Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 14, 1915, Final, Page 15, Image 15

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wWes Francis Sullivan's
Hostile Jeuer wrings
Leaders About His
LM Francis Sullivan, president ot
V7 ..bt street National Bank and
IzL president of the Mldvale Steel
SmVi has stirred ft veritable hornet's
Sit tn the ranks of local suflraslsts.
tilth their eyes flashing with lndlgna
iJl many Philadelphia sufTratrlsts read
tHon. """' .,.,. Mr. Rnlllvnn sent
tytitero . A.,ociaon ootioncd
to . c?..rftirA MnrrAfllnir Vila view
3 the enfranchisement of women.
-.,- onlllvan must be a woman-hater,"
PLrelts declare. Special exception was
?.. a. statement In reference to
rTnli XV and his famous favorites, Du-
mlrrv and Madame do Pompadour, and
f t the women called n veiled comparl-
n of these women wltn tno sunragists
' Th banker's tetter was termed "puer-
Kut" "ridiculous," "lacking in intelligence
'. . - ntinn" mill "n. frank exnres-
Son of a general contempt of women."
'Milder the opinion of nny Intelligent
mii who dares to compromise the issue
ntid compare mo i)iu"fc" .."...v.. - ..
'5th century, such as DuBarry and Ma
dtnt de Pomparour to Dr. Anna Howard
. mt Jane Addams. It Is too laugh-
able to glvo any serious answer."
such was the etateraent of. Mrs. Harry
Loenburg, of the board of directors of
the Equal Franchise Society.
Bultraglsts Jubilantly pointed to the fact
that Mr. Sullivan's daugnier, .miss i'ran
ces Livingston Sullivan, Is an out-and-out
'n,. Knillvan letter, which fell, like a
centimeter shell with a little shrapnel
dressing In tho suffrage camp, read, In
st "Are we ready to throw away the ac-
i cumulated wisaom ana experience uu
f'' have come down to us from all the ages?
5 The histories of the Babylonians, Greeks,
Romans. Hebrews, 'teuton, Sluv.
7 Franks and Anglo-Saxons do not en
f courage belief In woman's rule.
f "Louis XV was ruled by women and
I many Frenchmen bellevo that his misrule
did more tnan an otner cuuuea iu pre
cipitate and aggravate the gicat French
"Frederick the Great and all the
DOUble Hohenzollerns considered tho In
terference of women In governmental af
fairs the sign and forerunner ot de
cadence. Bismarck detested and abhorred
with all the force of his strong nature
the exercise .of any political power by
women. He thought tho French in 1870
too womanish to make a strong fight
sjalnst virile Prussia.
"Let us Imagine a generation from now
the neat European military power and
Jasan combined in an nttack on the
J United States.
"The hostile forces would be met at
the border by Jane Addams and Doctor
dim. nrtfh Ihn winoat tVinf thn mntter
i In dispute be debated, that .the United
I States felt too confident in the righteous
ness tit its cause to fire a gun, and that
rather than shed blood this country
would yield money and territory. This
policy would be pleasing to the suffra-
Btte women, who sing: 'I Didn't Raise
y Boy to be a Soldier.'
Expressions of Indignation were made In
raply by several suffrage leaders. Mrs.
Frank Miles Day. vice president of the
' Eoual Franchise Society, said:
i "How can a man compare the profligate
I women who ruled the Louis XV court
t, largely by their sex Influence with the In
telligent, honorable women of our own
time who are striving for the ballot to
better conditions among their less for
tunate sisters of the industrial world.
"Were there more gentleness and hu
man kindness Influencing the govern
ments of the world at the present time
there might have been less bloodshed,
ruin and heart-break."
Ml. v tt t ,j. ,.rri..
IK uea iuary si, xusnuin saiu: Alio
f argument of Mr. Sullivan against woman
1 iuffrage is a frank expression of his con-
5. ttmst for women. Tho historical basis
of bis contempt strikes us as somewhat
Wobbly, for he speaks of the history of
all the races of tho world from tho Baby
lonians 4own to the Anglo-Saxons as
showing the bad effect of 'women's rule.'
"We would like to ask ln which of the
natloni. mentioned, have the women had
a chance to share ln their own govern
lament? Surely Mr. Sullivan does not
fa. with to suggest that Louis XV and his
& court were the expression of the will of
r mo .rrcnen nation
And does Mr. Sullivan accept the mls-
Mtl .. , w ... . .
i"'""' uuuia ji. as a sumcicni reason
..that American men should ba dlsfran-
ff ChlsedT
Philadelphia voters who do not agree
With him flhnilt nn-A frnm VAtlntr for
K Mayor of Philadelphia?"
r usn Caroline Katzenstcln, executive
wreiary of the Equal Fronchlso Bo
fety, said:
"Mr, Sullivan begins his statement with
th query, 'Are we ready to throw away
accumulated wisdom and experience
that have come down to us from the
ft Jin!' The one great task of suffragists,
J may reply, la to gather this wisdom
Sther and to make It most powerful by
a Joint exnreaatnn nf onlnlnn from men
fg f"d women at the ballot box. It Is Just
w because woman has made such tremen-
oou atrldes forward since colleges and
Mjhink t a monstrous waste not to let
"r nelp man In solving pupllo quea-
Women Writers Club
Ah tntereatlnv mtl.v r9 4Via Wnmn
.'Wtlteri' Clllh armm hM Inst nl-ht at the
f'jsjubrooms, 1210 Locuet street. It was
nrit rneetlnK of tho fall season. The
"wsldent, Miss Edith Burtl. of the Home
2rrl. presided. After club business
M finished, the members were Blven an
formal talk by Bllen Adair, of tbe
winino Ledger, who told of some of
-m . t -
r ksv irni "(To'
r "7- is, i it. ll. i ,m. ', -m-m r .wt- : -r ,
vf?erincei ,n Scotland, England and
fifit i!;.ifrLm wnlch countries she had
only lately returned.
nr7l?.".K l58 '"''"bers present were Miss
mu Ue "'a"1?". Miss Agnes Reppller,
Mil" S'?t a',hau. Maw M. 1 Dlehl,
vmktt -AvtTy' MlM Rehekah Word
pi..iV. M Jcnnle " 0we". M's "th
UiThS.p'on' JI,sa Dorothy Thomp
v; I1"? E(5n,R. Stauffer, Miss Ida Cleve
Vil' J11?8 Mary V. Hopkins, Miss Eliz-
rl!' .i. nKon M,M ly Christie, Miss
SirtinyMi"",.M.?' A ll- Mcal11' Mr"
Martin, Miss Emily Carpenter and Miss
Jesslo Duval.
