Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 14, 1915, Final, Page 18, Image 18

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2gM' flVEyilSTG XEI)GEBPHILADIfll-rllA, tu-Ejbijai. rxixx,,,
efpmmmmmim ' ' ' - '
lfue Leaders' Boss Scorns Talk of Luck and Shows
Where Team Has Suffered Bad Breaks Pat
Is a Trifle Superstitious
"I'll, not pick the rhllllea to win the
ennent until it li a mathematical lm
pMMlblllty to' beat ua, and what Is more.
Ik Von't stand for
avny ot -my players
Ulkinff' pennant
tflieo. t am around
I know tfome ot the
boy Iel sure we are
folnj tg win, but 1
wfon't put a 'Jinx
en the team by
claiming the Has '
This was Manager
Pat Moran's answer
when asked If he
had not become con- PAT MC nAf"
vlnced that the Phils would surely win,
unless tney were badly crippled within
the n6xt two weeks, That Mornn Is con
vinced that the Phils will win Is evident,
but the crafty Irishman Is evidently su
perstitious, although It Is said that ho
laughed at the whims of George Stalllhgsl
If Moran is not superstitious, he Is taking
a strange way of convincing the fans that
be Is not
"Why won't you talk about the pen
nant," Moran was asked.
"I'll tell you why. It Is not only bad
Judgment, butit Is poor taste as well.
My men know they have a great chanco
If they keep fighting and work for every
game; but why should I let them becomo
too confident. Overconndence Is the one
thing wt, must fight against now, and I
would be showing poor sense to encourago
'"We have a good lead, .but we are not
In very good shape. The fans sitting up
in the stand think that we have been
a, lucky ball team to go along without
serious injuries, but they are fooled, We
are at the present time In a badly crip
pled condition, and If It was not for
the fighting spirit that prevails, several
members of the team would now be on
the bench.
"I would not think of allowing Cra
vath to play If It Were not for the close
ness of the race. He has a charleyhorse
that 1s worse .than some that have kept
players on the bench for the whole sea
son, but he Insists on playing and we
me to take him out, as he did the other
I day when we had a game with the Giants
iincier is now oui or me name, wmm
Hyrne has been out for some time.
Whltted broke a bone In his ankle early
In the year, and was out for several
weeks: Chalmers hurt his arm and could
not pitch for a month; Paskert has been
trouble with a bad leg, and Dave Ban
croft has two "sliding sores,' one on
each hip.
"Still they call us lucky. The only
reason why we have seemed lucky Is
that our reserve strength has performed
so well that the team has not slumped at
any time through the absence of a regu
lar I might have my own views ns to
where wo would bo If wc had the good
breaks In the way of Injuries, etc., that
several chnmplonshlp clubs have had,
but I won't discuss that until the race Is
decided Then I might talk n lot.
"You never saw a championship team
that people did not say was lucky. If we
do win the pennant, they will sny we
were lucky, but I know different. I am
not going to sny anything about the pen
nant or our chances for winning It until
October 7, and then you will know Just
as much nbout It as I do. Look at the
"Jinx" they put on us the other clay.
"I came out to the park after lunch
and found Jim Foster, the man who built
the stands, going around with a tape
measure and a paper, figuring out the
seating capacity for n world's series.
Now that wasn't right, and he should
not have been allowed to do that while
tho team was at home.
"Why didn't he wait another day or
two until we were on the road? I keep
after my players all the time to prevent
them from thinking nbout the pennant,
and they come out to the park and see
Foster going about with a tape measure
figuring out where a few extra people
can be put for the world's series. I was
good and sore and I put a stop to It.
"I am like every one else in that 1
want to win, and nothing In the wcrld
would please me better than having the
Phillies In the world's series and making
money for my employers, who have
treated me royally, but I am not going
to have our chances spoiled by meddlers.
