Tt OLD MAIDS AND MAKRIAGE HOME TIES A Woman Is a Liberal Education for a Man, but a Man Is a Most Expensive Education for a Woman .,iin- i - By ELLEN ADAIR fjfMrjfc dto:ly woman without horn tie It & l UM woman who U almost always kffttoe to' hr fellotr1 women, and who gea iwtty rejoice in the opprobrious title of "M majl" Yet I har notleed that many of these -ealJd "old maid" are. to all appear ances, happier than a treat number of the married women. And the air of patronage which many of these unhappily married wo men assume toward the "old maids" who have patted matrimony by on the other tide are a ridiculous as they are insufferable. A letter appeared In a paper recently which referred to the popular conception of the bachelor flrl of somen hat mature years. I , "Few women reach an ace that can be uea Bachelor Girlhood without Having had at lcaft one opportunity to enter the matrimonial fold," observes the writer, "so it Is obvious that to such the career of wifehood has either lost Its appeal or neve has made an, except perhaps to the lew surrounded by the halo of romance known at "disappointment in love." "Why Is the popular conception of a bachelor maid on who Is constantly crav lnr a kind word from some member of the masculine contingent, and a living embod iment of the expression, 'While there's life there's hope J' "Heaven forbid that there should be a strike among homtraakers, but certainly there Is work in theMvorld for women without home ties ' While few would deny that for the average woman marriage Is the best ttato at the tame time It must be admlttod that many women are quite outside this cate gory, and are totally unfitted either to prove a helpmeet to any man or to be a mother to his children Vet, curiously enough, this latter Ineffi cient tvne of woman is the one Who gen erally marries, and marries' early In life, , too Conversely the woman who In every way Is Well fitted for marriage Is frequent ly the very one ho avoids It h. THE ONE-PIECE TROTTEUR RESEMBLES A TAILORED SUIT fTlHE newest and most X significant tendencies in tailored costumes for fall -wear are admirably set forth in the new number of the Dry Goods Economist Weir statement runs some thing like this. "For the more mature figures suits made on fitted lines have the preference The fitted Idea, however, is only car ried on to a modified degree, as the more extreme types first introduced did not meet with general success. "The flare Jacket, recently brought out. Is selling quite readily. This is designed mostly for misses and small women. Box coats ar6 good. being particularly adapted ta the more youthful type of figure. Russian styles are also featured to a consider able degree. Many of the coats are made In two sec tions. Joined together at the normal waist line, the upper portion showing a fitted tendency and the lower with considerable flare. Belted kg coats are also included, and a few jedlngetes are shown, raesjyr by high - class houses." cbis is the sum and sub- snee of the suit situation lor autumn, and a very clear and comprehensive return it is, too. Today' illustration shows one of the most attractive suit dresses for fall. It isn't a tailored suit at all. although It looks 'decidedly like one. The accordion-plaited skirt and the Russian blouse effect which fits loosely over It form a one-piece frock. The material used is navy-blue gabardine, with a self girdle trimmed at the ends with a. long silk tassel, military style. The front Is severely plain, with touches of em broidery In blues and black. It Is a most practical cos tume for the college mlrs About Clothes Woman's dress should be Appropriate ?or th occasion, r the work to be done in It, It should always be easy and the wearer mutt not appear to be uncomfortably "drMd up." Also it mutt be becoming- and graceful, but, more than all else beautiful. The wise woman does not select her hat until she has purchased her gown. There must be harmorr between these two Impor tant details of on' ward robe, not only in color, but in mode. The tailored gown has a tlclrt that I only moderately full and the proper bat can itker fee the flat, scantily trimmed sailor or the cun 'nlRg little toque with dec oration of the simplest Ostrich plumes simply will not do tor streets hat. They are only for the modish gown pf fluff and flutter. The Snail's Journey SLOWty and painstakingly, quarter lAb by quarter inch, Mr Snail worked h!roif toward the hedge at the 'e pf the arn. uch a long, long for uch a tiny creature' liut Sml wished to see Mr. Spider the It-, tjptder that Tommy Tittle- t awch wonderful tale about; m J"y was too great, no ta.K Mat tor Utile Mr Enall once lie Bvlnd it was to be done Mr Tey had been