BVEKING LEDaEE-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, laioV n JULY COTTON AT HIGH MARK FOR SEASON-REGULAR DIVIDEND ON STORAGE BATTERY STRENGTH DISPLAYED , ;BY INDUSTRIAL ISSUES AwcrkMi Locomotive Moved Up on New Orders Rail t roads Sagged a Trifle nitre YOnK. Fept lSV-Whlle tradlnc JN bore active on the Stock ExhanJ Ml ttie early houra today, there vraa more irrularltv then hai been the rule In Ike last few dava. In the early dealing tr4ln wai fairly well distributed tkrough the tint, b'ut as the day ad wanted It became a war specialty market. Tht hlef feature of the market In the arly hours was the acant offerings of stock, especially In the Industrials. Out tde buying did not show any material ' Increase, and there was still a disposition tv regard both the diplomatic situation and tho outlook for the Allied loan as uncertain. On the whole, there seemed to be a quiet absorption of stock by large interests to discount any favorable developments. There was no deviation from the custom ary dally performance of new high , records, and these were made by Bethle hem Steel nnd Crucible Steel. The for mer went to 350, up 1, and then dropped Z points, while tho later rose a point. . Movements In prices wero not wide, being confined mostly to fractions. New York Air Brake was an exception, gaining 3 Vi points, as was American Locomotive, which was up 3 points. Among tho railroads the Erie Issues were the features. The earnings of the company are Bald to be good and the outlook Is promising. Asldo from these there wa a reactionary tendency In this . division. Moderate recessions resulted around midday because of realizing sales. Pres sure was not very large however, nnd af ter some declines many prices came back. The list was very Irregular. American Locomotlvo continued a very strong spot, being up over -1 points at one time. This stock was helped by tho announcement that the company had recently received a number of orders for engines. Tho closing was Irregular. Some of tho In dustrials were higher, while the rails were Inclined to sag a trllle. Lehigh Val ley did not respond to the declaration of. the regular dividend. A statement by Tresldent Wlllard, of the Baltimore and Ohio, that tho August tonnage Is about 10 per cent, ahead of last year, had very little effect on that stock. President Willard said that so far Septem ber continues the Improvement. "Pasien ger traffic Is still off," ho said, "but pas senger revenue for August may not look so bad when the final figures are made up as thst Item did previously. I should not bo surprised If the September earnings were almost or qulto up to last year's. It was Just a year ago that we lost the Im migrant traftlc, which meant 1800.000 a year to the Baltimore and Ohio, so that hereafter comparison will not be made with the figures which contained thoeo earnings." On very light sales weakness developed In Minneapolis and St. Louis securities, tho preferred dropping nearly G points and the common 114 points. RAPID TRANSIT EARNINGS SHOW DEFICIT FOR AUGUST Increased Fixed Charges Offset Re duction in Operating Expenses . A. deficit of $4922 was shown In the August report of earnings of the Phila delphia Rapid Transit Company issued today. This was due to increased fixed charges which offset a substantial reduc tion In operating expenses. For two months, however, a surplus of I22,J2 was reported against a deficit of $2611 for tho same period last year and a surplus of $20,503 in 1913. Details fol low; August. 1015. 1014. 1013. $1,802,153 ipaisen- L1TS, l,au, ttkfi 91,B-tl,&UU ther II K2.00O 1,897,7m 71,071 1.012,070 77,877 1,070,033 prns tnsea flings ,oper, chges 1,060.741 1,111,017 1,155,595 811(010 813,041 4.922 S01.B53 808.7B4 0,811 R14.073 70n,34 14,118 ,. tna'g Aug. 31: rpassen- 8,721,241 8,800.304 j other .burces . .. 0,UI l,Wa 1CA517 3,K7,W 2.1S2.433 l,VUi.230 1,032,537 22,002 142,094 3,804,230 2,248,719 l,fllfi,B17 1,(118,12!) 2,011 180.340 3,000,044 2.348.4S9 1.01R.151 1,507,1445 20,500 fj-vrana earns Expenses: Op. Expenses JJet earnings rrom oper. (Fixed cheea 'Uurplus ... pencil. JNUAL TRACTION MEETINGS tiring Directors Re-elected and Asked to Forego Fees At the annual meeting of stockholders of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Com pany, held at 8th and Dauphin streets this morning, Charles E. Ingersoll and C," F. W. Packard, retiring directors, were re-elected for a term of four years. Of the total of 600,000 shares of capital BtocW. 499,027 were voted, chiefly by proxy, as there were only 20 stockholders pres ent. William M. Coatea presided and It. B, Selfrldgo acted as secretary. The board of directors of tho Philadel phia Rapid Transit Company organized by re-electing the following officers; K, T Stotesbury, chairman; T. E. Mitten, president: R B. Hamilton, vlco presi dent; It, B. Seltrldge, secretary and treas urer; E. It. Austin, auditor. All directors ot the Union Traction Company were re-elected at the anneal meeting of the stockholders at the 8th and Dauphin streets offices of the com pany after the Rapid Transit meeting. Only 30 stockholders were present, the majority of the votes being cast by proxy. There were 230,128 votes cast out f the possible COO.OOO. 3. 3. Bulllvan, president of the com pany, called the meeting to order and James S. Bucklln was elected to preside, TV. O. Bhlfild, secretary of the company, acted as secretary for the mettlng. gome amusement was caused In the meeting when, after it bad been voted, for the sake of economy, not to have an ual report printed previous to the snctlnaTf Dr. Elizabeth Snyder, the only woman stockholder present, suggested ' that, if economy was so essential, it -woula wofeafely bo a good thing for the direct t forego the fee they receive whan tl attend regular meetings. She lwu Mia t of order and took her seat sjgynt pwteat. 