20 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA', TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 105: ATX TOK. SALS WK9T DULAnKLTHIA REAIi ESTATE TOR BAIJS WEST rillLADlTLrillA REAL ESTATE FOR SALE wr,w rmtLDT!i.rHiA -X - HSfiKZUMaS ?T WHERE Uft ll lW W -Ml f(( QUALITY ) n IT B SHCfl H2MeCuKBBakaaMaiiv 4 PI TWO NEW OPERATIONS && READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION Embodyiner every up-to-date appointment and modern convenience, unknown In houses at this price only a few years ago. Sample Houiet Are Furnhhed With Period Furniture by Henry Unde ur . nt m i l l I TVT iL DI-M.J.l-l west rnnaaeipnia 58th St. and Willows Ave. Take any er runntnc we.t to COth .treet; net free paa. tenth to B8th itrnt una Willow, avenue (3 qua,re eouth of Daltlmor. avenue). Hadfield St., 57th to 58th St. $3100 58th Street $4200 to $4500 Stores and Dwellings $5500 to $7500 Baok of each one of those houses Is the "Crawford Policy,' purchasers, the very best indorsement possible to nave- A8K ANY ONE OF TMCM North Philadelphia 12th Street and Wyoming Avenue Tnke any cr running north on York road to Wyoming ivtnua Ixjnn ttatlon on the 1'hlladelphla and Iteadlnr Hall tray within eauy nalklng dlntance. Marvine St., Nth. Wyoming Ave. , $3500 12th Street From Courtland etreet to Wyoming arenna. $4200 Wyoming Avenue From Manlne utreet to 15th etreet. $4800 which hits made hundreds of satisfied CAN DE SEEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT .te 7 " 1 " """ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmA aaaaaaaaaaaaBBWl ', i "TT i N' . " i 11bUP Jm "--. T".r- . - .. . . , ,r n nii i'SH . I n fi r REAL ESTATE FOR BALE OnnMANTOWJf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE oeiimantown REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ntmiANTOITK Hadfield Avenue Houses Only a few of these unique houses left." Nothing like them anywhere else. Location most desirable, and convenient to schools, churches, park and bouleyard, trains and trolleys; adjoining our main oraces. PEMBERTON ESTATES N. W. Cor. 58th St. and Willows Ave. (Photographs at Our Branch Office, 708 Harrison Building) crnr CITY Buy at P. J. & Jas. T. Whelan's $5,000,000 Development at Olney SULIS STREET, Both Sides Second Street and Northeast Boulevard 6c fare to all parts of city. Routes 62 and BO on Fifth street and 75 on Wyoming avenue connect with all other cars. Small Amount of Cash Makes Terms Less Than Rent Tho magnitude of this enterprise permits us to offer superior value for less money than can be found elsewhere. As this Is our only development. It has our undivided attention and Interest. These houses have every modern housekeeping appliance, including all street Improvements, are In a progressive neighborhood, with schools, churches and stores In tho Immediate vicinity. Six rooms and bath, basement laundry and refrigerator room; stone porches; hot-water heating, electric lights, all-gas kitchen and water meters. We protect you from depreciation In value by building both aides ot the street. Bell Phone 2709 J. LOUIS WEBER, Agent, on Premises wB0em$ REES CONESTOGA STREET HOMES $3200 Conrstogn St., enst of RSth north of Cedar Ave. Truly the most original and beautiful Homes in West Philadel phia; 6 rooms and bath; staunchly built; every modern convenience; hot-water heat; hardwood floors. Come See Them Sunday Sample house open Agent on Premises. H. J. JOHNSON, Agent 306 Bailey Building A home for every want, some with garages, all styles and prices. If you buy a home from me you get the bene fit of my 12 years' experience as a pace maker of West Phila. realty. I know the history, the cost, the low dollar, the features and objections of very near every property in West Phila. How easy for me to say this and how hard to make you appreciate it. 5000 homes sold as evidence and ref erence a mile high. A home (or every