i final ituenma VOL. U-NO. 7 fbiox onjb oirt PHILADELPniA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1015. Corrsionr, 10iS, i ins rciua Ltsau CoMMsr. PHILS BEAT CARDS IN FIRST; TIGERS LEAD IN WEIRD GAME FRENCH FORCE MARNE CANAL; THREATEN FOE Gain Foothold on East Bank of Position Long Held by Germans tEPULSE ALL ATTACKS PAlUS. Sept. 21. 'French troops have at Jut succeeded in crossing the Marne Canal, the waterway between the Alana and Marne Rivers, where the Germans have held grimly to their positions since the famous retreat from the Marne. Today's official com munique from the War plrlco states that the French soldiers have Rained a foot bold on the right bank of the canal. Tom this position. If they are able to maintain It, the French troops wllf be able to threaten the German lines run ning through Berry-au-Bac and to the north of Rhelms. The text of tho communique follows: "Last night saw a bombardment con ducted by both sides and violent at times to the north of Arras, to the cast of Koulette and Lorette and in the sector of Neuyllle. Our batteries directed showers of shells In an efficacious manner upon the enemy's positions. 'Before Bevralgncs, to the south of Itoye, there was sharp rifle firing, accom panied by an artillery duel and lighting from trench to trench with grenades and bombs. "On the canal between tho Alsne and the Marne we grained a foothold on the right bank. "On both a des of the post of Saptgneil the enemy made fruitless counter-attacks and was forced to fall back, leaving on the field a scoro of bodies and a large supply of grenades. 'In Champagne the Germany artillery directed unsuccessful attacks on Mour rnelon, a cannonade to which energetlo response was made. The night was calm In the, Argonne. "An efficacious cannonade was directed upon the German works In Ihe- Bols Haut. on the heights of the Meuso'and on jtfjjt norraln-ifreatwhtro-wi--di9pcrsed' groups of workers at several points and provision trains. "In th Voskos 'appreciable progress is reportr-d In the- trenches at Hartroanns wellerkopf as a resuit of using" grenades. "One of our dirigibles bombarded last Continued en Tata Four, Column Two MRS.VANDERBECK'S92 IS BEST GOLF SCORE IN BERTHELLYN TEST National Champion Shows Fine Form in Championship Play at Noble Miss Chandler Returns a 96 .MRS BARLOW GETS 97 NOBLE. Pa., Sept. 21.-As usual, the annual contest for the Berthellyn Cup for women was ushered in here today with a vry heavy downpour of rain. Fortunately, however, it cleared off be fore yery many of the contestants had started on their Journay, However, the course'was rendered very heavy and there was practically no run to the ball. Mrs. Clarence H. Vander beek. the national champion, again proved that she is playing better golf this sea son than at any time during her career by securing low score with a 92. This Fas a decidedly good score con sidering the conditions prevailing, and but for a poor llnlah she would have been considerably under DO. Going out the champion took 48 strokes and coming in she played magnificent golf to the ltth hole. Here st)e took a 7, but on the next hole she found lots of trouble and blew In an 8. Finishing up wfth a 6, she took U Strokes for the last nine holes, a re markable score. Her card was: Put ... 4 6 7 fi 5 5 7 f-U 1 .... .. 