Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 18, 1915, Final, Page 13, Image 13

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MlaAt FAT MOKE- WAU-iiN&FciRn a LUBU'T5-. f
BfjOoK, LAK A JIZr-- DAY FO i -tJS
Kit? "
MfHEAT Receipt. 22,076 bush. There was
sliiidemand from exporter, but with lower
NitI advice price declined 'c. Quotations:
rtf lots. In export elevator No. 2 red, pot
irfrSeBtember, ll.iwji.n; ISO. s red western,
LrJlWlJT: No- 2 Southern red, L07l.OTs
BBPLVAAmer JNO. 2 rea, ,i.utu.L.U3, iNO. a rea,
rifitwr.M, rejected A. 1.03HL0Sli: rejected
Receipt. 10,808 bush. The market,
"- -? Oimrsttona
ana wean, our. witnoui quoiaDie
uir lots lor local traue,
as to location nv. jrvuun, ominit:. i aieauivr
iilow 83380c.; No. 3 yellow. 838840.
t,0i3S. Receipt. 62.820 bush. Trade wa
I'ictJj" tut deatrable stock was steadily held
E it joe tat advance. Quotation; No. ') wh o
KLOUR. Receipt, BS0 bbli. and 018,327 lb,
to Tstxs. There was little demand from any
;. ana prices -were lower in sjruipauijr
rwlOi wheat. ronowing- are me quotations.
KiSfc do.. straight, now. fl.803$.10; do..
iMumt, new, $MO$ji5..0; Kantus, clear, new.
r;)ut mcks. wi-OtTO; ao., siraisni, jute eacus.
fl ltTna, ju; ao., LMneui, new. jum puunp.
n m?fl.ffi! Horlnflr. first clear, new. $4.?Oii5:
in i-traltrht- new. Sl.1Xa.20: do.. Patent.
new, t.wBO..-u; ao.( patent,
0, do., do . old. fMSigtJ.OO; 40.,
. old, atK)O7.i0: city tnllle
ancy patent, $0.1X07.20; do..
4 new, o.vtti.v,
k (Avonta Drana.
xlniirA nnd fanev
LratF vmdAB. winter clear, new. $4.73fr$.
- . .Ifrkf nV fjf?'?. rift. nAtont tlMVV.
fc CD-I ! " vw'-. vv r- ..-, .. --,
BrrRYK FlIoUR eold elowly and ihowed no 1m
K4iaVtuit chance. We ouoto at SMr3.50 per bbl..
i-T m io quality.
Tn. rflrKc ruiea sieaujr ai ine laie uouiiiic,
tbt't trade was quiet. Following are the
almtlona. City beef. in seta, smoked
6.W-lr-drIed, 24ff25c; Western beef, in et.
rited, 21 U 23c; city beef, knuckle and
tender. raoKea tna Rirariea. wtiit:.; tsBi
rtnt twef, knuckle and tenders, smoked, 209
r-ifiitbtet ham. J28K30: pork, family. $21
UCKM; ham. S. I. cured, loose, lHiffl2c: do.,
IKinnea, loose, iinviic; ao., uu.( duiumi,
"KBWc; other hams, smoked, city cured, as
W brand and average, 13ttHc: hams, smokod,
'Weitern cured. 1314c: do., tiolled, bonelea.
5l22C! nlcnlc shoulders. S. P. cured, loose.
('e5WHc; do., emoked. 65499XC.: bellies. In
breakfast bacon, aa to brand and average, city
cured. lSHSWci; breaktaat bacon. Western
cured. 15ii8 16c.; lard. Western, refined,
tlercet 800t: do., do., do., tubs. 8i4ec.l
lard. 4ire city, kettle rendered. In tierces.
tve?rc.: tard, pure city, kettle rendered. In
tuoa, oftvue.
i There w little trading and no Important
, eoante Ja Trices, we quote retiners" list prices:
aranuiatea, o.-uvuuc.r powaerea, o.duuu.ii
confectloqers' A, 8.1063.200. ; soft gTadts, 1.35
BUTTI:R.iMHThere was1 little wholesale trad-
Bit mm w.uai on lue w.h uaj' vi mu nco. mtu
prlees. were. .lth.out Important .chantre. Quo-
irpeclajs, 28c; extras, 2Uc.; extra flrrt. 23M
, oearbr print, fancy, 2o. ; do., average extra.
IUAOq.i UU.) lll.kB. U.W. . UW., .CkUIKJKi 111
24c.: Jobbing sales of fancy print, 33:i0c
1 CVMO.-OUliimca u niu .,lb, -.ba uv
mall and the market ruled firm, w 1th demand
, naaliy absorbing uie limited onering. we
'ouote a follows Free cases, nearby extra,
JOt tt6az., flrt, 7.O(38.10 per standard
case; nenruy current rvccipis, .i..uv(..,v pci
ease; Western extra first. J8.1o8.40 per
ca; Brsts, I7.S0W7.1SO per case; fancy selected
ran.lltrt egg wero Jobbing at 3234c. per doz.
CHEESK. Offerings were moderate and the
Light War Loans
?..L0KDPN. Sept. 18. There was HtUo
eutmecs on tne kiock uxenango xouay
nd ihe customary week-end conditions
prevailed. A firmer tone was noted later
Pan tie Americans, Influenced by ilw
arkfet at New York, and tho lato reac-
Itlon In exchange rates.
E Tbej was profit-taking; In Grand
LTrunka and Canadian Pacific lacked
SBteadtness on continued falling: oft In
fitarnlnga. A further advance In Inter-
national Mercantile Marino Company was
Quoted, due to the announcement that the
treorggnlratlon plan had been a success.
R The gilt-edged section waH dull, and tho
war loans were irregular because ot tho
r .udget,, jlome railways were steady, but
Erthe changes were narrow. There wero
f .mailer additional purchases of Arscn-
itlne rails. Foreigners, mines and oils
Treatiury bills to tho amount of 7.500.000
1 ere paid off today. Rates for loans and
i discounts were weak. It Is expected that
.thereWlU be no session on tho Exchange
htxt Saturday.
The Bank of Kncland reports tho
f4B0unt of currency notes outstanding; .it
f,M:4, against 00,843562 last week.
f M uch notes remain at M,6M.O00.
, . 1015. Decrease.
IV fi $4,763,200 $4HU,a72
iJr '" ' 1,160,620 400,083
JO" tTOM $2,432,040
WSJ " KtllTA
lu -t "issonni tacifIc.
llLj?VsPte'nb''-... $1,122,000
m ulr I. .... liiikflooo
t uk.il.., v..
J " w-i v iwwwt . . .
, $50,820
' 'BTOll
--" U1 ,
wmJ September $877,850
v .,, ... .... IUIMU53
WESTEIIM uinvt.iun
." September. $203,104 '
..... X,B?,831
Wm Danks Discount7 Rates
j.iv or uvcrlO Over 80 Over 00
QSUfjIe. ton in an i,n tn ji ,.n ,n ft.
tip to 30, up to 00. up to 00
iSi?f ,n not more than P0 day
rMjMtoq or other aUcle. war..