'gag Mr Mwket Firmer h-Vf TOKK, Sept, 13. The copper market Ml 4W. la tk rtc r copper in " " atviuTi of aaSa r ,Hcr to both foreign aswtssers m a, a of 18 cents WC VVV'vH "fW4W( UL-e4y Tnuwr MaUtary .tt. iusdn i fs?u-ir C..Ti," CurtU A Blake lMt is' all or noi t;o. w K. Uy Co., fa SMaM "ctllr wi., awrW -to K.ta- A Co uM M. i Day . Co. at thM f 101 D for nil. r Me, ln4-eftf in f lkk Ttimmy MQm vHm blK IS -TB m Mkreexea ajnevot 9t : ut . la m ug A"41Ug T1H oeieniB lr- iiu, E3s UsTTIw New York Stock Sales Last flow. Utah. lew, Clot 33H 33 33 Alailca Gold Mints- 33U Allls-CMImcn Mf Allls-Chatm Ms Co pf Am Ag Chemical Am lhtet Sugar Am Cn Am Car Foundry- . Am Toil rrodocU..-. Am Cotton Oil Am Cotton Oil pf Am K press Am Hide A Leather.. Am Ics Securities Am Linseed Am LlnsoeU of 42H 44X 42) 4Vi ai -rrtxf fn Tni4 im xt:; xr ay; . 551 C flSla nsw 89H 6Uj 60 0U .. 08K 03H OHlf 63 ...181 162 15DW 150.' .. 60 60H 40 C0H .. B5Ji Ofl 09 00 ..100 101 101 101 .. Hi 8) SM m ... 2311 26W 24 2lf .. 20H 21 1!H 10)J .. 37 3ff 30U SdM .. 63lf 67U 64 MH 07M 100 07 100 .. 20 'JO 20 20' ..81 81 SOU Mi ..100X 100H 100 100W .. 81W Al 81 81 .162!i 160X 1S0( 150! . 51 MH 62 liiU 10SM 108H 108M lOSJa .123 121 123 123 .230 227 227 227 43K 44K 43 44H 03( 0l!i 01 04 .. 70U 72i 71 71H ..101'i 101K 101H 101i Am Locomotive Am Locomoltre pf. ... Am Malt pf Am Smelt A Itef . . Am Smelt & Itef pf Am Smeltcn lf tl. . Am Snuff Am Steel Foundries Am Sugar Refining. Am Tel & Tel Am Tobacco Am Woolen Am Woolen pf Anaconda Copper Atch T 4 8 K ....... AtchT&S V pf Atlantic Coast Lino... llaldwln Loco llaldwln Loco pf Haltimoro & Ohio Ilaltlmore & Ohio pf, . Betulohcm ITtccI ricthlenem Steel pf. .. llrookljn Hap Tran. . Ilutto & Superior Cal rctroleum Cal Petroleum pf .... Canadian Pacific Cent Leather Chcsapeak & Ohio... Chlno Copper Chi Mil & St Paul. . . CM It I&Pac Colorado Fuel & I... Consolidated das Continental Can Corn rroductsltof... Cruclblo Steel Cruclblo Steel pf Deero & Co pf Del Hudson Del Lack & West... Distillers Securities. . . Dome Mines Electric Stor llattery. Erlo Erie lstpf Erlo'Jd pf Fed Mln & Sm Fed Mln & Sm pf... General Electric (iencral Motors General Motors pf. .. Goodrich UK 08) 00 08i 09 104 101 103 103 80Jf 81!f 80 mi 100 100 100 100 83K 70H 83V4 70? KIU 83 70U 70 345 340 151U 16S! Ht 84 00H GO'J 17H 17H 44 44 153U 153U 44 44 47H 48 45 45 340 .150 83 ( 350 160! 84 07H 17H . 07 18 . 44H 11H 15.IU 154 44 41' 47M 44)i 84H 21 401 i 12(1 83K 7H 48U 45 8D 221f 47i 127H SO 7H 8IU 84! 20 SOW 45'f 40U 120H 127H 83Ji 80 17U 17,li o:K win 01 01H 1IM5U 107M 105JJ 100' 05 07 07 07 130H VMi VAM 130W 412 415 415 415 205 i 26T 20 20 .. 21M 21H 21H 21M 73 72H 72! 72), .. 30 30H 30 30 .. 60H 61H 50'i 5H . 40 40H 30!f 39W .. 25J 20 20 20 .. 44 43!i 43 43 -.171 172 171 171 ..205 260 257 260U -.115 114 113W 114 .. G3lf 03 fi2? 02?f 107 108H 108 10SW Goodrich B F pf Great Northern pf 118M 118U 118H 118,'f Gt N cfs for ore prop. 40!i 42) 40S 41U uuggenhclm Eiprnt... 64 !i 04H 01H 04Ji llav El l(y L & I' 84 85 Inter Con Corp'n 20H 20U Inter Con Cor pf 741i 741 IntllarvXJ 100 108 Inter-Met vot t c 20H 20H Inspiration Copper 34H .')5H Kan City Soutucrn. . . . 20J4 2GU Kanas City So pf 60 69 Kresgo S S Co pf 110H 112 8.r 85 20!i 20H 74M 74K 107Ji 107.U 205f 20!f 34JX 20 69i 112 341 i 20 69) 112 Lack Stool Oil 71 09)5 G'M LehiEh valley Long Island 143H 143i 1-13U 143Jf I3H 40 40 40 Louis A Nashville 110 118V5 118H 11SH Maxwell Motors 45 45W 44 44Ji Max Motors 1st pf. . . . SSi 89 87 87 Max Motors 2d pf 30sf 37 3GJf 37 Mexican Petroleum 84H 85U 84J 85.4 Mo Kan & Texan tiJJ 7ii (ih 7U Mo Kan & Texas pf... 14 15 14 14?i Miami Copper 20U 27H 27 27H Minn & St Louis 12 11 8 9 Minn & St Louis pf... 30 30K 21 24 Missouri Pacinc 3U 3H 3 Mi Montana Power 58 58 57U 57Ji National Dlscult 120 12254 122Ji 122JJ Nat Cloak & Suit 82 81H HIV, 81!i Nat C & S pf 10SH 109 108M 109 Nat Enamel & S 25M 27H 20'i 27H Xat lead G3H 04f 03?f Nat Ily of M 2d pf . . . 6 5 6 G3H C3!f 5 14U 148M 00! 02H 26H 71U 30H 6 14 145 07H 02 261 71H Nevada Con Cop 14Jf 14!i 1-Uf isow York Air uraico. N Y N II &H New York Central . . . N Y O & W North American .... Pacinc Mall Pac Tel A Tel Penn H P. Peoples Gas Chi Plttsbureh Coal , Pittsburg Coal pf Pressed Steel Car 148H 145 07 0QJ 91K 91! 26M 71H 3014 32W 20 71H 30H 30)4 32J-5 324 32M 109H 109M 109 109 -.115 1104 115H 116H .. 33 ;W 33VJ 334 .101H 100U 100U 100H .. 01! 62H 01H C2H ..100H 100JJ 100)4 100H Pub S Corp N J. , Pullman Co Hy Steel Sp'g ltay Con Copper. Heading Hep Iron & Stoel. ..157 160)5 158 160H .. 375f 39 .. 22H 22) i 140U 149)i 43)f 431t 374 39 22U 22 M 149M 140M 43 Rock Island Co pf H a 5 K 3 7 5 14)4 )i 3M 7H 5 Kumely M. Co 5 HumelyM. Co pf 8 St L &, S F 2d pf . . . . fili Seaboard Air Line 14H Sears Roe & Co 155 5)f 14)4 14)4 154if 164X 154)f Southern Pacific bHH 89 88Ji 88Ji 105 105 15J4 15W 61 51 67 62 735f 73)f 110)4 UG!t Southern Pac t c 104H 105 Southern Ry 15U 15!f Southern Ry pf . 5IH 61 65H 62 . 73M 735f .117)4 118 .100 100 . 50 57 -Standard Milling SUndard Milling pf... StudebakerCo Studebalcer Co pf Tenn Copper Texas Co Third Avenue United Dry Goods pf . Union Pacific Union PaclTlcpf..'... U S IndAlconol...... United Ilys Invest. .. . United Hys Invest pf. 100 100 64 55)4 .155 155)4 155 155 58U 59)4 120)4 80)4 84 23 38)4 51 . 60)f 6934 68,'f. . 55 59)4 58 .12954 129H 129 . 80)4 SOH 80)4 . 80 85)4 80)f 23)4 23)4 23 38! 38)4 38 US Rubber 60)f US Steel 75)f 51 60 75!f 74J4 74)4 US Steel pf United Cigar Mfrs.... United Cigar Mfrs pf. Utah Copper Va-Caro Chem .113)4 113H 113)4 113)4 . 48 60 474 60H 10434 104 104 101 00)4 67)4 60)f 67 37H 38 37H 69 CSU 68)1 38 Va-lroii Coal & C. 68K 116)4 280 76)4 28 West K & M 110U 117)4 H0H Westing Air Brake. 283 280 Western Union Tel... Western M aryland Western Maryland pf Wlllvi Overland . 70)4 . 20H . 44 ,188 . 33 76)4 28)4 45 187 31 7U 28 45 45 180)1 180U 33 33 Wisconsin Central Quoted ex dlvldtnd. Total ralei. 520.100 hri, compared with 4I3.KOO hares ymterJay; thus rr thli weak, lu,o00 shares; last weak, 853,000 shares. BANK CLEARINGS Ilank clearings today compared with corre .M.riin. ttv laat two veara: 1MB. 1014. Philadelphia I28.1M.MI 23.nuo.1T0 Boston .. ...MI.OTI.aun izl.soa.MT K," York . 