fiv ', m )RJENTAL ASSEMBLY OBSERVES BIRTHDAY ig Cnmpnlgn Begun by Ger- mantown Assembly Artisans' Order of Mutual Protection Oriental Assembly, of the Artisan 'Order of Mutual Protection, observed It th annlversnry with an Interesting meeting lt Monday evening. There was .. urge attendance and the event proved K, of Inspiration and pleasure for nil 1. fortunate enough to be present. This R assembly Juts been successful throughout I T.. .....An, hnil ttromlftefl lnta nt nntltrlli IB ins On Monday. Beptemher 1. 1800. rrellml try mating for the Inception of Oriental As Mfflblr held Bt Cental Halt, 13th and xnti streeta. with Jamee Irons as chairman and t. C Underdown,. secretary. On Tuesday evening, Hcptomber 10, 1800, Ori ental Aembly, No. IT. was Instituted at Bticsluers' Hall. Broad, street and Fair neurit avanua. by M. E. M. A. Brother Charles T. Evana. Brothers A. T. Goodman acting si conductor and Austin Hidden aa wtrdir. both ot whom were members of Non renal Assembly, No, B. and who later bt cam membera or Oriental at tha consolidation ef tha two assemblies In 1001, On this memorable, night, with r,o members trmnt. representing 13 assemblies. Oriental Assembly was orranlsed with 21 brothers re sponding to the charter roll. Brother Charles jTNarloT was elected and Installed aa tha 8rit master Artisan: Brother Matthew dray wit made superintendent, and limther Joseph 0l. Inspector. Urother J. Howard Deck wis the Srst recorder. Of the 21 brothers who sinned the original charter, eight are still members, 1'J have dropped nut cf the order for various reasona and three hao been called to the Most Ex. cellent Assembly on HUh. The first assembly room wns In Hrtcklaycrs' Hall, from which the assembly moved sub Miuently, on October 21. iwn. to American lrln of Honor Hall, 221 North nth street! AVgusi ci. two, vo luerrius' nail, llltn street and Talrmount avenue; March 10. 1800. to Co lumbia Building-. 2213 Columbia avenue; June to. 1001. to Hanks' Hall, Rroad elriet and Columbia avanue, and on August s. 1001. in the preient quarters. - On the request of Nonpareil Assembly It was consolidated with Orlentnl In Hanks' Hall. Dread street and Columbia avenue, on June 20 1W4. Oermantown Assembly of the Artisans' Order ef Mutual Protection, under the leadership of In energetle Master Artisan Urother Elmer P. Cook, has Inaugurated a fall campaign for new members. Thirty members of tho assembly have volunteered to captain as manv membership team, with the Idea of producing a competition, This plan has always been effective, and good results are expected from this campaign. The laat meeting of the as sembly waa attended by 200 members, all of whom ara enthusiastic about the welfare ot No. 30. Things will be atlrrlng In Germantown. It U aald. Bartram Assembly admitted two candidates at Its meeting on Mondav evening. Drothera A. J. Ksllcr. Jacob R. Jordan and Jarim r Mnrr t th' Committee of One Hundred, were prea- cm anu wuiiiuuivu runic npiuuuiu reinarKit Dr. S. W. Gadd, the medlcal-examlner-ln-chltt, has taken a much-needed and long-do-frred aeatlon at Lake George. N. V. Tha Doctor, who has been constant In hln pmlpnvnr to nil the requirements of his position, as well aa similar positions and his general practice, has been neglecting his personal comfort and health. The members of the various committees In charge of the Artisans' rally have taken hold with a vigor and earnestness that means success. , Charles W. McConnell, chairman of the Com mute on Talent, called his co-workcra to gether on Wednesday evening. Tho feeling that no palna or expenae should be spared In order to give the membera an evening to be remem bered forover waa exprescod unanimously, and they are now looking for tho best that can b found in the lino ot first-class entertain ment. The Publicity Committee. In charge of T. Frank Kendrlck, chairman, la doing the pre liminary work necessary to acquaint every member through hla asaembly of the Important event In October. Those assemblies which met early In tho month have received the newa of tha grand rally with enthusiasm, and their attitude Insurei the success or the undertaking which Most Excellent Master Artisan liariy C Smith la promoting. The Committee on Tlcketa, Allen P. Cox, chairman; II. D. Prentiel. Cleorgu K Hale and Herman Meyer, will open offices at 201 Park way Building on Wednesday, October U, at a. m. Mall orders will not be filled until tha personal demand has been satisfied. Union Assembly will hold Us September meeting In the Parkway llulldlng Thursday sight at 8 o'clock. The Entertainment Com mittee has engagod professional talent and a splendid time la promised all who attend. The slritlng of tho quartet and u smoke are also on we program. Tha next rnVetlne of William Patton Assem bly will be held In the Parkway Building at 'SMMb.m. on Tuesday evening. Master Artisan liXFry A. Wlnterknlght, Jr., haa Issued an appeal tor all members to attend. W. B. A. OF THE MACCABEES Fine Time for Betsy Ross Review at Wildwood and Central Commit tee at Oak Lane Many members of the Detsy Ttoss Re view went to Wildwood and were enter tained at tho cottage of Sirs. Shaw, one of their members. On Tuesday evening Betsy Ross Review received ono application for membership and had visitors present from all reviews. A luncheon closed a pleasant cvdnlngr. Quaker City Review has purchased new llnena far tiDlt-cloths and aomo ot the members have I formed themselves Into a "sewing bee" to meet 'at tha home of the record keeper, Mrs. Jennie C. Wright, so that they may be ready for tho birthday party" In October, when the review will celebrate the birthday of the association. Philadelphia Review conferred the short form upon one applicant at the laat meeting and elected tha following officers to eerie for the term