Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 20, 1915, Final, Page 6, Image 6
6 WGALLENTOWNPAIR WEL OPEN TOMORROW; (2JEAT DISPLAY READY Elaborate Racing Program and Food, Cattle and Poultry Show Arc Chief Attractions S5,000 FOR PRIZES Four dayi of trotting and racing for prize and pursM amounting to $35,000, hundred! of displays of farm product, cattlo and poultry and free vaudeville and clrcu acta dally are some of the many attractions of the Allentown Fair, which opens tomorrow. Preparations have been made to receive the largest crowds In the history of the fair, which Is held annually under the auspice of the Lehigh County Aaicul tural Society. A $,0 coollnR-out ehed and a grand tand -which will seat 10O0O have tieea erected, and thousands of persons are ex pected to be attracted by the races. An extraordinary winner-take-all match race has been arranged for Wednesday after noon between Directum I, driven by Thomas M. Murphy, and Peter Btevcns. driven by O. Ray Bnedeker. The stakes are 5Q00. Should ralivcause a postpone went of the event, It will be held on Friday. Many interesting entries have been made for the cattle show, whleh Is one of the features of the Allentown Fair, and the poultry and pigeon show, which Includes entries from every section of the United States. Is said to be the Urg ed ever held In this country. The best vaudeville and circus acta ob tainable many of them never seen before in America, will be free to all visitors to the fair grounds. Thousands of dollars' worth of articles and novelties made In America will be exhibited on the Midway, and It Is said the display will exceed by far similar' displays at other fairs. Phlladelphlans who Intend visiting the fair may go by several routes. Special trains over the Reading, Lehigh Valley, Jersey City and Perklomen Railroads will bo run dally. Limited trains will be run direct to the fair grounds by the Lehigh Valley Transit Company from 69th street and Chestnut Hill. QUARREL ENDS IN DEATH Stranger Shoots Another in Restau rant During Trivial Dispute. Now Held for Murder Two strangers quarreled over a trivial matter In a restaurant and less than an hour later one of them shot the other. Inflicting Injuries which caused death. This Is the explanation given by the po lice of the killing of Samuel Naplo, 25 years old, proprietor of a restaurant at ZXlS North 22d street; last night. John Fcrrlerl, 23 years old, S05t Stella street, will have a preliminary hearing today In central court accused of being the slayer. Four shots were fired at Naplo, three of them taking effect. He died In the Women's Homeopathic Hospital. Ferrlerl was arrested as he was about to board a train at the North Philadelphia Sta tion. Ferrlerl entered Napla's restaurant last plght In company with Allvcrto Fran ilsco, who lives at the Stella street ad dress. They ordered coffee. According t) the police, Fcrrlerl Btarted to take some cakes lying on the counter of the restaurant and the owner objected. The police say tho patrons had been drink ing. A dispute resulted, but Fcrrlerl mollified Naplo and the trouble appar ently was sotfed. Soon afterward Ferrlerl returned to the rating house and fired a revolver point blank at the proprietor, the police al lage. They declare the victim and as sailant had been strangers until the meeting In the restaurant and scout the idea that Jealousy of 'a woman was a factor In the case. Tho rumor spread through the neighborhood after the shoot ing that the accused man was a former rival of Naplo's for the affections of Na plo's wife Rosa, whom ho married two months ago. TODAY'S 'MARRIAGE LICENSE George E. dollop, 8!0 N. 03d st., and Anna M. Brooks. 8(f Highland ave. Robert Hlaut. 2S12 N. Oth t and Jennl Younr. 8.VI5 N. Water at. Morris MoMorf. 31(1 MICflln at, and Roie Oor. don, 824 Jackson at. William P. Fancy, 2740 N. Hembtrfer at, and Barah A. Dugan. 1820 Locust at, Richard F narr.tt, 2101 E. feomsrset at. and JIln T. Ilellly, 2928 Ilelgrads at. Samuel R. Turner. 1722 Federal at., and Fan nie D. Flckels. 021 8. 17th at Lincoln M. Conaway, New Vork city, and Emma D. Rlchirdaon. New York city. Albert J. Mater, 2129 N. 7th it., and Lllllai' T. Kaumann. 