ledger PHIEADEEPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1915: Jv- 3 s FEDERAL REPORT OF AUGUST COTTON CONSUMPTION SHOWED INCREASE OVER LAST YEAR EVENING UEP REGULARITY RULED IN FINAL DEALINGS RLwrhcrff Steel and Crucible jjjtjlew High Marks Prices Easea Ult r rom uest f wvr TORK. Sept 14.-A njoro hopeful I -.i situation was responsible for a wTUXsr unit" In prices of stocks at the BUBthtr ,uPf'',lno. , the Stock Exchange ?. It was ngaln left to the war titles to furnish tho features of the 57l and some now high records were it the railroads were, as a Z inactive and Inclined to sag a trine t'M at the final price pf yesterday. the war group mbhmj.c. w.... y? feature, bounding p 9 polnto before U to a new high record of 3H. Cm- PmI Rteel also reached a now top, over S r'.l.. above yesterday's close. General ??$!.?. was strong, rising 8 points J10.10 ., Amnntr tho railroad Issues fv.rwHe was a weak spot, dropping off I'fround midday reports were circulated 2The basis for a ml-, the whole list JfJEn.- a reactionary tendency. The t pnu""" , onme illfflcultv belnc en- 1 Entered in arranging tho huge loan for Las AlUes from tho administration was , lni," J,i.,i,r market factor. Deal- ft !. were almost entirely of a profes Tslonsi sort- Th0 advancing movement .... taan resumed again. "IsMe from nock Island tho railroad l". i - .ilnniirv tendency. Ilock 'wind was strong, at one time being up 2 ii Mints The belief Is growin)that the iffiw Interest due on the $20,000,000 rie iff. bonds will bo raised Late In iSS day Receiver Dickinson at Chicago Allied the following statement: "The Hock Island debenture status remains 'ih. same as yesterday. Now ork did urtt raise ne,vBDaij ...w..w. " - stand Attorney Stevens, representing tho sinkers Trust, has some proposition to fatmU to tho' court. We do not find Si apprehension regarding Rock f Islands nuiwu") ... . - - ? fiult Those who know tho property np- weclate Its value and, prospects. It Is i said 'that Attorney Stevens' new propo I tlon Is In lino with Judge Carpenter's I first suggestion, that debenture holders 3 mlitht waive default. Bethlehem Btcel continued Its upward i iwlng late in tho day and hit another nsw top of 3I9H. up WA points. Crucible tlSO lPU-lia "... n, . ..-; points up- The mnrkct was reactionary la the late dealings and tho closo was Irregular. There was some pressure In the railroads. Prices dropped a llttlo from the. high. St. Paul was not seriously affected by the annual report, losing only a fraction. For 11)5 'ear ended Juno 30 tho road showed a deficit of $1,938,423 after div idends, compared with a surplus of $1,- f 47,311 In the previous year, liross re- tnues from oporatlon were $91,435,37-1, oo . $?,178,325 from tho previous jear. Opcrat lni'Wsnscs were $61,971,701, a deciease Of ?91S,600. ' BANK CLEARINGS t Bank clearings today eomp.iro with corre- ipoft41n (Jay last two jcars F v um 1114. 1913. H Philadelphia 2fi4fi1. 572 $21,405,781 $2S,12S,17 IlEoUOO . ... 21.5-11.SSJ ll,t71,7S4 20,1111.81)8 ?Ner Tork. .3C8,444.'J8t 180,818,229 391,499,927 t RATES FOR MONEY Call ; Philadelphia 3V4S4 !N-York Hi2 HJoiton 3 CMcaza . .. . ... 3U34 Commercial paper, three to lx months, Phil idelfhla, 334 per cent. Time 4 mx 2'44 8V43U 4 f' FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. Sept. 14. Tho foreicn tx- change market was dull and somewhat de f tressed, with demand sterling- oft V, at 4.63?i. ' Ratea follow. t Sterllne. Francs. Marks. Lire. Cwe i.enit, TBW h2' 0 41 ,.,.., 4C3 O.U.Ml t-'il Demand t!.4J PUBLIC UTILITIES The American Railways' August gross tarnlnsrs showed a decrease of $31,638. For r . . . .. .. ,-.r- eight months the decrease was $163,70.!. ' e. . .., rrr .. n montn me I'nuaueipnia ana fa Western Railway has run ahead 20 per wii. in gross receipts, and snouia Denent substantially from the Allentown fair travel. Tie Lehigh Vnlley Transit Company Will hltV niY nf fffit aHfllftnnnl nra fnf ' the Phlladelphla-Allentown fast line, traf- uu navmg Decome greater thn,n can be handled comfortably with the present equipment. There was an Increase of nearly 21 per l Jjnt. in electrical output registered by tvthe Combined Hvl!n.qViir nrnnnrtlM fnp thft ' k ended August 28, ns compared with Sthe corresondlng week of 1914. jPross earnings of the Interstate E'ec- M.v- vorporauon lor July were $32,716, an Increase of $2555, or 8.6 per cent. Operating- expenses Increased 6 1 per cent., nnd !l)St earnlnrra w- tiq ntn . 49 n.H .. gBttter than for July, 19M. For the 12 r 2 w5 -,ed Ju,y 31, 1915, '&01"1 earnings ..o o.io, a gam or W4,9iw, or ws per -r .si wnmiijB were jihjw, an in- CrA8A nf 1Rfi71 A. ttn i. ... .u- I preylous yar. NEV YORK COFFEE MARKET Feka7n 1. ' ePt.t ". inere vu little Fh .V.i. ","'" i-onee uxenange in lr2tSf,rJii7,l?n todayv In the flnl dealings ISIJ ""'S4 somewhat. May contracts IKrht'. IB. aavSJl??. ot Points above lait !