sfeUe 14, e ' ' a ' - Want Ads ordered for three or more times are inserted in both Ledgers at the former rate for one Htlf EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1915: J it. if MMt - !' pit , lhi btslc l' .-.L ixpls'- AT '01 I recf :- mm r? rv- AUTOMOBILES rr xu HUDSON . .. . r er Immediate delivery! rebuilt tear- iC cr! roadster, electrto lights and tart Mil wm of our lata modal "6-40" touring. OOMKRY-SCHWARTZ. . ls N Broad at, Philadelphia, O CADILLAC IBM tounnr Tpasngri Al can Auaai ,tlrt Ilk m! ear n.wly pelntsdj s m ffftno Vinv. fir ma If da-alrwcl it. j.v..'.."" i.": . :i . ; . .-----. . TO unuuiur., ji Miritu aocuivvou. A JtfKH. rr. Kxcnange lar jjepi. OWNER will Mil Bergdoll, SO, 4-passeng.r, leix, reasonable, or exchange far Ford run about, with cash; good condition) extra, tlr sd 2 extra rims. Address M 6(5. Ledger 1(14 BlX-CTLINDER 6-psengr toiler taur ine! run leaa than 11,000 miles; recently overhauled: own-r'a abicnca from city caut of sale; can be ihii by appointment) big . acrtflc. I11 phone Locust 2757 COLE, 1B1J. Modal 80 roadster, complat lo. trto equipment nw eat covers, tire In good condition, newly repainted and thoroughly gTernauieq. woie Agency, zto rt. iiroaa u 114 FORD, with new 1815 touring body, mat nalo and transmission; tlrea vary rood: extra Inner tube, electric headlights, tools, etc I bar- . rain at WOO. Owner. M 107, Ledger Office. OWNER will aell 1914 Packard 0-88 roadater) excellent condition throuchouti electtlo start- r, wlndahlald; make an oiler. Woodland 32 CADILLAC, IMS, touring car, overhauled and repalntedi full equipment! price $800. AUTO BALKS CORPORATION, 142 N. Broad at. BEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OF USED CARS. COWgQN AUTO EXCHANGE, gag N. Broad. 1S18 FOUR-PASSENGER Chalmera Blx. ma. chanlcally perfect, very rait, bargain for cash purchase. F 47, Ledger Central. OAKLAND 1913 roadster In flnt-clas condi tion; look good aa new. j. I. C MOSER, 21B N. Bread at CHALMERS 30, 5-pasa.. excellent condition: tra tlr. self-starter. Phon Woodland 3569 L. PACKARD ROADSTER, cheap. Phona Ken altigton 3120. DETROIT ELECTRIC COUPE, batUrle and car In bet condition. Apply 718 N. 40th. AtrrOMOBILTS-cnandler. new. 118, for eale, 1 11O0. P, O, Box: 3503, Station O. Wanted OWNER of attractive S-rtory, 6-room, porch, aide-yard dwelling, beet eectfon Oermantown, convenient rail road e and trolley, value 14730, mortgage 13300. will exchange equity for part cath and light car, runabout preferred ; caah could ba rataed on aecond mortgage. Ad'lreia P 210, Ledger OfRco. To nire ANT TIME or place 7-paenger rackardj rate reasonable. Diamond 0790 D. ATJTO REPAIRING WELDINO, BRAZINO AND REPAIRING PLEASURE AND- COMMERCIAL CARS OXYGEN TANKS. S2.50 MAONETO AND CARBURETOR EXPERTS WE SUCCEf.D WHERE OTHERS FAIL PATTERSON OAHAOE NEVER CLOSED 1420 VINE ST. CTLINDERS REBORED, new platon and rings furnished, welding and braxlng, II. D. : ana oraxing. it. i Hamilton t. I'hlli underwood et Co.. lo-a BLACKSMITH and spring repair work, blas ter, general repair work, llerculea Welding and Machine Company. 223-225 N. 16th. T SPEEDOMETER TROUBLE t lit T BEE BILLY S18 N. BROAD. T ATJTO SUPPLIES C-OALLON CAN HAVOLINE OIL-J2.00. COLUMBIA TIRE AND RUBBER CO. 2220 NORTH BROAD ST. ATJTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 mile. Compare prices. Caiollne, 12c, per gallon. GRIM'S, 23S North Broad at ATJTO LIVERY AND GAUAOES TO HIRE Plerce-Arrowe. Packard", Ford Touring Car. Loweat ratea In city. Auto for Weddings and Itinerate. ,. PACKARD SERVICE COMPANY Saee 218. Spruce 3140. OARAOE SITES IN LOQAN AND OLNEY, line openings, good locations; sell or rent If building erectea, will take heavy mortgage. ABCRNETHY. S724 N. 3th. TO HIRE Limousine and tourtng cars. W. Phi la. Oarage, 5121-23 8anom. Bel 2310 TO HIRE, 5-PASSENOER NEW TOURINO car, $1.23 hour. Phone Poplar 1617 W, BUSINESS NOTICES FULL DR2SS SUITS Cutaway. Tuxedo and Sack Suit To Mr and made to order. TSTBUBAUER, THE TAILOR. 10 N. 8th t Bell phone. Walnut 2U.18. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed; eyebiow arched. Mis Smith, 402 Keith Bldg. Mlas Hoppe, halrdreaslng and facial masssge, formerly at Mint Arcade, with Mlsa Smith. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANT TOUNO MAN OF MEANS OR parent of auch to take Intereat In contract ing engineering business with man of proven ability and Integrity In over SO years- ex perience; clean. Intending business to one Cealrlog aa object "LIFE OF USEFUL 'ESSr rather than big return; good, fair return; mechanical knowledge or Immediate, service not eaaentlal, a good moral associa tion. Details at Interview only, M WJ. Ledger Central. INVENTIONS vTA!NTFJ. nBAS Write u for list of Inven tion wanted by manufacturera and prizes offered for Inventions. Our four book sent free. Patent secured or fee rofunded. Victor J. Evans A Co , 721 th at, Washington. D. C. Phlie. office. 1420 Chestnut at. Hour 1 to S; Monday, 0 p.m. Tel. Spruce 6U8. I WANT X PARTNER on a clear farm of 80 sens; I wish to go Into pic raising; win need (2500, which ahall be put Into stock, pen and equipment required; large Income soured, aa pork la bringing high-water prices; young man Deiween -a and 40 pro ferred. E Sit, Ledger Central. PATISNTS-Arthur IS. Paige. 714 Walnut t, Phil-, mechanical and electrical engineer! registered, patent attorney; established her - BO year: Invention developed; patent, trad- marks, copyright secured and litigated any where : rejected applications prosecuted; pra 4ralnary advice freo. BAKERY, eld established. 440 Belgrade ati tor and dwelling; 8 story; completely reno vated; good oven and bake house; excellent neighborhood; will rent or sell; attractive MANUFACTURING FIRM engaged In me ehanloal and electrical line desire additional capital to the extent of 118,000 to finance jrier now on band; will incorporate. P 20L Ledger OMce. BAKERY In growing Panne, city; sale ISM dally; principal partner In hospital; must ell; grand opportunity for big money; no agents. M 100. Ledger Office. "' "" BARBERS IIAVINO THEIR OWN B3TAB. llshraent Can Increase their Income by bundling our free talking machine offer. Ad-, ply 1333 Arch at CLERK WANTED, possessed of meuis. in real estate business, established 1ST8; on portunlty young man. Office. 