"la rat0if.'2 00JU?, ,f shipment.
'"tO -."l " vi u jiw
li- in a 1
tzzr?zi,ms .
. 07
. 07
, 08
, 00
fi.iiXTV'S'::. ;!
.VJ-Slwupon. . . ;
t.- - makfJsTia. . . ,.
I lir-'3 coupon
iT'.rA.' .;.""" .
v t4. lY . aFmnai cniany for exv
" 1 . "fcf,.?,i4 ,wlr Company h
V , . -.. ton, BMrtlva ImmedUtely
- ----. 'nni tufiufavtmivir
i" J.wctgr,. will follow
market ruled steady, but there wa little
trading. Quotation follow! New York, full
cream, fancy, new, 15'.S154e.; specials, high
er; do., do., fair to good, new, 148150.: part
klm. 0312c.
The general market wa quiet and there
jvero moderate but ample offerings at the fol
low.!.; quotations: Apple, per bbl. Crab. WO
4! lllush, 2.W)SB1: Qravenateln. 2.25i2.7;
ve.lthy, t2.2SH2.75; arlmes' Golden, 2
2.1 Bummer llambo, 22.B0; Pippin, Via
2.60; Smokehouse. J52&2..V); Duches. $1.75
S.i other varieties, l 50(32; No. 2 apple,
f 101.50; crab apples, per bush., oOtjiSc:
peaches, Virginia, We.t Virginia. Western
Maryland and Pennsylvania, Ulbertas, per
crate, Boc.$l; peaches, Virginia, West Vir
ginia. Western Maryland and Pennsylvania,
Elbertoa, per basket, 25&40c.; peaches. Del
aware and Maryland, Elbertaa, per carrier,
WSWc; peaches. Delaware and Maryland.
Elbertaa, per basket, 25335c: peaches, Jer
sey, fancy Elborta, per -bush. basket, W
I";0- .Peaches, Jersey, other kinds, per baket,
15tf40e.; pcache. New York, per basket, 20
35c; pears. Bartlett, per bbl., $1.5(ai; do.,
common, per bbl., $1.6oe'2: grapes, Delaware,
Moore's ISarly and Concord, per carrier, 500
We. : grapes, Delaware. Moore's ISarly and
Concord, per 4-lb. basket, SffHo. grapes. New
York, per 4-lb. baaket Worden. OftlOc.; Del
aware, 1213c; lemons, per box, S2U3; pineap
ples, per crate Porto hlco. $1.5083; crnnber
rle. Cape Cod, per bbl., $50; do.. Cape Cod,
per crate, tt..5(r2r plums, Virginia, Damson,
per 20-lb. basket, 40OOc.s plums. New York,
per 20-lb. basket, 20tSuOc; plum. New York,
per S-lb. basket Uradshaw and Niagara, 15f
20c; llelne Claude, 15t20c.; blackberries, Del
aware, Maryland and Jersey, per quart, 4(p
fie; huckleberries, per quart. OflSc; canta
loupes. Jlaryland, per standard crate, $Ufl.2J;
do., Jersey, per baaket, 40c.(T$l; watermelons,
per car, $100250.
LIVE, The market was quiet and un
changed, with moderate but ample offerings.
Quotations: Fowls, as to tlze and quality,
HV.Wl.V4c.; toosters, 11012c; spring chickens,
according to quality, 15017c; ducks, Pekln,
old, ltfiftl-c; do., Indian Runner, old, 120
13c. ; do., young, according to slzo, 14315c;
pigeons, old. per pair, 18820c; do., Joung.
per pair, 17015c.
DRESSED. Supplies of deeirable dock were
mall and the market ruled Arm. with demand
equal to the offerings. Following are the
quotations:. Fresh-killed poultry, fowli. 12
to box, dry-picked and dry-packed, fancy,
selected, 10c; weighing ai lbs.- apiece,
lSVjc.; weighing 3.84 lbs. apiece, lV-a,;
weighing . 3 lbs. apiece. 1617c,; under
3 lbs. apiece, UHOlSUe.. Ice-packed West
ern, VA lb, and over apiece, 18c; do., smaller
siei, 15ffil7c: old, rooster. dry-Picked. 13c,;
broiling chickens, Jersey, fancy, 24320c,:
other nearby fancy, 22921c; fancy large yel
low, Illinois, weighing 3 lb, and over apiece,
20021c; other Western, weighing 3 lb, and'
over. 10c; Western, weighing lHff24 lbs.
apiece, 18B10C.; do.. Inferior, 1617p.: spring
duoks. nearby, IOCItc; do.. Western, 10B12cr
sqwiDB. wniie, tvtiKiiiiia iiffi ius. per aoz..
IliM.'fi, white, weighing US10 lbs. per doz;.
rj.iaiuo.ii.il ntiiicr, wciKiuis o ius. per aoz.,
2.6502.75; do., 7 lb, per doz., J'i.losa.-J.V,'
do.. OflOH lb, per doz.. $1.8091.70; drk, $1.50
fl. 75; small and No. 2, $1.
Supplies were fairly liberal and prices gen
erally found buyer under a light demand.
Quotations: White potatoes, Jersey, per basket
No. 1 Rose. 30S35c ; do.. No. 1 other -varieties,
23030c. ; do.. No. 2, 10815c.; sweet pota
toes, Jersey, per basket No. 1, 2535c: do.,
Nrt. 5. 1Sfi?G0r . nnlnn. rn inn.lh T. ei.
No. 2, 15020c; onions, per 100-lb. bag, $1.'25
Jersey, per H-bushel basket .13
40c; mushrooms,, per
4-lb. casket, aoe.a$l.
Gross operating Income of the Cleve
land Electric Illuminating Company- for
August made 'an expansion of $7601 over
tho same month a year ago, the total
earnings amounting to $291,080, and al
though operating expenses and taxes
were Increased $1309, net. Income, which
amounted to $136,377, was $6310 greater
than In 1914. Dividends on the preferred
shares. Interest charges and amortiza
tion and bond discount totalled $33,431,
and the surplus after depreciation 'was
$71,&33, a gain of $1502.
Operating returns of all properties now
controlled by the Utah Securities Cor
poration, with Intercompany charges
eliminated, amounted to $109,165 In gross
for August, an Increase of 3 per cent,
over that month of last year, dross In
come for the eight months ended August
31 totalled $3,039,213, compared with $3,031,
0S6 In the corcspondlng period of 1914.
After allowing for operating expenses
net Income for August was $214,005, a gain
of 18 por cent, while net earnings for
tho eight-month period wero $1,501,525, or
$98,813 greater than In 1914, equal to an
Increase of a,bout 7 per cent.
The Income report of the Quebeo Hall
way Company covering operation for tho
year ended June 30, 1915, shows a small
improvement In both gross and net reve
nues, while a heavy reduction in Interest
requirements, etc., left the company a
tptnl surplus, Including last year's bal
ance, of $317,499, an increase of nearly 6!
per cent, dross receipts for the year
wero $1,649,096, Compared with $1,631,221 in
the preceding year, and net revenues
amounted to $623,279, a gain of $5160. In
terest charges etc., were reduced to $7S9,
482, leaving a surplus of $119,778. The
previous surplus was $227,721, giving tho
company a total surplus of $347,499.
