Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 20, 1915, Final, Page 4, Image 4

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.llll!llllllfj l'l I'l II III
Four Other Latin-American
Powers and United States
Will Recognize First
C Chief
WASHINGTON. Sept. S0.-Immeilte rec
enltlon of the Cnrranxa provllonl gov
trnmtnt If It meets the demands agreed
on at Saturday conference In New York
Is certain from the United States. Ar
gentina, Uruguay, Bolivia and probably
Chill. Guatemala and Bratll are ex
pected lo hold back formation time, ac
cording to the beat Information obtain
able here today.
It developed today that at Saturday
conference In New York the fight for the
recognition of Carranca wa led by Am
bassador Noon, of Argentina. He ex
pect to go home within a very short
tlm to fix hi fence to become the presi
dential candidate of the Radical party of
Argentina. And he was very anxious
that no precedent be afforded for any
attack upon him aa favoring Interference
In the Internal affairs of a alater republic.
So well did he argue the case that
Secretary Lansing withdrew his objec
tion to Carranza and agreed that. It
he shall show he actually controls the
territory he claims, he shall be recognised
very soon, probably after the next meet
ing of the conferees In this city within
three weeks. Guatemala was unalterably
opposed to recognition, and the Brazilian
Ambassador was Inclined not to favor It,
although he said Brazil might act later
It convinced It was the best move.
In an effort to prevent Carranza'a
recognition, Vllllsta here and also, It Is
understood, on the border, have started
n boom today for General Obregon for
Provisional President, It Is said the Ad
ministration Would not be averse In
recognizing him, but It Is doubted If
either he or Carranza would consent to
such an arrangement.
Ideal Spouse in Ireland Ends Up in
Jail Here
A man who for years enjoyed the repu-
nfc union 01 ueuiK iiic uiuuci iiuaunnu ui
county Mayo, ireiana, was commuted 10
the House of Correction to serve a six-
, month term today by Magistrate Morris,
In the 19th and Oxford streets police sta
tion. When It was testified that two eor
In the United States had transformed him
Into a ne'er-do-well. He Is James Golden,
of 1752 Solbcrt street.
Golden'H arrest was occasioned last
night when his wire rushed Into the po-
ttco station and reported that her spouse
s was smashing up the furniture In their
- home and that she had narrowly escaped
a severe beating". Policemen were rushed
to the scene, and found Mrs. Oolden's
story correct. They succeeded In arrest
ing the one-time model husband after he
had been subdued In a lively battle.
When Mrs. Golden outlined her hus
band's career In this country to Magis
trate Morris the latter advised her to re-
. .4111 m iici-iiii mm me iiiuury icuiuimilK
irom wm wntcn sne saia sne possessed
when she came to America.
- Five Robberies Reported
Five robberies weio reported to the
police today. Two of the articles re
ported utolen were automobiles. The list
Sirs. Henry Pemberton, 6f School House
lane, near Wlssahlckon avenue, left a
Ford touring car outside the Germantown
Bank while she entered a theatre nearby.
It was missing when she came out.
Raymond J. Bradley, of 315 South 52d
street, reported that a Ford automobile
waa stolen at 19th street and Glrard
The (cents' furnishing store of S. It.
Douglas, of 103 North Sth street, was
entered by forcing a transom, and goods
valued at J150 were taken.
Jewelry valued at J.130 was stolen from
the home of Mr. Mary Chlsholm, who
conduct a restaurant at 819 South 69th
A parlor window In the home of Robert
Haxlett, of 1627 South 17th street, waa
forced early today and silverware valued
at ITS was stolen.
Printers Indorse Candidates
The Philadelphia Typographical Union
No. 2, at a meeting held yesterday after
noon Indorsed the following candidate,
who are member and ex-members of
Trade Union.
Edwin O. Lewis, City Solicitor.
Richard V. Farley and Robert J, Moore,
City Commissioner.
Edward D. Mitchell, Judge of Court or
Common Pleas, No. 1,
Patrick P. Conway, and Henry John
Nelson, Judge of the Municipal Court.
Lawrence E. McCroesIn, Leslie Tate,
Aurustua J. Cnrkurv. Jntin Tn 11.n
', , Roland B. Jeffries, Magistrate.