very kind M4 tJM thifSnali all that the spider JIM, rbut that W3 not enough fOr saUl K want' t hear with his i m na with own eye all mt : Tey bad, tsid of mA . with ertat patience and deter t ifn, be eraled toward the splder'g , o- a,)iu Try 'll know, when any . trie bard tnciuh and lonj enough. Ur,f-t '4iU can aap i lot littles fvr i.u hi. seisit vt uu Um rtl, bat ((i aavtvwu Gn vm uviw i , . .usVifa only halfway down It I mtsni njae out not a sign or ram couia .i?M ihJtr Thorltonvihn "' "v '"w ou' h to wait ki . ... "?eVT -M tbat I heag'LVflm & fttSJtft "b iur r i - i i -i EVENING AND THE WOMAN ' The bett dar for marriage It the post poned one," declared a delightfully charm ing woman , "A woman Is a liberal edu cation fer a man, but a man is a. most expensive education for a woman " There are lr who believe that, matrimonially teeAlelng. half a loaf is better than no bread or. in other words, that It Is up to them to take what they can git in the marriage lottery, and be thankful for It. "Life may be short, but there are long things In It matrimony for one," said a sago damsel who had been contemplating the marital plunge for quite a long time, let still remained shivering on the brink. "But you are fond of your fiance, and he comes first with you, doesn't he?" in quired a romantic friend "Kvery man likes to bo the first In a v omen life and ho generally likes to be the first out of It, too'" was the an swer Whatever may be said against marriage In general la nearly always wrong For It Is a mistake to take Isolated cases and as so many muddle-headed people will do confuse the general with the particular. A happj marriage Is the Ideal state for the average woman. Some women are spiritually and mentally unfitted for the restrictions of married life Others are unfitted for a variety of minor reasons. And such as these should continue to lead . , , , lives of single bless- iVr n For they will prorjaoiy una email blessedness In the married state These, however, are the exceptions which only serve to prove the rule The cynic fho observed that a man makes a mistake when he marries, and a woman when she doesn't, was fairly true In the latter part oi his speech The woman who doesn't marry must have sufficient resources within herself to take the place of hus band and home and children She must be strong enough to do without sympathy. a gret measure of companionship and to face the battle of life alone. -UWItt- iMiBH mxSa mmasmnmmmmfmHmmW JEflmmmmmmmmmmml &mHmmHB 'lllffimmmK mHHHIl - 'ilHHI GABARDINE STREET DRESS they eacb one reported, "Nothing like a spider to be teen" It was most disap pointing' Again the snail sent out his feelers, and again came the report, 'No spider to be seen," and all the while the sun crept lower in the western sky and the snail could not help realizing that the day would soon be over! imagine then how relieved and happy he was to notice that Tommy Tittle mouse himself wa creeping toward the hedge' "Tommy! Tommy Tittle mouse!" cried the mat! in a panic of fear lest the mouse should pat by without noticing him. "Come talk to me I I am hunting Mr. Spider and I cannot find Wmt" Obliging Tommy ran over to the hedge, found the spider web and wa Jutt ready to say. Hera It my friend the splderl" -tut he couldn't find the spider either! e punio" up ana aown tne weo; around the edges , and every place that a spider ws yu & "h the ciau r w pe tweni dtvrQMCUra rum , EED'GER-PmE:AEE:rai&. TUStfAY, SEPTEMBER WOMEN SURE OF SUCCESS IN VOTE FIGHT Suffrage Leaders Declare Faith in Men Who Will Pass on Question WILL WIN IN WALKOVER The ease of woman suffrage In Penn sylvania Is about to go to the "Jury." On November 2 the fate of the suffrage amendment, which directly and Indirectly, affects nearly 4,000,000 daughters of Penn sylvania, will be In the hands of the voters of this State for decision. Suffrage In Pennsylvania will win In a walk, according to Mrs Wllfled Lewis, president of the Equal Franchise Society. "That Is a foregone conclusion," the said 'We een hope to carry Philadel phia, though we will rely on the tide of pro-suffrage sentiment in the rural dis tricts to .counteract any prejudiced oppo sition In the large communities. "Practically over thing that Is decent Is for suffrige," Mrs Lewis said. "The edu cational forces, the press, the church and temperance associations the good gov ernment, labor and any number of other organizations Dr Anna Howard Shaw president of the NiMonal Woman's Suffrage Associa tion, also looks for lctory In this Statn. "The Just men of Pennslvanla will rally to our side," Ooctor Shaw said. "One of the biggest 'boosts' . of the campaign has been the fact that the lead ing Philadelphia newspapers