Vessels Arriving Today
Str. Modlna (Nor.). Nw Tork, ballast, Mun,
UtrOrion (Swed.). New York, ballast, Ber''
wind-Whlt Coal Mining Company.
Etr. Grecian, Doaton. paaaenger and tear
cbandiae. Merchant and Miner.' Tranaporta-
"str.0 "uStoadart. B"$or, ballaat." David
E8.rUE.,p1r.nza d. L.rrln.fa (Dr.). Mar-'
lelllu, riaPBand Key. ballaat. 3. Aj.McO.1 thy.
Sthr! Oar Randall. Turk s Wand, Jalt,,
1J, WUWimu. n. v.i
Steamships to Arrive
Nam. From,
Standon Hall ,.. fi7,lcuU
Panaman ;i9 ..'V."
Carolina ,.. Chrlatianla
HI trod F?"fT 1-
,.Aug. 18
..AOg. H
..Aug, 31
v.Au. 81
Florida SSils.
.'...:st. a
Hyndfort ., Vn??n
M...v.""V,iisw: v.":.:pC .
Mancheattr P:hneM,I;??;,r 'MgPj. 1
Poeldyk ..;. ?,tt,ei?ln gl'l -g
H.I.1.W ....IlUi-lva .......Seut- H
sept, a
.414 ..VtiHtiah
, , . iarBmes. ..wpt.
,,...Crdin: .,4..sit,
Narvik ',,,,.,. .Bcpt,
....Newport ......Sept.
CrUnobal .'...g.pt.
':-."' -.. .. T"-f'i'r-
l'olglo Cattle . .
Benju Maru ..
Fred. L.ucktnbacb
Missouri . ,1
Noorbottan .
Ro.nok. . ,
(lult.xo .
liifwlon ?. M.nt
1. 11
. ...N.rtlk ....... HepL
. , . . jioucraara ....rstpt
. ... Llltrpool .. .Hept
su,.,' io
.aianniii.wr - ..-.-,----"Ti,,'
.Hept, 12
U.oardllt rt., rept,ir
".Cristobal . 'Sep?, 12
rH. iz
Houa 1
fttttlej -
..MI4dlebarouiti'sepr 14
Copyright, 1918, E. W. Kemble,
Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church
Dies From Heart Disease
The Rev. Iloraco P. Fuller, rector of
tho Trinity Episcopal Church, Church
lane and Oxford road, died late yester
day at his home, Tabor road nnd Asylum
pike, Olncy, of heart trouble.
Doctor Fuller was a descendant of
Edward Fuller, who came to this coun
try In the Mayflower In 1620, and of Cap
tain Matthew Fuller, commander of the
riymouth forces under King Philip, In
the war of 1670. lie graduated from the
Philadelphia Divinity School In 1904. lie
was chairman of the Committee of
Finance and Church Extension ot the
Germantown Convocation; chairman of
tho Diocesan Convention's Committee on
Charters, an overseer of the divinity
school and a delegate to the Provincial
A widow, who was Miss Marlon O.
Nlmlet, and three children survive. Tho
funeral arrangements have not been
Lawrence Lewis
The funeral of Lawrence Lewis, who
died at his home, 1419 Spruce street, after
an Illness of nearly four yenrs, was
held this morning from St. Peter's Prot
estant Episcopal Church, 3d and Pino
streets, of which he was the oldest
member. Mr. Lewis wob also among the
nldest alumni of the University of Pcnn
rylvanla. For many years he was active
ly engaged In the work of the Episcopal
Church In tills city. He was a retired
cotton broker. The interment wns pri
vate. IL R. Wallace
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sept. I8.-Harry
It. Wallace, who1 served ns City Controller
of thjs city during tho administration of
Mayor Samuel L. Shank and succeeded to
the ofHce of Mayor when Shank wns
forced out .on account of alleged lawless
ness during the street car and team
sters' strike In the fall of ,1913, fell dead
nf Vi.nrt rilntwift. Inst nlcrht In, ft down-
'town hotel. Aa Mayor, Wallace Incurred
the enmity of tho strikers by enforcing
the laSv.
AI.I.TSN. Suddenly, on September IT. 101(1,
SAMUEL, U.. hueband of Sarah J. Allen, In
his CtUh year. Relatives and friends are
Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday,
at ft ,p. m.. from the residence of hi on,
Amos t R Allen, 10 Church at., Willow Grove,
Va. Inferment private.
AI.TKIt, On September 17, 1015, KATH
RYNB MAROARBT, beloved daughter of
Francis ond Knthryne Alter (nee Havcrty),
aged -hi years. Relative! and friends are in
vited to attend the funeral, on Monday morn
ing, at 10 o'clock, from her parents' reel
dence, 213(1 S. Woodstock St. Remains may
b viewed after 7 o'clock Sunday evening.
Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
ACBTIN. On September 17, 101B. OEOROE,
son ot the late CJcorgo and Anna Austin.
Relatives, and friends are invited to attend
the funeral, on Monday afternoon, at 2
o'clock, from his sister's residence, Mr.
Emma Smiley. 2034 U. Wlshart at. Inter
ment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery.
1SAHMAN. On September 17. 101S. HOW
ARD, son -of Joseph and Hoae 8. Rahman (nee
Wehmann), ged 11 year and 0 months.
Relatives and friends are invited to attend
the funeral, on Monday, nt 2 p. m from hi
parents' residence, S045 Cedar St. Interment
North Cedar Hill Cemetery.
DHOltSON. Suddenly, at Anglesea. N. J.,
on September 15, 1015, FREDERICK LEWIS
BROllFON. Relatives and friends are Invited
to attend the funeral service, at Hotel
Windsor, lit and Pennsylvania ave., on Sun
day, at 1;30 p. m. Interment Cape May Court
House. Automobile funeral.
DEMI. On September 10, 1018. JOHN I.
husband of Maggie O. Derr. Relatives and
friends, also employes and veterans of p. jt,
R.: Harrowgato Council. No. 070, O. of I. A.,
and Penn Treaty Council. No. 107. D. of
L, are Invited to attend funeral. Sunday, at
1 p. m., from his late residence, 2021 E. Elk
hart at. Interment Femwood Cemetery.
EIHENI1AC1I. On Renumber 17. 1018, I8A
HELLA, wife of William Etsenbach, aged
53 year. Relatives and friends are Invited
to attnd the funeral, on Monday, at 2 p. m..
from her late realdence, 102 Fllmore at.!
Frankford. Interment at Oakland Cemetery.
Remains my be viewed on Sunday, from 7
to 0 r. m.
riKIJTZ. On September 10, 1D1B, AU
GUST:, widow ot Quatave Fielltz. Relatives
and friend are Invited to attend the funeral
service, at her late realdence. 1020 Drown
at., JLMpn,day, at 2 p. m precisely.
ri.O(fc-On September 10, 1015, SOPHIA.
wlfflpf Charle A. FJood, In her 80th year.