Official Forecoat
For Eastern Pennsylvania and New
Jersey Increasing cloudiness tonight,
. probably followed by shower In the
early morning or on Tuesday; somewhat
cooler Tuesdays moderate variable wind
becoming south.
Light rains have occurred over small
and widely scattered areas In the east
ern half of the country during the last 24
hours, and thunderahower were general
from Minnesota southward to eastern
Oklahoma, Partly cloudy weather pre
vails from the Rocky Mountain east
ward this morning, with clear skies over
most of the Far West. The temperature
are slightly above the normal from the
Mississippi River eastward, the excess be
ing generally from 4 degrees to 6 degrees,
while an abnormally cool area overspreads
the far northwest
U, S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
OterrtlOA taken at 8 a m. Esslera time.
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Victim of Bullet Is Americnn.
Two Others Wounded Three
Houses Burned
BROWNSVILLE, Tex.. Sept. .-Mex-lean
raiders, who sped throujih Magno
lia, a aubtitb of Brownsville, in an au
tomobile eirly today, suddenly fired a
volley of shots. One of the bullet slruok
and killed a girl of Mexican descent, but
of American cltlienshlp. Two other girls
were wounded. Several hours previously
a party of Mexicans burned three houses
owned by Americana between nrown
vllle and San Benito. The Mexicans
who killed the girl at Magnolia and Hred
the house near San Benito are believed
to be members of the same band.
There were six Mexicans In the party
that "shot up" Magnolia. Hnrnli Galban,
the girl who was killed, was In her home,
when a bullet fired through a wall struck
her In the head.
The two girl who were wounded were
standing In the street
State Officials Believe Grand
Jury Will Hold Three
Negroes and Widow
PHOVIDENCn. R. I.. Sept 20.-A brand
new set of grand Jurors today took up
the entangled threads of the Mohr murder
rnse, and the State officials have no doubt
that Indictments will be returned against
the three negros now held and Mis.
Elizabeth Blair Mohr. widow of tho
murdered phslctan, who Is accused of
Instigating the shooting
The three women most prominent In tho
case arc, beside Mrs. Mohr, Miss Emily
Burger, Doctor Mohr's housekeeper and
Miss Florence Ormsby, the doctor's sec
retary. Names of other prominent and
wealthy women have been withheld and
strenuous efforts are being made to pto
tect them from exposure at the murder
Father and Daughter Injured When
Machine Turns Turtle
A woman In the West Philadelphia
Homeopathic Hospital Is today suffering
from laceration of the scalp and her
father Is nursing cuts and bruises, follow
ing an accident which occurred late last
night when the nutomobtle In which they
were riding turned turtle at 54th and Jef
ferson streets. They are Mrs. Rosa Sro
pllltl end James Maynra, both of 717
South Uth street,
The car Is owned by Maynra, who was
driving when the accident occurred. Ac
cording to witnesses, he threw the auto
mobile sldewlse against the curbing to
avoid crashing into another car.
The machine waa left In the street, and
early today Policeman Ferguson, of the
C9th and Thompson streets station, found
three youths sleeping In the wrecked car.
When taken to the police station they
explained that they had been "out for
the night" and decided to spend It In the
automobile. They gave their names as
Daniel Kellaher. 16 years old, of Thomp
son street near 69th; A. Johnston, 18 years
old. of 169 North 68th street, and David
McCoy, of 6912 Master street. They were
released with a reprimand.
Juvenile Court Jurist Receives Warm
Praise for the work of Judge Raymond
MacNellle, of the Juvenile Court, was
contained today. In a letter addressed to
him by the Advisory Committee of the
Juvenile Court, consisting of the Rev.
W. A. O'D.innell. Louis Wolf, Henry M.
Gratz, Ell Kirk Price. Mrs. Sol Sellg. Mr.
Martha Falconer and George Q. Hor
wltz. Nothing but commendation, the letter
fays, has been heard of his work from
the many charitable societies. Irrespec
tive of sect and creed, and the wish I
expressed that Judge MacNellle may be
returned to the office in the coming elec
tion. Won't Name Autoist Who Hit Him
The driver of the automobile which ran
down Jacob J. Klntlk, 66 years old, at 16th
and Summer streets, today, escaped arrest
when his victim refused to tell his name.