have been for suffrage They have been a great help We surely ought to win BEEBER MAKES PLEA Dlmner Beeber, honorary president of the Pennsylvania Men's League for Woman Suffrage, refused to maVe any prediction He said I am a suffragist and shall vote for the amendment The Justice of the the ory of woman suffrage is so apparent thtt when a man begins to oppose It he finds himself floundering around hope lessly in a puddle 'In fact I have not heard as yet one good sound argument used against it. In referring to the Philadelphia vote Miss Mary H Ingham, vice president of the Equal Franchise Society, said "Conservative politicians are naturally opposed to the bringing of any large body of Independent voters into the elec torate " Suffragists naturally expect a fight from the political bosses and the 'gang' as far as Philadelphia Is concerned. The "gang rule, ' they say, will force many men In this city to vote against the amendment, while many of the independ ent voters, it is hoped, will vote "yes " GREAT RURAL POPULATION Pernsylvanla has only 23 cities The total population of the Stat6 Is close to SOOO.000, whle the population of the 29 cities aggregates only approximately S 096,701. according to the figures taken at the last census These fgures to a cer tain extent substantiate suffragist argu ments thai the pro-suffrage feeling In the rural dlstr'ct. may more than counter balance the "gang rule in the larger cities Suffrage workers have been active in Pittsburgh, which, with a population of more than 500 000. stards second on the list as to size Suffragists havte carefully noted the fact that after taking Into consideration the three cities named 26 cities in this state remain on the list and of these T range from 80 COO to 100 000 S rause from 200cl to "iO OOO 8 ranee from 10 000 to 25.000 3 rargo from 3.000 to 10.000 When these figures have been consid ered, suffragists say, there is cause for hope MEN GIVE AID Philadelphia men, including J Levering Jcnes, Isaac Clothier, William Draper Lewis and Francis A. Lewis, soon gave their co-oceratlon Tho iflrst public action In the campaign an action which meant a new era In suffrage In Pennsylvania was the draw ing of the bill for the presentation of the amendment to the Legislature In 1911 J Levering Lewis was chairman of the committee There was then a first hear lrg in Harrisburg, soon followed by an other In City Hall. The atmosphere then changed as if by magic. The suffrage cause, people saw, was no longer a Joke. It was borne to dignity Philadelphia saw the cause grow by tremendous strides In 1912, when the convention of the National Suffrage As toclatton was held in this city. Mrs. Lawrence Lewis was chairman of the Convention Committee, and through her Ingenuity and careful management, the convention was able to raise money for the cause The year 1912 saw the first suffrage meeting held In the streets of Philadel phia. Others have followed in rapid suc cession. Another party, the Woman Suf frage party, meantime has sprung Into existence, and after the convention was held here In 1912, the headquarters of the State association were removed to Har risburg , WOMEN'S HARD WORK. What have the suffrage campaigners done to arouse interest for their cause? Meetings, almost Innumerable, have been held all over the State, literature has been scattered wrldecast to sow the teeds of equal suffrage throughout the land. Two pageants and parades, with thousands of marchers, will have been held In this city before November election day, even the suffrage Liberty Bell ha traveled more than 3000 miles in this State Rain or shine, win or lose, suffragist leader say they will not despair. The work will continue, they say, right up to ejection day, when they will rest their case Then, at least, having put their faith In Pennsylvania's manhood, they will hope for the best. THE PERMANENT WAVE we Waved over a thousand heads durinq the last two SEASONS Will Make Your Own Hair Beautiful, Wavy and Fluffy for Months or Years Dampneu, Se Air and Whlna Will Not Affect or Remove It Six MetUkt' Guarantee No Fu, No Bother, In Hot S Demonttrslen In Our Show Window KAIKGOQM Q OLD w 1M CHMTHMT feWIFT RISE OF A THESPIAN STAR DAZZLES AND, DELIGHTS DOWNTOWN Little Miss Vivienne Segal's Triumphs Amaze New York and Give Her Friends in This City Abundant Satisfaction and Pride VIVIENNE By MTJSS EARLY yesterday morning a chit of a girl rushed into Broad Street Station hurriedly and, throwing down her black handbag, bought a ticket for New York Two flights at a time she bounded up the steps, her crop of brown curls bob bing agitatedly, her brown eyes glisten ing with enthusiasm. She might have been a college girl, eager