8033 N. Broad. PICTURE TTHaATRE, suburban; flOO cash re. ati nd! earns X2II linwirf, wa.ItIh. ,71 .. . bo competition. Barrlat '& Co., 214 N. ath. INVESTMENT Bualnea opportunities for con. ervstiv Investors. t xa know your want. JAMBS L. OARFIELD. Mil cheetnur Vt HAlKDREBaiNO eaUbllshment fat (ale: toed k opportunUy- Apply 8tt2d N. 6th t " WANTED (40.000 from private party desiring .serf, conservative real estate Investment 'ZJn m per eent, M MS. Ladgl? Cer.?Ani. WATaD-Partnership in flrst-elaa concern l raM aeaad strtct.it investigation; nn t ml BlplmU) IW.O0O. Id 442, Ledger' Centrs! (Wktt THIV CERTIFICATES, bearing per petit, tetaraat. par, (3000; maturing 1SI. Mak I safer. TtW Cotensan BulldlneT. " Waat4 mxaasmagz Y GAKPJW CLSAXINO TUrtleth Tear. Ipfc RIIOADet CO. t.. Weet Phlla. TINO, 8c TAR1J. XTINKNTAL, WirArilWU 1IUUBB ABOVE CHESTNUT Locust 10-0. JSi MONAHCH eTOKAfM CO. Jc. PER VAgtu, M74V Ave, kJI MllliWtliilrsssi 1 t. DRESSMAKINQ AST) MILLINERY IlMngiiiviilitli 1U i .l.la A nwj-Wr a. rt ". afrtt & a canta yard, all .mat. PICTORIAL HEV'IeW PATTERNS 1113 CHESTNUT Hi. DRESSMAKING taught; hort, practical, Inex. pensive mur-K pattern cut. Boa. Mac .. Powell. 807 Denckl Illdg,. 11th and Market HEMSTlTfltlNO. 6C. Til J pleag.. but. COVg., mb. r Tomaeulo. 1002 Chestnut; Bpruc 2805 FOR BALE BILLIARD, pocket. 2d-hand tables, repairing, euppllea Clsrk-Herd Mfi. Co., 2421 N. Front BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES - Alao bowling allarai easy payment. BRUNS. WICK-BALK E-COLLENDER CO..1Q02 Arch. BILLIARD and pocket tables, shufflebeard, new and allgbtly.usedi liberal term, renting, repairing a supplies. Rosatto Co., 222 8, 8th. BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d-hand bought, aold. rented, exch'd. Keafer, 829 Olrard ave. CASK REGISTERS, new and second band! to tal adder aa low a $30. on easy monthly payment, all reglatera aold by ua fully guar anteed. Tha National Caah Rtglater Co., 730 Chestnut at. DESKS, flilng cabinet, afe. telephone booth and office furniture and fixture of every de scription; uaed, but In fine condition, and very cneap: free delivery anywhere liUOHIJ 11TH AND BUTTONWOOD DESKS LARfJE ASRORTMENT; AL80 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. CENTRAL SECOND-HAND FURNITURE CO., Ofll-08-14 CALLOWHILL ST. HEATHns and rangea, varlou make, little uaed; good condition; ean b bought cheap. MAK1N-KEL8EY HEATINO. fl N. 18TH ST. MESH RAOS-SILVER-rLATED Sand lBc for H-o. can U-KAN-PLATB POLISH (red label) (extra atrength), and make old hac look new. A. R. JUBT1CC CO.. 612 Chetnut. Phlla. rSS.flO TALKTNO MACHINE, Vlctrot and 6 10-D. F. record; guaranteed to be In per fect condition: an excellent outfit for one who la looking for a good machine at a reason able price: B0 centa weekly accepted. Call or write tor complete descriptions and large Illustrated catalogues. HEPPB'S UPTOWN BTORES. Cor, 6th and Thompson sts., Philadelphia p. (25 E. HOWARD. 17-jewel, gold-filled watch, value (40; new condition. RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE. 128 Market et. ISO-LADIES' Tiffany diamond engagement ring; pure white; alue (83. Relder" Loan Office, 128 Market at. . FOR SALE at great reduction Fumed oak Ml ton sideboard; in perfect condition. B 303, Ledger Offloo. (18 L. C. SMITH double-barrel hammerleaa gun: new condition. Relder Loan Oftlce, 128 Market at. MACHINERY AND TOOLS YOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH pulleys are de- fiendable, will not be out of adjustment or n neod of repair Just at the time )ou most wart to use them. 8HAFTINO and MA CHINE WORKS. 141 N. 2d. JAMES YOCOM ft SON POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gines, pumps, air compressor. FRANK -rOOMEY. INC.. 127 N. 3D 8T. AIR COMPRESSORS; steam pump, belt pumps. Berryman hesters, dynamos, motor. ga engine. NuTTALL, 1748 N. 8th. PLANERS-24 TO 82 INCH MAKES,- OOOD CONDITION. 437 N. 3D ST. STANDARD BEYFEKT'S TWO 20 H. P. Otto ga engines for sale, cheap; Immediate attention neceasarv. OAS AND OIL ENGINE CO., 43 N. 7TH ST. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 10 UPRIGHT PIANOS at our Uptown Store will be eold at price ranging from (88 to (150. A few special are aa follow: (S3 Belts Piano; cost $300 new. 95 Chlckerlng Piano; cost $600 new. (145 Lester Piano; cost $323 new. (165 Cunntngham-Qlrard Piano; cost "new. (275 PLAYER-PIANOa Several slightly used Player Flanoa re duced to (328, (378, etc.; cost (650 and up ward new; term $8 monthly. NEW PIANOS. 200 New Pianos and Pianola-Pianos al way In atock at our Uptown Store: samo prices and term a downtown. Call or write for Urge Illustrated cata logues and complete list of new and used Piano and Player-Pianos. Also special plan of pnyraent HEPPPE'S UPTOWN BTORE8, Cor. 6th and Thompson Sts,, Philadelphia, Pa. RECORDS. Bring your old onee and get new onea at PAUL'S, 2822 Kensington ave. Phone Ken alngton louo. IlECORHS WANTED: highest prices paid; also ted. Bend postal zx-'Z Kensing ton ave. tons Kensington mwo. PAUL repair all talking machine; satlsfao tlon guaranteed: reasonable prices. 2822 Ken alngton ave. Phone Kenalngton 1693. PIANO TUNING BRIGHT AND BRILLIANT sounds your piano when tuned by Ernst Wnaner. tone expert Poplar 47S1 W. 1831 N. ith et OLD GOLD OLD OOLD, silver, platinum plated ware, old-style Jewelry, teeth platea bought for caah. Eat. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Sansom. OLD OOLD Cash paid for old gold, stiver, antique clocks: will rail Bell phone Locust 1219. ROGERS, 27 8. 17th. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS POLITICIANS, ATTENTION! Look at our special campaign prices for ad. dressing envelopes and filling In letter. FILLINO In per 1000 Letter (LTB ADDRESSING per 1000 Envelope 180 Call Walnut 7IS60 LYON Call Raos 1143 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHIC BUREAU Miss Itnth Kohler. Mgr 1011 Chestnut it SOOTING AND IRON AWNINGS ROOSTNO, CANVAS, guaranteed quality. It A. HUMPHREYS' SONS 1021 Callowblll at STORAGE dONTINSiNTAl. IBTOIIAOE WAREHOUSE 20TH BT, ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING, MOVINO. SHIPPING ItUSM. rilmetfl HMnbl mJlrmtt airAiS , Bell, Locust 1060 Phone Key., Race 4180. MILLER North Broad Storage Co., Broad ab. Lehigh ave. New fireproof addition; rooms fireproof; packing for all points; auto vans; estimate free. Ball phon Tioga 4760. VIDELTTT FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811.1819 MARKET ST. WE8TPHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO." JXEST. SJJJJ- Auto "-J PWng and shipping. WEST I'lllLA. 