m - EVENING tiEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBEB li, 1915. New Rates on Classified Advertising go into effect today See details in first Want Ad Column V fflsi' i IllW RATES f NEW RATES 3BF NEW RATES '& EVENING LEDGER , In Bffwt Sipttmhtr $, lilt. VM 8TTt.lt TTrB (or Ilk thl jwtim ISo. Hrn time en wtik 12Hc Mc times on wk .. 10c. Situation Wanted, thre time on week 10 cent per lln. Place your order for three or more times and It wtyl be inserted im.the( daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. On or two tlm rmt for Etiniko Limit and Pernio LtDorn combined 10 cent per lln with th exception ot Help Wanted and Situation Wanted, which la 13 cent per line. ron TYPE LIKE THIS (or like thlsl ...... " ' I., all l l -I .. . I WBlcn is pcrmivieu in n naBBim-auona ac cept Help and Situation- Wanted. Lest and round, rertonala. Hoarding and Ttooma, add St. cent per Una to any ot above rate. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ds at office rates. Continued from Preceding Page HELP WANTED MALE TOUNO MAN. bright and active, Quick and accurate at figure; good penman: atate ex perience, age and Hilary expected. I. 8.13, Ledger Ortlce. toUNO MAN. In Wilt Philadelphia Trust Co.; quick at figures, rapid writer; state age, ex- Eerlcnitt and salary expected. L M. Ledger 'flic. SUBTLER8, ot neat appearance, can make from S3 to $10 dally, commission basis, Inlro duclng our free talking machine oner. Apply a toUa a. m- WU Arch st. General INSURANCE AGENTS and solicitors-Better your londlllon; represent us In our locality; salary or com. Fur particulars uddre.s Nat. Frulrna League. Conimerce lildg., Lrlo, Pa. WANTED lion with so"me pushto sell high grade custom-made shoes direct to wearer. C. E. CALDWELL, 100 Richmond St., Brock ton. Mass. SALESMEN Will pay well for spare lime only; romt-thlng entirely new, no competition. Address Box 43, Bethlehem, Pa. BITTJATIONS WANTED FEMALE BILL CLERK Underwood and Royal ma chines. J yearaexperlence;Ju44. Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer 7 years' thor ough exp.; capable of taking charge and handling confldcntlalork.J USB, Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER, capable, best' reference, de" strea responsible position. E 145, Ledger Cent. BUSINESS correipondent. dictaphone operator", gen. office woman wants position where per sonallty and ability count. J 540. Led. Cent, CHAMBERMAID, middle aged, Proteaft, prlv, tarn.; city In winter j-et.M.21I). Ledger Off. CHAMBERMAID and assist children; German". town preferred. M 221. Ledger Office. CH.A.MJ11-"MAID and waitress or sewing. B 20s, Ledger Office; HAilBEnMAro or waitress; no laundry wreference.JlI22JLedgerOfIlce. CHAMBERWORK Experienced and refined uwiuiiiiri wisnes position at chamberwork; .... .M...,.. ,-,. rtl .it a. Aiiiurea St. CHAMBEriwoRK and"Tewlng; excellent refer- ence. uburbttM2i: Ledger Oftlce. VHAMUERWORK or gen. houseworkT colored. no wash. Call, two days, 22S J 13th st. C1i,AKW0nliz.c',n clty;referen"ce: al ug. Ledger Office. J.Me"2U.IlS,s-Y?li,J lad' wlth experience - "d reference. Address 3535 SDruce. S.j"" ". yc.ar" experience, Oliver typist, Sm?..on Vr,".yl ,wo,rk' n'!"B nl general otflce - ,,. , ,. ,;uger centra;. ncifTu AS3T' HiiPH-' a years' expert . ence; good penman. E us. Ledger Central. CS-1.''f housekeeper for buslneaa ueople.whlte, -- ., ijeuitfr teriiru.1. ITrtli st. rhone Diamond 22K! w z-- .., .. t-iiuureii. no Hum rv. 2-J01 W. Cii2,';SPONPEN,T' '0UI"f lady, well edU: ?fiSJtp"i,r,m'1'ar.wUh PubK- bu- capable . of taking chara ofjient. J 254. Ledger Cent. C?nii;1II0DFN.T- clerk, typist, exp. In com 2TP.',.1fw Uelr position In Insurance of flee, quick, accurate. J 24l. Ledger Central. ' AK'8i W,JU' c'eanlng or laundry, experi enced cold woman: ref. 450S Falrmount ave. Q?nV.SIS:lh?3' Sv,.i'L.,V"'n' ,a,y' will take S2J..5 hsrBu ?f children. Mslting or rest SiLFre!,.cn' a?"a'. English; elementary branches If required, needle work; excellent . referenc. E 232. Ledger Central. "t,:""" UOVJ.RNES3 teacher, cultured, exp., desires HSHiiS ait".Vt- ,3; children school age; country near I'Jilla. prefd; excel' t ref a. Mlu M. H.. Box MPoiinsdalLyomlnj Co.. Pa. HOUBEKl.-EPER (managing) or companlon roaitlon desired: by capable young woman: 'xcLeferenc;elephoneOverbrook 8815. HOUSEKEEPER, working, no wash; ProtesftT 4ocyrpieferred!ref. M 214t Ledger Oftlce! HOU8LKEEPKII. working, English Protestant? widow with child. 4 yra. ref. M 210. Led. Off. HOUSEWORK. genT, small fam.: no washing. Ironing; country preferred. M 22a, Led. Off. INFANTS NURSE Canadian Prot.: comp'nt and exp.; good ref. L U31. Ledeerfflc. LADY'S MAID Young girl wants" position;' ex. pert manicurist; understands halrdresslng and massage; good sewer; excel, refa. tQ21 Vine. LADY'S MAID Young Swedish girl want po sition rtuvl ., Tot T3..f. K-!, 1, ' " -'. w. . uym gvn. ,,, LAUNDRESS Day's work or laundering at home: reference. Call 2057 Dickinson at. NURSEr-Flrat-cUs. experienced, trained baby nurae, Trom New York Baby Hospital, wlshei care of alck or well baby: 4 year in on place; beat reference. B 207. Ledger Office. NURSE, practical, mental or nervous diseases: donor's reference. M 210. Ledger Office, NURSE, graduate, wishes position. Phono Bel mont M79 W. RTjRSEnY GOVERNESS deslrea position; ex. , perlenod i best ref. B 140. Ledger Central. PRIVATE SECRETARY, capable stenographer and bookkeeper: 6 yr.' exp.; thor. familiar wlth auto aeces. business. J 540, Led. Cent. SECRETART-Young lady desires position! severs! year" experience; best reference; In w. vW, w. ..I. f. -hi, Kowr central. BTENOaRAPHER. four yeara' excellent expert ence, rapid and accurate, good correspondent dealres permanent poaltlon. J S42. Led. Cent. STJ'OORAPH E R Exceptionally rapid, "accu" rata and experienced qualified or secretarial or managerial position. J 81. Ledger Central. STENOORAPHEH. qualified by education and xperlenc to fill a responsible and conflden tlal secretarial position, E 244. Ledger Cent. CT13NOURAPHER, accural and conscientious, - A k" Lyd'g',r'"orlic.,rU "Uryi Tet,"nC- BTl'OOltAPHE"n-Cap., beginner: mod. sal. aryi iriai soiicicea. J tux. Ledger Central. STENbanAPHER-Knowlidge ofbkpg.; rei cent rad. rel.j ambl'u. J 443, Ledger fcent. BTENOORAPHBRk number yra. exp.; act, da- pendabl; mod, salary. J 448, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER and clerk; alight xp. , neat? tcUrat1good speller. J 844, Ledger Cent. STENOGRAPH BR and bookkeeper, high school gradual,. accurate. J 832, Ledger Central. BTENOQRAPHEH, 4 year7-experience: IrnT blUoua. quick; Intel,, ref J 844. Led c'nt? TYl'JBT and general clerical work! willing' to tarn. J 851. Ledger Central. ' """ to WANTED, by Norwexun'woman, position' Iri (niuiviiuHi w viv iur iiueii or in pri. lam. ,U U .IA11U H-IUI nd sewing and light housework; sat- rre4,Aa,M'" A1." I-dwl.n, f. C. It Erdman, Princeton. N. J. isractory : car Prof. WOV AN, Protestant, capable, 2 yean' ref as matron of Institution, wishes position as housekeeper or matron. M 207, Ledger Off. fTttfANi colored, 'ants work." any klnd7dry jar m.k, nferencs. ir.10 Webster. ' l(PUNO business " woman7thoroughly eiperl ened In dstmll clerical work, quick, accurats at Hr., sssistant bookkeeper, desire pos." uiMassMcors offer, a future. J. 7M.JUd.5en. TtTxjW LADV of"reflBemeDt desires position i"..?fv" v MT,-, uHLiij iniervisw . J Ts, ledger Central. ' MIOTK8TANT anx-tous to get .'