-.'.; Trading was more artivo than lfirtce??oDll!n Total "'" 18-!!M bags. Today's Today's Yettrrday's fiaVctamV.. PWlng. Close. Oloao. iouoK ' niHis SkSSsL; -"8!-? BVier ::::: ai3ea.iB olisflaiT s.ila K?ry ..:: BjofH-iv IW.' fl.5."Sa5fl nsiis."i mnin'ii .... n oduo ou B4Jea.40 U40atl.ll ., IV.40rflO.4a lAwU . Kli, ,,,,, .... It?? . ....fl.sn I Jul te. 6,55 u.weo.&i Prlr nf Cii.l n.n. nrl.. PcSJi?.Bl;"9' S'Pt. "-The Carnegie Bteel l3r JflT. S?3. !,her manufacturers of light I'touaT. fT!.,,c.Uon weighing from 21 to 43 liaini .. ,u,,y"l ana re now asking the laictloB. epta,w.t?at 'or standard Deaaemer lWch aJ,h,ii!!fher "Notations for light rails. aa)CkiinlflAici Ti,t.ul TH4A..n4inn y8rdJu? Bert. 14,-Federal Judge Hough I Mip:.J "iJ";wion itoger a. uiurgia JI?.Jj5em.ler 0 'he proteuhe lommittee (jS? ,9.mPny for Intervention In !h SHUT Inrf vk a1&. ...& a .... a a,.. CatM;oS?.nlK ,anA "her. , Jiidg. Jlouii 1 a.ri .hIV'.i'-" ' ."R,'""!t,S"?u. ""' "1? . Ht of collusion, 115 YonK BUTTEH AND EGGS : JKK. BePt, 14 -DUTrEn,-Market ?Hc,. Jilgher scoring gu2v5c , Stats ( ",nayon sreaniery i'xw,uiic CM,rJl.tt.nrm HatelPts, J7.5S2 iaea. ri's. 27fi28o . firata. ilUfi'Jifc . nearby jStNJSTc , inled color. J5e30c refrlg rata, 13(1240 j rearby browns, 310 Jttwct and Bar Prices Up "WRqH. Sept 14 -The Umonthly ea- rTr w aiipei or oar iron muia anowp i rrlt" ules hVB dsveloped a II 13 ft fat '"" nai cutters i w imi -jj? w wcti a ivu. a"'b fmiv , BAll SILVER if ?N" ?.P The quotation for eom- ?lfellvr m down M ranee ta 2-i'j li)iSlii fL f,n IWtatuq wa 4H cut, - .'..o.m wniaif v t etwvak iVcuj Torc Stock Sales MM 00 57 7()!f 02 SOU 40U 70 om 05W 02 B0 105t" 100 100 00 00H OS 1S1 8H 38i 20 37 635 07W 6!f 20 82 815 B2t Iw Cloae. 33H 33K 162 8 37! 18U . 31 62' t 07 . 7 20 . 8Hf 81 62 42 70H B1V 065( 02 695 100 005 1605 151 85 85 375 205 37 6J5 675 0! 20 81 815 61 37M 185 345 625 07 0 25f 805 815 61 10S5 1085 1035 1145 1145 1145 02 02 02 1221 123 122J 123 425 445 43 41' 70 71H 705 60 50 60 1015 10l 101 07'i 035 DMJ 811 79? M 82 71 70" 3105 337 152 145 8.1U 835 07 G6 IS 18 44 445 805 835 705 835 GO', 18 45 0f 60 101 08? 805 835 705 340 152 835 07 18 44' 154J 1515 1535 15J5 44 4t', 44 44 43 455 . 30 85 120 195 025 10' 485 45 30J 85 475 475 445 415 305 30' 8454 811, 1205 12054 1205 101, 21 05 40 120 83 17 0154 0; 40H 120 835 175j 05' J 1075 117 110 AlMkaOoMMlne'r"1!? a hSS!?."'.' - m lf Arn 1 Jiv' B UO PU 09 .. nK nemicai , Am Beet Sitc ,, Am Beet 8ue pf . Am Can . ., . Ain Can pf . , Am Car ft Foundry m woai lToducls. .. Am Hide ft Leather Am Hide ft Lcat pf.. Am Linseed Am Linseed pf Am Locomotive .... Am Icomotlvo pf. ,. Am Malt Am Malt pf Am Smelt ft Rcf Am Smelters pf U... Am Ktru.1 EVn..,tl Am SUEST rtlfln1nr ' inn Am Sueai Refining pf.115 m tei . cable CO' Am Woolen Anaconda Copper... Associated Oil Co . Atch T ft 8 F . Atch T ft S F pf . . Baldwin Loco Baltimore ft Ohio..., Baltimore ft Ohln nf Betiilehem Steel 335 ncmieiiem steel pf. ...142 urooKiyn nap Tran.. Butte ft Superior Cal Tetroloum Cal retrolcumpf Canadian Tacllic Cent Leather Chesapcalc ft Ohio ... Chlno Copper Cnlcaeo Gt West pf. . Chi Mil ft st Paul... Chi ft North est Chi It I & I'ac . . Cluott l'ea ft Co . . . C61orado Tuel ft I . . Consolidated Gas . . Continental Can . . Corn Products Hef Crucible btcol Crucible bteel pf .... Cuban-Am Susar Cuban-Am Sugar pf . Del ft Hudson Detroit Edison . , Distillers Securities . Dome Mines . . Electric Stor Battery. Erlo Erie 1st pf Erie 2d pf Fed Min ft Sm . Fed Min ft Sm pf . General Electric . General Motors General Motors pf . Goodrich HP . . Great Northern pf . . . Gt N cfs for ore prop Gucsenhelm Expl'nt Illinois Cent Inter Con Corp'n .. Inter Con Cor pf . . Int Harv N J Inter-Met vot t c . . Inspiration Copper . Kan City Soutuern Lack Steel . Lehigh Valley . . . Long Island Lorlllard P Co pf . . Louis ft Nashville . . Maxwell Motors Max Motors 1st pf Max Motors 2d pf. Mexican Petroleum . Mo Kan ft Texas . Mo Kan & Texas pf. Miami Copper Missouri Pacific. Montana Power Montana Poer Co pf 107 Nat Cloak ft Suit ... 81H Nat Enamel & 3. Nat Lead.... Nevada Con Cop . . New York Air Drake N Y N II ft II . . New York Central N Y O ft W Norf ft Western . Northern Pacific . . Pacific Mall Pac Tel ft Tel . . . Penn II If . . . Philadelphia Co Pittsburgh Coal . . Pittsburg Coal pf. Pitts O O & St L . Pressed St: Car Pressed Steel Car pf Pullman Co . . Hy Steel Sp'g . . . Kay Con Copper . . Heading 149J 1505 1405 149 J Kep Iron ft Steel ... 43 135 Hep Iron ft Steel pf...l015 102 5'i 5H 85 8H 05 17 1275 129 82 835 17J 175 00 05 105H 10754 100 115 117 117 .108 110 110 1391 139'a 139'J l.W, 115 1175 1171 1175 20JJ 2,V4 2t', 215 2Hj 215j 74W 73 73 305, 29' 30 51 7 215 71 30 505 39 wi 41 .172 .200 ', 305 255 It 171 203 115 025 40K 25), 41 1725 20S 1155 113 G35 035 1185 1185 US 11' 4t5 40! 