EVESriKq UEPGEPHIUADELPHIA,' TUESBAY. SEPTEMBBB 141018. "SI , JJBTATE rOSAM gtBUKHAN REAL ESTATE FOR SAM imURQAN RKAI, ESTATE 10 K SAM suntmtiAN $9,500 to $25,000 Houses Sold Since Last Fall There must be a reason. l BbI 1 nrlfiSi3iiv9 REAL ESTATE FOR SAt-i NEW JERSEY. Kevtew lUlghte, N. J. REAIi ESTATE FOR SAMS nkw jersey LaVrttrw lltlihtt, N. J. HOUS-XMKlNr AVABTXMH1 mv wfe- .-fiWiw.: -' New All STONE' Residence. $9500 This substantial Colonial house, now nearinc comnlptinn. ran he fin;V.,l ,r tnit .,- .,ri., r,rri,.. Hardwood floors first and second story, six bedrooms. 2 baths, one with marble shower Large lot, on one of the widest streets in the city They are within the city limits, and surrounded by houses valued at from Twelve to Forty Thousand Dollars, ensuring a neighborhood in keeping with the refine ments, aesirca uy muse wjiu aic uisii liiuuuunK. 14 Minutes to Broad St Station. Fare 7$4c Commutation or 25 Minutes by Trolley, 5c. JohnH. McClatchy, " LmdSSsaj&vSS and 0wncr ..., . .. '-" " -i- - AUCTION SALE WMLW HERHT September 18 to October 2 .i-jjffi ?&" N" 'a ' .. tA!tVv fcfv'.l-ftJi Ml III &m WNKWji T.HE most beautiful land In all New Jersey I at your own price an outing at our expense 3yfe " ' n ims,mm 1 I $?tftf a band concert and $2000 worth of pres ents. Come next Saturday to Lakeview Heights (which is Almonesson Lake under a new name) at our guest. Take Chestnut Street Ferry at 1.S0 (Agents with yellow badges give you Ferry Tickets) and leave Camden at 3 minutes of Z on our specially chartered cars. Not a penny for you to pay we shoulder the expense mere ly so you can see Lakeview Heights, and to prove there's no prettier, cheaper or more healthful place to live, in all the world. Come next Saturday as our guest. Hear the band get a present and see Lakeview Heights, the beautiful suburb 10 miles from Camden. Send for Lakeview Circular, giving list of Beautiful Gifts. ;ty- m 1011 CHESTNUT ST.. Second Floor Front Bell "Phone. Walnut 3513 't ,ft'iyiA1 & I -fc V' . - HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS CITY I , . . - . ?'" Ml. JLM,,. .J ill. 1 tV -y jdmm (St i7jm$ mur : i Wtr Mi? i f .is fm 2n it m Ik wi 3 . IliiEf.l 3 iBbPs " r '.kf1 . fl Hi The Albert Cor. 22d and Walnut Sts. Open Oct. 1st One room and bath to three rooms and two baths. Larger suites may be ar ranged. Restaurant Meals optional. Palmer & Wetherill Apartment SptcialwtB Real Estate Trust Building lllTcrton, N. J. $100 CASH You can own your own homo at East lllYcrton by paytnc rnt Six-room houses, larca lots $1400 to Jimn A. E. PRICE 410 LIPPINCOTT AVK. Ill KRTON. N J. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 1 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Mh.ST l'HlLUlhl.rillV MODERN APARTMENTS 4825-31-35 WALNUT STREET JM ilti HADDONnELD, N. J. HADUONl'IEU). N. J. JMy " Tl HESTV1HI.AI)J.H,III V JtBHafldonbeld,IiJ. lolomal Knck nouse tor Sale . 1 1!S" FIVE ROOMS AND BATH, 510.00 - $ Built by and tor owner's uiie in restricted section of Haddonfleld on King's Highway 'S J WMt. aflolnlne Country Club with 18-hols golf course. Largs hall, living room, library. M ttaUi room, kitchen, pantry and laundry Large side porch becond floor 5 rooms, i 1 tuiTbtlu and sun parlor. Third door 4 rooms, bath and billiard room Gas, electricity, J? tnslsces, hardwood floors, best plumbing btable with mans rooms. 