Suffrage Events Today
froSmK,orD5SV.7nViiA,h 'nA Chl"t "trest.
S"ovls. nu,lllnei speaker, Miss nerth
nuei ft.?l'n?ro,!trti Mrr.e,t ni Columbia nve
SHorw'WaS.rt""" I'"thn 8ap0V,U nd
-iS.p" m- Mtlng at 40th street and Park.
R- "cod Wd " Jne Myer.
n.7t..v'i, "J""nB RI l;"i .Marimaii street:
p-,ner' Ml flounce P. Uetnhelmfr.
chV,?nSt SSgT" ln ,urr",I0 "pcak,nB "M
What's Doing Tonight
rdealUeimSPro-KntFY94C,atl0n' 39W Q1"
.tSlBS'iT!..!? oaO'." Diamond and 6th
nwl.rt,A'oul'Jh.i and,.Jl,h WnriS nulnea
o'clo'k. Free "averford avenues 8
vHlTiS ? Ji'Kli D1,,.n.M" M"' Aaeoclatlon,
ernon Building, 50H Germantown avenue! s
o clock. Free,
n-;.n,,?,r?lP Dex'era, Bourae; 8 o'clock.
nSSk'&S HIM Improvement Aesoclatloh, 1B8
Nrrth .r2d "ireet: s o'clock. Free.
Fraiikford l.Uslness .Un, Marshall School; 8
o slock. Free.
f.'.t-L" fflub' .s,rket Squara l'raabyterlan
Church, Qermantown.
KnglneerV Club.
Well-Known Bandmaster and Choir
Lender of Mt. Carmcl, Pa.
MT. CARMEL. Pa., Sept. 14. Prof. Al
bert Yoder, a noted bandmaster and choir
leader, died hero yesterday from miners'
asthma. Ho was born at Mlncrsvllle and
was 63 years of age.
For 45 years he was a musical Instructor,
and this city boasts hundreds of musicians
who give Trofessor Yoder credit for his
valuable Instruction. He was leader at
different times of Citizens', P. O. S. of A.,
Fire Company, Polish and Mt. Cnrmel
Bands, of this city, tho American Band, ot
Centralla, and the local Church of God
A widow and two sons survive him.
Burial will be held tomorrow.
Screno S. Pratt
ALBANY, N. Y., Sept. 14. Screno S.
Pratt, sccretnry of tho New York Cham
ber of Commerce since 100S, died at the
General Hospital here today following
operations necessitated by a complication
of'dlscases. Mr. Pratt was 67 years old
and was born in Vermont. He had oc
cupied editorial positions
financial and commercial
on various
Funeral of Former Head of Fenciblcs
Takes Place Tomorrow
Funeral services for Major William A.
Vitherup, former head of tho State)
Fenciblcs, who died on Sunday, will be
conductod at his late residence, 1337 North
17th street, tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clock. Many lodge men will attend the
services, and the Major will be buried
with military honors in Ivy Hill Ceme
tery. Major Witherup was actlvo ln the af
fairs of Baker Post of the Grand Army,
having been a hero of the Civil War. He
was taken prisoner in 1SC2, at the battle
of Murfreesboro, Tenn., but later ex
changed for a Southern prisoner. And
then he re-entered tho thick of tho fight
ing, and was twice wounded at the bat
tlf of Missionary' Ridge.
He became a second lieutenant in the
Stnto Fenciblcs in 1S81; a year later ho
became first lieutenant, and in 1S90 was
chosen captain. Soon afterward ho be
came major, which place he filled until
he retired. In 1S99.
Funeral of Henry B. Widener
Funeral services for Henry B. Widener,
for many years agent for the Pennsylva
nia Society for the Prevention of Crucltv
to Animals, and who died yesterday, will
be conducted at his late residence at 182S
South Broad street, at 1 o'clock Thurs
day afternoon. Burial will be In West
Laurel Hill Cemetery and will be pri
vate. Mr. Widener was a voteran of the
Civil War and had been active In Ad
miral du Pont Post of the Grand Army.
AS11WOHTII. On September 13, 1915,
SAMUEL S.. husband of Catharine Ash
worth (nee Klley), aged 50 years. Relatives
Xndfrlenls. also Merchant Lodge, No. 28.1
I O O. F." are Invited to attend the funeral
-vices. Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock,
at hi lite residence, 3101 Falrmount ave.
?'.": .. v.f r.Bur.1 Hill Cemetery
Interment . at West Laurel Hill cemetery
(Autnmobil funeral). Frlenda may call
Wednesday evening Irom 7:30 until 0 o'clock.
AUUENTZ. Suddenly, on September 12,
1U157 THEODOSIA b'. APRENTZ. aged 78
year. Relatives and friends are Invited to
attend tho funeral services, Wednesday morn
lngVat 10:30 o'clock; at the Indigent Widows
ana Single Women' Asylum. 3015 Chestnut
st. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery.
HADER. On September 12, 1916, WILL
IAM ti.. husband of Margaretta Bader tnee
Stock) aged It years. Relatives and friend
are invited to attend the funeral services,
S Wednesday, at 12 m.. at hi let rest-
Notice th bastlnc. Th only pUattn
In Philadelphia with this Pll fty
Ifemstltchlnr nutton HoU
153S Cheitnut St.
T.k. Ba.vator. . Bpru .
New Fall Hats
for the 1915-16 Season are here
Ready for your inspection
and selection.