Relatives and friend are invited to attend
tho funeral service. Monday, at 2 p. m., at
her husband'. realdence. 2487 N, Haocook
at interment private,
yLYNM, On September 15, 101B, CLAIIA
M.t widow of John II, Flynn and daughter
of Louise and the' late James A. Sweeunan,
Relative and friends bra Invited to attend
tli funeral. "on Monday, from the residence
of her brother-in-law.1 john w qclt ljai
Porter U Was Of Requiem at St7 Monica's
Church, at 10 a, m. preclatly. Inttrmtnt at
Holy Croas Cemetery.
trilLl.V.U. At Cedar drove, on September
17, 1015. The Rev, HORACE FltEpERfcK
FULLER, rector of Trinity Church, Oxford,
Philadelphia. Due notice of the funeral will
be glvea.
OHYlUt, On September IT, IBIS, MARIA,
daughter of the late Dr. William II. and
Sarah Oeyer. Relativoa and friend are in
vited, to attend the- funeral service, at- tUo
Church, ct the. Annunciation. J2tn and Dia
mond at., on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock.
JtamJln may bj viewed at 8113 Uertnantpwn
avc. Chestnut Hill, on Monday morning be
tween 10 and 11 o'clock. Interment private.
atlEHNMALGII. On Senttmbtr IT. 1018.
MOllKRT C UR&ELVllALtilf '.V. 4V -i.i
' Relatives and friend are Invited to attend
funeral ervlcea. on Monday, Bnr. 20, at 8
11. in, ..,.- mi. iiiiuBiiv,, iua Harrison
it.. Frankford. Interment private. """"
)OKOTlIF.IIEN. On September 18. 1MB.
EVANaKlJNB ELLANOR, brother" of Chtt.
l nm. V.lna fir fit KaiW.ii 1.i.ii.- j.
friend. Invited WTatUncJ fuh.ril.Monday.l
p. m.. from hr parents' residence, 2061 N.
flarobrty t. Interment Arlington Cemetery'
Remain may b. viewed Sunday,' from T to
10 p. m.
MAOOKBTYj-rOn BePttwb.r JB.181BJAM88
HAOUERTr, .on of Margaret ,aod tbVjati
Dennl. Haggerty (ne.; Crow.en), aged ' 2T
years. Ktlatlvearaod. frleud. also Dlvliloa
No, . A. O. JL. are invited t. attend fi
utral. .on Monday, at 8 a. m., from his
mothtr'a rel4uwu 1620 Taaker st, holema
High Uaa of Kequlem t St. Thom.s
Aquinas' Church, at 0:30 a. la. Interment
jloly Croas Cameterr, ,
JAClCSON'-On 1 Beptiember 16, 1018, MAIIV
O. tnee warntr). '-widow of Howard
jackau, arsi 01 year. KaHMrea and rrie'ha
Jr. invited to attend the funeral on slaasy!
at 1X.30 p. m., from her 1.1. residence, a oil
VnityaU Frankford. CtivKt t theVapti
ford paptltt iuri.h. Pauljjmd Unity u. a?
2 tfdocL interment at OnkUnJ dtroetery.
In8Vp'?15ek.V' fV 6""3X v"Pf!
and friend. Invited to attend funeral, on
Monday. t '$0 a. .. from her 1st. reel.
d.ct. ltao Church t FranUord. High
)lui at fit. Joaoblm'. Chorck at 10 a, t
luttrmcut tH, JasMUn'a OowUry. ""
IT rvius BE AvvFtiu ON"
"""X. I PLEASANT.-,Tb t-tAsl Ten I
V)-ktt t-VtlMtsr
KEENAN. On September 10. 101B, ELIZA
UETH KKENAN (nee Carrlgnn), widow
of John Keenan. RelatUea nnd friends,
tilso Altar Seclety, are Invited to attend the
funeral, on Monday, S-Ml a, m., from her
i.onln-law'a residence, Charles A, Qulnlln,
1101 Ontrell St., below Snyder ave. Solemn
Requiem Mas.. Church of the nplphany, 10
o'clock precisely. Interment at Cathedral
KENNEY. On September 16, 1015, at hi
late residence, 47.12 Rising Sun ave,, MAT
THEW, KENNEY, husband of Ella J. Me
Intyre. Due notice of funeral will be given.
KltUPP. On September 16, 1015, AMELIA
W. (nee Wynn), wife of Harry 7.. Krupp.
Relatives and friends are invited to attend
the funeral, from her late residence, K!0
Columbia ave., Lansdale, Pa., at 2:30 p. m.,
Monday, Interment private. Take 1:02 p. m.
train at Reading Terminal.
LANE. On September 10, 1018, CATHA
RINE A. LANE (nee Ratlgnn). wife of
Dennli F. Lane, formerly of Trenton. N. J.
Relatives and friends, also I). V. M. Sodality,
League of tho Sacred Heart of St. Clement'
Church, are Invited to attend the funeral,
on Monday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from
her late residence, 725.1 Saybrook ae.. West
Philadelphia. High Mass at St. Clement's
Church, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy
Cross Cemetery.
MAASS. On September 14, 1013, In Denver,
Col., CAROLINE, widow ot Carl Maas (nee
Pah.t), of Philadelphia.
McANIlllEWS. On September IB. 1815,
I'l.YSSEH, husband of the late Anna Mc
Andrews (nee Glynn). Relatives nnd friends,
also East End Democratic Club, of the ISth,
Ward, ire Invited to attend the funeral, on
Monday, nt 8.80 a. m., from the rcaldenco
of his sister-in-law Miss Mary Glynn, sou
Mercer at. (18th Vtord). Solemn Requiem
Mars nt St. Ann's Church, at 10 a. m.
Place ot Interment later.
McCLUllE. On September 18, 1015,
CHARLES F. McCLURE, agod Ol year
Relative and friend are Invited to attend
the funeral services, on Monday afternoon, nt
2 o'clock, at his lato residence, 1207 North
P8th at. Interment at Westminster Cemetery.
Remains may be viewed Sunday evening,
from 7 to 0 o'clock.
McKEEVElt. On September 16, 101G.CATH
A.R1NE, wife of James McKeevcr (nee Mc
Elrov). Relatives and friends, also Leaguo
of the Sacred Heart nnd 11. V. M. 8odally
ot the Ascension Church, are Invited to at
tend the funeral, on Monday morning, nt
8.30 o'clock, from her late residence, 3270
Kensington ave. Solemn Mass of Requiem
at the Church of the Ascension, at 10 o'clock.
Internment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
MOUIUSON. Suddenly, on September 18,
11)13, NELLIE, daughter of the late Bernard
and Mary Morrison, at her late residence,
1443" 8. 10th st. Due notice ot the funeral
will be given.
MULHEH1N, On September 15, 1015,
THOMAS, husband of Margaret McGowan
Mulherln. Relative and friends are Invited
to attend the funeral, from his late residence,
2140 Master St., Monday, 8.80 a. m Solemn
Requiem Mass at St. Elizabeth's Church. 10
a. m. Interment Holy Cross-Cemetery. Auto
mobile funeral.
