Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 20, 1915, Final, Page 7, Image 7
EYENINQ EPgBBPHILADEIiPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1015. 7 FINANCIAL NEWS )REIGN EXCHANGE RATES ROSE UJN JKUUKESS MADE ON LOAN Report That Syndicate Will dandle Huge Issue Regarded as a victory for American Bankers. Sharp Gains in Specialties vj : NEW TOnK, Sept. 20. Favorable over-Sunday news regarding the progress .In made In the arranging of a huge loan for the Allies waa responsible for firmness in foreign market early today. Although there wne no vigorous upward nit m mies, wiy were .inner man at the close on Saturday, and the Uerlngs of bills were not as large. There waa very little actual business transacted. r As the day woro on mo inns lor exchange became larger and there were further recoveries In all quotations, demand sterling, for Instance, at one lime being up 8i cents from the final of Saturday. Brokers said that there Vos a very light supply 01 commercial bills over the week. That great progress has beon mads Is the geneal opinion throughout tho Street, although ofnctal Information Is still conspicuous by its absence. ne lsons to the effect that the proposed loan will be underwritten by h, syndicate of American bankers and financiers la regarded as a distinct victory for the American bankers who have been taking part In the negotiations, as tho commission MHcn is representing Great DrlTain and Franca had, (according te the reports current In the Street from time to time, been opposed to a syn dicate taking ever the distribution of tho bonds. Their principal objection, it has been pointed out, was that the commission acted would be ery large. This point apparently has been gotten around, and fjt is said that the payment of the syndlcnte.wlll not bo large. The amount heard Ma that It would prooaoiy do a half ot 1 per ecnt. Members of the syndicate will rtcehe the 5 per cent, on bonds at a discount sufficient to cover the cctual ex penses of floating the loan. The bonds will then be offered to Investors nt pa, the Interest to be payable In American dollars P Nothing definite can be learned as to the actual amount of the loan, and I estimates run an me way irom 600,ooo,ooo to 11,000,000,000, It Is also re ported tnaj mo luiuib" i uiiiMusBiuiii'iH nnvcj reuucea meir nret request, wnicn was for the larger nmount, to J800.000.000. Tho news from Washington that the Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve Doard, which meets there to ft morrow to consider the big loan, nnd which Is very much in favor of It, tended ,to show -which way the wind is blowing with regard to the progress being mde. The opinion was expressed in many quarters that the negotiations had rone1 much farther ahead than meagre reports would indicate, and thero were even those who ventured to say that probably only minor details still re- l malned to be agreed on. One of the biggest stumbling blocks In tho negotiations Is the desire of the i Anglo-French commissioners to have the stlpulatlonylnserted in the final agreement tnat tn0 money raised can either bo used for commodities, such 4 as grains and cotton, etc., or wnr materials. This some of the American bankers are at odds about, but It is thought that this obstacle can bo ocr 'come by the raising of separate funds to take care of this. War specialties were tho features In the stock market throughout the day, several making new high records, notably Willys-Overland, Studebaker nnd 1 General Motors. Advances ranged from one and two points to 17 points, the Utter being scored by Wlllys-Overland. Studebnker was up nround 12 points, as rs New York Air Brake. Thero was talk of new war orders, particularly for Air Brake. The opinion was expressed that with the conclusion of nego tiations for tho loan for the Allies a large amount of new orders would bo given out. Fewer Cars Stored in Shopf Pennsylvania Railroad There was a decrease of 4876, or 14 per cent., In the number of cars stored in the shops of tho Pennsylvania Railroad lines enst and west of Pittsburgh en September U according to figures given out today. The actual number of 'cars was 29,381, compared with 34,256 on April 1 of this year. At tho latest compilation there were no good order cars stored on either the eastern er the western lines, while on April 1 there were 19.247 on the lines enst and M.74J on the lines west. The 23,381 Bhop cara on the entire system on Sep tember 11 compares with a totul of 78,245 shop and good order cars on April 1, a decrease of 62 V4 per cent. New York Bond Sales imports ot Wheat Into irancc Larger in Last Year PfUnPft llltrlnr. ,la.a nnmmnnilnl a. ... .,ll.. .,.,- T... a a m j fc ........, u...... mo luu.iniiua, joai uiiuniK wjin July, imported OO.OHS.UUU , bushels of wheat, compared with B4,6O8,O0p bushels during the preoedlng year t f 1913-14. Thero were lmnnrtpr! this Rusnn fni nmmt nt v. n... innn l ----- ...-,----. - a.-. - .. w. aawwa.aa.av ... .,,W W.I..J O,0a,U,UUV bushels additional. The month of heaviest Importation was October last year, Lwhen 8,646,000 bushels were taken. The, current year's requirements for 1m- ff- an t tan. .a lina. ll..l.J ,, ,, a a I nnn ... a . . a a - . .u a.vc ucwi cnmimitu umciuuy at ui,uuu,uuu DUBneiS. More Gold on Its Way Here From London In view of the negotiations which are going on here to establish th large credit for trie Allies, tho Street received with Interest todav the nw from London that the Bank of England was shipping 356,000 ($1,780,000) in pverelgns to the United States. NEW YORK STOCK SALES .. Last close. High. Low. Close AhsUGolil Mine,.... 33U 33IS 3J 3351 Allls-ChjImersMfe.... 