10.1 W. I.lpplncoU at. Peter Carragher, New York, and Margaret B Long. Norfolk, Va. Patrick J. McKenna. 2842 Talethorp at., and Mary J. Moran, 1824 Catley at. Anthony Humbowlrk, 1021 Wood St., and Emilia Kirnla. 1021 Wood at. 8. Rupert McDermond. Aihbourne, Pa., and Dorothy C. MacDonald. M(13 Thomas ave. James M. Nlckell, 1414 Arch at., and Mary L. Williams," Cardlnrton. l'a. ' Abraham M. Plant, Jr., 721 N. 45th at, and Lillian Caulk, 0.12 Holly at. ' Carmall Cambria, 71(1 8. Percy at, and Martanna gclllpotl. 782 B. Darlen it John A. areen. ritteburgh. Fa., and Bessl 8. Coble, Kansas City, Mo. Robert C. Pateraon, IMa E. Clementina at.. and Mary Lawrence 1325 8. Llndenwood at Matthew P C, Pelo. iU W, Lehigh ave.. and Itostna April. 1010 Moyamentlng ave. Frank Schauland, 22.11 N. 10th at,, and Ellia- beth Bchaulsnd, 31N. JOth at. George J. Miller, 712 B. Westmoreland at., and Anna V. Martin, 2132 E. Huntingdon at Frank O. Carlln. 1714 Newktrk at., andfKath. arlne Kelaer, BS20 Paachall ale. "". Charles Hawn. Camden. N, J., and Adelaide eilmpaon. 1S23 fl. Sd at. Harry B. Irvine, 12SJ E. Fletcher at, and Alice V. Mcdrann, 21M E. IJlreh at Rocco Malnlerl. 10.12 Reed at, and Tereilna Btellabotto. 1B1U fl. 18th at. Samuel Barman. 180 Monmouth at, and Mary It. Gee, 8030 N American at. T Eugene J McOovern. 2838 Gaul at, and Helen It Travera. 2120 Il.-tlmore ave. Argentlero Vlncentl. South Bethlehem, Pa., and Arato Bettlny, 1M2 S. 13th at. Andrew Connors, 834A Falethsrp at., and Helen Waleh. 181 Glenwood ave. B'njamln J Btolper, Woodbine, N, J and Thalia V, McCarthy, Woodbine, N. J. Thomas Y. Clark. Jr., Washington, D. C and Anna C. Itirf, 2825 E Lehlxh ave. Albert Oliver, Jr., 318 Diamond at, and Kathryn Bueke. 31.1 W. Berka it. William II Btltiel. Hrrlng city, Ia and lea bell Pierce. 4830 Umbrla at, James V. Leach, 334S N. Oth at, and Mary E. Fltapatrlck 1214 W. William et Slgmund Katceaner 103T N 3d at, and Iran O. V.spremt Wllmont. Pa. Evan F. Bourne, Parkavllle, Ky., and Wallula K. JIanklntan, 2311 N. 12th at Vlneanso Maurlamele, 1714 8, Hicks st, and Wktarsaret Carbon!, 120 a. Mole at. auric Channlck, Troy, N, T., and Roe Ko.enberg 1832 8. 5th it Percy J Garrett. S Itlttenhoua place, and Etta. Frailer, lis W. lTlce at. Robert J. Kennedy. 31TB Welkel et, and Dorotlur II. Btettler, 424ft Romaln at Harry J. Abegir. 1544 v. Bth t, ani Dorretta r. HtUr. 15WK. 8th st. I siWAWiin, venvnev el., ana rai u wanner. 2iu venaaao at liUaekln. 2380 Amber ( . anil ereaa ;j wiiiiame. kaw Amoer si. "VW, O. rehllag. 123T B. 47tb at, and Flor. ,. jailUi, SAlf wiyh K, .rwuu, Atlantic wny, n, ., ana -anr(v, ,i, .. uu i inner, si iiui ., ana Annie tuo- abrblg st , Oele. 2noo Master et.. and Mao- nrt MOO, Vsr at. KuaMllX. JMeHon, V llryn fcUwr ave., and E'ltn a. inaioji, eizz rennigrov n. George X iof-mann. 1T01 8. Zii at, and jaaruu aa, woti, J." urria st . l.ll Aaareite, til . 12th atu and Katie r.kune. T 8. IJth t. - atn Avrh 123 Snyder ave., end Anna epxejon4 TM jinydtr v. " Pani WarresC Tl Ludlow at. and Carrie v lrtal. KVl Cherry at Hnr ytJMicr, 'MM Sannom st, and Belma T ttarantt. 47 N Yewdall st 1'iajas Uinta. W Anoln st, and Concetta Canfitinji na. nj A twin si. -h TSl ilok, M . lwrence st. and Bar b r Hlre, igl y,,Thonpoa t. Unv" ' K Beutleaitlav 1J14 Ktirlnx at, and Am Bvi iirllit M av". Clarloa t' M i , wt aw rtau ct -. am vwx 111 Jt'l" A i ., Kl uuobd at. H-u... iu Maraton at., aod M Ma,, S3JN. CarlUla U awe) ii . asassr avir y&2 EVENING PERFECTLY SIMPLE 'W SIR, CHARLIE, F L. I HM PFTS THOoSO I'D NEVER MNT AWlMCR Cent vs lon5 m "1 I LIVE rlUSTUN' FOB. THE.L-, CWM IS M.L RKJHT FOR. A WHILE, B0T WHEN XOOVE CPX FIFTV TKouSrxNO rr$ time To Qurr Austen if i had PFTM TVIOUSrVNP DOUASS RIGHT HOW I COULD DOUBLE IT INSIDE . OF TWO YEARS 1 VALUE OF ESTATE OF PAUL A. DAVIS FIXED AT $754,000 Property Consists Largely of Stocks. Executors Spend $23,478 The estate of Paul A. Davis, who died May 7. 