ALL HIE JOY TAKEN FROM SAILORS' LIFE Can't Ev6n Hnvo Pajamas to Sleep In Were Fine for Coal Passers EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1915. 13 rJama aw exceedingly popular In the United States Navy. The sailors Just dote on them, yet Uncle Sam Intends to offer for sale to the highest bidder some thing like "0,000 pairs because the naval officials nhd the sailors dlsusTee as to hat use should be made or the gar. ments. The officials think pajnmas should be used to sleep In. Some one In nuthurlty who probably hail been given an ex ceedingly coinfoi table pair ot aUk ones (or a birthday present nnd ,found them to his liking sol the ld-a of supplying the garments less cxprnslve, of course to the sailors. For weeks tho orlKlrml order of 100,000 liy In the chip's stores, lello and unslept In. Then a snllor heard about them and Investigated. Within n short time 30.0o0 3f the garments had been withdrawn. Jut after a tlmo the officials learned that ror some reason the pajamas didn't last lonj. Sailors repeatedly turned back the old garments wom to ahreds Are the sailors such heavy slccpersT" atlccd the officials, "or are the garments of (llmsy material? An Invcetlgotion was made. Jack Tar in a pair of pijumas and a cool, pleas ar.l smile was found shoveling coal. Jack Tnr In colder latitude was found using tho pajamas ns underwear. Now Uncle Sam's going to sell 70,000 pajamas. "771 No Police Permit for Inventor Julius Uelgas. n chemist connected with the II. K. Mulford Company, will not got a permit In this city to demonslrnto his new explosive, of vhlch he says a few hundred pounds would blow up a city the Hie of Philadelphia, Superintendent Kohlnson hns declined to lusue the permit lclgas was prevented from making tha demonstration last Saturday New Financial Sleuth Dcttctlve William IMlterson has been nrslgncd to the financial district by Cap tain Cftivprnn. in itisnrf fiunli. i-J- lln Dond, who rcstitncd from the depart ment nnd Is now on the ponalon roll Do I tectlve ralterson I trsnrded as one of the most efficient members of the Deter ( tlvn Ilureati and is with all the bltt bank crcioki and swindlers FRANKLIN UNIVERSITY" FAVORED AS BETTER NAME FO OLD PENN Sentiment of Alumni Throughout the West Apparently Inclines to Change the Title of Venerable Institution. James M. Beck's Tribute to Founder's Memory The University of Pennsylvania should be renamed Kranklln University, In honor of Its Illustrious founder. In the opinion of nearly all the piomlncnt alumni of the West and Middle West, according to Horace M. LltiDiucott. secretnry of the General Alumni Society, who hns Just returned from a trip to the IMclltc coast, ns the representative of Provost Udgar V, 8mlth "Tho opinion that the University should be renamed Kranklln was ro general thar 1 was thoroughly surprised.' wild Mr. I.lpplncott todny "Kvcr.vuhcre I went I found that this was the Idea wlili-li seemed to bo uppermost In the minds or our alumni. Furthermore, the subject was nearly alwan first suggested by the nlumnl themselves. And whrn their opin ions were asked on tho subject they nil favored It. "The lda swms to he that IV n--vanla Is Just a much n national Institution n HjrvHfil. Vale or Princeton, but t' nt It lofts this distinction, In a measure, on account of Its natne. In the Kast most people know at once that the University ui i (-nunyixania is not a elate intuitu- thin, hut In the West, where every Stale has Its own Mate unlxcrslty, our Unl- tersltv ta generally classed as u HmllHr institution. We do not get tl-e value of l-'rankllu'ti name ns wc shou'd " TO WIJKK AUT.MNI'S VIKWS W'hln tli" iifM few months It Is planned to Kel the opinion of tho alumni tltum-elvtii oil .Mi- point If th mail" r Is rv.t