NKAL. On September 16, 1015, at SO Oak
dale, ave., Qlensule. I'.a... ALLEN NEAL. son
of Edward, Jr., and Florence Neal, aged 11
months. Funeral services and Interment pri
vate. NUTTALL. On September 17, 1015, JOHN,
husband ot'Annle J. Nuttall. Relatives and
friends, also Court Oermantovvn, No. 5J, b
of A.,and employe of the Mldvale Steel Com
pany, are invited to attend the funeral serv
ice, on Wednesdsy, at 2 p. m., at his late
residence, 1015 Dennle st. Interment at North
wood Cemetery.
NYCE. On September 17, 1915, MORRIS L.,
husband ot Amand.t Nice, aged U2 years.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
Suntrul services, on Monday, at 8 p. m., at
hU late residence. 4331 N. Tranklln st. Train
will loiive Wayno Junction on Tuesday. In
terment at ChrUt Church Grounds, Main
land, Pa. '
l'LATT. On September 17. 1015. MARY A.,
wldovy of Francis Piatt, aged 70 years. Rela
tives and friend are Invited to attend the
funeral services, on Monday, at 2 p. m., at
ner late residence. 1043 North S3th st. In
terment private, at Wost Laurel 11111 Ceme
tery. REYNOLDS. On September 10, 1015. MARY
REYNOLDS, daughter of the late William
and Louisa Keebler. Relative and friend,
also employes of the Philadelphia County
Prison, are Invited to attend the funeral, on
Monday, at 2 p. m.. from the rosldcnco of
her brother-in-law, Thomas W. Uoyd, 1510
Morris st. Interment at Femwood Cemetery.
Remains msy be viewed on Sunday, after 7
p. m. Autnmohlle funeral.
IIOSENHEHGEIC On September 10, 1015,
year. Relative and friend are Invited to
attend the funeral services, in the Ilith Mo
ravian Church, Germantown ave., above
Dauphin st.. Sunday, September 10, at 7:45
p. m. Interment at Sklppack. Pa. Kindly oml:
now er.
IttlSEK. On September 16, 1018, FRED
ERICK ROSER, aged 86 years. Relatives
and friends are Invited to attend the funeral,
on Sunday, at 2 p. ra from the residence ot
hi grandson. Mr. Herman Scheetz, .1020 Harp
st. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery.
Remains may be viewed on Saturday evening.
RUDOLPH. On September 16. 1015, SB
UASTIAN A. RUIJOLPH, aged 80 years.
Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Mary's Church,
Mnnayunk, on Monday, at 10 a. m. Friends
may view tho remain on Sunday, from 7
to 10 p. m.
SCHELL. On September 16, 1015, ELEA
NOR, wife Of Charles W. Schell and daugh
ter of the late Henry Dlstin. Relatives end
friends are invited to attend tho funeral ser
vices on Monday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, at
the residence of her husband, 827 Taaker at.
Interment private,
SIIKl'lV On September 15, 101B, WILLIAM
W. A., son ot Charles and Elizabeth bhepp
(nee Clark), aged IS year. Relatives and
friends art invited to attend the funeral serv
ice, on Sunday, at 2 p. m., at his parents'
residence, 2013 Boudlnot st; Interment at
North Cedar Hill Cemetery,
SHI.VN. In Burlington, N. J on September
16, 101S, RACHEL A., widow of Colonel John
I, Shlnn, aged 00 year. Relative and friends
are Invited to attend the funeral, from her
late residence, Pearl and Stacy st.. Burling,
ton, on Monday, at 2 p. m. Interment at Odd
Fellows' Cemetery. Remains may be viewed
on Sunday evening,
811 1 WAN. On September 16. 101B. ELIZA
BETH, widow of William Bhuman, In her
01st year. Relatives and friends art Invited
to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 2 p. m.,
from her Jat residence, 010 North 7 in st.
Interment at Monument Cemetery,
SMITH. On September IT, 101B. WILLIAM
II. IL, husband of Emily Lavlna Smith. Rela.
fives and friend, alio employe of the John
Hancock Mutual Ufa Iniurante Company, are
Invited to attend the funeral services, on
7,!itd.'7 ftt.2 I3 P ro., at hi late residence.
4077 Haverrord ave. Interment at Green
mount Cemetery,
STARR. On September 16, 101B, EMMA C.
BTAIvll, aged CO -year.. Relatives and
fxieqd of the family art invited tb attend
the funeral aervhes, on Sunday afternoon, at
1 o'clock precisely. t the chapel of Andrew
J. Bair & Sons, Arch and 10th streets. In-,
terment private.
STEI'IIKV. Suddenly, on September 15.
1015, JOHN E.. husband of Emma II. StepneV
Relative and friend are Invited to attend fu
neral services, on Sunday, at 8 p. in., at ill
late residence, 2340 South 72d at. Informant
at Green Hill Cem.t.ry Waynetboro. Pa.
Train leaves Broad St. Station 8.40 a, m.
BTEjyAHT. On September 14, 101B. WILL
IAM T hujband of Mamlt E. Stewart (nee
Baylor-Van Aiken) and ton of the late Charle.
and Sarah Stewart (nt Cowell). Relative.
-rWl JLr.n.4 wa,M Por! Blchmond Council.
Fo, 2J4, F. P. A., and all organisations of
which he was a member, are invited to
sttend tho funeral service, on Sunday, at
8 JO p. m., at hi lata residence, 31S2 tlire
mont at .Interment private, at Belvut
Cemetery. Ieraa,lna may be viewed on Sat
urday, from 8 to 10 p. m.
8WAUTZ. On Besttmtbr 16, lls, MARY
t(aee Huddly), wife et 11, Frank Swart7 of
Lanadalt. Pa. Relative, and friend, are In.
vlted to attend the funeral, from th. rest
dene, of T a SwarVl.. ill York avt.. Lani.
dale. Pj., on Sunday, at 2 p, m. Interment
at UieMennonlte Cemettrr. at Lint Lailng'
ton Take 12.80 p. m. train at Heading Ttr.
TAYLOII. On Btpttraber IT, 1015, VIR
GINIA. II .daughter jof John and the lata
Adeladt McCauley and wit. of George Ti
lor . Relative and friend, are Invited to at
Utlc) the Mntral services. or) Monday, at a
u nv, at the funeral parlor, of w. A. Dun
lap, noitbeast earner loth and Fair-mount
avt). Interment at Clreerunount Cemetery
THATJTVETTKK.On.B.pt.ruttr 16, 1918,
Miry E Trautvttttr Funeral services and
Interment at th. convenience of ttt family.
WILLIAMS. On Ninth Month 16th, 1818.
RICHARD J. WILLIAMS, at his home. In
Germantown. In his 86th year. Services and
Interment private
WILSON. On September T, 1015, ISABELL
WILSON. The relatives and friends of the
family are Invited to attend the funeral serv
ices on Monday morning, at 11 o'clock pre
cisely, at the chapel of Andrew J Ralr A
Sons, Arch and 10th street. Interment
WOLF. Suddenly, on September 15, 1016.