44 46i 43H 43 j Allis-Chalni M.Copf. 71W T2H 72 71! Am Ag Chemical eUi 63U 01 63 Am Beet Sus-ar ml', 07Ji fiBtf OOH Am Brake 8 & F.tr lt)3 10J 103 101 Am Brake 8 & K pf tr 178W 170 170 170 AmCaa bOJi (Vi QO'f tKHi AmCwpf 104X 105H 105 1MM An Car & Foundry.. 71 7111 70i 70K !". liIiT ' -,10H 1,6' w noH . vu j-jwjucu imk i63j laa -lsa an i.-oiion uu 6Uf 61K BIW am janreii 103M 103 101 Am II W 4 Leather... 8W !H, 9 Amilldt ALeat pf... 40 41W 4U4f AmLlnseedi so'i V)H 20 Am Unwed pf 384 35t 35 AmUcomotlYe 67 fi8U 67H An"lt 6)f 6H 0'i AmBmeltARef 81M 84W 82 Am Erne t & Ref pf . . , JOSH 107 107 Am Bmelten pf B 81 80 80 Am Steel IToundrles.,,. 59 fis 68 AmMWI 160K 160 160 Am Kl!!7.r liaflnlna mul ...nr wan f'Sf'.',?"1"111' PMMH 114J IWi U4K fiUf 103 0W 41K 20M 35 67H C! 84 107 80 69 150 100W i Am Tel i, Tel Amlttbaivo ! Am Tobacco pf ne w,. r Am Woolen . Am Wooles pf,.,,... VAsaooiada Copper ilah H aa B U AtesTfcBir'pf'"" anww loco .124 .228 408 . 47H 03H . 7Ui 103 08U 81 fUl tint 11 r i. nhu on V BilttaoreftOWopf... 711? t BeUltrn8tel 344 BeUiVeuea Bteel pf...,l80 t 10a 40K 44H 12H 3U( 31 VAi 32!( 82 8-15. 71 H 350 BwoklToRapTran,., si 84M "l Baperlor 60W 00 Cl rstraleom pf is 47 SSi'i".'!'1 IMJ m wet LeaUiM 43 4B5( y?" ixuar pi ,,.108 IMctfOOreat West,,. 12 CtkKo Ot West pf . 30K CkfcMO Ot West pf U . CM Mil & st 1'aul . . 85' i OOCiStL , ,.32 lWNMUue.1 ,.,, ,ja7 Coteldo JTut4 & I AMI m voiABoutbern , .... 28M !i85f "Cowtoclc Tunnel 10 15 JWau 128 128 r-I i, ? ioa ion Crucible Bteel CrlM Rti .1 vfi.?!!'"': nw aSISlIIIlSl tit list WfkurlUo,...., 25H HWcBlorlJtter7,. 73 H'""V 30't SSJJ' 61M J?." 40 - "H HMD , 41 rwrrtitactrlo nut i7j ESLh?" ., 2S?.. fSl!? Bf....,iiow now now iiH "Wt St MB Ea Ma ... ' ... J ...2 .... ... ...w.i J." .,wf' OJi 4t) 40l K'Ot .. 65J 89H 65 645 AJiKiti"." "VS., lSP" sn l-Jala a .' ' "' ,U, JU' 't .7!" v A'l VIA 1241 228 227X 227H 108 108 103 Am 48 48 04 03H 04 725 i 71 H 71 M 102U 1011$ 102M 08'f 08H 08U BOH 81M iUU 84H 71H 71M 345 345 160 160 841 644 eon lei 45H 155 48)f 100 40 44l( 12 31 31 85 32 W 127X 127 127H .iur .'o;. 21 6J 26J 11 J27 mt 17H S4H 60ii 21 48 155K 48)i 1(18 40 UH ViH 31H 31 HSU U!H 6ili mi 11 128 SOW IBl 85 . 81)f 85 . 03H 06H 031. ViH 108 107)i 108H 10C). 1I4. 110 114 114 OH OW 26! 23W 74 31K 52)f 30 40 Wi 25) j 22U 73H 31 fiUi 40 30 45M 0)4 25H 22Ji 74. 31)( filtf 40 30 47H Vuit Leblch Valley 145U 146 ixoso-wiles niscult. . . 20 ZM cIom. Klsh. Low. Clou. Lone Island. I outs & Nashville. . Manhattan El etd Maxwell Motors . , Max Motors 1st pf. Max Motor 2d pf May Dept Stores. Mexican Petroleum. Mexican I'etroleum pf M Bt ! 4 8 8 M.. Miami Copper Mo Kan A Texas... . 8)f Mo Kan & Texas pf... 14H Missouri raclflc 3.U Montana rover RR Montana Power Co pf.105 40H 49U 118H 110 .12; 127 46U COW ... 80)4 02). .. ma 40 37H 60 . . 85' 80 Pf. 87 80 110)4 120)4 lii via oa 16)4 58 105 .120V4 122W 82 27 80 . OH. .120 14)( 30W 07U 27K .11U 82)i 27W 89 00W 123 14' 167 05 32)4 OaX 28)4 111)4 .108M 108)4- . 70 77)t . 31W 32)( .109). 110 lieif 87!t 31! 102H 01 03)f 2H 0H Ti 145)4 145)4 23i 23V4 40H 40H 110 110 127X 127Ji: 46H MM 00 02)4 38W 40 45H 45). 85M 87 88 8AH 120 120H U7H 27M 6) 6)f 15)4 15W aH 3)4 67H 67H 105 105 122 122 Mi 82H B3 48H 100H UH 34 1C8)i (UM (SSH 12.) 123 14H UK 147K X67U 04)4 04H 32)4 32H 67). OS 27K 28 HI HI 108 108). 78 775f 32 32( 1O0X 100H now new ma 80i 32H 34)i 100 102 01 01 02W 02)4 2). 2) 40 40 211 31H 161 161)4 hOJf 83 82 81 45W 45! 100)1 100V4 H i 514 85 ew 0 T.w CI01N ?'H IH g'U 8M ioju tojj; 10214 S! SlS Sift m 2ag Js SSff KS MS WH MJi 2 100 100$ . 1 p.ya f-7 ran it'irt lu'ia w 8H .no t sat ffli TO llljog Amr Tl clt 4a ljw Amr Tel el 4Ha ,T0OO Armour CoHn 11WO Atchlmn AdJ ?., 1W0 AtchKon tr 4a 105J '12!!!! '."n Lo L'n it 4. .yopo Halt a Ohio H MS2 UMI .P.t aV 1000 ltrookn HD ft As 'U.iOO' JS?0 c'nt I.wthr t s, . W' lOOtA) cnt Ite Ut 4s ... .. BV Jw'O thill Cop U, . ,,,, Jl orrno Chea 1 Ohln .11. .101 40XOCht ot t .. . OH) 1 CM 11 A Q joint 4s,. 6V 00 fan it. ,,..,,,,, . MV 0o 4 ,,,,,, M OaX St P 4s,,..,,, l p,o ep OB..,.,,, 11 Col & flauth 1st .... rOOO Dal A Hud 4s 1010 ,100U 1001 JOUH ifefi " 4i.' !'S !H ?i SOX) do 4 ,,,.,, ,,,,,. 13 . T? litooo du ront Powd 4HS...10JH K30O0 i.ru eonv 4a 8tr A.,. 4 10000 do 4a Bar 11.... JjH I200D do prior 4a. ,,,.,... tltt 10UU qn Motor 0,.,, ,100)4 80000 nan 1SI.0 dab S lOlU 1000 Hud. Man rtd 6a ,.,. T 8004 do In 0a SS lluxiO lm Cop cv tla 1010 ,14 44vuu ,10 cr rti aa prat oa. 1000 lnterb Met 4Ua ,,,, nooo Intofb U T rat B ,, a.u inier jwor mr wwu interni 1'aptr ovuu japantaa ibi 1VOOU do Pa 100U Laka t 80UU da dnh 1(00 Loui A Nnh . IIO 2SOUQ Manhattan na 4 V) 1000 Mo J'.n en! a 1D1T -. ?0U 7VU 711V4 .2000 !o 81 IBJO ?3H ISM '?H ... pis v.iy iiy ,VJ IV IIHV 1U 17000 do 41 ,, 8Va M' HI coou on 4 Ha ht ?r ; IW0 NV City U 1B37 ....HI. l'"'U KJH 10i Bo 4a 10 0U nij m MHO do U 1PS I'4 IiMi lijll .... IOIU 1U1 1U1N 0J4 1(B 4ttf -mS. lto'i ltou Hll'I t-lt). 8 0'i 100 , f,W H TJ a : Ba ,, M $0H 9J ...fig .fe .a let 4Ua .. 7H Wl H HtfM 8a 11123.. 04 04 04 a 1W0 .,..,,., 8IH 8i 81 , 8hora .Ilia . Bit 81 81J4 Jb 4 1MI IKIH UOU Sjii Ki DO tie 74 imou do conn ua , IMS v.iy 2000 N Y C-il O col H... J OT JM000 do Oa ret. .7..... loll? lfaty 170W 170H 01 200 66) COW I tea Corn'n r Can IV. r htiui-TNT1'";' l HKT N J Sf HHOt tc,. kaaalPataor sttaaa Uanc,. t ouUrn vy w.- .... 38). 30 38)4 30 . . 20H 20W 20X SOU . . 741 74) 74 74) .107 lOO)? 106)4 100 W IWI HI HI HI 20 20W 20)i 20). 10)4 10) 10) 10W 35). 35W 85 35W 27 27J 27 27 69 mi 60) ( 60) ( 11W 11) 33 34 155 165 124W I24W 65W 65) mt 00 lew iow 60) 505 (MW 65W 70 70 120)4 140 64W MW 11W 11W 60 60) 02H 02W 7S s78 130W 130W WW 80) fed 88 100 100 22W Uii 2JW 23W 3H)i 30 62) 63W 105 105 7511 76W 1135 113J 62 62 103 103 68 eew 89 30 108 107W 63 02 118)4 1181 i4 aew 7 78 . 1M W 1M 210 108 106 MlO do 4 WOO do 4 2000 tin 4 100.1.. 