beginning October 1: Commander, Mrs. Kate Haney; paat commander, Mia. Ada Gor suihj lieutenant commander, Mrs, Ilottenbury; juf,JSePer Mrs. Alfrlda Olaoni finance au-?,"?,rvMrs- Mary Barron; chaplain, Mrs. Mary tullahan, lady-at-arma Mrs. Jennie Walla; SWil Mrs- Arndt; sentinel, Mrs. Anna Oa terhcldt, picket. Mrs. May Reynolds; mualclan, Mrs. Maud CroU. - ,55 mbbera "era greatly pleased because on lhe clty banner for the term ending ftcembrr SI. and hvi, arrfinfprt In calibrate W ir?,v!.1t and the Annlveraury of the aasocla- It i c"y t0 w,n ,ne c"y banner when Ml.. ,i.., ' Jl""!.10 ino reviewa ot me cuy uy Kf5f tiM. "'"n1 E. Hurgln some years ago. The re. i iiiT i!lak.ln ths greatest net gain In member- frt:"iV? All B?.nnT "A ow . t lor u 1 t rlf m7i " wu, ii any otner review in iiiv HX.' 2 JiEft" a greater net gain, the review hold. Mfe i irliJl? banner must turn It over to the winning IBS'. ' TTTieW. WhO tnil.t ka aurt an.1 1m. ' vita all Bmkm .. X:? " " ,?ftt- .... -'. . t? retuSii ..S5,puln M" Minnie E. Durgln T tai? 5 .,.hl c,,y Bcptsrnber 1 after a two f til ic,,on ni wl". wh the asslstanco m.mi.mVrb5JCJ f,an campaign for XOO new eitikn.k.V , '""' service win n poss Die, am r .SSaJn thl elt b'or ho close of tha aliuJ.?. i?c?l,,a tv"Y member has now the charX c .'"' ,h wl "ver becom a publlo "ne, much succsas I anticipated. m. 8i?..t,'ne.r. moot lig of the Central Com- Una u iwJf",Jw,,B "" Crowell at Oak isltf ll aurr,rWfd?"d,y' ni Mr"' Crowell had a r Wursrpr!jS ln ,or 'or " numbers and treei i,.Ii .. "" conauciea to seats unaer .f?iiu5Ju,n5r ,.h meeting, some membern i tilJnai aSShl. n8v's,w. to which Mrs. Crowell TO."! helped set lonir tnhl.. ,Lh(l, .,,n .sblta: iD,?i!f a loa1 ofsalada and other eat rTcrA,.iiln,lloUi0'.tnanls wss tendered Wflwi flm;'.'f?.U.'hm.ntlna "'"' ,or ,n !iRARNATI0N CLUDlJELEBRATES yl Arcanum Members and Friends , UanCtt Bt Wlllnur Rrn V. ".-.. -.,v r-JJii Carnation Glub held lt dlnner J5?r at willow Grove Park on Thursday B .---.. o.wiuutin ie eyemng was warm "' pen.on enjoyed tho motor trip r4 i ; g,uu "Cl unei mcci- y. .nwjive me various commttteo ro ut1 BftAt tl.a. Jljf .-. . s ?a.. nn WUkercham waa presented and iwom(llea, AuxllUry w organlwdand tm m " ciiiuhcu iur 1110 iiri ins iii. rt ti e winn ifnnrn si ivtHim i n and Mr, n. J. Btoklnser were ta for the ofllce of president, sec . -"u treasurer, respectively, 'ineir j !" WW I1WIU VU11, ihfnri n?or ,n "s Casino was reserved ill inlci1.'i5iv,,l"f "'JJ1 Csrnallon Club tsrhih'wi ib.'t'.iVJ. .t'"."'.".."" " in October at the Bingham House. , eran1 ravMnl . d. .uiu.i. n, l.u tmVf '?' 0." Thuraday with dlatrkt depu. in Vs ,'. Arcnuunj icuaers ot rnnanei' at and vicinity at tha Hotel Walton Tha N ihat ,M,,nur tarnpaln will t maped PJ'y'rahla Councl la planning for a big J V Itally n'ght was held list rfldas i swis tlwrves In tW coumll" new EVENINq J't'H-t depllly nw of healra. several net "w enitor for the -ouncUa papr new patriots and a rcr,Xn,'n,A,LF.0,lnc,l '" "" signing up new on Thurad0,,lit..c " Initiation Is expected wr.K a " " PHILAUELI'IIIAN HONORED J. K. HntJck Uc-olcctcd Superintend ent of Juvenile Work by Good Templars TerrnSlaV.Mi2ni.lL 'A' N"onl Txxlre of Owd est sav Mr. r 1r"n,?'reo wa" '" o' lnt teturtiMi i!: i J WjJ'hman. who 1ms J.t of eattil J:.SlSre Cotterell. former Mayer mln Wrl.htprildMrt .x absenee of Henja,f.NJ"!; Yo,k- Mrs. Wright was Wvlta 1.'2li?,,?X ?"lff Templar, WlTlard O. Itaurk E!,IA TTT"1 'retry ami J. K. nerVnti-'n,?.!1 tl,.','l,'n .' w" retained aa su perintcndent of Juvenile work, r.u(bu2tnmldni '"V1" Infltea Ita frlenda to a Thura.t.?(i ln. A,r"mlnRo Mlwlon next sheaf lane? ' ,tr"1 aml Wn"- K. OF G. E. TO HONOR LANCASTER CHIEF Prominent Men From Every where to Attend Banquet for John B. Graybill One of the largest testimonial banquets ever Klvcn ln the immc of tho KnlKhts of the Golden Hnglo, will occur next I'Hclay evcnlnR, nt the Hotel Drunswlck, I.nncaster. This will be the occnslon of the presentation of a lmmlsomo past Brnntl chief's badsc nnd Jowcl to 1'nst urnnd Chief John n. Qrayblll, of thnt city, hb well ns tho testimonial voted that brother ns the retiring grnnd chief nt the last annual session of tho Grand Castlo. Tho occnslon will bo made nn elaborate one by tho banquet to be tendered to him. nrother arnyhlll wns nn extremely popular officer of the Grand Castlo and retires from ofllce after giving Invaluable sovlce for several years for the Rood of the order. Tho committee In charge has already received 300 acceptances, which Includes the members and their ladles. The members of the commttteo are Past Grand Chief Honnrd I., lions, of Heading. mIS rmn,n. I'ast Ornnd Chief John W. Hooper. Philadelphia. District Grand Chief John K. Dormer. Philadelphia, Past Orand Chief II, g. Homberger, Lancnater; Col. Frank 11. Skccn. Lancaster. I. H. Urooks. West Willow, and Pabt Chief H. W. Hottemteln, Kast retcraburg. Among tho prominent members of the ordor who w in nttond with their ladlea nre Supreme St J ,J?nn..w. Ford' Philadelphia: Grand Chef John t. Ileggs, Pittsburgh; Onind Vice Chief John P. Ilrounlry, PhlUdelphlai Grand Keeper of Hxchequer Harry Neamand. Pcrka slo: Grand Master of Hccnrds I,. I. Gallagher. Norwood. Col. Charles N Wllllnma. Phllsdel phia. Taet Grand Chief M. P. Schantz. Allen town ; Pnat Grand Chief Dean J. leakno. Chester: Past Supreme Chief Jacob Aull. llal tlmore: Paet Huprcme Chief John M Shap pell. Philadelphia, Past Grand Chiefs Elmer A. Itcesor, George R. Gregory and Joel Y. Keck, of rteadlrg, nnd Grand Sir Herald Harry A. Hcrbst, of ncthlehem. On Saturday, September 1R, the onnual county convention of tho order In Lancaster County will be held nt Kphrata, and all the Qrand Castle officers will attend. RAID OX SPEAK-EASIES Two Men Accused of Illegal Liquor Trafllc