. fainsbr as tadva maM ... 4naf moaA in sick roam, nhii Ry a4ort of bain: do nhi.wn,t, . from last Dlae. Ph. (itn. :itlw w "J,ANDSTENOaBAPHK, almost s yr.V esg),. aunbHlous. S, L-ter 4Jentrl. . j L "I 1 1 1 1 ill I slUsVINKbS HEN, ATTENTJONf t mmmitvtit, typlata and special dlcUtlSi. aaatfatoi supplied an niicrl notice. t . l.kSNKUAL KXPE8IKNCK' t,Vf l'lUH irri5At)Qs(APlIC BUREAU Want Ads tW"-" t " JP xgasr..giB. a.j tu r BITTJATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT - Experienced In corporation work. cost m factory accounting n pelltri modern systems and method, hlgheat refer . enres. J 443, Ledger Central. Ai-t,ur.Vf AN r," competent, experienced book keeper, desire poaltlon with reliable mil. , oi accounting concern. K 242, Ledger Central. ACCOVNTS AtJDITEb; BOOKS KEPT $1 MONTHLY UP Mitchell, WD Marketat.PhomiWaInut 1TI9. ADVERTISING and lt promotion have been my forte alnce leaving college, experienced a aales correspondent, copy writer and pro motion man; thoroughly familiar with print iPgi engraving and ofTIr aatemai Interview will prove convincing. J 152, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, 54, with 0 yeara" experience, now employed, but desire position with bet ter chance for advancement! can furnish Al refereme. B 82, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, office manager, rorreipondent, private secretary, salesman, desires pos.t best 1'hlla. ret, J 84.1, Led, Cent BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly exp., "will audit accounts, open, close and write up books, day or evening, mod. terms. A 107, Ledger Office. bOOKKEEPER-HIgh School graduate, thor oughly efficient; several ears' experience; Sis to 20 to start.D 1.15. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER. 2.1, with 2 years' experience; ambitious to start low, with chance for ad vancement, E 158, Ledger Central. 1-OOKKEEPER. auditor or clerk, 27, single? u yevra last poalMon; night student In ac counting. E 151. ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, exper. account , off, mgr., nlsltea po : heavy bond If required. B 215, Ledger Oftlce. BOOKKEEPER? 4 vears' experience. wlihii position paying 118; refs. at Interview; bond (t necessary. Fred Riddle. 1120 W. Oakdale st. BOOKKEEPER "clerk, 22. with 5" yeara- ex perlente; knowledge stenography: excellent rererence. 1. ui, meager central. BOOKKEEPER-ACCOUNTANT, with extcn stve manufacturing experience, wants per manent position. 1; S.V), Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER will take care of accounts any hour of day; $3 week. E 154, Ledger Central. boyb-boys Many energelle. bright BOVS and GIRLS who come under our care are now avallahle for otflce, shop or factory work. NO CHARGES. JUVENILE WORKERS' 1507 ARCH BUREAU Telephones, Rare 3337, Spruce 6147. UUTLER, white, experienced; beet references; goodworker. B 210, Ledger Office. CARETAKERS Refined white couple; gentle m.in s place or small apartment house. J .,.,-., uemter central. tHAl'tFEUR, white, single, strictly sober, caieful orl-er, H years' experience, .1 In last liimc; do own repairs; first-class refeiences. nae driven ell liadlng makes of lars, will- lug and obliging. HI 15, Ledger oiflce. CllAXirrEUn Ry mlddle-ared man; long shop 'M'erlence; caieful driver; rellablo relcrence; elderly people, preferred; city or lork load liIiitLE?i.;Ll-odger Central CHAyFTKfH, married fair high-grade cars; rood reference; 2 J ears Istt place, honest, si.ber.J 0..I, LedgcrCcntral. ClfAUrFELR, mechanic, 13 gears' experience, inarrled (no children); excellent reicrences: tuy.11 or country. 2010 w. Boston ae. CHAUKKEUR Young man wlahcs position In prnato or truck, aober. reiertnce. Phone ox Chase 11 y. CHAUeiKELR, wnlte. rlngle; gardener; can make repairs reference. L lo, t,edger)ff. CHAUFFKL'R. single; 5 years' exp , any carl city reference. M 213, Ledger Office. CH.AttfI!'EUIl. colored, wishes position. Apply Ml. J Ward Settlement, b2o Locust at. CHAUFFEUR, colored; FoM; private or "truck"; ter.; N. J. license. l54, N. Warnock at. CHAUFFEUR,- married man7 wants lwsltlon; B years' reference. B 21.1, Ledger Otflce. CHAtFr EUR desires position, can make'all repalrs.J. Gobs, 1J22 Louden st. CHIEF draughtsman, executive? now success lully engaged In almllar capacity, arled ex perience, inechan.-struc. design, exec, abll., initiative. 31, dealres change. E 4 I. Led. Cen. CIVIL,-ENGINEER. 10 year' experience In it. R., IndUftrlal and relntorced concrete con ,i!;Sc.l?n' estimates, field and oftlce. Address 023S Limekiln pike. CLLRK. 2.1, accurate and thorough; years' exp., EHIott-Flsher expert, ref. C. B., S020 COACHM A'N or gardener; lst-class; experl- ..c. ,Giticnvc. .n uj, imager unice. COLLECTOR, with 23 years' experience, good .vw.u, .uilc.ui pcisuiiHmy; caimoie 01 nil llllf R rinMltlitii nf tltt.t if t-.i t n... n position ot tiust. li 153, Ledger Cen- tral. COOK AND BUTLER. Japanese, wish posU tlons; best references; together or separate '?JldH"iJ2N-is'h ESTIMATOR Man, 35. married, deslf ea To change position; ten years' experience with preicnt firm; expert at estimating, compiling statistics, costs etc. B l'j). Leager Oftlce. OAUDKNKU wants poaltlon; married: under stands work of gentleman's place; references. i'M olenbrooke ave., Bryn 51awr. GARDENER-fiorlst. life cx-pcrlence; ref.; small family. Box 34, Gwjnedd Valley, Pa. 11.VN AND WIFE, strictly Ist-class, white, Protestants, absolutely competent and ef ficient, willing and courteous, working to gether with a methodical bittern and studious caie: skilled butler, wife an expert cook, every particular; exceptional refeiences. j tto, i.euger c;enirai. MAN AND WIFE Colored, as butler and cook, now employed In Newport News; wish