submitted t- 11n board or dlreitoia of the Utne-ttl Alumni SuilMy. It will It liUroMuccd nt the convention of Asso tilled PinnsjHatil.i Dubs lo be held 111 Washington next spring. "IIioms who urge the chante of the riniii" to I ranklln t'nlvotslty malntnln that the t'nlvr rifj I.m mvi dnru Jus tice to tha griatnes of lie foundei. unit that the use of his name would give It a prestige which It cannot Have from Its present name. This Is particularly true since the popular Impression outside of the Kast Is that Pennsylvania Is a State Institution. The principal objection to the plan Is that It would entail tho chang ing of the charter, the rewriting of all the songs, the change of athletic Insignia, etc. Tho advocate! of tho change, however, point to the fact that until a few years , mu vuimiiuin university was Known as ' Ivltlfffl PnllMTf.- 1.11.1 .. TI.IMI.H ..! ut one tlmo known as the College of the State of New Jersey Within ten years, they soy, tha University of Pennsylvania, under Its new title of Kranklln Univer sity would have 'stabllshed Itself nnd that It would become the greatest univer sity In America. James .M. Uetk, formerly of this city, nnd une of America's most noted lawyers and orutors, Is one of the strongest ad voputva of the chnne. He committed himself to tho project In the following words "I nmild, :i a iltUen or Philadelphia, shine all Ihln-rs like to see tne Unlver slt of lcius!vanli In the future the pionler Amer'uin university 1 bellevo that It lx will in Its possibilities We have hraril from Hie itenn of the college 1 fuuult) the cr cliarartct titles of which I S'loke as nlrciidy ihuractprlzing the iitndni't of Its untverlty life, but I want to imp'ss ripon ui that to nccom- pn?n na reni mm povsinie destiny the University of Pennsylvania must en deavor, so far as possible, to break away from mere locsllty. "I have sometimes thought that the University would have been far more ad unccd If, Instead of being railed the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, It had been known as Franklin College or the Uni versity of PrankUn. The College of Phil adelphia became the University of Penn sylvania without losing Its definite char acter with the change of name, if Har vard were the University of Massachu setts, would It attract from every corner of the land,. In the same degree, many of tho best blood of the American youths? If Yale were the University of Connec ticut, would not tho very Idea of locality In Ha foundation to some extent militate against Its growth? And so, without sug gesting any change of name so dear to every graduato of Pennsylvania, yet would It not be well for tho graduates of the University to keep constantly be foro the public the Idea that this, of alt universities, is the University of PrankUn that It has his Inspiring genius, that he was Its founder, that his mighty spirit still broods over It And what colloje In all th a world has such ,1 founder7 "lie was the last of the colossi made Impossible, pci'iups, fotoier after by the ago of machines, ho was tho last of that Bruit older of men or whom Leonardo l)a Intl and Michael Angclo were great exemplars, men supremely great In a 2C tgtmaimmmmmm nwwa i Wlnssi ii -- - mm ! ut mm , , UiW JMPl.miW-W.-itj mum I . . ? VZ ( 3& . iv --- . f-s v v .