3W 8.18.205 Sll.T5U.K20 St! li)Ul... 14,W8,W)l W,10e.W Chicago .... M.WMWI 6l.2lS,5i4 1018. 2S.170,3(3 2.1.8TX.544 31T.IK17.I0Q 13,Sfll,b03 tkl,lBU,ua UATES FOR MONEY Call Philadelphia ?rVgi New York ..,., "" . Time. SH. o'k filpuirn ..n 3)4D1 4 Commercial paper, three to alx monthi, Phil alelfilila, 861 Per cent. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. Bept. IB. Alter opening eteady. forelan exchanite weakened today, demand aterlhi decllnlnc half a point. Quotation! Armed up later in the day. cloelng aa (ullowai r Surllni Franca ilirka Lire Cablea .......t. 4.B7 8.09 82H U.18 Pemand ....,. t.0H B.9T 2 8JI0 -.l-ll .IIH.M II .. ,, WANT RATE CASE REOPENED Washington, Bept. IB. A' petition (or re- eptnlni the Weetern advance rate caee way e-neauien 10 . mea wiin roe loitrtKaie uom rrerce TbrnmlMlon today by W. K. Lamb, t. twni.y tor the llllnole Coal Operator AeeotU tton and otlitre. The petition crargee fail tui dlecTtmlnattoa from Chicago -and other 4ke 4M'K (olnla eialnut point, aoutli of Chi. .o.. wlieace H.wa declared the Wwtera rat Jtiklea eaueed higher tatea without pro VuftlonaU tncraaeea (torn the lake docl pelnta. hrk-M af Bora, ajui PIaU Uf VflM,' YDSkT. Sapt U.-Althouat, only a tew f Ow ael -aeraipeliUa wU quote ; for seat reer act Vers. pUteo anJ wructuiite. thaaa a4 '$! Quarter 3i JOB very. : Taa ! eat aarasw m 14 Mr wit- CRAMP SHARES CLIMB; CAMBRIA IRREGULAR Early Advance Encountered . Profit-taking Sales Trac tions Inclined to Improve A feature of the late dealings In the local market this afternoon wn a sudden outburst of buying orders In Cramp Ship building stock, which lifted It by leaps nnd bounds from the last night's closing price of 81 to 8?H- Considering the oxtent of tho rise, orders wero not large, It only requiring the purchase of somo 1300 shares to accomplish tho advance No particular news was forthcoming except hopes ot largo additional orders for ships. The buying was said to havo originated In New York. Tho gain was not fully main tained nt the close. Electric Storaga llattery cased off a trllle, doubtless because of disappoint ment over tho declaration of the regular quarterly 1 per cent, dividend. Somcahad hoped that the rnto might bo rnlsed when tho stock recently cbcamo buojnnt. Except for a fair amount of activity In Cambria Steel, light trading and nnrrow fluctuations wero the rule on the Phila delphia Stock Kxchango today. Cambria was well taken and moved up moderately on buying aald to be chiefly for New York account. Tho Street naturally re Knrds the stock favorably In view of ex isting conditions In tho steel trade and the announcement of tho anticipation of the 1917 note Issue. Nevertheless, there has been a good ileal of Investment selling of the stock by thoso who havo held It for years after purchasing It In the twenties, and feel thnt the record level It has now attained must discount almost any favorablo de velopment. At going quotations the stock yields less than many high-grade bonds. Ilenll zatlon of thle may have caused the sell ing movement which developed In tho afternoon nnd not only cancelled all tho earlier gain, but caused tho decline to extend nbout a point below Inst night at the close. On the other hand, Pennsyl vania Steel preferred, llaldwln and Urlll dlrplnyed a tendency to harden. Tho local traction Issues again showed a disposition to Improve. It is thought earnings from now on will bo on the uptrend. Tho elimination of Jitney com petition and the gradunl Increoso In In dustrial activity hereabouts are the stim ulating factors. This was borne out to a moderate extent by tho August earn ings, gten out today, although the full bene lit of the Jitney elimination will not be reflected until this month's earnings nppcar. A gros decreaso of about $20,000 was converted through reduced expenses Into a net Bain of about J9000. Thero was, however, a deficit for the month of $1322. In August, 1911. tho deficit was J6S11. For the two months, though, a surplus was shown of $22,C92, compared with a deficit ot $2611 In 1914. Philadelphia Klectrlc was not affected by tho announccmnt that City Solicitor Kynn was prepared to represent tho city in opposing the application of tho Phila delphia Klectrlc Company nnd the Key stone Telephone Company for ratification by tho Public Service Commission of an agreement between them for tho renting of tho surplus conduit spaco to the Trac tion Comnany. Tho hearing Is to take place next Tues day, and tho question has been raised aa to the right of the Department of Pub lic Works to Intervene In this action with out authorization of Councils. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TO.VOPAH STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Jim nutler Midway Mlipah Extension . Muntana Northern Star .... Tonopah liclmont . Tonopah Extension Tonopah Mercer .. Tonopah Mining .. Rescue Kula .81 .10 .20 .TJ .10 ;;!3 ."uJ U .OS .50 Weil End .51 COMH'IEL.D STOCKS. Atlanta 28 ,SS llluo llu'.l 02 .(It Month 43 .47 Uulldog 01 .0.1 C. O. U 0.1 .113 Combination Fraction 07 .01 Dlamondflcld U B 02 .0.1 Daiiy 01 .00 Florence 45 .47 tloldflcld Coneolldated 1.30 l.:!5 CoHtlcld Merger 18 .20 Jrmbo Fxtenelon 1,44 1.30 Kewanaa .'IS .an Oro 00 .07 Sand Ken VI .14 Silver I'lck to .iu MISCELLANEOUS. Falrv Aztec 01 .0.1 Klmhrrlv 03 .03 Nevada II til IS .20 Nevada Vonder 1.40 1,43 NEW YORK CURB Bid. Aaked American Zlno B2V4 S3a Braden i 8H VA Ilr-Am Tobacco old 1SU H'J Hr-Am Tobacco new ,, 14 r Car Light 8 0 Uoldfleld Cone ., , Hi 1 fi-lO Orrene Cananea 87 so Kernrcott Copper ...,, (14 Mi I. V Coal Sale J.VS 111.1 Magma Copper lOVi Wi NIplMlnr Gi-i Otis Elevator 71 74 Otla nievalor pref 01 01 Itllcer.llectman .Vi Ml Submarine '. 47 48 Kterllne Hum , 2',J 2 Tobacco l'loducta no do L'ntted Cigar Stores , ...1)7 102 United Clfar Storea pret 110 12.1 L'nltcil I'roltt new , 2 i!Vl World Film Stt 4 Yukon Oold 2 2Vi NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK. Sept. 15. Trading In raff futures wae extreme! eiy nam. uaiea roi light, galea for the day amounted to only n.