8870 LANCASTER AVE. McGANN'H STORAGE HOUSE Movlnr. naeklnr. shtntitnie. anM wan. n nut ni. ATLAS STORAGE WAREllOUSlj! Storag; S?ln'. V!!" Mvtr, carret cleaning, Ph. Baring 783 tor estimate. Market and ailh. WALKER'S STORAGE; aepanTtVTocked' rooms! auto vana for moving. 2313 N. 15th at MILLBOURNH 6Tf)RAC)E CO.. 22 N. 83DT Belmont 4835. Carpeta cleaned. Wast 411. WANTED . ..-.. P1.11 oW. atlyer, curio, coin, pt. ANTIQUES tfja. talM teeth. furrdtujB. (facpla1 Stor),2o a. nth! ANTlQUIS furniture. brlc-.br.c. feather Wos! fSAT I SAY 18 MKANT FORYOUl W YOU HAVE ANY CIHING TO SLL. SEND TO MB, PLL TREAT YOU w-a?t THIS PRICE I PAY IS VERY Hloi " MOMIS THAN OTHERS. LET MB TRr missus mimtfltiSm; -at JUdgarP!a! Btpad " Sgg,y or nyt " - s4liiamis.ss.iii WANTED FURNITURE, plahoa, carpets, antique; enllr or part houses bought for caaht no matter how largo. J Bernstein, 1354 Ridge ave. OK NTS' raal-on clothing boughtl Hlgbeet price, paid! 128 N. 9th (above Arch) MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOT1IINO WANTED lieat price, a call anywhere, any time. Phone Wal CS03, J Bchulta, 227 N. Pth at. VANTLD Plecruat'table and acroll top, high boy; mnet be acnulne. nrlvata collector- BOX B 13, Ledger Oftlce. ROOMS FOR RENT JUST THE ROOM YOU WANT , Can very likely bo located In a few minute by examining the photograph and deacrlp tiona of room with and without board which are on file for your Inrpectlon at Ledger Central. An interior photograph and an awer to etery queatlon ou would aik are hete o jou can decide Intelligently; tree aonicej teat it. ARCH, 5021 (The Diamond) Desirable vac, Just papered, painted, single or double, hot Ac cold running water, Yalo locks; lnrstlgate. ARCH, I'd) Two large room, unfurnished; elngle or en aulti furnished or i; reference. BALTIMORE, 423,1 Large, nicely furn. room: hot-water heat, electricity; good board, 10 , niln. to V of P.; South Amer. etudont pref. BROAD. N , 835 To large single front rooms, private bathe, all modern improvements. BROAD, N., 1820 Nicely furn. rooms! hot, cold water every room; phone, gentlemen BROAD, S., 2100 Charming outside rooms, well furn., electric light, phone, reasonsble. BROAD, S , 425 Attractive apt, 2 or 3 room, : dining room. private oatn, xurn. or uniurn, UKOWN, 1311 Des, room lor gent; own- er's ram,: low price. Call or see tea, tent. CARLISLE. N., 2019 Attrictively furnished Iront room; refined prl vatehomejphone. CEDAR AVE.. 4815-Thlrd floor front, fur- nlshod; electric light, steam heat, CllKSTi.lt AVU., 4207-One or two large rooms anJ bath, 2d floor, front, furnished or unfurnished, southern expos. Preston 6JJ0. CHESrNUT, 1728 Desirable, wcll-fumlshed rooms, with and without private bath. CHESTNUT, 2M5 Irge. hand. furn. Sd-floor suite; af.igle rooma.adj batn. Ph. Loo. a3zti J. CHESTNUT ST., lW)5-Delrable aouthern oxpoaure, vacancies; CHESTNUT, 2UUU Desirable single and double rooms: permanent or transient CIlESTRUT, 4028 Large, airy rooms, fur- risnea or umurn.; near i.. x-reeiun iu ,,, CHESTNUT, 4952 Attractively fur. 2d-story room, southern expos., hot-water heat,, phone. blA.MOND, 2013 Cheerful tum. rooms; soutlP cm exixisuro. mod. rate. Diamond 3852 1. DIAMOND. W.. 1837 Well-furn. bed and llv Ing rooms, comm., piano; nlso 3d-floor front HAZEL AVE. (near 82d st.) For responsible business man; .Id-floor room, batb; private family. Phone Woodland 3417 L. JEFFERSON, 1S06 Two very desirable 2d floor rooms wun patn; private tamuy; pnone. LOCUST, 1503 Two 3d floor rooms, adjoining bath: $80. OSAOE, 4210 Attractive, cheerful room: all modern conva.; good neighborhood, phone. PARK AVE. 2125 Gentlemen can have nicely furnished room and board, terms reaeon nble. Phone Diamond 6.248. PINJJT, 80u Idoal bachelor quarters, furn single, double, private baths, also suite, sccommo date4: reduced rate to permanenti tenant PINE ST., 738 Well-furnished. well-lighted; sanitary rooms. (8 to $5 a week. PINE, 1412 Communicating rooms, with prl- vate patn. ror gentlemen: reterences exen a. PINE. 1432 Desirable 2d-story rooms, single or en suite, with board; reference. PINE bT., 1414 Desirable rooms, single or en Hulls' also elnglo room. POWELTON AVE., 3307 Well-fumlshed rooms, bright and airy: elngle or en suite, private family, 8 minutes to .City Hall; near 'I."; reference exchanged. SPRUCE ST.. 016 Large desirable unfurnished room for rent; moderate. F. C. ADLER, Trustee. 108 8. 4th st. SPRUCE. 1137 Rooms, single and en suits private bath. Also professional offices. SPRUCE, 1624 Large 1st and 2d floor apart- ments. with baths: sin gle rooms. SPRUCE, 1117 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, EINtlLBOR ENJ3UITE; NEAR BATH. SPRUCE, 1628 Large suite, alcove, private bath, double and elngle rooms; couth, expos. SPRUCE. 2022 Attractively furn. suite; two rooms and ptlv. bath, telophono. gentlemen. SPRUCE ABOVE 41'ST-SliiBJe, t-n suite; prlv. noma; roara it desired; ret, u 54, Led, cent WALNUT, 3B03 Comfortably furn. rmi , single or srt aulte. board optional. Preston 4237 W. I2TH. S.. 116 Central location: douBle and eln- gia rooms; lumisnea; gentlemen only, 1STH, N 1818 Comfortable 2d-floor communi cating rooms, also sitting room, refs. exch'd. 13T1I. N 4no Large furnished room over- loomng tiunting fara; rras. , rets. exen. 15TH. S., 312 Physicians' offices; rooms with bath: gentlemen. 10TH. N.. 22t!2 Third front: beautifully fur nished: two Protestant business men or mar ried couple; no housekeeping; good home for right people; references; single room, fur- msneq, umumienea, a or oa noor, 16TH, N 23.U Large, furnished id-story front room: gentleman pref.jprlv. family. 17TII. S . 253 Furnished rooms: single or en gulte; term, reaBonable; all convenience. 18TH. S , 10S Deatrable room. woirfurnlhed; running water; private bath; kitchenette. 