175 feet front, $ Iwirs depth 325 feet. C. V. GK4W, Haddonlleld, N, J. Bell phone. Uaddon- Lj" "'a ie0, '1 m BOJWEKEEPING APARTMENTS" HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS m "I WEST rHlIDELriHA WEST rillLADELriHA M& ALBERT H. LADNER, Inc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE BROKERS N. W. Cor. 5th -and Green Sts. Both Phones. l'lIILADKU'lIIA ANGORA TERRACE APARTMENTS 53d to 55th St., One Block South of Baltimore Ave. , , . ..... . ... r r l....... wfHna fUirv room an "PTimnti aro built m tmlrt, i iiatjuru .. uc.uU roem, and with btautiful and varied arcft(fectur, .Hticulr apartment out of the many, many you see on avery hand is " p -8.T therV ml." T.ONE BEST APAHTMENT for you wMr.locj.on. m riMtorafort everything that goes to make a truly attractive apartment nome ( aVolutjjy at lu best, and this. too. for a reasonable rental. rt . ,n4 thts l,or ,S2 t0 35 monthly you can secure one of these PlJm"tu,;uJu, id 'SKtff -mo,t excellent and even heating, unlimited hot water, iourieousiu JJWent Janitor service, vacuum cleaning service, shades, screens and awnings . v.rytlilng to make apartment housekeeping Q"ee perfect way to li. .w i,!tm,nt hve five rooms and bath anT are finished In oth natural woou m whlu .n.M.i ,.,. ..,.., .n.m. and nxtureB. cabinet gas ranges, y,,- ? The price Is. tn truth, the only Inexpensive thine about them ... :. V he ta.i.tnJlLl.l,.J SoU Apartm.nt (No. SU0 An,ora TarracJuhloh iLZll (r tn'P'cilon day and .v,nU,g, and ulll ou a d.nnif .a.. -. .. ;,MWVoraci' lAss apartments "U' uu - APARTMENT HOTELS tm THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street 251 South 16th Street NEW, UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES APARTMENT HOTELS CITY Most artistically painted and decorated; private porches; hot-water heat, electric lights, hlgh-cfass Janitor service, convealent to U station and nev, public schools. EXCEpxl0NAI, VAMJESl Sample apartments, 4831, open at all times. WM. H. W. QUICK & BRO., Inc. mtVSSSct I, THE MONTEVISTA 017 TO 031 OHTH 03D STIIEET In the exclusive Overbrook section An Ideal semlsuburban location for all the year. and within SG f minutes of CltV Hall via Market street elevated and 00th street crosstown ""9 SIS& of o'n'i 1? InTbifh to seven (7) room, and bath renting from 125 ,. ,75. Per month, on Uual Jea.e o.Uy.Dlnlng jyomy ffdbulld.ng. 1- J7tik 1 .aUffisKUslsHBIsUlIsHsl f WH. H. W. QUICK & BRO., Inc., 8 South 40th Street NORMAN S. SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut Street NRTHRRLANDS SLE? te- S!t .ya ks isBA.P S 4t j. - ?r RBtat?7'i.. L7?S - ' -v: .MtHIHU w 1 r- r"ssLf ', rif r;. ,i i"."ii T Ci rfu ,4 ILofff - rrB1Jrr:.ff ., j tfr-iSr" H " "J"V r I1 ' ' fsi S ! 9m& xs H si) " . PERSONALS BOTB-BOTS Many energetic, bright BOTS and uinLs who com under our car are now available for office, shop or factory work; NO CHAHOES. JUVENIUC WOKKEItS" UUBEAU 11T ATlOlf Telephones. Hace T33T. Sprue 8147. W HO WILL, ADOPT a 7-weeks-old, whiu baby girl. In perfect nealin. an particulars by attending physician. Address X 04$, Ledger Central. HELP WANTED PEMALE She Jfflorrte 13th Street Below Spruce, Philadelphia An Apartment House With Hotel Service FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED Suites arranged according to your requirements from two rooms and bath to seven rooms and three baths ...... Conveniently located within walking; distance to the shopping, theatre and business centres, yet sufficiently separated from the business districts to have the characteristic privacy of a residence Ji. ir. 1H.WKI.VS, Manncer. BOOKKEEPER In refined business, high school or normal gradual: give particulars about education Rnd state experience, tf any, and alary expected.D 235, Ledger Central. I)OOK"kEEVKn, with experience ln wholesale supply rouse; give reference and