-.w nag ga. The market at the start was steady, with prices vennrallv JHKHcr. rini quotations uiapisyea gains OC X to 3 points. Closlnr ngurea were unchanged to 3 points .., : . -..,- ...".-... I": --! nuuve yestvruay iinaia. I rivvs luiiowr; Toda; open ins. Todays Yesterday's ciose. close. .... fl.l:in 0.1.1 September October November December January February March .. April , May ... I... e,'l'&38.U 6.1G86.20 June July Bl Id. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Central Coal and Coke Company, regular quarterly 1 per cent, on preferred, payable October 13 to stpek ot record September 30 Finance Company of Pennsylvania, quarterly 11.60 on first preferred, payable October 1 aa registered September 18 and an extra divi dend of 1 por cent, on first preferred, pay able October 1 to stockholders as registered September IS. Electrlo Storage Battery, regular quarterly 1 per cent, on preferred and common. Central Petroleum Company, regular semi annual 2 par cent, on preferred, payable Oc- lover 1 u aim ui ivvvru Depiemorr 24. iicpuouo iiauway ana iigm uomj ay and Light Company, regu per cent, on preferred, pay to stock i record Septem. isr qvancriy iv able wciooer to her M. Marwlck Mills, tl on preferred 1010, and 11.60 on preferred 1011, payable October 1 to slock of record September 21. Wlilra Overland Company, regular quarterly 1 per cent, un preferred, payable October 1 to stock of record September 23. Lehigh Valley, regular qusrterly 2 per rent, on prefurred and common, payable Octo ber 9 to stockholders ot record September S3. American Typefounders' Company, regular quarterly 1 per coot, on preferred, and I per cent, on commen, payable October IS to stock of record October, 10. Julius Kayeer A Co., regular quarterly 1 per cent, en common, and Hi -per cent, on first preferred, and 1 per cent, on second pre ferred. , ' Heading Company, regular quarterly 2 per. cent, pa common, payable November 11 to stock of record October 26. The regular quar terly 1 per cent, on the second preferred stock will be paid ,Oetoher II to stockholders ot record September il, Price Oil AivuU FJNDI.AY, a. Sept. li.Wth OHIO Oil Com. Irliss44M e41s. '. I1.13U0.1S 0.15UU.17 a 4lfid k ,.) .... H.274J0.2S , tl,10a.3T 0.838185 (t.B.lfill.35 , ll.Mg6.41 .... H..1KNU.3V . H.4t 0.4300.43 0.4.')H.41 0.40QO.DO .... 6.4880.40 U.MIIiU.04 0.6520.57 UMlU.S4 t New York Bond Sales High. Low. Clete, $2.V)0 Adam Express 4s. . 70 74 .71 MOO Amer Hide A L ue...,iai 10.1 lui, low) Anier Smelt Sec tia.,.loi)H luOH im 310W) Amer Tel i-lt 4s 7 87 87 )tHi do evt 414 101H 101 101t lliKO Armout Co 4W OlH IH S (. Atchison adi 4 Ml- MS W Mono do cv 4s IH.18 tPOJt tS W 2S0KI do cv 4s 1IHW 10lt HIH 10IH luo do cv 3s 1017 lol'. 101K 10K lUWHt Atlan Co Line 1st 4s., M!i S3 S3 lll Halt & Ohio 3H HO K4 i, 18000 do 4s , 85H 83l MVi 2Oi00 do CV 4J4 f;, l J8. 201H) 11 O T L E W V 4s 77i 774. Wit ;t(X) IKth Steel 1st Ss 102 102. Iu2 HOW do rfd f.s. ........... 1K WWJ4 lVi 701O llrook Hap Tr he '18. .100 noli 100 1)009 Brook Un Ulv ldt 6s.. t)X 0"S'. OSVi ;iw Canada Pouth M 100 I11O , 100 2000 Cent leather 1st 6s... Pl'Vi W1J4 0H 2n.V Cent 1'ac lit 4a 83 84ti H-A 10000 Chill Con 7a ........113H 1"H "J 1.1000 Chcs & O cv ifa .... 7.1J5 7.1 78 11m An iu, fill. 81V SI ,000 does 102 101?, miTt .1000 Chi A Krlo 1st Sa .... 00 , 00 00 Bono Chi Ot West 4a 04V4 01W 04'.i nou Chi ft Sm deb 61 1021 02 02 02 TMXio C 11 & Q lolnt 4a .... 00H 1-IH4 1)0 3O00 dn gen 4 8S RH 8S axai C M & St 1 4s 8.1 83 85, 1IMI0O do cp 8 101 102H 10.1 SiiSOO do cv 4s 0.1 MJ OJH .-1000 Col A South 1st 4s .. 8.1H 83H MW MK) Con Oss cv (la 110, 118 lie 41000 Del & Hud 4s 1016.. .10H 100H 100H 3.VK) Den ft 11 U 4s (W 08 SJ 3U0C) do rfd B 4.1, 4.1 4.1 12000 Detioll V'lt Ons 4Ha. 72JJ 71 71 ImKiO du I'ont 1'owd 44s ..1021 102(4 102 Imioii Krlo cjnv 4s Hrr A... 0I5 JJ4 114 1.1000 dornnv Is Ser n ... 70 iii i!J 1:1000 a en Eleo den Ss 101H lOlti 101H 3000 lnsp cv ret 3d pd 8S..142 141 Ut 31000 lntirb Met 4Kb Mi W 4 M 7000 Interb 11 T ret 6 00i 00V4 "JH 41000 Inter Mer Mar 4Hs.. 7.1H 7.1 W 11000 Internl I'nper cvt 6a. 0.1 Mi H .1000 Internl Taper Os I)H IWJ 7000 Jap new g s 4Hs 721 72 i 10i) Knn City So 1st 3s... !' Ott Win 1KIO0 do 8s 8JH J7U S'Ji 20000 Lncka Steel 6s 1030.. 84"t 84'i Mli tooo Lacledo lias rfd f.s.... i)t nova W'H 120O0 I.k Sh dch 4s 1028. . . OOTi DO no 1(XK U A M T Ss 102 102 102 OIHXI l.orlllnrd WIS Ml'H lt) 4000 Ixirlllard 7s 120 ISO 120 7000 I)uls & Nash 4 DO 00 HO IO"0 Manhattan Hta 4s 8.1 8.1 81 7000 Minn A St I. 4s 4Sit 44 44, Woo Mo Kan ft T rfd 4s... 4014 404 40H Soon Mo 1'ac roi ,1s 11117 70 , "It 70 2000 Mo rnelfte cons Os tri in in VKHi Nat Tuhe 6 ......... tW 08' 08H 3000 N Y Air Brake cvt Os.lOl'i lot'j 1P114 Musi N Y C A 11 :i4 0U 70 70 l.tMOO N Y C A llud lis rct..l04H 101 101 . v) N Y C A Hud 4H 87 80 8!4 2i 0) N Y City 4s lUSu t 04S 05 4000 dn 4 4 j IKOO 08 OS'I 118 WOO do 4'4s 100.1 102'i. 101 102(1 31000 do 4H ll04 OSt: DSS, .. 1000 do 45a 1003 101 101 101 12000 do 4is May 1037 ...102 10t' 1I2 40OO do 4t4s Nov lr,7 ..101 101 101 4000 N Y N II A II cv 3s C7',4 07V4 I 2000 do cv 3s 77 "7 77 Iiooo do Os Ill 111 lit 1000 N Y Rwy adj 6a .... 40 40 40 21000 N Y State 4s 03 1)3 H."0i 12000 Norf A W cvt 4is....l0f 100 100 r.00) Norf A W 4 871 87i 87 r.1.100 Nor l'nc prior 4s 8D'4 80 8! loooo Nor Pac ecu 8 02H 02 02. 20011 I'aclflo Tel 8s 00 00 Il 30(10 I'enna gen ct 4s 07ti 07 07Vi 23000 Penna cv 4 102 102 102 14000 Ray Con Copper Cs...lirii4 114 116 H0OO Rending gen 4s 01 01 01 2000 Rep I A 8 6n 04 tlt 04 IIOOO Rock Island 4s 70 70 70 4000 Rock Island rfd 4s 02 01V, 01!j tnnno Rock Island Bs 47 40 47 1X100 South Bell 3s 07 07 07 4'iW South l'ac cv 4s SO 80 V) 17.100 do cv ret t p Bs '31.. Oil'4 00 PO loooo South rac rfd 4a 81 81 84 4(100 South Rwy cona 5s..,. 