-s; ? --.. -rr -;- r " 'TOFt7Airne:GFRf-a.M.I P!MM-i ii iii " iiiiJi I iaiaiMiHii mi , , t Bl i,,,,, , , M ,, ,, , llmm , , , mJ.J2.J2Z doten different dlrct!s: aLty Ml a grant in the woria ot MtUK r M world of intellect, but hla startlr As eanlsm Is IdenUfled wtthutha T-tJa; America, tcb xaet uct M sot founded tha University wf VnsMir1i but was in Its truest wax the) of tho American CommssiwJHw the very thought that rntaktt to sounder a most eloquent lnsraatm." Members ot the board of trans leading officers of the faculty have expressed themselves on tho .iMtion. ' they are watching theijnovemeirt Is growing without effort and DeMera ' the Issue will have ts bo met aqitanlrl before vtry long. Judge Sulzberger Fifty Yeara at Bbj Mayer Sulzberger. President Jads tf Court ot Common Pleas No. J, wis -W-4 retire from his Judicial carr at tt ' enu oi inc year, ceieoraieev on "I lini sM tho iOth anniversary of his admiMtoa tm a member of the Phlladeif Bac Judge Sulzberger studied law In tie . lice of Moses A. Dropsle, tL leader of tbj P-ar at that time. During htsactlrs iiaa tlco in the courts. Judge Sulzberger pa tlclpatcd In many memorable leitU fct ties, and was frequently the advenary John u. jonnson ana ouier notable law yers of that decade. He has served tw,j full terms, or 10 years each, on tha ot Court of Common Pleas No. 2. L:4ki nn vniciv rr tt. a .- .. , , -- -5-" -- r - 7 R 7 1 iA if i Jsar.ifa sinn:Jia33i.waTJ5,'Ew ( TO yTTTN. g 1,4'alltheW iu W ummer iJ.i303ure and ilealti Hesor ti -i AA y 1 V i if LTJiJE'f-'di-r.ijrsjEGafaraEiZIEEi i .1 fi .51 ' i a '- ! 7. i i- Sfjj iSiiiiiilM-WUJ-!Z2SSS,j;"'''" i. . 4 j. Wt II I -- JK JK iU-J ln S&Mft&PJflr ' zA-Wky iM ; , j jwi nisiw-tii ij-iBa-aii-uiiaaiwa-ps-iiifiaiiis-ii -s-tMis-! i i ijmxmmu9l -; -.-. - -.. .... n.-.-.. -,.,..-. - - ... , j i fi I JAMES W. CALLAWAY f &&AsAm: wwn-i-ja..--. .-in n-iiw,iMf ii i n hw'kp piiipp in , f , ..M , .a.rn'i n ,ntli 0 nt buudtns it wnn't l d. t tccn't brtak, I"" fcU CilW VJ Mtf t. h ? " riboroug&tsSIctt&cim, ATIANTTC CITY, N. .1. THr LEAOING REf.O 'T HOUSE OT THE WORLD Cannrhr lino Vn.ri.--m nml ICnriprnn Plann Tii. gieat esuntl-l o' a r-ort hotel, as distinguished fro"i n city hot-l, !, ample pirbllc pite i!-vorpd to the use of Its guests. In the f 'ii r bright and uliv f 1 rlnii'-e". I ob'nl". Pniloin, fj!illerli and .i ru ,., -ffoTving p'oi'"liiL' vistn" and hc.'iutirut promeu.idus. the wiiole (oinlilnlng lti, ip riilniia vli.lon of grnndcur and bc'lit" wlilih, ub'l icpletc with the tosy group of I or ic. nirnrd full vb-w of I'u nb -lii? nniiornmu of t'ic rthort life. In tbi o !-iiili! t'ic Mailhoreuoh-CIcnhelm tl.inds without an tquu! in tlM.t' 'lt or pb-nv'ie'e It "uwi-iTshln M.iniiK'inenr." w I ll nci'ount'ng fo- It unlnua reiut"!uii, ih n Kimr' nr of ibe b's'i cliHtuctir of Its pation.ige in tin" linen ntii r;uiil!ly of lt Kt",l- and cuisine. It employs onli iv'Mt iieivUc In 'fth lt Anitr'fin and a la c rte dining rooms. It ii'nkcJ .i Kpounltv of Itr luqh-rl.isH iiu'kIc every evening t'not'g 'out tie )cm with Tcrirl S'-rnlny night M)lo features, wlic'i rhl yer. with ui'h arttr :ib Ilomanl. Manolito. Koae and ill ip, liae htoii ir.o-t suproiaful At'e'ifc C''. i lih lt onlv if I .omiirtlior (KurnpM thfn 'tr inipr.-. r i i k .lit- rl - ii'uui! titirntlmii in,t iMitpr'aliurntM Two flying boat-V-. (l,ill, fi.'ii. c ,f lnir. hi Tup i'll fotiri" lb Yurlit Cluf.. tlif llMnc P" I and ibp Moril.rftit li'thliig lrn'li nitraot thlr r,ppllve fliotecs, lillo Hip plPr uiriiMi'ii':fi tn. Iho iltatrM, th rjn.irdu ilk, the nnc niutnr r .. Ih ui il .'' p:riiltt1 hi.t 1a muj n-Ktaurdnti HfTnri enjoi ment in All fi"r.