Along Darby Creek Accused of maintaining spcnk-ensles two noathouse keepers along Darby Creek nro being held by tho Delaware County au thorities, and other arrests are promised. The men, William Phllllpo nnd John tonnrd, were captured In a tald made by members of 4he State Constabulary nnd detectives, and are being held under fSOO ball each for a hearing on Thurs day. District Attorney John D. Ilannum. of Delaware County, and his assistant, Wil liam Taylor, have been working on a speak-easy Investigation for weeks past, nnd a general clean up along the outlying sections of Philadelphia Is promised. The first raid wns the outcome of disclosures mado by frequenters of the boathouse following their arrest for fighting. For tho past few months Ksslngton hns been divided Into factions on the boat lrbuse question. One class of citizens, anxious to preserve tho good reputation of the locality, aro aiding the authorities, whilo the other Inclines to tho Idea that no unusual conditions exist. The two nrrcsts already made are In dicative of the attitude of tho authorities. The place run by Phillips bears tho In flammatory title of "Tho Blazing Rng.v whllo Leonard's place Is almost equally ns well known by nn equally euphonious title. Nine kegs of beer, a slot machine and several Jugs of whisky were con fiscated by the authorities. PLANNING STUDDS FUNERAL Arrangements Being Mado for Bur ial of Pennsylvania Railroad Man Plans are being made today for the funeral of Colin Studds, assistant general passenger agent of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company, who died of pneumonia Saturday at his home In Wayne, Pa. He was St years old. Mr. Studds Is sur vived by his widow and two children. II r. Studds was born In Fairfax County, Va., and after attending prltate and pub lic schools entered the employ of Balti more nnd Potomac Railroad at Washing ton In the telegraph department. In 1689 he waa transferred to the tourist depart ment In this city nnd ln 1913, at the time of tho reorganization of tho passenger department of tho Pennsylvania lines, he was mado assistant general passenger ngent with headquarters at Droad Street Station. Mr. Studds was a member of the Lotus Club, the Traffic Club, tho Now Tork Railroad Club, the Friars' Club, the Lambs' Club, the New York Chamber of Commerce and several other organiza tions. r VETERANS' SONS HAVE FETE Fred Taylor Camp Seeks Funds to Build New Armory A street carnival will be held on East Lehlg'n avenue, between Kensington nnd Frankford avenue, beginning tonight, by Colonel Fred Taylor Camp, No. t. Son; of Veterans, The carnival will be held every night until September 2T to raise funds to build an armory to replace the present one at 2006-08 Stella avenue. September 18 will be known as "Pre-' parcdness Day." Then military organi sations wfol march through the streets of Kensington to show ss much as pos sible tho war strength of the northeast section of the city. ' Tne commltteo In charge of the car nival consists of Captain Richard M. WrlBht, Lieutenant Theodore O. Dost and William Macdonald and Qua-termaster Sergeants Harry P. Miller and George W. Westerman. MUMMERS' CARNIVAL TONIGHT Lobster Association Will Raise Funds for New Year Parade Tha Lobster New Year's Association will hold a street carnival all this week, beginning tonight, on Jackson street, be tween 6th and 8th streets, for tho pur pose of raising funds to retain Its laurels aa the champion fancy dress club of the city. The carnival, which will bs one of tha largest ever held downtown, will be fea tured, by a popularity contest for youne women and girls, Every night this week a band will provide inusio so that the young people may dance in the street. Captain Joseph Porn Is ln charge of the a.Talr Hs "islsted by John Mooney, Jacob Koons and Joseph Chambers. LEDGER PniLADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER EXPECT RECORD CROWD ! AT GRAND CASTLE MEET Now Jersey ICnlghts of Golden I Englc to Plan for Growth ' nnd Elect Officers i Knights of tho Qolden Ragle from all 1 the 0 subordinate castle of New Jersey ' will nssomble at Trenton on Monday, Sep- ! tember 20, for tho Md nnnunl session ot I tho Orand Castlo of New Jersey. The session will be hold In K. Q. K. Hall, lllbsam llulldlng, beginning at 10 n. m. Grand Chief John D. F. Morgan, of Cam den, will preside, with Orand Master of Records A. I Clark, of Trenton. In charge of tho clerical end of the pro ceedings. Grand High Priest Horatio Clayton, of Spring Lnke, and Orand Keeper of Kx chequcr Samuel 8, Wyckoff. of Trenton, having completed flvo years of scrvlco In those positions, become eligible to the Past Urnnd Chief's degree and member ship In tho Supreme Castle. For tl post of Orand High Trlest David Sutphln, of Trenton; Arthur O. White, of Fnrmlngdalc, and John L. Dowls, of Asbury Park, have already nn announced themselves ns candidates, whllo tho aspirants for the (Irnnd Keeper of llxchequcr's post, to dntc, are P. 11. Rennctt of Plalnfleltl. and Ernest True man, of Tronton. The present Orand Vice Chief, Fred P. Cook, of Point Pleasant, will be elevated to tho post of Grand Chief without op position and tho snmo procedure will b followed in raising Grand Sir Herald Percy W. Owen, of Ilrldgeton. to tho office of Grand Vice Chief. For tho posi tion of Grnnd Sir Herald, which Is tho ,..!,. the ""ne" offices. Past Chief Ulllnm H. Bergonu, 0f Washington Cnslle, No. 1, of Camden, has announced hlmsolf n candidate, with the upper part o. tho Stato to hear from. The re-clcc-tlon of Grand Mnstcr ot. Records Clnrk is likely to bo done by acclamation, as has been tho case for a good many years. THE FINANCES. Tho annual report of the ran1 master of record ahoa h total mrnitierahln in tho Stato on Juno .10 laat of 7, 0ml hla finan cial statement of the autiordlnate cnatlea la as follow a: nncKiPTB. From Initiations, cards, etc From ues unit fines From Investments, etc Total receipts EXPn.'DITUIlE8. Pali nut for elek benents Paid out for death benefits Paid out for Contttlona Total relief Paid out for tundry purposes.... Paid out tor Invcatmenta nn.'