sr OTES AND COMMENT ON GOLF AND TENNIS ITEMS FROM THE VARIOUS FIELDS OF SPORT EVENTNOf EEKGEB PHITiADEUPHIX. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. IMS: 0 1 I'M NO QUITTER NOR AM I CRYING FOR AID" MACK i athletics' Manager Declares Hp Will JViaKe uooa His Promise Rebuild to LITTLE BOBBY BYRNE AND HIS PRETTY BRIDE-TO-BE MORE NEW MEN COMING I m not crying for mercy or maklnsr . - .. nnlrnnopA for the. Athlftttra iia pi ? r: .::: re": :;: Club nor do i douovo ui in muuo . UltltakO in tearing apart mu greatest tmeball machine of tho day. It Is said M a crltlo who has been bitter toward 'li.. Athletics for years that wo must iow e tnat w6 have made a mistake. jU points to mo proseni season 01 mo Athletics as a monument to Connlo Mack's folly, but I Btlll maintain that I did right and will again say that I wfll havo a greater team in two years thin tho one I broko up." This statoment was made by Manager Connie Mack, of tho Athletics, after read- 9.1 Intr an arncio inumuung nun no uo- F. . .... TU.HI1.... (tin .tlnnnft. l.n Anw. rrfUflgfKl inO i IliiliCO uio in,ttaa w.nb ivtllil It having, ana wmi uio v"uu "u uui. tger Mack must at last realize that It was a serious mistake to tear apart tho famous Athletics machine. ' "We are losing ball games every day and probably will flnlsh tho poorest last of any team In cither major lcaguo in years, but I have made considerable progress along the lines of reconstruction. If the fans will look back to tho 130S season, they will realize that my prog ress was slow then until the combination was complete, and then tho team camo , like lightning. My progress must bo slow, becauso the only part that I have now that I am banking on for my new ma chine are pitchers, and they don't know anything yet and cannot bo expected to show until next season. "I will have almost an entirely new team In the field in two weeks' time, and then the fans will be able to get a line ca my future championship team. To AlXe I have not a single youngster, barring one, who will be a part of the new machine. My best prospects will bo here In a short time, and I think tho fans will be satisfied. "The poor attendance has not worried M In the least, because the least atten tion e attract right now the better It will be for the team. I am convinced that the fans will suddenly awaken to the fact along about the middle of next sea son, and then they will be satisfied that I have done the right thing. "1 have made no plea for mercy, as my critic would have people believe. Ho has roasted the Athletic Club unmercifully for years, and without cause. We have always played fair with the publlo and newspapers, and becauso we couia not conscientiously give him tho best of It at the expense of the others, a campaign was started against the club. "If I thought that thero was anything to any suggestion from carping critics which would do tho team good or aid J the public, I would bo only too glad to adopt it. "I have not seen that I have made a iierlous mistake. In fact, I am more Iconvinced than ever that I did exactly right. I made the remark last winter i that I did not think tho Athletics as they finished the 1914 season could repeat In the American league, and after what I have seen of the other teams I am sure that I ias not wrong. My 1914 team , with Its 1913 spirit could have won pen dants for several years, but with the spirit that prevailed -In 1914, It could not have finished better than fourth this year. "Others may disagree, but I contend 'that I know that team better than any one else. We have always given the fans good baseball and pennant-contending teams, and will do so In the future. I do not begrudge the Phillies the money they are making or the success they have had. The club deserves tho success, and I am ' pulling hard for them to win tho pen nant I have not seen anything of tho National League teams and therefore my opinion Is valueless, but I should say, Judging by the existing conditions, that the Phillies will win out with a little to epare. "At the Sporting Writers' banquet last winter Moran and I wished each other success during the present season, and I am glad to say that I feel happy bo cause a man like Moran. who is a credit to the game, has been so successful, an I will be pulling for him till the flnlsh. "Why should wn nnvv thn Phillies? We have had years of success and It Is their turn now. I havo never been a quitter and I won't quit now. Nor will I allow the attacks of an unfair crltlo to sway me. The public may be misled for a time, but you can't fool the peo ple all the time. I could have broken up my team In a manner that would have caused but little