07 07 1)71; 1000 Texas Co cv Oa 102 102 102 4000 Third Ave 4s 7ft 70 7D 14000 Third Ave adj Ba 78 78 7 rmw To pm a M' 4i 40 w 40 indoor S Steel Bs 102 102 102 600 U S Steel rea- Ss 101 101 inn; &1000 fnlon l'ac 1st 4s 0.1 02 02 TM Union l'ac cv 4a 80 8!( 8n nooo I'nlon Pac rfd 4s W 81 81 WiOO tVahaeh 1st Bs 100 100 100 3000 Wab Kou ct ata 4s.... 13 11 1.1 1 mono West nice cv .is Ki.i'4 jos 10.1 7240OO w B A M cv 6s w i..lin 114 lin BOO WeM Shore re- 4a 8.1 8.1 8.1 13000 West Shore 4s .... ... 87 87 87 Total mlea. J2.30H.OO0. compared with 2, .V)2,()O0 yesterday; thus far this week, D7.242, 000; last week, I4.011.0O0. .... ..., -,. ..-....-.-...-.-. .... .n.B Sales in Philadelphia Yes. close. High. Low. Close. 43 . 60 72 605 Atlls-Chal K 43 70 Am Can 60 72 86 100 Anaconda Mln .... 00 Am Rwys 21 100 Am Loco Mnj Iiald Loco 80 no do prof 100 273 J Q Brill 40 1 Cam Iron .... 43 0474 Cam Steel 0.1 100 Cent Iath 3.10 i:iec Stor 7.1 300 Erlo 30 45 Gen Asp 00 25 Ins Co N Am.. 23 HO Key Tel Co ... . 14 1042 Lake Sup Corp. 10 125 Lehigh Val .... 72 S! lh VhI Trans. 34 2 MtncMll 63 340 Pcnna R R B4",, 11 Penna Steel pf .8.1 205 Phlla Co 44 200 do cum pref. . 4.1 BIO Phlla Elec . . . . 25 UK) Phlla K T 10 610 do tr ctfs 10 10 Reading 74 10O Rwy S 8 15 Tonopah llflm.,,13",. 20 Tonopah Mln... 8 200 I'nlon Trac .... 30 427 United J Imp 83 2265. L S Steel 7.1 SS Warwick IAS. 10 10-West'land Cool, til 1201 Cramp A Sons.. 81 100 'Welibach Co Sold for cash. 24 80 106 ion 40 40 43 4.1 01 2 44 44 72 72 30 30 00 00 2.1 23 14 14 101J 10 71 71 34 34 66 00 54 M 84 HI 44 44 43 43 24 24fi 10 lOVj 10 lt' Ui 712 38 an 4 4 6 0 30 St! eft hoyt T8 75 10 10 01 H4 82 88 40 40 Total aalea, 20,327 shares, compared with '70,300 shares; last week, 43,743 shares. BONDS. Last erev, sale. High. Low, Close. 11200 Am Gas A F. Bs. K7 loni) Ilald Loe 1st Ss.102 1000 Beth Steel Os.,,118 112 Cam St scp MO.100 112 ilo May 1017.. 00 140 do Feb 1017.. 00 -000 L Nav ca 4.s. 00 3000 L Val Coal 6s.. 103 1 L Val ca Oa rer. .. 50OU Penna ens 4,102 20(hi do gen 4s... 07' 2000 Phlla Co ens Bs. SI S.100 do 11118 fig loon Phlla Eleo 6a.. ,101 1000 Cn ltya Inv 6s. 76 Total sales. $31,014. compared with 112,300 yesterday: thus far this week, 183,310; last week, $127,757, Local Bid and Asked j.ooay Yesterday Bid. Asked. Bid, Asketf JL inIi II, '.. Today Buff & Busq t 0. i'.o piet , Baldwin ........ do nref 30 70' .108 Cambria Steel )tl Klectrlc Storage 71 General Asphalt ....... K2. do pret ta Key Tel ,,.. II do t o ,, r. 14 do pref 88 Lake Sup Corp 10 T.-Mi Vav 1K7. Lehigh Val 71 Lehlgb Val Tr 17 do Dref ....,.,. 84 r f nnsyivivuiK ,.,,,,.... t7. 1'hlla F.lectrlo ,. 21 Phlla Co 43 .to. 1 por cent. pref... 38 do 0 per cent, pret,., 43' Phlla Rap Transit,.,., 10 da t 0 10 Heading 74 lon ei ...,.,....,. vata 'ion Mining ,..- nr, n Union Trao 80 86 U Q I ,...,...f. 86 85 I. D Disci . ,0 York Rwy , ,,. 7 7 do pret 81 S3 Cramp A Co M 83 Ex-dlvldend. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW TORK. Sept. 13. - UCTTrJR-Market higher but unsettled. Receipts, 13.108 pack ages. Extra. 20U2UVic,, higher scoring W 2tc j State dairy, 23126c.j Imitation Creamery. 1 Creamery, QstMark rket ftrnj, Reeelpta. M52 packages! Extra B't. 'ilWS.?" WiW- 2FM by wmies, flrttf, 1 - wie I VUiVTa 4t Cniftf VflaWlo refrlterator 6c,i nearby browns, SJsjJiC 7w York and llarlsm Hsllroad 9 .... on common and. preferred, payable October 1 to atock of record September 23. w"w ' METAL MARKET NEW YOHK. Sept. W.-Tbe metal market GeU lUnil in Lhh1m fe V, S. Vt!. apt. . " - wr iim jsjnik QJ KM II.SBJ Mr ttatn t UmT f Ml HH 102 102 102 '!JH lls H looif looij ioo2 00 00 uo oorf 00 oog not? 00 do ion; 103 101 108 108 10 102 102 .102 S ' 07 07t! k. ai3 8.18 8.18 08 fl8 08 102 102 102 70 70 70 80 80 80 106 100 102 22 822 63 72 73 73 M 83 aj" 70 eo 70 18 " 68 68 87 10 10 10U 1V71 UU1 tift n& 72" a lit "fl " 84k fliii " TRA 9..T -.r B23 gi'" I U it, b n T.8 w a'A HI. A fi A 8tt 8T T6 T5 ai jj 81 82 GRAIN PRICES SHOWED LOSSES FOR THE DAY Shorts Have Covered Specula tion Light Export Sales 60,000 bushels CHICAGO, Sept. 15. Erratlo conditions prevailed in tho grain market followlna; the opening today. Opening bids were under the closing quotations of yesterday, but n rally set In. This gavo way a few minutes lator to ft break. While there was a fair demand on hand In the early hours, sellers wero scarce. The cash situ ation continues to help conditions and buoy prices. At the closo prices wero below, yester day's finals, tho greatest loss being In May, l'i cents. Outside markets were reported weaken ing. The grading of winters lias been dis appointing. Much of the arrivals nro bo low expectations. Hedging pressuro was conspicuous by its absence. Shorts appear to havo satisfied themselves nnd nro now spectators. Spec ulation Is not being Indulged In to any great extent, because of tho nervousness. Corn opened nbovo yesterday's closing prices, slipped off a trlflo later, but re mained fairly firm In tho early hours. Oats held firm before noon. Thero was scattered commission house selling, but sales were few. Sales for export totaled 60,000 bushels, chiefly spring and Manltobas. No sea board sales by cash handlers wero re ported. Liverpool conditions grew weak. Pres suro was felt from outside markers anil tho undertone relaxed. Spots and cargoes were irregular. Leading futures ranged as follows: Ycat'd's Wheat Open. High. September .. 1.01 l.ol December .. D.1 0 May Ki'4 00 Low. D0 n.i 07 Closo. close, 1.00 1.014 105. too 71 5t! TS8 SiB 71 B7 58H 38 30 38 com (new oenvery) September 72 ti ms h 30 33 38 December May Oats September December May Lard September October . . January .. Itlhs September October . . January .. Pork September October . . January . . 