.ns.n'i 1.1,718.M li.a.'i.til $23,IW.r,3 0.201.HO $ 40.0H.NO t2,2S8.7a IS2.15S.73 $n,ono.iM 110.012.10 On hand Juno .10. 101.1. Invested Total fund of castles reporting. ..$tai, 772.22 Since the organization of tlio order In this State It Wis disbursed for alckners and death, including lienellta paid by the Funeral llencnt Fund, over 7SS,ooo, covering a period of : j care, THD an,VND TKMPI.K. The Grand Temple of the Ladles of the Golden Uagln of New Jersey vlll convene at the eame time In another hall of tho Itlbaam llulldlna. A special feature connected with the seslon will be a temple of Instruction that peinnc. At the latter the opening and closing cereivonles. as well as tho Initiatory work, will bo In the rhariro of 1-nurrl Temple. No. 3, of Trenton. Tho Installation work will to taken care of by Palmyra Temple, No. 11, of Palmyra. Tho Supreme Castle of the order, having de cided at Norfolk, Va., laat year to hold bi ennial sessions, will not convene until October of lUKl, when Atlantic-City will be the place, A reunion of tho members of thnt body la l.e tng arranged, however, to be held nt Atlantic City on October I) of the prcaent year. BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA Forty-fifth Annual Session of Grand Circle of New Jersey Convenes Soon Tho 4.1th nnnunl session of the Grnnd Clrclo of the Brotherhood of America of New Jersey will be held In Odd Fellows' Hall, New York avenue, Atlantic City, on Monda), September 20. It will bcKln nt 9 a. m.. and It Is hoped that nil tho visiting brother members will be ln nt tctidnnco nt that time. One of the qualifications of admission Is to be ln possession of the semiannual and Hxaltcd Washington passwords. The 'meeting will bo so Important that Su premo Washington Thomas L. Gage and Supremo Scrollkeeper H. 13. Walter have Issued n request that circles urge their members of tho grnnd castle. Past Chief Wnshlngtons who have not received the V. W. and I, M. degrees are requested to furnish a certificate duly attested by tho II. S. K, of their circles. PRETZEL BAKERY BURNS Baker Hates to Leave His Product ' to tho Flames Fire, resulting from the overheated flue of a pretzel oven, nearly cost the lives of an ontlro household at an early hour to day, but It did not disturb the equanimity of Leonard Waters, the man In charge of the oven, When firemen burst into the basement of tho burning building he Impatiently told them: "There's no flro here It's up stairs," and went on with his work. ' The blnzo occurred at 2So3 North .21st street, the resldcnco and bakery of' M, Cooper Thackray. It wns discovered by Hermann F, Uosch, his 19-year-old step son. Tho boy had been In the basement with Walters tending the ovens, but came to tho first floor of the building shortly before 3 o'clock. Finding tho dining room of the build int.' a rywas of flames, he ran to the sec ond floor, nnd awakened Thackray, Mrs'. Thackray and their two children, Fred and Florence, aged 7 and 4, respectively, all of whom crawled down the stairs and to the streot In safety, clad only In night clothing It was then remembered that Otto Duck, another employe of the bakery, was aBloep on the third floor of the building, nnd nosoh once more mnde his way through tho smoke, awakonlng and res cuing Duck. Leonard Walters, whose home Is at ISIS Knst Susquehanna avenuo, wns finally obliged to leavo his work In the base ment when firemen ripped open the chimney to his oven. The damage done by tho blaze Is estimated at llOOO, HOSPITALS BENEFIT BY WILL $1000 Each for Episcopal Woman's Homeopathic and The Episcopal and Woman's Homeo pathio Hospitals of this city and the Emergency Hospital of Easton. Md., benefit to the extent of $1000 each through bequests contained In the will of Eliza beth Bartlett, of 20th street and Susque hanna avenue, admitted to probata today, Mrs. Bartlett died September 1, leaving an estate valued at over $16,000. The sum of $500 Is given to the airls1 Friendly Home, Cape May, N. J., and that part bf the estate not left for charitable pur poses Is devised principally to-t sister, Annie N. B. Longbrldge, and to other relatives. An estate valtled at $22,000 Is devised to relatives by tha will of Margaret B. Fur nesi, who died In the Pennsylvania Hos pital August 7. Letters of administration were granted In the estate of Mrv .Brady, late of 630 East Allegheny ave nue, wnien is vmuou at il,oW; William W France 4720 Oakland atreet, $3t,Q0O; Martin F Kane. I6th atreet and Qlrard avenue, $10,000. Kate B, Jarden, 1828 Fair mount avenue, 13185, and Christian Dorn, m North Kandolph street, $3000. The personal effects of the estate of Garrett tycMaster have been appraised at ttt.ires- Si. GERALD VAN ORDEN Well known Edison plnycr nnd nssistnnt director who will tnko n vacntlon in vaudeville Theatrical Baedeker LrniO "The Princess Pat," with llleanor Painter and Aleinndrr Clark. A musical comedy by Victor Herbert, with a chaiacter llle nnd effective erore. Tho performance la admirably adapted, the book, ordinary. PHOTOPLAYS. FOltttr.HT "Tho Uhtli of a Nation," with Hotiry II. Waltlial, Mao Jlareh and Spottln voode Atkln. 