"As I said before, -wo are In anything
but good shape for the trip through tho
Dr. Sharpe, Great Coach,
Expected to Plug All
Gaps Soon
. i - '
"Gabby," Aside From Burning Up the League in Hitting
and Throwing, Teaches the Boys a Few Things
About the Gentle Game of Poker
West, but wb will flcht for everv came,
need him. Bert Nlchoff has a badly i and that Is all that any team can do. N'o
strained tendon In the back of his left i team Is going to beat us unless they out
leg, and this has caused him to slow play us at all stages. Tho team spirit
dawn a. crre&t deal. Bert has missed balls n,iiH tint i, imnmn imn. an . will
In the field for the last two weeks that i be1 fighting for each Individual game until got his system at work, and It has proveo.
Football men, particularly those of the
University of Pennsylvania, have been
taught to show a high degree of respect
for Cornell In grldtron matters.
But until last year the Ithacans never
received seilous consideration when they
were about to play the Quakers. It was
always tnought, and the records of the
scries made the theory a plausible one,
that no matter how poorly Pennsylvania
might play in the preliminary games or
how brilliantly Cornell might perform,
the annual game on Franklin Field could
end In nothing but a Pennsylvania tri
umph. Even Cornell men came to look
on the same In that light.
Hut that was before Dr. Albert ii.
Sharpe took charge at Cornell In three
cara the former Penn charter coach has
not only revolutlonazed football at Cor
nell, but ho has made the football teams
as much respected as the track teams and
crews delevoped at Ithaca. In that period
he has beaten Pennsylvania and held the
Quakers to a 7-2 score once. In his first
ear at Ithaca Shnrpe's team held Penn
sylvania to n slnglo touchdown and scored
a safety Itself. The next year Cornell
overwhelmed Pennsylvania 21-0 and last
year triumphed over the Quakers. 24-12.
This record Is suftlclent reason for tho
keen Interest which Pennsylvania and, In
deed, all the teams that play Cornell aro
taking In the football situation nt Ithacu.
It Is only fair to say that Cornell's suc
cesses and present standing are duo to
Sharpe, and to him alone. The material
which Cornell hnd last year was no better
than in many years before. But Sharpe
hns developed It In accordance with a
system which Is efficient and which brooks
not tho slightest Interference from fra
ternities, former coaches or players.
Glenn Warner probably was as clever
Jim i'nn, sur wont of shVL.Ji!.;
Tourists," dlseovsra CharHs J"; """J .
Nel.Uth. dear ami dumb catcher who is
Aiier mucn ursunirni, '"' '....
a wonder.
mn Ms manager in ctwk -.-wenftr.
who "has whip Ml c a ?"""
truer" nnrt a bat without sny holes In it.
iCopyrlsht, 1BI1. by Strett & Smith.)
In the tlrst practice game Cabby was
sent In to catch for the, recruits, and tno
regulars, by switching signals every in
ning, endeavored to outwit him on me
bases. The plan of campaign was an
right, but Cabby's chnln-llghtnlng right
arm put a fearful crimp Into It. He may
not have Interpreted the signals; out,
after he had twice caught "Streak fow
ler attempting to steal second base, ne
had established his local reputation.
Penny was light about his being able to
allow a base runner a lead nnd men
catih him on sheer speed. When It came
to battling. Gabby mauled "Kinky De
vlne's bet offerings In n scandalous man
ner, standing up to the plate with as
much easy grace and continence as if ne
had been pulverizing blg-leaguo pitchers
all his life.
While Nelllgan. the ball player, was
making good with tho manager. Nelll
gan, the human being, was establishing
himself with his teammates. They did
not take to him at first. They were 111
at ease In his presence, partly becauso
of his almost uncanny Intelligence, and
partly because Gabby had a disconcert
ing hnblt of looking every speaker full
In the face, ns If trying to read the
thought behind the eyes. (They did not
know that the poor fellow waB trying
to master lip reading.) The opening
wedge was driven home when Nelllgan
"horned Into" a very prosperous little
crap, game which was running In
"Judge" Nagle's room, laid a Jll)-noto
on the floor, and made six passes without
picking up a cent. ..,.,
"This guy can't talk," said the Judge
sourly; "and he most certainly can't
hear anything; but, believe me, he's
no-o-o piker. He's a real feller, after
Tho poker experts with the club ob-
... nHaffiil llpht In Hnhhv'fl hrirht-
a coach ns Sharpe, but for some reason nnd mndo s(,ns ,nvltiog
he could not prevent friction and ciltlcal "m tQ " t ,n ,ho n(lstmCi Then.