57 6S .10 KS 38 i8 .10 :iii 3ii!a 1Sfl t3(J 13S 8.17 8.17 18.75 8.12 8.20 8.20 8.12 8.15 t.2.1 18.57 12.03 12.75 16.30 8.20 8.83 8.10 8.2.1 8.63 8.25 8.83 8.12 8 2.1 S.67 8.15 8.72 8.10 8.20 8.30 8.22 8.63 12.0S 12.72 15.27 .12.80 12.80 15.33 12.02 15.17 .1.1.30 Hid. tAsked. Financial Briefs The Iron Age says: "With the stcel muking capacity so largely taken up for 1915, tho trade Is dally making calculations for the early months of 1916. Thero Is more evidence that tho hand of the rail roads Is being forced by tho size of the foreign Inquiry for steel, to be shipped after January 1. Locomotive orders and inquiries havo been larger In the last week than In months. Somo car require ments are shaping up. In the case of the New York Central, both rails and cars are up, nnd rails for full and winter delivery aio expected to bo placed at lluffulo. Tho Seaboard Air Lino has ordered 7000 tons of rails nnd the Clover Leaf S000 tons. Generally, Western roads have not begun to negotiate for next year's rails. , On January 1 tho Westlnghouse Electric will redeem the old convertible 5 per cent, bonds at 105 and Interest. Holders desir ing to anticipate this date of redemp tion may surrender their bonds 'on and nfter September 16, receiving 105 and in terest from July 1 last to date of sur render. Bonds may be presented at Guaranty Trust Company for redemp tion. Ttcgular dividends on Reading and Le high Valley. Tho Flnanco Company of Pennsylvania declared an extra dividend of a quarter of 1 per cent, on tho first preferred stock In addition to tho regular quarterly dis bursement of $1.50. Henry & West were buyers of Cambria Steel. Today's auction sales of securities showed mixed changes, Philadelphia National Bank rose 9 points and Farmers nnd Mechanics' 1, Pennsylvania Company for Insurances feu 10 and Commercial Trust 5. It. W. Gillespie was appointed general mannger of sales of the Pennsylvania Steel Company and the Maryland Steel Company, with headquarters In Philadel phia. Mr, Gllllspte succeeds John C. Jay, Jr., the new chairman ot Maxwell Motor Company. Edward B. Smith has returned from his vacation spent In Canada. For the fiscal year ended August 31 the Packard Motorcar Company did a gross business of $15,800,000, $3,150,000 more than the previous year. The directors of the Tennessee Copper Company havo completed their plans for the -sale of $2,000,000 6 per cent, con vertible bonds to a syndicate. It is under stood that the bonds will bo convertible into the stock, of the company at 40 after a given period. Copper exports for. the week ended Sep tember I wero 4.033.092 pounds. Imports of ore matte 1,438,000 pounds, pigs, etc., 2,751,000 pounds, The New York banks gained $112,000 from the Subtreasury yesterday, and since last Friday 16,211,000. The Scranton Axle Company has re ceived a contract for furnishing 600,000 shells to tho Russian Government Tonopah Belmont, Glrard Trust Com pany, Cambria Iron and West Jersey and seashore Railroad were quoted exdivl dend today except for cash. At a meeting held September t, 1915, tho capital stock ot the Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Company was re duced from $250,000 to $125,000. and the old stcck waa today stricken off the regular list. The certificates of the company rep retenting tho capital stock of $250,000 is listed in lieu thereof, the certificates rep resenting the reduced capital stock of $125,000, tho new certificates being num bered CI, C i, etc, and have engraved upon them the words, "Capital, $125,000,'' Heavy Sales of U. S. Coal in France PARIS. Sept. ID. American coal companies Bio marketing considerable amounts of their tunducU In France, where It may now Lo. Uellvcred at fair proflts. One company has" lust placed an order for 2.000.000 tons of coal at pricea . which will ultimately land it In Paris. Includlnr all carrying charges at about 16 francs (IIS) . ton' Retail pricea now range from 100 to 120 franca. DIRECTORY Or ACCOUNTANTS CerllHxl Publle Accountants IJIWRENCE B. DROWN 1615 REAL ESTATE TRUST BlflL' ILDlNa 1'ublle AccoimtaBta . N. D. RERQMAN Phone Lombard 650. ill Walnut at. SPECIAL NOTICES 23P- AT A KKCULAK MKET1NQ Of tha Board of Dlreetnra nf ik. u...k era National lUak ot Phlla ielphla, ilr. H. K. frwM avpvisiaa vair. and Mr. IPMI iJr-t mm:!i PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR mreiT bushels, JWF1Z S'wSr.'nd'li: .Ver-under . IVestem advices. advices, quotations; car joi.. ","-ator-No. 2 red, spot n4.5,VH7,Ka' 1; No. 2 red Western, tl.HV&l") 2' ." red, lOipL?i "tesmer ?-o. 2 red port elevator- si. 00 m.u j couinern reu, ew' v'"k . .to H.otintuS; No. 3 red. ll.OTCl-O?, 1.0.lttl.0S, rejectei i U," J1.O2O1.04. 44D bushels. Trade. waa COHN.-ItecelDte. Z44B nusneis, alow and the market declined c. Q''" 5o Car lots for local trade, ns , '?Ta ifi?nc?i 2 yellow, 897c.i ateamer yellow, 80soc No. 3 yellow, (064c OATS.-Iteceipts, 38.76S bushels. The 1 mar ket waa quiet ami barely steady. auo1"?.n'; No. 2 white, none here: No. white. 8U,.'g 40Uc, No. I white, 37Gase.t sample oata, M UJoo. FLOUn.-ltecelpts. WTO bbls. and 2.TjOI9 lbs. in sacks, There waa little tradlnr. but mill llmlta were well maintained. Quotations, rer 100 lbs., in wood: Winter clear, new. 4.753, do., straight, now, $85.25i do., patent, new. $5.26(75.50: Kansas, clear, new, Juto sacKt, a.lff.Vio. do., stralnhl. new, Juta sacks, ' TB.COi do., patent, new. Jute, sacks. $5.A1 6.8.1: sprlrnr, nrst clear, new, $4.85fl3.10; do., straight, new, $:Uutf5.ft6: do., patent, new, $,l.5.Hf.l.(M: do., do., old, 0-'iuti'-',;,1t,do'uV5rI orlte brands, old, i7i7..'15i city mills, choice and fancy patont. $,ft7.:i5: do., regular jrades, winter, clear, new. $4.7.1115: do., straight, now, tJtfJUO; da., patont, new, $5.40U6.06. IlYE PLOUIt.-Orferlngs were light and tha market ruled firm, but trade waa quiet. o quote at $5ff5.50 per bbl.. as to quality. PROVISIONS market ruled steady, but there The was Ilttls in acts, smoked and alr-drled, 23fl2c.t West ern beef, In sets, smoked. 25fl.oc, city boot, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked nnd alr-driod, 27928c. i Western beef, knucklea nnd tenders, smoked, 27H2Se.; beef hams. f32: pork, famllr, 2182L60i hams. 8. 1. cured, loose, 12013ct do., skinned, looe, 11011C.: do., do., smoked. 