MOH1TZ, husband ot Mary W, Wolf (nee
Reves). Relative, and friend., also Mai
le.blu Iron A-eoclatton of Thomas Devlin
Company, are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Sunday, at 2 p. m., at his late
lesldonce, ."213 N. 0th at Interment private.
YOUNG. On September 10, 1015, JOHN,
beloved husband ot Jane Young, In his 7th
year. Relatives nnd friends, also Martha
Washington Temple, No. 22, L. G. E.: Mas.
asolt Council, No. 43, D. ot P., are Invited
to attend tho funeral services, on Monday
morning, at 10-30 o'clock, nt his late real
dence, Marshall road, Cardlngton, Delaware
County, Pa Interment at Friends' South
western Cemetery. Remains may be viewed
on Sunday evening, from 8 to 10 o'clock.
Kindly omit flower.
In EJJtct September 14, 111.
This STYLE TYPE (or like this)
Ono time 15c
Three times one week 12Hc
Six times one week 10c,
Situation. Wanted, three time, one week 10
ccnls per line.
Place your order for three or
more times and it will be inserted
in the daily Public Ledger at no
additional cost.
One or two time rate for Evsmno LxDosa
and Pchlio Ledoxu combined Is 10 cents per
line with the exception ot Help Wanted and
Situation Wanted, which Is 15 centa per line.
TYPE LIKE THIS Cor like this)
which Is permitted In all classifications ex
cept Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and
Found. Personals, Boarding and Rooms, add
five rents per line to any of above rates.
There is a drug store near your
home that will accept Ledger want
ads at office rates.
Many energetic, bright BOYS and
GIRLS who come under our care are
now available for office, shop or
factory work; NO CHARGES.
1507 ARCH
Telephones, Race 3337, Spruce 6147.
BALL frlngo finishers wanted to work Insldo
and take work home; none but experienced
need apply, F. W. Mauror & Sons Company,
Wayne ave. and Bristol st. Take No. 2i car
01. lltli st.. get off nt Bristol st.
BOOKKEEPER In refined business, high
school or normal graduate; give particulars
about education and state experience. If any,
and Balary expected. E 255, Ledger Central.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer for real es
tate olllce; must be experienced, willing and
accurate. Address In own handwriting, stat
Ing salary desired. E 040. Ledger Central.
CLERK wanted In office of manufacturing
concern; one familiar with typewriter and
telephone exchange preferred. Address stat
ing age. experience, name, referencca and
FHlSrX C,),i:icu. r avo, i,i,c W...H3.
CLOTH WEAVERS wonted. Apply John &
James Dobson, Inc.. Blanket Mills. Scott's
lane. Falls of Schuylkill.
COOK AND WAITRESS Two girls, sisters;
mother and daughter, or Friend, English or
Swedish, Protestants; no washing; good
wae. Address J. W. C. Ambler. Ta.
COOK and second girls competent; reference:
Protestant. 7K1 Lincoln drive, corner of
Springfield ave., Cheatnut Hill.
DEMON8TRATOR wanted; educated, capable
and ambltloua; $2 50 por day; referencea.
L 822. Ledger Offlce.
DOWNSTAIRS GIRL wanted; Swede or Finn
preferred; mut be good plain cook. Frederlo
Palmer, phone Ardmore 07 W.
DRESSMAKERS Competent walat draper, and
waist and aktrt flntahera; steady work, short
hours, long seasons; only those with refer
ences from leading dressmaker need apply.
Call before 10 a. m., French Dressmaking
Shop, third floor. 'OTRAWURIDaH & CLO
THlER. DnESBMAKBR Experienced waist trimmer
for large private establishment: best refer
ence; no other kind need apply. M 047,
Ledger Central.
DRBPSMAKER-Order taker of experience for
large private establishment! best reft i no
ntner n. y4,, f "-- -..
DKBSSMAKER-Thoroughly experienced waist
trimmer; one accustomed to first-class work
only. Apply 1020 Spruce t-
mm.. 16. to learn business In exclusive
."man' halrdresslng shop; carfare first
three month: advancement If proficient;
mist be naturally cleanly, neat, Prttty and
ave desire to learn. Call. 0 to 7 p. m.,
kiitii (4) wanted to work In a rubber fao
toryVLambertvllle, N. J.; good, aleady work;
fiir.sant surrounding; comfortable board ng
KouT seJSrVfp. won applicant- Apply
' - naa r--k.e .1.
Ainnaav. ,.,, -- ..-...-., .....
alter " - r -
itriitBEKEKPER A phslclan require a
werkliur ml4al-aa;d woman, Prot.. no ob
(.etlon to a child, otherwlat no Incumbrance;
i homVforJthejrlght Jparty. It 810. Led. Off.
lToUlKWOHK Wanted, neat, reliable white
woman for gtntral houetwork; 2 In family,
suburb., reference. Telephone Cynwyd 181.
Aorly io a. " Friday, Room 230, Ledger
nfflei. 0th and Cheatnuu
iToUSEW'oitKCapable girl or woman, white;
for small family; good wages, pleasant room
and lavatory, no waahtng. 25 llarter ave.,
Uiexel Hill. Phone Lanadowne 1002 W.
nbtWBVV'oriK Whit. " Proteatant girl, family
i- Weat Phils., no waablng. M 316. Led. Off.
HOUSEWORK, genl.. youngwhlt "woman, h.lu
with chllaren. 602 N. Front at., Camden. N. i.
kin white, competent, for e-sneral hou...
work and laundry, Mre. J, Melsner, 4018
Walnut t.
MOTliEBlSf HELPER-Whit. girl. ito"iS
year.; $3 50. room and board on child.
a'AOiie. u.f,mww .,,. vv.
NURSE or r.urery governess for two children;
willing to assist with houst duttta. Apply
nonhead, Princeton. N. J j"
ONE cai0l o"rtaklnareharge"c3Bout; fam
ily of two .DJUtt be TTrem-fi, no objection to
widow with t or children, Henry T. il.
WiFT HAT'TRJUMERS. fiptHe"ncl,"wanra
at once. Apply, at paymaster"! of flee. John
B. Stetson Co.. tth and Montgomtry ave.
studious, acc'te and caps bit cf taking ratti
dictation, atartlrg salary $100 n imtVtb.
E Ul, Ledge Central.
18, 1915.
Are you seeking a flrst-clas. position? See
Mlas Doan. at Ledger Central. She will
advise you how to secure ono, help ou write
your advertisement. Hat yous qualifications In
the Commercial LepartmenkjjMlsa Dean hat
helped hundreds of young rsaBL nd will ex
tend the same courtesy to ypD'txThl I. a
fret acrvice to Ledger advertiser.
Require experienced saleswomen for
their shoe department. Apply Ru
renu of Employment, 414 floor, be
fore 11 a, m.
WARD MAID wanted: $10 rer month. Unlver
slty Hospital. 8400 Spruce st.
