Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 20, 1915, Final, Page 3, Image 3

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' 8
ty Director Points to His
Rincestors to Prove Right to
People's Suffrage
mls His Accuser Knows Moro
Than Ho About Sly Deals
in Contracts
b . -i iMrM TV Pnrter. nn Inrie-
EXtnt "candidate (or Mm or, In answer
laTsn attack made upon mm last trmay
Iw senator James r. McNIchol, cites his
ft . t m,i nnMitrv flu entitling htm
11' .uii-. nnnnrt. The Director. In
It !: li- t AVIphnl'a statements. Mild
Pff!-i.t. the exception of the Inside his
mzHi f ihn "nlundcrbund," ho probably
I l- v.nit nhllnrislnhtn. and Penn-
lMnl history than does) Senator Mc
171. .- .tMlrt.M nmuuM me." said
jiDlrector. "I am quite titling to ad-
llSih more than almost any ono etso
Shave hn entered Into by the city
rTT ...., ..kAln oi-itirittlnnM In th Tlrt
itrtment of Tubllo Safety which I have
JLn the best that la tn me to eliminate,
,,ili there the Senator's knowledge of
Kiwisylvanla history evidently stops.
Sri he more conversant with It he
iauld know that my great-grcat-great-ISSlfather
was an officer In the Amerl
i? Revolution from Pennsylvania. All
Zrs ireneratlons lived In Pennsylvania
r forebears came to this country In 1681,
few years, I believe, beforo the Sena
7 A. t.ih.r migrated from Ireland and
two of my family were aovernors Tf the
pwt State of Pennsylvania.
"It li true that I was not born In Phlla
elhl&. tut I came hero 20 years ago.
....in ift school at tho age of IS In
Berdtr t arn my ,,v,nB
fr "Again, I am sure i nm increasing me
Senator's knowledge of Philadelphia,
I My that such education as I have was
eeaipleteu in ina evening bvuuuib vl una
! tn the fact that I am not entitled to
Republican support, I am proud to tell
TOterfl 01 ine jiepuuui-uu nnu mi uirer
turtle? that my father, who enlisted and
fousnt In the Clll War, In the 179tn
Pennsylvania Volunteers, was one of the
J founders 01 ine wnuuiii xvcijuuiii;uii iiii.iy
la Pennsylvania, when 'Old Abe' first en
, tered the political Held.
F "Moreover, I am quite willing to com-
...u Ik. miAallrtn tt mv nvatv in TMtlli.
f delphls, as evidenced In my business llfeij
K . ...... I.. Paiima Mb nm1 Inn. T lino. I
Rljr cuuioo ill vvmtviiD iiiu dint.? . iinm
been Director of Public Safety, to the
loyalty of the Senator."
Boy of 19 and His Brother, 14,
Stopped by Detectives .
A 11-year-old boy and his 19-year-old
brother, who walked to this city from
their home In Hope Valley, It. I., on
their way to Jacksonville, Fla , where
the elder lad hoped to find Ills sweet
heart, are being held nt tho Detective
Bureau In City Hall pending Instructions
from their father. They are Elijah and
Charles Hartley,
The boys were arrested today by SDeclal
policemen of the Merchants and Mar
iners' Transportation Company, who sus
pected that they Intended boarding ono
ef the southbound ships as stow n ways.
Whn taken to City Hall, Charles Hart
ley explained that he had met a girl
nsmed Catherine McGovcrn In Weeka
paugh, 11. I., and had fallen In love with
her, but that she refused to marry
him because they belonged to different
churches. Later he learned that she was
In a Jacksonville, Fla., hotel and deter
mined to find her and persuade her to
marry him by changing his religion.
Taking Elijah as a companion Charles
tsrtcd on his Journey south two weeks
Bill in Equity Alleges Respondent
Has Failed to Comply With Law
Ira J.ur.ll YVlilln... .... ,!.... u
I-- ..., ,, ,,,,n,,,a, icfitrBcutiiiK me
Commonwealth, has nied n bill In equity
in Court Of Common Pinna Vn 1 nablnc-
9 Ht Jenh VI Blast, a private banker, at
- iiurin aa sireer. ne enjoined from
Continuing tn iln liueln.. n..! .. ...
