EVENING LBEB PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1915. 13 il ffATIONS WANTED MALE, iSrflJAN. 30, business experlenceM year H5..t ssent.telegrapher Pennsylvania IUU; BsrtaM ?' --i-- .i.n.nmnt nramlnent 'i.ikhiK wholesale manufacturer. nti T? MstneM, earnest worker " Al char lem ou"'n"""a. r. ic M. Leaser Cent. .. -"' "".. ,jt Crt MAN. well educated, understand IW"PL 'Tj iri.iih thoroughly, long com- "".i sYoerience. desires position with a rtttl ',PT."I"vS,ih imtrlnn trade or !?ie?diW It E Bl. Ledger Cent. Ua " x - TitAN. 23. 4 yri experience, yMita KSnnvtUlSf dt. of a rood. rr .bis concern pt'ijjj ",.vi-- - InMAN high .hool tauetHon, de.ire. SJir Central . KwT MAN 10 years or "t years- nign P? iauektlon. dilr position with ad Krtt an"""". . fi jb4, Led. Cent. E -snrsnig'ii " ; l .H4i life and of Independent mean. 6" "J?, mesenl the highest testimonials as lwIrt ina "Wlltr. wouM Ilk. to occupy 81 f hlstlme In a po-ltlon where his J1""'.?, .n .etillnr estates and. handling SrltW eouW b u'l'""1. E 031. Ledger L too LOOKING for , young man with PktTSn whols Just a little broader, bright .Tp.tft Jue.lrt than ... aver,... t "irfi. to m. E 648. Ledger Central. STvESE-Cook. excellent, minu rrs. p.. lP?."TTri;in .niir eharae: honest, eober. $$&?' VMn "" 7l5;n J- J. sua " -'" " "Employment agencies Ej, HARVEY. 1019 Rlttenhouse Square. JSa5-,Jvi.i. tArnlnff. several S10 cooka. :Eherof kitchen maids. Protectant parlor Eirtsmbermntds. trained waitresses: cou i Si 150 to 1- cook "nd butlers, second tltitrs. young t.ngiiiinisii. ;.. mm ,.. . .ivernesses. ladles maid;, experienced tUv'.semaldi. references rcquircq. FwrBOLLS. IBM Balnbrldge st., has comp. SfSt i mala and female help for all capacltlea. I iffinSni Engllah butlera and aecond men. a.-.led Swedlah Rnd German cooka, $8 an.l r rther cooka, 0 to fa. rroieaiani psrior I SiuV. 17; waltreiaeaj io houaemalda, 0 to ST;! Phoni Locutai8-0- BwlMTBD-Cooki, cluunbermatda, chlldnuraea R." . L.n.wAf1r aTirlfl. .Mlu Roeo Dougherty, lWIGIrara ave. AUTOMOBILES GARAGE New, Modern, Fireproof Garage 2lst and Brandywine Sts. Storage and Repairs for Pleasure and Commercial Cars Apply Superintendent KT Joseph G. Darlington & Co. 1126-1128 Chestnut St. ; or at 21st and Brandywine Sts. For Bale Mmt HUDSON i.''te7cra. roadstom. electric llgnt and start- " mnrr.M ni nnr min mnnn ii r innnnr. nAMWDV.OfUWi DT7 138 K Broad Ht., Philadelphia. CADILLAC 1014 touring1 7-paeienger: Al con ittm.n ilpsai UVak riatv neir nawlv nalntaiil f.. price J1000, conv. terma If detlred. jWK. A. JENK3, Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. BeWNEn will aell Dergdoll, 30. 4-paaaenger, t;' ItU, reasonable, or exchange for Ford run- &.iOoui, uiin caan; gooa condition: extra tire t;M 2 extra rlma. Address M 045. Ledger leOUS, 1911, Model 0U roadster, complete elec- zns equipment, new seat coven, tires in gooa rtOBJltlon newly repainted and thoroughly ejertauled. ole Agency. 215 N Broad at. I FORD, with new .1015 tourlna body, mat- fHo and tranamlMlon, tliea very Rood: extra Inner tube, electric hAdllzhti. tool. tc bar- iHln at BOO. Owner. M10T. Ledger Office. KEVENS-DURTEA landauleTte. thorougKly overhauled A-l condition: repainted; demon- '. tlnllon. 1809 Ransom. Spruce 3363. 6WNER will aell 1014 Packard 0-38 roadster; excellent condition tnrougnout; electric atart- r. yipainieiq. mane an oner, woooiana jj ttAWLUAC. 1H13, touring car. overhauled and ripainiea . iuu equipment; price f5uu. auiu BAJJ.O (.'UHruKATiuN, iz n. uroaa at. SEND FOn FREE BULLETIN .'00R5ON AUTO EXCHANGE.' 238 N. Broad. OAKLAND 1913 roadster in first-class condi tion; iooks good as new. j l atuHtsit. sin w. uroaa au ECRALIERS Ao. niiraTMlUnt rAndltlnn. AX I- tn.Un, self-starter. Phone Woodland 3.M89 I.. JPACKARD'nOADSrER. cheap. Phone Ken- "HWH 41AU, AUTOMOBILB-cnandler, new, 1016, for aale,' .iaX) P. Q. Box 8503, Btatlon O. Ta TTIrM sbAPTT TIME or rtlaCA 7.riunr.r Pnelrard jsr. rti ressonahle. Diamond 5798 D. ses jf ATO LIVEBY AND OABAOE3 mTfl.Tl 1 TTT lae-ar mwA ...all .sl-la m Jf? new low rates: always open. Cryatal FaaUrsi rtaniBa T1m Jk ..M A ... ova r-- Phone, Tioga 6227. AUTO REPAIRING VvELDIVfl. TinATMn Am tiirDiiniun fK.rLEASUHB AND COMMBHCIAL CARS l,,"AIU15 1AHK8. IS.SO M4?.NJT? AND CAItBUKfeTOR EXPERTa WE SUCCEED Whehp. n-PHMUu waii. ',.- PATTERSON OARAGE L js. yw"w .i.v vma pa. EJiiiEf ft?"?v. JEUORED, new pistons and rtr3I-l "";""-. weiainp; ana Drazinc. it. xi. Jtteerwood & rV. 102J Hamilton at., rhlla. SPEEDOMETER TROUOLD "j BEE BILLT-B18 N. BROAD. AUTO, SUPPLIES lIim!J,?AN HAVOLINB OIL-IJOO: -w,rt luvcj Anu 41U11UU11 WU. 220 NORTH BROAD ST. AUTO TIRES "!... a iH'"" TIRES , "rutee4 4000 miles. Compare prices. ,... .Wt. ici Per gallon. PRIM'S. 230 riorth Broad at. BUSINESS NOTICES K. rV.r.V"..PJi8a BUITS .. Iflla. . 1 1 1 1 isiiib nsisssi 1 "V.' "eaoa ana cuick buus KHiBim.i?..rl,,,nd made to order. lBUBAlJEIt. THE TAILOR, IB N. Mb at. . Hall -.!.. ni-i.... ' nj a FK v.iv.,.w, .iKlum AO-IO. PPHtM l.TTrTT. . Tff t Vsf7....''v"ia."AJK permanently remevea; ft BuVi?,niftW,4, Smith, 402 kelth Bld. ,teSLliSpp?' hfl'drtaalna; and facial maeaage, uwll at Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith. JUSINES8 OPPORTUNITIES . TTAr"'u.r t pa,- Walnut at., "la., rnaclianleal mnA iAiai -nfn.t p-JFaua.. n ri..,i-Mt,.1t rney, established here LJk. V,lnyWloa developed; patents, trade- re: r...." --Ti'."r'" "'".'jr. "'" iry advici " ii " PlTAryT.Tn,M. .-.-- i .: itii v3 r . f 1." BDgageq in me- K,.r".r"-w,Bfc",t llne aesirea auaitionsi r1! to the extent at tl.trwi tn i,i-.. "oitlc0 h8nJ' W'U ,ncoror, i'OL ttY in ..Alvln- t-.-. l... --.1 J... T) principal partner In hosDltali must ?""? .tPoru.0,(y r big money; no risi-jIi-eager oince. --..--.-T -"1.1M ABACI I( WW lAIA'Ali- SfriV.,1?? '"ff."." 'heir Incomes ty ' UiJ Arch " u'kln machine offer. Ap- t"i.-?;JTKn. possessed of m-.ns. In BtBnTi. v,, lne' eatablWhed lSJ&jop- KtPtTo2v.?j:,,',Ai.'??.,'''.n- HT1 KNTrij;.. ' .-...TT - 4Ur. T.:.T. ""'. wyHriwnjuea ior con iifiii .'p VD -' me know your wants. t$lH&wi:i?&rsa Inv RirvJ " 'v'-. ve invesiment jnj.H per cent. 1 Ojg, Idgir OentraL Wanted AlEJf.T.?.?I,OnTUNiTIES WANTElj lfvb ". ' Ull MANY KINDU "8 , CIAKK1PLD.10U CUKStIsOt PT. You will New Rates on Classified Advertising are now in effect CARPET CI.EANINQ -.t, TS!rA'J!..tp. M 1 f ?."'