1). W. Griffith's mammoth photoplay of the Civil War and reconstruc tion, founded ln rnrt on Thomas Dixon's "Clannman." A marvcloua entertainment. STANLEY "Tho Case of Ilecky." with Illanche Sweet. RTOCK WALNUT "The Sign of the Cross." with Itlchard Uuhler and the Walnut Player'. Tne hero of "lien-Uur" In another play of Chris tian martyrdom. KN'ICKRntloCKKlt "The Chorus Lady." with the Knickerbocker Player. Charles Klein' familiar and popular comedy-drama of the life and tribulations, humor and hcrolam of a chorus girl. HETl'ItNlNrt. PnoPLP.'S "Damnged Goods." A fourth visit from Ilrleux'a poweiful drama of the conse quences or loose living, VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'fl-AU-Phlladelnhla bill- Rophve Dar nnrd and Lou Anger In "Safety First", Iler mlne MfMie and company. In "The Last of tho Quaker"; the Apollo Quartet, of Phila delphia; Mullen and Coogan: Ota Gygl, Span ish, Clnuilo Golden. Australian; Four Head Intts; William and Segnl; IMclert nnd Schn fleld, In "Helping Hubby," and Hearst-Sellg pictures. NIXON'H GHANI-Idral, diver; Koger. Pol lock nnd Rogers; llnlJen nnd Ilarrnn; Em mett nnd Tonge, Walter Drown; Martin How ard and photopla)s. ALLEGHENY "Tho Earl and tho Olrl"j James Thompson and company. In "A Ilurg l.irs' Union", Kins nnd llernle: Kennedy and Kramer. John Lh Vler and Wilson and Aubrey. WILLIAM PENN-"Tho Fashion Shop." with Hugo Jnnsen nnd Illanche Itlell; Eugcnlo lllalr. In "Kecknnliig luy" , Keuncy and Hollts, In "Freshlo'a Initiation". Adof ibo: Patrlcola and Mycr. nnd Dewee. Hambn and Frlfco, In "Fun at the Hottentot Hotel." QLOUE "Tho Itevue.of 101.1." with Frank Manning, "Scenes nt Midnight," rook Knd Lifferty, Sandy Shaw. Mason and Green, McDermntt and Wallace In "Tho Nut and tho Maid", Kllro and Mack, Max Yorke'a dogs nnd photoplay. CIIOSS KEYH-Flrst half of week "A Mile a .Minute," Schrodo andChapelle; Alpine Four; E. E. CHve nnd coni'fiiiy In a sketch, How ard und Spencer, undZollo. nUItLKSQUE. DUMONTS Dumont's Minstrels In two bur lesques on timely topics: "Charley Chaplin and Mary Plckford" and "Capturing nnnrtlta." I-NATIONAL Under Johnnie Eckhart'a direc tion 'ino nuninine uiris" nnd l.lttle Kgipt, in iim iuw .iiutjii-iHIin. nun AiarK 11 Lea, i;ari iern rna nnicnce Moore. PROGRAMS OF PHOTOPLAY PRESENTATIONS THIS WEEK QAItnnN Monday, the thirteenth chapter of "The OodJees" nnd l.eonore Ulrleh In "Cap ital Punishment". Tuesday, Theda llara In "Lady Audley's Secret" ; Wednesday, William Elliott ln "Woman and Wine", Thursday, "Ambition," a four-part Charles Chaplin 10m edv: Friday. "Tho Lost House." nnd on Sat- urday, "Tho Slim Princess." ItlTTENHOUSE Monday, "Samson," a drntra pertaining to American nnance: Tuesday, Chaplin comply, "Ambition." ln four parts! Wednesday, a Mutual master-picture. "Tne Outcast": Thursday. "Tlio Valley of the Missing": Friday, "Stop Thief" and on Sat urday, tho I.ubln comedy, "Tne College Widow." LOCUST Marguerite Clark In "Seven Sis ters"; Inn Claire Is featured In Harold Mc (troth's romance, "Tho I'uppet Crown," wltn Carlyle Wnekvvell, Wednesday and Thurs day: on Friday, Clyde Fitch's "Her Oreat Match," with Oall Cane; Saturouy, noi brook Illynn ln a plcturlzatlon of "The Ivory Snultbox" LOdAN AUDITOItlUM "The Stolen Voice," with Ilouert Warwick: Tuesday, "The Hen.rt of Maryland," featuring Mrs. Leslie Carter: "Nnncy, of Stone late," will nlro be seen; Wednesday, "The Woman Next Door." featuring Ireno Fennlck: Thuraday, "'Hie Barnstormers," "The Oallopcr," by Itlchard Harding Davis; Friday, "The Second In Com mand," with Francla X, llushman and Mar suerlte Hnow, "Saturday, a variety of good pictures will be screened. Including "Hearts Ablaze," a llroadvray atar feature, and others. NOIlltltt Monday. "The Deception." "Life's Yesterdays." "rood for Kings and Riley." Tuesday, "draustark," Sella- News. "Sophia and the Faker." Wednesday, "Life's Shop Window," "The Lifeguard," IJIIlle Reeves. Thursday. "The Itunawuy Wife. "Stronger Than Love," "Jarr and tho Ladles Cup." Friday. "My Lost One," "His Fulry Ood mother," "ills Ilunkle." Saturday, "East Lynne." "ltomance of Elaine" No. 1), "Uni Ited's Peril," "Dead Letter." BROADWAY "Neal of the !'avy" No. 1, Char lie Chaplin and others. Tueaday, William H. Hart and Hhea Mitchell feature allow. Wed nesday. "Doctor Itamlieau," "Courthouse Ctooks," with Ford Sterling. Thursday, "The Goddess" No. in, "Mountain Mary and Bam Comedy." Friday, "The bear," '"Her Other Self." Saturday, specials. ROXHOItO-Mondey. a "nt-Asm Dance." Diamond From Sky" No. a "rirffam Dance." Tuesday. "Telltale Heart. v. ; . iv .. .... - r: . -- i .- Sand of 11.,." i roviaence una jur. IJnny, f Inn " " Wednesday, "A woman a neeurrec Thuraday, "Who Payat" "The Love Friday. Charlie Chaplin In "The ' Saturday, Carlotta de Felice In tlon. Liars, llunk." "Money," TIVOLI Monday, "Round on the Wheel," "The Clutch of the Emperor." Tuesday, "Rroken Coin." No. i "Law of the Open." Wmin.iftittf. "Thi HfeirtbreiLker." "Life and the Moving Pictures.' "The Double Stand ard." Thuraday, "The Explolta of Elaine" No. . King llagget In "The New Jitney In Town." Wrirtav. Jane Cowl In "The Harden of Lies." Friday, Haturday, "Baved Dy a uream, "A uauimer or the Jur.Klc' "One on the Mother," BALTIMORE lionuay, "Romance of Elaine." Tuesday, Alec II. Francis ln "After Dark." Wednesday. Robert Edeson In "On the Nlsht Hinge." Thursday. Uetty Nansen In ,T'A Woman's Resurrection.", Friday, .Wilton Lackayv In "Children of the Gbetto." Sat urday. Frederick Perry In "Doctor Ram beau,'1 HLUIIIHIVD Myrtle Syedman In "Wild Olive." - Tuesday, Mary Plckford in "Rags." Wed nesday, Hocart Uosworth In "Hypocrites," witn j,ois nelly in ldeson I nrsv. Victor NEW SOMERSET William Farnum In "The Plunderer. Tuesday, Emma, Dunn tn Mother." Wedneaday, "Rroken Coir," No. 1, Thuraday. Mr. Leslie Carter In "Du Barry. ' Friday, "Rartcred Lives." Saturday, Salis BTRAND "Hearts and Rosea," "The Aveng 1.1 Tuesday. "Kint Lynn..'' "llaun bury a Wim lu -ti;iurii. inr Men.1 weanesaay, "ltomance oc ., Elaine No. 8. "A cross the Desert " Thursday, "City Tlsreea." "Candidate." Friday, Charlie f,Kanil in "The Rank." Helen llolmea tn a. thriller '-:'" ".,. .:..!.