Mrs. Maegill, formerly of Stay-
lock & Iilynn, now uth
125 S. 16th Street
y"'$i.t38inH '
s. '
' rrr:''":WS m -xt ' mmmmMMl' hvWwl For
yS I Vefantl Wn fll give
a'U:'3l I tailored B l.jM iSi
mmsmmmm i costumes ik m: or v,v
Wmmmmm I iHl St . .. . -7-.
m v"i83B!lH$ p: lBR 'rj? -J V-NNr-?5k 'M 1 iiiiaueii'iiiit jjiuiii ana
z$Mivmw-"&Km ,$. MH li iAri5 X Hun
v.&mm&rMff m&klfr a I, 1 M. mm ?! ,K Hi 1T '! "'" s
rtenc. 1419 Marlborough at. Interment at
Oreenmount Cemetery Remains may be
viewed Tueoday evening.
nAItnoN. On September 11, 1913. WILL
IAM, husband of the lai Margaret Barron
(nee Carlln). nelatlres and trlend are In
vited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday,
at 8:30 a. m., from the residence of hla
brother-in-law, Bernard MeMonegle, 2822 K.
Thomrson at. Solemn ncqulem Masn at St.
Ann's riiurch at 10 a. m. Interment at St.
Ann a Cemetery,
IJEA8TON. On September 18, 101S, JOHN,
son of Daniel and Lu6y Beaston (ncs
Whalen), aged 4 months and 12 daya. Rela
tives and friends are Invited to attend tho
funeral, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., from his
parents' residence, 2fll Almond st. (18th
Ward). Interment at St. Ann's Cemetery.
HOAIIO.MAN. At lluena Vlnta Sprints
lintel, lluena Vista, Fa , on September 12,
Win, KI.I.A f . widow ot the Rev. (leorcn
Pana Uoardman, D. I). Relatives and
ftlerds are Invited to attend the funeral
smk-ca, Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'cloi-u,
at the apartments of Oliver II. Bolr. if)
Chestnut at., Philadelphia, Interment rrl-
IMHVKIIS. On September IS, 1914, J(i.
SF.l'H W.. son ot the late William and
Agnes Bowers and husband of Ida II, Bowers
(nee ttutchlnron). Relatives and friends are
Invited to attend tho funeral services, on
Thursday, at S p. m., at his late residence,
lJwii North 10th st. Interment prliate.
HHKIIAUT. On September 12, 191S. SAM
I Hit II , huaVMnri ot Margaret A. Ilreliaut,
. ageo" 41) years. Relatives and friends, also
,uuriviiut:iti. v ircie, ,o. fto, uruinernon.1 or
America. . and the employes of tho White
Uental Works, are Invited to attend tha
funeral, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. from hla
late residence, Bloti Dlttman st., Kraukford.
Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery.
Body may be vlcucd Tuesday, between 8 and
In p. m.
IJUNTINO. On Ninth month, 11th, 1918.
JOSEPH nUNTINd. Jr.. In fits Snth year.
Relatives nnd trlenda are Invited to attend
the funeral, at 10:3(1 a, m on Fourth day,
Ninth month 1R, 11115, nt hla lato residence,
60a Harvard ave Swarthmoro, Ta. Inter
ment private.
CI.AICK. At Sharon Hill, on September 11.
1915, JAMK8 R. CLARK, husband of the
late Mary K. Clark (nee CostlRan), aged B
years. Relatives and friends aro Invited to
attend tho funeral, on Wednesday, at 8:30 a,
m Irom his daughtcr'a residence, corner
Maple and Barker aves., Sharon Hill, Solemn
High Mass nt Holy Spirit Church, Sharon
Hill, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross
Cemetery. Automobile funeral,
CI. INI". At Claymont, Del., on September
W, litis, JANK. widow of William 11. Cllne,
nged Ul years. Relatives and friends are
Invited to attend the funeral services, on
Thursday afternoon, precisely at 2 o'clock, nt
the chapel of Andrew J, Hair A Sona, Arch
nnd 10th sts. Interment at Kernwood Ceme
tery, COI.i: On September 11. 191R. M. LOUISE.
aaughler of George II. and Satah K. Cole, In
her lith ear. Relatives and friends nro in
vited to attend the funeral services, on Wed
nesday, at 11 a. m.. at her parents' residence,
CONNOltS. Suddenly, on September 12,
at (llenlnch, N. J., JOHN, aon of Annlo and
the lato tleorge Connora, aged in years, RcM
dence, II' North lttth st. Relatives and
friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on
Thursday, at 8:3U n. m from tho residence
or his uncle. Mr. Bonner, 4CC0 Merlon avo.
High Muss at Our Mother of Sorrows'
Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Crosi
CKANKSHAW. On September 12. 191B.
VIOLA S., wife of Frank ll. Crankshaw (nco
Radclirfo). Relatives and friends aro Invited
to attend the funeral services, on Thurs
day, at 2 p. m from her late residence, SMS
Darrah st. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery.
licniains ctiii uu wuwvu nounoauAy evening,
8 to 10 o'clock.
DOl'HIIKHTY. On September 10, 191B,
FRANCIS J., son of Daniel and the late Hi
,n UoiiKheity, nged 2T years u months, itela
tles and friends, also Holy Namo Society ot
the Sirred Heart Church, and Hewltson So
cial, are Invited to attend the funeral, on
Wednesday, at 8 a. m., from his late resi
dence, 211 Dickinson at. Folenm Requiem
Mota at Sacred Heart Church at 0:30 u. m.
Interment at Cathedral Cemetery.
l'AV. On September 13, HUB. nt her late
residence, SiitH York road. MATHILDA
TlllCKr.U wife of Captain Howard Fay,
iiKed 47 years. Interment at Floral Hill
Cemetery, Hudson County, X. J.
FKBNKY. On September 13, 1915, JAMES
FEEEY, husband of Elizabeth Fecncy (nee
Hanley), aaod 84 years. Relatives and
friends, also Holy Namo Society of st
Elizabeth's Church, aie Invited to attend fu
neral, on Friday, at 8:30 a. m., from hla late
residence. 173-1 N. 21th at. Solemn Requiem
Mass at St. Lllznbeth's ChOrch at 10 n. m.