." """ADS CO. SISSiihA-. M0NAcnc,V-FR8T??Agn co- WESTPHILA. MTO-ff- LANOA8TER- AVE. DRES3MAKINQ AND MILLINERY llf4-oiilhIfHA0PJu3 CHESTNUT ST. .lcJ.01lALRByJEW PATTBUNB DSS2?UH!.?0" uht' "rt, rractlcal. lnex fCJlTf SiuK','.f'""n" "t, Wo. Mac Powell. 307 Denckfa Dldg.. llth and Market. TOR SALE Dlf;HAnD.0.e,l., 2d-hand tables, repairing. aupplles Clark-Herd Mfg. Co., 24-1 NrVronU DLVi;?iAnU i,AND DOCKET TABLES -Also xv$?e,.."X.' J" pajmePts. URUNB-VYlCK-HALKE-COLLENDnR CO..1C02 Arch. BLL-L,,A!iD,.na. Pt tables, ehuftleboard. nl".na slightly usedi liberal terma: renting, .repairing- supplies. Roaatto Co., 22J 8. 8th. BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d-hand bought, old. rented, exch'd. Keafer. 820 Olrard ave. CASH REOI8TER8. new and aecond hand: to tal addere aa low aa $30, on eaay monthly payrr.enla: all registers sold by us fully guar anteed. The National Cash Register Co., 730 Chestn-il st. DESKS, filing cabinets, aatea, telephone booths and office furniture and fixtures of every de scription! ueed, but In line condition, and very cheap; free delivery anywhere. HUOHK3. 11TH AND BUTTONWOOD DESKS LARGE ASSORTMENT; ALBO HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. CENTRAL 8ECOND-HAND FURNITURE CO., 004-0fl-U CALLOWH1LL ST. HEATERS and rangea, varloua makes, little used; good condition; can be bought cheap, MAKIN-KELBEY HEAT1NO. 8 N. 1STH ST. SILVER TOILET SETS Fend 10c for H-01. can U-KAN-PLATF. silver polish (blue label) and make old set look new. t A.R JUSTICE CO., 812 Chetnut.Phlla. FOR SALE at creat reduction Fumed oak Mis sion sideboard; In perfect condition. B 30J. Ledger Office. $38 LARGE TALKINO MACHINE (Colum bia), with cnblnet for holding machine and 200 records; thla outfit la finished in n, beau tiful quartered oak and cost new $84; can be paid for at the rate of 75c. weekly; thla la an excellent bargain, aa It la In first-class condition, equal to new. Write tor complete list of bargains and special 80 days' free trial offer. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Hth and Thompson eta., Philadelphia, Pa lis L. C. SMITH double-barrel hammerless (tun, new condition. Rleder'a Loan Office, 128 Market t. MACHINERY AND TOOLS TOCOM ANTI-FRICTION METAL for lining machine bcarlnga developa wide Bpeed range and reliability under most trying conditions. IRON and BRASS FOUNDRY, 145 North Second. ).. , . ., jaaikh xwcuin e pun. Dynamos, motois, boilers, steam and oil en gines, pumps, air compreasora. FRANK 'fOOMnY. INC.. 127 N. 8D ST. TWO 20 II. P. Otto gaa engines for aale, chesp; Immediate attention necessarv. pas And oil engine co.. 45 n. 7th bt. WOODWORKING machines. 8. 7. 8, 0. 10. 12 Inch stickers, planers, lolntera, mouMere. drllla. Nuttail, 1748 N. 5th. utiir M.nttruFi: 2-INCH TO 10-INCH; STANDARD WAKKS. SEYFERT'8, 437 N. 3D ST. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PLAYER, Lester, very cheap; pearly new: beautiful, tone: 24 rolls; will consider smalt cash payments, az Aveneinsipi p PAUL HEPAIRS all talking machines; satis, faction guaranteed; reasonable prices. ,2822 Kensington nvenue. Phono Kensington 1605. PIANO tuning: BRIGHT AND BRILLIANT sounds your piano when tuned by Ernst Wagner, tone expsrt- Poplar 4731 W. 1831 N. 1th st. OLD COLD OLD GOLD, sliver, platinum plated ware, old-atyle Jewelry, teeth plates bought for caah. Eat laiu. J. A wiarn, rpuiicr, cm oaiipuiii. OLD GOLD Cash paid, for old gold, silver, antique clocks: will call. Bell phone Locust 1210. ROGERS, 27 8. 17th. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS POI.ITICfANS. ATTENTIONI Look at our special campaign prices for ad- .in- nvlnnes and fllllna: in lettera. FILLINO In per 1000 Lettera ..$1.75 ADDRESSING per 1000 Envelopes....... 1.60 rill Walnut 7500 LYON Call Race 1142 V U B L I O S T E NOG RAP II IC B U RE A U Miss Ruth Kohler. Mgr.. 1011 Chestnut st. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS RCwiFINO, CANVAS, guaranteed quality. R. A. HUMPHREYS' SONS 1021 Callowhlll St. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAOE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING, MOVING, SHIPPINO. Rugs, Carpels, clean id, scoured, stored. Pell, Locust 1060 Phones Key.. Itact 41B0. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1819 MARKET ST. WESTPHILA. MONARCH STORAOE CO. ,WE8T PHILA. Auto and packing and shipping. 'WESTPHILA. 8870 LANCASTER AVE. 51cCANN'8 STORAGE HOUSE ,.ID -J II Tl t OT ' Moving, packing, shipping; aulo vans. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage, moving, packlnr, ahlpptng, carpet cleaning, l'h. Baring 752 for estimate. Market and 37 th. MILLBOURNK STORAGE CO., 22 N. 5257 Belmont 4825. Carpets cleaned. Weat 421. WANTED Old gold, silver, curios, coins, pis ANTIQUES tola, false teeth, furniture. J. D. Aiuoa ireopie Durrei.AQo p. aaih. ANTIQUE furniture, bric-a-brac, feather beds, broken Jewelry, false teeth, gold, silver, dla m'da bo'ht. 738 Walnut. Ph.Wal 70-28. Eat.'Oa. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques; entire or part houses bought for cash: no matter now large. i A?crnsicin, aqu-a iun tp. nxar?riPPSiiTi 1 1 N aW A NTED OENTLEMEN AND LADIES, TOO. WHAT I SAY IS MEANT FOR YOU; IF YOU HAVE ANY CLOTHING TO SELL, SEND TO ME, I'LL TREAT YOU WELL. THE PRICE I PAY IS VERY 111011. MORE THAN OTHERS. LET MB TRT. TELEPHONE MARKET 2090. WRITB OR PHONE AND I WILL CALL ANY PLACE OR TIME AT ALL BELIOSOHN. foil AND BPRINU PARPEN. MEN'S "CAST-OFF CLOTHINO WANTED-; Best prices. We call anywhere, any time. Phone Wal, 68to. J. Bchultx. 