Interference as Sharpe has done. Snarpo t,ca)ly ,here should be no better poker
had several preliminary skirmishes with ,aycr ln Uie worm than a man who
the elements that ruined previous foot- J, 'ncthcr llcar nor gpeak. Gabby used
ball seasons, but It took him only a little cvcg m tlle RRmCf ,), being trained
tlmo to convince every one that he was tQ expreonSt the things which he
"boss." At tho end of three years Sharpe Holllns. Curran. Richardson and
The Worlds Moat Famous Writer of Daseball Fiction
I of the fighter's catalogue, as wen a "
I most useful. . ....
Gabby was "solid" with the Tourists
by the time they packed their traps and
started North. He was "ons of tna
bunch." though It was a full month be
fore he had a chanco In a real game.
Hoe was a cautlouji manager, who be
lieved ln using an old and experienced
player until ho could stand the pace no
longer. Phil McCarty, the former itax
catcher, has seen his best'days, and his
throwing arm wbb dying rfn Its socket.
The dummv played behind the bat for
three davs In succession: and the show
ing which he made was McCarty'a death
warrant. Gabby hopped briskly Into the
front rank as a catcher; and, though
working nnalnit dangerous base-runners,
Nelllgan broke up their attack, headed
up" their fastest men on the bases and
added to the batting etrcngth of his own
team with seven smashing hits In three
would have been easy ordinarily, but he . we have won the pennant, or somebodv
ca'nnot stoop quickly while on the run. I else has clinched the flas. If we lose
"Nlehoff, Is one of the greatest hustlers it won't be because the boys did not
I ever saw, and you can bet that he 1. fight, and It will take a great club to
playing on his nervo when he re.-fches ti.- beat a fighting team In a race like
stage where he comes to me and askr this."
Two Shows Here and Norris-
town Card Give Local Fight
Fans Pick of Three
Johnny Nelson, of Kensington, and
Young Fulton, of New York, will meet In
the wind-up at the Douglas Club tonight.
X special stag will be held In the air
dome, 53th nhd Market streets, with
Bobby Stubs' and Bobby Woods appear-
In the final. The Palace A. C, of
orristown, will open Its season, show
ing Willie Herman and Willie Moody
ln the stellar scrap.
The Douglas program follows;
Flrat bout Sammy Baker. 12th Ward. vs.
Ijou iiappttpori. rairmouni.
Coach Gaston Declares Former
Back Will Make a Great
Southwark, vs. Joe
Falrmount, m. Al.
Second bout Joe Levin,
Rowland. Falrmount.
Third bout-Wlllle Lucas
Fox, Kenilngton. ..... , ,, ,,.
Semlwind-upJoe Welsh. Smoky Hollow,
Kill Weit, North Penn.
Wlnd-up-rJohnny Nelaon, Kensington,
Tumi Fulton, ,'ow York.
Here are the Palace bouts:
Flrat bout Johnny Morgan, Kensington,
Jimmy Mtt3D, Bouinwajnc.
Ktcond bout Jlmuy Crawford,
vs. Charley Kear, SOth ward.
ben.lwini.up-Tommy Rellly. Hth Ward. vs.
Jlmtny liurke. I7th Ward.
Wind-up Willie Herman. Southwark. va.
Willie Moody. Hichmoml.