Intel ment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
IISIIEIt. On September 12, 1915, JENNIE
J , wife ot August Fisher, aged 45 years.
Relatives and friends, also Ladles' Auxiliary
of Oen. D. I). Blrney Camp, No. 13, s. of v.,
aro Invited to attend tho funeral services,
on Wednesday, at 2 j, m at her husband's
residence, 22.11 N. Franklin at. Interment
private, at Chclten Hills Cemetery. Remains
may be viewed Tuesday. 7 to 9 p. m.
GALUGHKlt. On September 12, 1915,
MAROARET A., beloved wife of James A.
Galllghcr nnd daugnter of the lato Cornelius
and Margaret Manahan. The relatives and
friends of the family are respectfully Invited
to attend funernl, ,e n Thursday morning, at
8:30 o clock, irom tno residence or her hus
band, 5508 Vim st. High Mass or Requiem
at Church of Our Lady of Victory, nt 10 a,
m. Interment ln Holy Cross Cemetery.
GAHKILL. On September 10, 1015. at Me
chanlcsburg. Tn.. NELLIE J. OASKILL, wife
of Henry S. Qasklll and daughter of Mary
A. and the late John Compton, nged 40 years.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 8 p. m
nt 2037 Wealfleld ave Camden, N. J. Serv
ices also In Chapel at Mt. Holly Cemetery,
Wednesday, at 2 p. m. Interment at Mt. Holly
GORMAN. On Septmeber 12, 1915, CATH
ARINE, wife of Edward J. Gorman and
daughter (or John M. and the late Elizabeth
Kanz, og'ed 40 years. Relatives and friends
are invited to attend tho funeral, on Wednes
day, at 1 p. m.. from her late residence, 50
N. Salforfi st. (uotn ana Market sts.) Inter
ment at Northwood Cemetery. Friends may
call Tuesday evening.
GRILL. On September 12. 1915. ALBERT
J husband of Rose Grill (nee O'Brien), nged
32 years Relatives nnd friends, also mem
bers of Court Stephen, Glrard, No. 33, F. of
A.; Philadelphia Lodge, No. 51, L. O. of
Moose, and employes of Henry C. Hall, ore
Invited to attend the funeral services on
Thursday, at 10 a. m., at his lato residence,
1242 North Newkirk st. Interment private,
at Mt. Peace Cemetery. Remains can bo
viewed on Wednesday evening, from 7 to 10
HALL. On September 12. 1015, EDWARD
l'. nutband of Hannah A. Hall. Relatives
and frlendn. also the Philadelphia Fire De
partment Relief Association and Insurance
Patrol, aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on
Fridav. at 8:30 a, m., from his late residence,
5532 Ludlow et West Philadelphia. Solemn
Mass of Requiem at Church of Our Lady of
Victory at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross
HANSON. On September 11, 1915,
I'HAKLES II. HANSON. Relatives and
friends, also Ivanhoe I-odico, No. 449, F. and
A. M., ar Invited to attend the funeral
services, Wednesday, at 3 p. m., at the
apartments of Oliver II. Balr, 1820 Chestnut
Bt. Interment prlvato at Woodlands Ceme
tery. llAltKINS. On September 12. 1915, JOHN
4 k I
lr srt 3liir . r..9i . Ill i
- -ic: m,, zmmMmmmM' msm m v jljl
mi --imSkI'! liiaLr mmwmjm iiife
i fc- -TmSm Wffl&mF. j$imWmm mK Pure
ill: 1 wdlmmmm JmMmm Ml lure
l t-v i'f BnKiBiiii aii f
I Lvi KfK M-J II I Hii : ffli!'n In iiil I i ft li i,ii ' I
Ms? 7 . r.i r -. v jo v jrSBri3Biv-k a unii i i. mi mi i t it" i.ii.ni n
i mmmwmmmwBmm, m :,, mmmmmEsmm
w Mmm.mi-mBm wwmr "- ! " ' -
H FaU Showing Hn Y WJA Let
mm I mmmWwmmmmm ?, Htv- -tw I ttfZZzzs
II ' 1302 W j fTLr y JSiHi5
H I Walnut Street FTK .J & KAfAh.
mW . 1 Pk ' 1 K'A, JrMlez&
iM tw -i ir ri ?yvvr m..1 -
1 Siii4eFi Wl. .; IfflHi&fcLfcl WW f r
z&MM I fotoJammmMmWmmmmwmwMmmii , hwmt, -tmr'tmtmwtRimm'ft- ummammmm -..
J., son of the late lotm and Isabel llarklns
(nee Bradley). Relatl-es and friends are In-
rlted to attend the funeral, on Wednesday,
t :So a. m., from the residence of hla
brother, lwmei iiarains, ,i k. ! nompson
solemn Requiem mass at tnr unuron oi
ihA linlv Name nt 10 a.
Interment nt
Holy Sepulchre Cemetery,
Automobile tu-
HAItVKT. Suddenly, on September 12,
1915. G1COROE F son of the late John and
Margaret Harvey. Notice of the funeral liter.
IIANNA On September 11, 1915, WILL
L1AM. eon of Isabella Jamison and the late
John II. Hanna, aged 21 years. Relatives and
friends are Invited to attend the funernl, on
Thursday, at 2 p, m., from his late residence,
10S0 Lombard st. Interment at Mount Morlah
Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Wed
nesdaytrom 7 to 9 p. m,
HASTINGS. On September 11, 1918, MAnT
A., daughter Mary (nco McDonnell) and late
John Hastings. Funeral, to which relatives
and friends aro Invited, on Wednesday, at 8
h. m., from mother's residence, 122 Kmlly st.
Solemn Mass or Requiem at Church of Our
LadJ1 of Ml. Cnrmel nt lt:Xo a. m. precisely.'
Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. Chicago
papers please copy.
HIM.MEI.HIMUK. Suddenly, on September
18. 1013, HARRIET I-OtlSK. wife of Charles
Himmelspark and daughter nf Htlsabeth and
th lato Thomas Wilson. Relatives and friends
are Invited to attend the funeral services, on
Thursday afternoon, at 1.30 o'clock, at her
late residence, 75 East Clapler St.. German-
town. Interment private. Remains may to
Mewed Wednesday evening.