227 N. 9th st. WANTED Piecrust taEle and scrofTtop high- bot must be gonutnei private collector. Box B 235. Ledger Office. ROOMS POR RENT JUST THE ROOM YOU WANT Can vary likely be located in few minutes by examining the photographs and descrip tions of rooms with and without board which are on Hie for your Inspection at Ledger Central. An Interior photograph and an. ewera to evsry question you would ask are hers, so you can decide Intelligently; free service; test It ATtCIl7T83iE-Two large roome, furnlahed or unfurnished, single or en suite; reference. BALTIMORE, 4233 Lsrge, nicely turn, rooms; hot'water heati electricity, good board, 10 min. to U. of 1 i South Amer. student, pref, BROAD, N- oil Two large single front rooms; private wmii i,La.aj, iniyiwinHwu. llllOAD. N., leio Nicely turn, rooms; hot, cold water evtry room; phone, gentlemen BltOAt). S , 45-Attraclive apt., U or a rooms, tifivete uain. mini -.. m..m. ,.., m,ii iww. ailtO"WrT WIT Des. room for gent.f own 1 r"a fam.t low price. Call or see Led. Cent, AaiiIrt.K. N.. 2019 Attractively furnish.! tront roomi refined prlvatehomei phone. fcEDAR AVl!.. '481S-TBl7a floor fronTTfuT; "shedi electjlo light ; slsam hsat. CTTESTEU aK.. 42UT-one or two large rooms and bath. 2d floor, front: furnlahed or unfurnished, southern expos. Preaton5330. CHESTNUT. 17-8 - Deslmbls. welffurnTsr- fooms, with and. without private bath. CHKTNi)T"'BT , 1003-beelraCle vncincles: anuthern exposure. CHKSfNUT, SuOB-Dealrabi. slnU and double rooma. parmantnt or trsnalenu EllfcHTNirr. .d44--Buru pf"roorns'wfth"bsls; south, expos, t also single nns.j table boarS CHESTNUT juao A-re, airv rooms, fur. l..u. -. nnfutn.t near I.. FiwilAn taA fir idihsd or unfuro.i near L. --. WHar n. find a most desirable furnished ROOMS P0R RENT CHESTNUT, 1052-Attrartlvely fur 24-story foom, southern expos., hot-water heat- phone, CLINTON ST. (llth and Spruce)-Two large rooma, alngie or ccm ; furn. or unfurn.i prl- ti ramuy. fnone Fllheft aim) v. JEFFERSON, 1H08 Two very desirable -M floor rooma with bath, rrlrale smlly jjhone. LOCUST. 1503 Two 34 floor rooms, adjoining hath; $30. . 08A0E, 4219 Attractive, cheerful rooms: Ml modern conva. , good neighborhood; phone. PINE BT., 788-.Well-furnlshed. well-llghteJ. .sanitary roomsgj to $8 a week. PINE, 800-Ideal bachelor quarters, fum. single, double, private baths; also aulle, accommo date 4; reduced fatea to permanent tenant. PINE. 1482 Deilrable W-atory rooms, single or en suite, with hoard, reference, POAVrCLTON AVE., 3.107 - Well-furnished rooms, bright and atryi single or en suites private family, 8 minutes to City Hall; near I. re If rentes exchanged, m BpniNOFIF.LD AVE., 4720-Beautlful private home; large, pleasant rooms i board, options!. BPRl'CE, lX17-Rooms, slngls and en suite; nivdiB ,patn' Also proiessionai omccs. SrRTJCE, 1024-Large 1st an-2d floor opart- nienis. wnn natns. single rooms. BPRUCE, 1117-WELL-TUnNISHEt nOOMS, HBj)IEtlJiiyvrEiJXEARJ!A.Tll. EPRUCE, 1020-Large suite, alcove, private bath, double and single rooms; south, expos. SPRUCE. 2022-Attrnctlvely furn. suite; two rooms and prlv. bath; telephone; gentlemen. WALNUT, 3905 Comfortably turn, rms , single or en suite, bosrd optional. Preston 4A17 W. 12TH, 8., 118 Csntral location; double and tin . Bio rooms; furnished; gentlemen only. 18TH, N 1818 Comfortable 2d.floor communl- caung rooms, a mo anting room; rem, exch'd. isTH, N 4H00 Large furnished room over- looking Hunting Park; rea s. ; rets . exeh. ISTH, s SIS Physicians' offices j rooms with umn; gentlemen. MTlE i?7, 252.1-Large, furnished Zd-story front rpom;gentleman pref.; prlvfamlly. 18TH, 8., lOC-Deslrable rooms,-well furnished ..running water; private bath;kltchenette. 20TH, N., 217 Private homo: rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Phone Locustjinsi J. 48TH ANDWXEnUT STS -Furnished room; board optional. Phone Preston .12-93. HANDSOMELY furnished front room In lnrge, modern, private home: electric lights; large veranda; shadet beautiful surroundings: 10' minutes to City Hall, Phone Baring 413. GENTLEMAN of refinement desiring 1 or 2 rooms with private bath In exclualte section of West Philadelphia, referencea exchanged. m wi, imager central. ATTRACTIVE rooma, unfurnished, single, en eulle. Poplar 4174 W. BBAUTIF"ULLY"fum. apts , 1 or 2 rooms and unin, exclusive sec. w. A'mia. Areiion iuui j. SINGLE or en aulte, board If desired; private home: rets, exchanged. Phone Baring 7817 D. ROOMS WANTED RESPONSIBLE traveling man wishes 1 or 2 unfurn'd rooma In rentrallv located apartment house or sub residence. E 5.11, Ledger Cent. COUPLE desire 5 unfurnished rooms, with housekeeping privileges. P 200. Ledger Office. FOUR furnished rooms wented, private bath. M 954. Ledger Central. BOARDING BALTIMORE AVE , 4419 Desirable vacancies; porch facing park; phone: excel, table; rot. ilROAD, N., .1000 Furn. rooms, sing, or com. munlcatlng. with bath: mod, conv.; board op. BROAD, S., 770 (The Graham) Cool, attract lvely fur, rms., all conva. , table board. $7 up, CHESTER AVE., 4'i04 iTarge rooms: warm In winter: excellent table. Woodland 311. CHESTER AVE.. 3$39-Large, airy rooms; cin. num. iun-wmcr neat, mnuary, Dams. CHESTNUT. 1931, formerly of 1823 Room-, sin, or en aulte. prlv. baths; meals optional. CHESTNUT. 4420 Suite of rooma, private bath, electric lights private family. DIAMOND. 1815 Congenial prlv. fam. desires few refined boarders: home comforts; reas'ble. DIAMOND, 2007 Excep. attractive communl- eating rms ; j-unning water; excl. table; phn. ClIRAItb AVE.. 2800-Pleasa.nt front rme.Tro- nneq surrounaings. ynone poplar loun P. OREEN, 2021 (The Lesta) Choice suites, fur nished or unfurnished; private baths; choice single rooms; uniimuea not waier; taDie do LKHIOH AVE., 1313-15-Beaulirul rooms. Rood table, new rranagoment. Phone Tlog.i 8521. L0CU8T ST., 3939 Desirable front rooms; southern exposure: phone: also table board. PARK AVE., 2f25 Gentlemen can have nicely furnished room and board; terma reason able. Phone Diamond 6248. RACE, 5437 Young lady can have comfortable home: private family: good board: near L. SPRUCE ST., 1028-30 Beautiful 2d-ftoor sulto. rurn. or unium.. to perm, people; cnoice taoio. SPRUCE. 1224-28 (Brlsmonde)-Furn. rooms, . single, en suite; private baths: table board. WALNUT. 4944 Well-furnishcrt Sd-floor front: gentlemen or couple. Belmont 3818 W. 12TH ST., N.. 2105 Comfortably furn. rooma; excellent tapie: noma comrorts; pnone. 86T1I, 302 N. Dcslr. rms.; good table: porch. gi'que. j i-tiiiv. w cms. riwns rrmpn iuiii 40TH. N.. 82-Pleasant, light roms; exceptional tapis; porcn: near u reasonapia: pnone. 48Tft AND WALNUT ST S.-Boardlng. private family. Phone Preston 3293. 4GTH ST.. 8.. 624 Single and double roome: modern; phone W'oodland 110.1 W.; photo and description at Ledger Central. 