I h'Vti b aPPlnted to take charge of
rJh? tCommonwealth charges that DI
Blasl has failed to comply with the law
respecting the entry of a bond as re
quired under the act of June, 1911. and
iMt he has neglected to take out a pri
vate banker's license In the Quarter Ses
ihortl urt ThB caM wlu herd
Bdear b. Harrod Demands $5000
' xrom Leonard Miller, Alleging
Alienation of AfTocfinns
stiiu t... , . .
CWrL v i enltrea ,n Common I'leas
iib Broad street, against Leonard Mil,
Pwi "covr WOO damages for the al
! alienation of the affections of Lois
v. Harrod, the plaintiff's wife.
JUee Flnletter allowed a capias for
1? rrto' Miller, fixing his ball at M0.
ne husband explains that since their
JW age- in May, 1912, he and Mrs. Har
k .,?- 'i1 dom"tlc applness until MIK
r started to pay secret attentions to
Iv Zl. V".0, .lne dfendant became ac'
JJJea with her In June, last, It Is
era t?ru..J xr ri
.Vv. .""". """
Iba. ..V . "a' Bept- -Luther II.
2r nd Agnes O. Klein, both of Kead
2 "v wr refused a license to wed
C, 'C,UM Haas w8 not of the
Xi w. ZZ -"vo who were married were
S: ."" ""wn and Anna C. Brown.
; tyTWj " mer ana Margaret Cresson
W r',phlai Henry r Curley, New
Wt and Mary Barth. Philadelphia. Fred
I J;.T' "na "v E. make. Elklns
rSLriymond Vand-' and Mangle
, Yr n mine and Edna
,.. . ,. -- .-, wf.., v w, 4ciujr nnu
J"ton, pL. Howard B. Langham and
HmBbtBbbA InaniklH. V . - .
i'5T ', oyers ora; waiter
LJ!w tni ,I,,da nnilnV ChesUr,
" westmont, and Kveieen
ir' ""."S"' na Marls H.
rtnrltr i "' a.nrnari, ijui-
WSMBD SlaL. M ...111. trl.
tiMi!!tler. "" Lawrence, and West-
, Vi " w in a, seneus conai-
r. rii nuBinmi m m. result
. stabUd by Mrs. Mary Waloa-
i .t' i"" ortn Lawrence
Ew.;J r..wu got ,nto n argument oyer
CJ?r',itml- awertsrt that the other
.... wBiwy. ine argument gc
Rwru, tccortttng to the
ma4a imnrnnfai &Jt,.n.. a t..
fdf JbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLV I f yBBBk sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV V1 8 lf t TbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV 5?Hp fa
f 11 V UBBkvBsL " "fWMMT JG&r' JbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbwPIsbbbbbb bbbbbT l
WB3Blto''L--maJBkKliBtLtt-..'f1Tty1B'TBi " lSBBBBBBy t f bbbbbbbbbbbbL 'bbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB
Dr. Albert J. Carnvoy and. his family were in "Louvain when that city was sacked by the Germans. He
has come to Philadelphia to teach Latin and Greek at the University. With Doctor and Mrs. Carnvoy in
picture are their three children (from left to right), Edith, Jean and Irene.
President Said to Contemplate
Calling That Body Prior to
Meeting of Congress
WASHINGTON. Sept. 20. The Presi
dent Is considering a special session of
the Senate to clear up relations with
Central and Southern American republics
prior to the regular session of Congress,
beginning December 4, It becamo known
Vice-President Marshall will arrive In
Washington late this week. Although It
was explained at the White House that
he was not coming for an oulclal con
ference. It was announced he would call
on the President
Tomorrow Senator Stone, of Missouri,
chairman of the Committee on Foreign
Itclatlons, will confer with the President
regarding the advisability of a special
Motorcyclist Seriously Injured Po
liceman Bruised in .Traffic Accident
A heavy truck horse that would not he
guided by tho rutes of trafltc brought seri
ous Injury Udrv to a voung motorcyclist,
bruises to a traTlq policeman who tried to
blop the wayward vehicle and was the
cause of an exciting Incident at 13th and
Market etrcets.
