Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 13, 1915, Final, Page 2, Image 2
.,''.... ARCHIBALD FACES PRISON SENTENCE UPON HIS RETURN President Orders Prosecu tion for Carrying Dum ba's Messages I TO RECALL VON PAPEN WASHINGTON. Bept. It Prrsldent Wilson hu Issued order to the Department of Justice to prosecute James V. J Archibald, the American correspondent who carried tlio now fn tnouft Doctor Dumba letters, to tho full extent of the law. This became known heret today on the hlRhest authority. The President, It Is learned, has be come aroused orer the Archibald situa tion. And Is determined to make an ex omple ot him. Ite desires that Archibald bo sent tb prison If the law provides uch a penalty, It Is understood. He be lieves that In this way the using of Americans cltlsens and American pass ports by foreign Governments In carry ing out their military schemes v. Ill be effectually stopped. Captain von Pupen. military attache of the German Embassy, will bo sent home at once If Secietary of Stote Lansing tells Count von Bcrnstorrf today thnt ho de elres It This became known at tho Ger man Embassy today. Von Papcn will Join tho German army in the field. The United States will be asked to fui nlsh him n safe conduct home. It also developed today in connection wltH Von Fapon's Implication In the Dumba-Archlbald case that Von Papcn wrote letters and entrusted them to Archibald without consulting Bcrnstorff. The Ambassador would have advised against It, It was learned, knowing the danger of arrest and detention that Arch ibald ran. That Von Papen faces dis missal from Washington and that Dumba will be recalled by his Government Is due solely. It became known, to their ovn lgnor-nce concerning the chances Archi bald .-an. Secretary Lansing will take up this matter "with the Ambassador at their con ference. It waB Understood, The Ambassador, however, will deny Von Papen's of Dumba's guilt In "employ Ins" Archibald as a messenger, It became know'i Archibald. It was understood, came, forward and orfered his services, but whether for a consideration or otherw Iso was not ijtnown. James F. 1. Archibald took with him from New York a letter from Captain von Papen to the latter's wife, who Is In Germany. This letter, together with tho more Important documents intrusted to Archibald for delivery In Vienna and Ber lin, was taken from Archibald's' effects when lie arrived at Falmouth, Eng., on the Rotterdam. While It has been reported that In the letter to his wife Captain von Papon fiiado some slighting statements concern ing American otllcials, there is no disposi tion on the part of this Government to hold., htm accountable for these private views. The ceie ttgplngt Captain von Paptn. se far as this Government is con cerned. Is fouriA mainly In the following extract from Ambassador Dumba's letter to Count Burlan, with reference to tho plan to cripple munitions plants:! "I am under tho impression that we could. If not entirely prevent the produc tion ot -war material In Bethlehem and in tho Middle West, at any rate strongly dls- "organtze U and nold it up for months, which, according to the statement of the German military attache, is of great Im portance, and which amply outweighs the relatively small sacrifice of money." This indicated that Captain von Papen was one of those "who conspired," as Secretary Lansing charged In his note to the Austro-Hungnrtan Government re questing Ambassador Dumba's recall, "to cripple legitimate industries of the peo ple of tho United States and to Interrupt their legitimate trade." CHICAGO, Sept. 13. Captain von Papen, military attache to the German Embassy Irr Washington, and Prince Hatzfcldt aro -Today en route to Yellowstone Park, which Is to be one of thelK objectives In a "seeing America vacation " The Ger man officials slipped quietly into Chicago yesterday. They stopped at an exclusive Michigan avenue hotel, where they de nied themselves to all callers exrentlnir I a few friends, among whom wns Baron Kurt von llerswiu, German Consul In Chicago A member of Von Papen's staff let K It bo given out that he and Prince Hatz- feiuti ur .ron "vacation ' and that they are "seeing America." GIRL DECLARES HER SWEETHEART WAS SLAIN Continued from rage One been but a few weeks since another son, Calvin, lost his life while trying to savo two- boys from drowning In Perklomen Creek. Mrs. Yost said today that cer tain influences were purposely diverting j hinted that some of the officials were nut mcnnugui 10 icarn wno was really responsible. ' f however, who believe that Yost's death -w uiiiuciiiui, Hnu inni ne was partially responsible. They say that after leaving th cafe, late