I U W-pe cr 12 . GET'RWH'QVICK-WALSINGFORD 0K!9nAnaa A three-time ; NEW RATES NEW RATES NEW RATES EVENING LEDGER In Effect September i. It It. This STYLE TIPE (or Ilk. Uli) On. tlms , 15c, Thrs time. on. week 12V4c Six time. on. week 10c. Situation. Wanted, thrt. timet on. week 10 cent, per line. Place your order for three or more times and it' will be inserted In the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rata for Etxnixo Ledges and Fcbuo LlDoxa combined la ID centa per Una with the exception of Help Wanted and Situation Wanted, which la 13 centa per line. FOIt S TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which la permitted In all classification ex cept Help and Sltuatlona Wanted. Lost and Found, Personals, Boarding and Rooms, add Br. cent, per line to any ot above ratea. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ds at office rates. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Continued from Preceding Pace LADY wlshea to recommend highly her French Swiss companion; gentlewoman; excellent lin guist, traveler; refined, tactful, good disposi tion; gladly answer any lady'a letter, a. S., car. of Moloney, Franklin Illdg., Asbury Park, K. J. ' LADY'S MAID Younff Swedish girl want, po altlon; rood sewer. Tel. Poplar 6051 W LAUNDHES3? flrstclaas, wants large family wash at home. 203 Park torrace. Ardmore. .kOTUEIl'S IlKLPEn Experienced Protestant; city Tret. Dickinson. 2460 W. 10 to 12 a. m. NURBE. practical, mental or nervous diseases; doctor's reference. M 218. Ledger OiUce. NIJJISE. graduate, wUTSee" position. Phon. Bel mont 0070 W. NUItSEnr aOVEnNE3a desires position; x perlenced; best refs. E 140, Ledger Central. OFFICE MANAGE!! Capable business wom an, expcro aa bookkeeper, correspo'nt, pur chasing agent In charge ot Bales and financial work; mod, aal. to start. E 153, Led. Cent. i'BIVATE BECnETAliY. stenographer, offtca executive; thoroughly exp. In Iron and steel business: acted as secretary and purchasing agent. J 441. Ledger Central. STENCKJUAI'llF-It. qualified by education and axoerlanc. to flit a resnonslble and contlden- tlal secretarial position. E 244, Ledger Cent. BTENOOnAPIIEH-eecretary; Vassar College graduate; exp.; capable ot handling conflden ttal and Important work. E 350, Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER, hill clerk, assistant book keeper, quick and accurate at figures; 3 years' experience. E 248, Ledger Central. 8TENOGItAl'HElt, accurate and conscientious, desires position: moderat. aalarar; reference. 'A 224, Ledger Office. STENOQRAPI IER Expert: thoroughly exp. In law and commercial work; can handle con vayanclng. J 449. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, recent graduate; Intelll gent. capable, not afraid of work. J CJ0, led ger uentnu, &TENOORAPHER, knowl. ot bookkeeping, fa miliar with law, real est. and conveyancing; also Iron; S yra.' exp. II 850. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, expert; wide and valuable experience covering 7 years; capable of re sponslble position. E 848. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER. 2 years' experience; neat . and accurate. J 840, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER and telephone operator; 1 ;r. M . mmnuu. c wi, xjeqger ucnirai. BTENOOIlAPIIEn Nearlv 2 vr.' . -. flclent and trustworthy. J 242. Led. Central. STENOGItAPHER. genl. clertcai work; asst-' t. jmm gy. j ji, igQger L,enirai. b , InnnT r T TT- T,"-- MMWIMM - YAH RECKON 8HCLU ATAH'ALL) lift ; I "MHT I.OH& A MUFhM 3ont- '41 I SCYAH HEf?. J . , i HI 'Ah hi 1 ft aJ: 2 'UB...U, K fe, " 111 II II II I - J f II. UP II y " 'X w."!"' I If IB' fTTTr I J r"" I ft- a--" I .fw.i I I - R SLrMBBMflHiHBia lr2r r. &RjRBP' . snen. eLslJ nV J JpR u sr it onnmlnnw 1 M aim r' M m Isl v.lft RlR Er ".4Sffir fW iP " nKP'RM lifl HxS m Duraavrauit or uopi. manager, Al oor- raspondentr woman ot executive ability and exceptional experience. J 341. Ledger 6fflce. STENOGRAPHER, number yrs exp.i aocTde. jf pendable; mod, salary. J 448. Ledger Central. , TJ5ACHBR Oerman. French, English school brcha.; refa. Miss & K. Lorens. 84311 Wal. st- TtPIsfTeslre. extra work; specifications' $ form letters, substituting, etc.; reasonabli " ratea' addresslnr envelopes, special rateV 11 7B a 1000. B 340. Xedger Ceiitrar ' '' "TWIST and general clerical work; willing to WOMAN, reftned, wants rranagement of apart menta, first-class rumtahed rooms or physl. clan'a house; highest refertneea. it 347. Ledger Central. " "WOftAN. Oerman. Protestant, wlshea position aa working hskpr. or housework; with girl 8 years. Led. Hr., N. E. cor. 6th A Jcrr'r.An WcoJAN. colored, reTlable, wanta downstairs work; no waahlng; best ref. 1823 Carpenter "IVOMAN, rellaBle, col., wanta waahlng: take hornet or iifflts cleaning. IMS a Umb,t WOMAN wlshea day's work or wsiFlnr at horna; i references. 814 N. Alder at "fbUNO LADY. familUr with general 'offfc. work, desires change. B 66. Ledger Central. Through ther Commercial Department at Ledger Central. large number of firms "fj" ,n "'?. "cur. competent office help bookkeepers, aterosraphera and clerical girls. The next time you are In need of an office assistant, tela. phone your llelp Wanted jid to "Miss liean," Ledger Central. Walnut 8000. She will select competent girls and sub. ni mlt them tor your consideration. This 4 la a, free eervlce to Ledger advertisers. tienerai -,.. nuDtnuw hk. AtmnnuNi vT,"Wlsnwsrfcu. r here. typlsU and asocial dictation, ihretors sunpllsd on short notice. ' LYON PIH1LIO BTENOGRAPHIO BUREAU Ball. SOB. Mutual Ufa Bldg. Phonee. Walnut TrBO. Race 1112. ITfJATIONS WANTED KALE NTANT a4 au4Hr, capable of pro- r i ss 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tir1jtLci1sLBi nt - Lirr-;'i ""T'.. :-.