60TH. N., 121-Ueautlful neighborhood; near L and aurface llnea: all modern convenlencea. BIST. S., 223 (cor.) Furn, rms . a"dult family; poaro opt. r"noio at A.eager L-n. ajsi. Aftji. S5Tb WOODBINE AVE., Overbrook, Phils, Beautiful suburb: free from dust and noise o( city; well heated: exceptional train and trol ley service; 20 minutes to City Hall; appoint- menia 01 tapie excellent. uyerprooK tw. TIOOA A few refined people can have choice table board with private family; near station; good home cooking. Box B 224, Ledger Office. PRIVATE adult family deslrra to rent 2 well furnlshed front rooms, 2d or 3d floor, aouth- ... -....... .... ........I.I.. I .-A c.u c.jw.uit, vu lUllllUI lamjr lil,u KWtHJ ime taoie rennea, resioentiai section or e" est Philadelphia. Fnone woodland ans. SPRUCELYNc-305 Bouth 41st Bt. Miss B. M. HANLKY. formerly of Chestnut st. Suburban OERMANTOWN. 235 W. Rlttenhouse at. (be tween Wayne and Greene) Large front. 2d atcry room: good tab.; conv. Ph Otn. 1873 X. OERMANTOWN The Shlppen. Wayne & Hana herry; first class tn appointments and service. BOARD WANTED FIRST-CLASS BOARD WANTED. S adults. 1 girl 15 years; must have 4 rooms and private bath. M 033, Ledger Central. APARTMENTS BROAD ST.. N., corner. Southern exposure, twe rooma, front, prlv. bath, kitchenette, prlv, fam.: owners. Apply office. 8033 N. Broad. PIAMON6"8T..182S Attractive apartments. 8 rooms, bath, porch, hardwood floor. KAIIN & QREENBERQ. 300 Morris Dldg. SPniNO GAVtDEN, 1910-Excell..i apts. In 8 different houses, some furn. I kitchenettes. WALNUT ST.. 2205 Attractive apartments? 2 rooms, private bath and halli electricity and gas; plenty of hot water; well heated) large rooms. Jsnltor. or phone Locust 8340. UNFURNISHED room and bath. The Newport. AQnrBip c mi. Accuser i.wnri. TWO large rooms, private bath, unfurnished; fingis room, ustn. Aopisr i n w. FOR furnished or unrurntshed apartments, see Bchoeppy A Co . 1517 Montgomery ave. lVest Phllsdelpliu. rOWELTON AVE.. 4007 (corner) 5 and 8 rooma, bath, porch, electrto lights, hot-water heat, open day and evening. Daring 1807 D. S3D, N., 3002 or 3 room apartments with prl vata baths; furn. or unfurn., with or without kltchsnettes; bot-atsr heat. 88TH. a, 238 1st and 3d floors of desirable corner residence, bright and airy: unfurn. ; board present ocoupant; references exchanged 1 GREY GABLES 312-14 N. S8d a to t nnrum Some furnlahed All outside rooms, Reaa. FURNISHED APARTMENTS BROAD, N.i 8858 rooms, private bath, eleo. tricity, sAsafA niiij loumn ana east n expos, 115 B. 20TH-Beautlfully furn. bachelor apts,'; prtvsvAo unviiii usiiuis location; owner. S0TH. N-. TlO-BcauiUul furnished second-floor suite. 2. rooms, with private Lslhi modern! continual hot water: must be seen to appreciated, Phone Poplar 1472 "v. West MiltodelphU WILL BUBLBf beautifully furnished 7-room S-bath apartment In vicinity of 44th and Walnut, an attractive rate to fight party 1 everything strictly first plass. Ph. Baring 257, APARTMENTS WANTED BUSINESS WOMAN wants two housekeeping rooms and bath, or woull share apartment! Weet FhlladtiPhUi reasonable) state partlou lais, E 448 Ledger Central. aiaiumchi IIUH.U IIUHBAU WANTED Two rooms; two ladlss. musicians; 8 aquare from 17tb. Chestnut; $28. E. K., Box HOI, Led. Dr., Hth and Oxford. HOUSEKEEPING APAX.x'MENT3 BROAD AND DAUPHIN BT8. (8. E. cor.)-E-elusive housekeeping flats, newly built, 1 or 2 baths; $7.1 up. Apply Jsnltor. WALNUT, 2012-VERT FINE HOUSE KEEPING APARTMENT. BIX ROOMS, THREE BATH8. UP TO PATE. IRTH. N., 1938-Fully furnished first floor apart rnent with private bath and kitchen; $271 ault 2 persons; reference r-aulred. 281) AND PINE STS (De Lsncey Apts.)-rive rooms, hath, to 0 rooms, 2 baths. Janitor o. CUMMINS, 808 Chestnut. . N. E. COR. lfiTII AND MASTER-Housekeep-tng sulles. $0 up, furnished rooms, private ha(h. $5 up. . TlfE MONTEVIBTA 017 to 911 N. 03d st, In the exclusive Overbrook section. An Ideal remlsubtirbsn locstlon for all the year, and within 28 minutes of City Hell via Market st. elevated and 00th at, crosstown line direct to Old and Oxford sts. Crosstown line pssses the door. Bultes of one (1) room and bath to seven (7) rooms and bath renting from $25 to $73 per month, on annual leases only. Dining room located In building. Agent on premises, or phone Overbrook 47lll. I OFFtin a targe variety of apartment at varied prlcea and to meet almost any re quirement. Call or send tor list. Auto mobile service to Inspect apts. If desired, NORMAN B. SltBllVVOOP, 1411 Wslnut St. APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" PALMER & WETHER1LL ' APARTMENT SPECIALISTS Real Estate Trust Hide Walnut 143. APARTMENT & HOTEL nt'Rl3"CU rho New Stock Exchange Dldg. Apartments anywhere. Let us rave you home hunting. Vacancies listed now, rented quickly. Magaxlne free. Spruce 3344 HOU8EKni' PINO APTS, all parta of city. Rents 25 to $70 per mo. Call, phone or write for Information. Samuel Stern, 1201 Chestnut. CO'ROhfXDO 22d and Chcstrut ats. A few desirable vacancies, large and email. West Philadelphia, ANOOTtA" TEiUlACK MD TO 8.1TH ST.. ONE HLOC1C SOUTH OF BALTIMORE AVE. Built In pAlra like aide-yard houses, making excrv room nn outride room, and with varied Rnd beautiful architecture. It you are going to 11 e In an apartment thla fall, the selection of THE particular apart ment out of the many, many you Bee on every hand Is naturally a matter of great moment to you. But there must be ONE DEST APART MENT Tor you where location, service and comlort everything that goes to make a truly attractive apartment home le absolutely at Its best and this, too. for a reasonable rental. For $32 to $35 monthly you can secure one of there apartments, and this Includes most excellent and even heating; unlimited hot water, courteous and efficient Janitor service, saouum cleaning service, shades, screens and awnings In fact, everything to make apart ment housekeeping quite the perfect way to live. Apnrtmenta l.av Ave rooms and bath and are flntJhecl In both natural wood and white enamel, with artistic papering and fixtures, cabinet gas ranges, private rorehos. The price Is lr. truth the only thins Inexpensive about them. We have tastefully furnished a sample apartment (No. 6140 Angora terrace), which Is open for Inspection day and evening and will give you a definite idea of how remark ably attractive these apartments really are. WM. II. W. QUICK & BRO.. Inc.. 8 S. 40th Br and NORMAN 8. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut at. CHESTNUT ST., EAST OF 03D $82 Near 63d st. "L" station; Just com- nnd pleted; 5 rooms and bath: large porches; 131 deep lots: every other convenience. JAMES N. MITCHELL. on premises, or 4ilth and Market. COR. APT., 8 rooms: run. hot water, gas and electric, hot-water heat; front & back porch. E. H. Apsley. 58th and Bprlngfleld ae. DREXEL APARTMENTS OVERBROOK STATION After September 1, one housekeeping suite. 7 rooms and bath: eloator; publlo dining room; roct garden; spacious lawn. Phone Ovcrbrook 832S. ESSEXT" 34th '&. Chestnut: Monterey, 43d & Chester; Belmont, 34th and Sp. Garden; hskp, upts. Inq. Janitor or Cresse. 808 Hale Bldg. KINGSCOUilT fttith and Chestnut sts JUST COMPLETED MODERN 1IOU8E keeplrg apartments, fireproof floors, elevatora, public dlnlnc; rooms Apply THOMAS M. SEEDS. Jr.. 1207 RACE ST. LENOX APARTMENTS. 0404 to 08 Chester ave. Furn. nnd unfurn, housekeeping apart ments. See Janitor or ph. Woodland 2010 J. MANY DESIRABLE APARTMENTS rs.A TO t0 KERSHAW & CROWL, 5215 CHESTNUT THE RUTLAND APTS.. JUST TOMPLETlEB LOCUST ST.. 54TII TO S5TH ST. 6 snd 7 room apartments, with all the latest conveniences, $37.60 to $15 per month, ROBERT A. PITTS, AGENT Bell phone. Belmont 4433. 8441 Locust st. 41ST, N., 1234-38-2 to 8 room apartments; facing park. Oroskln. 1524 Chentnut at. German town LOCHELEY HALL 418 to 814 W. Mldvale ave. Queen lane sta tion, Germantown; Ideal homes, large lawn and po: ch. Wayne THE NEW LOUELLA HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS, at Wayne. Pa.. Juet com pleted, are located on high grounds, sur rounded with beautiful old Btiade trees, within 2 minutes of the Pennsylvania atatlon and 20 minutes by the new electrto trains to Broad street. With all the conveniences of modem city apartments, two to six rooma with bath, nervant'a storage rooms, reception halls, pub lic dining room, large Individual porches. The prices of the remaining apartments for rent are $30 to $65 per month. LOUELLA REALTY CO.. Wayne, Pa. HOUSEKEEPING APTS. WANTED WANTED Furnished apartment or house, re stricted neighborhood, 8 or more bedrooms. Write In first communication full details, rate and phone number. E 348, Ledger Cen. APARTMENT HOTELS THE MORRIS 18TII STREET BELOW BPRUCE IDEALLY RESIDENTIAL . Situated In the heart of Philadelphia's aristocratic residential section. Within walking distance of the shopping, the atrical and business district. SUITES arranged according to your needs, from 2 ROOMS and BATH to 7 ROOMS and S BATHS. J, II. HAWKINS, Mgr. ALD1NE HOTEL CHESTNUT ABOVE 10TH Permanent or Transient Guests COMFORTABLE BUITE8 1 Ope or more well-furnished rooms with bath. UNEXCELLED TABLE. WHITE SERVICE. THE FRONTENAC" BROAD AND OXFORD STS. Offers 2 delightful 8-room suites, with every convenience; also a very attractive bachelor apartment, with private bath. The most beautiful location on Broad at. 1 select and refined environment, with most excellent cuisine. THE DELMAIl-MORRlB OERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION. PENNA. RAILROAD, 20 MINUTES FROM BROAD bT, TERMINAL. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN. FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSKKEBP Ihfc APARTMENTS THE NEW COLONIAL c'n(1 ef' Brsullfullf furn. or unfurn. apt., 1 to 4 rooms, with bath; excellent table, new man agement ;reductlon on lease; hots I service. THE PARKS1DE "ATnijb"-1- OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK Furnished and unfurnlshsd apartments. Com pi els hotel service Phone flaring 221. The STRATHMORE WAIUT2 Most csntral of alii T Boors 1 running" watsr all rooms: beautifully furnished suites; single rooms, with or without bath; popular ralss. THE GLADST d""NE" llth and Pins Sts. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE ESMOND B. E. COR, 12TH AND SPRUCE BT& Desirable sulles with private hatha THE TRACY isstnut fKlevatu 6th and Chestnut (Eisvated Btatlon). PEIJMANENT OR TltANBJENT QUESTS Apwals toi famlllsa and aeekar. for yuioi ouAwiwuftUimio the bblvider: Tn- (WEST R1TTENHOU8E SQUARE) UflKS-At AHX.HV JUAAUfcME,ri f room, apartment See details in REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY A 1509 I.OCUST BT. Handsome, modem. 4-story brownslone dwell ing, especially fitted for professlensl offices) low price and easy terms for quick sle. ,ft," I'AimiSH and "rear, rent $20. assessed ILL1-WNCHKSTER TO, 1001 Chestnut. 2981 ROSEIIILL ST - rooms, bath and ahed; assess, llano, price flUK); rent $12. OAMERO.V,2li Jenlngtonave. 2? PA',.n2J PAB" required to purchase Lira N 12th. 1828 N. lSlh, 210 N. 17th. 20 N. Pith, cor, 18th and Toronto, 3020 N. Broad, for Tioga. Logan, Oak Lane or Germantown Broad t C" HAIIIir 8HOWAKER, 8080 N. IF TOU WANT TO MORTGAGE, rent, buy. sell, exchange, or Insure. "SEE TAULANE ABOUT IT" BOO Walnut at. . WHELAN'S HOME8 BOTH AND PASCHAI.L AVE. Apriy 1011 CHKSTNUT ST. LOr IN NORTHEAST, 100x100 ft , two fronts) suitable for factory site, very reasonable, , rower ASchwelUer, 2313 E. Cumberland st. GROUND ALONG N. E-BOULEVARD JOHN O. WILLIAMS. 727 Walnut St., . Succe-sor Iwls II, Iledner. ALitrtEriiT'8 REALTr, AND INSURANCE BROKERS 873 Drexel Uldg 2414 W Lehigh. HOMES aniTTnvrstments, northwest"! BeniTfor r.-l'.'.' oeiore purcnasing m mis section, JAMES D. WINCHELL. 2040 N. 29th. CENTRAL lUtOPEKTV, assessed iS55b, rented 720, prlc-. 17H50. $(150 cash, Marshall II. nmiin. Jlill uncsinut st REAL EST ATI) FOR SALtTOR RENT. iiAitnr.n, hart.man co.. 1201 CHESTNUT ST, HOUSES FOR SALE AND FOR"irnT FARRELL, 710 SOUTH 20TH. WEST PHILADELPHIA ELLSWORTH ST.. 5913, $1700; WORTH $.1200; FIVE ROOMS ON SECOND FLOOR: EVERY CONVENIENCE; OPEN TODAY. $450O-J0TH BT, SECTION Three "story, elec tric lights, hot-water heat, 2 baths TAYLOR & BON. 24 nnd 20 S, 40th st; GEHSIANIOWN 4000 WAYNE AVE.-3-story porch-front mod ern dwelling, U rooms; large jard, assessed $7400, mnko offer. NORTH PHILA. TRUST CO. , Broad and Erlo ne. 8TENTON NEW DWELLINGS from $10,000 to $15,000; open dally and Sundays; trains to Stenton Station, Reading Railway, or drive out Stenton ave. tn Vernon road (T.S0O North). FRANK MAURAN. 