excitement, but that Is not toy Wav nf rinlntr hiialnrm). ITnrt tho team been broken up In another manner, ""'" wuum nave naa lo oe conieni 1th a losing team for a longer period wan they will under existing conditions. I repeat that we will have another J wonderful club beforo the close of next tason. Everything depends on how Won my pitchers develop. They will surely be right by the middle of next Mason. They are slow finding them 'lve, but they will come around. The rest of my combination has been com pleted and will be shared up between now and the spring training season. Just at present I prefer to keep the names of the new men to myself, but f thAV wilt -II 1-- l - lit.l a 1 ,1JnJt remember -we don's care If there are j"vl nunarea people present, 'me way jn tAS tenm la nlavlnn wa n M rratilnv nil trJ' Patronage that could be expected, U m the public likes a winner, and I will relive tbem that" WHAT MAY HAPPEN IN BASEBALL TODAY Tho Phillies' star third bascmnn is to wed Miss Laura Shields, of St. Louis, nt tho close of tho present base ball season. Miss Shields will become his brido whether or not the Phillies win tho pennant. The two havo been sweethearts since childhood. JOLLY TARS WILL GET HANDSOME PRIZES AT BIG GABFEST TONIGHT Members of Crews In Memor able Bridesburg to Ocean City Race Will Gather at Banquet THE DORA ITS THRILLERS by, THE VARDON GRIP IN GOLFING; CORRECT POSITION OF LEFT HAND Study of British Champion's Method Gives Exact Place for Each Finger and the Thumb to Make the Swing Effective By JOHN ALBERT SCOTT To establish a correct connection be tween plaer and club. Is tho fundamental ot gclf Vardon, Drnld and Taylor, who have, between them, won the Open Cham pionship of Great Britain (generally ac knowledged as tho world's championship) 10 times in tho last 20 years, all use the same form of grip. It Is safe, therefore, to assume thero Is sound reason for their method of gripping tho club or they would not be In accord In using it Btralght up The thumb Is on top of tho grip nnd ngalnst tho hand, closing tho V That part of the forefinger which shows In the photograph is pointing downward, in lino with tho V. It Is this position of the left hand, tho right conforming to It, that automatically Elves the "turn of tho wrists" In taking the club to tho top of tho swing, as will later appear. It Is the ery beginning of a correct golf swing If tho club Is held In this manner with tho left hand, It will be found that the tips of tho second and third fingers will touch the largo lump at tho baso of the thumb, tho end of tho second linger Just nt tho Joint where tho thumb Jolni tho hnnd. Tho end of the little finger will not quite go around the grip, there will be a space between It nnd tho palm Tho end of tho forefinger will come to the first Joint of tho second finger. Copyright by John Albert Scott FIRST WORK FOR INDIANS First Game of Carlisle Season Sched uled Saturday CARLISLE, Pa. Sept 14 With thr formal opening of the football season scheduled for Carlisle on tho coming Sat urday, tho Indians, under tho directions of Conches Victor Kellej, Qua Welch and John McGIUIs, put In an afternoon of wnrm work hero yesterday. Following tho fundamentals, n M-mlnuto scrlmmngo gavo opportunity for keen competition foi a number of positions. Two new men. Williams, nt tackle, and Chase, at guard, gnve Wclmns and Mar tel a hard chase Numerous changes were mnde In tho line-up of tho first nnd sec ond ileini Tlbbltts showed strength In tho backficld TWILIGHT AT SEA The twitlght hours, like birds, flew As lightly and as free, Ten thousand stars uere in the sly, Ten thousand on the sea; For evcrv wave, with dimpled face, That leaped upon the air, Had caught a star in its embrace, And held it trembling there. Local yachtsmen who participated In the recent 134-nautlcal mile cruiser con test under tho auspices of the Columbia Yueht Club, sanctioned by the Amorlcan Powerboat Association, from Bridesburg to Ocean City, will gather at tho Hotel Walton tonight, when tho handsome race awards will be made. Three members of the crew of each of tho easels will receive souvenir medals. Tho winning owner, W, J. McNamce, Naomi, will get a certificate of cham pionship from the A. P B. A., while a slhcr loving cup will also be awarded. Tho occasion will be a memorable one, and tales of the trip will be exchanged. A good old Impromptu gabfest along other lines also will be a certainty. The race to Ocean City was ono of the most remarkable ever held In this or any other city. JBYRNE'S BOYHOOD SWEETHEART TO WED HIM EVEN IF PHILS LOSE Miss Laura Shields, Beautiful St. Louis Girl, and fkU lies' Third Baseman Will Marry at