-." ! onv iitanuHKiuiiM rener nieinoa aecarsta. covtmiT v M-,,i,u ek sssjiim; ueta service cm fce seourad at . J MT, iJtt&tr Central. HTaWT, weter.t, experlesKtd bccEI r, eeiree position wlUi r.MsAls rof. mmmimm, m , umtr t;eenraa. if. sssrifTyer and aeaeral .Hie. .!; M yearr experteaoe; iayx ADVKJtnWNa MAN. T yearf aency axparl. rate; sasrasalisi w direct mell watUr. from 'ivu to totsfced product, furcelul corretoa4. tu, wilt ,ma)sB-change ajut Octree 1, 141, XagerTealral. AttSiltCCTt RAL draugrb ' ears ir,"l- itt ; fjt. yju't Kszrza lev's or Mtlie EVENING- Want Ad costs SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly exp.. will audit account, opon, close and write up booke, dajr or evening-; mod, terms. A 107, Ledner Ofnc DOOKKKRI'KU, Zi, wltn It years' experience! ambitious to etart low, with chance tor ad vanccment. H lfiH. Ledner Central. 1100ICKKEPKII. auditor or clerk, 27, finale. 0 yurn last riosltlon: night siudrnt in ne countlnn. K 1.11, Ledger Central. BOOKKKKl'Kn, experienced accounUnt, otltc. manager, wlshea position; heavy bond It re quired, n S 1.1. Ledger Olflce. llOOKKEEl'En, 4 yeare' experience, wlshea position pa)lne; IIS; refs. nt Interview; bond Jf.ncccwry. Fred BIddle, 1220 W. Oakdalett. DOOJfKEUI'BR, clerk, 22, with B yeare' expe rience, knowledge stenography; excellent ret wence. i; 11T, Ledger Central. llOOKKlJIM'UII-ACCOUNTANT with extenslv. manufacturing experience wante permanent position. V. 21. Ledger Central, 11001CKia;rlt will take care ot accounts any hour ot luy; Xd week, 1Z 1S4, Ledger Cen tral. BOYS-nOYS Many energetic, bright J10Y8 and UIIILB who come under our care are now available for office, shop or factory work; NO CHARGES. JUVENILE WOKKintS' 1S07 AltCH UUItEAU Telephones, Iluco 3337, Spruce 0147. CIIAUFF-UH white, single, desires position, private ramlly, sober, honest, willing, good mechanic, own .tools; reference Joseph Wegcr. Sin West Main St.. Moorestown. N. J. CHAUrFEUR Br middle-aged man; long ehop experience, careful driver, reliable rerereucu: elderly peoplo preferred, city or York road district. E 245. Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, white, ago 34; first-class man; good, careful city and country driver, ex cellent private references. Chauffeur, Box 11Z. Walllngford. CHACFFEUR, mechanic, 15 yrara' experience, married (no children); excellent relerences; iwn or country, jjiu wesi liotion ave. CHAUFFLUR, married, nil high-grade cars; good reference; 2 yearn last place; honest. tjurr. j i-m, i-caper ienirai. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, wiuie, married, good driver; strictly temperance; good references, B 22a Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR American, aged 30, married, mechanic, all makes of cars. 7 years' experl- once, oesires position. Aao. is aaa. iq. uent. CHAUFFEUR, white, single; 0 years' foreign and American cars; reference; city or coun try. B -"-3. Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR Three years' exp.; 3 years last place ; country preferred. B 21V Ledger Off. CHAUFFEURrcol.."wlhes"pos. ; good mechan' le; Al refs. Geo. Malllard. 1613 Moravian at. CHAUFFEUR, married, Protestant, private family; reference. M 230. Ledger Office. CHIEF draughtsman, executive, now success fully engaged In similar capacity, varied ex perience, inechan.-etrtict. design, exec, abil.. Initiative, 31. desires change. E 43, Led. Cen. COLLECTOR, with 23 years' experience, good record, forceful personality. Capable of fill log a position ot trust. E 153, Ledger Cen tral ESTIMATOR Man, 85, married, desires to change position; ten years' experience with present firm; expert at estimating, compiling statistics, costs, etc. B 130, Ledger Office. EXECUTIVE POSITION Is sought by a col lege man of energy and thorough business training, which warrants the assumption of the extra responsibilities of a financier, ex ecutive or a general superintendent Experience of S years with a large banking house of I'htla. : age 20, married, good family, pleasing personality; excellent record. E 68, ledger Central EXECUTIVE Man of tonr executive and de tail experience, thorough Knowledge of Index ing, filing, eyatematlilnc, preparation of re ports. K 344, LedgerCentral. GARDENER and florist, alngle. thoroughly ex perlenced, wlshea change position; Institution or country estnte; best refs. B 116. Led. Off. GARDENER "wants" position, married, under stands work ot gentleman's place; references. 828 Olenbrooke avo., Bryn Mawr. GARDBNER-norlst, life experience; ref.; email family. Box 84, Qwynedd Valley, Pa. HOTEL OR APARTMENT MANAGER General experience of 10 yean catering to strictly first-class patronage. Wife experi enced housekeeper. Testimonials will aland the teat. J 042. Ledger Central. MAN and wife, strictly lit class, white, Prot estants, absolutely competent and efficient, willing and courteous, working together with a methodical aystem and studious care; skilled butler; wlfo an expert cook every par ticular: exceptional references. J 758, Ledger MAN, young, with 10 years' experience In elec. trtcal engineer, and construct,, desires em ployment several nlghta a week; famll. with epecmcauons anq estimai. j ray. i.eq. Cent- MAN. young, 10, high school education, 2 years' clerical experience, knowledge ot real wi " rgis. a. oi. tnger central. uiv tun twirv k,-. it- ... z gardeneror houseman.M 233, Ledger Office. SaNTIBS, experienced on collections; whd!eor . part time. B 218. Ledger Office. MANAOEU In the gas Industry desires change, experienced accountant and office manager. 