EVENING' TiED'aEB-aPeiADEUPHIX TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER X. TOTS: LAZAR R, E By MARY HAUTWELL CATHERWOOD HOOK III. CHAPTER X (Continued). ni rPIIC blood must havo rushed over my Ifaee. I lm(1 ft submerged feeling. lsoWns out of ll n priest. Well, Monselenour?" It is J"10 hcr heavenly goodness." Do you see nothing but lior heavenly coodncss In It?" Till" l the message?' -It Is a messnga I crossed tho ocean to '""With tho consent of her uncle?" Msdamo d'Anguulomen ever expresses wlh contrary to the wishes of his '"""Wo are then to suppose that Louis vVIII oners me, uirouuii "". luunncui, W. opportunity to sign away my rights, ,nd falling that, the opportunity of taking th'gupposlnc yu nre Motwelgnour the dauphin, wo will let our supposition run a far as this." I saw distinctly the position of Louis XVIII Marnuls do Plcssy had told mo ke was a mass of superstition. No doubt hi had behaved, as Ilellcngcr said, for the good of tho royalist cause. Hut tho unction of heaven was not on his be havior Bonaparte was let loose on htm like the dragon from the pit. And Frenchmen, after yawning II months or o In the King's august face, threw up Jh.ir hats for tho dragon. I never havo seen tho most stupid man iinubt his power to rldo If somebody hoists him Into the saddle. "Let us go further with our supposl. tlons" I said. "Suppose I decline?" I heard Madame do Ferrlor gasp. Tho priest raised his eyebrows. 'In that case you will bo quite willing to give mo a signed paper declaring your reasons." "I sign no paper. "Let me suggest that MoyrsclKncur Is not consistent. Ho neither resigns his supposed rights nor will ho excrcUo then)-" ... "I will neither resign them nor cxerclso "This Is virtually resigning them " Tho abbo will pardon mo tor saying It Is not. My rights are mine, whether I me them or not." 'Mon8eIgneur understands that oppor tunity Is n visitor that comes but once." dln,!i n)"tand that tho most extraor ii i L K haa hnPPned today that nnnril ! unrrded In history. Ono hn w" 0,r.eM t0 Klve nWBV 'rone ho vLm tnnrt nnoth "ourbon refuses It." In hU?!.ayWon Ry H wl" unrecorded hni fy- K3t5enl,"B- this lady"-the abbe J tonn- Kaglo-"thero is no wit- aJ3!?0.P.r!i?nul,ons have bn taken," 1 anvlfL Thl" B1r.np of P""" "y mean anything or nothing." ftidiCcllneT" h0 "Panted, i think Franco Is done with tho Dour- el ?h.vins cur '"I0 ahhe- A flna Pcta Hielr iJl' aV0,.made ot themselves, cooling Nannie- " ?" "YV K,,ropc' wnmn " trembm" Vhe,! W,U l B0 """vKlng and ten? W n t0 ?"" myslf ftmonB lmP ihni tng." and wnlo over a country that wants none of us? No. I neve.r will I seo where my father slipped I see manrUhV8lh,Lm"8 "" " a man tenacious beyond belief. ,You can not loose my grip when I take hold, llut Joffr, ,hnv. tnkcn h?ld- l "ever will ...... .,u,u-ui my native country, strug- rule?,,a l throW oft hereillln,,y rH7..1re n." Amcrlcnnl" enld Abbo Edgeworth contemptuously, "If Franco called to me out of need. ! 0?1? flght lr ,,er- A Mellmo of peaceful years I would toss away In n minute, to die In ono achieving battle for mn' ?UJi he. n,lthcr cn,,s me nor needs me. A king Is not simply an nprcaranco a continuation of hereditary rights I" "Your position Is Incredible," said the priest. "I do not belittle the prospect you open before mo. I seo the practical dlfflcul ties, but I see well tho mngnlnccnce be yond them." "Tncn why do you hesitate?" . 