salary ex petted. Kl-'. Ledger Office CHAM BERMA1D to assist with washing, will lug to live In country; reference required. Box 81. Burlington. N. J, C1ULDNUR6E Young, experienced whit girl to assist care of three children. Call Wedncs ua. 1519 Diamond st. CLuTH WEAVERS wanted. Apply John & James DoDson, inc., uianaei juius, dcou lane. Falls of Schuylkill. t -i COOKr-Protestant Christian woman ha Ins bad exioerlence In Institution work as cook. U Philadelphia resident preferred) state age experience and salary expected. U SJ8, ueager unict. CITY THE LINCOLN TheWarwick APARTMENT HOUSE (FIRERROOR) 1906-8-10 Sansom Street (ExtcndiriK Back to Moravian Street.) Housekeeping Suites with all modern conveniences for housekeeping, includinj abun dant supply of hot water. Apartments equipped with cas and electric Hunt (private meters). , Excellent caterer in building ArranRements can be made for care of apartments. Meals served in dlninjj room or in apartments. Elevator runs all night. Rentals, $500 to $800 per Locust and Thirteenth Sts. year. .. '"" .LL3mmmiJ Whiteside & McLanahan Agents 15th and Pine Streets ..- SELECT HOUSEKEEPING APAHTMENTS ' nnh ana un. i! &j2x: "1&ff,Q,N. $i;tt :if: . s ;:T: nT: ??: : : R ; : :?, :: rs The BELVIDERE NORTHWEST CONNER 19th and Locust Sts. West UlUenhouae Square & R Oie & Two Rseia Suites With Private Bath INlNQ.ROOM 8ERVI0E UNDER NE.W MANAftf MENT HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Centrally Located Handsome suites o( six rooms. Every modern convenience. WILLIAM r DEAKYNH Deltevue-Btrstiord. CKKMAMOH'N Fairfax iSlpattmentg rlKKl'KOOr HUILDINQ (IN QKIIUANTOWN) WATNB AVBNUB AT SCHOOL L.ANH ultis of 1 nd 8 rooms anil 3 bttb. VoUrlum coverln: enttr house. U14 rvlce ty jtJft hour Klcvstor, M. J. JOHNleON. 4 UUf uU4la, 5 1 ! II I I p SI I S I ". "- ' ' mtaWWW -III i91 IssHssHssJ 1 IBfrrVri '3 r-l'P' 'm- 1 1 IT- II - - - - Desirable suites and single rooms with private bath, two elevators, run ri i ning water in all rooms. Transient and permanent guests. Ideal in its location. The construction of this building is thoroughly fire proof and modern. Booklet on request. EXCELLENT CUISINE CCMJIC Whlto woman for cooklne and house woilc In country home 20 miles from Phlls. nelphla. E ai8. Ledger Central COOK, white, Protestant, mlddle-ed. sub urbs. Call Wednesday, 2 p. in , 43 Ltnwood n es-h m tHAI TVs COOK AND CHAMIIERMAID and waitress. -elrls, white. Protestants, or light colored. M g-4. Ledger Office. COOK German; small prlvat family, refer ence. 1VJS N. 17th st. UHHSSMAKCU-EStptrlenced waist trimmer for large private establishment: best refer ence, no other kind need apply. M 947, Ledger Central. DnrsSMAKER Order taker of experience for large prltate establishment! best refs . no other need apply. M 048, Ledger Central tin iKf Aif kh Thorouehlv exo waist trim mer, one accustomed to Arst-clsss work, only. Apply 1620 Sprue st. " CUNEKAL HOUfeDWORK. colored; suburb" Meet employer. Room 330, Led, Off., Wed. 11 C11KL, for cenerai housework, country, family of four, no nthln. Apply Wednesday, 1J20 uocust st. UIHL for general NjlHthst. housework, white. 1818 IToTJaEWOllK A first-class place for a thor oughly reliable and competent housework girl. Protestant, In family, hlghet wages. Call 331 S 4Jd H. HOUStJWORK OIRU teneral, wanted, with d ne aood references, to to Madame Carnoy. Id with laundry Apply 4011 Chester ave. HOUBEWOUK. general Woodbury, N. J,; good wages Meet employer. Room 230, Led ger olflce. Wednesday, II 30 a. m. ilot'SlJWORIC OlrTwanted for general house work, family of 3. 