EVENING LEDGEK-PHILADBLPrJIA. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1015. X In New Rates on Classified Advertisements are now in effect See details in first Want Ad Column rttltf ATIONS WANTED MALE rEMAN or second butler Japanese , position; reference) moderate wages. Mi. A 808Nortn min. EstlltANCE Young nin. 28, graduate Whir Tj. School, now assistant In chares of a was corporation a Insurance denattment, de I'", chant In Blmllar capacity or connection brokerage concern. K 817, Led. Uenlral. F.N colored, wishes steady position, ft years law4!' -.,., Twnr. reference, sober. hnnMt. '.sT Adores. 1728 Alter. aV ' I . Tlfrv WIITt.1 whits. Protesllint .' tim.H. i?Siced: butler, cooki V""M " u 408 ' per mnc-w ilartVATB TEACHBn of physical training ltifLlSi Hrhool of Physical Education) da- tlEJi to locate In a private club or will tenth r.nii in thlr own Tiomes: expert knowledge if remedial gymnastics, ooay building, weight JLucIni, and ev". bo,'r .n' wrestler. WIS..' John O. Kogel. 2118 North Marahatl "Kili. lirriK?mAN. 85, married, own Ford oar, could I?iarit territory. M 811, Ledger Central. , .. a . sr laate-v laaanten fi aa.aA aitlAai TJcs, wants atapl line, refe. B. K., 1144 V. Ad. . .. arrvoa RATHER, office assistant, IS yean' ewertencei fluently apenka Spanish and pnrturuess, u yesrs in i.iiii-viiiviicn wu.i finVvSV education. II 42U. Ledger Of (Ice. J riSoORArllKri Willing- worker, under lTEMJy';;"' .. . unnwledce of book- Kring. salary no object. F U44. Led. Cent. IviLET. attendant; refined young man, expert evAU". "" " M hj., i -Hirfr Central. toceo; m'.;' --" rulN'Q MAN. SO. bualneaa experience, 12 yeara . iiiutant agent, telegrapher Pennsylvania auiiroad. 3 eara anlca department prominent H'". . .. - .. t..t..l. M.niit.Mlil-f Hunt, sermnent connection atock brokerage house G learn builness, earneal worker; Al char icier" satisfactory MTs 254 Ledger Cent. aw . I ' . . . 'a, , hUiI iinBBiilln nnrl ranahlff. L,I.lli;.. vMisdelnhla position rcaulrlng eiecu- if Mini ability. E 55-1. Ledger Central. IP TOU DO NOT FIND TUB KIND af an applicant Hated here who can fill that Iictlni ; poiltlon, telephone Mr. Hunt. Led rer central. Walnut or Main MOO. The Lod ir'i i Commercial Registry Bureau la a. rice IJnlce that will save you time and Incon vsnlsnce. Mr. Hunt O.ually brings the right "in and right Job together. A GENTLEMAN In middle life and of Independent mrana. who can preient the highest testimonial! aa to character and ability, would llko to occupy a nut of hla time In a position where nls iiDtrlence In swttllne estates and handling securities could be utlllied. E til, Ledger Central. r ' JAf ANfSK, cook, excellent, with IS yra.1 ejp.; It capable of Uklng entlro charge; honest, spbor, UTil,twun..j . J- - .....w -. ... -. IapaNKSEX flrat-claaa cook, wishes poiltlon, nrlvae family, club, hotel; best rotereni.es. .. Qjiu VJ 1Bth JaTANKSE. bachelor apartment; good cook. Villi, DUUIttACCli i iiim.u.n . -.., .- V1DS St. , JaPaFEsE, Inoustrlous waiter; gen. house work In family; best ret, lso. !) Ine tt. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANT 10 homework srls, all natlonallllea; supplies want llrl-cnt,i 1'iot. and Cain., male and female help, ail nationalities. Mary -' T. McCarthy. liluT . Chrlstian. Locust ljliO. llKS. 11AKVEV, 1D1U Hlttcnhouae 8i. Reliable help supplied and wanted; nil nationalities; mill and temale; Prot. and Cwthollgs; refs. 2ADAJJE ASHB. 153.1 Christian French em ployment office; all kinds of first-class help. AUTOMOBILES For Sale LOCOMOBILE, 1U13 IMS touring; 7 passenger, fcitli extra lino body. Iiebullt and guaran teed like nw. l'rlce, 2il). LUCOMOIULB, 2J11 Market. Locust 450. H. A. Jcnks, Mgr.. Bxchahse Car Ucpt. COLE 1D11 demonstrators', slightly used, for sale. . L, S. B0WER3 CO.. 2IS-47N.' Droad at. CADILLAC, 1813, touring car; overhauled and repainted; full uqulpraent, price, JblXI. AUIO SALES COHPOltATlON, Ha N. llroad st. OAKLAND 1013 'roadster In flrst-clsss condl" Hon; loom good us new. I. C. MOSEII, 210 N. Broad st. OWNER will sell 1014 Packard J-3S roadster; excellent condition throughout; electric start- f ef. windshield; make an offer. Woodland 35a 8LND FOR FREE UULLETIN " .. OF USED CARS. ;, -CORSON AUTO KXCHANOE.' 238 N. JiTOad. EHAL3ERS 30, 5-pass.. excellent condition; ex- : tra tire, self-starter. Phono Woodland JSU3 L. PACKARD ROADSTER, cheap. Phone Ken uugfbn 312U. DETROIT ELECTRXC COUPE, batteries and . cir In beit condition. Apply 7111 N. 40th. Wanted OWNER of attractive 3-story. D-room, porch, kle-yard dwelling best section Germantown, convenient railroads and trolley, value S175U, mortgage 'L10U, will exchange equity for put tain and light car. runabout pictcrred; 1 iftih Liuld bo raised on eecond mortgage. Au.ieisP 210, Ledger Office. WANTED- Bst 1014 or IHL touring car that 10Utj will buy. F 230, ledger Central. AUTO LIVEKY AND OABAOES GARAGE New, Modern, Fireproof Garage 2 1st and Brandywine Sts. Storage and Repairs for Pleasure and Commercial Cars Apply Superintendent Joseph G. Darlington &'Co. 1126-U28 Chestnut St. or at 21st and Brandywine Sts. , itAXI gKKVICIi AT REASONAULB RAXEU TAXI SERVICE COMPANY 1:iK M imriAfV at' Sprute. 1212. ' tiaP.. :M I i lL ace. '". ; t.i .'.""p-l-'moukliie and touring cars. Wl . llilla. OarHae. aiau.2u tttnaom. Rel. 2310. tf' V..,U.n& S-i'ABSICNUKU NEW TOURING .. t,j nour. i 'none poplar 1817 W. . AUTO REPAIBiNCr WEvfIm?JDKA?,N'a AJU REPAIRINfF" PLBAUllfc AND COMMBRHL CARS wsi Ji7S.;?.NJu ''AHUIIRETOR EXPERTS WB eUCCEIUp HERB OTHERS FAIL K.-v PATTERSON OARAtlB . "EVER PIlHwn i cm irthTii at ' rlw?VutiHJ'5ElT5l,u. nw l''ton n t- tinS!I!illidA. welding nnd braxlng. H. U. f -ii5iId& Co.. I02S Hamilton St.. Phlla. rt ' Sl'EEDOMBTKR TROUBLE 8EB1 ntr.Y.T RIB KT minin ATJTO TIKES uuritee4 0o0 miles. Compare prlcsa. nr.A0.lo '..18. Per. gallon. QI1IMH. 23 North Broad at. AUTO SUPPLIES 'colV,1, .can "AVOLlrTS. mt-u. -----"-- ;'tJQ Jtuiuijsu v". U IV. UHOA1) Ml' BUSINESS NOTICES rut..fUl,Ii Dnsa8 SLITS t?V.- Tuxedoa and Sack Suits Jf!nT?i,h,lrV" ,ae order. JKEUBAUKJl, THW TAIIA)K 10 N 0th it. ST s "-! pbone. Walnut SB-la. , -VP.?!!.!:'.'u.OU8 .HAIR permanently nmoveaT M Mlaa ii, iT1"-"? " Smith. 