6-15 055 102J. 103 20' 21 75 75 100 109 205 35 2055 05 G15 103 205 45 605 40 255 41 171 208 115 025 1185 405, 015 103 205 745 205 :i 2CK OS 141 12 1155 112 119 119 43 885 35J 80 7 . 135 27 3 505 1005 109 205 205 3l 05 0' 34 20' G85a 143H 143 143' i 4M 1354 435 112 110 42 8S5 30j 845 65 11 205 35 50 45 83' 30! 805 7 145 20Ji 35 58 112 110 45 83)5 305 815 OH 14 20 35 58 10GJ, 1005 10GH 82 20 27 G3 G15 . 145 145 140 140 G7J 08 . 025 92H 28M 20', 109M 110 1075 1075 . 305 i 30 . 325 32 1095 109' J 8854 89 335 33' 82 255 035 14' 115 07' 01' 205 82 255 G35 11! 145 075 01' 205 109J4 1095 107 107 305-4 324 10914 83 33 3054 325j 1095. 88 33 1005 lOlh 101 1015 72 70 70 70 G2 0255 GU 015 09J4 985 085j 9355 159 158 150'4 157 38 385 37! 375 225 22H 225 225, 43 43 101H 10154 5 I AAllAra t -- -,.- Kumely M. Co IturaelyM. Copf.. . 85 84 8 St Louis &SV ... 15 4 35 St L & S F 2d pf 0 5! 55 feeaboard Air Lino pf 3354 33' 33' Sloss-Snef S ft I Co pf 89 905 005 bo Porto It Sugar .85 85 85 bouthcrn Pacific . . 80 8SJ4 885 Southern By 15J4 10 155 bouthcrn lty pf . . . . 51 51M 51 Standard Milling 50 5574 6574 StudebakerCo 117 1185 117 Studebaker Co pf 105 100 100 Tenn Copper 501 674 50 Texas Co 154 1605155 Texas ft Pacific 10J5 15!i 1554 Third Avenuo.. ,.!.... -585 595 58' Union Pacific 1295 129J4 129 Union TacUlc pf 805 60a U S IndAlconol 70 80 US Red ft Kef Pf .... 22 United Hys Invest ... 23 United Kys Invest pf . 385 U S Kubuer WH U S Kubber 1st pf US Steel U 8 Steel pf 113)i US Express..... , 09 United Cigar Mfrs ... 48 United Dry Goods pf.. 5S Utah Copper C05 Va-Caro Chem 37 West E &M 115! Westinghousa 1st pf.,.135 Western Union Tel ... 705 Western Maryland. . 204 Western Maryland pf 48 111 Overland - .18754 1885 187 Wbcomin Central. ... 33 33 33 255 23! 38' 505 .1035 103h 1035 1035 75)5 70 74J5 755 11354 1135 1135 095 63 G8 805 705 25 235 6051 8 35 55 am 905 85 8854 155 51 55J4 1175 100 50 155 1555 5951 12954 8055 80 2H 23H 3b!f 605 43 48 48 55 55 65 07) 005 W5 38 375 375 110) 11554 1105 135 135 135 70V4 70 7UJ5 29) i'05 205a 41 44 4L JbH '33 Total sales, 443 300 shares, compared with 440.U0O shares last Tuesday. $250,000 Order for Pump Company NEW YORK, Sept. 14. International Steam Puhid Company bid received an order for Its International das Engine Company for 25U, UU0 of motors for omnibuses lor use In Lon don. COTTON NEW YORK. Sept 14 -Influenced by higher nrltCB than had been expected from Lhupool and a bulllaU consumption statement, the cut ton market opened this morning at an adatic of 5 to 8 points. Business was active, with no special feature. A cable fiom Liverpool said tiw rosrkst there was small and that he ad vances were iaued by continued buying lor Indian account, with hedge selling becoming "inUtne afternoon pi Ices continued to harden and the elosa found quotations ruling 4 to JO points "ov. U.ctio..JgW ci(K January .... .10 to 1100 11.11 101)0 1110 UecemDer ... . 0 79 U 10 US 10 7B 10,1)4 October ...... -JO 45 10 40 10 ST JOSH 10 M March ..'..... - - SlaV T .... . 1184 1 ' "3 1 49 b0 JiSJ :" 1 11.711 1J78 11.7U 11 08 1170 Call for State Banks' Condition HAUnlSUURQ. Sept. 14. -Call for state menu of Stale banks trust companies, etc , was issued today by the Btate Hanking Com missioner as of BepUmber 7. This Is the fourth csll this ywr. The previous state inents wvre as of January Si, April 5 aud June t3. in Id her ur four calls, as follows February 20. June 1, August 37 and November 2. GOVKUNMENT BONDS r of 1WO reglstersl Panitma til registered I issrna U IVM resTsierd Uhma ne recd f?Hau pew ' ""jwo j, "f 1 -1 reguter.d Hit IMS eoupoo- .- r 7Z .: llii rsztsMZta ..:(..... 6Mvm Did Asked VI V9 97 fid loo's io.iU . ,ipog , .?,.!' 110 MsJM-f 4a New York Bond Sales (1000 Albany A Sus 3Ha. 1000 Amer Ittil a I. Wkjo Amer Smelt Eee Us ,10U ltKXt Amer Tel clt 4s ... 87H lRooo Amer Tei cvt 4Vs. .. 98 HX) Armour Co 4Hs . .. BlH MOO Atchison sdj 4s .... SOU 39.VK) Atchison cv 4s 1BS5 . flflU .WXH) Halt & Ohio 8Hs. ... SH tSOOO Halt & Ohio 4s . . 85J, S000 Halt A Ohio ev 4Hs.. 88H 7000 HAO P LE&WV 4s . 7S 10"0 Halt ft O 8wn 8Hs,.. SSS .DOiiO lleth Steel 1st Rs .....102 350W Beth Steel rfd 8s ... 09 11000 llrookn Rap Tr Ss '18 100 7000 Brook Un Klv 1st s . fSVt 1000 Brook Un Uas 1st s ,103 SOOOJCanada South 8s . 100 1000 Cent Oa Cons ris PO' Bono Cent Leather 1st 6s. . OOh 1.1000 Cent Pac 1st 4s .... 84 kkx cent n n a j fis... niU MOO Chill Copper ..... .113U 30000 Chcs & oh cv 4H- '4! i tnes . on 4'iB . .VHiO Ches ft Ohio 6s.. . 2000 Chi Ot West 4s.... 35000 ohl 11 ft CJ Joint 4s .MM I'hl II Jb fi vn Am 13000 Chi Mil ft St P cp 8S..102C I4tt0 Chi Mil ft St V CV 4Ws Bt'k High. Low. Close. . 8H "OH JV4 .10.1 103 .ion ion . 87K 87 . 93 MS . niH in;i . 80H son , ooU iKni . 8H 8H . 85Vi 8654 88H 84 . 78 77 . 