to ob tain position in Philadelphia. M 218, Ledger Office. MAN, young, ID? high school education, 2 yeara clerical experience, knowledge ot real estate; best refs. K 254. Ledger Central. MAN AND WIFE. coloredTwork together!" bus lerand cook.703 S. Smedley. " MARBLE CLEANERS and stone renovator and step neitcr; best reference, 171U Falrmount avenue. NURSE Male masseur desires position, edu cated, companion or secretary to Invalid gen tleman. B 114. Ledger Office. REG. RELIEF, experienced, wishes more en gagenlents: best refs. 2125 N. Lambert. REPRESENTATIVE OR SALESMAN Young; man going to South America (Rio Jan eiro or Buenos Aires) would like to hear fiom business houses who wish representa tion In either of the alSove cities. Arranging to sail about middle of October, E 150. Ledger Central. SALESMAN A hustling salesman, 30 and mar ried. Is outgrowing his present position and would consider making a change; he haa ex cellent connections among bualness men In Now Yora city, many friends throughout New J."eJ' .ani1 a ,ew " Phlla. An Interview might be of Interest tojis B 132, Ledger OR. SALESMAN. 20 years' experience, can give best of reference, have aoid office peclaftles , and advrrtlslng specialties, B 211, Led. Off. bALEMAN-2S, with 5 years' experience In mechanical lines, thorough knowledge of ma- hlneryJlSJ.LedgerCentral; BTENOGRAPHER, 23, 7 yeara' experience, de aires permanent position: legal and railroad work; beat references. J 843, Ledger Central. YOIINO MAN. refined. 22. dealrea to learn real eatate business; high school education. E 241, ledger Central. J,4SvANK8 COOK. butUr, laundry, furnace; SSO up. S. K,. 1834 Vine st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. HARVKY.lulu Rlttenhouse sq.-Reltabl help supplied and wanted for all capacities; namely, excellent vacancies this a. m 110 and S cooks, Protestant. Catholic chamber, maids, waitresses, French and Swiss cham bermaids, French ladles' maid, nurse, laun dresses, couples, butlers, experienced house maids, large number $U to 8 cooks; refs.req. COOKB. OHAMBEnMAIDsT"chiTdnurss, housework girls and half-grown girls want positions. Wanted, all kind of Tielp. 1313 Glrard avenue. MR8. MARY T. MCCARTHY, 2107 Christian (Loc 1JS3), supplies, want flrsUclass 1'rot., Cath., male and female help: all nationalities. FRENCH. German, Irish. Swiss help,' both trxt: sits, procured, refined families, city, suburbs. Small's, 2133 Cypress (below Spruce). I 11AVK a large number of colored help, with good reference; also man and wife, colored, walnut 41)14 MADAME ASHE, 1533 Chrlsttsn. French em. piuyiji-wii onice an ainos ot nrat-cias nelp. IDEAL, l&H Reed First-class ref. help sup. Piled, whit or colored. Phone Dickinson lloo. AUTOMOBILES GARAGE New, Modern, Fireproof Garage 21st and "Brandywine S(s,-' Storage, and Repairs for Pleasure and Commercial Cars , Apply Superjn.tende.it Joseph G. Darlington & Co. 1.204128 Chestnut St. ti at 21st and Brandywine Sts. ordered for three or AUTOMOBILES For Male CADILLAC Ml touting, 7 pas.; Al Condi on, tires Ilk new: car newly painted, prlc tlOOO; conv. terms if desired. LOCOMOnil.H, 2314 Market. Locust 450. . It. A. JF.NKH, a r,, fixchange Car Dept. t. .. . . ittJDSON Ready for Immediate delivery rebuilt touring r"r, roadsters, electric light and starters. Borne of our late models 0-40" touring "OMKHr-ac-IlWARTZ, 12S N. Broad st . hllailehihln. COLn, 10L1, Model 50 roadster, complete elec trio equipment, new seat covers, tire In good condition: newly repainted and thoroughly . overhauled Cole Agency, 243 N. Broad st. OWNER will sell Bergdoll. 1012; good condition; will on extra tiro nnd two rims. Ledger Central. 30. 4-passengrr. sell reinotiable. Address M 04.1. 1011 8IMPI.I5X facing roadster, full equip ment: methanlcally perfect, for sain .very cheap. Call Woodland 332. See photo Ledger Central No, lift. SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OF t'BEi) CARS. QORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 238 N. Broad. OAKLAND inn roadster In first-class condi tion; looks tood na new. I. C. MOSF.R. 2111 N Broad st 8TEVEiNS-lURYEA landaulette. thoroughly ocrhauled A-l condition, repainted, demon strstlon. lion Sanaom. Spruce 3383. ' WILL exchange new piano or player piano for -ord touring car. Whltmoro Piano House, W'. Lehigh. Tioga 72W. CADILLAC, inn, touring car. overhauled and repainted; full equipment; price. soo. AUTO . SALES CORPORATION. 112 N Broad st. 1000 USED At'TOS. ecry make, from $150 up. Roman Auto Company. 203 N. Bioad St. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES UP-TO-DATE large and small touring care to hire at new low rates: alwava open. CrjiUI Palace Garage, Broad and Germantcwn ave. Phone. Tioga 6227. AUTO TIRES GUARANTEED FIRSTS 3300 MILES 3(ix3 Plain Tread Tires . 30x114 Plain Tread Tires. . 32x3(4 Plain Tread Tires.. 3.1x4 Plain Tread Tires. . 34x4 Plain Tread Tires.. 30x3 Non-Skid Tires Mill. Non-Skid Tires .V.'x-l'S Non-Skid Tires. .. .'1.1x4 Non-Skid Tires ... 34x4 Non-Skid Tires ... .$VSO .'.'-. 11.11 11.40 fi.'KI R .VI n.ui 12.10 12 47 t'EEK ONLY Reg. This Trie Week. .Il.'io nv 73c ,-,0c nos 4iio 11 rio 71c 50c 23e Horn Bulbs. 4-lb can of Herculese Grease. Fin stone Cement Patches . Tire Gauges Ford Spark Plugs COLUMBIA TIRE AND RUBBER CO. 220 N. BROAD ST. PULLMAN TIRES Guarantee, 4000 miles Compare prices. Gnrollne. 10c. per gal'on GRIM'S. 210 North Broad st AUTO REPAIRING CYLINDERS REHORED, new pistons and rings furnished welding and brazing II. 11. Underwood & Co . 1023 Hamilton st.. Phlla. SPEEDOMETER TROUBLE 7 7' SEE BILLY 518 N. BROAD BUSINESS NOTICES FULL DR3SS SUITS Cutaways. Tuxedos and Sack Suits To hire and made to order NEUBAUER. THE TAILOR. 10 N Mil St. Bell phone, Walnut 20-18. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed; eyebrows arched. Miss Smith. 