101)3.. a Nov J03T lOOO N T ltwv adl Sa 050O0 N T Tel ftn -H 1000 Norf Wcit cvt 4Us 1IKHX) Nnr 1'ao prior 4a..,. 0000 do can .In 6000 Ore Khort I. 4a .... 2000 Ora Ily A N con 4s 14000 faelrta Tel 8i .. 1O0O 1'tnna, ov .T4i . . 7000 do (tn ct ,) . iv do en 4t.a,. . 10OO Fhibllo fiorv N J Ba.. 1000 nap Ir & S Be. . 1000 hock Iiland i 1000 do rfd 4a 01 lnooo do Sa .. .. . 48 mm st Paul M & it t W,i MOO Raaboard A I. adj Sa 1111. 8000 Routh I'ae 4s .. 80 10.1000 do lv 4 a . . HIV. 20000 do cv ret r p 5a iui tin) JO- 1 .io;h i 40S .no's sn( 02 88 NN 011)4 100 "IK .10214 , HIV OtlV iu 'i 102)4 tKIS 1'4 2000 dn rid 4l ... . 84 10O00 South Itwy sen 4a 02 1000 Aa can Aa 400O Texas Co cv Oa 101' noor) Third At a now 4a . 80 1,000 do adj 6s 70'i SSOOO U B Btel Ba 103W lftflOO Union Pac 1st 4a . Kltt 6000 do cv 4s . . . 80'i 80O0 dq rfd 4a 84U looo va. rtwv sa ... 02', 2000 Wabaah lit 8a .100 4000 do .'1 Sa .00 lOOO!. TL'tall pan rt . 4a.. It) noOO Wat Uec cv 6a .lOIVj 10)s 2000 do 8a , .. ..IUI iui 8H tMU iui OT 102 fint 80 tl 71H (iiS ll-tj: Wl't in si '4 on5 iSSvt so 70 102 0.1 Nl' 84'J 0215 100 IIO 1-1 555 011 80W S1U ll'.ltj 84 V4 iu-4 lii'ia 80 7n iccjy aijj sri, 81'4 ir'.'U 10(1 no 17 lnr.H 1IH 20SO00 et EUlUHlw ).U8V4 1174; 118)4 Total ealaa, tl.U0.0UO, compared with 13, 811,000 last Mnnd i LOANS AND DEPOSITS UP Former Advanced $1,256,000 nnd Lat ter $5,013,000 All Items In the weekly statement of the conditions of the members of tlt,e Philadelphia CleniinB House Association for the week ending today, with the ex ception ot circulation, showed an In crease over tho previous weeks. IndMd ual deposits leaped 13,013,000, while loans advanced Jl.IM.OOO. The surplus was 11,742,000 above last week. Detalle fol low: Bspt. 20, 11)13 4'l.,lt.l4 ! Loans Deposits (Ind.) Circulation Duo from banks. . Deposits ot banks... Ex. Clearing; House Kcserva held ... JUnarva required Surplus 374,721 000 11,100 IK IO rtJ.MOOOO IIU.009,000 13. 41V,, 000 I2S a.1,1 000 i,il two 87.10fl.000 Increase. $1,2111100 6,011.0(0 Jl.ooo 11,11.1,000 3,1102,000 1.112.1KJ0 2,2 Rl.OOIl 4x8 000 1.742 000 Surplus under old formi September 22 ion, sn.411 1.000. Be September 18, 1910, 111.77,000, September 2.1, 1U12. .1(0l00(: till, ta,ia,iw. beptemtar IP. Decrease. NEW YORK CURB MARKET National Biscuit Nat Cloak & Suit. . Nat Knamel 4 S ... 27 27W 27 27 sal Knaru & s pf ... 80 89 80 89 ixai Leaa Nasn 0 ft St L.... Nevada Coa Coo. . New York Air Brake,. 145 New York Central .... 04 NTClli Bt L N YNH H.. NY 0 & W.... Norf & Western. Northern raclflc. North American , raddclUU renn II It reoples das Chi 117 I'blladelphla Co 87 ntUburgn Coal 32) riitipurtr uoai pi,...,,ioo l'KUburch bteel pf,.., 00 Pressed bteel Car, 02 Quicksilver 21( lty Bteel 6p'f 40 Itay Con Copper 3D Jleadlnr ..161W 152 Heading- 1st rf 82W 82 l(eadlnK2d pf 83 itep iron a ateei...... 45W itep iron ft Bteel pr...ioo Hock Island Co H ltumely At. Co,..,.,.. t)W IlumelrM. Coof,,.,. 01 Seiboard Air Line 14)4 beatward Air Une pf . 33W bears Itoe & Co . ,,,151 bears Itoe & Co pf..,.124W 124 W Bloss-Stuf a & I Co.,, 55 65W Southern raclflc SOW 00)4 tJoutberoRr 165 10W bouthern Ry pf.. ...... 63 60) BtandardMlUlai 03) 03 W SUndard Mlllinrpf ... 70W 77W Studebaker Co,. ,,,..., 120V 141 Tenn Copper 55)( 67W Tesas & Pacific ,,.. 10W UH 'I bird Avenue 60W OOW Twin City IUpTr... . 02f B2)i Under Type... ....... .79s 78 Union Paclflo 131 131W Union 1'acUlo pf bOH 81W U B lnd Alconol BMW OOW U B Ind Alcohol pf.... OOW 1O0W U B Cast I 1' ice... . 22ft 22W United Kyi Invest .... 2J 23! United lty Invest pf,. 3S) 30 U S llublwr 621 51) U B Hubber 1st pf . .103 105 U Bbuel 76! 70) U B Bteel pf 1134 Hi United ClearMfrs . . 64W 54)4 United Cigar Mfrs pf-. 104 104 UUb Copper.. ... . OOW 07 Ve-Caro Chem 38H 39W Vt-Caro Obem pf .,, lot) 107W Va-lroa Coal t. 0 02 OJW West ii AM USW HOW Western Maryland 29) 294 Wesurn Union Tel.. -.77 7SW Wheel & Lake Krie.... 1) 1W Willy Overland (.103 210 Woolwottn V W CO...106K 100 Ctr.t par shara. . aarv) t divide. TotilV '. 038.700 vharcs, compare with J51.0WJ alurts Utt Monday, American Zlno Uraden . . t Urltlah'Am Tobacco do new ,,, Car Ulht Ooldfleld Cons Greene Cananea ... . Kennsi.ott ,Cop . . Lxhlsh Vel Coal Sales Uaama. Cop . . Nlplasln- Otta Kiev do pref ...,. niker-Heieman Submarine Sterling: Oum Tobacco Products . . United Clear Btcres ,, do praf ......... United Profit Friar new World Film Yukon Quid Did Asked . s b'u . IS . 51 .1.11 .. 1M4 :.: 7I1" .:: ... 40H 14li IS OH iii 40 85H 10.1 JP 04 50 . 07 110 ." Sh . 2i no lOi 121 2' J 2 MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH BTOCK8.- Jlm liutler ... Midway . Mlspah Kittnklon . Montana Northern Star Tonopah llslmont .. Tonopah Extension Tonopah Merger Tonopah Mlnlns ... Hescua Kula ...... IVcit Knd Did. Asked ....A. .78 ,15 20 .11 s 58 .81 Atlanta Illue Bull ... Booth ...,,,. liultdoir n. o. D Comb Kraetlon nua.u..lil 11 OOLDFIBt.D STOCKS. .20 ? 3 '. 01 , . . . i , , . .0-1 .......... .OT Dlamonfleld 11. O.. .,,., ,, .pd Daisy...,.. 01 Klorence , .43 Qoldnald Cons ..,,.,,..,. ,1.30 Ooldfleld Merger .) Jumbo Ktnlon ..,, 1.88 Kewanns ,a Oro ..) .j.... ..!.,.. 07 Bandstorm Kendall , .11 Silver Pick ... 07 U18CKI.LANEOUB Fairy Aateo .,,, ,..,., ,.,...,. Klmberly. . Nevada iiui ..........,..., KU .17 M :u .U "i 5 .61 .10 111 ' ' FOREIGN EXCHANGE Sterllns; Opt. lllsh Cloe. dole. Demand . 4.09V4 4 71', 4.70 4 B74 Cahtra 4.09', 4.71 4.7 1H .SM tVanra Demand . , 8 82 (I 82 8.88 R 8tV Cable 8.82 S 81 8.78 8 BIVs Marks Demand . 