 103; Edna Kenna, 111; Havana, 103. b Fourth race, for i-year-olda. the Royal Blue Handicap, mile and TO yards The Finn; 129; Iron Duke, 106. Distant Shore, 08; Lady jeresa, in, ubgii ufau, vi, iruss, AlU. Fifth race. 2-year-olda, SV furlongs Cantara, 112; Virginia M.. 100: Bevllllan. 100; Vermont, !0; Folds. 112: Alfadlr, 100; Qavour, iw, 7ra jtocKUKie, , eurv. i. Sixth race, for S-year-olda and up. selling, 'IS OS. lutn in a. True. 103: Tln rinln IUZ; page wnus, vs. -uoionei Aaiuneade, 00; k. n, an.i . , Z' Dobinetta, luu -iiumiuaiion, vv: stars and fitrlpea, IMi 'Athena, 100 'Carlton O.. 103; yai. ua; Kris Krlngl 113: Guy FUher. Ill; Cotton Top, OB, wj ovuaaa. AODrentlc allowance claimed, Weather cloudy and track muddy. RACES TODAY AT HAVRE DE GRACE. Six Raeas Dally Includli x Raeas Dally Including a Maleelaa). Special TnlMt rwas. K. )LIn 1U M. - . Save IHh wTnit C VhU B. SB. AUIV r-., P( A.D.CHANDLE1HAS87 IN SENIOR GOLFDW EVENT AT APAWIMB 1 Rain-Soaked Courts Made Vwy Low Scores a Difllcult Task. T"i.iVlrJr TT xfuuuiuuu; una ' ' an oo v HOTCHKISS IS HAP FT e ItTE, N. T., Sept. a, "This clckneaW doth Infect tho 'very ltfo blood of our en tcrprlse," quoted a golfer as he stood in the porch at the Apawamls Club truing sadly over the rain-soaked links where the Uth annual tournament of tho sen iors was begun. Tho venerable Horace L. Hotchklea, who smilingly confesses to 74 summers, and the founder of the tournament, started promptly at 10 o'clock, his sched sched- a j is at 10 OT 1 M v- IT 8 "J 21 M I H 18 8T 1 12 ra A uled time In company with the Itev. Dr. J. McBrldo starrett. Summaries: a B. Woodward, Deal lis Horace L. Hotchklaa. Apawamls.. 100 ltev. Dr. J. McUrlde Starrett, Chevy Chaao 126 B. N. Doubleday, Apawamla....,.10a W. C. Cushman, Upper Montclalr.,111 II. K. French. Jlrooklawn,. ..... .101 C. II. Porter, New Haven 101 Judge John Hlldreth. Mount Tom.. 122 Ilnv. Dr. B. P. Johnson. New Brunswick ..110 fVnator Charles Cooper, Oakland.. 102 John McOoey. Wykagyl .....118 A. D. Chandler, Baltuarol 103 Hollo Ogden, Baltuarol 81 MISS SARAH MEYERS WINS TENNIS MATCH Continued from Page One Evans, Jr., Merlon. This team looms up as the probable winner, although their progress to tho final will be disputed .t by Kenneth and Miss Agnes Kennedy. .j,'l Tlio.nll nrwl Mia. Mnllla Thnvar .Tsrtr V" Dlsston and Miss Sarah Myers and ""v J Brooke Edwards and Mlas Edith Hunk. , Tho sisters, Sarah and Margaretta Myers; Miss Dorothy Dlsston and Miss Helen Alexander. Miss Molllo Thayer nnd Miss. Susanno White and Miss Cun-j-ih nlngham'and Mrs. F. M. Felton are the . , ladles' doubles VMms that will bear ', u.l.hlnir rtf"! The summaries: T.impai TVlTTTIT-tTO K-1-.f Tinting J"f Mrs. C. W. T. Newhall and Miss O, Osthet- ntHm! mer defeated Mlas I Crawrord and Hiss u. .. Hcnttorirnnd J R-O. " Mlsaea Sarah a'nd Margaretta Myers defeated Mlaa M. 8, Boberts and Mlsa M. Tatterafleld, 0-0. 7-5. Miss Edith Beath and Miss Agnea Kennedy defeated Mlas lola Seeds and Mlas Francis Stoughton, 6-0, 0-2. BRIDESBURG SEEKS GAME Team Has Pitcher "With 223 Strike-'"'"1 outs in 17 Games Tho Brldesburg B. B. C, of the North east Philadelphia League, would like to arrange a game for September 28 with any flrst-claBs home club offering fair In ducements. Brldesburg had the star pitch- ni ft tlia laDmitt In Tftrrttnte Vais Vi kat. -a. a,aa avnuv as awiiiiu wish, J- ) a lnrs 4 Visa ln 11 a t IrA.nitt assw1 nn A In 17 games he struck out 223 men, maklnc ")' an average of 13 per game. Any one wish- '(( ' lng to arrange a game address Wlllam qj umr, i&M urisioi street, nriQCSDurg, rr Bell phone Frankford 665 after 8 o'clock. LOUISVILLE ENTRIES FOR TOMORROW'S MEET First race, allowances, 2-year-olds, BW fur- longa The Carmel, Countess Wllmot, veldt, tiM Dernlnl, Shine, 107; Jasper. Huffaker, 110. i Hccona race, ncinng, ,1-year-olds, O rurlongs I Alkanet. 100: Mlaa Fannie, Margaret Budkley, Mj OflmorM IT.. lOS. Tvn. ljtAv. .T,n fjtv Aitnt " nclllng, ,1-year-olds, 0 furlongs Josle, Grecian. IDS; Ullly Joe, 112; Third race, allowances. 3-year-otda and ud! 3 rurionga conning -lower, jsa. Howard, for fair, aui; unanier, in. Fourth race, handicap. 3-year-olda and up. 1 mile and 70 yards Rlngllng. 102; Dr. Larrtck. 103; Lady Rotha, 100; Dr. Samuel, 108; Prince Hermit, 112. Fifth race, selling, 3-year-olds and up, 1 mile and 70 yards Ken, September Morn, 98; Birka, Fltigerald. Chllla. Transport; Con soler. Stanley S.. Fellowman. 108. Sixth race, selling, 3-year-olds and-up, 1 1-18 X 5 miles McAaoo, 103: nrat Degree, 100; Little String, Beulah S 107. Seventh race, aelllng. 3-year-olda and tip, X M 'i mile ana ,u yarns Aiaiaoar, vvaterproor, jt bH; Qroavenor. Jeaale Loulae, '..i. ountcrpan, r lying feet, lira. Apprentice allowance claimed. Over the hills and far away Atlantic Gas shoots you over hill and dale, on "high" or "low," as easy and smooth as a swallow flies. ATLANTIC GASOLINE makes an engine per form right in any weather. It's there with a sharp, clwua. explosion for evary spark. It gives you a quicker start and more miles. A uniform "boiling point" assures you that every gallon , is exactly alike, which saves you f requentcr buretor adjustments. Good star it, AtlantictnusksABsl k soV Hvarauy9iuUtr,srwher. AU-Uc lfWriM th 1nratTi rajsT luhricen kui til asjaMi auakaep toajr TUC ATLANTIC &jeriic co. Boly HllT, "ft1 )g-f- 1 e 3 1Mi ' t n Miril i5 fti "? i 1M1 i-5l 1'ff" tnr wi . .' ofK- vfi 4 '' I IfJTlN' 't'tt Vi ts.m v,j-i -- , ' , .?! r &i 1l - - F