402 Keith Rldg Miss Hoppe, hnlrdresslng and facial masrngo. formerly at Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TO BUY A GOOD BUSINESS CALL AND GET OUR SELECT LIST. HERE ARE A FEW SPECIAL BARGAINS. J123 Cigar and confectionery, busy thorough fare, ft;5-Bakery and candy store, bargain. J225 Confectionery at two schools, snap. X2.10 Cigar and confectionery. West Phlla. $275 Confectionery and cigar store: bargain. L$250 Meat and provision store, sacrifice. $275 Confectionery, beautiful corner, nice Mouse. $-100 Ice cream and candy store, Kensington. $300 Grocery and confectionery, long estab lished. lii rocery, rent only J13, nice house, JjjO Grocery, first-class neighborhood $000 Lunch room, low rent, busy place. $800 Pool parlor, with living rooms. $850 Confectionery with soda founfn. Camden $1000 Meat store, Frankford, $100 daily TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS quickly without publicity list It with us. Wo charge no listing fee. COMMERCIAL REALTY AND BUSINESS EXCHANGE 129 N. 11th st.. Philadelphia. Baltimore Office, 410 E. Lexington st. WANT YOUNG MAN OF MEANS OR parent of such to take Interest In contract ing engineering bualness with man of proen ability and Integrity In over 20 years' ex perience; clean, lnterertlng burlneaa to 0110 ir5!T'n.K "1 oWct "LIFE OF USEFUL- ESS rather than big returns, good, fair returns: mechanical knowledge or Immediate services not essential: a good moral associa tion. Details at Interview only. M 1)1). Ledger Central. PATENTS-Arthur E. Paige. 714 Walnut st.. Phlla., mechanical and electrical engineer: registered patent attorney; established her 80 years; Inventions developed: patents, trade marks, copyright secured and litigated any where; rejected applications prosecuted: pre 'Imlnary advice free. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, a complete new of flee equipment for car, eye. nose and throat specializing, including Instruments, Instru ment cabinets and appurtenances thereto Ad dress communications to B 110. Ledger Office, HARDWARE STORE, with dwelllng;-"gooa opportunity In growing town of 3000: rent only $30 per month: several other lines of ,nc",, lV?'d,edi. wl" W to investigate. ppIyJJ.DLeCato, Audubon. N. J. ""'" MANUFACTURING FIRM engager hTT ehanlcal and electrical line desires additional capital to the extent of $13,000 to flnancB orders now on hand; will Incorporate, p 201. Ledger Office. BARBERS HAVINO THEIROWNESTAB. Ilsnments can Increase- their Incomes by Aap"p1y"'J312"Arrcnr.8t. ta""ng """'" """ WiAi!TEDiT,mnnf(1 won'n to share financjal J"E5SalbJ ." t'.'u'? Sl'n .!"2D! '. neigh- ....... . wm .iw CIICBUim, l WOU.ld, Off, INVESTMENT Bualness onnni-liininTI lim ".e.rwJ5.lye.,nv',,or' Ll n know your wants JAME3 L. OARFIELD. 1011 Chestnut s". WANTECr-Cierk. posessed of mea"5s?""lrrjeal estate business: established 1873; opportunity youngmn.Offce, 3033 N. Broad. PICTURE THEATRE, suburbaTTr$500 cash re". quired; earn $23 upwards weekly; refin. pat . no competition. Harriet & Co.. 214 n r"h VICTOR J. EVANS 4 CO.. Pat. AltVsTVvwhT ington. p. c. Writ for' descriptive bMkl.t? Wanted INVESTMENT OPI"ORTUNITIES WANTPn HAVE BUYERS FOR MANY KINDS JAMES U OARFIELD.10U CHEBTNUT ST. CARPET CLEANING " OONTINENTA r, CARPET CLEANING IIOITNR Bell nSi 8T ABOVE CHESTNUT Bell phone. Locust lo-fto. ThlrtTeth v. -THE JOHN KllOiUa CO. 73 N. Holly st . West Phlla CARPETBEATINO. 3 YAItD. WE8T PHILA. MONARCH STORAOpT" rn 3q TKIt YARD. 3M0-72 LANCASTEltBAVE: DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY JiraHB'mCHINn. in e.nl. vm-A .11 rials A REICHARD, 1113 CIIEJlfNUTaT PICTORIAL HKVlEW lV"Kniy? 8T DRESSMAKING taught short practUaTTneT DenaiVA rourifi mHiM. .... . i'ic penalv courses, pattern Powell. 307 Denckla Bldg.. lltK .MgrkeL cut. Wo. Mac. FOR SALE BILLIARD ANO POCKET TABLES - Also fowling alleys; easy payments. nntiJiS W:cK-BAlVK7E-COIJtJDERc5..ionytr' miu.,?a.,JSZ: .?."'?- .'huf fleboardi? ""!iu,e,J UUni trmsi renting; ppllea. Itosatto Co.r 832 a. ." ... .-. -......, u.u repair g s au ILLIARDjool. combination, 2d"-band bougtoE sold, rented, .eich'd Keafer. asn m,. ??.' ctlLLIARD, pocket, id-hand tables ' reoalrini u.ptl.s. Clark.lUrd Mfg. c7, "til I?f yjon'' fOR SALK-Restauraiit. on of th best "equip ped In th cltyj rosrbl table. S dnilng rooms, swtlnir "p&clty 120: 4-tory build ing, rent. $187 month: W Stu. U closed at present owing to. death In fa-nlly. muai sold Location." 13M'fc5norn it Apply T HART. 1 Houthh. " AVP,y J more fames are kiserted in FOR SALE CASH REGISTERS, new and reeond hand; to Ul adder as low as $.10, on easy monthly payments, all registers sold by us fully guar anteed The N atonal Cash neglster Co., 730 Chestnut st DHSK3, fldnr cahlr.ets. safes, telephone booth and offie furniture and fixtures of every de scription, used, but In fine condition, and erv theM: free delhery anywhere. lltTQHBa. 11TH AND nUTTONWOOD DESKS '8ED DESKS Typewriter, bookkeeper and roll-top desks, fil ing cabinets, tel. booths, typwrtt. marhlnn, safes and household furniture. Central Sec hand Furniture Co., iO.(l-t4iCallowhlll st. HVAVAR. the Ireat floor nnlsh;'all color; 73c. quart. Surplee, IMS Market t. MESHnAOS-RtLVr.R-PLATEn Send 15c. for H-oz, can IT-K-AN-PLATE POI.UH (red label) (extra strength), and make old hfle Irnit. nn' A. R JUSTICE CO, 12 Chestnut. Phlla JH-UnOE TALKING MACHINE (Colum Mi), with cabinet for holding machine and 200 records, this outfit Is finished In a beau tiful qunrtored oak and con new $S4; cn be paid for at the rate of 75c. weeklv; Jhla la an excellent bargain as It Is In flrst-claas condition, eqtial to new. Write for complete llt of bargnlns and special 30 dajs' free trill offer. HEPPE'S UPTOWN 8T0RES Corner nth and Thomnaon sts., Philadelphia, Ta. INSTRUCTION MONTrSSOttl TFACHER dealrei charge of one or to children during day. Address B 211, Ledger Central. MACHINERY AND TOOLS A TRIAL SHOULD CONVINCE YOU that YOt OH ANTI-FRICTION METAL Is the lining for machine bearings ou want tho one oti have been waiting for. IRON nnd BRASS FOUNDRY. 141 North Second. . JAMES YOCOM A PON. power-plant isqitipment nvnamos motor b boilf.rs steam oil engines, pumps. air compress ORS rilANK TOOMEY INC. 127 N. 3D ST. HVNAliO!! AND MOTORS-AGENT FOR AI.MS-CIIALMrnt MACHINKS sEYrrnTs, 417 n. :id st. NO Vn, 21, ?m nil" Inclinable poner nrere; rfonMe notion drawing presses. J. Nuttall, 174S N. KK MAVritS.'nf plain andautomatlc machinery: rend for booklet. ANacke & Son, 240 S fuh. CAP GASOLINE AND"OIir ENGINES G S- ANO OIL FXOINE CO.. 43 N. 7TH ST MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MAON'iriCENT Stelnav upright chenn for cash; grafonolaa. $17.50 up; records to fit any morhlne music rolls 23c. Maucrman, 20th nnd Mifter. PLAYER. Lester. erv cheap; nearly new; heautirul tone: 21 rolls: will consider small cash payments. B244 Kenslng1onave. BRIGHT AND RRILLTANT sounds your piano wiien tuned hv Ernst Wncner tone eTpert. Toplar 4731 W 1331 N. Ifith st. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum plated ware, old-stvlp Jenelrv. teeth plates bought for cash. Est. 1ST0 J. L. Clark, refiner, 807 Snsom. OLD-GOLD Cnth" raid-for old gold. sller. antliue clock" will call Bell phone Locust 1210 ROGERS. 27 S 17th. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS POLITICIANS. ATTENTION! Look at our special campaign prices for ad dressing envelopes and filling In letters. FILLING In per 100O Letter $1.75 ADDRESSING per 1000 Envelopes 1 50 Call Walnut 7510 LYON Call Race 1142 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHIC BUREAU Miss Ruth Kohler. Mgr., 1011 Chestnut st. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVli CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVING, SHIPPING Rubs, Carpets, cleaned, scoured, stored Pell. Locust 10G0 1'honea Key . Race 41ti0. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1S11.1S1U MARKET ST McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE 174S N. 11TH 8T. Moving, packing, shipping; auto ans. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage. moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. H.irlng 752 for estimate. Market andJ7th MILLER, NORTH BROAD STORAGE CO. BROAD ABOVE LEHIGH AVE. MILLBOURNE STORAGE CO., 22 N."32D? Belmont 4S25. Carpets cleaned. West 421. WALKER'S STORAOE. separate locked rooms, auto vans for moving 2312 N. 13th st. WANTED Old gold, silver, curios, coins, pis ANTIQUES tols, false teeth, furniture. J. B. BOSS (People's Store), 2B0 3. 11th. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED GENTLEMEN AND LADIES, TOO. WHAT I bAY IS MEANT FOR YOU; IF YOU HAVE ANY CLOTHING TO SELL, SEND TO ME, I'LL TREAT YOU WELL. THE PRICE I PAY IS VERY HIGH. MORE THAN OTHERS. LET MB TRY. TELEPHONE MARKET SOW). WRITE OR PHONE AND I WILL CALL ANY PLACE OR TIME AT ALL SHLUiSOHN. 8TI1 AND SPRING GARDEN. ANl'IcjlJE lurnlture, bric-a-brac, feather beds, broken Jewelry, false teeth, Rold, sliver, dla m'da lo'ht. 735 Walnut. Ph.Wal 70-2.Est.'bt). TRADING STAMPS, tobacco coupons and soap wrappers bought, sold ic exchanged. 8.10 Mar ket, lloonf 6. Branch office. 22.'8 Ridge ave. BOOKS and libraries bought, all kinds; .send address; will call. DICKENS. 100 N. 13fh st. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques, entire or part bouses bought tor cash; no matter how laige. J Bernstein. 1334 Ridge ave. WANTED V4 cubic yard steam shovel, In good orir. State price and where can be seen. L MJ. Ledger Office. GENTS' cast-off clothing bought; highest prices Paid. 123 N. llth (above Arch). v MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED Best prices. Wo call anywhere, any time. Phone Wal. CS05. J. Schultz, 227 N. Uth st. ROOMS EOR RENT ARCH, 1U5 Cosy suite, furn.. tile bath, ehowrr, etc., excellent house and service; all conv.: gentlemen: $30 monthly; ountr. ARCH, lb2. Two large rooms, furnished or uiiiuuiiiiwii, wiiiaic m en amte; reierence. BROAD. N.. 837 Well-furnished roems, alrigia or en suite. Phone Poplar 3308 W BROAD, N., 855-Two large single' front rooms? private baths: all modern Improvements. uitOAU. N., lb-o-Nleely furn. room; "hot? cold water every room; phone, gentlemen, "BROAD. 8., 425 Attractive apt., 2 or 3 rooms? yiii.i. um, mil), ur muuri.; pining room. CARLISLE. N., 2010-Attractlvely furnished front roomsjrenned private home; phone. CEDAR AVE., 4815Thlrd "floor front,-fur. nlshed; electric light, steam heat. CHESTER AVE., 420"7-One or two largo rooms and bath. 2d floor, front: furnished or umuti.iw.wi suMmcm eiiwi. leston OJJO, CHESTER AVE., 8124 LargeT 2d-story front room, next to family, refined surroundings. wellfurnlshed bath; private CHESTNUT, 1728 - Desirable, well-furntahed rooms, wlthand without private bath. fjHKSTNUT. 1004-Two large 2d floor front rooms, slngl or en sulteLocust 731, CHE8TNUT. 1027-Well-furnlshe'd"-iultT23 floor, 2 rooms private bath, electric lights, CHB3TNUT. 2009-Deslrabl slngl and'doubl rooms,permanentor jranslent. """"' CHESTNUT. 2foS-8ulte of rooms with bath'. south, expos., also single rms. , table board. CHESTNUT. 2tl5-Furnlshed room, single "or com.; newly papered arid tiatnind. hT,. CHESTNUT. 402gLarg. '"airy' roo.ns.-fJr: jnlshed or unfurn. near L. Preston 034 W. CHESTNUT, 4952A"Ur"ctive'iy furn. Sd-slory room: southern expos. 1 hot-wter heat? phon CLINTON 81. (llth and'SpniceiTwcT larg. rooms, slngl or com 1 furn. or unfurn.; pri vate family Phone Filbert 3100 W. PIAM6ND. W.. 1537-Nwly' furnlahed front JEFFERSON, i8fj-Two very deslrabl !M"no5r rooms with bath; private amlly; phone. t, r ' " T y , -.i. uuiur. roonis) reas. OSAOB. 421-Attractlv, cheerful rooms: ail modern conv,t good neighborhood; Phone. PINE. SOA-Ideat bachelor quarters, furalahe'di single, double, prtvat bath.; also ultraoi com.. 14, reduced rates to permanent tenant. JMNE, 1432-Desirabl Sd.tory rooms, aingt orn sultwlth board; referenc?. BPIIIKOFIKU AVE., 472E.Beautlful Privaf. hom,larg,pleaant rooms; board optional BPRtJcE. 1117 WELIFURNISHETirROOMH 8INQLHOR.BW 6UITH;"NlJ!(k BATH?"8' SPrTJceT lSfTjiooms. single and en .uifri WJYf "" Also professional ifficis. ' BPIIUCE, Jttt4-LHrg 1st aur$dTnoor apart: ment with iMthj; lptl rooni. " ROOMS FOR RENT SPRUCE, HOO-Two targe d-noor room nd bath.phon Locust "J4 W SPRUCE, lifts 2 communicating rooms; aluo single rooms, hot-water heat, phone, owner. SPRUCE, 2022 Attractively furn. ulte; two rooms andprlv. bath, teleohoneMtentleinen. . WALNUT, 3P00 Comfortably furn. rms., slngl or en suite, board optional Preston 4237 W. WALNUT Wns-Attractlvely furnished 2d story front; hot -water heat Belmont 1272 w. "WINDSOR AVE.. 4720 (Baltimore and Chester aves )-Heautlfully situated rooms. Phone Woodland 2J13 W. 10TH 8., .122 llSAUT II0L RtfOtTFlfiVATfl BATH. THONE WALNUT 7281 W. 11T1I. fi. 32V (The Carlton) Large, airy rooms, single or en suit; furn or unfurn,; newly rinotatrd; refined environment, absolute cleanliness, comfort and ronvenlence; central location courteous, efficient service. An Ideal home, where your dollar will buy th most In comfortable living, reference jphon. T2TH, 8., 110 Centrarioeatlon, double and sfn gin rooms, furnished: gentlemen only. PiTirrN". 2321 Large, furnished, 2d"-story front room; rentlemen preferred; prhate family. lSlTH, S 10S Desirable ruoms. well furnished: running water, private bath, kitchenette. filTH, IMS N. Newly furnished, second. front; not running water, an conveniences. IlANbSOMBf.Y furnished front room In large. modern, tnhnte home; electric lights; large veranda, shade; beau ful eurroundlngs: 10 minutes to City Hall Phone Baring 415. SECOND-FLOOR steam-heated fiat, all modern lomcnleiicea, $13, third floor, $10. 