Conclusion of Present Baseball Season Northeast Boy In Lehigh Squad SOL'Tlt IIETHLrilCM, Pa., Sept 14 Not neirly so many eandllates came out yesterday at Lehigh a on lust Saturday, largely be cause o hot ember Among them appeared MacQrecor, a STO-pound guard nnd tackle of Connas IU11, and Heuer, the 170-pound hair liack ot Northeast High. Ileuer especially looks trim. He did eome good early season iimulnjr some of his kirks going more than 50 ards Bobby Byrne, third baseman of the Phillies, who Is at the present time on the sidelines with a broken finger. Is to marry Miss Laura Shields, a beautiful St. Louis girl, immediately after the close of the season. This announcement was made exclusively In the Evenwo Lddobr last Thursday. Byrne and Miss Shields have been sweethearts for years, ever since Bobby started playing ball on a back lot a few squares from the Shields resldenco on O'Falllon street, St. Louis. Byrno began his baseball career with an Independent team In St. Louis, and was recommended to John McCloskey, then managing the Cardinals. McCloskey got a minor league position for Byrne and recalled him after ono season. Ho was a Btar from tho outset In St. Louis, and was rated as the best third baseman In the league when he was sold to Pitts burgh for a large sum of money and sev eral players. This deal was made back In 1D09. and aided Pittsburgh In winning the National League pennant and World's Scries from Detroit. He was traded to tho 'Phillies, along with Howard Camnltz, for "Cozey" Dolan. In the fall of 1913. Miss Shields has followed Byrne's base ball career. Just as a little girl sweet heart would, and It Is said that they would havo been married long ago. had It not been for the fact that Miss Shields' parents objected to having her leave St Louis for six months each year A rumor was started In St Louis that Miss Shields had promised to marry Byrne only on condition that the PhlrHe won the pennant and world's champion ship, bnt Miss Shields Indignantly denle this. "I'll marry Bobby no matter whew the Phillies flnlsh, or If he were to quit hsseball tomorrow," was Miss 8hle.l4s' declaration when the story appeared In a St. Louis paper It Is believed that the couple will re side in St. Louis, and take apartments In this city each summer Taxi Service at Prices Seasonable We bare stands in all parts ( the Cltr with prlrate wires to our mala office ajM can give rou a car ltbla fire minutes say time day or nUbt. Our can are all rood cars and we mt only experienced reliable drtren. Ci-Uif- L'A&Lji: jj., . i L ss. y 3i -S i fa & i$ i-S i : fc S hteK jr L6 -(tcrlclSt f I Jfor :a J srEciAL pniCEs rem tkits bt boue on DAY, TAXI SERVICE CO. 130 V. nrtOAD STItBET SPI1UCE 4232-42M: RACE 138 I Position of Vardon's Left Hand. They represent three different physical types. In height, size of hands, length of arms, etc.; In fact, thero are no points of physical resemblance. Hay nnd Duncan, still different types, use tho same style of grip. "Thero Is a reason " Tho grip these men use Is tho over-lapping grip, susually called theVnrdon grip, becauso his use and success with It first called attention to it, although thero Is some doubt as to Its origin. To illustrate It, I will use photographs of Vardon's hands, which ho permitted me to take. Photograph No. 1. us,ed with this article, shows the left hand. It will bo seen that this hand Is so placed, partly over the shaft, as to permit one using It, to see the Joints of the first three fingers, whero they Join tho hand. Tho V formed by the thumb and hnnd Is pointing toward the right shoulder, not WHAT THE PHILS MUST DO TO WIN PENNANT Twenty-three gnmes remain on the riilllles' schedule Ilrooklyn linn 19 and Ilnstnn 21. If the l'lilllles win 18 out ot 23 R!mr they will win the pennant with 03 games won anil Gl lost, a percentage of .001. The best lloMnn nnil llrooldjn could tin by winning eiery game would be to tie for krcoml place with an nrernge of 807 It the Phillies win. 17 out (if 23 nnil Itnston and Ilrooklyn win nil tlielr games, the three, trams would be tied for llrst place with 93 gnracn won anil 03 lost, n n nernge of .90. It the I-hllllm Bbould win 11 out of 23 they would hitr-- percentnge of 57H, and Itroohlyn would lme to win lfl out of 19 nnd Iloston 18 nut of 21 to tic. If the 1'hlllles should win only 12 of their remaining 23 (nines they would flnlsh with n prrrenlnge of .518, and Ilrooklyn would hne to win 13 out of 19 and lloston 15 out of 21 to tie. The above llgur ire bused on the completed schcdul each nf the three teams, as no proi .i tan be made for games lost through postponement. EASTERN TENNIS "CHAMPS" SCHEDULED FPU SEPTEMBER 20 