Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 14, 1915, Final, Page 2, Image 2

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i ' i i
Got loncy.'irom Jinollier
Jto flelp Realty Dealer,
She Says
The xman -no mortgaged tier home to
n& mo r Samuel S. Cord nnd Olaf
, JPteron 'or a trip tp Florida will confer
a. Mc&ad time, today, wllh.l'rosicutor VI1
Itatn J Kmhof Cnmilen County, to ex
plain . bUfclnert deals with the murdered
rl estate operator. She l Mm. Oer
.truda Sprague, ht Vomers U'olht, N. J.
' Mrs Sprajrvie welit "to (ho 'Proaecutor'a
i office for the first time yesterday with
', lira. Alice, Cord, widow of the dead man.
She left her home at Sorters J'olnt a
j.' few days afttr" the "murder, when her
name was mentioned In connection with
f the Florida land, and timber deal In which
f Cord and.1'eterioh were enzneed. and Is
:' HOW atnVtlllf (if thfc ftnfnb nf frloml. tr
i, avoid publicity
SBWAHI) m.iv nv. nwisnun
r', A reward for the arrest of Cord's slayer
f'i may be offered by the Camden County
I T Board of Freehnlilfm nt th hav( nnhorl.
1 tiled meeting, September 20. Samuel Wood,
m. ireniDer oi me board from Hnrirtonflelil,
said today that he had known Cord for
years, and In view of the f.irt flint nnth.
i Jut; has been lennd of his murderer's
' Identity In two weeks, hn think n rnu-nnl
.-should bo offered.
' The board would nTtor fill nwqrrl at
'? once If Prosecutor Kraft requested It, in
f r. noons opinion. The prosecutor,
h however, Is opposed to such action at tho
,.? present umo aiemDcrs ot ine board hnvo
i, discussed the Idea informally, and tho
majority is sam to rnvor orrcrlns a sub
stantial reward.
Iv, J'teroii, the "material witness," Is
i-, iuu issuing statements about this deal.
S Every time he tells tho story It U
fc ' changed In one detail or another A mys-
, lenuus letter ironj l'niladelphla In a
long legal envelope was received by Pe
terson today. it was nddtcasrri ns fnl-
'' ItfWS! "Olaf Peterson. Mntnrlnl Wltniu
In Cord Murder." and had no stamps.
t uv iiivciuiic was put in a letter oox in
this city with no other address. It was
sealed with three, blc tmlotrlii-s nf ..m.
I . ins wax.
Contradlctofy statements, on which
'-,' Peterson previously had a monopoly at
, mo jamaen court House, now are bolus
n-.uue d- Prosecutor Kraft and his n.
, alstact The prosecutor was widely
' qu'ted a declaring that a mysterious
won?ari hd confessed she was in lovo
I, , with "er-i and had repeatedly advanced
mqoy tc him. Wellington B. Butler, his
assistant, late this- afternoon issued the
' following denial.
"yn woman has said anything to tho
prosecutor or to any one else nt work nn
1 1 tha case about being In love with Cord.
rne is nothing in the story."
Denial also was made by Mrs. Cord nf
fc the report that Prosecutor Kraft hnd
"i wrj"" me -news -to- ner oi ner nusuapd s
euiorca tnratuatlori for another woman.
A w'dman Who was infatuated with Cord
ft has been discovered now, according to the
prosecutor, and has made revelation to
Ji'm Indicating that Cord led a double life.
i unii nws has been broken to M,rs. Cord.
i JK Hffn4' lit. tlo nrn,D.lltAi. I2f.
I -r-lapsed In hla olllce after learning tno
The woman Is more than 40, but still
attractive. It Is said. She was married
more than 20 years ago. divorced a short
ft time later and now uses her maiden
name. A wealthy Phlladelphian is said
to have been infatuated with her for
I,; years. She got money from this man.
, according to the prosecutor, to lend to
' Cord.