Tommy O'Dare, of the Douglas Club,
and Pop O'Brien, of the Norrlstown
Palace A, C both are anxious to stage
return matches between Bobby Reynolds
and Jimmy Murphy. The sensational
battle of the lightweights at the Olympla
greatly fascinated the spectators. A
return match piobably would Jam the
arena, to the doors. Murphy's bout
with Reynolds was his first since last
season, when he did not meet with a
defeat. The result of the match was a
corking draw, which surprised the fans
and proved a big feather for Reynolds'
When Tommy Welsh, who has im
proved ln every fight, meets Buck Flem
ing at the Broadway, Thursday night, It
will tie his second scrap of the week. If
Welsh succeeds ln outpointing Fleming
ha will, b In line for bigger game.
The Un'.ve slty of Pennsylvania's sec
ond football squad received a few acces,
sions this afternoon on Franklin Field,
but the torrid weather compiled Coaches
Harold Gaston and "Dick" Marshal! to
give the men only light work.
Coach Gaston this morning sent Ken
neth Wltherow, the big guard, down to
Port Deposit to Join the squad there.
Wltherow took an examination yesterday,
but did not do any work on Franklin
Field. He Is in the best shape of his
career, weighing 218 pounds striped. He
wants to work down to 210 pounds. Gas
ton declares his belief that Wray. who
played halfback last year, will develop
into a first class centre.
"Wray has been progressing splendidly
In his new position." said Gaston. "It
Is true that he never played centre before
but that, I think. Is In his favor. In this
connection, It is worth recalling that the
best centres Pennsylvania has had In the
last 10 years were men taken from the
back field or some other position and
placed at centre, where they had never
played before.
Dick Marshall announced today that
th,! ,ff,eshmen would not be called out
officially until September 23, but that he
would be glad to register any who re
ported ln advance of that date, and would
put them at work.
so efficient that he Is now stnrtlng his sec
ond term as head coach, this time for a
period of five years, not only ln football,
but in baseball nnd basketball.
Sharpe Is an Ideal coach and any man
with his characteristics is bound to suc
ceed ln time. He was a great player him
self at Yale, where he was graduated in
1C00. nnd he- has been intimately con-
Ferris were painful In the extreme.
"This dummy can smell a bluff a mile
away," said "Roaring Bill" Curran sadly,
ns he tossed away four hearts and a
spade. "He Just outguesses me, that's
In addition to these card-and-dlce ac
complishments. Gabby put on tho eight
ounce gloves with Willis Green, the left
fielder. For mree seasons wims had
Jim Bullor 81
Midway 1
Mltpah Eslemlon I
Montana ,
Northern Star 1
Tonopah Belmont JT4
Tonopah Extension 2S
Tonopan Mercer .;
Tonopah Mining n'J
Prscue EuU ,,,, V?
West End M
Atlanta , S
lllue Bull 02
Ilooth , i
Bulldog,.,,, ..,.,.,,.. .01
c. o. ix , on
Comb Fraction ....,, ,07
Dlamondfleld B. n. ,03
Daisy ,.-,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,04
PlnrMnr .,' ...... .44
Ooldfleld Cons v. ,1.80
Ooianeld Merger
Jumbo Extension
Oro .,,, I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,0.1
2 Ms
1016. rw
From July 1 11.703,674
Tear ending June SO:
(iron 01,4174
Net 29,463,673
Surplus 11,WM,2S3
June gross ,,.,.. ...... J4,M3,J17
Twelve months'
, '1
Sandstorm Kendall 10
Sliver Pick OS
Fairy Aiteo ....
Klmberly ......
Neada Hill .,.,
Nevada Wonder
nectcd with football over since, both ns i l)en gettnp awny with a story that he
one of the leading officials of the country, lm(J onco (oueht and won several ring
anil then as a coacn oi me rain -nuii.:i i batUes under the name of Joe Kelly.
teams. . . Gabby Nelllgan did not know this, und
Cornell has lost a lot of good men ay ,)ie boxing bout was Intended to be in
I Gabby Nelllgan did not know this, un
by tl, hntftnir bnut was Intended to hn 1
graduation, particularly trom ner wumuki
ful back Held. The Ithacans still retain
Unrrctt. tho All-American quarter back.