2:1.10 Ridge. aboc Columbia. PRlVAThhome; rooms furnished or untur- nlshed.217 N. 20th st. Phone Locust 3BS4 S. TlDATiTlFULXYTrurn. apt., 1 or 2 rooms and bath: exclusive sec. W. Phlla. Preston 2201 J. HOARDING ARCH, 1012 Desirable vacancies; slnglo ot double rms.! running water; ref. surroundgs. BALTIMORE AVE., 4419 Desirable vacancies; porch facing park; phone: excel. tabl; rets. BT.OAD. S.. 770 (The 'Graham) Cool, attract- Ively fu-, roomsj all convs.; table board, $7 up. BROAD, N., .1Wi Furn. rooms, sing, or com- munlcatlng, with bath; mod, conv.. board op. CHESTER AVE., 4'04 2 large rooms; warm In wlnier; excellent table. Woodland all. CHESTNUT, in-11, formerly ot 1S2.1 Rooms, tin, or en suite, prlv. baths; meala optional, CHESTNUT ST?, cor. SOTH The Margrave". Vacancies, perm, or transient: superior board. DIAMOND, 1313 Congenial prl. fam. desires few let. boardcrBihome comforts: reasonable. DIA.MOND7 2007 Exccp.attractlve communi cating rms ; running water; cxcl. table: phn. OIRARD AVE., 2S00-Plearant front rms., re fined surroundings, rhone Poplar lonti D. it It FEN, 2021 (The Lcsti) Choice suites, fur nished or unfurnished: private baths; choice single rooms, unlimited hot vv ater; table bd. LEHIGH AVE.. 1313-13-Beautlful rooms. go"oa table, new management. Phone Tioga S221. LOCUST ST.. :i:i3 Desirable front rooms; jsouthernexposurejphone: also tablo board. POWELTON AVE., 4017 Attractive "furnished room, with board: quiet family; near "L." SPRUCE ST.ri02S-10 Beautiful 2d-floor suite? turn, or unfurn., to perm, people; choice tablo. SPRUCE. 1224-20 iBrlsmnndO-Furn. rooms, . single, en suite; private bathe: tablo board. WALNUT. 4144 Well-furnished single room for gentleman; excel, table. Belmont .1813 W, WA'LNUT. 4012 New ly furrT rme.: 2 'tinfur. ) ma. nnd bath; exceptional table, KITH ST. S.. 31S (CravenhuraO Suite or sin gle rooms; hlgh-claasculslne; table board. 33TH. 30J N. Dcslr. rnw.i good taMu; porch, shade,; conv. to cars. Phone Preston 32711 W 3STH7 S.. 10S Handsomely furnished rooms, prlvjitefam excellent table. Preston 0180 W. 40TII. N.. 32 Pleasant, light ro"ms; exceptional tabbt porch, near L;rcasonable; phone. BOTH, N 121 Beautiful nefghborhood: near I. and surface lines; all modern conveniences. 51ST. S.. 221 (cor.) Furn. rms . adult family; board opt. Photo at Ledger Cen. Bel. 2884. PRIVATE adult family desires to rent 2 welf fumlshed front rooms. 2d or 3d floor, south ern exposure, very comfortably heated, good home table, refined, residential section of rat 1-nimueipmn. j-iione wooaiantl rtttN. SPRrCELYN-305 South 41st at. Miss S. M. HANLEY. formerly of Chestnut st. Suburban GERMANTOWN. 233 W, Rlttenhouse Bt. (be tween Wayne and Greene) Large front 2d story room: good tab.: conv. Ph Gtn. 1371 X. GERMANTOWN The ShlDDen. Wayne AV linn... hern, first class In appointments and service APARTMENTS BROAD ST.. N, rooms, front, fam.; owners. , corner. Southern exposure, two prlv. bath, kitchenette, prlv. Apply office, 3033 N. Broad, DIAMOND ST.. HI2S Attractive apartments. 5 rooms, hath, porch, hardwood floor. KAHN & OREKNBERO. 5309 Morris Bldg. """" SPRING GA.tCEN. 1010 Excellent apts. In S different houses, eome furn.; kitchenette. WALNUT AND 11TH STS. (S. W. COR.) Modern suites, exceptionally attractive; large rooms; high ceUlnga: abundantly lighted on tnree sides; -nlso 202-S 8 llth at., suitable for housekeeping. If desired; rentals SIS 10 and $75; Janitor on corner premises BARBETLHARTMAN & CO.. 1201 ChestnuL WALNUT. 1411-Very attractive apts.. 2 rms . liath; al'o single room and bath, furn. or un fi.rn.: excellent location: lst-clasi service Phone Spruce 4830, or apply to Janitor. 11TH, 8., 1 OS-Bachelor apartmenta: excepT tlonally desirable 2d-floor suite, 2 large rooms and bath: every modern Improvement Janitor on premises; steam heat Included. BARBER. HARTMAN & CO., 1201 Chestnut. PLAZA counT7 MASTER. 1.1TH TO SYDENHAM ST. 2 rooms, bath and kitchen: maid service by the hour if desired. Out of 30 suites. J de Blrable apartments are still for rent-17.50. $10 and on- exceptional suite with marble shower at $45. i. si.wi-ii.n .smith, or Janitor on Premlaos. tOR RENT Apartment in The Maryland, near 15th and Spruce sts . moderate rental can be tented from month to month If de- Grrdrd BuPfi',U J' - RPER- 18 S,ephen West Philadelphia GREY GABLES "2 N-3M w 3 TO 7 ROOMS SOME FURNISHED. ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS POWELTON AVE., 4007(corner)-5and "d rooms, hath, porch; electric lights, hot-water heat: open day and evening. BarHg 1807 u. 3.1D, N., .1(102 or a room apartments with prl- vate baths; furn. or unfurn.. with or without kitchenettes: hot-water heat. 40TH ST.. S . SOS-Attractive-apt.. 3 rms! "'& bath,; 8. W expos.; Janitor serv.j brd. conv. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 5!A?' V" 855-S rooms, private bath,-elec-trlclty, steam heat; south'n and east'n expos. .'it. NV !i8BeauMIul furnls!.ed econd-fioo"r ,ii.,r.i i . i"1 P"vate i.ain: modern: continual hot water: must be seen to bi appreciated. Phone Poplar 1472 w. ".ZS11 ST -BeautlfuliyiurTnihTrbaThV. lor apts:; private baths: dcslr. Iocs.; owner. West Philadelphia TWO ROOMS, light housekeeping, to a lady employed near 60th and BaltlVnor ave.; own' eiweflned home; reas.; ref. Woodland 050. . APARTMENTS WANTED Tni?i .MA.N .anu "Uburban home, either mall furnished house, top floor of large M0uU.','ir.eoo,. roora, w,lh Private family! Must be superior, comiortable, quiet and In Office!1 " Urb' "y UaU M wV, Ledger APARTMENT HOTELS THE MORRIS 13TII STREET BELOW SPRUCE 1 DUALLY RESIDENTIAL Situated In th heart of Philadelphia' arlatocratle residential section. Vlthln walking djstanc of th shopping, th. t5.lf.",L?.1- bualiMwa district. 8UITE8 arranged according to your J. H. HAWKINS, Mgr. ALDINE HOTEL CIIESTNUT ABOVE 18TH Permanent or Transient Guests COMFORTABLE SUITES i On. or mors ' wU-furnlshd room with bath, UNEXCELLED TABLE, WHITE SERVICE. T.7ilB FltONTENAC' BROAD AND OXFORD BTS. S?er?en'1eellb,Wul -rwm .uR,?.wti, ,very Snar?nn,C,i Ji'. 132T. attractlvjIbLchVlo, beauiirui W;:ir ."'