8SS 8H ,102 102 HUH pfl 103 100 PH 103 10 87 CO sou 90S ru'i ' 801 l)4 55 a M 9J 88S 3000 Chi R 1.4 r col Ps. M"M t01 ft houtn ISt 4S 100O Col South ret 4Ws (iCOO Cumlerl-vnd Tel Sa 20) i Del . Hud rfd 4n 9000 Uls Secur Corp .is. 4000O Du Pont Tow d 44s 21)00 trie eonv 4s ber A 41000 Krie conv 4s fer B Kx) Krle prior 4s 2000 Orcen Hay deb B . 20f) ltock nl 1st 4s "mii ill Steel neb 4Hs 481 , 8(1 n P7H 90 lotVi , 70 Ml 711 07 t0 m 10JS 7U 771. lOlti 101H K7L Kill 80 80'' 102 99i 90 H 98S 1M 100 BH WW 81 111 11.1V .,1. ?j.i ?4H 841 101, 10JJ, 04H 04, 9(1H 9tl? 8t SS 102H 10JJ, 1US M -. , .01 1 111 113 oooo lndiina Steel 8s... .101'J lOt'i 1000 Iowa tentral 8s. .. 48 WOO in Central rfd 4s . .81 1000 do 4s lu.lt 90 2IKW do 4i 1012 814 7500 Ins Cod cv fls.. . . 140 1000 Imp cv ret 3d pd 6s.. 140 ivui, jnierD wot 4Vfcs .. 0000 Interb 11 T ret 8s . BOOOO Inter Mer Mar 4v4s . 1000 Intnl stm pump 6s... 8iki0 jap new r s 44s . 20il do 1st 4s WOO Int Nav 8s 1000 K C I't H A M 4s . . N'PO Kan City So 1st 3s... 1TO0O Ijicka Steel Bs 11)50 . OO0O Iclede Has 1st 6s.. 2000 I.k Sh deb 4s 1028 2000 do 4s rm. 2iW Louis k Nash 4a . .1000 Mo Kan ft T 1st 4s 0000 Mo Kan ft T 2.1 4s.. 2fKl Mo I'ao 5s 11)20 8)00 Mo Pacini" conn R sissi N Y .Mr Brake cvt Cs 102 4S 81 00 814 140 140 74ft 74W 74" u CA 111 72V, 724 70 711 6fltt OOtJ 871 V71, SlVs 81V, ,101 101 91 01 80' 8JS wn 004 7.H 7". .11 .11 72 72 91 92H 102 10.' 80 70 97 90 014 101 4 V 70 ? 1014 81 tt 814 140 140 744 004 71", 01 724 7tt 05 S7' 81H 101 111 81J4 DO, n 72 91 102 5000 N Y Csnal Imp 44s 109's 100', 1004 114VX) N Y C ft Ituil 1041, 1034 104 1I.0IV) N Y C ft Hud 54s 87 87 87 11000 N Y C A Hud 4s . . K1 81 5 20011 N Y City 4s 1057 .VH) N Y City 4m 1H1S . UHiO N Y City 4s lPW Boon N Y city 414s 1(h 0 . vooo N Y City rtt 4',s torn) N Y Cltv 4V48 lot- . KltiO N Y City 4V,s '04 1000 N Y Cltv 4K. Hltl", . OHH10 N Y Cltv 44 Mav M7 102 () IN J i II fir 11 CV MB 1,HU 0OO N" Y LMOOil N Y N H ft H Os Rvv aril 5s 40(io N Y Tel Ken 44 4000 Norf ft West 4s 20000 Nor Psc Ken 3s 17000 do reg 4s 30OO Oregon ft Cal 6s 1000 Penna cv 3'is 40(K) do cv 44s. fOOO do cen ct 44s AW Ray Con Copper Os. . 2000 Reading Ken 4h. 1000 Rop Ir A S 6s 1040 ., 12.HKO ltock Island 6s. ... 27000 do rfd Ai 2000 do 4s 4000 Rt r. & S K rfd 4s 00O0 St P M ft M 44s 1000 South Boll 5s .. . SMino south Pac cv 4b . 10000 S P cv ret f p 5s "34. 10000 South Pac rfd 4s .. . 2000 South Pac Term 5s 13000 South Rwy con Bs. . 3'iono Texas Co cv O, 4000 Third Ave new 4s.. . 20000 Third Ave adj Bs 40000 U 8 Steel 8 BOO U S Steel reg Bs.. .. 4500 Union Pac 1st 4 8000 Union Pac cv 4s . . 1000 Va Car Chm 1st Bs . 2000 Va Ry Bs 1000 Wabash 1st Bs 8000 Wabash 2d Bs 18000 Wab Equ ct eta 4s... 4000 West E A M CV 6s... 0000 West Md 1st 4s onion WE ft M cv Bs w 1. 18000 West Shore 4s 2000 Wlscon Cent gen 4s.. PO. 944, 1I4, 9IH, tltS, WIS, lHi HI54 ns4 pm; 102 10." 102 101T, ;ii lii. 102 102 004 77 40 87? 02 SOU 100 102 77 41 91 8$ 894 (J(i 94 9S4 102 101 , tis1; ioj 10J ni4 77 40 91 874 6J 84 100 . . . 1004 1004 1004 102J 102V. IO2I4 07U nrii 07i 1124 111', 91 01 044 1)44 4 11,; 4iji4 ni's 02 794 704 BI4 894 09U 0U4 07H 974 804 804 004 99V 84 84 70V 79 074 074 1024 102 101?J 034 804 0? 100 00 10 1054 704 1154 87V, 824 8'Z 784 ST 78l Total sales 2,B02.O0O, compared with $2,. -420.000 last Tuesday. Sales in Philadelphia Yes close. HlKh. Low Close 100 Am Mllllnfj ... 0', 04 04 200 Allls-Chalm . ... 41Vi 41V4 414 200 U-ildvin Loco.. SO 81 80 SO 3 d pref .... 100 100 1011 luu 120 J O nrlll 414 48 41V 40 tusir, Cam Steel .... 04i Ofi 02 113 100 Chi R I & P... 21S, 214 21, 214 1)00 FHec Stor 744 744 71 7)4 110 Erie 30)i 3011 S04 1104 100 do 1st pref 504 80, 50, 220 Ins Co N Am . 22?, 2V 2.2, 2.1 3847 Lako Sup Corp. 114 114 10 104 50 1-chlBh Nav . 7)J 7.1 71 75 rs LehlBh Val . . 724 72 72 7J 23 Lehigh Val Tr. 17 174 14 lift B North Central . . 82 82 82 82 210 Penna . ..64 18-1(1 84 18-10 B4?. 54 13-10 10 Penna Salt Mfc 91 94 914 04 10 Penna Steel ... 354 404 404 404 48 do pref 84 834 834 834 1B0 Phlla Co 43i 414 41 44 220 do cum pref.. 434 424 43 4.14 174 Phlla Klec ..21 21 214 2.1 80 Phlla II Tran.. 104 104 104 104 215 do tr ctfs . .. 10 101. 104 104 ISO Reading 74'J 744 74$ 74, 100 Ton Hel 4 4 3 15-ld 3 13-10 25 Ton Mining .... 84 II 0 0 215 Union Trao .... 804 301, 304 3(UA 10 U O I 84T4 85 8.1 85 6780 U 8 Steel r. . . 764 75 744 714 240 War I ft S . .. 104 10W 10'i 104 35 W J A S S. . ...80 40 49 40 Total sales 25,337 shares, compared with 10, 217 shares Isst Tuesday. BONDS. Last prev. sale. High. Low. Close. 400 Am Oas & El Bs 87 87 87 87 12 Cam Stl su IUIO.IOO4 1004 1004 100 2 do 1017 004 904 994 IWVj 12 City 34s 1017 .. W 9B4 ooa! oui 1.100 do 4s 1018 reg .. 101H 10154 10194 r,000 Elec A Pco T 4s 81 74 71 74 2.1 Thtl Co SO 1910.100 100 10O 100 2i do 1318 98 08 98 IIS 4400 PMIa Elec 4s. 80 HO 781, 784 1000 Un Rwy Inv 5. .. 