230 Land Title Building. RESIDENCE 81TES-Ground In best section of Germantown and Chestnut Hill. B. B. LISTER & BON. 5612 Germantown ave. IF YOU are looking for a home in German town, lit. Airy or Chestnut Hill, consult me. A. R. Meehan, 0747 Germantown ave. Chestnut Hill NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY Pelhsm, Mt Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO., 0740 Germantown ave. Tlogsi VERY well built modern 3-story dwelling. 11 rooms and bath. Including hot-water heat, nvery modern convenience; lot 10x100 feet; cost $t.i00; ottered at a bargain and on easy terms to close an account. YOCUM .fe POWERS CO , 26 5 lotn St. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOOA OR LOGAN ,., KENNEDY & RAMBO, J.740 GERMANTOWN Lognn REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGES AND CONVEYANCING WM. D. CHAMBERS. 4931 N. Broad at. LOOAN REAL ESTATE SALE, RENT AND EXCHANOE M. M. Smith, Broad st., oppo. Logan Station. Oak Lane OAK LAND Better see that Colonial house, iSMW Camao street, $000) Alwaya open. BAMUEL 11. jtEAD. builder and owner. SUBURBAN ALDAN, DELAWARE COUNTY THE IDEAL SUBURB $4150 New detached houses, every conv.; one square from schools, trol. and trains, Provi dence road and Clifton ave. Come out and look them over; 5c. from tluth 8t. Terminal. Ad. T1ID ALDAN CO.. P. O. Box 44(1. Phlla. SUBURBAN "RESIDENCES for sale or rent; attractive locations; price right. MAURICE J. HOOVER. Real Estate Trust Bldg homes for sale or rent. Mccormick & Mccormick. 1011 Chestnut and Elklna Park. CHOICE BUILDING SITES ANU ACRCAUE ARTHUR P. TOWNbEND, Langhorne, Pa. CITY AND bUBURBAN REAL ESTATE. MHAR3 & BROWN 15th and Walnut st. BUILDING & LOAN BARGAIN! Detached dwg., near 89th st. term., 10 rooms; nearly new. li.TOO. a. M. AMAN. 1201 Chestnut st. SUBURBAN HOMES for salo or rent; all sizes ond prices. WENDELL & MASSEY. Re.tl Estate Trust Building SULECT PROPERTIES Country seats, farms. List orders now. LEWIS T. BROOKE 4k SON. 1414 S. Penn eg, FOUNDED 1878. SACRIFICE 10 rooms, steam heat, electricity; lot 60x200; 10c. carfare, might consider ex change. E 247. Ledger Central. LARGE LIt'T of suburban homes, sale or rent, on the Main Line or Reading R. R. WM, II. WILSON & CO . Morris Building. SUBURBAN real estato. Main Line, German town; farms, Reading R. R. Send for lists. Chas. J. Hood & Co.. Morris Big.. 1421 Chest. TWO LAROE HOUSES, suitable for aanl tarium; one at Fort Washington, one at Ob servatorv Hill. 1001 Chestnut. Room 604. Ambler. Pa. BEND FOR LIST of suburban homes, farms, country seats, building ground, etc. I have a large and varied list in Montgomery and Bucks Counties. If you are looking for any thing; In the way of country real estate, do not fall to get my list before you buy. THOMAS ATKINSON Ambler. Pa. FARMS, country places and suburban homes on the Reading's Bethlehem and Doylostown branches. 11. J. Pager. Inc.. Ambler. Pa. Darby, Vm. BUY 94 B. 0th while vacant; H rooms, saloon fiarlor; air and water heat, electricity; trol ey an.: 2xll4. BWOPE & BON8. Darby. Kddystone, Pa. FOR BALE About 400 building lots, located within two blocks of the Baldwin Locomotive Works and the Remington Arms Company Slants at Kddystono. Will sell aa a whole. I 418, Ledger Office. Klklns Park, Pa. JJEAUTIFUL BUILDINQ SITE, hhrh location, near train and trolley, at decided bargain; all improvements. L 309, Ledger Office. GIrnslile, I'o. 'HOUSEH AND LOT8. EVERY DESCRIPTION RBNNINOER He RENNINGER BROAD AND WALNUT St. Martin's, Pa. TO SETTLE an estate we are offering a hand some residence of 14 rooms and 3 baths In the best section of St. Martin's; a decided bargain. WARNOCK & EMLEN, Commer cial Trust Building. MAIN LINK, PA. It. R. BEST LIST OF MAIN LINE houses either for sale or rent at all prices. HIRST & McMULLIN. West End Trust Bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES, country place anH bulldlna sites to suit all requirements Main Line 11. C HUNTER. Wayne, pa. NEW JERSEY Haddonfleld, N. J. BEAUTIFUL detached house. 10 rooma. large lot: No. 880 King's Highway Eaat: reduced rent, $.10 per month. W. T. Harris, Nar berth. Pa, Haddon Heights. N. J. L1PPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON HEIGHTS, N. J. WILLHT LIPriNCOTT Maple Shade, X. J. ONE-ACRE faruis. nearest to Phlla.; train and trolley: write for pamphlet. BARLOW & CO., Maple Shade. N. J Merfhantrllle, N. J. UNUSUAL BARGAIN T-room modern stucco house, built two years, one-talf block from trolley; two blocks to train, large lot; fine trees; located on prettiest street In town; at a great racrlftre from the original cost If tsken immediately. Call 222 E. Cedar ave" Merchantvllle, N, J. Penaauksn cars from ferry. BBAUTIMIL new bungalow; 0 rooms and bath: $2300. B, M. Bhay, 431 Market t, Camden. N. J. National Park. N. J. BUNGALOWS. $100 cash. $16 monthly: lota 25 yloO; near trolley, cony, to riven National park. Oet oft Red Bank ave., see agent with badge. Greater New Jersey Co., 33 B. loth. Palmyra, N. J. POULTRT PLANT, with halt acre ei ground," nlenty of fiult. dwclllne- of H rooms and hiih with modern conveniences. Including hot' water heat and laundry tuba, $.1000. UEORGB N. WJslER, Pal myra- or house by reading Ledgar Want Ads first Want Ad REAL ESTATE FOR BALE Woodhnry, N. J. BUtLDINO LOTS. 45 to 60 feet front, 125 to 192 feet deep, $100 up. easy terms. JOHN ABRAMSON .. . 21 North Broad st . Woodbury, N. J. SEASHORE Reims r, N. J. 12-ROOM cottsge, well furn shed, elsctrla lights, gaa and good heater; also gsrsge; 150 fl. from ocesn. on 10th ave.; lot 50x180 ft-! easy terms, price $8tu0. Address 718 PeKalb st , Norrl-lown, Pa, - Cape Mar, N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder la satisfaction, (.ttractlve plans submitted free, OTlfl M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City, N. J. Ocean City, N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder la a satisfaction, attractive plans submitted free. .. OTIS M TOWNSEND, Ocean City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS AftCOLA. commuters' country horns. 28 acres, M500, easy terms; fl-room stone house. Urge bnk barn, well and spring water, 200 fruit trees, fine land. JACK'B FARM AOENCT, 213Stephen Olrard Dulldlng. 25..AirME8" STOCK, CROrS, good buildings: i2J50.''