1IINI1S. On September 12. 1915. MARY,
wife of tin late Peter lllnes. Due notice
will bo pli en from the resilience of her ton-In-law,
John S. Uundesen, lSlt South 4th st.
IIOLLINH. On September 14, 1915, THOM
AS, son of Thomas and Ixiulsa llolllns, In
his 17th year. Relatives and friends are In
vited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday,
at 8:30 n, m.. from his parents' residence,
1515 N'nrth Aider st. High Requiem Mass
nt St. Malachy's Church at 10 a. m. Inter
ment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
1IOLST. At We.t Cnlllngswood, N. J on
September 11. 1915, HENRIETTA C. HuLsn
Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend
the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 3
f. m., at tho apartments ot Oliver II, Balr,
20 Chestnut St.. l'hlla. Interment private.
JOHNSON. On September 13, 1915, JULIA
(!., wife of James S. Johnson. Relatives and
rrl'nds are Invited to attend the funeral on
Thursday, September 10, at 2 p, tn from
her late residence, 4350 Frankford ave,,
Frankford, Interment nt Cedar Hill Ceme
tery. Remains may be viewed Wednesday
evening from 7 to 10 o'clock.
KAT On September 12, 1915, at the Hotel
kajz, un wpiemuer ij, loin, at the
EdRewotcr, Atlantic City, N. J., CHA1
WA UDELL KATZ, formerly of 141 ;
1Mb. St., member of the Philadelphia
i liar
since 18i0, formerly of Smyrna, Del.; dur
ing tho Civil War was momber of tho Sixth
lieiawuro v-ompany rv, uapiain . vv
T.-hudy; associated for many years with the
late Charlts tubblns.
Mineral services wui
jr ni:ni ll) tuij it,..,
afternoon, at 2 o clock,
be nein in Mmyrna
Del., on Wednesday
K1M1IALL. On September 13, 1915,
HAROLD, son or Katlo C. nnd tho lato
William S. Kimball, In his 28th year. Due
nntlio st tho funeral will bo given,
KLINE. On September 12, 1015. CLIF
FORD M.. son of Clifford M., Sr.. and Eliza
beth Kline tneo Jnnea), aged 17 years. Rela
tives and friends, also members ot Falrhlll
M. E. Church, nnd ICcarsnrgo Council, No.
H22, O. ot I A., aro Invited to attend tha
funeral services, on Thursday at 2 p. m., nt
his parents' residence. 3031 North 9th st.
Interment prlvato nt Northwood Cemetery.
Remains may be viewed Wednesday evening,
I. to 10 o'clock. Automobile funeral.
LENNOX. On September 12, 1915, WILL
1AM II.. husband of Mary A. 1-ennox, and
Bon ot tho lato Charles ond Hannah Lennox.
Relatives nnd friends, nlso tho members of
Court Clioecn Friends, F. ot A., ond l'outaxet
Tribe, No. 13. I. o. It. M., aro Invited to
attend funeral, on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m.,
from Ids late lcsldence, 4.11 East Indiana
ave. Interment private. Remulns may be
viewed on Tuesday, nrter 8 p. m.
LEONARD. On September 13, 1915, ED
WARD, husband of Bridget ionard (nee
McGarvey). Relatives and friends nro In
vited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday
morning, at 8:30 o'clock, fioin his lato resi
dence, 2022 W. Westmoreland st. Solemn
Requiem Mass at tho Church of Our Lady of
Holy Souls at 10 o'clock precisely. Inter
ment nt New Cathedral Cemetery.
I.OCIIEL. Suddenly, on September 12, 1015,
JEANETTE, widow of William Lochel. Rel
atives and friends nio Invited to attend fu
neral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., nt
htr lato residence, 112ii Frnnkford ave. In
terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. .
l.OWDEIt. On September 11, 1915, JOHN
!,, husband of Mary M. Lowder, In his 72d
year. Relatives nnd filends, also Edwin A.
Shubert Council, No. 728, I. of I, A., nro In
vited to attend funeral services on Wednes
day at 2 p. in., at the lcsldence of his son,
Henry W, Iowder, 2027 Dorrnnco st. Friends
may call on Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Interment
Fernwood Cemetery.
LYNCH. On September 11. 1915, MI
CHAEL, husband of Nora Lynch. Relatives
and friends, nlso employes of the North
American, aro Invited to attend tho funeral,
on Wednesday, at 8:30 a. m., from his late
residence, 2137 Watklns st. Solemn Requiem
Mass at St. Edmund's Church, at 10 a. m.
Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
JIAROT. Suddenly, on September 12, 1015,
JOSEPH P. MAROT, ln his R3d ear.
Funeral services Wednesdny afternoon, at 3
o'clock, at tho residence of his ton, Rushton
Alarot, souuiensi ciuner ..iciveuu ana uiapier
sts. Germantown. Interment private.
McllRinl'. On September 13, 1015, MARY
C. wife of Patrick II. McBrlde (nee Burns),
Duo notice of the funeral will be given, from
her lato residence, 810 Dickinson st.
McCI.EI.LAND. On September 11, 1915,
HARRY, son of Kate und the lato Robert
McClelland. Relatives and friends are in
vited to attend tho funeral services, on
Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from tho
residence of his mother, 13.18 S. 4fith street.
Interment private. Friends may call Tues
day evening, from 8 to 10 o'clock. Boston
napers pleaso ropy,
MrlNTYRE. On September 12, 1015, JEN
Virc McINTYHE (nea.Ervln), widow of Will
iam Mclntyrc. Relatives and friends, also
tho members of the Union Tabernacle Pres
byterian Church and Blblo Union, aro In
vited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, at
in m from tho residence of her son-in-law,
William I'edrlck. 2023 E. Orleans st. Serv
ices at tho above named church at 2 p. m.
nrcclsely. interment at Cedar Hill Cemotery.
Remains may be viewed on Wednesday, after
s p m. and at tha houso only.