- -..,::;. .. ifir.iiw .. Uor rwiiurunr, iitvuiMtll 111 tnsuiail, uroi BUSQ ltroneho Hilly and othera. huui; eased. EHANNA Monday. "Pat Hogan, Da- a it nrPk., n.t Halau ", I n If li1ni iSni Una." "Her Mother's Oath Tuea day. "Plunderer," "The Orang-Outang," 'Dreamy Dud Sees Charlie Chaplin." Wed nesday. "Heavy Vllllana." "Old orfendera," "A Keyboard Strategy." Thuraday. "Tb Ooddess" No. 13. "Call of Yesterday," "Her Hidden Life," "How Wlfle Won Out." Friday, "Strange Case of Talmal," Hellg flews. "Dail Hop." Saturday "Who rayer "Law ot Love." "Taklur of Mustang Pate." Ham at ins r-eacn. uay. (na- nt tha Wire." Chaplin Comedy. Saturday, n "A Woman's Resurrection," Hetty Nansen In otners. CAMJUUA IIA-Uonday. "Hearts and Rosea.' "A of Shamrock." "Utile Bcrapetoat.' lay, "Juggernaut." "Just Retribution," nuns" i flSiaidlV. ,'llunnli of Matchea." Wednesday. Runaway Wife." "Life's Changing Tide." "UnsDarlna- Sword." Thuraday, "tloddeee" No. 11. "UolJ I1umvt " "iFfftlatirVst Une-vw t Hilsensl, Jj III (;' i . ... " . VUV,MU Entmett, Itlliys rroiege.;- --vtnars ours." Friday, iiuyi 1 w 'law u i'fi Diuiv m iJtuui, Qralt. w ude "Saturday. "Romance of Elaine" No. 1, 'Midnight IJmlted. l aiianiaoi lanuLeo." "lia-a a near" lie's a Rear,' Bom liomanr.'-J5URMKA-Monday, "Ooddeas." Frivolous Affairs," Tueaday.V! Soma Romance. 'Secretary .f alra." Tueadav.vlvtan f.rfln In --uo iivue "uicu uiri. vveauesaay, uiga, Patrova la "Tits Yapipirt. ' Ibursday, Ut t. 7-. ..... !..... . r.-.7-:.--. r- 'jr. - LINCOLN Monday, "East Lynne," 'Uuslneaa Rivals?' Tueaday, "A Scjuaw Lady," "A Man Afraid" Wednesday, "When My Lady Smiles." Thursday, "Juns Friday," "Mla in. Clue." "Ham and Uud." Friday. "Ulna VAN LOAN TO GIVE MOVIES "BUCK PARVIN" Well-known Short Story Writer to Do Scenarios for the Mutual By the Photoplay Editor Charles K. Van Inn Is leading his pal nntl brain child, "Uuck rarvln," Into I the movies, 1 The Mutual Film Company recently an nounced tho completion of arrangements I whereby n series of three reel features, entitled "lluck Tnrvln nnd the Movies," nnd based on the Van Loan fiction stories of thnt title, will be mnde by the Mustang Film Company. The Mustang Company la the new Western Company formed In connection with tho Mutual' recent an nouncement of a new progrnm calling for 16,000.000 worth of film for the year. Mr. Van Loan Is wrltlmf the scenarios for the Mustang productions, nnd hns chosen Arthur Acord, famous cowboy champion, for the title role. The first of tho series, "Man Afrnld of ills Ward robe." will be ready for release October 2. It was from Acord and his spectacular performances nt "bulldogglng" stocrs thnt Van Loan took his first Inspiration o the Job Is coming to "Art." Ocrald Van Orden has severed his con nection with the Thomas A. Edison Com pany. Inc., of Xew Tork, for the pur poso of going back to the legitimate for a while. Durjtig Mr Van Ordcn's engagement with The Edison Company he helped to produce such feature filmB as "The House of the Lost Court." a powerful drama In six parts, being the largest production Kdlsnn hnd ever dono up to this time. He wns associate director to Mr. Charles J. Brabln.- At tho completion of this picture Mr. Urnbln left the Edison Studio to Join another company. Mr. Van Orden then became associate direc tor to Mr. Duncan Mcltac. His first pic ture with the new director was "Through Turbulent Waters," a drama In four parts. His second picture with Mr. Me Ilae wns also a drama, entitled "Juno Friday," In four parts. At the finish of his second picture Mr. Mcltao decided not to do any more di recting and assumed a new position In the studio. It was then that Mr. Van Orden left tho Edison Studio to go back to acting. Ho expects to enter vaude ville, nlthough contemplating Joining a new film company. Prior to Joining the Edison Company, Mr. Van Orden was a member of the Forsbcrg Stock Company, at the Orpheum Thentre, Newark, N. J. The Fine Arts Films Studio, D. W. arimth's big plant in Los Angeles, fo'rmerly known as the Majestic Ito llancoit studios. Is the scene of grent activity. Flno Arts Films designate the name selected for the $2 Triangle picture plays now being produced under the gen eral supervision of Mr. Griffith. Seven of these film productions, starring well known players, arc now under way. A new stage hns been recently completed. It measures ISO feet In length nnd 70 feet In width and possessos many unique fea tures. Including a new dilTuscr system. Tho camera department, which Is stated to represent an Investment of (50,000. Is In charge of O. W. Bltzer, who photo graphed "The Birth of a Nation." Tho Globe Thentre, B9tU and Market streets, reopened Saturday evening with Hgtnan In "My Rest Qlrl." Friday. Robert Warwick In "The Stolen Voice." Satunlai, Lottie Plckford In "Diamond from tho Sky." SPRUCE-Monday, Edwin August ln "A Double Haul," Pathe News. Tuesday, "At lantis." Wedneaday, "Who PnyaT" No. 4. "The Lovo Liar." Thuraday. "The Wolf's Prey," "Love Among the Rosea." Frlilav, "Ranker's Daughter." Chaplin Comedy. Sat urday, Vivian Martin in "The Wishing Ring." PARK. Monday. "Chlmmle.Fnddcn," featuring -,cior Moore. Tuesday, "The Climbers. " Wednesday, "Wolf Man." Thuraday, Ro mance of Elaine." nno.1 of aeries. Francis X. llushman in "One Wonderful Night." Kit- oay. "Kugmaker's Daughter." Saturday. 'oman Next Door. ...,EH,AlrTMonday. Emmet Corrlgan In "(Ircater Lovo lfath No Man." Tuesday. Myrtle Stedman In "The Wild Olive" Wed! nesuay and Thursday, "Cablrla." Friday. John Barrymore ln day, Vivian Martin Olrl." Tne Illrtatnr " H.f,,.. In "Tha Little Dutch Bv PT'..SAS,If0-J!onl3a'' Cla Kimball n2UVn '.Sp M",r"'i"ff Jn''. Charles Chap, "i, " The Rank." Tuesday, "The Dawn flJ&lrgsSiss?" ,!... ...?"- o" SS& Ssh?' ?W! Thit'W..Thvrf ;? 