13 842, Ledger Central, MOVINO PICTURE OPERATOR deslre7"po sttlon anywhere aa operator or assistant; ref erence. CIONORKLLI, 008 Paasyunk ave. PRIVATE! secretary, S3, qualified by experi ence, can furnlih unquestionable reference as to character and ability. E 859, Led. Cent. 11EAI, KHTATJ3 OKriCE VoUnr man. 20. de- sires position; learn nusiness. ZQ45 Carpenter. SALESMAN. 20 years' eiperlence, can give best ot reference, have sold once specialties wnu smgniiiiis syccisuiea. u XII, 1-ea, Off, Cl . VUII . kf O,. wr,, .nl.... ' t - T ' Ri.wiMA.1, . mww iuiiivjnj, excellent rea son for changing; 0 years eiperlence road ..v... . , . ""t mtr vrnirai. RALEHMAN. arocery sDectaltv! dMlr m.1 tlon, have had 3 years' experience on road. Ilex 858. Narberth. Pa. bTENOaitAPHER and clerk, thorouihly 'ex" perlenced, desires to correspond with liusy ex- -mmh.w w... .umy. wywwtafy. c 1. Ig, C;eil. BTENOllItAl'HER. private secretary and office man desires posltloni 12 years' practical ex- i-!"i K o., ixgivr Leavrai JAPANESE-Cook, excellent, with 12 yrs' exp.. trustworthy i A-l refs. Phone Baring 7124 J. JAPANEM2 want, riosltleni caok r hint, city or country, has good reference. Toklo Iws, 888 N, 18lh st. SJCPLOYMBWT AQKN0IES NICIIOLLK, ItU B abridge at., hss comp, "J!'! B2. '"nfJ. lp tor all capacities, ini eluding Eng. butlers and second men; Hired. Uh and German ceeks. N; other cooks. H-Ht Vi'l? 'SV'1- ,7i w"Jf;i' P housemaids! 6-7. Phone, Lccuet 2180. MRS. MART T, MCCARTHY, z!T Chrlstlaa (Loe. UH). sudp11, wjnts Sretlasipr Cath., male and femeU help; all natloaalitiss: rBWAXTl- Raed-JrisRiai. jrjt' help-wpV piled, wblt. or colore. Phoae Dieklnswi lim, MRsrKANE."Tni a"lth t.. wanteairiU4. ot flrst-ctasa whit, beip wlBl relerencsei AUTOKOBIU A IUI 4rtTtM s-nTcrSri'. Masai or nrteasa (.. lenos. ATeee, Braaea, Mu . WsUl LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 191 only 12c per line per day. It AUTOMOBILES GARAGE New, Modern, Fireproof Garage 21st and Brandywine Sts. Storage and Repairs for Pleasure and Commercial Cars Apply Superintendent Joseph G. Darlington & Co. 1126-1128 Chestnut St. or at 21st and Brandywine Sts. For Halo 1014 SIX-CYLINDER 6-paesenfrer Loiler tour ing; run less than 11,000 miles; recently overhauled; owner's absence from city cause or sate sale; can bo seen by appointment; big crlfice. Bell phone Locust 1'757. nac OWNER Will sell Ilerritnll. .10 i.mnmr.r 1012, reasonable, or exchange for ForJ run about, with cash; good condition: extra tiro and 2 extra rims. Address M 043, Ledger central, SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN UK USUI UAHH, OORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 238 N. Broad. OAKLAND 1011 roaditer In first-class condi tion; looks good aa new. I. C. MOSER, 21(1 N. Broad ot. 8TEVBN8.IMJHYEA landaulette. thoroughly overhauled: A-l condition; ropnlnted; demon stratlon. 1808 Sansum. Spruco .1363. OWNER wllf sell 1014 Packard 0-38 roadster; excellent condition throughout; electrlo start er. windshield: make an offer. Woodland 352. CADILLAC 1U14 touring 7-pcsecnger; Al con dition: tires like new. car ncv ly painted; price S1000: conv. terms If desired. I.OCOMOnn.n, 23U Market. Locust 450. 11. A. JEKKB. Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. HinTsrTM T Ready for ImmcdUto delivery; rebuilt tour ing cars; roadsters, electric lights snd start ers; some of our late models H-40" touring. nosinnv.sraiwAiiTO 128 N. Broad St.. Philadelphia. COLE, 1013, Model SO roaditer, complete elec tric equipment, new seat covers, tires In good condition: nowly repainted and thoroughly overhauled. Cole Agency, 245 N. Broad st. CADILLAC, 1013, touring car, overhauled and repainted: full equipment; price 800. AUTO SALES CORPORATION, 142 N. Broad St. AUTO LIVERY AND GAKAQES UP-TO-DATE large and small touring cars to hire at new low rates; always open. Crystal Palace Onrnge, Uroad and oermantown ave. Phone. Tioga 6227. GARAGE RITES IN LOGAN AND OLNi5y7 flne 1 openings, good locatlona; sell or rent. If building erected, will take heavy mortgage. ABERNETHY, 2724 N. 6th. AUTO REPAIRING CYLINDERS REBORED. new plstona and rings furnished, welding and brailng. II n. Underwoori A fau1025HamHton st.. Phlla! J SPEED' iMETER TROUBLE t T 7 T T SEE HILLY- 51" N. BROAD. I UUACHHUITH and spring repair work, brai lng. general repair work. Hercules Welding Cinrl lAakiHs a w ha a espies Aar i ! ..v. MaMM.Mio ,umtiiiir, .); , lOin AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compare prices. Gasoline. 10c. per gallon. PRIM'S, 238 North Broad st. AUTO SUPPLIES .. sr-- e"A,Hi'.PAN HAVOLINB OIL-12 00. COLUMBIA TIRE AND RUnBERCO. 2220 NORTH BROAD BT, BUSINESS NOTICES FULL DR3SS SUITS CutJSwV" Tuxedos and Sack Suite ., To hirB ana mad, to order. NEUBAUEIl, THE TAILOR. 10 N. 9th et Bell nhanM Vlr, ' .lio SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed; Sfilr" ""hed. Miss fimlth, 402 fcelth Bldg Miss Hoppe, halrdresstng and facial massage! formerly at Mint Arcado, with Miss Smith. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES VVA'NTED, IDDAS-Wrlte us for list of Inven- ....