MERKKL. .Suddenly on September 13,
1013 GEORGE, husband of Roso Merkel (neo
Bodcnhelmer), aged 30 years. Relatives and
friends, also Carpenter's Union. No. K'2, of
Philadelphia, aro Invited to attend tho fu
neral, on Wedmsday, at 3:30, from his
lato residence. 2.1G3 Granite st Brldesburg.
Interment private, at Oakland Cemotery.
MILLER. On September 9. 1016, MARY A
widow of John Miller nnd daughter of the
lato John nnd Amanda Rlebcl. Relatives and
friends, also tho various organizations of
which she was a member, aro Invited to nt
tend th funernl services, Wednesday, at 3
ti m., at her lato residence, 114 Rlpka avo.,
Mnnayunk. Interment private at convenience
of the family.
MONTl'-Pri'. On September 11, 1915,
SARAH, daughter of tho late Jnmea and Jane
Monteith. Relatives and friends, also mem
bers and Sunday school and Ladles' Aid So
ciety of the Twenty-second Street M. E.
Church, aro Invited to attend tho funeral
services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.J at the
. . - m a i f . u min1 i i n, i r.i du n.n' ' in
residence of her brother-in-law, Jotph Younr,
1429 South 28d St. Interment at Mount Mo
rlah Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Tues
day, between 8 and 10 p. m. Automobile
MOflAN, On September 11, 1915, MAIIT,
wlilow of John Moran. Relative and friends
are inxlted to attend funeral, m Wednesday.
at 8.30 a. m., from her late reMenc, Mli
Market treet. West Philadelphia. Solemn
Maw et Requiem at Church of Our Lady ot
Ictory at 10 a. m. Interment New Cathedral.
rJ:'U(VV'7-0.n September 11. 1915, WILL
IAM J., husband of Etta Snape and eon ot
Minnie ind tho late Thomas I'edlow, aged 42
years. Relative and friends, also ChVoler
Castle, No, ,VJ, p. of I. A and Rockdale
Lodge, No 50. L. p. of A., are Invited to
attend funeral. Wednesday, at 1 p. m., from
his lato residence. 1102 N. Bth it. Service
at the Fletcher M. E. Church, Mlh and
Master sts. at 2 p. in. Interment Chester
Rural Cemetery.
PIlKI'I.ES. On September 18, 1918, JAMBS,
husband of flamh A. Peebles, aged W) years,
llelutlvea and friends are lnMte.1 to attend
tho funeral sorvh-ee, Thursday afternoon, at
2 o'clock, at his late residence. 1(W Wharton
M, Interment private, at Greenwood (K of
J") Cemetery- Remains may be Mewed
W ednesday evening, from 7 to 0 o'clock.
I'OUELK At Westvllle. N. J., on Septem
ber l.t. 1015, JOHN T., husband of late Mary
Powell (nee Davis), aged RS years. Relatives
and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on
Thursday, at l:ao p. m., from reside nco of
Jame J. Elll", 21 HlgMand ave., Newlwld.
Services nt 2 p. m., at M. P. Church. Inter
ment at Cedar Grove, Gloucester. Remain
may be viewed on Wednesday, from 7 to 0
V. m.
. :iNN. Suddenly, on September 12, 1018,
JAMES J huslnd of Mary Otilnn and oti
of the late Henry and Bridget Qulnn. Rela
tives and friends are Invited to attend tho
funernl, on Wednesday, at 8.30 a. m.. from
his lato residence, 1504 Pino at. Mass at
Cathedral Church at 10 a.,m Interment at
Cathedral Cemetery,
ItAU. On September 11. 1015, AUOUST,
husband of Prudence Rau (nee Oospell). Rela
tives and friends, nlso E. D, Raker Post, No,
8. O. A. R are Invited to attend the funerel
services, on Wednesday, at 1 p, m., at his
late residence, 1112 North 4th st. interment
strictly private, nt Northwood Cemetery.
ItEGAN, Near Bordentown, N. J., on Sep
tember 12, 1915, JOHN J son of the late
Join and Kntharlne Regan, In his 00th year.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
tho funeral, from the resldenco of his brother-in-law,
James McSorley, Cross wick's road,
iiuinua.T. ni u l, ill, ivi'iiuii'iu .UHfla ill ri.
Mary's Church, Bordentown, N. J., at 10
a. m. Interment at St. Mary's Cemetery.
Please omit flowers.
RENNEIIAU.M. At Wlltlamstown, Jf. J on
September 12. 1915. AUGUST RENNE
11AU.M, aged CO years and .1 months. Rela
tives and friends aro Invited to attend tha
funernl, on Wednesday, from his resldenco,
Cecil road, Wllllamstown, N. J., at 12:30 p.
m. Services nt Presbyterian Church, Wllllams
town. at 2 p. m. Interment at Brotherhood
Cemetery, Wlltlamstown, Train leaves Chest
nut st. ferry nt 10:50 a. m. for Wilmington.
ItlTflllE. Suddenly, on September 12,
191.1, at Grenloch, N. J., JAMES ANDREW,
beloved son of Andrew and Elizabeth Ritchie,
nged 20 yearB, Relatives and friends aro In
vited to attend the funernl, on Wednesday,
at 2 p. m., from his patents' residence, 102,1
Wood st. Interment nt Fernwood Cemetery.
Remains may ba viewed on Tuesday, from
8 to 10 p. m.
SAJIi;KI On September 13, 1015. RE
BECCA HENDRICKS, -widow of John Sam
uel. Interment private.
SCOTT. On September 11, 1915, MARTHA,
widow of J. IT. Scott, In her 84th year. Rela
tives and friends nro Invited to attend the
funeral, on Wednesday, at 2 p. in., from her
lato residence, Crozlervllle, Delaware County,
Pa. Interment nt Mt. Hope Cemetery. Car
riages will meet train leaving Broad St. Sta
tion at 12:0.1 p. in at Glen Riddle, Pa.
SIIAItPI.EV. On September 13, 10)5. DAN
IEL SHAHPLEV. ngd 70 years. Relatives
and friends, also Survivors' lllith Regiment
Penna. Volunteers, are Invited to attend tho
funeral, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., from his
lato residence. 4313 Baker st., Manayunk.