Klntlk was riding a bicycle to a grocery
store at 16th and Wood streets, where he
is employed, when he was run down. "1
know who the man Is who ran me down,"
he said when he was taken to the Hahne
mann Hospital. "But I won't tell on
Youth's Feet Crushed by Elevator
Clarence Austin, 19 years old, 30 SoutK
Redfleld street, may lose several of his
toes as a result of an accident In which
both his feet were crushed, when they
were caught between the first floor celling
and the floor of an elevator he waa run
ning at the C. p, Hoffman Steamfittlng
Company, 122 Race street. He was taken
to the Jefferson Hospital, where physi
cians said they probably would have to
amputate several of his toes.
Police Court Chronicle
Wherever Jacob Fisher lay hi pillow
he call It home, Jake believe that a
man should be allowed to breathe the
air any place he choose to atop. But,
unfortunately, he spends most of his time
In breathing and doesn't seem to follow
any definite vocation,
When Jake Isn't eating he sleeps. He
wa chased from several doorsteps today
with hi pillow, and finally camped on a
step In front of a handsome house at 30th
and Diamond street. Persons entering
the house were obliged to step over him,
and naturally objected Jake dicw u knur
and then, pulllntr a lid from h n.,'v
garbage can, to prevent a counter-attack,
he dared any one to molest him, But
Policeman Sylvester diopptd Jake 'by a
flank movement, and look him to (ha 20th
and Berka street station. The prisoner
kept a tight grip on hi pillow, but be
ws obliged to part with It when he faced
MacUtrate Morris. It wa stuffed with
old clothes, leveral cans of tomatoes, a
frjlng pan. a g'aas, a cake of soap ana
a rasor.
The Judge decided that Jake wa a gen
eral nuUante, and the fact that he didn't
know It only made the case more serious
so ho wa held Jn MM ball for court
Who I -
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The map shows the railroad triangle cast of Vilna in which General
von Hindenburg is now trying to trap the retreating Russians. Dy
a wide flanking movement In which his cavalry at int reports had
reached Molodcchno (2) and Worjnrjy (3), Hindenburg hns compelled
the Russians to evacuate Vilna and has almost, if not entirely, sur
rounded the retrenting forces in the railroad triangle between Vilna,
Vileika and I.Ida. A strong force of Russians who attempted to cut
their way through at Michalischk (1), wero beaten back, according
to the German official report. The armies of Archduke Leopold of
Bavaria, who is working in co-operation with Hindenburg to cut the
Russians off, has crossed the River Sczara between Slonim and
Heretschin (4).
La Foresta di Ferrocavallo,
Fortemente Difesa dagli Aus-
triaci, E Conquistata dalle
Truppe di Cadorna
ROMA, 20 Scttembre.
II generate Cadorna annunciu nel suo
rapporto pubbltcato lerl sera dal Mlnl
stero dclla Gtierra una Importonte vltto
rla delle arml Itallane sull'altoplano del
Carso, che, come si sa, costltulsce la di
fesa esterna prlnclpale dl Gorjzla. Gil
Italian! hanno cacciatn dalle loro posl
zlonl fortemente trincerate dl Kerroca
vallo gll nustrlacl e le hanno occupate.
Di pol gll austrlacl hanno contrattaccato
vlolentemente gll Italian), ma tuttl quest!
contrattacchl sono statl resplntl.
Kcco 11 tcsto del comunlroto umctale,
orsla del rapporto del Hcnerale"Cadorna:
"II nemlco attacco le nostre poslztonl
dl Osterta Florentine a nord dl Arslero,
ma fu resplnto.
"Un tentatlvo degll adstrtacl dl In
cendiare la foresta dl Valagna, da dove
I nostrl tlratorl lmpedlscono al nemlco dl
rlpnraro I dannl caglonatl al forte dl
Vczzinn. dalla, nostra artlgllerla, fu
frustrate grazlo aU'lnteryento tempcstlvo
ed elllface delta nostra artlgllerla.