'erly Hayne li. "Eye's "ph1 fctr Not ,...Fr,,,i Stewart Ralrd In a JS."JHn,SSr.W ' " U llle.Reoves comedy? ?H.urday. Ethel Clayton In "It Was n nl -ine Rattle at Elderbush." ' The Rattle at Elderbush." M"n?'?.THT.Mo.'J.da5r' stP Thief." .??"!' L. Wednesday. "Tho Wi Dared." Thursday, "For Napi France." Fridsv. "ntv.iin ol..1:: Tuesday. Oman Whn France." Friday T "Othel o." SatSnla," "The Naked Truth, and aecond ot "Ra!s.bal'Bug"? viltiukia Monday. Mlnar,. I1nt,n.i "A Hash-House Iaud." Puthvvay From the Fat." Tueaday. "tio "The Mollyrod- oie." Wedneaday. "Th ... . ... ' vi"mj . in v-ountry Olrl,' -.v, r. a omrrieu Alan. Thursday "in. Saturday, "Th, Soul of pftyS-Hi'ot&r. "?.,7.AL Monday, 'On Dangerous Path. Ture5 W.f,1,11"c?'5'n o' th Kingdom!" J,V.dfty,.M.Lorel1! Madonna." "Jabei'a Con- Irisurlrir r?u'.l ..V.",.i-0,,",.r.n'.." .-1 1,1 E nul"t' .. Just Like Kids." "White and Rlack Snowball. Thuraday. "The o?tn Pi." ''SmuiBler's WarJ." Friday, "am for Ireland." "Little Prospector' The TornJ wfns." Btwa"- "Tbo Id'ler,"",-?wTHm. nus, Crystal Olabr. "Tha U'Ivm nf v.n Trilii-sad "Tho Orall ," "Honeyi moon Raby." Friday, a the Statue," Cameron sisters In Mini. Eagle"-. &Wrt nr ASfort in 5.f TatMI!y'.;,rou.,,rFe,.h.?' Cr'",U' Neutral Man." wi, ntntur uiuro "The A(J&A'" ;;iiat My.terlou. Vet, Ktttt i."??.-of. -...... ,,,a -iaiiis." "Hlnnl .i, i0BJ" "? ."r" of Croy" .Judgment of' Men"" Thur.dayr Bwinfliii. Doora." "CoFilcan DroYh.rl tho iJurjtlar.y "NothinV Ev.f " Ilapp?n. Right." Saturday, "Baby- "nuiy-, liiiintBd .,!RfirUF.J!,i AM -I' . "The'etruggf..'.6'1 ffiaaRU2I.-!un.n?.u.n'',"Thlr.Frlend. a.,c,ilv'uu woimay, jonn Rarrymore In n..... .......' . .-.. ,,V DirUIEl .,"" a. Maeonr" Tueaday. Dorothy ponnely In ''Sealed Valley." Wednesday Ina Claire In "The Wild Ooose cKiJ5' Thursday. Ar.lU Stewart and Earl Williams In the 14th nnd 15th chanters ""Thi God" deas," Fr day. U.y.rly Sayne and Darwin &.'rr J" 1UVU. n1 Itosss." Saturday. Blanche Sweet In "Stolen floods. " amluraa' oY.EI,nilco.c"-Uon0a, Austin Farnum In "Captain Courteay." Tueaday. IlobaK Dos. worth lu "A Little Brother if the Rich" Wedneaday, Rlanrhe Sweet In "The Can. tlje" Thuraday. "Broken ColA?" Nofl 3. and "Iena Rivera.'' Friday, Frederick Perry IS Doctor Rambeau. haturday. Mary l'lek. ford In "Hehind the SceneaT" ' y ' LoaAN-Monday, "Tlio rhallca of Courage.'1 Tueaday, Maud Allan In "The Hui Makur.' Daughter." Wedneaday. Blanch. Sweet In "The Clue." Thursday. Marpierl. Ca7k. n "Seven Sisters." Friday, llobart ; liosworth In "A Little Brother of the Rich." aitu,. iwuviri."vw un..i.., nt ,.-.- V '.' -Monday, Olga Petrova In "Tho Vampire." Impoator." .Vodneaday. Retty Nansen In "The Bank." Thuraday and Friday. Mme Malvlne Lobell In "Thi UnwelSmV Wlf' Saturday. James Morrison tn "Tbt Wheels of ORMAT' NORlllERN-Dorothy Donnelly In "Tho TLlet," Tuesday, "All For a 'Ulrl ! Wednesday. "8t. Elmo'" Thuraday. !ti,. Doctor's Becret." Frbiay, "The dime of Tnree" . eaiuraay, Charles Chaplin lo "Tha Mix Up." n four acta. BARTH AiixitAii aionaav. "Ti- "The War o', Dreama." Charlea f'hnnltn I..-.. TThi day. Tho Accempllca'' Charles Chaplin, A niamntd Family." "How sninnaY. Bllm Bw the Bl ow." Wedneaday, WI Fum Elliott In "Woman and Wine." Wuriday. "Honor Ttiy Father," "Rrats Double." Krl. day, "Romance of Klaia'r No. T, "Fight. Ing Blood." Saturday, "A Fool Ther Waa." llr lteallwtion," Coming. William Far QiX)BB-Mo'iday num in -.U riununrfr." V "House of A Tttousand Cans. . Israel Zinrwlll's Tha XI. uf Qiea, jvivsutaT, tng rot. t" Thureday. "Nl of tha Nv" I and No. 2 FrMay. "Tbt ltua.ry." I iy, "Tko Whits SUter." wo. i ialuria; BSTH 8TREET-"Dlamond From Sky" S'o IS- Heart of v:'.?'"" eo .Not. " ." Wedn.sav tVI '-"" 5'"'w "SI- r.i. .- ncMicst iji. ins Elaine," 11 ITAAri' m BVnr" Tnaa.lnU iinj. T. nesuay, "an 13, 1916. everything changed except the namo The txterlor Is .artistically finished In V", br,ck "d ,he n,,w ,I,M" "lv ,l n, brilliant appearance for squares. Al though the furnishings aro not yet com plete, the Interior presented n. beautiful appearance, painted In tnn nnd brown, with the Indirect lighting adding to the good effect. The stage Is arranged as a trelllsed garden, with beautiful flowers arranged with mtrrorold screen, allowing for tho use of twilight and sunrise effects. An Illuminated clock Just above the pros cenium is also quite attractive. The or chestra, made up of nix Instruments, adds to tho presentation of the pictures ns well as furnishing selections during tho Inter missions, Manager Cunningham has provided for the comfort of the patrons with two rest rooms at tho back of tho auditorium, Iced water nnd several exhaust fnns. As nn Instance of the service, during the shower ho rhowetl a slide upon the screen rend ing, "To our patrons with uncovered nutos, It Is raining." It Is this kind of service thnt Is appreciated. The re arrangement of the seats affords on un obstructed lew of the screen from all parts nf the house. The V. L. S. E. nnd other fcattlro pro ductions will be shown In nddltlori to the regular progrnm of subjects, and novel ties will be Introduced. The double worker lljJlfWtl K fMnfm Works for you as well as with you. The soap softens the water, makes a good suds, and loosens the dirt. The naptha and other harm less cleansers dissolve grease, make dirt disappear, whiten white clothes and brighten colored clothes. 30 minutes' soaking, a few easy rubs, and your wash is done. Not only for washing- clothes just as wonderful for t all household cleaning-. PROMINENT (fborfjg) Iff PHOTOPLAY PRESENTATIONS ff NOltlll BLUEBIRD RROAD AND St S Ql'EHANNA AVE. MYRTLE STEDMAN in "WILD OLIVE" Plays Obtained Thru Stanley Rooking Co. Great Northern r!SANT'NE ERIE & ; AVRS. UA1L.V. a:so M. SVUN1NOH, 7 and U. DOROTHY DONNELLY In "THE THIEF" TUESDAY- "ALL FOR A GIRL" Broad Street Casino "uf517 MATINEE. 