What. If anything, this woman knows
about Xne events leudlng up to the murder
of thy real estate man has not been made
puw v the prosecutor, He feels can-
It ver, that information she has
Ci ill Prove of the utmost value.
K ant J ' has several detectives run
ning Vw H-fcs furnished by the woman,
Mro witnesses have been obtained by
Prosecutor Kraft who say they saw Cord
after - o'clock, Monday afternoon, August
S07 the last day he was seen alive and
tha day before his bullet-riddled body
was "round neartthe lonely River road. In
, ' tho outskirts of Camden. This testimony
KAMfllVitir vtrtt-K flint n0 itin Vv .I1
it fcvmufcw .., w. wto uuca iaii-
- at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of August
. 90 near the spot where the body was
Ti.l r"..l r. ...,.. a ij r
&r juiuvivcu ucttutjr ricstcu lur
Plylne Her Occult Art and
Telling Fortunes
Donle Staney, a black-eyed. red-Upped
gypsy queen, whose movable kingdom Is
i at tireftent. wnterlne Its hnrnpa nt Ifnr.
rfrlson Park, near Camden, was held In
.i jaoo ball for forUine-telluig and false pre
;Uiise today by Magistrate Pennock, of
thy Central Station. Her white teeth
r Jned and her Jewelry tinkled as she
wi led to a cell. She Is only 18 years
, old-
Queen Donle was accused by Louis
Plat-piipino, whose business Is at J"05
Crpenec street and whose home Is at
JJ3T Booth ISth street Bhe promised to
put a "iuclc spell" around hjm to save
him from a tragic automobile accident,
and collected ti" for It, ha said. Mrs.
iPlucanplno said she gave, the girl a 110
shawl and J30 diamond rjng for a "spell"
fftfJier child
Old Couple Haled Into Station
Gray l aired and tottering with age, 72-
yuuoll Joseph Anions' and hla Wife, 67
years 'old, were haled Into the 28th and
Oxford streets' station today, accused of
Iwinj; common scolds. Thejr home is at
JHS JJonh .3th street, next door to the
homte of Chancs Kapler, the prosecutor.
Kapler te tilled that for yeara he sub
mitted to abuve by the couple and did
not complain to the police. The reason,
h said, was because he respected their
go ana did not care to have them ar
rcstsd. Finally the, situation became un
bearable, ho uld, und he wan forced to
,- tro nf theiiu JUafjIfltrfto Morris held
V&m,m& pouj?e under 300 ball to keep
- ei...
H. Yemw Weed Killer
!T! TJ
WUfrl HjllT 1
WUt CO Uoitfe
jita x& ui ii
tA s-Hoii, 78c
- lIUn, !,3S
1 PBBTr'n'
mmmm ii-w"'
Administration Considering Method
of Repairing Deficiency in ReVenuo
WASIIINOTON. Bept 11 -A special tax
on American munition manufactures, a
ono way of overcoming the constant cx
xi a of American governmental expendi
tures over receipts since the European
war began, has been considered by Atf
ministration officials, It wan learned
From Berlin came word that the Ger
man Government plans, at the end of the
war. to lay a heavy portion of tho war
debt on the shoulders of munition manu
facturers who have mado big profits
wiling their products to the German Gov
ernment. The advisability of such a plan
In the United States to offset the partltl
fa'hire of this Government's war tax wan
suggested to some extent by this news.
It s stated, on tho highest authority
that there Is nothing In American law
to rondlct with such a plan.
Continued from Tag One
Schang walked. Walsh flid to Lee.
Strunk hit to Pratt, who touched second,
retiring Schang and then threw to Slsler,
doubling Strunk. No runs, nn hits, no
Wyckoft now pitching for tho Athletics.
Dee walked. Leary was safe on Old ring's
poor throw. Parks beat out a hunt, lilt
ing tho bases. Shotten fanned. Howard
singled to right, scoring Dee and Leary.