CLERKS Women wanted ss govt, clerks; $70
month; Phlla examinations coming: sample
questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept 713
O. Rochester, N. Y.
BOY wanted for office work; good chance for
advincement, $.1.50 per week. Apply between
0 nnd 10. Philadelphia Chamber of Com
mcrce. Widener Building.
B2' le' for on Ice. work; neat and Intelligent:
!vrnc.rwulre1- Hlndley Gear Company,
. 105 Frankford ave.
BOl Largo piano houae wants a strong" boy
? "a varman'nB: wages $4 weekly. P. O.
Box 3422. Philadelphia.
BO,V or law office ; salary $4. E 450, Ledger
IIUSHELMAN. first class, between the ages of
-3 and 40 years, wanted; must speak Penn
BVIvanla Dutch; Al salary and permanent po
f.W0" ,0 f'Kht party. Scotch Woolen Mills,
-.... ...... ,,., Ainiuunn, x a,
CviiDS3'.IlIIPEKS.w,,n,a- B. R. Slmlster &
, ...M.. mm miioiia .t... umimyunUi
i),LniV.VAJfr,srSemlautomaH0 Gtldley. Acme
?.n.. S'tvtland automatic machine hand.
. ,.5,edi. flt-elas men only; highest wages
SS,. APP.ly Standard Roller Bearing Co.,
40th nnd Merlon nve.
AN ,AND WIFE, colored; wife, cook ond
laundress; m.in, butler and houseman; must
have good refs Telephone Urjn Mavvr 441 W,
OF Writ A l !tl T o.tnMa AWIa.
.. -vtaj.ci in.LtJ
the dealgn, use nnd manufacture of tele-
c0Pe. transits and similar Instruments ot
......-.u... nyviy x-iiuiKiora arsenal, in writ'
ing. stating age, exper. and salary desired
MEN to take charge of shoddy 'cords and
garnctto machines. John & James Dobson.
Sn" lkiil" MllIs" 8,tV lanc Falls of
MEN to take charge of mixing pickers. John
& Jamea Dobson, Inc.. Rlankct Mills, Scott's
Jane, Fnlls jfSchuylklll.
MEMf, anted In picker houfe and stock shedX
John & James Dobson, Inc., Blanket Mills,
Scott' lane. Falls of S-huylklll,
SALESMEN (15), high class, wanted to sell a
new gas light. Call 8 a. m.. 418 Federal st..
Camden. N. J.
brAflONERl salesman wanted; experienced;
to con on local concerns; ralary and com
mission 114 S. 15th t.
CHAUFFEUIt A reliable, single. Protestant;
who thoroughly understands hi business;
must be sober, honest nnd willing; refs. from
.J5iLi'Pi!lcJlLPrJLv-Ia.c;- B305. Ledger Off.
CHAUFFEUR Young man, ""careful driver,
Overland and Ford: good opportunity; refer
ences; Scandinavian or Cerman preferred,
Artdrem U 312. Ledger Office.
t'HAI'FPEUR One experienced on Cadillac
preferred, state age. salary expected; muM
'"" niv reierences r. ,na, i,eqger i.ent ra I
CHEMIST experience not necesnry; assist In
Held department small plant; reference, young
Herman preferred, willing to learn Address,
with references, n rtl.l, Ledger Office.
ui.oth weavers wanted. Arrlv John c
James Dobson, Inc., Blanket Mills, Scott's
lane Falls of Schuylkill.
COST ACCOUNTANT Tho?; competent in
manufacturing business, pref. woodwork;
must be quick and accurate at figures; not
afraid of work; state full exp., age, rets, and
salary desired. E 740, Ledger Central.
FOREMAN wanted, steel hull construction:
energetic man, .tale age and experience.
Address confidentially.!' 204, Ledger Offli e,
HOP.SE3HOER and" blacksmith wanted. F. L.
Ktites. Mount Holly. N. J.
STENOGRAPHER Thoroughly competcilt
young man. high school graduate preferred;
salary about $8. Liberty Motion Picture Co.,
20 East Herman jst., Germantown.
STENOGRAPHER Young manT experienced ;
must be accurate, rapid dictation; salary $18
to start, with opportunity for advancement.
E 818. Ledger Central.
STENOGRAPHER Young man. 17 to 18 years
old. accurate nnd fast nn the "typewriter;
state salary wanted. P 205. Ledger Offlce.
STOCK SALESMAN wanted, staple pronol
tlon; no advance. Room 004, 180 S. 4th at.
WANTED An experienced man'or young col
lege graduate to solicit advertisement for a
high-class, well-established monthly paper.
r anojsiM.
WANTED A flrst-clses Job compoeltor to work
In a Washington printing offlce, nonunion.
Address P 207. Ledger Of flee.
WOOLEN SPINNER wnntedT Apply John &
James Dobson, Inc., Blanket Mills, Scott's
lane. Falls of Schuylkill.
YOUNG MAN. not over 10 years, to assist In
ahirplng) ttate experience nnd reference;
niaij i. -.-,'. .-,. r, uiiiL-.
HUSTLERS of neat appearance can make
from $8 to $10 dally, commission basis, intro
ducing our free talking machine offer. Apply
0 to 12 a. m.. 13B2 Arch st.
INSURANCE agents and solicitors better your
condition; represent us In your locality;
salary or commission. For particulars ad
dress National Fraternal League, Commerce
Rldg.. Erie. Pa.
MEN wanted with soma push to eelTTilgh
grade custom-made Mioes dlrtrt to wearer.
C. R. Caldwell, 106 Richmond at., Broekton,
CHAMBERWORK and tewing Young, exp.
whlle girl. M 320, Ledger Oglce. .
COOK with reference, German, wtahee poai
tlon in American private family, city or
.uburba. 1818 N, 8th st
(JoTE RNESS Teacher, ex., Prot,, children i
to 12 yrs.i city or suburbs; highest refs. Gov
erncat. 8221 Banaom St. Phone Preston &008W.
GOVERNESS College graduate, refined young
woman, experienced, musical, fine embrolder-
er, references, $10. E 886. Ledger Central.
OOVER"NE8S. French, take.'full care: Pron
exp.. desires position. E 747. Ledger Central.
LADY'B MAID-Young colored woman, previa
oua employment embroidering, familiar with
mald't duties, reference. JE ToQLedger Cent.
LADY'S MXlD-Voun Swedish glriwanis tv,
alt Ion, good seweijreljPoplar 5051 W.
rTURSE, practical," for "adult Invalid; ' good
Mer, or Inalltutlon. M 8U Ledger Otaee
BTtfNOGIlAPHER, neat, expendable, would
refertne..' BW. LVdg.r Offlce". """"""
iwTi,l'l . T1I VT7 h, ,.-.! .. ' '!'.
ov"A -"-''J. "perieneeo. de-
Sir., nrwufin yvmtuwu n, 1,0.1. Litd. f tnt.
TEACHER. Gtrman. rench, English' .ch'ool
brcha i reft. Mia O. K. Loiens. 8i88 Wal .1
7'hrough the Commercial Department at
dgtr Central, a la rat number of firms
have been able to secure eorapsttnt
office . help bookketpori, stenographers
and clerical girl. The neat time you
are la need of an office assistant. Ul.
tiline youi Haln Wanted ,, tvii
iiean. ..Ledger Central, Walnut 8000.