want and the price has to be right. It will pay you big to SEE MATTHIAS ABOUT IT 119 N. 50th St. Preston5833W efcigtoicfc Jtemtf In the Highest Part of Germantown At Sedgwick Station, Chestnut Hill Division, Reading Railway &mM !Bt! A SUCCESSFUL HOUSE The designing of a complete house of such graceful and satisfying lines that will be a delight to the eye, both within and without, is something well worth doing. A visit to "Sedgwick Farms" will show the results of such efforts. A Number of Attractive Detached Houses Just Completed Prices, $15,500 Upwards Sedgwick Farms Co., 7014 Boyer St., Germantown Office One Square From Sedgwick Station or Germantown Ave. Cars to East Sedgwick Street, Iioutcg 10-23 80 Sold in 10 Days $4850 Si U 'A DUSINESS PROPERTIES CENTRAL BUSINESS SITES STORES AND DWELLINGS HOMES IN ALL LOCATIONS SALE or RENT MYERS & BARTfl Ridge Aye, and 10th St J. Samuel T. Fox & Co. 9th and Callowhill St. Sale or Rent BUSINESS PROPERTIES Stores and Dwellings ESTABLISHED 1839 K.5 I 1 D. J. MILLER 1(101 North 2d St. Real ELtgatc Fire Insurance conveyancing, ttc. Bell phone, Kens. 2800; Key., Parle jj jjl NEW JERSEY jf Wooillynne, N. J. 9 $2200 and up 1 1 Nothing Like These in Philadelphia Situated In the rnont ilrllghttul part if rroldrntlnl Ornnantown, close to 1IEAUTIFUL MIsCOLN DRIVE, a direct road through I alrmount Fark to the lieort of the city. Tiled Hath, llurdnood lloora, Open Fireplace, Hot-water Heat, Go Kitchen, Electric Ujlit. Larse lot with room ror Karate. Five minutes' walk to Tulpehotken Mallon, one of tho most exclusive, station, on the l'eima. II. it la trains dally. " Take car on 13th St., Itouto 63. Get oft at Tulpehocken St. and Wayne Ave. Sl'EflMEN HOUSE ALWAYS OIEN AGENT ON THE I'llEMISKS Oil YOU CAN AITI.Y DinEOTT.Y TO JOHN H. McCLATCHY, Land Title Building IP I '-rraMMwii.i.i-MMra.j..i.w..j.. sunuitiiAN soncnBAN Vfe "" & L'-.T......!..,.,..,.,,..,,,.,..,. I. r i The Best Is the Cheapest $3300 Worth of Perfection Six Rum and Bath-Only $300 CclSll Balance Same as Rent A. boulevard location, tho most Ideal In the city and right In the heart f the booming section. Trolley convenience (routes 80, C2 and 75 on Fifth Street) and Ave minutes from Tabor Station, P. & It. ' -r-n l-a.- - 4800 Between 5th L-fOUlCieri OL. vjtforth, & 6th Streets NEW SAMPLE HOUSE READY Tho Ltftest in Mahogany nnd White, UC .0 D A DIV H?C. ON TOE J.UCIIVI 1-i-i.r-vJrwi-, 25 Minutes From City Hall PHILADELPHIA'S NEAREST SUBURB BY WOOD 5e Faro 5c Fare Garrett Road, Upper Darby, Delaware County 150 Lots 50x150; A Few Larger Garage space, Township sewers, Springfield water All city improvements. Old shade trees Special Inducement: $200 discount allowed on purchase price of lot if you build within four months of date of deed. This offer subject to withdrawal after Sept. 19th. Money advanced to build. IDEAL LOCATION Take subway to 69th St. Terminal for G cents, then 10 minutes walk on Garrett Itoad, or 2 minutes by trolley. Agent on the premises. V. GILPIN ROBINSON ALBERT F. DAMON, Jr. FRANK W. STOUT, Salet Manager City Office, ltlS Stephen Glrard liulldlug- 25 Minutes to Bywood PREMISES Mir""!" PEREMPTORY PUBLIC SALE IN PARTITION TUESDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1915, AT 12 NOON In the Public Sales Room, Philadelphia Bourse. VALUABLE CENTRAL CORNER LOCATION Between Market and Chettnut and Overlooking So. Penn Sq. H. 21-22 and 24-26-28 SOUTH 15th STREET P Km. Se-K. Lot 40' X 64') No, tl-tt-1, Ixt 60' X 01' Ti in soli wHtout reserve and with good and marketable title E jfvr lull oppcrip1 uu ivuii iv -( BAHNES 4 LOFLAND, Auctioneen?, 147 South 4th Street a mmmiiiiinnin lllllllllli JtLf m lfK f ' !, slai ii mil f 3UUX WrTATX 70S RENT mmm. . . WT jfMItADSU'HIA I mmmm . r I Z. IsaaaaaM nmerlt whI Stores ) n i i) " " If WIST'PWllADfcLPHIA STOKES FOR RENT ac . Wklr R a. 