f n EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1015. !' M it n - ii. bk ruTr. m PREJUDICE AGAINST WOMAN SCHOOL HEAD (gmoii Grate Italics Antipathy ' -t th Sex, but Favora Choice of a Man tUmmt, Qntx, rtoe president of tae Hoard of Education and one of Its most Influential Members, denied today that tho board d prejudiced against the election of a. woman to tho wiperlntendency of achoola. Ha intimated that ho wad In favor or tJr. John P. Oarbef, acting superin tendent, but declared that bo would not support him merely becauso ho was n. man. "I know of no woman In Phlla tlrlnhla." he said, "who has had tho all- around experience of Doctor Oarbcr and lias given evidence of such executive ability aa he possesses. Because we think there Is no woman aa fit for tho position, we back a man. "That we have no antipathy toward the female sex: Is shown by the flection of Miss Katharine E. luncheon to tho prtnelpnlshlp of the Girls' High School. rvmrnatly, t am npportlna; Dr. laicy Wilson for the position of principal of the South Philadelphia Illsfc School for Qlris. I believe that she, In tho best person, man or Woman, for the job. "Doctor Wllaon cannot have the posi tion tiajoss tho board suspends the rule forblrlm; the appointment of a mar ried woman. A quorum of It votes will be necearary, but I am sure that we will carry the board." Miss Mary II. Inffham, president of the Rqual Franchise Society, which sent out circulars letters to women's clubs, calling their attention to the vacancy In the superintendent, declared today that her organization had not Indorsed any can didate. "Wo slmpty wished to Indicate that the vacancy afiordrd an opportunity to Philadelphia women. Miss Inchntn also suiwestPd the election of a woman physi cian to membership In the Board of Edu cation. Miss Ingham Is a member of the board of corporators of the Women's Medical College, and Is connected with an International banking concern In an oxocutlvo capacity." ITospItnl Nurses to Give Fair A fair will bo Biven by the pupil nurses of the Northwestern Hospital on the hos pital lawn, at 3)17-1 North 22d street, Frllay and Saturday, September 11 anil JR. Donations will bo made by friends of the hospital. PRICE OF BEAUTY RISES AS WAR FIERCELY RAGES AND TARIFFS VEX Rosy Cheeks That Grow Under Rouge, Invisible Face Cream and Powder Puffs Pale Under Ruling of Customs Officials Tho cost of vanity la coins up, espe cially for women. First the price of rosy cheeks was advanced by an Incrcaso In the coat of rouge, Invisible face pow ders and beauty creams. Then the cost of beauty spots took a Jump. A year ago, pood, heolthy, dreamy June spots could ho bought for 15 cents ri dozen, and suddenly, on account of the war ot the scarcity of tho material, the spots went to 25 cents a dozen. This forced many girls to buy only nn In-.ltatlon of beauty spots when Ihey hadn't the cheek to sport tho rcnl thins. But the troubles of beauty aspirants did not stop there. Today it was an nounced that there was to be a big Jump In the price of powder puffs. This Is duo to the fact that all Importers must pay a 0 per cent, ad valorem duty. For somo time the powder puff has been non est, having been succeeded by tne powder rag. This Is a circular af fair which looks like a half-baked fish cake. It la decidedly porous and can retain a supply of powder Indefinitely. The rag succeeded the puff becauso the latter was. condemned by physicians. They declared that tho fluffy puff was the best thing In the world for spreading skin disease and so forth. But It appears that they didn't say a word against tho rag, which would appear to be Just as dangerous and ao tho rag thrived. Wherever there Is a woman, an elevator and a mirror, ono of these rags Is sure to appear. Recently some of th fair ex contend ed that the rag was Just ns dangerous as the puffs, and ns the latter Is much more dainty, nurry nnd picturesque