4 4 4 5 4 3 7 S S-U-92 Miss Eleanor T Chandler, of the home club,, did exceptionally well with a 88, SI going out and 45 coming' in Mrs Ronald H, Barlow, of Merlon, came next with a Coevtlaard a rage Eleven, Column Three! Bit PbbU IJuy Mg Machine ShH 'WILMINGTON, Del., Sept. 21-Ofllcers the du Pont Powder Company- this aft' fnoon confirmed the story that the com pany bad purchased the big machine planl, ( the J. Morton Ppole Company at the to of Orange street, The company eased the plant .several months ago and hN been operaMttg, It with a large force of ' nJj''kt' ilt probably wljl en,lree the Tjjt KwwlngtwUn Says: Kichartt Powme. of tug Wat ami, teat &! oUtAl Matt Yark HH M y V night tatth a grean tattsrwySM fcit stavkearrf antW a ratf pm a jU prt . IHek'aaa that tn aa tsar, , M fhatm e ait (ha H4 -start Kfnftmi, and hit Mm U U Mct (As gftt pewfrfs ( ffarthaaat yafcief a tntmur ntitl (AtmiM Ms fcrfc street tawar. C TJf g IffHATHiy Sfr F0BBCA8T , for rhUdlfki mT Fntr tfetsyfct umd WlimW Hif. fratk watt mmfr. THREE LEADING LIGHTS IN BERTHELLYN GOLF TOURNEY - IBrf 4 sssssHsssssssssssV !v stfisssssssV' yislSLl 3 I VsssssssssssssHssssssss AkiJEI!"WTn MT 'riumP. W-l M? s&rAtf M.U&G- RUSSIAN ARMY ESCAPES TEUTON TRAP AT VILNA Rear Guard Hplds Railway Line to Lida German Attacks Repulsed LEOPOLD MEETS CHECK PETROGRAD, Sept. 21, The Vllna army, under command of General Evert, has escaped from the en veloping movement of the German armies, a dispatch received from army headquar ters this afternoon states that the re treat of the Russhlan troops Is now proceeding- under normal and favorable con ditions. "The situation of the Vllna forces Is good, thanks to the heroism of the rear guard, which obstinately defended the Vllna-Llda railway," sMa the dlrpatch. 'This railway was ke.pt perfectly free of the enemS and the retreat Is going on urer.,Mr,,a,rvdiistorjkbJ.i4,corjr-(. anions. "The Russians repulsed the Germans trying to cross the Vllna-Mlnsk and 811-letoe-Llda,; -railways, steadfastly holding their ground despite hey 'losses and withstanding terrific assaults. "The Germans seem convinced that the effort to encircle the Russians has failed and are hastening their efforts south ward, trying to cut the Baranovltscho Minsk railway. This effort was up3et by a defeat administered to Prince LeopclJ'i troops south pf Slonlm, part of his forces being captilrcd. fc Great German siege guns are now bat tering away at tho fortifications of Dvinsk, the great Russian fortress on the Dvlna River. After desperate resistance by the Rus sians west of the Dvina, the troops of Field Marshal von Illndenburg have suc ceeded In bringing up their 18-lnch can non. A terrflc bombardment Is now In progress. German aeroplanes are flying over Dvinsk, dropping bombs upon the Rus sian batteries and directing the siege of the Teuton guns According to the latest reports, several (Ires have been started in Dvinsk. Before the bombardment opened the great mass of the civil population had left the city In response to warnings by the Russian military authorities. It was admitted at the WarOffice today Continued on Face Two, Column Five MISS SARAH MEYERS VICTOR IN RACQUET MATCH AT MANHEM Winner Advances to Third Round in Women's Dis trict Championships Today SCORES WERE 5-7, 6-4, 6-2 MAWIEIM", ra., Sept. a.