Howard Strlrkler, 18 years old, of 60S
North 32d street, atppped his motorcycle
on the side of Market btreet to wait un
til the policeman on the corner gave the
pignal for trafllc to continue westward. A
team, loaded with fruit and vegetables,
came up behind nlm. One of tho horses
would not stop and ran Into Strtckler.
The young man was dragged M feet by
the frightened animal and the motorccle
was bent into a mace of junk.
Policeman Clarke tried to stop the
horse, but was himself dragged, receiving
minor bruises. The team narrowly missed
crashing Into a cigar store at the corner
before the driver succeeded in bringing it
to a halt. While being taken to the
Hahnemann Hospital Strlckler begged the
policeman not to let his mother know of
his Injury, for, he said, she was critically
Bol Treadwell, of 6347 Woodland avenue,
driver of the team, was arrested and
taken to City Hall,
Woman Faints in Magistrate's Court
A woman who fainted In the 2ith and
York streets police station today when
her son was held in (300 -ball to keep the
peace because he had played fcall on
Sunday, gave the policemen great anxiety
and trouble before she could be revived.
She Is Mrs, Elizabeth Kcndlg, of 2703
Dauphin street. Her son, Peter Kendlg,
17 years old, was nrreated yesterday In
the yard of the Walton Publlo School,
where he nnd a number of companions
had organized a game of ball, It was nqt
known that the boy's mother was present
at the hearing until Magistrate Morris
reprimanded the youth severely and an
nounqed the ball. Then Mrs, Kendlg
Lumber Man Killed in Accident
WILUAMSPOIIT. Pa., Sept 20 -Gar-field
Larson, 25 years old, member 'of the
firm of Larson Bros, lumber and coal
dealers of Renovo, was 4nstarity killed
this morning when a sharp-pointed plank
wss hurled from a saw In the Larson mill
and penetrated his neck, nearly severing
his head.
Man's and Woman's tboDt
need net sacrifice handled
stock on the bargain coun
ts r. At slight cost we will
put back the makers new
nets en shifts, waists, skirts
and underwear.
Neptune Laundry
1601 Co!mW Ave.
v i.L urn.
New Member of Faculty of Uni
versity ,of Pennsylvania
Taught at Louvain Until
the W.ar Began
Dr. Albert J. Carnvoy, a new member
of the faculty pf the University of Penn
sylvania, who will act as research pro
fessor of Latin and Greek In the Gradu
ate School when the University opens for
the college year September 2S, was acting
In the same capacity In Louvain, Bel
glum, when that city was Invaded by the
German army In August of last year.
Sitting In tho living room of his resi
dence, at 4511 Chester avenue. Doctor
Carnvoy told today of his riersonal ex
periences, the destruction of his home In
Louvain with all his possessions, his es
cape to Brussels, and eventually England,
with his family. Doctor Carnvoy said:
"We were suddenly Informed of the ap
proach of the German army, said to num.
ber more than 100,000 men, on August 19.
They came. Invading the peace and beau
ty of our old university town, on August
24, and during the three das of August
25, 26 and 27 performed deeds of atrocity
and Violence that do not permit descrip
tion In full detail, since much of It would
be unprintable in Its loathsomeness and
bestiality. Fully one-third of the city was
burhed, the German soldiers acting under
orders from their ofllcers, deliberately
putting the torch to house after house.