81V4 83 H 83V4 MV4 Cable 83 H 81V4 83) 81Vi . . GRAINS UNCHANGED; RECEIPTS SMALLER September Wheat Sold by Pit. Cnnarln May Remove Import Duty CHICAGO, Sept. 20 After openlnjf steady to "n aliade firmer today, wheat weakened and eold bolow Saturday's close on Rcnernl AelllnR. There was talk ot the probability of Canada removing the Im port duty on wheat, which would auto matically give free entrance to tho Do minion product Into America. Of course, the United Kingdom will take the Cana dian Htirplus In preforenco to any other. An announcement of the consummation of the nlllfd lonn wua unxlously awaited by traders. September showed tho most weuknee. Hlcvator Interests hae about rilled their urgent contracts, ntYcctlnir the posltlorfT The pit crowd wns tho principal teller. Later tho market rallied, on active coloring, but rash houses sold on the bulRc. Prices nt tho close were mostly ur.chnnged. Corn, after openlni? Inegular, with September n little lowor and December nnd May slightly higher, became uni formly eney. Following the publication of the weather foiccast predicting culdcr weather and light fronts In parts of tho belt, how over, It developed strength. Th tendency of prices nt Liverpool was down ward, parcels oft 114 pence, and plate offers liberal Tho receipts here todu wero 212 cars Oats were engj on pros pects of larger receipts The arrivals here today were IS' cars The receipts nt Minneapolis and Duluth today were 17S3 cars, against 2181 cara last year: at Chicago, 16S cats, against 239 cars; nt Winnipeg, 1810, cars, against 2116 cars Shipments from North Amerlca,or the week went 8,203,001) bUHliela The quota obtained by the I'nltcd Kingdom was small, 1,925,000 bushels, and till', with n decrease of 176,000 bushels to 3,So6,000 bushels In stocks, sustained tho market nt Liverpool The Imperial Goxernmcnt has refused to purchase the wheat ciop of Australia. France Is making Inquiries abroad for w heat. Loading futures ranged as tollows Bat'd's wneat open man Septimbcr . 1 (US 1 oi'4 December n 114 til'J, liny 117 U7)4 i,urn inew aemery Sales in Philadelphia 40 l'hlla Blee .... 2ft 200 1'lilla It T ... 10)4 2723 -do tr ctfs ... lu ISO Tonopah Helm.. M'4 810 Tonopah Mln. . i 891 Un Trao 3il'a K11 I'nlted Uaa Imp hr. 11777 U B Steel 734 20( do pref .... 10 V a llubber .. 41) Warwick t ft H. 1014 600 Cramp & Hans. 8'tUj 7?l 01'4 102U. 8 24 84 72 82)4 43 03 M 81 741 81U 40S 00 1U 10 73. 73 17'4 H3V4 SS ? 404 8.l4 41V4 2H 0 1U' l'4 8S 31 8V, 7I1H 114 SI 10Vt til 72V 72 OOH ' 102U 102U Pt eloae lllsh. Low Close 1.10 AMIS ChStm , 44V4 48U 4414 43 23 do pref 400 Am Can .,.,.,, .. 10 Am Oas ... 101 II Amer Mllllnt... OH 83 Am ftallwais , 24 VI 180 Amer Smelting.. .. 100 Anaconda Mln.. ,, 1280 llaldwln Loeo .. 80 B Drill J a 43 23174 Cambria hteel.. 82 400 Col l-uel 20 Catawliaa 1st Pf 8014 10M Klectrle Storage 74 310 Hrle 3014 60 (it Nor Ore .. .. 30 (len Asphalt pf eOH 200 Key-lone Tela.. 14H OC'S Lake Sup Corp. 10'i 21 I.ihltth Nav , 7U Oil Ihlah Valley.. 71 T42 Uh Val Transit 1T4 113 do pref S3 100 N V O A W 723 1'cnna H It ... Bl IB I'enna Steel . . . 404 8 do pref . . MH "0 l'hlla O cum pff 41V4 24 82 T2 81 43 82 IWU 81 73 3IU 40 8!) 14'4 8 7JV, 7J 17'. B4 28 84 404 82i 48H 23 10 10'4 J H4 80 81 7314 lit 10 M1V 31 81 72 8H 43 04 80 81 71 81 40 09 14 TJ14 7.1 17 83 23 H", 40 8i 41 ii 10 10 i 5 7 W 7U 114 04 10 IK I, $15,000,000 OF ALLIED LOAN COULD BE TAKEN IN PHILADELPHIA . r Amount Would Be Divided $6,000,000 to Bnki mhI $9,000,000 to the Trust Companies Lake Superior Shares Weak Cambria Steel Strong Low. Clofe. HRH, 1 1I1V P2J, tU-l1 0(1 07 cload 1111 Pe.Hcmber weccmrer May . .. (wts Boptember IJecumber May Ird Septeniber October January ltlb. Beptumlar October January l'ork J3(iplembrr October January 7L' wis 87 .17 :m ss !!4 .MI'S rs 37 1(1 38' t 70 .11 5t! .17 a IS :i7s 7.87 8.42 7.77 8.10 12 18 12 211 14.73 Hid. fAsked, 71U 8 42 7SJ 8 10 12 20 14 80 7SJ H31 7 72 8 17 lio'i 11 0.1 7IU inJ .17H 31, 18 7 81 7.S1 8 32 7 72 7.72 8 17 12 02 12 01 1183 Kill, nu 37 t2T 411 138 7 87 17 87 18 4J t7M) 47 80 8J7 12 17 "12 17 '14 78 Financial Briefs The New York banks gained 33,932.000 from the Subtreamtry Saturda, nnd since last Friday gained 5600,000 - Charles J Ilhoids, governor of the Federal Reserve nank of rhiladclphln, has returned from his vacation, and was at his desk today lie was absent a month, during which time ho made on extended tour of the Canadian Itockies and western Canada .TV,tal "lea. 81,477 eharea. compared with 24,013 aharea laat llonJa). 1IONDS Last pre, sale High Low Close I20OO Am 0 E 8s K7 87 87 7 1000 Uild lio 1st 8a 102H I01S 101 101 .17 Cam Bll acp '10.100 100 100'4 100 87 do Fob 1017.. 00 P0 Wi 001, UK HI Interata Itys 4s (0 M 38 88 llKXX) Key Tel 1st 3e 04 01 W 0I'4 KKW Leh Nv ens 4s 00 liO Ofl Oil 3000 1'a cons ! .1024 102 10J 102 .1000 I'a B'n 4Vis .. U7 07 07 07 2000 l'hlla Co cons 8s 8.1'i 81 M 8.1 21 da scrip 19ia..l00 100 100 100 IM do 101S .. .08 PS OS t8 100 l'hlla nice 4s . 78 bO so M HX) Heading- gen Is. 91 1(2 02 92 1000 l'n Itwy lnv 5a. 70 70 70 70 Total sales, 8.13,201, compared with 310,200 Ian Monday Local Bid and Asked Duff A Sua t o do ptet llaldwln do pref ... . Cambria Steel I.leitrlc Storage lloneral Asphalt do pref . . . . Keatono Telephone do t c do pref Lake tiun L'orp t.ehlrh Na , l.chlKn vllc l.elilllh alle Tr do pref Pennsylvania .. .. l'hlla Klectilc rtilla Co .. do 1 per cent pf. do u per cent, pf , . l'hlla It T do t c TteadlnK Tonopah Ilelmont . Ton Mln t'nlcn Trac 1) O I 17 H Bteel York Itwy do pfd W Cramp t c . . . Today Hid Ask. 12 II IK JiS. 00 107 m i 71 71 81 82 (II 70 Saturday Did Ask 12 80 IOC U 7.1 81 i It.) 11 11 1,0 10 11 4U 81 107 IUU 71 8J Jj'ir inn 70 71 17 31 i to. ni $ 82l" Slg 44 4 ifi 40 118 41t 41 44 lOfl 10 1(1 10 l(li 101 71S 7.1' .T .1' .1 8' 38 80' 12 81 00 80 Progress being made by the bankers conferring In New York In arranging a big credit to the Allies, ranging