Interment at Leverlngton Cemotery.
SIIEDAKEIt. In Edgownter l'ark, N. J.,
on September 12, 101.1. THERESA OLIVER
daughter of Harry I', and Myrtle P. Hhed
aker, aged 11 years. Relatives nnd friends
are Invited to attend the funeral, from tho
resldenco of her parents, Beverly load, Edge
water Pork, on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m. In
terment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery.
SIIEPI'ARD. At. South Woodstock. Conn.
September 13, 1913, Dr. JOHN EVA.N'd
SHEPPARD. of Brooklyn, N. Y., aged iMI
years. Funeral services will be held nt
Bedford Picsbyterlan Church. Nostrand nve.
and Dean at.. Brooklyn, on Wednesday after
noon, September 1.1, at 4:30 o'clock. Inter
ment will bo In tho family plot at Friends'
Burial Ground, Frankford. Pennsylvania, on
Thursday. September IB, 101.1, at 11.30 a. m.
Philadelphia relatives nnd friends nre Invited
to meet nt ine enamel ot .ortn v-cuar inn
i'nmfll,rv nil.ntnlnir Friends llnrlnl f.nMinil. !
where services vvl'l be held.
SIMPSON. On September 13, 1015, MA
TILI'A, widow or Jnmea Simpson (nee Mr
Colgan), Due notlco of the funernl will bo
given, from the resldenco of her ron-ln-law,
John McFadden, 1000 Federal st.
SIMPSON. On September 12. 1015. WILL
IAM J rormcrly 2010 Pratt at.. Frankford, '
son of th late William Simpson. HelatlvcH
and trlcnds are Invited to attend funeral
eervtces, on Friday, at 1 p. m., at his
mother s residence, zo-s s. Norwood st. in
terment North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Ro-
mains may bo viewed on Thursday, from 8 to
10 p. m. I
SINN. On September 12, 1915. MARY A. i
(nee Dunlnger), wire ot Georgo A. Sinn, agod
55 years. Relatives and friends, also Phlla-
delphla Chapter, No. 08, Order of Eastern
Star, aro Invited to attend tho funeral, en
Thursday at 2 p. m.. rrom her lato resi
dence, 2831 Pratt St., Brldesburg. Interment I
at Cedar Hill Cemetery. Body can be view-
ed Wednesday evening, 8 to 10 o'clock.
SMITH. On September 13, 1915, WILLIAM '
SMITH. Relatives and frlenda are invited
to attend tho fur.eral. on Wednesday, at 12
m., from the residence of J. M. Vlckcrs, 2728 I
Ridge nve. Interment at Lower Merlon Bap- .
fist Church Ground.
SNYDER. On September 12. 1915, JO- i
SEPH K husband of Mamo Snyder (neo
Hogg). Relatives and friends, also Wash
ington Camp, No. 332, P. O. 8. of A., aro
invited to attend funeral sorvlccs, on Thura- .
day. at 2 p. m.. at his lato residence, 2851
N. Sth st. Interment Grecnmount Cemetery. I
Remains may be viewed on Wednesday, from '
7 to 10 p. m. Automobile funeral. i
STEELMAN. On Soptember 11. 1915, AN- I
..v AiAiitJAicKT, wire or jiouert t. sieei
man and daughter of Emma Meyrlck and tho i
Into John Huilderbeck, .n her 43d year. Rela
tives and friends, also Sisterly Love Clrile,
F. of A., aro Invited to attend tho funernl
on Wedpesday, at 2 p. m., from her late
residence, 1133 E. Columbia avo. Interment
nt Palmer Cemetery.
STEINBERG. On September 12. 1015.
DAVID, hueband of Roso Steinberg. Rela
tives and friends, nlso Liberty I,odge. No.
0 O. B. A., are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m. precisely,
at his lute residence, 287 N, 22d st. Inter
ment nt Mt. Carmel Cemeterv.
HTRECKER. At Sea Isle City, N. J., on
September 11, 1915, MARY A., w(ro of Jacob
, 7 H W
1 1' . . 'tii .1,.
r !.",i
I. A, I'
X fy f'lillli!. !llilillilil,liJ!l,.,:!,l,:illJ!,M!li:!IIIIIHIIII!i,!,li:iMi.l'il4!''lllfflll
mf Mi LTmKm'Xm:
Btrecker. Relative and friends are Invited
to attend th funeral service, on Wednesday,
at 1 p. m.. at her husband's residence, 2008
K. Somerset st. Interment strictly private
nt I.iurcl Hill Cemetery. Automobile fu
neral. STOTZj On September 11, CHRISTIAN O.
STOTZ. husband of Mary Stoti (nee Ondilck),
aged An years. Relatives and friends, also
members of Humhold Lodge, No. 7. F. O. and
II ., and all other societies to which he be
longed, are invited to attend the funeral
service, on Wednesday afternoon, at 1
o'clock, at hi lato residence, 2007 South Dor
rnnco t. (19th and Mckean). Interment
private at Oreenmount Cemetery, r
8TU.MIT. At Drldgtboro. N. J., on Sep
tember 12, 1P15, PHILIP, husband of Anna
SUimpf, in hla 33d year. Relatives and
mori'i, aim Riverside lire Company, No. 1:
German Beneficial Society, American Yearly
Beneficial Horttty, Riverside Maennerchor,
Phoenix Castle. No. , O. A. K. M. C. ot
Philadelphia, Riverside Turrtfemetnde- Loyal
Order Moose Lodge. No. 2T9; New Jersey
Liquor Dealers' Protective Association, are
Imlteil to attend the funeral services, on
Thursday, at 2 p. m., at hla late residence,
Rrldgeborn, N, J. Interment Riverside Ceme
tery. Trains leave Market st. ferry at II ra.
and 12.:(t p. m. for Hiverslde. N. J. Re
mains may bo viewed Wednesday, after 7
p. m.