-lAdles' doubles, mixed doubles and consolation singles were the main events decided to day In the women's Philadelphia, and Dis trict lawn tennis championship tourna ment s,t the Germantown Cricket Club. Such excellent progress was made In the singles yesterday that the matches in the third round fpr the crown now worn by Miss Marlon Creswell Philadelphia Cricket Cluu, will be held over until to morrow. In the one-singles match decided tor day? Miss Sarah Myers, of Merlon, the Philadelphia and. djstrlct Junior cham pion, reached the third round,' in which she will meet Miss Sarah Jfe. IUoii, of Cer msntowp, by defeating Mrs. l. H, mHh, Merfsn. The scores were 6-7, 8-4, 8-2. 1 There are a number of strong teams entered fori the, ladles'' deuWes and the mtx'ed doubW tlflsi The ptale halves of the tmxed doubles teams are havUlf the time, of their llyes aMernat. iug between here and the rhl4lfMa 5rtkH 0t,iwhre the lUrelttfa teurr names is prepress, Meet of m are entered H that event, and are due t dy tbr ty, m wM as hre. C(M AM OMwiwiesssM. Leogweed Cftfltrt Ctv. lstn. ,tevrU for the sswrtes t(tlet U pvrfawM by Allan CmHiil w Ye Missy, yejunm Betest WUwUgW. CUcf gfcuw JUiM W4UW1KOTOK, Del, et. t-Ale- oUr . Tartsjr, hW trf tas BualoMHiur Department f WlissuurMKi, rasigned bis -m-, today It ta understood ha will .mmft mm..-- m i .v f&&.Ji . ks1 $!?. ,s?' ssiiii i i i m rMi 1 1 1 k jBR BsHssP sjK-.J I'"- iBH y. w v,i w - Mrs. William S, Hilles, Wilmington; Mrs. Frank H. Elder, Overbrook, and Miss Ellen G. Hood, Philadelphia Cricket Club, pictured above, are among: tho 70 contestants In tho tournament for the Berthellyn Cup at tho Huntingdon Valley Country Club this vVeek. Tho event began today with tho usual 18-holo qualifying round. This is the first local tournament of the fall season for fair golfers, who have remained inactive since early in the qummqr. wrrwiriJtTviiW NEW RECORD SET IN SPITE OF RAIN Germantown, Home of Pot ter and Porter, Flocks to Primary HEAVY IN VARE WARDS ELECTION DAY DEVELOPSIENTS An unasunlly heavy vote Is belns cast In all parts of the city, despite the threatening weather. Porter and Potter ore pollinir an un expectedly henry vote on the Ilepnb. llean ticket. Vare and SIcNIchol factions are at each other's throats In n hitter fight over nomination for Orphans' Court Juice. Varrs are backing McCurdy, SIcNIchol follower, and McNIchoI Is supporting Judge Morris Dallett, the Incumbent. . . Varrs are defeating; McNIchoI faction In smaller ward lights over nomina tions for minor offices. Scores of complaints of frauds at the polls nre pouring; Into the offices of the police and of the Committee of Seventy. Iteports from the various wards, .nade at intervals this morning and this after noon, showed that, In spite of the rain in the early hours, an unsually large vote was being cast in the primary election today. The Indications that the vote would exceed tho records of primaries of Continued on Pass Two, Column Fire BULGARIA MOBILIZES; RUMANIA TO FOLLOW Servia Reported Invaded by Bulgarp Conaula Here Call Citizens to Colors "IJEnUJf, Bept 21.nulgarla's army Is mobilised, according to a dispatch front Sons, All railroad lines have been taken over by the War Office for the transpor tation of troops, i A dispatch from Salonika says an un confirmed remrt.has been received there that a Bulartn army has Invaded gervla. The message does not give the source oc the report Xo connrmatlon is obtainable, 4 WASHINPTOJf. ,& a.