403 Keltli BIJg. "fij" Wr at Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith, SUSINEgS OPPORTUNITIES .iil.sst.2iLv'&.'fs f,L?te-E SiraiSfOs ' afafu A. VJl Z. " ""f'-JVI iatcill llgftUV ,iC7 iions oevi 1- L-oprriahta u,mi-.;i su-. ai---. rT. -a .. ... .,- t kuir'( giiiu llllgaied any- ikiVi? iVv1 "PPUcaon prosocutcdi pre- iryadncs fri ine77:!lX2- - . -. aK.;vA y"wV . FIRM engaged In me- ' sanii. i T ',""?, electrical line desires additional f tJCiSS.I.'L "' .t;nt of tW.000 to. flnan. . KSr bo on band) will Incofoorata. P ioi - "l 4KW141 v!VV A three-time BUSINESS OProilTUNITIES illhmV1 ,IAV","" Tiinlt own staiT: JPIVjVbJ Arch'Jt " ",n" rn"cn,n on'r- "" CAJ!ntT!J.VL.CEn'n.?iA'rB8' b-n " ne?i nfiM rr",,n',n"r,50'-msturin mill. Make ne-t oner, sol Cole nun Ki'tldlng. r'fjM 5.h",n5An.El r,MI' rblladelphla.2S00, aiBOO cash, erns 140-llH) weekly. Ijally mat' Jneea. Owner 111. HAtUIBT. 214 NorUi s'n. CARrET CLEANING Thirtieth tear. w?1!.15 i.HN HHOAU3 CO. J?ARPT1,TK5tfioV5etYAh!fe. WKSTPIIlH- VONARCJtSTORAnB CO. whI-SS!!!!a- ....8e- "'Br" yard. WKBTrillLA. 8870-72 LAN0A8TBR AVE. DRESSMAKINQ AND MILLINERY Ptr4nffP.,F"ARPlJ1'3 CHBSTNUT ST. TOruia- i11" ,,l4V'""W PA1TBRN8 r.en.nifASfNO ',uh'" " pSctlonf IneY Kin. i? ilR',. ''" out, Uc Mac- Powell, 807 Denckla Illdg.. 11th and Market. FOR SALE X,iwil,U iAND WCKBTTa"t7lKS - Alio wic?giiiir!v?y-,.","'rnDt"' "RUNS- . "JCItUALKB-COLLENOBIt CO., 10(12 A Kh. Un,;l.',A,!JiD.i."'!l?, rocket tables, shufnebeard. ?r,uin.1l,shtlJ'.u"Mi Ial terms, renting. . repairing & supplies, ltosatto Co., 222 8. 8th. UiVM,A.Ilt?'jxo1, combination, 2d-hand bought, .jyia rented, exchd. Keafcr. a.t)Olrnrd axe. "Ii!mMA-,.,D,.rc,',l 2"-hand tables, repairing, "l'Plles. Clark-lierd Mfg. Co , 2421 n Front. iFF9 K0tl SAI'E tt hl P'l out of hrlck .S"r'i-Mlmon an1 n"r(I brlCK. NUetown lane ii '"i""""0" av-' "'"it be sold quick. I hono Kensington 1H74 W. A.Si" "EOlSTBRS. new and lecond hand; to :'. ai" "a low as eMO, on easy monthly pajrr.ents, all registers sold by us tully guar-2.n,tce.d- The National Cash Register Co,. 730 cnestn'jt st. DESKS, filing cabinets, safes, telephone booths and ollVe lurnllure and fixtures of every de scription, used, but In fine condition, and e!T..S!,.,P: rro delivery anywhere. HUOHB3. HT11 AMn "inrrnntfrinr DESKS Imtkb aniortmrnt; also houfehold fur- "'VJrfj CENTRAL SECOND-HAND FtlRNI- MLUlJ?Ol'J!0PJlHjeALLOVIULL ST. HEATERS and ranges, various makes, little ujed; good condltloii; can bo bought cheep. -iiAjyilBYJHSANa.JLN. 'JTIIJtT. . . SILVER TOILET SETS Send 10c. for H-oz. can U-KAN-PLATK silver polish (blue label) and make old set look new. A. R. JUSTICE CO., 012 Chestnut. Phlla. $.10 VICTROLA OUTFIT FOR S 17.50 Vlctrola outfit worth M for H7.M. a saxlng of ea,so. This opportunity comes to you as a result of a purchase of handsomo cablneta at less than cost to make. This outfit Includes a Vlctrola VI, at 2.1. a record cabinet worth 22. and 12 10-lnch double.face records, your own selection, at to, all for J47..V). pa) able 11 weekly. Call or write for large Illustrated cata logue.! and complete list of Vlctrola outfits from l!i iVi up. HEPrt'S UPTOWN STORES Ccr. 0th and Thompson sis., Philadelphia. Pa. $2S E. HOWARD. 17-Jcwel. gold-rilled watch, value $40; new condition. RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE. 128 Market st. 150 LADIES' Tiffany diamond engagement ring; pt.ro white; value .S3. Holder's Loan Ofllco. 12M Market st. 15 L. C. SMITH double-barrel hammerlcsi gun: new condition. Relder's Loan Office, 12$ Market st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS SHAFTING SAFETY SPLIT COLLARS AND YOCOM hangers and pillow blocks with fin ished ball and socket bearings are the best for all shafting purposes. SHAFTING AND MACHINE WORKS. 14r, North Second st. JAMES YOCOM & SON. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motois, boilers, steam and oil en gines, pumps, air compressors. FRANK TOOMBY. INC.. 127 N. 8D ST. PHILADELPHIA'S Principal Shafting, Hang er, Pulley and Ueltlng House Is at A20 Arch v street. CHARLES IIOND COMPANY. CRUSHERS NO. 5 GATES, STYLE K; ALSO NO. 3 McCULLY. SBYFERT8. 487 NORTH 3D ST. TWO 20 II. P. Otto gas engines for sale, rheHp; Immediate attention necessarv. GAS AND OIL ENGINE CO.. 45 N. 7TH ST. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 183 CHICKERIKO UPRIOHT 1'IANO. HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. 8th. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum plated ware, old-style Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est. 1ST0. J. L. Clark, rellner, Lhu78ansom. OLD GOLD Cash paid for old gold. slUer, antique clocks: will rail, flcll pnone Locust 1210. ROGERS, 27 S. 17th. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS HOOFING. CANVAS, guaranteed nuallty. It. A. HUMPHREYS' SONS ' . 1021 Callowhlll st. STORAGE r.n N T I N E N T A 1, STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST. AUOVK CHESTNUT PACKING, MOVING, SHIPPING Rugs, Carpels, cleaned, scoured, stored. Pell, locust IOIjU Phones Key.. Race 41W1. MILLER North Rroad Storage Co., Jlroad ab. Lehigh aie. New fireproof addition; rooms fireproof; packing for all points; auto vans; estimates fice. Hell phone Tioga 47CU. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1SU-181U MARKET ST. WESTPHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. WEST PHILA, Auto and packing and shipping. WEST PIHLA 3870 LANCASTER AVE McCANN'S STORAOE HOUSE 1748 N, 11TH ST. Moving, packing, shipping, auto vans. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Slorsge. moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning, I'll, luring 732 for estimate. Market and 37th, MILI.llOURNE STORAGE CO., 22 N. 82D. lielmont 4825. Carpets cleaned. West 421, WAITED Old gold, silver, curios, coins, pis ANTIQUES tots, fslse toeth. furniture. J. II. HOS3 ( l tople's Store). 206 S. 1 1 th. ANTIQUE furniture, brla-a-brae. feather beds, broken Jewelry, fnlse teeth, gold, silver, dla monds bo't. 7.13 Walnut. Ph.Wal. 7020. hs 10(1 CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED (1ENTLKMEN AND LADIES. TOO WHAT I SAY IS MEANT F6ll YOU: IF YOU HAVK ANY CIXDTIIING TO SELL, HUND TO ME, I'LL TREAT YOU WELL THE PRICE r PAY IS VERY HIGH. WORK THAN OniERS. LET MB TRY. Th.LEPHO.Nh! MARKKT 2IWO WHITE OR PHONE AND I WILL CALL ANY PLACK UR TIME AT ALL Ht-.UL.HOHN. 8T1I AND SP. GARDEN STS. FURNITURE, planus, carpete. antiques; entire or part houses bought for cash, no matter how large. J Uernsleln. 