71 71 71 Total rales $12,300, compared with $70,531 last Tuesdsy, Local Bid and Asked j Today, Yesterday. Bid. Ask. Bid, Ak. Baldwin 80 su4 80 804 do pref 1054 1004 1054 1084 Buff & Sus t 0.. 12 13 li 1.1 do pref . ,., SOU 40V4 394 404 fambrlit Steel 024 01 045J Ml Elootrlo Storage ..... 71 714 71J 744 Uenenil Asphalt ... 32 .11 .12 :il do pref 09 70 60 70 Keystone Telephone ..14 144 144 15 do t c 14 (i 144 13 do preferred tu 07 110 67 Lake Sup Corp 10',; 104 114 UK Leh Nav . , 74 75V4 Ta 7B Lenlgu Valley ...... 7l, li 72 7J4 Lehigh Valley Tr .... 174 17 174, lrf do preferred .... 344 85 S4J4 S3 Pennsylvania 8454 54",, B14I 61 Phlla Klectrlo 24 25 24 25 Phlla Co , ........... 4W 44 41J 44 do B per cent. pref..,. 38 40 37 3') do 6 ter cent. pref... 414 44 414 43'i Phlle lup Transit..., 104 10$ loj! in?! Iota...., J?4 10 10 loyi Rsadlntf 74 75 74 75 Ton Belmont 34 4 S'f 4 Ton Mining .,.....,. 6?, (I (, r Union Trao S4 ST SO?, 37 U 0 I 814 85 844 85 U 8 Bteel 76tJ 75i 764 73K Yoik Jtwy 7 TiJ 7 7( ilo pref 31 32 31 32" Cramp A Co . 814 SJ 80 82 NEW YORK CUKB Bid. Asked American Zinc &24 Mil Iliaden . . . 8 84 Lrltlsh-Ameilcau Tobacco old. 134 144 Hrltlsh.Ametlcsn Tobacco new 14 15 Car Licht . 8?1 04 (loldtield Consolidated Vl 1.. rireeno Caiianea , ,.,, 37 80 Kcnc't Copper ,. 31 814 Lehigh. Valley Coal Bales ...168 K15 Magma Copper . ...,..!.. ..: . lKVi HI Nlpling ., . .it, ri 8tts Elevator , .....,.,.....,,.... 71 74 lis tsievator pref, ...... ...,.,., .. 91 pi Rlker-llvgemsn .1. ...... B?, Submarine ti.. 484 404 Sterling Oura ,. v.,..., i 4 Tobucco Products . ......'.,', 60'. 00 United Cigar btores '. .,.li7 102 United Cigar btores ptSt.. -.... ...JJQ 121 1'nlted Profit new , 2 24 World Film . SK 4' Yukm Hold . ,.. 2 -H REPORTED TRANSFER OF CAMBRIA STOCK DENIED D11IEOTOHY Of ACCOUNTANTg Certified l'ul.lle Accountants LAWRENCE E BROWN & CO, IBIS REAL EUTATB TRUST BUILDINO l'ubllo Accomtlar'sf PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Liquidation in Lake Superior, the Steel Shares nnd Elec tric Storage Battery Generally a reactionary tone devoloped on the local exchango today. Profit taking mi n factor, especially In Lake Superior, which suffered tho los of n full point, despite oRlclal confirmation in tho annual report that substantial war orders had been booked. Cambria Steel also eased oft. The com pany announced that It will pay off next October for tho entire s,000,000 3-jear Kold notes, which are not duo until October, 1917. This, It Is thought, may bo followed by tho anticipation of tho date ot matur ity of the threo scrip dividends, tho Inst of which falls duo also In 101? This nat urally arouses tho hope of n possible In. crease In tho dividend rate thereafter A 1 report that the company had sold Us JC.OOO.OOO treasury stock In tho open mar ket was denied, but selling prcssuro to day was based on this. Clectrlc Storage Battery suffered n slight set-back fllso, but offerings were not especially extensile nor did t'nlted States Steel develop nny Brent nmount of activity. Philadelphia Ulcctrlc was n shade lower, but the local tractions were In demand, one bid for 1000 shnres of Rapid Transit bolng made at 104 Union Traction moved up n frnctlon Lehigh Navigation shares sold ott despite the fine showing made by the nnnual ro port of Its subsidiary, the Lehigh nnd Now England, which gave n net Incomo increase of $133,312 Pcnnsjltnnla Snlt loot 1H, when Pennsylvania Steel com mon, a very Inactive Issue, moled up to !l Notwithstanding confirmation was had today that the J. G Brill Company had re ceived, all told, nbottt $10,000,000 In onlois for war supplies and was negotiating for additional contracts, tho shares re mained Inert. Tho latest order li for approximately JTO.OOO.COO worth of 1. Inrli shells for tho lirltHli tinpinn "t ' said In tho closing dealing"! the stojk bcuan to harden on light purchases. Although In general the mom bllua tlon In this city remains about the same as It has been for some weeks, loans aggregating $600,000 havo been negotiated by local interests within tho lust few days for eight months nt 3 per cent. Single name hlsh-grado lominorciil paper running four months Is being freely discounted at 3V per cent The August report of tho Kcystono Telephone Company showed .1 gain of $1784 In grois earnings, but owing to In creased operating expenses and taxes tho net return mado a decrease of $1751, nnd the surplus of $30,316 was a decrease of $2585 for the month. Tor tho eight months, however, gross earnings in creased $18,892, nnd there was a net gain of $5152 The surplus was $239,490, an in crease of $533. Financial Briefs John C. Jay, Jr., vice president of the Pennsylvania Steel Company, has re signed from that company to become chairman of tho board of tho Maxwell Jlotor Company. Mr. Joy. Immediately after being graduated from