1914, Is valued at 1751,005.15 In -in account died with the Register of WIIU today for audit by the Orphans' Court. The Glrard Trust Company, executor of tho estate, claims credit for disburse ments amounting to (23,478.18, leaving a balance on "hand of (730,627.27 for dis tribution according to the provisions of tho will. Included In the balance are 255 shares of Glrard Trust Company stock, appraised nt 1234,400; IKK) shares of United Gaa Im provement Company stock, 1131,600; '102 shares or Philadelphia National Bank atock, (129,880; 100 shares of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company Mock.. (39,000; 61 shares of Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annui ties stock, (37,271; and 600 shares of United States Steel preferred, (34,000. On disposing of an estate valued at (8500 Mrs. Mary A. Yorgey, late of 142 North C2d street, by her will admitted to probato today, dlvlses (100 to tho Christ Homo for Homeless and Destitute Children. The remainder of her estate Is given to her husband, Joseph II. Yorgey and a daughter, Llllle A. Land. Tho will of Thomas McLaughlin, who died at St. Joseph's Hospital September II, disposes of an estate of (23,000. To his widow ha leaves the amount to which she would be entitled under the interstate laws and he devises the remainder to the Rev. Francis O. Clark, of StMalachy's Roman Catholic Church, who Is named aa executor. Other wills probated included those )f Christian Iteese, late of 95 East Bring hurst street, who left an estate valued nt (19,000: Jennie jicmtyre, yjjw, and Samuel T. Boston, (24W. Ancillary letters were granted In the estate of James P. Tolen, who died In Cape May, N, J In March, leaving prop erty located In this State valued at 1(0.000. '(ha personalty of the estate of Francis McIIolden has been appraised at (6043.04; Jan T Fischer, (1714.81, and Laura Foster, K1UU1, Bey Struck by Gar Lofea Voice Lout Gruiorollo, J years old, of 7J Kattr street, lost his voice, when tie wag truck by a trolley car m nth and Xljaworth (4rsts, whtla riding- a bi cycle and htsrlfl Into tha street PhysU claws Mt th Howard HootMts!, where he VH tflfctav found thsu kla vm..i 7?" Y er V Ja 'JUST TrlWKl A rW O30U? SETTLE POWNJ MP 66 MeXPPY ON r The (NTeR-esT a,ndi I WORRX N6O0F (S T p -?" 'JMfate hmA hm traaatly UU4. LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER ITALIANS TO OBSERVE HOLIDAY MTIIBENEUT Wnr Relief Orchestral Concert Tonight in Celebration of "II Venti Settembre" Forty-five years airo todny, tho troops of King Victor Kmmnnuel II, lfd by Ocncral UnfTnolc Claldlnl, a veteran o tho Itallnn wars of liberation, appeared before the Bternal City, tho Itome of the Popes, opened with their artillery a breach In the wallB of Porta Pla and entered tho city, which had been twice tho cnpltal of the world. General Clal dlnl, who hnd won a real battle nine years beforo at Castelfldardo, was not on September M, 1870, hailed as a strate gist or n tactician. Ho had won no battle, because tho Papal Guard had ottered virtually no resistance, but to tho Italians he had won a tremendous moral battle mado possible only by tho defeat of the KYench JJmperor at Sedan. He hnd given Italy her capital and had destroyed the temporal power of tho Pope. WHOLE NATION CELEBRATES,. A year or so later, when the Italian Parliament met for the first time In Itome and the Qulrtnal was made the residence of the Klnss of Italy, the day on which General Claldlnl had opened the breach of Torta Pia was declared a national holi day. Slnco then September 20, "II XX Settembre." as the Italians style it, has been celebrated by the whole nation. Ir respective of religious creed. In the land of Dante and far away, wherever Dante's tongue Is spoken and understood, wher ever there aro Italians tolling their way to better economical conditions and never forgetting that they camo from tho land whenco Latin civilisation was spread over tho known world and whero a nation has attained In a trldo more than half a cen tury the rank of a great Power. The Italians of Philadelphia observe the holiday as the Italians of any other set tlement do. Dut this year thero will not be tho usual banquet. Instead of enjoy ing an elaborate dinner, they will listen to a concert, given by tho orchestral organization of Slgnor lUtore Martini, In the Musical Fund Hall, and will turn over the proceeds of the affair to the competent authorities to be distributed to the Itnllan Itcd Cross and to the families of the