many re turned to tho puff. And then the dealers got tuny and Imported them In large num bers. And so they have been reminded that, according to paragraph 2S of the 1112 tariff act, there Is a 40 per cent, ad valorem duly. Some of the dealers protested, but the Board of United States Otneral Apprais ers overruled the protest. Just how much milady wilt have to pay for Imported puffs now Is a matter of con jecture. In addition to the extra duty, the salary of the saleswoman, advertising and tho cost of sending It home must enter proportionately Into the cost of the puff. Possibly some American manufacturers will try to make the puffs here, and, aa there Is lots of wool available, why not let the American girl reap tho benefit! MARRIED FIFTY-ONE YEARS MISS MILDRED H. COLE TO REFORM CAMDEN Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilackenburg Celebrate Wedding Anniversary Congratulations on the fifty-first anni versary of their wedding are being rc cefved by Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hack cnburg, 953 North th street, today. Lrtat year the couple were guests at a cele bration given In their honor at tho Mer cantile Club. This year they have plan ned to observe the anniversary quietly. Mr. Hnckenburg Is grand treasurer of the Grand hod go of Masons In Pennsyl vania and Is president of the William B. Harkcnburg Silk Manufacturing Com pany, 1211 Arcn street. Philadelphia Social Worker En ters Field Across Delawaro With Enthusiasm Camden, according to Miss Mildred II. Cole, a aoclety girl and the newly ap pointed assistant probation officer of the Camden County courts, offers a far great er field for "the scclal service worker than Philadelphia. Miss Cole has entered upon her duties as assistant to Arthur Prcssey, Camden County's probation officer. The work Is not new to her, as she has had threo years' experience as a social worker In Philadelphia and Is widely known by tho officials of the city courts. Sho Is fully aware that her position Is no sinecure, but, Instead of being daunted by this fact, she Is highly pleased, and can see nothing but the opportunities presented to broaden her experience as a social service worker. At her home In Merchantvllle, N. J.. Miss Cole spoke, of her Interlay w- Camden with creat ntt,.i.. Philadelphia." she said, "the mt-Jj! conducting social service work l ,; plcte that one entering ih. .-... S but little opportunity to mako a coimi nensivo siuay oi its many phases u rally, the cltv. wllh It. .t... ... '-.. -, - --.. ... -urcnuQ Cam Ita Court of Domestle ntitiA..- Is excellently organized charities, Umlt2 .MM.Ina wn,1f W "In Camden. Iicmm, ,v, fcrent. nnd tho areair A. "5"..tr i service work falls to the probation ..V therefor I r1 h.i - ' .i,0.n OMa Mmh. 1.. ' " " ,0.W ""J Of urn. nnrAktni? frnm tu. ... . . v social service worker. Is entire, veloped." ' HS Miss Cole explained that her wort J? consist mnlnlv In'ruiri-fiBi.i .."w l,t ramtll.n r.e kl.w r.. . I" nl0r other city, has Its share. "as hi I. , believer In woman' rial,,. .. . ' nrobablv that the ilMInn,,.,,,. ,.... l that city will nnd llfo far from ?S "bed of roses" since he, I bH!M tho office. pane? Although no person could po.sibi. ,J3 her work moro seriously. Mis. ri 73 not mako It the themo of her con,.' niter on c Hours, m h. i. .... ..- Ing to discuss clothing, politics or ibS '" I J-IIIIMMIW.LMIJ-I , ANY KIND mmmammmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmm&mmmmmmmmmmB&mmmBmmsmamns: I iX.:., j"Ji!j IMM A v. S. ATLANTIC! rTTV. N. .T N 1 N,, TIiiii iiiiiii a. rW-fiiJ S n JLU ggggWCl. i-iJ...!Jilir5arf-iJi2Sii'W'irTTJVl7 riV',l-f .n'Tii'twIMr-'-'Jfc-iVEi J 1' i ii s 111 Ullll I' "I 'I "Ti'"" t0 sT1 ITIi ' '"J.O m - 1 C." -.-V ifti-f-t '-' I" iLm&Mmmms i ikzis-t-stznrimmir-1 :i --' a -a. jra-jw.(6'-' .