20TH, N., 217 Private home: rooms, furnished or nnturrlshed. Phone Locust 3t.S4 J. 46TII ST., between Locust and Spruce Rooms, single or en rulte, with bath; private adult tarouy; reterencea; gentlemen. Hiring xtwr v. HANDSOMELY fumlshod front room In large, modern, private home; eloctrlo light: large veranda; shade; beautiful surroundings: 10 minutes to City Hall, Phone Baring 418. GENTLEMAN of refinement desiring 1 or 2 rooms with private bath In exclusive section of West Philadelphia: references exchanged. ai on, iuirr uemrai. ATTRACTIVE rooms, unfurnished, single, en aulte. Poplar 4174 W. BEAUTIFULLY fum. apts . a -j bath: exclusive sec. W. 1Mb , . or rtKHUH win Phlla. Preston 2261 J. SINGLE or en suite, board If desired; private home; refs. exchanged. Phone Baring 7817 D. ROOMS "WANTED RESPONSIBLE traveling man wishes 1 or 2 unfurn'd room In centrally located apartment house or sub residence. E 851. Ledger Cent. COUPLE desire 8 unfurnished rooms, with housekeeping privileges P 206, Ledger Office. BOARDING BALTIMORE AVE , 4419-Deslrable vacancies: porch facing park; phona; excel, table; refs. BROAD, N 3000 Furn. rooms, sing, or com- wunicawns. wun patn; moq. cony.; board op. BROAD. 8.. 770 (The Graham) Oool illn.i. Ively fur, run jallconv.; table board, (7 up. CHEbTBR AVE.. 4804-2 Urge rooms; warnTln winter; excellent table. Woodland 311. CHESTER AVE.. 8339-Large. airy rooms; elec. Jlut, hot-water heat, sanitary, baths' CHESTNUT, 1031, formerly of 1823-Rooms': am. or en suite, pnv. pains; mean optional: ,58T'-.MS.T.!L, tf .?."-. -'" CHESTNUT, 3244 2d story, com, room, with' referenc; Phon Preston (S20 J. DIAMOND, 1 81 R-Conrenlafprlr. famTdealres few refined boardera; home comforts; reaa'bls. DIAMOND. 2007-Excep. attractive eommuni. ... ....- , luimi w.,Bfi exu, taoie; pun. "i-j" A,,-''ieasant rront rmi,; re "ned surroundings. Phone Poplsr 1099 fa. QB,EiF5f' M:i i.'"1? f,u-Cnol auites. furi a'n5tf " "?.ru.n? ,J;f.i'. -? bath... choic. LeiIIOH AVE., m3-15-BeautlfuUooms7i"ood' table, new nanagement Phone Tioga 822L Tr-riHT or aft$n r.-i ,., ni: . -.-.. vv"'j uiiuiuitru iin. Wttieri TaDl DQ, LOCUST ST., 8M-Deslrable front rooms: intlThaMl ....a.,, . i.nH ,.. -l, . ' -...-... -,-M.w, yWu,,B, , tame unarq. IAItK, 2121 Worklngmen can hae room and RACE. 8457 Young lady can have comfortable horns; private family, good board: near L. SPRUCE BT , 1028-30-Beautlful 2d-flobr"Tuite7 furn. or unfurn., to perm.pwpls1chnlrti, bl et SPRUCE, 1224-26 (Brlsmondsl-FurnTToornT. . single, en suite, private baths: table board. WALSlUT. 4944-Wsir-furnUhod 2d-floor "front; .. . .. ... ...,,..,. u.iiiwih gou W, 12TH ST., N., 2105 Comfortably furn, room.; excellent (able home enmfnrta. nhnn. llBTH. 80J N. Dcslr. rms.; good table, porch" ahade. cony, to care Phone Preaton 278 W. ttrrii, w sz Pleasant light room: eicep. tahle; porch, ner L. Baring 2098 W. 46TH HT . 8. BzTSlngl and douhl room; modern; phone Woodland 1103 W.s photo .. ...-......... . .uiw rntrai, BOTH, N., 121-Beantfful neighborhood; near I. and aurfacs lines; all modern conveniences. W5t. S.. r3 o?5V-?luJn-J mj. adult family; board opt Photo at Ledger Cen. Bel. 28S! 10 WOODBiNB AVE.. 0'veT:brooVT5W'a""' Beautiful suburb, free from dust and noise of city; well heated; exceptional train and Irol lay service! 2p minute to City Hall; appoint. mnt of tabl excellent Overbrook 70947 pllIVATE adult family desire, to rent well. furnished front room. d or 3d floor, south. "7L"?7''r ."J1" jft"n'ortanIy hasted, good home table, leftned, resldentlsl aectlnn nf West FhlladelphU. Pho. vrSStiJff'JgE ct 8?l.IJr,EJJN.-305 P011"" aiat'stfiffTrTTr HANLEY. formerly of Chestnut st. Suburban OERMANTOWN. 235, W, Rittsnhouas at (P.. tween Wayns and gren)-Irge fron 2d. story room good tsb.; conv Ph Gin. lsf X. OERMANTOWN-Th. Shlposn: WaynrAiuHi: bsrryj flrt class lA gppoWmenU and servlcs. APARTMENTS REALLY OOOD APARTMENTS 2.VS South 15th. 210 South 13th. , 1501 Locust. 1807 Locust. 17ix) Walnut . 1711 Walnut. MEAHS A BROWN, 202 S 18th t WALNUT AND 11TH BT8. (S. W. COR.) Modern suites; exceptionally attractive; large rooms; high ceilings; abundantly lighted on three sides, also 202-S S 11th sti suitable for housekeeping, If desired, rental (35, (lu nd $73, Janitor on comer premise. BARIILR, HARTMAN & CO.. 1201 Cncstnut ilTH, 8.. 105 Bachelor apartment; excep tionally desirable 2d-floor aulte. 2 large rooms and batht every modern Improvement, Janitor on premises, steam heat Included. RARHEH. HARTMAN St CO., 1201 Chestnut WALNIT ST.. 2205 Attractive apartments, 2 rooms, private hath and hall, electrl4ty and gas, plenty of hot water; well heated; large rooms. Janitor, or phone Locust 3310. AI.NUT. 1411 Very attractive apt.. 2 rro., Iwth, alo single room and bath, furn or un. firn,; excelltnt location; lat-class service. l'hone Fpruce 4830, or apply to Janitor. CHESTNUT, 2101-Orncea and apartment, fur nlshed or unfurnished; single or en aultel heat, light and phone service. OXFORD. 2008, W ner Park-Four and rain, is, not-water heat. 1720 NORTH 22D ST Hot-water heat; Janitor sen Ice, $20 to $23. Owner, 243 Pine St., or Phone I,ombard 4034 J. BROAD ST., N correr. Southern exposure, tw rooms, front, prlv, bath, kitchenette, prlv. fam.i owner. Apply office. JI033 N. Broad. SPRING OAWDBN, 101O-ExcelUt pt. in 8 different houses, some furn. I kitchenette. Pt.AZA COURT. MASTER, 1BTH TO SYDENHAM 8T. 2 rooms, bath and kitchen; maid senlce by the hour It desired. Out of 30 suites, 3 de sirable apartments aro still for rent 137,80. $10 and one exceptional suite with marble ehower at $411. I. NEWTON SMITH, or Janitor on Premise. FURNISHED and unfurnished apartments and rooms, 30 locations See us first. SCIIOFPPY q CO , 1317 Montgomery ave. UNFl'HNISHKD room and bath. Tho Newport Aooress k tor, imager central. TWO large rooms, private bath, unfurnished; .Ingle room, bath. Poplar 4171 'V. West Philadelphia I'OWELTON AVE.. 4067 (corner) B and 0 rooms, bath, porch, electric lights, hot-water heat; open day and evening. Baring 1807 D. S3D, N., 3(102 or 3 room apartments with pri vate baths; t'urn. or unfurn., with or without kitchenettes: hot-ater heat. 38TH, S., 238 1st and 3d floor of desirable corner residence, bright and airy, unfurn.; board present occupant; references exchanged, GREY GABLES 312-14 N. 83d a TO 7 ROOMS Some furnished. All outside rooms. Reaa. SICCOND FLOOR aulte, business women only. two rooms and bath, 8413 Race. 40TH ST., 8, 303 Attractive apts, 8 rms. & bth.. 8. W. expos.; Janitor serv.; brd. conv. Tioga 8720 N. HROAD HT., FIRST FLOOR. 