He wns recently reported deficient from
a scholastic standpoint, but if he gets off
probation he will give Cornell a back
field star worth almost two men. As an
the naturo of a surprise party for him.
It was a surprise party, but Willis Green
was the victim.
Gabby laid awav the Joe Kelly myth,
nnd but for Interference would have
laid away the left fielder also. As It
i was, the dummy, nancumg tne Dig pu.
all-around player Barrett has had few i lows with deftness, mauled Green all
Thl U tht burden of our tong,
We-Vs one year pldand going etrong.
fan, whatever your tportfngr want,
The cinder track or the grand old
Mete the dope on your special stunt,
Star or butherit'e all the tame.
Xot, old top, that vie want to, crow,
Brag or blutter or teem to boatt,
tut, honett Injun, the recordt thow
We're on the job with the tporting het.
JHg4 up top with the big league crewt,
JNtek it the but'i where the comcrt
, hope,
fmi, we're there with the latett newt,
linre with the facte and the uewett
Wiiiek u clot In the yean ahead,
Jtsita u near in the dayt to comej
Jis.ii i and Mtg weeks 'we've led,
jf t-UU we're up there, going tome.
U p the burden of our tong,
Youngster Being Groomed for Har
vard's Football Kicker
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Sept. H. William
Farr Robinson, of Philadelphia, Is being
groomed to fill the brogans of Charley
Brickley, Harvard's departed football
hero and field-goal star. Brlckle's grad
uation leaves a big dent In the Crimson's
scoring powers this fall and Robinson's
prowess as a kl?ker marks him as the
logical successor to his Illustrious pred
ecessor. '
Head Coach Maughton Is naturally tak
ing a great Interest In Robinson and be
lieves that he has a real find In the
young man.
Brickley himself last spring gave Rob
lnson much advice on booting scores
over the bars and was of the opinion
that the Philadelphia youngster would
develop Into a star before his graduation,
Robinson was a regular In the fresh
man backfield last fall and his strongest
forte was drop kicking. He prepared at
Pomfret School, Connecticut. He weighs
160 pounds.
equals. He can drop kick, punt, run the
ends nnd buck the line, not to mention
such things ns picking the forward pass
out of the air and scooting down the Held
for touchdowns.
The losses that hurt most are those
of Collyer and Phillip!. These two men
ran Barrett a close second as touchdown
makers last year agalnbt both Michigan
and Pennsylvania. Shuler, who was a
capable substitute half back, has also
graduated. These losses mean that
Sharpc'n biggest task will be the develop
ment of a back field. Hero he will have
Kleiner t and Collins from last year's
team and two or three capable men from
the freshman squad who ought to develop
Of the linemen, the most serious losses
are ex-Captain O'Hearn, an end of All
Amerlcan calibre, and Gallogly and Mun
sick, a tackle and guard. This still
leaves Shelton at left end, Cool at centre,
nnd i wonderful man for his weight, to
gether with Anderson, Allen and Bailey,
all of whom are fair linemen,
Ordlnnrlly the loss of so many men
would have been a source of much worrl
ment to Cornell coaches, but there are
lots of good substitutes from last year,
all coached by Sharpe, while the freshman
team contained a good many men of
promise. The first-year eleven held Penn
sylvania's freshmen to a score of 14-0,
a performance wincn speans wen lor
them, since Pennsylvania last fall had
one of the greatest first-year teams of
which any university could ever boast.
over the dressing room, QiocKcd every
one of the fielder's swings, and nearly
Jabbed his head off his shoulders with n
rasping straight left the prettiest blow
Of course, the newspaper men called at
tention to the fact that they had prom
ised that Gabby would bo a sensation a
safe bet because the training-quarter
savants make the same prophecy about
every recruit the fans said "Welcome to
our city!" and Jim Penny went around
swelled out of nil human form.