'rym m you tU m, a & ,fcKln'f VHP" I to w bi tkat ysU stweaos Stt MATTHIAS ABOUT IT mt. r4 . WKST 1-irUELI'HIA f nut. you ). rn F. M. PILE & CO. ANNOUNCE THE REMOVAL OF THEIR REAL ESTATE OFFICK FROM N. E. Cr. SS4 nrl CktiHtt S4. VM CHESTNUT ST. WHERE ALU MATTEH lTAIN. I NO TP REAL ESTATE AND INsUR. ANCG WILL RECEIVE CAREFUL ATTtNTION. JOHN N. McGARVEVS Overbrook Homes ARE FAMOUS Have You Seen Those New Ones At 63d and Columbia Ave.? Three-story twin houses; 2 baths; exclusive features. Lots 25x150 GARAGE PRIVILEGE WITH EACH HOUSE All cars crossing 60th street, Including "L." Take car marked Overbrook. IN THE BEAUTIFUL CRESHEIM VALLEY ' ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOMES x CRESHEIM ROAD Between Mt. Pleasant and Mt. Airy Aves. $4200 Terms Can Be Arranged $5250 83 train, dally to Allen. Lane Station; lB-mlnute train .chedul. inornln. ana evenlnc. 1 block from ytatlon. 3 block, trom OermantoW Avenue i troll. Le than one block rrom Lincoln Drive. ...- """"' Th. beautiful home, contain three and tour bedroom., every modern 1m proveraeiSt. Includlne hot-water heat, el.ctrlo and fa. Ilshtlnr, hadwood noor. throuahout. til. bath, built-in tub. with .hower bath.) large lot.. 8? to ISO it deep i on th'.marker';,r" .""" Sv"? "" ,ne" ,ne PtUast .uburb.B home, on the market. JOHN CRAIG. BUILDER ON PRKMI8E3 or 100 NIPPON STREET $ I)OAN (Overlooking Golf Links of the Old York Road Country Club) These houses, are of a distinctive style of architecture. Italian and Modern English. Erected In one of the moat attrac tive locations In the hlatorlo Old York road section, corner of Lenox..and'MeetlnB; House roads. They are exquisitely planned with every modern appointment. Oarage privilege. Meeting; House road runs to the right at the top of Ogontx II11L be tween Glklna .Park and Jenklntown. Take Reading Hallway to Slklns Park and Jenklntown or TWk raiy"ley kenox road. Open dally and Sunday. aee.01 land title bldo. 1ir COLUMBIA AVE. WM. G GLENN LOOAN HUNTING PARK SECTION Within one block of three lines of cars. HENRY P. SCHNEIDER'S Two-Story Homes 1 3th AND CAMAC STREETS Above Hunting Park (4600 North1) " TWO.STORY HOMES OF THE BETTER CLASS Sampte House Finished Open Evenings Until 9:30 YOUR INSPECTION SOLICITED . HART & BAILEY 15th AND LINDLEJ AVE. 7 to 10 Room. Homes 26 Under Construction Large Lot. All Modern Improvement.,' Xeareit Suburb to Camden & IhuW3 Walking distance to N. T. Shipyard? No manufacturing plant. In Borough; Take Iladdon lit., or Clementon car. Be? Harry W. Bealer Woodlynnc, N. J. MerchnntTillei N. J. THIS DELIGHTFUL BUNGALOW can be yours on payment of $100 LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM KITCHEN 3 BED ROOMS BATH 1 4JI N. 37TII ST. j One square west of We.tfleld av nue. Take Penaauken or Trenton car W-ACnn LOT FOR CHICKENS. ? VEGETABLE OARD1JN, FItl'lT. ETCH SEE US. WE'LL MAKE IT EAiny THE CRAMER REALTY COJ 8311 l'KDKItAL ST., CAMDKN 1 NEW JEHSEY FAItMS I Inn Anwn H nwma'li The train and trolley, day and night, n to nil our one-acre (arm., and they an onlv 4 tn 7t& niltpn from thn Camden Fer rle.. I)ok to tilt, when pun.ha.lnr a Uttl; farm for your future. $ down buy. oav t"i monthly pay. for It. The recent cennu ehow. that MA VLB BHADK ha. the HIOHEST IilltTH rate In NEW JBnSEV, and alto the tlltEATESP 1'BncnNTAO IN INCREASE IN POPULATION For Square Deal, call on or write ' BARLOW & CO. 1 Maple Shade, N. J. (Take Mooretown trolley' at Market St. Ferrlea, Camden, t't off at Holly nve. Trolloy btatlon 30.) . HOUSEKEEPINQ, APA3HMENT8J 'WEST nilLAIIELrlllA I THE KOYAL l'OINCIANA C3d and Jefferaon .L.tOverbro ts up-to-date, U room., aupie, linnlnlm.nl. l.inl. IsflltOr. ( Jefftr.on .t. ti-room apt., ft MM BHOKTL1IH1E, 311 rjouth f)Bt ' M'AYNK, PA. Ve A.a-l.i.A, rV-LA P)ie to feeveu Koohm lleurbeela $35 to $50 Orounda, Torch od Jal',et.l"'a I'booe Hi WjVbo or .ultir v I m -Mm i a 1 1 ias wto. AIM rrenieef f vmvmmwv fvt t-w KmmmmummmmmA