Saturday night, ho carried a basket of tomatoes to the home of his sweetheart and then returned to the cafe He was seen there shortly before mid night by Frank Snovel. a liveryman. He Saw Yost wnlklnrr In tha HlA..fn ,... L- railroad tracks. TRAIN CREW FINDS BODY. That was the last time Yost was seen alive. The crew of a milk train found his body alongside the tracks near the Collegevllle station and Informed II H Kpons, the station agent He said that the body of Yost was lying so close to the track that his trousers had been torn by the wheels. The back of the man's head was crushed and there was a deeD cut In his forehead. v Those who hold to the accident theory bellev6 that YostSiat near the tracks to rest after leaving the cafe and fell asleep They contend that the probably was truck by s. bolt or piece of iron which crusfced .his head against one of the rail ro4 Uoa, The fact that his hair was Im bedded In the tie, they declare, bears out thlsr supposition. Toe wHl be buried Thursday from the lUMtortaklfig establishment of John L ,Beahtl. InWrment will 'he In the old HTrfM Cemetery., where he will be laid "fcasM his brother, who ,.rin,..t t,i .. i fv the lives of others. A rtnaAta TJ ..1 L v""": "pioin, ' "ueur nua aemoistracted It IIHSjI III II Of .K.r,,r.(.. . .. i antsn e)U caaollne tank kii. ... r,. mn- A iftaar haa! ttnielr n.,M. , ..... Ff J2222"' of ih- "! Callowlilll re TW,u.i ctlP,t reets early Wv .to Uly ot jjaeollni. iftliMw Hanl(ir. oC pu MeJoH .street th drtxw. wa ufftnjg oil a dgarette' I ui d u.e gaaolliw into the tank of the t inbJn' '1J '"" was not o thought. time to aavc tlie machine from total iu. ,1fc dfca l IH. -HaaUlwr. ( uaij. Hd DW tint ti AN K AKW KMTIJIN f.i.n.tU ,i.it 1?, K. BROWNS BEAT MACKS IN SORRY CONTEST Continued from I'nge One our Slslrr. Howard taking second Pratt doubled against tho right-field wall, scor ing Howard Pratt stolo third. Lee filed to Sclmng One run, two hits, no errors. 8ehane popped to Hewnrd. Walsh filed to Shotten. Howard threw out Strank. No runs, no hits, no errors, 6HCOND INNINO. Jacobean fanned. Ivnn walked. I,nvnn died steeling, McAvoy to Malotie. Iary fouled to McAvoy. No tuns, no hits, nil errors. Lajole out, Howard to Sister. Mclnnis filed to Lfe. Oldrlng riled to Latan No runs, no hits, no errors. THIRD INNING. Phillips filed to Schang, Shotten walked. Shotten died stealing, McAvoy to Mnlone Howard beat out a bunt and mole second. Hlslcr singled to right, scoring Howard. Slslcr took second on the throw to the plate Pratt dropped a Texas lengnor In centre, and when the ball bounded pool I) he got n double. Sis ler scoring Lee filed to Malonc. Two runs, three hits, no eriors, Mnlone doubled to left. Phillip threw out McAoy, Malnne taking third Shfe hnn sent a sncrlilco fly to Lcp. Mnlone scoring after the catch. Schang bent out n. hunt. Schang died stealing, Leary to Lnvan. One run, two hits, no errors FOURTH INNING. Jacobxon doubled to left. On n hit nml run play. I.Hvan singled thiough short, scoring Jncobson. Lcaiy was safe on Oldrlng's wide throw Phillips Tanned. Shottcn sacrificed. McAvoy to Mclnnis. Howard singled to light, scoring Lax an and I.c. Slslcr's drive lilt Howard and Howard was out. Three runs, four hits, ono error. Wnlsh fanned. Strunk tilpled to left centre. Lnjolo filed to Pratt. Lavnn made n fine ploy In throwing out Mc lnnis. No runs, one hit. no cnors. FIFTH INNING Eccles now pitching for the Athlptlcs. Oldrlng threw out Pratt. Leo went out to Mclnnis, unassisted. Jacobson filed to Walsh. No runs, no hits, no errors. Oldrlng singled to left. Mnlone forced Oldrlng. Lavnn to Pratt. McAvoy went out to Slslcr, unassisted, Malone taking second. Lcclcs fanned. No runs, one hit, no errors. SIXTH INNING. ' Oldrlng threw out Lavan. Leary fanned; as McAvoy dropped his third strike, ho was thrown out, McAvoy to Mclnnis. Phillips out, Malone to Mc lnnis No runs, no lilts, no ci rors. Schang singled to right, nnd when Pratt threw wild to first Schung took second Walsh singled to left. Strunk forced Wnlsh, Staler to Lavan. Schang scoring. Lajoio fouled to Leary Mclnnis went out to Slslcr, unassisted. One run. two hits, one error. SEVENTH INNING. Shottcn fanned. Howard filed to Schang. Slslcr fanned. No runs, no hltf, no errors. Oldrlng singled to left. Leary mado a, great catch of Malone's foul. Oldrlng took necond after the catch. Lavan threw out McAvoy. Honard threw out Eccles. No runs, ono hit, no eirors EIGHTH INNING. Pratt hit to tho deep centre field fence and by fast sprinting nnd a slow return, he stretched tho hit to a home run. Lee fanned. Oldrlng threw out Jucpbson. Lavan popped to McAoy. One run. one hit, no errors. Pratt