221 Kent road, Wnne wood. Telephone Ardmor 1105. HOUSEWORK Whit girl, Protestant. In family of 3. Call Wednesday. 244 W. John son St., flermantown. HUUbliWOHK, general; German or Irish Cath olic; wasn ana iron, an zw- n. -ii '. NURSES or nursery governess for three chll dren. Apply Apt. S3, The Gladstone, 11th and Pin, after 2 p. m. Only experienced nurse with reference need apply. NURSE! for day nursery In cltyi fi2 per month, Saturday and Sunday oft, sleep horn. MJjasLedger pfjttr. . STENOGRAPHER, .perlence. accurst, quick, electro-mechanical Una; Smith Premier machine. P 20.. Ledger Offlce. STENOaRAPHER Quick, accurate; rlv ro ord of employment, speed, salary, etc. Ad, hb r. ftab. Ledser Olflce tTENOORAPHER and typewriter for general Apply. umc ln own handwriting. olflce work. T. Ml. LAdirer Olflce. WAITRESS Urst class; wages $20 per month. Apply personally University Hospital, 8400 Bpruc st. YOUNQ LADY for stenography jtd general offle work, must b abl to read notes ac curately and b familiar with good forma of business correspondence. M 103, Ledger Olflce. SOUTHERN family wanta colored cook and general housework; preferably wjth daughter at least 14 years old lor nurse. Sutton, 13J B 12th st. Spruce and 11th Sts. Situated in the center of the city, in close touch to busineis and amusements. The house has been entirely refurnished and urn to meet thq requirements Df people of taste. Suites con gist of from two to three rooms with bath The former ranste from $50 00 to (60 00 unfurnjsh ed, and $65 00 to $75 00 jurnuh ed The three-room suites ramie from $75 oo to $100 oo unfur nished and $100.00 to $125.00 furnished A few of the latter have Urge entrance halls, which dd to their privacy American., plan dining room is personally superintended by the manatee-ment COMPETENT NURSE to tak car of 2M year boy In Atlantic City, with xperUnc. references age. tc M 2.S. Ledger Offlo. uenerai WOMEN wanted a gov. clerks; ST0 mo..PhIla. exam'ns coming, sample ques. fre. Frank"" Institute. Kept 71S Cl. Rochester. N Y. LADIES for spare time work only, some thing entirely new, no competition, p. O. llox 45 nethlehem Pj WRT.P WANTED MAIiE LooKttfcftl'ER Young man with experlenc . ........ I. .. ',,.- nf m,nnfafhlrinf a tabllshment, good opportunity for on who una rei rg"- - ------ w-- BOOKKEEPEn'-ICxp'd nun to .".c".." nil n iri rnmmiBi ii ur 4siva . ref.; Room t. aft. 2 pm., Hotel lllngham. BOY. about 1 yar old, for deslrabl insld position neat uppearanc and best of refer- one rwuuireu a, ., urn w...w. XM i ,J,.wi.'ii. PHI imiww .. ---. ... , , . 3V 'wanted aged' 18 in uptown real tt offlc 11 212, Ladger Qfflc UttY aged 1. for errands and general work. &2 Market t ,. CARD BTHtFrERSantd. B. n, sir Bans. Nixon and Umbrla lU ,. Manayuk- DRAUGHTSMAN wanUd. xpdl lnpowr he; w u " .IVAUU.I w .. "- w W". X-7 . . machinery and plant layout. . ta. La. vm, c'llXtlf TkKHS wanted Apply 24 . ttk lrl ... j .i . bllAUKFEUR, young, slnnlt.' white! o4 -V ohanie e f urdrlt'er willing and obUtaw. Address K , Sprlughous, pa, Full partloltws aa to prTu referene. age, oages tP, CATrrilJfCa"ltr"rurrlirSnar car of lltrcw-Arro.w if, must b jjo relerenc. lhon Uryn Mawr 13, mr ,rtt llo- 4. Brn Mawr. Pa. WTl( NViiXVEllS wan 4, ' .APPV J , IA14- ! V -Vw w..n-L tnnt lid ttmrmihlv f rMiuir.d l'h-n curtoautovn iri't,'"oiJ,T vr,irT' . W-W w-- -- 'rz-- !?-. -,ka. O ua ytu J,.M".' Vkii Tf nut place tWjilnat t JH ,bt alaiy 34M.i S. Lodr t. i V Hi & ,,, s iei LEh II. felJCKJJEY ti I 1 ' ' " " 3 sw w vr m - t - '' 'Hg'iCBfsBBJyW fe?:-Ji,: otr c-wa sJ I I" I" I " ' -- "
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