Entries for Meet In Fairmount Park Indicate Best Yet Tho EaBtern clay court tennis cham pionship will be held this year as usual on the courts at Strawberry Mansion, Fairmount Park, starting Monday, Sep tember 20, at 3 p. m. The committee has reason to believe that the number of en tries this year will far exceed thoso of any previous year. Particular attention has been paid to tho arrangement and condition In order to make the 1915 cham pionships the greatest and most enjoyable of the 15 years of tennis playing under the present club. The committee on entries Is particularly anxious to got the names of those who have been identified as participants in many tournaments of the past. Entries may be sent to Leo Weinrott. 3156 Euclid avenue, or phone Diamond 6387 D, Put it oityovup Foroai: You won't set tho lint full me a mi re of untlsfactlon that comes Jrom driving a Ford until you Install the Gray & Davis Starting and lighting System It brlnri to your Ford car the nam electrical conven iences found In the hlsh nrlce cars Price compute, "5 (not InatAlled). Bee the item demonetrated. J. H. McCuIloagh & Son Automobile RuppUr and Tires 4 5" g 219-21 N. Broad St. NATIONAL LEAOUE. Won. Ist. Tct. Win. Lose. 75 88 .573 .570 .B68 Hies "lyn .... t. ouls"""J!J"' es 1 lt6urs:h ... ... u I w Xork -60 63 OS 73 70 08 73 73 .810 .884 .478 .478 .477 .487 .455 ;feru PEttfa CM i .647 ,880 .863 .464 .418 ,373 .383 ifi who , I. Louis Erk M-n CUy Mluure . AMERICAN LEAG0E, Won. Lost. Tct. Win. Loe. 80 43 .674 .677 ,C6 48 .647 .080 .six 65 60 71 78 81 01 FEDERAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost. 1'ct. Win, Lo. l ........ 73 60 .886 . i . 61 .811 .0 ."' 63 .637 .811 .833 6! .847 JS30 .613 63 .SID . 60 .500 .... t 70 .480 . . . . 88 .338 .333 .336 sl ........ ... 88 "0 ulston 73 w York :: : :: ho Louis .......... 66 "na 60 CS .......... 88 f ...A .. . 78 73 60 60 60 67 43 Oakland "Six" MODEL 32 $795 TOURING OR ROADSTER Pastime Stable Coraing Here Th Pastime Stable, of Cleveland, O., ""! make IU fit at appearance in this cHjr at Belmont track on September P, Whin IVIltlaM T initrasi will drK In taking over the Philadelpl fi retail business of the Oakland Motor Co,, ud the wholesale agency for Bucks, Montgomery, Chester and Delaware Counties and Camden County, IN. J., it is our intention to rigidly adhere to our liberal and tar dealing policy. A special invitation is extended to former patrons of the Uatfland and UaKer-Uell Cos., to visit our showrooms and service l station and inspect the 1916 models. BAKER-BELL MOTOR CO. Sales Booms 337-tS North Uroad Bum! nil 663-W N. mrosul II, serc am- liuu suid Hhvp, W ortu ura mua 111 KId( At: lltll T4eoh ...All . j&rtueU . Jr P I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB I N .1,1. uwmooiie, Onow September Sale oLocomobile Exchange Cars Monday Morning, at 9 o'clock, we will put on sale in our ground floor show room, a number of Locomobile Motor Cars at especially attractive prices. These cars are the best of a large stock selected from all Locomobile Branch Houses, in fifteen chief cities. This Sale offers a timely opportunity to secure the high-grade car you have wanted, at a very moderate outlay, and, at the beginning of the most delightful touring season of the whole year. Locomobile Policy Protects You in Every Way In Guarantee, in Service, in the Commercial Value of the Car you buy at this Sale. Future New Models will not show any reduction in Price or Quality, or any radical change in power plant or design. Guaranteed Locomobiles from $800 Up Other Makes from $250 Up These Locomobiles are carefully inspected, refiriished and put in first-class mechanical condition. They are GUARAN TEED exactly the same as New Locomobiles. A purchaser of one of these is accorded the same service, the same attention and consideration as though he had bought a New Locomo bile. This is your opportunity to save 20 to 60 and yet own "The Best Built Car m America" Five and Seven Passenger Touring Cars Limousines Amongst the regular patrons of the Locomobile Exchange Car Department are Presidents and Vice-Presidents oHeading Banks and Trust Companies, Heads of America's most important industrial corporations, eminent physicians an4 lawyers, prominent merchants and other successful business men. These men of affairs, familiar with I values, took; ad vantage of opportunity. Tou have the same opportunity, NOW. w ran handle vour nresent car. we can arrange con venient terms if desirable. SIP AN H LOCOMOBILE SALES AND, SERVICE BUILDING ThU Buildlne Back our Guarantee THE LOCOMOBILE COMPANY AMERICA 2314-2322 Market Street i OPEN EVENINGS ALL WEEK vf wro MeHlw -yr-Mb vtjMjft m mw.