1851 Hldge avs. OBNTS' CAST-OFF CLOTHING bought, high , est prltes paid. 123 N. 9th (above Arch). MBN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED l.est prices, wo call anywhere, any tlms. Plione Wal (18(15. J. Schults. TJ7 N. Oth st. WANTE'O-riecrusTtabTe and scrolftop blgli Ik: must be genuine, private collector. Box I) 233. Ledger Office. ROOMS POR RENT JUST THE ROOM YOU WANT Can very likely be totaled In a few minutes by examining the photographs and descrip tions of rooms with and without board which are on file for vur inspection at Ledger Central. An interior photograph and an swers to 9try question you would av are here, so you can decide Intelligently, free scvlcevtest It. AVH'H 3ii21 (The DUmondl Deslrsbls taes. just napeted. painted, single or double, hot & cold running water, Yale locks; Investigate. Alicfl", "2 Two large rooms." furnished or unturnUhed, single or t suite, refrreuie, TlALTIMCdlF.. 4S13-Larg'e, nlcelyfurn. looms! lot-water heat, electricity, good board. 10 inln. to l of P., Southerner students Jrtt. fiA"LTTMOREr4224Vur, rms. lor nun, sin. or en suite, face Park. Preston 2l:u. nKOXd. H., "41X1 t'ooifortsbly furnlihed 'room t a nioderate j;ent to gentleman. bllOAP st rti'.r 810 Suite tif rooms, "second" tloor private bath, ref. ROAD.- fl. IbSO Mceiy furn rooms, hot; cola water ry room, phune, gentlemen 1Jll6.U. 8, 425-Attra.ctHe apT.."3"or a"i"oo1ns, private batht furn. Or unfiu-n., dining room- " Want Ad 'costs ROOMS FOR RENT imoAD, N . 36S-Large well-furnished front roon-a and bath, electricity, temJieat llltuWN, 1311 Iifjt room tor gent.; own erafam.Jow prile QUI or see Led. Cent, CARLISLE. N., 2010 - Atlrictlvely furnished Jiont loom, refined private home; phone, CllbSfKlT AVL. 4207-0111 or two large ooma and bath, Id floor, front; furnished or unlurnnned louthern expos. iHestoh M30. CHUSTNUT. 1T2S - Desirable, well-furnlshea roonis,wltlLsnd without private bath. CIIBBTNUT. 2013- Large, "hand. furn. Sd-ftoof sdllo. sMgle rooms.adi bath. Ph Iaht. 81IIU J. CHKBTMUT, 2000--Ueslrable sTngle andnfSuTIe rooms permanent or transient. CHB8TNUT. 204V-8ulte of rooms, "wrthtrthl south expos nlo single mis,, table bosrd. CHUSTNUT, 45.12-Attractively -ur 2.1-story rJ?miMU,neTii expoe. hot-water heat, phene. IF.DAIt AK.r 4116 Third-floor front, lur- nshed. eletrtc ll(,ht, itenm heat. DIAMOND, 20ij('hecrluniirn. rmrni south ern exfwsure, motl. rate. Ulsraond 3S32 l. OREI5N, Hill-Comfortable "rooms, furn. or unrurn,, forbusnetsmen or women. 5140 HAZEL AVE.-Idcel location fevery ' . enlente, reasonable. JKFFEIISON, lKl-Twc7enf deslrabirid-floor rr-n2m".J?'Hl-nth .private family ijihone. Al?!i?.Tv.!Ra1-TU'0 tITird-floor rooms; ADJOINING HATH; -la rAfJK AVE. 2125-Oentlemen'cin have nicely lurnuned room and board, terms reason- " "'eywnDJsmondJllS. 1H'.y Ideal bachelor quarters,' furn single! double, private laths; also suite, aceommo tr - " ratea to permanent tenanL ''Sil'lf LTP?f AVE- itlu7 - Well-furnished roo.ns. brlaht and airy; single or en sultel p.t .?u 'an,"y. minutes to City Hall; near . preferences exchanged. f,c'il?.EtrU!T-WE,-lirunNisiiED rooms'. SINGLE OR EN 8UITE. NEAR RATH. SPiiUcE' 2022-Atlractlely furn. suite, to - rpomi and prly bath; telephone, gentlemen. 8,.l!i5:'.CE J"3-Irgo 1st and 2d Boor apart: inents,ru th bat hs single rooms. ill'.V015' W Roomi single or en suite, prlv. naths;rrof. offices; stesnvheat, elei-trlclty. 'vii1'' Il-Central location, double and sin Werooms; furnished, gentUmen only. '"Z1.'.' l" lS18-Comfortable 2d-floor" communl catmr rooms, also sitting room, refs. txchNl. 13iT1l,i..f','.,t;oo.LarS0 iurnlihed" room nver- - Ioklng Hunting Park; rear. , refs. exch. 10TH. N'., 2Jia ljirge, furnished 2d-story rront room, gentleman prer., prlv. family. "J!?' s.- !M Fu'rnlshM rooms; single or Vn , -V1-'' JermsreasoniiMe nll onenlences. tSTH, 8.. lOS-Deslrsble rooms, well furnlsheJ: runnlng water; private' bath; Jtltchenette. 20TH. N., 217 PrlCate home: rooms. furnlsHed . or unfurnished. Phone Lpcust 3081 J. 4CIT1I ST. bctnecn Locust and spruco-Roomi! JlriKlo or en suite, with baths, private adult riimiiyj references, gentlemen, itiirlng MXS W KID. S., 7IU7 near Haltlmore"ae Rbom7"ault uble for two rentlemen, modern convs. LARaE End-floor room, handsomely furnlsheiT pomlortablc. convenient home for business mar In exclusive, rrnlrally.located private resldencei:i.rtrloJlghts. Phono Hiring 413. aENILEMAN of refinement desiring 1 or 2 rooms with private bath In exclusive section ?! .!,'"', Philadelphia: references exchanged, S.LlJ-taS'T Central. ATritACTIVB rooms, unfurnished, single, en suite. Poplar 4174 W. SINGLE or en suite, board If desired, nrlTate" """',3' c. exciwngeu. rnone uaring lot. u. ROOMS WANTED IinSPONSIRLE traxellng man wishes 1 or 2 tinfurn il rooms In centrally located apartment lic.Ufe or sub. residence, a 351, Ledger Cent. TV'0 MEN desire 2 rooms and bath: furnlsh ' I In v.e" Phlla.: easy accera to city; state price. P .133, Ledger Central. BOARDING UALTIMORE AVE.r4410-rDcslrablo vacancies; S!?tS!L!B5 Park; phone; excel, table: refs. UKOAIJ, S., 770 (The Graham)-Cool, attract- lelyjur. rms.; nU com s. ;tablaboard, up. LSUAD. .7T.-10bo Large 2d-story fronrroom, iraeni conveniences: boardoptlonal. CHPSTER AVE.. "4r4- Largo 2d-floor rront; excellent tablo. Phone Voodland 311, CHESTNUT. 4420 Suite ofroom"s. prfv'aTe bath, electric llghta private Jamllv. y CHESTNUT. 244 2o storj'. com. rooms.wTfh reference. I'hone Preston C2D0 J. DIAMOND. 2007-Exccp. nttractlvecommunl catlng rms ; running water; cxcl. table; phn. GIRAJtD AVE.. 2S00-Pleaiant front rms.; re- nned surroundings. Phone I'oplir Kin'.l b. "Hih.i:5f' :o21 -,Tn LestD-Chotce suites, tur nlihed or unfurnished; private baths; cholre single rooms; unlimited hot water; tnblo bd. LEHIGH AVE.. l.tl.f-15-Ucautiful rooms, good table, new nanagement. loiieTliien 8221. PARK, 2121 Worklngmen can hav(iroom and board. to. homo comforts. RACE, 5-157 Young lsdy earThave comrortable nomejprlvate fanilly good board; near L. SPRUCE." 1028-.1O Ileautlfu! "2d-story suite. fur. orunfur., tojierm. people; choice tnb'e. SPRUCE. 1224-20 (Rrlsmondel-Furn. .roomsT . single, en suite; private baths; table board SP'tUCU 53.8 Large, airy, well-furn. ro.)tn ard board, reaionable. Ph. Helmont 2011 W. WALNUT. 4044 Well-furntfhed2or;tioor"frontl gentlemen or couple. lielmont .1S11 W. 12TH ST.. N 2103-Comfortably furn.'roomr: excellent table: home comforts ; phone. 