- nautvu wjr wuumiHciurers ana pruas offered for Invention!. Our four books sent free. Patents secured or fee refunded. Victor J. Evans & Co.. 721 nth t w.hi.,. P'. CV. J11" 0"'S0' im Chestnut st. Hours 1 to 8; Monday, 0 p. m Tol. Spruce 6M3. OES 13000 CASH PROFITB yearly and"i good (lying Interest youl Owner, retiring, will aell old-establlabed, honorable retail business for IS000. cash, or business and Property for 116.000. part mortgage: splendid ,.u.!!nS7 K"1 ?,vel,-,hSn' ln bet aecllon ot Philadelphia. Box B go. Ledger Office. FOR BALE Philadelphia "suburb, on account Ldeainl f"! of leading phyilclan; the office futures, consisting of furniture, drugs, surgical Inatrumonts. medical books; autoi mobile: office for rent; the doctor has occu pied theso offloes for 18 years; exceptional opportunity. J 748, Ledger Central. PATENTU-Arthur E. Talge. 714 Walnut at' Phlla.. mechanical and electrical engineer; registered patent attorney; established here 80 years; Inventions developed; patents, trade- where; rejected applications prosecuted! pre Mmlnsry advice free. " tlAKERr, old established. U6 llelgrad. t"j atore and dwelling; 8 story; completely renol FOR 23 years this "strictly rssn, retail builneis has paid large caah proflti, In addition to owner's fam. exp.t owner, wishing to retire, and having bought and paid for a borne In the country, will sell this bus. for 810.000. t cash; any one can nin It U Kx). Led. Office! CAPABLB BUSINESS" MAN" 'DBSlREni TEREST' IN A LEGITIMATE, OROAlNIZlStJ 11U81.VKS8. WUIOH CAN SHOW SAMB IH WORKING ON A PHOF1T-MAKUJG BASlHl NO AGENTS. J 064, LEDGER CENTItAU iianuravruiiinu nun engaged In me chanical and electrical line desires additional capital to the extent of 115.000 to finance Led nom0n nB1,! wUl Ineorpofite, P 20L HAKDJYARHBTORIsr wltlT7weliini7iooa opportunity in growing town of toM; rent yuiy ov vr nwuui: several other lines or business needed business needed: will pay to Inv Apply H. D. Lefcato. Audubon. K. J, AAA ' lnV""irl,FJW " '.ltJ m'i 1 " ..li"' m pay is loTeetlxata. w... rrJ . . . Z . ssauMwyiii 11000 TO tltop will inve.t with services legitimate buslne.s that will atand strict In- LVager'ceptA" "CUU" flf,t ','t,r- WANTEDRsflnsd woman to share' flnanciil respoaslbllttles In opening a tearoom lnn?lVh. borhood ot 18th and CheslnuLSa,"", INVESTMENT-Bualneaa opportunitlsa Tor'eaSi servatlv. Investors. Let a T know VSui ' ws?A JAMBa U QARFIELfa. MllaZSKJfl- PTCTUIIB THBATRB. auburbanTeSOO .h r; ulred, sarna $25 upwards wssklytrtfln. par?. . no competition. Harriet t, Co.! au m Tth Injton, D. C Writ, f or deecrt uiifSJZt&r By KEMDLE Copyright. 1918. E. W. Kemble. WHAT ER "YU ALU "PESTCIKI CYAR, '0ODT i YOU UDW SOVM CARPET CLEANING Thirtieth Year. TUB JOHN HIIOAD3 CO. 738 N. Holly St., West Phlla. CARPET BEATING, 3c. YARD. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY HEMSTITCHING. 10 centa yard, all mate rials. A. RHICHARD, 1118 CHBSr.MJT ST. WCTOJU AL REVIEW PATTERNS DRLSSMAKING taught: short, practical, Inex penalvo iouea. patterns cut, 60c. Mac- iroweii, .,ui ucncKia iiiog.. inn ana Market. HEMSTlli'llING. 6c. yd., pleag.. but. covg., . emb. P. Tomasulo, 1002 Chnstnut; Spruce 2303 HE.MSl'ITCHINO, 5c. d., pleat'g, but. cov'g. emb. r. Tomasulo,lC02 ChcstnutiSpruce 2808. P0R SALE BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling alleys, easy pavments. linUNS-WICIC-BAI.KE-COLLENDER CO.. 1002 Arch. BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d -hand bought, sold, rented, exch'd. Heater, 829 Olrard ave. CASH REGISTERS, new and second hand; to tal adders as low as 830, on easy monthly payirenta; all registers sold by us fully guar anteed. The National Caah Register Co., 730 Chestnut it, DESKS USED DESKS Typewriter, bookkeeper, roll-top desks; filing cabinets, telephone booths, typewriting ma chines, safes, household furniture. Central 2d-Hand Furniture Co.. 804-00-14 Callowhlll. DESKS, filing cabinets, safes, telephone booths and otfieo furniture and fixtures of every de scription, used, but ln lino condition nd very chein: free delivery anywhere. IIUUIIL.S, 11M-11 AND IIUTTO.NWOOD FOR BALL Restaurant, one ot the beet equip ped ln the city; marble tables. 2 dining rooms, seating capacity. 120; 4-story build ing, rent, 187 month; long lease, la closed at present owing to death ln family; must be sold Location, 130s Sansom at. Apply J. HART. 123 South 10th. r SILVER TOILET SETS Send 10c. for H-os. can U-KAN-PLATB silver polish (blue label) and make old set look new. A. R. JUSTICE CO., 612 Chettnut, Phlla. 29.50-TALKINa MACHINE, Vletrola 0 and 0 10 D. F. records; guaranteed to be In per fect condition; an excellent outfit for one who is looking for a good machine at a reason able price. 60 cents weekly accepted. Call or write for complete descriptions and larjjn Illustrated catalogues. HEPPF.'S UPTOWN STORES, Cor. 0th and Thompson sts., Philadelphia, Pa. 823 E. Howard, 17-Jewe), gold-filled watch: value 80; new condlUon, RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE. 128 Market at. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling alleys; easy payments. BRUNS-WICK-nALICE-COLLENDER CO..1002 Arch. BILLIARD, pocket, 2d-hand tables, repairing, supplies. Clark-Herd Mfg. Co., 221 N. Front. INSTRUCTION MONTESSORI TEACHER desires charge of one or two children during day. Address D 243, Ledger Central. MACHINERY AND TOOLS POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT DYNAMOS. MOTORS, BOILERS, STEAM & OIL ENGINES, PUMPS, AIR COMPRESS ORS. FRANK TOOMEY, JNC..127 N. 3D ST. 17 K. "W. nULLOCK. 