My home was burned to .the ground after
my entire library1 and many pictures, with
some pieces of furniture, uere Hrst re
moved and loaded upon cars to be sent to
Germany, I lost a most valuable library
that hayl taken me jears to accumulate,
but deemed nijself very fortunate In ea
caplng to Brussels with my wife and four
"I ,suqceeded In reaching Brussels On
the last train not under German contrgU
that left Louvain. Tho distance Is about
20. miles and required more than two
hour' .traveling, From Brussels, with
thousands of my fellow countrymen, I
joined the retreat of the Belgian nrmy,
finally reaching Dunkirk, a distance of
120 miles, after a journey of five days,
partly on foot, at times in a peasant's
cart and for some miles In wagons drawn
by dogs."
Tug Crashes Into Dredge ,
WILMINOTON, Sept; 20.The tug Mars,
owned by the Philadelphia Gas Coal Com
pany while towing three barges, crashed
Into u dredge off Deep Water Poln, cut a
big hole In the dredge and went ashorV
itself. The Philadelphia and Reading tug
Catawlssa took off the crews of the dredge
find the beached tug.
t'o guard s(nt early coliU. lie
feat the verms la rltr duttkr nrav.
1ns; jiom and throat llli our (lljra.
rurmaun. aar, ana rnrrx a raw or
our lirttur I'aate TablrU (13) to
soothe mush throats. If a laiatlta
be Indicated, try our Liquid I'rtrol,
Philadelphia' tMandard Drag Htor
I5i Chestnut stmt
Mcll,HprueeMt K?ti,Kars 431
l Ojoeu J5rerj Mlht tlU .
To Loan
From $8 to f 1000
Lwt Rat
Est. Charge
Son of Oil King Will Be
Charged With Responsibility
for Colorado Outrages
TRINIDAD, Col , Sept. 20 -With the ar
rival of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., hero
today to inspect his Colorado Interests,
plans were being lajd by attorneys for
the United Mine .Workers to have him
arrested on a charge of being responsible
for the massacre of women and children
at Ludlow during 'tho coal strike. -,
A. M. B6lcher, general counsel fov the
Miners' Union, was duo to arrive In. Den
ver tomorrow. William Diamond, an In
ternational officer of the union, was au
thority for tho statement that prosecution
of the son of the world's richest man on
charges growing out of the recent Colo
rado strike would be undertaken Im
mediately. Rockefeller arrived here today In an or
dinary sleeping car and was unrecognized
except by the party of Colorado Fuel and
Iron Company officials who met him.
It was the first time In 11 years that
any Rockefeller has come to Colorado to
Inspect their vast Interests In the State.
The visit has been contemplated ever
since the recent labor troubles, but the
death of Senator Nelson W, Aldrlch,
Rockefeller's father-in-law, last April,
and othermatters prevented.
Baptist Clergymen's Quartet
A .quartet of .Philadelphia Baptist
clergymen sang today at the Baptist Min
isters' Conference In the First Church,
17th and Sansom streets. It was com
posed of tho Rev. Edgar E. White, pas
tor of the Tenth Church; the Rev. T. C.
Collins, of Lincoln Church; the Rev. L.
Morrill Halner, of Belmont Avenue
Churcn, and tne Jie,v, F. Paul Langhorne,
of South Broad Street Church.
The one shoe to pass college requirements
without conditions : it stays in its class in
spite of hard wear or lack of attention.
CLAFLIN, 1107 .Chestnut
Sport Shoes a Specialty.
&' CSR9 M 23M '"' P'rlod drslmts faultlessly ex.. WSu
J. II "tT f rutedl Colonial and qualot models mEm
A A". 9 I I i 'or eauntry oms silk anil ere- I WPH
n Tl It j 4enne shades combined with r- ImEBsI
Rfti-'f.- '1' jr 1L W fjfl tlslle vrall brackets nnd banging; IhS
WiWpMnm Tlic Horn H
mmWaSStwB & Brannen HI
EnWBJffigCsMj 4SBNBBBhm Rttatl Salesrooms and Tactery
EKsfisfiisi iiHciSfzfl A27'4?s K Broi"1 Su slH
HBhOSEC? xKmffijjifHl ukort Wo" -V f -Jnnnnnnnl
MHJBgsyHsjlSfaPWSJ 4lomMI Xsio IssHssinnnnl
Organization Has Grown From
Neighborhood Society of
12 Young Men
The If C Stone Men's Club, nn brganl
xntlon beun n short time ago as a neigh
borhood society of 11 young men, has In
creased Its membership to 61,000 Leaders
of the great campaign are counting on
having 1M.O00 members by October 15, two
weeks before the November election.