Philadelphia Italians who have re sponded to the calt to nrms which has come fiom Italy since King Victor Em manuel, pressed by tho nation, declared wnr on Austria to liberate the Italian provinces still under Austrian rule. Had Too Many Bullets; 30 Days A hnll of heavy calibre revolver cart ridges, which fell from tho third-story of a house nt 731 South 10th street, attracted a great crowd and two policemen, who arrested Evlgno Mazzano, 40 years old, na the man who threw the missiles None of them exploded Mazzano, who was sent to jail for 30 days today, said ho has a son who was a cowboy In Mexico, and that his long absence had caused him great anguish. Abington Fire Chief Hurt Fire Chief William H. Ferguson, of the Ablngton Fire Company, Is nursing a badly Injured right wrist today as the result of an attempt to crank the big motor chemical machine owned by tho company. He will be out of service six or seven weeks. Several small bones In his wrist were broken when tho engine backfired. Percy Madeira in Auto Crash Percy C. Madeira, society man and wealthy coal operator, narrowly es caped Injury on Township line road near Jcnklntown last night when his automobile collided with another car. He clung to, the Btcerlng wheel and escaped. Both drivers had their cars well under control and this probably prevented a more serious crash. MOKEMACHER'S HAIRY ONION INDICATES A HARD WINTER "But, by Cricky, I'll Not Tell How Bad Till I'm Ready," Says Famous Prophet, as He Smooths New Growth of Fuzz "The mange, by cricky!" muttered Simeon M. Mokemacher at dawn today as he poked around In hlB onion patch in the loneliest section of tho Neck. "Get tln' heavier 'n' heavier every day, and longer too. Tarnation, but It beats me." Tho lean, angular weather prophet who prognosticated by his onions, which he says prove the connection between animal and vegetable life, straightened up to his full 6 foot and 7 Inches. "Sho!" ho said, seeing tho reporter for tho first time. "You're hero ag'ln, eh7 Fuit thing I know they'll all find me, and then I'll havo to move again, young fel ler. What do you want now, young fel ler J" Mr. Mokemacher was questioned deli cntely about his activities In the onion patch. It was necessary to be delicate and not too direct, because ho teemed to be a trifle annoyed. BOHTA' OUT O' HUMOR. "None o" yer business," he snapped. "Now, Mr. Mokemacher" "Shet up," he Interrupted. "Shet up, or I'll stuff an onion down your throat. Now, look-a-hcre, young feller, I don't want to be techy, but this thing's getting me sore. I don't mind for myself, but ft makes the onions nervous to havo strangers 'round all thr time. Hereafter you whistle before j on nine near the patch so' I can warn 'em and get 'em quieted down." The reporter promised, and Moke macher, mollified, then became more tractable. It was explained to him that various weather prophets havo been mak ing predictions about the winter and that some criticism has been directed at him for his failure to do so. Instead of be colng enraged this caused Mokemacher to go into a paroxysm of laughter, OTHER, PROPHETS "JOKES." "Shucks," he chuckled. "Sonny, I'm awaiting 'till all these fake prophets get their Ideas In, go's they can't learn the truth from me and then steal the credit. What do I caro It tho Cherokees In Okla homa are storing up grub 7 That's what VOTE FOR JOSEPH W. GROSS FOR JUDGE OP ' Court of Common Pleas No. 2 on NON PARTISAN Ballot CAFABL,B AREPUL, OINJBERVATIVB 1CAXK CKOSi OHbsKTKXMM JOSEPH W. GRG5S JOHN J. GALLAGHER This 22d Ward Republican has the distinction of being one of tho younRcst "candidates for mag istrate at tomorrow's election. BOMB HURLS THREE SLEEPERS FROM BEDS Explosion Wrecks House in Al- toona, Pa., and Causes $5000 Damage ALTOONA, Pa., Sept. M With a roar that was heard for blocks and a force that rocked tho buildings In tho vicinity, n bomb wrecked tho fruit store of Joe Nnsrella, opposite Ht. James' German Lutheran Church, nt 1:30 this morning Nnsrella was returning from Niagara Falls, but his wife, her sister and the clerk were asleep on tho second floor. The explosion blew out tho front of the building, shattered the soda fountain, smashed cases, tore a hole In the floor and knocked tho people asleep overhead from their beds. Tho police havo no clue. The dnmago was 50rt0. STATE nifillWAY OFFICIALS WILL PREPARE FOR TOUR Will Inspect Roads to Be Covered by the Governor HAnnisnuna, sept. :o.