threw out Schang. Walsh filed to Shottcn Strunk fanned. No runs, no hits, no errors. NINTH INNING. Leary singled to left. Phillips sacrificed. McAvoy to Mclnnis. Malonc thiew out Howard doubled to left scorlnc Shottcn Leary. Slslcr filed to Strunk. One run, two hits no errors. filed to Lee. Lavan throw out Lajoio Mclnnis. Howard . Oldrlng walked. Malone wAIkfd threw out McAvoj. No runs, no errors hits, no PHILS AND PIRATES IN FIERCE BATTLE Continued from I'aitr One Carey. Luderus lined to Carey. No runs, no lilts, no errors. Alexander threw out Gibson. Cooper filed to Paskert. Bancroft thiew out Caicy. No runs, no hits, no cirors. FOURTH INNING Whltted walked. Nlehon was called out on strikes. Burns filed to Barney. VIox threw out Alexander. No runs, no hits, no errors. Johnston singled to right, but died stealing second. Burns to Nlehoff. Bar ney singled to centre. Barney went to second on Hlnchman's single to right. Wagner singled to right, lining tho bases. Vlox walked, forcing In Barney. This Is tho first time this, season Alexander has forced a base runner across the plate. Alexander knocked down Balrd's liner and threw to Burns, forcing Hlnchman at the plate. Burns quickly tossed to Stock, forcing Wagner at third. One run, four hits, no errors. FIFTH INNING. Vlox threw out Stock.' Cooper tossed out Bancroft. Paskert singled to centre. Cravath singled to right, sending PaBkert to third. Cravnth stole second. Vlox throw out Lu'derus. No runs, two hits, no errors. Gibson singled to left. Gib ton took sec ond on Cooper's out, Bancroft to Ludeius. Carey popped to Nlehoff. Johnston filed to Cravath. No runs, one hit, no errors. SIXTH INNINO. Whltted walked again, Nlehoff forced Whltted. Cooper to Wagner. Wagner stabbed Burns' liner with one hand and threw to Johnston, doubling Nlehoff. No runs, no hits, no errors. Harney walked. Hlnchman singled to right, sending Barnoy to third. Wagner fouled to Burns, Hlnchman taking sec ond after tho catch. Vlox filed to Crav ath. and Barney was held nt third. Balrd filed to Whltted. ,o runs, one hit, no errors. SEVENTH INNING. Alexander singled past short. Slock riled to Carey. Bancroft filed to Barney, Alexander took second on Parkert's single to left Cravath hit to Vlox, who threw to Wagner to force Paskert, but Wagner dropped the ball and rocovere 1 in time, however, to throw out Alexander nt the plate. No runs, two hits, one error Gibson singled to centre. Couper fanned Rlxey. McQuillan, Chalmers and Demareo are all warming up. Slglln running for Gibson. Carey singled to right npd Slg lln was thrown out trying to take third, Cravath to Stock, Carey taking veeond. Johnston singled to right, scoring Carey. Barney lined to Stock. One run, three hits, no errors EIGHTH INNING, Murphy now catching for Pittsburgh. Luderus fanned. Whltted singled to centre. Nlehoff popped to Vlox, Whltted out stealing. Murphy to Wagner. No runs, one hit, no errors. . Hlnchman filed Mo Cravath. Wagner fahned Vlox filed to Paskert. Nn runs, no hits, no errors, Falling Stack Imperils Workmen Several workmen narrqwly escaped In Jury today when o cable aupportlng the 5-foot Iron smokestapk of the. South &' Cavr n Crushed Stone nfl ftind Company, on the Delaware River at, the foot of Dls.ston street, snapped and the stack crashed througli t -roof The police, an engine company at)" the "runkford Hos pital ambulance were Jturrledito the scene and. aided In ettn Edward Cullison, tM awlvtant engineer and fireman, of im tvpd, out of building, who raa priused In- by tlio petition of (k etstcfc f one (Me nnd ecllng U4a fuM4 uy brsken ;! en the tttber, EVENING BEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 'Ah' , s Jl- . -:r ri . ''Hi' V- '- . ,? vf'.j,, ' 1.1, - ( . . $ TWO MILLION SHELLS HURLED IN FRANCE AS BIG GUN DUEL RAGES World's Greatest Artillery Bat tle Now in Sixteenth Day Along Entire West Front MANY MINE CONFLICTS French Wreck Germnn Positions in Lorraine Foe's Sortie Repulsed nt Wife Entanglements PARIS. Sept. 13. Two million shells novo been hurled across the Fianco-riandcrs battle front In the greatest artillery battle the world has ever known, according to estimates made here today, Tho rain of shells continues with no in dication of any cessation On Sunday tho 15th day of tho long-drawn-out bom bardment, the action was of extreme vio lence on nearly evei sector of the battle front. French batteries poured a heavy fire In upon tho German works In Lorraine throughout cstordny, wrecking enemy positions near Embermenll, Lelntrcy nnd Anccrvlllcr. Near Armancourt, Beu vrnlgnc and on the plateaus of Nouvron and Quennevlercs tho roar of guns con tinued throughout the day, tho