In amounts all the way from 1300,000,000 to (1,000,000,000, has raised the tfuestlon In this city as to how much of the total amount the banks and trust companies here will be askod to take. As et local bankers have heard nothing, either offi cial or unofficial, as to how the nego tiations aro shaping themselves, other than that they know that much has been done. It Is estimated that the banks here, under tho lawa, could not take) more than, say, JIS.OOO.OOO of the loan This figure Is arrived at from the statements ot the members of ths Philadelphia Clearing House Association, and tn divided as fol lows: 8,ooo,ooo for the national banka and $3,000,000 for the truat companies. The largest amount, It (.estimated, that could be handled here Is 136,000,000. Hankers BRree that with a surplus of upwards ot $'7,000,000 they would not taro to cut It down any moro than half. There has been some talk In various quarters of tho financial district today that the banka would be nsked to take V 00,000,000, but this amount, It Is polnfd out, Is too large Under the laws the larseat bank In the city cannot lend more than 1150,000 to one borrower, and It was tald It cannot be seen where nny more could be loaned In a case like the present. The national banks ore not allowed to lend more thnn 10 per cent of their com bined capital and surplus at one time. but can continue until the amount reach- .10 per cent, of the combined, cartel aM surplus. In the stock market today (Jamtrrte. Bteel was the most active feature, mef than 23,000 shares changing hand ttitrliteT the day, the price tislnsT to within a, fraction of t points abqve the final et Baturday. There wa no news accom panying the strength Aside frorn thin Issue Laka Superior was the most active, at declining; prices, that stock losing rere than 2 points before midday The stock was tinder heavy liquidation and the selling seemed to be due to the repeft from London, dated August 18, from the Bondholders' Committee there, which rep resents the first mortgage holders of tM 110,030,000 first 60-year I per cent, bend of the AlKoma Central and Hudson Bay Railway Company, which Is an Important subsidiary pf the Lake Superior Corpora tlon Ruperlor came baek a. little from the low In the afternoon. The London, report shows that a drastis reorganization Is necessary and a new working policy adopted by the company over the present difficulties. The report goes on to say that $03,000 must be spent on the rsllway. The 1300,000 receivers certificates cannot be sold until New York hankers are satisfied that certain litigation can be avoided. It la admitted that the Algoma Steel Corporation, which on August IS was working only on part time, retards the progress of the com pany in a large degree, and that the as-, sots of the Lake Superior Corporatloju outslde of the Interest In subsidiary and other companies, aggregates only $869,41, LOCAL BANKS' DEPOSITS GREW $44,000,000 IN YEAR Actual Figures Were $379,194,686. Earnings $2,628,100 National banks In this city held Slt.llO 910 morn deposits on September 2, the date of the last call for condition by the Comptroller of the Currency, than thev had on September 12. 1914, an approxi mate year. The actual figures, according to the Commercial List and Price Cur rent, this year was $179,191,686, compared with $355,059, 776 last ear. The cnrnlngs of the banks between the two dates were $2.253,6.7, and the divi dends paid amounted to $2 628,100. The surplus and undivided profits were $46 026, 4S1, a decrease of $3i9,iS3. HUGE LOAN NOT FOR INDIVIDUALS London Feels Confident Ar rangements Will Be Con eluded Satisfactorily TO CONSIDER BIG LOAN dV, 8S i 87 hi 784 8 32 80 The London Stock Hxcliango will closed next Saturday be Nevada Wonder .01 .03 .18 , 1.30 ,03 ,00 Uf .0(1 .17 1.13 .20 Lit 40 .08 .u ,08 ,0J .08 ,20 1.J3 BANlt CLEARINGS Dank cUarlngs today compared with cor rsspoodln, day laat .two ye.r.. r.orn,.,.,i1:l?I:JS ftUffiig $Hii New York? 0 Me,317 ll,7u6,tni 3,TUd 6W lUUlmore '. 4 H08 870 8.1178 888 ' S, 7V). IIS ia;,o.n,an,i iuw.Wtf 01,taM,laT 12.731 IM 14,807,?ll "Valna-aM ... O. 01 ..outs . 18,2.'3.(t KATES FOR MONEY Call Philadelphia ,.,...,, 06i New York ,.,.. 1V- ItOltOn . a. a ........ ...... Commercial paper, three to la months, I'hll adslphla, (84 per cent. Tlma -16I Electric Company Passes Dividend NOW YORK, Hept. 20 The Demarara Eleo. trie Company, Ltd., directors have decided to paaa the Quarterly dividend due October 1. Vha company has paid ,1 per cent, quarterly oa ts aleck for soma time. Big SUrer Purchase for Mint WABIIINOTON. Bspt. SO. Demand from nanus ana mrnme ioi- iicwiy.mintea half- n uiiitva iiaa le nllari. uuartera of the Mint Voolley to A I4,..,nr purchase since the Additional shares of arious companies have been placed In the regular list ot the Philadelphia Stock Lxxchantte as fol lows: J161.3O0 American Telephone Mid Telegraph and $00 American Milling Com pany. There has been struck off the reg ul.ir list 857,000 Pennsylvania 3H per cent, guaranteed trust certificates, series A. canceled by operation of sinking fund. The amount ot Philadelphia and Heading Hallway first scries consolidated mort gage 4 per rent coupon bonds listed has been reduced by $3000, converted Into reentered bonds, A dividend of 60 cents a share was de clared by the North Iluttc Mining Com pany, an increase of 10 cents. There has been thus far more than $2, 000,000 Wabash-l'lttsburgh Terminal Hall way first mortgage bonds and certificates deposited with the Olrurd Trust Company under the coll for deposits by the com mitteo headed by Charles Kcuron, of Charles Tcaron & Co , bankers, In op position to the reorganisation plan. WIRE PRICES ADVANCED NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOIIK. Sept 20 -Irregularity charac terized trading on the Cofrie Exchange at the opening; today. The close found prices un. changed to 1 point advents Total sales amounted to only 0210 bag Prices follow Todai'a Today's Saturday's opening close close September . ., .... n,01il0! October , .... notftfirtl November B OlsJn 01 December 'flOO It 01470.01 C.OHK. IM Januari no r. nans tw aoisinici February "8 10 !1.11n.H 0 1280 11 March . (118 II 101! 