-omc!ais of tho State Highway Department will In spect this week tho roads which will bo covered In the Governor's automobile tour to begin Monday, October t George II. Dlles, second deputy State Highway Com missioner, and W It. D. Hall, statis tician of the department, will go over the route, tho former for tho purpose of road Inspection and tho latter to mako hotel reservations A slight change hns been made In the Itinerary as originally laid out. Leaving Harrlsburg, tho tourists will spend the first nlsht in Dedford, Tuesday night in Pittsburgh, Wednesday night In Altoona, Thursday night in Wllllamsport and Fri day night In Pocono Summit. The tour will end ofllclally Saturday night when City Hall plaza In Philadelphia Is reached. While many Invitations have been sent out. It Is the expressed dcslro of Gover nor Brumbaugh, according to a state ment Issued today, that automoblllsts In every county constitute themselves an escort for the tourists. Lcmberg for Irish-Americans NEW YORK, Sept. 20. Abe Lcmberg. formerly of tho Trinity Club, who has been running unattached for the last year, said last night that he would Join the Irish-American A. C. Ho has dono good work at the mile. the squirrels do every year, and the squirrel Is como to bo a synonym for a bughouse patient. " 'S'matter o' fact, I knew weeks ago what kind of a winter wo'ro going to have, but I didn't let on. Why should 17 Answer me. sonny why should 17" Mokemacher hurried on without giving opportunity for an answer, so he didn't get one. He said tho onions had apprised him of what will happen this winter, but reiterated his Intention not to tell, adding; "Why should 17" If ho told now, Moke macher says, all the goosebone and guess prophets would steal his stuff, HAIR TO WARM ONIONS. "I'll show you this much, sonny," he said, "take a look at this here onion. It's shedding Its bristles. It looks like its got the mange, don't It. Well, It ain't tho mange. Tho onion Is growing new bristles. They're heavier and longer. Now you An figure out for yourself that this means a hard winter. If you want to know how hard, see me when I get ready to tell. ! won't tell now. Why should IJ" THE GREAT Allentown Fair Sept. 21,22, 23, 24 Races Every Day SPECIAL REDUCED FARES FREQUENT TRAINS VIA Philadelphia & Reading Rwy. GRAND REGENT GIVES BANQUET TO DEPUTIES Prizes to Help Boost Royal Ar canum Membership This Season Grand negent L. R. Oetienberger; of the Pennsylvania Jurisdiction, gave a banquet to all of his depuUcs In the Philadelphia district on Tuesday evening at the Bingham House. In addition to the deputies, Past Grand Regent Eaton, Grand Orator Norton and tho president of tho Associated Councils and Carna tion Club were In attendance. Brother Gelsenbcrger has mapped out a series of visitations by the deputies to all coun cils for tho month of October. The rtipreme and grand council prlies of ffred to councils and mmbfra this year are mire to b iltrHCtlve and n:!?Uu"lJ?r J durtlvo nr grrat rnultj. Thfre Is also a .pwlHl in.lucmnt for the ,v"i 1t.m"! mothers to beiome Interred In the m em Her uhlo aettlnr. an prlies will be awarded to the omen prorln th. sreat.t 'number ap plicants bftwn October 1. pi, and Mar 31. ItllO. Thcue prtiPH, in addition to the numer ouscouni.il comet's, will creat. weat enthu siasm In lloyst Arcanlan circles thla autumn and winter. , , . After the dinner the diners Tuesday visited Philadelphia Council In a body. vhlchaa then In aesslon in the Parkway Du"dlng. J were In limn to witness the Induction ".two candidates, In which the distinguished ,'t?J! took part in th. work. Tha gran """ rave a sp endld example of how the orators position should be conducted, while the grand irator becams very Impressive while delivering a neat button speech under tha Ja ."i"? order, mother Oelsenberger Impressed upon the membera of Philadelphia Council that their rivals in Allegheny would put gJg3JJl hardest test they have yet experienced. Brother Norton