-" h EDWARD A. WILSON CO. NSURANCE ANYWHERE Special Attention to Placing Fire and Liability Li net for Philadelphia Broker HARTLETT BUILDING Atlantic City, New Jersey 407-109 Walnut Street Philadelphia I S333fiF,3 'TaA'i JU-L Sf Congratulations to the Eveninc: Lcdffer on Its First Anniversary Tho PUBLIC LEDGER and EVENING LEDGER, as representatives of American journalism, command prestige and leadership by the power of their own excellence. Atlantic City receives increased luster by such light and the fraymorc flashes the emerald rays from its topmost tower, three times nine, as a salute of gratitude. DANIEL S. WHITE, President JOSEPH W. MOTT, Manager 60 MILES AN HOUR ipj-a V a READING FLYER EN ROUTE TO ATLANTIC CITY 60 MILES AN HOUR The Line That Saves Your Time " Pullman 'and Club Cars carry you to the heart of Atlantic City. Frequent, fast, steel vestibule express trains that leave on time, travel on time, arrive on time. Chestnut St. Ferry Ph ladelphia & Reading Rwy. The O.verbrook Fireproof I PwHU Abeve Illinois Nowhere fn Atlantic City will you be better suited than here. Hundreds of people have enjoyed them- ,.elves in. this hotel thfs summer., Plan now to spend I' September here. Atlantic City jcy&rHEALTH . ifcSrPLEASURE) MirCOMFQRTK S GARDEN PIER OPEN ALL YEAR ALWAYS OPEN R. H. MOTT .3 PHOTOGRAPHS if rr wxm viimoanAPHEO In ATJMiTtC ClTJf Wi: HAVfc, If rUHFER B. SMITH Tit QjMal Phleuraphr 8 S? B.F.Keith's Garden PierTheatre ATtANTIO OITV Finest Ofer-titfrOceai Ptayiwwe In Ibe WU rUylna Nln ,ratiu., .of K.lth'a Supra mo VaudtMlU vry wttlc J l'errormnnc.a itllr, Allerneion nl MehL Wiatnc,lb Cnor 8rjr Sunaay J,l6t. MATINKK A I Garden of Dances Garden Pier T. Wl.tar Orookett. LciM Dancing Afternoon and Evening Exhibition Dances Roller Skating Tango Contests Party Nights Motion Pictures Every Night A Feature NW ID nyerylbl Id Sar4y . f MHNnMWHMMi.HlJaaal,aa ""fWrsSrvrr w-z, " "- . , u'.a!', i I SA I I If ' " mm FOR SALE Two New Cottages inthcBestNeihbor hood of Chelsea S6200 $9500 Nothing like them in Chclse'n; G Laths, hot water heat, good looking, up-to-the-minute equipment. These two sottaes are placed at low prices to effect an im mediate sale. PETROFF & EMLEY Ileal Kntute In all ila llraurliea 3100 CirAdaiitlc A ChfUra A. qi nn iUU Atlantic fit. N. J. dlUU FOR SALE Bargain COTTAGE 136 St. Charles Place Atlantic City, N. J. 7 Ddlrooma, 2 baths, hot-water heat, laundry. Lot 40x100 feet. Bacharach Real Estate Co. 1510 Atlantic Ave. LARGE BUSINESS SITE FOR SAM! 1IKABONA11I.K ALSO Fine Modern Cottage Lower Cheftea TEHMS TO SUIT JOSEPH A. McNAMEE SIAltlNH TltUST COMPANY Atlautlo Cltj WELLSB0R0 KENTUCKY AVENUE AND BEACH " Popular Moderate-Rate Hotel Ulve thli hotel a trial for a day. If at itaflya' Wh.nia?,;.k,coa,nrplr.oK!'nU " ' Siat er,VeVir-n.oo,Vr -VS? mters & pnoTnEna JLiOTAC fef THTcnnr 7R1T OftrVJ RjONT.mttHt7Urror ATUNTICCm r AiyfTrftP.'nt.Copoc,turOO Onll.qrchestra.Dndno.Oge - MACK LAT2 & CoT 9. Hotel Warwick South Carolina Ave. rt House iVam Beach l,'SUt.,l..iit?it bot.l o. ua parlor toq other moa.'n Imwnm&Z THE RUNNYMEDE' 5ibiiS,vit,K,0.a 'rMor'" WviSind' puyio latbi, tun parlor, to. 0n aU yaar. Writ, for iltu.traUd bioklS. MKS- I. MclLWAW. s&5m AVVfSfA vHttVr' vjwsmv vi'Sfftfv i VwaSSKSlKi? Ng BSIEISJEJEEEEEISIEj'EIEIEIfeT $7 1 j?jaisiai5jai5iaiaiaiajEiEisaiaiaj5i3 CO The World's Premier Winter m WW"' It Atlantic City is af its .best in Septcmi fishing and motoring are always id! location makes climatic conditions! the tall and winter. Within Atlantic City are year-i boardwalk, amusement piers and i institutions of national prominence are always prepared for every denl quickly and easily reached from eve! without the municipality are other! Aside from its numerous hotels, Atli ments, furnished and unfurnished, 1 Plan now to spend the fall month! regarding this great playground ad The Chamber of Coi ; ,,, or to Ledger 0 f3l Hi COME ATL Hie World's Premier Winter (J.U4i UW lJ 1 LJSSSSS? "W l WWWIMMM MM. csaiaa8aeacgs I, ? iU HW lafB VWZ I i fcv