Gabby liked baseball for Its own eake,
nnd tho month on the bench hnd not been
n pleasure to him. The time had not been
uastcd, however, for Gabby had em
ployed himself In getting a line on op
posing batsmen; and those athletes would
nave been amazed nnd pained had they
known how accurately the silent recruit
had wedged their weak points.
There may bo one or two batters with
out a weakness, but they aro about as
scarce as feUden eagles' nests. The man
who massacres a fast, straight ball Is
usually helpless before a slow curve, and
some men cannot hit a shoulder-high
ball safe to savo their lives. It Is the
catcher's business to study tho w.'ik
ncssos of hitters; and It Is the pitcher's
business, as much as In him lies, to feed
the hitter the sort of a strike ball for
which he li?s the least use. Gabby
looked them nil over fvm the bench,
made an entry or'two In a little jookot
hook, and was ready when the time
Py the end of the- first snasim, ths
TcunsiB were rechrlstcncfl the "Dum
mies," and proud of It, the n&Bio corn
It.: fmm the fact that all thn. l-esultrs
were expert In the finger atphnbet as
well ns rt novel and compl!iMt .1 system
of playing signals. Gabby was the pivot
on which the team revolved. There was
a noticeable lmprove;rn'it in Inside play
both nt nitack and clefenje nd thU
n.lfht have been traced to the fact that
:i:uv had mt of the "smirtcst" catchers
ln tho business.
Cubby la-d awake at nljhrs planning
new plnys and modifications of old ons
b.illt mound his phenomental throwing
arm, nnd ciachers watched him for sig
nals only to discover that t: never
knew what he was going to do with tne
boll until he hnd done it, nnl tin n it was
tru late.
A lop-ii-Kb pitcher or two might hao
helped the Dummies into the pennant
winning class; but, even with a pitching
staff which was, nt most, nothing re
markable, they managed to hang on In
the first division, always In the running,
a nightmare to those behind them, and
a n.ennco tc those In front.
June gross ............. f2.2ia.lSo
rei ...... ooo.szs
Twelve months' gross... J01a.i,2fl
Net ... 7,662.600
Flrat week September ,. $I2.tM
From July 1 3,003,802
Buffalo and Susquehanna Sold
uurrsiiji't r .i oepi. u. Aiorgan a :
Ilogu. ef New York, representing tha fcenj.3
noiaera, oougni in uuuaio ana BUquehanM,'
Railway, running from Buffalo to Wellstiin,'!
N. T at a receivers' sale, for 1300,000. Tau
was tha only bid mad. ;
It has not been determined whether th rtj
will h4 pAntlnuari nr AhandnnM t,it t -.-T
erder, the property,
must operaia
to October
but. br v;j i
separata parts'.
The Pennsylvania Company
for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities
Trust and Safe Deposit Company
517 Chestnut Street
Broad Street Office, Chestnut and Juniper Streets
At the close of business September 7th, 1915.
Cash on Hand and ln Bank It, 830,0(1 Ot M
r-,11 T A ..,.. r-,.11.. A......1 - ... :?-9
w.w. Mvuna UIUI1 v.uiinivitti !,! f,4bK.n
Time Loans upon Collateral 2.724,867 71
Stocks. Bonds, etc 18.188. 490.2ft
Mortgages 1,636,628.59 4,705,118.71 ifl
itcBtsrvo ruuu lor ins rroieciion ui v.asn Hamilton 111 iiubi
Accounts" 5,741.809.11
Real Eatnte, Furniture and Fixtures 933,215 OJ
Interest Accrued ....; '. 271.038 (f
Miscellaneous Assets 94,978.41
Folsom Loses Third Straight to
Allegheny by 8-7 Score in
Post Series
, .
fJH B4Sw2s5aa PTI4a)ajaafjrjaaiaLrfia Jtjigift'fiCJI' --m -mj- 2 J a- -4aaaapa3 ftB
I tfSmT3
yr old and going t Irony.