-.Bulria has ordered mobilisation. This announce, ment as'made h this aftetnion, based on a mewa received yesterday by Minister Faiwmc-ftr frein Hularla. The reason IflVes; hi "In the Interest at armed neutraHty." It, is generally bettered here that fcul- ".&." i"0 w"1 rtly Wiowed by moWltaationJn all the Balkan countries. AH Rulgarl in the Uneud mates have been "ll4 erf th mobilisation c-rkr threush Bulgarian eemeuss ad will oln the colors Immediately, Bulgaria mobi lisation, Jt waa admUl., saay hav been foreed by ruaior at ImumLi. nnkiu... at Ion. Mobiltaatmo throiumout the BJ- k;iT -"Jr,.n,T0ll.lti.W bans wiM aot be un,r!slng, tae ;lhi aid. PBBBBBBr IsSSSSSSSSSsVSSSSSSSSSSSSsHsSrW V, , uJ zjzMNn imfriW mmrmi7m't'lvs'n,'''''M-"" SMITH, BROMLEY' LIKELY WINNERS All Indications Favor Their Nominations for Mayor in Primary Fight BIG VOTE COMING LATE Judging by ,he vote cast during the morning and the early hours of the after noon, there Is every Indication that the mayoralty nominees will be: nepubllcnn Thomas II. Smith. Washington George D. Porter. Democratic B. Gordon B rentier. Keystone James E. Gorman, Director Porter Is polling a much heavier vote than his opponent for the Washing-! ton party nomination. Colonel Sheldon Potter, in all parts of the city. Both Por ter and Potter are receiving an unexpect edly heavy vote on the Republican ticket DECI8IVB VOTE LATE. The Republican Organization leaders are anxiously waiting to see the size of the ote cast between 1 and 1 o'clock this evening. Upon that vote, they figure, will depend Smith's chances for election in November. They expect a large part of jthe Independent vote to be cast between those hours, and should Porter receive one-third of the total vote cast for the Republican ticket, they will fear for Smith's chances at the general election. Chief Interest in the primary election today centres around the nomination of party candidates for Mayor, regardless of the many ward contests that are di verting attention In all parts of the city. The vast amount of contracts for publlo Improvements that are to be awarded during the (enure of the next administra tion makes the selection of the next Mayor of Philadelphia of paramount im portance to the citizens, and every party is bending every effort today to bring out an enormous vote for Its candidates. Colonel Sheldon Potter, who is opposing Director of Publlo Safety George p. Por ter for the Independent' nomination, and Thomas II. rlmlth, thw Organization "harmony" candidate, closed their prim ary campaigns last night with last hour appeals to the1 voters. CLAY ASKS DEMUUUEtt IN BILL OF EQUITY Attorneys for Former Director Take Action in Case Henry Clay, former Director of Public Safety, was again brought Into promi nence today when his lawyers argued in favor of a demurrer to the bill In equity filed by the municipality for the recovery of tM,W9, de?lared to have been charged In excess against the city for the erec tion and Improvement of public bujldjngs, The demurrer was Hied by Joseph, Oil Allan, forever heil, and Congressman Oeorge Graham, attorneys for Clay, as well as John t, Wlwtln and W( Ward II. Walls, members of the firm of John K. Wiggins Co., ws lUured la the crkmU nal trial fcn vJMeti Clay was recently ack quitted Assistant City Solicitor .Lansi J represented the jsMsRlclnalHr ' in 4ays PHILS WALLOP CARDINALS, 8-3, IN FIRST BAHLE Heavy Artillery of Moran's Brigade Batter Doak and Boardman at Will BANCROFT HITS 1000 P. C. PHILLIES. AD R. H O. A. E. Stock, 3b 4 10 3 2 0 Rnncroft. ss 2 1 2 : 2 0 Taskert, of i 0 .' 