Slsler went out, Mctnnls to WyckoIT.
Oldrlng made a one-hnnd stop and threw
Pratt out. Two iiins, two hits, ono error.
Lajolo fouled to Howard. Mclnnls
fanned. Dee throw out Oldrlng. No runs,
no hits, no errors.
I.ee (lied to Strunk. .Tacobion tiled to
Schang. Dee popped to Malonc. No runs,
no hits, no errors.
Malone fouled to Leary. McAvoy filed
to Jncobson WyckoIT went out the same
way. No runs, no hits, no errors.
Schang made a sensational catch ot
Ivnry'a drive. Parks fanned. Shotten
walked. Shotten stole recond. Howard
walked. Slsler singled to centie, scoring
Shotten, while Howard took third. Slsler
stole second. Pratt singled to right, scor
ing Howard and Slsler. Pratt stole Fec
ond, and continued to third on McAvoy's
wild throw, t.ee was safe on Lajole's
high throw., Pratt scoring. Lee died
stealing, McAvoy to Malonc. Four inns,
two hits, two errors.
Schang wnlked. Walsh fanned. Strunk
forced Schang, Pratt to Dee. Lajolo lllcd
to Shotten. No runs, no hits, nn errors.
Jncobson fanned. Dec fouled to Mc
lnnls. Leary tiled to Strunk. No runs,
no lilts no errors.
Lee made a line catch of Mclnnls' fly.
Paiks threw out Oldrlng. Malone walked.
McAvoy was safe on Dec's high throw,
Malone taking third. Lapp batted In
place of WyckoIT. Lapp singled to cen
tre. Scoring Malone. It was tho Athletics'
first hit. Schang walked, filling the bases.
Walsh fanned. One run, ono hit, one
Anckcr now pitching for the Athletics.
Malonc threw out Parks. Shotten went
out tho same way. Howard Hied to
Wnlsh. No runs, no hits, no errors.
Strunk hit to the centre field fenco for
a homo run. Lajolo fouled td Howard.
Mclnnls singled to left. Oldrlng doubled
to right, Mclnnls stopping at third. Ma
lone fouled to Leary. McAvoy (lied to
JacQbson. One run, three hits, no errors.
Slsler singled to left'. Slsler died steal
ing. McAvoy to Malone. Pratt filed to
Strunk. Lee singled to Oldrlng. Lee died
stealing, McAvoy to Malone. No runs,
two hits, no errors.
Dee fumbled Anckers grounder. Schang
walked for the fourth time. Howard
made a beautiful stop of Walsh's drive
and touched third, retiring Ancker when
he tried to double Walsh. Schang took
third. Strunk sent a long sacrifice fly to
Jncobson, scoring Schang. Lajolo popped
to Howard. One run, no hits, one error.
Jacobson doubled to left. Dee popped
to Oldring. Leary singled to left, scoring
Jacobson. Walker batted for Parks and
walked Shotten walked, filling the beses.
Howard forced Leary at the plate. Mc
lnnls to McAvoy. Slsler singled to right,
scoring Walker and Shotten, but Howard
was nailed at third, Walsh to Lajole to
Three runs, three hits, no errors,
Koob now pitching, Walker left field
and Lavan playing shortstop for St.
Louis. Mclnnls filed to Walker. Old
ring hit into the left field seats for a
home run. Pratt threw onut Malone.
McAvoy popped to Lavan. Ono run, one
hit, no errors.
Accuses Him of Trying to "Bind the
Arms" of the United States
WASHINGTON. Sept. 11. Henry Ford,
the Detroit automobile manufacturer, Is
charged with "contemplating binding the
arms" of the United States "to assure tha
preservation of peace" In an open letter
sent to him by the American Defense So
ciety and made public here today. Font's
recent announcement of a $10,000,000
"peace fund" Is the subject of. the letter.
Select Any Oriental Rug in This Store
At a Straight Reduction of 25 per Cent.