and the district deputies also gave In teresting talks. According to the September Issue el the Key. stone Arcanlan. Phlladelph a Wf,e.t,,S,?fUthi two-thlrda of all the applications during t" month ot Aurust In the entire P"1""'1,"1"'1! Jurisdiction, and Philadelphia has i not ei struck the pace she Is capable of a01";, Tnr" hundred applications have been allotted for them to procure before December t'.."la whll some of the active vkjrkera J"a'cft repetition of the Eaton class In the next lour months. J. Ed Kllbum. the newly elected secretary of the Carnation Club, and the leading committee men on the It. A. outing day. has ; Just com pleted a detailed report of the Willow Orove field day, showing a handsome profit to the credit ot the club In both finances and pub licity. The Associated Councils of rjitladelphla and Vicinity net for the first time since their June meeting- In tho TarkwV u,.Mln:4.i',r?a,d and Cherry streets. Saturday evening. Septem ber 11. Eleven councils wens represented ana the committee reports were received. Tne euchro and dance for the winter was discussed, but no final action taken at that time. The association exp'cts to lend a helping hand In the counMl work this coming campaign. Tne next meeting will take place on the nrat Sat urday In October. Continental Council met Thursday evening, Kertcmber 10. IMS. Five more candidates have been added to their fast-growing Hat of new recruits This seems to be a arm weather council, as they have Increased this rosier 10 per cent. In six weeks. Their goal Is 100 membets before enow falls. A. O. OF M. P. Northwest Assembly Out for Mem bership Record Northwest Assembly of the Artisans' Order of Mutual Protection admitted four members last week, making a total of 34 for tho year. Dr. II, Hunter Lott, the hustling deputy, Is determined that North western shall Initiate moro new members this year than any other assembly, and the enthusiastic workers of No 64 are equally determined to bring this to pass. Brother A J. Kelley and Recorder C. P. Calver, of Commonwealth Assembly, visited Heading Assembly last Monday evening. This assembly Is organizing a movement to spread Artlsanshlp throughout that Uerks County town. Most Hxcellent Master Artisan Harry C. Smith dropped In on Fidelity Assembly on Monday evening. He also visited Energetic Assembly In Camden the same night. Union Assembly has designated Its October meeting as "Harry C. Smith" night. It Is expected to make thts a memorable occasion when a large class of new members will be admitted Most Kxcellent Inspector George F. Taw ling la back of the movement, and under his active and energetic management It should bo a success. The most excellent master artisan. In an effort to assist some or the smaller assem blies, haa asked for the apolntment of a com mittee of three men from each of the follow. ing assemblies to meet him at the rarkway llulldlng on September ti: Commonwealth, Hadlant Star, Camden, Oriental, faverly. Eureka, St. Paul's, Kensington, Ihlgh, Rn ergetlc, Larchwood, William Fatton and Fox Chase. The master haa some plans in view by which he believes he can obtain the CO- operaiion or tnese assemblies. Most Excellent Maater Artisan Smith and Most. Excellent Recorder Cox paid an offlrial visit to Hollldaysburg Assembly on Thursday evening, where they found a large number of the assembly present and several members of Mountain Assembly, ot Altoona. Hollldays burg Assembly Is one of tha oldest assemblies of the order. Lodger Found Dead in Bed An unidentified man about 40 years old was found dead In bed today on the sec ond floor ot a lodging house at 801 North Front street. The man, who was poorly dressed, appeared to have been the victim of heart disease. Police of the Front nnd Master streets police station are Investigating. II a-aaaMCI a this RANGE fcEi 9C1 reduced from npuO.&K) $58.25 There are three other styles of Combination Ranges . ' in this sale: Prices this week, $51, $53.80, and $54.80 Reduced from $56, $58.80 and $59.80 Also a Reduction of $2.00 -on any Cabinet Gas Range Bought This Week ALL SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS Rwfectiw t all rt w More er from wprwentativ. ' . . , THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. 