Williams Col lege In 1901, entered the steel works of tho Pennsylvania Steel Company at Steel ton as an apprentice, working his way up through the various grades as sales man, manager of tha company's New York otfice, general manager of sales and vice president. Homer A. Stlllwcll was elected a director of the Atchison to succeed tho lato J. G McCullough. Tha net operating revenue of all ex press companies for May was $983,303, against $161,894 for May, 1914. James II. Brookmlro was elected treas urer of the Pierce Oil Company, succeed ing V. G. BolBbevaln, who will contlnuo as secretary. The Keystono Telephone Company's Au gust earnings show $111,330 In gross, $j7.1St in net and a surplus of $30,316. Tho New York banks gained from Sub treasury eHterday $1,429,000, and gained $5,829,000 since last Friday. Tho Corn Products Compnny has sold tho last of Its $3,000,000 AVaukegan plant, consisting of 600,000 feet floor space, and 26 acres of land for $180,000, to be used for small factory purposes MORE COTTON CONSUMED Census Bureau Report Shows Increase Over Last Year WASHINGTON, Sept. 14. A .report Is sued today by tho Census Bureau shows cotton, exclusive of Unters, consumed dur ing August 461,486 running bales In 1915, compared with 3S3.690 bales In 1314, held In consuming establishments on August 31, 1,166,190 bales In 1915, and 075,373 In 1914, and In public storage and at compresses, 1676,231 bales In 1915; and 546,924 In 1914; Imports, 18,990 equivalent 500-pound bales In 1915, and 27,037 In 1914; exports. Includ ing llnters, 162,721 bales In 1915, and 21,210 In 1914, Cotton spindles, active' during Au gust, 31.064,519 In 1915, and 30,3lt,970 In 1914. Llnters consumed during August, 55,899 bales In 1915, and 25,280 in 1914; held In con suming establishments, 161,003 bales In 1915, and 75,346 In 1914; and In public storage nnd at compresses, 70,651 bales In 1915, and 29,673 in 1814. Exported 11.482 In 1915. Price of Lead Cut NEW YORK, Sept. 14,Amerlcan Bmeltlni and ReAnmK Company reduced the price ot lead from 4,70c. to 4.60c Philadelphia Suburban Gas & Electric Company First Mortgage and Refunding S Gpld Bonds Due February 1, 1960. Free of Penmylvanla State Tax Free of Normal Federal Income Tax Girard Trtut Company, Trustee Company serves greater part of territory immediately adja cent to City of Philadelphia. Operates under forty perpet ual franchises, exclusive as to gas. Earnings applicable to this issue nearly twice interest re quirements. Guaranteed Principal and In terest by endorsement of com pany which has paid dividends uninterruptedly since 1893. PRICE, 95 AND INTEREST Yielding 6.30 WHfiasiP.BsRbrigkt&Ce.Jnc. MORRIS WI8TAR 8TR0UD, Jr. Msnagsr 4S7 CUKSTNUT BTRKKT fblUdsIpbU Xw Ysrk UostdH Detroit Ioi Wllllsta J, Moubrlibt Co. !! Honbrtcht Co, GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT -Receipts 41,21.1 bushs There s a furtlior advsnre ot le In this msrxst, due to a fslrly active demand and stronger out side sdvlres Qoatstlons Cur lots. In espert fYAlor. No' a ed spot snrt Rentsmber, $1,10 f 1 1! Nc 2 red Upturn, 1 lil 17, No S 5?VihT!rc,1l 0" 110. slesmer No. 2 red, IJ i.TP? " TA M.OTfl 00, reveled A, 104VI.O04. rejected U, UOSeioo. CORN -Receipts, 910S bushs. Ths market o quiet but nrm under small supplies, guo tntlotis. Or lets tor loesl trails, ss to loca tion No. 2 yellow SHWS7i4e i steamer yel low, RVs,)lt(. No .1 Jtllow. samrM'ic. OATS Receipts, 07.132 buths. Trads ws slow and the market ruled weak at the lste decline. Quitatloits No. 2 whit, none hers. No ,1 white. :i'.H.filf)ir No. 4 whits. 37 31c . sample outs, 3Srs0c. Kl.OUlt-Receipts, SflO l.bls. and 7M.M0 lbs., In ssrks-MIU limits were well mslntslnod, but there m little trading;. Quotations, per 100 lbs, In wood Winter clear, nsw, l.,Mts; do, stiatuht, new, tMS.23, do., patent, new, R.2rrtR.8u. Kansas, clear, new. Jute sucks, tr20; do., straight, new, Jute sacks. S 4N, 10. do, patent new. Jute sacks, J5.05W o SI. spring, nrst clear, now, 4.85S.10. do., straight, new 11.104J5 10, do. patent, new, 11 I14T3 0O do., do., old. 6.OU$0.5, do., fav orite brands, old, liB" 3V city mills, choice and fancy patent, 77S, do., rexular grades, winter clear, new. fl.TlfJS do, straight, new, f.MO.10 do , patent, new, ! 40S3.OB. RYE F1X)I R nm quiet and without Impor tant change Wo quote at (550.30 per bbl., as to quality. PROVISIONS The market ruled steady, but there wss little trail. nit. Quotations City beef, In sets, smoked and alr-drled, 2520c.; West ern beef. In sets, smoked, 25320c. cltv Icef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked and alr-drtcd, 27fi2Sc, Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, 27B21C.; beef hams, 11 82; pork, fsmllr. J21821 f'Oi hams, 8 P. cured, loose, i:313c do., skinned, looie, imllc., do., do, smoked. 