SrTchiil thS mit extraordinary occasion in the history of this Rug Store. We have never before offered
ourENTIRE STOCK at reduced prices. Our purpose is to reduce our stock to a certain amount very quickly, and we have
decided upon this unique method, not only as the surest way, but the most advantageous to our customers. The regular price
tickets have not been changed, and, when the desired adjustment is attained, the Sale comes to an end.
Please Remember That the Prices on the Ticket are the Fair, Fixed,
Regular Prices, and Not Marked to Allow for Discount, as in Some Stores
. As you doubtless know, many Oriental Rug dealers mark their Rugs at a high price with the deliberate intention of
making such discount ss, the astuteness of the customer may make necessary. But wo mark every Rug at a fair price, the
,.. ,ww j . w .v,..vr ..- w,. .
r t t : . . -i
carpet OlZeS Rom - size Rugs, including our
F entire stock of Gorovans, Sava-
lons, Mahals, Anatolians, Turkish Serapes and Melles. A wide
variety of sizes from 6x9 feet to 14x22 feet. Prices $65 to
$985. Choose any one at a 25 per cent, reduction.
Hundreds of Small Rugs and Hall Runners 25 per Cent Reduction
A- wonderful collection of the smaller Oriental Rugs, including all tha rare as well as popular weaves, in a ereat varletv
of Bhapes and sizes, from.6x5 feet to 7.6x17 feet, regular prices from $12.0 upward any one now at a straight reduction of
25 per cent. A number of rare ANTIQUE RUGS and a number of CHINESE RUGS are included in this i Sarkable offer-
SEETliESE SUPERB RUGS TV-MORROW1 C"al RU' redwt(on f 2S per cenU from the prioe marked ",
i ' 8 ' - Fourth Floor, Wwt
Kitchener Tells Privy Council
That British Must Double
Army Now in
LONDON, Sept. 14.
British losses In the war total 391.562
men, kilted, wounded and missing. OIII
clat announcement to this effect was made
In the House of Commons this afternoon,
This total Includes 1,S ofilcers, The
official statement gave losses ns follows:
Killed or died of wounds OHIcers, 4'.';
men, 70.9M. Total, 75,957.
Wounded omcera, P972; men, 311, OK To
tal, 261,008.
Missing Officers, 1B01J men, 53,408. To
tal. 61,567.
When Parliament reconvened today ef
forts were made to secure from the Gov
ernment a statement as to Its attttudo
toward conscription. They failed.
When Premier Asqulth was asked what
position the Government would take with
regard to compulsory enlistment, he re
plied: "I am not prepared to make a statement
regarding conscription." Tho Premier, In
making a statement on the Government
program, said that on Wednesday he
would move a Stato credit and mako a
general statement on the situation.
Mr. Asqulth stated that the House of
Commons would sit on Tuesdays, Wed
nesdays and Thursdays during the present
Continued from Tag" One
on Johnston's single to centre. Harney
heat out a bunt down tho third-base Hue,
filling the bases. Hlnchman singled to
right, scoring Carey and Johnston and
sending Harney to third. Harney scored
on Wagners' sacrifice fly to AVhlttcd.
Vlox beat out a bunt down the third-base
Hue, but Hlnchman was caught trying
to make third, Stock to Ludcrus to Han
crott. Tho Pirates kicked on the decision
at third nnd Costello was ordered out ot
the grounds. Vlox stole second. Niehoff
threw out Balrd. Thiee runs, four hits,
no errors.
Niehoff filed to Carey. Hums singled to
right. Chalmers doubled to right centre,
scoring Hums. Stock hit to Balrd and
Chalmers was run down, Halrd to Vlox to
Wagner. Stock went to second on th
play. Bancroft Hied to Carey. Ono run,
two hits, no errors.
Gibson filed to Cravath. Chalmers
threw out Adams. Hums dropped the
third strike 'on Carey, but threw him out.