Germans replying energetically Between Bothunc and Arras there were hnnd-grcnade com bats throughout last night. The French repulsed German attacks north of Sou chez with sevore losses (or the enemy. This a.fternoon'8 communique reported mine combats along the Sommo and near Faye. The text of the communique follows: "The night saw numerous combats with CrcnadeB, near the Bcthune-Arras high way, and one attack by the enemy which was easily itpuUed. To the north of the Souchez station there was continued ac tivity by the artillery on both sides The conflict with mines Is continuous and very persistent. "To the south of the Somme, before Faye, there was a violent bombardment In the sectors of Armancourt nnd ot Beuvralgnes, as well as on the plateau of Quennevlercs and Nouvron. "An Intermittent cannonnade occurred In Champagne nnd In the Argonnc. "On the Loiralne front our batteries directed an efficacious storm of shells on the trenches and works of tho Germans In the environs of Embornil, Lelntry and Ancervlller. "Some groups ot the enemy troops, who sortltd from their trenches and reached our wire entanglements, were dispersed by our artillery lire." An official statement, supplementary to tho dally communique, was given out this afternoon, dealing with the 15-day bom bardment. "Our methodical cannonade, aimed at harassing the enemy. Impeding h'8 forma tion, destroying his earthworks and gen erally wearing down his defensive abil ities, nt all times hns been fruitful, espe cially In the Artols region," the statement said. In this region tho German works have been seriously damaged. "Infantry actions have taken place dur ing the week, principally In the Vosges and the Argonnc. In the latter region, the French positions were maintained, de spite German attacks with liquid Are, by which momentnry gains were made. "During the last week Allied aviators have dropped bombs on military establish ments nt Freiburg, Breslgau and Fras cati, and on the railway stations at Sar burg, Sablons, Metz and Dleuse. Enemy ncroplane hangars at Ostend nnd St. Medard, and factories at Nonnenbruck also have been bombarded by our air men." TO HEAR BASEBALL POOL CASE Wilkes-Barre Lottery Promoters Will Be Tried in Federal Court The Federal Grand Jury will hear the caBes of John J. Kllcoyne and John O, Walsh, In the nited States District Court today, who are accused of heading a base ball lottery conducted through subscrip tions to the "Weekly World," a AVilkcs Uarre publication. , The lottery Is said to have been devised by a college professor and the promotors had agents and subagents In nearly every State throughout the country. It Is understood that more than 100 of these agents and subagents were arrested by the postal authorities and the Grand Jury will be asked to decide as to whether they should also be Indicted. HONOR BIEMORY OF J. II. FOW Judges and Lawyers Pay Tribute to Late Attorney and Politician Judges and lawyers at a memorial rqMt Ing In Court of Common Pleas No. 1 to day eulogized the late John H. Fow, law yer, historian and politician, whose unique career In law circles of this city was ter. mlnated several da) a ago by his death at Spring Lake, N J., after a short Illness. President Judge Bregy, or Court of Com mon Pleas No. 1, presided, and Judge Thomas D. Flnletter and Frederick A. Sobernhelmer acted as secretaries. The speakers Included Judges Martin. Patter son and Anderson, Assistant District At torneys Joseph J Roxtri and Thomas J. Meagher and I. Ifazelton Mlrklll, , " " nifir.1 Harry .McClelland Harry McClelland, a well-known news paper map, died at M home. 1308 South 4th street, on Saturday, -after an Illness of several mouths He was formerly con nected with the Philadelphia Record, but for the lM 10 years w JaentlflM wkh the Bt Journal Mr- McClelland l survived by Mr mother and thiee eler and will be burled on Wednesday after imma at I o'clock. LINER AFIRE AT SEA The Sant' Anna FIRE ABOARD LINER QUENCHED, READS FLASH Continued from Tnge One late last night, announcing that fire had been1 found on the SAnt' Anna, when she was In latitude 40:23 north and longitude 47.30 west, every agency va brought Into play to aid the burning chip. This mes sage stated that tho ship was In dlstiess and indicated that her position was FCllOU.I. News of tho outbreok of the lire on the ship Immediately aroused the suspicion that tho lire may have been of Incendiary origin, because of the presence of Italian r scrvlsts on board. Tho marlno department of tho Dominion Government flashed word, through the Capo Itace wireless station, that nil avail able help would bo sent to the Sant Anna. It was expected thnt Government tugs