8 20 (1.17(711.10 April (121W8 21 112111(128 0 2lJfl21 May ... . H. .Oil 11.13 tl.-IOftfi'll fl2UH10 June . n.niin ii ii.:i.nn ki ii.uiid 15 July .. (UOflll ,10 (1404.0 11 0 3860 40 Dig Shell Order From Russia SlAl.TIMOItE, Sept. 20 -The Iool Manu. facturtns Company, of this city. Is engaged tn the task ot turning out .100,000 shells ror the Csar army Kaclt shell will cost iIS. the whole contract being for 17,500,000 Tha Toole Company had to design apsclal ma chinery for tha shells, a new tie, the In vention of a Russian oxpert when com. pleted tho shells are ehtpped to ths du l'ont plant and there Oiled. Advisory Council of Federal Reserve Board Meets Tomorrow WABIIINOTON. Sept 20 -Tho Advisory Council of tho Federal Reserve Hoard, which meota here tomorrow, is expeoted to consider the general aspect of the Anglo-French loan aa It affects the banks ot the United Ktates. It was stated nt the Treasury Uepaitment that J. 1 Morgan, who Is a member of the council, will probably be on hand, The board Is a unit In favoring tho loan, because It claims that It will check the danger of Inflation and will afford on opening for bringing Into tho open tho millions of surplus reserve cash, now lying Idle In vaults of the country'a banks. READY TO EXCHANGE STOCK Actual Trangfor Will Be Made on October 15 WILMINGTON. Del. Sept. :0 -Formal letters wero sent to tho stockholders of tho U. I. du ront de Nemours Company today that arrangements have been com pleted for tho exchange of the stock of the old company for that of E I du Pont de Nemours & Co The books will close on Beptember SO and the exchange will be made about October 15 The transfer of the S per cent, preferred stock of the old company for tho 6 per cent debenture atock of tha new will be made throuah the nankers' Trust Company of New York. The letter explains the transfer of the larlous kinds of stock. BAR SILVER In London bar sliver was quotsd at 28 8-18 pence, In New York, 48i cents. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Total Increases This Year Run From $5 to$14 I'lTTSUUnail, Hept 20. Effective to day the American Steel and Wlra Com pany advanced all wire products (2 per ton. The trade has been expecting such an advance about this time and inde pendents aro quite ready to concur In It. Plain wire Ii now 00 cents, wire nails 11.75 per keg, painted barb" wire II M and galvanized barb wire ii 60. The total ad vances this year amount to 16 per ton on wire, 15 per ton, or 15 cents per keg, on nails, and 111 per ton on galvanized barb wire, the extra advanco on the last named being due to the advance In spelter. Plain wire Is now as high as at any time since 1010, and wire nails within 5 cents a keg; as high. The wire mills aro more crowded with work than any other branch of the finished steel trade except the steel bar mills corroN - NKH YOIUC, Snt, 20. Cotton opened steady this morning with prices unchanasd to 4 taolnts lower, with the exception of October, whl.h was down 8 points. The selling on the 7-.H Va. scattered, with Wall street and Hodthcrn Interests operating on the buying side What offerlnee were made wera quickly taken. Ikilh war smaller than they had been for some time. Liverpool came about 2 to a nolrts lower, enured by realising and hedge sslllnc. After thenrst 13 minutes' trading tC miik't here rallied from ,3 points, with Ounber sailing up 10 Baturday's close. Tha HHStl.er In the belt continued favorable. In the afternoon seraion further advanres wera iiotod The market finally closed atrong. with futures 17 to 28 poinia aiovo naiurunv a ciuii.k jiri ea, January December October , March . May . July . Bpot , Bt. close, Oj2 (KO 11.0a 10 8Q 10 32 11 1.! 11 AO ,11.7.1 10.70 UI.88 10 40 11112 11 Ml 11 70 1.83 Illah 11 2U 11 10 1080 11.83 1180 1100 laOW. 11 (II 10 SO 10.4(1 1LHJ U.ftU 1171 Close 11 20 1' 18 10 80 11.81 11.78 1100 first of Auaust 4.37S.OOO flfta ouncea of adv... almost as much as was purchased during the J vmirv rix METAL MARKET ,NBW YORK, Bspt. SOi-Th metal market DIVIDENDS DECLARED LIVE 8TOCK QUOTATIONS Temple coal company, rea-uli Mr cent, on preferred, layable lar quarterly 2 ucuwar J2 to stockholders of record October 2 Dodia Manufacturing company, regular Suartsrly H par cent, on rreferrod. payable .jtobtr 1 t stock of record BeptamUr SU. ZIm FrtDM UgMtK4j MIAMI. Plau Sept. Se.-S.lao ore prices ars Orclancad. tkw top price being m a ton base, afreduciten but beasi cwWaVeif by haavy rales. .inninn Kant. 20 II 0(38-Keceluta. 2VOOO Market steady. Mixed and butchers, ta.'Wtf TOO good heavy. 39 36W7.4S. rough Jeavy. toql2S llgnt, 1768, Pigs, 1007.23. bulk! c'AT-rlSj-Kace'P' 28,000. Market 104223c. towar. lleaves, 43 33Q10 40, cows and bailors, 3j. Tssans. tCKs4sj calves, 10 && ''bHEEP- Receipts. 10,000. Market steady. Native n Weatarn, 1303.75, (amba. I6.4J RAILROAD EARNINGS CANADIAN NOHTHEUN. 