No runs, no hits, no errors.
Paskert fouled to Gibson. For tho first
tlmo this season the ball was knocked
over tho left-field fence when Cravath lilt
ono of Adams' fast ones. That was all
for Adams. He was replaced In tho hot
by Hill. The point at which tho ball
went over the left-field fenco Is 3ft foot
from the home plate. Ludcrus singled
to right. Whltted filed to Barney. Nlehorf
filed to Hlnchman. Ono run, one hit, do
Chalmers tossed out Johnston. Barney
fanned. Stock threw out Hlnchman. No
runs, no hits, no errors.
Burns was hit by a pitched ball. Chal
mers attempted to sacrifice and popped
to Hill, who threw to Johnston, doubling
Burns, Stock singled through short and
stole second. IUU threw out Bancroft.
No runs, ona hit, no error.
Uancroft threw out Wagner. Vlox
fanned. Bancroft threw out Ualrd. No
runs, no hits, no errors.
Paskert filed to Wagner. Cravath's third
hit was a single to left. Luderus hit Into
a doube play, Wagner to Vlox to John
ston. No runs, one hit, no errors.
Gibson filed to Cravath. Hill fanned.
Carey singled through Stock. Carey stole
second. Niehoff threw out Johnston. No
runs, one hit, no errors.
Whitted fanned. Hill threw out Nie
hoff. Burns singled to centre. Chalmers
struck out. No runs, one hit, no errors.
Barney singled to left. Hlnchman
popped to Stock. Wagner singled to left,
putting Barney on second. Vlox walked,
filling the bases. Balrd forced Barney
at the plate, Chalmers to Hums. Gibson
out, Luderus to Chalmers. No runs, two
hits, no errors.
Stock grounded out to Johnston. Ban
croft walked. Paskert hit Into a double
play, Wagner and Johnston. No runs,
no hits, no errors.
Hill beat out a bounder to Niehoff.
Carey walked. Johnston filed to Cravath.
Barney walked, filling tho bases. Hlnch
man lined to Bancroft, who tossed to
Niehoff, doubling up Carey. No runs,
one hit, no errors.
Cravath filed to Hlnchman. Luderus
grounded to Johnston. Whltted filed to
Carey. No runs, no hits, no errors.
Bancroft threw out Wagner. Stock
threw out Vlox, Balrd fouled to Burns.
No runs, no hits, po errors.
m.w jh v to -i imncu ti uticmic.
i, i
The Evening LeJgerl .
It sioe me great pleasure to congratulate you on y"r ""' Bnn''
vtriary and to acknowledge the great public lervice which you have
rendered during the pait year, in common with the other newtpapere, in
tecuring rapid tramit facilitiei for Philadelphia. Your pentttence and
able co-operation were moil helpful in effect.
Wiihing you every tuccett for the future,
Yourt very truly,
Director Department of City Tramit,
King Ferdinand's Departure for
Maneuver Camp Believed to
Foreshadow Break
LONDON, Sept. 11.
Skilled diplomats see war clouds grow
ing largo in the Bnlkans, Tho signs all
point, they assert, to war between Bul
garia and Rumania. It Is apparent from
carefully worded dispatches coming from
Bolla and Bucharest that great events
aro developing Ht each capital.
A Bucharest dispatch of considerable
length, tecelved hero today, carried a re
port that King Ferdinand, of Bulgaria,
had gone to tho "maneuver camp" of his
army. Tho remainder of the dispatch
was valueless, and apparently had been
sent as a foil for the Important news
that King Ferdinand had left his capital.
The Turkish city of Phosaca, on the
coast of Asia Minor, Is burning as the
result of a bombardment by Allies' war
ships. The city has been on fire since
last Friday, wncn tho ships began shell
ing It. Phosaca Is 25 milts northwest of
Heavy reinforcements for tho British
and French are being landed on Gallipot!