would be sent out to the assistance of the burning ship, unless word was re ceived thut tho blaze had been con ti oiled. The Sant Anna sailed from New York for Naples nnd Marseilles on September 8, her depnrture having been delated for 21 hours until search could bo made for bomb? on board. A theory that the fire on the San Anna might have been caused by a spy was bioachcd today by David II. F. Jones, a member of tho New York firm which nets as the Fabre Line agents. "Several of our vessels have been set on fire recently by spies," said Mr. Jones. "Ono bad fire was found nboard tho Lord Erne. As a result we have had our vessels under the closest watch while In port. Wo exnmlned every piece of freight taken on the Sant' Anna to guard against bombs or Infernal machines that might wreck tho vessel In mldoccan. The Italian reservists on board tho Sant' Anna gathered In Now York from nil parts of the country. Upon their ar rival there they icported to tho Italian Consular General, and on showing their credentials were supplied with tickets en titling them to transportation on board the vessel. Though the Fabre Line agents had as serted that the cargo of the Sant' Anna wns made up chiefly of foodstuffs, the ship's manifest showed that she also car ried 3000 barrels of cottonseed oil, 88 freight cars, 42 casks of copper wire, 409 pieces of black pipe, 13 pieces of cyanide of iodn, 10 caBes of potash salts, IS boxes of machinery, 800 cases of brass rods and 1C00 bags of paraflln The Sant Anna was built In 1910 at La Seine, France, and was equipped with modern safety devices. .She Is registered as of 9350 tons gross and 5814 tons net. She is 470 feet long. She has a speed of 18 knots. Her equip ment Is one of the most complete and Is of palatial order, including a Parlslen outdoor cafe on the promenade deck. QUICK NEWS BUBONIC PLAGUE CASE DISCOVERED IN NEW ORLEANS WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. Confirmation of reports that a case of truo bubonic plague had been discovered at New Orleans wns received today by the United States public health service. Orders were sent at once to the service experts there to take every precaution to prevent the spread of the disease. I INVISIBLE AEROPLANE KILLS INVENTOR GENEVA, Sept. 13. The German aviator, Klubel, Inventor of the Invisible aeroplane, was killed at Muenster Saturday while testing: a new machine. Ha was 50 yean? old. PLOT ALLEGED TO CRIPPLE AMERICAN LINER NEW YOKK. Sept. 13. Tho act of a person who Is suspected of being a German agent, It was reported, caused tho delay In the sailing time of the American liner St. Louis, which arrived yesterday a week bohlnd her schedule. The liner was held up for repairs after her ladt eastward voyage. According to officers of tho ship, tho real cause of the St, Louis not sailing on her proper date was that some one, before she left New York on her last trip, loaded her lubricating oil with emery powder. When she reached Liverpool an ex amination Bhowed that the bearings had been entirely worn away. GREEK AND BULGAR PATROLS CLASH ON BORDER, KAVALA, Greece, Sept. IS. Iteports of a frontier skirmish between Greek nnd Bulgarian patrols near Fatorna havo been officially confirmed and an In vestigation ordered. German aeroplanes, it is said here, aro constantly flying over Servian and Bulgarian territory from Orsova, Hungary, to Adrlanople. Each of them Is loaded to Its full capacity, according to reports, with supplies for the Turks. ' " WOMAN WAR DRIVER HOME ON FURLOUGH NEW YORK, Sept, 13. One American woman has been doing a man's work to help along the cause of the Allies, which she openly espouses. She Is Mrs. Bartlett Boder, of Vhltestone, L. L, who arrived from England yester day on the American liner St. Louis. Since last February she has been orlv. lng an army truck or an ambulance for the BritlBh. dressed In regulation khaki, with breeches and puttees. She la going back for more" of It after her four weeks' furlough Is over. TURKS ASSURED GREAT GERMAN ARMY IS COMING HOME, Sept. 18. Nows from Constantinople Is that the Dulte of Meek lenburg paid a visit to the Sultan, and afterward Enver Pasha took the Duke to review the troops and assured them his arrival was the precursor of a great German army. In Italy It is stated that the Duke brought several mil. lions of francs In gold with him. " POPE'S LETTER SHOWS VATICAN FINANCES ARE LOW ROME, Sept. 13. Cardinal Qaaparli the Papal Secretary of State, has sent $200 to the Calais Hospital, with a letter saying that the Pope regrets that the present condition of the Vatican's finances prevented his sending more. TYPHUS GERMS INVADE BERLIN AMSTERDAM; Sept. 18,-The