THOMPSON'. Suddenly, on September 12,
1913, BDWARD JAME. son of Michael and
Catherine Thompson (nee Fogarty). ageil 10
years and 2 months. Relatives and friends,
Cathedral T. A. II. Cadet, Holy Name So
ciety, also employes of McCambrldgo Cooier
Company, are Invited to attend tho funeral,
on Thursday, at S..m a. m., from hi purenta'
residence. 413 North Huh t. Solemn Re
quiem Mas at the Cathedral at 10 o'clock,
Interment at St. Mary's Cemetery, Gloucester,
N. J.
TITZCK. On September 18, 1015. WILL
IAM ALBERT TITZCK, son of Clemens nnd
Anna C. Tltzck, aged 2 months nnd 12 days.
Relatives and friends ot the family sro In
vited to attend the funeral services, on
Wednesday morning, September 15, at 10
o'clock, at tho residence of bis parents, 18
Sth avo., iroc.don Heights. N. J. interment
prlvnte, ln llarlclgh Cemetery.
THORN. On September 12, 1915, OSCAR,
beloved husband of Catherine Thorn (nee
Ferguson), Relative and frlenda of the
family, also employes nt Notional Biscuit
Company. Vesper Boat Club and all Ewedlsn
association of which ho was a member, aro
respectfully Invited to attend the funernt
service, on Thursday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock
precisely, at his lato residence. 1220 N. 13th
st. Interment private, at Westminster Ceme
tery. Body may be viewed Wednesday nve
nlng, after 7 o'clock. Pittsburgh papers
please copv.
TRANCIIirr.I.I.A. On September 11. 1915,
ISABELLA, wllo ot Frank TTHnchltello, aged
57 years. Relatives nnd friends nro Invited
to attend the funernl, on Thursday, nt 8:80
a. m., from her lato residence, Oil League
St. Solemn Requiem Mas at Our laidy of
Good Counsel Church nt H;30 a. m. Inter
ment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
VASEV. On September 11, 1915, SARAH T.
VASI1Y, wife of Thomas Vosey. Relatives
and friends nre InWtiwl to attend tho funeral,
on Wednesday, nt 8:30 a. m., from her late
residence, 4147 Applo St.. Mnnayunk. Solemn
Church at 10 a.
m. Interment at St. Jo.
i , 1111,.
I.h 'H'H1'" .
I'i '
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pin ..iiiitiM.....- . , imii.ii ''''-''''''-
;-k: :V. :.'.' S -AS?-:--. ' - . '
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vmmi '- I I i
' 3iS,i -' . I
. p. ...;..- ;jt ;. w
WM' v I
'.w't..wf?iiV" a
I JLj Jrk
Clean Nouristiiti
I if, Hl,li.
I , I
' ii.m.
the sake pf Baby's health
ABBOTTS "A" MILK is produced by healthy cows and handled under
ditions of ideal cleanliness. It is the only milk sold in Philadelphia that
a bacteriological test, DAILY, IN THE COUNTRY, BEFORE
ABBOTTS "A" MILK is scientifically
bottled in sterile bottles by machinery,
lan hands never touch it.
us start service at your home tomorrow I
Phone, Baring 205, or write
Alderney Qjaijries
31 it and Chestnut Streets
"What do you Ibiqw about the milk
VOIOTvOn, September 12. IBIS, QBAjlUrW
p., husband of the lata Susan W. YcJcm, la
hi 75th year. Relative and, also (Mr
Branch Lodge, No. 115, I. O. O. F f In
vlted to attend the funeral, en WdnMij,
at 1 p. m. from the residence of hi d
ter, Mr. Mary Barth, 242 North JfalrhlttBi
To proceed to St. George's M. E. Churtfa.
4th and New sts., for 2 o'clock service. He
main may be viewed on Tuesday, from tt
to 10 p. m. Interment at Fernwood Ceme
tery. tVEIOANn. On September 18, 1MB. CAK-O.
LINE II.. widow of Caapar P, WeljM.
Relatives and frlerid, also William D. Sba
Circle. No. 37, I of O, A. IL. ar Invited
to attend th funeral, on Thursday,,, at a
&m., from her late residence, .2318 N,
atrona st. (824 and Dauphin su.). Inter
ment at Northwood Cemetery
WiniiNr.lt. On September . IS. , 1918,
ItBNHT B. WIDBNKR. husband of th 1st A
Mary Jane Widener (nee Brlggs). Relative
and frlsnds, also Admiral du Pont Post, No,
21. O. A II., nre Invite to attend th funeral
eervpex, on Thursday, at 1 p. m.. at hla
lat residence, 1828 S. Broad st. Interment
private, at Wet Laurel Hill Cemetery
WlTHUHUr. On September 12, 1915,
tlves and friends, also Apollo Lodge, No,
sfl. V. and A. M. i Harmony R. A. Chapter.
No. 82, Mary Commandery, No. 30, It T.l
LuLu Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. th Old
Guard. State Fencible ot Philadelphia, th
H. D. Bnker Post, No. 8. O. A II., and the
Ohio Society, and all other organisation of
which ho wa a member, aro invited to, at
tend the funeral service", on Wednesday,
precisely at 2 p. m , at his lata residence,
1H84 North 17th street. Interment Ivy II1U
Formerly with
Altemus, Nash, Graham
Invites your Inspection
of latest French
Fall Suits
and Gowns
in n o w o s t materials,
colors and weaves. Spe
cial prices for Septem
ber. 1623 Chestnut Street
Formerly Tascn llros., 1115 Walnut St.
George Allen, inc.
1214 Chestnut St.
Fall and Winter
Imported Paris
Model Hats
And Our Own
pasteurized in our big
:;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiwiffl!iii;ii"lH!i'fl':!ii'!!iiiiiiA KHil fiiSfl
,!'! :Wu'!.;i!' IWll II
ill .'I ...- , i, l.t ; ':, 'I : 'vj- ' III H
, ju t " r r m ' 1 iii 11 .'in. 11., r mini hub
mmr iFJ my
X'iliill'lh li!!l!il
111,11)1' 111 ( Uli I U k
"' 1 ur 11. (,.,
wmL ,
Irafflr'J ?t f. Jlitl
i'i 'i , '";i j.-. .w 1 rKi
Vlf f
SP-A ,r-,
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