1016. Paereaae. M week Bent. t, 3417,700 141.000 f-iV July I 8.1O0.000 6,0,700 CULVlvAiA nv puuiiii.nn 2d wMkB.Pt ffHVii from July 1,. .,,,....., 2,17,J61 lacrsaas s '15:115 GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. Receipts, 03,111 bush. The market opened 1c. lower, but atterwarda recovered the loss and closed Arm with demand fairly active, quotations. Car lots. In export ele vator No. 2 red, spot and beptember, l OsW 1 10 No. a red W'estern, 11.14121 10; No. 2 Honthcrn red. UOCUl.iiH, steamer No 2 red. 31.03171.07. S-'o 8 red, $1 03l 07. rejected A, Jl W'itriOHi. rejectsd 11. tl.OlOlOJ. CORN. Receipts, 3000 bush. The market was dull and lc. lower under eaeler outside ad vices. Quotatlonal Car Iota for local trade, aa to location No 2 yellow, ss.isoc.. steamer yellow, 84?8Cc,; No. 3 yellow, 82ifB3c. OATH. Receipts, ISS.BBd bush. Thsre was little trading- and the market ruled weak, but without quotable change. Quotations: No. i white, none here, No. 8 white. lOyalte'i o. white, SUVtflSSe , sample oats, 32033c, FI.OUR. Receipts. 10.13 bbls. and 1.01B970 lbs. In sacks. Trade waa slow and the market was largelv nominal Quotations per 108 lbs. In vvood-Wlnter clear, now. tl M01 00 Jo.. straight, new, 1 SoaJlO. do. patent, new, JlloWlOi Kansas, clear, new, lute sacke, tl OOiftB 10, do , straight, new, Juta sacka, 13 2106 30: do, patent, new. Jt seeks, t3V) efi.7: sprng. first clear, navy. t (l.".4 10: do. straight, new. 80S 10, do. patent, new, Jl IOSbW: do., do .old. I 1tT i . .fa vorite brands, old, f(j83fl7.10: city mils, ctolc. and fancy patent, .l SSc.lO. city mill., rrsular grades Winter, clear new, 14,7303; ao ', straight, new, 33.23; do,, patent, new, 13 2303 30. HYE YlJnVn waa quiet and unchanged. We duoto at $10 30 per tbl , aa to quality PROVISIONS The market ruled steady, but there was little trading Following aro the quotatlonal City beef, In sets, smoked and alr-drled, 2ljf2Rc.J Western beef. In eete, smoked, 2lii.IV . city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked ' and alr-lrd, 2nfc27c., Western bef knuckles and lenders, smokod, 20O 27?: to "hams. S28UJO, pork, la rally. U6 2130, hams, B. P. eure-d, looae, llWOlSc.t do., .sinned, looee. IWW8W do. ?,. mld; iTstUUe.. other hams, smoked, city cured, as to" rand and average. Weilc.i hams, smoked, Western cured, llUllc.. do. lolled, boneless, 21W22C. picnic should.fs.B.1'. cured, loose. SvMiOSui do. smoked. OWBM.c t belllee. in nickle, according to average, loose 12012We.l breakfast bacon, aa to bland and average, city curtd. 13V.C111C.. breakfaat bacon, Western urid lRWftlOc.i ard, Western, refined. fiiiSs. 8?60eY do . do:, do , tuba, ly.eoc.i lard I pure oily, kettle rendered, In tierces. KToOe i Urd, pure city, ksttls rsndered. In tils. K00e , REFINED SUGARS The market wss quiet and without Important -lino We quota rartners' list prices Bland v2 irenutltrd. 3 253.38c , extra fine gran SiA.5 6 .SoSiSOe i powdered, S 30ti3.4i)c , Mnfrillonefsr-A. S.10aK2Oc. soft grades, .j tj 3.03c. DAIRY PRODUCTS ntiTTBR Offerings were moderate, and the irirkat riled steady, with trade fair, Quo tattons Western solld-nacked creamery, fsney i-Vial. 2SC.1 extras, 20c,, extfa firsts, 230 specials. '" -.f-oii, ,"..MAda. 224123c. 's'K:' ,,.ia' fancy. 2nc i do . averaaa extras vraSc i do.. Tfirats. 'Zbittte.. do, seconda. tf HOlSc.i pigeons, old, per pair, 130200,; do., )Oung. per pair, 17018c. DHKF8H1). Offerings wero moderate and ths n arkrt ruled firm, with a fair demand for desirable atock. Following are the quotations Kreah-kllled poultry, fowls, 12 to box, dry. picked and dry-packed, fanoy, -.elected 10c; welshing 4taQ! lbs. apiece, IM-ic.; welshing 3HC lbs. apiece, I (He; weighing 3 lbs apiece, loir 17c; under T lbs apiece, HHITIO'M. i ice-paeKed v ast ern. Y) lbs. and aver apises, Wa; do., smaller aiEp. loxrirc. old roosters, dry-picked fancy, titt, ning 3 an iln 13c: broiling chickens, Jersey, fancy, 24C2UC.; oiner nearoy rancy, .ir-ic. ; low. iiunoie. weiKiung a ids. 2( lij 21c; other Weitern, over, ic apiece ducks, nearby, aquabs, white, weighing 11 titjl 73, whits, weighing U fanoy Isras yel and over aDleca. weighing 3 lbs. and fie; Western, welshing 1jJ2H ibe. ISftlOt.; do. Inferior, lCtlTc: spring vearby, lOtfl.c; do. Westsrn, 100 12c; wniie. wcianina iitii iub. oer uoz.. ilbl 73, whits, weighing 0010 lbs. per do -listr.l.ns; while, weighing 8 lbs per doi.: 2&3U2.73; do., 7 lbs. Per dos , t7.10B2.J1; do., dtjOVi lbs. par dos., 11 tO01,7S, dirk, 1..V OljT3; small and No. 2, tl. FRESH FRUITS Chol-e stock met with fair sale and values Us, per bbl generally were well sustained, aa follows ap j.a, vvr uui rao, f JV): uiusn, J 0O'l Iraveuateln. t2 2n3 73t Wealthy. 32 23112 73 Orln.es' Uolden, f2O2,B0; Bummer Rambo, titp 2 50, rippln f22flO; Bmokehouee. f.'e2 30, vt( l.( a per crate, eoc.tisi Virginia, western Marylsnd and l'ennsylvsnta. 11,73112 231 other varieties, l,10.'; les, tlfll.30, crab applee, per bush . IttTM.: reaches. Vlralma. West Vlrainia. ectem Maryland. and t'rnnsylvanla. Klberta BOSTSe.; I peaches. Virginia. Waat Elbertsa, per basket, 25Y40cj peaches, Dela ware and Maryland. Elbertaa. nar carrier. !di (10c. ; peachea, Delaware and Maryland, Rlber artlett, J1.23J4 60; Beckel, f1ti3 30 n, tl.tVOHSz. grapes. Delaware, Moore and Concord, per carrier, tvouttSe.t Fa.kleimjeii-.ei Mnvre'a Patlu aatmd pHxaiA. taa, per baaket. 2tvUSoe. peaches, Jeraey, fancy feiecna. per nuuin. uasaec. ounuuc, , peaches, Jersey other kinds, per basket, Ifrrt Kic.i ixiarhes, New York, per basket, JOS 33c , peaches. Ohio, per hush . 401773c . pears, per I.Kl Harriett. S4.2.1-i4 Mlt H.rbl tlt,jl common! Kjrlv I araoas. Delaware. Moora'a Earlv and Concara per 4-lb. basket. 80c. grapes. New York, per 4-lb. basket-Delaware, l2tflc t Niagara, lo 12c . Worden, 00 10c, lemons, rer box. 213, pineapp(tfa, nar cmit-rono ji uanberrles. cape uoa rles. CaDa Cod. Dr era ' .-.- f. -- - a. 'U Binia. vaiirvi. . u ."'iw, Mwaaai. pluma. New York per 20 lb baaket. 20630c ; plums. New lork per 8-lb. baskst Bradahaw and Nlasare, 1 off 20c ; Raine Clauds. lBtfAic , bUckberTlrs, Delaware, Maryland and New llleo. tl.306l. JJJ. Jobbing sales ot fancy prints, MCHk). EOOB Bvricuy una iieau -i. "., reauest and firm under small supplies. Ws ta as follows! Free eases, nearby extras. 