1"I,,nt. hesitate. A man Is contempt! bio who stands shivering and longing out side of what he dare not attempt. I would dare If I longed. Hut I don't long." "Monsolgncur believes there will bo com plications?" "I know my own obstinacy. A man who tried to work mo with strings behind a throne would think he wob struck by lightning." "Sire," Madamo de Fcrrler citake out, "this Is the hour of my life. Take your kingdom." "I should havo to toko It. mndame. If y t.fi . ' . Consolidated F ry In l 3 Hi I got It My uncle of Trovence has noth ing to give me Ho Merely says, 'My dear dauphin, If Europe knocks Napoleon down, will you kindly tako hold of n crank which Is too heavy for me, and turn It for the good of the Bourbons? We may thus keep the royal machine In the family!' " "You havo given no ndequato reason for declining this offer," said the priest. "I will give no reason. I simply de cline." "Is this tho explanation that I shall make to Madame d'Angoulemo? Think of tho tender sister who says 'Louis, you aro recalled!' " "I do think of her. God bless her!" "Must I tell her that Monsclgncur plant ed his feet llko one of thoso wld cattle, and wheeled, and fed from tho contem plation of a throne?" "You will dresa It up In your own felic itous way, monsieur" "What do jou wish me to say?" "That I decline. I havo not pressed the embarrassing question of why I was not recalled long ago. I reserve to mjselt the prlvtlcgo of declining without saying why I decline" "He must be made to change his mind. monsieur!" Madame do Ferric exclnlmcd "I am not a man that changes his mind every time tho clock strikes." I took the padlocked book out ot my breast and laid It upon the table. I looked nt tho priest, not nt her. The padlocked book seemed to have no moio to do with tho conversation than a hat or n pair of gloves. Sho set hcr clenched hands on her knees. "Sire!" I faced her. The coldest look I ever saw In her gray eyes repelled me, as sho deliberately said: "You ore not such a fool !" I stared back as coldly nnd sternly, and deliberately nnswered: "I am Just such a fool !" "Consider how any person who might ho to blame for our decision would de spise you for It af tcrwnrds !" "A boy In the flrst Hush of his youth," Abbe Edgeworth said, his lino Jaws squared with a grin, "might throw away a kingdom for some woman who took his fnncy, ntSd whom he could not have, per haps, unless he did throw his kingdom away And after ho had done It ho would hate tho woman But a joung man In his strength doesn't do such things 1" "A king who hasn't spirit tc be a king!" Madame de Fcrricr mocked. 1 mercilessly faced her down. (CONCLUDE!? TOMOUItOW ) FORTI POSIZIONI DEL NEMICO ATTACCATE DA LETRUPPEITALIANE GH Austriaci Sono Battuti dalle Forze di Cndorna Che H At- taccano nelle Loro Post- zioni di Plezzo VANIATTACCHITEUTONICI In Attcsa Cho In Bulgaria Dcclda in Modo DcfinlUvo sul Suo Attcggiamento , ROMA. 11 Scttcmbre. lor! sera II Mlntstcro della Guerra pub blleava II soguente comunlcnto ufllclale rlcnvnto dal rnpporto del generale Ca dorna: "Sull'nltoplano a nord-ovest dl Arslcro II nemtco contlnuo' a bombordnre le nostro poslzlonl dl Monte Mnronla. 