3 rooms and bath, all conveniences Third floor, 5 rooms and bath Finest location In Tioga. GAHELL. nROAD AND ERIE (30 28 Suburban HOUSEKEEPING apartment Living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath; also one apartment, living room, 2 bedrooms, bath, furnished or unfurnished; private halls, elec tricity, hot-water heat, large grounds. The Allen, 410 Harvard ave, Swarthmore, Pa. Tansdotvne, Pa. APARTMENTS All outside rooms; convent ences; $22 to (35 per month. John Nacey, 83 N. Highland ave., Lansdowne, Pa. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TIOGA, 1417, W. Two and bath; front rooms) reasonable: newly furnished. BROAD, N., 8553 rooms, private bath, eleo- tncur, steam neat; soutn n ana east n expos. 115 S. 20TH Beautifully furn. bachelor apts.; private baths, desirable location; owner. West Philadelphia WILL 8UBLET beautifully furnished 7-room. 2-bath apartment In vicinity of 44th and Walnut; an attractive rate to right party; everything strictly first class. Ph. Baring 257. Stone Harbor, N. J, COLONIAL APARTMENTS, channel front; only two left; 410 week; September and October: fully furnished; hot water, elec tricity, steam heaf.good Ashing and bathing from apartments. P. O. Box 13, Stono Har bor. APARTMENTS WANTED BUSINESS WOMAN wanta two housekeeping rooms and bath, or would share apartment: West Philadelphia; reasonable; state particu lars. E 448. Ledger Central. APARTMENT & HOTEL BUREAU APARTMENT HOTELS THE MORRIS 18T1I STREET BELOW SPRUCE IDEALLY RESIDENTIAL Situated In the heart of Philadelphia's aristocratic residential section. Within walktng distance of the shopping, the atrical and business district. SU1TEB arranged according to your needs, from 2 ROOMS and BATII to T ROOMS and 3 BATHS. J. H. HAWKINS, Mgr, ALDINE HOTEL CHESTNUT ABOVE) 10TH Permanent or Transient Guests COMFORTABLE SUITES t One or mors well-fumlshed rooms with bath. UNEXCELLED TABLE. WHITE SERVICE. THE TRACY 36th and Chestnut (Elevated Station) PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families and seekers for QUIET SURROUNDINGS THE FRONTENAC" BROAD AND OXFORD STS. Offers 2 delightful 8-room suites, with every convenience; also a very attractive bachelor apartment, with private bath. The most beautiful location on Broad st.l select and refined environment, with most excellent cuisine. THE DBLMAR-MORJUB GERMANTOWN AT CIHELTEN AVE. STATION. PHNNA. VT. TEWIINAL.MINDTE8 BROA ATTRACTIVELY FURNIBUEO AND UN. FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSHKnp 1NQ APARTMENTS. "Mr. THE CLINTON TENTH BELOW ' eriiucs 200 ROOMS. EVERT OONVENIENOH. Furnished or unfurnished; either by lease or tranalently; ulte of one R' to four room, with bath. THE NEW COLONIAL c"dB- Beautifully furn. or unfurn. apt., 1 to 4 room, with bath! excellent table; new man agement; reduction on lease; hotel service. The STRATHMORE walnut .t" ?fi".tJ,D,,ll 0,..1",5'7 floor runn'lng wafir all rooms; beautifully furnished suites single rooms, with or without bath; popular rates. THE COVINGTON CHESTNUT A TIimTY-BEVENTII 6TB. St.. .. .uASNaLE. Mgr ,. , " "aiesmo. oeacn Jlaven. N. J. THE PRKSIDE wu and girard OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK Eiit5"S!,.1iad r,fu,Si,hel apartments. Com. plate hotel service. Phone Baring 221. "orfl".0'.. r"10 Chaatnut-Professlonal 2'Lce ?4 b'heT apts., newly renovated and newly furn.i elevator service; all mod. Improvements. Brooks A dough. THE GLADS TONE" 11th tnd Plnai at. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF K TH E ESMOND "vS." .?.7??i AND SPRUCE. BT8. .-. w, siiiicg wun printi lafliim. TIITB ,iWT.VTi-rDin"" N. W. COR. 10TH AND JsOCUST i. y.iT majti au r. aa n j: THE NEWPORT' "'""undT ONE AND FOUR ROOM SUITES HOUSEKEEPING APAKTMEMTg H. "K- Ifrrlf AMr, toi - Desirably located modem 6-room housekeep ing apartments, steam heat. Janitor; coa veUent to tralna and trolleys. 8AMUKL T. FOX A CO. B. X. COB. STH AN CALLOWHTLi HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS WALNUT, 2012-VKRY FINE HOUSE KEEPING APARTMENT. BIX ROOMS, THREE BATHS. UP TO DATE. BROAD AND DAUrHIN ST8. (S. E. cor.)-Ex. elusive housekeeping flats, newly built 1 T a baths; $78 up. Apply Janitor. 18TH. N 1958Fully furnished first floor apart ment with private bath and kttcheni $H suit 2 persons; reference required. 23D AND FINE STS. (Da Lancey Apts.) Five rooms, bath, to 0 rooms, 3 baths. Janitor or t-u.MAUN, ouo unestnut. 1236 N. lOTiriBT 21 floor, a rooms, bath and kitchenette, hot-water heat; $16, WALDMAN, 1119 Olrard ave. COLUMBIA AVE. W 1311-8 ROOMS WITH l,HIVATnBATH,$23; DIAMOND. 2112-14.10-Three kitchen, hot-water heat, $28. room, bath. PINE, P00-3 A 4 room housekeeping apts., ev cry ronv. ; all outside rma ; owner on prem. DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTB $28 to $78 Per Month CENTRAL THE LTNDHURfiT N. W. cor. 16th and Greon t. THE WILTON N. E. cor. 15th and Poplar ate. THE LaSEDA N. E. cor. ISth and Master sts. THE ARETTO 1610 Mailer at. WEST nilLADELrniA THE LLAMAR 8. W. cor. 46th and Walnut sts. THE BRESLTN S. E. cor. 47th and Walnut ts. THE FULTON N W. cor. 48th and Chestnut at. OERMANTOWN THE WAYNE AVENUE 4618-1B Wayne ave. THE WTNEVA Wayne and Wyomlnr aves. Open for Inspection every day. See Janitor, on premises, or SAMUEL STERN, 1201 Chestnut st THE WARWICK 1D06-8-10 Sanaom at. A modern 7-story fireproof building, contain ing suites of apartments having 4 to 6 rooms, with all conveniences for housekeep ing, the cntlro water supply In the building Is filtered; thero will be 2 or 3 desirable vacancies at the opening of the fall season; one suite on the fifth floor, containing rooms, at 55 per month, ono on the sixth floor, having southern and western exposure, nt $50 per month, there is a caterer In tho building who will serve meals when wanted, either in the public dining room or In the apartments. WHITESIDE & McLANAHAN N. W. corner 15th and Pine at. THE MONTE VISTA 817 TO 931 N. BSD ST. In the exclusive Overbrook section. An Ideal semlsuburban location for all the lear. and within 2 mlnutrn nf mtv ftntt via Market street elevated and 00th street crosstown line, direct to 3d and Oxford sts. Crosstown line passes the door. Suites of one (1) room and bath to seven (7) room and bath, renting from $25 to $78 per month, on annual lease only. Dining room located In building. Agent on premises or phone Overbrook 4798. CORONADO 22d and Chestnut Streets A FEW VACANCIES LARGE AND SMALL 1 OFFER a largo variety of apartments at varied prices and to meet almost any re quirement Call or send for list. Auto mobile service to Inspect apt. If desired. NORMAN S. SHER-vVOOd; 1411 Walnut t 'n -v A .vijcm i. o A gAJIALrv. CRESHEIM VALLEY Hkpg. apte..Allen Lane Station and Penna R. It: handsomely ap pointed suites of G rms. and bath, $45 to $60 month; all conv.; train and trolley; beautiful suroundlngs. C. B. Magulre. 