8o pil 'lot., Brats. t7 800 8.1c- per atsndard J-ta.pewby 'currert receipts, tTWifTM per Western exirav nraia, ao ., ur i Arsts. IT.OOUJ, andled eggs wera iriai uae. vase, .".. ,, sjvfilr HA ntr rau fancy aalactad r.l.,.lr..,SSI Kili it 32S.S4e: ser dos. r.vimr.811 Bold fairly and rvilsl steady under moderate offerings. QuoUllona follows New York, full cream, fancy, new. lBVOS rjUe.1 spsclala, higher i do., do, 'sir to good. Jllwri5fRe'. Prt v"n' e'I' POULTRY L.1VB was la cwd request and Arm, with moderate offerings. Quotations Fowls, as to alia and ouAllty, UHOlSUe roost.rs, II Jc.i slrtng cbfcksBS. according to quality, Uuilcj difckai 1'ekln, old, Wile., do Indian Runner, eld, 12tfl3c, do., youag, attuidlng to sis. per bbl , S508; crant ar te, tl 7M72 plume. Vlr. 20.1b. basket, aottnOc,, 20 lb bssket, 20630c ! 8-lb. basket-Bradahaw Relne Claude. lBtfAlc , i, . Maryland and New Jersey, per qt., 4080 i huckleberries, per ot , U?tc , cantaloupes. Colorado, per flat crate, t) 4(1.21, lantsloupea, Colorado, per stsndsrc crate, 8303.23, cantaloupes. Maryland, per caniaiouDaa. j.puv. watermelons, per car, tlC-i atandard crate, f 101 23 per baskst. sue of i; VEGETABLES Supplies were fairly liberal and prices gem. ereliy favored buyers Quotations White po tatoes, Jeraey, per basket No. 1 Rose, BOW 81c , do., No 1 other varieties, 230.100. ; do. No. 2, iCUK-c. , sweet potatoes, Jeraey, per basket-No. lBSffMet w.Sf S0s.l onions, per 100.1b. bag. ll.25ttl.B0. do, Jor sey, per -buihel basket, 33040c ; mushrooms, per i'lb. basket, COc.tltl. HOUSEJOBEPINO AFAKTMXNTB OKKMANTOH'N Fairfax Spartmente rlKKl'MeOP BU1UHNS (IN OICRMANTOWN) WAYNB AVKNUt! AT BCHOOL UtNIt ultse of T and rooms and t bath. Belarlum ooverlM satire tMuee. Maid earvloe by Ibe kveur. itUerater U. J JOUNBON. 108 Halley Bultdlag aayaaaaajBaaaaaaaasBjpMpMaMwwMVwMaaaaaBMpaaaMaj. By FRANCIS W. HIRST Editor of The Economist. Special Cable fa (he fivenlsp Lttsit, LONDON, 13ept. W.-Everythlng here la subordinated to the conscription policy of Mr, Lloyd-George, Lord Curgon nnd Win. aton 8. Churchill. According to reports, they meditate forcing the adoption of their compulsion views or demanding a dissolution of Parliament. II. Thomas, the railway men's representative, hag warned the House of Commons In a pow erful speech that conscription would pre cipitate a revolution. Popular opinion will eventually prevail over the newspaper press, and 1 still be' II eve that Mr. Lloyd-George hag lott his hold on the working claspes. Lord Kltchr ener's optimism about Russian resistance contrasts with Mr. Lloyd-George's melo drama. lc pessimism. Tl.n bank returns last week showed a temporary setbaok in tha gold reserve. The beat opinion here regards your Ml lion-dollar credit, If granted, as applica ble only to Government purchases ordi nary trade exchange being left to right itself as for as possible. Confidence 1 felt generally here that fairly satisfactory arrangements will be concluded. Tuesday'a budget statement Is now be. lng anticipated with anxiety, but the country can afford to pay now mora easily than atter the war, for huge ex pendlture produces fictitious prosperity. Moreover, harvest reports everywhere point to reasonable food prices. The Chancellor of Exchequer, Mr. McKenna, probably will lay on taxes for the pur pose of diminishing luxurious consump tion and avoiding a fiscal controversy.,-- I may ray, In reply to your question whether there are any objections to gelling bonrtr to Americans of alien or enemy ex traction or nationality, that all trading with enemy cltlgens Is Illegal, whether buying or selling. The Russian Duma adjournment need not affect the gold export policy, which might assist exchanges, as the Russian gold hoard is very large. In answering a Question In the House of Commons about Germany's exports and our blockado, Sir Edward Qrey said, "It must be borne In mind that our object Is not to Injure neutrals but to Impose mate rial disadvantage on our enemy." This rebuke was well earned and significant. Premier Asqulth's expenditure figure are staggering nearly double the French. Hence the budget must be secure. All belligerent debts are now growing faster than ever. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK, Bopt. 20.-llUTTKII.-Harkst firm; receipts, iid'iu packages: estra, 2(K4c., higher scoring. 2727,c.. T'tHte dairy, S8.jP 2flc i imitation creamery, 22'.,2nc. EUOB Market steady to firm, receipts. 8347 cases; extra firsts. 2X20c , regular packed; firsts, JtmsjVic ;, nearby whites, 2330c , reg. ular packed; mixed color, 201731a,, gathered ; reirlterator firsts, 24S23C,; nearby browns $3033:. Receiver for Electric Company WllAJINOTON, Del., Bept. VO.-Henry K. Miller has been appointed receiver for the Morris Electric Compsny, of Wilmington. The assets. It Is believed, will exceed the liabilities. Lumber anal Tlmbar can bought anywhere) any old grade, at any elel price, but Good stock is mora satisfac tory and cheaper In the end. Edward F. Hens wi 4 Ct. glmelrali-tIranJ STf-nter 1'opUr Btreet Wharves, rati. Sound Investments Frazier.5Gd. Bankers. 132 , IStat St. ANNUAL MWtmtWWI rr- MAUMOfK VtHN COAL AND IMeJN - COMl'ANV General OeSce. K red-teg TTessalaal. Philadelphia, HeptewWer JMrth. lMt, The annual meeting pf the rtoealte4e)sre and an election sor rive utrtae ta serve for the ensuing year win i a f-harter of the Company and la a with tbe bylaw, at tate CsMch. I Terminal, rhlladelpbia, oa Waaler, litis, let, at inns c.orw a an, "WO, JIHOWN, Mretarr SttSLffi r.. &sf muvrnntv w .ftoyyy jAety T? ; 31 Ibi- V. u . ' ""' av" "" V ,