11 ' fuooo del nemlco duro' per tutta la nottc j del 12 corrente, ma fu senzn rlsultato per Kil austriaci. "Duranto la slessa notto del 12 II nemlco cscgul' duo attacchl contro lo nostro llnce deU'alto Itlenz, ma tuttl e due gll attacchl fnrono respintt dalle nostro truppc. "Nell'olto Isonzo nol nttaccammo lo poslzlonl nomlcho nclla porztone orien tal della concn dl Plezzo, ottcnendo dal nostro ottacco consldercvolt risultatl, nonostnnte le dlfflcolta' del terreno. "Nel settore dl Plaa 11 nemlco tento" un nttneco dl sotprcaa lanciando un trcno bllndnto contro le nostro trlncee, nclla notto del 12 corrente. L'attacco fu esegulto preclsamcnte contro le nostre trlncco a sud del tunnel dl Zagora. L'at tacco fu pcro' frustrate dalla cfflcace e valorosa rcslstcnza delle nostro trttppe." NUOVO PIANO DI GUERRA? La Stampa dl Torino rlceve dal suo corrlspondente romano che nel prosslmo con'lgllo dl mlnlstrl sara" dlscussa la qutstlone del nuovl provvedlmentl mlll- l' b r. j"HSH5HSHSlSHSESH5H5SSS5HSSSS5asa52SHSHSHSHSHS?SHSaSHSSSSS2 iirniture Mr r (INCORPORATED) SO-MORROW will see the opening of our retail depart ment, luib-iv .filbert btreet. You will have an im mense and elegant stock to choose from, and everv piece of furniture in the stock is of the highest grade only. We particularly want to have every- one seo our furniture, because we know that its quality and designs will impress every one with the fact that this is the home of fine furniture. OPENING OF RETAIL DEPARTMENT THIS ADAM PERIOD BED-ROOM SUITE ia one of the many which we show in genuine Mahogany and Circassian Walnut. It is daintily carved and substantially constructed; a wonderful value at the price wc quote. Four (U) pieces, IStiU, ukussuk, JitltlUNlKK and TKlfLti MIR ROR TOILET TABLE. Actual values of these suites are $175.00 and $200.00. Our Price, Circattian Walnut, complete. $114.00. Mahogany, complete HUNDREDS OF OTHER SUITES AND ODD PIECES EQUALLY L09 PRICED. $96.00 Here' s an Elegant, Smart Suite for the Dining Room BUFFET GO inches long, ivith mirror. CHINA CLOSET, U inches wide; 62 ins. high, SERVING TABLE. DINING TABLE i8-in. top, 6-ft. extension. a u u 3 3 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a 3" a a a a a a a a a a a a a a B tL" FIVE SIDE CHAIRS and ONE ARM CHAIR. all vnth genuine leather sltp seats, THIS HANDSOME 10-PIECE MAHOGANY DINING-ROOM SUITE o( the Adam Period, is exquisite m design. A suite that would actually cost $00 were it not for the fact that you deal di rect with the maker, thus elimi nating the necessary profit of Vie dealer. A genuine saving to you of 50. The suite shown herp and valued at $200, in yours for $135 An Opportune Gift for the October Bride This elegant DAVENPORT, made exclusively for us, is 7 feet long, with deep seat. Has three loose, soft cushions n seat, and spring back, heavy roll arms. Filling: hair and moss, t and covered with imported tapestry. Would retail for $1S5, Our price" $6T.50. We specialize in comfortable upholstered goods. We Save You 50 On nil furniture purchased there is an actual savinjr to you of fifty per cent. We are manufacturers' agents.'thereby eliminating the dealers' profit. When you buy from us you buy at wholesale. We make convenient, terms. uying From Us Yqu Buy at Wholesale liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHfliiiHcivKXlKiE "f Genuine JmportJ Tpttry Nos. WIS and 1017 FILBERT STREET tarl che sara' necestarto prendere In se gulto ol nuovo accordo tra le pottnze al lcate per la condotta della guerra. SI dice che questl nuovl provvedlmentl sa :anno analoghl a quelll presl dal tedescht Ptr ottencro le recenti vlttorle contro la Russia. L'Ager.zIa Libera dice che la recente lslta del generale Joftre al fronts Itallano e l'ossunzlonc del comando In capo derlo forte russe da parte dello czar sono In dlzll dl camblamcntl radical! nella con dotta dolla guerra contro grit lmperl cen trail. Un dlspacclo da Scutari al Olornale d'ltalla dice che Essad pascla' marcla vlttorlosamcnte contro I Mlrdltl, Incon trando poca rcslstcnza, SI dice cho I Mlrdltl, che erano In