Peninsula. Tho disembarkation of the new
expedition to tho Dardanelles was pre
ceded by a tenlfic bombardment directed
by tho Allies' wnrshlps upon tho Turkish
batteries on both tho Asiatic nnd Euio
pean side" Many ot tho batteries wcie
completely silenced, nnd othcis have been
able tb reply at Intervals.
Unconfirmed reports of a clash bctweon
Bulgarian nnd Rumanian border patrols.
In which 10 men were killed and a dozen
injured, reached Athens today. Tho ad
vices Intimate that tho Bulgarians were
the aggressors, attacking tho Rumanian
patrol without warning.
Victim Shows Remarkable Stoicism
at Hospital
A 17-year-old youth, literally scalped
by a descending elevator today, refused
to take an anesthetic while 35 stitches
were made In his scalp nt the Jefferson
Hospital. He Is In a critical condition
with a fractured skull and Jaw.
The injured youth. Jo'cph Kncemoeller,
of 1834 Moore street, a shipping clerk at
1424 Chestnut street, was looking down a
freight elevator shaft from the fourth
Jlooi for tho car when It suddenly de
scended. It pinned his head to a safety
bar and pulled his scalp over his eyes.
Joseph Fagan, tho elevator man, stopped
the car with a jerk. Kncemoeller was
rushed to the hospital In a taxlcab.
acob Reed's Sons I
? J
priced. Especial values may be bad
in suits at $20 and $22.
Jacob Reed-s SonsJ
1424-1426 CHESTNUT ST. I
ah aru now reaucea lib ner cent.
Cdtpet SlZeS 0ur ent5re collection of room-size
- f Royal Kermanshahs, Royal Saruks,
Ispahans. and Laristans( in great variety of rich designs and
colorings, in sizes from 6x9 feet to 13x22 feet, Choose any
Rug at a 25 per cent, reduction.
Almond-Eyed Beauties Cause of
Stabbing Affray in
A Chinatown stabbing Affray over tho
lovo of an almond-eyed beauty resulted
In a riot call for police lato this after
noon. The victim, Elmer Lowo, a sailor
on tho battleship Tennessee, is dying In
tho Jefferson Hospital. His alleged as
sailant, n Chinaman, escaped In tho
notorious "House of a Hundred Rooms,"
9th and Quarry streets. Police of the 11th
and Winter streets station arrived too
Into to find tho Chlnoso girl over whom
the trouble started.
Witnesses say tho sailor left a restau
rant In Race street near 8th with tho girl.
They wcro followed by a Chinaman who
is believed to havo been the girl's sweot
hcart. When the trio reached tho street,
the Oriental plunged a knife Into the
sailor's back The sailor, a husky fellow,
fell In the street, but rose quickly.
The knife fell from the wound. Ho ran
toward 9th street, the Chinaman and the
crowd which quickly gathered, pursuing.
Just before the sailor reached 9th street
the Chinaman slabbed him ngaln, and
Continued from 1'nge One
lenient friend considered an understand
ing between him and his closo friend,
Wiggins, by raying to the board that he
considered the granite bid upon by Wig
gins tho equal of the granites named In
tho specifications. At tha same time Mr.
Johnson, when confronted with an esti
mate made to Fonder of $2100 less for the
grnnlto specified by Wiggins, absolved
himself or attempted to absolve himself
by saying he "preferred" one of the gran
ites named In the specifications. Then It
became too big a fraud for Adjutant Gen
eral Stewart to swallow, for ho at onco
"I hnd never heard this expression of
opinion from Mr. Johnson before. This
throws a new phase on the whole propo
sition." It did throw a ney phase upon It be
cause the KvuNlNa Ledger correspondent
has every leason to believe that had not
Fonder, the actual low bidder, nccordlng
to specifications, entered a protest Wig
gins would havo gone through with the
contract with his substitution granite.