Blie will .elect competent g.rl. .nd rub.
mlt ibera for your consideration Thia
u s &,ve rviL iv .-eager eqveriitcra
sn dfi hoofin
,Vou po Mtiry
.Mm qooo
WASHWOMAN, colored, want, family wash to
tako home, good references. 2335 Jefferson.
Stenographers, typists and special dictation!
operators supplied on short notice.
Suite 809. Mutual Life Bldg.
Phone Walnut 75C0. Race 1142.
public accountant and aa an office man.r.r-
c.SiVrt rcS' ?n5 any reasonable offer ac-
inanag m t. desires chnnp.. v. i. ,-.n.
AfnVSilIlS,IN..MAN' exptntneed, two year.
in preaent position, mil h ,, V .,,; .
U? w-,thrVln,or,"alM nvanaser; iJmlT
LVffi sample, circular and follow-up ad-vertl.lng.-
tefa E M3, Ledger Central.
j?uJ?oefl record will prove to a growing
tlonC.rhvmrViabllJ.tJ: .to """bine the, noil
and LnHf,'nnS Drl't up-to-dat. method,
ger Central " P6"01""" E O53- Led-
BOi?!C.K?l:PER-Nln "' experience In real
JsS.m.ln;SJan,c! an? manufacturing buiineSi
issume complete charge of book; familiar
wlth detail. E 846, Ledger Central.
"Jf-SfEh, 21 de.lre. position with ad
yancement; knowledge ot stenography: good
-g-fygjgc'i .EjBSeLedger Central.
BVK ?EErEI' will take care of account.
Central yt W week' lM' Lodr
US.KEEi;S.n' ,1.2Jears' experience, desires
position with reliable firm. 11212 Oakdale st.
&tn?tetlc' bright BOYS ond
OIRLa who come under our care arc
now available for office, shop or
factory work; NO CHARGES,
1507 ARCH
Telephone, Race S337. Spruce BUT.
Ci?iAHfFCURl Plnced. 2 years last em-fl.er.:-.Blrlctl5'.temjPrate'
Phone Germantown
. ... ur write ima tMti uneiten avc, Qtn.
CHAUFFEUR. 4 years' exp., careful driver:
fny C.RS: L'OPd reference; honest, sub.r. obllg.
. Ing. 1834 Mount Vernon at.
cin,I.-F draughtsman, exocutlvo, now success
fully engaged In similar capacity, varied ex
perience, mochan.-Btruct. design, exec ablL.
Initiative. 31. desires change. E 43, Led. Cent.
CIVIL ENGINEER and relriforced concrete
draughtsman, field and office, estimates. Ad
dress 0238 Limekiln pike. Philadelphia.
CLERK, 25 accurate and thorough. 0 years'
fxp.. Elllott-Flsher expert; reL C U 63211
Pulaski ave. p
COACHMAN and chauffeur wants situation;
married, no children; first-class ref. E 047.
Ledger Central.
CREDIT MAN ond collection manager; lu
years' experience; unusual record. B 74
Ledger Central. .
pos.: temporary or perro't. B 3U8. Led. OIL
DYER Understands wood colors, wool, cotton
mixed goods. Address Hcwe, 78 Madison St..
llrookln, N.Y.
EXECUTIVE POSITION Capabla" " and ener
getlc prolesslonal man ot 42. good habits
and charactei and with several years' busi
ness experience, deetree to change to an
executlvo position; salary need not be large
until worth la proven. B 302. Ledger Offlce.
GARDENER-florlst. life experience; reT., small
family. Box 34, Gwynedd Valley. Pa.
MAN AND WIFE. Scotch Protestants, 12 yr.'
experience steward of club, desires positions,
public or private. M 313. Ledger Office.
MAN, colored, wishes work"of any kind make
.elf generally uatlut. Henry William.. 254
S,16th at.
MAN AND WIFE, colored, butler and cooki
highest refs. 1025 S.17th st. Phone DIck.3S71Y.
MAN AND WIFE," butler nnd cook. EnglUT:
exp.;bcst refs. E 748. Ledger Central;
SALESMAN, 2J. now employed, excellent rea
eon foi changing. 0 years experience road
workand managing. B 350. Ledger Central.
SALESMAN, 3.1. married. "own Ford car; could
cover large terrltoi. E 841, Ledger Central.
SALESMAN for Pennsylvania. K years' expert-
encc, wants staple line, refs. EjC.. 1144 N-ld.
SHIPPINO t'LURK. 30, married, 10 years' ix
perl'nc. textile mills, hosiery and cloth, etc.
E6)3,Leruj'r Central.
VALET, attendant:" refined young man; ex
perjenced: references. E650Ledger jCenJtraL
YOUNO MAN. 30,'huslness experlcnce7T2 years
assistant agent, telegrapher Pennsylvania It.
It., three vear ales department prominent
Philadelphia wholesale manufacturer, want
permanent connection ttmk brokerage house
to learn business; earnest worker; Al char
acter; satisfactory refs. E .057. Iger3nt
YOUNO MAIvH well oducated. understand
Spanish and English thoroughly, long com
mercial experience, desires position with a
concern having South American trade or
willing to develop It. E B41. Ledger Central.
YOUNO MAN. 22. 4 years' experience, wants
position In advertising dept. of a good, re
liable concern; liest reL E445. Ledger Cent.
YOUNO MAN. married, energetlo and capable,
desires Philadelphia position requiring exeoir
tlve ability. B B52, Ledger Central. T
YOUNO MAN. high school education, 'desires
position In active real estate office, B 744.
Ledger Central.
In middle life and ot Independent mean,
who can preent the highest testimonial, a.
to character and ability, would like to occupy
a part of hi time In a position whtrt hit
experience In settling estates and handling
securities could be utilized, E 631, Ledger
FTi, , ,, , . , "-"
Young man. 28, well educated! excellent ap
pearance and address. years' excerlenr.
manufatturlng business, desire oppoftuhltr
where, by hard work he can advancn to re
sponsible por capable executive, handling
rorresponuenre, oruera, snipmcnta, claims,
pureluutag. etc excellent knowledge of office
and factory system; excellent ref moderate
alary to start E 857. Ledger Central.
JAPANBBK Oook.""exnellent,"wlth yreexp
capable ot taking entire charge: honest, sober,
trustworthy, Al ref. Phene Hrlng T12J i
MRS. HARVEY. 1010 Itlttenhouse tq -lull.
abln help .upplledand wanted, all nstlon'lea;
malt or t await. Prot. and Cath. . ref crencet,
JUtS. M'AliYTeOA"RTHYr 2107 ChfTa"tion
(Isw. 13113), upplle. wast, flrst-clat. Prot.,
Cath.. malt and female help, all nationalities.
New, Modern, fireproof
?ist and Brandywwgu,
Storage and Repfc;s tor
Pleasure and Commercial Cart
Apply Superintendent
Joseph G- Prlitgtori & "To
or at 2in tma U -t v, -.