la Four Defeats Dedhaa,
ii ta 11. In Polo Final
agjtipjHUrOK, Mass., Sept 14. Dls
fittyf scsllent team work, the Devon
Cowsstry C quartet defeated the Ded
ham gautr In tha final, (or the Samuel
p. Wtttvap w?rll cup In the Myopia
Must Ctab ! ta)Mrnamt today by a.
set' o( 14 to U U Jaevon concedsd
piStatt. tfcit i lur a4QMl The
Jl2ifan jirnte4 tip mow Urn-If3W9-aWJ'ov4
a" n u
r-m a"'"-
"Buck" Danner, Independent, Signs
With Athletics
LEW1STON, Me., Sept. 14.-Buck Dan
ner, shortstop of the Rumford Falls
baseball team, an Independent organiza
tion, has been signed by the Philadel
phia team o( the American League, it
was announced by Harry Davis, scout
(or the Athletics, He will report Imme
diately (or trial.
By beating Folsom In the third game
of the P. R. T. post series today at the
Meadowbrook grounds, 23d and Market
strets, 8 to 7, the Allegheny trolleymen's
baseball nine won the championship of
the Trolleymen's Class A and Class B
Their victory today was not so easy,
(or the Folsom boys gave a good account
of themselves, especially In the first half
of tho ninth nlnlng, when they tied the
score, 7 to 7. Allegheny came back In
the final half of the ninth, and with a
double by Rice and a single by D,
Yerkes scored Rice with the winning run.
AMysv- ysr
The moment you start
to run a new car
Friction begins its sly
work of depreciation.
Graphite Grease
Na 677
For Transmissions
and Differentials
ties Friction's hands
hnd draws its teeth,
Ath your dealer for the
Dixon Luhricatlpg Chart
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Watch how much more pep your
mojtor shows how many more
miles you can cover how much
quicker you can start.
Atlantic Gasoline has a uniform
"boiling point" that assures every
gallon being exactly like the last ;
that relieves you of frequent car
buretor adjustments.
It's a high grade gasoline that
ignites instantly and gives a clean,
snarp explosion every time.
Ask for it by name. All good
garages sell it and Atlantic trucks
and tanks deliver any quantity,
any wnere, any xime.
Keep upkeep down with Atlantic
POLARINE. the temperature
proof lubricating oil.
Capital Stock J2,OOO,O00.0) 4
ouiiuus ruuu 4.000,000.0
uuwiviueu rruun, 4jcbs expenses ana laxcs .faia
Subject to Check J2fi.900.606.19
Special 1,188,743.24 28.089.119.(1
Interest Payable 193,932.71
Miscellaneous Liabilities 12,425,07
Trusts, held as Executor. Administrator, Trustee.
auardlan, Committee, Attorney, etc.
Investments (par value) $108,720,14441
Amount for Investment 1
Income AalUngr Distribution J WCOS0J8
Total $202,5 6,524. 4
Corporate Trusts. Totnl Amount of Rnnitu nt rnmnmHA. c.n.....i 3
by Mortgages or Other Collateral 230,230,434.n
Total Amount of Securities Held as Collateral under Corporate
Deeds of Trust 8100,188,078.13
Philadelphia Trust Gompany
At the Close of Business, September 7, 1915
Cash on Hand and in Bank $3,306,786.15
Loans upon Collateral 7,327,093.74
Investment Securities Owned 8,199,844.34
Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 616,987.24
Net Accrued Interest and Other Items
Receivable , 12.202.02
Capital Stock '. $1 ,000,000.00
Surplus ; 4.000,000.00
Undivided Profits 669,074. 10
Deposits .' 13.793,553.39
Dividends Unpaid . 286.00
Trust Funds $112,566,458.59
Corporate Trusts 99,682,000.00
President Treasurer
, .AHaii W.T... ii hi sj si nitl '1 if f Tlijfir HfW