33TH. 3U2 N. Dcslr. rms.; good table: norrh, shade.; cony, to enrs. Phone Preston 327(1 W 40TII. N 32-Pleaiant light rooms: excep. table; porch; near L. Raring 20IIS W. 40TH ST.. S.. 524-Slngle and rtouMrooni! modern; phone Woodland 1103 W.; photo jnddcscrlptlon at Ledgerentral. BOTIL N.". 121 "neautiful neighborhood; "near I. and surface lines; nil n odern conveniences. 6-tlO WOODBINE" AVE.. Overbrook. Phlla". Tlcaiitlful suburb; free from dust and noise of city; well hentcd: exceptional train anl trol ley .ervlce; 20 minutes to City Hall; appoint, roenls of table excellent. Overbrook 7094. PRIVATE ADULT FAMILY dTttres to rent two well-furnished front rooms, second or third floor; routhern expos, t very comfortably heated, good home table; renned residential section of West Phlla. Phono Woodland .1(X. "SPRUCELYN mi" South 41t St. Mils S.3l" HANI.EY. formerly ofjhestnut iL Suburban GERMANTOWN The Shlnpen, Wayne i Hans" berry; first claaa In appointments and service. APARTMENTS WALNUT ST.. 2205-Attractlve apartments. 2 rooms, private bath and hall. electrUity and gas; plenty of hot water; well heated; Uige . rooms. Janitor, orphone Locuit 3340. SPRING GA.tDKN". 1010-Excell.it apti; in"? different houiei, some furn.: kitchenettes. DltOAD, N., 855 Two large well-furnt:hed rooniSjprlvste bath: all Improvements. t'NFUIiNISimij room and bath. The Newport! Address K c.ll, ledger Central. v TWO large rooms, private bath, nnfurnlihedt lngl room, bath. Poplar 4171 'V. Weit Philadelphia SSTH, 8.. 2.1S lit and 3d floors of desirable corner residence, bright and airy: unfurn., board preient orcupant; referencei exchanged. 88D, N., 8002 or 3 room apartments, with prl. vale baths, furn. or unfurn., with or with out kitchenette: hot-water heat; phone. POWELTON AVE.. 4007 (corner) B and-ft rooms, bath, porch, electric lights, hot.water , heat; open day and evening. Daring 1801 D. GREY GABLES" ?fSK"' Some furnished. All outside rooms. Reas. EURNISHED APARTMENTS " 20TH. N.. 7To Ileaiitlfull furnished 2d-floof suite, 2 rooms, with private hath, modern: continual hot water. Poplar 1472 W. SOfliTs., 115 Reautlfullylrurn oachelofaparu ments. private baths; desirable loca. : owner. IVret Philadelphia WALNUT ST. " 3007-Modern" apartme"nt,fl rooms and bath, near "L"; phone. WiLL SUHLET lieautlfully furnlsheTTfooroT J.bath apartment In vicinity of 44th and Walnut, an attractive rate to right party; everything strictly first class Ph. Raring 257 APARTMENT HOTELS THE MORRIS 1STII STREET nKLOW 8rRUCB IDKAhLY nnSIDlSTIAL Situated In the heart of Philadelphia's aristocratic residential section. Within walking distance of the shopping, the atrical and business district. HUlTKJl arranged according to your needs, from 3 ROOMS and HATH to 7 ROOMS and 8 IJATHS. - . . J. II. HAWKINS. Mgr, ALDINE HOTEL CHESTNUT AUQVB 1BTII Permanent or Transient Guests COMKOIlTAtlLE SUITES; One or more well-furnished rooms with bath. UNEXCELLED TABLE. W1IITK SFRV1CE. I only 12c per line per day. It APARTMENT HOTELS THE DBI.MAtl-MOrtRlS AJ CUKLTEN AVB,' STATION. PGNNA. RAlLROAli. 20 MINUTES FtlOM rlHOAD , C11J1A. iXlVVN ATTRACTIVKl. !LY FURNISIUSI) AND UN IlilTKS ANI) flOUSHKEllp- rjUtN,5,,1W SUITES AKl) I INO APArtTMHWTH r PATJfMferfTB. THE LINCOLN Locust and 1 3th Sts. Two elevators, running water In all rooms. Transient and permanent guests. THE NEW COLONIAL cV'Atr n ' ,.- . - and nth Peauttfully furn. or umum. apt.. I to 4 rooms, with bath; excellent table, now man- agement. reduction on lease, hetel lervlce. THE COVINGTON CHBSTNUT A TIIIRTY-SKVENTII STS. ,, . .t R. F. KNGI.E, Mgr Also of the Kngleslde.Ileei.lijjnven. N. J. THE PARKSIDE 40T" j&s$inARa OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK I urnlihed and unrurnlehed apartments. Com plete hotel service. Phone Raring 221 ....... - ... T'! TRACY ;?.Hr.'",d Chestnut (Klevated Station). PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUBSTS Appeals. In families tnd seekets for ,. (JUIKT SURROUNDINGS THE GLADSTONE 11th and Tine Sis AHBOHTTBLY FIRKPROOF . THE ESMOND B. E. COR. 12TH AND SPRUCE STS. Desirable ulteawlthprliate lths. . ... THE RELVIDERE N. W. COlt. lDTH AND IA1CUST tWISST RITTENHOUSB SQUARE) UKllER NEW MANAGEMENT APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED for a month, from September 21, n small Apartment, centrally located, with one or two rooms and bath. E 059, Ledger Central. Wisil TO RE!?fo77u'MMt furnished nve-room apartment: West Philadelphia preferred: ref. erences. F 85. Ledger Central. HOUSEKEE1-ING APAlVxMENTS l-ivXVT,- OTIS-VERY FINE I10U8E ii1?E,,;U"J.Ai.AnTJIKNT "X ROOMS. THREE I1ATII8. UP TO DATE. -.. 2010 DIAMOND 8T. 7iVr" Jlri "rooms: hardwood floors, rent SMl Phone Wyoming 20:1, or see McDade, agent. . r. UT.ui. iiitii AND MASTER Housekeeping suites. $5 up, furnished. One room, private bath. 1 up "i-H-hi 10.F11 ?T :'' floor' - 'oomsr ba"th and kitchenette; hnt-watcr heat: SHI. J'ALI).MAN.ltlii airard nve. 1STH, N., I038Fully'"furnlfhed nnt floor apart- mnt.. wlth Private bath nnd kitchen; 27; . ""t J persons; reference rcaulred. 28D ANDi'T.NB'sTS. (De Lancey ApTs-l-FFve KS71V..,Sin' .' rooms, 2 baths. Janitor or . CUMMINS. SOS Chestnut. lhlil. N., 1718-Socond.rioor flat, 5 rooms, bath; modern :Jargeand II ght 15. C?...,,'v,Ani ftlT...""" "3Z5i8-vYnIi PINK. 1)00-3 & 4 room housekeeping nptsT. ev ery cony.; all outside rms.. qwneron prem. THE MONTEVISTA 017 TO fill N. 01 D ST. In the, exclusive Overbrook section. An Ideal semlsuburhnn location for nil the ear, and within 2 minute of City Hall via Market street elevated and Olth street ctwstown line, direct to itld and Oxford sts. vrosetown line passes the door. RUtes of one (1) room and bath to eeven (7) room and bath, renting from 25 to 75 rer month, on annual leases only. Dining room located In building. Agent on premlees or phonoOverbrook 4708. OFFER a largo variety of apartments" at varied prices und to meet almost any re quirement. Call or send for list. Auto .mobile tervlco to Inenert apts. If desired. NOHMS.N S HllllllnOOIi; 1411 Walnut St. . "APARTMENTS ASPECIAI.TY." APARTMENT &""ilOTEL ni'REAU HKI New Stock Exchange Illdg. Ajiartments anywhere. Lot ua save you homo hunting. Vacancies listed now, rented gulrkU. Magailne free. Spruce 3.144. PALMER & WETHERILL " APARTMENT SPECIALISTS Real Estate Trust Illdg. Walnut 143. CORONADO 22d and Chestnut sts Afew desirable yacanclea, large and small. HOUSEKEEPING APT?., airisifu-of""elt7. Kenta 25 to $70 per mo.: call, phone or write for Information, Samuel Stern, 1201 Chestnut. I1EAUTIFUL furnished 4-room apartment! also unfurnished apartments; hot-water heat, all conveniences. 