"Sull'altoplano del Carso, In segulto ad
una serle dl noetfe operazlonl preccdentl,
speclalmcnto da parte della fanterla,
nonostante 1 violent! contrattacchl del
nemlco, lo nostre truppe dl fanterla rl
usclrono ad occupare la foresta dl Ferro
cavallo, dove 11 nemlco si era fortemente
trlncerato. Gll austrlacl, flngcndo ver
gognosamente dl arrendersl, rlusclrono a
trarre In una trappola una plccola colon
na dl truppe nostre e ad Infllggcrle gravl
"I nostrl dirlgiblll lasclarono cadere
qunranta bombe mil campo avlatorlo ne
mlco dl Aissovitza, ad est dl Gorlzla, e
bombardarono anche II vladotto ferrovl
ario di Nabrealna, rltornando qulndl
senza dannl alia loro base.
"Aeroplanl nemlcl bombardarono le
cltta' nperte e non fortlflcate dl Aalago
e dl Bassano. Pochl borghesl rlmasero
ferltl e soltanto dannl material! Inslg
nlflcantl furono caglonatl dalle bombe."
La Trlbuna annuncia oggl che II monu
mento che I Trentlnl nvevono eretto, a
costo dl gravlsslml saeriflcll e dopo aver
superato ostlnae opposlzlonl da parte del
governo dl Vienna e del luogotente aus
trlaco Innsbruck, a Dante Altghlerl, e
che era glustamcnte conslderato come un
capolavoro dell'arte scultorla, e"' stata
demollto dagll austrlacl, dal modern! van
dall, afflnche' la starua dl bronzo del
Poeta potetse essere fus& per fsrne can
nonl. II monumento era opera dello scultore
Zocchl e sorgeva In piazza Dante, dl
fronte alia stazlone ferrovlarla.
Quando doveva erlgersl 11 monumento
a Dante In Trento, I! governo dl Vienna
trovo' opposlzlone perche' Dante era rl
volto verso I'ltHlla e nientre In una mano
teneva la Dlvlna Comedla, con 1'altra
pareva fare un gesto dl Invito agll Italian!
perche' venlssero a Trento,
Quando l'opposlzlone parve Insuperablle,
allora II comttato decise dl far mattere
la statua In modo che guardasse a nord,
verso Innsbruck, ma ecco che quando la
statua e' cretta sul pledlstall" li iniipo
destra del poata non ha plu 11 gesto dl
Invito ma uno dl arresto, come volesse
dire at popoll nordlcl, al teuton!, dl ar-
restarsl a nord perche' II Trentlno e'
terra Italians. Le nutorita' austrlache
j non potettero opporsl a do' e la statua
monumento moderno che ornava Trento,
I teutonl e la marmaglla croata, en
trambl IncapacI dl qualslasl eentlmento
artlHtico, hanno dlatrutto ora la statua
dl Dante, coal come nel tempi nntlchl
ovevano dlstrutto tutto quanto dl artls
tlco avevano trovato In Italia. Hanno
segulto c rivelato II loio Istlnto anlma
lesco che permane attraverso I ecoll.
Can Be Made Into Potash
Government experts oay that the kelp
growing along the Pacific coast can be
Cheaply utilized to produce six time a
much potash annually as this country has
Imported from Germany. Undoubtedly the
enforced cessation of Import caused by
the war I going to be permanently bene
ficial to this country In many ways
r, ' '
- (rrtrQG0
s'sszr J -r
Counsel in Turbulent Ecclesias
tical Case Agree on Post
ponement Action Causes
The trial of the Rev. George Chalmers
Richmond has been Indefinitely postponed
by a last-minute agreement of opposing
counsel. This Information was made pub
lic today by Chancellor of the Episcopal
Dloeese Henry Budd, who announced two
weeks ago that the trial would go on to
day whether or not Richmond and his
attorney, Edgar N. Black, were present.
Friends of the militant rector were I
openly Jubilant when It became known
that another delay had been brought
about In the case. Chancellor Budd de- I
cllncd to express an opinion as to when j
the trial will start now. He sold it
might be a few weeks and It might not
be for several months.
Richmond was first accused of violating
his ordination vow and of conduct un
becoming a clergyman nearly a year ago.