- H ns ! nm At! mtv (.'Uv in, tlili car II l particularly rlte tut ll!utia rl hnnk!t nnl ratrt .IUMA1I Wlllfh Jl i().NS ClIMl'ANV JAMES W. CALLAWAY REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS ROOM3 S AND 10 SEASIDE BLOCK PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE AND BOARDWALK Branch Office: Atlantic and Jackson Avenue, Chelsea. UEACH FHONT PHOPEItTY A SPECIALTY ATLANTIC CITY, N. J, I ad October,' Coating, bathing, golfing, ihis season, and. Atlantic City's peculiar Gt'-for Lalth and recreation throughout hi fa 1 t 1.11.1 3wloteis tor every pocKetDCOK tne ereat Ses afford diversified pleasures; banking caaat tne service or am uo-to-aate stores nexcelled train facilities make the cky 'nt, Interesting trolley trips within and ires of special importance. lity has thousands of cottages and apart- ;e available at all times and at all prices. in j Many Persons 1 1 Find September the Most I ' "Delightful Month at the"Shoro e DneiDurne ATLANTIC CITY European Plan i Famous Everywhere for Its Grill JACOB WEIKEL n tlantic City. For further information Ih resort, write now to Atlantic City, N. J. tree, Philadelphia, Pa. IC CITY tmtr Pleasure and Health Resort fVJ Open All the Year The Phillips House Mass. Ave., Near Beach Atlantic City Fall and winter are delightful months in Atlantic City, and your stay will be the better enjoyed if it is spent at this hotel, where service, cuisine, comfort and every modern convenience are at your disposition at moderate cost. Send for our illustrated booklet that gives in detail full partic ulars of this hotel. Our automobile bus meets all trains. Make the Phillips House your home when in Atlantic City. F. P. PHILLIPS, Proprietor St. Clare Hotel AtlaClty Pennsylvania nue, near beach. Open surronndinjes. Rooms single. or'Ii suite with privSti baths. Write for booklets. Open all the year. J.C. & E.' LEWIS Proprietors, Bowketf Atlantic City Boardwalk and Mississippi Avenue Open all the year. Directly oa the Beach front. Entirely re modeled and refurnished throughout. Under new management. Ocean view from nearly every room. Rooms single or en suite, with or without bath. Hot and cold runnlnrr water In every room. American Plan, 2 per day or J10 per week up. European Plan, St per day or $5 per week up. Kitchen In charge of a capabla chef. Booklet oa request or at Ledger Central. SOPHIA 12. IIOAVKEIl. Owner. v EM.AIJKTH CEIUIAJV. Manaeereaa. WILTSHI I " " j RE VlrstDla ave.v.and the fceaehi the most cntral and popular location; c.ntro or all at tr&ctlono and amuaemanta. Capacity 300. Jmprov.d throuibout Boonu ctncU or en ult, with private bath; hot and cold running wttir In bedrooms; elevator to it. level! ipaclou porehee and un parlor, with ocean view. Orchestra. Superior table and excellent service. Special Fall and Winter terms,$12.B0 up weekly. 12.60 up daily. Auto meets trains. Open mil year, Soolclet. SAMUBIj ELUa 'wtsamit! C. J. ADAMS & CO. Real Estate and Insurance COTTAGE8 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED FOR RENT, FOR FALL, WINTER, OR BY THE YEAR EXCELLENT LIST OF HOTELS FOR COMINQ SEASON REAL ESTATE AND LAW BUILDING ATLANTIC CUT, N. J. ONLY FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES REPRESENTED Reliable and Prompt Information concerning1 ATLANTIC CITY and its fall and winter hotels can be had at Ledger' Central Bookets, rates, train schedules, etc, are free for the asking oa tho bakony. Chestnut Street at Broad THE woodwork sup plied for One cot tages undergoes the closest inspection and is the most difficult to fur nish. The fact that we are preferred by so many builders and owners spells satisfaction. "Call 32'' for Lumber, Mill work Glass. SomersLumberCo. 209 N. Missouri Ave. Atlantic City, N. J. rMleMMsMMWIWMHM MM rmi'uiwwn 0 pK Wl REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Cottages & Apartments Desirable Properties For Sale If you want to buy or sell or rent, consult us H. G. Harris & Co. Bartlett Bldg, Atlantic City FLY WITH AVIATOES ' J A Q U I T H and KENDRICK The Rett's It Attract 1 Fir la bo latest ataeaeata esl -afrtj. Join the tairaacsi - fbousaud who have ynmsnaead y. iov Ue ureatest yUssum am4 MM kaoirni bb view imfttt pUr mutu yuu All tkl (aa4Vt and KK.VURICH' rYiN MATa, Flyi S. M 4 IcJi i i Ml ssV , Ball Phasw. ,1