1 0. 0 Cravath, rf 3 2 2 3 10 Ltidems. lb 4 1 2 It 1 1 Whltted. If 3 0 110 0 Nelhon. 2b 3 0 0 V I 0 liurns. o 5 0 2 3 0 0 McQuillan, p 4 1 1 0 & 0 Totals 34 8 1! 17 15 1 ST. LOUIS. All. R. H. O. A.B. Hugglns, 2b 3 1 3 2 3 0 Ilcscher, If 4 0 2 10 0 Petrel, 3b 4 0 12 10 Long, cf. 4 0 0 2 0 0 Gonzales, lb 4 0 1 13 0 0 Hyatt, rf 4 0 2 "2 0 0 Smdcr. c 5 1 13 2 0 Hornsby, ss 4 0 12 4 0 Doik, p , 10 0 0 2 0 Grlner 10 0 0 0 0 Boardman, p 2 110 10 Roach, c 0 0 0 0 0 o' tDolan 10 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 3 11 27 13 0 Batted for Doak In fourth. tBattd for Hugglns In ninth. ThrPA.hdBA rilraT.iij4kMls tlK4u(MiiH Two-base hlte Paskert, Hyatt. Sacrifices' rasxert. Long. Stolen bases Luderus. Bescher. Struck out By Doak, 2: Mc Quillan, 2; Boardman, 1. Base on balls Off Doak, 2; McQuillan, 2; Boardman. 4. Double plaj a Bancroft to Nlehoft to Lu derus. Batters ht Cravath, Betzel, Ban croft, Luderus. ROBINRON FIELD. St. Louis. Mo. Sept 21. The Phillies knocked Willie Doak out of the box in tho first four innings of tho opening game of -today's double header with the CardinaU., Board man, Whq relieved Doak, was a 'little moroenective, out thn , Ppiisrr'BJifnrtl,tB 1 George McQuillan did Ae nltehlntr for the League leaders, and while he was hit 11 times safely, onlv two runs were earned. Luderus' error in the second inning gave the Cards their first run. The other two came in the seventh on Board man's triple, and Hugglns' single, two passes and a sacrifice fly. The Phillies scored In the first round on Bancroft's single, Paskert's double, a pass and an infield out. Doak -weakened badly In tho third and allowed tho Phils to count three times, on a walk, Crav ath's single Luderus' triple and a squeeze play with Whltted at the bat. Four singles In the fourth inning gave the Phillies two more runs and Incidentally caused the retirement of Doak. Charley Boardman. who finished In the box; for St. Louis, Is the same big left Zander whom Connie Mack carried South In 191i. FIRST INNING. Stock fanned. Bancroft singled to right and then went to third on Paskert's double to right. Cravath was hit by a pitched ball, filling the bases. Luderus forced Cravath, Hornsby to Hugglns, Bancroft scoring, and Paskert moving on to third. Luderus stole second. Whltted walked, filling the bases. Nlehoft forced Centlnued eij Tage Eleven, Column One DETROIT SLUGGERS SCORE HEAVILY ON YOUTHFUL MACKS Athletics' Line-Up Shifted Con- stantly in Hit-and-Run Fest in Opening Game of Tigers' Series MANY PITCHERS PERFORM 8IIIBE3 PATtK, Sept 2L The first game this afternoon of the final series between the Athlotics and Detroit started off in a weird manner. After Detroit had scored three runs on two weak hits and by running wild on the bases, the Ath lttles came nack with three tallies with out making a single hit. Loudermilk walked a man, hit another, made a weird throw and fumbled., a grounder. It was a horrible exhibition of box1 work and he was hastily pulled from the mound after the first Innlpr. Mack also pulled Bush and Bressler took up the burden, FIM8T INNING. Bush walked. On the hit and run play. Vltt