120 V." D. C.aEtT ERATOR. ENGINE DRIVEN. SEYFERT'S. 417 N. 8D ST. NOS. 1, 2, 8 universal milling machines, small turret lathes, rox lathes, speed lathes. NUT- TALL, 1748 North 5th. OASrOABOLINB AND OIL ENGINES OAS AND OIL KLNGINE CO.. 45 N. 7TH BT. MANFRS. of plain and automatic machinery; send for booklet. A. Nacke & Son. 240 S. 8th. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 10 UPRIGHT PIANOS at our Uptown Stores will be sold at prices ranging from ?83 to $160. A few specials are as follows: 185 Selts Plsno; cost 8300 new. t3 (-'Dickering Piano; cost 1000 new. 8145 Lester Piano; cost 8325 new, 1163 Cunnlngham-Glrard Piano; cost $275 new. PLATBR-PIANOa Several slightly used Player Pianos re duced to SJ26, 8375, etc.; cost I860 and up ward now; terms IS monthly. NEW PIANOS. 200 New Pianos and Pianola-Pianos al ways In stock at our Uptown Stores; same prices and terms as downtown. Call er write for large Illustrated cata logues and complete lists ot new and used Pianos snd Player-Pianos. Also special plans of payment, x HEPPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Cor. Oth and Thompson Sts., Philadelphia, Pa, RECORDS, firing your old ones and get new ones at PAUL'S, 2822 Remington ave. Phone Ken- IIIS-"'I iw MAGNIFICENT Stsinwsy upright cheap for cash: grafonolas, $17.50 up; records to fit any machine, musto rolls 25c. Mauerman, 20th mnA Ms-atAT. slngton ltwa. PLAYER, Lester, very cheap; nearly nswi beautiful tone; 34 rolls; will consider small cash payments. 8244 Kensington ave. PAUL REPAIRS all talking machines; satis, faction guaranteed; reasonable prices. 2822 Kensington avenue, mono Kensington ltino. BRIGHT AND BRILLIANT sounds your piano when tuned by Emit Wagner, lone expert. Poplar 4781 W 1881 N 16th st. RECORDS WANTLD; highest prices paid; also exchanged. Send postal 2822 Kensing ton ave. Phon. Kensington 1683. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, plstlnum pi. old-style jewelry, teeth plate, boug Est. 1S70. J. L. Clark, refiner. 807 t atail wsra. bought for cash. oansom. oXb aOLD-CashPald for old sola.' allver', antique clocks: will call Bell phone Locust lxiv, iiji-'v0, i p. inn, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS "POLITICIANS, ATTENTION!" Look at our special campaign prices for ad dressing envelopes and (11 FILLING In per 1000 Lett ADDRESSING per 1000 Ei lulu, in Ulna in letters. ters. 11. va Enveionss.... i.an Call Walnut 7W0 LYON Call Race lie! PUBLIC ITHNftOXAPHllll LJf.O N Call Race ilia n n n n i ii Mies Ruth Kohler, Mgr., 1011 Cbesiuut et. seoojrnro axd ixoir xynmn HOES YOU KtJoW 3Ar 3JAT WORe OUT "HOOStAW MUlJ BAT WAS A GERMAM WA fiNlFFlN'AT IJiHe ATfeoetAN AL tells its message STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20TII ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVINO, SHIPPING Rugs, Carpets cleanfd, scoured, stored. Tell, Locust 1000 Pnones Key., Race 4160. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1.311-lSltf MARKET 8T. MILLER North Broad Storage Co., Broad ab. Lehigh ave. New fireproof addition; rooms fireproof; packing for all points; auto vans; estimates free. Bell phone Tioga 4760. McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE 1748 N. 11TH BT. Moving, packing, shipping; auto vans. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage, moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Baring 752 for estimate. Market and :17th. MILLBOURNH STORAGt CO., 22 N. B2D, ncimont 4125. carpets Cleaned. West 421 WEST Monarch Storage Co. Auto and pack PHILA. Ing and shipping. 370 Lancaster ave. WANTED CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED GENTLEMEN AND LADIES, TOO. WHAT 1 SAY 18 MEANT FOR YOU; IF YOU HAVE ANY CI.OTHING TO SELL, SEND TO ME, I'LL TREAT YOU WELL. THE PRICE I PAY IS VERY' HIGH. MORE THAN OTHERS. LET MH THY. TELEPHONE MARKET 20-H). WRITE OR PHONE AND t WILL CALL ANY PLACE OR TIME AT ALL BELIGSOHN. 8TH AND SPRING GARDEN. Old gold, silver, curios, coins, pls ANTIQUEStols. false teeth, furniture. J. U. mj.ss (People a store), -'Ml s. nth. Amu-UK furniture, bric-a-brac, feather beds, h.nban 1 tu-l, V fnlan V ....1.4 II.. a .11 . ..'.... j.".,,,, IH1W .VC.,1, K'MU. ,1TVI, Jltt- mMi ho'ht 7Vi Walnut l'h.Wnl iH-2it.i:st.'ti. FUltNITUltE, plutius, rurpets, antlquca, eutlro or patt houses bought for cflRh; no matter how large. J Bernstein, 1134 Ridge ave. WANTED ',4 cubic jard steam shovel, in good order. State price and where can be seen. 1, M3. Ledger Office. MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED Beit prices. We call anywhere, any time. Phone Wul. 6803. J. Schulti. 