114 N. Broad. APARTMENT & HOTEL BUREAU 010 New Stock Exchange Bldg. Apartments anywhere. Let us save you home hunting. Vacancies listed now, rented quickly. Magatlne free. Spruce 3344. PALMER & WETHERILL APARTMENT SPECIALISTS Real Estate Trust Bldg. Walnut 148. NORFOLK iPiRTMUMTa Desirable 4 and 5 room apartment, near Park; Janitor service; reasonable rental. BECHTEL. 3232 Ridge ave. CHOICE APARTMENT, 6 room and bath," handsomely finished: 31 S. Both; corner; $43. mjAAji., qui. iTanunn niqg. HOUSEKEEPING APTS , all part of cltvT Rents $25 to 170 per. mo. ; call, phone or write for Information. Samuel Stern. 1201 Chestnut West Philadelphia ANGORA TERRACE BSD TO BBTH ST., ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF BALTIMORE AVE. Built In pairs like side-yard bouses, making every room an outside room, and with varied and beautiful architecture. vunea .Jf Kf, ".I t0n,g to llv8 n " apartment this fall, the selection of TUB particular apartment out of the many, many you see on every hand Is naturally a matter of great moment to you. t?,'iLtlere murt J59 .NB BEST APART MBNT for you. where location, service and comfort everything that goes to make a truly attractive apartment home Is absolutely at It beat, and this, too, for a reasonable rental. For $32 to $33 monthly you can secure one of these apartments, and this Includes most excellent and even heating: unlimited hot water, courteous and efficient Janitor service, vacuum cleaning aervlce. shades, screens and awnlngs-ln fact, everything to make apart ment housekeeping qulto tho perfect way to ..-!J!t,m,e.1t"i J. Ave room and bath and are finished In both natural wood and white enamel, with artlatlo papering and flxtuVei! cabinet gas ranges, private porches. The a&'ut'them. K ,h miy tWn '""Pensive We have' tastefully furnished a sample apartment (No. 6440 Anrora terrace), whPch Is open for Inspection day and evening and will give you a definite idea of how nm irk. ably attractive the..rrlments reall are. WM. H. W. QUICK RO-, mo., 8 a 40th t NORMAN B. SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut st 84TH AND C1TE8TNCT (Ttie Ei)fl rooms, bath, pantry and reception half; elector (day and night .ervlce)i Colonial finish; whit? chin gloss paint, mahogany doona hardwood floors, combination wall aafmT i.,7,T atU:m(83l,ton;9brn0.n.i!aragn' WUchTO" ' B4TJi,AN flPniNG GARDEN1 (Ths BeimontJ Nicy front apartment, mahogany flnlah. prlvat porches, hardwood floor; porte cochere entrance; desirably situated; newly renovated, papered and painted; (!2 to $30 month. All desirable new housekeeping pti. Apply Janitor, or CRESSB, 808 Hate Bldg THIS MARLBOROUGH B4TH AND CHESTNUT 8T8.-Mot oonven. lent location obtainable, hot-waterveat electric light. In fact tho'charlcteV of leVv. Ice and comfort which makes a vacancy In any one of these apartments a rars ooour. renee; two or three desirable apartments are offered now where tenants are leavlnr h city; rentals, $27.80 to $45. vnr tne .,, "" FARKWOOD 45Tir ST., on block below Chtar avs. (at Woodland ave.) facing Clark PariTl Vpart. menu rented tines July l; l apartrnent still off.red for rental; a record which spesks more eloquently of the remarkable value ri these apartment than anything 1 can say . LE BLANf APARTMENTS SPrmN.D JI'?UT 8T8.-HoS,.k..pg apartment, with B room and bath, with evtry modem convenience and with the Jrt of aervtce which will rn?k. yVuglad I to lTvs 12 J? Prtmpnt ' winter: one flist-floo? at $38, two second floor st $37. JJE A.!3VLOn,8t 8TS.Two auit.a of B r00. nl.J,,h c.' n now ba obtained qulrement. Call or send for list Autpmo. Sred Iect apartment M I ds NORMAN 8 W7ERWOOD 1411 Walnut st APARTMENTS A SPECIAIVrr? " , QlteTwryr--ia:trfGTrtBT ?i frci'1 ' u tatloni Just com. and Pletedi 8 rooms tnd bath; Urge porch: $34 ep lots I every other mynlncs. JAMKS. n; MITCHELL? n premises, or 46(h and Market 1ST, N..' 1ial4 a4Wt-TcT"ilrooTO Ipartmenlsi tidnt park, aroskln, 1B24 CTe.tJiut st 8tores-or phone Aaai so- A a- "' .. .... .x..,jMsiitbi..t ',-J&& . .. , , HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS re.trhllailelnhl 8543 WALNUT ST.. 8 room and bath: modern features, close B6th t, I,; open, JOHN A. HARRY, 607 Land Title Hldg, DREXEL APARTMENTS OVERBROOK STATION After September 1, one hou.ekeeplnr suite. 7 room and bath; elevator; publlo d'ning room: rocf garden; spacious lawn, lnon tjverorooK kms. ""ktNORcntiRT 8th and Chestnut sts ..,,. JUST COMPLETED MODERN HOUSE keeplrr apartments, fireproof floors, elevators, nubllo dining rooms Apply ,- THOM.3 ItJKEBjI. Jr.. J207 RACE BT. THE RUTLAND APTS , JUST COMPLETED LOCUST ST . 84TII TO 63T1I RT. ( and 7 room apartments, with all the latest conveniences, $37.80 to $45 Per month. ROBERT A PITTS, AGENT Bell phone, Belmont 4433. 8443 Locust at Tim nam-ira 4000 Old York road. A fow choice alx-room housekeeping apartments; all conveniences, $40 per month. Apply to Israel Ilecht 121 Chestnut St., or Janitor on nremlses. ONLY $45 MONTH 300 Eesex Apartment. 81th and Chestnut; nice apartment. 4 room and bath and private hall; beautifully papered and decora ted. Inquire Janitor, SPRINGFIELD APTS., 66th and Chester ave. New 6-room apts.; porch front: hot-wster heat, laundry tuh: electricity: let floor, $-5; 2d floor. $27.80. Jo. K. Marahall. 8 & B2d. PA8ADENA, 88th and Spruce sts., $83 to $43; four-room suite, furnished and unfurnished; fully equipped; Holmes' disappearing beds. Apply to janitor, on premises. LENOX APARTMENTS, 6404 to 08 Chester ave. Furn. and unfurn, housekeeping apart.. ments. See Janitor or ph. Woodland 2619 J. RENNOC APARTMENTS. B2d and Regent Six rooms and bath, $11 to $40. JOHN J. CONNOR. N. E. cor. B2d and Regent sts. 120 50 65th, S., 162038 (near Chester ave): moaern in every respect. Appiy janitor, on premises. I'hnnn Fl hert 44V! COR. AIT,, 8 rooms; run hot water, gas and K. II. Apsley, 6Sth and Springfield ave, front it dsck porcn. ONLY $22 MONTH-SOU Belmont (S4th and Spring Garden); nice apartment, 3 rooms and bath: good repair. Inquire Janitor. Oermantown LOCHSLEY HALL 418 to 814 W. Mtdvale ave, Queen lane sta tion, Oermantown; Ideal homes, large lawn snd porch Wayne THE NEW LOUELLA HOUSEKEETINO APARTMENTS, at Wayne, Pa Just com pleted, aro located on high grounds, sur rounded with beautiful old shade trees, within 2 minute, of tho Pennsylvania station and 20 minutes by tho new electrlo trains to Broad street. With all the conveniences of modern city apartments; two to six rooms with bath, servant's storage rooms, reception halls, pub lie dining room, largo Individual porches. The prices of the remaining apartments for rent are $30 to $03 per month. LOUELLA REALTY CO.. Wayne. Pa. HOUSEKEEPING APTS. WANTED WANTED rurnlshed apartment or house, re stricted neighborhood, 3 or more bedrooms. Wrlto In first communication full details, rute and phone number. V 346, Ledger Cen. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 101 GREEN: well-located corner. 86x100. 173S Mt Vernon, 2 baths hot-water heat! mod. convs : owner leaving city. 614 N. 46th. $1000; rental $204. 2232 Falrmounl ave., 11 r. ; reduced to $3600. 045 N. 16tn, 12 rooms. 20x07; Improving. 2148 N, 19th, 16x82, 9 rooms. 16th near Norrls, $3600: assess. $4000; 10 r. 2.19 N 16th, 23-ft. front: central. Cor. 16th and North. 10 r.: 4Hfi0; rent $480. 1015 Wallace; make an offer; 20x100. 247 N. 10th, central corner; cheap. HIBBERP B, WORRELL & CO . oKi N. 17th. 2015 LOCUST ST.l-For quick sale may be purchaked for less than assessment: lot 22.4x bl.O to rear street; fine home, 14 rooms and 2 baths. J. T. JACKSON COMPANY. Chestnut and 13th streets. , 1509 LOCUST ST. Handsome, modem, 4-story brownstone dwell ing; especially fitted for professional offices; low price andeasy terms for quick sale. 2934 ROSEHILL ST.-4 rooms, bath and shed: assess. $1300; price $1200; rent $12. CAMERON, 2811 Kensington ave. 1843 McCLELLAN ST. Two-story brick dwell Ing. B rooms. CHAS. W. MILLER. 401-407 inmonweaun uuuqing. 2157 N. 15TH ST.-3 story. 11 rooms: will sell ?i.aBBe,sme'nt- Willis-Winchester Company, 1001 Chestnut st. 2601) N. SIST ST. Desirable two-story dwelling, near the Park, all conveniences; good repair. .--..-- -.... ,,-. Dniiii uaiuen bl. HUTCHINSON, above Dunconnon ave, Logan; vacant lot. 50x100 to 6th et. . WORRELL & CO., B55 N. 17th. S. W. COR. 10TH AND CATHARINE-Mag- nlflcent corner, with house on Catharine St.; Injieart otItaI.act. JIurevltx, 831 N. 6th. SSI4-N.22 D ST. Porch-front dwelling; good condition; reasonable price. Harry o. C Williams. B22 Walnut et. CORNER Parkway and 21st (310 N. 21st) wfc,.u..ut u, uu, un uuisueu flection ot rxwr,; must sell. WEAVER & SON. 254 N. 22d. S4JB if. 21ST-3-story dwelling: make offer. A, II. WILLIAMS. 522 Walnut. FOR BALE-MARSHALL ST. (between and 7th sts.), south of OLNEY AVE. 6th One and one-half blocks to Tabor Station, P. and R. R. R and excellent trolley service. Built In pairs on lots 20.0 and 20.6 by 89.6. Street Is 84 feat wide between house fronts. Publlo sewer and paved street Contain eight extra large rooms, ten-foet porches, cement steps to jjbrches, parquetry floors In living hall and dining room, fire place In living hall, laundry tuba in basement with entrance from yard, shower baths, hot. water heat, gas and electric lighting. Woodwork finished a It should be. tvitnout aouot tne pest value la the dty at the price. $3850.00 and $1900.00. Two corner house at $4500 00 each. A. B. & C. F. MILLETT Builders, on premises. $300 OR $100 CASH required to purchase 1803 N. 12th. 1623 N. 18th7 210S N. 17th, 2631 N. 16th, cor. 18th and Toronto, 3020 N, Broad, for Tioga, Logan, Oak Lane or Germantown property. C. HARRY SHOWAKER, 3033 N. Broad at. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE WILL SELL BELOW ASSESSMENT. 2823 NORTH 2D 2 atcry, 7 room, all conveniences. THOS. F. MCTEAR, 1440 N. 2d at BPF.CIAL BARGAINS Only $200 to $500 cash: 1712 Wallace St.. $8000 house for $5800; 67 North 16th. reduced, $3700 to $3100; 1614 Mt Vernon, make offer. MAPPHALL H. SMITH, 1011 Chestnut st TO CLOSE AN ESTATE-822Mo"ntgomory ave.; 3-story brick dwelling; 8 rooms and bath; all convenience. Charle W, Miller, -.V..V VUWIIIMIIWHIHII J,UllOing, n LOGAN'S PRETTIEST HOMES, Ru.comb st vvet of 18th and Logan Station, $3800 "everything which means modern'" Terms to suit. ABBRNETHY. 2724 N. Bth. IF YOU WANT TO MORTOAOE, rent buy! tell, exchange or Insure ' "8EH TAULANB- ABOUT TT" ia, wainut st. COLORED BUYERS-24tIi below Brown sti 8-story brick dwelling: 7 rooms and bath! $",;"' M"11-. '01.407 mmSnwetl& 750DI;PA,N 'J1 , three-story brownstonoi trimmed U-room dwelling, wllle sold cheap to eloe an account, T8A5IUEISTERN, 1201 Chestnut st BMAVTlVUL HOME-DeveFeaui st.. weeTol Tonesdale ave., 0 rooms, all modern; lot 80 JKM.FttRd.tf MI"-ER' 0r4ommoX -..'S NORTIHSXbr. iOOxifJO ft, two fronUt sulUble ton factory sit, very reaaonable! JBTmmrJkBehwtltmr. JOU E. Cumb.rland at EIGHT 2-tory 8-room housesTirTwnvarr. lno-t.,n. ??1 ordr' 31rt mni euiquehaSSa ave. F L. Carre, owner, 172ft jfjt.i, it $2200 CLBAR-3-story 0-room KmuTeT all oo j!E?iw.r-2i?st.r oX IlANSDOWNB AVE., "west of" 63th st.-Flv. K CENTRAL PROPFRTY. assessed'iluuOO TmtiX . , F. L. CARnE. It20 N. 24th at lNVE8TMENT-U37:39Ttr-rI. Mole st--nl $13; price $1425. E. BU.I imaE'l.wo'rt "" Hlore and Dwelling B482-B4B8 N. BTH-Olney-. best block n. bualne. oprrtunltte.; ' 16th d Rcomb Logani Tabor and Howard ta.roiniy" rS?n. other atorea; liberal term. ' "'n' aMn ABERNETHY. 2724 North K.V, Buljdlnr'lVots. rctorreHtMKt. lag ta location' Inquire fSr t?rm ' "" VUSTBRICsL 78T Walnut. SEAL ESTATE TO hAT, WEST PHrLADKLPHIA r,... ?0.s POWELTON AVE. 12 rooms, modem plumbing, hardwEX i?!! convenient to centre of elTy. ciiWb2"SS dose to asaetiu. vaiiutl.. ' "" " "xwS v. it. vv. huiuk. A BRO.. INC 1 nft.ta ri1WQrh31T, H. - '. ' ' " jarg.-frontndr.Vk"rcme.f.U;;',,gi 8003 CEDAR AVH.-3-tory houe. ietl-t heat. In select nelahrrnXvd l, .??! to BflttU mmimtm, r t -,.-. ". f B to settle cHUte. Arcn Hi - . $iix,w i-jcniorT isi-wjvYUHJU sr BMB. I4T0O tp VEFIT CONVENIENCE; OPEN TfSlvr1 8620-22 WALNUT 8T-Corner lot Milol" including 4 small heum on JUAlSn ... .-w.. M.,t ua wainut- BEST VALUB iuuu.iinii AVE., BOTH TO (WIDE MAIN STREim MAIN STREET) "S II mm.... ... $3800 lta fi 1 t, rv 5viUWri. . CONVENIENCn". C1.UDINO HAllDWrion vi, iJiHouuypyT. ONLY A FEW VE&Tr" JAJsJ,? H-J&. W.9t JAWmSIm CAlt NO. 43 ON WALNUT ST. to BOTH &.; OUTDOOR SLErprun Trnnirie no . HADF1ELD AVE. HOUSES are paftl32il apprec ated In warm weather. &v2$. M gardens0' Uul Italian sunkemTre?' PEMBERTON ESTATES . 