?,".?nv in.mot ;.:y - zr" "" ".o elect snd cuisine. most excellent EV COLONIAL cor. sprio -- .,-i, i f r w . P-eautlfully furn. or unfurn ant 1 ! room, with bath exceUent tabled ni agtroenti rsductton on lease, hotl Vrv ,' in i.. t to ,nw man. rvic. -both Ledgera APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-MOnniS OEHMANTOWN, . AT CHELTBN AVE. STATION TENNA. RAILROAD, 20 MINUTES FROM BROAD ST. TERMINAL. .... .n ttw ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED; AMD UN. r"URN18HKD SUITES AND HOU8KKEEr. . INQ APARTMENTS THE PARKSIDE 4Vtn jShnAnD OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK Furnished and unfurnished apartments, com . plete hotel service, rhon Baring 221. The STRATHAiORE ""YW Moat central of all, 7 floor- running water all rooms, beautifully furnished suites; single ronns, with or without bath; popular rates, THE TRACY Sflth and Chestnut (Elevated Station) PKRMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families and seeker for QUIET SURROUNDINGS THE GLADSTONE llth and Tine fits ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE ESMOND 8. E. COR. 12TH AND SPRUCE STS. Desirable suite with private baths THE BELVIDEnE , N. W. COR. 1UTH AND LOCUST (WEST RITTENHOUSE SQUARE) UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT rVASHWOOD, 1S0S-I0 Cheetnut-rrofess'onal offices and bachelor apts.; newly renovated and newly futn,; elevator service; all mod, Improvements. Brooks & Clough. HOUSEKEEPING APARJMENTS BROAD AND DAUPHIN STS. (S. E. eor.V-Ex. elusive housekeeping flats, newly built, 1 or 8 baths; $73 up. Apply Janitor. 23D AND PINE STS. (De Lancey Apts.) Five roome. bath, tn 0 rooms, 2 baths, Janitor or CUMMINS, BOS ChestnuL N. E. COR. 1BTH AND MASTER Housekeep ing suites. $3 up; furnlahed room, private bath. $5 up. 1STH. N.. 105S Fully furnished first floor apart ment with private bath and kitchen; $27; suit 2 persons; reference required. 1504 MONTGOMERLY AVE.-Four roims. bath, large porch, janitor service; very conv. I OFFER a larg variety of apartment at varied prices and to meet almost any re quirement. Call or send for list. 'Auto mobile service to Inspect apts. If desired. NORMAN 8. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut St. "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" APARTMENT AND HOTEL nUREAU Oil) New Stock Exchange Building Apartments anywhere. Lot us save you home hunting. Vacancies listed now rented quickly. Magazine sent upon request. PALMER & WETHERILL APARTMENT SPECIALISTS Real Estate Trust Bldg. Walnut 143. MANY DESIRABLE APARTMENTS $25 TO $30 KERSHAW tc CROWL. 5215 CHEaTNUT CORONADO 22d and Chcstrut sts. A few desirable vacancies, large and small. HOUSEKEEPING APTS., all parts of lty. Rents $25 to $70 per mo. Call, phone or wrllo for Information. Samuel Stern. 1201 Chestnut. CRESHEIII VALLF.Y -Hsku. aDts.. Allen La. Eta. & 1 R. R. C. 11. Magulrc. 114 N. Broad. West Philadelphia ANGORA TERRACE MD TO B.1TH ST., ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF BALTIMORE AVH Built In pair like side-yard houses, making everv room an outside room, and with varied ann beautiful architecture. If vou are going to live tn an apartment this fall, the selection of THE particular apart ment out of the many, many ou see on every hand la naturally a matter of great moment to you. But there must be ONE BEST APART MENT for you where location, service and comtort everything that goes to make a truly attractive apartment home Is absolutely at It. best and this, too, lor a reasonable rental. For $32 to $35 monthly you can secure one of these apartments, and this Includes most excellent and even heating: unlimited hot water, courteous and efficient Janitor service, vacuum cleaning service, shades, screens and awnings In fact, everything to make apatt ment housekeeping quite tho perfect wy to live. Apartmenta ha five rooms and bath and are finished In both natural wood and white enamel, with artistic papering and fixtures, cabinet gas ranges, private porches. The price Is Ir. truth the only thing Inexpensive about them. We have tastefully furnished a sample apartment (No. 5440 Angora terrace), which Is open for Inspection day and evening and will give you a definite Idea of how remark ably attractive these apartments really are. WM. H. W. QUICK & BRO., Inc., 8 S. 40th st. and NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut sL THE MARLBOROUGH MTH AND CHEfaTNUT STS.-Most conven ient location obtainable; hot-water heat, electric light; In fact, the character ot service and comfort which makes a vacancy In any ono ot these apartments a rare occurrence; two or three desirable apartments are of lered now where tenants are leaving the city; rentals. $.17.50 to $45. THE PARKWOOD 41TH ST., one Mock below Chester ave. (at V'oodlajvd ave.), facing C'ark Park 2S apart ments rented since July 1; 2 apartments still cftered for rental: a record which speaks more eloquently of tfce remarkable value In the apartments than anything I can say LIS BLANC APARTMENTS 3STH AND WALNUT STS. - Housekeeping apartments, with 5 rooms and" bath, v,lth every modern convenience and with the sort of service which will make you glad to live In an apartment this winter: one first-floor at $35, two second floors at M7. THE PLOBtDRN 40TH AND LOCUST STS. Two suites of 5 rooms and bath each may now be obtained In this particularly desirable 4-story fireurouf apartment house. K ' I alto offer a large variety of apartments at varied prices and to meet almost any re nulrement. Call ;r send for int. Autorao bile service to Inspect apartment if di ilred. NORMAN S SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut .t APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" ' CHESTNUT ST.. EAST OF (HID $3: Stf 5d,-.A.rf.! VWe.; .-vear. md st. "L" station- m.i .m. $34 deep Jots: every other convenience. on Premises, or 48th and Market. 41ST, N 1234-30 2-toS."?oomaDartn7T facing park. Groskln? 1824 "chestnut gi' DREXEL APARTMENTS At.., B.?VI?RDnOOK STATION Si. .mb.er.u1, on." housekeeping suite. 7 S! .""? baih! lvator; publlo dining Otv.?b!rro1c0',rd"" cl.. lawn. rB um.,,3 ... ill i i UU.1.U. THE RUTLAND APTS..' JUST COMPrFTirrv 1-OCUST ST., 61Ti TO SSTOStI 0 and 7 room apartments, with all the latest pnone. McUnont 4431. M43 Locuit .L KtTiflBi-rtTTt'n JUST TOMFVrDo'D.&N HOUSE 'drnP,nr,tmro.itn-i.flTp'pryt THOMAS M. BEEPS, JPrf.,lanT iflnv. or. Be?nN.Dxp2n S?5I5? Wtm.M, u,h. 4 r.t Kfnviv.i ".. "? " to Dams, 1&1R jE86n, 24 and26B. 40th st. " ' ""--- J. wo 1H 1IQK. LOCHBLEY HALL JSorvhi-.-n.l.ba. Wayn PARTMtWHv. .housektopinq PUttd ara liw-t 'tT'v -J- com ,.....j ........ f. ttiii sroundt, jjur- 3 minute of thVii:,.aS.TS"a,."f. tvuiiuou witn naaiiiiir.,1 i j . . -. a - minute by th new .liJirf- .. l,u.n ,na street. With .11 ."- lec,o. train to Broad nut, bv thi n.w .TI. A'".e' m".n. "?.?? rent ar $.10 iiuS,Vnine Wments for REALTY CO.. Vayni? p"""h- "ELLA REAL ESTATE gpiTBALB CITV 1KOA T M. Handsome, modern. Ttoy bro'wnatn. .. INC.. 4th and Callow hill '."P'' & CO., ave F,A"T,ME,JTa' BM 08 Chesti, ments Be.'. ai22ii,i2furn' housekeeping iplrt' i "??, : . J ' r r rh- w"""- Mi? j. premises. Phonj Filbert 44M,P T Jn"r' on Germantovrn at the former rate for REAL ESTATE TOR gj City 0V rARRISH and rear rent aS $3200: price, $1300, "rt el WLLlB-WlNCHESTKn COi . 629 SPnUCE ST.