Mr. Johnson, the architect, was not
nront nt th nnpnlnir nf thr Klrtu nn l,n
should have been. Because of the Irregu
larity of Wiggins' bid ho was called up
nn th Yihnnn hv thn nrmnrv nnnrH fnr '
advice. It can be shown that Mr. John
son's olllce was In touch with the armory
board at Harrlsburg early on the day ot
September 7.
1 p '
announce tneir entire i
i i r
readiness to supply new g:
and approved models in
Cjrentlemen s Lilothingfor J
Autumn 1915. An im I
portant consideration for $
purchasers is tnat tnese
garments (wnicn leave
notkmg to be desired in
quality, style and tailor-w
lndlare verv -modern tel'v L
14, 1915.
Opportunity to Prove His
Claim of Control of Republic
to Be Given First
WAS1UNGTONN, Sept. 14,-The Inter
national News Scrvleo learned here this
afternoon on the highest authority that
General Carranxa's counter offer to tho
United States nnd tho six Latin-American
envoys to hold a conference to adjust
International affairs affecting Moxlco will
bo accepted by this Government.
Formal announcement ot the acceptance
of the plan will be made Saturday when
Secretary Lansing and tho six Latin
American diplomats meet In New York.
Representatives of the Latin-American
countries, tho United States and Carrama
will meet either In Washington or at soma
place on tho border to lo named by Car
ranza. The latter's claims of control of
tho situation will be taken up also. It Is
reliably reported, and It Is belloved that
the recognition of Carranta, If they aro
proved true, has been decided upon.
Soldiers Ready to Fire on Matamoras
at First Outbreak
BROWNSVILLE, Tex., Sept. 14,-Every
hour that passed Increased the serious
ness of tho situation on tho Mexican
frontier today. Theso were the develop
ments of tho early forenoon:
Battery of American cannon was
ordered trained upon Matamoras, tho
Mexican town across the Rio Grande,
held by Carranza troops.
Tho bodies of two Mexicans were
found near Santa Maria, where Mexi
can and American troops engaged In
battle yesterday.
Armed Mexicans Invaded tho Lacona
ranch, 20 miles west of Brownsville,
owned by E. C. Telford, an American
They stole several horses, six saddles
nnd'largo quantities of provisions.
Tho order to train tho cannon upon
Matamoras was given by the United
States authorities and was Immediately
obeyed, tho guns being rendy for In
stant action.
Supplee Milk and Cream
win again World's
gold medal awarded
at San Francisco
TO PREPARE milk and cream for exhibit in
a world's contest 3000 miles distant, and to
win over all earners this has been accom
plished by the Supplee Dairy.
Press Congratulation?
Suppkc's Gets Award for Market
Milk ShippeS Across
v nia mtatu lor maript Ik hu bn
m.Fftlflc IStjllonarefimuon. Tbli
It lh tlfhth med&l won by BuppUe itlty
produed. In dSltlon, t medal of honor
Local Dairy Induatry data Two
Va at Panama Fair
flTlC ftaMnn tna ) fn mtMral a!11
at tht riEmrtfcleoyln Ban
pif3,lt'&iMmTy'm, mA.
prUj"Vfon by Supple DCrr product. .
Tb miDc tent from Philadelphia on
Entdei Shteped br PhlUdelnhl. Firm
jpoiJUon Gtt Modal
trl It wa learned Hfej yatttrday. Tha
turn It. .
milk, waa prepares and ahlpped on June
Vupplea Dairy Wlna Three Midil at
8an Frjncltco Expoiltlon.
The 8iyiUJ Dairy of thli city im
added- MlrllvK Inurela lo ber en
by wlrJflrdr?d taJrTrlturrjIdal
nnd It
i.,ii -iwirjmr.vn.-i'?rLii
"v,,r- v"!va,v riBuviiio.