13:c" hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and average. Millie.: hams, smoked. ""J"1? cured, lSflllc; do., boiled, boneless, 22g23c. , Mcnlo shoulders. 8. P. cured, loose, 010c.. do., smoked. l)01Oo.; bellies. In pickle, ac cording to average. looe. 12fli2c; breakfast bacon, as to brand and average, city euroa. 10917c: breakfast bacon. Western cured. Ill 17cj lard, Western, reflned. tierces. 8a0c.; do., do., do., tubs, 8fl!)c: Inrd, pur; city. Kettle rendered, in tierces. 83:ie.; lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In tubs, S0c. REFINED SUGARS The market waa quiet and without Important change. We quote reflnera' list prices: Stand ard granulate,), 0.35c. ; extra fine granulated, 6.30c. i powdered, 6.40c.; confectioners' A, 6.20c. ; soft grades, 4.45SJ6.05C. DAIRY PRODUCTS niJTTEIl. The market ruled steady under moderate ortrrlnss, but trade was comparative ly quiet. Quotntlons: Western aolld-packed, creamery, fancy, specials, 2V.: extras, SOc,: extra firsts, 25g2.VAc; firsts, 24n24c: seconds, 22(23c.j nearby prints, fancy, .;c.: do., average extras, 2728c; do., firsts. .'5 211c: do., seconds. 2324c.; jobbing sales of lancy prints, 3.1630c. EGOS. Strictly line fresh eggs were In small supply and film with demand fair. We quote aa follows. Free cases, nearby extras, s)e. per dox.; firsts, $7..V)fl7.80 per standard easel nearby current receipts, $6.11097.20 per case; Western extia firsts. $7.8088.10 per case: firsts, $7.2087.50 per case: fancy selected candled eggs were Jobbing at 313Jc. per dox. CHEESE. The market ruled firm and a shade hlRher under small supplies, a fair de maud and strong country auvlces. Following traillnr. ounf ntlnns: l.liv ui-ct, aro tno quotations: .New lorx, fancy, now, l5V,l.1c.; specials, do., fair to good, new, 14fJ15c full cream. higher: do., part skims. 03 l-c. POULTRY LIVE. There was a fnlr demand for desira ble stock and values were we maintained un der moderato offerings. Following are the quotations: Fowls, as to slie and quality, 15? luc: roosters. 12iil3c; spring chickens, ac cording to quality, l.lftlfc: ducks, Tekln, old, i:t14c; do., Indian Runner, old. 12013c; do., oung, according to size, 14iil5c; plgeom old. p'-r pair, lsfl'-tlc; do. ,young, per pair, 1761S0 DRESSED. Suppllea of 'deblrablo stock were small and tha market ruled firm, with demand equal to the offerings. We quote: Fresh-killed poultry, fowls, 12 to box, ilry-plclted and dry-packed, fancy, selected. lUc: weighing I'iflS lbs. apiece. 1KU.C . wriithln 3H.1M lbs. apiece. liUe.t weighing 3 lhs. apiece. IO.I1I1C; under 8 lbs. apiece 14ei5H.l Ice-packed West ern, 4 lbs. and oxer nploce. IScj do., smaller sixes. 15017c; old roostern, dry-picked, 13c; broiling chickens. Jersey, fancy, 21820c; other nearby fancy, 2224c-, fancy large yel low, .Illinois, weighing 3 lbs. and over apiece, 20321c; other Western, weighing 3 lbs. and over. 10c: Western, weighing 1'402 lbs. apiece, 18B10C; do.. Inferior. lu317c: spring i.nUa n...l.n ,,1lCT1T, . A I H-an .. 1Al1"n uuina, hv.iuj, ,v-. u,.., ..-.u., .uu- , suu uabs. white, weighing 111Z IDs. per dox.. $44.: $3. Lit 75: white, weighing DW10 lbs. per dot.. 5B3.05: white, weighing: 8 lbs. per doz.. J-2.65iil2.75. do.. 7 lbs. per doz., $2.1002.33: do., aa lbs. per doz,. $1.0031.70; dark. $1.50 Sfl.75; small and No. 2, $1, FRESH FRUITS Choice atock waa In fair request and values generally were -well sustained. Quotntlons: Apples, per bhl. Blush. $2.5003: Gmvensteln, $2.60(13; Wealthy,; Orimea' Uolden, 2.6Utf; Summer Rambo. $2.25)83; Pippin, 2.2-3, Smokehouse, $2.25173: Duchess, $1.73 12.23; other varieties, $1.5032; peaches, Vir ginia, West Virginia, Western Maryland and Pennsylvania, Elbertaa, per crate, 50875c: peaches, Virginia, West Virginia, Western Maryland nnd Pennsylvania, Elbertas. per basket 3040c ; peaches, Delaware and Mary land, Elbertas, per carrier, 60B00c; peaches, Delaware and Maryland, Elbertas, per basket, 2Cffl33c; peaches, Jersey, fancy Elbertas, per -buihel basket, MiltQDc.; peaches, Jersey, other kinds, per baskot, 13040c: pears, Hart lett, per bbl., $3U&: do., common, per 1)01., $1.60n2; grapes. North Carolina, Delawaree, per 8-hasket carrier, 75cfi$l; grapes. Dela ware. Moore'a Early and Concord, per car rier, 60Uft5c; grapes, Delaware, Moore'a Early hnd Concord, per 4-lb basket, 8a0c; lemons, rer box. $2i3; oranges, Florida, per box Xttfil; pineapples, per crate Porto Illco. $1.2602.50; do., Florida, $1.2582.60; plums. Virginia. Damson, per 20-lb. basket, 30ft 40c. ; plums. New York, per 20-lb. bnsket, 20ttf.'i0c: plums, New York, per 8-lb. basket Ilradshaw ana Niagara, 10815c: do., Heine Claude, 10813c; blackberries Delaware, Maryland and Jersey, per qt 486c: huckleberries, per qt 088c: cantaloupes, Maryland, per standard crate, 30 (375c. ; do., Jersey, per basket, 26875c.: water melons, per car, $1008250, VEGETABLES Supplies were fairly liberal and prices gen erally favored buyers, with demand only mod erate. Quotations: White potatoes, Jersey, per basket No. 1 Itose.; No. 1 other varie ties, 25830c; No 2, 10I16c. Sweet potatoes. Jersey, per basket No. 1, 80885c: No. 2. 131 20c Onions, per 100-lb. bag, $1.2.1ii?1.60: do?. Jersey, per -bush. basket, 83840c. Mush rooms, per 4-lb. basket, 60c.8$l. NEW HIGH FOR COTTON NEW YORK. Sept. 15. Selllna: order quite pit ulte plentiful this morning, with tha result tnai ma cotton mantel opened only kuuuu iuijieb opened only steady, with prices unchanged to 3 points higher, da anlln tVtM fssrt t)ns T IvaenAal , .. T.a. s. -T fllO 1MB Vfc t4Sl, Mlivijiyill VHII1D lHUCfl DOlIVf than had been expected. Wall street interests bought virtually all the options, while houses with Southern connections operated on both sides. The weather conditions In tha belt were considered favorable. . I'n.-es Improved throughout the day and new hliih rocords were established all around The Its the fact that I. b.w.v ...... ... . .