Berlin Vorwaerts reports that, owing; to some cases of typhus fever having been discovered In the western district ot Berlin, tho police have cautioned the public against the use of unboiled milk. CANADA TO CALL FOR MEN FOR BIG DRIYIS OTTAWA, Sept. 13. Within the next week or ao the Dominion Govern, ment will Issue a call for fO.000 more volunteers. At a prolonged session of the, Cabjnet 81r Robert Borden and Major General Hughes Jald before their colleagues secret Information In respect to the war received from Lord Kitchener nd the Imperial Optffrnwnt, and strongly reepmmende tfcat Cwuida, tak teteediate tet. m! additional battaltens tor oyer ervlce. That a big oKa4y to H BTMt U lmwlt U opemly J.lat4. ZEPPELINS PROMPTLY REPEAT RAID AGAINST ENGLISH EAST COAST Second Attack Within Twenty four Hours Reported by War Office No Casualties DETAILS KEPT SECRET Forny on Saturday Followed by An other Last Night Recruiting Gets Big Boost LONDON, sept. 13. Zeppelin airships made another raid on England Inst night. The German aerial squadron dropped bombs on the eastern coast, but an official statement Issued by tho Pi ess Bureau shortly before 3 o'clock this afternoon stated that no casualtlel had resulted. This was the second raid In 24 hours, nnother having been made on Saturday night. London was again bombarded Satur day night by Zeppelins for the third time In Ave days. According to a dispatch from Amster dam, Count Zeppelin directed tho at tacks. One report says he remained In Emden, but another declares he accom panied the fleet here. Just ohw serious was the latest raid cannot be said. Tho official Press Bu reau is unusually reticent over this latest lsltation of the German aerial craft. It merely states that "another raid by Zep pelins on the east coast was attempted laBt night. Bombs wero dropped, but there were no casualties." As was the case In the loat two attacks, however, an occasional sentence creeps past the censors which indicates that the latest raid was serlouB. One such sen tence reads: "Zeppelins tonight remain the sole topic of conversation. Thoso of tho survivors of the bombarded bulldtngB who are able to relate their experiences aro In great demand." An official statement Issued In Berlin, reaching hero via Amsterdam, says: "The London docks and their environs were successfully bombarded Saturday night." 13. 1915. REPAIR BROKEN AEHOPLANE Man Killed In Accident to Experi mental Fighting Crnft The work ot repnlrlng and reconstruct ing certain parts of what Is hoped to be tho world's moat efficient specimen ot fighting nlr craft was begun today by Captain John W. Boughton following Sat urday's nccldent, In which a broken snail on the machine hurled a wooden pro peller through the nlr, striking nnd kill ing Ilelnold Gessner, an expert meehanio. When seen at hl resldenco at 4121 Larchwood avenue, Captain Houghton, tfho Is a Clxll War veteran, explained thnt the new aeroplane Is tho result of experiments on a cigar uu inuo "i six years ago. The crnft now being con structed weighs 300 pounds and has R number of struaturnl features which may revolutionize present methods of building such .crnft. Captain Houghton's craft differs from others In that It rises vertically In tho air. It also can be made to stand still In tho air The craft is equipped with a M0-horcpowcr motor nnd has cabin ac commodations for six persons. AUSTRIANSBUILDNEW FORTS ON IS0NZ0; WILL HOLD LINE AT ANY COST Italians Prepare for Great Ef- fort to Reduce Gorizia and Tolmino Before Winter TEUTONS REINFORCED Rome Reports Minor Successes In Tyrol nnd Carnic Alps Attacks Repulsed nt Plnzzo ROME. Sept 13. The Austrlans are strengthening the forces defending Tolmino and building new fortifications on the lower Isonzo, ac cording to the official statement Issued last night. Reports received from Brescia Indlcato that preparations are being made both by the Austrlans and the Italians for Im portant battles at GorlzIa nnd Tolmino before real winter weather begins. In this short sector there are sold to be from KO.000 to 300,000 Austrlans, with as many more on tho Gorlzla-Monfal-conc-Dulna front. Reinforcements are arriving constantly nt Lalbach and VII lach, probibly from the Russian front. Archduke Eugene Is In nominal command of the Austrlsn forces in this section. Lmpeior Francis Joseph, It is stated, In sists that GorlzIa and Tolmino must bo held at all cost. Cholera Is reported to have broken out behind the Austrian lines on the Isonzo River and In Trieste. The Italian Government Is reported to have placed an order for J7,000,OO0 worth of ammunition with Swiss nrms at Chaux de Fords. U. S. READY TO ARBITRATE IN ARABIC ISSUES