227 N. Oth st. GENTS' CAST-OFF CLOTHING bought; high est prices paid. 123 N. lith (above Arch). BOOKS and libraries bought, all kinds; send address; will call. DICKENS, 109 N, 13th. ROOMS TOR RENT JUST THE ROOM YOU WANT Can very likely bo located In a few minutes by examining tho photographs and descrip tions ot rooms with and without board which are on file for your Inspection at Ledger Central. An Interior photograph and an swers to every question you would ask are here so jou can decide Intelligently; free service, test It ARCH. 1115 Cosy suite, furn., tile bath, shower, etc.. excellent houso and service; ali conva.; gentlemen; 830 monthly; owner. ARCH, 1S2.1 Two large rooms, furnished or unfurnished; single or en suite: reference. BROAD. N., 837-Well-furnIshed rooms, single or en suite. Phone Poplar 8309 W. BROAD. N., 855 Two larce single front rooms, private baths; all modern Improvements. BROAD. N.. 1820-Nlcely furn. rooms; hot. wuiu water every room; pnone, gentleman. kltOAD, S , 425 Attructlve apt, 2 or 3'rooins,' private bath; furn. or unfurn.; dining room. BROAD, 07, 2100 Charming outside rooms, well turn., electric llght.phone. reasonable. BROWN, 1311 Dei. room tor gent; owiji . ,.!., w- yucp. -jiu or see j-cq. uent- CARLI8LE. N.. 2010 -Attractively furnished j I -.. lvu.tf' -" tiviuvi ijuuui), CEDAR AVE., 4815-Thlrdfloor front, fur nished; electric light, steam heat. CHESTER AVE., 4207-One or two large rooms and bath, 2d floor, front: furnished or unfurnished, southern expos. Preston 63J0. CHESTER AVE.."6124-Large, well-furnished 2d-story front room, next to bath, private .-.,,,, ...urou BUHUMIIUim, CHESTNUT. 1728 Desirable, well-furnished rooma,wlthandwlthout private bath. CHESTNUT" ST.. WOS-Deslroblo 'vacancies; Hvukuvs uAuau vt CHESTNUT. 2009-Deslrable single and double rooms, permanent or transient. CHbSTNHT, 2045-Sulte of rooms with bath. .... ..,.-.. . ...,-j Bit m i mi, z mum poaro, CHESTNUT. 2116-Furntihed rooms, single or . com.: newly papered and painted; phone. CHEbTNUT. 4028-Large, airy"" rooms,"fu7 CHESTNUT, 4052-Attractlvely fur. 2d-story room, southern expos., hot-water heat, phone. CLINTON SI. (11th and Spruce)-Two Urge rooms, single or com.: turn, or unfurn.: prl vate family. Phone Filbert 3190 w" ' e DIAMOND. 1315-Congenlal prl. fam. desires few ref. boarders; home comforts: reasonable. DIAMOND. W.. 1587-Well-furn. bed and llv mums., vAiiiiiii,, 1,'mnu, qiBO HQnOOT irOnte JEFFERSON, lHOO-Two very deilrable 2d floor '"'" T uwni LTivaiP tHniuy; pnone LOCUST. 1503-Two 3d floor rooms, adjoining OSAOE, 4210 Attractive, cheerful rooms: a ...w... w-...,. . mm.9 neifciiuuiiiiMjuj pjiona WNE, : 4S0p-Wl bachelor quarter. iurnUhed -,..m.,, -v----, ...- vaiiw, O.IB9 IU11S. a0 com.. IH redueefl ratei to permanent tenant. pine, itiz-communlcatlng rooms, with prll vale bath, for gentlemen: references exch'd. PINE. 1132-Deilrable Sd-story rooms, single or en suite, with board; geference. ln' SPRINGFIELD AVE.. 72BoTuTlful prlvare home; large, pleaiant rooms; board entloiiai SPRUCE ST.. 810-Xa7ge desirable' unfurnished rooms for rent; moderate, F. c Ani wn Trustee. 108 B. 4th st. ' ADLE". SPRUCE, HIT WELL-FURNISHED ROoMriT SINGLE OR EN SUITE ; NEAR BATH 8I.rlvJa-baS!-ML"i'.V'i.'-iti BI'RUCE. 1024-Largo 1st and 2d' floor aDajt: ments. with hath. -in-iT tr.""r .Pari- ... . -... r. wa,-i,s(W((sa,I W1ULCI, ni-jtucif .'U22-Attractive y f urn. suite-two rootnjandjrWbajtefephone; i.nllem" .V2FV:' llS!-4 eommunlcatlnirroomsT-.! slngle roomi; hot-wster heat; phone; ownerT WALNUT, 3805-Comfortably furnrrmsTslngle 'Unj"4j)ardoptlonal. Preston i 4237 w! 10T1I, 8., 822 BEAUTIFUL ROOM' Pltrvlw BATH. PHONE WALNUT 7281 W UTH, S., 322 (The tkrlton)-Largo, airy rooms" lngl. or en suite; furn. or iinYunM Swiy ITil.0J,Vl! "? nvlronmeSt. ab"lute cleanliness, comfort and convenience; central location, courteous, efficient service An Ideal home, where your dollar will buy ttii 1.?' J" ff "fo"'"! '"tng. rtferencaP "JUS? 12TH, S.. lift Central location double and slnl gla rooms, turalshsd. aen.i.mjy','"1 In" 7 ' "" room, rexe. txcU'd "S&tJhilSSfc&'V!. J.W room over .. "i.i 1 i """ "" excao. IllShaVl mm Ava s ,-"--. ..., rrs. leis. exch. 10T". N., 2262-rhlrd front t beautifullyfu7: nlshrti two Protestant business men or rAa rjed couple; no housekeeplngf Sd home? ot right peoples references; s1ng!rroomT fur' nUhsd. unfurnished. 2d or 8d floor. 18T-H. N 2aUrg.7Tu7nTshedJfd-story front room, gentleman Vef-iprlv, fatnllV. 18TH, 8, 108-Deslrable rooms, wsirfurnished! running water, private bath.' fcitchSnettl1" ' 1DTH, N.. 1588-NswJy furnlshsd seoond front hot running water; all conv. """" roni, 20TH, N., 2lpPrlvats home: rooms, furnished or unfumlshl. Phm. t... "iJ ?'"' rea.t iee. exch. Jetu ANii Walnut BTa-rnrnishsd' room1? bear a optional, pnone Preston 32.W. HANDSOMELY furnished front room la Jarg." modsrn. private bomei electrlo lights; large veranda, gtiade; beautiful surround ln.rtA minutes to City Hall. PhonJ T iian y fiL - OENTLEifAN of refinement desiring 1 or'S rooms with Private bath i ...i,,r7T -.y?. -W.. SI ISV'H ROOSIAMDONT SMELL LIKE You dT A OLE Mranr TPV WAR CYAft AND SrY-HOQ WHAT I JS, WHAT CAN SMELL A 4- : gr- . JtA'lA You'sp IEAU SHUAH OOUT JDAT.l Yft?l in both Ledgers ROOMS WANTED FOUR furnished rooms wanted, private bath. M 954, Ledger Central. BOARDING ARCH, 1612 Desirable vacancies; alnglo or double rms.j running water; ref. surroundgs. BALTIMORE AVE., 4419 Desirable vacancies; porch facing park; phone; excel, table; refs. BHOAD. S., 770 (The Graham) Cool, attract Ively fur, rooms; all conva.; table board. 87 up. BROAD, N.. 800C Furn, rooms', sing, or com munlcatlng, with bath; mod, conv.; board op. CHESTER AVE.. 45012 large rooms: warm In winter; excellent table. Woodland til. CHESTNUT, 1031, formerly of 1823-Rooms. rln. or en suite, prlv. baths; meals optional. CHESTNUT ST., cor. 20th The Margrave. Vacancies; perm, or transient; superior board. DIAMOND. 2007 Excep. attractive communl catlng mi ; running water: excl. table: phn. GIRARD AVE., 2800 rieatant front rms.: ro flned surroundings. Phone Poplar 1009 I). OREEN, 2021 (The Lesta) Choice suites, fur nished or unfurnished: private baths; choice single roorpa; unlimited hot water; table bd. LEHIGH AVE.. 1813-15 Beautiful rooms, good table, new management. Phone Tioga 822L LOCUST ST.. 3939 Desirable front rooms; southern exposure: phone: also table board. POWELTON AVE., 4037-Attractlve fumlihsd room, with board: quiet family; near "L." SPRUCE ST . 