1381 Hc.; other hamt. smoked, city cured, as to brand and aerage. mtltc.; hams, smoked. Western cured llei4e.. do., boiled, boneless, 22g21c i plcnlo shoulders. S. V cured, loose, 0iO10c.i do., smoked, Hmoe , bellies. In pickle, ac cording to ui erase, loose, 12B12HO , breakfast bacon as to brand and aersge, city cured, WM17c , breakfast bacon, Western cured. 10 17c, Urd, Western, refined, tierces, HB9c; do do. do, tubs, RMtOc. lard, pure ctty, kettle rendered. In tierces. 800c., lard, purs clt, kettle rendered In tubs, 87Bc REFINED SUGARS The imritet was dull and weak. We quote re Oners' list prices standard Kranulated, 5 13c. extra lino granulated. 3.30c., powdered. 0 40c. , tonfcctloncra' A. 8 20 c. . sou grades, 4.45 " tC.c. DAIRY PRODUCTS tlt'TTKR sold flowly nnd showed no Impor tint change. Offerings were falrl) liberal Quotations Western solid-packed, creamery, 'onc fpecltls -c , extras, 2Cc , extra flrBts, .i2"iH,p firsts, 24?Jl'4c , seconds, 'JJtfZIc, nearby prints, fancy 20c, do, aerage extras, 27i2Sc do firsts, 212fc. , do. seconds 2.,4J 21r Jobbing sales ot fane) prints, U& )Gc KQQS Thcro was a fair demind for strictly flno eggs nnd the market ruled Orm unde small supplies We quote as follows Free cases, nearby extras, 20c per doz , first $7 Mf7 ho per standard case nearby currt,nt icelpts Su'iH7 20 per cso, Western extra firsts S7 80S8I0 per casT! firsts, 7 20j7 30 ter case fancy selected candled eggs were lobbing nt 31.l.lc per doz CHCESB sold falrh and ruled firm under mall supplies rollolng are the quotations New Yoik. full cream, fancv. new. lft'FMM'.,. specials, fc.rfhor do , do fair to good. new. 1414'c part skims 6(ifl2c POULTRY LIVE Thcro was a fair demand for desirable stock and tho market ruled firm under mod erate offerings. Following are the quotations Fowl is to size ana quality, lSSTlB'ic, roosters, 12313; , spring chickens, according to quality, lSS17c ; ducks, Pekln, old, ISSllc. , do., Indlin Runner, old, 1213c. ; do, joung, according to site, 1 4913c j pigeons, old. psr pair, lS420c , do., young, per pair, 17Slc. DRESSED -The market ruled firm under moderate offerings and a fair demand for de sirable stock. We quote Fresh-killed poultry, fowls, 12 to box, dry-pleked and dry-packed, fancy, selected, lite , neighing 4H81 lbs, srleie, is , weighing "H4 lbs apiece, liHo , weighing ,1 lbs apiece 10170 . under 3 lbs. apiece, I4Vt011Hc Ice-pscked West ern, 4ty lbs and over nplecs, lc , do., smaller sites, lfrSl7c.i old roosters, dry-picked lie i broiling chickens. Jersey, fanoy, 24g2c , other nearby fancy, 22fi24c ; fancy large yel low. Illinois neighing 3 lbs nnd over apiece, 20921c, other Western, weighing 3 lbs and oer, IBc, Western, weighing lVS2Vs lbs apiece, lSJWc, do, inferior luetic, spring; ducks, nearby, 10917c do, Western, lOffl-c; tqusbs, white, weighing 11012 lbs. per dot., 1112" white, weighing OflO lbs. per doz., IllSfini, white, weighing; 8 lbs. per dot, 13 53S2 T.I An.. T lh nor dm . 12 1482 33! dovrt(tm n. per dot., l 00ff76j dark, fl.BO VI io, small and No. 2 M. FRESH FRUITS Choice stork met with fair sale and values generally ruled steady, quotations! Apples, per bbl -, Blush, 12 503. Oravensteln. li-WSS! Wealthy, 2so3, Orlmes' Oolden. $2 SOj.lj Bummer Rambo, S2 214MS llppln. 2 23W 3, Smokehouse, 2.25H2 73. Dm hess, 2S2.73; ether arlettet, II 302, peaches, Virginia, west Virginia, Western Marlsnd and 1'snn syhanla, Rlbertas, per crate, 75c8I peaches, Virginia, West Virginia. Western Mar land and Pennsylvania, nibertas, per basket, 30R40c . peaches. Delaware and Mary land, Blbertas, per carrier, MMJOOC , peaches, .l,v.w'llro and Maryland. Elbertas, per basket. -i3c , peaches, Jersey, fancy Elbertas. per -UnheI basket, ftOSOOc. peaches, Jersey. other kinds, per bssket, 20310c. pears, Hart lett, per bbl., 3P5, do., common, per bbl., fl.S02 grapes. North Carolina Delawares, Per 8-basket carrier, 75c.Qfl grapes, Dela ware, Moore's Early and Concord, per carrier, COgoT.c. , grapes, Delaware, Moore's Early and Concord per 4-lb. basket. 8SUC, lemons, per box, 2iT3i oranges, Florida, per box, ItUfl! pineapples, per crate Porto Rleo, $1 23K2 SO! do , Florida, Jl 2362 BO! plums. Virginia, Damons per 20-lb. basket. 3040c, plums, New York, per 20-lb. basket. 2010c , plums. New York, per 8-lb. basket Ilradshaw and Niagara lOfrWc . blackberries. Delaware, Maryland and Jersey per qt , 490c. huckle berries, per qt., OftSc, cantaloupes, Maryland, per standarl crate, 30fl73c do Jerej. per basket, 25973c, watermelon per car, $1003 230 VEGETABLES Offerings were fairly liberal and prices sen erally faored buyers under a light demand. Quotations White potatoes. Jersey per basket No. 1 Rose, nojm-ic . No 1 other arletles. 215T30O., No 2, 1001V sweet potatoes per bbl No. 1 Eastern Shore. 