Since that time the case has been hang
ing fire. It has been marked repeatedly
by charges and counter-charges, one of
the most sensational of which was
delivered last night by the minister from
tho pulpit of St. John's Episcopal Church,
from which he has refused to be ousted
by Bishop Thlllp Mercer Rhlnelander.
This latest charge waa directed against
George Chandler Paul, of 13Z1 North Uth
street, accounting warden of the church,
who was accused by Mr. Richmond' of
misappropriating funds of the parish for
hi own use. Denial of this waa made
today by Mr. Paul and hi friend. The
latter say the charges were made be
cause Mr, Rlchjnond became angered at
Sir. Paul for refusing to support him In
the controversy with the officials of the
The trial was scheduled to start today
at 3 o'clock In the Church of St. Luke
and the Epiphany. It was called alio
two week ago and postponed at that
time because neither Mr. Richmond nor
Mr. Black was present. Chancellor Budd
then announced that proceedings would
start today. .
When the chancellor was seen today
he made the statement that the trial had
been postponed. He declined to go Into
details, merely Baying that opposing
counsel agreed to ask for tho postpone
ment. Mr, Black Is still In the West,
where he ha been touring for some
For months It waa known, according
to officials of the church, that Mr. Rich
mond had been threatening Mr. Paul
with a verbal attack In event he refused
to swing to the side of the clergyman
against whom every gun Is turned by
high officials of the diocese of Penn
sylvania In an effort to unfrock him.
There was a time when oysters
were eaten without Oysterettes,
but it waa before these flaky little
crackers were made. But now
The Oyster Crckr
are eaten and enjoyed with soupo
and other things as well as oysters,
Francis S. Clark
For Judge of Common Pls
Court No. 2
AuiatMt Of? WWW msW Mm tw.
Sofia Government's Action Re
garded as Definite Step To
ward Alliance in War With
Teutonic Powers
Ottomans Expert Rumonta to Bo
Hostile, But count on ureeK
Bulgaria has removed all reatrlctlon on
the passage of merchandise through that
country to Turkey, according to a dis
patch from 8ofla received here today.
This means, according to observer of
the Balkan situation, that Bulgaria haa
definitely allied henelf with Germany,
Austria and Turkey.
A dispatch from Salonika quotes Hakl
Pasha, a prominent Turkish leader, as
saying that the Turco-Bulgarlan accord
creates a new political and military situ
ation In the Balkans.
"We believe," he added, "that numanla
will take a position opposed to the cen
tral Powers, but we hopo that Greece
will not attack u."
Czar Ferdinand of Bulgnrla and the
King of Humanla are reported to be hold
ing a secret conference at some place on
tho Danube, and this cqnference. It I
understood, will decide the action of tho
Balkans toward the all-Important Darda
nelles campaign.
So desperate Is the plight of the Turku
that Enver Pasha Is reported In dis
patches from Borne as having declared
Constantinople In a stale of siege. The
central Powers are preparing to detach
600,000 men from the Busslan front and
hurl them to the assistance of their Otto
man ally, according to tho aatne source.
The latter part of October Is said to
have been set for a great Austro-German
drive through Scrvia to the relief of the
Turks. It Is then that Bulgaria must
say whether she will cast her lot with the
Teutons and allow patsago to their troops.
Berlin dispatches describe the satisfied
confidence there that she will. Bulgaria
la wide open to attack from land and
sea, however, and this fact leads to the
belief here that she will hesitate a Ions
time before defying the Allies. She Is
sorrounded by Servla, Greece and Ru
mania, and her coasts are subject to at
tack by warships of tho British, French,
Husstan and Italian fleets.
Two Accused of Attempt to Rob
Two youths, accused by the police of
breaking Into and attempting to rob
tho home of Frederick GUIs, 4137 Mitchell
street, while Gills and his wife were shop
ping on Saturday night, were held under
1300 ball each for a further hearing by
Magistrate Grclts, In tho Manayunk po
lice station today, while the police in
vestigate their records. They are Charles
Myers, 23 years old, of 495 Marklc street,
and Harold Johnson, 20 year old, 4119
Laurlston street.
THE first package
of Uneeda Biscuit
put the soda cracker
in a class by itself. Its
continued goodness
keeps it there.
are representative of
the best of materials,
the most careful bak
. ing, the ideal in
Cp manufacturing
UUda BlscuitM
Autumn Opening
: ".!