. h"1" CMh- HUNBBEROER'8 FARM ..AGENCY. Green Lane. Pa. 8FVERAL FINE FAKM8 and home, near ' !!."y Forge and Phoenlxvllle. aaics O. GOTWALS, Phoenlxvllle, R.. FARM8 AND COUNTRY SEATS to 210 acres. Apply for Catalofe '. PETERS ft SON, 008 CHESTNUT BT, 45 ACRES between Lansdale and Norristown: stone bldgs.; good high ground; fruit, stream; timber; $"1300 A H Tyson. Ijnsdale. Pa. MARYLAND FARMS OENTIEMAN will sell Ms Maryland water fiont estate, has bay. river and creek front; age; beautiful place, 8 buildings: modernised mansion, oter 200 acres. $20,000. Including crops, stock and Implements; Ideal spot to recuperate from business cares; plenty game, flrh. crabs, etc Address Owner, M 108, Ledger Office. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUH HOME by monthly raymenta of from $17 to $5U, housoa located N, Phlla. and Otn., worth from $1800 to $6250. Merchants' Union Trust Co., 718-710 Chestnut st. Factories, Warehouses, Mfg. Floor FOR SALE or rent, entire building, 307 Cherry St.; first floor, 171-3x142 ft.; second and third floors, IT 1-3x125 ft ; fourth floor snd base ment, 171-8x100 ft. Apply OERHAB at I.UDLAM. owners. 307 Cherry St. BCBCRDAM CITY AND SUBURBAN properties for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Co., Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa. jlaln-Crnwrd, Ta. LARGE LIST houses, aale or rent, at all prices. Samuel C. Wagner. Jr.. Commercial Truat Building, 15th nnd Market sts. Elwin, Ta. 10 ACRES Old-fashioned stone house: barn; rprlnt'l abun. of fruit and shade; $5300; nom inal rent. Chester Osborne, 1524 Chestnut st. I-onsdowne, Fa. ROOMV home In good repair: rent $35. or eell on eaay terma. Chester Osborne, 1524 Chestnut R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE HOTEL or sanitarium site, situated In the mountains. 1500 feet elevation: all Improve ments; Stroudsburg, Pa. M 051.- Led- Cent. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANGE fine farm near Ambler for 5-acre place In suburbs; Main Line preferred. E 457, Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT listing of country seats and farms. H. 11. McCOLLUM, 1314 Walnut at. "Don't Forget the Number" RENTS and Interest collected, mortgages and fire Insurance placed quickly. See Kane tor prompt results. 2528 Tasker st. WANTED Small furnished house, desirable neighborhood; state lowest terms. M 956, Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY WOODSTOCK ST. Homes In 2300 North block; 2 story. 7 roon s; rentals $18 and $20. FREDERICK. 18th and York. 1615 8. 27TII ST. Sr., brownstone front. 2 bay windows, electric lights, gas and coal ranges, back kitchen, handsome paper, wardrobe, side board, cabinet mantels, etc., reduced to $18 per mo, CHARLES H. SHETZLINE & CO, Broad nnd Passyunk ave. 124 8. VAN PELT ST. (21st and Walnut sts.) 8 rooms and 2 baths. EDOAR G. CROSS. 1411 Walnut st. 1413 BORIB AVE A. H. WILLIAMS 522 Walnut St. . . .$17.00 1213 RUSH 8T. (12th and Somerset) 2 story, 0 rooms; sood order; nice yard; only $16. Keys 1215. Wm. L. Craven's Sons. 1546 N. 7th St. 1441 N. BTH 10 rooms; conveniences; $25. Wm. Sadler's Sons. 1526 Columbia. STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. Bee our list In the Ledger Saturday. BAMUEL T. FOX & CO. S. E. cor. Oth and Callowhlll. 2341 MONTROSE BT.-Neat dwelling. 6 $11,00 rooms; has range, bath, gas, etc.; good condition. Key at 02S 8. 23d st. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sate or re YARROW fc VAN PELT. N. E. COR. 17TH AND CHESTNUT. RENT 418 8. 15th St.; 14 rooms, 5 baths, steam heat. MERSHON BROS.. 335 Land Title Bldg. HOUSES for rent; send for our list: gladly sent upon application Wm. O. Glenn, 1517 Columbia ave . 300-01 Land Title Building. $18 PER MONTH Cosy 2-story, B-roora porch dwelling; all conveniences; 2333 W. Firth st. (near 28d and Cumberland sts.); key 2387. HOUSES FOR RENT AND rOR SALE. FARRELL. TIP B. 20th st. limine. s Properties and Store. CENTRAL STORES AND FLOORS Send for list. J. A. PATTERSON1- CO.. 130 B. 18TH. 1007 SPRING GARDEN ST. Large store and two upper floors; suit retail or wholesale line. MYERS DARTH. Ridge ave. ac 10th. Factories, Warehouses, Mfg. Floor 4TH ST., N.. 110-23 Manufacturing floors; steam heat and power. Apply Penna Co.. 617 Chestnut St. b. K. COR. MARKET AND ISTH BTS.-Eth. r.tli and 7th floors, modern building. J, T. Jackson. Chestnut and 15th sts. 14,000 BQ. FT IN MODERN FACTORT-U. JB. ror 28d snd Arch sts., steam and electric power, 2 elevatora, low Insurance, automstie sprinklers, watchman, R. R. sidings, sxtra Urge windows; owner msnsgement. Apply G. P PILLING A BON CO; on premises; COHOCKS1NK MILLS BUILDING. 6th st., Randolph st , 6th st , above Columbia ave. Rooma 12,000 to 18,000 sq. feet on a floor; large power plant; low Insurance. Apply Richard P. McNeely. 1782 N Randolph at. HAVE PARTY who will erect building, cen tral or other location, for satisfactory tenant. DIETEB1CH, 737 Walnut. FACTORY FLOORS and warerooma, Urge and .mall, centrally located HARRY T. SAUNDERS. 81 8. 18th at- UERCHANTS' BUILDING 44 North 4th street. Very desirable offices. Heat and llrht. METROPOLITAN BUILDING, cor. Broad and Wallace; rooms 80O( to 40,000 squsre feet on s. floor. Apply to Q. F. Lasher. 147 N. 10th 102 1-1 Oil RIDOB AVE Rooms for rent with power, heat, paaaenger and freight elevatora. OFFICES, BUSINESS ROOMS, ETC. DREEL.BLDG OFFICES, annual renuls. Ground floor, 1100, $120, 1200, $220. Single rooms, $120 .!".$ $275. $450.1700. suites, J rms., 11(4, 1150, $175,200.225.l250. Suttss, 8 rms., $200. $278. $100. 