2 ... ... ,-ur, ooin ana vviiiow ave. sl Sict'lv."4 t"'m f ' "' al, TWT m LESS THAN COST-One of those rHuUf sriiti-v "r" " u.''uwi iory iwTn..iJ3ii J"i9roaeinoineve!;yl-detaI1 TATIiOj.?i .., .- um m.t o. vm ai .. .JV'HELAN'S HOMES 66TII. AND PABCHALL AVIfi. Apply 1011 CHESTNUT 8T. COLORED BUYDRS-4216 snd 4218 WoodUai Wfv,oAWf,n.i "nly 180 requlret MARSHALL II. SMITH, 1011 Cheetnur, st SriND Fnn T.tqt. oat.ir rn nvLtm.'il joa "x.V TtAtrrT" "",""M B2d and Baltlmora avs. im t QEIWIANTOWN iftno wavxrw ivi,..,. w . . 'L.'".. -- ...., n,u.-v,iur; irarcn-iront roes. SJn?we"lnB' w rooms; largo yard; asseant ' NORTH PHILA. TRUST CO. M uroao ana trie ave. a g BS18 MORRIS ST. Three atorles. rooms anil nam. .m v.ni, in 9tAon . living out of city, will accept any reaaonaS'i vvf niicinuiiii, ts 15.000 NEW TiRTArTiwr. TvnrtM-.r.tvn ... 64 by ISO feet: only one minute walk &l stint Inn tciran Vin mUa s. . t.a.- ' 1 7; ' " ' vuomuci), tutro umui ibm tvlfK MaV.l ... a- i . r "" ""s uiiuvori large QOUDie-atCM porch: hot-water heat, electric and gaa llcku KtTgirif'lr tPSln eonrlna. r.n A.4I.. j n.T .....u.va -auaia MVO, UVCH UAIIJ tVIlQ BUB days: trains to Stenton Station. Chestnut Hfi division. Heading Hallway. FRAHH ma u kan, zh? Land Title Building. OLD COLONIAL RESIDENCE iu large rooms, 2 bath, wide hall throui centre: 4 fireplaces: gas, electricity, etc. c rsmoned flower garden, shrubbery, fine shaQC ISear station and trolley, yet with suburb! BurroundlnRM. rhotographs and plana at offltj v. a. cLixins k auiw, ws fjiiuarw ut? Large Detached Colonial Horj Central hall, large living room; dining r has southern exposure: 4 baths: lot 140i fine old shade; near Tulpehocken Stati4efJ win sell for assessment; examine this. 'u3s WM. H. WILSON & CO. MB'J GERilANTOWN HOMES ' . . , SALE OR RENT W Advise us of your requirements. Beleetw lisle upun requrst, CHARLES J. HOOD & OO. (Morrl Bldg.) 1421 Chestnut tC RESIDENCE SITES Ground In best section of Germantown and Chestnut Hill. , B. B. LISTER & BON. 6612 Germantown eve, IF YOU are looking for a home In German, town, Mt Airy or Chestnut Hill, consult msie f-i iuociiout uii uci lUBiuunu tavro Mt. Airy DBJSIRABLE HOIIRT5. 12 nwmf. 1st KOT1ai'i'n best section; to close, estate; part cash; opes'; iur ingpecuon. tott taoyer st. Chestnut HIU ATTRACTIVE MODERN RESIDENCE 14 rooms, 2 baths, garage; 2 acres; goo4 in cation. IIERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY Pelham. Mt. -Atrv nnrf CliMlnnt mil. ' PELHAM TRUST CO., 0740 Oermantown av., St Martin's, Chestnut II 111 L." TO SETTLE an estate we are offering a htBd. I some residence or 14 rooms and 3 catns lao the best section of St Martin's; rienlded jFil bargain. WARNOCK & EMLEN. Commer.'l Dargain. WAiiNUCK clal Trust Building. Tioga iMai 1241 WiEaTMORELANi3 BT poroh-frootk.l umpuiiiR, Etwq conaition; reaaonaoie pncaitt HARRY G. C. WILLIAMS. 622 Walnut sfcmM- 1827 ERIE AVE., 8-story brick dwelllng.'lM rooms, natns; moaern, uttAH. w. atiu i-jiit, 4ui-4ui commonwealth Building. VERY WELL-BUILT modern 3-story dwelllsfi ' 11 rooms and bath. Including hot-water heatf overv mnrfrn ,nnv,nliM- 1n. 1AvinA fe.t!'. -ost $8500; offered at a bargain and on essf'tl terms to close an account Ji YOCUM & POWERS CO.. 28 S. lBth'st. , WE HAVE THE HuUSE YOU WANT.' "j in tiooa nn rmiH ICENNEDY & RAMBO, 3740 GERMANTOWI ncji thW Ixgan j-t trt LOGAN'S PRETTIEST HOMES Every moderSM feature, substantially built and artistically flnlshed. rnmhlnfnff fn nrnrfiiM n 'rnl hMnp'ui Imposing terraced fronts, select and unususttri equipments; Huscomb st, south side )5th le"J 1d,h ,,,- r , , b ., ,,.. ,- m . es, deep lots. 0 closets, high light bass. 8 menls with cemented walls; expensive plumb- 7 leg, "Arco" heating system: "Ideal" bollerif 'J oniy ksuu; warn west on rumors lane to loesj at. then halt block south to Ruscomb atVA Q . 1t II-.- . YT I. . ,. . J.,,.. JfW 1 W UW1IK ,I11C Ull 1V1K iuuu, open UH1IJ. Ms, S. C. ABERNETHY. 2724 N. 6thU . BTORES, DWBLLINGa AND APARTMJrlrt'lj For Sale or Rent In Best Bectlon WM. D. CHAMBERS, 4833 N. Broad, St )J?1 o-l . Jvrt,w itliALI .D1A1U !' ,?AJ'E RENT AND EXCHANGE . .T, .. M. M. Smith. Broad st. oppo. Logan StaBes. T rn A f T1I7.1T nnmisaM " J, Oak Lane l-U L nanasome stone Keswencrra On tract of 2 acres, having 3 treet frontsfa vT-.k . , T . room; steeping porcranai .11! 'P010"1 Porch with heat ga. and3ej ,,, .i.uh nut-water neat, vacuum, cieai system; garsg, and stable with man's to and bath; fine tennis court; high locMt' .V;. Mloul to transportation, will rtnt."..H WM. H. WILSON & CO. "S8 ; i-j j ..i. -. .. l . . vrtrvrWHL 0i.HNK-u,ter. ,ht Colonial JjioustJi 6UOS Camao street. IB0O0. Always oosVj SAMUEL 11. READ. Solder and iwur?? OAK LANE Modern detached dwr.. 3A roosJr "; vr wn oetacnea awg., io iw .u rauui excellent con. beautirui lawasj term to ault Hnhaaf.,. una a.H. nieftAavTff . ... ,,y. .... ,. Oln JISTI VUNT AREuVL BAROAINT'8ee"thui SI'"w onginaj price; n.w. aid. yard, " Will 'hi Jabor; O room; hot-water haat ' alectrto llghti terms arranged; two trolleysij-i block from station; open. "m Auuiinciui. xia Norm ntn. - '"?- BHB.M u' VAmtrrPWS ,-.v J-i "vljal! lust finished. B. rooms, bath. rxirchuvun-Sf, In cellar; bag lot 108 feet deep? fLU modem conveniences. r r . J. CHARLES TUNDT. 801 W. Tabor roA ONLY $!B00-Half square from B. S3RS ir.",..KS'!SlYSr. i" Y. deep; $300 caah will buy; open KUltN A LOWBRIY. Bth and I rtocaiana st. MAIN IJNR PA. K. - AnV131lAf, mnnA ranAra V.a,, .k-. n tM bought at reasonable figure. If ypn.axa If market to mirchat. do not nglerThiiTeFr5 r?T,J!;r,UT, J. ",I?ct several real' tarrjMnl imiuiMiv t ui,auiiuhn, 304 e.lley.Bii riftiTrtnaM imuva .,-. "'VUl'.T'lj, SUBURBAN HOMES, country. ' DlJ7 puiidlnr Sites to suit all requlrerrunt; Une. II. C. HUNTER. WaytU.' A V Uri Pa-lSil OVERBKOOK HOWB A Urge, and complete list of properties . werproox tor sue at price from tmeo- ward: svral baraaloa; alaa' omaUta4r. Uat " ' - V ,. ,ViM CHAKLX8 Jt HOOD Ar (XX Jy'rfl (Morrl BldgQi SoTT 1 its Hi WTC HAVB A OOOD SBl ""' in tni. moat with full detatla will ...tiin ', tlon. CAmmiinlMit. ,.lf. trfM tnr I with u.r Prlol tor 8 taeh.d hMlk. nn.ta fmm Lit AAO tttl 1 I. LOWER MERION REALTY OtV Jt-VI UJMilU AiSA-Si OUlWlinu. , toato i ! I It