20, 1915: KNIGHTS OF MALTA West Philadelphia Commandcry, tho "Baby," Proves a Lively Young-ster Mystlo Cross Commandery of West Philadelphia held an open convocation re cently, when officers were Installed. This commandery, although termed the bauy commandery, hns shown Itself to by one of tho llve-wlro ones of Philadelphia, Slnco Its Institution, last July, It has made such progress as will be difficult to equal for any other commandery. The members are looking for a healthy add -Hon to the Scarlet and Black Hume" uni form rank of Philadelphia The commandery waa called to order without form, due to i tne public installation After the opening Mystlo Cross Orchestra played an overture, followed, by a lively encore. .... .,.- After remarks by the Sir Knight commander, the district Installation team waa called to order by Captain William Clreulnger, who was In charge. When tha beautiful uniformed team presented Itself In Its elaborate cere monious form the Installation proper began. After the services were over there were re marks by the commander, followed by an ad dress by Sir William Oretiinger. His subject was "Malta Testerday and Today, or rom 1041 to lfllB." . . , . Then followed an orchestral selection, a so prano solo, refreshments, a soprano and con tralto duet Honors were given to the retir ing commander, after which the floor was cleared for dancing, which was enjoyed Dy the voung visitors. BROTHERHOOD MEN DISCUSS WITHDRAWALS Expect Legal Proceedings to Be Started by Minority of Home Much Interest has been aroused among members of the Brotherhood ot America by the report made of the withdrawal of. two homes from the Grand Homo of Pennsylvania at the 46th annual session at Reading last week. Tho part of Grand Scroll Keeper Kathryn Fritz's report that has caused discussion follows: "It Is a matter of common report that Mary S. Dtsston Home, No. 18, has seoeded from our ordor and that certain of Ita membera aro operating under a charter granted by an asso. elation known aa "The Grand Circle of New Jersey, Urotherhood or America. Continent of America," compesed of dlsloyaKmembers of our order. A respectable minority of mem bers of this homo aro not In sympathy with Its action and haa signified a desire to remain loyal to the Grand Home of Pennsylvania, and will. In the near future, begin legal proceed ings to protect Ita Interest nnd uphold the laws of our order. The Grand Home, In my opinion, ought to lend every assistance In Its power. ' Martha Jefferson Home No. 20, If report re true. Is operating as an Independent asso ciation. For some reason unknown It would not affiliate with the disloyalists from New Jersey. With respect to the other two homes, 1 am unable to report anything but the failure to pay per capita tax and make reports. All of the homes heretofore named are still In .oesslon of the paraphernalia, rituals' and other property. Some action should be taken to recover the charter, etc." In closing her report, the grand scroll keeper asks that greater activity be shown, so that. Instead of a decrease In membership during the ensuing jear, there might be a greater In creaeo than any year In tho history of the or ganization. WOMAN KILLED BY AUTO Covers Head With Coat During Rain storm and Walks in Front of Cat POTTSVILLE, Pa., Sept. 20 -Mrs. El mer E. Dcrr, wife of Motorman Dcrr, of Palo Alto, died In the hospital at mid night from Injuries sustained late Satur day night, when she was run down by nn automobile on Centre street, this city. During a heavy rain shower she covered her head with a coat, which obstructe'd her view and deafened her, nnd, it is said, sho stepped In front of the automobllo of Charles Brltton. She 'was thrown to tho pave curb and her skull was crushed and other Injuries were Inflicted. Found Tied to Chair and Beaten Benedict Pocobrodo, 24 years old, who lives at 603 South 7th street, washeld under JSOO ball for court today by Magis trate Coward, accused of assault and bat tery on Flllppl Scandallato, 25 years old, of 90S East Passvunk avenue, a tailor. The police found the latter tied In a chair in Pocobrodo's home, blood trickling from a wound In tho