1028-30 Beautiful 2d-floor suite. furn. or unfurn., to perm, people; choice table. 8PRUCn. 1224-20 (Brlsmonde)-Fum. rooms. . single, en suite: private baths; table board. TIOGA A few refined peoplo can have choice table board with prlvato family; near station; good home cooking. Box B 224, Ledger Office. WALNUT, 4941-Wcll-furnlshed single room for gentleman: excel, table. Belmont 3813 W. WALNUT, 4042-Newly furn. rms.; 2 unfur. rms. and bath; exceptional table. 12TH ST., N 2105 Comfortably furn. rooms; excellent table: home comforts; phone. 13TII, N.. 1818 Comfortable 2d-floor communl catlng roma .alio sitting room; ref.excha n ged. 35TH, 802 N. Deelr. rms.; good table: porch, shade.; conv. to cars. Phone Preston .1270 W 38TH, S 10S Handsomely furnished rooms. ffimw i.nii. ; excellent mote, t resion otou vv. 40TH. N 32-Pleasant. light roms; exceptional table: porch: near L: reasonable: phone. 46T1I AND WALNUT 6TS. Boarding, private family. Phone Preston 8293. 40TH ST.. S., 524 Single and double rooms! modern: phon. Woodland 1103 W.; photo ..u ucammmi i aeuger v.entrai. 60TH, N 121 Beautiful neighborhood: near T. ann anrfap Mna.' oil -a- ........ a .. ...... ......., ".i Mi iiwucni u'nvenicncfB. 51ST. S.. 223 (cor.)-Furn. rms.. adult family; board opt. Photo at Ledger Cen. Bel. 2S84. 6110 WOODBINE AVE., Overbrook, Phlla. neautlful suburb: frco from dust and noise of city; well heated; exceptional train and trol ley service; 20 mlnutea to City Hall; nppolnt- iucua m mum eni-eilcuy. wverorOQK IUU4, PRIVATE adult family desires to rent 2 well fumlahed front rooms, 2d or 8d floor, south em exposure, very comfortably heated, good ..-. - .... -lyiuq. , imiig nwqianq ana SPRUCELYN-303 South 41t st. Miss S. U. HANLEY. formerly ot Cheitnut st. Suburban OERMANTOWN. 33 W. Rlttenhouse at. (be tween Wayne and Greene.)-Large front 2d story room; good tab.; conv. Ph Otn. 1573 X. aEHMANTOWN-The Shlnp.n. Wayne & Hans berry: first class ln appolntmenta and service. WOMAN, with comfortable home In suburban college town desires care little girl, 0-10 yrs. old: near public and private schools: terms. Including laundry and extras, 110 week1 references exchanged. P 234. Ledger Office' BOARD WANTED FIRST-CLASS BOARD WANTED, 8 adults. 1 fir.k16 renV,: mu;1 nave room and private bath. M 853, Ledger Central, -..i HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS BROAD AND DAUPHIN 8T8. (S. E. cor.)Ex." S't'. husl"Plng flats, newly built. 1 or 2 baths; 875 tip. Apply janitor. CORONADO 22d and Chestnut Streets A FEW VACANCIES LARGB AND BMALL CRE8HEIM VALLnr-Hkpg. acta. All.n r- Station anfl P.nn. ti ' f,': Vj!Aut1 Lane sssftf ffl'ss. 8'. .iw-.i. m sk montmillcon? ; tralnanTtroly-'beautful suroundlngs. O. B. Magulrc. iuXN tl""' FIVE LARGE ROOMS; bath: corner- ).. heit and electrin ilk. TiiTi .?rPer lem North llth itrisl. . "" i" "". 172 TTI III $10 por month? Appl "' Israel i?I?h.,,n,e5.,i Chestnut stM or linltor on ". J.'ffht- li HOUSEKWBPINO AITS', all part. e ... - 1 vaiTda,pr,cei"a'n-d V'UT NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut'.. "APARTMENTS A BPECTALTvff U THE) MONTEVISTA ' In .fc to 031 N7 63d it. Id'eal .5n..u1?bi,lo?.Vf,,obrr5o,r &?,, A Iln. direct to Md. nd Oxford'i,t.,t' cro"tow Crosstown Iln. passes thi door (7?Uroon,:yndai,n0,nSV5r?I6 per month, on annual Jsifes enV5 to ,T5 DLn'nDt ,ir5-te ' A'Wlnyr. 4704. " . r poen. Overbrook w, a. cor. ianl ANb mAbtbiEtiu-.l-. - ssss; Park; janitor ..rrlc.! r JsonSKi". MM BECflTEL. 8232 h'.".'; i ave. HLWETfTMiir Re.lE.'t.,rTrua?'n."'CWAH?.T8 - .,, atih. WBtm&mm 1908-08.10 Sansom street. Ulnr.a.rS,,2s,0?'.prrVrn,n0t. &JSS'i sssa .P.?: aS x S $ 'p.r'So'nVi" Th.r.WSJv WHITESlnw- a. u., ..... .. ..."w7Jgji7saa "?. Wl. rOQBM. tath. to a rJzl ;wat,iS5 THAT TO DOGS 1ft ATLlFFlM KASStWAra. WIF lt005IMNS aBiE.nHY-OUr'XJrt OT 3IAT SPY SO -JT VHIFP&n, all day long. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS West Philadelphia " ANGORA TEfiRACTB t3D TO B8TH BT, ONI3 BLOCK BOUTK OF BALTIMORE AVE. ' 1 Built In pairs like side-yard houses, mviir ? every room an outside room, and with varlsll and beautiful architecture. If jou are going to llvo In an apartment lilt '' fall, the selection of THE particular spin. ' ment out ot tho many, many you see on every hand is naturally a matter ot great tnomint to you. , But there must be ONE BEST APART MENT for you where location, service aal comfort everything that goes to mske a troli attractive apartment home la absolutely it Its best and this, too, tor a reasonable rental. For 832 to 835 monthly you can secure one of these apartments, and this Includes most excellent and even heat'ng; unlimited hot water, courteous and efficient Janitor aervlce! vacuum oleanlng service, shades, screens snl awnlngs-ln fact, everything to make apart, ment housekeeping quite the perfect way t live. Apartments have five rooms and bath inl are finished ln both natural wood and whlti enamel, with artlstlo. papering and fixtures, cabinet gas ranges, private porches. The pries Is ln truth the only thins inexpensive about Wo' have tastefully furnished a sampls apartment (No. 5440 Angora terrace), which is open for inspection day and evening inl will give you a definite idea ot how remtrk. ably attractive theso apartments really are. WM. II. W. QUICK &BRO., Inc., 8 S, 40th t -and NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut it. BONARD APTS , 0 rooms and bath; beastl fully finished; S3 8. 