2l North IRth st. Weit PlilladelphU ANOOTIA TERRACE KID TO S5TII ST.. ONE HljOCK SOUTH OF BALTIMORE AVE. linllt In pairs like side-yard houses, making every loom an outride room, and with varied and beautiful architecture. If you are going to live In 'an apartment this fall, the selection of THE particular oMrtment out of the many, many you see on every hand Is naturally a matter of great moment to you. Rut there must be ONE REST APART MENT for you. where location, service nnd comfnrt-everythlng that goes to make a truly attractive apartment home Is absolutely at Its best, and this, too, for a reasonable rental. For 32 to -'15 monthly you can secure one of theee. npartments, and this Includes most excellent and even heating; unlimited hot water, courteous and effclent Janitor service, vacuum cleaning service, shades, ecreena and awnings In fact, everything to make apart n ent housekeeping quito the perfect way to live. Apartments have five rooms and bath and are finished In both natural wood and white enamel, with artistic papering and fixtures, cabinet gas ranges, private porches. The price Is. In truth, the only thing Inexpensive about them. Wn have tsstefully furnished a sample apartment (No. 5440 An-ora terrace), which Is open for Inspection dsy and evening an I will give you a definite Idea of how remark, ably attractive these apartments really are. WM, It. W. QUICK A nRO.. Inc., 8 S. 40th St. snd NORMAN 8. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut St. CHESTNUT 8TREF.T, EAST OF 88D ST.' 32 Near 03d st. "L" ststlon: Juit com pleted; 5 rooms and bath; large porches; (34 deep lots: every other convenience. JAMES N. MITCHELL. on premises, or 40th and Market. 4TST, N., 1234 -30-2 to 8 room apartments; facing pirk. Groekln. 1,124 Chestnut st. THE MARI.nonOUOH MTU AND CHESTNUT 8T8.-Most conven ient location obtainable; hot-water heat, electric light: In fact, the character of serv Ice anJ comfort which makes a vacancy In any one of theee apartments a rare occur rence: two or three desirable apartments are offered now where tenant; are leaving the city; rentals, I27.&0 to 45. THE PARKWOOD 43TII ST, one block below Chester ave. (at Woodland ave.). faclnr Clark Park 2!) apart ments rented since July 1: 1 apartment atlll offered for rental: a record which speaks more eloquently of the remsrkahle value In theie apartments than anvthtnv T can ray. LB RLANf APARTMENTS JWTII AND WALVITT STS -Housekeeping apartments, with 5 rooms snd bath, with everv modern convenience and with the sort of services which will make ou glad to live In an anartment thla winter one first-floor at 3. two second floors nt -17, TUB PI.OPVDEN 4(IT!f AND LOCUST STS. Two suites of 8 rooms and hah each mav now be obtained In this particularly desirable 4-itory flreprdif apartment houie. I also offer a large variety of apartments nt varied prlres and Jo meet almost any re quirement. Call or send for list. Automo bile service to Inspect apartment If de sired. NORMAN S SHERWOOD. 1411 Wslnut st. "APARTMENT? A SPECIALTY" DRKXEL ATARTMENTS ovF.RnnooK station A'ler September 1. ere housekeeping suite, 7 rooms and batht elevator! public, dining room, roef csrdin. spacious lawn, I'hone Overbrook 652S. THE CUANCKI.'IR APAUTMPNTS. ClianeeT lor st. above Uh Rest value In Weit Phlla. delr.hla: i.'-fnot Jiving room: Splendid condi tion 5 rooms, bath and large perches: every modern mnvenlence rent 10 ard 12. Ap plv Janitor, on premises, or Kershaw It t'rowl 5213 Chestnut st. . KJNaRCOT'm Sin h snd chestnut sts JUST COMPLETED MODERN II0H8B. keeplrg apartments, fireproof floors, elevators, nubile dining rooms Apply Tl'OdfJ M 8EED8. St.. 1207 RACE ST. THE RITf"AND APTS.. JUST COMPLETE!! I.OCHBT ST., 54TH TO R3TH ST. 8 and T room apartments, with all the latett conveniences. $17.50 to I5 per month. ROBERT A PITTS. AGENT Hell nhone. Belmont 44.1-1. 5441 Locuit it. LENOX" APARTMENm"ri404' o"08" Chester ave. Furn. and unfurn. housekeeping apart. ments See janitor or ph. Woodland 1610 J. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS West Philadelphia COR AIT, 8 rootnl run Via wfe mi and ewei eienrie, nea-water nee.1. tmht back porca. -f .-. . . .- --.-. ........ p..-., .... - a I It. II. Apel.y i. .ipner, iwnn ana Sprtnnld are. BfSKJv. ,14lh 1 Ottestnat; Monterey, 4M and cneeter. raiment, 31th and "prtng Ukraem r Janitor eitse, Hsle Bslldtng, . (Irrmantowp LOCIISMtT HALL 4tR will W. Mid rale aro, Qen Isne U' tlon, nefrrmntown, Irleel hemes. Urge lawn nd poreh. Wayne TUB NKW LOUXLLA IIOUSBKKRPINM AI'ARTMBNTS. at Wayne. Pa.. ) ewtn piete, are located on high grmnoV evr ronnde.1 with brtiutirul old shade trees, within 2 minutes or the Pennsylvania station and :o minutes by the new rleetrl trains to rVnssa' street. With all the rofivenlencea of modern city apartments, two to six rooms with beth. servsnfa store re rooms, reception hnlls, aak He dining room, lerae Indlildual retif. The prices of the remaining apartments for rent re 80 to J05 per month. LOU KM, A REALTY CO.. W'ayni, Pa. EAL ESTATE POR SALE CITY ,, , 15W LOCUST ST. Handsome, modem. 4-story brownstone dwell Iny; especially fitted for professional ofrkes) low price nnd easy terms for quick tale. SCO OR too CASH required to purchase 130.1 N. 12th. 1B21 N. ixth, 210S N. 17th, IDSt N. Kith, ror. 13th and Toronto, 300 N llroad, frr Twga, l.ocsn. Oak Ijvne or Germantown prorert). c. HARRY 8HOWAKKR. 3ol N. llroad at, IK YOU WANT TO MOIfiGAGK, rent, buy, sell, exchange or Insure 'SB TAUI.ANK AnOUT IT" i POO Walnut st. RKAI. E8TTB TOR SALE OR RBNT. nAltllElt, IIARTMAN A CO., 1201 CHESTNUT ST. EIGHT 2 story 8-room nourea: all eonven li'i'cee: In good nrdir. 31st and Susquehanna ave. F. I.. Carre, owner. .720 N 2th at. 2200 CLEAR fl.sloiy n-rcom house, all eon veniences. in pood order, rent 20 per month. F. I.. CARRE, 1720 N. 24th St. FOR THE Assessed value, eight 0-room houses In tho northwestern rwrt of the city, F. L. CARRE, 1720 N 24lh St. WEST IlIlI.ADlil.I'lllA Mil H. 42D ST.