1B1 40 No 2 and culls, ri05f73c , Bweet potatoes. Jerse, per baBket No. I, SOtflBc. No 2. l.Mf'JOc onions, per 100 1b. bag, Jt.2131 fiO. do., Jerse), per Vbush. basket, SMI 10c , mushrooms, per 4-lb, basket. 300.0)1. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHI AGO, Sept 14. HOC1H Receipts, 12 000 head, market srndo higher Mixed nnd butchers, C.O0-iI8 2O, good heavy, JO 8137 M. rough hea. $n HflO tl light e7.0OQS.2O. pigs so sr.gt is. bulk, sn.7()tf- 73 CATTLE Ret el ptt. 4nKi head market steadj Reeves $3 Jvrtlu 2T, cows and heifers flfl'MS, Texans, ?0 73BS 40, rahta, JO 50(3 II 71 tiHEEP Receipts. lv.ooo held market weak Native nnd Western, $Ji&5 75, lambs, $0 2308 00 $146,831,079 Canadian Bonds Sold OTTAWA. Sept 14 Hetween August 1. 1'I14, and August 10. 1013, Canadian bonds to the extent of $140,8 It, 07U were sold In tho United States, according to a detailed statement Just Issued by a Toronto bond house the Domin ion Securities Corporation Since the state ment was prepared tho city of Ottawa has sold Its notes to the extent of about $1,000,000, partly In New York, and Montreal Is pre paring to do some extensive borrowing In the united States. GRAINS MOVED UP; DEMAND WAS LARHK Business on Restricted & Because of tho Scarcity of Sellers CHICAGO, Sept. H -Scarcity or whMt for sale at the openlnc pf the Brain rnnfr ket today caused an advance of 2. In September, ISo. in December and lHo. In Mar, when compared with the closing prlcea of yesterday. Tho demand tr wheat waa good, but few sellers were, ta sight, and business waa restricted, rileen went off a little from the hlfh, but were) above yesterday at the close. Leading futures ranged as follows! TIM' neat open. man. September .. 1.01 1.03 December .. 07H R7U May 100 1.00V4 iorn tnew neiivaryi LOW. CIOSS. ClOf- i oi , i oiji Wm fiJt J6S J PSW M rf nefiieinuer ,, i i ,17s n li?S, December .. MU 37 1; WlH tseti Mtt May .. .... 6SH 38Vt C7K 1&S m Oats ' September .. flltH MK 30 1S9H tH December .. ftai 8614 SSU 4sf 4tM May SS SO 38H WS 3H Lard September 8 20 S.1T 8 20 a 04 October .... 8 20 8 20 8 IS 820 '(.eg January .... 8.37 8.72 8.87 8.72 .W September .... 8.1K- 1M October .... 8 00 8 23 800 85 f.W January .... 8.42 8 07 8.40 18.37 18.8- Sep"mber ..12 22 12.85 12 23 12.8J 1S.?5 October ...12 11 12.78 12.85 12 75 12.M Januarr ....15.00 15.80 1.M Bid. tAsked, HOUSEKEEPINa APARTMENTS TTayne, Ta. apnefcooob WAYNE, PA Open All the Year Ideally located on Lancaster Road, in the centre of beautiful Wayne, with wide porches, shady walks nnd grounds. Convenient to churches, stores, etc. Two and three room suites with private baths and telephones. Un usually large rooms and high ceil ings. Steam heat. Gas and electric lights. Open Freplaces in Smoking and Billiard rooms. Elevators. Two minutes from Wayne Sta. tion, P. R. R. The Apartments De Luxe of Wayne. FOR FALL RESERVATIONS ADDRESS CHAS. H. WOOD, Owner . . . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j SlinUItllAN SUHUltllAN SUnOltDAN -- - ii mil ROBERTS' LATHAM PARK HOMES 20 Minutes from City Hall Seven styles to choose from; unusually attractive; beautiful surroundings; convenient location. If looking for a good home, your search ends here. An Inspection is More Convincing Than Argument TO HBACH THEM br Auto out Tork Road to Willow Avenue; trolleys on 11th and 16th Sts. paas Park entrance; Reading; trains to Oak Lane Qtatlon. Building sites on 100 ft. Parkway, 60 ft. x 250 ft, to SO ft, street. Office on premise open every day, or write for particulars WM T R PflRFPTQ Sir QPilM Arents for Estate ot Wm. I- Elklns ffllls is D. lYVDEiIY I U CC OVll MAIN OFFICE, Or.KNBIIr MONTO. CO., PA. VS&8k.V-$mVW-f NiSsXSSISSSSKi5!5Sa mySAiiMfc OAK I.AM'. OAK T.ANE OAK I.ANE Extraordinary Announcement In the Heart of Oak Lane The most beautiful and healthful section of Philadelphia Several building operations are just being completed by the undersigned 4 builders that will surprise the public, Ejght different styles to select from at different prices The homes will be the only ones that have sewers and underdrainage in Oak Lane, and are, located at 68th Ave., Haines St., Broad St., Carlisle St, 15th St. , West of York Road , YOUR INSPECTION MOST CORDIALLY INVITED 15th Street South of Haines St. 68th Ave. and Carlisle $4800 Up Bungalow Style AH stone fronts. These houses were designed by my self, looking to the best in terest of the housekeeper. Sample house open. Your inspection invited. JOHN P. ZBH 15th Street 9 Rooms and Bath 68th Ave. 11 ROOMS AND 2 BATHS See my twin mission houses ; special features, crystal din ing room with folding doors, interlocking tile porch roofs, compression water stops throughout Both money savers. R, H, FOSTER Sample houe 15th St., below 68th Ave. BROAD STREET South of 68ih Aye ExcIusIyc design; prfet workmanship, bit grd ot ( material; hardwood floerv throughout. Sample noune completely furnisfei, Price $7000 WM. o majw y "-