singled to centre. Bush taking third. Bush and Vltt -worked a double steal and Vltt took; third on Crane's muff of McAvoys throw. Vltt scored on wild pitch Cobb bunted eafeli. Cobb stole1 second. Cobb stole third. Malone, Continued on rage Meren, CelsmaTwe lost axs rouxp WHAT DID TOU LOBBt WHAT DID TOU VINDT All lost . articles. aJvrtl4 In.tk" Ledfrr will be lloird In a prmant !1U at Ldsr Ctnlml, where tt nir can locate tho owner at knr tlm. H you have found an article that has not bttn advarthwd at lost th Ladcer will also record your name and adJrt and artist In finding tha rkrhtful owner, who will b ulacad to touch with, you. T&u llkt all - scrvk st (der Central is fras. 4-M RBWAKO wt-; 'eBaWtfrrslaTS) leTeW m.. aM rteek jiweWL DETB0IT DEFEATii-ATHI.EIICS ATHT.ETICS r h o a 1 0 1 2 e 0 Sehatif , cf Stuink, r Smitten, If Etirau, 3l JC-InnlK, lb Orsmc, ss Malone, 2b MeAejr. g 0 1 1 2 0 0 2 11 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 Bush, p t Lapp, c 5 2(0 i 4 0 0 ,3'0 Lrjoisjj&b'. " KnawlMR, pv 0 2 5 C 27 17 TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORES DETROIT 3 1,030 "OOO 0-7 7 ATHLETICS 30000002 0-5 2 Iioudermilk and Stannge; Bush and McAvoy. PHILLIES. 1st g 1 032001 1 0-8121 ST. LOUIS 01 000020 0-311 O McQuillan and Burns; Doak, Boardman and Snyder. PHILLIES, 2d g 0 0 - ST. LOUIS O O Dcmaree and Burns; Meadows and Snyder. t , NATIONAL LEAGUE BOSTON 020100 0 CINCINNATI 2 0 0 0 0 0 O . Barnes and Whaling; Lear and Wingo. z BROOKLYN PITTSBURGH Postponed Cold Weather. HEW YORK, 1st go 3 1 1 O' O OrOO- 5 12 3 CHICAGO OlOOOJtOOS 4 1 Perrltt and Dooln; Vaughn and Bresnahan. NEW YORK, 2d g 2 1 CHICAGO 3 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago 0 0 0 10 00 0 0-1 7 ,ijsa--fr---s-H jcaoer ana ocaaii:; donnson I ST. xotjis, lstg00000000 0-0 S3 NEW YORK 00001200 s- 3 91 Koob and I-eary; Pieh and Nunamaker. 'ST. LOUIS, 2d- gf.'O O O O 4 1 O NEW YORK, O O 0 2 O O 1 2. Sims and .Agnew; Caldwell and Alexander CLEVELAND BOSTON Both" Games Postponed Kaln. FEDERAL LEAGUE s BUFFALO 1 OOOOOOO O 1 PITTSBURGH OOOIOOOI X 2 Bedlent and Blair; Allen and Berry, NEWARK, 1st B 000301 00 ,0- -4" 11 1 CHICAGO 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 x- 6'i6'0 Billiard and Hubn; Bailey and Wilson. - NEWARK, 2d g 0 0 0 CHICAGO 4 10 , BROOKLYN O O O O O' i ' KANSAS-CITY . O-4 O OvO ,. BALTIMORE 0 O O ST. LOUIS 1 0 O Qulnn and Owen; Watuou 3,000,000 BRITONS "UNDER ARMS, ASQUITH ANMOUsfCM , i' ' ' At i " LONDON,' Bepti 81. Premier ABqulth, announced la5 ?r-H.a-nf- today that, there .are 3000,000 menrunder arms in tk BMf army, not countingthQ contingents-fromCaaada, Australia, mmi A0m. ' " r " ' " ' - ' '- -' ' ' .w-dL V ; ; vnfs WASHIjraTW, Sept. 21. elon this afternoon .grn-ated a its orfler refua-ing- proposed rales in tew Western c)ettlcatao tsjttitafy, Vk September 96. k ee-mwo4iti rado and loath 9kU, pavrkUff Mbms MrffhMsfa, kA mmA proviJon la Hm Southwt r h e Hush, S3 Vitt, 3b Cobb, cf VeacU, If ' Crawford, rf Burns, lb Young, Sb Btanage, c Loudermilk, p Oldham, p 2 8 9 1 -2 ii I 1 1 3 3 0 0 2 -0 1 1 0 1 7 1 0 4 e 1 1 e o o 10 0 Totals 7 727 7 I ana Wllliam3. Q&3 7 'at 4, I O 1- -O 1 3b' and Eartley. y .-h KT . n?: ' -st ' - ImsswM OWMswtw poe-ssaNBs sMssji T&MmW inssi JUHttm ! sKweteal vr Hw ptoe frotn trrttury - DETROIT f 1 4T witk the 4u font Cus.ai . i OMr eaeijMlia ? U SsU M