The object of the Stone Men's Club,
according to the leaders of the movement.
Is to preserve the Intercut In religion
aroused by "nilly" Sunday mid, as the
Itev Stone said, "Inspire a willingness
to do everything necessary, even to the
employment of force, to maintain the
nation, home and the Protestant faith."
Occupants of Machine Unhurt Two
Women Faint
A big touring car containing nine per
sons hung suspended nt the edge of a
10-foot embankment over a lake near
Plensantvllle, N J, jesterdnj, after the
steering near lint! broken and the ma
chine had crashed Into a fence. All the
occupants Were removed from tho car
The machine was driven bv Krnnk
Gorman, of this city, and contained Mr.
and Mrs. Jame Denrdsley, Miss Hdlth
WtaVcr nnd Miss Thompson, nil of this
city, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Sealnnn nurrls,
George Schulzmnn nnd Louis Pursener,
nil of Harrisburg. Mrs, neardslcy and
Miss Weaver fainted In tho machine.
U. S. to Open Bids for Army Cotton
nids will be opened at the om.ee of the
depot qunitermnster. United States Army,
October 1, for 700,000 yards of cotton ma
terial for nrmy use, and keen Interest is
being taken In the order by Pniladclpltla
manufacturers. The order calls for 600,000
yards of khaki duck and 200,000 jard.i of
olive drab cotton cloth About a million
dollars' worth of orders are now under
contract in this rlty for the Govern
ment. Fafamottnt
Fams Milk,
at the source
TWO great precau
tions are thrown
about Fairmount
Farms Milk at its
source the farm.
First, the tuberculin test,
assuring healthy cows.
Second, insistence upon
extra cleanliness a poli
cy that has distinguished
the Supplee Dairy for
years, that has had the
co-operation of the pro
ducer, and that has had
its result in a low , bac
teria, clean mjlk. ' And
added to these precautions
at the source are the per
fect Supplee methods of
preparation and distribu
tion. We know of no other
milk in Philadelphia, sell
ing at the price, that is
all thus safeguarded.
The Supplee
Alderney Dairy
Eight Gold Medals
College Shoes of
In chestnut, ma
hogany or black
Member of State Aero Club
Starts on 10-Hour Avia
tion Journey
Robert R dlendlnrdna;, banker, clubman
and aviator, flew for 10 consecutive
hours today over the Delawaro River be
tween foslngton and New Castle In an
effort to capture the Curtlss marine fllng
trophj, offered to the aviator who can fly
the longest distance over n. body of
wnler during a 10 hours' flight
Mr. Glendlnnlng, who Is a member of
the Pennsjlvnnla State Aero Club, started
his flight for the trophy today, and made
the first lap, a dlstnnce of 40 miles. In
good time. Officials of the State Aero
Club timed him at both ends of the dis
tance. Joseph Stelnmctz, president of the
Pennsjhanla State Aero Club, was the
timer at Ksslngton, while Clarenco P.
Wjnne, a member of the board of gov
ernors of tho club, had the watch on the
banker nt New Castle, 20 miles away.
Ills second lap of 40 miles he made In
less than an hour, leaving the hanger at
3.09 and returning at 3 W.
Officials of the club are of the opinion
that Mr. Glendlnnlng, so far tho first
entrant In the contest, has a good chanio
for the trophy, which Is valued at $5000.
Republicans to Form Smith Club
Organisation followers of the 46th Ward
mill organlzo a Thomas Smith Club to
nlgl)t at Wroe's Hall, 62d and Sansom
streets This Is the bailiwick of Harry
MacKey. tho Vare leafier. His lieutenants
have been rounding voters Into lino dur
ing the last week. Most of tho Republican
candidates will address tonight's meeting.