-Eloctrlc lights, hot-water heat, 2 Imths; hllllnrd room 4th floor, at n nacrl flce If sold within 30 ilaja. TAYLOR & SON.24 and 211 S. JOth st. ELIWORTH ST., 5043, 11700; WORTH 3200; FIVE ROOMS ON SECOND FLOOR; EVE!IY CONVENIENCE; OPEN TODAY. IfuO. ASSESSirD'l(100 3-story porch-front property, on main street; hardwood hnlih throughout; exceptionally well built: gnrsan privilege. V. II. W. glllCK . HRO.. INC. 8 S 40th St. Willi LAN'S HOMES 60TH AND PASOH.VLI. AVE. .Apply 1(111 CHESTNUT ST. si5nd for list, sale or rbjJt jos. m. haker 52d and Haltlmoro nve. GERMANTOWN 15.000 NEW DETACHED DWELLING on 'ot 04 by 15( feet only one minute walk from stntlon, seven chambers, three baths (onu with marble shower); largo double-dock porch; hot-water heat, ilectrlc and gas light Ing, open llreplace, hirdwood floors, etc., splendid train service, open dally and Sun days, trains lo Stenton Stntlon, Chestnut Hill division. Itrudlng Railway. FRANK MAUltAN. 2311 Land Tlllo Building. WE CAN "ASSIST you to find that housVyou are looking for. Germantown Trust Com pany, Chelten and Germantovvn aves. KESIDENCB' SITES "Ground In best Bcctlon of Germintnwn and Chestnut Hill. II. II. LISTER a SON. 5012 Germantown ave, IF YOU are looking lorn home In German town. Mt. Ally or Chestnut Hill, consult me. A. it. MeenAn. UT4T uermaniown ave. Chestnut Hill NKW SALE AND RENT LIST READY Pelham. Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PEI.HAM TRUST CO., 0740 Germantown ave Tioga VERY WKI.L-HUILT modern 3-story dwelling, 11 rooms and bath. Including hot-water heat, every modern convenience, lot 10x100 feet, cost J81U0, offered at a bargain nnd on. easy IF terms tn close nn account. YOCUM & POWERS CO.. 20 S. 13th WB HAVE THE IlullSE YOU WANT IN TIOGA OR LOGAN KENNEDY & RAMHO, .1740 GERMANTOWN l.ognn LOGAN HEAL ESTATE SALE, RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith, llroad tt.. opim. ljgan Station. REAL ESTATE. MORTllAGES AND CONVEYANCING WM. P. CHAMBERS, 403.1 N. Broad at. T Oalc Lane OAK LANE Ilettei see that Colonial house, u:!03 Camaa street, tMK.ii. Always open. SAMUEL 11. READ, builder and owner. SUBURBAN ALDAN, DELAWARE COUNTY THE IDEAL SUBURB 4150 New detached houses, every conv. ; one square from schools, trol. and ttalns. Provi dence road and Clifton ave. Come out and look them over; 5c from onth St. Terminal. Ad. THO ALDAN CO.. P. O. ISox 44(1. Phlla. CHOICE BUILDING 3ITK3 AND ACREAOK ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. Ijinghorne, Pa. homes for sale or rent. Mccormick & Mccormick, 1011 Chestnut snd Elklna Park. LARGE Llt'.T of suburban homes, sale or rent, on tho Main Line or Reading R. R. WM, II. WILSON - CO.. Morris Building. SUBURBAN real estate. Main Line. German, town; farms, Reading R. R. bend for lists. Chas. J. I loo J & Co.. Morris Rig. 1421 Cheat. SUBURBAN RESIDENCES for sale or rent: attractive locations; nrke Hunt. MAURICE J. HOOVER. Real Estate Trust Jldg. CITY AND SI'bFrHAN REAL ESTATE. HEARS & BROWN, 15th and Walnut. SELECT PROPERTIBS-Cnuntry seats, farms. Lilt orders now. LEWIS T. RROOKF. & bON, 1414 8. Penn q. FOUNDED lh7fl. FaCRIFICE 10 rooms, steam heal, electricity; lot 50x200; 10c. carfare; might consider ex- change. E 247. Ledger Central. CITY AND SUBURBAN propertlee for sale or rent. 7-rfiwer Merlon Realty Co.. Land Title Building. Philadelphia. Pa. Ambler, Pa. SEND FOR LIST of suburban homes, farms, tountry icsts, building ground, etc. I have a large and varied list In Montgomery and Bucks Counties. If you are looking for any thing In the way of country real estate, do not fall to get my list bofore you buy. THOMAS ATKINSON Ambler, Pa. FARMS, country places and suburban homes on the Reading's Bethlehem and Doyleatown branches. 11. J. Dager, Inc., Ambler, Pa. Darby, ra. BUY 04 S. Oth while vacant; 8 rooms, saloon furl or; air and water heat, electricity; trol ey V, sq.; 24x114. SWOPB & SONS. Da rby, Kildyslone, Pa. FOR BAIJ5 About 400 building lots, located within two blocks of the Baldwin Locomotive Works and the Remington Arms Company plants at Eddyitone. Will sell as a whols. M 410, Ledger Office. F.lklns Park, Pa. BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE, high location, near train and trolley, at decided bargain all Improvements. L SOU, ledger Office. Glenslde, ra. HOUSES AND LOTS. EVKHY DBSCHIITION RHNNINHEn & HKNNINOHR BROAD AND WA I M UT MAIN IJNB, PA. 11. H, FARM In beautiful Cheater Valley, surrounded by large estates, convenient to railroad and Valley Forge Park, house with all modern Improvements; barn, with heated garage; fruit trcei, berry buahea, 32 acres good soil: price 14.000. v NORMAN P. SINCLAIR 604 RjMPKstate Trust Building. Stone House Garage l Acre AT MERION M rooms, 2 baths, billiard room; five open flrealacta excellent location, near station: thla property ran be bought at an attractive ngvire. F 237. ledger Ofrice. SIKWUST OF" MAITLiriu houses either for sale or rent at allfairlces. HIRST & UcMULI.IN.fBcst End Trust Bldg. HITHURBAN HOMES. IJinnlrv !.,... .T7 u,l building sites to suit all requirements; Main .ms. i. v iiunifcn, vva)ns. ia, Nt. David's HOUSE WITH STABLE and 2-3 acre. In best section, can be bought exceptionally (heap, 11AR11ERT 4V CLAOIIORN. 204 Bailey Illdg. NKW JERSEY Haddon Heights. N. J. UPPINCOTT IX)T8 AND HOMKS (HADDON IIEIGHTS. N. J. WLLMT UPPINCOTT I ' "'N ' ' ' I . ii ... i i i tells its message T REAL E3TATE FOR SALE NKW .lEItSI'.V Mapie Shade, N. J. uNE-AORic (sn.M, nearest to Phlla.; trsln trolley, write for pamphlet. HARLOV to Mapl. ghtttlt. R. J National 1'arkN, J BUNGALOW a. ion cseh 10 monthly; lata 23 xlno, near trolley: eonr. te river; NatlDMl Park. Get off Red Rank are., see agent with . bade. OrtaterXew Jeteey CO., M . 10th. g 1'nlmjra, N. J. WRLIIXrCATBI) BUNOAXOW of 7 rootnst llV.All' DimUAMJll Xn I I lotivenleaces, oeily MO; good-Hied on remain, little cash riulresl. OF.mriKj. WIMKB. PaCmvTiA ail tottvenianreis, oeiiy Rn- geoa-Hseci mort- inge cwn teniatn. little cateti rrflt Woodhnry, N. J. a hllLDlNO LOTS, IS to M feet front. 