favore dcU'Austrla, ha no mandato una commlsslone per trattare la pace, e si crede che Fasad Intenda dl proclamarsl ancora e presto oapo supremo dcll'Albanla. SI era delto oho la Bulgaria aveva ormal declso dl cntrarc nel conllltto uropeo net tendosl a flanco dcgll lmperl centra!!, e a questa ronclulone faccvano glungcro dlvcrsl stntomt, non ultlml del quail ll concluso nccordo con la Turchla per la ccsslone dl una parte della Tracla turca ed II rlchlamo del bulgarl restdentl In Italia per recarsl a prcstar servlzlo sotto le arml. Pero" la verlta' e" che, a quanto afferma un dlspacclo da Sofia, 11 presi dent del Conslgllo bulgaro, Radoslavoff, contlmia a trnttoro con gll Invlatl plcnl potcnztarll delle I'otcnze della Quadrtipllcc Intesa o II ha Informatl onzi che la Bul garia, arcettando la ccsslone fattalo dalla Turchln, non si c' arfalto Impegnata In nlcuna manlern, polltlcamcnte. 1916 War on Mosquitoes Planned The Chester Avenue Improvement As sociation has made plan to fight mos qultoei tooth and nail next year. Every effort will be brought to bear on City Councils at every meeting ot that body so that sufficient funds may be appro priated In time to start the combat next spring. A meeting of the association was held last night with William J. L. Keeler as chairman. Smith Heads Sons of Veterans The Sons of Veterans Club of Pennsyl vania haa elected Thomas' B. Smith, Re publican Organization choice for the mayoralty nomlnatfofi, Int in-mim. A committee has been appointed 1 club to make arrangements for the ! annual banquet, to be held lit hn the birth of Abraham Lincoln. MrrJ national figures will be invited to addresses. Franklin Institute BegrM M Tt The Franklin Institute opened Hrf Hi year of activity last night when It n Its doors to the students taking-coura1a mechanics and mathematics. The Ing classes will open tonight The re tratlons will continue for two weeks and every Indication polnta to a banner year. DESIGNERS and PHOTO-ENGRAVERS IN ONE on MOnE coLons Tor CaUlojun, Advertisements or Any Other Purpos To Help YOU Do More Business GATCHEL & MANNING SIXTH and CHESTNUT H A. attend. President. C. A SilKios, Vice President. H dP STOHB OPENS DAILY 8 JO A. SI. AND CLOSES AT C.30 P. 31. UNTIL FUIVHICIt NOTICE: Save Yellow Trading Stamps They are Exchange, able for Valuable Premiums of Both Personal and House hold Sorts. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Lit! rath en ONE YELLOW TKADING STAMP WITH EVEUY PURCHASE ALL DAY 10c Market Eighth Filbert Seventh Vicfrola $i0 nc IVOutfit P0.tJ Victrols, IV at $15, f dally constructed record cabinet at IS. one ma chine cover t 7Ba and Ix lO.lnch D F MC nrds at $4 BO Complete is n 60c rnn week tats ron IT .Vo Trading Stomps WM Victrolat or .Records. SECOND FLOOR Folks Who Appreciate Real Values Arc Hurrying to This Disposal of i Standard Floor Coverings & Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Etc., From the Leading Makers of the Country at Phcjt&jnal Reductions $60,000 worth :$1 Inlaid Linoleum, sg. yd. 6Qci Full rolls In up-to-date patterns. Please bring sizes. Two yards wide.; 50cTradeMarkCongorleum,s(7.jcfi.()p Pretty block and parquetry floor effects; lies flat to the floor and gives excellent wear. Two yards wide Please bring sizes. Velvet Hall& Star Carpets. jrf. 90ci t Choice variety; Rood copies of the $3 Wilton carpet i in ueaiKii uiiu cuiun Rug Bargains S45 Ituca, (9x12 feet Seamless Royal Wilton Runs . O0.75 8.3x10 6 feet.. 33.50 '21.50 S2r.no Hues. 6x9 f t. . . . '18.95 ItUKU, 9x12 ft. S." Seamless Vrltet IIurh. 