Continued from Page One whether or not the commander of tho U-boat which sank the liner was war ranted In believing the latter was trying to rnm him It was understood also that, assuming an arbitral decision against tho submarino officer, Germany would without further aigument, admit her liability for financial damages on ac count of the two American lives lost In the affair. This left still nt Issue the question of future mistakes ot tho kind. The only alternative, according to the German view, was for the British to re voko their "ramming" order, it was suggested that If the I'nlted States wished to prove herself really neutral, she would tako this matter up with the London Admiralty. That the Administration would go to the British with such a suggestion as the one made by Germany was deemed most unlikely. There appeared, at any rate, no question that Oermanv hurt nasiim.,! o .m.nU nn nttltude than during comparatively recent n-Kouauons wun me united States, and tho fear was consequently expressed In official circles that tho ultra-military party In Berlin had gained the upper hand. BCRNSTORFF IN GOOD HUMOR. Count von Bernstorff was In high good humor on leaving the department nnd posed for tho movlng-plcture operators on the State Department steps. He was told that a report had been circulated that a deadlock had arrived In tho negotiations with the United States. "There will bo no deadlock so long as I'm alive," ho Bold, with distinct em phasis. ABked whether he would see the Presi dent, the Ambassador said he had not made any request to meet the chief exec utive, but that he would hold himself at the disposal of Secretary Lansing and his chief at all times. Ho declined to say when he expected to see Mr. Lansing again, but Intimated that It would bo very soon. ACQUITTED OF FALSE PRETENSE Jury Frees Mrs. Elizabeth B. Smith, Accused of Posing as Banker's Wife Mrs. Elizabeth B. Smith, accused of posing as the wife of a Philadelphia banker. In seeking contributions for a home for tuberculosis children In New Mexico, vtas acquitted before Judgo Bregy In the Quarter Sessions Court to day of chnrges of obtaining money under false pretenses. Lack of testimony on the part of wit nesses who appeared against the woman and the fact that the money was not given to her because she was the bank er's wife brought about tho verdict. Ralph B. Little, counsel for tho Society for Organizing Charity, .when told of the verdict said: "The woman and her or ganization Is a fake." Ha said he Is pre pared to prove It. The organization which Mrs. Smith said ehe represented is the "Children's Na tional Tuberculosis Society." It has of fices In Chicago, and Mrs. Smith was a duly authorized solicitor, according to let ters dliplayed by Congressman John R. K. Seott at the trial ttoday. RECRUITING FOR HIPPIE CLASS Headquarters Opened for Military Training Camp Fifty Early Ap plicants, and 3000 Expected Recruiting for the Drexel Riddle Bible Class Instruction camp was begun to day at 1817 Mount Vernon treet where headquarters have been opened for this purpose. So far, J De Witt Jobborn, the recruiting officer In charge, has received 60 applications from Persons anxious to obtain a knowledge of military sclenoe. The camp, as recently announced, will be conducted for about two months be. glnnlng the utter part of Hepnbe"' As yet, .the site of encampment has not been decided upon, but a meeting for this pur pose wll be held by the officers of the arrtohxeta ,ructln- h.; WJ In m. uf.ry0p P! parodnese, Jntrueors will be detailed t fr- th National Ouard rwta at J of Mr JMMU t lalae a rnl Lr 32 1 TEUTONS BREAK THROUGH SLAVS' LINE FROM VILNA Mackensen's Army Gains. M Making Rapid Progress ' "l m Dasli on Pinsk RUSSIANS IN RETREAT 1 BERLIN, Sept u. The Russian lino of communication lending north from Vllna has been cut by tho Germans. Tlio sevtranc of rail communication noith of Vllna wns announced today by the German War Office In an omcla re port, which snld: "Vllna-Dunabuprg (Dvlnsk) Railway I 1100 uccu itnuicu oy our troops. Tho Get mam forces on the east bank of the Dvlna River are on the offensive and have driven tho Russians from n number of their positions. "Field Marshal Mackensen has broken the enemy's lcslstnnco on a wide front." tho statement from the War Office added PI k" VG mnd furtI,er "rErcss toward After a 10-day battle on the 70-mlU front cast of tho Nlemen River. Fleld Morshnl von Hlndenburg has again shat. tered the Russian lines. at ..,T,mC::nrr,,tro.orm nro retatlng toward the Vllna-Llda front, nccordlng to latest re.Eu .l.wlth the Qcrmans in hot pursuit. Tho direct result of this success Is ex ptcted to be a resumption