123 to V,l frf IO OU ICTl IIVTI., P. 100 no; eeur terflis, JOHN ARiiaTTIJON . llroad st , WeeJbttry, N, J, ins reel oerp. 21 North NKASIIORR Allsnllc City, N. 3. AN OPPORTUNITY leioom offered to buy, ibewp, eilegent home; white frame; good con dltleni lt local I', n SL Chsrlee plare, Atlan tic City, 2 liaths, 7 sleeping roome; hardwood floors lot 40xtKi Box 315, Atlantic City, Cnpe May, N. .1. COTTAGE erected by a reliable bulkier la a aalMaytlen, tttincflve plans submitted free, OTle5 51. TOWNSKNII. Ocean City, N. J. Ocean City, N. J. COTTAGK erected by a rcllablo builder Is a satisfaction, attractive plana aubmltted tree. . OTIS M TOWNSKND. Ocean City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 3 ACHES, Collegevtlle, strictly modern 0-room lone house, new, conveniences, hardwood floors, cloevts, porchee, old shade, artesian well. 30 fruit trees, barn, garage, hen house, 1-3 cash: price 1500. .lack's Farm Agency, 215 Stephen Olmrd Building. BROAD ST., Lansdale Gentlenian'a farm of in Here. 14-ronm modern house, 2 baths; near iletwt A. 11 TYSON. Lansdale. Pa. 23 ACRES. STOCK, CROPS, good buildings: 'AMm. luilf cash. HUNSHBRGER'S FARM AGKNCYGreen Ijtne, l'a 8KVKRAL FINK FARMS nnd homes near nlley Forgo and Phoenlxvlllo. AMCH O. OOTWAI.S. Phoenlxvllle. Pa. .MARYLAND l'AKMS GENTIEMAN will sell his Maryland witter rent eatite; has lay. river and creek front age, braultrul place, 8 buildings: modernlied mansion, over 20i acres, 20,(X30, Including crops, stock and Impl-mcnts; Ideal spot to recuperate from business cares; plenty game, flih, irahs, etc. Addtcsi Owner, M 108, ledger )mce. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR IIOMi: hy monthly pavmente of from 17 to 5u; homes located N. Phlla. and Gtn worth from 1MX) tn q250. Merchants' Union Truit Co.. 715-710 Chestnut st. SUBURBAN CITY ND SUIIURRAN properties for eale or rent. Ixiwcr Mellon Realty Co, Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Bnla-Cynvvyil, l'a. LARGE LIST hollies, sale or rent, at ell prices, Samuel C. Wagner. Jr., Commercial Trust Building, 15th and Market sts. R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE HOTEL or sanitarium site, situated In the mountains, 1500 feet elevation; all lroprove menta; Stroudsburg. Pa. M P51, Led, Cent. REAL ESTATE WANTED RENTS COLLECTED Al.DRECHT'S 37.1 Drexel Bldg. 2414 W. Lehigh ave. WANT listing of country seats anU farms. II. R. McCOLI.UM, 1314 Walnut aL "Don't Forget the Number" RENTS and Interest rollected, mortgages and Are Insurance placed quickly. See Kane for prompt results. 2528 Tnsker st. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT cm IBIS 8. 27TII ST. Sr., brownstone front. 2 bay windows, electric lights, gas and cool ranges, back kitchen, handsome puper, wardrobe, side board, cabinet mantels, etc., reduced to SIS per mo. CHARLES H. SHET2LINE . CO.. Broad andPassyunk ave. GRATZ ST... N.. 1310 (10th and Jefferson) formerly known as Centennial uve. 12 rms. side ard; rent VIS. Bcrtolet. lull N. Iutb.; 2127 E. SUSQUEHANNA AVE. Three stnrj l rooms; good order; low rent. Keys 2121. WM. U CRAVE.VS SONS.1340 N7th st. 1742 N. PARK AVE.-Owner desires to rent part of dA'cltlng. references required. Ad ilrets cwrier, or call. U to 12 u. m. 124"s."XN"pnLT ST. (2"lstand WaTnnrsTs."; 8 rooms and 2 baths. EDGAR G. CROSS. 1411 Walnut at. 3J.L POTTliH. 0 rooms, lath, all tonvcnlenres; 13.50 per month, one square north ot Ken elngtor and Allegheny aves. 2.144 MONTROSE ST.-Neat dwelllnge 11.00 rooms, lias range, bath, gas. etc. ; 'good condition. Key at 02.1 S. 23d st. STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. Seo our list In tho Ledger Saturday. 8AM1TI.M. T TCIVV J. r'n 8. E. cor. nth and Callowhlll. RENT 410 8. 15TH ST. 14 rooms, 5 baths, steam hest. MEItSHON BROS., :i:I3 Land Title Bldg. CENTRAL PROPBRTIES "for sate or rentT YARROW A VAN PEIT. N. E. COR. 17TII AND CHESTNUT. 18 PER MONTH Cosy 2-etory. 8-room porch dwelling, all conveniences; 2839 W. Firth st. (near 23dand Cumberland ate.); key 2837. CB.NTRL PROPERTY Assesied 0V0; rVHP- eu. srii; price, s.uuu; oniv uou cain. MARSH AU. II. SMITH. 1011 Chestnut st. lO'.O N. 12TH Juit renovated, 13 large, sunny looms; large front side and back lawn. MYERS BARTII. Rldgejtvo. and 10th. 30 DWELLING, 11 ROOMS " SEND FOR LIST Continental-Equitable Trust Co., 21 S. 12th st, foil rC 45TH ST. 10 rooms,2 baths; good location, reasonable. II., 4303 Spruce at. Iluilness Properties and Stores .....k... ei.lfcK.&.A, IW Entire building through to Commerce St.; suit retail or wholesale butlness; Immediate possession. Apply Penna, Co., 317 Cheitnut street. rtT-wn cjYti.- tt CENTRAL STORES AND FLOORS Send for list. J. A. PATTERSON CO.. 130 8. 1STH. raclorlrs, Warehouses, Mfg. Floor b. r.. COR." MARKET AND 18TII STs'UthT fill and 7th floors; modern building. J. T. Jackson. Chestnut and 13th sts. 1U21-1033 RIIXEA.VK.-Rooms for rent, with power, heat, passenger and freight elevators. MODERN FACTORY FLOORS 14,000 Square Feet N. E. COR. ARCH AND 23D STS. Steam and electric power, 2 elevators, low Insurance, automatic sprinklers, watchman, R. 11. sldlnns. extra large windows and high ceilings. Owner management. Apply G. P. PILLING A SON CO. on promises. COHOCKSINK MILLS BUILDING. Oth St., Randolph st , 8th st., above Columbia ave Room 12,(MK) ta 18.000 sq. fart on a floor; large power plant , low Insurance. Apply Richard P. MrNealy. 1782 N. Randolph st. MERCHANTS' BUILDING 44 North 4th street Very desirable eltloea. llet and light. METROPOLITAN BUILDING, cor. Broad and Wallace, room 8000 '? 40,000 square feet en a noor. Apyiy vo r . issner. ii w. lutn. II AVE PARTY who will erect bulldlnr. ...... tral or other location, for satlsfaetory tenanL PIKTBRICII. T37 WaljuL FACTORY FLOORS and warerooma, large and small; centrally located. - HARRY T. JAUNDMRS, 81 8. 18th It OFFICES, BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC. PH1TXUI. Hl.lMi. UKFK'aW annual rentals. ,1-nit.trf linn.. XIAll X I ''Jl X-N.l K'l.. Suites. S ran . 200. 8.175. 4i,(430.500 JSo Corner suttea, 2 to 10 rooms. 500 to 1(150. ELLIS D, w'll.HAMB. f.110 Drexel Building, T A V A II It I "V 1 .. -- orTOiS3iJAitfiV s? BUlTB NERCHANTS' BUILDING 41 N. 4TII ST DESIRABLE ROOMS. I'OWHII AND LIGHT Profess local Olucea ARCH. laa-Offleea for pbyslelsn: heal, light and aervlce, running water, reference. CHESTNUT. 172s 3 very desirable, communl. cmlng reipms. utt. jor .itujjlp orjiiofesslon, SPRIUK ST., lf- Offices for Ws'ielan or dsnllns light, -heat, service, running water: references. - - - . 