9X12 " '17.95 J32.no Ilody Uruesels 9x12 ft J 820 Axmlnster 911 QP 11ub, 8.3x10.6 ft. X'z.30 .IS Seamless Tapestry llrusHels Hum, $1 1 QQ 9x12 ft YCtrnVO 13.r.O Seamed Tapestry Ilruiisels Uuks. Q QQ 9x12 ft 17. IO HIO Wool and Fibre Hubs. 9x12 ft 7.75 FOURTH FLOOR House Furnishings '.Economies for Thrifty Housewives rr& .ilfr On Our Club Plan jWe No. 8 Senate Stove $14.98 Perfectly plain dressed. Full-size oven and flrepot, six-hole top, large ash box. borne, nlth IitRh shelf, ?l.40 extra. $1.69 IS- "3 Galvanized Ash Can and Cover 89c 2 1 - gallon cap a c 1 t y. Heavy cor r u r a t e d, galvanl zed Iron. Tour initial and street ad dress paint ed on free. GtmVM m YA Washing Outfit ) $ Complete . . . . ) 1.24 12 bars Bwiffs Pride Soap $0.60 Large size gal vanized Tub 80 Six 8-foot Clothes Props 36 Corrugated Wash board 30 0i0 20 $2.06 91.3-1 $1.50 Medicine Chests 87c White enamel; large mirror In door; glass shelf Inside. V . $1.30 Sets, 79c Aluminum, 1. 14 and 2 quart sizes. 81 Stepladder Cbalra Strong lumber, re inforced and well Joined. Have four extra wide steps, with good, Gtrong catch and conveni ently folds Zt7 -. into a chair olC 51.85 Japanese Waste CQ Paper Baskets D7C Set o Three Curtain Stretchers, 48c Centre brace; able p I n made. non-ruit- tronely iMiirMffltiil Our for own now Importation: any room. Strongly woven of Renuine mahogany' bamboo, with beading through which to run ribbon or cretonne. Limited quantity. Housefurnlshlng Department Third Floor Ht1foiNEW FALL CURTAINS At Remarkably Low Prices in This September Sale of Fine Upholstery $1 to $2 Lace Curtains pr. 75c, 98c & $1.49: Fine Nottingham lace In pretty ( designs wun wiae elaborate I borders; 3 ana 3 Mi yards long. ssv $3 Lace Cur- $1 QO tains, pr l.IO Scotch lace of durable thread In Irish point designs; wide borders; Zb yards long. $2.50 Madras $ Curtains, pr. Imported Scotch madras; pretty all-over designs and bordered ef fects. Three yards long. $3.98 $6 & $7 Lace Bed Sets .. Mounted on cable net with wide lace frame on body of spread and large centle motif. Holster cover to match. $1.50 Dutch Curtains, Valance 98c $4.98: $7 Irish Point Curtains, pr. Our own importation. White I and ecru with scroll centre and i wide-appllqued border. Full, wiain ana lengtn. Pr . whlto and Arabian voile, with lace Insertion and edge. Valance 10 maicu siae curtains. $5 Lace tains, pr. Cur- 52.98 1.98 $2.98 $4 Colored Mull Bed Sets Fine mull with plain or figured centre, wide colored borders and fluted ruffle. IloUter cover to match. Scotch lace of double - twisted thread In Renaissance designs. ciiiuurai. uuiucra, j yaras long. ,25 $1.75 Scrim $1 Curtains, pr. Fine whlto and Arabian, with machine-made Cluny edge, 2V, yards long. THIRD FLOPR Our New Assortments of Furniture Overflow With Practical Suggestions for the Furnishing of Yourt Home in the Most Attractive, Inexpensive Manner gyilfezsH rfs.Tr I. ,jl&ar--rt?SiS,Tl or m m im IL II iitf , IK2 E-i2 i UTS54llptmf-i !lfl THIS BEDROOM SUITE Mpi,o05?n(vor!rd,"eye m" $55 Dresser, $39.75 Has extra largo barrel ends and isweii I ron i. $45 ChTffoIefte. $QA Qg With sliding tray. $39 Triplicate $OQ Qg kernel. iuk , $45 Bed, $3A Q au. lWith can p.anel, .6-tfze only. , Fumed oak FOPBTH FLOOR I ItwtheretU. Tfcis 52.25 Dialng Km CIuht H.49 Slip seat. box chair, u p holstrd l n leather ette. Petneil baek; Fren )g. ti Arm Chklo MatckttJi This $40 Bed .... D.ve,rt29.98 1 and mahogany uj.l.i" ire4 in Qpna into thr-( ii bt4 ! lm cu y: m. - Si Vm saasaszsEsgRsgsggsisiisssasH eut: iLlTBHttflMNM ' t;ib