to taste the Joys of her first collegiate experience, so ardent and palpitant were her movements and so intenso her "get-there ' expression MOMENTOUS PHONE CALL Miss Vivienne Segal, seemingly a bread-and-butter miss, straight from the se cluded precincts of a convent school, is a Philadelphia girl, who, by an unexpect ed stroke of luck (people always do call It an unexpected stroke of luck when It happens in this way), found herself cata pulted Into the leading role of "The Blue Paradise" over night. When she went to bed on this momentous night there was nothlrg more tangible to the realization of her aspirations than dreams. But at some witching hour her good fairy ap peared, waved the magically potent wand over her and in the morning the tele phone In the home of her father. Dr. Bernard Segal, 1537 South 6th street, rang and the operator said New York was calling for Miss Vivienne Out of bed she sprang excitedly and a conversation soriifethlng like this en sued New York Hello, Miss Segal? This Is the office of the Shubert Brothers calling. Little Miss Philadelphia (breathlessly): Yes? New York You are the young woman who had a hearing In Mr. Shubert's office some time ago along with a crowd of other applicants? Little Miss Philadelphia (more breath lessly): Yes New York: Mr. Shubert would like you to report to him Immediately. STAR ROLE IN A HURRY As a result of her Interview with J J. Shubert, the Philadelphia girl became a member of the Blue Paradise company and signed a three-year contract But the good fairy seemed to have a hanker ing after the little actress and a few dava afterward there was another call to the Shubert office. "The leading woman has been taken 111," the girl, was told with the brevity that characterizes these, big moment s "you are to take her place and you have Just four days in which to prepare your self." MAN'S HAIR DRESSING STUT, Pkll.J.lpbU Atlantic City Store, 2S57 Boardwalk. Now Open. SEGAL Vivienne Segal Isn't quite sure whether those four days were a dream o' a night mare, but at any rate they passed and the big night came with all the New York critics sitting like devilish monsters outside It was enough to take the ginger out of a more robust person than the slight girl But she never wavered. With a poise that, according to her father, has characterized her ever since she was a child, she let her clear sopraro out fear lessly and threw herself Into the part of Mlzzl, the littlo llower girl, with all the dash of ore used to the glare of the foot lights and New York newspaper men alike She made good That was last week. On Sunday she came homo to tell the family all about It, and the neighborhood swains, who always have been proud of knowing Vivienne, are now strutting around the vicinity of 6th and Tasker streets making chesty remarks and proudly claiming acquaintanceship with her 'W 0' WF m w m iiMi JssfL ft H U SPECIAL OFFER k Send In.tia Coupon bl?rwUb $2 and V w will and you wkh ear cempkmenta & Jopr ef fcboforcat o" Aulamn , iv iBfWoiia ffumbtr abowips mora .fe Hvv 'V nodel sown. tJ.t ParU "J''AtvO ha produead for th Autumn V, ' vVmSN l"l , ViV4:V 'TVJi Xv :. "ac; V.W .Xi, AVv Sfc5 'V X 11511 SUFFTIAGISTS CONVENE' TO DISCUSS NATIONAL BALLOT AMENDMENT Three Thousand Women Meet in San Francisco to Debate on Change in Federal Constitution RAP PARTISAN TACTICS DrAnna H. Shaw Opposes Proposed Attack on Democratic Party SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Sept. 14 About 3000 women suffragists are as sembled hero today for the first session of the three-day convention called to Indorse tho Susan D. Anthony amend ment to the national Constitution, which would give country-wldo voting power to women. There were voting delegatea present from the 12 suffrage States, while tho States In which women cannot vote had representatives without voting power on hand, . A principal topic bofore tho women was the question of opposing the Demo cratic party because It has not come out for national sum age. The sentiment against such opposition Is led by Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, president of the Na tional American Woman Suffrage Asso ciation, who declared that the women often hurt their own cause and alienated their friends among the men by opposing the party in power. Thcro was much discussion also of the present tactics of soliciting Individual members of Congress in an effort to obtain support of tho amendment This is a very active year for woman suffrage, for the question will come be fore the voters in the four great States of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Massachusetts. In Iowa the vote on suffrage will bo taken next spring, while another twelvemonth