1 ii ' . ). mi . mm I,'. M .t iyip.1 ;yj 1,,-ft- r in both Ledgers all day long REAL ESTATE TO rrofcatlona-l fwrice SrnUCK, 1221-20-cheerful orTlee, fwwt ninnini wsier, smcooetor or oentf t. BPRUCB, 1088-Physlclan'a office, to har afternoon hours WAJrN,iTr; "J3"-?"1" of a Urge roe., jaf iloor, hot and fold running water, electrtejiy. oi'- 3-. an PltyaleUn desires to shsre ornee weli.furnlihedreceptloi room. WEST rilltwMlEt.rMlA ".'OT AVENUB 1IOUBKS, NEAH. TUB PARK, v bedrooms; fine condttleeu iwrh front: garden- very deilrable netshbor. goSirereience required. FKMUF.RTON KS- ?A13LJiXVL rorner JlRthand VVIIIowa av a. DWRLI.INOS. STORES AND ArARTMENTS WM. II. W. QUICK k l)RO., INfA 8 SOUTH 40TH ST. t,PT.lr OverlooklnB FAIRMOUNT PARK. rCtTIIl . . 2a to MOO Per Month. A.Cr.l5 ATP,' ,0 A- J- I. OALI.AGHK, .JKHjSBg jflO Parkslde ave. Ph. BeL V PpTTS TOWNSEND WEST PHILA. 1I0ME9 4003 BALTIMORB AVE. I22-5M4 RROOMALL ST. (eocond street south of Baltimore ave ) New house, hot-water eajjrHSjlectrle light, gaa kitchen, etc. OKHMAnTOlVW 0J-;1 "POMS. 2 bslha; garage) 1 eq. from Sedgwick Station on Otn. ave. A. B, Tourl- . son. 7014 Boyer st. Both phones. ML Airy, Oermantewn MT. AIRY. 373 Oowen are.-lO rooms, and laundry; front porch! best .location; 0. Apply owner, 7410 Boyer st , Mt. . bath rent. Airy. Tioga 1413 BORIE AVE A. 11. WILLIAMS 522 Walnut. ... . 117.00 Chestnut lllll DJ'S.l,L,wJLs-!0 t0 ISO month; get list. , I'elham Trust Company, 0740 Germantown. Oak Lane 8FVEHAI. PROPERTIES for rent In Oak L",n.'i.fi0 to 3: very desirable. BROWN ft IlARR. 8th and Oak lane. Wayne Junction 23 MODERN nnd moit desirable 3-story porch-front house at Wayne Junction) aft conveniences. 2 minutes' walk to station. 44 W N 20th St., above Germantown ave. 8UBUIUJAN MODEBN DWG.. 14 rms.. 2 baths, steam heats la... In. ..1.1 !...., - ....-. . .l.. . iwii "iu pimuc, uvMr siauon; renc sv. O. M. AMAN. 1201 Cheatnut at. BEAUTIFUL old homeetead. attractively mod ernlied; 11 roems. 8 baths; garage; shady lawn; 100. SUTTON. 801 Franklin Bldg. 10 TO 200 PER MONTH Fall List of Suburban Homes C. P. PETERS & SON. 008 CHESTNUT ST. Seeane, Pa. FOR RENT-Brlck and frame dwelling house. In Perfect order, with all conveniences; 10 rooms and pantry; bath and linen closet; with half acre of ground; old shade. Provi dence road, near Ashland ave., 5 mlnutei' walk from Seane station. Central Division, P., H. and W R. It., ti miles from Broad St. Station. James A. Bunting, 502 Drexel Building. Phllsdelphla. MAIN LINE. PA. M. Tt. Norberth BRAND-NEW 1IOU8ES. 7 rooms, all modern conveniences, electric lights, etc., la ner month; others at 21.50, 20.50. 28.50 up ward. HARRIS, real estate, opposite station. Narbcrth. Pa. Wynnewood FOR THE MAN WHO HAS AN AUTOMOB1L HOUSE NO. 40 MANOR ROAD. WYNNEWOOD. PA. It Is modem, with all neceiary conveni ences; contains 13 rooms. I bathrooms and storerooms; has liberal lot of ground. wlU nice shade and flowers, and the rent la lesa than a 10-room city house. Automobile atorage, 3 per month. WALTER BASSET SMITH. WYNNEWOOD. PA. Haverforil DESIRABLE HOUSE, near station, 10 rooms, 2 baths, gsrsge. WARHOCK & EMLEN. Commercial Trust Building. NKW JERSEY Avalon, N. J. NEW BUNGALOWS, cottages and anart. menta for rent, furnished . nioderate prices; all modern conveniences. Boardwalk, Casino, churches, all kinds of stores; farmers deliver products to your door dally. Halting, boating, tennis and sports. Call, phone or write Tor booklet. Chss. R. TTall. 1410 Real Eitate fruit Building. Philadelphia, Pa. Itlterton. N. i. 25 TO 10 MONTH-O to 12 room housss: large lots. A. E. PRICE. 410 l.Ipptncott ave., Rlverton. MORTGAGES Large Amount TRUST FUNDS FOP. FIRST MORTGAGE Immediate AttentioB HORACE II. FRITZ 713 WALNUT ST. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES S500 S1000 S1200 $1500 $1600 SSooo W II. HOOD. 812 NORR1B ST. 50 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE imcur. n!?n ixyt in-mediate settlement; paabla aa 2O0C desired. EDW. M. MOLL, 133 SOUTH 12TH STREET. FIRBT AND SECOND MO It TO AGE FUNDA .. JOHN O. WILLIAMS, SUCCESSOR LEWIS H. REDNER. 727 WALNUT ST. J. It. MASSBY & SON 13TH AND GREEN STS. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES BUILDING ASSOCIATION FUNDS mortgages' IN 'amounts OF 1800 and 2000 at SVi per cent. JAMES D. 'WINCHELL N. W. cor. 17th and Sonsom sts. UNLIMITED FUNDS In moderate amounts fer straight and building association mortgages; lowest charges. ' WILLIAM JAME3 KEOQII, 565 Drexel Illdg. 100.000 TO INVEST on mortgagee In irum siuviu up; aiao minding associativa money for second mortgages. G, C. 8EIDML. ft CO.. 4th and Callowhlll sts. "f""i WORRE L L 6W V. "T FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES 100. 200 TO 3000 TO loanT K.IO ... ?;"" vu. 1227 W. Olrard Ave TRUST FUNDS for tlrst roortgage."-" HERKNKSS A STETSON, r.&vr, TW1! nnti ni.iii f --fc. , a-waAMU. ADVANCES zpDERMSoA BPECMLTft 818 WALNUT ST? ALL AMOIINTA First and second mortgages; quick answer, Maurice H. Matilnger. Real Kit. Trust Bldf. "IVNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES. ' MORTGAGES FOR SALE,. THEO. K. NICKLES. 23)3 OERMATN AV. OWpEHH-U your mortgsg has' been cslleg I will take ft up. also 2d mortgage money. CHE8TBR D. IIOTTNER 1120 cmirtnutst MOltTGAGBS. Investments, collections. ' Call, write or phone. D. A MINN1CK. 1838 nidge are. FUNDS" FOR 8T"a"ND 2D inortgsgei;"rn'ta and Interests collected In any irt of cKy. CAMERON, 2811 Kensington avsnue. A FEWi25bO 0 per""cnt. grountTrsni Ott sale, free of Slate tax. I'EMBEHTWgT EKTATF-a 708 Harrison Bldg. C",T"W LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATK4I 1 REASONAHLE CHARGES O'lH A BARRY. 607LANDTITLK MIJW. m" "FUNDS FOR 1ST AND2DMORTOAOW " ANY AMOUNT """"""" POTTS b THOMPSON, 2521 Franktt4 ase. , 1ST 2D MORT08, or en noteTTn ay"asC. 4 at low ratssi linrncd. an. F. X,- pslaiiay. - 1112 Unyoln Bldg.. Broad et tt JawJiML , PHIVArS ft'NDS fx advances to tul3ersb ' large or small operations. Address KeoraUrr, F 142. Ledger Central; rEZBY-FUN'Off fof'good ArK ' iwrigaSr faring u your application. CHAS. L. BUOWN A CO., MT . W4 at. TuoTood" FonDK(Beiv6fp on rui- mortgages. Set us Are). AIIEFtNiTMY. MM Narlii Ms. piiivatk Ann Tus Ifvr MOItTOAUEB-irv 1 J. EDWARD lAin. .. al&rTBY for" lirst n4 ecoMior)ga4eri log soc-RVVpn will insvaimem aaaa WlllU-Wlticbetter Co.. 14101 CkaetaMt Fl RHT A'kli' SKC'ONDr'Vny aaiiaVrvl! Miburbs nulck serrlra, JAMr-p SIMPSlOri 1470 Cswatouf at pRTv'T'wTtTNlWirMV anwunr fer 8.i owiri psgt, "ir r iiwwwis.1 r im, trf ' eyr" ..y. . m- 0 a M jfc-