Michael T. McCullough will preside.
My, what
coffee! yes
it's Salttdo.
"Delicious!" That's what
you'll say even before you
taste it, for Saludo's very
aroma tells you of its good
ness. Comforting, soothing, sat
isfying you'll find it all of
that, for Saludo is our own
secret mingling of selected
coffee growths that makes
the morning cup just right.
Fresh roasted daily, and
Economical? Surely, for
Saludo is of the extra
strength that makes a
pound go wonderfully far,
and of the low price that
amazes you when you know
its quality.
29c lb.; 4 lbs., $1.12.
Carfcol Tea, 34c
delightful, economical
Our own blend of seven select
ed tea growths, Caricol satisfies
the majority of tea tastes and
at the same time saves money
because it takes the place of
high-priced teas in an army of
Philadelphia homes.
34c lb.; 5 lbs.. $1.60
Viv Hams, those sweet, tender,
"little hams from little pips,"
are now at a remarkably low
price an excellent time to stock
the larder. 18c lb.
Crown Butter, smooth, fra
grant, delicious and a saving of
four to eight cents a pound over
butter of like quality sold else
where. Now 34c lb.
To have your bills come to you
monthly, instead of paying cash
for each purchased is a time
saver and convenient. We shall
be glad to have you open an
account at the store.
Thos. Martindale tic Co.
JOth & Market
Established In 1S49
Bell Phones Filbert 2870, Filbert 2871
Keystone Itace COO, Ilaca 601
tssvusr w u iTN
yMmmfm mmWm Wm
c a
n' , can
Improvements Will Invorra. Xxtendi.
turo of More Than fMr.ftl
Bids will be opened tomorrow1 fcr ttie
Department of Tubllc Work for WsAwsi
Improvements which will Involve Maetstt
tures of between $460,600 and f,1t, fksj
money is provided by loans.
The new operations will Include the en
velopment of that section of the Pw
way between 16th and T7th streets.! T
will be the first work on the BoulevftHs
cast of Lrfigan Square, Twenty-live khe
sand dollars Is available for this work,
and Director Cooke means to start It
without further delay.
Sir Oliver Lodge's Sen Killed
LONDON, Sept 20 Second Lieutenant
Itaymond Lodge, son of Blr Oliver Lodge,
has been killed at the Dardanelles
The Little
Things At
C Take a score of
"N. B. T." overcoats and
suits at random and look
them over see the va
riety in pockets note
the ingenuity in the
lapels mark the novel
ties in cuffs consider the
innermost detail of finish
look how perfectly the
suit linings match the
fabrics glimpse the
touch of color where
your arms go in feel
how uniform that welted
seam is examine the fin
ish of a Perry buttonhole
kudy the perfect bal
ance with which every
garment hangs you
never in all yourborn days
encountered stick a totality
of excellence in clothes!!!
"N. B. T."
16th & Chestnut Sts.
- a-
Elgin or
i im vt it! mam
tf: 1 'm. Mm
37 $10 $13
Stall orders filled.
W e are actually sav-f,
Ing you fS to sit on
these world - famous
timepieces In this sate.
If you irsnt to own m
celebrated watch. oas
tliut you know will keen
cood time, and If the saving
of money Is an obJert to Ton.
Come to this wonderful event without delay.
CtnClMas-lrart- fi
tftaBUUUD 37 YIAM WttrtvEMlttM
WslthstA I'M
.. or
Hamilton I
1 Cbr.8th 6 Chestnut St.
'A W
-no SllSJ.
The Original
Jimm she took carving knife and
MH Stilts Loan Society
117 No. rMt,i. (Ii4twy lisle.)
rab OAm, 414 I. Xtk St,
I- Kiu4 -"" mm viHen. ttuto't was
.- MW umihwi, wtiern tie is ex-
and w.g hew UwUf u, .y u
r'hl. i.nUd '
goc m jBjsjsjfHros