will bring tho Issue before the voters In West Virginia, Ten nessee and Louisiana. Besides considering the questions brought up by the State campaigns, the LUIG1 RIENZI 1714 Walnut Street Importer and Ladles' Tailor Fall Business, Begins with a Wonderful Display of Ultra Stylish, Ready-to-Wear Suits and Dresses New Fabrics, Beautifully Tailored, the Last Word in Fash ionable Smartness at Surprising Savings Gowns and Wraps For Evening or Dinner, Ball Room or Street Millinery Advance Showing of French Hats and Models from Our Own Workrooms $2 Invested in Vogue 'A'A tiny fraction of your Will Save You $200 The gown you buy and never wear is the really expensive gown! Hats, suits, negligees that just miss being exactly what you want, are the ones that cost more than you can afford. Why take chances again this year when by simply sending in the coupon and at your convenience paying $2 you can insure the correctness of your whole Fall and Winter Wardrobe? VOGUE suggests that before you spend a single penny on new clothes, before you even plan your Winter wardrobe you consult its great Autumn Fashion numbers: 12 HERE ARE THE WHICH YOU WILL forii'Tw "fr Forecast of Autumn Fashions The eirlieit tnd most i The eirlieit and moit authentic foreent of the Winter mode, preieottesr mora than lortr model rowni hr th fnrmn. ,i,ninri.H r.1 vrtm ,,! more than lor it model rownt (Hewn for the fint time in America In thli Imuo of Voovx, The founda tion upon which to build your Winter wardrobe. AutumnMillinejryNumberSept.18 The belt one hundred model hiti Parii his produced for th Autumn el 1915. Model gowni from the open inn tnd thelneweit models la eili and colffuert The Pari Opening October 1 The complete story oi the Paris open 1st ttbe sueceaiiul creation! of each couturier which taken coUectlTelr eitabliih the mods Autumn Pattern October IS Working plans (or your entire winter wardrobe lb newait models adapted to paiiera torrn. vorua raitemi bridle the sip between the limited and Unlimited Incom Winter Fashion November 1 Showier the mode in Its winter cul mlnitloo chirminr models smart couturltrs evolve (or their prlvat clientele Vanity Number November IS Thoi graceful little touch that make tba smart woman smart, what to yet them and how to use them In the next few months during the very period in which Vogue's special Fashion numbers appear you will be selecting your entire wardrobe for the coming Winter and paying out hundreds of dollars for the suits, hats and gowns that yeu select Consider, then, that fer $2 a tiny fraction of yeur low on a single ill-chosen hat or gown not oniy may you nave betore you at this important suffrage leader will also go over the plan for th great demonstration which will be held In the national capital when Congress convenes in December. TEACHER WILL BE GUEST Alumni of Nazaroth Hall Academy Hosts of Edwin T. Mack Edwin T. Mack, for TO year connected with the teaching staff of the Nazareth Hall Military Academy at Nazareth, Pa will be the guest of tho Philadelphia Association of Nazareth Hall Alumni, when It weekly "get-together" luncheons are resumed tomorrow at Green's Hotel Tho association Is preparing some pe elM feature for the weekly luncheon which will bo held throughout the win. ter, in order to bring together the former students and graduates for their mutual boneflt as well as for tho benefit of the old school. John E. Qapp, of tho Holmes Press Printing Company, Is president of the association. Tho other officers are John B. Scattergood, vice president; Harry H Schmidt, secretary, and Henry W. stel. wagon, treasurer. Ladies' Tailor-Made Fall Suits Baasr OPENING OFFER FrtAOBR'8 produc tion! bear teit amonr the beit. Advance Autumn Pzioe Sir you the adTtntar of securing a Mid-Beacon $30-C35 ?ar nn suit for O40.UU Mid-Season rancy 830.00 Latest material! Fit and workmajjjhlp of th uaual "Prajur' standard, which alwayj inur atlifactloa. J. PR ACER FatMojbl Irfxliw' Tailor 928 Chestnut St.. loss on one il!ehosen eown NUMBERS OF mklmstJ RECEIVE FOR $2 September 1 oremoat coutnrirri of ra Christina Gift December 1 Vorue's solution ol the Cbriitmt slit problem. A new Idea Cbristma Number December 18 More gifts and practical Ideal (or bolldtr entertalnuif Lingerie Number January 1 Fine linen for-vrteal use and for th household Motor and Southern January 18 The new fashions (a motorcars and the new wardrob (or th souther iioa Forecastof SprisgFaabW Feb.l BarlUst authentic new ef sprlsg tjrlti. Fully illustrated Spring MiWnery February 18 Hits, bonnets, and toques (rem lb iaaoui alllioHs of Paris Spring Pattern March 1 Wor Vlaif models (or ycr Syria sad bumratr Wardrob Fol l -M m iffliWliii ilLJ c ' ""y pvaw" vemyems)