Ihcia winomxa are tbe more remark
able wlirn It le coaildered ial h
medal hM.becn added.
winunti on tn proa
t note-
cornna In
The Supplee
From Market Street Wharf
I llA AtlanMe City, Wlldwood,
AUIdwood Crtat. bundaya Uutll
Notemlwr , Ine.
Atlantic City . . IT ;S1 a,m.
Wlldwood Uranch T:JOam.
S I .50 J" lala City, Atalon,
epiivy fttone Harbor. buqU,.
beptember , to, October , 7'so
"" Hwul, l'olot l-leaaant.
MaQaaquan, Hundaya until Onto
brr Hr too. . .Ts2Uia.m.
SI. 50 fts? ?" ..O
K rWiS' ft .' SaSu8i
- . "' - " .;
iiiwiu iqquu iine yjBiT 2
mnyai tnfaoraa.FiuiQrJHlfiSfliU
tltnfa to th SunnlMT nli
ut 111 3tTnjei
cia Iri'i VV) ouiwiift
ThM ff UJU5RaiW JW
Ml ifAa-WeWnVe4 aiHtT
1 One Hy
1 Day
Mother of John Yost Declares
Man With a Grudge Had Been
a Constant Source of
Fear to Her Son
Conflicting opinions regarding the death
of John Tost, tho cashier of the Phil,
adelphla and Reading Railway, whoi
body was found along the tracks near
Collcgcvllle, Is making tho Investigation
of tho mystery difficult.
Coroner McGlathery contends that tha
man was murdered and points to tho fact
that 30 cents wero found In his pockets
a short tlmo after ho was seen with a
largo roll of monoy. It also Is contended
by tho Coroner that a silt In tho man'i
pocket was mado hurriedly by hlg mur
derer to get the money. But the robbery
ho believes, was committed to hide an
other motive that of revenge. Invest),
gallon by tho Coroner has brought out
the fact that .Yost had an enemy who
had nursed a grudge against him for
years because of a fight over a woman.
Not long ngo Yost told his flanc,
Miss Edna Ullman, that a man llvlngn
Lansdale had threatened to "get" him.
Ho also told his mother that he might
bo found dead at any time.
Ills parents aro convinced that Yost
was murdered and aro endeavoring to
engage detectives to bring his murderer
to Justice. Mrs. Yost declares that some
of the officials nro working against Cor
oner McGlathery, and she asserts that
they fear tho man who killed her son will
bo found.
Cameras "TihSH?"
"The Belter Kind"
Judges of the Panama-Pacific
have awarded .to the
market milk prepared
and shipped by the Sup
plee Dairy the gold
medal for highest ex
cellence. Besides this,
the Supplee Dairy entry
in the market cream
class won a silver medal
and a medal of honor.
In these awards, flavor,
richness, c 1 e anliness,
and freedom from bac
teria were considered.
Supplee milk was one of
3,000 entries, in all classes,
including market milk and
ci earn, Pastuerize'd milk and
cream, certified milk and
cream, dealers' milk and
cream, college milk and
cream, milk commission.
The top sweepstake score
in all of these classes was
reached by the Supplee
products, although 10 days'
had elapsed between tho
time of shipping and the
time of judgingand this
In midsummer.
This makes the eighth
gold medal won by Sup
plee products in compe
titionrepeated win
nings which indicate
their quality and purity.
Alderney Dairy
From Broad Street Station
S2.M '' 1
fc,w? tha Monumentall
2 SO ?taaio .,
WCiU The Nation a' nl
' , coital ;
Bundaya, H,.t, I, Oct, J, 11, II
?.Kfl Vt ,lM Hhob. Woet
?,'0U r,,J.nt j""1 Nowbura-,
TiUS a. in. Jhuraday, Kept, JO.
49 nil N,w Vgrk T:a.ra
'"" Hum., HepJ, 1, Oct. IT
1 IK Xeadlna- Autuam.Lal
" Keurliin . ,tl:OUa.m.
Kit U rat tun
Iun4, October W
fe,.,, "