60th st : $10; corner apt. 845. Sutton. 301 Franklin Bldg. CHESTNUT ST., EAST OF 63D 832 Near 63d at. "L" station: lust com. and pleted; 5 rooms and bath; large porchei; 831 deep lots: every other convenience. JAMES N. MITCHELL. on premises, or 46th and Market THE CHANCELLOR APARTMENTS, Chancel, lor st. above 54th Best value ln Weit Phila delphia, 22-foot living room, splendid condi tion. D rooms, bath and large porches; every modern convenience rent, $30 and 832; yearly leasea only. Apply janitor on prera. lies, or Kershaw & Crowj, 6216 Chestnut st CORNER APT., 8 rms., running hot water, gai and electric; hot-water heat: front and back porch. E. II. Apsley. 5Sth and Springfield ava, DREXEL APARTMENTS OVERBROOK STATION After September 1, one housekeeping suite, T rooms and bath; elevator; publlo dining room; roof garden; spacious lawn. Phone Overbrook C528. ESSEX, 34th & Chestnut; Monterey. 43d ti Chester; Belmont. 34th and Sp Garden; hikp. opts. Inq. Janitor or CreiBe. 308 Hale Iildr. KINGSCOURT 3Uth and Chestnut sts JUST COMPLETED MODERN HOUSE, keeptrg apartments, fireproof floors, elevators, public -dining rooms Apply THOM.3 M. SEEDS, Jr.. 1207 RACE ST. , LENOX APARTMENTS. 6404 to OS Cbeiter ave. Furn. and unfurn, housekeeping apart. ments. See janitor or ph. Woodland 2619 J. THE MARLBOROUGH MTU AND CHEhTNUT STS. Most conven. lent location obtainable; hot-water heat electrlo light; In fact, the character of service and comfort which makes a vacancy In say ono of theo apartments a rare occurrence; two or three desirable SDartmcnts are of fered now where tenants are leaving the city; rentals. 827.60 to 845. THE PARKWOOD 45T1I ST., ono Dock below Chester ave. (at Woodland ave.), facing C'ark Park 28 apart ments rented since July 1; S apartments still cflerod for rental: a record which ipeaks more eloquently of the remarkable value In these apartments than anything I can say. LE BLANC APARTMENTS B3TH AND WALNUT STS Houiekeeptng apartments, with 8 rooms and bath, with every modern convenience and with the sort of service which will make you glad to live ln an apartment this winter; one first-floor at 833, two second rlooraTrr 837. THE PLOEYDFN 40TH AND LOCUST STS. Two suites of 5 rooms and bath each mcy now be obtained In this particularly desirable 4-story fireproof apartment house. I also offer a largo variety of apartments at varied prices and to meet almost any re. qulrement. Call or send for Hit. Autorao bllo. service to Inspect apartments it de sired. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut st APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" PASADENA, 88th and Spruce sts., 133 to tit: four-room suites, furnished and unfurnished) fully equipped: Holmes' disappearing beds. " Apply to janitor, on premlees. RENNOO APARTMENTS. 62d and Regent g1 ana bath. 833 to 840. JOHN J. CONNOR. N. E. cor. B2d and Regent st; THE RUTLAND APTS.. JUST COMPLETED LOCUST ST., 54TII TO 55TH BT 0 and 7 room apartments, with all the lateit conveniences, 837,60 to 115 per month. n. v.n0DI:!lT PITTS, AGENT Bell phone. Belmont 4IT1. 6443 Locust st oM WALNUT ST.. 8 rooms olid'bathTTa' Vrt.W' e,fc .I.'Jl" - worn . l; open, or .jwiw a. uahhy, 507 Land Title Hide Oermantown LOCUBLKY HALL i? t0oB14 w' Mldvale ave. Queen lane eta tlon, aermantown; Ideal homes, large lawn and porch. Wayne T"SA-r,?.Wx,JUELLA HOUSEKEEPING -.' AnENTS- at Wayne. Pa.. Just com li.tA1 r?.u,Scate4 on h'h grounds, sur rounded with beautiful old shade treei, wlthla .minutes of the Pennsylvania station and 20 SJ2S.U,x5rTJh",.Mw electrlo trains to Broad 55.1 .. Vlln .u conveniences of modem S..p.rtmn,,S tw to lx rooms with bath, fi.nt. tor rooms, reception halli, pub llo dining room, large Individual porches. SIS S?f Jf '. '"J. Jnanln apartments for REtALTY,CO..t0wnrParntt1' """ t - APARTMENTS E2? B.T" ? co"iM' Southern exposure, tw. ffS!n0.n, p.rlv'. M'"' kltohenette, prlv. fam.; owners. Ajpjorflce.303j n, Broad BfrIii?..CiAaDEN' 1B10-Excellent apt., in" ierenthouses, some furn J kitchenettes. ".S5.XNnAi,0i? 3T'-De,lrbl modern comer apartments, dining room. WALNUT ANDlITIl"6Td. (S."V-COR.-JiSl'IP vr"ie,i S?cP"onally ottractlve, large rooms; high ceilings, abundantly lighted on )J!'.;,,V1'f- "2-8 B- Uth at ; suitable iifi ii?J? ItS''"?''!. " "l'di rentsl. 815. iiam7i.ii,TSrf.Al!l,.,M n corner premises. BARBE.R. IfAftTMAN A CO.. 1201 chestnut .TH ii8-" -106 Bachelor apartment., "excel illr.n3fifvb, "-floor aulte. 'i ls?M T?2u.r- Uthl. eTr' modern Iroprovemenll MARHBH. 1IARTMAN a. r-q, iapt Qhestnut Al,.C,1.Ir.m1.'i?I5Icf1',nt xiulwi.4 apartments; batljjnlcelykept1tj'eaaonable; owner, C1ri?ffiNS'' JlfffiaEr P.rtm,nta7t ;. heat. llht ..7 '. "r " . ..,..- ..., yuuw service. Uio,mNh.,8i?''V1I"F:it.,tl"act'v partm.nts. 9OR?i.8?8' w- Mar Psjlt-Four Ibathi l8; hot-waur IkIi. "v - 08 WALNUT" BT, Attractive anartmanls. 3 iSiVn?? Mh "mii! ,aiSfrt? 't, mI HULF," .?' bot water: well heated; lar. rooms. Janitor, or phon. Locust 8340. R5it,?..?9.D. APARTMKNTa Pin Orr 1 -eWm eft . lhtw JrrWi . I J MuillKwir 0 rrPCkMrrrrw I r i : h and M Urrf at euricsmiracier', wrr P 4MfjiMa, NP9 UtWU AUTOS, every K6cenwd. PEa8EfcaCl L-!. jxssjssj asw uasapMur, SS-SrWl. Mit. hi tBI sua s m.K'-V1": mzzv "WPbSEigmM? ,ili? f Ml"-