2!30. EVENINOS. T and O. Krclttnive Photoplay nnd thr Wonderful Orpan UIjAIIA K1.MIIALL YOUHfl MARRYINQ CIIAS, CHAPLIN ln THE DANK." NOKT1HVUST Jilrr ilKbUIN dalthin sts. OltOAN RECITALS 0:45, 8 :80. HEAR OVK l'lLCUUR OUUAX TODAY Olga Petrova in "The Vampire" PARK IHDOE AVE. AND DAUPHIN IT rtiAIV MAT.. 2;1B. EVO.. 6:30 ADMISSION Se. EVO.. 10c TO ALL. "Chimmie Fadden" S,:" Featuring VICTOR MOORE. CAMBRIA TH AND CAMBRIA STREETS "HEARTS AND ROSES." "A SPRIG OF SHAMROCK" "WHAT DID HE WHISPER?" "THE LITTLE SCAPEGOAT" "THE VINDICATION." LEHIGH Theatre 8Trf,SS ave. SPECIAL FEATURE ATTRACTIONS Mo... :-,. THEATRE. 20TII and INew oomerset somerset bts. WILLIAM FARNUM in "THE PLUNDERER" COMING, SEPT 28d "MELTING POT" SUSQUEHANNA ti&Wit "PAT HOGAN, DECEASED." "THE CUU AND THE DAISY CHAIN.,' "THE OREAT LONE LAND." "HER MOTHER'S OATH," r'TTfJI CROSKEY STREET AROVE V3E.IV1 COLUMBIA AVENUE "When My Lady Smiles" jf Featuring RUTH STONEHOUSE and RICHARD FABER. iriCAI 1T1I AND COLUMRIA AVE. lJCJLi MAT. 2 P. M. EVO. T A 8. "ON DANGEROUS PATHS," Featuring Viola Danna it Itobrrt Conliess "RROKEN WAYS." THE COM1NO OF THE KINGDOM." 13th and Last Episode of "Road o' Strife" 'series. NORRIS 10TII AND NORRIS MATINEE EVENING Tim DECEPTION." "THE FABLE OF THE TWO SENSATIONAL FAILURES" "LIFE'S YESTERDAYS," featuring Leo Delaney ft Julia Bvvayne Gordon, "food Jar K(na$ and Itilcv" Columbia Theatre 2TTH AND COLUMRIA AVE. Br!xziriry "The Scarlet sin" p.4n. THE HONEYMOON RAHY " 'THE SEV ENTH COMMANDMENT," 3-part Feature NORTHEAST CTDAMn 1JTI1 AND GIRARD AVE. 01IvrlNL MATINEE AND NIGHT "Heart and Roses" "TrKVVma. THE AVENGINO SEA" Drama. OTHERS AURORA OERMANTOWN AVENUE AUKVJKA AROVK NORRIS Hearst-Sellc News. No. OS. "Hla Hunktei" "The Melody of Doom " "The Two Natures mI'n'S'foOnd'.Tml.'0'' '" "Tlla TIVOLI Theatre SSouiS?AVs THE CLUTCH OF THE EMPEROR" Rex drama OTIIER8. The MAMMOTH maxSA. Mat every day. 1 ttO to 6:30, Evga.. 7 to II. IICTrtD TI4IC17 B acta. With MARY J v1 -- RYAN and HARRY M EST AVER AND OTHERS. NEW VICTORIA ,,T COLUMBIA ttctaits uuiicu RELIANCE "A Hash House Fraud" gJjB LOG AN LOGAN THEATRE ai "THE CHALICE OF COURAGE" Lomn Auditorium An2KU "HER ROMEO" nflSfiSgl Mr. RoUrt Wirwek ' m i 7 ROTAKIAXS URflE PlttCNASE 0 ATLANTIC CITY PIEB Committee Hopes to Sett Convention Hall Erected on Sit h ATLANTIC CITY, 8cpt. ia-tr Ulter wood Cochran, a member of the Conven tion Hall Committee of the Itotary Chrfc. hns announced thnt the purchase, mt Young's old pier by the city wouM tot Involve an expenditure of more than tl.2u0.000. He has a plan whereby tM contemplated convention hall, which M hopes to see erected on th old pier site, may be built entirely under notary at pices, for represented In tha club are men of all lines of business directly associated with the building trade. Ex-Judge Cola has stated, however, that legal difficulties may stand In the way of tho city's purchase of the old pier fof convention hnll purposes, The Jurist has stated also that It Is doubtful, even In tho event of the city's being free to enter Into suoh nn undertaking, whether the franchise, said to be worth $250,000, would endure. This franchise centres around tho privilege of the old pier management to charge more than one Admission fe, Suoh privilege Is enjoyed by only orto, other pier along the Boardwalk, and that Is tho new Garden Tier. mmai&mkflj a? KXJ WEST PHILADELPHIA LjvJIUD 1 LOCUST STS. Mai. .. KIMBALL OROAN Mats . 1:30 & 3 P. M. Evgs.. U;SO to 11 P. M. TODAY and TOMORROW MARGUERITE CLARK In the New York Lyceum Thentre Success "SEVEN SISTERS" Wedne.daj--"THE PUPPET CROWN" Plaa Qbtalnea Thru Stanley Booking Co. R I I R P If A 0TH AND n- , t- MARKET STREBT3 THE GODDESS" .., HVTVAI. JUASTfltPlCTUHU "Secretary of Frivolous Affair" The Virile i American Dramatlo Star , . EMMET CORR1GAN In "GREATER LOVE IIATH NO MAN" v UL U R K 0OT" AN MARKET ,..,, TT. .T.. .. STREETS iui, i:i,i',u, EVENING, T o; ..rtl... ""I01" J-roouetion "THE HOUSE OF A THOUSAND CANDLES" SPRUCF S1'"UCE BELOW COTII ed'ngust- JtA EtfllW&. In n uuuuie nam PATHE NEWS. OTHERS. The BALTIMORE daltTmoePav Pearl White & Lionel Barrywe in "The Romance of Elaine" SHERWOOD "T AUNADLTIM0R1I DANIEL FIMlliMiM s ."ArJ."iI.0R niuiivumR, ...... ..i..c'."-" .f yf U..,H,.WWI1Q ,11 "AIIF1 YHTT A MlfinvM PERFOMANCES J ;30, 8 and 0 ;80. RITTFiMHrilTCr 63D AND ; Wf for .irJr- HAVERFOR u. .. Wm. hnrniii-i-i 'n SAMSOV is oi m. Ribllcal story. MATINEE. 2 P. M, AND OTHERS. EVENING, Oia GARDEN 03D lmdwnb aw 13th Chapter TH GODDESS" LEONORE r,:l D L .it ulrich in Capital rumshment Broadway Theatre 8jfT0AvSK l It AH. CIJAI'LelN ftlaa Marah linnrv Wstt. La Radle. Lillian Loratne and others. BARTRAM THEATRE and AIRDOMaT 77-Ch i7T V1 Botr "''"W CHESTER AVK 'The War o' Dreams" TlSm "Tli-W- irrvlitrtnr... AWlit c ii a it i7 rrcifrp Arim LINCOLN 40TH AND WOODLANB ADMISSION Co a "EAST LYNNE" Biograph "BUSINESS RIVALS" HEARST-SELIO NEWS 58th St. Theatre e8T" dpavb ic8.iA,?L,E"rcHAPl!li,5N?n i88i 'ft'VSgK lIACH8." "CONSCIENCE." 4 act? TJli FOREMAN OF THE BAR-nANCH" 8 SI. RFNN 0lTH AND WOODLAND U Infill MAT , 2 to 8. EVO.. ISO to 1 1 THE DIAMOND FROM THE BKY," chan? lfc "IIRONOHO H1LI.Y STEPS IN." "A arTClHT OF THE PAST." an Eplsoda of tha Xo2fV' Strife" series OTHERS. FIVE CJHrV. PASCHAI I 718T WOODLANB. 1 rWVUrUiLj MAT. 2. EVO. 8 10 EARI.U WILLIAMS and ANITA 8TMWAItT In "THE GODDE88" mlmnT NEWS OF Tilt WOKLB AND OTHERS " KIVK olsNTS OVEKHKOOK OVERBROOK TiavISBPavk aJif" DUST1N FARNUM IN FIVERS1 iSff'wWM KKNMNTON D vf orJ TJIKATHB-am. Ave. AtMara k uxrora aloa enow xvKJtifuHtr "Romance f EkiwM ? "FIOIITRR OF THE PLAIN" M-ea. "STOOL PlUEON'fl KatVWaJF'-i 0 MOXsWIMMWiM RoxlMMfoufii TlmUrc '.'tt "Tt. I lk Sky' ruth Kin-,.1. "Tit Df. rj-Sjf-! 1 lll'llnv AC1-