of the German offensive on tho Rlga-Dvlna front, where oti Hindenburg's left wing has been held up while his centre was meeting with determined resistance. That reslst nnco has finally been overcome, ana the Germans In the north will be able to movo forwnrd ngaln. THREE GERMAN ARMIES DRIVING UPON DVINSK Hindcnburg Menaces Keystone of Petrogratf Defense PETROGRAD. Sept. 13. Tho Germans aro now concentrating their efforts In a march against Dvlnsk. tho keystone of tho outer defense of Pctrograd. Three armies aro advancing upon Dvlnsk. two moving In from the west and a third lighting Its way along the road from Vlikomlr, leading Into tho city from the southwest The renewal ot the Teuton effort to reach Petrograd before the winter now overshadows Interest in. the campaign In the southeast where General Ivanoff continues to bend back the Austrian flank. Heavy nrtllicry Is being hauled over the road from Vlikomlr for the nssault on the Russian defenses before Dvlnsk. It Is jeallzed hero that tho full of that posi tion and the crossing of the Dvlna at that point would menace the capital, but every confidence Is felt In the ability of General Russkv. commnnrilni? the sio armies on the Dvlna front. North of Vllna nnother German army is approaching tho Vilna-Dvlnsk-Pqtro- grad RallWaV. The fiermnn aril'mitA nn Vllna Itself Is being held up by Russian counier-auacKH. PAN-AMERICAN ROAP CONGRESS MEETS ON COAST , Questions of Highway Construction Will Be Discussed OAKLAND, Cal., Sept. 13. The Pan American Road Congress, held under the Joint nusplces of the American Road Builders' Association nnd the American Highway Association, In co-operation with the Trlstnto Good Roads Associa tion or the throo coast States, started here today with a largo attendance. It will continue five days. Improved methods of highway construc tion nnd conservation will be taken up In numerous speeches supplemented by open discussions. This Congress brings together many in terested in highway Improvement, not only from nil parts of the United States and Canada, but also from tho South American countries, all of whom have been Invited officially to participate In this Congress. Tho plans for the congress were made nnd can led out by an executive commit tee of five, of which Governor Charles W. Gates, of Vermont. Is chnlrman. the other four members of the committee being an follows: James II. MacDonald, former State Highway Commissioner of Con necticut; Major W. W. Crosby, former Stnto Highway Engineer of Maryland; J, E. Pennybacker, chief, Division of Eco nomlcs, United States Office of Publlo Roads, and E. L. Powers, editor of Good Roads. BRITISH PARLIAMENT FACES THREE VITAL QUESTIONS Pensions, Budget and Conscription to ' Bo Considered LONDON, Sept, 13,-Three big, vital questions of national interest will be up for consideration when Parliament con venes, probably tomorrow. They are soldiers' pensions, the budget and methods of increasing the revenues, and conscription. It Is expected that the Government's course as regards pensions will be Indi- cated shortly after Parliament convenes, Tho budget will likely be Introduced on Tuesday or Thursday of next week. The utmost luterost Is manifested In the Government's Bcheme to meet the enor- -mous Increase In war expenditures and to mako up the probable deficit of 118,250,000 dally with which the Government Is con fronted. It Is believed that Chancellor of Txrtifmifti TTAtrl not1 nM'LrAMnH ..ih r.,.,HVl 4(VQIMBIU V k VVI 1 0, VV 1 Oil f i nounce the Imposition of hew taxes. MISS II. fy PUHRING TO WED Daughter of Prominent Episcopal Minister to Marry Charles It. Bulley, of Reading, Pa. News of an approaching wedding which has aroused, great Interest In churph circles became known today When a marriage license was obtained for Ms Rebecca Cecelia Duhrlng, daughter of the Rev, Herman L, Duhrlng, of Chestnut Hill, one Pf the most 'prominent Episcopal ministers In the State, and Charles Reg inald Bulley, of Reading, Pa. The wed ding ceremoney, which wiM take place this week, will be performed by Bishop Philip M. Rhlnelander, of the Episcopal Diocese ot Pennsylvania. Miss Duhrlng's' athtr 1 retired fnyn active work In the Episcopal diocese. Ho wns formerly head of the City Mlsln. and was Identified with many church movements. Mil Duhrlng. who Is Si years old, lives on Mermaid lane. Chest nut Hilt. Mr Bulley, whose home Is at S61 Njorth Jd street, .Reading. I an en gineer. He t VI years old. Killed When Aub Overturn!) JOHNSTOWN. Pa Sept 13 -fleoiga R. Stewart. A ltrnmlnn c..,. t HfM. fhsnlqsburg, p WB8 V1jle4 an(j h) v)fe iihvib)ww mn ,urf.&i! wei t'ie'r . '""' w flvn;ufUI pB th HlrtU 1 J HIT BA&I HVlU