scalp, and a black jack lying on the floor. Pocobrodo said he had attacked Scandallato because lie suspected him of being attenttvo to his 17-year-old wife. " THE BOSSES THE. MAYOR having slated their candidates for Mayor, why not the people elate their candidate by voting for JAMES E. GORMAN for Mayor on tho Washington Party ticket or tho Democratic ticket or the Keystone ticket at tho primary election held next Tuesday, September 21st, 1915? A Gas Range with a Winter Assistant Reduced $5.00 Jggk Here is a line of Gas Ranges having kitchen heaters which burn coal, wood, coke, waste and garbage. The Heater Heats the Kitchen and Supplies an Abundance of Hot Water WOMEN OF MCCABEES ELECT MANY OFFICERS Reviews of Beneficinl Associa tions Prepare for Autumn nnd Winter Work Quaker City Review, of "W. B. A. of th Maccabees, elected tho following officeri for tho next term: Commander, Mrs. Mary Morrlssey; Hen tenant commander, Mrs. Jane IIAsteri past commander, Mrs. Ruby Taylort record kcVper, Mrs. Jennlo C. Wright flnanco auditor. Mrs. Fanny B. Hamble ton; chaplain, Mrs. Emma Hunt; lady at arms, Mrs. Jodan: sergeant, Mrs. Clea. by,' sentinel, Mrs. Poseni picket, Mrs. Edda. Tho following wers appointed as guards Mesdames Harney, Monogue, Campbell! Stewart, Cunningham, Anderson, Heckler Lash, Burke, Edmonds, Carroll, Dough! erty and Gordon. Tho first meeting; In October vrin be "Social Night," and It is planned U havo at least one "mysterious" feature. New by-laws 'Will be given out. Olivet Review. ,200, eleoted the foltowtag officers to servo for the term to begin Octo ber It Commander, Mrs. A. D. Kennedy; llantenu commander, Mr. Alters; past oomnsanoisp Mrs. Ellle Vance; record keeper. Miss A. Elisa beth Ilerli; finance auditor. Mia Collins! ejSaa. lain. Mra. flhlirwar! ladr-a-arma. r..? ...... n ,.. m.... ...::.. v.' -"i"! int. Mrs. Thompson: rentlnel, Mrs. Rom l3?v?r! JE11- 1!?' Cotteralj mvurteUa. I). 11. Shlpway. Supreme Chaplain Burl jiammaxer Miss I). 11. gin. who acted as record keeper In the abnV. from the city of Miss UerlL Installed tha era. cer. Olivet Review Is making arrangeatata for a "Jitney" fair to be held in the tw future. Itartram Review, CSd street nr last Monday evening; officer! avenue, at tneir meeun elected the followlnr ol uommanaer, Mrs. .Minnie lsran; lieutenant commander, Mrs. Bertha Rlter; past com manuer, Mrs. Brnna Helnts; record keeper Mrs Kathryn Moore: finance auditor, Mlsa Kultr: chaplain, Mra. lleuer: lady-at-arms. Airs. Martha Hanley; sergeant, Mrs. Minnie Lawrence; picket. Mlsa 'Wood; captain of th guard, Miss Roller. Bart ram lie view will make arrangements for an entertainment at their next meeting. The officers were Installs! by Supreme Chaplain Burgln, " Betsy Ross Review will celebrate the anni versary ot the association at their next meet ing, Tuesday evening, September 28, In Cap ron Post Hall. 31st and Ruth streets, Kensing ton. Each member will try to taka an anmi. cation. On October 12 they will have th third and final reading of their I or ivlawa and a ' "freeJt social." Betsy Ross Review will hereafter devote 80 minutes of each meeting night to reading and debate on aupreme laws, which is a lopg step In the right direction. They ex pect to keep their degree staff busy Initiating applicants the coming autumn and winter. IN DESPAIR, HE TRIES TO DIE Father of 16 Children, Out of Work, Inhales Gas , Trouble and poverty has brought de spair to the family of (Tharles HUdebrand for many months. Tho climax came to day when he attempted suicide at his home, 736 Leopard street, by inhaling' gas. lie wna found unconscious by his J7-year-old daughter, Clara, and sent to St. Mary's Hospital. Tho physicians say he will recover. HUdebrand attempted to shoot his wife a year ago. according to the police, and tried to kill himself the same day. He Is the father of IS children and has been out of work for a year. Labor's Candidate J wm Far Mltntrtnitl 4 For Municipal Court Judge Indorsed by th Central Labor Union of Philadelphia and vicinity This is the oppor tune time to plac a representative of Labor on th Judicial Bench. VOTE FOR Patrick P. Conway (Hatter and Lawyer) on the Non-Partisan Ballot ! a ! i A w i i Mm