. T
"V ' -:
, -fflff .
-:? :-".'
'$ 4.1A-1- T"
WMWWWWlWMIMfMMU ...m..,.. .iUMWHWn n .imi l. ' j
20, 1015
St. Menehould Swept by Long
Range Guns Artillery Ac
tive Along Entire Line
LONDON, Sept. 20.
The German hombsrded St. '
houlde with long-range gun lat nlgni.
killing a large number of civilians, among
them the assistant MAyor. The city hall
and other public building were damaged.
Bt. Menehoulde lie wet of Verdun on
the nhelms-Verdun Railway, which prob
ably was the object of the German bom
bardment. Tho German lines arc near
Vlenne-le-Chateau, about eight mile
north of 8t. Menehoulde.
French batteries throughout last night
cannonaded thi German artillery positions
nit along the battle front. This after
noon's official communique said the shell
ing wa particularly successful In pre
venting fresh supplies of ammunition
from being brought to the encmy'a front
The German bombarded the suburbs of
Arra and the front near Crlchon. The
cannonading was accompanied by lively
fusillades from rifles- and machine guns.
The German fire wa hot In the regions
of Foucaucourt, Herelcvllle and Tracy-
Uefore Fontenoy the Germans repeatedly
raKed wie rrencn aavnutcu iudiuui,.
with rifle fire, but did not leave their
trenches. The Herry-au-Hac region was
the scene of lively bomb fighting through
out the night.
11KUL1N. Bept. 20.
Army headquorlers last night Issued
the following statement:
"Southeast of Uta, on the Somme. a
wldcspr'ad explosion effected In and be
hind enemy positions was successful.
During the battle Immediately following,
and which wan successful for ua, the
French suffered sanguinary losses.
"Directly to the west of the Argopne
enemy divisions engaged In constructing
trenches were dispersed by our artillery
with heavy losses to them.
"Artillery combats continue along a
large part of the front."
lnQ1wflHS8w9BM JBHKBf99H9s9MIBBcl1aM1.-s9VjHlflWBVJka rl
H All Over H
HH The House HI
your lights should be put in order at
this season of the year.
Plan now, for eye-comfort, cheerfulness, artistic
surroundings and economical lighting bills. First aid
Ges Maori! le
Formerly TVT 1 I
25c. y Now 15c
For Upright and Inverted Gas Lights
Awarded Grand Prize, Highest Honor
Panama-Pacific International Exposition
W0 Points Excellent.
IjAgtOUgWelsbaclt lifihtfflrfyou,
' " " ' " " "' "
4ayv Tomorrow, Wednesday
'Depteinbcr 2U,
Nej?j syxTs' cot, fu?v ,k,'r' " w. a'u
oaadfiae.ttrMwn.Uecwt, $13.75 to $50.00
T 1
VV anamaker
Wom'g Skop MarLt St, at Sixth
Vivn TnHrtoit Mn Raw Tsit Tt.
Wsl,t Tl T t..Jt-l.l t'l
TIVU1M iJ a lujuuitllU
Saw TOtK, Sept. 20.-Flve of the .
Haven nAllroad directors, Indicted undtf
the Sherman law, today asked Jujj
Hunt, of Federal District Court, to eraail
separate inais io uiem
r-fc.MlAa t. Tim,!,,... Jtjtti. .. ..
nn.ico . ...uunv-, ucviureu II Wnnl,
bo prejudicial to hi Interests to be trij
with Euwara u. iioDeris, former gentn
counsel of tho New Haven, becautj
Kobcrts participated in tne acts corn?
plained of by the Government, where?
he did not. Charles M. Pratt, Lewis Caajr
Isdyard, Henry, A.'MclIarg and Frederl&Sl
T Tlrnwilitr fluked mtnafntf. I..I.I- "
technical grounds. Tho court reserved dx
5t & 10?
Graham Crackers
offers nutrition in deli
cious formior cither child
or grown-up. Made of se
lected flour baked right
packed right kept right.
tOb -
Cas Company; and Dealers
'.'.''J.v.v.'.'.'.'.v.'.v.'.vy,1 , , y y :''
21 and 22
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