1 4 50. $500 $850. Corner suites, 1 to 10 rooms, $500 to llflnO ELLIS O, WILLIAMS cW &r,xsl tJuiloiiu. CENTRAL OFFICES. STUDIOS alHl llieAlaa.Bfci4. ., - aaA I - -. VVW tmiiu uuaiiictff VI""ffUM, J. C. FULLER, to fi. isth t PLAZA BUILDING OFFICES. BINOLB AND EN BU!T 1JO5.07.O9ARCH BT. au,im MERCHANTS' BUILDING 44 N. 4T1I BT DESIRABLE ROOMS. POWER AND LIGHT ,-... ...to ". Tm 71 -".' "7 " ONE-HALF pf efflo. for rent, with telephone Wfv.vv. uw kviMwinm vaAtu n,uAUWg, Column REAL ESTATE FOX Xmf -- - 1" 1 ir 1 -aba . Professional fMSkce ARCH, 182-Ofnee for physician. htt, ttM and service, running water; refeee-ice: ' CHESTNUT, 1728-2 very desirsble. smsaM. eating rooms, suit, for,, studio, or prof. ae. "' V"v uAiiAAi-ri, iai Large psnor. . able for doctor or dentist Phone Pooler Si'ltt'c"' " TRSOfflces- for pl"yslcTi"rt dsnttst. light, het. service running anttefj rsiersnces, SPRUCE, 1224-24 Cheerful office, first tor running ureter, sun porter or demist WALNI'T. 2205-8ulte of 2 Urgs roomi floor, hot and cold running water, electfteli Ifll H 'Ml ' WL l.l--T' 1" L1 l-'-L--'.' JC3 'in, o, mt- ursmsn ovsirvs 10 snare omes; weii-turnianea reception room. vTKaT rHILADKt.ri.lA, POTlf OverleoVInc FAIRMOyNT PARK. ESTATE APT8 HOUprfp Apply to A. J P, qALLAOMEJIt. p 4.lb Psrksld ay. h. lael. 458. ES, BTOWeS AND AhARTMENtfT . .. .r"9n..n"CNT . HOU WM. H. W PlCKtrnRO., INfJ, O PU1 Aft tVlll (II POTTS It TOW'NSEND WE8T PHJLA. HOURS 4905 BALTIMORE aVe. $325584 BROOM ALL ST (second street lt"t of Baltimore ave.) New house, hot-water heat, gas, electric light, gss kitchen, etc. OERMANTOWN $125 C0RN5R Vernon road and Crittenden t 10 chambers, 8 bathe; living roJm, library, dining room, pantry, kitchen and servants' dining hall on first floor; electric lights, hard wood floors, open fireplaces; combined , stabU and garage; over an acre of ground, with old shade; open dally and Sundays; trains to Btenton Btatlon, Reading Railway, or drive out Stenton ave. to Vernon road (6800 North). FRANK MAURAN 289 Land Title Bulldlnr- $6018 ROOMS, 2 baths; gsrsgei 1 sq. from Sedgwick Btatlon on Otn. ave. A. 8- Touri son. 7014 Boyer st Both phones. Mt. Airy, Germantown MT. AIRY. 875 Gowen ave. 10 rooma, balk snd laundry; front porch, best location; rest oq Apply owner, 7410 Beyer st , Mt Airy- Chestnut Hill DWELLINO6$20 to $180 month, get ,11st . relham Trust Company, 8740 Germantown. Oak Lane BFVERAL PROPERTIES for rnt In Oak Lane, uo to $l5irry desirable. DROWN ft BARR. 8th and Oak lane. 8CBTJRDAN Bala, l'a. HOUSES FOR RENT at Bala and WynnefUld, $00 to $100. Apply T. F. REILLT. 60th and City ave,, Bala. Both phones. Secane, Fa. FOR P.ENT Brick and fram dwelling hou In perfect order with all conveniences; 1U rooma and pantry; bath and linen closet) with halt acre of ground; old shade; Provi dence road, near Aahland ave.; 5 minutes' walk from Becsne Station, Centre! Dtvlslom P.. B. and W. R. R.; 0 miles from Broai St. Statton. James A. Bunting, 662 Drexel Bldg.. Phlla. ) Narberth BRAND-NEW HOUSES, 7 rooms, all modsrn conveniences, electric lights, etc. $19 per month; others at $21.80. $28.80. $28.60 up ward. HARRIS, real estate, opposite station, Narberth. Ta. Malvern 0 ROOMS. BATH, hot-water heat, newly paint ed and papered; per month. $30. HARBERT ft CLAQHORN. 204 Bailey BIdfc- Wynne-rood FOR THE MAN WHO HAS AN A.VT OMOBILB HOUSE NO. 40 MANOR ROAD, WYNNEWOOD. FA. It Is modern, with all necesary conveal--nces; contains 13 rooms. 2 bathrooms and storerooms; has liberal lot of ground, with nice shade and flowers, and the rent U less than a 10-room city house. Automobile storage, $3 per month. WALTER BASSET SMITH, WYNNEWOOD. PA. STONE AND PLASTER HOUSE 12 rooms (6 bedrooms), 3 baths. An attractive modern house, near th. station. now Sered at a reduced rental Warnock ft Emlen, Commercial Trust Bldg. Haverford ATTRACTIVE Colonial house, genuthe artlque; 11 rooms and 8 baths; garage: shady lawn; . stan sit a 4)1 An in" aIiiWi (iienlsnail aw ( tt llt-un , vwiwii miu Ua lUllll.'ICU V( UIUUI M nlshed. SUTTON. Sol Franklin Building. ' NEW JERSEY Rlverton. N. J. $25 TO $40 MONTH 9 to lil room houses; Urge lots. A. E. PRICE. 418 Llpplncott ave.. Rlverton. SEASnORE Avalon, N. J. NEW BUNGALOW, ccttagea and .part ments for. rent, furnished; moderate prices) all modern convenlencea. Boardwalk. Casino, churches, all kinds of stores farmer, deliver products to your door dally, fishing, boating, tennis and sports, call, phone or write for booklet. Chas. R. Hall, 1416 Real EsUts Trust Building. Philadelphia, Pa. FOR RENT FURNISHED MAIN LINE, FA. It. K. Haverford NEAR STATION AND r,hic.iii i-urn: bturiE nvtobi 1 Atnci uaiiaob 9' bedrooms : baths, several open fireplace. WABNOCK ft EMLEN, Commer. Tr. Bldig. .a..- . ....... . . .. J-VTi." . -T- MORTGAGES Large Amount TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAGB Immediate Attention HORACE II. FRITZ 713 WALNUT 8T. MONEY FOR MORTOAOE8 $500 $1000 S1200 S1500 51600 25000 W. H. HOOD. 612 NORRIS BT. $50 TO LOAN ON MEAL ESTATE secur to Ity; Immediate settlement; paabls at $2000 desired. irnxxr -.r turiTT. It3 SOUTH 12TH STREET. MORTOAUESNAS $1800 and $2000 at BU per cent. JAHaD U. IV1M.ULLL N. W. cor. 17th and Bansom its. j. R. MASSEY ft SON ISTH AND GREEN STB. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES MUILU1IVU A88UI.IAT1UM fl NDj $luu.uC0 TO INVEST on mortgagss In sums from $1000 up,, also building assoclstln money for second mortgssss. u. C SEIDlIL ft CO.. 4th and Callowhlll sts. WORRELL 686 NORTH 17TJ3 STREET FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOEn AQI liobTlioi) to$50oo tq-GSJT $50 LEWIS ft CO. 1227 W Olrard Avs. INDS fnr tint mnrttit. HERKNEBS ft STETSON, LANDTITLB 11UILDINU. $100,000 FOR FIRST'AND" BECONl5"lSpax mortgages. "See us first," AlAB.ftrAaAAlt Aiij piOnil BtO. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES m'.ASONAELE CIIARGF1S JAP JOHN A. BARRY, 807 LAND TITLE nt,Pa. ALL AMOUNTS First and second mortgsges quick answer, Maurice H. Matslngsr, Real Est Trust Bldg. PRIVATE AND TRUSTrUNDS 1st mortgages 2d mortgage J. EDWARp LUT2. 240 N 17lh st, "VUNDS FOR1ST ANP 2D MftRTCfAaiT" MORTOAOES FOR SALE. THEO. E. NICKLEB. 2513 QERMANTN AV. - UONEY FOR MORTGAGES ' $500 $800$1200 "Bee Me " WALDMAN. 11V0 Olrard ave. . 518 WALNUT ST " OWb'ERS If your mortiMs Us beaa I will take It up: also 2d morUsot -JjOOM mmSB 1. fSflt CIIE8T13R D. ROTTNER. U3 CXHattt MORTOAOES. investments, colleitiaau, write or Phone. u, a fai-vm, As-ra stiuc ave. lUHi3 rHSR 1ST, AND Ip snoil(s; re.Mi and Intsrssts collected la any part of cmv. CAMERON. 2811 Kensington avenue" "r LAltGE HUltaDtJu AN1 ittrSmSCitS, deslro tl'c,Vlf,.nVL'Ai1 -MttliM. Address M 417. LedAMT- OsaV MONEY' for first, eecMd M .split trort. Pullcln assocMiion iu. eon A Co., 2IH Oernmntos Howard "1B-, Oernmntown av. JSWtf(SSB9 JJ.OI JlnVe---W. t T-. giji "!'$'' reap. -ru5Jar HBki, .a vour AtawitcaHh r-n' XT . Ksd "TrmvSlrTJW". finxmtm POTfw A 0'SSST Viaakfurd .xa.