-De.lrabl r, 101 ft. to Cynrers Aw.'iK1'. Company, Jl7 Chestnut ,t h" Pw" VINE ST.. 117,-Four storleaITT" room, term to suit! $40oo '' INC.. 4th and Callowhi.i2'.. - C. $300 OR $400 CASH reoulr4 .T N. 12th,' 1023 N? IRth? lln? L ?? SorriJa"nr&iKii safe fiTiftfaSc FivpMxs-xoSsr aVViJrv. '.r.vALL avu "'''" ,v" v-iia-tri-Nipp gr- SALES, HUNTS. tnCCMAWnS" ,.w. i(11. Tv UROUND ALONG NORTHnlo" varril succeaane I.,i. .iv J"A8T WILLIAMS, 727 Walnut .i"0""-. 19 bmlth.101ichc,nuTt ," c"n M FOR SA1.R. rhun n.. .: " . S&iTh0d"n '--meX'9 'c HOUSES FOR SALE AND FOTTnTRisi FrusSselLh "!?-naxt, estatV IHJSSELL. N. n cor. 15th aSJ ti IF VOL1 WaNt Tn M?vWssrr5IS -- . : - z "v eu south: sell, exchange or In.,,,. 'unui reatl ' 8EE TA.ULANE ABOUT it, li WO Walnut ,i uc W .1 iOTir AKti n"i ii ' hi i rr. 1 .FAnERAbsBbRN?,' fijrffjg RBSULTS-Selllns ..!- ... ""JM erlck Hermann. 2453 North 3.l5..tte" WEST ri.lLADF.I.iU MT. VERNON RT.. .151on o - HSr5LL'NQi 8 nooMs and nii-wfl ic ouiiii, u. v;. MEIDEL i on T tV.1.1 AND CALLOWHILL STS. "lN0' ur.r.N sr, 4031 3-sty brlcicdTirSl ronrna nrt h.ih. . . ! .?. OWeHiaaH offer G. C. S. & Co., IncT, ita Sfl lowhlll sts. l0 " 1 -C.f ... ,-. am'..- - . ' ke )-w.D ;;er,Vi:s"SJMni G. C. SEIDEI. 4 CO? INf?' aih an r-ll... l... v- .... -im ..iiuwnm sis, .i,uiivujtm sx.. r.nis it. $5200! FIVE ROOMS nv avAtZA EVERY CO.WCNIEftTn, OPEN TOD SEND FOR LIST SAI.n nn nwvn. JOS M. BAKER. B2D AND BALT11 OHHMflSTOtVN STENTON" NEW nVr.t.I.tvn77! to $.13,000; open dally and SundMs i,.i Stentor. Station, nrtm- n..SSf. Stcntor. Station, Rcadlne Itallwiv' "'1 out Stenton nv ?. . ! Vernon road irjimr m. ntANK MAURAN ..' uanu line HOI , nk, i."r..' RKSIDLNCE SITES-Ground in"besrsl Germintnwn nnd r-lie.im,. tun fc ' - " ygliR & SON. 3012 Gerrnantoir.1 -"" .V- "' "i nrsinut Hill, connihs A. R. Meehsn I1T17 n. I.."'- con"H . ,,, uciiiiuiiiunn at la otvi. l..m. m... ...-r-r Jl' 9 "v." r"" "H" '"-al i.-stati: ni'LLxi flermantown Tmet Co .dm & YhelttM Chestnut Hill "'n'lV'i''..".1-' "KNT LIST READI-WI rclham, Mt. Airy and Chestnut JIllLWl PELHAM TRUST CO.. iitjo iV.-V... i..l """Miaiuuwm Tioga 1713 BUTLER ST-3-ftory. porch-froITi ".K'.."""!?' Urge "u"s hair.prtcVSI . North Phlla TrustCo.Jjroa.l and Eriol VERY well built modern S-stoiyTVeitii o. -. ..ui-watci IICttL. C3aT. !rJ idem 3-stmv Hv.miut,su. rooms and-Jinth. Including hot-wiierwKk ,xe.ry.omcler"L oonvcnlence: lot 16x100 tr cost $5(10. nffere,! nl o I.,..--.! ..".'-W I tamiM terms tn closo an nccount. YOCIIM V POWERS CO.. iOS. 13th tL wc "AXPJCKJ5."0l'3E you" want" KENNEDY & RAMBO. 374gRM.wrntr.Jfr I.ocan K'rwt.r r,rt . .. .n.. . . . Z . n" a,"u?U ivi i-orcn iront, Jr., bauYakaTaU i.. '..,... ;.''. ,,u"uuu mrougnout, raoMaisTa).- In every particular. G. C. S. il CO., INC.. 4th and Callowi REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGES ANff CONVEYANCING H1 " " CHAMBERS 4'J.ll N 3road SAL.I:. unvr amti t-vrn .tfrfiia lit .1 J KH.A1. I'WriTEl - - XT. Qlnltl. 1. .! , . v -. uiiiiiii, imjdU l.. DUUU. lillfjn XI SUIJUKIJAN CITY AND SUBURBAN REAL ESTATV MEARS & BROWN. M1a .. J8th and Walnut sts. 2000 SUBURBAN PROPERTIES forTaTen Jr "" , HW,Po & Sons. "The Big nl a '"-c -rni uv, I a. It HOMES FOR BALK OR RENT" J011Cirii3T.UT, AND ELKINs' PARKf J ucuijiiaiiuK. A: MCCORMICK 2000 SUBURBAN PllOPERTIES for"sa"ie; lor list, huoiw & Bona. "The Big Real tate Office." Ilnehv. P. W CHOICE BUILDINOl SITES ANII Aril-AI1W ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. Langhorne.1!! LWO SUBURBAN PROPERTIES for saTeis for list. Bwopo & boat. "The Big Ileal I tate Office," uaruy, j'a. BUILDING & LOAN BARGAIN' Deli dwg., near UOth st. term.. 10 rooms est new; $45tO. O. M. AMAN, 1201 Chestnisi 2000 SUBURBAN PROPERTIES for CT, for list. Swope & Sons. ."The Big Real I tate Office, Darby, Ph. iatM Btiiuiui.t.N HOMES for salo or renttij ica miiu friLer. iv iw.uc.L,Li cL AlAassiTill Ileal Estate Trust Building -saWi 2000 SUBURBAN PROPERTIES for ssleLI for list. Swope & Sons. "The Big Rtall laie unite, uarDj', ia. Sl'LECT PROPFJtTIES-Country seats. 1 SON, 1414 S. Penn iq. FOl NDKD II! 2000 SUBURBAN PROPERTIES for sa'lari for Hat. Sono & .Soni. "Tlia Lie Reall tate Office." Darbv". Pa JHl fel'BURBAN RKSIDEKCIM for sale or I attractive locations; price right. MAI! J. HOOVER, Real Eatate Truct Bull 2000 SUBURBAN PROPERTIES' for saleK for Hat. fiwope & Bona. "The IHg Rest! jaie urricc, uaruy. I'a. S VCRIFIcn 10 rooms, steam heat, elect lot .hjxjuu: nif. enrraro, mlgnt roniioi cnange. is K47, ledger central. 1RGE Llr'T of suliuilmn home, rale 0 on the Muln Line or Reading R. R T.JKJ WILSON & CO.. Morris Building. uv.fu,.,,., lull r.miL, lltlll l.llir, "ra town; farms. Heading P. R Bend for OITIllltin I , 1 .... .,.,, ,(.. l-a. Chaa. J. IlooJ Co.. Morris Blr. HJJi lliillcllnr Lot THREE MINUTES to train, trolleys anJ Catholic church: 20 minutes to Broad cent fare; fine old shade: 3 or 10 acre! advance eome cash to purchaser attfj erai lots. Auuresa uwner, on oprucej 2000 SUBURBAN PROPERTIES for sale:! for list, swop ic Sons. "The vig .v tate omce." uaruy, pa, CHOICE rip building lota In all parts J city, jfeivm. itcai Kstate I'rust tfuiii Ambler, I'a. 63-ACRE FARM, with new Colonial r containing u rooms ana a cams, i remodeled farmhouse, ' tenant houi HC, MUi. vnui. uuuii.jr iibiil, ,v, orchards and building In excellent cor Yvt sale ai less tnan in cost ot A great bargain. WARNOCK Ac KM LBN Commercial Trust Building. 2000 SUBURBAN PROPERTIES for sale: ror list, swop & eons. "Tn uig vave unics. jjarpy. v. Ambler, Pa. HRNh Win T.TRT ne uK,4.ti bftmeS. tountrvvaeats. hllltrflnr orrnund. etc II I, lurp itiH varl.rf II.. I,i AfnntroAtTy IlilekK fAiintl. If vaii srA InnUtnr f OT 4 thing In the wy of country real etra not tan to get my list perore you u. t-j THOMA8 ATKIMBV.T Ambler, Pa. 2000 SUBURBAN PROPERTIES for I for list. Swope tc Sons. "Th Big nn witice. uarpy. i'a. FARMS, country places and suburb) w,i nm iveaains; s ueillienera sou branches. 11. J. Pager, In&. AmMfi: 2000 SUBURBAN PHnPKRTIES for I for Hat. Bwopa tc Bona. "Th BI tat Office," Darby. Pa, , Darby, fa. 2000 SUBURBAN PROPERTIES for I for Hat. Swop & Sons. "Th Btf vv uaici," uarpy, ra. EddystaH. Fa. FOR BALE-About 400 building lots. wunin two 4IOCS or in Haiawia u Work and the Ramlnrton Arm plants at Eddyatone, Will Mil a ' " sto. imager utno. 2000 SUBURBAN PROPERTIES fjsr for list, Swop & Sons, Th Pit tat unice." Darby, Pa. Klktas l-ark. I'a. SEAUTIFUL.VI1UILDIN0 SITE, high I nar train and trolley, at deido ' Sll lUnamHIHUU. u iHW, Incuse. aoau SUBURBAN JMOPERTIES for I ipr nsi. nwopa Bons. "TH 4 tat omce." Darby, P. one ii