-. ,..,, nuu.a ,na lllgnr. Yes. close. Open. High. Low. do January ,.,,,,11.10 December .,.,10.04 October 10.57 March 11.41 May ,,.,,.,..11.110 July , 11.70 Spot 10.43 Il.W) 10.00 10. ua 11.41 11.72 11.02 10.03 11. an 10.23 10.88 11.08 'lLOO 12.00 11.00 n.:m 10.04 10.20 10.8S 11. mi 11.03 12,00 10.68 11.41 11.71 11.88 f T35w! settMWm RAILROAD EARNINGS IMPROVING ,,, Kaj Uroad earnings continue to make most favorable exhibits and we look for further improvement jn certain territories due older Pem,ltH""rUSUabusi!18 "tloiM. Our recently issued sS! 1 Iny"nient Opportunities in Standard Railroad ?vtri rt,?1 materia, iftance to you If interested in '", " e " .iST1? Cla88, W'Ylbe glad to have you confer Wn V,t JZa5t J.0 an? ec1, which you are Interested, and our statistical department Is at your service. REED A.M0RGAN & O.'SSSiSSS&SSti Brown Brothers & Co. Fourth anb Cmwirnrr Stkeetv I'HILADBLPHIA High-Grade Investment Securities wwm iMoritie Cbodui $my tiau upon yfikttim. WAR MAY MAKE GOLD CHEAP, SAYS EXPERT Outflow to Neutral Nations. Likely to Make Yellow Metal Drug on Market Dy FRANCIS V. HIRST Editor of "The Economist." pee(al Cable to the Bvtntna Lttotr LONDO.V. Sept. 1S.-A. war continue, with British and German expenaiturei tor war afono reaching a total of pmi,. ably 7,000.000 a day, the outflow ot ,ut. Plus jtold from Europe to the Unite! States and to alt neutral countries muit Increase. Even Spain has taken about a million dollars' worth of the precious motat from London lately. Jnpan m probably receive a B'eat amount fro'J ItusBla In return for vninltions. But whit will happen when pjid becomes a drus-1 noutral markets and belligerents can offir nothlntr else In return for Imports? t seo from Japaneso papers that Ruma Jnpanese merchant fleets, which carnr on trade between Vladlvostock and Jabs7 nfter ralslnc freight rates, havo Insist ed since Aucust 10 that freights be oaii In Japanese currency, thus avoiding tha depression In the ruble Gradual diss! patlon of great European gold hoards' together with excessive Issues of ineoni vertlble paper on the Continent, mny ha ,'".. nw.u .,,, i.ui. Buuuur 10 that de monltlzation had upon silver nfter m ' Gold may become cheap and purchasing power may fall further. Gold prices will rise, and nfter the war, or perhaps he. fore Its end, tho double consequence of rising prices and diminished demand for labor will cause universal discontent among the poor. ' Tho mectW of Parliament, followlne the Trade UVilon Congress, will clear the political nlr. Conflicts in the Cabinet over conscription may be delayed till finance Is settled nnd the Dardanelles Irsuo decided. The budgot is the principal dish. Ono hundred million In new taxes aro freely predicted. Prolongation of ' war ninltes public nnd private economies CSRCnttHl. According to tho Times, Lloyd-George's criticism of trade unions has produced resentment. Peril of overstraining In dustrial workers was emphasized at British Association meetings. Overwork ' usually means more strikes rather than Increased production. Government factory inspectors drew attention to this aspect, apparently overlooked by Lloyd-George., who Is now the prophet of compulsion Mid conscription. SECURITIES AT AUCTION The following securities were sold at auction today by Rnrnea & Lnfland: 3 shra. The Hermann Building and ' Loin AEFOClatlon Xo. 2 of Phila delphia tnoth Series) $115 10 shrc. Philadelphia National Dank. V Par $100 , 450 1 shr. Commercial Trust Company. Par $100 375 7 ahrs. Reliance Insurance Company. Par $50. (Voting trust certificates), .11) , 60 ahra. West End Trust Company. ' . Par l0O 150 22 ahrs. Philadelphia, Germantown and Norrittown Railroad Company. Par $50 136V, 60 shrs. Northern Liberties Oas Com pany. Par $2.1 40)i 10 shrs. Farmers nnd Mechanics' Na- tlonttl Rank. Par $100 132 1 shr. Faimeis and Mechanics' Na tional Hank. Pur HOD 131 , 11 enrs. larmcrs nnd aiecnanice' Na tional llnnk. Par 10i 128 3 shrs. Commercial Trust Company. Par $100 375 7 shrs. Franklin Trust Company. Par $50 .' 54 1 hr. Philadelphia Trust Company. Par $100 71 . 2'shts. Fire Aseoclatlon of Philadel phia. Par $50 .31314 13 shra. Philadelphia Life Insurance Company 10 1 shr. Pennsylvania Company for In surance 601 1 shr. Philadelphia, Oeimantnwn and N'orrlstown Railroad Company, Par ?.'fl ... 13Wi.. 40 shrs. United Oas and Electric Corporation, First preferred. Par 100 ;...' 34 11 shrs. Northern Liberties Oas Com pany. Par $23 40H 20 rhrs. Philadelphia and Camden Ferry Company. Par $50 , 10S 23 ahrs. II. K. Mulford Company. Par $:.o ea 23 snrs. Philadelphia Bourse. Pre Bourse. Corn Bourse. Corn lerrea. i-ar k.i 21 tl 10 shrs. Philadelphia mon. 10 shra. mon. i-ar .-w .... Philadelphia Par $50 .... LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CIUCAOO. Sept. 15.-HOQS-Recelnts. 1S.0O0; market, lotuac. higher! mixed an na nuicnen. $n.788.3o: good heavy, X7B7.KI; rou $0.V)ilSO: light. $7.5038.40; pigs, $ h heavy, .00US.2J; DUIK, ,.i.H,n. CATTLF. Receipts. 12.000: merket. 10t20c'. higher! breves, $5.5010.40: cowa and heifers. 3.251(Sl.l5i Texans, $0.7580! calves, J.oo $a, 0$12. IIKEH Recelnts. 10.000: market steady! native and Western, $307.30: lambs, $0.21 SLUMP IN EXPORTS WASHINGTON, Sept. IS. For the wee ended September 11 export fell off sharply. They amounted to $3S,6ai,7f, the lowest for one week this year, and a drop ot $27,000,000 from tho week preceding-. The trade balanc for tho weik fell to $0,672,241. Although the figures represent only five days ot actual business, no trade having btea." recorded for I.abor Day, the decrease la fsr out ot pioportlon to the loss of a single day. Imports for tho week were $26,021,467. Rock Island Interest to Be Paid NEW YORK. Bept. 15. N. L. Ameter, chairman of the Minority Committee of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacinc Railway, an nounced thnt the $500,000 Interest which wa due July 1.1 on the company's S per cent, debentures will be paid. This, he sail, opens tho way far carrvlng out the plans for the reorganization of the Rock Islam) properties. Sound Investments Frazier & G. Bankers 132 S. 15th St. M Stock Exc,hanr, --